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ecotourism essay grade 10

Here is an essay on ‘Ecotourism’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Ecotourism’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Ecotourism

Essay # 1. introduction to ecotourism:.


According to the latest United Nations World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) world tourism barometer, International tourist arrivals grew by 4.4 per cent in 2011 to a total 980 million, up from 939 million in 2010 and it is expected to cross 1 billion mark in 2012. The argument for the integration of tourism with conservation was first made widespread by Budowski (1976) in an article.

However, the term “Ecotourism” has become prevalent concept since the mid 1980s and it has experienced the fastest growth of all sub-sectors in the tourism industry. The popularity shows a proof of change in tourist perceptions, increased environmental awareness and a desire to explore natural environments.

The tourism activities stretch from conventional tourism to ecotourism and there has been a lot of contention to the limit at which biodiversity preservation, local social-economic benefits and environmental impact should be considered in ecotourism For this reason, environmentalists, special interest groups and governments define ecotourism differently.

Environmental organizations have generally insisted that ecotourism is nature-based, sustainably managed, conservation supporting and environmentally educated. The tourist industry and governments, however, focus more on the product aspect, treating ecotourism as equivalent to any sort of tourism based in nature. As a further complication, many terms are used under the rubric of ecotourism.

Nature tourism, nature travel, low impact tourism green tourism, soft tourism, bio-tourism, ecologically responsible tourism and others have been used in literature and marketing, although they are not necessary synonymous with ecotourism. Presently the Ecotourism as industry is one of the fastest growing economic sector in the globe.

The concept of ecotourism is probably equally due to the widespread and growing interest in the natural environment and a corresponding recognition of the importance of conserving natural environmental quality. The idea of visiting and experiencing high-quality natural environments and also protecting them from harmful impacts is now an acceptable and marketable one.

Ecotourism involves nature conservation by tourists who visit several attraction sites. This is aimed at securing threatened species of plants and animals that depend of nature to survive. This is done mainly by tourists with an aim of sustaining the beauty and attraction of the sites. It is the exercise that is worthy investing in since the outcome benefits the generations to come and creates a sustainable source of government revenue.

When the visiting tourists explore a certain site and encouraged to conserve the environment, it becomes a source of inspiration and fun to them. On the other hand, the tourists gain an experience of what makes the site attractive and they become eager to visit the same site in future in order to see the outcome of what their work. It is a partnership that enables all the parties to participate in sustaining the attractive sites.

Ecotourism has numerous merits to the environment and nature in general. It has a long run benefits to the climate which in turn improves the favourable weather in the area. By adopting ecotourism as a sustainable model, the forest cover is increased, the canopy is created and in the long run, the climate improves.

This reduces the effects of global warming and improves the water reservoir. It is a common knowledge that nature conservation is easier and cheaper compared to the painful outcome of the nature destruction. For this reason, the environment authorities across the world have adopted ecotourism as a sustainable model.

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Defining ecotourism has proven to be a difficult task and there are many different definitions to what ecotourism really is. It is more feasible to treat ecotourism as a spectrum with a variety of products rather than attempting to define ecotourism from a specific stance or product.

Ecotourism was first defined as travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations found in these areas. The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people”.

Honey (2008) defined ecotourism as travel to fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and often small scale and helps educate traveler; provides funds of conservation; directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities.

It is also defined as nature-based tourism that involves education and interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable. Ecotourism is responsible travel in areas containing natural resources that possess endemic characteristics and cultural or historical resources that are integrated into the area’s ecological system.

Its purpose is to create awareness among all concerned parties of the need for and the measures used to conserve ecosystems and as such are oriented towards community participation as well as the provision of a joint learning experience in sustainable tourism and environmental management.

Another definition by The World Conservation Union’s Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas, defines ecotourism as an environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature that promotes conservation, has low visitor impact and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations.

It is a purposeful travel to natural areas to understand the culture and the natural history of the environment; taking care not to alter the integrity of the ecosystem; producing economic opportunities that make the conservation of the natural resources beneficial to the local people. When compared to mass tourism, ecotourism not only stresses the appropriate use of all resources, but also emphasizes community development to meet the economic, social and cultural needs of the community.

Mass tourism on the other hand creates initiatives in Third World countries that are directed towards satisfying the needs of the tourists. Ecotourism development is most likely to be at a smaller scale, locally owned, with low import leakage and a higher proportion of profits remaining in the local economy.

Ecotourism is travel to fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and small scale. It helps to educate the traveler; provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights.

Ecotourism appeals to ecologically and socially conscious individuals. Generally speaking, it focuses on volunteering, personal growth and learning new ways to live on the planet. It typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna and cultural heritage are the primary attractions.

Ecotourism is a conceptual experience, enriching those who delve into researching and understanding the environment around them. It gives us insight into our impacts as human beings and also a greater appreciation of our own natural habitats.

World Tourism Organization:

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was founded on 27 September 1970 and from 1980 onwards, this day is celebrated as “World Tourism Day”. WTO is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.

As the leading international organization in the field of tourism, UNWTO promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability and offers leadership and support to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide.

The International Ecotourism Society:

Concept of TIES was launched by a team organized by Megan Epler Wood at a conference in Florida in 1989 as the world’s first international non-profit dedicated to ecotourism as a tool for conservation and sustainable development.

The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) was founded in 1990 and has been in the forefront of the development of ecotourism providing guidelines and standards, training, technical assistance, research and publications. TIES global network of ecotourism professionals and travelers is leading the efforts to make tourism a viable tool for conservation, protection of bio-cultural diversity and sustainable community development.

Through membership services, industry outreach and educational programs, TIES is committed to helping organizations, communities and individuals promote and practice the principles of ecotourism. TIES currently has members in more than 120 countries, representing various professional fields and industry segments including: academics, consultants, conservation professionals and organizations, governments, architects, tour operators, lodge owners and managers, general development experts and eco-tourists.

TIES advocated for sound ecotourism practices at World Parks and Protected Areas Congress in Caracas, Venezuela (1992) and First World Congress on Tourism and the Environment in 1992 at Belize.

Global Significance of Ecotourism:

The global importance of ecotourism is highlighted by several international agreements including: The UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 7 th Session 1999; UN World Tourism Organization Code of Ethics (1999); The Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development issued by the CBD (2003); The Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism (2002); and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002).

Guidelines and standards relating to sustainable/responsible tourism (including specific reference to biodiversity) are developed by the Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Development which has created environmental guidelines for hotels, resorts and tourist attractions.

Concrete UNEP projects include the Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism development, with WTO and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), promotion of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism in Vulnerable Ecosystems and the UNEP Principles for Sustainable Tourism; the further development and implementation of the tourism components of the International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN), the Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP) and the Mountain Commons project.

World Ecotourism Summit/Quebec Declaration:

In the framework of the UN International Year of Ecotourism, 2002, under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO), over three thousand representatives from 132 countries met at the World Ecotourism Summit, hosted in Quebec City, Canada by Tourism Quebec and Canadian Tourism Commission during 19-22 May 2002.

The salient features of the event are:

i. The first-ever Ecotourism Summit which has signaled that ecotourism, in practice, can contribute to poverty alleviation and environmental protection

ii. Ecotourism must be considered a privileged tool, leading the way and paving the road towards a tourism that is truly sustainable

iii. Sustainable tourism can contribute to the more global effort of protecting the sustainability of our planet’s resources

iv. Major issues facing ecotourism have been debated: Concept of Ecotourism; Ecotourism Policy and Planning; Regulation of Ecotourism; Product Development, Marketing and Promotion of Ecotourism; Monitoring Costs and Benefits of Ecotourism

v. Ecotourism embraces the principles of sustainable tourism, concerning the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism.

vi. Ecotourism also embraces the specific principles: ecotourism contributes actively to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage; includes local and indigenous committees in planning, development and operation and contributing to their well-being; interprets the natural and cultural heritage.

Essay # 3. Objectives of Ecotourism:

The question of “why ecotourism” is one of the emerging questions in the present day context. There are two groups and hence two opinions regarding the subject. One group strongly suggests it as an effective tool for conservation while the other group denies it by terming it as the prominent threat to the existence of nature and natural resources.

In this situation the objectives of ecotourism can be listed as follows:

i. To cultivate environmental consciousness among the local population by educating them about the dangers of overexploiting resources and unrestricted number of tourists.

ii. To help preserve ecosystems and natural areas with a high tourism potential.

iii. To promote new economic incentives, alternate employment opportunities, etc.

iv. To ensure communal ownership and control, and that part of the profits flow into community development programs rather than into personal enrichment.

v. To foster a feeling of pride and community through a revival or preservation of traditional practices and cultural techniques.

