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How to write a vision statement: Steps and examples

Julia Martins contributor headshot

The vision statement is designed to inspire employees, compel investors, and engage the imaginations of your customers. It paints a picture of your company's future and the impact you want your business to have on the world.

It takes work and creativity to write an inspiring vision statement. Here, we'll break down the elements of a great vision statement, guide you through the process, and walk through a few examples of excellent vision statements and explain what makes them great.

What is a vision statement?

A vision statement is your company’s guiding beacon. It zooms out to give perspective on the overarching reasons for your company's mission. Rather than articulating the specifics of your business operations, the vision statement describes how your company seeks to impact and improve the world around it.

Vision statement vs. mission statement

While both statements help define your company's character and personality, there are some key differences between a vision statement and a mission statement.

The mission statement describes what your company does in the present. It's comprised of three parts: what you do, how you do it, and why you do it. 

A vision statement outlines the company's long-term goals and aspirations for the future in terms of its long-term growth and impact on the world. Your mission defines what your organization does and what you stand for, while your vision statement speaks to your goals and ideals for the future. 

[inline illustration] Vision vs. mission statement (infographic)

Characteristics of a great vision statement

Vision statements are like snowflakes—each one is unique to its company in length, form, structure, and scope. Your vision statement should reflect your company's personality. However, there are a few traits that all great vision statements share. No matter how unique a statement is in terms of size, shape, or structure, a good vision statement should be:

The purpose of a vision statement is to inspire employees, investors, and customers to believe in your company's mission. Great vision statements are aspirational and ambitious. They convey a sense of passion for the ideal future toward which the company is working.

Though your vision needs to be ambitious in order to be inspiring, it shouldn't be so far out of reach that it feels impossible. You want to choose something that your company will have to strive for, but a completely unattainable goal isn't a vision—it's a fantasy.

A vision statement connects your company mission to your goals, but it isn’t a goal in and of itself. If your vision statement feels too finite or specifically achievable, try to zoom out and broaden the scope of your vision.

Don’t try to cram every detail of your vision into your vision statement—be strategic in selecting the ideas that feel the most relevant and compelling to your stakeholders . You might dream of someday having offices in every major city in the world, but your vision statement should focus on aspirations that speak to your company's mission and purpose.

[inline illustration] Characteristics of a great vision statement (infographic)

Vision statement writing tips

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind as you start writing your vision statement:

Collaborate. The vision statement should reflect the character of your entire company, and there's no better way to accomplish this than to write the statement alongside key members of your team. Gather leaders from across the organization to participate in vision statement brainstorms, and run drafts by these same people to get buy-in on your final vision statement.

Write first, edit later. Don't try to write a succinct, well-crafted vision statement right out of the gate. Put everything you think of down on paper, no matter how small. You may not see the value in a particular idea when it crosses your mind, but if you write it down anyway, it may spark better ideas later on.

Keep your own vision statement separate. Many people have personal vision statements that reflect their individual goals, and if you're a business owner, our own vision statement may overlap strongly with the vision of your company. It's important to keep your personal aspirations and your company's vision separate, so that your company's vision statement is something that your entire company can relate to and feel represented by. 

Avoid buzzwords and jargon. Using "industry-speak" makes a brand feel aloof and inaccessible, even to people within the industry. Plain language is always more powerful than jargon, so if you find yourself falling back on buzzwords, isolate the phrase in question and picture a friend or family member asking, "What does this actually mean?" Write or record the explanation you would give to that person and use that language to replace the buzzwords in your vision statement.

Avoid ambiguity. Vision statements don't have to be concrete the way a mission statement should be, but you want to avoid using words that could potentially be interpreted in a way that changes the entire vision statement's meaning. You won't be there to clarify or offer context to everyone who reads your statement, so it needs to be able to stand on its own.

7 steps to write your company's vision statement

There's a lot more to crafting a great vision statement than just writing a few sentences. In order to create a statement that's truly aspirational and inspiring, you're going to need to do a little bit of work. Here's our seven-step process to write a great vision statement:

1. Identify important stakeholders

Your vision statement speaks on behalf of your entire company, so make a list of co-founders, fellow executives, and high-level employees who can help you craft and refine your statement so that it represents your organization as a whole. Getting buy-in from company leaders is also a smart strategic move—the more they believe in the vision statement, the better they'll model it in their daily work and communicate it to their own departments and teams.

Make a second list of stakeholders that represent your vision statement's audience. This list may consist of personas rather than actual people, and should include:

Board members

Partner organizations

Different customer personas


Depending on your industry, this list may be longer or shorter; the main point is to write down a basic overview of the group of people you're writing for. If you're only thinking about your customers, your vision statement may not feel as relatable to employees or might not inspire potential funders to invest. Check your drafts against this list to make sure it feels applicable to all of your key stakeholders.

2. Start with a list of keywords

Ultimately, you're aiming to craft a few concise sentences—and the process of crafting those sentences will be a lot easier if you have a "word bank" of sorts to draw from as you write. Hold an open brainstorming session with your internal stakeholders to come up with a keyword list. 

