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Know How to Structure Your PhD Thesis

  • 4 minute read

Table of Contents

In your academic career, few projects are more important than your PhD thesis. Unfortunately, many university professors and advisors assume that their students know how to structure a PhD. Books have literally been written on the subject, but there’s no need to read a book in order to know about PhD thesis paper format and structure. With that said, however, it’s important to understand that your PhD thesis format requirement may not be the same as another student’s. The bottom line is that how to structure a PhD thesis often depends on your university and department guidelines.

But, let’s take a look at a general PhD thesis format. We’ll look at the main sections, and how to connect them to each other. We’ll also examine different hints and tips for each of the sections. As you read through this toolkit, compare it to published PhD theses in your area of study to see how a real-life example looks.

Main Sections of a PhD Thesis

In almost every PhD thesis or dissertation, there are standard sections. Of course, some of these may differ, depending on your university or department requirements, as well as your topic of study, but this will give you a good idea of the basic components of a PhD thesis format.

  • Abstract : The abstract is a brief summary that quickly outlines your research, touches on each of the main sections of your thesis, and clearly outlines your contribution to the field by way of your PhD thesis. Even though the abstract is very short, similar to what you’ve seen in published research articles, its impact shouldn’t be underestimated. The abstract is there to answer the most important question to the reviewer. “Why is this important?”
  • Introduction : In this section, you help the reviewer understand your entire dissertation, including what your paper is about, why it’s important to the field, a brief description of your methodology, and how your research and the thesis are laid out. Think of your introduction as an expansion of your abstract.
  • Literature Review : Within the literature review, you are making a case for your new research by telling the story of the work that’s already been done. You’ll cover a bit about the history of the topic at hand, and how your study fits into the present and future.
  • Theory Framework : Here, you explain assumptions related to your study. Here you’re explaining to the review what theoretical concepts you might have used in your research, how it relates to existing knowledge and ideas.
  • Methods : This section of a PhD thesis is typically the most detailed and descriptive, depending of course on your research design. Here you’ll discuss the specific techniques you used to get the information you were looking for, in addition to how those methods are relevant and appropriate, as well as how you specifically used each method described.
  • Results : Here you present your empirical findings. This section is sometimes also called the “empiracles” chapter. This section is usually pretty straightforward and technical, and full of details. Don’t shortcut this chapter.
  • Discussion : This can be a tricky chapter, because it’s where you want to show the reviewer that you know what you’re talking about. You need to speak as a PhD versus a student. The discussion chapter is similar to the empirical/results chapter, but you’re building on those results to push the new information that you learned, prior to making your conclusion.
  • Conclusion : Here, you take a step back and reflect on what your original goals and intentions for the research were. You’ll outline them in context of your new findings and expertise.

Tips for your PhD Thesis Format

As you put together your PhD thesis, it’s easy to get a little overwhelmed. Here are some tips that might keep you on track.

  • Don’t try to write your PhD as a first-draft. Every great masterwork has typically been edited, and edited, and…edited.
  • Work with your thesis supervisor to plan the structure and format of your PhD thesis. Be prepared to rewrite each section, as you work out rough drafts. Don’t get discouraged by this process. It’s typical.
  • Make your writing interesting. Academic writing has a reputation of being very dry.
  • You don’t have to necessarily work on the chapters and sections outlined above in chronological order. Work on each section as things come up, and while your work on that section is relevant to what you’re doing.
  • Don’t rush things. Write a first draft, and leave it for a few days, so you can come back to it with a more critical take. Look at it objectively and carefully grammatical errors, clarity, logic and flow.
  • Know what style your references need to be in, and utilize tools out there to organize them in the required format.
  • It’s easier to accidentally plagiarize than you think. Make sure you’re referencing appropriately, and check your document for inadvertent plagiarism throughout your writing process.

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Formatting Guidelines For Theses, Dissertations, and DMA Documents

Guidelines for Formatting Theses, Dissertations, and DMA Documents is intended to help graduate students present the results of their research in the form of a scholarly document.

Before beginning to write a master’s thesis, PhD dissertation, or DMA document, students should read the relevant sections of the  Graduate School Handbook, section 7.8  for dissertations and/ or  section 6.4  for master’s theses.

Candidates for advanced degrees should also confer with their advisors and members of their graduate studies committees to learn about any special departmental requirements for preparing graduate degree documents.

Members of the graduation services staff at the Graduate School are available to provide information and to review document drafts at any stage of the planning or writing process. While graduation services is responsible for certifying that theses and/or dissertations have been prepared in accordance with Graduate School guidelines, the student bears the ultimate responsibility for meeting these requirements and resolving any related technical and/or software issues . Graduation services will not accept documents if required items are missing or extend deadlines because of miscommunication between the student and the advisor.

Accessibility Features

As of Spring, 2023, all theses and dissertations will need to incorporate the following accessibility features to align with the university’s accessibility policy.  When you submit your final document to OhioLINK you will be verifying that accessibility features have been applied.

