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Summary schreiben

Summary schreiben (Englisch) – Schritt-für-Schritt einfach erklärt!

Deine Aufgabe ist es, auf Englisch eine Summary zu schreiben ? Wir geben dir die wichtigsten Infos, Tipps und Vokabelhilfen für eine top Inhaltsangabe!

Was ist eine Summary?

„Summary“ ist das englische Wort für „Inhaltsangabe“ – nicht zu verwechseln mit „ Essay “! Du fasst also einen gelesenen Text auf Englisch zusammen und gibst die wesentlichen Informationen kurz und präzise in deinen eigenen Worten wieder.

Summary schreiben – So gehst du am besten vor

  • Lies die Überschrift und den Text aufmerksam durch, um einen ersten Eindruck zu bekommen.
  • Oft hilft es, den Text ein zweites oder drittes Mal zu lesen, um alle Details zu verstehen.
  • Markiere wichtige Wörter und Phrasen.
  • Schreibe dir Stichpunkte auf.
  • Beantworte alle W-Fragen (Wer, Was, Wann…)
  • Schreibe die Einleitung der Summary.
  • Fasse die wesentlichen Informationen des Textes im Hauptteil zusammen.
  • Beende die Summary mit dem Schlussteil .

Oft ist es hilfreich, bei der Markierung des Textes verschiedenfarbigen Stifte zu verwenden, z.B. für unterschiedliche W-Fragen.

In den folgenden Abschnitten erklären wir dir, worauf es bei den einzelnen Teilen – Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss – ankommt.

Summary Englisch – Einleitung

Im Einleitungssatz deiner Summary fasst du folgende Punkte zusammen:

  • text type (Textart), z.B. novel, article, poem, speech, short story…
  • title (Titel des Textes) in Anführungszeichen
  • author (Verfasser)
  • date (Erscheinungsjahr)
  • main topic (Hauptthema des Textes)

Ein mögliches Muster für einen Einleitungssatz ist:

The [text type] “title“ written by [author] and published in [date] deals with [main topic].

Beispiel : The novel “Brave New World” , written by Aldous Huxley published in 1932, is about a nightmarish vision of a sterile futuristic society.

Beachte: Bei einem Zeitungsartikel solltest du auch den Namen der Zeitung angeben, in der dieser erschienen ist:

The newspaper article „Climate and Environment“ written by George Brown was published in „The New York Times” in October 2016. It deals with the causes and consequences of global warming.

Im Hauptteil deiner Summary solltest du die wichtigsten Infos bzw. Aussagen des Textes herausstellen.

Hierfür kann es sinnvoll sein, den Text in Abschnitte zu gliedern. Je nach Textart solltest du auch die zentralen W-Fragen beantworten:

  • Wer handelt/um welche Person(en) geht es?
  • Was passiert?
  • Wann findet die Handlung statt?
  • Wo findet die Handlung statt?
  • Warum kam es dazu?

Es kann hilfreich sein, die W-Fragen zuerst stichpunktartig oder in Tabellenform zu notieren.

Wir haben für dich einige hilfreiche Vokabeln zusammengetragen, die dir das Schreiben des Hauptteils vereinfachen.

Fasse im Schlussteil die wichtigsten Aussagen des Textes noch einmal zusammen. In der Regel genügen 1-2 abschließende Sätze. Auch hier solltest du dich kurz fassen.

Folgende Ausdrücke eignen sich für den Schlussteil:

summary writing klasse 8

Tipps - das solltest du beachten

  • Zeitform der Summary ist das Simple Present
  • Keine Details : Konzentriere dich nur auf die wesentlichen Informationen
  • Vermeide überflüssige Infos, halte dich kurz und knapp
  • Schreibe die Summary in deinen eigenen Worten und übernehme keine Sätze aus dem Text
  • Benutze keine Zitate
  • Wandle direkte Rede in indirekte Rede um
  • Neutral und sachlich: Konzentriere dich auf die Fakten und schreibe ohne Wertung
  • Vermeide Ausdrücke, die deine eigene Meinung wiedergeben, wie “In my opinion” oder “I think”!
  • Benutze keine Spannungselemente (z.B. „Suddenly…“), sondern eine sachliche Sprache
  • Verwende Verbindungswörter (connectives), um die Summary stilistisch flüssig zu gestalten

Summary Checkliste

Einfach runterladen: Checkliste • Summary 

Ich hoffe der Artikel hat dabei geholfen, dein Wissen zu erweitern oder wieder aufzufrischen. ?