Essay # 4. Characteristics of Ecotourism:

Ecotourism aims to promote excellence in tourism by development and protection of natural areas, benefiting the local communities and encouraging commercially successful and environmentally sound tourism operations.

Its focus is sustainability, brought about by building up the following characteristics:

i. Tourism activity is carried out in a relatively undisturbed natural setting.

ii. All natural based forms of tourism in which the main motivation of the tourists is the observation and appreciation of nature as well as the traditional cultures prevailing in natural areas.

iii. Educational, appreciation and interpretation features.

iv. Generally, but not exclusively, organized by small groups by specialized and small, locally owned business.

v. Minimum negative impacts upon the natural and socio-cultural environment.

vi. Conserves natural and cultural heritage.

vii. Contributes to sustainable development and is a profitable business.

viii. Actively involves local people in the process, providing benefits to them.

ix. Supports the protection of natural areas by generating economic benefits for host communities, organizations and authorities managing natural areas with conservation purposes.

x. Provides alternative employment and income opportunities for local communities and increases awareness towards the conservation of natural and cultural assets, both among locals and tourists.

Essay # 5. Principles of Ecotourism:

Ecotourism is a tool to unite conservation, communities and sustainable travel.

Hence, those who implement and participate in ecotourism activities should follow the following ecotourism principles:

i. Minimize impact on environment.

ii. Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.

iii. Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.

iv. Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.

v. Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people.

vi. Provide healthy political, environmental and social climate for the host country.

Essay # 6. Positive Impacts of Ecotourism:

There are two important promises ecotourism put forward. One promise of ecotourism is that it increases the monetary value of standing biological systems and thereby hopefully encourages the preservation of biological diversity. Another promise is that it is supposed to bring people closer to nature and thus instill a greater desire to protect it.

Ecotourism activities planned and established on the sound ecotourism principles will have the following advantages:

i. It will provide maximum visitor satisfaction with minimal impact on the environment.

ii. It will build awareness and respect for the local culture and environment.

iii. Benefits the local people through employment which is a positive step for the socio-economic development of the local people.

iv. Educates visitors by an on-site visit about the local political, social and environmental issues.

v. Money from the tourism activities go back into the conservation of the area.

vi. Visitors carry new ideas back to influence their own environment.

i. Ecotourism and Conservation:

Is ecotourism a tool for conservation of nature and natural resources? This is debating question today. Both pros and cons are there, but it is, if planned and conducted properly. Ecotourism provides both direct and indirect benefit for conservation. Direct benefit is in terms of financial outturns. The revenue obtained through ecotourism programmes can be directly used for the conservation efforts.

The indirect benefits are raised in terms of the awareness to the people regarding nature and natural resources, employment to the local people, etc. Lack of awareness regarding the importance of nature and natural resources is one of the important challenges faced by conservation efforts.

Hence the chances of visiting natural and cultural heritage areas will enhance the ability of people to appreciate it and will make aware them regarding the importance of conservation. Hence ecotourism can be a simple way of communicating the idea of conservation to the local people. If planned properly, the extent of awareness they are explored can be made more.

ii. Ecotourism and Local Communities:

By increasing local capacity building and employment opportunities, ecotourism is an effective vehicle for empowering local communities around the world to fight against poverty and to achieve sustainable development. In many areas, nowadays ecotourism has been selected as a powerful tool to compensate for the injustice done to the tribal people in the past.

There is always a conflict between the existing rules and regulations and the traditional jobs of the forest dependent community. In this context, it is very important to have some tools for providing sufficient employment opportunities to meet their daily needs and also for improving their living standards. Another important advantage is that, a feeling among the people will arise, that the nature and natural resources are the means of their livelihood and hence they will put their maximum effort to conserve it.

In many of the protected areas, the need of ecotourism is caused by the necessity of the local people for sufficient livelihood opportunities. The new ecotourism activities also provide an opportunity of getting new skills to them and the same can be imparted through proper training also. In short, the healthy relation between the nature and the local community can be achieved through properly planned ecotourism activities.

iii. Ecotourism and Interpretation:

Ecotourism can also be termed as a way of effecting nature interpretation to the visitors. If the packages are designed in such a way that they are getting chances of interpreting the nature, natural resources, natural phenomena etc., it will be an effective interpretation tool.

The lack of awareness among the people is one of the emerging threats to the conservation of nature today. Hence effectively planned ecotourism activities will be an efficient method for making aware the people regarding the conservation of nature and natural resources.

Essay # 7. Threats to Ecotourism:

One definition of ecotourism is the practice of low-impact, educational, ecologically and culturally sensitive travel that benefits local communities and host countries. Many of the ecotourism projects are not meeting these standards. Even if some of the guidelines are being executed, the local communities are still facing other negative impacts.

Some of the negative impacts are forcing people to leave their homes, gross violations of fundamental rights and environmental hazards-far outweigh the medium-term economic benefits etc. A tremendous amount of money is being spent and human resources continue to be used for ecotourism despite unsuccessful outcomes and even more money is put into public relation campaigns to dilute the effects of criticism.

Ecotourism channels resources away from other projects that could contribute more sustainable and realistic solutions to pressing social and environmental problems. The money tourism can generate often ties parks and managements to ecotourism. But there is a tension in this relationship because ecotourism often causes conflict and changes in land-use rights, fails to deliver promises of community-level benefits, damages environments and has plenty of other social impacts.

Indeed many argue repeatedly that ecotourism is neither ecologically nor socially beneficial, yet it persists as a strategy for conservation and development. While several studies are being done on ways to improve the ecotourism structure, some argue that these examples provide rationale for stopping it altogether.

Improper Planning:

Launching of ecotourism activities may cause harmful effects if not planned properly. All the possible demerits will cause direct environmental impacts and hence environmental degradation.

Some of the demerits of the bad planned ecotourism activities are as follows:

i. Overcrowding constructions

ii. Pollution of the habitat

iii. Unlimited numbers of tourists

iv. Traffic congestion

v. Footpath erosion and soil loss

vi. Tourists don’t understand or care what ecotourism really is

vii. Criticism as green washing where the environment is used as a bait to attract tourists

Direct Environmental Impacts:

Ecotourism operations occasionally fail to live up to conservation ideas. It is sometimes overlooked that ecotourism is a highly consumer-centered activity, and that environmental conservation is a means to further economic growth. Although ecotourism is intended for small groups, even a modest increase in population, however, temporary, puts extra pressure on the local environment and necessitates the development of additional infrastructure and amenities.

Threats to Indigenous Cultures is another Negative Impact:

Ecotourism often claims that it preserves and enhances local cultures. However in many areas, evidence shows that with the establishment of protected areas, local people have illegally lost their homes, and most often with no compensation.

Pushing people onto marginal lands with harsh climates, poor soils, lack of water, and infested with livestock and disease does little to enhance livelihoods even when a proportion of ecotourism profits are directed back into the community. The establishment of parks can create harsh survival realities and deprive the people of their traditional use of land and natural resources.


While governments are typically entrusted with the administration and enforcement of environmental protection, they often lack the commitment or capability to manage ecotourism sites effectively. The regulations for environmental protection may be vaguely defined, costly to implement, hard to enforce and uncertain in effectiveness.

Management of Ecotourism Sites by Private Ecotourism Companies:

Private management of tourism sites offers an alternative to the cost of regulation and deficiency of government agencies. It is believed that these companies have a self interest in revenue generation and less concerned about environmental conservation. Tourists will pay more for pristine environments, which translates to higher profit. However, theory indicates that this practice is not economically feasible and will fail to manage the environment.

Essay # 8. Ecotourism in Protected Areas:

Many of the protected areas in the world are also excellent ecotourism centres. Ecotourism activities have become prominent among the routine activities of the protected areas today. These activities have been planned and launched in a participatory manner which has benefitted the conservation efforts a lot.

The need of ecotourism activities in protected areas should mainly aim conservation effort through public awareness, assistance for other activities, monetary benefit for assisting conservation activities and assisting local people through employment opportunities.

Many environmentalists are against the practice of ecotourism in protected areas. They argue that the ecotourism activities will not bring anything other than the depletion of the natural resources, especially in wildlife areas. As the protected areas are very much sensitive to human disturbances, the activities in these areas have to be planned with more care.

Some of the facts we have to give special attention while designing an ecotourism package in protected areas are:

i. Carrying capacity of the area has to be studied and the planning has to be done accordingly.

ii. Care has to be given for packages in which the resources are used sustainably.

iii. Protection oriented packages have to be planned.

iv. Wildlife monitoring oriented packages has to be planned.

v. Local participation has to be ensured while planning the packages.

vi. Maximum employment opportunities to the local people have to be ensured.