  • PDF file includes full text
  • PDF accessibility permission flag is checked
  • Text language of the PDF is specified
  • PDF includes a title

Features and Other Notes

Some features are required, and some are optional. Each component is identified with a major heading unless otherwise noted. The major heading must be centered with a one-inch top margin. 

Sample Pages and Templates

Templates are available for use in formatting dissertations, theses, and DMA documents. Please read all instructions before beginning. 

  • Graduate Dissertations and Theses Templates - OSU Login Required


If used, no heading is included on this page.


The title page should include:

  • the use of title case is recommended
  • dissertation, DMA. document, or thesis
  • Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree [insert the applicable degree such as Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Musical Arts, Master of Science, etc.] in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University
  • Name of the candidate 
  • Initials of previous earned degrees
  • insert correct name from program directory
  • Year of graduation
  •  Dissertation, document, or thesis [select applicable title] committee and committee member names


Notice of copyright is centered in the following format on the page immediately after the title page. This page is not identified with a page number.

Copyright by John James Doe 2017


The heading Abstract is centered without punctuation at least one inch from the top of the page. The actual abstract begins four spaces below the heading. See sample pages.


If used, the dedication must be brief and centered on the page.



Either spelling of the word, acknowledgments or acknowledgments, is acceptable. The acknowledgment is a record of the author’s indebtedness and includes notice of permission to use previously copyrighted materials that appear extensively in the text. The heading Acknowledgments is centered without punctuation at least one inch from the top of the page.


Begin the page with the heading Vita, centered, without punctuation, and at least one inch from the top of the page. There are three sections to the vita: biographical information (required), publications (if applicable), and fields of study (required).

There is no subheading used for the biographical information section. In this section, include education and work related to the degree being received.

Use leader dots between the information and dates. The publication section follows. The subheading Publications should be centered and in title case. List only those items published in a book or journal. If there are none, omit the Publication subheading. The final section of the vita is Fields of Study, which is required. Center the subheading and use title case. Two lines below the Fields of Study subheading, place the following statement: Major Field: [insert only the name of your Graduate Program as it reads on the title page] flush left. Any specialization you would like to include is optional and is placed flush left on the lines below Major Field.


The heading Table of Contents (title case preferred) appears without punctuation centered at least one inch from the top of the page. The listing of contents begins at the left margin four spaces below the heading. The titles of all parts, sections, chapter numbers, and chapters are listed and must

be worded exactly as they appear in the body of the document. The table of contents must include any appendices and their titles, if applicable. Use leader dots between the listed items and their page numbers.


Lists of illustrations are required if the document contains illustrations. The headings List of Tables , List of Figures , or other appropriate illustration designations (title case preferred) appear centered without punctuation at least one inch from the top of the page. The listing begins at the left margin four spaces below the heading. Illustrations should be identified by the same numbers and captions in their respective lists as they have been assigned in the document itself. Use leader dots between the listed items and their page numbers. See sample pages .


Include a complete bibliography or reference section at the end of the document, before the appendix, even if you have included references at the end of each chapter. You may decide how this section should be titled. The terms References or Bibliography are the most commonly chosen titles. The heading must be centered and at least one inch from the top of the page.

Include this heading in the table of contents.


An appendix, or appendices, must be placed after the bibliography. The heading Appendix (title case preferred) centered at least one inch from the top of the page. Appendices are identified with letters and titles. For example: Appendix A: Data. Include all appendix headers and titles in the table of contents.

Other Notes

Candidates are free to select a style suitable to their discipline as long as it complies with the format and content guidelines given in this publication. Where a style manual conflicts with Graduate School guidelines, the Graduate School guidelines take precedence. Once chosen, the style must remain consistent throughout the document.

Top, bottom, left, and right page margins should all be set at one inch. (Keep in mind that the left margin is the binding edge, so if you want to have a bound copy produced for your personal use, it is recommended that the left margin be 1.5 inches.)

It is recommended that any pages with a major header, such as document title, chapter/major section titles, preliminary page divisions, abstract, appendices, and references at the end of the document be set with a 2-inch top margin for aesthetic purposes and to help the reader identify that a new major section is beginning.

The selected font should be 10 to 12 point and be readable. The font should be consistent throughout the document. Captions, endnotes, footnotes, and long quotations may be slightly smaller than text font, as long as the font is readable.

Double spacing is preferred, but 1.5 spacing (1.5 × the type size) is acceptable for long documents. Single spacing is recommended for bibliography entries, long quotations, long endnotes or footnotes, and long captions. Double spacing between each bibliography entry is recommended.

Each major division of the document, including appendices, must have a title. Titles must be centered and have at least a one inch top margin. The use of title case is recommended. If chapters are being used, they should be numbered and titled. For example: Chapter 1: Introduction. Appendices are identified with letters and titles. For example: Appendix A: Data.


