
Formatting a Research Paper in Word: Home

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This page will help you set up a Microsoft Word document to write an MLA or APA research paper. It includes keystroke commands where possible.

Keyboard shortcuts from Microsoft

Header for MLA Style

Insert header.

(ALT + N, H spacebar)

  • To create the header, click on the Insert tab on the toolbar.

Page number

(Alt+N, N, U) , T (selects top of page from menu options), Enter , Right align (Ctrl+R), Type Last name and a space

  • Click page number in the Header & Footer box. Choose Top of Page in the drop down  menu, and select Plain Number 3. 
  • While your cursor is still on the page number, type your last name and a space. 

Format Font to Times New Roman, size 12

Alt+A to select all font, Ctrl+D to open font dialog box, type Times, tab twice to get to size box, type 12, then Enter to close box and header.

  • Highlight all text if needed, then on the Home tab, in the Font section, select Times New Roman, size 12.

To Close Header

(Alt+J, H, C) 

  • Click on Close Header & Footer or double-click on the body of the document

To Edit Header

(Alt+N, H, Alt+E)

  • Open header & footer box or double click in header space

Header for APA Style

Running head.

In all caps, enter your running head, which is a short version of your title.

Page Set up

Format font to times new roman, size 12, double space lines.

Alt+K, arrow down to 2.0, enter

  • On Home Tab, in the Paragraph section, choose 2.0 or Double for line spacing.

Paragraph Spacing

Alt+P, S, A, type the number zero, enter

  • On Home Tab, in the Paragraph section, enter 0 (zero) for space before and after paragraphs.

Set Margins to 1 inch

Alt+P opens Page Layout, Alt+M online Margins, use arrows to select Normal Template. Enter.

  • Under Layout Tab, open Margins and select Normal.

To Save this Format as the Default

Your information and title of paper, left align text (this should be the default).

  • Under Home tab, in the Paragraph box, click Left Align icon

Your Information:

  • Your first and last name <Enter>
  • Your Instructor's name <Enter>
  • Class name and course number <Enter>
  • Date in format day, month, year <Enter>

Title of Paper

Center Align Text using Ctrl+C 

Type the title of your paper, capitalizing the first letter of the of the first word and then the first letter of every word except conjunctions, prepositions, and articles. <Enter>

Note: You will need to left align text (Ctrl+L) before beginning body of the paper.

Body of Text

Make sure you have already completed the Page Set up.

If your preceding line was center justified, left align the text with Ctrl+L or using the Left Align icon on the toolbar.

Indent first line of paragraphs

You can  tab  to indent the first line of the paragraphs OR

Alt+O, P to open paragraph dialogue box, Alt+S to chose Special indentation. From dropdown, select First Line. Enter.

  • On Home Tab, in the Paragraph section, under Indentation, in Special, use dropdown to select First Line. 

Indenting block quotations

  • (Alt+P, I, L) type .5 to indent by 1/2 inch. <enter>  Or, with text highlighted, click the Increase indent button in the Paragraph settings section of the Home or Layout tab.
  • Type your block quotation.
  • To cancel indenting the block quotation, change the indent back to 0 using (Alt+P, I, L), 0. <enter> OR click the decrease indent to return back to the left margin.

Works Cited or References List

Start a new page.

  • On the Insert tab, in the Pages section, slick on the Page Break icon

Center the title of the section

Ctrl+E, type "Works Cited" for MLA or "References" for APA, <enter> (return to Left alignment with Ctrl+L)

  • On the Home Tab, in the Paragraph section, click the Center Align icon
  • Type Works Cited for MLA or References for APA
  • Return to Left Alignment using the Left Align icon

Format page for hanging indent

Alt+H, P, G opens paragraph dialog box, Tab to Special Indent, Arrow down to Hanging indent, <enter>

  • On Home Tab, in the Paragraph section, under Indentation, in Special, use dropdown to select Hanging Indent <OK>

Alphabetize your Works Cited

This feature enables you to quickly alphabetize your works cited section. However, be aware that it does not ignore citations starting with A, An, or The, as you should according to MLA and APA style. Therefore, if any of your citations start with these words, you will need to manually move them into place.

  • Select the text you want to sort.
  • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph section, click the Alphabetize icon.

Preformatted Word Documents

  • MLA Document Formatted This Word document is formatted in MLA style. Download this document then replace the text with your own text.
  • APA Document Formatted Word document in APA format, including a cover page, was adapted from a document from Evergreen Valley College. Download this paper and replace the text with your own.

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How to use researcher in microsoft word for essays and papers.

With Researcher in Microsoft Word, you can reduce the time you spend researching your school essay or research paper. Close your web browser and use Word’s built-in tool.

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What can you do with researcher, open researcher in microsoft word, review relevant topics and top sources, add topic items to your document.

Microsoft wants to make your research easier. With the Word Researcher tool, you can close your web browser and get sources for school essays, research papers, and similar documents in a few clicks.

The Researcher feature, powered by Bing, gives you a handy search box to find people, events, places, and concepts. The results of your search provide you with relevant topics and top sources including books, journals, websites, and images.

When you select the source you want, you can see an overview, history, location, images, and other important details. And the best part is, you never leave your Microsoft Word document.

In addition to viewing the details for your topic, you can start an outline for your paper as well as adding and citing text. Click the main subject or one of the information sections and add it directly to your document.

Here, we'll show you how to reduce the time you spend researching and speed up the creation of your paper with the Researcher tool in Microsoft Word.

At the time of writing,  Researcher is available with Word for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, and Word 2016. It is available to Microsoft 365 subscribers for Windows desktop clients.

To use the Researcher tool, open the "References" tab of your Word document. Click "Researcher" from the "Research" section of the ribbon.

When the pane opens on the right, type a term into the Search box and you're on your way!

You'll receive results for your search with Relevant Topics at the top and Top Sources beneath.

Relevant Topics

Some topics may only give you a couple of Relevant Topics. Click "More Topics" below that section to see additional sources.

If you click one of the Relevant Topics, you'll see a nice overview of the subject. At the end of the "Overview" section, click "Read More" for full details.

Depending on your topic, you'll then see several block sections packed with details. This structure comes in handy for starting your outline with them, which we'll describe below.

If the subject and Relevant Topic have images, you can click "See All Images" for a neat grid of photos and illustrations. Click one to open your browser and view the image online. Plus, you can add these to your document, which we'll also show you below.

