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Strategic management ph.d., earn a ph.d. in business and a major concentration in strategic management to prepare for a career at top academic institutions.

The Ph.D. in Business and a Major Concentration in Strategic Management provides course work in the base theories in strategic management. The field of strategic management studies big picture issues facing managers of firms, such as deciding what markets and industries to enter, how to enter and exit various markets, how to position the firm in the market in order to gain competitive advantage, and the timing, sequencing, and orchestration of competitive initiatives. Topics in strategic management include: Competitive strategy, resource allocation and corporate strategy, strategic decision processes, international and emerging market strategies, knowledge and innovation management, strategic entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and environment and non-market strategies.

The main goal of the strategic management doctoral program is to train students to do high-quality research in any of these areas and to prepare them for careers as mainstream professors of strategic management at top academic research institutions. To achieve this goal, Ph.D. students are required to take courses in strategic management, research methods and statistics, as well as possible disciplinary elective courses in economics, psychology and political science, and to write research papers examining important and relevant issues in strategic management. The program also has a teaching requirement to the extent that teaching opportunities are available.

Interested in Rice Business?

Program information.

Rice Business offers an outstanding program for doctoral students interested in strategic management.

In addition to the requirements described in Chapters 1 and 6 of this guide, doctoral students who have chosen strategic management as their area must satisfy the following requirements for a Ph.D. degree.

Course, Research Work and Dissertation Advisor

  • The student’s course work must be approved by the area faculty advisor.
  • During the student’s first two years, he or she must take a minimum of 12 hours of approved graduate level courses per semester.
  • Course work includes a combination of required and elective courses. The required courses are listed in the attached course sample sequence.
  • The student is expected to attend all research seminars organized in the strategic management area during the student’s tenure in the Ph.D. program. Moreover, during the second and third years, the student must formally register for the strategic management research seminars and attend presentations of SE faculty as well as those of faculty members from other business schools who visit the SE area to present their research.
  • Students are expected to be fully engaged in research during the Ph.D. program, especially during all the summers, including the summer after the first year of their residency in the Ph.D. program.
  • Students must have a Jones School SE faculty member who has agreed to serve as their dissertation advisor by the end of the spring semester of their third year in the program.
  • From the second year onwards, students are required to give at least one research presentation every year in front of faculty and other doctoral students. Such presentations should demonstrate that the student is making adequate progress in his/her research. The presentation requirement may be fulfilled in the fall of the second and third years by presenting the required research paper and other research projects. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule this yearly presentation, together with his/her advisor and/or the strategic management area advisor.
  • Having teaching experience is important for doctoral students to perform well in the academic job market. As such, we require students in the SE area to have a teaching experience. In the third year of the program, all students receive an opportunity to be a teaching assistant for SE faculty in strategic courses at the Jones School. Moreover, to the extent that teaching opportunities are available, we require students to teach at least one semester course as the primary instructor before entering the job market.

Exam Requirements

Students must successfully pass a comprehensive exam administered by the SE faculty at the end of the second year. The exam is administered and graded by SE faculty, under the supervision of the strategic management area advisor or special committee set up for this purpose. The exam includes two parts:

  • Part I focuses on the coursework taken in strategic management and measures the student’s knowledge of the area as a whole including base theories, main strategy research topics, and research methods.
  • Part II requires writing a paper as a take-home exam (generally within 48 hours) on a topic jointly discussed between two SE faculty and the student; it focuses on the student’s ability to write a research paper establishing a contribution to the designated literature and also includes research methods and study design.

A successful performance in the exam demonstrates the student’s solid training in strategic management and provide the foundation from which he or she begins the research that forms the basis of the dissertation.

Research Paper Requirements

Students are required to write one major paper in their first two years, either sole-authored or coauthored with a faculty member(s) in the SE area.  This paper is proposed in the spring semester of the second year and completed at the beginning of the fall semester of the third year. The bulk of the work on the paper is intended to be done in the summer. The paper is intended as (1) a developmental vehicle for the student and (2) that will result in publications in top quality journals (although credit is not dependent on publication).

The student is expected to take the lead on the project (in the manner of a lead author) and should individually decide (perhaps in collaboration with an SE area faculty member) on what topic the student will work. The paper must be approved by two tenure-track SE faculty members (one is typically the student’s adviser). The student is expected to present the paper in a faculty workshop at the beginning of the fall semester of the third year. Failure to complete the Research Paper Requirements, as outlined above, will mean that the student is not making satisfactory academic progress in the Ph.D. Program. See Appendix B for research paper approval and evaluation forms.

The course curriculum is designed around a challenging course of study in both the theory of strategic management and in innovative empirical design.  The sample course sequence is typical although the students might choose different courses across disciplines to structure a specific degree plan. Besides the required 1st and 2nd year Strategic management basic and advanced courses, students are required to take a microeconomics course as well as statistic and methodology courses. Doctoral students may continue taking courses beyond their second year.     Sample Course Sequence in Strategic Leadership (Psychology Oriented)

Year 1 (Fall)

BUSI 540        Strategy Management Theory (3.0)

BUSI 549        Strategy Pro-seminar (3.0)

POLI 504        Methodology and Data Analysis (or equivalent-e.g., ECON 510)

PSYC 507       Research Methods (or equivalent)

Year 1 (Spring)

BUSI 541      Strategic Management Research (3.0)

BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours see courses below)

POLI 505      Topics in Political Methodology (or equivalent-e.g., ECON 511)


Year 2 (Fall)           

BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours)

PSYC 601     Multivariate Statistics (or equivalent)

ECON 501     Microeconomic Theory I (or equivalent)

 Year 2 (Spring)

 BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours-see courses below)

 BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours see courses below)

Examples of elective courses are:

BUSI 503        Econometric Models in Marketing

BUSI 504        Game Theory

BUSI 530        Introduction to Accounting Research

BUSI 531        Empirical Methods in Accounting

BUSI 522        Corporate Finance

BUSI 523        Empirical Methods in Finance

ECON 504      Advanced Economic Statistics

ECON 510      Econometrics I

ECON 510      Econometrics II

ECON 514      Industrial Organization and Control

ECON 523      Dynamic Optimization

STAT 522       Advanced Bayesian Statistics

STAT 541       Multivariate Analysis

STAT 606       SAS Statistical Programming

STAT 621       Time Series Analysis

STAT 622       Bayesian Data Analysis

PSYC 502       Advanced Psychological Statistics I

PSYC 503       Advanced Psychological Statistics II

PSYC 507       Research Methods

PSYC 601       Multivariate Statistics

PSYC 637       Meta-Analysis in Psychological Research

PSYC 550       Foundations of Social Psychology

PSYC 636       Organizational Psychology

PSYC 639       Groups and Teams: Advanced Topics in I/O

POLI 503        Topics in Methods and Data Analysis

POLI 504        Advanced Topics in Methodology and Data Analysis

POLI 505        Topics in Political Methodology (Panel Data or Time Series)

POLI 511        Measurement and Research Design

POLI 527        Institutional Analysis and Design

POLI 576        International Political Economy

POLI 575        Game Theory

BUSI 540:  Strategic Management Theory This seminar covers foundational as well as contemporary theories in strategic management. The course draws upon foundational theoretical perspectives from economics, sociology and organization theory to supplement more traditional strategy approaches towards understanding firm performance and related issues. Potential topics on contemporary theories may include: behavioral theory of the firm, transaction cost economics, agency theory, behavioral agency theory, structural contingency theory, theories of cooperative strategy, organizational networks, the resource-based view of the firm and upper echelon theories or theories regarding top management teams, theories of opportunity recognition and new venture creation, resource dependence theory, and theories of organizational evolution.

BUSI 541: Strategy Management Research This seminar examines the effectiveness of corporate and competitive strategy in creating and maintaining competitive advantage. Topics may include firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based theories of competence, strategy as real options, and cooperative strategy including strategic alliances and joint ventures. Topics may also include corporate diversification strategy, international diversification and entry into emerging markets, corporate governance, management of diversified business groups, strategic entrepreneurship, and management of innovation.

Advanced Topics in Strategy (1.5 credit course modules)

Required Advanced Strategy Electives (They take two per semester after the first semester in the program)

BUSI 515 Micro foundations of organization & management (1.5)

BUSI 542 Organization change (1.5)

BUSI 543 Executive leadership & corporate governance (1.5)

BUSI 544 Contemporary management thought (1.5)

BUSI 547 Innovation & knowledge management (1.5)

BUSI 551 Strategy research in corporate development (1.5)

BUSI 550 Corporate social responsibility (1.5)

BUSI 552 Design of business research (1.5)

Other topic are likely to be developed in the future.

Certification of Candidacy indicates that a student has reached the advanced stage of the Ph.D. Program, permitting him/her to devote full time to writing a dissertation. At least eight months must elapse between admission to candidacy and conferral of the degree. The requirements for candidacy are:

  • Successful completion of the course work requirements.
  • Successful completion of the research paper requirements.
  • Successful completion of the comprehensive examination requirements.

Strategic Management Area Advisor

Laszlo Tihanyi

Laszlo Tihanyi

Current students.


Alumni Placement

Alumni Name Year Placement upon Graduation Current Institution (if moved)
Shi, Wei (Frank) 2016 Indiana University Indianapolis, 2016-2018 University of Miami from 2018; Now tenured associate professor
Yi, Xiwei  2016 Peking University, Chiina  
Jin, Jing (Jane) 2016 Renmin University of China  
Zyung, Daniel 2017 Southern Methodist University  
Gambeta, Eni 2018 University of Cincinnati  
Mealey, Christian R. 2018 Duke University, postdoc, 2018-2020 Senior Strategic Planning Specialist, Oak Ridge
National Lab (ORNL) from 2020, Chapel Hill, NC
Colby Green 2018 Brigham Young University (visiting) Southern Utah University
Callahan, Conor 2019 University of Illinois Chicago  
Li, Toby 2019 Texas A&M University  
Chen, Zhuo (Emma) 2020 American University  China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai from 2022.

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strategic management phd positions

Melinda Peña

  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →
  • PhD Programs
  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management
  • Program Requirements

Students in the program are expected to master graduate-level microeconomic theory and econometrics. In addition, they are expected to devote substantial time to mastering one additional complementary discipline, such as psychology, sociology, or political science, and developing expertise in research methodologies suited to their particular interests, such as qualitative analysis, designing effective fieldwork, and analysis of survey data.

Students in the Strategy doctoral program work closely with faculty in the Strategy Unit. In addition to the doctoral program in Strategy, the Strategy unit offers a program in Business Economics , which is designed to attract students interested in pursuing research using a purely economics-based methodology.

Curriculum & Coursework

Our programs are full-time degree programs which officially begin in August. Students are expected to complete their program in five years. Typically, the first two years are spent on coursework, at the end of which students take a field exam, and then another three years on dissertation research and writing.

The program requires a minimum of 13 semester long doctoral courses. Students in the Strategy program complete courses in the areas of business management theory, economic theory, quantitative research methods, academic field seminars, and two MBA elective curriculum courses. In addition to HBS courses, students may take courses at other Harvard Schools and MIT.

Research & Dissertation

Students in strategy begin research in their first year typically by working with a faculty member. By their third and fourth years, most students are launched on a solid research and publication stream. The dissertation may take the form of three publishable papers or one longer dissertation.

Examples of thesis research include: the relationship between non-market experience and the use and outcome of patent strategies by pharmaceutical firms; the antecedents and consequences of corporate strategy decision-making, specifically focusing on divestitures and governance; the impact of religion on individual financial choices and institutional structures; innovation in emerging markets; and the causal effect of incentive policy reform, expatriates and social relationships on innovation.

strategic management phd positions

Dafna Bearson

strategic management phd positions

Rowan Clarke

“ Students in the program come from diverse backgrounds ranging from computer science to psychology. It's really fascinating how different our worlds views are! ”

strategic management phd positions

Current HBS Faculty

  • Juan Alcacer
  • Laura Alfaro
  • Bharat N. Anand
  • Julie Battilana
  • Ethan S. Bernstein
  • Ramon Casadesus-Masanell
  • Wilbur X. Chen
  • Prithwiraj Choudhury
  • David J. Collis
  • Leemore S. Dafny
  • Mattias E. Fibiger
  • Carolyn J. Fu
  • Shane M. Greenstein
  • Boris Groysberg
  • Jonas Heese
  • Rebecca M. Henderson
  • Ebehi Iyoha
  • William R. Kerr
  • Tarun Khanna
  • Hyunjin Kim
  • Rembrand M. Koning
  • Alexander J. MacKay
  • Deepak Malhotra
  • Cynthia A. Montgomery
  • Frank Nagle
  • Felix Oberholzer-Gee
  • Joseph Pacelli
  • Lynn S. Paine
  • Sophus A. Reinert
  • Meg Rithmire
  • Jan W. Rivkin
  • Charlotte L. Robertson
  • Maria P. Roche
  • Clayton S. Rose
  • Raffaella Sadun
  • George Serafeim
  • Jorge Tamayo
  • Eric J. Van den Steen
  • Dennis A. Yao
  • David B. Yoffie

Current Strategy Students

  • Jackson Anderson
  • Ana Antolin
  • Dafna Bearson
  • Liz Calder
  • Rowan Clarke
  • Leila Doumi
  • Aticus Peterson
  • Joey Ryu
  • Kyle Schirmann
  • Yifei Wu
  • Haiyang Zhang

Current HBS Faculty & Students by Interest

Recent placement, innessa colaiacovo, 2024, f. christopher eaglin, 2022, j. yo-jud cheng, 2019, laura katsnelson, 2024, young hou, 2021, do yoon kim, 2019, nataliya langburd wright, 2023, hyunjin kim, 2020.

