thesis statement against school uniforms

Home » Tips for Teachers » Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms: A Thoughtful Exploration with 9 Reasons, Studies and Statistics

Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms: A Thoughtful Exploration with 9 Reasons, Studies and Statistics

In the ongoing debate about school uniforms, a significant voice often goes unheard – that of the students themselves. The argument against mandatory school uniforms is not just about fashion or personal preferences; it delves deeper into fundamental issues of self-expression, equity, and the very purpose of education. This article, “Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms,” seeks to uncover the less discussed but crucial aspects of this debate, presenting a comprehensive view that challenges the traditional perspective favoring uniforms.

9 Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms

At the core of the anti-uniform stance is the belief in the importance of individuality and personal growth during the formative years of schooling. Uniforms, often seen as a tool for homogenization, can stifle the self-expression and creativity that are essential in nurturing young minds. By enforcing a standard mode of dress, schools may inadvertently suppress the diversity and individuality that should be celebrated within educational environments. Moreover, the imposition of uniforms can raise significant financial burdens for families, create unnecessary resistance to authority, and overlook important cultural and religious considerations.

I am seething about this poor young girl who has been put in isolation because she’s not wearing a school uniform bought from the right place, school uniforms are far too expensive for a lot of people in this country in the most ridiculous you can get just as good from supermarke — James Whale (@THEJamesWhale) September 17, 2023

This article aims to explore these perspectives, offering insights into why the policy of mandatory school uniforms might be an outdated approach that overlooks the broader objectives of education and personal development. As we delve into this topic, we invite readers to reconsider the conventional wisdom on school uniforms and reflect on the potential benefits of a more flexible and inclusive approach to student attire.

After reading this article you’ll know:

  • Educator and Industry Expert Perspectives →
  • 9 Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms →
  • Opposing Perspectives on School Uniforms →

Uniforms in Education: Educator and Industry Expert Perspectives

School Uniform Statistics

Teachers and educational experts are increasingly questioning the rising trend of school uniforms in U.S. public schools. While the period from 1999-2000 to 2017-18 saw an increase from 12% to 20% in schools adopting uniforms, there’s growing concern about their impact on student individuality and expression. In 2015-2016, uniform policies were enforced in 25% of public primary schools, 20% of middle schools, and 12% of high schools, with a notable prevalence in urban and high-poverty schools . Experts argue that such policies, while aiming for uniformity, might inadvertently suppress student creativity and self-identity, vital for holistic educational development.

Here’s the perspective of educational field experts on the matter:

“I completely disagree with uniforms on every level. Supporters of uniforms say that they reduce bullying with regards to fashion, but there is a great deal of evidence that says it just pushes that bullying underground. Instead of being bullied about something superficial like the shirt you are wearing, bullies just go to the tried and true body image shaming. Glass? Overweight? Acne? Too many freckles? Hair colour? Too tall? Too short? What school administrators see is a surface level reduction in bullying, followed by them patting themselves on the back and ignoring the problem completely.” — Scooter Campbell , assistant language teacher
“While uniforms are supposed to build a sense of community, they may have the opposite effect. Fashion is one way that students express themselves, and that may be an important part of the school experience. When students can’t show their individuality, they may not feel like they belong as much. School uniforms may not be the most effective way to improve student behavior and engagement.” — Arya Ansari, assistant professor of human sciences at The Ohio State University
“I really don’t care whether or not a student’s shirt is tucked in, as long as they are learning. I don’t care whether or not a student has on the right belt, as long as I can’t see their underwear. I don’t care if a boy has earrings, facial hair, or painted nails, as long as he’s not painting them in my class. I don’t care if a girl has bright pink hair, a tank top, and ripped jeans, as long as bosoms and butt cheeks are covered and secure. I don’t like hoodies on heads in my classroom because it makes it too easy to hide Airpods, but I don’t care if the sweatshirt has a hood. As long as it’s not a top hat or sombrero that blocks the view of the students behind them, I don’t care if my students wear hats or beanies in my class.” — New Orleans Mom Guest Author

The video below explores the debate on the impact of school uniforms on academic performance. It delves into whether mandating uniforms in schools truly enhances students’ learning and overall academic success.

Want to know how to be a strict teacher? Read our dedicated article .

9 Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms

Let’s explore the reasons against mandating school uniforms for students. Understanding these arguments provides valuable insights into the broader educational and social implications of uniform policies.

1. Expression of Individuality

The concept of “Expression of Individuality” in the context of school uniforms is a vital aspect of student development and autonomy. When schools impose uniforms, they inadvertently restrict a key channel through which students express their individuality and creativity. This freedom of expression is not merely about fashion or aesthetics; it’s a crucial part of a student’s journey towards self-discovery and confidence building.

Expression of Individuality

Key aspects of individuality expression through clothing include:

  • Personal Identity Formation: Choosing what to wear allows students to explore and affirm their personal identities and tastes.
  • Creativity and Innovation: Fashion is a form of art. Allowing students to select their own clothes fosters creativity and innovation, skills highly valued in many aspects of life and work.
  • Cultural Expression and Diversity: Clothing can be a powerful expression of cultural heritage. A diverse dress code celebrates and acknowledges the rich tapestry of cultures in the student body.

Beyond these points, individuality in clothing choices helps prepare students for future environments where they must make decisions about their personal and professional presentation. In many modern workplaces, the ability to express oneself appropriately through attire is valued and can impact career progression and personal branding.

Furthermore, enforcing a uniform policy can subtly imply that conformity is more important than individual thought and expression. This is at odds with the educational goal of fostering independent, critical thinkers who will contribute uniquely to society.

In essence, the freedom to choose one’s attire is not just a matter of personal taste but a crucial element in nurturing confident, creative, and culturally aware individuals. Schools, by embracing this diversity in student clothing, can enhance the educational experience and better prepare students for the varied and diverse world beyond their gates.

2. Financial Burden

The requirement of school uniforms can impose a significant financial burden on families, an aspect that often gets overlooked in the uniform policy debate. In the United States, over half of parents , at 55%, perceive school uniforms to be costly. This financial strain is not just about the initial cost of purchasing uniforms, but also encompasses several hidden expenses that accumulate over time.

Key points illustrating the financial burden of school uniforms include:

  • Initial and Replacement Costs: Uniforms, especially those with specific designs or logos, can be expensive to buy. Additionally, as children grow or uniforms wear out, they often need replacing, adding to the financial strain.
  • Multiple Sets Requirement: To maintain a clean and presentable appearance throughout the week, families typically need to purchase multiple sets of uniforms, further escalating the cost.
  • Special Care and Maintenance: Some uniforms require special laundering or care, which can add to the overall expense, either in terms of higher home utility bills or professional cleaning services.

Moreover, these costs can be particularly burdensome for families with multiple children or those on a limited income. Research from the University of York highlighted that school uniforms present unmanageable costs for low-income families. The study found that purchasing uniforms imposed sudden and significant financial burdens, leading families to make sacrifices on essentials like food and heating, and in some cases, to enter into debt.

In addition to the direct financial impact, there’s also the consideration of opportunity cost. Money spent on uniforms could have been allocated to educational resources, extracurricular activities, or savings for future educational expenses.

In conclusion, the mandatory school uniform policy can lead to significant and often underappreciated financial pressures on families, making it a substantial reason for reconsidering such policies, especially in schools that serve economically diverse or disadvantaged communities.

3. Comfort and Practicality

The issue of comfort and practicality is a significant concern in the debate against mandatory school uniforms. Students spend a substantial part of their day in school, and their attire plays a crucial role in their overall comfort and ability to engage effectively in various school activities.

