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Master's thesis latex template.

"LaTeX is a document preparation system. When writing, the writer uses plain text as opposed to the formatted text found in WYSIWYG ("what  you see is what you get") word processors. The writer uses markup tagging conventions to define the general structure of a document (such as article, book, letter, or thesis), to stylise text throughout a document (such as bold and italics), and to add citations and cross-references. A TeX distribution such as TeX Live or MikTeX is used to produce an output file (such as PDF or DVI) suitable for printing or digital distribution. Within the typesetting system, its name is stylised as L a T e X ." — Adopted from Wikipedia. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX )

  • Linux/Unix — sdsu-thesis-latex.tar.gz
  • Windows — sdsu-thesis-latex.zip
  • Note: The generated sample pdf is available because many people asked for it, not because it is a good idea to use it as a reference. The style file and sample LaTeX document contain instructions and comments on why/how certain things were done in a certain way...
  • Note: Official Unofficial Guide for Thesis Chairs
  • Note: Official LaTeX format approval form; this is an official SDSU form — Do Not Edit .
  • Peter Blomgren ( [email protected] , webpage ) reviews LaTeX theses for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics; the Department of Computer Science; and the Computational Sciences program; thus bypassing the review by Montezuma Publishing
  • Fedora >> sudo yum install texlive* texmaker
  • Ubuntu — help/community/LaTeX
  • Texmaker (editor, recommended)
  • TeX Live (LaTeX distribution)
  • MiKTeX (LaTeX distribution)
  • Overleaf (Tested)
  • Typeset.io (Untested, Looks Promising)
  • Session 1 (February 23, 1981)
  • Session 2 (February 24, 1981)
  • Session 3 (February 25, 1981)
  • Session 4 (February 26, 1981)
  • Session 5 (February 27, 1981)
  • More Donald Knuth Lectures
  • LaTeX Graphics Blog
  • Wikibooks: LaTeX/Introduction
  • TeX Resources: LaTeX Matters
  • LaTeX Templates for FUTURE reference; DO NOT use for your thesis.
  • LaTeX Tables Generator
  • LMGTFY: More LaTeX Resources

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Thesis template for latex2e.

The file below is a template for using the nuthesis.cls file for a thesis at the Mathematics Department of Northwestern. Make sure that you download nuthesis-template.tex (template) and nuthesis.cls (LaTeX class).

If you find any problem with it, email me (mlerma at math dot northwestern dot edu).

  • nuthesis-template.tex : Template for Math NU Thesis
  • nuthesis.cls : LaTeX document class used by Math NU Thesis (current version: 2018/04/23 v1.17a)
  • Sample Thesis (PDF) - sample thesis including various features to show how the final PDF version should look.

Department of Mathematics

Latex files and templates.

This page contains links to several LaTeX files, provided by graduate students in our department, that were useful to the contributors when they prepared their theses. Below are also resources such as posters and presentations.

LaTeX files for theses

These files are made available "as is". This means it is your responsibility to check that the documents you produce will meet current OSU Graduate School thesis requirements.

Each file contains comment lines that explain its purpose and background information.

  • Document class file
  • Style option file
  • First class option
  • Second class option
  • Third class option
  • Template file
  • A PDF document that shows the output produced by the OSUMathThesisTemplate.tex file (note that the first page is an obligatory blank flyleaf)
  • Update of gthesis2
  • BeavTex, by Neville Mehta (among others)

Other LaTeX templates

These files are made available "as is".

  • Style files and .tex source file to create a beamer poster with beamercolorthemeosu style (updated 2024)
  • Style files and .tex source file to create a beamer presentation with beambercolorthemeosu style (updated 2024)
  • A presentation from NCSU on getting started with Beamer (presentations).

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Style files (LaTeX) for theses at Penn Math

Theses at Penn (masters and Ph.D.) must be submitted according to the  official university guidelines .

The following style files can serve as a guide in preparing masters or doctoral theses in the correct format. (You should still check the official university website listed above, to see other details and to adjust to any changes that may have been made.)

