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Research Topics & Ideas: Sociology

50 Topic Ideas To Kickstart Your Research Project

Research topics and ideas about sociology

If you’re just starting out exploring sociology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of research ideas , including real-world examples from recent sociological studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . These topic ideas provided here are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to develop them further. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan to fill that gap. If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

Sociology-Related Research Topics

  • Analyzing the social impact of income inequality on urban gentrification.
  • Investigating the effects of social media on family dynamics in the digital age.
  • The role of cultural factors in shaping dietary habits among different ethnic groups.
  • Analyzing the impact of globalization on indigenous communities.
  • Investigating the sociological factors behind the rise of populist politics in Europe.
  • The effect of neighborhood environment on adolescent development and behavior.
  • Analyzing the social implications of artificial intelligence on workforce dynamics.
  • Investigating the impact of urbanization on traditional social structures.
  • The role of religion in shaping social attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Analyzing the sociological aspects of mental health stigma in the workplace.
  • Investigating the impact of migration on family structures in immigrant communities.
  • The effect of economic recessions on social class mobility.
  • Analyzing the role of social networks in the spread of disinformation.
  • Investigating the societal response to climate change and environmental crises.
  • The role of media representation in shaping public perceptions of crime.
  • Analyzing the sociocultural factors influencing consumer behavior.
  • Investigating the social dynamics of multigenerational households.
  • The impact of educational policies on social inequality.
  • Analyzing the social determinants of health disparities in urban areas.
  • Investigating the effects of urban green spaces on community well-being.
  • The role of social movements in shaping public policy.
  • Analyzing the impact of social welfare systems on poverty alleviation.
  • Investigating the sociological aspects of aging populations in developed countries.
  • The role of community engagement in local governance.
  • Analyzing the social effects of mass surveillance technologies.

Research topic evaluator

Sociology Research Ideas (Continued)

  • Investigating the impact of gentrification on small businesses and local economies.
  • The role of cultural festivals in fostering community cohesion.
  • Analyzing the societal impacts of long-term unemployment.
  • Investigating the role of education in cultural integration processes.
  • The impact of social media on youth identity and self-expression.
  • Analyzing the sociological factors influencing drug abuse and addiction.
  • Investigating the role of urban planning in promoting social integration.
  • The impact of tourism on local communities and cultural preservation.
  • Analyzing the social dynamics of protest movements and civil unrest.
  • Investigating the role of language in cultural identity and social cohesion.
  • The impact of international trade policies on local labor markets.
  • Analyzing the role of sports in promoting social inclusion and community development.
  • Investigating the impact of housing policies on homelessness.
  • The role of public transport systems in shaping urban social life.
  • Analyzing the social consequences of technological disruption in traditional industries.
  • Investigating the sociological implications of telecommuting and remote work trends.
  • The impact of social policies on gender equality and women’s rights.
  • Analyzing the role of social entrepreneurship in addressing societal challenges.
  • Investigating the effects of urban renewal projects on community identity.
  • The role of public art in urban regeneration and social commentary.
  • Analyzing the impact of cultural diversity on education systems.
  • Investigating the sociological factors driving political apathy among young adults.
  • The role of community-based organizations in addressing urban poverty.
  • Analyzing the social impacts of large-scale sporting events on host cities.
  • Investigating the sociological dimensions of food insecurity in affluent societies.

Recent Studies & Publications: Sociology

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual sociology-related studies to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Social system learning process (Subekti et al., 2022)
  • Sociography: Writing Differently (Kilby & Gilloch, 2022)
  • The Future of ‘Digital Research’ (Cipolla, 2022).
  • A sociological approach of literature in Leo N. Tolstoy’s short story God Sees the Truth, But Waits (Larasati & Irmawati, 2022)
  • Teaching methods of sociology research and social work to students at Vietnam Trade Union University (Huu, 2022)
  • Ideology and the New Social Movements (Scott, 2023)
  • The sociological craft through the lens of theatre (Holgersson, 2022).
  • An Essay on Sociological Thinking, Sociological Thought and the Relationship of a Sociologist (Sönmez & Sucu, 2022)
  • How Can Theories Represent Social Phenomena? (Fuhse, 2022)
  • Hyperscanning and the Future of Neurosociology (TenHouten et al., 2022)
  • Sociology of Wisdom: The Present and Perspectives (Jijyan et al., 2022). Collective Memory (Halbwachs & Coser, 2022)
  • Sociology as a scientific discipline: the post-positivist conception of J. Alexander and P. Kolomi (Vorona, 2022)
  • Murder by Usury and Organised Denial: A critical realist perspective on the liberating paradigm shift from psychopathic dominance towards human civilisation (Priels, 2022)
  • Analysis of Corruption Justice In The Perspective of Legal Sociology (Hayfa & Kansil, 2023)
  • Contributions to the Study of Sociology of Education: Classical Authors (Quentin & Sophie, 2022)
  • Inequality without Groups: Contemporary Theories of Categories, Intersectional Typicality, and the Disaggregation of Difference (Monk, 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Senior Thesis