Comfort and Practicality

Key aspects highlighting the importance of comfort and practicality include:

  • Physical Comfort: Uniforms, often designed with a one-size-fits-all approach, may not suit every body type, leading to discomfort. Comfortable clothing is essential for students to focus and participate actively in their learning.
  • Suitability for Varied Activities: School life involves a range of activities, from sitting in classrooms to physical education and outdoor play. Uniforms might not be practical for all these diverse activities, impacting students’ ability to participate fully.
  • Weather Appropriateness: Uniforms may not be designed for all weather conditions, which can affect students’ comfort and health. For example, a uniform might be too warm for summer months or insufficiently protective during colder weather.

Additionally, practicality concerns extend to the maintenance of uniforms. They often require regular washing and ironing, which can be time-consuming for families. Also, the need for specific uniform attire for different school events or days (e.g., physical education uniforms) adds to the complexity and impracticality of the uniform system.

In essence, prioritizing comfort and practicality in student attire is not only a matter of convenience but also impacts their academic engagement and well-being. Allowing students to wear clothing that is comfortable, suited to a variety of activities, and appropriate for the weather can enhance their school experience, making them more receptive to learning and participating in school life.

4. Lack of Preparation for Real World

The argument that school uniforms do not adequately prepare students for the ‘real world’ is increasingly relevant in today’s diverse and flexible professional environment. In many modern workplaces, the ability to choose and present oneself appropriately is a valued skill, reflecting individual judgment and adaptability.

Key points underscoring this lack of preparation include:

  • Diversity in Workplace Attire: Modern workplaces often have varied dress codes, ranging from formal to casual. Uniform policies do not expose students to the decision-making process involved in dressing for different occasions and environments.
  • Personal Branding: In many careers, personal style is an integral part of professional branding. Uniforms do not allow students to explore and develop their personal style, which can be a disadvantage in professions where self-presentation is key.
  • Adaptability and Decision-Making: Choosing appropriate attire for different settings teaches adaptability and decision-making skills. Uniforms eliminate these daily choices, potentially leaving students less prepared to make such judgments post-graduation.

Norman Isaacs, the principal at Millikan Middle School in Sherman Oaks, California, opposes school uniforms . He argues that students should be taught to make decisions and choices rooted in their own values instead of adhering to arbitrary rules. He believes this approach is essential for students to develop independent thinking and self-discipline.

In conclusion, while uniforms might simplify wardrobe decisions during school years, they can inadvertently hinder the development of skills necessary for navigating the varied and often nuanced dress codes encountered in adult life, especially in professional settings. Allowing students the freedom to choose their attire is more aligned with preparing them for the real-world scenarios they will face after graduation.

5. Equality Issues

The topic of equality in relation to school uniforms is multi-faceted and complex. While uniforms are often championed as a tool for promoting equality, they can, in fact, inadvertently highlight and exacerbate existing socioeconomic disparities among students.

Equality Issues

Key points illustrating the equality issues associated with school uniforms include:

  • Highlighting Economic Disparities: The quality, newness, and upkeep of uniforms can become a marker of economic status. Students from less affluent backgrounds may struggle to keep their uniforms in pristine condition, inadvertently highlighting socio-economic differences.
  • Access to Uniforms: The cost of uniforms can be prohibitive for some families, particularly those with multiple school-age children, leading to inequality in access.
  • Uniform Assistance Programs: While some schools offer uniform assistance programs, reliance on such programs can inadvertently stigmatize students, creating a sense of otherness rather than unity.

Moreover, the notion that uniforms inherently promote a sense of equality among students is debatable. While uniforms may superficially level the playing field by unifying student attire, true equality and respect among students stem from an inclusive school culture that values diversity, not just from masking individual differences with standard clothing. For example, in schools like Archer , the uniform policy doesn’t restrict branded shoes or accessories, allowing students to display wealth through these items. This often leads to a sense of inequality, as students become aware of and feel pressured by the presence of expensive items, undermining the supposed leveling effect of uniforms.

In summary, while the intention behind school uniforms may be to create a level playing field, they can sometimes have the opposite effect by highlighting economic disparities and creating barriers to access. A more effective approach to promoting equality in schools involves addressing these deeper issues directly, rather than masking them with a uniform policy.

6. Resistance to Authority

The imposition of school uniforms can sometimes foster resistance to authority among students, particularly as they grow older and seek to assert their independence and individuality. This resistance is not just a matter of rebellion; it often stems from deeper feelings of autonomy and self-expression being suppressed.

Key points related to resistance to authority include:

  • Asserting Independence : As children mature into teenagers, they naturally seek to express their individuality. Uniforms can be perceived as a restriction on this expression, leading to resistance as a form of asserting independence.
  • Questioning Rules and Uniformity: Older students often begin to question the rationale behind various rules, including dress codes. Mandatory uniforms can become a focal point of this questioning, symbolizing a broader struggle against perceived unnecessary authority.
  • Impact on Student-Teacher Relationships: Strict uniform policies can create an adversarial dynamic between students and school authorities, impacting the overall school environment and student-teacher relationships.

The resistance to uniforms and, by extension, to school authority, can have wider implications. It can detract from the educational experience, creating an environment of conflict and tension rather than one of learning and growth. Additionally, this resistance can carry over into other aspects of school life, affecting participation in school activities, respect for school rules, and overall school morale.

In essence, while the aim of school uniforms may be to promote discipline and unity, they can sometimes yield the opposite result, particularly among older students. Recognizing and respecting students’ growing need for self-expression and autonomy is crucial in fostering a positive and productive school atmosphere.

7. Cultural and Religious Concerns

Addressing cultural and religious concerns is crucial when considering the impact of mandatory school uniforms. Uniform policies can sometimes conflict with students’ cultural and religious practices, leading to feelings of exclusion and a lack of representation.

Cultural and Religious Concerns

Key points highlighting cultural and religious concerns include:

  • Respect for Cultural Attire: Many cultures have traditional attire that holds significant meaning. Uniform policies can prevent students from wearing these culturally important garments, leading to a loss of cultural expression.
  • Accommodating Religious Dress Requirements: Some religions have specific dress codes, such as headscarves or particular garments. Uniforms that don’t accommodate these requirements can impede religious freedom and expression.
  • Impact on Inclusivity and Diversity: A uniform policy that doesn’t consider cultural and religious diversity can create an environment where students feel their identities are not acknowledged or respected.

Furthermore, navigating these cultural and religious nuances requires sensitivity and understanding from educational institutions. When schools fail to accommodate such diversity, it can lead to a sense of alienation among students from different cultural or religious backgrounds. This alienation can affect their sense of belonging and engagement within the school community.

In summary, while school uniforms are often intended to create a cohesive and unified appearance, they can inadvertently undermine the rich cultural and religious diversity within the student body. An inclusive approach that respects and accommodates these differences is essential for fostering an educational environment that values and celebrates diversity.

8. Psychological Impact

The psychological impact of school uniforms on students is an important aspect to consider, particularly as it pertains to their self-image, confidence, and overall mental well-being. Uniforms, by their very nature of imposing a standard appearance, can have various unintended negative psychological effects on students.

Key points regarding the psychological impact include:

  • Self-Image and Confidence: Uniforms can affect how students perceive themselves, especially if they feel the uniform is unflattering or doesn’t reflect their identity. This can lead to issues with self-esteem and confidence.
  • Conformity vs. Individuality: The emphasis on conformity through uniforms may conflict with a student’s desire for individual expression, leading to internal conflict and stress.
  • Stress on Families: The pressure to maintain a set standard of uniform can also place stress on families, particularly if they struggle financially or have time constraints, affecting the student’s home life and mental well-being.

