The Military Service: Reasons for Joining Essay

A decision to join the army can be one of the most major decisions in one’s life. Therefore, it is important to understand its motivation, the factors that influenced the decision, the background, and the values that make joining the army a correct step in life. Certainly, there are dozens of reasons that are named when the soldiers are interviewed, as some of them may be original, and others may be common. However, it requires emotional intelligence to recognize your motives.

Army values determine the spiritual and moral orientations of the individual and underlie the actions, deeds, and motives of individual servicemen and military teams and are a kind of self-regulator of the behavior of servicemen. The values of military service reflect in any society the processes in which the Armed Forces are involved, designed to protect and defend the state’s interests. The army profession is one of the most trusted in the country because all people know that the army will protect them (U.S. Army, 2019). In the process of professional military activity, the personality of a serviceman and the value orientations for its implementation are formed. Service in the army has always been considered a privilege because it is an opportunity to protect your family and the whole country.

The latest world events also affect the decision to join the army. The Russian war against Ukraine shows that, unfortunately, the world is not at peace, and there are risks that conflicts will continue to arise worldwide. The dangers of terrorism and war are terrifying, which is why countries such as the United States should maintain their military strength to oppose terrorist states and the chaos they bring to the world.

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (2019). The Army Profession. U.S. Army. Web.

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IvyPanda . "The Military Service: Reasons for Joining." July 3, 2023.

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60 Controversy Analysis 2 – “Compulsory Military Service in the United States”

Zanden Dyke

Compulsory Military Service in the United States

         The purpose of the United States military is to protect the security and interests of the nation (United States, Department of Defense). The U.S. military currently relies on voluntary enlistment to maintain its population. Conversely, many countries around the world employ the method of compulsory military service, also known as conscription, in order to consistently populate their armed forces. The details of compulsory military service can vary depending on the country; however, the concept of compulsory military service is that all able-bodied citizens of the country will be required to serve in the military for a certain amount of time after turning 18. Although the United States has experienced conscription in times of war, it has never been permanent like it is in China where the law states that is mandatory to perform military service (People’s Republic of China). The question is: Should military service in the United States be compulsory?

         It is no surprise that a topic such as compulsory military service is controversial because it has the potential to affect the lives of nearly every U.S. citizen in some way. Most of the controversy caused by this topic comes from two main disagreements: whether or not it is logical, and whether or not it is constitutional. There are not two distinct sides to this argument. In fact, there are likely countless opinions on the matter, but it would be impractical—regardless of the length of this paper—to attempt to cover every single possible opinion. The most noteworthy stakeholders of this controversy include the general public (which can be divided into at least two sides) and the U.S. government.

         The portion of the general population that is in favor of compulsory military service in the United States argue that not only is it constitutional, but it would be beneficial to the entire nation. The claim that conscription is constitutional can be supported by the statement: “The Congress shall have Power…. To raise and support Armies” ( Constitution ). It can be argued that since Congress has the power “to raise and support armies,” they have the power to mandate military service. Additionally, some people claim that the benefits of compulsory military service outweigh the disadvantages. For example, advocates of conscription claim that it would ensure the protection of the nation by guaranteeing that the amount of people in the military is consistently adequate to defend against threats of any kind. Along with serving the best interests of the nation as a whole, compulsory military service could benefit U.S. citizens individually by increasing fitness and discipline.

         The portion of the general population that is against compulsory military service argue nearly the exact opposite as those in favor of it. Opponents argue that not only is conscription unconstitutional, but it would also cause more harm than good. This side argues that conscription is unconstitutional due to the statement: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude… shall exist within the United States” ( Constitution ). Those against compulsory military service point in particular to the term “involuntary servitude” to make their argument that conscription violates the Constitution. Moreover, they claim that compulsory military service could actually hurt the United States through issues such as economic loss and disruptions in education and career paths. Considering that people would lose roughly two years—which is about the typical amount of time for mandatory military service—due to conscription, the economy would suffer the losses of two years of economic contributions per person. Similarly, conscription could put people into a position where their education or career path is interrupted due to loss of time and availability. Both of these things have the potential to harm not only the current state of the nation, but its future as well.