Make sure your keyword list is comprehensive by subdividing it into smaller categories and making sure you have a good list of keywords for each. At a minimum, you should collect keywords related to:

Your product or service

Your mission and values

Your company's goals and initiatives

Your company's long-term strategic plan

Adjectives that describe your company, product, teams, community, and ideal future (e.g. expert, innovative, affordable, inspiring)

Adverbs that describe the way in which your company operates (e.g. flexibly, sustainably, cooperatively, fearlessly)

Just like your list of stakeholders, the number and type of keyword lists you should generate will vary depending on your industry and company. The important thing is to create a document filled with keywords that you can draw from as your writing, if you get stuck trying to communicate an idea, or if you need to replace some jargon-y text.

3. Answer foundational company questions

In addition to your keywords document, take time during your brainstorm to answer the following questions:

What is our organization’s main purpose?

What are our company’s main strengths?

What are our company values?

Why does what we’re building matter?

How do we want to make a difference as a company?

What is our vision for our company culture ?

What are our most ambitious goals?

What impact do we want our company to have on the world?

What are our company wants? What about company needs?

If our company succeeded in everything it set out to do, how would the world be different?

4. Sort your answers by importance

By the time you're finished brainstorming, you should have a lot of stuff written down.Put all of this content aside for a few days, so that your mind is clear when you return for the next step: deciding what goes in your vision statement and what gets left on the cutting room floor.

Sit down with your vision statement tiger team and a highlighter and review everything you have written down. Highlight ideas and phrases that your group feels are the most important to your company, and cross out items that you're ready to eliminate from consideration (however, don't throw this content out entirely—everything you brainstormed can be helpful in creating other important documents, like your core values, roadmap, or business plan). 

5. Write your company's vision out longform

At the end of step four, you'll have a smaller "word bank" of your most important phrases, ideas, keywords, and answers to foundational company questions. Your next step will be to organize these ideas into sentences that flow logically and are ordered according to your company's priorities.

Right now, don't worry about length—focus instead on communicating your vision in a way that makes sense, touches all of the key points you want to include, and feels relatable to your stakeholders and your audience. It's much easier to edit a long but comprehensive statement than it is to bulk up a statement that's missing pieces.

6. Step back and evaluate

Before you go through the work of editing your vision down to size, take a step back and look at your vision paragraph from afar. This is another point where you may benefit from setting it aside for a few days and returning with fresh eyes.

As you review your vision paragraph, check for the following things:

Is it ambitious enough? Your paragraph should feel aspirational, not like a finite goal to be accomplished.

Is it too ambitious? Make sure you strike a balance between idealistic and unrealistic.

Does it accurately reflect your organization? Run your paragraph by internal stakeholders who weren’t involved in creating it, and as for their feedback on what may be missing, what parts may be unnecessary, or how certain ideas may be phrased more effectively.

Does it make sense? Have friends and family members read your paragraph to confirm that it makes sense to the average reader.

7. Write your final vision statement

Once you've adjusted your vision paragraph and made the changes you wanted to make, it's time to edit your vision paragraph down to a vision statement. In many cases, your paragraph may naturally shrink as you solicit and implement feedback from others, and you may even want to specifically ask for opinions on how your paragraph could be more concise.

Here are a few ways to shorten your vision paragraph:

Eliminate what's unnecessary. Now that you've stepped away from your paragraph a few times and gotten a few rounds of feedback, are there any phrases or ideas that don't feel as necessary as they did when you wrote it? Cut any parts that feel lackluster or less impactful than the rest of the paragraph.

Look for synonyms. Are there any areas where you used several words to say something that there's already a word for? For example, you might replace the phrase "give people the ability to," with "provide access."

Edit each concept individually. Chop your paragraph into sentences and chop your sentences into phrases. Pick up each small segment on its own and see if you can come up with a shorter way to phrase it. It helps if you evaluate the smaller segments out of order—hopping around or going backwards piece by piece will help you notice things that your brain smooths over when you're reading a full sentence.

When your vision statement is finished, bring it back around to your stakeholders to get final feedback and make any finishing tweaks. 

Vision statement examples

There's no way around it—writing a vision statement is hard, especially if it's your first time doing so. Before you get started, or if you get stuck and need to spark some new ideas, take a look at some of these example vision statements for inspiration. 

Note that not all companies have both a mission and a vision statement. Some companies combine the two into a single small paragraph that touches on tangible objectives (mission) as well as more long-reaching aspirations (vision). In some cases, companies won't label either statement, encasing them in a broader page dedicated to "purpose," "who we are," or another similar title.

Here, we've gathered mission and vision statements for a few companies that have publicly set both. 

Mission: To act in the public interest, BBC serves all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.

Vision: To be the most creative company in the world.

Mission: IKEA offers a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at low and accessible prices.

Vision: To create a better everyday life for the many people.

Southwest Airlines

Mission: Southwest connects people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel.

Vision: To become the world’s most loved, most flown, and most profitable airline.

Mission: Hasbro creates the world's best play and entertainment experiences.

Vision: To make the world a better place for all children, fans and families.

Mission: To make things universally accessible and useful, Google organizes the world's information.

Vision: To significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible.

Mission: To harness the next wave of innovation and solve customers’ toughest challenges, VMware uses disruptive technologies like edge computing, AI, blockchain, machine learning, Kubernetes, and more.

Vision: To build a sustainable, equitable and more secure future for all.