  • Enroll & Pay
  • Prospective Students
  • Current Students

Ph.D. in Strategic Management

Program information.

Please note: We are not accepting applications in strategic management for the fall 2025 term.

The doctoral program in strategic management prepares students for success in research universities as faculty members specializing in strategic management. Research in strategic management concerns how firms and organizations gain competitive advantage over rival firms or organizations. The field emphasizes a blend of knowledge about economics, sociology and psychology to understand firm strategy and strategic decision-making.

Important sub-fields within the discipline include research on developing firm resources, competitive interactions, relational governance, strategic decision-making, innovation, entrepreneurship and organizational learning. The field is increasingly focusing on research issues within the context of globalization and international business.  

  • Application requirements

Doctoral students work closely with faculty to gain research expertise in the various functions and activities carried out as part of SM with a focus on developing firm resources, competitive interactions, relational governance, strategic decision-making, innovation, entrepreneurship, and organizational learning.

Part of our mission is to develop effective teachers. To that end, all doctoral students are required to teach at least two sections as independent instructors. The school and university prepare and reward doctoral students for excellence in teaching through various programs and awards.

Program details

Strategic management core courses.

A graduate course in economics: BE 701: Business Economics OR BE 917: Advanced Managerial Economics OR ECON 700: Survey of Microeconomics

Note: BE 917: Business Economics, is preferred.  Students coming into the program directly from an undergraduate degree may consider substituting BE 701: Business Economics, or ECON 700: Survey of Microeconomics. In the event a student has taken a graduate economics course prior to enrolling as a KU doctoral student, she/he may waive the requirement and substitute either an elective doctoral content course or a statistics/research methods course for this requirement.

MGMT 905: Management Research Methods

MGMT 916: Major Management Theories

MGMT 956: Seminar in Strategic Management I

MGMT 957: Seminar in Strategic Management II

MGMT 950: Seminar in Human Resource Management I OR      MGMT 951: Seminar in Human Resource Management II

MGMT 953: Seminar in Organizational Behavior I OR      MGMT 954: Seminar in Organizational Behavior II

MGMT 998: Independent Study

MGMT 958: Special Topics in Strategic Management (offered and required when there are 3 or more students in years 1 & 2 of the program)

Statistics/Research Methods Courses

At least four courses with advisor approval

At least two or more courses with advisor approval

More information:

View a detailed list of courses in the Academic Catalog .


Area of concentration.

Most students typically will select the specific area to which they are admitted (strategic management) as their concentration. However, an aspirant, with the assistance of his or her faculty advisor and the area faculty, may propose an interdisciplinary area of concentration that is a combination of the traditional business disciplines.

An aspirant may also propose an interdisciplinary area of concentration that includes emphases such as international business, law and economics. 

Research methodology

For successful qualifier assessment, the student’s program of study should include adequate preparation in research methodology.

  • Comprehensive exams
  • Dissertation proposal
  • Dissertation defense

Some students can complete the program in four years.

Program faculty

Vincent Barker

  • Edmund P. Learned Professor
  • Management and Entrepreneurship academic area

Todd Hall

  • Assistant Professor

Jun Ho Lee

  • William & Judy Docking Professor of Strategy

Strategic management doctoral students

Youn Seo Jo

  • Ph.D. Student

Smart. Open. Grounded. Inventive. Read our Ideas Made to Matter.

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MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

An interdisciplinary program that combines engineering, management, and design, leading to a master’s degree in engineering and management.

Executive Programs

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

This 20-month MBA program equips experienced executives to enhance their impact on their organizations and the world.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

PhD Program

Program overview.

Now Reading 1 of 4

Rigorous, discipline-based research is the hallmark of the MIT Sloan PhD Program. The program is committed to educating scholars who will lead in their fields of research—those with outstanding intellectual skills who will carry forward productive research on the complex organizational, financial, and technological issues that characterize an increasingly competitive and challenging business world.

Start here.

Learn more about the program, how to apply, and find answers to common questions.

Admissions Events

Check out our event schedule, and learn when you can chat with us in person or online.

Start Your Application

Visit this section to find important admissions deadlines, along with a link to our application.

Click here for answers to many of the most frequently asked questions.

PhD studies at MIT Sloan are intense and individual in nature, demanding a great deal of time, initiative, and discipline from every candidate. But the rewards of such rigor are tremendous:  MIT Sloan PhD graduates go on to teach and conduct research at the world's most prestigious universities.

PhD Program curriculum at MIT Sloan is organized under the following three academic areas: Behavior & Policy Sciences; Economics, Finance & Accounting; and Management Science. Our nine research groups correspond with one of the academic areas, as noted below.

MIT Sloan PhD Research Groups

Behavioral & policy sciences.

Economic Sociology

Institute for Work & Employment Research

Organization Studies

Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management

Economics, Finance & Accounting


Management Science

Information Technology

System Dynamics  

Those interested in a PhD in Operations Research should visit the Operations Research Center .  

PhD Students_Work and Organization Studies

PhD Program Structure

Additional information including coursework and thesis requirements.

MIT Sloan E2 building campus at night

MIT Sloan Predoctoral Opportunities

MIT Sloan is eager to provide a diverse group of talented students with early-career exposure to research techniques as well as support in considering research career paths.

A group of three women looking at a laptop in a classroom and a group of three students in the background

Rising Scholars Conference

The fourth annual Rising Scholars Conference on October 25 and 26 gathers diverse PhD students from across the country to present their research.

Now Reading 2 of 4

The goal of the MIT Sloan PhD Program's admissions process is to select a small number of people who are most likely to successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program and then thrive in academic research careers. The admission selection process is highly competitive; we aim for a class size of nineteen students, admitted from a pool of hundreds of applicants.

What We Seek

  • Outstanding intellectual ability
  • Excellent academic records
  • Previous work in disciplines related to the intended area of concentration
  • Strong commitment to a career in research

MIT Sloan PhD Program Admissions Requirements Common Questions

Dates and Deadlines

Admissions for 2024 is closed. The next opportunity to apply will be for 2025 admission. The 2025 application will open in September 2024. 

More information on program requirements and application components

Students in good academic standing in our program receive a funding package that includes tuition, medical insurance, and a fellowship stipend and/or TA/RA salary. We also provide a new laptop computer and a conference travel/research budget.

Funding Information

Throughout the year, we organize events that give you a chance to learn more about the program and determine if a PhD in Management is right for you.

PhD Program Events

July phd program overview.

During this webinar, you will hear from the PhD Program team and have the chance to ask questions about the application and admissions process.

August PhD Program Overview

Discover your doctoral path.

An event for prospective students with Boston-area management programs

September 12 PhD Program Overview

Complete PhD Admissions Event Calendar

Unlike formulaic approaches to training scholars, the PhD Program at MIT Sloan allows students to choose their own adventure and develop a unique scholarly identity. This can be daunting, but students are given a wide range of support along the way - most notably having access to world class faculty and coursework both at MIT and in the broader academic community around Boston.

Now Reading 3 of 4

Students Outside of E62

Profiles of our current students

MIT Sloan produces top-notch PhDs in management. Immersed in MIT Sloan's distinctive culture, upcoming graduates are poised to innovate in management research and education.

Academic Job Market

Doctoral candidates on the current academic market

Academic Placements

Graduates of the MIT Sloan PhD Program are researching and teaching at top schools around the world.

view recent placements 

MIT Sloan Experience

Now Reading 4 of 4

The PhD Program is integral to the research of MIT Sloan's world-class faculty. With a reputation as risk-takers who are unafraid to embrace the unconventional, they are engaged in exciting disciplinary and interdisciplinary research that often includes PhD students as key team members.

Research centers across MIT Sloan and MIT provide a rich setting for collaboration and exploration. In addition to exposure to the faculty, PhD students also learn from one another in a creative, supportive research community.

Throughout MIT Sloan's history, our professors have devised theories and fields of study that have had a profound impact on management theory and practice.

From Douglas McGregor's Theory X/Theory Y distinction to Nobel-recognized breakthroughs in finance by Franco Modigliani and in option pricing by Robert Merton and Myron Scholes, MIT Sloan's faculty have been unmatched innovators.

This legacy of innovative thinking and dedication to research impacts every faculty member and filters down to the students who work beside them.

Faculty Links

  • Accounting Faculty
  • Economic Sociology Faculty
  • Finance Faculty
  • Information Technology Faculty
  • Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) Faculty
  • Marketing Faculty
  • Organization Studies Faculty
  • System Dynamics Faculty
  • Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management (TIES) Faculty

Student Research

“MIT Sloan PhD training is a transformative experience. The heart of the process is the student’s transition from being a consumer of knowledge to being a producer of knowledge. This involves learning to ask precise, tractable questions and addressing them with creativity and rigor. Hard work is required, but the reward is the incomparable exhilaration one feels from having solved a puzzle that had bedeviled the sharpest minds in the world!” -Ezra Zuckerman Sivan Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Entrepreneurship

Sample Dissertation Abstracts - These sample Dissertation Abstracts provide examples of the work that our students have chosen to study while in the MIT Sloan PhD Program.

We believe that our doctoral program is the heart of MIT Sloan's research community and that it develops some of the best management researchers in the world. At our annual Doctoral Research Forum, we celebrate the great research that our doctoral students do, and the research community that supports that development process.

The videos of their presentations below showcase the work of our students and will give you insight into the topics they choose to research in the program.

Attention To Retention: The Informativeness of Insiders’ Decision to Retain Shares

2024 PhD Doctoral Research Forum Winner - Gabriel Voelcker

Watch more MIT Sloan PhD Program  Doctoral Forum Videos

strategic management phd positions

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  • The Growth Dialogue
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GW School of Business

Ph.D. in Business with a Management and Strategy Area of Focus

Please note: This degree program is designed as a joint program between Management and Strategic Management & Public Policy, so the coursework consists of core courses as well as courses that are specific to one of those two fields.

Program and Curriculum

Learn about the program's curriculum and comprehensive examination requirement.

Learn More About the Program & Curriculum

Admission and Financial Aid

Learn about admissions and the costs of pursuing a Ph.D. in management and strategy, and explore a variety of resources available to help finance your degree.

Learn More About Admission and Financial Aid

An overview of the research activities of our students and faculty.

Learn More About Program Research

The objective of the Management and Strategic Management & Public Policy doctoral program is to prepare students for research-oriented academic positions. The program is built on a strong foundation that consists of a critical mass of research-oriented faculty and a strong research climate. The program is cross-disciplinary by building on the faculty and research in both management and strategy. Students receive a foundation in both management and strategic management and public policy with the ability to focus on developing a research competence in a chosen field of study.

Students must meet all the general requirements of the doctoral program of the School of Business (see the Ph.D. Handbook), and meet any additional requirements of the student’s field of study.

Learn more about the Management/Strategic Management & Public Policy doctoral program at the GW School of Business from this open house on December 9, 2021.

Meet Our Doctoral Students

Lauryn Burnett

Lauryn Burnett

Doctoral Student of Management

Amando Cope

Amando Cope

Ursula Martin

Ursula Martin

Urusha Thapa

Urusha Thapa

Doctoral Student of Strategic Management and Public Policy

photo - Rui Wang

Doctoral Program Graduates and Career Placement

View the dissertation title, dissertation committee members, and current job titles of each graduate below their name.