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Falls du uns noch ein Kommentar mit deiner Meinung hinterlassen möchtest, wären wir sehr glücklich! ?

11 Kommentare zu „Summary schreiben (Englisch) – Schritt-für-Schritt einfach erklärt!“

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Hallo ??‍♀️ Mir hat es super geholfen, meine Summary für den Englisch Unterricht mit euren Tipps und Tricks zu schreiben. Vielen Dank

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hallo. ich habe eine frage, darf man in einem summary die short form benutzen? liebe grüße

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Nein, darf man leider nicht so weit ich weiß.

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Nein darfst du nicht. Das gehört zu der Formellen Sprache

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Ich fand die Anleitung sehr hilfreich vor allen vor einer Klausur ist die Anleitung sehr gut zusammen gefasst uńm sein eigenes wissen wieder aufzufrischen

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Einfach perfekt! Kurz erklärt dazu bespiele und Hilfswörter

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das war sehr hilfreich Dankeschön 🙂

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Hat mir sehr für die Vorbereitung meiner Klausur geholfen!

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Sehr gut und schön erklärt. In meinem Englischbuch steht nicht so viel und vor allem sehr viel unwichtiges. Dankeschön!

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Richtig toll! Super Vorbereitung für eine Klassenarbeit wie in meinem Falle.

Vielen Dank

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Danke,es hat mir wirklich sehr geholfen !☺

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Summary schreiben (1)

Tutor Ryan

Read the following text about Meg and answer the questions.

Meg Stevens, London I’m a teenager, seventeen years old. My teenage years haven’t really been as good as they could have been; they are over now because I have a baby daughter and I’m a single mother. By the time my six-month-old daughter is able to look after herself, I’ll be thirty-something, and too old to do the things that I am now missing out on. I would love to go clubbing and be like all the other teenagers who are enjoying themselves. Unfortunately, I’ll never have these things, but I’m the one to be blamed: it’s all my fault. I should have taken something to prevent me getting pregnant. I got pregnant by my first boyfriend – just imagine. He didn’t want the baby, but I wouldn’t have an abortion. I was terribly scared. My boyfriend wouldn’t marry me, of course. He wanted to be free, and above all, his parents disapproved. He simply said: “I don’t want to listen to a screaming baby all day long. There is more to life than wasting my time on a baby.” I got used to the idea after a while, and I couldn’t wait to put the clothes I’d bought on the baby. My boyfriend didn’t care at all – he bought her nothing whatsoever. I never really thought about what it would be like to stay in every night while I was expecting; I was so used to going out whenever I wanted. She’s already been born, and I love her, but I do wish that I were still free. Before I got pregnant, I was still going to school – I was in my last year. I hated being a pupil, but now I think it's a pity that I haven’t done my A-levels yet. I wish I could do it right now. Maybe I’ll never pass them, and I've always wanted to go to university; I’d like to become a doctor – some day. If I had the chance to go back in time, I would, and I’d make sure I didn’t get pregnant the second time around. I would have a baby after I got married, but I’d want to be at least twenty-six years old.

1. What does Meg blame herself for? 2. What did her boyfriend's parents think about the pregnancy? 3. What does Meg think about her school career? 4. What was one of Meg's favourite free-time activities?

Complete the following sentences about Meg. Use the information from the text at hand, but do not copy it. Use your own words instead.

  • Meg is quite frustrated because __________________________________.
  • One reason for her frustration is the fact __________________________________.
  • Unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend __________________________________.
  • To make matters worse, __________________________________.
  • Having no proper school degree, __________________________________.
  • Meg feels like __________________________________.
  • She is not against the baby, but __________________________________.

Sum up the text about Meg. Stick to the criteria that are important for summary writing.

Benötigte Lernwege

Summary schreiben.

Was ist eine summary in Englisch?