Every page must have a page number except the title page and the copyright page. If a frontispiece is included before the title page, it is neither counted nor numbered. The page numbers are centered at the bottom center of the page above the one inch margin. Note: You may need to set the footer margin to 1-inch and the body bottom margin to 1.3 or 1.5- inches to place the page number accurately.

Preliminary pages (abstract, dedication, acknowledgments, vita, table of contents, and the lists of illustrations, figures, etc.) are numbered with small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.). Page numbering begins with the first page of the abstract, and this can be either page i or ii (The title page is technically page i, but the number is not shown on the page).

Arabic numerals are used for the remainder of the document, including the text and the reference material. These pages are numbered consecutively beginning with 1 and continue through the end of the document.

Notation practices differ widely among publications in the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences. Candidates should confer with their advisors regarding accepted practice in their individual disciplines. That advice should be coupled with careful reference to appropriate general style manuals.

  • Arabic numerals should be used to indicate a note in the text. 
  • Notes may be numbered in one of two ways: either consecutively throughout the entire manuscript or consecutively within each chapter.
  • Notes can be placed at the bottom of the page (footnotes) or at the end of a chapter or document (endnotes). Once chosen, the notation style must be consistent throughout the document.
  • Notes about information within tables should be placed directly below the table to which they apply, not at the bottom of the page along with notes to the text.


Tables, figures, charts, graphs, photos, etc..

Some documents include several types of illustrations. In such cases, it is necessary that each type of illustration (table, figure, chart, etc.) be identified with a different numbering series (Table 1, Table 2, and so on, or Chart 1, Chart 2, and so on). For each series, include a list with captions and page numbers in the preliminary pages (for example, List of Tables, List of Charts, etc.). These lists must be identified with major headings that are centered and placed at the two-inch margin.

Each illustration must be identified with a caption that includes the type of illustration, the number, and a descriptive title (for example, Map 1: Ohio). Numbering may be sequential throughout the document (including the appendix, if applicable) or based on the decimal system (corresponding to the chapter number, such as Map 2.3: Columbus). When using decimal numbering in an appendix, the illustration is given a letter that corresponds with the appendix letter (for example, Figure A.1: Voter Data). Captions can be placed either above or below the illustration, but be consistent with the format throughout the document. If a landscape orientation of the illustration is used, make sure to also orient the illustration number and caption accordingly. The top of the illustration should be placed on the left (binding) edge of the page.

If an illustration is too large to ft on one page it is recommended that you identify the respective pages as being part of one illustration. Using a “continued” notation is one method. For example, the phrase continued is placed under the illustration on the bottom right hand side of the first page. On the following pages, include the illustration type, number, and the word continued at the top left margin; for example, Map 2: Continued. Whatever method you choose just make sure to be consistent. The caption for the illustration should be on the first page, but this does not need repeated on subsequent pages.

If an illustration is placed on a page with text, between the text and the top and/or bottom of the illustration, there must be three single spaced lines or two double spaced lines of blank space. The same spacing rule applies if there are multiple illustrations on the same page. The top/bottom of the illustration includes the caption.

All final Ph.D. dissertations, DMA. documents, and master’s theses are submitted to the Graduate School through OhioLINK at https://etdadmin. ohiolink.edu. The document must be saved in PDF embedded font format (PDF/A) before beginning the upload at OhioLINK. During the submission process, OhioLINK will require an abstract separate from your document. This abstract has a 500-word limit. You will get a confirmation from OhioLINK that the submission is complete. The submission then goes to the Graduate School for review. After it is reviewed by staff of the Graduate School, you will receive an email that it has been accepted or that changes need to be made. If changes are required, you will need to re-submit the revised document via an amended OhioLINK submission. You will receive an “accepted” email from the Graduate School once the document has been approved.


The Graduate School has no policy specifically permitting graduate degree documents to be written in a foreign language. The practice is allowed as long as it is approved by the student’s advisor and Graduate Studies Committee. Documents in a foreign language must comply with the following requirements:

  • The title page must be in English, but the title itself may be in the same language as the document.
  • If the title is in a language using other than Roman characters, it must be transliterated into Roman character equivalents.
  • The abstract must be in English.
  • The academic unit must notify the Graduate School of dissertations in a foreign language so that an appropriate graduate faculty representative can be found to participate in the final oral examination

Dissertation and Theses

The dissertation is the hallmark of the research expertise demonstrated by a doctoral student. It is a scholarly contribution to knowledge in the student’s area of specialization. 

A thesis is a hallmark of some master’s programs. It is a piece of original research, generally less comprehensive than a dissertation and is meant to show the student’s knowledge of an area of specialization.

Still Have Questions?

Dissertations & Theses 614-292-6031 [email protected]

Doctoral Exams, Master's Examination, Graduation Requirements 614-292-6031 [email protected]

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How to Format a PhD Synopsis (India)

Qamar Mayyasah

  • By Qamar Mayyasah
  • August 26, 2020



This article will answer common questions about the PhD synopsis, give guidance on how to write one, and provide my thoughts on samples.