Soolim Park (Ph.D. 2024)

  • Natural Disasters and Firms’ Climate Change Mitigation (Jorge E. Rivera, Chair; Jorge Walter, Herman Aguinis, Jennifer Oetzel, Brendan Hurley)
  • Assistant Professor, NEOMA Business School
  • Google Scholar Profile
  • Personal website

Hannah Kremer (Ph.D. 2022)

Sharing Without Caring: How Self-Concealment Influences Idea Creativity at Work (Margaret Ormiston, Chair; Herman Aguinis, Jack Goncalo, Katina Sawyer)

DEI Lead, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Joowon Lee (Ph.D. 2022)

Examining the Effects of CEO Big Five Personality Traits on Technological Innovation: Evidence from S&P 500 Firms (James R. Bailey, Chair; George T. Solomon, D. Christopher Kayes, Joonmahn Lee)

Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Kerrigan Unter (Ph.D. 2022)

  • California Wineries and Climate Change: Extreme Weather Events, Resource-Supply Adaptation, and Wine Quality (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Magali Delmas; Martina Linnenluecke; Michael Mann; Jorge Walter)
  • Postdoctoral research fellow for the Institute for Economy and the Environment at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Google Scholar profile

Isabel Villamor (Ph.D. 2022)

How Virtual Work Changes Implicit Leadership Theories: Consequences for Leaders’ Evaluation (N. Sharon Hill, Chair; Herman Aguinis, Margaret Ormiston, Lynn R. Offermann)

Assistant Professor, IESE Business School

Nawaf Alabduljader (Ph.D. 2018)

New Venture Team Personality and New Venture Success (George T. Solomon, Chair; Herman Aguinis, D. Christopher Kayes, Charles H. Matthews)

Assistant Professor, Kuwait University

Ravi Ramani (Ph.D. 2018)

Invigorated and Checked-In or Depleted and Checked-Out? A Person-Centric Examination of the Effects of Voice on Employee Burnout and Turnover Intention (Herman Aguinis, Chair; James R. Bailey, Jorge Walter, N. Andrew Cohen)

Assistant Professor, Morgan State University

Viviane Clement (Ph.D. 2017)

  • From Adaptation to Transformation: A Resilience Perspective on Organizational Responses to Ecological Adversity (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Tima Bansal; Michael Mann; James Wade; Jorge Walter)
  • Senior Policy Analyst, World Bank

Young Hun Ji (Ph.D. 2017)

Understanding the Gender Performance Gap Among Star Performers in STEM Fields (Herman Aguinis, Chair; N. Andrew Cohen, N. Sharon Hill, James B. Wade)

Senior Data Scientist, Aiven

Lili Yan (Ph.D. 2016)

  • Corruption in a Multinational Context: Two Essays (Robert J. Weiner, Co-Chair; Timothy L. Fort, Co-Chair; Jennifer J. Griffin; Steven R. Salbu; Eun-Hee Kim)
  • Assistant Professor of Business Ethics, St. Mary’s College

Yoona Youm (Ph.D. 2016)

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Business Groups: An Examination of Korean Business Groups, Chaebols, and the Initiation of CSR Programs (Jennifer J. Griffin, Chair; Susan L. Kulp; Vanessa Perry; Anupama Phene)
  • Assistant Professor, Loyola University-Chicago

Kevin May (Ph.D. 2015)

  • Entrepreneurial Founder Team Composition and Its Influence on Firm Performance: A Social Capital Perspective (George T. Solomon, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, N. Andrew Cohen, Vanessa G. Perry, Shivraj Kanungo)
  • Assistant Professor of Practice, The Catholic University of America; Co-Founder, GenB, Inc.

Juan Roeschmann (Ph.D. 2015)

  • Is Environmental Certification Associated with Price Premiums? The Case of Costa Rica Hotel and Community Certification Programs (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Eun-Hee Kim; Donald Hawkins; Jorge Walter; Robert Savickas)
  • Consultant and Partner, RG Group

Smita Trivedi (Ph.D. 2014)

  • Creating Livelihoods: Indian Women Entrepreneur Networks in the Context of Poverty (Timothy L. Fort, Co-Chair; Jennifer J. Griffin, Co-Chair; Stuart L. Hart; Vanessa G. Perry; Shaista E. Khilji; Alex V. Krasnikov)
  • Associate Professor, San Francisco State University

Jeewhan Yoon (Ph.D. 2014)

  • Team Learning and Financial Performance: The Effects of Psychological Safety and Team Supervisor Support (D. Christopher Kayes, Chair; Patrick P. McHugh, George T. Solomon, N. Sharon Hill, Lynn R. Offermann)
  • Professor, Korea University

Vivianna Fang He (Ph.D. 2013)

  • Learning from Failure: The Making of Entrepreneurial Leaders (George T. Solomon, Chair; James R. Bailey, Shyam Giridharadas, D. Christopher Kayes, Sheetal Singh)
  • Associate Professor, University of St. Gallen

Patricia Kanashiro (Ph.D. 2013)

  • Corporate Environmental Strategy: Institutional and Governance Perspectives (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Mark Starik; Rafael Lucea; Timothy Fort; Martha Carter)
  • Associate Professor, Loyola University Maryland

Jae Hyeung Kang (Ph.D. 2012)

  • CEOs' Transformational Leadership and Managers' Innovative Behavior: The Investigation of Intervening Effects in an Entrepreneurial Context (George T. Solomon, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, Sheetal Singh, D. Christopher Kayes, Ayman E. Tarabishy)
  • Associate Professor, Oakland University

Crystal Han-Huei Tsay (Ph.D. 2012)

  • Understanding Students' Adaptation to Graduate School: An Integration of Social Support Theory and Social Learning Theory (D. Christopher Kayes, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, N. Sharon Hill, George T. Solomon, Shyam Giridharadas)
  • Deputy Head of the Executive Business Centre and Associate Professor, University of Greenwich

Charles Koerber (Ph.D. 2011)

  • Lending to Low- and Moderate-Income Borrowers: The Impact of Lender Board Composition, Stakeholder Outreach, and Regulatory Environment (Jennifer J. Griffin, Chair; Timothy Fort; Vanessa G. Perry; J. Howard Beales, III; Ernie Englander)

Junghyun Lee (Ph.D. 2011)

  • The Effects of Leadership Behavior on Workplace Harassment, Employee Outcomes, and Organizational Effectiveness in Small Businesses (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Chair; George T. Solomon, Tjai M. Nielsen, M. Susan Taylor, Lynn R. Offermann)
  • Associate Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn

J. Mark Phillips (Ph.D. 2011)

  • The Entrepreneurial Esquire: Entrepreneurial Climate as a Mediator Between Transformational Leadership and Performance in Law Firms (Erik K. Winslow, Chair; George T. Solomon, James R. Bailey, Ayman E. Tarabishy, N. Sharon Hill)
  • Associate Professor, Belmont University

Peter Tashman (Ph.D. 2011)

  • Corporate Climate Change Adaptation, Vulnerability and Environmental Performance in the United States Ski Resort Industry (Jorge Rivera, Chair; Mark Starik; Tim Fort; Eun-Hee Kim; Jennifer Spencer)
  • Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts-Lowell

David A. Tomczyk (Ph.D. 2010)

  • The Relationship Between Long-Term Video Game Playing and Individuals' Entrepreneurial Traits and Intent: An Exploratory Study (George T. Solomon, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, John M. Artz, N. Sharon Hill, Ayman E. Tarabishy)
  • Associate Professor, Quinnipiac University

Michelle Westermann-Behaylo (Ph.D. 2010)

  • The relationship between corporate ethical climate and stakeholder management (Timothy L. Fort, Chair; Jorge Rivera; Shawn L. Berman)
  • Faculty, University of Amsterdam

Timothy S. Clark (Ph.D. 2009)

  • Strategic orientation toward sustainability: The role of investor relations officers (Mark Starik, Chair; Timothy Fort; Vanessa G. Perry)
  • Associate Professor, Northern Arizona University (Retired)

George Hrivnak (Ph.D. 2009)

  • Extending a model of leader-member exchange development: Individual and dyadic effects of personality, similarity and liking (Tjai M. Nielsen, Chair; James R. Bailey, Lynn R. Offermann)
  • Associate Professor of Management and Associate Dean - Learning & Teaching, Bond University (Australia)

Kristin M. Lamoureux (Ph.D. 2009)

  • Success factors of cross-sector volunteer tourism partnerships involving U.S. federal land agencies (Donald E. Hawkins, Chair; Larry Yu; Jorge Rivera)
  • Director of the MSBA-HTM Graduate program and Collegiate Professor, Virginia Tech University

Lu Zhang (Ph.D. 2008)

  • Corporate social responsibility, applicants' ethical predispositions, and organizational attraction: A person-organization fit perspective (Mary A. Gowan, Chair; Timothy Fort, Jaclyn M. Jensen, Patrick P. McHugh, Cynthia Kay Stevens)
  • Associate Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea)

Elizabeth Alexander (Ph.D. 2007)

  • The effects of institutional environment upon innovation and performance: Collaborative external knowledge strategies in the cellular telephone industry (Jennifer Spencer, Chair; Hildy Teegan; Ernie Englander; Bing-Sheng Teng; Paul Almeida)
  • Reader in International Management, Head of Leadership, Work & Organisation Subject Group, Newcastle University

Jie Jiao (Ph.D. 2007)

  • International acquisition strategies of Chinese firms: A multi -theoretic examination (Bing-Sheng Teng, Chair; Jiawen Yang; Ernie Englander; Lee Burke; Jennifer Spencer)
  • Professor, Tsinghua University

Gary A. Bojes (Ph.D. 2006)

  • Orchestrating strategy implementation: A grounded theory approach to environmental management in strategies focused on the Chesapeake Bay (Mark Starik, Chair; James Thurman; Richard Donnelly; Pradeep Rau)
  • Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Thomas A. Hemphill (Ph.D. 2005)

  • Cooperative strategy and technology standards-setting: A study of United States wireless telecommunications industry standards development (James Thurman, Chair; Robert Rycroft; Joel Cook; Ernie Englander; Nicholas Vonortas)
  • David M French Professor and Professor of Management, The University of Michigan-Flint

Pramila Rao (Ph.D. 2005)

  • Executive staffing practices in United States of America-Mexico business joint ventures (Paul M. Swiercz, Chair; John F. Lobuts Jr., Donna Lind Infeld, Hildy J. Teegen, Mary A. Gowan, Jennifer W. Spencer)
  • Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, Marymount University

Kalpana Seethepalli (Ph.D. 2005)

  • Risk, structure and performance: An analysis of private investor strategies in emerging economy electricity markets (Hildy Teegan, Chair; Jennifer Spencer; Mark Starik; Bing-Sheng Teng; Jonathan Doh)
  • ESG Director, Deutsche Bank

Gurneeta Vasudeva (Singh) (Ph. D. 2005)

  • How national institutions influence firms' knowledge -building alliance strategies: A longitudinal study of fuel cell technology development (Jennifer Spencer, Co-Chair; Hildy Teegan, Co-Chair; Nicholas Vonortas; Ernie Englander; Paul Almeida)
  • Associate Professor, University of Minnesota

Souha Riad Ezzedeen (Ph.D. 2003)

  • Rethinking Work-life Balance: Development and Validation of the Cognitive Intrusion of Work Scale (Paul M. Swiercz, Chair; William C. Adams, John F. Lobuts Jr., E. Gustave Marits, Gordon E. Dehler, John L. Glascock)
  • Associate Professor, York University (Canada)

Stephen McGuire (Ph.D. 2003)

  • Entrepreneurial organizational culture: Construct definition and instrument development and validation (Patrick P. McHugh, Chair; John F. Lobuts Jr., E. Gustave Marits, Richard G. Donnelly, Theorore H. Rosen, William R. Baber)
  • Professor of Management, California State University at Los Angeles

James D. Oldson (Ph.D. 2003)

  • A comparative analysis of the predictive strengths of an assessment center and a 360-degree evaluation process to forecast managerial performance in entry-level managers (Mark Starik, Chair; Kathryn Newcomer; Marilyn Liebrenz-Himes; Larry Williams; Charles Toftoy)

Jeffrey L. Cummings (Ph.D. 2002)

  • Knowledge transfer across R&D units: An empirical investigation of the factors affecting successful knowledge transfer across intra- and inter-organizational units (James Thurman, Chair; Richard Donnelly; Ernie Englander; Bing-Sheng Teng; Nancy Dixon)
  • Professor, Loyola University Maryland

Mark A. Heuer (Ph.D. 2001)

  • Firm-stakeholder connectedness in the deregulating electric utility business: Exchange relationships in a network context (Mark Starik, Chair; Pradeep Rau; Ernie Englander; Bing-Sheng Teng; Sharon Levin)
  • Associate Professor, Susquehanna University (Retired)

Jonathan P. Doh (Ph.D. 2001)

  • Private investment, entrepreneurial entry, and partner collaboration in emerging markets telecommunications: The impact of country, industry, and firm-level factors (Hildy Teegan, Chair; Mark Starik; Aseem Prakash; Jennifer Spencer; Sidney Weintraub)
  • Associate Dean of Research and Global Engagement; Herbert G. Rammrath Endowed Chair in International Business; Co-Faculty Director, The Elenore and Robert F. Moran Sr. Center for Global Leadership; Professor, Management & Operations, Villanova University

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FT Responsible Business Education Awards: 2 wins for Cambridge Judge

Purpose of Finance course wins top Teaching award and a study on paedophile hunters wins Academic Research award, while Cambridge Judge is Highly Commended for School-wide activities in the Financial Times awards for business education responsibility and impact.