Top Sources

For even more options, the "Top Sources" area offers books, journals, and websites. Select any one of those for its details.

If you choose a Relevant Topic at the top first, you can then filter your Top Sources by subtopic. Click the drop-down box for "All Topics" and pick one.

While most of the material is contained within Word, you may come across a source here and there that you must open in your browser. Click the link to open the source site in your default web browser.

Along with viewing information on your topic, you can add headings, text, and images directly to your document using Researcher.

Add Headings

On the top right of each source's section, you'll see a plus sign. Click the "+" icon to add that section as a collapsible heading for your document outline. Remember, this only adds the heading, not the text, within the section.

If you want to add a snippet of text to your document, you can do this as well. Select the text from the source by dragging your cursor through it. When you release, you'll see a small box appear with options for "Add and Cite" and "Add."

When you choose "Add and Cite," the text will pop into your document with the source cited at the end of the snippet. The citation is formatted automatically, so you can add it to a bibliography easily.

When you choose "Add," the text will still appear in your document, but without the citation.

If your topic offers images, and you click "See All Images," you have the option to add one or more of those, too. This is super convenient because you don't have to hunt them down yourself.

Click the "+" icon in the corner of the image to add it to your paper.

It will appear in your document with the source cited beneath it.

Be sure to respect copyrights when using the available images for your purpose. If you're unsure whether you can use an image, click "Learn More" above the image grid. This takes you to the Microsoft legal webpage explaining copyright and offering FAQs. You can also check our article on images with a Creative Commons License for those sources from Creative Commons.

College essays and research papers are enough work in themselves. By using Researcher in Microsoft Word, you can ease the burden of the research for your document and get a jumpstart on its contents.

how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007

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Formatting a Research Paper in Word: The Basics

Formatting a research paper can be daunting and intimidating, especially for first-time authors. However, with the right tools and knowledge of formatting guidelines in Microsoft Word, the task is much simpler than it appears. In this article we will outline the basics of properly formatting a research paper using Microsoft Word as an example. We will cover topics such as page setup, margin settings, font type/size selection and header information. By following these simple steps you will quickly master how to format your own papers for success!

I. Introduction to Formatting a Research Paper in Word

Ii. using the correct margins for your document, iii. adjusting spacing and indentation.

  • IV. Adding Headers and Footers to Pages

V. Incorporating Fonts, Colors, and Page Numbering

Vi. utilizing table tools for creating tables, vii. final tips for perfectly formatted documents.

Properly formatting a research paper is critical to achieving the desired outcome. Having said that, it’s important to note that Microsoft Word makes it easier than ever before for researchers to properly format their work! Here are some simple steps you can take in order to ensure your document follows all necessary conventions:

  • Setting Margins and Spacing:

In Microsoft Word, under File > Page Setup, set the top margin at 1 inch; bottom margin also at 1 inch; left and right margins each 0.75 inches. Additionally, be sure line spacing is set to “Double Space” throughout your document unless otherwise specified by guidelines or instructions from an instructor. Doing this will make sure all of the text on each page looks uniform with plenty of space between lines for easy readability.

  • Headers and Footers:

When writing a research paper, the correct margins must be observed. It is important to remain consistent throughout your document by adhering to accepted standards.

The standard margin for all sides of an academic paper , according to the Modern Language Association (MLA), is one inch from each edge of the page. For other academic papers such as those written in American Psychological Association (APA) style, two inches from each side are recommended. To format Word documents correctly for either MLA or APA styles:

  • Open a new blank document in Microsoft Word and go to File > Page Setup.
  • Under Margins tab set Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins 1 inch respectively if using MLA Style.

Mastering the Art of Formatting

In a research paper, spacing and indentation are vital components to include in order to maintain an organized document. To accurately follow formatting guidelines, be sure that all elements are appropriately spaced and indented; these steps will help make your research paper look polished and professional.

Take into account where you should adjust your margins, font size, line spacing, headers & footers – each contributing element must meet standards for proper layout according to the style guide or assignment requirements. Additionally, indenting is necessary within most paragraphs as well as between subsections to denote major divisions within text content (e.g., 1st level headings). Utilizing HTML can help simplify this process by allowing users control over exact measurements down to fractions of a centimeter:

  • Set left margin at 2 cm with margin-left=”2cm”

For an effective research paper, it is essential to add headers and footers to each page. Headers include the title of your paper as well as other important information such as page numbers or contact details. Footers should contain the word count for that particular page along with any additional credits or copyright information which may be relevant.

) . It’s also possible to center align this header content if desired by adding a style attribute set at “text-align: center;” when opening up the tag like so: ( ). Furthermore, Page Numbers are often included towards either side or corner areas within each pages’ Header section making them easily identifiable upon printing out physical copies for readers convenience. To do this one must open up their Header Tag as before but now add another attribute called “page” into their code when defining said element (e..g.: Page Number Here ; ). This will allow our web browser/document editor automatically insert consecutive numbers onto every succeeding page while ensuring they all appear correctly formatted too!

Using Fonts and Colors for Style The style of a research paper is just as important as its content. A student can use fonts and colors to add emphasis, create hierarchy, and distinguish different parts of the paper. When selecting font styles, it’s important to choose those that are clear, consistent throughout the document, not overly decorative or distracting.

Most professors prefer Times New Roman size 12 pt for body text in a research paper format; however students may also opt for Calibri 11pt if they’re looking for something more modern-looking. Sans serif typefaces like Helvetica work well when used sparingly – such as headings – because their straightforward look makes them easy to read on any device. As far as colors go—avoid neon shades but feel free to incorporate subtle hues into charts and diagrams within your document.

Including Page Numbering It’s essential that each page in a written assignment be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (1 2 3 etc.). This includes title pages which should bear either no number or “i” before the main contents begin at page 1. The usual practice is numbering from beginning till end starting from first page up until bibliography where references start after conclusion.

All other elements — including headers footers images tables figures captions — should have an appropriate label placed above or below it so readers can identify them quickly without having to flip back through previous sections constantly

The table tool is an invaluable resource for creating tables. With its easy-to-use interface, users can create any kind of tabular data from simple to complex in a snap. For those who are more experienced, the features allow for deeper customization and manipulation.