Kerala popularly known as God’s Own country is gifted with greatest biodiversity wealth in the entire stretch of Western Ghats. Ecotourism is very popular in Kerala with the successful implementation of ecotourism programmes in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve and Periyar Tiger Reserve.

Ecotourism Experiences from Parambikulam Tiger Reserve:

Parambikulam Tiger Reserve is the most protected ecological piece of Anamalai sub unit of Western Ghats, surrounded on all sides by protected areas and sanctuaries of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the sanctuary is endowed with a peninsular flora and fauna which are excellently conserved due to total protection and minimal human interferences. It has a total area of 285 Square Km. Parambikulam Tiger Reserve is the 38 th Tiger Reserve of India and second of Kerala. It is also well known for the sustainable ecotourism programmes.

Many innovative ecotourism programmes have been designed here with a view to give maximum visitor satisfaction and also to give maximum employment opportunities, but without affecting the ecological sustainability of the area. The emerging threat to this protected area was a huge number of unemployed tribal people and the pressure on forests for their livelihood activities.

Tourism was there but was not in a controlled and sustainable manner. Efforts have been taken to design effective sustainable ecotourism packages without affecting the healthiness of the wildlife habitat existing here.

Main objectives of the ecotourism project planned here are:

i. To give maximum employment opportunities to the local people.

ii. To give effective nature interpretation programmes to the visitors.

iii. To provide effective ecotourism facilities which will help the visitors to appreciate the nature and natural resources.

iv. To use ecotourism as a tool of eco-development and hence to attain local support for protection activities.

v. To make ecotourism as a tool of protection, wildlife monitoring, nature education, etc.

The packages designed here under the ecotourism projects are mainly protection and monitoring oriented. At the same time, attention has been given to have maximum income generating potential also.

Some of the important characteristics of the ecotourism projects launched in Parambikulam area as follows:

i. Strict Control on the Movement of Vehicles inside the Park:

Vehicle safari programme have been launched to attain this goal. Day visitors have been allowed to enter the park only through safari vehicles. Private vehicles are directed to park at the entrance itself. This effort has helped a lot to have effective control on the vehicles moving inside the park.

ii. Engaging Local Tribal as Guides/Naturalists:

Each visitor group has been provided with a guide or naturalist during their visit inside the park. This guide has been given direction to give proper guidelines to the visitors. At the same time, guide has the power to control on the visitors in violation of the rules and regulations of the park. Attention has also been given to give proper training to the guides, to provide reasonable wages, etc.

iii. Providing Sufficient Infrastructure to the Visitors:

Proper infrastruc­ture and its maintenance have been given special care. Interpretation Centre, Information Centre, Accommodation facilities, Canteen, Toilet blocks, etc. have been made available to the visitors through proper timely actions. New constructions have been done without affecting the natural beauty of the area and also without affecting the wildlife habitats. Special attention has been given to maintain the facilities by engaging local tribal for up keeping and maintenance.

iv. Effective Ecotourism Packages:

The ecotourism packages have been designed with a view to have minimum disturbance to the environment, but maximum revenue and also maximum employment to the local people. At the same time, visitor satisfaction has also been taken care. For e.g., in “Tented Niche” programme, seven tents have been provided to the visitors in an undisturbed area.

They have also been provided food, safari, boating etc. under the same package and they will also be assisted by trained guides throughout the programme. For all these provisions under the package, they have to pay a fixed amount. The package shows an excellent example for conducting a variety of activities under a single programme, in a controlled manner, by gaining a reasonable fee and also by giving maximum employment to the local people.

v. Protection Oriented Ecotourism Packages:

Some packages are designed to make people presence in offense sensitive areas such as sandal regeneration areas, illicit felling areas, poaching sensitive areas, etc. This helped a lot to have a check on the entry of offenders to these areas. Similarly trekking in these areas have a check on the illegal activities in park.

vi. Monitoring Oriented Ecotourism Packages:

Some packages have given the chances to the visitors to put their effort in filling the wildlife monitoring datasheets during their visit. For e.g., “Full Moon Census” is an ecotourism package in which the visitors are allowed to stay in Machan near a vayal during full moon day. They are also directed to observe the animals in the vayal and to record the same in the data sheet provided. This data will be very valuable in wildlife monitoring.

vii. Nature Camps:

Systematically arranged and properly conducting nature camps are another feature of the ecotourism here. Nature education is the main objective behind this activity. The classes are taken by experts according to the target groups.

viii. Assistance through Proper Eco-Development Activities:

There are many eco-development units such as paper bag unit, plastic reduction unit, honey unit, Parambikulam dhara unit, etc. to aid the proper functioning of the ecotourism packages. For e.g., in Parambikulam dhara unit, a water filtering unit is functioning to produce pure bottled water for giving the visitors with the condition that they will not be allowed to use their plastic water bottles inside the park. This effort will help to check the menace of plastic bottles inside the park and help ecotourism. Similarly, paper bag unit will check the uncontrolled use of plastic bags inside the park.

ix. Ensuring People’s Participation:

All the activities are planned and controlled by a democratically constituted agency called Forest Development Agency (FDA). The Agency is the apex head of eco-development committees, which are the local committees formed in the area. All the decisions regarding ecotourism have been taken by FDA. People’s participation has thus been ensured throughout the running of a package.

x. Visitor Friendly Efforts:

Updating the facilities through new steps such as online booking, computerized billing, website services, etc. are also important characteristic of Parambikulam ecotourism.

Ecotourism Experiences from Periyar Tiger Reserve:

Periyar tiger Reserve, Thekkady, is an example of nature’s bounty, with great scenic charm, rich biodiversity and providing veritable visitor satisfaction. Sprawled over an area of 925 Square km, Periyar is one of the 27 tiger reserves in India. Zealously guarded and efficiently managed reserve is a repository of rare, endemic and endangered flora and fauna and forms the major watershed of two important rivers of Kerala, the Periyar and Pamba. People oriented and park centered community based ecotourism is the hallmark of Periyar Tiger Reserve. These programmes are conducted by local people responsible for the surveillance of the vulnerable parts of the reserve.

a. Periyar Tiger Trail-Adventure Trekking and Camping:

There used to be a great threat to the Reserve from the illegal collection of Cinnamom bark from Periyar Tiger Reserve (PTR) from a group of smugglers. Lots of trees were getting killed because of these collections. In order to overcome this issue, PTR management had started an innovative ecotourism programme in order to rehabilitate these smugglers.

They were asked to leave their illegal style of livelihood and PTR offered them employment in a programme called “Periyar Tiger Trail’. PTR management has initiated this programme which is a trekking and camping programme inside the forest. One armed staff also accompanies a group of 5 tourists for this camping programme.

The guiding will be done by these ex-smugglers since they have an intimate knowledge of the forest terrain in the reserve. Now because of this ecotourism programmme, a unique experience is being given to the visitors; the livelihood of the local people is improved who once used to be the smugglers and extra protection to the park.

b. Bullock Cart Discoveries:

There were some poaching pressures from the people across the bordering areas of Tamil Nadu to Periyar Tiger Reserve. In order to bring them into the mainstream, an initiative was started in the form of an ecotourism programme called, “Bullock Cart Discoveries”.

These poachers were asked to stop the illegal activities in the PTR and management offered them a couple of bullock carts. Now the tourists coming to Periyar Tiger reserve are given the option of availing this interesting ecotourism programme by which one can have the feel of the grapevine farmyard, bird watching experiences on a bullock cart.

Now because of this ecotourism programme, all the poaching pressures have been reduced drastically as the livelihood of poachers has been ensured through this programme. Moreover, the tourists are now getting one of the very interesting ecotourism experiences.

c. Bamboo Rafting:

This is a dawn to dusk range hiking and rafting programme through some of the richest forest tracts of Periyar Tiger Reserve. A mosaic of habitats will be traversed before the party gets into rafts made of bamboos. The forests are rich in bird life and arboreal animals like giant squirrel and Nilgiri langur.