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The Strategic M…

The Strategic Management pathway

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In simple terms, a strategy is the position or stance an organisation adopts to compete, survive and succeed in its environment. Strategic management is the conception, management and execution of this position. However, these seemingly simple definitions hide tremendous complexities. For example:

  • how are strategies selected? 
  • why do organisations end up with suboptimal strategies? 
  • how do managers recognise what resources to develop, which organisations to ally with (or acquire) and when? 
  • why do organisations repeatedly overlook major strategic threats? 
  • how does the composition of a top management team determine the success or failure of a firm? 
  • what role do external stakeholders, such as analysts or traders, play in determining a firm’s strategy? 

These and hundreds of other questions are what keep strategy scholars busy!

strategic management phd positions

In answering these important questions, strategy scholars often draw upon theories and insights from strategic management, economics, psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology and sometimes even the natural sciences. At Cambridge Judge Business School, there are 2 streams you can follow to obtain a PhD in Strategic Management. The 2 streams differ in terms of:

  • the theoretical perspectives they deploy
  • the methodological approaches
  • what masters degree you initially take.

is via the MPhil in Strategy, Marketing & Operations (SMO) or Master of Research (MRes)

Stream A equips you with rigorous  quantitative  approaches such as econometrics, experiments and behavioural statistics. You can use mixed-methods to leverage the strengths of varied quantitative techniques and to enrich the insights gained through your studies.

is via the MPhil in Innovation, Strategy & Organisation (ISO) or Master of Research (MRes)

Stream B allows a variety of  qualitative  methodological approaches including grounded theory, case studies, ethnography discourse analysis, and other methodological techniques. It also allows for mixed method studies, though if you are interested in a primarily quantitative study you should consider joining the methodology courses in Stream A, which will equip you with cutting edge quantitative methods and techniques.

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7 PhD jobs in Strategic Management

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  • PhD positions in Information Systems (9)
  • PhD positions in Finance (9)
  • PhD positions in Econometrics (8)
  • PhD positions in Financial Economics (8)
  • PhD positions in Resource Economics (8)
  • PhD positions in Supply Chain Management (7)

Search results (7)


Three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg

(Fulltime, E 13 TV-L)Reference No: 2024/114. The preferred start date is April 1st, 2025. Conditionally on the submission of an external grant, the position can be extended for an additional year. In principle, the position can be divided into two...


Research Assistant (f/m/d)


Project Manager/PHD Position in Production Management

We specialize in facilitating the digital evolution of businesses towards Industry 4.0 and fostering data-driven circular economies. Our expertise lies in crafting IT ecosystems that streamline and enhance sustainability across all facets of opera...


Position as PhD Fellow in Sustainable Innovation in Multinational Enterprises

We are seeking a highly motivated and dedicated individual who has a deep interest and passion for the research area, combined with intellectual curiosity and a strong desire to learn, as well as contribute to new knowledge, to join our team as a ...


Doctoral Positions in Management in various areas of specialisation, with five-year funding for all admitted PhD candidates

INSEAD, one of the world's leading and most diverse business schools, is renowned for its commitment to producing leaders who positively impact society. With campuses in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, INSEAD offers its students an unparalleled...


Research and Teaching Assistant full position at GSEM Institute of Management

The Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) of the University of Geneva, one of Europe’s leading Universities in the beautiful Swiss city of Geneva, is opening a Research and Teaching Assistant full position for the Institute of Managemen...


PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership

Kristiania University College is offering up to five fully funded PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership for a fixed-term period of three (3) years beginning in August 2025. During this time, the successful applicant will be employed at K...

Jobs by field

  • Electrical Engineering 195
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  • University of Luxembourg 67
  • ETH Zürich 53
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 49
  • Karolinska Institutet 39
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strategic management phd positions

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strategic management phd positions

PhD in Strategic Management

The right methodology in practicing management in the different organizations is through strategic management.

The effective strategic management practice is one of the most important reasons to distinguish leading institutions from affiliated institutions, and successful institutions form other unstable institutions.

The development to reach the current concept of strategic management was reached after many phases of planning implementation that started by using budgets, long-term planning, strategic planning and finally reaching the strategic management methodology.

Reaching this phase has changed the philosophy of the organization’s management in dealing with the work environment, and changed it from being constant -that must be recognized- to being variables that can be interacted with and impacted on to serve the mission and objectives of the organization.  

The PhD in Strategic Management aims to introduce students to the advanced and deep process in strategic management and its importance to the success of institutions and organizations

  • Prepare efficient and qualified staff that the governmental and business sectors need to keep developing and face the business challenges.
  • Develop knowledge, skills and capabilities of managers in the governmental sector and businessmen and businesswomen in the private sector by combining the scientific thoughts to build strategies and its practical implementation and the recreating of the concepts and practices of strategies according to successful bases.
  • Cover the local market needs of the scientific competencies in strategic management.
  • Provide students with experience and skills to be in leading positions in the public sector and the non-profit sector by using theory and practice.
  • Upgrade the level of research and academic studies by conducting researches in a scientific way and focusing on researches that provide knowledge in all program courses.
  • Develop a relation network with academic institutions and the local community organizations to act like one organization to serve community.
  • Enhance communication, group work skills and the social responsibility concepts that lead to better organization practices.
  • Focus on the courses, seminars and modern theories in all courses.
  • Connect the theory with the practice part to refine the skills and experiences of employees who join this program, in order to prepare managers and experts capable to apply the strategic methodology in governmental project management and governmental institutions … etc. 


The Importance of Strategic Management in Institutions:

  • Provide managers with the critical thinking mechanism in general.
  • Increase the ability to predict the changes in the surrounding environment and the way to adjust to them.
  • Allocate all available resources.
  • Contribute in raising awareness about changes, and understanding the available threats and opportunities.
  • Provide a sound logic in evaluating budgets.
  • Organize sequencing process in the overall planning effort for all administrative levels.
  • Work in making managers innovative and creative, and direct them to creating events not receiving them.

Careers of Graduates

Strategic Management fields and the careers of graduates in this field in Palestine are:

  • In the different ministries and organizations related to health– Education – Economic – Media – Work – Transportation – Housing – Finance – Tourism – Interior – Foreign Affairs – Telecommunications and Technology.
  • The research and studies center in the governmental and central organizations.
  • Youth institutions.
  • Environment and Land Management Authorities.
  • Water and Electricity Companies.
  • Private Companies.
  • Insurance companies and social security companies.
  • Universities and higher education institutions.

Program Curriculum


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  • PhD in Strategic Management

PhD in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

We are eager to help jumpstart the careers of promising PhD candidates pursuing high-impact research in strategic management and entrepreneurship!  Our doctoral programme combines gaining an in-depth understanding of  core strategy topics , developing a thorough command of different research  methods and skills , and hands-on training of getting high-impact research published. Joining the PhD programme means joining a department with a highly collaborative and cutting-edge research culture in which faculty members and PhD candidates work on topics that cover nearly all domains of the wider strategic management and entrepreneurship fields.

Every academic year, we admit about three internally and several externally funded, promising doctoral candidates, who follow a range of doctoral courses, work on joint and supervised papers, and hold conference or workshop presentations. The Department welcomes excellent candidates from diverse disciplinary and national backgrounds. We look for highly motivated candidates with a strong research orientation, as evidenced, for example, by an intriguing master thesis or research article.


The Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship provides a vibrant and supportive environment for doctoral candidates starting their academic career. The Department stands out through its strong commitment to growing ambitious scholars with an international mindset.

Roxana Turturea - Postdoc Researcher at Aalto University

Roxana Turturea

The Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship offers exciting opportunities for PhD students to collaborate with world-class scholars, be a part in the creation of the most up-to-date knowledge, and enjoy the open, friendly, and efficient work environment.

Ruxi Wang - Assistant Professor at Renmin University of China

Ruxi Wang

My PhD education at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship was an invaluable kick-start for my career as an academic researcher and educator. The programme trains aspiring researchers in the latest knowledge on management theories and methods and prepares one to pursue scholarship at the highest level.

Shiko Ben-Menahem - Senior Researcher and Lecturer at ETH Zürich

Shiko Ben Menahem

The Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship enables PhD students to become critical thinkers and independent researchers. These are essential attributes for a successful career in academia.

Jorien Pruijssers - Assistant Professor at McGill University

Jorien Pruijssers

My favourite part of being here is definitely the international outlook. As a PhD candidate at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, I have been encouraged and provided with an abundance of opportunities to discuss and exchange ideas with academics and practitioners throughout the world.

Wenjie Liu - PhD candidate

Wenjie Liu

If you love challenges and you have the flexibility to showcase your best work, the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship is the place to be. Next to being embedded in best-of-class research support and a learning environment, you will find the world’s best colleagues to work with.

S.M. Musa - PhD candidate

S.M. Musa

Why join the RSM Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship PhD?

Strong research culture.

Unique opportunity to obtain in-depth knowledge and smart research skills.

The PhD programme offers candidates a unique opportunity to obtain in-depth knowledge and smart research skills in a broad range of strategy and entrepreneurship topics. Our researchers share a passion for rigorous academic research, covering topics that are highly relevant to the business community and society at large. The strong research culture consistently leads to  publications  in top-tier management and organization journals.

Broad coverage of topics

A variety of topics in the area of strategic management and entrepreneurship.

With over 30 faculty members, we cover variety of  topics  in the area of strategic management and entrepreneurship particularly in areas such as: strategy, organization, and governance; strategic entrepreneurship; strategy, knowledge, and innovation; global strategy; and behavioural strategy and entrepreneurial behavior.

International orientation

Faculty and PhD candidates with diverse national and cultural identities.

Our researchers have very diverse national and cultural identities. Faculty and PhD candidates originate from countries such as Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, and the United States. Furthermore, scholars from around the world regularly visit the department, which further enhances the exchange of rich insights.

Working together with faculty in teams or platforms to formulate and implement research.

PhD candidates work together with faculty in teams or platforms to formulate and implement highly impactful research. PhD candidates collaborate with their supervisors and others who share an interest in the focal topics.

Full funding

Internally and externally funded salary to fully cover the cost of living in the Netherlands.

Internally and externally funded PhD candidates receive a salary to fully cover their cost of living. The ERIM research institute also offers generous funding for attending courses and conferences as well as for research visits across the world.

Successful placement

Development of successful careers at academic institutes across the world.

Graduates from our Department have developed successful careers at academic institutes across the world, including BI Norwegian Business School, ETH Zurich, HEC, INSEAD, McGill University, Monash University, Renmin University, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Cambridge, the University of Warwick, and the University of Western Australia.

More information

More testimonials.

Jochem Kroezen

Jochem Kroezen, Lecturer at the University of Cambridge

"The Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Rotterdam School of Management provides an excellent environment for starting an academic career in business research. During my time as a PhD candidate with the group, I enjoyed active research support, both financially and socially. I also greatly benefitted from the group’s diverse and prolific faculty, who made sure I felt part of the group from day one. In addition, the group’s ties to other elite business schools made it easy to develop my own international network of like-minded researchers. These factors contributed greatly to the launch of my career as an academic researcher."

Sebastian Fourne

Sebastian Fourné, Assistant Professor at Wilfred Laurier University

“The PhD trajectory guided by the very capable and caring faculty of the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department has been exciting and career shaping. I considered going back to a corporate job, but my PhD supervisors and many of the colleagues in the Department made me rethink this ambition and prepared me well for a scholarly career. I found it exciting to work on novel topics and get the support and training needed to conduct rigorous research that has relevance for practice. I also value the opportunity to build lasting and supportive relationships."

Mariano Heyden

Mariano Heyden, Associate Professor at Monash University

“My experience at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship of the Rotterdam School of Management allowed me to be learn from, and collaborate closely with, some of the leading scholars in the field. I attribute a lot of my achievements to the rigorous training received, which equipped me with the conceptual and methodological toolbox that has been essential in my career, especially during my tenure track. Not only is the Rotterdam School of Management brand globally respected and opens many doors, the quality relationships forged during the PhD programme have endowed me with a rich network of peers that have gone on to have their own successful careers at other top institutions around the world.” 