A PhD synopsis is a detailed summary of your proposed research project which justifies the need for your work. It is used to convince academic committees that your project should be approved.

If you are wondering how to write a synopsis for a PhD, then there are several things you must make sure your synopsis includes. Firstly, the reader must be able to read your synopsis and understand what contribution it would make to the research area. You should also explain the research objectives, methodology, data analysation and presentation format. Finally, you should conclude with limitations of your study and how you envisage others building on the findings you make.

PhD Synopsis format for a project

Although the format of a PhD synopsis report may differ between universities, there are many universal recommendations I can give. First, the research project synopsis format must include several fundamental sections which allow you to clearly detail your proposed project.

These sections are outlined below:

Research project title

Clearly define the title of your research project.

Include an introduction which summarises the current knowledge in your research area. This section should explain where gaps in knowledge are, and briefly what your project aims to do to address these gaps.

Literature review

A literature review will be a summary of published literature including journals, papers and other academic documentation which relate to your project. You need to critically appraise these documents: What have others done? What did they find? Where could their work be expanded on?

Aims & Objectives

Clearly define what the purpose of the PhD project is. What questions are you trying to answer? How will you measure success?

Research Methodology

Explain how you will achieve your objectives. Be specific and outline your process; the equipment you will use, data collection strategies, questionnaires you will distribute and data analysation techniques you will employ. This is a critical part of the research synopsis as it demonstrates whether your project is achievable or too ambitious.

You must provide references and citations to any sources you use. Reference materials are needed to acknowledge the original source, allow further reading for those who are interested and avoid claims of plagiarism. A number of different referencing systems exist, so it is important that you use the referencing system outlined in your university guidelines.

Provide a conclusion which should briefly summarise what your PhD research project is and why it is needed. You should also comment on the limitations of your work so that the scope of your study is clear.

In addition to the synopsis format for a PhD, we have outlined the styling rules you should follow:

  • Approximately 1” margins on top, bottom, and right of page.
  • Approximately 1.25” margin on left of page to allow space for binding.
  • Sans serif font (for example Times New Roman).
  • Black colour font.
  • Size 11pt or 12pt font.

It is important to remember this is general advice to assist with PhD synopsis writing. You must check your university guidelines first as they may have particular rules which you should follow.

PhD Synopsis Samples

I would not recommend using a PhD synopsis sample. This is because every research project is different, and the purpose of a synopsis report is to demonstrate the uniqueness of your project. Instead you should use the above format, and ensure you address each of the sections.

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Prof Mair gained her PhD in cognitive neuroscience from Bournemouth University in 2004. She is now a consultant working with the fashion industry and published her book in 2018.

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De-Shaine is 2nd Year Neurotechnology PhD Student at Imperial College London. His research looks at monitoring the brain when it’s severely injured after a traumatic brain injury or stroke and patients are in neurocritical care.

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Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Thesis Format

Osmania university hyderabad phd admission 2024, syllabus, eligibility, top courses, admission process, top college, books, distance education, selection process, documents required, course mode, fee structure, full time, career option, placement, entrance exam, salary osmania university hyderabad phd thesis format, osmania university hyderabad phd thesis format osmania university hyderabad phd admission 2024, syllabus, eligibility, top courses, admission process, top college, books, distance education, selection process, documents required, course mode, fee structure, full time, career option, placement, entrance exam, salary.

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Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Admission 2024, Selection Process, Documents Required, Job Scope, Syllabus, Eligibility

Osmania university hyderabad phd admission.

Check the eligibility criteria: Candidates must have a master's degree in the relevant field with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) from a recognized university.

Choose the field of research: Osmania University offers PhD programs in various fields such as Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Commerce, Law, Education, Engineering, Technology, and Pharmacy. Choose the field of research you are interested in and want to pursue your PhD.

Check for the availability of the program: Check the availability of the PhD program you want to apply for on the Osmania University website.

Fill the application form: The application form is available online on the Osmania University website. Fill in the required details carefully and upload the necessary documents.

Pay the application fee: The application fee can be paid online through Net Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card.

Submit the application: After completing the application process, submit the application form online.

Wait for the announcement of the admission process: The admission process usually involves a written test followed by an interview.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Admission Highlights

Here are some of the key highlights of the Osmania University Hyderabad PhD admission process:

Eligibility: To be eligible for admission to the PhD program at Osmania University, candidates must have a master's degree in the relevant field with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) from a recognized university.

Application process: The application form for the PhD program is available online on the Osmania University website. Candidates must fill in the required details carefully and upload the necessary documents. The application fee can be paid online through Net Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card.

Fields of research: Osmania University offers PhD programs in various fields such as Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Commerce, Law, Education, Engineering, Technology, and Pharmacy.

Admission process: The admission process for the PhD program at Osmania University usually involves a written test followed by an interview.

Duration of the program: The PhD program at Osmania University typically takes 3-5 years to complete.

Scholarships and fellowships: Osmania University offers various scholarships and fellowships to eligible PhD candidates.