The rafting is for about three hours and one gets a panoramic view of forest-clad hills reflected on the lake. Animals like elephant, gaur and sambar are sighted keeping close to the edges of the lake. An armed guard and guides will accompany the tourists.

d. Nature Walk – The Guided Day Trek:

Different nature trails traversing diverse habitats form the trekking routes, generally 4 to 5 km in length. This is an interpretive programme offering excellent opportunity to watch birds, butterflies and other wildlife. The trails often pass through evergreen and moist deciduous forests interspersed with marshy grasslands.

e. Border Hiking:

This is a conservation oriented hard trek taking up a full day. The route passes through undulating terrains with altitudinal ranges of 900 – 1,300 meters and the trekkers could glimpse the lofty escarpments bordering the park watershed and the vast plains down below. Gaur, sloth bear, elephant, etc. are often sighted along this route apart from birds and butterflies. The trekkers will go with two guides and an armed forest guard.

f. Green Mansions/Jungle Inn:

A picturesque land is one of the off-the-track destinations ideal for a wilderness retreat replete with trekking, birding, canoeing and facilities for boarding. Hosted and accompanied by trained local people, the visitors can go for trekking and bird watching in the many trails around, paddle in still waters to cool off or perhaps settle down for watching sunset in this oasis of peace and tranquility. The tourists have the pleasure of staying in jungle during night in green mansions.

g. Bamboo Grove/Eco-Lodge:

A hotel that is truly an “eco-lodge” is one that makes efforts to conserve resources and limit waste. The islet of elevated ground studded with bamboo thickets is the eco-lodge for experiential learning. Here a miniature habitat is being recreated for man and nature to co-exist in the already available milieu of grassy downs, sedges and bamboos and stream fringed with screw pine.

Dwelling units made exclusively of natural materials like bamboo and grass and tents are slotted in the available spaces together with treetop huts to give the place an eco-friendly ambience. Experiential learning and nature sensitization camps are conducted for discerning aspirants. Lectures, discussions, audiovisual presentations, field visits etc. go with the programme.

h. Jungle Patrol:

This programme is part of the regular night patrolling in the fringe eco-development zones of the tiger reserve. By participating in this, one is actually helping in the protection of the forests of Periyar.

The trekking could be at any time between 7 pm and 4 am and could be taken by persons having proper physical and mental fitness to trek through the wilderness in the night. The maximum duration for a slot is 3 hours and protection watchers and armed forest guard accompany the tourists.

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Essay , Environment , Ecotourism , Essay on Ecotourism

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Eco-Tourism, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Kids and Students of Class 9, 10, 11, 12 Examination.


Eco-Tourism refers to a form of tourism in which the main motivation of the tourist is the observation and appreciation of nature as well as the tradition and culture prevailing in a natural area. Eco-tourism has the following benefits:

(i) Economic Development:

Tourism is currently the world’s largest industry and fastest-growing sector of the economy. It is already the largest source of foreign exchange in countries like Costa Rica and Belgium.

(ii) Employment generation and income opportunities for local communities.

(iii) Environment Protection:

As nature becomes the source of employment and income for local communities, they become more keen and aware about the protection of natural and cultural assets in their region.

Due to these benefits of Eco-tourism, the U.N. has declared 2002 as the ‘International Year of Eco-Tourism’.

In India, Eco-tourism is facing the following problems:

(i) Lack of strategic business plant;

(ii) Lack of well-trained nature guide;

(iii) Lack of suitable marketing technique;

(iv) Lack of method for gaining community consensus on development projects.

According to government documents themselves, a majority of the tourists visiting India rates facilities provided here from average to poor.

Due to all the above-mentioned reasons, we get less than 0.38% of the share of total tourists of the world.

Steps to be taken to promote Eco-Tourism in our country:

(i) Government should take steps to protect nature, local and indigenous culture, traditional knowledge, genetic resources, and the right to land and property.

(ii) All important natural sites should be provided with proper infrastructure like road, telecommunications, _water, electricity, hotels, transports, guides, etc.

(iii) Government should provide incentives to tourism operations and service providers.

(iv) Government should arrange educational programmes for children and young people to enhance awareness about nature conservation and sustainable use.

(v) Government should lay emphasis on building local capacity and enhancing local benefits.

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107 Ecotourism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Ecotourism has become a popular trend in the travel industry, as more and more people seek to explore the world in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. If you're a student looking to write an essay on ecotourism, you may be wondering where to start. To help you get inspired, here are 107 ecotourism essay topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The importance of ecotourism in preserving natural habitats
  • How ecotourism can help combat climate change
  • Examples of successful ecotourism initiatives around the world
  • The benefits of ecotourism for local communities
  • Ecotourism vs. mass tourism: a comparison
  • The role of government in promoting ecotourism
  • The ethics of ecotourism
  • The impact of ecotourism on wildlife conservation
  • Ecotourism and indigenous communities
  • The economic benefits of ecotourism
  • Ecotourism and sustainable development goals
  • Ecotourism and responsible travel practices
  • Ecotourism and biodiversity conservation
  • Ecotourism and marine conservation
  • The future of ecotourism in a post-pandemic world
  • Ecotourism and adventure travel
  • Ecotourism and cultural preservation
  • Ecotourism and environmental education
  • Ecotourism and wildlife rehabilitation
  • Ecotourism and sustainable agriculture
  • Ecotourism and water conservation
  • Ecotourism and renewable energy
  • Ecotourism and waste management
  • Ecotourism and eco-friendly transportation
  • Ecotourism and green building practices
  • Ecotourism and climate change adaptation
  • Ecotourism and community-based tourism
  • Ecotourism and ethical wildlife viewing
  • Ecotourism and responsible tourism certifications
  • Ecotourism and carbon offsetting
  • Ecotourism and conservation volunteering
  • Ecotourism and carbon neutral travel
  • Ecotourism and sustainable tourism practices
  • Ecotourism and wildlife monitoring
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism certifications
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism impact assessments
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism marketing
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism policy
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism training
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism trends
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism websites
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism writing
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  • Ecotourism and ecotourism economics
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Ecotourism, What is it and what are its 10 benefits

  • Published: February 7, 2023
  • Last Updated: December 26, 2023

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Welcome to our exploration of ecotourism, an incredible form of travel that combines adventure, exploration, and environmental responsibility. Ecotourism, also known as nature-based or conservation-focused travel, is all about enjoying our natural surroundings while ensuring we leave a minimal footprint. It involves visiting amazing locations to support, conserve, and observe flora and fauna in their natural habitats. It has often been defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people” ( source ).

Many of the conservation ideals of ecotourism are similar to the Leave No Trace philosophy that we have already covered. This method of mixing tourism and conservation isn’t perfect but it is proven to be very effective at allowing people to experience nature while giving back at the same time.

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The Ethical Traveler: 100 Ways to Roam the World (Without Ruining It!) Travel can be a blast, but there are hidden costs to your trips that go deeper than your pockets. From potential impacts on the environment or the communities we visit to respecting others’ cultures, taking a moment to consider our choices can make a real impact on the planet and other people.

Key Takeaways

  • Ecotourism focuses on minimizing harm to the natural environment.
  • It involves visiting exotic and extreme locations to support, conserve, and observe flora and fauna.
  • Ecotourism offers sustainable development, boosts local economies, and preserves native cultures and vulnerable species.
  • Conservation, community involvement, and education are the core principles of ecotourism.
  • Choosing sustainable destinations is crucial for responsible and eco-friendly travel.

7 Principles of Ecotourism

The seven principles of ecotourism were given by Martha Honey in the 1999 book Ecotourism and Sustainable Development .

  • Ecotourism should involve travel to natural destinations
  • It should minimize impacts on the environment
  • Ecotourism should be built on environmental awareness
  • Ecotourism should provide direct financial benefits for conservation efforts
  • Ecotourism should respect local culture
  • It should provide support for human rights and democratic movements
  • It should provide direct financial benefits for the local people

7 Principles of Ecotourism by Martha Honey

The 10 Benefits of Ecotourism

When it comes to ecotourism, the benefits are far-reaching and impactful. By choosing to engage in this form of travel, we can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, empower local communities, foster cultural exchange, promote environmental education, support conservation efforts, mitigate negative impacts, and experience personal enrichment along the way.