  • Ph.D. LaTeX style file (The University provides a standard LaTeX template that complies with all formatting requirements)
  • PH.D. Dissertation Sample Title Page
  • Ph.D. Dissertation Manual
  • Masters thesis style
  • Masters Thesis Title Page Sample.pdf
  • Masters Thesis LaTeX style

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Thesis and Dissertation template

Campus Address : University of New Mexico Department of Mathematics and Statistics 1 University of New Mexico, MSC01 1115 Albuquerque, NM 87131

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UNM LaTeX Dissertation and Thesis template

Disclaimer:  The template provided herein is not guaranteed to meet OGS standards . Furthermore, while most packages are supported, use \usepackage{} carefully. Add packages one at a time and test their functionality. If a particular package breaks the style sheet, don't use the package! I can not support customizing the style for each of the hundreds of available packages (some of which are buggy and will never be compatible).

This LaTeX setup is known to work properly only with LINUX installations. It may or may not work with other configurations.

Further Reference:  Consult the official  OGS  website for further formatting tips and feel free to e-mail the maintainer with comments or recommendations.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: October 15, 2014: New volunteer maintainer: Dr. David A. Murrell ( [email protected] ) A usable version of a signature page is currently included in the stylesheet distribution directory compile it separately and replace the first page of your completed dissertation file with it. Additionally, the copyright page has been removed to conform to OGS standards.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: August 26, 2011: The unmeethesis.cls style within the 'style_sheets' directory now conforms to the new OGS requirement eliminating the title page red box and the abstract title page! If you are using the old style sheet, you can replace it with this new unmeethesis.cls for compliance. The rest of your document will remain unchanged.

Please click "README.txt" for information on the directory structure.

  • UNM_Latex_Template.tar.bz2  (Linux or Mac)
  • UNM_Latex_Template.zip  (Windows)

(the original page was  https://math.unm.edu/~gthesis/latex/ )

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Math Report, Thesis, or Dissertation Template for Latex | Math | SIU

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Graduate programs, math report, thesis, or dissertation template for latex.

Caution : Requirements of the Graduate School may have changed since this was written. Check their formatting page here for Dissertations and Theses .

In Mathematics most papers are written in a type setting markup language called LaTeX - which evolved from TeX. It is much better at handling equations than Word type programs. It will also automatically number theorems, lemmas, definitions and bibliographic entries. The various LaTeX processing programs can be found at CTAN . They are free. The download time is about an hour. For Windows most people would download proTeX while Mac users would need MacTeX. Extra packages can be included to handle specialized needs such as graphics, commutative diagrams, chemistry notation and even chess moves.

LaTeX is a computer programming language. When you run the program it creates your document as output. It is not like Word where you see the final result as you type. As with most programs there is some header material, then the program begins, then it ends. In LaTeX the header starts with


where * is 10pt or 12pt and sets the default font size and format may be "article", "report", "amsart", "book" or various other options. For your report, thesis or dissertation use "siugrad51" as the format. In the header various packages are included such as


which loads a graphics package. There are also commands for setting formatting options for theorems and such. None of this in the output. Then a


indicates the beginning of the executable program. The final line is


In between will be the commands and text that generate your title page, table of contents, the body of your paper, and the bibliography.

There are many books and web-pages, in addition to CTAN, on how to use LaTeX. Here are two sites.

  • https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/
  • https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX

The main file is Thesis.tex . It is the file to run in whatever LaTeX program you are using. It is used for reports and dissertations in addition to theses. Thesis.tex needs various other files however. The first of these is siugrad51.cls . Never edit this file.

The other files you will edit with your information. For example, your abstract will be in the file Abstract.tex . Edit this file to replace the sample abstract with your own.

The sample has three chapters. You will likely have more. You can create files ch4.tex , ch5.tex and so on. You will need to edit the Thesis.tex file so that it knows to include these.

The *.ps files have figures in them. Ignore them if you do not need figures in your paper.

Here is a list of the major files:

  • siugrad51.cls
  • Copyright.tex
  • Abstract.tex
  • Approval.tex (Your committee approves your work.)
  • Acknow.tex (For any acknowledgments: "My advisor helped soooo much ...")
  • Dedication.tex ("I dedicate this to my parents.")
  • Preface.tex (Why my work is so important! Not needed for reports.)
  • Biblio.tex (For the bibliography.)
  • Vita.tex (Hire me! Hire me!!)

Learning LaTeX takes some practice. Here are a couple of simpler sample documents.