• Research paper format words should be used when constructing tables so that your information will be organized in a uniform way. • When formatting text within cells make sure each piece flows logically; bold or italicize important words as needed. • Keep columns and rows consistent throughout the entire table by adjusting column widths, font sizes, line spacings etc. • Use shading sparingly to distinguish between parts of the table (e.g., separate headers).

It’s not unusual for students to experience frustration when formatting their research papers. To help alleviate this, here are some tips on how to ensure that your documents are perfectly formatted and ready for submission:

  • Know the guidelines . Before you begin writing or formatting, familiarize yourself with any guidelines provided by your professor or institution regarding paper format. This will save time down the road as it is much easier to stick with a specific format from beginning-to-end.
  • Pay attention to detail . When composing a research paper, many small details need to be attended in order to make sure everything looks right. That includes font sizes and types used throughout different sections of the document; making sure page numbers appear correctly; double checking headings and titles of tables/figures etc.

Once these key points have been addressed, proofreaders can also play an important role in ensuring accuracy before submitting final versions. With careful attention paid during each step of the process – such as properly citing sources according to designated citation style formats like APA & MLA – students can breathe easy knowing they’re handing in error free research papers!

In conclusion, formatting a research paper in Word is an essential skill for any student to have. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you should be able to quickly and accurately produce a well-formatted document that meets the requirements of your professor or institution. As with anything else, practice makes perfect and familiarizing yourself with these conventions will help ensure successful submissions.


Formatting Papers: Microsoft Word

  • Basic Formatting
  • TU Writing Resources
  • Sample Papers

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  • Check out the  Basic Formatting  page for quick, easy instructions on how to format your paper using Microsoft Word.

For more indepth tutorials or to learn advanced word processing skills check out Linkedin Learning , formerly known as Linkedin is a professional social network that has recently expanded to maintain and develop a wide variety of video tutorials and online courses to foster continued learning for business, higher education, and government professions. Their tutorials and courses on digital technologies and software are particularly informative in this ever growing Digital Age. To access full content on Linkedin Learning sign up for an account.

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HOW TO – Format papers in standard academic format (using Microsoft Word)

This guide explains how to format your documents in Microsoft Word so that they follow the standard rules for formatting academic papers as described in most MLA and APA style books for undergraduate writing. These rules apply to most of the papers you will submit in your college classes, but in some cases your professors will want you to follow specific guidelines that may differ from those below. Always clarify with your professor which set of guidelines he or she wants you to follow before you submit a paper.

Using standard formatting for academic papers shows that you understand the customs of the university community and therefore helps to boost your own credibility. Using unusual or highly distinctive formatting, on the other hand, suggests that your previous schooling did not adequately prepare you for university work. Consider the impact of unusual formatting: not only does it call attention to your paper in a way that might not be positive, professors might also see it as a sign that you’re trying to artificially inflate page length.

Note: These instructions apply to all versions of Word for Mac and for the 2003 version of Word for Windows. I haven’t yet updated them to include instructions for the 2007 version of Word for Windows, but the tools should nevertheless be easy to find if you look around on the toolbar at the top.

  • 6.1 Heading
  • 6.3 Sample First Page
  • 8.1 Document Spacing
  • 8.2 Paragraph Spacing


Rule : Papers submitted for review or grading should have 1” margins all around. This should be the default for Word, but if your default setting is to have left and right margins of 1.25”, change your default. Page length requirements are based on 1” margins.

Instructions : Go to the Format menu, drag down to Document, change the margins, and the click on the Default button and accept the change to the Normal template. Make sure you leave the gutter set to 0” or you’ll mess up your document formatting.


Rule : The first line of each paragraph should be automatically indented.

Instructions : This should be the default for Word, but if not, you might want to change your Normal style, as described above. To change the indentation format for a document, choose Select All from the Edit menu. Then go to the Format menu, drag down to Paragraph, look under the “Special” drop-down menu in the Indentation section, and select “First Line.” This setting automatically indents the first line of a new paragraph so that you don’t have to do it manually.

Rule : College papers should be in a standard academic font: either Times New Roman or Cambria, in 12pt size. (If you submit a paper in another font, I will change it on the file I download.)

Instructions : Times New Roman or Cambria 12pt should be the default for Word, but if yours is different then change your default. Go to the Format menu, drag down to Style, make sure “Normal” is selected from the list of styles, and click “modify.” Choose the correct font and size from the Formatting menu. Click “OK” to make the change to your default settings.

Rule : The text of your paper should be left aligned, NOT justified, as justified text is hard to read if it hasn’t been professionally typeset. The default in Word is left alignment, so don’t change it.


Rule : In the upper left corner of the first page of your document, type your name, the date, the course number and section (or topic), and the version of the paper (such as Paper 1 Second Draft), each on a separate line. Be sure to change the date and paper version when you submit revisions and final versions. See the sample below.

DO NOT use the “headers” feature from the header/footer menu to create this full heading as that will make it appear on every page, which is not customary in academic writing. Also do NOT use a title page unless the assignment specifically asks for one.

Rule : Skip a line after the heading and center an original title that conveys the topic of your paper. Do not use underlining or italics in the heading (unless you’re referring to the title of a book or periodical). Do not use bold text or ALL CAPS.

Sample First Page

Page numbers.

Rule : All papers should have automatically inserted page numbers that show in the upper right corner on all pages except the first. Do not insert these page numbers by hand. Instead, use Word’s Header/Footer tool.

For documents following MLA format, put your last name and page number in the upper right corner. For documents following APA format, put a short version of your title (instead of your last name) and the page number in the upper right corner.

Instructions : Go to the View menu and choose “Header and Footer.” You’ll see a header box appear at the top and a footer box at the bottom. Click in the header box, type your last name (or title), make it align to the right, and then select Page Numbers from the Insert menu.

When you’re finished, click on the “Close” tab under the Header view. Each page of your document should now display a page number at the upper right that updates automatically when you make changes to the document. It will appear as grayed out text unless you active the Header and Footer tool to make changes.

To change the setting so that page numbers do not display on the first page, go to the Format men, drag down to Document, and click on the Layout button. Then check the box next to “Different First Page.” Click OK. If necessary, remove the header that appears on the first page and insert a header on the second page, which will automatically appear on all subsequent pages as well.

Document Spacing

Rule : The entire paper should be double-spaced, including the heading and bibliography.