Completing a year-long senior thesis is a challenging and rewarding opportunity for students who are highly motivated to research a particular topic. To be eligible to complete a senior thesis for Department of Sociology credit, one must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a rising senior with the intent of being a registered student for two consecutive semesters (and then presumably graduating).
  • Be in good academic standing .
  • Have a GPA in the Sociology major of 3.50 or above.
  • Have been on the Dean's List at least twice before the senior year. There is a waiver process for transfer students and others who have not met this criterion.
  • Relevant training generally comes from coursework, work experience, and/or prior research. For example, students planning to use  survey research might establish that they have introductory training by having completed SOC 101 (or an equivalent course). Others might do so by having completed SOC 100 and working as a research assistant on a survey-based project. Still others might have obtained survey design skills during summer employment. 
  • Students should have taken (or plan to take) available courses relevant to their topic.
  • Submit an application and prospectus (see below)

Steps for Juniors Interested in Writing a Senior Thesis

Step 1: Identify Potential Committee Members  Senior theses are conducted with the supervision and support of a committee. Each committee includes a chairperson and a second reader. Committees are established by the department via a matching process. Toward this end, students will be asked to suggest 3-4 potential committee members on their application form, and to indicate why the think each would be an appropriate fit.  The chair acts as the student’s principal thesis advisor. They meet regularly with the student, guide them through the research process, provide feedback, and evaluate submitted work. All tenured or tenure-stream members of the Department of Sociology are eligible to serve as chair. Each committee also has a second reader who offers guidance on research questions and design early in the process, is available as a resource during the year, and provides feedback on at least one a draft of the thesis prior to the final submission. Tenured and tenure-stream faculty at Tufts (inside or outside the Department of Sociology) are eligible to serve as second readers, as are lecturers.   In February and March of the Junior year, students considering writing a thesis should meet with faculty members to discuss their ideas. Students should use these meetings to 1) home in on a topic, research question, and methodological approach and 2) identify faculty who may be appropriate committee members, as indicated by their areas of substantive expertise, methodological skillset, interest, and availability (faculty on leave during the student’s senior year may be unavailable).  Please note that because faculty can take on a limited number of theses each year, the availability of appropriate committee members is considered when thesis applications are reviewed (in addition to factors such as student eligibility and the feasibility of the proposed project).

Step 2: Submit an Application and Prospectus

Your written prospectus (roughly 3-4 double-spaced pages) should:

  • Identify the big-picture topic and research question(s) that the thesis aims to address;
  • Explain why the research is sociologically significant, by drawing on established concerns within the discipline and gaps in the existing knowledge. Why is it important to answer this question? 
  • Review 3-5 scholarly works pertinent to the research question(s) and explain how your work extends or speaks to them;
  • Outline your preliminary research design and methodology (e.g. surveys, interviews, media analysis, participant observation, experimental design);
  • Explain the coursework, prior research, and/or work experience that has given you the appropriate introductory training you will need to use the method(s) you have selected;
  • If you will be working with human subjects, include your anticipated timeline for completing the required Institutional Review Board training and apply for approval.

Please email the prospectus with a copy of your unofficial transcript and this application to Amy Pendleton by April 1 for fullest consideration. 

Step 3: Register for Thesis Credit  If your thesis is approved, you will need to register for Senior Honors Thesis A for the first semester of your senior year and Senior Honors Thesis B for the second.

Students who successfully complete and defend a thesis ultimately earn 4 SHUs for each of these courses. Senior Honors Thesis A and Senior Honors Thesis B may both be used as electives to fulfill the requirements of the major. 

Additional Information  Those who apply by the April 1 deadline will receive a decision letter by the end of April. Students whose theses are approved will be notified about the composition of their committee at that time.  Thesis students should reach out to their chair promptly to devise a timeline. As rule of thumb, students present at least one chapter (or a literature review and extended introduction) to the thesis committee by the end of first semester so the committee can review their progress.  The due date for the completed thesis is set by the chair in consultation with the university guidelines and the student (typically this is in early April). The student will then present the thesis to their committee in a “defense” which must take place prior to the first day of final examinations. The student will subsequently complete required revisions and follow university guidelines for submitting a copy of the thesis. Occasionally, theses are discontinued after one semester due to insufficient progress or a change in student plans.  In such instances, students are given an Incomplete (I) for Senior Honors Thesis A while they transform their work into a more limited independent study paper, in consultation with their chair. The paper should be submitted in keeping with the Incomplete deadline, at which point the chair will review the work and convert the Incomplete into the appropriate grade. 

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70 Amazing Sociology Research Topics – Use Them Today!

Sociology Research Topics

We compiled these top sociology research paper topics to give students a comprehensive list of sociology-related issues. Read on for more.

Sociology refers to the study of people and their relationships within society. It delves into a range of subjects such as

  • Communities
  • Secularization
  • Law among others

The internet is awash with a plethora of sociology research topics. Students, therefore, find it challenging to choose the right one(s) for their assignment. However, our experts handpicked 70 of the topmost sociology research topics for college students. All you need to do is scroll down, pick an item that best suits your interests, and get your homework going! No hustle.

Getting Started With Sociology Research Topics

To start with, sociology topics for research should:

Be objective Be coherent such that they do not break cause and effect bonds Have an impetus towards the direction of the research

Therefore, having excellent sociology research proposal topics is an art one needs to master. Are you terrified because you are not good at this yet? Our interesting sociology research topics will help calm your nerves down.

So, what are some good sociology research topics? Keep on reading.