  • Calculator practice sheet: LaTeX file . Resulting PDF file .
  • Calculus quiz: LaTeX file . Resulting PDF file .

University of Missouri

College of Arts and Science


Thesis template.

The Graduate School's dissertation and thesis guidelines can be found here .

Below you can download Latex templates for writing dissertations.

Thesis Template for LaTeX2e

dalthesis.cls LaTeX Template for Theses at the Dalhousie University

Download files, table of contents.

Download Files Table of Contents 1. Introduction      1.1 FGS Regulations      1.2 PDF/A Format      1.3 Overview of Main Commands      1.4 Caveats      1.5 Current Issues      1.6 Other Similar Templates 2. Package dalthesis 3. Examples of Parts to a Thesis      3.1 Front Pages      3.2 Figures      3.3 Tables      3.4 Algorithms      3.5 Theorems      3.6 Glossary (List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used) 4. Administrative Notes      4.1 About      4.2 Acknowledgements      4.3 Update History (ChangeLog)      4.4 Previous Saved Versions of dalthesis (and dalcsthesis) Last Update Information and the End

^ 1. Introduction

^ 1.1 fgs regulations.

The final thesis format is approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies office. Although this format is regularly maintained in an effort to keep it up to date with the prescribed FGS guidelines, it is possible that some additional corrections will be required. The students are responsible for ensuring that their final thesis conforms to the FGS regulations, especially since LaTeX allows authors to override many aspects of the template within their own text. Hence, make sure that you have your thesis format checked by FGS before trying to submit the final copy of your thesis. This evaluation takes two business days (last time we checked).

With this template, we try to provide an example of something that FGS should accept. Students are welcome to make their thesis look as they want, whether by using their own template or by modifying this one, but always have your thesis format checked by FGS before trying to submit the final copy of your thesis. If you notice that this template does not follow one of the latest FGS rules, please let us know by sending email to: [email protected]

^ 1.2 PDF/A Format

^ 1.3 overview of main commands.

The LaTeX template for theses at the Dalhousie University is based on version 2.9 of the CS template, which was based on version 2.2 of the template for theses in Mathematics. The math template was developed by Clyde Clements and Steven Matheson. The basic usage of this template is similar to the Math one. Some features may not be documented here, so you can also see instructions of the Math template at www.mscs.dal.ca/~clyde/dalthesis or the basic simple.tex starter file to get started and for the regular bells and whistles.

Declare your supervisor with a \supervisor{} statement and each reader with a \reader{} statement. If you have co-supervisors, declare each of them with a separate \supervisor{} statement and the template will designate them as co-supervisors.

The basic template allows you to not print out the front pages if you include a \nofront command in your file. You can omit specific parts with the following commands: \notitlepage, \nosignaturepage, \nopermissionpage \nodedicationpage, \notableofcontents, \nolistoftables, \nolistoffigures, or \nobib. You can also declare a "draft" version of the thesis with the \draft command.

You can browse the file dalthesis.cls to find all degree tags. For example, the following ones are relevant to the Faculty of Computer Science:

  • \bcshon — Bachelor of Computer Science Honours thesis
  • \bcshoncoop — Bachelor of Computer Science Honours thesis (with co-op)
  • \macs — Master of Applied Computer Science project report
  • \mcs — Master of Computer Science thesis
  • \mec — Master of Electronic Commerce thesis
  • \mhi — Master of Health Informatics thesis
  • \phd — Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Use one of these designations before your \frontmatter call and it will define the appropriate abbreviations for your thesis.

A thesis file may rely on some additional style files. All of them are typically available on a system with installed LaTeX, but if a required style file is not available, you can place their copies in the directory with your thesis.

The basic files needed are:

  • dalthesis.cls -- thesis class file
  • afterpage.sty
  • glossary.sty

Simple.tex ( pdf , ps ) is a sample basic thesis, which may be a good start file to write a thesis. To process it, you also need its bibliography file simple.bib . All these files are available in the directory example-simple.

The rest of this page provides information on including different features in your thesis like a glossary, tables, or figures. They are presented as changes to simple.tex. Taking a UNIX "diff" between simple.tex and the example will show you the items that change to use the given feature.

^ 1.4 Caveats

Page margins.