  • #Zusammenfassung schreiben Englisch
  • #writing a summary
  • #Textzusammenfassung Englisch
  • #Englische Texte zusammenfassen
  • #Zusammenfassung
  • #eine summary schreiben
  • #linking words

Formelle Briefe und Mails schreiben

Was ist ein formeller Brief im Englischen?

  • #formal letters
  • #writing formal letter
  • #offizielle Briefe
  • #letter of complaint
  • #Beschwerdebrief
  • #writing letters
  • #Brief schreiben Englisch

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Summary schreiben (Video)

Lerne in diesem Video, wie du eine perfekte Zusammenfassung schreibst! Wir zeigen dir Schritt für Schritt, auf was du achten musst, um Inhalte präzise und verständlich zusammenzufassen. Ideal für Schule, Studium und Beruf.

Beliebte Inhalte aus dem Bereich Textarten Englisch

  • Biografie schreiben Dauer: 03:57
  • Bildbeschreibung Englisch Dauer: 03:50
  • Wegbeschreibung Englisch Dauer: 03:47

Weitere Inhalte: Textarten Englisch

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Free Printable Summarizing Worksheets for 8th Grade

Summarizing made simple with our free printable Reading & Writing worksheets for Grade 8 students! Discover effective resources to enhance your teaching experience and help students grasp key concepts.


Recommended Topics for you

  • Summarizing Fiction Texts
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Summarizing - Printable Summarizing Worksheets Grade 8 - Quizizz

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Explore Summarizing Worksheets for grade 8 by Topic

Explore other subject worksheets for grade 8.

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Explore printable Summarizing worksheets for 8th Grade

Summarizing worksheets for Grade 8 are an essential tool for teachers aiming to improve their students' reading and writing skills. These worksheets focus on enhancing students' abilities to comprehend complex texts, extract key information, and concisely summarize the main ideas. By incorporating reading comprehension strategies into the curriculum, teachers can help Grade 8 students develop critical thinking skills, boost their vocabulary, and foster a deeper understanding of various subjects. Furthermore, these worksheets can be easily integrated into lesson plans, providing a structured and engaging approach to teaching reading and writing. With the right resources, teachers can ensure that their Grade 8 students excel in their reading comprehension and summarization abilities, setting them up for success in their academic journey.

Quizizz is an innovative platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including worksheets, quizzes, and interactive games, designed to enhance the learning experience for students of all ages. In the context of summarizing worksheets for Grade 8, Quizizz provides teachers with a variety of engaging activities that reinforce reading comprehension strategies and promote the development of essential reading and writing skills. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, teachers can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of their Grade 8 students. Moreover, the platform allows teachers to track student progress, identify areas for improvement, and customize their teaching approach to ensure that every student reaches their full potential in reading and writing. With Quizizz, teachers can transform their Grade 8 classroom into a hub of learning, where students are motivated to excel in their reading comprehension and summarization skills.

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40+ Summary Writing Exercises for High School Students

This post is the beginning of my ambitious project to give you lots of summary writing exercises suitable for Senior High School students and teachers. Your constant practice with these summary writing exercises will prepare you sufficiently for any senior high school level English summary test.

Are you preparing for an IGCSE, WAEC, NECO or JAMB summary test? This broad selection of passages covering a wide range of topics will be of great assistance to you.

Find passages on hiring a car accident attorney, insurance claims, the film and movies industry, hotels, travel, transportation, and tourism, world football, mortgage, banking and personal loans, technology and software, web hosting, investment and stock trading, cryptocurrency, public health and disease control, blogging, digital publishing and content marketing, e-commerce, distance learning and the internet.

Remember that these are the areas that future summary and comprehension passages for high school level tests are going to come from. They may as well help you with your vocabulary work in the Lexis and Structure section of the English Language syllabus.

  • WAEC/WASSCE English Language Syllabus
  • 100+ Noun Phrase Examples in English Grammar
  • IGCSE Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

For your guidance, I’ve provided recommended answers to each of the summary writing exercises. You should try to answer the questions in your own words after checking these model summary answers

We can now start the summary writing exercises with the first passage. It is about why one needs to hire the services of a personal injury attorney after a car accident.

Summary Exercise 1

Read the following passage on hiring a car insurance attorney carefully and answer the questions that follow.