  • Promotes Conservation - Ecotourism provides an economic incentive for the preservation of natural resources. By generating income from tourists visiting protected areas, local communities are more likely to value and protect these areas. In turn, this helps to conserve the environment and protect wildlife.
  • Supports Local Economies - Ecotourism can provide significant benefits to local economies by generating income through tourism. This income can be used to improve infrastructure and provide employment opportunities, which can lead to a better quality of life for local communities.
  • Offers Unique Experiences - Ecotourism provides the opportunity for tourists to experience nature and wildlife in a way that is not possible through traditional forms of tourism. From trekking through tropical forests to observing wildlife in their natural habitats, ecotourism offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
  • Raises Awareness - Ecotourism helps to raise awareness about environmental issues and the importance of conservation. By visiting protected areas and learning about the environment, tourists become more informed and invested in the conservation of these areas.
  • Promotes Sustainable Development - Ecotourism can promote sustainable development by generating income that is reinvested into the local community. This can help to create a self-sustaining cycle of economic growth and conservation, which benefits both the environment and local communities.
  • Offers Alternative Livelihoods - In areas where traditional industries, such as logging or mining, are damaging to the environment, ecotourism can provide alternative livelihoods for local communities. By generating income from ecotourism, these communities can shift away from damaging industries and towards more sustainable forms of economic development.
  • Improves Livelihoods - Ecotourism can improve the livelihoods of local communities by generating income and providing employment opportunities. This can help to reduce poverty and improve the standard of living for people living in these areas.
  • Enhances Cultural Understanding - Ecotourism can enhance cultural understanding by providing opportunities for tourists to interact with local communities and learn about their culture and traditions. This can help to promote cross-cultural understanding and respect, which can have a positive impact on local communities and the environment.
  • Minimizes Environmental Impact - Ecotourism is designed to minimize the environmental impact of tourism. By promoting sustainable practices, such as responsible waste management and low-impact transportation, ecotourism helps to protect the environment and conserve natural resources.
  • Generates Income for Conservation - Ecotourism generates income that can be used to support conservation efforts. This income can be used to fund research, protect wildlife, and maintain protected areas, which helps to ensure that these areas remain intact for future generations to enjoy.

Ten Commandments of Ecotourism

According to the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) there are 10 commandments of ecotourism. These commandments echo the philosophy and dedication to sustainable and respectful travel as the 7 Principles of Ecotourism. We felt it’s important to include both because there are subtle differences. You can learn more at The Sustainable Tourism Gateway .

  • Respect the frailty of the earth. Realize that unless all are willing to help in its preservation, unique and beautiful destinations may not be here for future generations to enjoy.
  • Leave only footprints. Take only photographs. No graffiti! No litter! Do not take away souvenirs from historical sites and natural areas.
  • To make your travels more meaningful, educate yourself about the geography, customs, manners and cultures of the region you visit. Take time to listen to the people. Encourage local conservation efforts.
  • Respect the privacy and dignity of others. Inquire before photographing people.
  • Do not buy products made from endangered plants or animals, such as ivory, tortoise shell, animal skins, and feathers.
  • Always follow designated trails. Do not disturb animals, plants or their natural habitats.
  • Learn about and support conservation-oriented programs and organizations working to preserve the environment.
  • Whenever possible, walk or use environmentally-sound methods of transportation. Encourage drivers of public vehicles to stop engines when parked.
  • Patronize those (hotels, airlines, resorts, cruise lines, tour operators and suppliers) who advance energy and environmental conservation; water and air quality; recycling; safe management of waste and toxic materials; noise abatement, community involvement; and which provide experienced, well-trained staff dedicated to strong principles of conservation.
  • Encourage organizations to subscribe to environmental guidelines. ASTA urges organizations to adopt their own environmental codes to cover special sties and ecosystems.

AI generated image of tourism using eco-friendly transportation

The Essence of EcoTourism

When it comes to ecotourism, there are three key principles that define its essence: conservation, community involvement, and education. At the heart of ecotourism is a deep commitment to preserving the natural environment, ensuring that the places we visit remain untouched by human presence. This means treading lightly, minimizing our impact, and leaving no trace behind.

But ecotourism goes beyond conservation. It also recognizes the importance of community involvement. By engaging with local communities, we can support their livelihoods and empower them to take an active role in preserving their environment. This can be through community-based tourism initiatives, where locals become partners in sustainable development, or by supporting local businesses and artisans.

Education is another essential aspect of ecotourism. By promoting understanding and appreciation of unique ecosystems, we can cultivate a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Ecotourism offers opportunities for travelers to learn about the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage of a destination, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world and the people who call it home.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” - Robert Swan

AI generated image of traveler visiting farmers market


Conservation is at the core of ecotourism. It involves protecting and preserving fragile ecosystems, endangered species, and the overall biodiversity of a region. By practicing responsible travel behaviors, such as sticking to designated trails and respecting wildlife and their habitats, we can ensure that these natural wonders remain intact for future generations to enjoy.

Community Involvement

Empowering local communities is crucial in the realm of ecotourism. By supporting local businesses and initiatives, we contribute to the sustainable development of the communities we visit. This involvement not only helps to preserve cultural traditions but also ensures that the economic benefits of tourism reach those who need it the most.

Ecotourism provides a platform for environmental education. It offers opportunities to learn about the significance of conservation, the interconnectedness of ecosystems, and the importance of sustainable practices. Through these educational experiences, we can cultivate a sense of responsibility and inspire others to protect and cherish our natural world.

What makes ecotourism unique?

Ecotourism is unique in several key ways. Firstly, it’s all about education and awareness. Ecotourists are typically more conscious and knowledgeable about the environment and wildlife they are visiting, and they seek out opportunities to learn more about these things. They want to understand the intricacies of the ecosystems they’re visiting, and how they can help to protect them.

Secondly, ecotourism is focused on sustainability. This means that the experiences offered to visitors are designed to be environmentally friendly and sustainable, with minimal impact on the environment. For example, an ecotourism operator may use renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power, to power their facilities, and may also recycle and compost waste to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

Finally, ecotourism is about supporting local communities. This means that ecotourism operators work with local communities to create sustainable jobs and conserve the environment. They may provide training and education programs for local residents, and may also purchase goods and services from local suppliers. This helps to build a strong, resilient, and sustainable local economy.

Why is ecotourism important?

Ecotourism helps to protect the planet’s ecosystems and wildlife, by minimizing the impact of tourism on the environment. It also supports local communities, by providing sustainable jobs and supporting local economies. This helps to create a more resilient and sustainable future for both the planet and its inhabitants.

Secondly, ecotourism provides an opportunity for travelers to connect with the natural world in a meaningful and enriching way. It allows them to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in the beauty and wonder of the planet’s ecosystems and wildlife. This connection with nature can be truly transformative, helping travelers to gain a deeper appreciation for the planet and its inhabitants, and to feel inspired to take action to protect it.

Finally, ecotourism provides a way for travelers to support sustainable and responsible tourism practices. By choosing to participate in ecotourism, travelers can help to ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to experience the planet’s ecosystems and wildlife, just as they have.

Ecotourism Documentry

We only recently watched Green Paradise and we really enjoyed it. They go into a lot of detail about some of the most amazing places on earth, and the people who live there. I can’t recommend it enough, in fact I might write a review on the series soon. I recommend checking it out, if you have Amazon Prime you can stream it for free.

product image from Amazon

Green Paradise Documentry. 10 Episodes. Explore the Earth and the most beautiful natural paradises in the world. These stunning locales are preserved thanks to the dedication of local populations. Meet the inhabitants of these lands who have developed small businesses to welcome visitors in their environment, and helped create a new form of travel: sustainable tourism.

History of Ecotourism

Ecotourism can be traced back to a group of passionate environmentalists and travel enthusiasts who dreamt of a world where the act of traveling could coexist with the preservation of natural habitats and the welfare of local communities. They believed that travel could be a powerful tool for conservation and sustainable development and that by educating travelers about the fragility of the earth’s ecosystems, they could inspire them to become more conscious and responsible tourists.

As the demand for more sustainable travel options grew, so did the popularity of ecotourism. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, several organizations and governments, including the International Ecotourism Society (TIES) , established ecotourism as a recognized travel category, and defined it as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.”

Today, ecotourism is a thriving industry, encompassing everything from camping in the wilderness to staying in eco-lodges, from trekking through pristine rainforests to observing wildlife in their natural habitats. It’s a complex and dynamic industry, but at its core, ecotourism remains true to its original mission of promoting sustainable travel and conservation.

AI generated image of traveler visiting farmers market

The Future of Ecotourism

We are no experts but as the world becomes more conscious of the need for sustainable travel, the future of ecotourism looks promising. With a growing focus on responsible practices and advancements in technology, tourism and travel are evolving to meet the demands of environmentally conscious travelers.

Sustainable Travel Trends

One of the key trends in ecotourism is the emphasis on sustainable travel. Travelers are increasingly seeking destinations that prioritize conservation, biodiversity preservation, and community engagement. They are looking for experiences that not only allow them to connect with nature but also contribute positively to the environment and local communities. From eco-lodges powered by renewable energy to wildlife conservation projects, sustainable travel practices are becoming the norm.

