School of Graduate Studies

Electronic thesis submission, general instructions.

Submitting your Electronic Thesis / Dissertation ( ETD ) is a quick and straightforward process. After your thesis supervisor has approved your thesis, follow the instructions below to submit your ETD documents to the digital library repository .

Please Note

The current ETD system invites you to order copies of your thesis online through ProQuest. Theses ordered through ProQuest will not be delivered until after your convocation; ProQuest will charge you in US dollars, and you will be liable for shipping costs and duty. An alternate option is available through the U of T Bookstore: contact Book Pod if you would like a print copy of your thesis. You are also free to choose another printing company. If the copy is for your unit’s library, please consult them about binding choice prior to placing an order.

Administrative Preliminaries

You can register as a digital library repository user at any time, but to submit an ETD , you must first provide the Graduate Program Completion Office with the following written confirmation (letter or email) from your supervisor (for editorial corrections) or the convenor of your Final Oral Examination Subcommittee (for minor revisions), that your thesis is in final form and approved.

If you are restricting the release of your thesis, you must provide us with a restrict release form, signed by your graduate unit chair (outlined in the following paragraph).

Embargoes on Thesis Release

Publication of your thesis by the University of Toronto is a requirement of your degree; it is U of T’s intention that there be no restriction on the distribution and publication of theses. Accordingly, theses will be released after each convocation, and will be freely available to the public in an online environment.

However, in exceptional cases, you may wish to consider delaying thesis publication. Typical reasons for embargo include:

  • currently seeking publication of part of your thesis in a journal, or publication of the thesis as a book
  • content of a sensitive nature in the thesis, the publication of which might endanger the wellbeing of the author or of persons associated with the work
  • a patent is in process

Discuss restriction with your supervisor and the chair of your graduate unit if you think restriction might be appropriate.

If you intend to restrict the release date of your ETD , please submit a restrict thesis release date form to SGS (dated and signed by your graduate unit chair). If applicable, include a copy bound inside the front cover of the bound paper copy for your graduate unit.

Prior to Submitting Your Electronic Thesis / Dissertation ( ETD )

Create a digital library repository account.

Log into the digital library repository by entering your student number and email address. You must use an official utoronto or graduate unit email account.

Select “Submit Thesis” and choose the appropriate collection to submit to.

File Format & Naming Convention

The main thesis file must be in PDF format. Before you start the submission process, create a PDF of the final approved version of your thesis.

You must use the following file naming convention:


e.g., Smith_Lorie_L_201711_PhD_thesis.pdf

Supplementary files should follow the same naming convention:

e.g., Smith_Lorie_L_201711_PhD_datatables.exl

Stopping During the Submission Process

You can stop and save your work at any point in the submission process and resume your submission at a later date. Click the ‘cancel / save’ button which appears at the bottom of every ETD submission page. The data you have already entered will be stored until you come back to the submission.

If you accidentally exit from the submission process, you can always resume by re-entering the digital library repository .

You can cancel your submission at any point.

Submission Complete: What Next?

Congratulations! SGS will review your thesis and notify you once it is approved. If there is any problem with your submission, you will be given instructions. Please note that the timeline on this review varies depending on the time of year. The date your thesis is submitted is recorded in ProQuest for the reviewer to see. Upon submission, you will receive a message from [email protected] ; please do not reply to this email. If you have questions, consult the Office of Graduate Program Completion.

Publication & Distribution

Your thesis will be available online on the digital library repository and on the web approximately five to six weeks following convocation. These theses will have priority in many search engines. Theses will be uploaded to the University of Toronto Library’s T-Space at intervals, approximately two times per year.

The digital library repository (Proquest) will:

  • create an archival quality microfilm copy of the thesis for Library and Archives Canada
  • catalogue your thesis
  • publish the abstract in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database
  • make theses available in digital or paper format for a fee.

Proquest is considered an academic and not a commercial publisher.

After a period of two years, Library and Archives Canada may also make downloadable copies of theses available at no charge (or paper copies for a publication cost recovery fee).

Before electronic submission, this was the only way to obtain copies of theses apart from borrowing them from university libraries or contacting authors directly. You retain copyright to your thesis and may make it available on a personal website and pursue other sources of publication.

Continued Access to the U of T Proquest Thesis Submission Site

You will be able to view your thesis on the digital library repository a few weeks following convocation.

You will also have access to U of T’s T-Space with access to any collections, including the Theses collection. You are also welcome to become a contributor to other T-Space communities and / or register for updates.