The decision to hire a car insurance attorney after a car accident has never been an easy one. This is because most car accident victims have little knowledge regarding when it is necessary to hire the services of a lawyer after a car accident.

According to AllLaw.com, one of the most respected legal advice websites in the US, there are very good reasons to hire a a car insurance attorney after a car accident. They insist that allowing an attorney to be in charge of your legal battles with insurance companies and other stakeholders can be the smartest move after you suffered an automobile accident.

Usually, car accidents involving serious or long-term injuries require an attorney to get the most desirable outcome. For this reason, having an experienced and articulate advocate working for you is essential in obtaining a reasonable and fair resolution in your car accident case.

An automobile accident brings with it a host of questions. Who is at fault? Who pays for damage to my car? Who will pay for my medical bills? How much should I get for pain and suffering? Can I ask the insurance company to reimburse me for lost wages? An experienced injury attorney can be extremely helpful in negotiating the often chaotic and confusing world of insurance claims and settlements.

Because most injury attorneys work on a contingent-fee basis, and only get paid if there is a successful resolution to your claim, there is often little incentive to try to handle these types of claims on your own, unless no injuries or serious damage were involved and a settlement would be very small. If you’re injured in a car accident, then hiring a lawyer will almost always ensure a much better settlement.

Hiring a personal injury attorney to represent you after a car accident means you will have a professional working for you — one who is extremely knowledgeable about the relevant laws and procedural rules that may affect your case.

A car insurance attorney can advise you of any time limits (called statutes of limitations) that can bar you from filing a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. For instance, in many states you must file your lawsuit within two years of your car accident or be forever prohibited from filing your lawsuit. An attorney will also be able to inform you about any special exceptions to the statute of limitations — for minors, for example.

Your personal injury attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf and will know how best to mitigate any possible defenses raised by the other side. In addition, once your case gets under way, your lawyer will play an invaluable role in preparing your case for trial — and even going to trial if your case doesn’t settle.

Even though a lawsuit is rarely necessary, the threat of legal action offers strong leverage when negotiating a fair settlement.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, hiring a car insurance attorney who is knowledgeable about the law evens the playing field, especially when you are going up against the experience and vast resources of a large insurance company.

There is a lot of work that goes into negotiating an insurance settlement and trying a personal injury lawsuit. After you have been in a car accident, taking on this time-consuming work may be the last thing you want to do, assuming you’re able. An attorney can do it all for you.

Whereas this may be your first time dealing with the ins and outs of an accident claim, injury attorneys have dealt with all manner of claims and a variety of insurance companies. They have experience obtaining the necessary evidence to support your claim, including gathering police reports, witness statements, medical records and bills, and employment and lost wage information.

Your personal injury attorney will also be able to organize the evidence and prepare a settlement demand letter for the insurance company. If you are unable to settle your accident case, your attorney can take care of filing the necessary paperwork to start a court case and can deal with the defense attorneys on your behalf. Having someone knowledgeable handling the hard work of your case eases the burden on you, which is especially important if you have been seriously injured and are trying to recover from your injuries.

Perhaps the most important way a car insurance attorney can help you with your car accident case is by being your advocate. This means that your attorney acts on your behalf and for your benefit throughout the entire claims process (negotiating with the automobile insurance company) and even in court if a lawsuit becomes necessary. He or she will be your champion before the judge, jury and other attorneys, making sure that your side of the story is heard and that you are compensated for all of your losses.

Questions and Answers #1

a. In one sentence, state the reason why the writer thinks it should not be difficult to hire an injury attorney after an accident.

ANS. The client pays the attorney only after a succesful completion of the case.

b. In two sentences, summarize two qualities of a personal injury attorney that can benefit their clients.

ANS. i. A personal injury attorney is knowledgeable about the law. ii. He has a good deal of experience.

c. In one sentence, state when it is most necessary to allow an attorney to do the difficult legal tasks following a car accident.

ANS. This is when the accident victim is seriously injured.

d. In two sentences, state the two main functions that an attorney performs with institutions as an advocate for his client.