Use your vision statement to help you grow

A company's vision statement is a living document—it should adapt and change as your company achieves its business goals and sets new ones, grows in size, expands its offerings, and updates its mission. Revisit your vision statement once every year or so to make sure it still accurately reflects your company's ideal future; if not, adjust it! 

But for now, enjoy the fact that your vision statement is written. Share it with your team, announce it to your customers, and use it to proudly guide your company forward.

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Small Business Trends

What is a vision statement and how to write one (+examples and template).

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A vision statement is an integral part of the foundation of any business. A well-crafted vision statement should be inspiring, meaningful, and easy to remember while clarifying the organization’s ambitions and values.

In this article, we will examine what exactly a vision statement is, explore how to write one effectively, and provide access to examples and templates to help you get started. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

What is a Vision Statement?

A company vision statement is a crucial element in defining an organization’s identity and aspirations. It is an important cornerstone that informs a company’s strategy, operations, and culture. Here is an expanded explanation of what a vision statement is:

  • Declaration of Purpose : A vision statement is a declaration of an organization’s mission and purpose. It outlines the company’s primary objectives and provides an overview of its ultimate goals. This helps inform all business decisions and strategies, ensuring that they align with the company’s purpose.
  • Represents Brand Values : The vision statement embodies the brand values that the organization upholds. It communicates what the company stands for and believes in, helping to establish its reputation and image in the eyes of stakeholders.
  • Identifies Desired End State : A vision statement clearly identifies the desired end-state of the business. It describes where the company aspires to be in the future, serving as a beacon to guide all its efforts.
  • Road Map for Future Goals : The vision statement acts as a road map for how to achieve the organization’s future goals. It’s not overly specific, leaving room for innovation and adaptation as the business environment changes. This general but forward-looking nature distinguishes it from a business plan, which tends to be more detailed and specific.
  • Inspires and Motivates : An effective vision statement is inspiring, motivating employees, customers, and stakeholders alike. It paints an optimistic picture of the company’s future, stirring enthusiasm and commitment among those associated with the company.
  • Provides Direction and Clarity : A vision statement provides direction and clarity to stakeholders, helping them understand what the company aims to achieve in the long run. This clear sense of direction can be a powerful tool in decision making and strategy formulation.
  • Brief and Memorable : Ideally, a vision statement should be brief and memorable so that it can be easily communicated and understood. This ensures that it remains at the forefront of everyone’s mind, acting as a constant reminder of the company’s ultimate goals.

When you write a business plan , it should be more detailed and concrete, providing the specific steps your company will take to achieve the goals outlined in your vision statement. It should articulate the path towards the company’s vision, outlining the strategies, tactics, and resources needed to get there. Thus, a vision statement is not only a reflection of a company’s aspirations but also a key component that shapes its future actions and strategies.

vision statement

How to Write a Vision Statement

Writing a vision statement can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step and equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to write an effective, inspiring vision statement.

Step 1: Identify Your Goals

vision statement

The first step in writing a vision statement is to identify your long-term goals for the company. You may refer to your business plan, mission, and personal brand statement for ideas. The following questions can also help you identify relevant points. What do you want to achieve? What does success look like three, five, or ten years from now? These questions will help you define the core purpose of your business.

It’s also important to consider any short-term objectives or milestones that have been set. You may find that some objectives are more achievable than others and must be adjusted accordingly. By taking this into account, you can create a realistic yet ambitious vision statement that will keep everyone motivated throughout the journey.

Step 2: Gather Input From Others

vision statement

Once you’ve identified your goals, it’s time to get input from other stakeholders in the company such as employees, customers, and shareholders. Ask them what they think should be included in the vision statement and how they would like to see their individual contributions reflected in it.

Gathering input from others helps provide perspective on different aspects of your business and ensures that everyone is working towards the same end goal.

Step 3: Write It Down

vision statement

Now comes the fun part – writing down your vision statement! Start by summarizing what you’ve learned so far such as what are your core values as a business, who are your customers, what you offer them, and where you want to go in the future.

Be sure to use concise language that speaks directly to these topics, as well as evokes emotion by showcasing why this journey matters for both yourself and those involved with you along the way.

Step 4: Finalize & Publish Your Vision Statement

vision statement

When crafting and editing your vision statement, make sure it’s something you can easily explain and believe in wholeheartedly. This is key for providing direction when making decisions down the line.

Once finalized, don’t forget to share it with all stakeholders so that everyone knows what lies ahead and how they can contribute towards achieving those goals. By keeping the vision statement visible and alive, it will serve as a reminder of the company’s purpose and inspire everyone to keep pushing forward.

vision statement

Vision Statement Template

A vision statement template provides a framework for creating an inspiring and effective vision statement. It asks questions about your company’s goals, values, and intended audience to help you create a statement that is meaningful and motivating.

Once you have answered the questions in the template, you can fill in the necessary sections in the template below to form the statement itself.

Our vision is to (describe goal/long-term objective) , while providing (describe services provided) , as well as striving towards (describe values) . We will inspire our (audience) by upholding our commitment to (list specific objectives or values) , ultimately leading to our success in achieving (key results or desired outcomes) .

what is vision statement

22 Vision Statement Examples

How are some of the world’s most successful organizations defining their own visions? What do you think of their inspiring vision statements?

Check out the following 22 examples of good vision statements from famous companies that you can use as inspiration to create your own vision statement:

Ikea’s vision statement reads , “Our vision is to create a better everyday life for many people.”