Instructions : Choose “Select All” from the Edit menu, go to the Format menu and drag down to Paragraph, and choose “double” from the “line spacing” menu in the Spacing section. Or you can use these keyboard shortcuts. On a Mac, use Cmd-A to select all and Cmd-2 to double-space. On a PC, use Ctrl-A to select all and Ctrl-2 to double space.

Paragraph Spacing

Rule : Papers should have no extra spacing after paragraphs. This should be the default for Word, but if your default setting is to have 10pt spacing after paragraphs, change your default.

Instructions : Go to the Format menu, drag down to Style, make sure “Normal” is selected from the list of styles, and click “modify.” In the lower left corner, select the dropdown menu that starts with “Format” and drag down to Paragraph. In the paragraph settings menu that pops up, change the settings for Spacing After to 0pt.


Instead of using a lot of returns before starting your bibliography, create a new page for it following these instructions.

Go to the Insert menu, drag down to Break, and then drag over to Page Break.


Rule : If a quotation will exceed four lines within a paragraph, you should separate it out by blocking and indenting it. As with any quotation, a blocked quotation should be clearly introduced by the sentence that leads up to it and it should also be properly cited, but the rules for blocked quotations are somewhat different. The blocking take the place of quotation marks, and unlike in a regular in-paragraph quotation, the parenthetical citation goes outside of the final period instead of inside of it (given that the blocked quote might contain several sentences.)

Instructions : Type the quotation in its own paragraph, without quotation marks, and remove the indent from the first line. Type the source in parentheses after the last period of the last sentence. With your cursor, select the quotation, from the first word to the end of the parenthetical citation, and click the Increase Indent button from the Paragraph Formatting menu.

  • MLA Formatting Guidelines for College Papers
  • APA Formatting Guidelines for College Papers
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APA Style Guide: Formatting Your Paper

  • About In-text Citations
  • In-text Examples
  • How to Paraphrase
  • What to Include
  • Volume/Issue
  • Non-Routine Information
  • Place of Publication
  • Retrieval Statement
  • Book with Editor(s)
  • Book with No Author
  • Book with Organization as Author
  • Book with Personal Author(s)
  • Chapters and Parts of Books
  • Classical Works
  • Journal Article
  • Magazine Article
  • Multi-Volume Works
  • Newspaper Article
  • Patents & Laws
  • Physicians' Desk Reference
  • Social Media
  • Technical/Company Reports
  • Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal Publications (i.e. course packets)
  • Formatting Your Paper
  • Formatting Your References
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Avoid Plagiarism

APA recommends using 12-point Times New Roman font. If not using Times New Roman, then another serif typeface should be used for its readability. Only use different typeface in figure descriptions to add style to the paper (section 8.03).

Line Spacing & Margins

Use double-spacing throughout the entire paper.To add double-spacing in Microsoft Word, highlight all the text you want double-spaced, then click on Page Layout . Next to the word Paragraph click on the arrow. Under Spacing , Line Spacing , select Double and then click OK .

Put two spaces after the period for each sentence in the body of the paper (Note, use only one space after a period in your references at the end of the paper) . Microsoft Word does not have a setting to automatically put in two spaces at the end of a sentence, but you can set-up the grammar check to alert you when only one space is used. In Word 2007, click on File, then click Options. Next, click on Proofing. Under When correcting spelling and grammar in Word , click on Settings. Next to Spaces required between sentences , change the setting to 2. Click OK to exit. This setting will alert you to single spaces after a period with the green squiggle that shows when there is a grammar error in your paper.

Leave 1 in. margins from top to bottom and side to side. Microsoft Word usually is set to 1 in. margins. You can check this by clicking on Page Layout , then click on Margins. The margin you are using is highlighted, select Normal if it is not already selected. 

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how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007

Sample Paper

The title page of an APA paper includes a shortened version of your title in the header, with the words: Running head: before it. The shortened title needs to make sense, it is not simply the first 50 characters of the longer title. The running head is on the left, on the right is the page number, starting with 1. Centered on the page is the full title of the paper, the author's name is on the next line, and the institutional affiliation (your school) is on the third line.

If your professor requires an abstract, you will include a summary of your paper on the second page. Start the abstract on a new page. Type the word Abstract on the center top of the page. Include page number and shortened title in the header. You no longer need to type the words

Running head:

before the title. The abstract is typed without any indentation.

Finally, we begin to type the paper! The full title starts it off at the top center of a new page. For the rest of the paper, you only need the title and page numbers in the header. Remember to cite!

APA Research Paper Template

Below is a template you can use every time you need to set-up a research paper using APA style format. Simply open the template and type your own information every time you need to write an APA style research paper. Microsoft Word 2013 will allow you to save personal templates. Once you have the template opened in Word

Click "Save as"

Give the file a name

Under "Save as type", select Word Template

Then when you open Word 2013, you will be able to choose a template rather than a blank document. You might have to select Personal to find your template.

Number of Spaces after a Period

APA style recommends placing two spaces after a period that ends a sentence. This rule is often not enforced by professors. The reasoning behind it is to aid in proofreading. You can read more about it in the APA Style Handbook on pages 87-88. Microsoft Word 2010 and later editions does not allow the user to put in two spaces after a period in any automatic way. You can set-up your grammar check to alert you when you have failed to place two spaces after a period. To do this, go to File-Options-Proofing-Writing Style-Grammar-Settings. In Spaces Required Between Sentences, select 2. Now when you type your paper and insert only one space after a period, you will see a small green squiggly where you fail to put in two spaces, once you do a grammar check of your paper. Keep in mind that APA does not call for two spaces after any period (such as for abbreviations or in the reference list) ONLY when a period ends a sentence do you need two spaces.

Step by Step Instructions for Formatting your APA Style Research Paper

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How to Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2022

This reference guide explains how to format your academic documents in Microsoft Word 2022, giving you the fundamental rules for formatting your academic papers as described in most guidelines, such as MLA and APA styles. The rules discussed in this guide apply to most of the academic papers you will submit as college assignments or articles for journals.

how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007

This reference guide provides some tips to format academic papers in Microsoft Word. To give you an opportunity to practice proofreading, we have left a few spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors in the text. See if you can spot them! If you spot the errors correctly, you will be entitled to a 10% discount.