Gender and Sexuality Sociology Research Topics

The following list of sociological topics will help crank up your paper:

  • How does society treat women?
  • Are men and women the same under the law?
  • What are the gender stereotypes in the media?
  • Why are male presidents most preferred over women?
  • Discuss the rise of the Feminist Revolution and its significance
  • Do transgender people have a place in society today?
  • Why are most nurses of the female gender?
  • Social interactions: Male versus female treatment
  • Homosexuality and lesbianism: How does society view these two?
  • Is feminism overrated?

Sociology Papers Topics on Religion

Writing about spirituality presents some good sociology research questions such as:

  • How people view the phenomenon of a higher spiritual being
  • The concept of worship in traditional society
  • Why do Hindus hold the cow in high esteem?
  • The history of different Christian denominations
  • The influence of secularism on religion
  • Should women preach in churches, mosques, or temples?
  • Who do the pagans believe in as their supreme authority?
  • Effects and causes of religious affiliations
  • Why are most countries Christian dominated?
  • Discussion on how Buddhists worship

Sociology Research Questions on Food

There are endless sociology topics to research on food, including:

  • How are vegetarians treated?
  • How does genetically modified food to the natural one?
  • Are pesticides on farms killing humans instead of pests?
  • What is the role of hydroponics on food supply and availability?
  • Does the coronavirus virus spread through handling unclean food?
  • Are food packaging messages necessary?
  • What is the cause of food inequity in the world?
  • Is obesity a result of the food we eat?
  • How have eating habits changed over time?
  • Why do people prefer fast food joints over dine in restaurants?

Medical Sociology Research Topics

Use these medical ideas to write a winning sociology research paper:

  • Who caused the coronavirus? Man or nature?
  • The relationship between modern lifestyle public health
  • Discuss professional diseases and their effects
  • How aging changes the physical and mental state
  • How long does it take to discover a vaccine, and why?
  • Is society to blame for the spread of contagious diseases?
  • What is the role of Humanitarian missions in healthcare?
  • How the treatment of pregnant women is different from others
  • Are genetic engineering and cloning ethical?
  • How does society look at HIV/AIDS patients?

Environmental Sociology Research Topics

  • What is the place of agro-food systems today?
  • Exploring how environmentalism is a social movement
  • How does society perceive environmental problems?
  • What is the origin of human-induced ecological decline?
  • How population dynamics relates to health and the environment
  • The role of elites in ecological pollution
  • Dealing with the inequitable social distribution of environmental hazards
  • How do socially disadvantaged populations come to experience higher exposures?
  • Is man to blame for global warming?
  • The economic impact of environmental pollution

Sociology of the Family Research Topics

  • How do single parents manage their families?
  • Why do children emulate their parent’s behaviors?
  • Why most children prefer their mothers over fathers
  • Marriage among different races
  • The rise of teenage mothers and its implication
  • How does divorce affect the children?
  • How families with soldiers, doctors, or marines survive without them
  • The conventional family structure
  • Discuss the uniqueness of LGBT families
  • The role of nannies in parenting children

Easy Sociology Research Topics

  • Impact of social media on individuals
  • How the media portrays women and why
  • Living with transgender individuals in the neighborhood
  • The evolving social stratification
  • How social activity leads to the development of scientific knowledge.
  • Is it possible to achieve social stability?
  • Discuss the forces that influence individual behavior in society
  • The influence of face to face interactions
  • Human factors influencing site selection
  • How to improve social and living conditions

With these and more samples, you can be sure of good sociology research topics for your paper. Of course, the crucial end goal is tip-top grades. A carefully thought out sociological research question can make you stand out from your peers.

On top of the numerous examples, we also offer professional writing help for sociology research papers. Get one at an affordable rate now!

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sociology senior thesis topics

Writing a thesis through the Sociology Honors Program constituted my first time reaching out to non-student groups and gathering interview data for a long-term research project. It's hard to identify just one skill that I took away from the experience, because the entire journey has been eye-opening. I gained a deeper understanding of academia and the type of work that usually goes into writing publishable research.

The Senior Thesis + Honors Program in Sociology offers students the structure and resources to investigate a social issue they are passionate about with the guidance of a faculty mentor over the course of three terms via SOC 497, SOC 498, and SOC 499. Students may request up to $400 in funding to conduct original research. The research culminates in a written thesis paper and students who meet LSA Honors Program criteria graduate with honors, though graduating with honors is not required to complete the program.

Completion of a senior thesis demonstrates discipline, motivation, and critical thinking skills, as well as strong data collection, analytical, and writing proficiencies to understand and present complex social problems — all assets for which prospective employers and graduate school admissions committees will be looking. 

The department hosts an information session on the program in early October each year. Attendees meet the faculty coordinator, hear from current students, and get all of their questions about the program and application answered. 


Information Session

If you are passionate about a particular social topic and interested in conducting your own research, this is a valuable opportunity – we encourage you to attend the information session below!

TBD for 2023

Current students will share their experiences completing an undergraduate thesis. The Faculty Coordinator and Undergraduate Advisor will share suggestions and logistics regarding the application process. 