Pengfei Wang

Pengfei Wang, Assistant Professor at the BI Norwegian Business School

“The Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship is one of the best departments in one of the best business schools worldwide. The Department provides world-class supervisors, luxury research support, and a great academic atmosphere. The Department enables PhD candidates to combine relevance and rigor, employing rigorous methods to solve big and relevant problems for entrepreneurs, managers, and policy-makers.”

Sebastiaan van Doorn

Sebastiaan van Doorn, Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia

“The PhD trajectory at the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department of the Rotterdam School of Management has been an extremely valuable and rewarding experience. It provided me with state-of-the-art supervisors and colleagues (as mentors, co-authors, and friends), a well-established support system (conferences and research visits) and opportunities to build my teaching portfolio. The PhD programme prepared me exceptionally well for the academic job market and is internationally renowned for delivering high-end academics.”

Research Themes

Research in strategy, organization, and governance.

A combination of economic, political, and social forces gives rise to a wide range of organizational forms. Research in  strategy, organization, and governance  aims to explain and identify the mechanisms through which modern firms shape and align their organizational structures, governance and ownership with the strategies, resource dependencies, and business models through which they create and capture value. Research in our group is highly versatile, including projects investigating the re-emergence of craft organizations and state capitalism on the world stage, the competitive advantage and strategic resilience of business groups, owner-managed firms, family firms, and professional partnerships, and how active owners shape the strategies and the organizational and governance structures of listed firms across different national contexts. Our research often takes up a comparative perspective, involving both comparisons between different institutional contexts and comparisons between different organizational forms.

Research on Strategic Entrepreneurship

In today’s fast-paced environments, wealth creation demands proficiency in continuously identifying and generating new opportunities for growth. At the nexus of entrepreneurship and strategic management, research on  strategic entrepreneurship  is concerned with understanding how organizations link entrepreneurial behaviour and strategic advantage-seeking actions to create and capture wealth. The work in our group focuses on ambidexterity, corporate entrepreneurship, scaling up, and strategy implementation. Exemplary research addresses such aspects as: how organizations strengthen their core business while also developing new businesses that will define the future; how organizations become more entrepreneurial through the generation of new businesses within established systems and through strategic renewal; how some organizations can ignite rapid growth and scale up successfully by leveraging new technologies, establishing platforms, redefining boundaries, and developing new and scalable business models; and how new practices and technologies enable firms to implement strategies which focus on venturing into new businesses as well as strengthening their core.

Research on Strategy, Knowledge, and Innovation

New technologies and new business models reshape the way firms do business. This calls for new insights into how managers and entrepreneurs can best innovate and leverage knowledge to build competitive advantages for their firms. The field of  strategy, knowledge, and innovation  focuses on how managers and entrepreneurs build and renew the technological, social, and relational capital to shape such innovations. It addresses such issues as strategic renewal, innovation management, management innovation and the rise of new organizational forms, collaborative and open innovation, innovation ecosystems, and corporate venturing. Our group covers a wide range of topics in this area, such as: micro-foundations of absorptive capacity and dynamic capabilities that enable innovation; the origins of business model innovations; the implications of technological disruptions; the mechanisms of effective collaborations to achieve innovation by large incumbent firms and new ventures; and the governance and assessment of the impact of such collaborations.

Research on Global Strategy

The competitive landscape of firms is increasingly dynamic, diverse, and global. The field of  global strategy  aims to enrich our understanding of how internationally operating firms form and implement their strategies, and how firms shape, and are shaped by, their global context. It focuses on foreign-entry strategies in culturally, politically, and economically heterogeneous contexts, and ultimately on the determinants of success or failure in international arenas. Our group typically adopts an institutions-based perspective, which argues that international firms are constrained and enabled by widely diverse, durable rules of the game, as illustrated by the diverse societal expectations around competitive behaviour and sustainability performance. Exemplary research projects in our group include novel views on culture, cross-border knowledge transfer, strategic responses to institutional voids, influences of governments and other stakeholders on corporate environmental practices, cross-country and within-country variance in institutions, and international strategies of the largest companies, born-globals, and emerging-market multinationals.

Research on Behavioural Strategy and Entrepreneurial Behaviour

Influential strategic and entrepreneurial decisions result from extraordinary human effort. Behavioural strategy and entrepreneurial behaviour inform us about the psychology behind these high-impact and complex decisions. It takes a micro-level perspective to understanding how managers and entrepreneurs create and sustain value for their organizations and stakeholders, enriching strategy and entrepreneurship theory through forefront research on human cognition, emotions, and social and innovative behaviour of entrepreneurs, executives, and their teams. Seminal research in the field comprises the behavioural theory of the firm and the upper echelons perspective, as well as pivotal work from cognitive and social psychology. Exemplary group projects explore: how top managers, boards, and shareholders embrace uncertainty; how gender affects entrepreneurial behaviour; how disinhibition (ADHD) fuels entrepreneurial orientation; how CEO personality drives firm decisions, behaviour, and outcomes; how emotion influences idea generation and exploitation; and how biases and heuristics impact strategic decisions.

Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship top publications

Frank Wijen

Frank Wijen

Associate Professor of Strategic Management and Departmental PhD Coordinator

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Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This PhD specialisation is developed to provides candidates with the knowledge and skills to produce relevant and original research within strategic management, entrepreneurship, innovation and related fields.

  • Start date: August 2025

Specialisation Objectives

The PhD specialisation in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation provides candidates with the knowledge and skills to produce relevant and original research within strategic management, entrepreneurship, innovation and related fields. We target motivated and capable individuals, looking to pursue international academic careers at the premier level. The programme encompasses the fields of strategic management, entrepreneurship and innovation, covering different theoretical perspectives on the micro and macro level. The specialisation adheres to an open and pluralistic view of research and provides a basis for developing a mature and critical attitude towards research in the fields. The specialisation is well-rounded and covers both contemporary theoretical and methodological issues.

Successfully graduated Doctorate candidates will have acquired, among others:

  • In-depth knowledge on a wide array of topic areas within strategic management, entrepreneurship and innovation and the ability to discuss and analyse contemporary business issues within these fields
  •  Focused knowledge at the frontier within their specialised field and the ability to lead standalone or team-based research initiatives
  • The ability to critically discuss, analyse and evaluate business problems and the skill to present the resulting opinions in front of researchers, students and businesspeople
  • Applied methodological skills for the analysis of large quantitative & qualitative data sets and the ability to critically evaluate methodologies based on theoretical best practices
  • An international network within the academic community that will help to foster their career on a national and international level

Meet Marte Aasmundsen who shares her experience as a PhD candidate

Professor gabriel benito discusses the advantages of being a phd candidate at bi, distinguishing features of the specialisation.

The PhD programme is a four-year programme. During the first year, PhD candidates are expected to take courses that enhance their understanding of core strategic issues and methodologies, to conduct high-quality research. These courses can be extended and complemented with elective courses during the rest of the PhD. By the second year, the PhD candidates are expected to have developed their own research ideas and look for venues e.g. conferences and workshops to present these ideas and communicate with world-renowned academics in the field. During the third year, the candidates continue to focus their research output. During this period, PhD candidates are trained in teaching techniques to deliver superior learning to students at all levels. In the fourth year, PhD candidates finish the research related to their dissertation and are encouraged to submit their research papers to top-level journals in the discipline. While the activities' timeline is flexible, all PhD candidates should develop research papers, disseminate research outputs to various audiences (e.g. researchers and businesses) and deliver excellent teaching, throughout their time at BI.

Top business schools worldwide have welcomed PhD graduates from BI’s Strategy area. Recent placements include, among others, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Grenoble School of Management, Alliance Manchester Business School, and the University of Groningen.

Fully funded scholarships

All PhD candidates receive financial support when accepted into the programme. The candidates are hired as full-time employees on an initial four-year contract. Continuation of the support through the four years of the program is dependent on good standing and regular progress towards completing the programme’s requirements. PhD candidates are entitled to full parental leave and health insurance, and are part of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. The workplace is BI Norwegian Business School at its main campus in Oslo.

What you can expect

The four-year study programme leading to a PhD degree is designed to allow you to conduct in-depth research. In addition, it is comprised of a course component, seminars, PhD committees, pre-doctoral defence, and lastly, dissertation and final defence. 25% of the time is reserved for teaching.

Entry requirements

How to apply, course plan.

Find an overview of the courses included in the programme and when they are offered.

A PhD from BI can be a gateway to prestigious placements at universities around the world. Below are examples of positions obtained by recent graduates of BI's PhD programme.

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

The PhD specialisation in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation builds on the research competence of the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, which aims to be among Europe’s leading research departments within strategy and entrepreneurship. The department is research-oriented and aims to produce research that makes a difference for both the business environment and the academic community. The department has a strong track record of publications in top journals, while providing relevant education to the Norwegian business community and internationally.

The department employs PhD candidates who have been successfully admitted to BI’s PhD programme. For further questions about the programme and their perceptions of what it takes to be a successful contributor to the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, please feel free to reach out to them through the faculty webpages.

  • Read more about the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Areas of Research

  • Business models and value creation
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • International business
  • Knowledge creation and innovation
  • Strategy process and practice

The department also engages and encourages interdisciplinary research e.g. network and behavioural perspectives in international business, and entrepreneurship in corporate strategy through corporate venturing.

Pengfei Wang

Career possibilities.

Following you will find examples of positions that graduates have obtained after completing a PhD with a specialisation in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation at BI.

Sverre Ubisch

Sverre Ubisch, BI PhD alumnus Senior Researcher Norwegian Defense Research

Christopher Sabel

Christopher Sabel, BI PhD alumnus Assistant professor  Rotterdam School of Management

Portrait of Flladina Zilja

“I truly enjoyed doing a PhD at the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship. It is an intellectually stimulating environment, where I could freely pursue my research interests while benefiting from the knowledge and support of my colleagues. I was encouraged early on to be part of the BI and broader research community, to attend conferences and to spend time abroad. This helped create a strong path for a future in academia. I look back fondly to my time at BI Norwegian Business School.”

Flladina Zilja, BI PhD alumna Assistant professor  Copenhagen Business School

Gilbert K. Adarkwah

“The Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at BI is truly exceptional and regarded as one of the very best in Europe. The program is meticulously designed, offering Ph.D. students a comprehensive range of courses that prepares them for successful careers at prestigious universities and business schools.

What made my experience truly remarkable was the unwavering support and mentorship I received from the department's esteemed scholars. Their guidance and collaboration were invaluable in shaping my path in my field of interest. 

If you're considering a Ph.D. program, I wholeheartedly recommend choosing the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at BI. It's a place where you'll find endless opportunities, personal growth, and a network of inspiring minds.”

Gilbert K. Adarkwah, BI PhD alumnus Assistant professor  HEC Montreal

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264 strategic-management-phd PhD positions

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PhD Position at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation (SMI)

100%, Zurich, fixed-term The Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation at ETH Zurich's Department of Management , Technology, and Economics, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Georg von Krogh

PhD candidate, Business Administration ( strategic management ) (PA2024/1104)

accreditation. The Department of Business Administration is announcing one PhD candidate position in the field of strategic management . Type of employment: Limit of tenure, four years full-time studies

University Assistant ( PhD position)

The Working Group Coupled Human Landscape System: Risk & Resilience at the Department of Geography, University Innsbruck (Austria) is seeking candidates for a PhD POSITION (F*M) Interactions

PhD Studentship: Rolls-Royce sponsored PhD scholarship – Laser Beam Processing of Aerospace Materials

Applications are invited to undertake a 3 year PhD programme in partnership with industry to address key challenges in manufacturing engineering. The successful candidate will be based at the Rolls

Academic PhD Researcher

Position Details Position Information Position Title Academic PhD Researcher Posting Number F613P Type of position Limited Term Department/Unit Critical Care Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

focuses on how corporate management philosophy is propagated and influences key firm decisions as well as how CEO incentives can promote certain strategic firm decisions. As a PhD student on this project

PhD candidate in exercise and extracellular vesicles

programmes on all levels, including PhD . The faculty has about 6000 students and nearly 600 members of staff. The Faculty of Health Sciences , Department of Life Sciences and Health has a vacant three-year

2025 RTP round - Advancing Next-Generation Ammonia-Powered Proton-Conducting CFCs: Development of Crystal-Plane-Oriented Catalysts and Insights into Reaction Mechanism.

, which restrict the overall electrochemical performance and lifetime of PCFCs. In this project, we will tackle the aforementioned problems by developing catalysts that strategically expose specific lattice

PhD Studentship at Nottingham University Business School

eight departments and offers PhD pathways in the following four areas: Business and Management Business and Society Finance and Risk Industrial Economics The eight departments have outlined

2025 RTP round - Investigation of the impact of mining activities and other factors on the ultrafine particle’s concentration distribution in the air of Kalgoorlie.