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  • CBSE Notes For Class 8
  • Class 8 English Notes and Summary

CBSE Class 8 English Notes and Summary

CBSE Class 8 English Notes must be focused on by students to score good marks in the annual exam. They feel they can prepare for the subject by studying at the last moment. But, this does not happen in reality, and they tend to score low marks. Owing to this, their overall percentage also decreases. So, to help them prepare better for the English subject, we have provided the CBSE Class 8 English Notes and Summary. Studying these CBSE Notes will help students understand the explanation of the stories and poems easily. They can also revise all the chapters quickly by just going through the summary of the English notes.

Students must practice essays on various topics to prepare for the writing section of Class 8 English exam. By doing so, they can easily score marks in essay writing.

CBSE Notes & Summary for Class 8 English

Students of the Class 8 CBSE board have two books to study. One is the Main coursebook, i.e. Honeydew, and the other is the supplementary reader, i.e. It So Happened. The chapters of the book Honeydew contain both stories and poems. Whereas, It So Happened book has only stories. The questions in the exams are asked from these two books. So, students must prepare well by going through these CBSE Class 8 Notes and Summary of English.

CBSE Class 8 English Honeydew Notes & Summary

There are a total of 8 chapters in the Honeydew book of Class 8. Students can go through the chapter-wise summary and notes by clicking on the links below.

  • Chapter 1: The Best Christmas Present in the World Summary
  • Chapter 2: The Tsunami Summary
  • Chapter 3: Glimpses of the Past Summary
  • Chapter 4: Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory Summary
  • Chapter 5: The Summit Within Summary
  • Chapter 6: This is Jody’s Fawn Summary
  • Chapter 7: A Visit to Cambridge Summary
  • Chapter 8: A Short Monsoon Diary Summary

The following list mentions chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 8 English (Honeydew) textbook 2023-24.

  • The Great Stone Face–I Summary
  • The Great Stone Face–II Summary

CBSE Class 8 English Honeydew Poems Notes & Summary

The Honeydew books contain a total of 5 poems. CBSE Class 8 students can go through the meaning and summary of the poem by visiting the links below.

  • Chapter 1: The Ant and the Cricket Summary
  • Chapter 2: Geography Lesson Summary
  • Chapter 4: The Last Bargain Summary
  • Chapter 5: The School Boy Summary
  • Chapter 8: On the Grasshopper and Cricket Summary

The following list mentions poems that have been removed from the NCERT Class 8 English (Honeydew) textbook 2023-24.

  • Macavity: The Mystery Cat Summary
  • When I Set Out for Lyonnesse Summary

CBSE Class 8 English It So Happened Notes & Summary

Apart from the main course book, there is one supplementary reader English book for Class 8 students. It has a total of 8 chapters. Students can access the notes and summary of each chapter by clicking the link below.

  • Chapter 1: How the Camel Got His Hump Summary
  • Chapter 2: Children at Work Summary
  • Chapter 3: The Selfish Giant Summary
  • Chapter 4: The Treasure Within Summary
  • Chapter 5: Princess September Summary
  • Chapter 6: The Fight Summary
  • Chapter 7: Jalebis Summary
  • Chapter 8: Ancient Education System of India Summary
  • The Open Window Summary
  • The Comet – I Summary
  • The Comet – II Summary

We hope this information on CBSE Class 8 English Notes, and Summary must have helped students in their exam preparation. They can also go through the essay on women empowerment and essay on Independence Day to improve their essay writing skills and to fetch more marks in the writing section of the English paper.

Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 8 English

Is cbse class 8 english difficult.

With constant reading and vocabulary practice, students could prepare well for the CBSE Class 8 English.

How to score high marks in CBSE Class 8 English?

1. Prepare from the NCERT syllabus

2. Reading and writing practise

3. Vocabulary enhancement

Where did the language English originate from?

English emerged from the dialects and vocabulary of Germanic peoples—Angles, Saxons and Jutes—who settled in Britain in the 5th century CE.