For general information and news about T-Space or help using your account and using the site, please contact [email protected] .

As part of the T-Space repository, your thesis is assigned a persistent URL. This means that, unlike most URLs, this identifier will not have to be changed when the system migrates to new hardware, or when changes are made to the system. T-Space is committed to maintaining the integrity of this identifier so that you can confidently use it to refer to your item when citing it.

Our persistent URLs are registered with the Handle System, a comprehensive system for assigning, managing, and resolving persistent identifiers, known as “handles,” for digital objects and other resources on the Internet.

The Handle System is administered by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) , which promotes research in the public interest.

Copy, print, scan

Copying, printing, and scanning in Robarts Library is available from floors 1 – 5.

For similar facilities in other U of T libraries, please check their individual websites.

Copying and printing requires that you add funds to your TCard. More information about adding funds to cards. More information about costs for printing for different paper sizes .

Copy  |  Print  |  Scan   

Photocopying costs $0.10 per page. Find a photocopier  in the central libraries .

You must comply with the Provost's  Fair Dealing Guidelines when you photocopy copyright-protected works.

Most libraries have printers. Find a printer  in the central libraries . Most libraries accept your TCard or guest print/copy card at a cost of $0.15 per page for a black and white page, and colour is $1 per page.

Send a document to the printers from one of the library's computers or from your laptop  at selected locations. See also Printing tips .

  • Choose  Print  from the  File  menu.
  • Type a name for your print job in the dialog box that appears and click  Print . Your job has now been entered in the print queue.
  • Go to one of the print kiosk computers
  •  Swipe your TCard or guest card through the print-release card reader.
  • Select your print job from the list on the screen. The display will show the number of pages, the cost of printing it and the card balance.
  • Click  Print .
  • If you are printing in colour, release your job from the computer immediately next to the colour printer you chose.

Double-sided printing

All computers at U of T Libraries are defaulted to print double-sided.

To change to single-side printing:

  • Click  File  >  Print
  • Select the appropriate printer
  • Click  Properties  or  Preferences  depending on the program you are using
  • Click the  Finishing  tab
  • Under Document Options , change Print on Both Sides from Long Edge to  Off.
  • Click  OK
  • Review the rest of your printing options and click  Print .

Scanning is free at most libraries.  You will need a USB key to scan. Find a scanner at one of the central libraries or check with  individual libraries  about where their scanners are located.

Scanning & copyright policy

It is illegal to scan any images or text that are not your personal intellectual property unless you have the express written consent of the owner of that property. It is the responsibility of the person scanning the images or text to obtain any required permissions.

See Copyright resources and links  for more information.

Ontario Tech Libraries

Thesis Publishing

  • Ontario Tech Dissertations and Theses

Ontario Tech Library logo

  • Contact your Librarian

Theses/Dissertations in the Library

An electronic copy of every student thesis/dissertation is forwarded to the Library by the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for electronic publication. 

The electronic copy is posted in eScholar , a digital repository of Ontario Tech research provided by the Library. eScholar collects, preserves, and showcases the academic work of the Ontario Tech community, including faculty publications and graduate theses and dissertations. Materials in eScholar are openly available to the world and discoverable through search engines such as Google Scholar. 

In addition, the Library submits student theses and dissertations to Library and Archives Canada, allowing them to become available online on  Theses Canada  via the  Library and Archives Canada's Thesis Canada Program .

Students may also choose to publish their thesis or dissertation through ProQuest free publishing service (optional) in which case they must sign the  ProQuest Publishing Agreement license form  and return the form to the School of Graduate and PostDoctoral Studies with your thesis/dissertation package.

Students may wish to withhold their thesis/dissertation from publication for a period of time.  Please fill out the  Request for Approval to Withhold a Thesis from Publication form  and return the form to the School of Graduate and PostDoctoral Studies with your thesis/dissertation package.

Thesis/Dissertation Binding: Personal Print Copies

Students may wish to have their personal copy of their thesis/dissertation bound by an outside company.

Master’s theses are typically bound in royal blue and dissertations are typically bound in black but personal student copies or other copies may be done in colours of your choice.

Here are some options for binding your thesis/dissertation:

  • Binding Logic, Toronto, ON
  • Commercial Bookbinding, Scarborough, ON
  • Smith Falls Bookbinding, Smith Falls, ON
  • University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
  • Wallaceburg Bookbinding, Wallaceburg, ON

Electronic Publishing for Non-Thesis (Master's Projects/Papers)

Students may be required to submit an electronic copy of their project/paper for inclusion in the Library's institutional repository eScholar . Please contact your program office for further information.