         The government—although not completely unified on an argument—has suggested that compulsory military service does not violate the Constitution. In the year 1917, the Supreme Court ruled that the draft, or conscription, was constitutional:

The law imposes neither slavery nor involuntary servitude. The Thirteenth Amendment was intended to abolish only the well-known forms of slavery and involuntary servitude akin thereto, and not to destroy the power of the Government to compel a citizen to render public service. (White and Supreme Court).

Although this Supreme Court ruling took place when conscription was being considered during a time of war, the government could still argue that this ruling assures that conscription can be justified as constitutional.

         In short, due to strong arguments from the opposing sides of the debate, the topic of compulsory military service in the United States will likely remain controversial for a long time. Whether or not conscription is constitutional can be argued both ways. Regardless of future Supreme Court rulings, it is unlikely that people will ever be willing to agree on the matter. Personally, I believe that based on the words of the Constitution and the ruling of the Supreme Court, compulsory military service does not violate the Constitution. However, I also believe that considering the educational and economic loss that would likely be suffered, it would be in the best interest of the nation for the military to remain as an all-volunteer force until it is absolutely necessary that military service be made compulsory.

Works Cited

  The Constitution of the United States : A Transcription. National Archives, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 28 Feb. 2017, .

People’s Republic of China, Military Service Law, 1984. Asian Legal Information Institute , . Accessed 12 Sept. 2021.

United States, Department of Defense. Know Your Military. Accessed 12 Sept. 2021.

White, Edward Douglass, and Supreme Court of The United States.  U.S. Reports: Selective Draft Law Cases, 245 U.S. 366 , 1917. Library of Congress ,

Zanden Dyke’s essay, written in Dr. Tyrrell’s class, won 2nd place in its category in the 2021-2022 CU Write essay contest.

About the author.

name: Zanden Dyke

institution: Student, Cameron University

Controversy Analysis 2 - "Compulsory Military Service in the United States" Copyright © by Zanden Dyke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Importance of Military Essays ⚔

Essays on the military are critical because they help us comprehend the military’s history, tactics, and effects on society. They give us a place to conduct in-depth study and analysis, enabling us to examine and assess many facets of the military career.

We may learn a great deal about the complexity of combat, the advancement of military strategies and equipment, and the military’s influence on international politics and security by reading and writing on military topics. These pieces encourage critical thinking, spark intellectual debate, and improve military knowledge and study in addition to instructing and informing readers.

When writing a military essay, you may explore compare and contrast essay topics such as the similarities and differences between military strategies or the contrasting perspectives on the impact of warfare in different historical periods. For example, you can compare the military tactics used in World War I and World War II or contrast the views on the effectiveness of air power in modern warfare.

Types of Military Essays 🎖

Military essays come in various formats with various functions and writing styles. Here are four specific categories:

☑ Expository essays

 These papers seek to offer a concise and impartial exposition of a military subject or idea. They investigate the issue logically and methodically while providing factual information. Expository essays can be written on various subjects, including the history of a particular fight, the composition and organization of a military unit, and the operation of military technology.

☑ Argumentative Essays

In a military setting, an argumentative essay will express a particular point of view or argument and back it up with facts. Critical thinking and persuasive writing skills are needed to make a strong argument in these essays. Argumentative military essays could examine the moral ramifications of military action, debate the merits of a specific defense plan, or assess the efficacy of a military strategy.

☑ Comparative essay

Comparative essays analyze and contrast various elements of military systems, tactics, or historical events. They draw attention to contrasts, similarities, and patterns to comprehend the topic better. A comparative essay, for instance, can examine the parallels and differences between ancient and current combat or contrast the military strategies of various countries.