Additionally, unflattering or restrictive uniforms can deter students from participating in sports , creating a psychological barrier. For example, an auto-ethnography highlighted the psychological barrier posed by an unflattering sports uniform to fat children’s participation in and enjoyment of physical activity.

In conclusion, while uniforms are often intended to eliminate distractions and create equality, they can have significant psychological impacts on students. These impacts can range from affecting self-esteem and personal identity to creating stress and anxiety. Considering these factors is crucial in evaluating the overall effectiveness and appropriateness of uniform policies in schools.

9. Not Environmentally Friendly

The environmental impact of school uniforms is an often overlooked yet critical aspect of the debate surrounding their use. The production, maintenance, and disposal of school uniforms carry significant environmental implications, making them a less sustainable option for student attire.

Not Environmentally Friendly

Key points highlighting the environmental concerns include:

  • Resource-Intensive Production: The manufacturing of uniforms often involves resource-intensive processes, using materials that are not environmentally friendly and consuming large amounts of water and energy.
  • Frequent Replacement and Waste: As children grow, uniforms need frequent replacing, contributing to textile waste. Unlike everyday clothing, which can be handed down or repurposed, specific school uniforms have limited use beyond the school environment.
  • Chemical Usage in Maintenance: The maintenance of uniforms, especially those requiring special care, can involve the use of harsh chemicals and detergents, further contributing to environmental harm.

Furthermore, the environmental impact of uniforms extends beyond their production and maintenance. The disposal of outdated or worn-out uniforms poses a challenge, as they are often not made from biodegradable or recyclable materials, adding to landfill waste.

In summary, considering the environmental footprint of school uniforms is essential in the context of growing concerns about sustainability and environmental conservation. Moving towards more eco-friendly clothing options or implementing uniform recycling programs could be steps in mitigating the environmental impact associated with school uniforms.

Addressing Opposing Perspectives on School Uniforms

Opposing Views on School Uniforms

While the debate around school uniforms has varying opinions, it’s essential to consider the opposing views. Below, we explore common arguments in favor of mandating school uniforms, coupled with counterarguments that provide a different perspective on the issue.

1. Uniforms Save Time

The perceived time-saving aspect of school uniforms is often debated. While it’s argued that uniforms can save time in choosing outfits for school, this benefit is minimal as students still need casual attire for outside school hours.

Furthermore, uniforms can actually add to the workload of teachers . They often spend a significant amount of time enforcing uniform policies and addressing infractions such as improper dress. This enforcement can detract from the primary focus of teaching and reduce the time available for actual lesson delivery.

2. Uniforms Improve Attendance and Discipline

Proponents of school uniforms often claim they instill discipline by requiring students to adhere to dress codes. However, true discipline is more effectively cultivated through internal motivation and understanding the reasons behind rules , rather than mere conformity to a uniform. Encouraging critical thinking and self-discipline is more beneficial for students’ overall development.

This perspective is supported by research using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study , which showed that school uniforms had no effect on students’ behavior across various dimensions, including internalizing and externalizing behavior problems, and social skills. This finding was consistent through kindergarten to the end of fifth grade, even after accounting for a range of factors that could influence behavior.

3. Improving Safety and Security

The argument that uniforms aid in identifying who belongs on campus and enhance security is subject to debate. While it may assist in spotting intruders, a more effective approach to safety involves a robust security system and active community engagement.

Fostering a safe school environment is better achieved through open communication and trust among students, staff, and the community. The effectiveness of uniforms in improving security is not universally acknowledged and is often viewed as a measure to enforce conformity rather than a genuine strategy to enhance safety.

Interested in exploring different teaching methods? Take a look at our comprehensive guide featuring 15 distinct teaching styles.

Useful Resources

  • National Center for Education Statistics
  • School uniforms: A history of ‘rebellion and conformity’ by BBC
  • Educational Statistics by Statista

The case against school uniforms is compelling. Uniforms often fail to achieve their intended goals of promoting equality, saving time, and enhancing safety. Instead, they may inadvertently perpetuate socioeconomic disparities, add burdens to educators and students alike, and provide a false sense of security. Emphasizing personal expression, fostering genuine equality, and focusing on more effective educational strategies would be more beneficial for student development and school environments.

If you want to learn more about dress code for teachers, check out our article “ How to Meet the Teacher Dress Codes in Diverse Learning Environments in 2023″ .

  • “Back-to-school: share of children wearing school uniforms in the United States from 2008 to 2018”, Statista
  • “School uniforms”, National Center for Educational Statistics
  • “Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior”, National Bureau of Economic Research
  • “Do you think students need to wear a school uniform? Why or why not?”, Quora
  • Department of Human Sciences, The Ohio State University
  • “Dress Code, Stress Mode: A Teacher’s Perspective on the Uniform Debate”, New Orleans Mom
  • “School Uniforms Are Expensive Statistics [Fresh Research]”, Gitnux
  • “Buying school uniform post-lockdown ‘unmanageable’ for low income families”,
  • “School Uniforms: Do They Reduce Violence–Or Just Make Us Feel Better?”, EdWeek
  • “Do uniforms really create socioeconomic equity?: Designer items while in uniform”, The Oracle
  • “Reviewing School Uniform through a Public Health Lens: Evidence about the Impacts of School Uniform on Education and Health”, Public Health Reviews
  • “School uniforms save time”, Parlia
  • “Early Childhood Longitudinal Program (ECLS)”, National Center for Educational Statistics
  • “School Uniforms: A Safety and Security Issue”. The Raider Voice
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Simona Johnes

Simona Johnes is the visionary being the creation of our project. Johnes spent much of her career in the classroom working with students. And, after many years in the classroom, Johnes became a principal.

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Argumentative Essay on School Uniform, Writing Guide

How to write an argumentative essay on school uniform, topic actuality.

  • How to start

How to write an outline

  • Example of an outline for a movie analysis

How to write an introduction

How to write a thesis statement.

  • Example of an introduction for a movie analysis
  • How to write body paragraphs
  • Tips for writing body paragraphs
  • Example of body paragraphs for a movie analysis essay
  • How to conclude
  • Example of a conclusion for a movie analysis

Writing an Essay on School Uniform,

According to experts from cheap essay writing service , a typical structure of an argumentative paper starts with an introduction which describes the issues followed by the body.  The body contains well-structured paragraphs that present reasons and evidence for the authors claim.  The last paragraph contains concluding sentences that provide the audience with a resolution.

Writing an argumentative essay against school uniforms, the author needs to develop an argument that will persuade its audience to support his position. In most cases, the tutor will clarify the position students need to take when developing an assignment. If not, students are free to choose their positions.   Students need to arrange their arguments in an orderly manner for the audience to follow through the essay. Writing an argument requires students to conduct in-depth research on the topic. Students need to collect relevant information about issues surrounding school uniforms, present all these evidence to support his argument. The author should develop a systematic process of presenting his topic in an attempt persuade its audience using attractive language. An argumentative topic should be about a topic that would generate strong argument from both sides.

An argumentative topic needs to address real issues, for example, an argument against school uniforms is one of the common public debates scholars believe social inequality. When writing an argumentative paper against school uniforms, the author needs to present negative effects and the positive side to present a complete picture of his topic. A good essay need present all relevant ideas about the topic and also present counter-arguments before finally refuting the claims from the opposing side. Writing argumentative essay topics have different requirements, but the author needs to prove his point by supporting his claim based on facts because there is no correct or wrong answer in an essay.