  • You selected the wrong paper size when you converted the dvi file to postscript (use the correct option for dvips).
  • You generated a PDF file and then, as you printed from Adobe Acrobat, you had the "fit to page" option selected, which decreases the printed text by 93%. (unselect the "fit to page" option before printing)

The easiest way to tell if your margins are correct after printing is to measure where the page number appears at the bottom of a page. The template is designed to print it between 0.5 inches and 0.75 inches from the bottom of the page. If the margin is bigger than that then your method of printing the dvi file has shrunk the margins.

^ 1.5 Current Issues

Although an effort is made to keep the template in accordance with the latest FGS regulations, it happens that a thesis using the template does not conform to some requirements. We greatly appreciate any reports about the corrections, and our first step is to list such issues in this subsection. Additionally, we report here any other reported problems.

^ 1.6 Other Similar Templates

^ 2. package dalthesis.

dalthesis.cls , MANIFEST , thesis.tex , thesis.bib , thesis.pdf , index.html , styles.css , afterpage.sty , glossary.sty , example-simple/thesis.tex , example-simple/thesis.bib , example-simple/thesis.pdf , example-simple/Makefile , example-simple/dalthesis.cls , example-glossary/glossary.sty , example-glossary/glossary.tex , example-glossary/glossary.pdf , example-glossary/Makefile , example-glossary/simple.bib ,

^ 3. Examples of Parts to a Thesis

^ 3.1 front pages, ^ 3.2 figures.

This example uses two sub-packages: graphicx and subfigure. graphicx is a standard package that gives you everything you need for figures. The subfigure package is used here to place more than one picture (each with their own caption) within one figure.

  • figures.tex ( pdf )— latex file that uses figures
  • samplefig.eps — EPS figure to include in the example
  • samplefig.pdf — PDF figure to include in the example
  • graphicx.sty — style file for graphics (you shouldn't need to install this on any system)
  • subfigure.sty — style file for subfigures (Installed on the UNIX system, you may need it for your own system)

Diff with "simple.tex" (< means a line was removed, > means that a line was added):

^ 3.3 Tables

Tables have native support in LaTeX. This one uses a tabular inner environment to give a pretty layout to the data.

  • tables.tex ( pdf )— latex file that uses tables

^ 3.4 Algorithms

This example uses two sub-packages: algorithm and algorithmic. There are other algorithm packages that exist that you might consider too. The algorithms don't appear in any table of contents unless you enclose them in a figure environment.

  • algorithm.tex ( pdf ) — latex file with an algorithm
  • algorithm.sty — May need to install on your own system or the UNIX system.
  • algorithmic.sty — May need to install on your own system or the UNIX system.

^ 3.5 Theorems

The example theorems.tex ( pdf ) illustrates how we can write definitions, theorems, proofs, and other similar parts in LaTeX.

  • theorems.tex ( pdf ) — latex file with a theorem

For proofs and proof sketches you can also use the style package written by Norbert Zeh, nzproof.sty . The package requires the following other style files: amsmath.sty, amssymb.sty, amsfonts.sty, and ifthen.sty, which are likely already installed on the system. This example shows how nzproof style file can be used. Thanks to Norbert Zeh for providing the style file and the sample LaTeX source.

  • nzproof.tex ( pdf ) — sample LaTeX file

^ 3.6 Glossary (List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used)

Previous glossary usage.

  • glossary.tex ( pdf ) — LaTeX file with a glossary
  • glossary.sty — the glossary style file; it may be already installed on the system.
  • simple.bib — the bibliography file

The following is the diff output between "simple.tex" and "glossary.tex", showing all changes (< means a line was removed, > means that a line was added):

^ 4. Administrative Notes

Related links, ^ 4.1 about, ^ 4.2 acknowledgements.

The dalthesis template arose out of the efforts of many people. Particular thanks go to the following contributors:

  • Clyde Clements and Steven Matheson for providing the base Math template from which the CS template arose,
  • Mike McAllister for the main work on adaptation of the Computer Science template, integration of the updates below, and producing this web page, and examples.
  • Todd Eavis, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Billy Biggs, Srini Sampalli, and Stuart MacAskill for providing examples of how they adjusted the math template to adapt to the FGS regulations as they were getting their theses approved. In particular, Todd provided the foundation, algorithm, and figures of the bigger thesisExample sample thesis.
  • Norbert Zeh for looking over the finishing touches of the template and for providing a proof environment.
  • Vlado Keselj for some major latex hacking to address the FGS requirements that will go unnoticed by most non-FGS people but that are some of the trickier details to integrate simply and seamlessly in the class file.
  • Mike Smit for providing additional corrections from FGS.
  • Li Lei for providing corrections.
  • Sajjad Hussain for providing corrections.