Technological Advancements

Technology is playing a crucial role in the future of ecotourism. Innovations such as smart tourism solutions, sustainable transportation options, and renewable energy sources are being implemented to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. Additionally, advancements in communication technology are making it easier for travelers to access information about sustainable practices and make informed choices when planning their trips.

The Road Ahead

We think that with dedicated efforts from travelers, destinations, and industry stakeholders, the future of ecotourism holds great promise. By continuing to prioritize sustainability, engage local communities, and embrace technological advancements, together we can ensure that future generations have the opportunity to explore and appreciate the wonders of our planet. The journey towards sustainable travel is an ongoing one, and we all have a role to play in shaping the future of ecotourism. As fellow travelers we hope that you embrace this cause with us and help to encourage sustainable ecotourism as you explore the world.

AI generated image of an eco-friendly tourist destination

Q: What is ecotourism?

A: Ecotourism is a form of travel that focuses on minimizing harm to the natural environment. It involves visiting areas with exotic and extreme conditions to support, conserve, and observe flora and fauna.

Q: What are the principles of ecotourism?

A: The principles of ecotourism are conservation, community involvement, and education. Ecotourism aims to ensure the places visited remain untouched by human presence, support local communities, and promote understanding and appreciation of unique ecosystems.

Q: What are some benefits of ecotourism?

A: Ecotourism offers numerous benefits, including sustainable development, boosting the local economy, and preserving native cultures and vulnerable species.

Q: How can I choose sustainable destinations for ecotourism?

A: Factors to consider when choosing sustainable destinations include the preservation of biodiversity, community engagement, eco-friendly practices, certifications and accreditations, community benefits, and the empowerment of local economies.

Q: Can you provide examples of eco-friendly destinations?

A: Some examples of eco-friendly destinations include Costa Rica, Norway, Bhutan, New Zealand, and Switzerland.

Q: What are some responsible travel practices for eco-tourism?

A: Responsible travel practices include packing light and smart, respecting wildlife and their habitats, sticking to designated trails, reducing energy consumption, and supporting local economies by purchasing goods and services from local businesses and artisans.

Q: Are there impactful projects and conservation initiatives related to ecotourism?

A: Yes, many eco-tourism destinations have impactful projects and conservation initiatives aimed at preserving the environment and promoting sustainable tourism.

Q: What is the future of eco-tourism?

A: The future of eco-tourism looks promising, with a growing focus on sustainable travel practices and advancements in technology.

Q: Where can I find additional resources on ecotourism?

A: For further information and resources on ecotourism, travelers can explore additional guides and sustainable travel tips that provide insights and recommendations on how to make the most of their eco-friendly journeys.

Q: How can I practice respect for the Earth during ecotourism?

A: It is important to practice responsible behavior during ecotourism, including leaving no trace, learning about local customs and cultures, seeking permission before photographing people, avoiding products made from endangered species, and supporting conservation programs and organizations.

Before You Go …

Thanks for reading, we hope you learned something. Before you go we would like to recommend checking out our articles on slow travel and our eco-friendly travel tips . If you have any questions or comments please contact us on our social media. Safe Travels!

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Paragraph on Ecotourism

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Ecotourism in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Ecotourism in 100 Words

Ecotourism is like going on a fun trip to learn about nature. It helps us love our Earth more. We visit beautiful places like forests, mountains, and rivers. We see animals and plants in their homes, not in a zoo. We learn not to leave trash and to take care of these places. We also listen to the people who live there and respect their ways. This is because they know a lot about the nature around them. Ecotourism is fun because we can enjoy and learn at the same time. It reminds us to be good friends to our Earth.

Paragraph on Ecotourism in 200 Words

Ecotourism is a special kind of travel that helps protect nature and also helps people who live in the places we visit. It’s like going on a fun trip and doing something good at the same time. When we go ecotourism, we only visit natural places that are not hurt by our visit. We make sure to keep the environment clean, not to throw litter around, and not disturb the animals. We also learn a lot about the plants, animals, and the culture of the people who live there. This way, we can enjoy the beauty of nature and also help keep it safe for future generations to enjoy too. It’s like a promise to Mother Earth that we’ll take care of her. We can also help the local people by buying things from them or using their services, like guides or places to stay. This way, ecotourism helps the people who live there earn money and takes care of nature at the same time. It’s a way of showing love and respect for our planet and its people.

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Paragraph on Ecotourism in 250 Words

Ecotourism is a type of travel that supports the environment, wildlife, and local people. It is a way for people to explore natural areas without harming them. It also helps to protect these areas and teaches travelers about the importance of conservation. Ecotourism is about respecting the places we visit and making sure they stay beautiful and clean for future generations. When we engage in ecotourism, we try to minimize our impact on the environment by reducing waste and using resources wisely. It’s also important to respect the culture and traditions of local communities. This means we should learn about their customs, shop at local businesses, and eat local food to help the local economy. Even though it might seem like a small thing, ecotourism can make a big difference in protecting our planet. It’s a fun way to learn about the world, and it helps to make sure that our beautiful natural places stay beautiful for a long time. Ecotourism is not just about having a great holiday, it’s also about being responsible and caring for the world we live in. So next time you plan a trip, think about how you can make it an ecotourism adventure and do your part to protect our planet. Remember, every little bit helps!

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

Explore other popular paragraph topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by  clicking here .

Happy studying!

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107 Ecotourism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Ecotourism has become a popular trend in the travel industry, as more and more people seek to explore the world in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. If you're a student looking to write an essay on ecotourism, you may be wondering where to start. To help you get inspired, here are 107 ecotourism essay topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The importance of ecotourism in preserving natural habitats
  • How ecotourism can help combat climate change
  • Examples of successful ecotourism initiatives around the world
  • The benefits of ecotourism for local communities
  • Ecotourism vs. mass tourism: a comparison
  • The role of government in promoting ecotourism
  • The ethics of ecotourism
  • The impact of ecotourism on wildlife conservation
  • Ecotourism and indigenous communities
  • The economic benefits of ecotourism
  • Ecotourism and sustainable development goals
  • Ecotourism and responsible travel practices
  • Ecotourism and biodiversity conservation
  • Ecotourism and marine conservation
  • The future of ecotourism in a post-pandemic world
  • Ecotourism and adventure travel
  • Ecotourism and cultural preservation
  • Ecotourism and environmental education
  • Ecotourism and wildlife rehabilitation
  • Ecotourism and sustainable agriculture
  • Ecotourism and water conservation
  • Ecotourism and renewable energy
  • Ecotourism and waste management
  • Ecotourism and eco-friendly transportation
  • Ecotourism and green building practices
  • Ecotourism and climate change adaptation
  • Ecotourism and community-based tourism
  • Ecotourism and ethical wildlife viewing
  • Ecotourism and responsible tourism certifications
  • Ecotourism and carbon offsetting
  • Ecotourism and conservation volunteering
  • Ecotourism and carbon neutral travel
  • Ecotourism and sustainable tourism practices
  • Ecotourism and wildlife monitoring
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism certifications
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  • Ecotourism and ecotourism case studies
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism certification programs
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  • Ecotourism and ecotourism development
  • Ecotourism and ecotourism economics
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Eco-Tourism, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Kids and Students of Class 9, 10, 11, 12 Examination.


Eco-Tourism refers to a form of tourism in which the main motivation of the tourist is the observation and appreciation of nature as well as the tradition and culture prevailing in a natural area. Eco-tourism has the following benefits:

(i) Economic Development:

Tourism is currently the world’s largest industry and fastest-growing sector of the economy. It is already the largest source of foreign exchange in countries like Costa Rica and Belgium.

(ii) Employment generation and income opportunities for local communities.

(iii) Environment Protection:

As nature becomes the source of employment and income for local communities, they become more keen and aware about the protection of natural and cultural assets in their region.

Due to these benefits of Eco-tourism, the U.N. has declared 2002 as the ‘International Year of Eco-Tourism’.

In India, Eco-tourism is facing the following problems:

(i) Lack of strategic business plant;

(ii) Lack of well-trained nature guide;

(iii) Lack of suitable marketing technique;

(iv) Lack of method for gaining community consensus on development projects.

According to government documents themselves, a majority of the tourists visiting India rates facilities provided here from average to poor.

Due to all the above-mentioned reasons, we get less than 0.38% of the share of total tourists of the world.

Steps to be taken to promote Eco-Tourism in our country:

(i) Government should take steps to protect nature, local and indigenous culture, traditional knowledge, genetic resources, and the right to land and property.

(ii) All important natural sites should be provided with proper infrastructure like road, telecommunications, _water, electricity, hotels, transports, guides, etc.

(iii) Government should provide incentives to tourism operations and service providers.