Research facilities: Osmania University has state-of-the-art research facilities and infrastructure to support research activities for PhD candidates.

These are some of the key highlights of the Osmania University Hyderabad PhD admission process. For more information, candidates can visit the Osmania University website or contact the University directly.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for admission to the PhD program at Osmania University, Hyderabad are as follows:

Educational Qualification: Candidates must have a Master's degree in the relevant field from a recognized university/institution.

Minimum Marks: Candidates must have secured at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in the Master's degree (50% for SC/ST candidates).

Relaxation for Reserved Categories: There is a relaxation of 5% marks in the minimum eligibility criteria for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently-abled and other categories as per the Government of India rules.

Entrance Test: Candidates who have qualified in national level tests such as UGC-NET (including JRF)/CSIR-NET (including JRF)/SLET/GATE/Teacher Fellowship holders or candidates who have passed M.Phil. program with a minimum of 55% marks are exempted from the entrance test. Other candidates will have to qualify in the entrance test conducted by Osmania University.

Age Limit: There is no age limit for admission to the PhD program at Osmania University.

Note: The eligibility criteria may vary slightly for different subjects/disciplines, so candidates are advised to check the specific requirements for their chosen field of research.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Syllabus

A PhD syllabus typically includes the following components:

Research Methodology: This component provides an introduction to the research methodology and techniques that students will use to conduct their research. It covers topics such as research design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and ethical considerations.

Core Courses: PhD students are usually required to take a series of core courses in their area of specialization. These courses cover advanced topics in the field and provide students with the foundational knowledge they need to conduct their research.

Elective Courses: PhD students may also be required to take elective courses that are related to their research interests or that provide them with additional skills and knowledge that will help them in their research.

Independent Research: The bulk of a PhD syllabus typically focuses on independent research, which is the primary activity that students will engage in during their PhD program. This component typically includes regular meetings with a faculty advisor, the development of a research proposal, and the completion of a dissertation or thesis.

Teaching Experience: PhD students may also be required to gain teaching experience by serving as a teaching assistant or teaching their own course. This component helps students develop their teaching skills and prepares them for academic careers.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Admission Process

The admission process for PhD programs at Osmania University Hyderabad typically involves the following steps:

Eligibility: Candidates must first check if they meet the eligibility criteria for the PhD program they wish to apply for. The eligibility criteria vary depending on the department and program, but typically include a master's degree in a related field with a minimum percentage or CGPA.

Entrance Exam: Candidates must then appear for an entrance exam conducted by Osmania University. The entrance exam typically covers topics related to the candidate's field of study, research methodology, and general knowledge.

Interview: Candidates who qualify in the entrance exam will be called for an interview. The interview panel usually consists of faculty members from the department, who will evaluate the candidate's research potential, knowledge of the field, and suitability for the PhD program.

Research Proposal: Candidates may also be required to submit a research proposal outlining their research interests, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. This proposal will be evaluated by the department faculty to determine the candidate's research potential and fit with the department's research priorities.

Merit List: Based on the performance in the entrance exam, interview, and research proposal, the department will prepare a merit list of selected candidates.

Admission: Candidates who are selected in the merit list will be offered admission to the PhD program, subject to fulfilling the other eligibility criteria and paying the necessary fees.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Fee Structure

The fee structure for PhD programs at Osmania University Hyderabad varies depending on the department and program. However, the following is a general idea of the fee structure:

Registration Fee: Candidates who are offered admission to the PhD program must pay a one-time registration fee, which ranges from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 10000.

Tuition Fee: The tuition fee for PhD programs at Osmania University Hyderabad varies depending on the department and program. Generally, the tuition fee ranges from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 50,000 per year.

Other Fees: In addition to the registration and tuition fees, candidates may be required to pay other fees, such as library fees, laboratory fees, examination fees, and thesis submission fees. These fees vary depending on the department and program.

Hostel Fees: Candidates who wish to stay in the university hostel must also pay hostel fees, which vary depending on the type of accommodation and facilities provided.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Entrance Exams

Osmania University Hyderabad conducts PhD entrance exams for admission to its PhD programs. The entrance exam is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge and aptitude in their field of study and research methodology.

The following are some of the key features of the PhD entrance exam conducted by Osmania University Hyderabad:

Exam Pattern: The exam pattern may vary depending on the department and program. Generally, the entrance exam consists of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay-type questions. The exam may also include questions on research methodology and general knowledge.

Syllabus: The syllabus for the PhD entrance exam varies depending on the department and program. However, generally, the syllabus covers topics related to the candidate's field of study, research methodology, and general knowledge.

Duration: The duration of the PhD entrance exam varies depending on the department and program. Generally, the exam lasts for 2-3 hours.

Negative Marking: Some departments may have negative marking for wrong answers, while others may not have any negative marking.