The submission must have three files, each in PDF format:

  • The project or paper
  • Copy of completed form Certificate of Approval - Master's Project or Major Paper
  • Copy of completed form Submission of Master’s Project or Major Paper  

Papers and Projects are not included in Library and Archives Canada Thesis program.

  • School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Thesis Procedures

School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) Software and Informatics Research Centre (SIRC) 40 Conlin Road West, first floor Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5 [email protected] 905.721.8668 ext. 6209

  • Next: Ontario Tech Dissertations and Theses >>
  • Last Updated: Jan 11, 2023 11:38 AM
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Faculty of Information — Theses and Dissertations

Explore our section in the University of Toronto research repository, TSpace to view recent theses and dissertations.

For a complete listing of all Faculty of Information theses and dissertations, please see below.

Master of Information (MI)

Bibliography of theses and research reports from the following programs between 1970–present: Library Science; Library & Information Science; Information Studies; Information .

Master of Museum Studies (MMSt)

Bibliography of theses and research reports from the Museology program (1972–1979), and the Museum Studies program (1980–2005; 2011; 2013–present).

Doctoral (PhD)

Bibliography of dissertations produced between 1974–present.

Thesis & Dissertation Printing

Book1one will give your thesis or dissertation the professional look it deserves..

If you are looking for a world class company to print and bind your thesis or dissertation, you will find that Book1One will give your document the high quality attention it requires and deserves. Graduate students from all over the country have used our services, and we are listed at many colleges and universities as a reliable resource for hardcover and softcover thesis and dissertation book printing. 

We understand that theses and dissertations comprise a special category in the book publishing world. They represent the culmination of a large body of work and achievement at a very high academic level – and are recognized symbols of professional accomplishment.

Cloth and Faux Leather Color Choices:

thesis printing uoft

NOTE: Colors may not display accurately due to differences in monitor settings

Why choose Book1One to print your thesis or dissertation?

  • We offer a number of cover options.  At Book1One, you can select from three cover options for hardcover books: a full-color printed cover, a cloth cover with foil stamping, or a faux (imitation) leather cover with foil stamping. The cloth and faux leather book coverings come in four different colors: black, navy blue, dark red, and green. The color choices are shown in the right side on this webpage. Foil stamping, printed on the front cover and spine, can be either a gold or silver color. Softcover theses and dissertations come with a full color printed cover.
  • We have no minimum quantity requirements.  In most instances, the number of printed copies needed for a thesis or dissertation are low. The size of thesis/dissertation orders we receive vary from a high of around ten to a low of one copy. We can print as many or as few copies of your thesis or dissertation at an affordable price and with the same amount of attention we give to larger book orders.

We can offer you a special service regarding foil stamping.

If your foil stamping involves basic text and numbers, such as book title, author’s name, school and date, Book1One can assemble your cover for you at no additional cost to use. If you wish us to provide this service to you, when you place your order, upload a PDF file indicating what you would like printed on your front cover and spine and approximate positioning. We will fit and center the type using the Time New Roman font. For more on foil stamping click  here .

Get an instant price quote without having to call or email!

Book1One is one of very few book manufacturers who has a website price calculator that will enable you to obtain an accurate price quote without having to place a phone call or submit an email. It’s fast, easy, and our customers love it!

Simply insert the specifications of your book project and, with one click, see what the price of your project will be.

Placing your order is as easy as 1-2-3!

If you have completed the design and layout of your thesis or dissertation and are ready to upload your print ready PDF file(s) to us and place your order, simply click on the red “Place Order” button located at the top of your screen. You will then be taken through the simple three step process of (1) creating your personal account, (2) uploading your cover and page files and (3) completing the checkout procedure.

  • How Our Process Works
  • Plastic Coil
  • Book Cover Sizing Diagrams


Our guarantee to you is that we will give your project our utmost personal attention to ensure that, when finished, your books meet the highest quality production standards.

Remember, at Book1One:

  • We work with easy-to-use PDF files, and our online ordering process is a snap.
  • We have no minimum order requirements – even for hardcover books.
  • We have no set up fees. Your only expense is the cost to print, bind & ship your books.
  • Our turnaround times are fast – five business days for softcover and plastic coil bound; 10 business days for hardcover books. And rush production is available.
  • You’ll receive personal “hands-on” service. We’ll answer your emails quickly, and if you call us, you’ll get a real person.