2. Linkedin

In its vision statement, LinkedIn defines what sets the company apart from other social media platforms when it says , “Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”

3. Patagonia

Patagonia’s vision statement states : “Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.”

The Ford Motor Company’s vision statement says , “People working together as a lean, global enterprise to make people’s lives better through automotive and mobility leadership.”

5. Southwest Airlines

Southwest’s vision statement states , “To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.”

Tesla’s vision statement reads, “Create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”

7. San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo’s vision statement says, “To become a world leader at connecting people to wildlife and conservation.”

8. The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy’s vision statement looks to the company’s future and encompasses its values : “To leave a sustainable world for future generations.”

9. AT&T

AT&T’s vision statement reads , “To build a new global communications network that allows human resources to reallocate to more complex and productive activities – within a decade.”

10. Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson uses the following vision statement to inspire healthier communities: “For every person to use their unique experiences and backgrounds, together – to spark solutions that create a better, healthier world.”

The BBC ‘s vision statement is short and sweet: “To be the most creative organization in the world.”

12. Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s defines its core values in the following mission statement: “Making the best ice cream in the nicest possible way.”

what is vision statement

Short Business Vision Statement Examples

Creating a strong and concise vision statement can be difficult, even though the companies on our list make it look easy.

Here are some short business vision statement examples that you can use to model your own unique vision statement.

13. Feeding America

Feeding America’s short business vision statement describes the organization’s efforts: “A hunger-free America.”

The TED organization presents the world’s information and uses a short vision statement: “Spread ideas.”

Zoom’s short vision statement reads , “Video communications empowering people to accomplish more.”

Oxfam’s vision statement is simple and describes the company’s commitment: “A just world without poverty.”

17. Whole Foods

Whole Foods’ inspiring vision statement says , “To nourish people and the planet.”

In its vision statement, the world’s premier entertainment company says its vision is, “To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.”

Amazon’s vision statement shows the company isn’t afraid to dream big; it reads, “Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

IBM uses a vision statement detailing its overarching vision, saying, “To be the world’s most successful and important information technology company. Successful in helping our customers apply technology to solve their problems. Successful in introducing this extraordinary technology to new customers. Important because we will continue to be the basic resource of much of what is invested in this industry.”

21. McDonald’s

McDonald’s vision statement describes its values : “To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even better McDonald’s serving more customers delicious food each day around the world.”

22. Warby Parker

The Warby Parker vision statement confirms the company’s direction is to offer designer eyewear; it reads, “We believe that buying glasses should be easy and fun. It should leave you happy and good-looking, with money in your pocket. We also believe that everyone has the right to see.”

vision statement

Why Vision Statements are so Important for Businesses

A vision statement is undeniably one of the vital parts of a strategic planning process in business. It serves as the guiding light, providing both direction and energy to all business operations. Here are the reasons why a vision plan is so important for businesses:

  • Clear Direction : A vision statement provides a clear direction of where the organization wants to go. It outlines the end goal, helping employees understand the path the company is taking and align their individual efforts accordingly.
  • Guidance and Motivation : Vision statements offer guidance to employees, stakeholders, and even customers about the long-term objectives of the organization. They are inspirational, meant to encourage and motivate everyone involved with the company.
  • Foundation for Marketing Plan : A vision statement can serve as the basis for your company’s marketing plan . It can inform branding, messaging, and strategic initiatives, ensuring your marketing efforts are aligned with your company’s future goals.
  • Informs the Action Plan : A vision statement supports the company’s action plan. By clarifying the ultimate goal, it ensures that all new initiatives and strategies are supporting the company’s vision. This helps maintain coherence and focus in the business operations.
  • Decision-Making Tool : Having a vision statement simplifies decision-making processes. When faced with options, the question becomes, “Which choice better aligns with our vision?” This can prevent the company from straying off course or getting distracted by short-term gains.
  • Sets Expectations and Energizes Teams : A strong vision statement creates a sense of purpose, stimulates commitment, and energizes teams to work towards the set vision. It can help in building a unified team working in sync for a common goal.
  • Enhances Business Growth and Success : A well-defined vision statement sets the stage for business growth and success. It helps in identifying opportunities, improving performance, and inspiring innovation, all crucial for the company’s expansion and profitability.

Thus, having a well-crafted vision statement is not just a good practice, but a necessity for any business aiming for long-term success. It serves as a constant reminder of what the company wants to achieve, steering all business operations in the same direction.

vision statement

Mission Statement Vs Vision Statement

The company mission statement and the vision statement are two distinct concepts, but both mission and vision statements have one major thing in common – they are each used to define the future goals and values of a business.

A company’s mission statement describes what an organization does in the present day, while a vision statement outlines an ambitious goal for what it wishes to achieve in the next five to ten years.

Both vision and mission statements should be concise, inspiring, and achievable, enabling everyone in the organization to share a unified purpose and move forward together toward success.

what is vision statement

Characteristics of Amazing Vision Statements

A vision statement is a guiding document that helps to articulate the future aspirations of an organization.

For example, the Starbucks vision statement is “To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.” A great vision statement should have four key characteristics:

vision statement

Clarity is essential when crafting a compelling vision statement. It should communicate what the organization wants to accomplish in an easy-to-understand manner, avoiding any complex language or jargon.