Document Margins of Microsoft Word

Indentation of microsoft word documents, how to set font settings for academic papers in microsoft word, how to change the default font of your academic paper, how to format page numbers for academic papers, document spacing of academic papers in microsoft word, how to format paragraph spacing for academic papers, how to create a new page or insert a page break in microsoft word.

This reference guide will explain how to format your academic documents in Microsoft Word 2022, giving you the fundamental rules for formatting your academic papers as described in most guidelines, such as MLA and APA styles. The rules discussed in this guide apply to most of the academic papers you will submit as college assignments or articles for journals; however, keep in mind that some of your professors may want you to follow specific standards that may differ from the rules here. Adopting standard formatting for your academic papers indicates that you comprehend the rules of your college and therefore helps to improve your own credibility.

These rules and instructions can be applied to all versions of Microsoft Word for Mac and Windows. The tools, however, cannot be found at the same place on the toolbar at the top of your document.

Microsoft Word documents generally come with the default setting for margins. Check your default setting if it is to have different left and right margin. If so, change the default setting. Suppose that the paper you need to submit for review or grading should have 3.0 cm margins all around.

Here are the instructions you should follow:

Go to the Format menu at the top, scroll down to Document , change the margins, click on the Default button, and accept the change to the Normal template.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Make sure you leave the gutter set to 0 cm; otherwise, your document formatting will be messed up. 

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Then, make your selection.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Suppose that you want t he first line of each paragraph to be automatically indented. Here are the instructions to follow:

To change the indentation format for an academic paper in Microsoft Word, choose Select All from the Edit   menu, or press the combinations of ⌘ A .

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Then go to the Format menu, select Paragraph from the drop-down menu (or press the key combinations of ⌥⌘M ).

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Indents and Spacing menu will be selected automatically.  Under this menu, go to the Special drop-down menu and select First line . This setting automatically indents the first line of the new paragraph of your academic paper so that you do not have to set it manually each time.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Guidelines may adopt different font settings for academic papers. For instance, a variety of fonts are permitted in APA Style papers. Font options in APA Style include sans serif fonts, such as 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode, serif fonts, such as 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, or normal (10-point) Computer Modern (the default font for LaTeX).

To change it, go to the Format menu, select Style under the drop-down menu.  

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Make sure Normal is selected from the list of styles, and click Modify . Choose your preferred font and size from the Formatting menu.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Click OK to make the change to your default settings. You may name it as you wish.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Changing the default font in any template means that the newly set font will be used in every new document that is based on that template. For instance, the default font for new blank documents is based on the Normal   template. First, open the template or a document based on the template whose default settings you wish to change. Go to the  Format  menu at the top of the screen, click the  Font tab (or press the key combinations of ⌥⌘D ) .

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Make any changes that you want, and then click  Default .

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

You will have two options here: You can set the default font to the selected option for This document only or A ll documents based on the Normal template . Then click OK .

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

All documents should have automatically inserted page numbers shown in the upper right corner on all pages except the first page. Do not insert these page numbers manually. Use the  Header/Footer tool of Microsoft Word instead. 

Go to the View menu and choose Header and Footer.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

A header box will appear at the top and a footer box at the bottom. Click in the header box; you can type your last name or the title of your document, and make it align to the right or left as you wish.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Then, select Page Numbers from the Insert menu. 

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

If you want to show the number on the first page of your document, check the box next to Show number on first page . Set your Position and Alignment as you wish.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

For advanced options, click Format , and set other settings, such as your number format, chat numbers, page numbering, etc.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

When you are finished with the settings, click on the Close tab under the Header view. Each page of your document should now display a page number in the upper right corner that updates automatically when you make changes to your document. It will appear as grayed-out text unless you activate the Header and Footer   tool to make changes.

If you want to change the setting so that page numbers do not display on the first page of your document, click on Document under the Format drop-down menu and click on the Layout menu.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Under this menu, check the box next to Different First Page , and click OK . If required, remove the header that appears on the first page, and insert a header on the second page. This will automatically appear on all subsequent pages.

Choose Select All from the Edit menu. Select Paragraph under the Format drop-down menu. Choose your desired spacing from the Line spacing menu under the Spacing section. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

Select the Style from the Format drop-down menu. Make sure that Normal is selected from the list of styles, and click Modify . In the lower-left corner, select the Paragraph under the Format drop-down menu.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

In the Paragraph settings menu that pops up, change the settings for After to 0 pt under the Spacing menu.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

If you wish to create a new page, instead of using numerous returns before starting your bibliography, go to the Insert menu at the top of the screen. Select Page Break under the Break drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can press ⌘+Enter to insert a page break.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

If you need help with formatting your academic papers, contact us!

Best Edit & Proof expert editors aim to provide your manuscripts with proper scholarly and academic tone and style. They will significantly improve the chances of having your research manuscript accepted for publishing. They provide subject-area proofreading and editing services in several fields categorized under various disciplines. With our extensive knowledge and expertise, we will help you find the right tone and style for your manuscript.

If you need our subject-area editors to format your manuscripts, giving you the fundamental rules for formatting your manuscripts as described in your guidelines, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian styles, then contact us. At Best Edit & Proof, our proofreaders and editors edit  every type of academic paper . We have a user-friendly website and a simplified ordering process. 

If you would like our subject-area editors and language experts to work on your project for the improvement of its academic tone and style, then please visit the  order page.  It is easy! It takes only a few minutes to submit your paper and complete the process. Click  here   to see how it works.

We have flat-rate pricing based on our type of service (editing or proofreading), word count, and turnaround time. Enter your word count or copy and paste your document into our  pricing calculator   to get an instant quote.

Format Academic Papers in Microsoft Word 2020

If you need support for academic editing and proofreading,  contact us . You can also  e-mail  us or use the 24/7 live chat module to get direct support. Our doctorally qualified editors will polish and fine-tune your projects.

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  • Citation Styles
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Some might say that the only difference between academic and business writing is the fact that the former is practiced by scholars while the latter by professionals. However, when perused closely, one can discern some stark as well as nuanced demarcation between the two. For individuals, such as college graduates, who need to occasionally shift between academic writing and business writing, knowing these differences can help them format their respective documents appropriately.

how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007

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How to write a great research paper

Academic resource.

Simon Peyton Jones

This talk offers seven simple, concrete suggestions for how to improve your research papers. You may also find my talks on how to write a great research proposal  and how to give a great research talk  useful.