University's strategic goals of fostering research excellence, promoting sustainability, and making a positive impact on local and global communities. Through this research, Curtin University will contribute

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Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation

Open phd position(s) - management and organizational theory, apply now.

Co-supervision will be provided by Prof. Georg von Krogh, Dr. Ann-Kristin Weiser, and a team of senior researchers at SMI. Expected starting time: Q4 2024., 100%, Zurich, fixed-term

  • mode_comment Number of comments

The Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation at ETH Zurich's Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Georg von Krogh, invites applications for a PhD position. This position offers a unique opportunity to engage in research aimed at addressing contemporary challenges in management and organizational theory.

Find the detailed description of our open PhD Position(s)  here .

  • Netherlands
  • Maastricht University via AcademicTransfer
  • Posted on: 5 April 2024

PhD position in strategic management and innovation in the Department of OSE

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

Job Information

Offer description.

Exciting 4-years PhD position in strategic management and innovation in the Department of Organisation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship (OSE) at the School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University Job Description The Department of Organization, Strategy, & Entrepreneurship (OSE) at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) of Maastricht University offers a 4-year PhD position for a student with a Master of Science degree, starting in September 2024. At SBE, we offer a dynamic and challenging job in an internationally oriented organisation where students receive an advanced education and scholars conduct exciting research. The PhD candidate will have the opportunity to carry out research within the OSE department, and within the PhD programme of the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE). The PhD student will be part of a research group that has published their research in top-tier academic journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, among others. PhD students will receive a budget for research funding and conference travel. The PhD candidate’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of economics or management of innovation. The selected candidate will be working with the supervision team of Profs Simon Kleinert, Boris Lokshin and Irina Nikolova on research aimed at examining how firms leverage Corporate Venture Capital investments to achieve the dual goals of innovation and sustainability. The project’s envisaged methods are empirical. The doctoral candidate will also contribute to the teaching of small tutorial groups in courses offered by the department. Requirements Are you self-motivated, curious, and interested in scientific research? Do you have a record of high academic achievement (e.g., good grades, a strong master thesis, and/or involvement in other academic activities) and the ambition, mindset, and skills required to become an impactful researcher? If so, this PhD position at the OSE department might be the challenge you are looking for! You hold a master’s degree and are able to show excellent (‘honours’-level) results in prior studies. You have a strong affinity for quantitative research and have developed good quantitative skills over the course of your studies. You are fluent in both spoken and written English and share our ambition to conduct high-quality research with scientific and practical/societal impact. You have a background in the field of economics, strategy, entrepreneurship, research, or other related fields. Ideally, you can demonstrate the following:

  • A research master or a master in economics, management science or a related field
  • Graduation from a two-year (Research) Master program (120 ECTS) is preferred.
  • Excellent background in applied econometrics.
  • Motivation to conduct high quality research and publish in academic journals.
  • Knowledge of handling datasets (firm level, patent level data, etc.)
  • Prior research experience, and skills in Stata, R, or Python are a plus.
  • Excellent English language skills

What we offer As PhD position in strategic management and innovation in the Department of OSE at School of Business and Economics , you will be employed by the most international university in the Netherlands, located in the beautiful city of Maastricht. In addition, we offer you:

  • Good employment conditions. The position is graded in scale P according to UFO profile PhD, with corresponding salary based on experience ranging from €2770,00 and €3539,00 gross per month (based on a full-time employment of 38 hours per week). In addition to the monthly salary, an 8.0% holiday allowance and an 8.3% year-end bonus apply.
  • An employment contract for a period of 18 months with a scope of 1.0 FTE. Upon a positive evaluation, an extension of 2.5 years will follow.
  • At Maastricht University, the well-being of our employees is of utmost importance, we offer flexible working hours and the possibility to work partly from home if the nature of your position allows it. You will receive a monthly commuting and internet allowance for this. If you work full-time, you will be entitled to 29 vacation days and 4 additional public holidays per year, namely carnival Monday, carnival Tuesday, Good Friday, and Liberation Day. If you choose to accumulate compensation hours, an additional 12 days will be added. Furthermore, you can personalize your employment conditions through a collective labor agreement (CAO) choice model.
  • As Maastricht University, we offer various other excellent secondary employment conditions. These include a good pension scheme with the ABP and the opportunity for UM employees to participate in company fitness and make use of the extensive sports facilities that we also offer to our students.
  • Last but certainly not least, we provide the space and facilities for your personal and professional development. We facilitate this by offering a wide range of training programs and supporting various well-established initiatives such as 'acknowledge and appreciate'.

The terms of employment at Maastricht University are largely set out in the collective labor agreement of Dutch Universities. In addition, local provisions specific to UM apply. For more information, click here . Maastricht University Why work at Maastricht University? At Maastricht University (UM), everything revolves around the future. The future of our students, as we work to equip them with a solid, broad-based foundation for the rest of their lives. And the future of society, as we seek solutions through our research to issues from all around the world. Our six faculties combined provide a comprehensive package of study programmes and research. In our teaching, we use the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method. Students work in small groups, looking for solutions to problems themselves. By discussing issues and working together to draw conclusions, formulate answers and present them to their peers, students develop essential skills for their future careers. With over 22,300 students and more than 5,000 employees from all over the world, UM is home to a vibrant and inspiring international community. Are you drawn to an international setting focused on education, science and scholarship? Are you keen to contribute however your skills and qualities allow? Our door is open to you! As a young European university, we value your talent and look forward to creating the future together. Click here for more information about UM. The School of Business and Economics The School of Business and Economics (SBE) is one of Maastricht University’s six faculties. Our mission is to contribute to a better world by addressing societal problems, by co-creating knowledge and developing team players and leaders for the future. By joining SBE, you will be part of the 1% of business schools worldwide to be Triple Crown accredited (EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA). You will join an inspiring and international environment, where learning and development is priority. Curious? Are you interested in this exciting position but still have questions? Feel free to contact Dr. Simon Kleinert ( [email protected] ), Dr. Boris Lokshin ( [email protected] ) or Dr. Irina Nikolova ( [email protected] ) for more information. Applying? Or are you already convinced and ready to become our new PhD student? Apply now, no later than April 30, 2024 for this position. To apply for this PhD position, please submit the following documents (preferably as PDF):

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Motivation letter
  • Diplomas/degrees including a grade transcript per course of your education at the MSc. level and if applicable also at the BSc. level
  • Two letters of reference
  • Master thesis (or other recent writing sample)

In addition, if available, please include:

  • TOEFL/IELTS/Cambridge Proficiency Exam
  • GMAT/GRE test score

The first interviews preferably take place on May 8, 2024. The second interviews will preferably be held on May 22, 2024. Maastricht University is committed to promoting and nurturing a diverse and inclusive community. We believe that diversity in our staff and student population contributes to the quality of research and education at UM, and strive to enable this through inclusive policies and innovative projects led by teams of staff and students. We encourage you to apply for this position.

Where to apply

Requirements, additional information, work location(s), share this page.

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How to Progress in Your Career as a Project Manager in Australia

Julian gette.

Workast publisher

How to Progress in Your Career as a Project Manager in Australia

Embarking on a career as a project manager in Australia is a rewarding journey, but advancing in this dynamic field requires strategic planning, continuous learning, and the ability to adapt to changing environments. Whether you’re just starting or looking to move to the next level, here are key steps to help you progress in your career as a project manager in Australia.


1. Gain Relevant Experience

Start with entry-level positions.

Begin your career by securing entry-level roles such as Project Coordinator, Junior Project Manager, or Project Assistant. These positions provide valuable hands-on experience and exposure to project management practices.

Work on Diverse Projects

Seek opportunities to work on a variety of projects across different industries. This diversity in experience will enhance your problem-solving skills and make you adaptable to various project environments.

2. Enhance Your Education

Pursue formal education.

A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as Business, Engineering, or Information Technology, is often the minimum requirement. Consider advancing your education with a master’s degree, such as an MBA or a Master of Project Management.

Obtain Professional Certifications

Certifications demonstrate your commitment to the profession and enhance your credibility. Consider certifications like:

Project Management Professional (PMP) : Offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), this globally recognized certification validates your expertise in project management.

Certified Practising Project Practitioner (CPPP) : Offered by the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM), this certification is tailored to the Australian context.

PRINCE2 Certification : Focused on process-driven project management, PRINCE2 is widely used in Australia and globally.

Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) : Also offered by PMI, this certification demonstrates your knowledge and skills in Agile practices and principles, widely recognized and valued in the industry.

Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) : Provided by the Scrum Alliance, this certification is ideal for those focusing on Scrum, an Agile framework, enhancing your ability to lead Agile teams effectively.

Certified Agile Project Manager (IAPM) : Offered by the International Association of Project Managers, this certification validates your understanding of Agile project management methodologies and practices.

SAFe Agilist Certification : Provided by Scaled Agile, Inc., this certification is essential for those involved in scaling Agile practices across an organization.

3. Develop Key Skills

Developing key skills is essential for advancing your career as a project manager. These skills ensure that you can handle the various challenges and responsibilities that come with the role. Here’s an expanded look at some of the most crucial skills:

Leadership and Team Management

Effective leadership is crucial for project success. As a project manager, you need to develop your ability to lead, motivate, and manage diverse teams. Here’s how:

Build Strong Relationships : Develop trust and rapport with team members and stakeholders. This fosters a positive work environment and enhances collaboration.

Foster Collaboration : Encourage teamwork and open communication. Use collaborative tools and techniques to ensure everyone is working towards common goals.

Resolve Conflicts : Develop conflict resolution skills to handle disagreements and issues within the team. This ensures that conflicts are addressed promptly and do not hinder project progress.

Empower Your Team : Delegate responsibilities and empower team members to take ownership of their tasks. This not only boosts morale but also improves productivity and innovation.

Adaptability : Be flexible and open to change. Adapt your leadership style to suit different team dynamics and project needs.

Communication Skills

Excellent communication is vital for managing stakeholders, conveying project objectives, and ensuring everyone is aligned. Here’s how to enhance your communication skills:

Clear and Concise Communication : Ensure your messages are clear and to the point. Avoid jargon and be mindful of the audience’s level of understanding.

Active Listening : Practice active listening to understand stakeholder needs, concerns, and feedback. This builds trust and ensures that all viewpoints are considered.

Persuasive Communication : Develop the ability to persuade and influence others. This is particularly important when presenting ideas, gaining stakeholder buy-in, and driving project initiatives.

Written Communication : Hone your ability to create clear and comprehensive project documentation, including reports, plans, and emails.

Presentation Skills : Improve your ability to deliver engaging and informative presentations. Use visual aids and storytelling techniques to make your presentations more impactful.

Risk Management

Identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies is crucial for keeping projects on track. Here’s how to enhance your risk management skills:

Risk Identification : Develop techniques for identifying risks early in the project lifecycle. This includes brainstorming sessions, risk assessments, and using historical data.

Risk Analysis : Analyze the likelihood and impact of identified risks. Use qualitative and quantitative methods to prioritize risks based on their potential effect on the project.

Mitigation Planning : Develop and implement mitigation strategies for high-priority risks. This involves creating contingency plans and assigning responsibilities for risk management.

Monitoring and Controlling Risks : Continuously monitor risks throughout the project lifecycle. Use tools like risk registers and dashboards to track and manage risks effectively.

Communication of Risks : Ensure that all stakeholders are aware of potential risks and the strategies in place to manage them. Regularly update them on the status of risks and any changes to the mitigation plans.

4. Network and Build Relationships

Join professional organizations.

Become a member of professional organizations such as PMI Australia, AIPM, or industry-specific groups. These organizations offer networking opportunities, industry insights, and professional development resources.

Attend Industry Events

Participate in conferences, seminars, and workshops. These events provide opportunities to learn from industry leaders, stay updated on trends, and expand your professional network.

5. Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Staying updated with industry trends is crucial for any project manager looking to advance in their career. Here are ways to stay informed and embrace new technologies:

Follow Industry Publications and Blogs

Stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and best practices by following industry publications, blogs, and podcasts. This knowledge will keep you competitive and adaptable in the fast-evolving project management landscape. Here are some resources to consider:

Industry Publications : Subscribe to journals like the Project Management Journal and PM Network .

Blogs : Follow popular blogs such as A Girl's Guide to Project Management , ProjectManager.com Blog , and Wrike Blog .

Podcasts : Listen to podcasts like The Project Management Podcast , PMO Strategies Podcast , and Manage This .

Online Communities : Join LinkedIn groups, Reddit communities, and forums where project managers discuss trends, challenges, and solutions.