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  1. How to Write a Summary

    summary writing klasse 8

  2. How to Write a Summary

    summary writing klasse 8

  3. Summary Writing Worksheets For Grade 8

    summary writing klasse 8

  4. Summary schreiben-Englisch? (Summary Writing)

    summary writing klasse 8

  5. how to write a summary from a article

    summary writing klasse 8

  6. Summary schreiben

    summary writing klasse 8


  1. Class 8 English 3.3.3||Class 8 English Chapter 3|| Language and Power Class 8

  2. ⭐️ 2024 ENGLISCH-ABSCHLUSSPRÜFUNG: Alle Übungen im Überblick! 🚀 Klasse 10

  3. CBSE Class 8 English 'It so Happened' All Chapters Revision

  4. Class 8 English Chapter 2 Story Writing

  5. grade 8 English/unit 1/reading 2/notes/class 8 English

  6. Summary: eine Zusammenfassung schreiben


  1. 3 Writing a summary

    If you're feeling ready for the challenge, you can go straight to the summary in 3.1. to find out the grammar rules yourself and practise these points by working with the sample text. Here is a good example of a summary. 3 Writing a summary 3 Writing a summary DO01_3-12-506254_I_need_Grammar_SB_INHALT.indd 36 01.10.2019 11:27:07

  2. Summary schreiben • Aufbau, Beispiele und Tipps · [mit Video]

    Summary schreiben: Wie schreibt man eine Summary in Englisch? Tipps und Formulierungen Beispiele mit kostenlosem Video. Navigation überspringen. studyflix. Alle Inhalte Suche. Neu: Karrierewelt ... Writing a comment - example 2/4 - Dauer: 05:00 Argumentation Englisch 3/4 - Dauer: 04:29 Discussion Englisch 4/4 - Dauer: 04:27

  3. 3 Worksheet on Summary Writing

    Summary‐Writing Australia and New Zealand Text: Craig Harrison, "Tomorrow Will Be a Lovely Day", from: Martin Arndt/Karl Sassenberg, Australia and New Zealand ‐ Down Under On Top, Viewfinder Topics (München: Langenscheidt, 2011), pp. 58f.

  4. Summary schreiben (Englisch)

    Schreibe die Summary in deinen eigenen Worten und übernehme keine Sätze aus dem Text. Benutze keine Zitate. Wandle direkte Rede in indirekte Rede um. Neutral und sachlich: Konzentriere dich auf die Fakten und schreibe ohne Wertung. Vermeide Ausdrücke, die deine eigene Meinung wiedergeben, wie "In my opinion" oder "I think"!

  5. Summary schreiben (1)

    Kostenlos registrieren und 2 Tage Summary schreiben (1) üben . alle Lernvideos, Übungen, Klassenarbeiten und Lösungen dein eigenes Dashboard mit Statistiken und Lernempfehlungen

  6. Summary

    Das Wesentliche in wenigen Worten. "Summary forever". Laut Bildungsplan verlangt Text- und Medienkompetenz aller Schularten ab Klassen 7/8, das Wesentliche zusammenzufassen. - Das erfordern teilweise auch Sprachmittlungsaufgaben. Eine der Arbeitsanweisungen (Operatoren) im Bereich Analyse und Reorganisation für das Abitur ist: "summarise/sum up".

  7. Summary schreiben • Aufbau, Beispiele und Tipps

    Summary schreiben (Video) Weitere Infos erhältst du im Beitrag zum Video zum Beitrag: Summary schreiben. Lerne in diesem Video, wie du eine perfekte Zusammenfassung schreibst! Wir zeigen dir Schritt für Schritt, auf was du achten musst, um Inhalte präzise und verständlich zusammenzufassen. Ideal für Schule, Studium und Beruf.

  8. summary schreiben

    Willkommen bei Einfach Englisch! In diesem Video nehmen wir die summary genauer unter die Lupe, die spätestens ab der 10. Klasse, auf jedenFall aber bis zum ...

  9. PDF SUMMARY How to write a summary

    SUMMARY This is a short restatement of the main topic and idea of a text in ~10-25% of the original's number of words. How to write a summary 1. Read the original text and ask wh-questions. 2. Mark the answers in the text, i.e. basic facts and arguments. 3. Identify the topic of the text. 4. 4.Arrange facts and arguments in a logical order. 5.

  10. Free Printable Summarizing Worksheets for 8th Class

    Explore printable Summarizing worksheets for 8th Class. Summarizing worksheets for Class 8 are an essential tool for teachers aiming to improve their students' reading and writing skills. These worksheets focus on enhancing students' abilities to comprehend complex texts, extract key information, and concisely summarize the main ideas.