Three Course Sequence

SOC 497: Proposal Writing This course, taught by a Sociology faculty member who is serving as the honors coordinator for that cohort, is organized primarily as a workshop. All of the course assignments and activities are designed to help you define a topic for research, develop a research question(s), review the literature relevant to the topic, and specify the methods to be employed in pursuing the research question(s). The first few weeks of the course are an introduction to the range of topics in sociology and the methods of research strategies. Later in the term, you will focus more specifically on the tasks needed to develop your individual research plan and write a research prospectus. SOC 497 is offered only in the winter term. 

SOC 498: Data Collection and Analysis  In SOC 498, you work directly with a faculty mentor, but the honors coordinator retains a partial mentoring relationship, meeting frequently with the honors students. You will collect research data and begin initial analysis. 

SOC 499: Thesis Writing In SOC 499, you will complete the analysis of data and write your thesis under the direct supervision of your faculty mentor, with guidance from the honors coordinator. The thesis is evaluated by the faculty mentor and the honors coordinator.  

To graduate with honors, you must:

  • meet all general major requirements,
  • complete SOC 497, 498, and 499,
  • satisfactorily complete your thesis,
  • and end your undergraduate career with at least a 3.4 cumulative GPA and 3.5 major GPA.

Upon completion of the above criteria, successful students receive one of the following designations on their diploma: with honors , with high honors , or with highest honors .

If you do not meet the GPA requirements, note that you may still complete a senior thesis; your degree will simply not be designated with honors upon graduation. 

Course Planning

Prospective students should complete SOC 210 or STATS 250 prior to the winter semester of their junior year. We strongly recommend taking SOC 310 (Methods) no later than the winter semester of junior year.

As a student in the Senior Thesis + Honors Program in Sociology, you are required to take:

  • SOC 497 in Winter term of your junior year
  • SOC 498 in Fall term of your senior year
  • SOC 499 in Winter term of your senior year 

All 9 credits from SOC 497, 498, and 499 count toward the Sociology major as upper-level credits. 

Research Funding

Students in the Senior Thesis + Honors Program in Sociology may request up to $400 to support their research project. Before requesting these funds, students should review full funding policies and direct questions to the Honors Coordinator or LSA Finance.

At the conclusion of the three course sequence, students present their research projects, findings, and analyses at the annual Senior Thesis Symposium at the beginning of May. The Robert Cooley Angell Award for the best thesis is also announced at the conclusion of the program. 

Robert Cooley Angell Award

Robert Cooley Angell (1899-1984) received three degrees from the University of Michigan: a B.A. in 1921, an M.A. in 1922, and a Ph.D. in 1924, joining the faculty in 1922 when the discipline of sociology was included under economics. In 1930, sociology became a separate discipline, and that same year, Angell became an associate professor, gaining full professorship in 1935. Angell’s research focused on the problems of social integration and issues of war and peace. Throughout his life, he exhibited a strong commitment to some of the most persistent values of the University of Michigan: excellence in undergraduate teaching and the advancement of rigorous scientific research on social issues.

To celebrate his commitment to sociology and scholarship, the department annually awards the Robert Cooley Angell Award to the writer of the best thesis in Sociology.

To apply to the Senior Thesis + Honors Program in Sociology, you must be a Sociology major and have at least second-semester sophomore class standing. We encourage all juniors who are passionate about a specific topic and motivated to conduct original research to apply!

The application requires:

  • A statement explaining your journey in the discipline, potential topics of interest for your research, and your future goals
  • One academic writing sample 
  • One academic letter of recommendation from a University of Michigan faculty or GSI (recommendation from Sociology faculty are encouraged)*

* New transfer students (students who recently entered the Sociology major from other institutions or non-LSA schools within U-M) may submit a letter of recommendation and transcripts from their previous institutions. 

Applications are due during Fall semester of junior year and the required three course sequence (SOC 497, 498, and 499) begins the following semester (Winter term of junior year).

Honors Application Due Date: November 1, 2023

Please carefully read the application information sheet linked below for full details.

Outside of the academic experience and my progress with the process of conducting qualitative research, I think this program helped me further develop my ability to communicate and engage with others. The skill of coordinating and conducting interviews, as well as handling my interaction with others in the field is valuable and can be applied to many things in my life, both now and into the future.

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Senior Thesis

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The Value of the Senior Thesis

Writing a senior thesis is valuable in several ways. First and foremost, the experience of writing a thesis is intellectually valuable. Students who tackle a thesis have the opportunity to do in-depth research on a question of their own choosing. For students who want bona fide exposure to all the different phases of the research process, there is no substitute for writing your own thesis. You will need to come up with a good question, figure out how to answer it, collect the necessary data, analyze it in a credible manner, and then discus your results in a compelling piece of long-form writing. Students who successfully complete a thesis will go through a uniquely rewarding intellectual experience, and their skills and capacities typically grow tremendously over the course of the two quarters. Of course, as you go through the thesis-writing process, you will have the benefit of working closely with two faculty members. In addition to receiving guidance and feedback from the Honors Coordinator, who oversees the work of all thesis-writers, you will also have the opportunity to be advised individually by a departmental faculty member with substantive or methodological expertise on your research question. The interactions that you have with faculty members regarding your thesis will be among the most intellectually rewarding in your time at Northwestern. There is a social value to writing a thesis as well. Writing your thesis will be far from a solitary experience. Majors who decide to take on a thesis join a cohort of talented, motivated students who share many of their interests and who are going through the same experience. If the opportunity to meet and bond with other sociology majors is somewhat limited in the first few years of taking courses, students who decide to write a senior thesis often find that they have the opportunity to forge strong connections with several of their fellow thesis-writers. Lastly, there is (for lack of a better phrase) a ‘professional development value” to writing a senior thesis. Students complete a thesis will have worked closely with two faculty members for two quarters, and this experience will have given these faculty members the opportunity to watch their advisees develop and grow. If you plan to attend graduate school at some point after graduating from Northwestern, you will need letters of recommendation from faculty who know you well, and the faculty who helped you complete a senior thesis will be among the faculty who know you the best.