How to start an essay about uniform

Introducing the topic requires the essay writer to discuss who is concerned and what the main concern is. The author needs to provide a brief background of the topic argument. For example: “The controversy surrounding students wearing school uniforms does not cease, students wearing school uniforms have become an endless debate, even though school uniforms are becoming a popular trend, students and parent do not agree with the policy enforcing school uniforms stating that school uniforms take away the students right of self-expression.”

To write an outline, you need all of your research done beforehand. Put all the research in the relevant areas in the outline, and use the outline to try and formulate a thesis statement.

Outline example of argumentative essay on school uniform


  • Thesis statement was stating the negative aspects of school uniforms.
  • Limiting self-expression.
  • Takes away a creative outlet.
  • Denies teenagers an avenue to express their feelings.
  • High cost for parents.
  • Parents need to buy new uniforms as the children grow older.
  • This is exacerbated if the parents have more than one child in the school.
  • School uniforms promote corruption between suppliers and school administrators.
  • Schools use particular suppliers, this can up the prices.
  • Opposing claim. Reasons for supporting school uniform like to promote safety.
  • Counterargument.  School still face security challenges.
  • Students will not enjoy their freedom and school life.
  • Uniform limits student self-expression.

Essay on School Uniform,

Write an introduction when you know what you want to do with your essay in general – to write a proper introduction, make sure that you have a thesis statement, and that you summarise all of the main points which will be made in your essay as a whole.

  • Write clearly and coherently.
  • Include a hook which will keep people reading.
  • Don’t make any original arguments in the introduction itself.
  • Be sure to include the thesis statement.
  • Your introduction should include some background information.

To write a thesis statement, take all of your arguments, and boil it down into one single solitary argument. The thesis statement should encapsulate your arguments over the entire essay. It is normally one sentence, but can be two.

Example of a thesis statement for an essay on school uniform

Wearing a school uniform means that children are robbed of one of their primary means of self-expression while at school.

Example of an introduction for a school uniform essay

School uniforms are something that appear in many different schools. Wearing a school uniform means that children are robbed of one of their primary means of self-expression while at school. While school uniforms may sometimes help to eliminate the differences between pupils, and may also provide a barrier between school time and every other time, the benefits do not outweigh the disadvantages. School uniforms limit creativity and freedom of expression, and they can represent a huge cost outlet for the parents involved. Not only that, but when schools require specific items, it gives rise to possible fraud.

How to write a body paragraphs for a paper on school uniform

Our experts from essay writing service mention that argumentative essay body needs to be arranged in three parts, the first paragraph should present the claim and strong argument supporting the author’s viewpoint. For example, the first paragraph needs to explain why school uniforms take away students self-expression. For example, school uniforms limit student’s freedom of expression. Forcing students to wear school uniform limits students’ creativity. Teenagers prefer showcasing their inner feelings through their looks. School uniforms deny them their rights of expression hence students begin rebelling by engaging in the poor behavior.

The second paragraph of the body needs to present more evidence about the argument, the author needs to present detailed explanations. When arguing against school uniform the author needs to present the cost implications of forcing students to wear school uniforms.  The author can state that parent is forced to buy different sets of uniforms which make school uniforms costly. Most parents with more than two children in school spend more money to buy different sets school uniforms because new uniforms are required every year.

School uniform promotes corruption, most school uniforms require unique identification like logos printed on shirts or school blazers. School prefers working with specific to sell its products. Selected suppliers take advantage of parents by selling these items at high prices. Suppliers collude with school administrators to exploit parents, this is a common occurrence in many countries. After presenting all the evidence against school uniform, the author needs to present an opposing view and refute this claim.

For example, one of the common reasons parents supporting school uniform state includes, students, can easily be identified hence promoting safety. However, school uniforms do not eliminate bullying or other crimes. Intruders still develop other ways of interacting with students by putting on school uniforms. In addition, students bullying has not reduced, students who want to bully their classmates will find other things to use apart from clothing. When presenting the counter argument the author needs to develop logic explanation refuting the opposing claims. When writing a good essay against school uniforms, the author should present both parents and students reaction and make the essay more engaging by highlighting recent events related to the topic.

Tips on body writing

  • Keep one argument for one paragraph each.
  • Make sure each paragraph references the thesis statement.
  • Remember to include a topic sentence and a concluding sentence.
  • Do enough research to keep your paragraph full of information, but not so much that it gets bogged down.
  • Keep on-topic.

Example of body paragraphs

1st Paragraph

School uniforms limit creativity. The teenage years is when children need to be able to show their emotions and their inner selves even more than normal, and a school uniform takes away one of the prime ways that they can do so. With no way of showing themselves and who they are (or experimenting with those things), teenagers quite often turn to acting out, in a bid to separate themselves from the herd. This particularly becomes an issue when there are several children from the same family are in school.

2nd Paragraph

Uniforms already cost a lot of money, and do so every year when children grow up. This is exacerbated if the family has more than one child in uniform at the school. Uniforms can be very expensive, since they are limited in scope, and they all have to look the same, and be made of the same materials. Add into this that children tend to grow, and naturally wear out their clothes anyway, and you have a recipe for a huge outlay of money which may not be sustainable in the long term, particularly if families need to rely on certain shops to get what they need.

3rd Paragraph

If families can only get their uniforms at a certain number of shops, this can lead to those shops taking advantage of their position. Uniforms normally have particular logos and crests on them – this can be used by shops as a way of putting the prices up to unknown levels. Since there are few places to actually get the uniforms from, many people have to pay the asked for a price.

4th Paragraph

It has been said that school uniforms will cut down on bullying, and will make school children safer. It has never been proven that bullying is stopped or reduced by the use of uniforms, and having an easily identifiable uniform could be argued as a point against general safety.

How to conclude an essay on school uniform

Concluding an essay on school uniforms, the author needs to state the main points of the argument to present the significance of the topic. The author needs to convince the target audience by highlighting some of the consequences of supporting the author’s view. The concluding paragraph needs to convince the audience using sound language and catchy statements when closing the argument. The author can convince the audience by reviewing all the main points and develop better augment. For example: if there are not uniforms, students will enjoy their freedom of expression and will enjoy school life, it is true that uniform deprives student freedom.

Example of conclusion for a movie analysis

People who are in favor of school uniforms often argue that they are helpful on a variety of levels, including when it comes to preventing bullying. Wearing a school uniform means that children are robbed of one of their primary means of self-expression while at school. What uniforms actually do, is take away one of the primary means for children to find themselves, thereby encouraging acting out. Uniforms can also end up being a significant outlay of money for not much return, particularly if you have multiple children, or need to use a certain shop, or a number of shops, for your needs.

Tips on final revision

After completing the essay, the author needs to take some time to edit his paper before submitting the final document. The author needs to re-read the essay to check for errors including spelling grammar, incomplete sentences and make corrections. When presenting the final document, the assignment should be well-structured with flowing sentences and logic explanations.

  • Restate the thesis statement.
  • Bring everything together for one final argument.
  • Don’t give any original arguments in the conclusion.
  • If the introduction had background information to help people understand the essay, include it in here too.
  • The conclusion is your last chance to bring people to your side – make it count!

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thesis statement against school uniforms

Argumentative Essay against School Uniforms

against school uniforms essay

Start with research. This is where all the information sources can become helpful! Friends, school teachers, the Internet and local libraries – gather information from each of these sources and develop a solid basis for your anti-school-uniform viewpoint.