  11. Übung zum summary writing mit Beispiellösung und

    Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Gymnasium/FOS Klasse 8, Übung zum summary writing mit Beispiellösung und Kontroll/Selbstcheck-Tabelle. Thema: Coca-Cola. die größte Plattform für kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial. ... Übung zum summary writing mit Beispiellösung und Kontroll/Selbstcheck-Tabelle. Thema Coca-Cola history. Passend zur

  12. PDF Summary Writing

    Summary Writing: When we summarise, we capture the main ideas of a text in far fewer words than were used in the original. Summarising is an important skill that you will use throughout your life as it involves more than just writing. When you summarise, you use reading and comprehension skills, as well as writing and grammar. Rules of ...

  13. summarising

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  14. Free Printable Summarizing Worksheets for 8th Grade

    Explore printable Summarizing worksheets for 8th Grade. Summarizing worksheets for Grade 8 are an essential tool for teachers aiming to improve their students' reading and writing skills. These worksheets focus on enhancing students' abilities to comprehend complex texts, extract key information, and concisely summarize the main ideas.

  15. Grade 8 Summary Writing

    Our Grade 8 summary writing worksheets are CAPS-aligned. Likewise, this resource is suited to Grade 8 learners and consists of: A short text that is the ideal length for a Grade 8 learner. Detailed instructions for writing the summary. A memo which lists what points should be included in the summary.

  16. PDF Beispielklassenarbeit Jahrgangsstufe 8, ISS

    Writing (s. Bewertungsraster unten) Fundamentum 5 BE Additum 10 BE Writing gesamt: 15 BE Gesamt: Fundamentum und Additum (E) 30 BE Gesamt: Fundamentum (G) 10 BE Tabelle zur Zuordnug von Bewertungseinheiten und Notenpunkten NP 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BE 30 28-29 26-27 24-25 22-23 20-21 18-

  17. Summary Writing Practice

    This Summary Writing Practice - English FAL Grade 8 resource is a great way for your senior phase English FAL class to practice their summary writing skills. The resource is suited to grade 8 and consists of: - A short text - Instructions for writing the summary - A memo (list of which points should be included in the summary) - A marking guide/mark allocations for the summary Best of all, the ...

  18. Summary writing

    Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Gymnasium/FOS Klasse 8, Reading non-fictional text - Hurrican Katrina - writing a summary - New Orleans non-fictional text. die größte Plattform für kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial. Toggle navigation. Einloggen Neu anmelden Unterrichtsmaterial im Fach Englisch, Klasse 8 ...

  19. 40+ Summary Writing Exercises for High School Students

    We can now start the summary writing exercises with the first passage. It is about why one needs to hire the services of a personal injury attorney after a car accident. Table of Contents. 1 Summary Exercise 1. 2 Questions and Answers #1. 3 VIEW THE ANSWER TO QUESTION "D" AND ALSO THE NEXT SUMMARY EXERCISE PASSAGE.

  20. CBSE Class 8 English Notes And Summary

    Students must practice essays on various topics to prepare for the writing section of Class 8 English exam. By doing so, they can easily score marks in essay writing. CBSE Notes & Summary for Class 8 English. Students of the Class 8 CBSE board have two books to study. One is the Main coursebook, i.e. Honeydew, and the other is the supplementary ...

  21. PDF Beispiel: Klassenarbeit Jahrgangsstufe 8 ISS

    Beispiel für eine leistungsdifferenzierte Klassenarbeit im Fach Englisch, Jahrgang 8 8 Bewertung der Schreibleistung Aufgabe 2 Punkte Beschreibung 5-7 Inhaltliche Ausarbeitung und sprachliche Umsetzung gelungen (Beachtung der Aufgabenstellung; vollständige Sätze; meist klar verständlich trotz einiger sprachlicher Verstöße).

  22. Story Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples

    3. Plot As simple and as interesting as possible. 4. Conflict It is the struggle between two sides of the theme of the story. Conflict can be between characters, emotions, beliefs or thoughts. It gives life to short stories. 5. Theme The central idea or the main belief of the story is the theme.