Department Honors

The Department of Sociology recognizes the work of its outstanding seniors with departmental honor awards which are presented at the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences (WCAS) Convocation. Departmental honor awards are given to those students who show outstanding scholarship in their major course of study. Nominations are submitted to the College Committee on Superior Students and Honors, which has final authority to grant the honors degree. The Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Superior Students and Honors reviews students' grade point average, senior research thesis, and faculty recommendations to determine which students receive Departmental Honors.

Senior Thesis with Distinction Award

The Department has established an award program for sociology majors, which recognizes outstanding thesis in the Senior Research Seminar. Senior thesis completed in other departments that satisfy the Department's thesis requirements, such as a senior thesis in Urban Studies, may also be submitted to the Department for consideration. This award is based on each student's creative ability, persuasiveness and systematic way of doing research. Recipients are determined by the Departmental Honors committee, and are announced each spring quarter (usually end of May).

Best Senior Thesis in Sociology Award

The Department has established an award for the Best Senior Thesis in sociology. Recipients are determined by the Departmental Honors committee, and are announced each spring quarter (usually end of May).

Sociology 2023 Senior Theses

Lucas Bezerra* Brewing for a New Market: The Effects of Shifting Consumer Preferences on Specialty Producers in Third-Wave Coffee

Zihan (Zorina) Chen** Complex Identities and Socialization Experiences among Women Chinese International Students: An Intersectional Analysis

Sierra Erdman-Luntz* The Health Identities and Preferred Labels of Northwestern Students with Chronic Physical Health Conditions

Kate Feldstein** I Know You Are but What Am I: Presentation and Labelling within Queer Communities

José Medina* 'Si No Te Gusta, Adiós': Mexican Temporal Assimilation in the Workplace

Samantha Powell* Race, Place, and Disaster: Newspaper Narration of Displaced Populations After Hurricane Katrina and the California Camp Fire"

Mychael Torres* Defining Guilt for the Mentally Ill: The Social Construction of Responsibility for Mentally Ill Offenders

*Thesis with Distinction

**Best Senior Thesis in Sociology Award

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Theses

In the Sociology and Anthropology Department, the culminating activity for all of our majors is an original empirical senior thesis done under the direction of a faculty mentor. The senior thesis seminar is the culmination of a series of major courses including statistics, research methods and internship in which students explore how reliable information is generated in sociological and anthropological research, and how that information is applicable in real life settings. The senior thesis undergraduate research experience develops strong professional skills that are in demand in the world of work, as well as in graduate school.

Each term between 35 and 60 students complete the senior thesis process. Their studies address a wide variety of topics, and utilize a wide variety of research techniques. Sociology and Anthropology students have won the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research each year since its inception. Winners are listed below along with links to their theses. The department also honors the finest senior theses produced each term with it’s own Excellence in Research Award.

Resources for Senior Thesis

  • AAA Format Guide
  • ASA Format Guide

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Sociology Senior Thesis Writer's Workshop


Welcome Senior Thesis Writers!

This website contains resources to assist you with conducting research and writing your senior thesis in the Sociology department.

If you are a student in the seminar and have questions, please reach out to the 2022-2023 Sociology 99 instructor, Joscha Legewie , or the TF, Mark Griffith . Soc 99 will have two sections this year on Fridays from 9:00 - 10:15 AM (Section A) and Fridays from 10:30 - 11:45 AM (Section B) starting on Sep 15. Location TBD.

Sociology 99 Syllabus

The 2023-24 Soc 99 Syllabus (as of 9/8/23) is here.

Syllabi from prior years, for reference:

Soc 99 Syllabus Fall 2016-2017

Soc 99 Syllabus Fall 2017-2018 (FINAL)

Soc 99 Syllabus Fall 2018-19

Soc 99 Syllabus Fall 2019-2020

Soc 99 Syllabus Fall 2020-2021

Soc 99 Syllabus Fall 2021-2022

Thesis Writer's Guide

You are strongly encouraged to review the sociology department's thesis writer's guide  early on and throughout the year as you work on your thesis--it is a wonderful resource!

Writing Resources

The Sociology Department has a Departmental Writing Fellow who can help you with your senior thesis. The 2023-2024 DWF is Marissa Combs. For more information visit the DWF website .

For tips on writing a literature review, check out this PowerPoint from 2017's Soc 99 guest lecture on 9/19/17. Also, see advice from  Becker  and Kamler and Thomson . 

The Harvard College Writing Center offers many writing-related resources. In particular, remember to sign up early for Senior Thesis Tutoring ! 

Also check out  Harvard's Guide to Writing with Sources and the ASA Style Guide . 