Develop an introductive section. This part of an essay requires two things: a thesis statement and a hook. The thesis is the sentence that clarifies the purpose of the paper while the hook involves a concrete fact, a single detail that gets your readers attention.

Next comes the body of the essay. This is the place where you can say all you have to say about why students do not have to wear school uniforms. Each fact against it should appear in a new separate paragraph.Here are several points for you to take into consideration.

Uniform limits an ability of self-expression

On the basis of your own experience you can say that uniforms never let you freely show your individuality. The thing is, teenagers tend to showcase their inner worlds by means of certain clothes. Once they are supposed to dress identically, they feel like someone has stolen their right to express themselves and begin to stand out against the background of their peers through piercing, crazy hair styles, poor behavior, etc.

School uniform is uncomfortable

A lot of students are not fans of school uniforms. Instead of being absolutely happy and confident about the way they look, a lot of young people feel depressed. Those who are strongly against the uniform for the educational establishment worry that forcing teenagers to dress the way they do not like can negatively influence their performance in the class.

School uniforms are not about safety

One of the reasons school uniforms exist in the students’ lives is the belief that they are the synonyms for “safety”. Unfortunately, school uniform does not eliminate all the causes that stand behind teasing and bullying. Crimes will never be erased for the reason that school uniform won’t prevent teenagers from bringing electronics and jewelry to the class. Moreover, intruders get an opportunity to easily mingle with the students by putting on the same uniform.

School uniform can appear to be way less expensive than all the other typical everyday clothes. Nevertheless, forcing young people to wear uniform for school also requires their moms and dads to buy more stuff for their kids for the reason that children will appear to be in a need of school and home wardrobe.

Make a logical conclusion. Restate the thesis statement and sum up the points you have discussed above.

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thesis statement against school uniforms


Should Students Wear School Uniforms Essay (Tips and Sample)

School uniforms essay

School uniforms are a hotly contested debate, which makes it a controversial topic preferred for school essays. Even though writing a school uniform essay should be easy, students' confessions after being assigned both long and short essays on school uniform show mixed results. Most students who have been given an essay on school uniforms have highlighted it as exciting and tricky.

Well, to write an essay that will score you an excellent grade, you need to understand your perspective, viewpoint, or stand before writing. As yourself, whether you will support school uniforms or you will be against them in your essay.

In most cases, the essay can be argumentative where you argue either for or against, then proceed to state your stand on whether or not you support school uniforms in learning institutions. You can also write an informative essay or a persuasive school uniform essay.

This article covers some aspects to consider when writing such an essay, some suitable topics, and general advice on how to write an outstanding school uniforms essay.

How to begin a School Uniforms Essay

You aim to demystify the school uniforms debate. Therefore, you need to strategize on how to begin the essay. Like other essays, starting with an essay hook would make it interesting to the readers. After the hook, head straight to writing some background information on school uniforms. You can then incorporate a thesis statement that presents your central stance on the paper.

Here is a sample school uniform hook:

A recent study by North Dakota State University revealed that an average American household spends close to 3.8% of their income on clothing, translating to approximately $2000 annually per household.

The hook above is essential when you argue from a cost perspective where you say that school uniforms save families from expenditures on buying different clothes for kids, which equalizes the rich and poor households.

In your background, you can try reference instances when school uniforms have stirred public debates. Inform your reader about these debates and highlight the key issues you will handle in your essay.

At the end of the introduction paragraph, state your thesis statement.

What goes to the body of a school uniform essay?

With the introduction done, you now need to develop the body paragraphs. As a general rule, always maintain a single idea per paragraph. If you are doing your essay in a five-paragraph essay format, ensure that the body of your essay takes 80% of the total word count while the introduction and the conclusion each take 10%.  

Here are some key ideas you can incorporate in the body of your essay:

  • Explain the essence of having school uniforms on students, teachers, and learning institutions. Issues such as security and safety, uniformity, and promoting togetherness or unity as benefits. It is easy to spot a student in uniform. School uniforms also enforce some self-respect and self-worth among students. As well, uniforms foster a sense of belonging among students.
  • Explore the issue from a cost-saving perspective for the parents. Unlike having different clothes daily, having a few pieces of school uniforms reduces the expenditure per household.
  • Connect school uniforms to issues such as creativity, comfort, and affordability. Lack of funds, for instance, can hinder some families from sending their children to school as they have no school uniforms.
  • You can also present the pros and cons of school uniforms
  • Connect the school uniforms to identity formation
  • School uniforms equalize students, which boosts their self-confidence
  • School uniform makes students not be imaginative
  • In the end, present recommendations that can solve the school uniform quagmire in schools

Like any other essay, ensure that your essay about school uniforms is engaging. Take a multi-stakeholder approach if you are recommending a policy.

If you have real-life examples of how school uniforms are beneficial, present them to support your body paragraphs. As you strive to present your viewpoints, ensure that each paragraph transitions to the next paragraph.

If possible, benchmark your arguments on schools that have successfully implemented school uniforms.

How to end an essay on school uniform

Like the introduction, the conclusion of your essay matters a lot. It can be the only place a marker checks to know what your stance was when writing your school uniforms essay.

Let your readers know whether school uniforms are good or not. Do not just stop there explore the why and why not for each of your points.

If there are recommendations, especially if you were writing an essay based on a school uniforms case study, present them in the conclusion.

DO not introduce new ideas that are not in your essay. However, crystalize and relate to your thesis and make sure your readers enjoy your essay to the last dot.

Sample School Uniforms Essay Topics

School uniform essays differ in perspective or stance, which hugely depends on the choice of topic. We can advise you to choose a school essay topic that has practical points and one that you can support with evidence from scholarly literature.

  • Is school uniform a good thing?
  • The importance of school uniforms
  • Should students wear uniforms?
  • Pros and Cons of school uniforms
  • The negative impacts of school uniforms
  • Rhetorical analysis of school uniforms
  • Positive effects of school uniforms
  • Are school uniforms a dress for success?
  • Why schools should have uniforms
  • History of school dress code
  • School uniforms in private and public schools
  • Should all schools have the same uniform?
  • Are school uniforms necessary?
  • School uniforms and diversity
  • School uniforms and student discipline
  • Comparison of school uniforms in U.S. and Japan

School Uniforms Essay Check List

With your essay written, ensure that it ticks most if not all these lists of facts that make a school uniform score great grades.

  • Does the essay have a great hook?
  • Is the background of your introduction relatable to the selected topic?
  • Does the introduction have supporting facts from scholarly sources?
  • Does your introduction have a clear thesis statement?
  • Is the main idea clearly illustrated in the body?
  • Does each body paragraph have an idea of its own?
  • Does the essay have transition words for effective flow?
  • Does the body discuss important concepts?
  • Is the body paragraph having an opening sentence, facts, and closing sentence?
  • Has all borrowed information been cited?
  • Does the essay have strong evidence?
  • Is the essay grammatically correct?
  • Is the conclusion a summary of the argument?
  • Has the thesis been restated?
  • Is the conclusion flowing with the body of the essay?
  • Has the essay used formal language?
  • Are the sentences free from unnecessary words?
  • Is the grammar and spelling in the essay correct?
  • Are the references correct?
  • Are the references recent?
  • Are the sources used credible?
  • Does the essay have a title and reference page?