Clarity allows everyone involved in the organization to clearly comprehend the what, why, and how of the statement and serves as a rallying cry for all stakeholders. A clear, concise, and compelling vision statement can help shape the direction of an organization for the better.

vision statement

Having a focused vision statement is essential for any organization’s future aspirations. It should define the specific goals and objectives of the organization, and how they plan to achieve them.

It should also help make sure that everyone involved in the organization is on the same page and working towards a shared goal.

A focused vision statement should be detailed enough for people to understand what their role is in contributing to the success of the organization, but broad enough to leave room for growth and development.


vision statement

Inspiration is a key component of an amazing vision statement. It allows the reader to get an idea of what the company stands for and why they are striving to reach its goals.

A great vision statement should inspire and motivate people to take action, while also providing a clear sense of direction. Inspiration can come from the company values, or from stories of real-world successes.

When done correctly, inspiring statements can help build trust and strengthen relationships between consumers and businesses.


vision statement

Feasibility is an important characteristic of an amazing vision statement. The statement should be realistic and achievable, while still pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

The vision must have a balance between ambition and practicality to ensure that it will be taken seriously by stakeholders. It must also align with the company’s current capabilities and resources in order to be believable.

In addition, it should address any potential obstacles that may occur on the way to achieving the goals set by the vision.

what is vision statement

Tips on How to Write a Good Vision Statement

How can you describe your entire business’s vision in just a few words? It is possible to create the perfect vision statement for your small business with creativity, focus, and effort. The following few tips for writing a vision statement should help:

  • Don’t be afraid to dream big and focus on the future of your organization. What can the company be in the years to come? What do you want to be known for?
  • Ensure that your vision statement reflects the core values and ethos of your business. It should be a true representation of what your business stands for and its fundamental beliefs.
  • Make it memorable and bring inspiration. What sets your organization apart from the competition? Be sure and highlight what makes your small business unique, and choose a language that inspires those within the organization to achieve its goals.
  • Highlight the impact you want your business to have on your customers, community, or even the world. This adds depth to your vision, showing that your goals extend beyond just profitability.
  • While it’s important to dream big, your vision should still be within the realm of possibility. It should challenge and motivate your team but remain achievable.
  • input from your employees or team members. Their insights can provide different perspectives and help craft a vision statement that resonates with everyone in the organization.
  • Consider what makes your business different and superior to competitors. Your vision statement should mirror these unique aspects, setting you apart in the industry.
  • Choose clear and specific language . Dreaming big doesn’t have to mean being vague, and the perfect vision statement should be specific enough to influence future decisions. Remember, you aren’t talking about the past, so be sure and write the vision statement in the present tense.
  • Consider how you want your business to be remembered in the long term. A good vision statement often encapsulates the legacy you aim to leave.
  • Your vision statement should be dynamic enough to evolve as your business grows and adapts to changing market conditions or customer needs.
  •  After drafting your vision statement, test it with a small group of stakeholders. Gather feedback and refine the statement to ensure it clearly communicates your intended message and resonates with your audience.
  • Keep it short . The best vision statements are not longer than a sentence or two, and many of the most memorable consist of just a few words.

Final Words

A well-crafted vision statement is a key component of any successful business. It outlines an inspiring goal that everyone in the organization can strive toward, provides guidance for decision-making, and helps to ensure that initiatives are focused on achieving the ultimate mission.

With some planning and creativity, anyone can craft a great vision statement using examples or templates as a starting point. When done right, it can ignite passion and motivation in employees and stakeholders alike – setting your business up for success.

However, if done incorrectly and without the proper care and consideration, it can do the opposite. So, take your time and create something that you and everyone else in your organization can believe in.

Image: Envato Elements

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A Vision Statement Is Integral To An Organizations Strategic Plan

  • January 19, 2023

What Is a Vision Statement? 25 Powerful Examples to Inspire Your Own

  • --> Written by Toni Hoy

One of the first steps in establishing a new organization is generating a vision statement that reflects the initial inspiration many founders feel when they decide to create their nonprofits. It’s purpose cannot be minimized, the vision statement speaks to the organization’s intention and why the organization needs to exist.

All organizations, including for-profit companies, nonprofits, charities and other groups, use vision statements to guide them with their essential work. They need to be clear on what role they will serve in the organization. Here, you’ll discover the following:

  • Vision statement definition
  • What is the purpose of a vision statement and why is it important?
  • Vision vs. mission statement
  • How to write a vision statement
  • 25 vision statement examples

What Is a Vision Statement?

So what is the meaning of ‘vision statement’? A vision statement is a written document that describes where an organization is going and what it will look like when it gets there.

The length of a business vision statement is not generally a consideration. It can be short, long or anywhere in between. The important thing is to write it clearly and thoughtfully. Why? Because a it is a basis for everything a nonprofit does. For example, the board relies on the vision statement when making strategic plans and decisions. Moreover, the staff and volunteers also look to the vision statement for long-term direction, and donors will read your it when deciding whether to support your nonprofit.

Because your board will be referring to your business vision statement often, be sure to store it with your nonprofit’s mission statement in your  BoardEffect  board management system so board members can refer to it as needed.

Why Is a Vision Statement Important?

The board of directors needs to understand the importance of creating a thoughtful vision statement — it is at the heart of everything else they do.