Qualifying Marks: Candidates must score minimum qualifying marks to be eligible for the interview round. The qualifying marks may vary depending on the department and program.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Selection Process

The selection process for PhD programs at Osmania University Hyderabad typically involves the following steps:

Entrance Exam: Candidates must first appear for an entrance exam conducted by Osmania University. The entrance exam typically covers topics related to the candidate's field of study, research methodology, and general knowledge.

Final Selection: The final selection of candidates will be based on the merit list and other eligibility criteria, such as academic qualifications, work experience, and research publications, if any.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Application Form

The application process for PhD programs at Osmania University Hyderabad usually involves the following steps:

Registration: Candidates must first register themselves on the official website of Osmania University. They will need to provide their personal and academic details and create a login ID and password.

Application Form: After registration, candidates must fill out the online application form for the PhD program they wish to apply for. They will need to provide details such as their educational qualifications, work experience, research experience, and research interests. They may also need to upload scanned copies of their academic certificates, passport-sized photograph, and signature.

Application Fee: Candidates must pay the application fee online using a credit/debit card or net banking. The application fee varies depending on the department and program.

Submission: After completing the application form and paying the application fee, candidates must submit the application form online. They should take a printout of the application form for future reference.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Admission How To Apply

To apply for PhD programs at Osmania University Hyderabad, candidates must follow the steps given below:

Visit the official website of Osmania University Hyderabad and register themselves by providing their personal and academic details.

Fill out the online application form for the PhD program they wish to apply for. They will need to provide details such as their educational qualifications, work experience, research experience, and research interests. They may also need to upload scanned copies of their academic certificates, passport-sized photograph, and signature.

Pay the application fee online using a credit/debit card or net banking. The application fee varies depending on the department and program.

Submit the application form online and take a printout of the application form for future reference.

Wait for the announcement of the entrance exam date and download the hall ticket/admit card from the official website.

Appear for the entrance exam on the specified date and time.

After the entrance exam, candidates who qualify will be called for an interview. The interview panel usually consists of faculty members from the department.

Based on the performance in the entrance exam and interview, the department will prepare a merit list of selected candidates.

The final selection of candidates will be based on the merit list and other eligibility criteria, such as academic qualifications, work experience, and research publications, if any.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Jobs And Salary

The job opportunities and salaries for PhD holders from Osmania University Hyderabad depend on various factors such as the field of study, industry, location, and level of experience. Some of the potential job opportunities for PhD holders from Osmania University Hyderabad include:

Academic Positions: PhD holders can work as faculty members in universities and colleges, teaching and conducting research in their area of expertise.

Research and Development: PhD holders can work in research and development departments of various industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, engineering, and IT.

Government Jobs: PhD holders can work in various government departments and agencies, such as research institutes, public sector enterprises, and regulatory bodies.

Private Sector Jobs: PhD holders can work in various private sector industries such as consulting, finance, and analytics, where their research and analytical skills can be valuable.

The salaries for PhD holders from Osmania University Hyderabad vary depending on the job profile and industry. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a PhD holder in India is around INR 10-15 lakhs per annum, with salaries ranging from INR 6 lakhs to INR 30 lakhs per annum, depending on the industry and job profile. However, it is important to note that salaries can vary greatly depending on the specific job and industry.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Career Opportunities 

A PhD from Osmania University Hyderabad can provide a wide range of career opportunities, both in academia and industry. Some of the potential career opportunities for PhD holders from Osmania University Hyderabad include:

Academic Careers: PhD holders can pursue a career in academia, as faculty members in universities and colleges. They can also conduct research and publish their findings in academic journals.

Research and Development: PhD holders can work in research and development departments of various industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, engineering, and IT. They can work on cutting-edge research projects and develop innovative solutions.

Government Jobs: PhD holders can work in various government departments and agencies, such as research institutes, public sector enterprises, and regulatory bodies. They can contribute to the development of policies and programs that impact society.

Private Sector Jobs: PhD holders can work in various private sector industries such as consulting, finance, and analytics, where their research and analytical skills can be valuable. They can also work in startups and entrepreneurial ventures.

Non-profit Sector: PhD holders can work in non-profit organizations, such as think tanks, advocacy groups, and research organizations. They can contribute to research and policy analysis in various areas such as public health, education, and social justice.

Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Admission FAQs

What is the eligibility criteria for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad?

A: The eligibility criteria for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad vary depending on the program and department. Generally, candidates must have a Master's degree in a relevant discipline with a minimum of 55% marks from a recognized university.

What is the application fee for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad?

A: The application fee for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad varies depending on the department and program. Generally, the application fee ranges from INR 1,200 to INR 2,500.

Is there an entrance exam for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad?

A: Yes, most PhD programs at Osmania University Hyderabad require candidates to appear for an entrance exam. The entrance exam tests the candidate's knowledge in their area of research interest.

What is the selection process for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad?

A: The selection process for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad involves an entrance exam and an interview. Based on the performance in the entrance exam and interview, the department will prepare a merit list of selected candidates.

Can I apply for more than one PhD program at Osmania University Hyderabad?