Methods Resources

Quantitative Advisor: Marissa Combs Qualitative Advisor: Mark Griffith

More info and the advisors' contact information are here:  and

Departmental Resources

Sociology department website for thesis writers

Sources of funding

Scheduling Strategies

Scheduling strategies for staying on track

Library Resources

Library Search

sociology senior thesis topics

Graduate with honor

Undergraduate honors, departmental honors in sociology/senior thesis.

The Departmental Senior Honors Thesis is an opportunity for seniors in Sociology to conduct in-depth research in the major or minor field. It is the most stimulating intellectual enterprise in which an undergraduate can engage, demanding dedication and the ability to exercise independent judgment.

Students who successfully produce and defend a senior honors thesis will receive a note of distinction on their transcript and diploma. Students will also receive cords to wear on their commencement regalia, recognizing their special achievement.

You must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and 3.3 in Sociology to participate. Thesis writers ideally will have completed SO 201, SO 203, and SO 303 prior to their spring semester, Junior year. Please work with your advisor to discuss participation in the Honors in the major program.

Junior Year:

  • In the Fall, interested students sign up to take SO 400 in the Spring of their Junior year; students who will be abroad during SO 400 or discover their interest in doing a thesis proposal after the start of SO 400 are still eligible to do one, provided they have the support of an adviser who will help them through the process (usually through an independent study) in the Spring of their Junior year.
  • In the Spring, students in SO 400 develop and finalize their thesis proposal, secure adviser, file IRB application (if relevant) and file funding application (if needed.)
  • No later than May 1 of the student’s Junior year, students must submit their application for a senior honors thesis, including obtaining participation of a faculty advisor. Late applications may be considered at the discretion of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
  • Application for Departmental Honors DUE MAY 1 .

Summer between student’s Junior and Senior year:

  • Student collects data/conducts research for project.

Senior Year:

  • In the Fall, the student takes SO 401 (2cr). SO 401 does not meet as a formal class. Rather, these are essentially placeholder credits that gives the student credit for the data analysis and writing work they are doing that fall.
  • In the Spring, the student takes SO 402 (4cr). SO 402 does not meet as a formal class. Rather, these credits further acknowledge the intensive work the student continues to do leading up to their capstone thesis presentation and thesis defense in April of their Senior year.

Honors Courses:

So 400 research practicum (4cr) (spring of jr. year).

(Prereqs: SO 303 and junior standing; or consent of instructor. First Year Writing Seminar (e.g., WR 100 or WR 120) This course prepares students planning to conduct honors research project in their senior year. Students interested in developing a research project for alternate purposes will be admitted with permission of the instructor. This course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Social Inquiry II, Research and Information Literacy.

In this course, you will develop a research proposal, secure a faculty advisor, complete and submit an IRB application for Human Subjects research (if needed), and prepare to begin your research project.  

SO 401 Senior Independent Work (2cr) (Fall of Senior Year)

Fill out an Add/Drop form and have your thesis advisor sign to add you to the class.

This directed study course is with your primary thesis advisor who will continue to work with you on specific details of your thesis.    

SO 402 Senior Independent Work (4 cr) (Spring of Senior Year

This directed study course is under the primary supervision of your thesis advisor. You will complete the analysis of data and writing of your thesis, culminating in the final draft of the thesis and the oral examination at the thesis defense.  

Senior Thesis FAQ:

What is an honors thesis.

Honors theses vary widely in length, depending on the topic, method, and number of appendices, graphics, tables, references, and other materials included in the work. In general, students can anticipate preparing a document of 30-65 pages. Some, however, are longer than this.

Study Abroad and Honors in the Major

Students who will be abroad during the spring semester of their junior year may still be eligible to complete a thesis by developing a research proposal through a directed study with a faculty advisor during the spring semester in lieu of SO 400.  If taken as a directed study, this course no longer counts as a Sociology graduation requirement and does not carry any HUB credits. Please contact your advisor to determine if this is a good fit for you.

How does senior honors thesis work impact my sociology course requirements ?

If you receive a C+ or higher in SO 400, you may substitute SO 400 (Advanced Research Practicum) for one of the two required seminars for graduation in the major. SO 400 can also fulfill one of the ten courses required for the sociology major. If you take a directed study with your advisor in lieu of SO 400 (for example, if you are abroad during spring junior year), you do not receive seminar credit for the directed study.

SO 401 and SO 402 do not count toward the required courses for graduation in the sociology major.

What happens if I decide, after taking SO 400 in the Fall, that I don't want to finish the thesis process? Or I receive less than a B for So 400?

SO 400-402 is intended to be a three semester course of study with the goal of completing a senior honors thesis. However, after consulting with relevant faculty, you may choose to discontinue after taking SO 400. If you have received a grade of C+ or higher in SO 400, you can apply SO 400 towards sociology requirements.

Can a Kilachnad Honors College student pursue departmental honors in sociology?

The KHC keystone project and departmental honors can be combined, provided you meet the general requirements for departmental honors, your primary project advisor is a sociology faculty member, and your project is sociological in method and content.  The requirement of SO 400 will be waived for students who pass the KHC junior year research seminar with a B or higher, but students do not receive sociology seminar credit for taking the KHC seminar. Please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies for more on how the keystone project and departmental honors are combined.