A vision statement is meant to be shared and proud of. The vision communicates your organization’s value and commitment to achieving its goals.

Has your board considered the following reasons for taking sufficient time to create a meaningful vision statement?

  • Provides a clear picture of the value your nonprofit gives to the community.
  • Makes the contributions of your donors, staff, and volunteers more meaningful and inspires them.
  • Helps attract and engage passionate, engaged people outside your regular networks.
  • Clarifies the scope of your nonprofit’s work.
  • Stands as a public commitment to following through on achieving your nonprofit’s goals.

A long-term approach to business means that the company desires to serve like-minded customers. A vision statement caters to the characteristics and lifestyle of the customers they serve as well as the market conditions.

Vision vs. Mission Statement: What’s the Difference?

While the two terms are closely related, there is a distinct difference between a vision and a  mission statement . Each statement has a reason for existing and should not get used interchangeably

The most notable difference between a vision and a mission statement is the timeframe — a vision statement reflects the hopes of the future, and the mission statement reflects what is happening now.

The mission statement defines the nonprofit’s  purpose , and it speaks to the original inspiration for the nonprofit. The length of mission statements varies from a short sentence to a few short sentences. A mission statement describes what the nonprofit is currently doing, who it serves and the benefits it provides.

Unlike a mission statement, which speaks to current programs and activities, a vision statement says where the nonprofit hopes to be once it fulfills its mission. Good vision statements are forward-thinking statements that sketch out what the nonprofit hopes to see in the future through its work.

How to Write a Vision Statement

Nonprofit board members should consider themselves visionary leaders who can communicate the nonprofit’s vision to others.

Writing a vision statement is a critical step in building a nonprofit. For that reason, nonprofit boards use their planning time wisely and give the process of writing sufficient time to create a statement that is clear and inspiring.

In forming your vision statement, your board may want to consider the following questions:

  • What is our nonprofit’s true purpose?
  • What do we hope our nonprofit can achieve?
  • What are the core values that should be reflected in our vision statement?
  • In what ways does the mission statement align with the core values of our nonprofit?
  • How does the vision statement align with our nonprofit’s culture?
  • Will our strategic goals for the next 5-10 years enable our statement to come to fruition?

As challenging as the process is, being part of a group that creates a nonprofit vision statement is rewarding. In creating a good statement, members of the group can give their nonprofit’s vision life by articulating it in words.

A quality vision statement has the following characteristics:

  • Forward-thinking
  • Aligned with the nonprofit’s mission, core values, and culture

When creating your vision statement, avoid using jargon and make it inspiring.

Creating a Compelling Vision Statement: Step-by-Step

  • Assemble a Team  — Get input from outside the team. Ask for ideas from the founders, staff, volunteers, donors, and members of the community.
  • Be Clear on the Nonprofit’s Purpose  — Keep the nonprofit’s purpose at the center of your work. Write it in large letters and display it in your team’s work area.
  • Create a Backward Roadmap  — Start at your end goal of what you want to see and start working backward toward the present. Next, write out detailed steps that create a timeline that takes you from the current time to 5-10 years in the future.
  • Make It Concise  — While it’s important to have an ambitious vision, the vision statement must be powerful, yet realistic. Narrow it down to a few sentences.
  • Get Feedback and Revise — A vision statement typically sounds awesome to the work team, but the first draft does not always translate as proficiently to others. Get feedback from others, consider it carefully, and revise it as necessary.

We can learn a lot from current examples of vision and mission statements from existing nonprofits and corporations.

25 Examples of Vision Statements

We’ve compiled the following vision statement examples to inspire the creation of your own:

  • Avon  — To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service and self-fulfillment needs of women—globally.
  • Tesla  — To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.
  • Meta (Facebook)  — To bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses.
  • Goodwill  — Our vision is to transform lives and communities through the power of work.
  • Alzheimer’s Association  — A world without Alzheimer’s and all other dementia.
  • Feed the Children  — To create a world where no child goes to bed hungry.
  • Habitat for Humanity  — A world where everyone has a decent place to live.
  • Mayo Clinic  — Transforming medicine to connect and cure as the global authority in the care of serious or complex disease.
  • Cross International  — Christians united in overcoming physical and spiritual poverty.
  • Oceana  — Oceana seeks to make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were.
  • Ford  — To become the world’s most trusted company, designing smart vehicles for a smart world.
  • IBM  — To be the world’s most successful and important information technology company.
  • Google  — To provide access to the world’s information in one click.
  • IKEA  — To create a better everyday life for the many people.
  • LinkedIn  — To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.
  • Sony  — Using our unlimited passion for technology, content, and services to deliver groundbreaking new excitement and entertainment, as only Sony can.
  • TED University  — TED University aims to be inspiring and unique in providing a transforming and liberating educational experience; and produce knowledge and create solutions through interaction with the town and society.
  • Harvard College  — Harvard College sets the standard for residential liberal arts and sciences education. We have committed to creating and sustaining the conditions that enable all Harvard College students to experience an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially, and personally transformative.
  • Southwest Airlines  — To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.
  • NAMI  — NAMI envisions a world where all people affected by mental illness live healthy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares.
  • Astellas  — Create innovative new drugs and medical solutions by leveraging our core capabilities.
  • American Express  — Provide the world’s best customer experience every day.
  • UHS  — UHS, the region’s leading integrated healthcare system, will demonstrate exceptional value in the delivery of coordinated, patient-centered care.
  • Asana  — To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.
  • Coca-Cola  — Our vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, refresh them in body & spirit. And done in ways that create a more sustainable business and better shared future that makes a difference in people’s lives, communities, and our planet.