A: Yes, candidates can apply for more than one PhD program at Osmania University Hyderabad. However, they must pay the application fee for each program separately.

Is there any relaxation in eligibility criteria for reserved category candidates?

A: Yes, Osmania University Hyderabad provides relaxation in eligibility criteria for reserved category candidates as per the guidelines of the Government of India.

Can I apply for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad through offline mode?

A: No, candidates can only apply for PhD admission at Osmania University Hyderabad through online mode.

Osmania University Hyderabad Contact Details

Osmania University,

Hyderabad - 500 007,

Telangana State,

+91-40-27682363, +91-40-27098048

[email protected] (Vice-Chancellor)

[email protected] (Registrar)


Offered Course

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Admission Helpline Numbers

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Ph.d. thesis writing assistance/paper publication services.

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  • Sample Dissertation Title Page

Formatting Guide

The  PhD Dissertation Formatting Guide  (updated Spring 2023) is the source of all formatting requirements and guidelines for PhD Dissertations. Make sure to follow the guide when writing your dissertation.

Double check your formatting with the  PhD Dissertation Formatting Checklist  before submission.

LaTeX Template

The University provides a standard LaTeX template that complies with all formatting requirements.    

University of Pennsylvania PhD Dissertation Template in LaTeX

Word Templates

The University provides a standard Word template that complies with all formatting requirements.    

Dissertation Template in Word  (updated Spring 2023)

Example PDF of Proper Formatting

Overleaf LaTeX PDF

Note: You may need to activate your UPenn Overleaf account to view this PDF.  Penn Overleaf account page. 

Additional information is available in our  Formatting FAQs . 

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What’s Included: The Dissertation Template

If you’re preparing to write your dissertation, thesis or research project, our free dissertation template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples .

The template’s structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects such as dissertations and theses. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your dissertation or thesis will have a smooth, logical flow from chapter to chapter.

The dissertation template covers the following core sections:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction  (also available: in-depth introduction template )
  • Chapter 2: Literature review  (also available: in-depth LR template )
  • Chapter 3: Methodology (also available: in-depth methodology template )
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results (also available: results template )
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings (also available: discussion template )
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (also available: in-depth conclusion template )
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

FAQs: Dissertation Template

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

Free Webinar: Literature Review 101

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We are here to help you with essays and not to expose your identity. Your anonymity is our priority as we know it is yours. No personal data is collected on our service and no third parties can snoop through your info. All our communication is encrypted and stays between you and your writer. You receive your work via email so no one will have access to it except you. We also use encrypted payment systems with secure gateways for extra security.

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Our professional essay writer can help you with any type of assignment, whether it is an essay, research paper, term paper, biography, dissertation, review, course work, or any other kind of writing. Besides, there is an option to get help with your homework assignments. We help complete tasks on Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geography, Maths, Physics, and other disciplines. Our authors produce all types of papers for all degree levels.

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SMS updates

Have you already started to write my essay? When it will be finished? If you have occasional questions like that, then opt-in for SMS order status updates to be informed regarding every stage of the writing process. If you’re pressed for time, then we recommend adding this extra to your order.

Plagiarism report

Is my essay original? How do I know it’s Turnitin-ready? Very simple – order us to attach a detailed plagiarism report when work is done so you could rest assured the paper is authentic and can be uploaded to Turnitin without hesitating.

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Customer Reviews


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  1. OULIB-Circulation

    The Library has so far acquired the following Theses & Dissertations. 1. Ph.D. Thesis - 10575. 2. M.Phil Dissertations - 1485. Scholars from outside or other then Osmania University are also allowed by providing their identity along with letter from concern Department/Supervisor. Outside scholars are charged Rs.100/- per day & Rs.400/- per week ...

  2. Osmania University

    Rules and Regulations. The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) shall be conferred by Osmania University in the Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Management, Education, Law, Social Sciences, Oriental Languages, Science, Technology, Pharmacy, Engineering, Informatics and in such other faculties as may be notified in future, in accordance with the provisions of these rules and regulations in current ...

  3. PDF Ph.D. Rules and Regulations

    OSMANIA UNIVERSITY. Ph.D. Rules and Regulations. (for the Academic Years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17) 1. The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) shall be awarded by Osmania University in the Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Management, Education, Law, Social Sciences, Oriental Languages, Science, Technology, Pharmacy, Engineering, Informatics ...

  4. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Osmania University

    Shodhganga: a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET ... Osmania University : [1637] University home page. Recent Submissions Browse. Discover. Keyword. 441 Social Sciences; 213 Physical Sciences; 209 Social Sciences General; 202 Economics and Business; 134 Life ...

  5. PDF Osmania University

    Osmania University

  6. Know How to Structure Your PhD Thesis

    The bottom line is that how to structure a PhD thesis often depends on your university and department guidelines. But, let's take a look at a general PhD thesis format. We'll look at the main sections, and how to connect them to each other. We'll also examine different hints and tips for each of the sections.