  • Powerpoint slides of the talk:  PDF   PPT  (you should feel free to repurpose these slides for your own use as long as you acknowledge ownership)
  • Another video of the talk (shorter: 34 mins), Cambridge Computer Lab, Spring 2013, with thanks to Neil Dodgson for the editing and production.
  • Slides translated into Arabic (Suzan Alkhodair),  Japanese (KADO Masanori), and another Japanese version
  • I have also collected a set of links to other useful material about technical writing, on the Other Resources tab

Related links

How to write a great research proposal

How to give a great research talk

Simon Peyton Jones: [email protected]

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Microsoft just made it way easier to write a research paper with Word

By Tom Warren , a senior editor covering Microsoft, PC gaming, console, and tech. He founded WinRumors, a site dedicated to Microsoft news, before joining The Verge in 2012.

Source Microsoft Office blog

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how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007

If you've used the last few versions of Word, you'll know it's really hard to pinpoint exactly what's changed. Word might feel feature complete right now, but Microsoft isn't giving up on adding new and interesting features. This month, Microsoft is adding a new Researcher feature to Word. As the name implies, it's designed to make research paper writing a lot easier.

Researcher uses Microsoft's Bing Knowledge Graph to query content from the internet and then pull it straight into Word. Microsoft has a curated list of trusted sources and reference materials which the company plans to expand upon over time. If you add source material, it will even automatically create the citation in your bibliography as part of your research paper. If you're a student using Office 365 then Researcher is available immediately, and Microsoft is planning to bring the feature to mobile variants of Office in the future.

Word's new editor is your very own proofing service

Alongside Researcher, Microsoft is also introducing a new Word Editor feature. While Word has had grammar and spellcheck features for years, this new Editor feature is more of an advanced proofing service. Microsoft is using its machine learning skills to process content, and the Editor will suggest improving your writing by flagging words that are used too frequently. It's more of a style guide initially, but Word will start teaching you words or phrases later this year to improve your writing style. Spelling edits will still be underlined with a red squiggle, and grammar with a blue double underline, but writing style suggestions will get their own gold dotted line.

Elsewhere, Excel might not be getting any new features this month but Outlook and PowerPoint haven't been left behind. Outlook is getting the Focused Inbox feature typically found on the mobile version of the app. It works the same way, allowing you to move email into the other section and ensure all your important messages remain in the focused version of your inbox. Mentions using the "@" symbol are also arriving today, letting you flag people in emails. Microsoft is planning to bring mentions to Outlook for iOS, Android, and Windows 10 Mobile in the future, but they're available for the desktop PC and Mac versions of Outlook today.

PowerPoint got a really interesting Morph feature last year , and Microsoft is introducing a similar Zoom addition today. Zoom is designed to make presentations a little more engaging so you can present slides with the use of sections. It's really designed to let the audience know exactly how long is left in the presentation, with a clear view of what section is being covered. Microsoft is introducing Zoom to PowerPoint 2016 on Windows PCs today.

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Grad Coach (R)

What’s Included: Research Paper Template

If you’re preparing to write an academic research paper, our free research paper template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples .

The template’s structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research papers. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your paper will have a smooth, logical flow from chapter to chapter.

The research paper template covers the following core sections:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Section 1: Introduction 
  • Section 2: Literature review 
  • Section 3: Methodology
  • Section 4: Findings /results
  • Section 5: Discussion
  • Section 6: Conclusion
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included links to free resources to help you understand how to write each section.

The cleanly formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

FAQs: Research Paper Template

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The research paper template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of research papers can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research papers, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level research paper?

This template can be used for a research paper at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my research paper be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. We include generic word count ranges for each section within the template, but these are purely indicative. 

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this research paper template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my research paper?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our private coaching services .

Free Webinar: Literature Review 101

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Installing Write-N-Cite

Instructions for Installing Write-N-Cite :

  • Windows Version
  • Mac Version

Using Write-N-Cite to Write and Format Your Paper

Write-N-Cite is a utility that allows users to run an abbreviated version of  RefWorks in Microsoft Word. You can access your references by folder (or sub-folder), by quick search or by all references with the ability to sort by author, title or year. With Write-N-Cite , you can cite references in a manuscript with just a click and watch your paper format instantly including in-text citations, footnotes and your bibliography.  The utility installs a RefWorks tab in the MS Word ribbon or you can access it from the References tab in Microsoft Word. Working online or offline is seamless – no need to be connected to the internet – and you can share documents between the Windows and Mac versions of Write-N-Cite seamlessly. Information on getting started with Write-N-Cite is listed below and the functionality applies to both online and offline usage. Write-N-Cite for Windows version 4.4.1376 System Requirements:

  • Windows Operating System
  • Windows 8 or later 
  • 256 MB of RAM
  • 20 MB of available hard-disk space
  • Internet connectivity (for downloading of tool and periodic database synchronization)

Write-N-Cite for Windows works best with Word 2013 and 2016 (32 bit versions). This version will NOT work with Word 2007 or Win 7, both which are no longer supported by Microsoft. Word 2007 and/or Win 7 users should use our Quick Cite feature or our Google Docs Add-on. Write-N-Cite will not work with Office 365 users using cloud-based app.  Word must be installed locally.

Write-N-Cite version version 4.4.1237 for Mac:  

  • Works with OS X 10.11 ( El Capitan), 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion) and 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
  • Word 2011 and  2008.
  • Mac OX 10.9 and 10.10 users must download Java 6 from Apple's support site replacing any previously installed versions:

Note:  Write-N-Cite for Mac does NOT work with Word 2016 at this time.

Working with Write-N-Cite

You can get started with Write-N-Cite easily and view the formatting of your in-text citations, footnotes and bibliography – all while you are writing your paper. To get started

  • Click "RefWorks” in your MS Word ribbon to launch Write-N-Cite
  • Select an output style
  • Insert in-text citations or footnotes and your bibliography
  • Save your paper

  Step 1. Launch Write-N-Cite Note :  The first time you launch Write-N-Cite, you must be connected to the internet in order to log in to your RefWorks library and sync it with Write-N-Cite . Tip:  In most cases, there is no need to log out of Write-N-Cite when you are not using it.  If you are using Write-N-Cite on a public computer without a personal login, you should log out of Write-N-Cite when you complete your work.  If someone does gain access to a system with your RefWorks library logged in to Write-N-Cite , they will not be able to change anything in your account since Write-N-Cite doesn’t have any features to edit your items. Logging In To  Write-N-Cite : 1. Click RefWorks from the Microsoft Word ribbon. 

how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007

  • Last Updated: Sep 21, 2023 8:19 AM
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how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007

Use an APA or MLA template to start a paper online

It's quick and easy to get started on a paper like this while you're online.