Embrace New Technologies

Familiarize yourself with project management software and tools to improve project efficiency and effectiveness. Here are several options, that can help you manage your projects better:

Microsoft Project : A comprehensive tool that offers robust project planning, scheduling, and resource management features. Ideal for complex projects requiring detailed tracking and reporting.

Asana : A user-friendly tool that helps teams organize work, set priorities, and track progress. Its visual project timeline and task management features make it great for collaboration.

Trello : A visual tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to help teams organize tasks and projects. It's particularly useful for smaller projects and teams looking for a simple and intuitive interface.

Jira : A powerful tool designed for Agile project management, especially in software development. It supports Scrum, Kanban, and custom workflows to help teams manage their backlogs and sprints effectively.

Workast : An integrated tool that works seamlessly with Slack, enabling teams to manage tasks and projects directly within their communication platform. It’s ideal for teams that rely heavily on Slack for their daily operations.

Wrike : A versatile tool that offers features like Gantt charts, time tracking, and workload management. It's suitable for teams of all sizes and across various industries.

Basecamp : A simple yet effective tool for managing projects and team communication. It combines task management with team collaboration features.

Monday.com : A highly customizable work operating system that allows teams to build their workflows and manage projects, tasks, and timelines.

Smartsheet : A platform that combines the familiarity of spreadsheets with powerful project management capabilities. It’s great for managing large projects with complex data.

ClickUp : An all-in-one tool that combines project management, task management, and collaboration features. It’s highly customizable and suitable for various project types.

Notion : A versatile tool that combines note-taking, database management, and project management features. It’s particularly useful for teams looking to centralize their work and knowledge base.

TeamGantt : A user-friendly tool focused on Gantt chart creation and management. It’s ideal for visualizing project timelines and dependencies.


6. Seek Mentorship and Guidance

Find a mentor.

Identify experienced project managers who can provide guidance, support, and advice. A mentor can help you navigate your career path, overcome challenges, and make informed decisions.

Offer Mentorship

As you gain experience, consider mentoring junior project managers. Mentorship not only helps others but also reinforces your own knowledge and leadership skills.

7. Demonstrate Success and Achievements

Track and showcase your achievements.

Maintain a portfolio of your successful projects, highlighting key achievements, challenges overcome, and the impact of your work. This portfolio can be a powerful tool during performance reviews and job interviews.

Seek Feedback and Continuously Improve

Regularly seek feedback from peers, supervisors, and stakeholders. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance your performance.

8. Career Progression After Project Manager

Once you have established yourself as a successful project manager, there are several advanced roles you can pursue to further your career. Each of these roles entails a higher level of responsibility, strategic thinking, and leadership. Here are some common career paths and what they entail:

Program Manager

A Program Manager oversees multiple related projects, ensuring they align with the organization’s strategic objectives. This role involves:

Strategic Planning : Defining the program’s goals and objectives in line with organizational strategy.

Resource Coordination : Managing resources across multiple projects to optimize their use and ensure alignment.

Stakeholder Engagement : Building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders to ensure program success.

Risk Management : Identifying and mitigating risks that could impact the overall program.

Performance Monitoring : Tracking progress, ensuring projects stay on schedule and within budget, and reporting on program status.

Portfolio Manager

A Portfolio Manager is responsible for managing a collection of projects and programs to achieve the organization’s strategic goals. This role includes:

Strategic Alignment : Ensuring that all projects and programs within the portfolio contribute to the organization’s strategic objectives.

Resource Management : Allocating resources effectively across the portfolio to maximize efficiency and impact.

Performance Measurement : Monitoring and evaluating the performance of projects and programs to ensure they deliver value.

Risk Management : Identifying and managing risks at the portfolio level to ensure overall stability and success.

Stakeholder Communication : Regularly communicating with executives and stakeholders about portfolio performance and strategic direction.

Project Management Office (PMO) Director

A PMO Director establishes and oversees the Project Management Office within an organization, ensuring standardized project management practices. Responsibilities include:

PMO Strategy Development : Defining the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the PMO.

Standardization and Governance : Implementing standardized project management methodologies, processes, and tools.

Resource Management : Overseeing the allocation and management of project managers and other resources.

Training and Development : Providing training and support to project managers to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge.

Performance Reporting : Developing and maintaining performance metrics and reporting systems to track project success and identify areas for improvement.

Chief Project Officer (CPO)

A Chief Project Officer is a senior executive responsible for overseeing the organization’s entire portfolio of projects and ensuring they align with the business strategy. This role involves:

Strategic Leadership : Providing strategic direction for all projects and ensuring they support the organization’s long-term goals.

Executive Oversight : Overseeing major projects and initiatives, ensuring they are delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

Organizational Alignment : Ensuring that project management practices and outcomes are aligned with the organization’s overall strategy.

Stakeholder Engagement : Engaging with senior executives and other stakeholders to ensure project success and alignment with business objectives.

Continuous Improvement : Promoting a culture of continuous improvement in project management practices across the organization.

Agile Coach

An Agile Coach helps organizations and teams adopt Agile methodologies and practices to improve project delivery. This role includes:

Training and Mentoring : Providing training and support to teams on Agile principles and practices.

Process Improvement : Identifying opportunities to improve Agile processes and practices within the organization.

Facilitation : Facilitating Agile ceremonies such as stand-ups, retrospectives, and planning sessions.

Change Management : Supporting the organization in its transition to Agile, including managing resistance and ensuring successful adoption.

Performance Measurement : Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of Agile practices and making recommendations for improvement.

A Project Management Consultant provides expert advice and support to organizations on how to improve their project management practices. This role entails:

Assessment and Analysis : Evaluating an organization’s current project management practices and identifying areas for improvement.

Strategy Development : Developing strategies and recommendations to enhance project management capabilities.

Implementation Support : Assisting with the implementation of new project management processes, tools, and methodologies.

Training and Development : Providing training and support to project managers and teams.

Performance Measurement : Monitoring and evaluating the impact of changes and providing ongoing support to ensure continuous improvement.

By progressing into these advanced roles, you can further your career, take on greater responsibilities, and make a significant impact on your organization’s success. Each role builds on the skills and experience you have gained as a project manager and opens up new opportunities for professional growth and development.

Progressing in your career as a project manager in Australia requires a combination of education, experience, skills, and networking. By continuously learning, adapting to industry changes, and demonstrating your capabilities, you can achieve significant career growth and become a highly sought-after project management professional. Embrace these strategies, and you'll be well on your way to a successful and fulfilling career in project management.

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  • Lead program management organization to provide comprehensive oversight for sub-projects from ideation through execution, ensuring alignment with strategic goals.
  • Ensure adherence to common program management standards and operating models to guarantee robust execution and accelerated delivery of projects.
  • Develop insights to maintain continuous visibility into program progress and outcomes.
  • Partner with finance to oversee project costing and valuation, ensuring financial targets are met.
  • Analyze business operations and identify areas of improvement
  • Support the development of reporting to identify insights to program progress and outcomes including executive visibility to risks, roadblocks, successes, etc.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Excellent analytical, organization and planning skills
  • Strong human relations and communications skills
  • Understanding of business management and operational supply chain management
  • Strong executive presence and experience working with leadership

Minimum Qualifications

Enterprise Program Management Principal

Bachelor’s Degree/equivalent in business administration or related discipline. Minimum six to eight (6-8) years of experience in program management or project management in a business environment with demonstrated ability to lead large, complex projects and programs and build professional rapport.

Enterprise Program Management Advisor

Bachelor’s Degree/equivalent in business administration or related discipline. Minimum five years experience in program management or project management.

Enterprise Program Management Sr Analyst

Bachelor’s Degree/equivalent in business administration or related discipline. Minimum three years experience in program management or project management.

Enterprise Program Management Analyst

Bachelor’s Degree/equivalent in business administration or related discipline. Minimum two years experience in program management or project management.

Enterprise Program Management Associate

Bachelor’s Degree/equivalent in business administration or related discipline. Minimum one years experience in program management or project management.

Preferred Qualifications:

Pay Transparency: This compensation range is provided as a reasonable estimate of the current starting salary range for this role across all potential locations. If this opportunity includes multiple job levels, the salary information represents the job level minimum and the job level maximum. Actual starting pay would be determined by experience relative to the job, market level, pay at the location for this job and other job-related factors permitted by law. An employee may be eligible for additional pay, premiums, or bonus potential. The Company offers eligible employees health, vision and dental insurance, retirement, and tuition reimbursement.

Pay: U.S. Pay Range: $4,358.59/month - $14,413.11/month New York Pay Range: $4,600.74/month - $14,413.11/month New York City Pay Range: $5,811.46/month - $14,413.11/month Colorado Pay Range: $4,600.74/month - $13,812.57/month

Additional Details:

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran. Reasonable accommodations are available for qualified individuals with disabilities throughout the application process. Applicants who require reasonable accommodations in the application or hiring process should contact [email protected] .

Applicants have rights under Federal Employment Laws:

  • Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law
  • EEO is the Law Supplement
  • Pay Transparency Policy
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act

E-Verify Program Participant: Federal Express Corporation participates in the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' E-Verify program (For U.S. applicants and employees only). Please click below to learn more about the E-Verify program:

  • E-Verify Notice (bilingual)
  • Right to Work Notice (English) / (Spanish)

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Search results (35)


PhD position in Computer Science for Circular Construction

PhD position in Computer Science for Circular ConstructionThe Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture (CEA) is seeking a highly motivated and qualified PhD candidate in the field of digital ...

Doctoral (PhD) Student Positions in Control for Advanced Manufacturing

Doctoral (PhD) Student Positions in Control for Advanced ManufacturingWith our cutting-edge research, ETH Zürich's around 12’000 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society ...

PhD position on "On-Chip Separation of Proteins for Single-Cell Proteome Profiling"

PhD position on "On-Chip Separation of Proteins for Single-Cell Proteome Profiling"The laboratory of Single-Molecule and Single-Cell Biophysics (BMC)is a research group in the Department of Informa...


PhD position 'Harnessing compost microbes for new crop protection products against foliar diseases' 100%

Do you want to develop new sustainable plant protection products based on microorganisms and their metabolites? Copper fungicides, which are still widely used due to a lack of efficient alternative...

PhD position in Environmental Economics 60%

The Chair of Environmental Economics, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Frank Krysiak, at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel invites applications for a PhD position. Fo...

Ph.D Opportunity – Neuroimmunology/Cancer Immunology

The Dixon Lab at University of Basel is seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. student to study neuroimmune interactions in cancer. The role of intra-tumoral neurons is complex and still not fully unders...

PhD student position in experimental fluid dynamics, shock-wave physics and X-ray imaging for biomedical applications

PhD student position in experimental fluid dynamics, shock-wave physics and X-ray imaging for biomedical applicationsThis project is a collaboration between the Institute of Fluid Dynamics at ETH Z...


International Fully Funded PhD Positions in the Life Sciences in Switzerland

*New application deadlines for two open calls per year: November 1 and May 1!Life Science Zurich Graduate School offers more than 100 funded PhD positions. With around 500 research groups and more than 1600 Ph.D. students, the Life Science Zurich ...

PhD position in Hybrid Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Ge semiconductor QDs and high impedance superconducting resonators

PhD position in Hybrid Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Ge semiconductor QDs and high impedance superconducting resonatorsWe are excited to announce a unique opportunity for a highly motivated P...

PhD candidate for developing physics-based loss models of advanced magnetic devices for future highly efficient drive and converter systems

PhD candidate for developing physics-based loss models of advanced magnetic devices for future highly efficient drive and converter systemsThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at ...

PhD Researcher in Labour Economics

PhD Researcher in Labour EconomicsThe KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich is the leading institute for applied research in economics in Switzerland. The labour market division at KOF Swi...

PhD position in dynamics of quantum materials under pressure

PhD position in dynamics of quantum materials under pressureThe Quantum Material Dynamics group (Prof. Elsa Abreu) in the Department of Physics of ETH Zürich has an open PhD position in dynamics of...

PhD position in nonlinear laser spectroscopy on novel types of ferroic order and domains

PhD position in nonlinear laser spectroscopy on novel types of ferroic order and domainsIn the Laboratory for Functional Ferroic Materials we investigate materials where strong coupling between ele...


PhD on Occupant-centric flexibility quantification and dispatch

Materials science and technology are our passion. With our cutting-edge research, Empa's around 1,100 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society for a future worth living. ...

PhD candidate to investigate the Impact of Consumer Flexibility on planning of multi-energy districts


PhD Position in Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Positions: We have an opening for a PhD position in the areas of machine learning and computer vision. The position is supported financially by a SNSF project, whose aim is to build con- trollable world models with deep learning methods. World mod...