^ 4.3 Update History (ChangeLog)

  • 2023-Mar-2 -- VK: documentation improvements - glossary
  • 2022-Nov-14 -- VK: documentation improvements (glossary): documenting the use of newer package glossaries as recommended by Overleaf.
  • Fixed the way list of tables and figure appear in the table of contents.
  • 2015-Aug-19 -- VK: documentation improvements (glossary)
  • Minor update on the title page, based on FGS feedback
  • Provided detailed instructions for how to produce these in PDF/A format
  • 2014-Aug-07 -- VK: documentation improvements
  • 2013-Oct-01 -- VK: glossary files added (fixing)
  • 2012-Nov-13 -- Vlado Keselj: dalthesis.cls created from dalcsthesis.cls; documentation improvements;
  • 2012-Jun-14 -- VK: documentation improvements
  • 2012-Jun-01 -- VK: documentation improvements
  • 2011-Apr-05 -- VK: documentation improvements (figures)
  • 2011-Jan-21 -- VK: front page updates, fixing spacing
  • 2010-Jan-05 -- VK: minor documentation updates
  • 2005-Apr-06 -- Added the "random information" section to document that the thesis must still be reviewed by FGS and that the abstract has a limited size.
  • 2005-Mar-29 -- Added information about paper margins and on not printing some parts of the text.
  • 2005-Mar-22 -- Added a note about how to have co-supervisors.
  • 2005-Mar-17 -- Indicate that the template passes the requirements of FGS. Updated the list of files required by nzproof.sty too.
  • 2005-Feb-25 -- Made the distinction between \submitdate{} (title page) and \defencedate{} (signature pages) since the latter requires a full date while the former only asks for the month and year. If you have a thesis that uses a prior version of the template, you will need to add a \defencedate{} clause with the new thesis template!
  • 2005-Feb-25 -- Added in a disclaimer and indicated that students are welcome to submit whatever thesis format FGS will accept; this template is just a suggestion. Reformatted the acknowledgements section.
  • 2005-Feb-24 -- new thesis class file again and glossary example. Vlado made the glossary into an option of the thesis class so that we can modify its line spacing to what FGS wants. Way to go Vlado!
  • 2005-Feb-23 -- new thesis class file uploaded with some margin and font size fixes. The index was also removed from examples since grad studies doesn't want an index.

^ 4.4 Previous Saved Versions of dalthesis (and dalcsthesis)

^ last update information and the end.

Last update: 05-Mar-2023 The end.


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The ociamthesis.cls was written by Keith A. Gillow. The latest version (2.2) was released on 22/11/2010. The class is based upon the standard report class around which most people design their thesis. Key features are

  • It defines the page size allowing for an offset for binding.
  • It defines the layout of the title page including title, logo / crest, name, college, submittedtext, degree name, degree date.
  • It uses the current university branding square logo by default (but can also use the older shield crest or belt crest).
  • Dedication page environment (layout as a verse).
  • Acknowledgements page environment (layout as a quote).
  • Alternative acknowledgementslong environment form which isn't set out as a quote.
  • Statement of Originality environment (originality) and long version (originalitylong). Formatting similar to acknowledgements enviroments.
  • Abstract page environment (layout as a quote).
  • Alternative abstractlong environment form which isn't set out as a quote.
  • Alternative abstractseparate environment form which isn't set out as a quote and has all the title page info on as well (useful for the separate copy required when you submit the final copy to the Bodleian Library).
  • Romanpages environment to number frontmatter pages in lower case roman.
  • Support for twoside and openright document class options

Here is an example of how to use this class in a master latex document .

The structure of the dedications file (called dedications.tex in the example) is

\begin{dedication} This thesis is dedicated to\\ someone\\ for some special reason\\ \end{dedication}

The structure of the abstract (abstract.tex) file is of the form

\begin{abstract} plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle. \end{abstract}

and the structure of the acknowledgements (acknowledgements.tex) file is of the form

\begin{acknowledgements} plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle. \end{acknowledgements}

This example PDF file shows some of the sort of output this class generates . This example output uses the gillow bibliography style file which is a very minor modification to the plain bibliography style.