☑ Analytical essays

They dive into the specifics of a military subject, dissecting it into its component elements and critically analyzing them. To comprehend the subject, these essays require thorough investigation, data interpretation, and theoretical frameworks. Analyzing the origins and effects of a particular fight, evaluating the influence of military technologies on conflict, or reviewing the efficacy of a military doctrine are a few examples of analytical military studies.

If you’re looking to incorporate a capstone project into your military essay, consider exploring various capstone project ideas related to the military. These can range from analyzing the effectiveness of military training programs to developing strategies for improving military logistics or examining the ethical implications of autonomous weapon systems.

What is a Military Essay? - A squadron of jet fighters soaring through the sky.

Format and Structure of a Military Essay 🪖

Here is a broad outline for a military essay, though precise requirements may change based on the assignment or institution:

☑️ Introduction

Start your paragraph with a compelling opening sentence or hook to capture the reader’s interest.

Describe the subject’s history and how it relates to the military.

Declare the essay’s thesis or significant point in clear terms.

Each paragraph should concentrate on a distinct subtopic or argument supporting the thesis.

Start each paragraph with a topic phrase that states the paragraph’s central theme.

Include examples, analysis, and supporting data to support the core point.

Use transitional words or phrases to transition between paragraphs and concepts seamlessly.

☑️ Discussion and Analysis

Discuss the implications of the evidence offered in the body paragraphs after it has been analyzed.

Think critically and offer perceptive criticism on the subject.

Consider opposing viewpoints or arguments, then reasonably and logically respond to them.

Summarise the key ideas covered in the essay, focusing on their importance.

Indicate how the essay’s main argument or thesis has been reinforced by restating it.

☑️ Citations & References

Include a separate section or bibliography for references, if necessary.

Use an appropriate citation format (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) to give credit where credit is due.

Make that the reference list and in-text citations are formatted correctly and consistently.

Writing Tips for Military Essays

Research: Investigate your issue in-depth using reliable sources, including academic journals, books, government publications, and reliable websites. Obtain a range of viewpoints to create a comprehensive grasp of the subject.

Creating a Strong Thesis: Create a thesis statement that summarizes your essay’s essential points and is clear and concise. Throughout the essay, specific, contested arguments should support your thesis statement.

Creating an outline or structure for your essay guarantees the concepts are presented logically. Your essay should be broken up into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should contain a primary topic or point supporting your thesis.

Using Proper Language: Use a clear, concise, and formal tone when writing. Use proper and suitable military jargon and concepts. Aim to avoid jargon or excessively technical language that could mislead readers unfamiliar with military lingo.

Accurately citing your sources will ensure they receive due credit. Use the APA, MLA, or Chicago citation styles as specified by your instructor or institution. Use in-text citations for direct quotations, paraphrases, and other material that is not well known.

Military essay examples

“The Impact of Military Technology on Modern Warfare” examines how the character of warfare has changed due to developments in military technology, including drones, cyberwarfare, and artificial intelligence, and what this means for military strategy and ethics.

“Leadership Lessons from Historical Military Figures”: Examine the traits and tactics of historic military titans like Sun Tzu, Alexander the Great, and General George Patton, and discuss how they apply to modern military leadership.

Examine the historical development, present difficulties, and prospects for women serving in the armed forces in “The Role of Women in the Military.” Discuss how gender integration has affected military culture and effectiveness.

“The Use of Propaganda in Military Conflicts”: Examine how various countries and their armed forces have used propaganda to sway public opinion, inspire soldiers, and affect the results of military operations.

“Ethical Dilemmas in Modern Warfare”: Examine the moral dilemmas that military personnel face in today’s conflicts, such as the use of drones, the killing of civilians, and torture. Analyze various ethical systems and consider possible answers to these problems.

To incorporate the concept of a capstone project in your military essay, it’s crucial to understand the four essential elements that make up a successful capstone project. These elements include identifying a problem or challenge, conducting in-depth research, developing a comprehensive solution or approach, and presenting your findings through a well-structured and persuasive essay, for example, in “I want to be soldier” Essay .