(iv) Government should arrange educational programmes for children and young people to enhance awareness about nature conservation and sustainable use.

(v) Government should lay emphasis on building local capacity and enhancing local benefits.

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Paragraph on Ecotourism

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Ecotourism in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Ecotourism in 100 Words

Ecotourism is like going on a fun trip to learn about nature. It helps us love our Earth more. We visit beautiful places like forests, mountains, and rivers. We see animals and plants in their homes, not in a zoo. We learn not to leave trash and to take care of these places. We also listen to the people who live there and respect their ways. This is because they know a lot about the nature around them. Ecotourism is fun because we can enjoy and learn at the same time. It reminds us to be good friends to our Earth.

Paragraph on Ecotourism in 200 Words

Ecotourism is a special kind of travel that helps protect nature and also helps people who live in the places we visit. It’s like going on a fun trip and doing something good at the same time. When we go ecotourism, we only visit natural places that are not hurt by our visit. We make sure to keep the environment clean, not to throw litter around, and not disturb the animals. We also learn a lot about the plants, animals, and the culture of the people who live there. This way, we can enjoy the beauty of nature and also help keep it safe for future generations to enjoy too. It’s like a promise to Mother Earth that we’ll take care of her. We can also help the local people by buying things from them or using their services, like guides or places to stay. This way, ecotourism helps the people who live there earn money and takes care of nature at the same time. It’s a way of showing love and respect for our planet and its people.

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Paragraph on Ecotourism in 250 Words

Ecotourism is a type of travel that supports the environment, wildlife, and local people. It is a way for people to explore natural areas without harming them. It also helps to protect these areas and teaches travelers about the importance of conservation. Ecotourism is about respecting the places we visit and making sure they stay beautiful and clean for future generations. When we engage in ecotourism, we try to minimize our impact on the environment by reducing waste and using resources wisely. It’s also important to respect the culture and traditions of local communities. This means we should learn about their customs, shop at local businesses, and eat local food to help the local economy. Even though it might seem like a small thing, ecotourism can make a big difference in protecting our planet. It’s a fun way to learn about the world, and it helps to make sure that our beautiful natural places stay beautiful for a long time. Ecotourism is not just about having a great holiday, it’s also about being responsible and caring for the world we live in. So next time you plan a trip, think about how you can make it an ecotourism adventure and do your part to protect our planet. Remember, every little bit helps!

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8.9 Summary

8.9 summary (esgbn).

  • The biosphere is the sphere in which all ecosystems on Earth exist. It interacts with the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.
  • Biomes contained within the biosphere are regions with similar climatic and geographic conditions. Broadly, biomes are either aquatic or terrestrial.
  • South Africa's major aquatic biomes include freshwater and marine biomes, based on their salt concentrations. Terrestrial biomes of South Africa include Grassland, Savannah, Succulent and Nama Karoo, Forest, Fynbos, Desert and Thicket Biomes. Each is located differently across South Africa and has its own distinctive plant and animal life.
  • Ecosystems refer to environments that consist of abiotic factors and biotic factors (organisms) that interact to maintain a balance.
  • Abiotic factors including physiographic (slope, altitude and aspect) and edaphic (soil pH, texture, humus content) factors.
  • Energy flows through ecosystems from the sun through to producers (plants), primary consumers (typically herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), ultimately terminating at decomposers.
  • The food chain describes the relationships linking producers, consumers and decomposers. Food pyramids can also be used to represent this relationship. Pyramids of biomass, energy and numbers of organisms can also be used to describe the biotic relationships in ecosystems.
  • Nutrient cycles describe the flow of particular nutrients (C, O, N and water) through the ecosystem.
  • Ecotourism produces widespread benefits to South Africa, creating jobs, preserving its natural beauty and improving infrastructure. There are ethical considerations involved in ensuring that the ecological and cultural diversity of South Africa's ecosystems is preserved.

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The document provides a clear structure on how to write the essays. This document has been created from information available from the internet and it is not meant for any business purposes (FREE SUPPLY) but to help South African Life sciences Learners by gathering all the important information together. Not for market purposes only meant at assisting the Learners with a simple clear alternative in the essay writing, With a compilation of essays from Grade 12-10. You have to read the essays with understanding and never try to memorize them, as that is never part of learning. We aimed at creating independent and innovative thinkers of the south African as non-profit organization. Sources 1. I’solezwe lesiXhosa, 17 September, 2015 page 11 2. Life Sciences Academics (Facebook page), DR Marian Ross 3. http://www.testtakingpa.com/study/ 4. South African Department Basic Education Exam question papers and memorandums available from WWW.dbe.gov.za 5. Mr. Chaple's Science Class Blog http://chaplescienceclass.blogspot.com/2017/09/dnastructure.html 6. Eastern Cape Department of Education https://www.ecexams.co.za/ExaminationPapers.htm

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ecotourism essay grade 10

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List of Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12 (South Africa)

Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12 (South Africa):

Table of Contents

List of Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12


Essay Question: Write a short essay explaining the homeostatic functioning of the nephron if a person is suffering from dehydration

Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12

When the water content of the body drops below normal, the following happens

  • the osmotic potential of the blood increases √  
  • which stimulates the osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus √
  • which produces ADH
  • to transmit impulses to the pituitary gland (hypophysis) √
  • to release more ADH √ in to the blood
  • ADH is transported by bloodstream to the kidney √ where this hormone increases the permeability √ of the walls of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct √
  • more water √ is re-absorbed from the filtrate √
  • and small amount of concentrated urine √ is excreted
  • the adrenal gland √ secrete aldosterone √ which cause sodium ions √ to be actively √ pumped out of the filtrate √ in the ascending limb of loop of Henle √ in to the tissue fluid of the kidney medulla √
  • this creates a low water potential √ and water moves by passive osmosis √  from the collecting tubule √  in to the tissue fluid of the medulla √ from where it is absorbed in to the blood capillaries √


Essay Question: Write a mini essay on ecotourism in South Africa using the following guideline

  • Brief explanation of what ecotourism entails,
  • Long term sustainability and Possible threat to Ecotourism  
  • Ecotourism is mainly inclined to promote environmental awareness and instil asense of appreciation of natural formations and beauty.
  • It makes people respect the existence of other living organisms (fauna and flora) that shares the resources of the planet earth
  • Its main clients are people who are interested in preserving the environment.
  • A potential ecotourist prefers to spend his/her holidays in a natural environment to experience and be part of the environment
  • They like to visit and spend time in quiet natural settings such as unspoiled beaches, river mouths, waterfalls, wet lands with lush green forests, gorges,mountains etc.
  • Always prefer to use eco-friendly mode of transport to cause less pollution and damage to fauna and flora
  • Encourages people to consume naturally grown, fresh produce from the area
  • Greater emphasis is placed on the well-being of local people and constantly look for ways and means to contribute towards the local economy
  • Eco-friendly accommodation is provided for visitors to minimise the possible human impact on the surrounding area
  • Renewable energy is utilised wherever possible

Long term sustainability

Educate the local population about the importance of conserving the natural resources.

  • The involvement of the local community should be prioritised.•
  • Active participation generates income for local communities. e.g. selling composts, organic food products.
  •  Job creation alleviates poverty. e.g. tour guides, security personnel, and creating opportunities to sell and exhibit art work.
  • Ownership of the concept leads to proper caring and protection of the fauna and flora. e.g. prevention of poaching, illegal smuggling of exotic animals and plants, discourages over exploitation of natural resources.
  • Part of the income generated can be utilised for conservation and rehabilitation projects.
  • Cementing strong partnership with the private and public sector could provide more management and financial support

Possible threats to ecotourism

  • Poaching / illegal hunting
  • Crime and violence against tourists
  • Illegal trade of exotic plants and animals
  • Illegal occupation of land and the establishment of squatter camps
  • Natural disasters. e.g. wild fires, droughts, floods, etc.
  • Deforestation• Extension of farming lands
  • Illegal dumping of waste
  • Illegal developments e.g. hotels and golf estates, airports, stadia. etc.
  • Building of dams in an ecologically sensitive area
  • Miningo Exploitation of tourists

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ecotourism essay grade 10

Essay on Ecotourism. Essay # 1. Introduction to Ecotourism: According to the latest United Nations World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO) world tourism barometer, International tourist arrivals grew by 4.4 per cent in 2011 to a total 980 million, up from 939 million in 2010 and it is expected to cross 1 billion mark in 2012.

250 Words Essay on Ecotourism Introduction to Ecotourism. Ecotourism is a sustainable, non-invasive form of tourism that seeks to conserve the environment and uphold the well-being of local people. It is a responsible approach to travelling to natural areas, ensuring minimal damage to these habitats, and promoting conservation efforts. ...