PhD Student in Trustworthy Autonomous Systems and Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Deadline: 16.07.2024The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) has opened a full time (100%) position for a PhD student in Trustworthy Autonomous Systems and Explainable Artificial Intelligence at the Department of...

PhD Position in Self-assembled Colloidal Micromachines

PhD Position in Self-assembled Colloidal MicromachinesWe welcome applications for a PhD position in the field of interface and colloids science. The position will be based in the Multi-Scale Roboti...


PhD student Snow Hydrology “Improved snowmelt forecasts for hydropower production planning”

The WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF is part of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL and thus of the ETH Domain. WSL focuses on the sustainable u...

Two PhD positions in Atmospheric Sciences 100%

The Atmospheric Science group at the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland, is looking for two PhD student candidates. Our research focuses on chemical processes in...

PhD student position in Practical Philosophy

PhD student position in Practical PhilosophyThe ETH Professorship for Practical Philosophy in the department for Humanities, Social and Political sciences offers a PhD positions in practical philos...

PhD position on sensitivity of past warm climates to CO2

PhD position on sensitivity of past warm climates to CO2The Climate Geology group is looking for a curious and motivated PhD candidate interested in combining careful laboratory analyses and model-...

2 PhD Positions: Designing intelligence in battery-less micromechanical structures

2 PhD Positions: Designing intelligence in battery-less micromechanical structuresIntelligent devices are everywhere (in sensors monitoring infrastructure, in medical prostheses, wearables and smar...

PhD in Dendroclimatology 100% (f/m/d)

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is part of the ETH Domain. Approximately 600 people work on the sustainable use and protection of the environment and on the ...

PhD position on combustion instabilities of hydrogen flames

PhD position on combustion instabilities of hydrogen flamesThe goal of this research is to investigate turbulent hydrogen-air combustion at elevated pressure. This research is relevant for decarbon...

PhD Position in Nanocomposites for thermal management

Ph.d. student position: surgical applications of lasers (sal) 100%.

The Center for Intelligent Optics (CIO) is a part of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Basel. The research interests include developing intelligent optical technologies for me...

PhD Researcher in Identification for Circular Construction

PhD Researcher in Identification for Circular ConstructionThe PhD Researcher will be an integral part of the research team working on the project "Intelligent Circular Construction" aimed at advanc...

PhD position in Personalized Comfort Systems

Phd position in mechanical rock preconditioning.

PhD Position in Mechanical Rock PreconditioningThe Engineering Geology Group (Prof. Jordan Aaron) is looking for a creative and motivated PhD candidate with a strong interest in rock mechanics and ...

Jobs by field

  • Electrical Engineering 195
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Jobs by type

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  • ETH Zürich 53
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 49
  • Karolinska Institutet 39
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 36
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 34

strategic management phd positions

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Everest Group has recognized Capgemini as a Leader in Connected Product Engineering Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024

Capgemini has been positioned as a leader in everest group’s connected product engineering services peak matrix® assessment 2024 with the highest rating in vision and capability..

strategic management phd positions

The engineering sector is undergoing a digital revolution, with companies investing in advanced technologies like AI, AR/VR, 5G, blockchain, IoT, and cybersecurity to upgrade physical products into smart, autonomous systems. This investment aims to meet evolving customer expectations and enhance user experiences. The fast-paced innovation in this field necessitates strong partnerships to help businesses quickly bring their products to market. Engineering service providers are expanding their expertise to leverage data from connected devices and integrate multiple technologies, thereby developing sophisticated digital products.

This research is the first edition of Everest Group’s Connected Product Engineering Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024, wherein they have presented an assessment of 21 engineering service providers featured on the PEAK Matrix®, along with the sourcing considerations for enterprises.

Key Strengths which made Capgemini stand as a Leader according to Everest Group:

  • Capgemini is enhancing its expertise in engineering services for connected products by investing in emerging technologies such as Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), the industrial metaverse, General AI, edge AI, and 5G Non-terrestrial networks (NTN).
  • By making strategic investments, the company has established a robust network of partnerships, laboratories, and innovation hubs. Simultaneously, it has concentrated its investments on enhancing the skills of its employees through various certifications and Centers of Excellence (CoEs).
  • Capgemini has crafted a suite of solutions that focus on smart products for edge devices, data-centric operations, device management platforms, and the incorporation of generative AI into research and development, all aimed at enhancing its offerings in connected product engineering services.
  • Capgemini maintains a well-distributed delivery network that spans onshore, nearshore, and offshore areas, facilitating close client engagement and smooth service execution.
  • The company showcases flexibility in commercial constructs and leverages innovative pricing models such as outcome-based in client engagements.
“Capgemini, with services spanning across the value chain of connected product engineering, has strengthened its play over the years via investments in multiple next generation technology labs, talent, a robust partner ecosystem, and strategic acquisitions. It places significant emphasis on enhancing its capabilities by focusing on technologies such as generative AI, edge, IoT, cloud, non-terrestrial networks, and connectivity such as 5G and wireless.” “Clients appreciate Capgemini for its technical, project management skills, innovative commercial constructs, flexibility, and capabilities in next-generation technology. These factors have contributed to Capgemini emerging as a Leader in Everest Group’s Connected Product Engineering Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024.” Nishant Udupa, Practice Director at Everest Group
“The market for connected product engineering services is poised for significant growth, expected to reach USD 1,510 billion by 2027. This expansion is driven by advancements in AI, IoT, and smart manufacturing. Strategic investments and the integration of cutting-edge technologies by companies are driving this transformation, not only in the products and service themselves but also in the associated engineering processes.” “At Capgemini, we foresee a future where connected products not only enhance convenience for customers, supported by strong data privacy and security frameworks, but also open new business opportunities for companies embracing the pace of change. We are excited to be recognized as leaders in this PEAK Matrix®, which validates our vision and capabilities in our strategy for Intelligent Industry and Intelligent Products and services.” Nicolas Rousseau, EVP, Chief Digital Engineering & Manufacturing Officer at Capgemini Engineering

About Capgemini

Capgemini is a global business and technology transformation partner, helping organizations to accelerate their dual transition to a digital and sustainable world, while creating tangible impact for enterprises and society. It is a responsible and diverse group of 340,000 team members in more than 50 countries. With its strong over 55-year heritage, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to unlock the value of technology to address the entire breadth of their business needs. It delivers end-to-end services and solutions leveraging strengths from strategy and design to engineering, all fueled by its market leading capabilities in AI, cloud and data, combined with its deep industry expertise and partner ecosystem. The Group reported 2023 global revenues of €22.5 billion.

Get The Future You Want |  www.capgemini.com


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    6,395 Strategic Management PhD jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Professor, Partnership Manager, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and more!

  4. 31 PhD programmes in Strategic Management

    The PhD in Strategic Management and Organization at University of Alberta is a multi-disciplinary program that provides students with the opportunity to examine a wide range of topics, foundational, as well as domain-specific. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada. Ranked top 0.5%.

  5. Strategic Management Ph.D.

    The Ph.D. in Business and a Major Concentration in Strategic Management provides course work in the base theories in strategic management. The field of strategic management studies big picture issues facing managers of firms, such as deciding what markets and industries to enter, how to enter and exit various markets, how to position the firm ...

  6. Strategy

    Strategy. The doctoral program in Strategy encourages students to pursue multi-disciplinary research that utilizes multiple methodologies—quantitative, as well as qualitative—to study how companies and industries around the world develop and sustain competitive advantage. Students in the program are expected to master graduate-level ...

  7. 34 Strategic Management jobs

    To have new jobs in Strategic Management sent to you the day they're posted, create a job alert. Career network for academics, researchers and scientists. Find and apply for jobs in research and higher education today! ... Project Manager/PHD Position in Production Management We specialize in facilitating the digital evolution of businesses ...

  8. Ph.D. in Strategic Management

    The doctoral program in strategic management prepares students for success in research universities as faculty members specializing in strategic management. Research in strategic management concerns how firms and organizations gain competitive advantage over rival firms or organizations. The field emphasizes a blend of knowledge about economics ...

  9. Strategic Management Home

    The Strategic Management faculty at Purdue is recognized as one of the top groups in the world in terms of both productivity and influence, and our PhD students consistently compete for and win Dissertation Awards in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Divisions of the Academy of Management. Download the Fact Sheet.

  10. PhD Program

    The goal of the MIT Sloan PhD Program's admissions process is to select a small number of people who are most likely to successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program and then thrive in academic research careers. The admission selection process is highly competitive; we aim for a class size of nineteen students, admitted from a pool ...

  11. Ph.D. in Business with a Management and Strategy Area of Focus

    The objective of the Management and Strategic Management & Public Policy doctoral program is to prepare students for research-oriented academic positions. The program is built on a strong foundation that consists of a critical mass of research-oriented faculty and a strong research climate.


    PHD IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Strategic Management focuses on understanding how organizations might achieve advantage relative to competitors. Ultimately, it views firms as competing for resources and is concerned with decisions that cut across functional, product, and geographic boundaries. Our research, course development, and teaching draws ...

  13. The Strategic Management pathway

    In simple terms, a strategy is the position or stance an organisation adopts to compete, survive and succeed in its environment. Strategic management is the conception, management and execution of this position. ... At Cambridge Judge Business School, there are 2 streams you can follow to obtain a PhD in Strategic Management. The 2 streams ...

  14. 6 PhD jobs in Strategic Management

    Find PhD jobs in Strategic Management here. To have new jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts. Career network for academics, researchers and scientists. Find and apply for jobs in research and higher education today! Find jobs; Find employers; Career advice;

  15. PhD in Strategic Management

    The PhD in Strategic Management aims to introduce students to the advanced and deep process in strategic management and its importance to the success of institutions and organizations. ... Provide students with experience and skills to be in leading positions in the public sector and the non-profit sector by using theory and practice.

  16. PhD in Strategic Management

    The Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship offers exciting opportunities for PhD students to collaborate with world-class scholars, be a part in the creation of the most up-to-date knowledge, and enjoy the open, friendly, and efficient work environment. Ruxi Wang - Assistant Professor at Renmin University of China. My PhD ...

  17. Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    The PhD specialisation in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation provides candidates with the knowledge and skills to produce relevant and original research within strategic management, entrepreneurship, innovation and related fields. We target motivated and capable individuals, looking to pursue international academic careers at the premier ...

  18. 250 strategic-management-phd PhD positions

    250 strategic-management-phd PhD positions. Filters Search Sort by. relevance listed; Filtered by; PhD strategic-management-phd Remove All ; Refine Your Search. Listed. Last-24-hours 2; Last-3-days 11; Last-7-days 18; Last-30-days 87; Category. Scholarship 219; Research Job 31; Country. Netherlands 67; Norway 55; United ...

  19. 3 Postdoc jobs in Strategic Management

    Three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg. (Fulltime, E 13 TV-L)Reference No: 2024/114. The preferred start date is April 1st, 2025. Conditionally on the submission of an external grant, the position can be extended for an additional year. In principle, the position can be divided into two...

  20. Open PhD position(s)

    The Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation at ETH Zurich's Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Georg von Krogh, invites applications for a PhD position. This position offers a unique opportunity to engage in research aimed at addressing contemporary challenges in management and ...

  21. PhD position in strategic management and innovation in the Department

    The position is graded in scale P according to UFO profile PhD, with corresponding salary based on experience ranging from €2770,00 and €3539,00 gross per month (based on a full-time employment of 38 hours per week). In addition to the monthly salary, an 8.0% holiday allowance and an 8.3% year-end bonus apply.

  22. How to Progress in Your Career as a Project Manager in Australia

    Advancing your project management career in Australia requires strategic planning, continuous learning, and adaptability. Start with entry-level roles, enhance your education with certifications, develop key skills, network, and stay updated with industry trends to achieve growth and success in this dynamic field.

  23. Enterprise Strategic Program Management

    Apply for a Enterprise Strategic Program Management - All Levels at FedEx. ... If this opportunity includes multiple job levels, the salary information represents the job level minimum and the job level maximum. Actual starting pay would be determined by experience relative to the job, market level, pay at the location for this job and other ...

  24. 39 PhD jobs in Switzerland

    International Fully Funded PhD Positions in the Life Sciences in Switzerland. *New application deadlines for two open calls per year: November 1 and May 1!Life Science Zurich Graduate School offers more than 100 funded PhD positions. With around 500 research groups and more than 1600 Ph.D. students, the Life Science Zurich ...

  25. Engagement Director

    Job Tittle: Engagement Director - Go-To-Market Lead - Data & Analytics CPR&S Job Description: This position drives the execution of daily operations and delivery of services to Capgemini's customers in North America. The services will be around Data Analytics Platform, Data and AI Strategy, Data Governance, and AMI Operations, supporting the OT and smart grid systems in addition to billing ...