Key Takeaways on Leveraging Vision Statement Examples to Create One for Your Nonprofit

There are several key takeaways to consider as your nonprofit learns from the vision statement examples that we’ve listed here for existing corporations and nonprofits. Your nonprofit’s  mission statement  and vision statement serve different purposes and your team should understand the differences between them.

We have given you examples of good vision statements that are short and long for your review. Each of them is impactful in its own way.

Good vision statements should be a central part of strategic planning for nonprofits. Because it guides all aspects of a company, boards should take their time in developing it.

Once the vision statement is created, share it with the world and communicate it with a sense of pride.


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What Is a Vision Statement? 25 Vision Statement Examples


Table of Contents

What is a vision statement, what is the purpose of a vision statement, vision statement vs. mission statement, vision statement vs. purpose statement, 25 vision statement examples, how to write a vision statement.

A vision statement almost sounds mystical. But it’s not supernatural, far from it. Rather, a vision statement is a foundational business document.

There’s a lot of paperwork that clutters the office of any organization, but the vision statement is unique from the rest. Often confused with a mission statement , the vision statement has a different purpose. A vision statement looks toward the future, but a mission statement talks about what the company is doing in the present.

A vision statement is a business document that states the current and future objectives of an organization. A company’s vision must align with its mission, business plan , strategic plan, and organizational culture. A vision statement isn’t only used in business; nonprofits and government offices also use them to set strategic goals.

Vision statements aren’t necessarily set in stone. They can be returned to, reviewed and revised as necessary. Any changes should be minimal, however, because a vision statement is a guideline for a company’s strategic plan , so it must be thoroughly reviewed.

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Vision Statement Template

Use this free Vision Statement Template for Word to manage your projects better.

The business vision of an organization might change over time, as companies adapt to their business environment and external factors that might affect their ability to achieve their mission. Using a SWOT analysis is a good way to gauge the internal and external factors that shape the business environment of a company.

A vision statement doesn’t have any particular length. However long it is, the vision statement is formally written and is used as a reference in company documents to serve as a guide for short and long-term strategic planning. The best way to learn about vision statements is to look at examples. We’ve gathered 25 vision statement examples from the best companies in the world to help you write your own.

As stated above, a vision statement is an integral part of an organization because it aligns with its mission, core values, and culture. It also guides the strategic plan because it sets future goals. Similar to a mission statement, a vision statement it’s a living document that’s referred to as a lodestar to lead a company to its next innovation and so, all the projects and programs executed by the project management office (PMO) should be aligned with it.

Related: Free Project & Tracking Templates for Excel

There are different approaches when it comes to writing a vision statement, as companies have unique core values. For example, a motivational vision statement will both motivate existing employees and also drive talent to the company. They’ll want to work at a place with a business vision that aligns with their personal values. A strong vision statement also works to help differentiate your company. All companies want to become profitable, but a company can create a unique vision statement that’s appealing to its customers and employees.

Free Vision Statement Template

Feel inspired? Ready to make your own vision statement? Download our free vision statement template for Word and start refining your vision. There’s even guiding questions to help you get started.

Vision statement template for Word

Why Is it Important to Have a Vision Statement?

Vision statements are one of the most important documents you can create for your business because they set a common goal for everyone in your organization. Once you get your employees on the same page, it will be easier to lead them toward success.

Types of Vision Statements

In addition to the traditional business vision statement, there are other types of vision statements, such as project, product and even personal vision statements.

Project Vision Statement

A project vision statement is used to guide a project, motivate the project team and further inspire those involved. Like any vision statement, it’s short but should be powerful to communicate the project’s aim. It’s not specific or directional but delivers the end goal of the project which must be aligned with the strategic goals of a company. In that sense, the project team can use the project vision statement as a guide to follow and help them make decisions that align with the overall project vision.

Product Vision Statement

A product vision statement is also a guide and a tool to motivate and inspire product development teams. It tends to look toward the future to expose where the product will be in a number of years. Therefore, a product vision statement goes beyond what the product is currently, but its vision shouldn’t be unrealistic. While there’s no standard length, like any vision statement, the product vision statement should be short and to the point.

Personal Vision Statement

A vision statement isn’t restricted to the realm of industry, you can make one for your own purposes. A personal vision statement simply focuses on your personal values, strengths and goals. While you can use a personal vision statement for your professional life, it’s also commonly focused on life-long goals. As with any vision statement, use it to keep you on track and make the right decisions to direct you to that transformational achievement. Then, you should make an action plan to make your personal vision come true.

The vision statement and mission statement are both equally important for a company as they complement each other and guide the direction of your company. The main difference between them is that the mission statement describes what your company does, while your vision statement explains what the company attempts to achieve in the future.

On the other hand, their main similarity is that they both need to align with your company’s core values and culture because all these elements make up your company’s identity and differentiation factors.