Who should I talk to if I have more questions?

You can talk to your advisor in sociology and the Director of Undergraduate Studies. For administrative questions, contact the Undergraduate Program Coordinator in Sociology.

Examples of previous thesis projects:

  • 2020. Pelletier, Temma. “Who’s My Parent When I Fill Out The FAFSA?”
  • 2020. Paasche-Orlow, Lev. “Organizational Techniques of Pro-life Picketers: An Exploration of Boston’s Anti-Abortion Movement”
  • 2019. Tichenor, Erin. “(De)criminalization: Agency, Intersectionality, & Social Control in Auckland’s Sex Industry”
  • 2019. Hereema, Matt. “Psychiatric Authority and the Placebo Effect: A Comparative Historical Analysis”
  • 2019. Lawry, Claire. “White America’s Principle-Implementation Gap: The Paradox of 21st Century Racism.”
  • 2019. Sheehan, Carrie. “Perceptions of Transgender Criminality: A Survey Experiment.”
  • 2019. Wimberly, Elizabeth. “Changing Times, Changing Monies: The Diffusion of Digital Gold.”

Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP)

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) facilitates participation by BU undergraduates in faculty-mentored research. UROP can provide financial support to Sociology undergraduates for summer research fellowships, academic year stipends, research supplies, and travel for research or to professional meetings.

The UROP research experience generally involves mentoring of a student project by a faculty member working in his or her area of expertise. Students conduct research either on individual research projects or as part of a larger team.  This provides an excellent opportunity to experience sociological research first-hand.

Undergraduate Research Support Fund

The Department of Sociology at Boston University is pleased to provide undergraduates with the opportunity to apply for modest financial support for independent research on sociological topics.  Students may use the funds for research supplies or research travel.

Applications must include a two page description of the research topic, questions, and methods; budget justification; and evidence that the student has applied or external funding, such as for UROP support.  In addition, the student must ask a faculty member to provide a short letter of reference indicating their willingness to supervise the project.  Preference will be given to applications from Sociology majors and minors.

For research involving human subjects, students should provide evidence of their submission of an application to the Institutional Review Board or of communication with the IRB indicating that the project does not require IRB approval.

Available funds are capped at $500 per student/project.  Applications, which will be considered on an ongoing basis, should be submitted electronically to the Department Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and the Undergraduate Program Coordinator.

Sociology Awards and Prizes

College prize for excellence in sociology.

Awarded by the College of Arts & Sciences on the basis of faculty recommendations, contributions to the department and University, and GPA in the major, the winner of this top prize addresses their graduating class at the Sociology convocation each year.

Outstanding Senior Thesis Prize

Awarded by the Department of Sociology faculty to the author of the best senior Sociology honors thesis written during the academic year.

Outstanding Seminar Paper Prize

Awarded by the Department of Sociology faculty to the author of the best seminar paper written during the academic year.

Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society in Sociology

Founded in 1920, Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) is an international sociology honor society with more than 400 chapters worldwide. Membership allows students to participate in national undergraduate research paper competitions and receive support for travel to professional meetings.

The Boston University chapter of AKD inducts majors in their junior or senior years who meet certain academic standards. For more information, students can visit our departmental website, consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies, or see the Honor Societies section of this Bulletin.

Diedre H. Symington Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to one of several juniors or seniors receiving financial aid and concentrating in sociology. The recipients are nominated by the faculty of the department on the basis of academic accomplishments and financial need.

Alpha Kappa Delta

Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) is the international sociology honor society, founded in 1920, with more than 400 chapters worldwide.  Each year the Boston University chapter (Gamma of Massachusetts) invites juniors and seniors of high scholarly achievement in Sociology to be inducted into Alpha Kappa Delta.

Membership allows students to participate in national undergraduate research paper competitions, to receive support for travel to professional meetings, and to receive the Society’s journal Sociological Inquiry. Students are eligible for AKD upon completing six sociology courses toward their major (or minor), including SO 201 and SO 203.

They will have maintained a GPA in sociology of at least 3.30 and an overall GPA of at least 3.00, and must be ranked in the top 35% of their class in general scholarship.  They must be at least a junior (third year) by BU standards, and have officially declared sociology as a major or minor and demonstrate a serious interest in the subject.

Click here to visit their website.


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  3. D English Stasis Theory on 11 14 19 at 9 52 AM

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  5. How to write a good senior thesis?

  6. Previous year Paper of Sociology Dec 2012


  1. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    The thesis should be a project that can be feasibly completed in 7-10 months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 to 100 pages, but there is no minimum or maximum. Senior Sociology concentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is required for those students who wish to graduate with honors in Sociology.

  2. Sociology Research Topics & Ideas (Free Webinar + Template)

    If you're just starting out exploring sociology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you've come to the right place. In this post, we'll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of research ideas, including real-world examples from recent sociological studies.. PS - This is just the start…

  3. PDF Writing Sociology Senior Thesis Guide Final Latexupdate

    1 Rarely, a student will write a senior thesis that focuses exclusively on sociological theory. If you wish to pursue this option, you should discuss it with your advisor as soon as possible to determine if this is an acceptable course of action. independent research.