I just received my book order of an early 1900's scrapbook replica you printed for me - and it is perfect! I can't wait to show it to my client and display it at a networking show next month. Many thanks for a great job.

Wendy McSweeney Powhatan, VA

It has been a pleasure working with you on my photo book project. Many of my colleagues have complimented the book's photo colors and quality.

R. C. Livesay Author & Photographer of The Secret Life of the Grand Lake Pelican

You did a wonderful job with our book project. Everything was done exactly the way we had envisioned it.

Fairlee MacEslin Woodstock, VT

We received our books today, and they look fabulous! You do quite a professional job. We will certainly keep you in mind for any future projects.

Shelley White Uriccio, Howe, Krell, Jacobson,Toporek, Theos & Keith Charleston, SC

Wow! You all did an amazing job printing our proposal books. Thank you so much for your most efficient and beautiful work. We'll definitely be doing this again.

Dlorah deVore CDI Contractors, LLC Little Rock, AR

My book looks amazing! This is the first time I have used your services, and I could not be happier. Thank you for exceeding my expectations in every way.

Dan M. Chicago, IL

I received my cookbooks today and wanted you to know how much I appreciate the wonderful printing and binding job you did. You have helped put together a 'treasured keepsake' for our family.

Shan Wilkins Berryville, VA

I received my books today, and all I can say is OMG! They are so much more than I expected. Thank you for providing such a wonderful service and product.

Jim D. Corydon, IN

Book1One has been an amazing resource for launching my publishing business. I couldn't have done it without their timely service and high-quality results. Thanks for helping publish some amazing Life Story Books!

Lauren Befus Founder, Memory Lane Jane

I am a designer who has ordered several low-volume books for my clients from Book1One over the last few years and have been extremely pleased with the quality as well as the customer service. I have created both hard cover and soft cover books, and the website has useful templates for formatting the book layout so everything comes together seamlessly. I also love the instant quote generator on the website, it helps to see how the different options impact the pricing without having to go back and forth with an estimator or sales rep. I will definitely keep using Book1One!

Kathryn D'Amanda Graphic Designer, Mill Race Design

Instant Quote

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Thesis / dissertation formatting manual (2024).

  • Filing Fees and Student Status
  • Submission Process Overview
  • Electronic Thesis Submission
  • Paper Thesis Submission
  • Formatting Overview
  • Fonts/Typeface
  • Pagination, Margins, Spacing
  • Paper Thesis Formatting
  • Preliminary Pages Overview
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication Page
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures (etc.)
  • Acknowledgements
  • Text and References Overview
  • Figures and Illustrations
  • Using Your Own Previously Published Materials
  • Using Copyrighted Materials by Another Author
  • Open Access and Embargoes
  • Copyright and Creative Commons
  • Ordering Print (Bound) Copies
  • Tutorials and Assistance
  • FAQ This link opens in a new window

UCI Libraries maintains the following  templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. If you are formatting your manuscript using LaTex, UCI maintains a template on OverLeaf.

  • Annotated Template (Dissertation) 2024 PDF of a template with annotations of what to look out for
  • Word: Thesis Template 2024 Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting.
  • PDF Thesis Template 2024
  • Word: Dissertation Template 2024 Editable template of the PhD Dissertation formatting.
  • PDF: Dissertation Template 2024
  • Overleaf (LaTex) Template
  • << Previous: Tutorials and Assistance
  • Next: FAQ >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 20, 2024 2:09 PM
  • URL:

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Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.

Monash University

File(s) under permanent embargo

Reason: Under embargo until May 2025. After this date a copy can be supplied under Section 51(2) of the Australian Copyright Act 1968 by submitting a document delivery request through your library, or by emailing [email protected]

Texture formation in magnetostrictive Fe-Ga alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion

Principal supervisor, additional supervisor 1, year of award, department, school or centre, degree type, usage metrics.

Faculty of Engineering Theses

  • Functional materials
  • Additive manufacturing

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Creative Services

University of idaho.

Idaho Student Union Building Copy & Print Center

Phone: 208-885-7377

Email: [email protected]

Printing Services

Give a professional edge to your printed materials by enlisting the expertise of U of I’s Printing Services staff. They produce small-scale printed materials such as business cards and brochures, as well as large format materials such as posters and banners. U of I’s Printing Services includes the Idaho Commons Copy and Print Center, which completes standard print jobs and offers such services as binding and lamination. If you need more than our in-house capabilities can provide, we’ll partner with outside vendors to get your job done.