For a concise and focused military essay, you may employ a 5-paragraph essay format . This format includes an introduction, three body paragraphs discussing key points or arguments, and a conclusion. It allows you to present your ideas clearly and organized, making it easier for readers to follow your thoughts.

Remember to pick a subject that interests you personally and fits the assignment’s or course’s requirements. To make your military essay exciting and instructive, do extensive research, create a fascinating topic, and employ concise, well-structured arguments backed by proof.


As a result, military essays are critical in helping us learn more about the military, its history, tactics, and effects on society. They give people a place to conduct research, analyze information, and engage in critical thought, which promotes intellectual development and adds to the body of knowledge in military studies. Whether it’s an argumentative essay on the ethics of war or an expository essay on military technology, these pieces provide insightful analysis.

By diving into the complexities of military themes, we acquire a greater understanding of the sacrifices and difficulties military people face and the broader ramifications of their actions. Military essays provide a way to explore, analyze, and connect with the many facets of the military profession, making them an essential instrument in education, research, and intellectual conversation.

Writing a military essay can be a tricky task. Hence, you should seek professional help. There are various advantages to ordering your essay from WritingMetier . Our staff of expert writers, who specialize in military subjects, guarantees thoroughly researched and excellent articles.

You will receive personalized and unique content punctually provided and treated with strict confidentiality. We are the best option for your essay or military research paper demands because of our commitment to academic brilliance, user-friendly method, and focus on customer happiness.

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Laura Orta is an avid author on Writing Metier's blog. Before embarking on her writing career, she practiced media law in one of the local media. Aside from writing, she works as a private tutor to help students with their academic needs. Laura and her husband share their home near the ocean in northern Portugal with two extraordinary boys and a lifetime collection of books.

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Undergraduate Thesis Session

How Untreated Mental Illnesses in the Military Affects the National Security of America

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This thesis will cover the connections between untreated mental health in the military and how it threatens national security. Understanding mental illnesses will help service members comprehend the importance of mental healthcare by illuminating what they are, their effects, their causes, and how many members suffer from them. By better understanding how mental illness affects military members, is it possible to see how combat deployments aid in their development. A hyper-masculine culture also causes military members to believe they cannot speak up about their mental health issues. It is also important to speak of the prevalence of military women’s mental health concerns and how their mental illness and suicide rates are much higher than those of civilian women. Treatment options, such as correctly prescribed medications in addition to therapy and an improved culture of military mental health, are discussed. The future implications of the military’s current view towards mental health has contributed to a rise in suicides and mental health diagnoses. Security concerns include the consequences of untreated mental illnesses in the military, the inability for many young Americans to join due to past mental illness records, and breaches such as leaked documents by Chelsea Manning. Solutions must be put into place in order to mitigate the effects of this national security risk, like implementing treatments of medications and therapy, as well as introducing mandatory and private biannual therapy sessions. Doing so will not only make the military a less toxic organization, but also allow national security to be improved.

Did this research project receive funding support from the Office of Undergraduate Research.

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An thesis examples on military statement is a prosaic composition of a small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

Some signs of military statement thesis:

  • the presence of a specific topic or question. A work devoted to the analysis of a wide range of problems in biology, by definition, cannot be performed in the genre of military statement thesis topic.
  • The thesis expresses individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue, in this case, on military statement and does not knowingly pretend to a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.
  • As a rule, an essay suggests a new, subjectively colored word about something, such a work may have a philosophical, historical, biographical, journalistic, literary, critical, popular scientific or purely fiction character.
  • in the content of an thesis samples on military statement, first of all, the author’s personality is assessed - his worldview, thoughts and feelings.

The goal of an thesis in military statement is to develop such skills as independent creative thinking and writing out your own thoughts.

Writing an thesis is extremely useful, because it allows the author to learn to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts, structure information, use basic concepts, highlight causal relationships, illustrate experience with relevant examples, and substantiate his conclusions.

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