Sample Argumentative Essay on Should Students Wear School Uniforms

Disclaimer – DO NOT COPY this sample essay. It is meant to help you see how you can present your essay ideas given your perspective/viewpoint. Submitting any part of this essay as your own might land you in trouble. We will not be in any way be a party to such consequences. If you need a model essay based on your selected topic for research purposes, please place an order or contact our support team for assistance with outlines, potential references, and some ideas on writing an excellent essay on school uniforms.

Numerous debates have been carried out on whether students should wear uniforms or not. Parents, teachers, students, and school administrations have all given their views on school uniforms with different arguments and opinions on all sides. Supporters of school uniforms argue that school uniforms are essential as they give students an identity and foster discipline, while others argue that uniforms are annoying, uncomfortable, and lack creativity. Regardless of the position one takes on students wearing uniforms, it is clear that uniforms are an essential part of students, and students wearing uniforms is more advantageous to both the students and schools. Thus, all students should wear uniforms as the uniforms instill a sense of discipline and identity, erase differences between the students, and are less costly (thesis statement)

School uniforms eliminate the differences between students in regard to their social and economic backgrounds ( School uniforms promote equality ) . Schools have students from different social and economic backgrounds. The school environment has students from both poor and rich families. Hence, uniforms are important as they are modest and identical clothing that propagate a sense of equality among the students (Freeburg and Workman, 6). Accordingly, all students should wear school uniforms to avoid a situation where some students feel inadequate for being able to afford expensive clothing like their more affluent counterparts. A learning environment and education, in general, are supposed to bridge the social-economic differences that exist in society.

Parents can save much money that would otherwise go to buying a wide variety of school clothes for their children ( school uniforms save parents money spent on clothing ). School uniforms provide a cheaper and more consistent alternative to regular clothing. If students are allowed to wear regular clothing to school, parents and guardians have to buy clothes that are in line with the latest fashion trends and the individual tastes of their children, both of which can be expensive. In this case, students should wear school uniforms that are affordable and identical to save parents money that can be used for more important things (Baumann and Krskova 1003). Affordability is essential for parents considering the enormous expenses associated with bringing up children in the modern era. Therefore, all students should wear uniforms as uniforms protect the financial interest of the parents and guardians.

Wearing school uniforms saves teachers, students, and administrators valuable time ( Bringing in the time-saving perspective of school uniforms ). Without uniforms, teachers and schools, administrators spend significant amounts of time regulating the dress code. For instance, time wasted deciding which clothes are appropriate, what skirt-size is too short, among other issues that arise in regulating regular clothes to make appropriate for the school environment (Ruggerone 573). Such challenges would not exist if all students wore uniforms. Consequently, students also waste valuable time because of the distractions that might be caused by clothes that their peers are wearing. Therefore, to eliminate time wastage and distractions in school, students should wear uniforms.

According to individuals and parties who oppose school uniforms, the uniforms limit the personal expression of students and can forcibly define gender roles for the children as girls have to wear skirts and boys’ trousers ( school uniforms stifle independence and creativity) - COUNTERARGUMENT . People express themselves through their clothes, which means that forcing students to wear uniforms affects their personal expressions (Masuch and Hefferon 227). Additionally, uniforms are gender-specific, which means that they can negatively impact the personalities of students as they are forced to wear uniforms that they do not feel reflect what they want to be or do with their lives. Thus, as the proponents against school uniforms argue, uniforms should be eliminated as they infringe on the independence of young students.

To sum up, there are numerous arguments that either support or oppose the wearing of uniforms by students. Supporters of school uniforms claim that uniforms give students a sense of identity and discipline, enhance social and economic equality, and save costs. On the other side, proponents against school uniforms claim that school uniforms limit the personal expression of students and force them into specified gender roles. Judging from the advantages and disadvantages of uniforms, it is clear that all students should wear uniforms as they distinguish students from civilians and enhance equality in the school environment.

Baumann, Chris, and Hana Krskova. "School discipline, school uniforms, and academic performance." International Journal of Educational Management 30.6 (2016): 1003-1029.

Freeburg, Beth W., and Jane E. Workman. "Dress Codes and Uniforms." Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2016): 1-13.

Masuch, Christoph-Simon, and Kate Hefferon. "Understanding the links between positive psychology and fashion: A grounded theory analysis." International Journal of Fashion Studies 1.2 (2014): 227-246.

Ruggerone, Lucia. "The feeling of being dressed: Affect studies and the clothed body." Fashion Theory 21.5 (2017): 573-593.

thesis statement against school uniforms

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Students Want Charges Dropped. What Is the Right Price for Protests?

At pro-Palestinian demonstrations, students have broken codes of conduct and, sometimes, the law. But the question of whether and how to discipline them is vexing universities.

thesis statement against school uniforms

By Jeremy W. Peters

Youssef Hasweh expected to receive his diploma from the University of Chicago on Saturday.

What he got instead was an email from the associate dean of students informing him that, because he was under investigation for his participation in a protest encampment on the campus quad, “your degree will not be conferred until the resolution of this matter.”

Like scores of other student demonstrators across the country, Mr. Hasweh has been swept up into a kind of disciplinary limbo. Although he was allowed to participate in graduation, his university is withholding his degree until it determines whether and how to punish him for breaking its code of conduct for refusing to vacate an encampment, which the police cleared on May 7.

He has already been formally reprimanded by the university for being part of a group that occupied an administration building last year in a protest over the Israel-Hamas war.

A Student Protester Facing Disciplinary Action Has ‘No Regrets’

As commencement season continues, youssef hasweh, a college senior in chicago, is one of many student protesters around the country who face disciplinary action. with less than two weeks until graduation, his academic future remains in limbo..

“This is the graduation gown that I may or may not be wearing — if they let me walk. I’m leaving UChicago with a criminal record and maybe not with a degree. My name is Youssef. I’m a Brooklyn native. I’m half Palestinian, half Moroccan, and UChicago was definitely my dream school.” “Oh my God. I got to the University of Chicago. Mom!” “And during my time here my mission was to make it a dream school for other folks. And that sort of led me straight into the admissions office. I became a student visit coordinator. I gave tours. I got to act as a college rep. And that sort of bubble of being an ambassador for UChicago on the global scale popped when I started talking about my identity, and I started talking about being Palestinian and critiquing the university.” [chanting] [unclear] “We’ve been doing actions all year. Blockades, sit-ins, rallies, protests, banner drops, flyers, brochures — everything. We really just wanted a meeting with Paul, the president of the University of Chicago. So we wanted, like, financial records. We wanted transparency. We wanted to know where our money was going. And then we wanted the university to divest from all Israeli entities. And it took having to occupy a building and perform a sit-in. Like, 30 of us went into Rosenwald, which is the admissions office, and we just sort of set up camp.” [chanting] [unclear] “I was just thinking to myself, Oh, like, I’m going to be arrested.” [chanting] “You invest in genocide.” “The state attorney had made a statement that she wasn’t going to prosecute protest charges. So as soon as our charges were dropped, the university decided to go through the formal process for us, which means everything is on the table. We could be suspended. We could be expelled.” “We came back to join a national encampment movement.” “We won’t stop until we win.” “We actually were planning an encampment as well, prior to Columbia’s launch. Just seeing solidarity all over the country made us more confident to do this encampment.” “What do you know.” “Where does all our money go.” “Where does our money go.” “I have family in Palestine, and I’m living in Palestine. This is my 24/7. I mean, I’m done. Like, I have nothing left here. And that’s weird, like, coming from me, who spent so many years, not just, like, loving this university, but helping others love it. Like, I’m crushed that the university would ever do this. I feel like I have nothing left at the university here, but people in Palestine truly have nothing.”