Cover Page Logo / Crest

Current university logo / branding.

As of version 2.2 the default is to use a graphical logo with file name oxlogo.eps (for LaTeX) or oxlogo.pdf (for PDFLaTeX).

The Mathematical Institute Linux systems have the class and logo files installed by default. If you are using this document class on another system you will need to obtain a suitable logo file to go with the class file available from this page. You can obtain this from the university's official branding page and/or via the university's visual identity guidelines page, or by taking a copy of the files on the Linux system (just use the command locate oxlogo to find the file).

Previous Logos / Branding

It is still possible to use the older metafont logo of either the belt crest or shield crest by using the new (as of version 2.2) options beltcrest or shieldcrest in the documentclass line, i.e.

documentclass line for old belt crest logo using the beltcrest metafont


documentclass line for older shield crest logo using the crest metafont


In these cases then either the metafont file oxcrest40 or oxbeltcrest installed (for legacy use) on the Maths Institute system are used.

Preparing Your Ph.D. Dissertation Using LaTeX

Introduction, preparing the latex file, downloading the macros to your computer, steps for final submission.

Last updated 11 February 2012

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parvezk / nyu-phd-thesis-template

Ph.D. thesis template based on the design guidelines of New York University - Tandon School of Engineering

  • Updated May 11, 2019

XaBerr / UNIPD-thesis-template

This repository contains a template for the University of Padova Thesis

  • Updated Sep 17, 2021

kp-marczynski / praca_dyplomowa_latex

Szablon pracy inżynierskiej na wydziale Informatyki i Zarządzania Politechniki Wrocławskiej

  • Updated Apr 16, 2021

AihamAbusaleh / thesis-template-latex

Thesis Latex Template Hochschule Konstanz HTWG

  • Updated Jul 19, 2018

mokira3d48 / LateXreport

  • Updated May 7, 2024

surajk-maurya / PhD.-Thesis-template-ETH-Zurich

-ETH Zurich Ph.D. thesis template is valid for 2021

  • Updated Sep 23, 2021

ceyhunsen / BTU-latex-tez-sinifi

Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi Latex tez sınıfı.

  • Updated Jan 23, 2023

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  1. Sample LaTeX Thesis Template

    latex template thesis mathematics

  2. LaTeX Templates

    latex template thesis mathematics

  3. latex template phd thesis mathematics

    latex template thesis mathematics

  4. Latex Thesis Template For Concordia University Students

    latex template thesis mathematics

  5. Basic Latex Template

    latex template thesis mathematics

  6. 7 Paper Template Latex

    latex template thesis mathematics


  1. Learn LaTeX 008

  2. Latex Thesis Report Template (BracU)

  3. Introduction for writing a Thesis documents using LaTeX *Full Tutorial*

  4. writing thesis with Emacs+AucTex

  5. Learn LaTeX 013

  6. LaTeX Programming : 054 : Making Your Own Thesis/Report Template Part 2 of 4


  1. 2021 Math Thesis Template

    Abstract. This is a variation on a standard template with changes made to comply with guidelines set forth by the UW-Madison Graduate School. Tags. Thesis UW Madison. Find More Templates.

  2. LaTeX Thesis Template

    Windows — sdsu-thesis-latex.zip; PDF — sdsu-thesis-latex.pdf. Note: The generated sample pdf is available because many people asked for it, not because it is a good idea to use it as a reference. The style file and sample LaTeX document contain instructions and comments on why/how certain things were done in a certain way...

  3. Thesis Template for LaTeX2e: Department of Mathematics

    Thesis Template for LaTeX2e. The file below is a template for using the nuthesis.cls file for a thesis at the Mathematics Department of Northwestern. Make sure that you download nuthesis-template.tex (template) and nuthesis.cls (LaTeX class). If you find any problem with it, email me (mlerma at math dot northwestern dot edu).

  4. LaTeX Files and Templates

    LaTeX files for theses. These files are made available "as is". This means it is your responsibility to check that the documents you produce will meet current OSU Graduate School thesis requirements. Each file contains comment lines that explain its purpose and background information. Document class file. Style option file.