APA Paper template

Choose an APA template or MLA template , or other college-related template and open it in Word for the web to make it yours.

click More on

As you work on the paper, you'll probably want to rename it and edit the header with a running head of your own. When you cite sources, you'll want to add footnotes , and then compile your list of references (bibliography). Be sure also to include a table of contents that can update automatically. That way, you won't have to re-type page numbers every time you make changes that affect page breaks.

Work with others on your paper

If you're working with others, or even if you just want some feedback, you can easily share a link to the paper. People with the link can leave comments for you in the document.

When more than one person is editing in Word for the web, everyone will see each other's updates in the document. For more about how this works, see Work together on a document in Word for the web .

Turn in a hard-copy version

When you're finished, print out your paper to turn it in. You can do this with the paper still open in Word for the web. No need to save it first (that's already done for you).

To print, press Ctrl+P, and wait for the Print dialog.

Note:  If you don't see a Print dialog box, click the link for opening a PDF version of your paper. From there, use the PDF program's Print command.


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How To Write Better Sentences For A Research Paper?

How To Write Better Sentences For A Research Paper?

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Updated: May 17, 2024

When you’re faced with writing a research paper, coming up with clear, impactful sentences can be a headache. This is especially true when you aim to convey complex ideas effectively.

If you struggle with sentence structure or cannot express your thoughts clearly, this guide will help you.

From basic grammar to using AI tools, we’ll look at how to craft sentences that resonate with readers and bolster your arguments.

Understand the Basics of Sentence Structure

Understanding the basics of sentence structure is important in academic writing. Every sentence in your research paper is a building block, contributing to the clarity and persuasiveness of your argument. A good sentence begins with a clear focus: every word should help convey your main idea directly and effectively.

First, recognize the importance of a strong subject and verb combination. The subject of your sentence performs the action, which is described by the verb. Ensuring these elements are clear and concise prevents ambiguity and keeps the reader on their toes. For example: “The experiment demonstrates…” is more direct than saying: “It is demonstrated by the experiment that…”

Think about the structure of your sentences. A well-crafted sentence follows a logical pattern: subject, verb, object. Following this structure can make your writing easier while enhancing the article’s readability.

Finally, remember that every sentence you write should support the main point of your paragraph. Think of each sentence as a mini-argument that adds to your thesis, logically linking your ideas. Mastering these basics is the first step in ensuring that every sentence you write contributes substance.

Techniques for Enhancing Sentences

No, we weren’t about to leave you hanging. Here are some practical techniques that you can use to make each sentence add value to your research paper.

Achieving clarity is extremely important, especially in scientific writing and within your thesis statement. The argument must be clear to the reader immediately. One common issue is the overuse of complex sentences that muddy your points. Counter this by focusing on using active voice rather than passive voice. Passive voice can simply obscure “who” is performing the action.

Here’s an example: “The researcher conducted the experiment” (active) is clearer than: “The experiment was conducted by the researcher” (passive).

Also, when explaining processes or results that occurred in your study, past tense should be used consistently to maintain clarity. Ensure every verb in your sentence drives home a clear idea, supporting the main argument. So, when it comes to clarity, be sure to choose the right verb tense.

Sentence structure is an important part of keeping your academic articles engaging. The general rule is to mix different types of sentences to keep the reader’s interest and highlight key points.

Start by varying the length of your sentences: pair a shorter, impactful sentence with a longer, more descriptive one. This can prevent your writing from becoming boring. After a punchy statement, for example, extend the next sentence with additional details.

It’s also important to experiment with different starts to sentences . Using an adverb, an adjective, or a phrase to lead your thoughts can be helpful. Discussing your topics with various verbs also adds rhythm and dynamics to your text. Do this carefully, though: getting too creative with your diction can make a sentence more complex than it needs to be.

Trust us, it’s worth the effort to rephrase sentences to avoid repetitive structures and ensure your ideas are expressed as clearly and vividly as possible. This is key to crafting a compelling narrative for your article.


Powerful transitions are the glue that holds your essay together, guiding the reader smoothly from one idea to the next. The first sentence of each paragraph should serve as a bridge from the previous paragraph. The most important point of a new section should be introduced clearly and succinctly.

This helps the reader follow your argument without struggling through abrupt changes and disconnected points. For example, if one paragraph discusses a specific aspect of your research, the next could link that aspect to another, deepening the reader’s understanding of the topic.

Within a paragraph, each sentence should logically flow to the next , using transition words and phrases to signal the connection between ideas. Using transitions effectively clarifies the relationship between paragraphs and sentences. It also reinforces the overall structure of your paper, ensuring each point contributes meaningfully to your thesis.

Write Better Sentences With Smodin

Using Smodin in your academic writing can transform how you structure sentences in your research papers. Smodin is equipped with tools to refine your writing and ensure it’s crisp, engaging, and informative. With it, you can expect meticulous attention to detail. This allows you to present more details clearly in your discussions.

The subject of your paper is handled with precision, backed by artificial intelligence (AI) that enriches your argument with well-structured ideas and only the relevant evidence.

Smodin’s AI tools help maintain a sharp focus on the topic at hand and select the best words to articulate your ideas. This can be particularly useful when you must express many research findings within a small word limit. Plus, Smodin’s ability to generate references accurately and integrate them seamlessly enhances credibility and saves you tons of time.

We should also mention that Smodin’s suite of AI writing tools goes way beyond just restructuring sentences. You can also do plagiarism checks and receive comprehensive research assistance, supporting your writing at every step.

Final Thoughts

To become a “good writer,” you must master sentence structure and clarity. It won’t be easy at first, but you can do it!

Present your subject in a way that resonates with your reader, ensuring that each sentence builds on the last to form a coherent argument. Eventually, with practice and attention to detail, you’ll improve.

Remember, you can speed this up by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence. Smodin lets you start for free, so what are you waiting for?