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The question of how harshly to discipline these students cuts deep in academia, where many universities take pride in their history of student activism, on issues such as civil rights, the Vietnam War, South African apartheid and income inequality. Some faculty members themselves celebrate such activism and encourage students to become politically involved — and have also faced arrest and discipline for doing so.

But today, some students have made a demand of their colleges that is vexing administrators and veterans of past social movements: They want all charges against them, both academic and legal, dropped. Many students have been charged with criminal misdemeanors, such as trespassing. Others have faced discipline from their universities, which can range from a warning on their records to suspensions and expulsions.

At Columbia University , Brown University , the New School , the University of Texas at Austin and numerous other institutions, a common slogan on handmade signs and social media posts has become “Drop All Charges.”

When asked what was the appropriate penalty for his civil disobedience, Mr. Hasweh did not have to think long.

“Nothing,” he said. As someone who is part Palestinian, he added, “I think it’s hypocritical for them to say we’re being disruptive when they’re actively investing in a genocide that is very disruptive to my family.” At Chicago’s graduation on Saturday, dozens of students walked out to register their disapproval of the university’s handling of cases like Mr. Hasweh’s.

When the encampments first sprouted this spring, universities struggled with how to respond — many tolerating them at first, but then sending in the police after students refused repeated orders to disperse. Since Columbia first arrested protesters on April 18, there have been more than 3,000 arrests on campuses across the country, at institutions including California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, and Emory University.

Now university administrators are confronting a similar conundrum over disciplinary action now that most of the encampments are gone.

Be too lenient, and colleges risk encouraging more encampments when students return in the fall. Coming down too hard — by denying degrees or leaving students with permanent arrest records — can seem too punitive a response to mostly nonviolent protests and could jeopardize the futures of the students the universities are supposed to mold into productive citizens.

Some institutions have agreed to a lighter approach, with conditions. At Johns Hopkins University, for instance, the administration said it would end disciplinary proceedings for students who had pitched an encampment if they agreed not to establish another one or otherwise disrupt campus life.

Others, like Brown, have flatly refused requests for leniency. Activists and their allies had called on the university to demand that local law enforcement officials drop criminal charges against 41 students arrested in December during a sit-in.

In response, Brown’s president, Christina Paxson, wrote to the student body that those arrested had made an “informed choice,” and she added that asking to be absolved of responsibility was not consistent with how civil disobedience is supposed to work. “The practice of civil disobedience means accepting the consequences of decisions on matters of conscience,” she said.

In his “ Letter From Birmingham Jail ,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in 1963 that during workshops on nonviolent protest, he would ask participants, “Are you able to endure the ordeal of jail?”

“One who breaks an unjust law,” Dr. King declared, “must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty.”

Paying a personal cost in pursuit of a cause has historically helped social movements build popular support, according to scholars.

“You do that to rouse the conscience of the nation or the institutional power in question — to have it reckon with what you believe is a greater moral imperative,” said Tony Banout, executive director of the University of Chicago’s Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression.

“I think that tradition is laudable, and society has improved measurably because of activists who are willing to engage in that,” he said.

Civil rights protesters made that cost seem real, as they occupied lunch counters and marched peacefully in the streets dressed in suits, and in turn often faced brutal repression from the police.

Few of today’s protesters have faced anything approaching that kind of brutality or punishment. But they say that they are worried about being identified and harassed — or doxxed — and wear masks or kaffiyehs to conceal their identities. Some refuse to give their names even as they sit across from administrators to negotiate.

The anonymity and the disavowal of penalties could weaken their movement, Dr. Banout said.

“My fear,” he said, “is it actually alienates people, and ultimately does not advance the alleviation of suffering in Gaza.”

The Rev. Al Sharpton, the veteran civil rights activist, said he believed this generation of student protesters is not monolithic, with some willing to accept more responsibility for civil disobedience than others — as in any other generation. But he added that among some demonstrators, he had detected a sense of entitlement in the desire to avoid consequences.

“When you express entitlement, then you cannot be fighting for the disenfranchised,” he said.

As someone who has been arrested a number of times and spent nearly three months in jail for protesting military bombing exercises on Vieques, Mr. Sharpton said he understood why activists would fight the charges against them.

No student is likely to spend months in jail. But, he added, “you must be prepared to say the cause is more important than my freedom.”

A generational shift in attitudes toward law enforcement personnel also appears to be a factor in why these students are unwilling to accept the legitimacy of the charges against them. Many experienced their political awakening in the mass uprising after George Floyd’s murder by police officers in 2020, when they were in high school. Those demonstrations were animated by an antipathy toward — and in many cases a desire to abolish — the police.

At George Washington University’s graduation, Nam Lam, a student in international affairs, noted with dismay the fences and security checkpoints the school had erected all around. That, combined with the use of police force to clear an encampment on campus, made him uneasy.

“It’s been hard to process, just the large police presence and pepper-spraying students,” Mr. Lam said.

Students and their faculty supporters say disciplinary measures against protesters are really about suppressing free speech — something that the leaders of their universities, as self-described incubators of robust debate, should know is wrong.

And some faculty members also see university overreach. Harvard denied 13 seniors their degrees while their disciplinary cases moved forward, leading hundreds of students to walk out of the graduation ceremony last month.

Ryan Enos, a professor of government at Harvard who advised some of the students facing discipline, said the university’s response was harsher than it had been with encampments for other causes, such as Occupy Wall Street, divesting from fossil fuels and supporting a living wage proposal.

“This seems like an over-enforcement, a break with precedent,” he said. “And it raises a concern that they’re more concerned about the content of the speech than with an equal application of punishment.”

But Mr. Enos did have a caveat. Protests over the environment and raising wages are not going to make anyone of a particular religion or identity uncomfortable.

“There certainly weren’t people on campus who felt threatened by that,” he said, adding that it was reasonable to consider whether some of the protest activity had made Jewish students feel threatened.

Any protest movement risks losing the public’s support if its methods are seen as too obnoxious or extreme. Robb Willer , a professor of sociology at Stanford University and director of the Polarization and Social Change Lab there, said that he thought the student demonstrations had not reached that point.

But even isolated incidents of violent behavior or extreme rhetoric can do damage, he said. “Occasional excesses do real outsized harm, drive away natural constituencies, and are wrong,” Dr. Willer said. A study for which he was a co-author concluded that certain forms of protest — inflammatory rhetoric, blocking traffic and vandalism — are effective in helping a movement gain publicity but that those tactics ultimately repel people.

There has been little consistency at universities over how punishments are meted out and how long that process takes. The president of Northwestern University said during a congressional hearing recently that no students had been suspended but that “lots” of investigations were underway. At the same hearing, the president of Rutgers said the university had suspended four. In some more liberal jurisdictions — Chicago and Austin , for instance — prosecutors, not university administrators, have dropped criminal trespassing charges.

At Yale, Craig Birckhead-Morton learned just before graduation that he would be getting his degree, despite having been arrested twice during protests. (If a disciplinary case is still in progress at the time of a senior’s graduation, the student’s degree is withheld until the case is resolved.)

“It was something I was anxious about, but I feel like there’s no backing down on this issue,” he said. He received a formal reprimand.

During Yale’s commencement ceremonies, some students expressed support for their peers who were facing charges. One, Lex Schultz, held up a banner that read, “Drop all charges.”

JoAnna Daemmrich contributed reporting from Washington and Gaya Gupta from New Haven, Conn.