The vision statement comes before the purpose statement and it outlines where you want to be. First, you have to conjure it. You’re not there yet, but keeping the vision in sight allows you to get there in time.

A purpose statement is the why, it’s the reason you want to achieve the vision that’s your goal. You have to answer the question of why you want to achieve this vision. Therefore, the purpose statement is about the overall values.

There’s also a mission statement, which often joins these other two statements. The mission statement is about how you’ll achieve your goals. This allows you to make a plan, create steps to implement it and track your progress towards achieving that vision statement.

The best way to learn about vision statements is to look at real-life vision statement examples. We’ve gathered 25 vision statement examples from the best companies in the world to help you write your own. These examples prove that a vision statement isn’t a templated document that only differs from other organizations by the branded logo on top of it.

  • IKEA: “Our vision is to create a better everyday life for many people.”
  • Nike: “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. (*If you have a body, you are an athlete.)”
  • McDonald’s: “To be the best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.”
  • Amazon: “We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection and the utmost convenience.”
  • Walmart: “Be the destination for customers to save money, no matter how they want to shop.”
  • Google: “To provide access to the world’s information in one click”
  • Microsoft: “To help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.”
  • Facebook: “People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world and to share and express what matters to them.”
  • Coca-Cola: “Our vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body and spirit.”
  • Starbucks: “Treat people like family, and they will be loyal and their all.”
  • Tesla: “To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”
  • Samsung: “Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products and design that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity.”
  • Netflix: “Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.”
  • Zoom: “Zoom is for you.”
  • Patagonia: “We’re in business to save our home planet.”
  • Oxfam: “A world without poverty.”
  • Disney: “To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.”
  • Instagram: “Capture and share the world’s moments.”
  • LinkedIn: “Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”
  • Meta: “Give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”
  • Shopify: “To make commerce better for everyone.”
  • Uber: “We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion.”
  • TED: “Spread ideas”
  • American Express: “Become essential to our customers by providing differentiated products and services to help them achieve their aspirations.”
  • Sony: “To be a company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity.”

Every company has a unique vision statement, but the process is similar for most of them. Here are some steps to help you write your own.

1. What Are the Core Values of Your Company?

The core values of your company define its identity and how it interacts with the communities and the environment. It’s important to understand them to define your company vision.

2. What’s Your Company Mission?

Understanding what your company does and how it operates is essential to planning for the future.

3. Understand Your Company Culture

A strong company culture is an essential part of the success of any business. That’s why your vision must be aligned with it, otherwise, your strategic planning won’t work.

4. Identify Current Strategic Goals

Before you think about future goals, you must understand where your organization currently stands. Your vision might be a long-term plan that sets goals for the next 5 to 10 years, but those goals need to be realistic. You can use a SWOT matrix to get a better idea of the competitive environment of your business.

5. Define Future Goals

Think about what you’d like your company to achieve in the next 5-10 years based on the current status of your business and create a strategic plan to achieve your goals.

6. Write Your Vision Statement

Now that you have an idea of the main elements that are involved in the process of writing your vision statement, you can create one that fits your organization.

Best Practices for Writing a Vision Statement

There’s no template for writing a vision statement, however, a common structure for successful ones includes these traits:

  • Be concise: This isn’t the place to stuff a document with fluff statements. It should be simple, easy to read and cut to the essentials so that it can be set to memory and be repeated accurately.
  • Be clear: A good rule of thumb for clarity is to focus on one primary goal, rather than trying to fill the document with many ideas. One clear objective is also easier to focus on and achieve.
  • Have a time horizon: A time horizon is simply a fixed point in the future when you’ll achieve and evaluate your vision statement. Define that timeline .
  • Make it future-oriented: Again, the vision statement isn’t what the company is presently engaged in but rather a future objective of where the company plans to be.
  • Be stable: The vision statement is a long-term goal that should, ideally, not be affected by the market or technological changes.
  • Be challenging: That said, you don’t want to be timid in setting your goals. Your objective shouldn’t be too easy to achieve, but also it shouldn’t be so unrealistic as to be discarded.
  • Be abstract: The vision statement should be general enough to capture the organization’s interests and strategic direction.
  • Be inspiring: Live up to the title of the document, and create something that will rally the troops and be desirable as a goal for all those involved in the organization.

Because the vision statement is a foundational business document that will guide the company’s strategic planning direction for years to come, consider using project planning tools and brainstorming techniques to get input from everyone on the team. That way, you’ll get greater buy-in from the company, and you’ll widen your net for collecting business vision ideas.

Using ProjectManager to Write a Vision Statement

Writing a vision statement is a project in itself, and one that should be treated with some weight. A vision statement informs the direction, morale and spirit of the organization: you need it to be inspiring.

To help you craft the ideal vision statement, try ProjectManager . Our subscription model gives you several entry points. Then you can create collaborative task lists, so you can brainstorm with other leaders in the organization regarding your direction. Create a task, and add subtasks, so you can take everything into account when making your vision statement. Plus, you can add comments and files to tasks, so collaboration can stay focused and localized.

what is vision statement

Once you’ve crafted a vision statement that inspires your team, the real work begins. To achieve that vision, you’ll need the right tools. ProjectManager is online project management software with tools like online Gantt charts, task lists and kanban boards to help you complete projects and make a name for yourself. Take a free trial of our award-winning software and see how it can help you realize your vision .

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