  1. How to create a Research Paper in Word

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  2. How to write research paper on MS word

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  3. How to format research paper in Word [Download Template]

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  6. How to write research paper in word

    how to write a research paper in microsoft word 2007


  1. Writing References using MS word

  2. How to Write a Research Paper (Steps & Examples)

  3. How to Insert Page Numbers into Your Research Paper in Word (Starting from Page 3)

  4. How to write a research paper with MS WORD Office

  5. Microsoft Word 2007 Basic For Beginners

  6. How to create a Research Paper in Word


  1. PDF Microsoft Word 2007: Formatting Your Research Paper using APA Style

    A well-formatted title page can set the tone for your entire paper. To create a title page: Click on the Insert tab. Click the Page Number button in the Header and Footer group. On the Page Number menu, select Top of Page. Select Plain Number 3 from the choices that appear on the left side of your screen.

  2. Research your paper easily within Word

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  3. Formatting a Research Paper in Word: Home

    Title of Paper. Center Align Text using Ctrl+C . Type the title of your paper, capitalizing the first letter of the of the first word and then the first letter of every word except conjunctions, prepositions, and articles. <Enter> Note: You will need to left align text (Ctrl+L) before beginning body of the paper.

  4. How to Use Researcher in Microsoft Word for Essays and Papers

    Open Researcher in Microsoft Word. To use the Researcher tool, open the "References" tab of your Word document. Click "Researcher" from the "Research" section of the ribbon. When the pane opens on the right, type a term into the Search box and you're on your way!

  5. Research a paper in Word

    Select Reference > Researcher. In the search box, type a keyword for the topic you're researching, and press Enter. Choose a topic in the Results pane. Or, select the plus sign in the upper right hand corner of on any result to begin an outline, add the result as a topic heading, and save a link to the result in a comment. Explore the text in ...

  6. Microsoft Word

    Video lecture introduction to Microsoft Office and covering basic Microsoft Word functionality when you need to create a research paper.

  7. Write great papers with Microsoft Word

    Researcher uses Bing to search the web and deliver high-quality research sources to the side of your page. Search for people, places, or ideas and then sort by journal articles and websites. Add a source to your page by selecting the plus sign. As you write, Researcher saves a record of your searches. Just select My Research to see the complete ...

  8. Formatting Research Papers in Word: A Guide

    Fortunately, creating a template document can make this process much easier. To start setting up your research paper template: Open up an empty word processor document. Choose "Format" from the toolbar and select "Page Setup". You may now specify all desired parameters of your page size (A4 or Letter-sized) margins, gutter settings and ...

  9. Formatting a Research Paper in Word: The Basics

    To format Word documents correctly for either MLA or APA styles: Open a new blank document in Microsoft Word and go to File > Page Setup. Under Margins tab set Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins 1 inch respectively if using MLA Style. . (Or set them at 2 inches if following APA guidelines)..

  10. Research Guides: Formatting Papers: Microsoft Word

    Additional Links. Check out the Basic Formatting page for quick, easy instructions on how to format your paper using Microsoft Word. For more indepth tutorials or to learn advanced word processing skills check out Linkedin Learning, formerly known as Linkedin is a professional social network that has recently expanded to maintain and ...

  11. How To Write A Research Paper (FREE Template

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  12. HOW TO

    Instructions: Go to the Format menu, drag down to Style, make sure "Normal" is selected from the list of styles, and click "modify.". In the lower left corner, select the dropdown menu that starts with "Format" and drag down to Paragraph. In the paragraph settings menu that pops up, change the settings for Spacing After to 0pt.

  13. LibGuides: APA Style Guide: Formatting Your Paper

    Below is a template you can use every time you need to set-up a research paper using APA style format. Simply open the template and type your own information every time you need to write an APA style research paper. Microsoft Word 2013 will allow you to save personal templates. Once you have the template opened in Word. Click "Save as"

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  15. How to write a great research paper

    This talk offers seven simple, concrete suggestions for how to improve your research papers. You may also find my talks on how to write a great research proposal and how to give a great research talk useful. Powerpoint slides of the talk: PDF PPT (you should feel free to repurpose these slides for your own use as long as you acknowledge ...

  16. Microsoft just made it way easier to write a research paper with Word

    This month, Microsoft is adding a new Researcher feature to Word. As the name implies, it's designed to make research paper writing a lot easier. Researcher uses Microsoft's Bing Knowledge Graph ...

  17. PDF Formatting an APA Style Paper in Microsoft Word 2007

    Click on "Insert" and then select the "Header" option. Next, select "Edit Header" at the bottom of that new window. Type the running head in all uppercase letters (APA RULES in this example). After typing the running head, remember to tab over to the 1" right margin (should take 2 tabs) and select "Page Number".

  18. Free Research Paper Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    If you're preparing to write an academic research paper, our free research paper template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples.. The template's structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research papers. The template structure reflects the overall ...

  19. Using Write-N-Cite for Microsoft Word to Write and Format Your Paper

    Step 1. Launch Write-N-Cite Note: The first time you launch Write-N-Cite, you must be connected to the internet in order to log in to your RefWorks library and sync it with Write-N-Cite. Tip: In most cases, there is no need to log out of Write-N-Cite when you are not using it. If you are using Write-N-Cite on a public computer without a personal login, you should log out of Write-N-Cite when ...

  20. Setting-up Microsoft Word before starting Thesis / Research Paper Write

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  21. How To Write A Research Paper in Microsoft Word 2007

    How to Write a Research Paper in Microsoft Word 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  22. i cant make the paper right there is some oh work come up with another

    I want to solve a problem when I write a scientific research and use many pages to make it a suitable research, but there is a problem that the titles are overlapping with the words that are on the i cant make the paper right there is some oh work come up with another pages

  23. Use an APA or MLA template to start a paper online

    Choose an APA template or MLA template, or other college-related template and open it in Word for the web to make it yours. You'll be on the Templates for Word page. In the list of categories, click College Tools. As you work on the paper, you'll probably want to rename it and edit the header with a running head of your own.

  24. How To Write Better Sentences For A Research Paper?

    Understanding the basics of sentence structure is important in academic writing. Every sentence in your research paper is a building block, contributing to the clarity and persuasiveness of your argument. A good sentence begins with a clear focus: every word should help convey your main idea directly and effectively.