An earlier version of this article misidentified Ryan Enos’s position at Harvard. He is a professor of government, not history. And the article misspelled the first name of a professor at Stanford. His name is Robb Willer , not Rob Willer.

How we handle corrections

Jeremy W. Peters is a Times reporter who covers debates over free expression and how they impact higher education and other vital American institutions. More about Jeremy W. Peters

The Campus Protests Over the Gaza War

News and Analysis

​The University of Pennsylvania issued temporary rules that significantly rein in protests on campus  and, for the first time, explicitly ban encampments, less than a month after the police cleared away a pro-Palestinian encampment at the university and arrested 33 people.

​Police officers arrested 13 people after pro-Palestinian protesters barricaded themselves  in the office of the president of Stanford University.

​Weeks after counterprotesters attacked a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of California, Los Angeles, the university police made the first arrest related to the attack .

The Right Price for Protests:  ​At pro-Palestinian demonstrations, students have broken codes of conduct and, sometimes, the law. But the question of whether and how to discipline  them is vexing universities.

A Free Speech Champion’s Advice:  ​U.C. Berkeley’s leader, Carol Christ, has spent the last several months asking students  to consider the way speech and protest affect the entire campus community.

Making Sense of the Protests:  In the weeks leading up to graduation, our reporter spoke with more than a dozen students at Columbia University and Barnard College about how the campus protests had shaped them .

A Complex Summer:  Many university leaders and officials may be confronting federal investigations, disputes over student discipline  — and the prospect that the protests start all over again in the fall.


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  4. Engage Introverted Students_ Empowering Questioning in Class

  5. Thesis Statement Example #english #shorts #education #essay #learnenglish #essaywriting #

  6. Why American schools don t have uniforms?


  1. Thesis Statement on School Uniforms

    Thesis Statement on School Uniforms. School uniforms have been a topic of debate for many years, with arguments for and against their implementation in schools. While some believe that school uniforms promote a sense of unity and equality among students, others argue that they restrict students' individuality and self-expression.

  2. School Uniforms Pros and Cons

    Pro 1 School uniforms deter crime and increase student safety. In Long Beach, California, after two years of a district-wide K-8 mandatory uniform policy, reports of assault and battery in the district's schools decreased by 34%, assault with a deadly weapon dropped by 50%, fighting incidents went down by 51%, sex offenses were cut by 74%, robbery dropped by 65%, possession of weapons (or ...

  3. The effectiveness of school uniforms on students' academic achievement

    This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Rowan Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion ... Other Possible Benefits of School Uniforms 17 Disputes against School Uniform and Contradictory Findings 18 Suggestions for Mandating Uniform Policies 22 Summary 22. III. Design 24 Participants 24 ...

  4. Thesis Statement Of School Uniforms

    A. Thesis Statement: Uniforms enforced in schools directly impact behavior, Academic performance, and school image. ... For example, in 2009, a group of students at John A. Ferguson Senior High School rebelled against their school uniforms. Instead of following their school uniform requirements, the students wore what they thought would be a ...

  5. Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms: 9 Reasons & Statistics

    2. Financial Burden. The requirement of school uniforms can impose a significant financial burden on families, an aspect that often gets overlooked in the uniform policy debate. In the United States, over half of parents, at 55%, perceive school uniforms to be costly.

  6. Why Students Should not Wear Uniforms: an Analysis of Arguments

    The debate over whether students should wear uniforms in schools has been a long-standing one. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why students should not wear uniforms, focusing on how uniforms can limit students' ability to express themselves, stifle their sense of identity and creativity, promote a culture of conformity, and create financial burdens that contribute to inequality and ...

  7. PDF School Uniforms

    School Uniforms Question: What are the Pros and Cons of School Uniforms? Summary of Findings: ... arguments for and against school uniform policies. Listed below are those that appear frequently in the literature: PROS: • increases students' attention in class because they are not concerned

  8. School Uniform Debate: [Essay Example], 637 words GradesFixer

    School Uniform Debate. In schools across the world, the debate over whether students should be required to wear uniforms has been a contentious issue. While some argue that school uniforms promote a sense of unity and discipline, others believe that they stifle individuality and self-expression. This essay will explore the various arguments for ...

  9. Should Students Wear School Uniforms Essay (Tips and Sample)

    Thus, all students should wear uniforms as the uniforms instill a sense of discipline and identity, erase differences between the students, and are less costly (thesis statement) School uniforms eliminate the differences between students in regard to their social and economic backgrounds (School uniforms promote equality). Schools have students ...

  10. Argumentative Essay On School Uniforms, with Outline

    Outline example of argumentative essay on school uniform. Introduction. Thesis statement was stating the negative aspects of school uniforms. Body 1. Limiting self-expression. Takes away a creative outlet. Denies teenagers an avenue to express their feelings. Body 2.

  11. PDF write a perfect essay School Uniforms

    School Uniforms: Awesome—or Awful? Debate more and more public schools are bringing on the jumpers and the blazers. In Cleveland, Boston, Chicago, and Miami, more than half of all public schools require uniforms. In New Orleans, kids at 95 percent of schools are decked out in them. Dress Without Stress Many principals in high-crime areas

  12. What is the persuasive argument for school uniforms?

    Discussions might also delve into the arguments for and against school uniform policies, including issues of freedom of expression, socio-economic disparities, and the enforcement of such policies. ... Lastly, students should present the thesis statement. How do school uniforms affect students? In addition, uniforms eliminate competitive ...

  13. Thesis Statement On School Uniforms

    Proposition: School Uniforms creates to having a safe learning environment. I. Thesis Statement - students wearing uniforms will create a more positive learning environment; however in reality, this is still putting children at a disadvantage when families are low income whom are low income are still incapable of purchasing nice looking school ...

  14. Argumentative Essay against School Uniforms

    This is where all the information sources can become helpful! Friends, school teachers, the Internet and local libraries - gather information from each of these sources and develop a solid basis for your anti-school-uniform viewpoint. Develop an introductive section. This part of an essay requires two things: a thesis statement and a hook.

  15. Argumentative Essay on School Uniforms

    Published: Mar 5, 2024. The debate over school uniforms has been ongoing for many years, with strong arguments on both sides of the issue. While some believe that uniforms promote equality and discipline, others argue that they restrict individuality and self-expression. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument and discuss the ...

  16. Thesis Statement Against School Uniforms

    Thesis Statement Against School Uniforms - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  17. Should Students Wear School Uniforms Essay (Tips and Sample)

    If you are doing your essay in a five-paragraph essay format, ensure that the body of your essay takes 80% of the total word count while the introduction and the conclusion each take 10%. Here are some key ideas you can incorporate in the body of your essay: Explain the essence of having school uniforms on students, teachers, and learning ...

  18. Lobnya

    Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. (November 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this message) The German attack starting the Battle of Moscow (code-named 'Operation Typhoon') began on October 2 1941. The attack on a broad front brought German forces to occupy the village of Krasnaya Polyana (now in the town ...

  19. Time in Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia now

    Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Lobnya. Sunrise: 03:56AM. Sunset: 08:59PM. Day length: 17h 3m. Solar noon: 12:27PM. The current local time in Lobnya is 27 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

  20. Thesis Statement For Against School Uniforms

    Thesis Statement for Against School Uniforms - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  21. Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia Weather

    Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and

  22. Student Protesters Want Charges Dropped as ...

    535. Kelly Hui, center, one of four students from whom the University of Chicago is withholding degrees because of their involvement in a protest encampment, at a rally after students walked out ...

  23. Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia Weather

    Today's and tonight's Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and