  4. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Social Studies

    questions, follow the rough chronology of the thesis process—from choosing a topic, framing a question, and collecting data to writing the final draft. As such, there are dif-


    The Department provides seniors with a comprehensive guide on the senior thesis process and expectations. This will be helpful as you familiarize yourself with the expectations, format, and structure of senior theses at Harvard. The Department has compiled advice from past thesis writers. You may find it helpful to share this with the student ...

  6. PDF A Guide for Junior Papers and Senior Theses

    junior paper for juniors, and a senior thesis for seniors. Together with the mentorship of your faculty advisor, this handbook will help you think through the various steps of your independent research, and in doing so make the most of the relationship with the advisor who will supervise your research on behalf of the sociology department.

  7. Senior Thesis

    Completing a year-long senior thesis is a challenging and rewarding opportunity for students who are highly motivated to research a particular topic. To be eligible to complete a senior thesis for Department of Sociology credit, one must meet the following criteria: Be a rising senior with the intent of being a registered student for two ...

  8. PDF Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    1. Students enroll in the Senior Research Seminar, Sociology 398-1 and 398-2, during the fall and winter quarters. These are required courses for the major for students writing a thesis. If there is a conflict in scheduling, discuss this with the professor of the thesis seminar prior to the senior year, in the spring quarter of the junior year. 2.

  9. 70 Inspiring Sociology Research Topics For Students

    Religion. Communities. Culture. Secularization. Law among others. The internet is awash with a plethora of sociology research topics. Students, therefore, find it challenging to choose the right one (s) for their assignment. However, our experts handpicked 70 of the topmost sociology research topics for college students.

  10. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    The thesis should be a project that can be feasibly completed in 7-10 months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 to 100 pages, but there is no minimum or maximum. Senior Sociology concentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is re- quired for those students who wish to graduate with honors in Sociology.


    o Outline your thesis. o Identify a thesis committee. o Continue in the second part of the thesis seminar (2 credits) or Research Practicum. Spring quarter o Finish writing thesis by 2nd week of Spring quarter. o Defend thesis by 5th week of Spring quarter. o Recognized at Sociology Spring Awards and Recognition Ceremony at end of spring quarter.

  12. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    deciding to write a senior thesis. A research topic can be very broad—you have not yet developed a specific research question, but instead have an expansive area of interest. Here are some tips for choosing a successful thesis topic: • Let your interests guide you. This project will consume much of your senior year, so pick a topic

  13. Senior Thesis + Honors Program

    The Senior Thesis + Honors Program in Sociology offers students the structure and resources to investigate a social issue they are passionate about with the guidance of a faculty mentor over the course of three terms via SOC 497, SOC 498, and SOC 499. ... The first few weeks of the course are an introduction to the range of topics in sociology ...

  14. Senior Thesis: Department of Sociology

    The Value of the Senior Thesis. Writing a senior thesis is valuable in several ways. First and foremost, the experience of writing a thesis is intellectually valuable. Students who tackle a thesis have the opportunity to do in-depth research on a question of their own choosing. For students who want bona fide exposure to all the different ...

  15. Senior Theses

    Each term between 35 and 60 students complete the senior thesis process. Their studies address a wide variety of topics, and utilize a wide variety of research techniques. Sociology and Anthropology students have won the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research each year since its inception.

  16. Dissertations

    Hiramori, Daiki. 2022. "Sexuality Stratification in Contemporary Japan: A Study in Sociology." PhD dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Graduate, Dissertations: ... Department of Sociology University of Washington 211 Savery Hall Box 353340 Seattle, WA 98195-3340. Main Office: (206) 543-5882 Student Services ...

  17. Sociology Senior Thesis Writer's Workshop

    The Sociology Department has a Departmental Writing Fellow who can help you with your senior thesis. The 2023-2024 DWF is Marissa Combs. For more information visit the DWF website . For tips on writing a literature review, check out this PowerPoint from 2017's Soc 99 guest lecture on 9/19/17. Also, see advice from Becker and Kamler and Thomson .

  18. SOC 492. Senior Thesis

    SOC 492. Senior Thesis. Design and carry out original empirical research or extensive review of literature. Proposal due in semester before enrollment to receive permission number. [Prereq: SOC 372 or SOC 472; SOC 382; sociology majors SOC 410 (C) or CJS majors CRIM 410 (C).] View more information and submit your proposal at: BA Capstone ...

  19. Sociology Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2020. A social network analysis of online gamers' friendship networks: Structural attributes of Steam friendships, and comparison of offline-online social ties of MMO gamers, Juan G. Arroyo-Flores. Family Response to a Diagnosis of Serious Mental Illness in Teens and Young Adults: A Multi-Voiced Narrative Analysis ...

  20. Honors

    The Departmental Senior Honors Thesis is an opportunity for seniors in Sociology to conduct in-depth research in the major or minor field. It is the most stimulating intellectual enterprise in which an undergraduate can engage, demanding dedication and the ability to exercise independent judgment. Students who successfully produce and defend a ...

  21. Undergraduate Honors Thesis

    SOC 194HA and 194HB - Honors Thesis Course. Once accepted into the honors thesis program, students must enroll in SOC 194HA (fall quarter - 4 units) and SOC 194HB (winter quarter - 4 units). The first quarter typically involves a literature review, primary data collection (e.g., interviews, surveys, or participant observation) or analysis of existing data in relation to the thesis topic.