To help you get inspired, here are 107 ecotourism essay topic ideas and examples to get you started: The importance of ecotourism in preserving natural habitats; How ecotourism can help combat climate change; Examples of successful ecotourism initiatives around the world;

Ecotourism is thought to be the idea of bringing tourism into a country while supporting the biodiversity. South Africa is home to: The largest bird — ostrich. Economic benefits of ecotourism. Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of South Africa's economy and is estimated to bring in up to R62 billion/ year.

Due to these benefits of Eco-tourism, the U.N. has declared 2002 as the 'International Year of Eco-Tourism'. In India, Eco-tourism is facing the following problems: (i) Lack of strategic business plant; (ii) Lack of well-trained nature guide; (iii) Lack of suitable marketing technique;

Essay on Ecotourism; Paragraph on Ecotourism in 250 Words. Ecotourism is a type of travel that supports the environment, wildlife, and local people. It is a way for people to explore natural areas without harming them. It also helps to protect these areas and teaches travelers about the importance of conservation. Ecotourism is about respecting ...

Ecotourism involves responsible traveling to fragile, pristine and mostly protected areas. This takes place for different purposes, from educating the traveler, fostering respect for different cultures to directly benefiting the economic and political empowerment of local communities (Garana, 2008). Ideally, ecotourism incorporates the ...

3 pages / 1302 words. Introduction Ecotourism is a type of responsible tourism that focuses on natural environments with the aim of observing wildlife and supporting conservation efforts. It is critical to highlight the main benefits of ecotourism; first, contributing towards the conservation of natural environments, empowering and protecting ...

8.9 Summary (ESGBN) The biosphere is the sphere in which all ecosystems on Earth exist. It interacts with the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. Biomes contained within the biosphere are regions with similar climatic and geographic conditions. Broadly, biomes are either aquatic or terrestrial.

Ecotourism benefits the environment by providing education and positive experiences for guests. It also shows appreciation for the local societies and their traditions. Some of the money spent by ...

By the end of the course, the learner should be able to: 1. communicate biological information in a precise, clear and logical manner 2. develop an understanding of interrelationships between plants and animals and between humans and their environment 3. apply the knowledge gained to improve and maintain the health of the individual, family and the community 4. relate and apply relevant ...

Table of Contents. List of Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12. Essay Question: Write a short essay explaining the homeostatic functioning of the nephron if a person is suffering from dehydration. Essay Question: Write a mini essay on ecotourism in South Africa using the following guideline. Ecotourism.

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words. Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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ECOTOURISM ESSAY Ecotourism encourages visitors to a country to leave a small CARBON FOOTPRINT, to the benefit of local communities and environments. It has become an increasingly popular option for...

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  2. Ecotourism as responsible travel Free Essay Example

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  3. Unit 10 grade 10: Ecotourism

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  4. Unit 10 grade 10: Ecotourism

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  1. Essay on Ecotourism

    Essay on Ecotourism. Essay # 1. Introduction to Ecotourism: According to the latest United Nations World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO) world tourism barometer, International tourist arrivals grew by 4.4 per cent in 2011 to a total 980 million, up from 939 million in 2010 and it is expected to cross 1 billion mark in 2012.

  2. Essay on Ecotourism

    250 Words Essay on Ecotourism Introduction to Ecotourism. Ecotourism is a sustainable, non-invasive form of tourism that seeks to conserve the environment and uphold the well-being of local people. It is a responsible approach to travelling to natural areas, ensuring minimal damage to these habitats, and promoting conservation efforts. ...

  3. Eco-Tourism, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Kids and Students of

    Due to these benefits of Eco-tourism, the U.N. has declared 2002 as the 'International Year of Eco-Tourism'. In India, Eco-tourism is facing the following problems: (i) Lack of strategic business plant; (ii) Lack of well-trained nature guide; (iii) Lack of suitable marketing technique;

  4. 107 Ecotourism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    To help you get inspired, here are 107 ecotourism essay topic ideas and examples to get you started: The importance of ecotourism in preserving natural habitats; How ecotourism can help combat climate change; Examples of successful ecotourism initiatives around the world;

  5. The Introduction To Ecotourism Tourism Essay

    2.1 Introduction to Ecotourism. Ecotourism, which is also known as ecological tourism, is the responsible travel to fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and often small scale. 'Eco' is derived from the Greek word "oikos" which literally means the habitat and is an abbreviation of the term ...

  6. An essay on ecotourism

    Ecotourism involves responsible traveling to fragile, pristine and mostly protected areas. This takes place for different purposes, from educating the traveler, fostering respect for different cultures to directly benefiting the economic and political empowerment of local communities (Garana, 2008). Ideally, ecotourism incorporates the ...

  7. Essays on Ecotourism

    3 pages / 1302 words. Introduction Ecotourism is a type of responsible tourism that focuses on natural environments with the aim of observing wildlife and supporting conservation efforts. It is critical to highlight the main benefits of ecotourism; first, contributing towards the conservation of natural environments, empowering and protecting ...

  8. Ecotourism Definition, Benefits & Examples

    Ecotourism benefits the environment by providing education and positive experiences for guests. It also shows appreciation for the local societies and their traditions. Some of the money spent by ...

  9. Ecotourism, What is it and what are its 10 benefits

    Ecotourism offers sustainable development, boosts local economies, and preserves native cultures and vulnerable species. Conservation, community involvement, and education are the core principles of ecotourism. Choosing sustainable destinations is crucial for responsible and eco-friendly travel.

  10. PDF Tourism G10 Study Guide

    Tourism G10 Study Guide - Via Afrika

  11. Paragraph on Ecotourism

    Essay on Ecotourism; Paragraph on Ecotourism in 250 Words. Ecotourism is a type of travel that supports the environment, wildlife, and local people. It is a way for people to explore natural areas without harming them. It also helps to protect these areas and teaches travelers about the importance of conservation. Ecotourism is about respecting ...

  12. LIFE Sciences Essays Grade 10-12

    NEPHRON ESSAY. Write a mini essay on ecotourism in South Africa using the following guideline Brief explanation of what ecotourism entails, Long term sustainability and Possible threat to Ecotourism (Ecotourism ... ESSAYS GRADE 10-Compiled By France Chavangwane Email : Chavangwane@gmail Call : +2771 633 2553 Facebook : France Chavangwane ...

  13. 10 Ways to be an Ecotourist

    7. Practice a 'Hands-off' approach to wildlife and plant-life. 'Take only photos, Leave only footprints'. Practicing a 'hands off' approach to wildlife and plant-life is an important action in ecotourism. The best is to observe everything from a bit of a distance.


    revenue for national development, and employ locals. Ecotourism, which primarily serves conserva tion interests, helps promote ecologically sound growth. 2.1. The economic role of Ecotourism in ...

  15. PDF Revision of Gr 10 concepts

    GRADE 12 Topic: Sustainable and responsible tourism Revision of Gr 10 concepts: Sustainability • Meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable tourism needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host • Tourism that takes full account of its current and future

  16. Tourism : Grade 10

    Tourism : Grade 10. Assessment. Lessons. Notices/Events. Policies & Guidelines. Recovery. Resources. Rodney Johnson. DCES: Tourism. Tourism is the study of the activities, services and industries that deliver a travel experience to groups or individuals. It is the study of the expectations and behaviour of tourists, and the economic, social and ...

  17. IELTS Writing Task 2 Ecotourism is now defined as responsible travel to

    Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words. Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

  18. 50 Latest Ecotourism IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Ecotourism IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Read more ». Advantages and Disadvantages. IELTS Writing Task 2 Ecotourism is now defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment. What are the advantages of ecotourism?

  19. Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 10: Ecotourism

    Trang sau. Lời giải bài tập Unit 10: Ecotourism Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Global Success bộ sách Kết nối tri thức hay, chi tiết giúp học sinh dễ dàng làm bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 10. Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 10: Lifestyles - Explore New Worlds (Cánh diều)

  20. ECOTOURISM ESSAY Ecotourism...

    ECOTOURISM ESSAY Ecotourism encourages visitors to a country to leave a small CARBON FOOTPRINT, to the benefit of local communities and environments. It has become an increasingly popular option for...

  21. ecotourism essay grade 10

    Eco-Tourism, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Kids and Students of Class 9, 10, 11, 12 Examination. Eco-tourism. Eco-Tourism refers to a form of tourism in which ...

  22. Ecotourism Essay Grade 10

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  23. Ecotourism Essay Grade 10

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