  7. PDF Guidelines for The PhD Dissertation

    Most dissertations are 100 to 300 pages in length. All dissertations should be divided into appropriate sections, and long dissertations may need chapters, main divisions, and even subdivisions. Students should keep in mind that GSAS and many departments deplore overlong and wordy dissertations.

  8. Formatting Guidelines For Theses, Dissertations, and DMA Documents

    Guidelines for Formatting Theses, Dissertations, and DMA Documents is intended to help graduate students present the results of their research in the form of a scholarly document. Before beginning to write a master's thesis, PhD dissertation, or DMA document, students should read the relevant sections of the Graduate School Handbook, section ...

  9. Osmania University launches PhD thesis online monitoring system

    The Osmania University is the first to introduce such a system in Telangana," read the press release, adding that students can start submitting their thesis from December 15.

  10. How to Format a PhD Synopsis (India)

    In addition to the synopsis format for a PhD, we have outlined the styling rules you should follow: Approximately 1" margins on top, bottom, and right of page. Approximately 1.25" margin on left of page to allow space for binding. Sans serif font (for example Times New Roman). Black colour font. Size 11pt or 12pt font.

  11. Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Thesis Format

    Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Thesis Format Osmania University Hyderabad PhD Admission 2023-24, Syllabus, Eligibility, Top Courses, Admission Process, Top College, Books, Distance Education, Selection Process, Documents Required, Course Mode, Fee Structure, Full Time, Career Option, Placement, Entrance Exam, Salary ...

  12. PDF Ph.D. Rules & Regulations

    1. OSMANIA UNIVERSITY Ph.D. Rules and Regulations (With effect from the admission year 2023) The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) shall be awarded by Osmania University in the Faculties of (1) Arts, (2) Commerce, (3) Education, (4) Engineering (5) Informatics, (6) Law, (7) Management, (8) Pharmacy, (9) Science, (10) Social Sciences, (11 ...

  13. Dissertation Templates

    Formatting Guide. The PhD Dissertation Formatting Guide (updated Spring 2023) is the source of all formatting requirements and guidelines for PhD Dissertations. Make sure to follow the guide when writing your dissertation. Double check your formatting with the PhD Dissertation Formatting Checklist before submission. LaTeX Template. The University provides a standard LaTeX template that ...


    1.2 Layout and format This section has been added here to provide guidelines on layout and format to the students for thesis writing. One of the essential requisites in preparation of the thesis is the consistency of the design and adherence to the specific instructions given in the following subsections. 1.2.1 Font

  15. Osmania University PhD Admission 2023: Fee, Eligibility, Entrance

    Osmania University PhD Admission 2023 will begin soon. Admission will be offered to the candidates with a valid score in GATE/ NET/ JEST or through a Ph.D. Eligibility Test and Interview conducted by Osmania University. Osmania University offers the PhD course under Economics, History, Pol. Science, Public Administration, Sociology, Psychology, Lib. Inform.

  16. PhD dissertations fail plagiarism test in Osmania University

    Preeti Biswas / TNN / Updated: Jun 25, 2019, 07:20 IST. Osmania University. HYDERABAD: A year after the Osmania University (OU) made plagiarism check mandatory for PhD thesis, the varsity observed ...

  17. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX. Download The Dissertation Template. Download Grad Coach's comprehensive dissertation and thesis template for free. Fully editable - includes detailed instructions and examples.

  18. PDF Final Ph.D. Information Brochure 13-09-2022

    Information Brochure: Ph.D. Entrance Test - 2022. Ph.D. Entrance Test is one of the eligibility criteria for admission into Ph.D. programmes offered by Osmania University in different subjects in the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Education, Engineering, Informatics, Law, Oriental Languages, Social Sciences, Science, and Technology.

  19. PDF Format of PhD Thesis

    Only approved University logo is permitted on the cover page and title page of the thesis. For the latest logo, candidates may contact the centre for research or download the University logo from the LMS page. The size of the logo must comply with University guidelines on use of logo. 11. Address of University approved binder for final thesis

  20. PDF How to do the Ph.D Thesis

    In order to complete your Ph.D degree syllabus, you are required to submit the following: One thesis of at least 80 pages. This paper must be typed in English, on white paper (standard size). Two copies have to be submitted to Selinus University in world format. Once the project or thesis is approved, one of the copies will be mailed back to ...

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    Phd Thesis Format Osmania University - Order: 12456. Megan Sharp #12 in Global Rating ... Phd Thesis Format Osmania University, Thesis For Persuasive Essay On Abortion Should Be Illegal, Job Application Letter As An Ecde Teacher, Cheap Paper Editor Website For Phd, Social Media Marketing Business Plan Pdf, Ppe Essay Questions, Argumentative ...

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    Phd Thesis Format Osmania University. 100% Success rate. Estelle Gallagher. #6 in Global Rating. Once your essay writing help request has reached our writers, they will place bids. To make the best choice for your particular task, analyze the reviews, bio, and order statistics of our writers. Once you select your writer, put the needed funds on ...