  5. Style files (LaTeX) for theses at Penn Math

    Ph.D. LaTeX style file (The University provides a standard LaTeX template that complies with all formatting requirements) PH.D. Dissertation Sample Title Page; Ph.D. Dissertation Manual; Masters thesis style; Masters Thesis Title Page Sample.pdf; Masters Thesis LaTeX style Sign up for May 2024 Graduation is now open.

  6. Thesis and Dissertation template

    UNM LaTeX Dissertation and Thesis template. Disclaimer: The template provided herein is not guaranteed to meet OGS standards. Furthermore, while most packages are supported, use \usepackage{} carefully. Add packages one at a time and test their functionality. If a particular package breaks the style sheet, don't use the package!

  7. 2021 Math Thesis Template

    2021 Math Thesis Template. This is a variation on a standard template with changes made to comply with guidelines set forth by the UW-Madison Graduate School.

  8. Math Report, Thesis, or Dissertation Template for Latex

    Math Report, Thesis, or Dissertation Template for Latex Caution: Requirements of the Graduate School may have changed since this was written.Check their formatting page here for Dissertations and Theses.. In Mathematics most papers are written in a type setting markup language called LaTeX - which evolved from TeX.

  9. LaTeX templates for writing a thesis

    The thesis template site mostly just links to available external sites with templates. It provides links to ready-to-go thesis templates of various universities worldwide. There's even a google map for viewing the templates origins on the world map. Besides LaTeX templates there are also LyX thesis templates.

  10. Thesis Template

    Thesis Template. The Graduate School's dissertation and thesis guidelines can be found here. Below you can download Latex templates for writing dissertations. PhD Dissertation Template. Masters Thesis Template. Contact. ... Mathematics Department. 202 Math Sciences Building | 810 East Rollins Street | Columbia, MO 65211.

  11. Thesis Template

    Thesis Template for LaTeX2e. The file below is a template for using the nuthesis.cls file for a thesis at the Mathematics Department of Northwestern. If you find any problem with it, email me (mlerma at math dot northwestern dot edu). Sample Thesis (PDF) - sample thesis including various features to show how the final PDF version should look.

  12. dalthesis.cls LaTeX Template for Theses at the Dalhousie University

    The LaTeX template for theses at the Dalhousie University is based on version 2.9 of the CS template, which was based on version 2.2 of the template for theses in Mathematics. The math template was developed by Clyde Clements and Steven Matheson. The basic usage of this template is similar to the Math one. Some features may not be documented ...

  13. LaTeX document class for LSU theses and dissertations

    Template. To use the template below, you also need the two files above. mythesis.tex; mythesis.pdf; Getting started. For an example of what can be produced, take a look at "mythesis.pdf". To produce your own thesis or dissertation, download the other three files and modify "mythesis.tex". More specifically: You need access to a TeX ...

  14. A Thesis Class

    A Thesis Class. The ociamthesis.cls was written by Keith A. Gillow. The latest version (2.2) was released on 22/11/2010. The class is based upon the standard report class around which most people design their thesis. Key features are. It defines the page size allowing for an offset for binding.

  15. jwlawson/dmathesis: Latex template for Durham maths thesis

    Durham maths thesis template. This template is a hand-me-down from numerous people and has evolved over the past few years. Steven Charlton worked on a number of fiddly details and fixed much of the template, which was started by M. Imran. The template aims to satisfy the university guidelines, but these could change at any time.

  16. Preparing Your Ph.D. Dissertation Using LaTeX

    Preparing the LaTeX File. To prepare the LaTeX file, copy the files from the sample thesis located at /~vojta/thesis/ , and adapt them to your situation. The document class ucbthesis is already installed on our computer network. However, if you are using a thin client, then you will need to type the following command, just once, in each ...

  17. How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

    Here we provide a guide to getting started on writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard template which is pre-loaded into Overleaf. We have a large number of thesis templates in our online library, and you can upload your own if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files. We'll assume you've used LaTeX before and so are ...

  18. thesis-template-latex · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the thesis-template-latex topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  19. Gallery

    Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more. ... UiO Mathematics Master's Thesis. This template does not comply with the design manual at the University of Oslo from 2022. Template for master's theses written at the Department of Mathematics at the ...