Services Provided

Our staff will advise you on cost-effective and high-quality production methods to produce professionally printed materials in tune with brand guidelines.

Examples of printing products include:

  • Newsletters
  • Business Cards
  • Variable Printing
  • Invitations

To request an estimate for your print job, contact [email protected] or 208-885-6293 to discuss your project.

  • Brand Resource Center
  • Templates and Downloads
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  • Visual Style Guide

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Posters and presentations.

  • Planning it out
  • Poster Design
  • Presentation Tips
  • Using Images and Data
  • Citing Sources

Printing Tips

Where to print around campus.

  • Campus Resources
  • U of T poster session opportunities
  • Your Comments

The average 3x4 feet poster can cost around $80-100 + tax . Options are usually matte/satin or glossy.

thesis printing uoft

      Consult this checklist first.

  b) Need to convert your files to the right colour settings? Use a program like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Acrobat Pro to convert your poster colours, so that the original colours remain true.

  • Tips on how to convert an PDF from RGB to CMYK colours using Adobe Acrobat Pro

Pro tip:   Print out and assemble a large full-size draft using plain paper sheets (8.5  x 11), to see if there are any alignment, colour, font, or image quality issues.  This also makes it easier to sport tapas spot typos.

Your U of T department:

Ask your department if there is free or reduced cost poster printing available - if available, this is often a bit cheaper than a print shop.

  • Open to entire U of T community; prices vary depending on dept affiliation

Toronto Print Shops:

  • Omazzii Printing
  • The Printing House (TPH)
  • UTPharmacyandPrint

Additional Listings and Reviews of Toronto print shops

Pro tip: Be sure to price compare - some shops may even have a special U of T student discount, so remember ask when requesting a quote

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  2. Printing and binding a thesis: your ultimate guide

    thesis printing uoft

  3. Thesis Printing

    thesis printing uoft

  4. Thesis Printing Guidance

    thesis printing uoft

  5. Dissertation / Thesis printing and binding

    thesis printing uoft

  6. SOFTBACK Print and Bind (Thesis / Dissertation / Business Proposal

    thesis printing uoft


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  2. УФ-печать на сувенирах

  3. #y2kcomputerprojectthesisprintingbindingservicesnagpur #thesis #printing

  4. УФ печать на чехлах, с фамилией и именем и со свои дизайном

  5. PhD thesis printing from Patel Printers Mumbai

  6. {in}Visible Maintenance


  1. Thesis Services

    Email [email protected] call 416-640-5820. Printing Specifications. For formatting and layout specification, contact your department of graduate studies. We do not keep these specifications on hand and file preparation is the author's responsibility. Please check that your file is print ready.

  2. UofT Theses

    If you have the citation information for a print thesis, you can search the UTL catalogue: By the title of the thesis; By the author of the thesis; If you would like to browse UofT's theses holdings, use the following instructions: Go to the UTL Catalogue. Select Call number from the drop-down list.

  3. Formatting

    It is available in Microsoft Word and LaTeX formats. We strongly recommended that authors use an SGS thesis template. The template can be applied at any stage of the writing process, but using one at an early stage will simplify formatting and PDF conversion. Tip: Open the Word template in a new tab or window.

  4. Thesis Binding

    Thesis Binding To place an order: The U of T Bookstore is happy to help you acquire bound copies of your thesis. We can both print and bind your thesis, or bind copies of your thesis printed elsewhere.. To get an estimate of cost for this service, complete the request form.An estimate will appear at the bottom of the form based on the information you provide.

  5. Writing & Submitting Your Thesis

    Producing Your Thesis at UofT. Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, format, convert to PDF, and submit an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation from the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. Workshops on the logistical aspects of dissertation and thesis writing. Peer-to-peer writing groups.

  6. Producing Your Thesis

    Contact Us Program Completion Office, Doctoral School of Graduate Studies, Room 110, 63 St.George Street 416-978-5258 [email protected]

  7. Home

    The guide supports the bi-annual Submit and Publish Your Thesis GPS Workshop offered jointly by the School of Graduate Studies and the University of Toronto Libraries. This guide is a living document. We welcome your feedback to make it more useful. Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 3:23 PM. URL:

  8. Electronic Thesis Submission

    Your thesis will be available online on the digital library repository and on the web approximately five to six weeks following convocation. These theses will have priority in many search engines. Theses will be uploaded to the University of Toronto Library's T-Space at intervals, approximately two times per year.

  9. Copy, print, scan

    The display will show the number of pages, the cost of printing it and the card balance. Click Print. If you are printing in colour, release your job from the computer immediately next to the colour printer you chose. Double-sided printing. All computers at U of T Libraries are defaulted to print double-sided. To change to single-side printing:

  10. Home

    School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) Software and Informatics Research Centre (SIRC) 40 Conlin Road West, first floor. Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5. [email protected]. 905.721.8668 ext. 6209. Last Updated: Jan 11, 2023 11:38 AM. URL:

  11. Theses and Dissertations

    Explore our section in the University of Toronto research repository, TSpace to view recent theses and dissertations. For a complete listing of all Faculty of Information theses and dissertations, please see below. Master of Information (MI)

  12. Find Or Write a UofT Thesis

    How do I search for a paper copy of a University of Toronto thesis? ... format, convert to PDF, and submit an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation from the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. The Writing Centre (at U of T) For advice and help with writing, citing, etc. ... Print Page; Login to LibApps. Report a problem ...

  13. University of Toronto Bookstore

    Shop University of Toronto Course Materials, Apparel, Textbooks, Gifts, Medical Texts and Equipment, and more. Canada Post located at St. George Bookstore. ... Garment Printing; Thesis Services. Thesis Printing; Thesis Binding; Submit Thesis Printing Request; Software. Apple Education; Adobe Creative Cloud; Adobe CLP; EndNote Volume Licensing;

  14. Thesis & Dissertation Printing

    You will then be taken through the simple three step process of (1) creating your personal account, (2) uploading your cover and page files and (3) completing the checkout procedure. Book1One's high-quality book printing binding will give your Thesis or Dissertation the professional look it deserves. Hardcover printing with faux leather and ...

  15. Templates

    UCI Libraries maintains the following templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided.

  16. ISUB Copy and Print Center

    Drop off course readings, class handouts or exams. Or save time and money by submitting jobs online for delivery on campus. We also offer on-site campus tours to provide students with helpful print information for class project needs. Call us to schedule an appointment at 208-885-7377. Explore services offered at U of I's in-house copy center.

  17. Texture formation in magnetostrictive Fe-Ga alloy fabricated by laser

    Texture is a critical factor in the dimensional change of Fe-Ga alloy when it is exposed to a magnetic field. Utilising 3D printing for preparation of Fe-Ga alloy may lead to an enhancement of this deformation if the texture formation is controlled. However, little has been studied on the effect of 3D printing on the microstructural and magnetic properties of Fe-Ga alloys. This thesis develops ...

  18. Submit and Publish Your Thesis

    SGS has a number of requirements for formatting your thesis, in order for it to be accepted on the ProQuest repository. These requirements include page numbering and page order, the information on the title page and abstract, PDF creation, and saving your file according to the file naming convention. Some of the formatting requirements are ...

  19. Thesis and Dissertations-College of Graduate Studies-University of Idaho

    Thesis and Dissertation Resources. You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses). Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and ...

  20. Customer Service & FAQs

    Web Order Pickup. Shop online and pick up your order at any U of T Bookstore location. Reminder: Please have your order number and government-issued photo ID ready at time of pick up. Orders take 3 - 7 business days to process. Pickup orders will be held for up to 14 days and then flagged as Abandoned. You will lose ownership of the items at ...

  21. Printing Services

    Services Provided. Our staff will advise you on cost-effective and high-quality production methods to produce professionally printed materials in tune with brand guidelines. Examples of printing products include: To request an estimate for your print job, contact [email protected] or 208-885-6293 to discuss your project. Take advantage of U ...

  22. Submit and Publish Your Thesis

    To use the LaTeX and ut-thesis, you need two things: a LaTeX distribution (compiles your code), and an editor (where you write your code). Two main approaches are: Overleaf: is a web-based platform that combines a distribution (TeX Live) and an editor. It is beginner-friendly (minimal set-up) and some people prefer a cloud-based platform.

  23. April CPI Preview: Hot Inflation Print To Remove The Fed Put

    The April CPI report is likely to confirm that the core CPI inflation is currently running at around 3.5% annually, which ensures the continuation of the "higher-for-longer" policy stance - and ...

  24. Printing Posters

    Printing Tips. The average 3x4 feet poster can cost around $80-100 + tax. Options are usually matte/satin or glossy. a) Before you send a poster to the printers, it is recommended that you convert your file to PDF . Consult this checklist first.