Queen Mary University of London

Document binding

Large format poster printing.

  • Display stands - pop-up system and banners

Research posters for QMUL and SMD

Lamination and encapsulation, printing and photocopying for students.

We provide a quick, professional and cost-effective photocopying and printing service.

We offer a while-you-wait service for very small jobs or same-day service for slightly larger jobs. For complex or very large projects, please call or pop in to the CopyShop for a time scale.

We can print a range of items for you, including:

  • Thesis / Dissertations
  • Lecture notes
  • Leaflets / Flyers
  • Invitations
  • Greeting cards
  • Display banners and exhibition stands
  • Student Publications

We have a comprehensive range of in-house finishing services:

  • Wiro binding
  • Soft binding (Morgana)
  • Booklet Production to give your documents a professional feel

QMUL Thesis

Please check with your course tutor on what type of thesis you need to submit and how many. You have spent hours preparing it and its time to present it so leave good time for the document to be produced.

Softback thesis and book binding

Soft bound (Morgana) and wiro-bound thesis binding is available at the CopyShop.

Hardback thesis and book binding

The QMUL  thesis binding website is a one-stop-shop for quick and easy printing and binding of your thesis, dissertation, project or reports.

Visit the website to find easy-to-follow instructions, costs and expected turnaround times.

We can print presentation and display material including large posters and internal and external banners.

The Copyshop carries a selection of materials used in poster production. These include gloss, matt and crease-resistant fabric which is ideal for transportation.

Our large wide format printer produces high quality prints at A2, A1, A0. Bespoke sizes available up to 900mm wide to any length.

Commissioning Posters

You can submit your file for printing either by email, dependent on file size (max 10 Mb) or USB stick via the CopyShop.

Our preferred file format is Acrobat PDF, although we can also accept files  created in Acrobat PDF, PowerPoint, Publisher, Photoshop, InDesign, Excel and Illustrator from either Mac or PC platforms.

You will need to advise the CopyShop of the size of poster you require and what material you would like it printed on.

Creating artwork for poster print

When creating artwork for a poster you will need to set your document page size to the appropriate dimensions. If you require a standard ‘A’ size poster, set your page size to a minimum of A4, we can then enlarge your artwork to any ‘A’ size.

If designing a custom sized poster you need to scale your artwork in ratio.

Always supply a high resolution PDF with all of your images and fonts embedded.

All images and logos should be of a high quality. Try not to take images or logos from websites as these are low quality screen resolution and will not print clearly and may also infringe upon copyright

You can check the quality of your file by enlarging your PDF on screen to 100% in the view setting. If you see an image is pixelated on screen, this is how it will print. To resolve this, change it for a version of a higher resolution.

Display stands – pop-up system and banners

Roller banners.

Roller banners are ideal for all your events, presentations, seminars etc.

We print onto 850mm wide materials, complete with a stand and carry bag. Should you require a larger size, please contact the CopyShop.

Once you have obtained a stand, we can change the graphic for you so you only have to ever buy the stand once!

The visible size of a single standard roll-up banner is 850mm wide x 2000mm high. However, the artwork area is different. Set your document page size to 850mm x 2000mm at actual size to include a 40mm bleed area at the bottom of the panel. If working in PowerPoint, please set artwork at 25% of your finished banner.

To set your document at 25% size, enter this size into your document setup 212.5mm x 510mm providing all of the elements are vector or 300dpi.

To assist you in producing your research posters, we have provided a series of PowerPoint templates.

They have been designed within the house style of both Queen Mary University of London and Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

The layout must not be altered at any time. The space in between the header and footer is the ‘working area’ for your research.

We suggest you:

  • Use the Arial font for text on your posters – it will be easier for people to read from a distance
  • Avoid using fonts sized below 12 point
  • Make sure your images are in-focus and not fuzzy
  • Do not use images/logos downloaded from the web, they will pixelate when printed
  • Do not overcrowd your poster, remember less is more.

The QMUL Logo should not be altered in size or colour. They must not be moved.

Drop your Partnership logos  into the lower solid bar. Try and keep them all the same size. Place your partnership logos in alphabetical order or in relevance of importance that aided your research.

White Poster Templates – Partners Logos should be used in their corporate colours

Blue and black Poster Templates – Mono reversed (white) logos only to be used

Ask your partner/s to supply the correct .jpeg or .gif image files for your chosen template.


  • Do remember to include your Institute or Centre
  • Do insert the title
  • Do add authors and where more room is needed reduce the font size
  • Do not move the solid bar at the bottom of the template
  • Remember to always include your research links

Please use the links provided to various templates A1 and AO sizes, colours and formats.

  • SMD  Poster template guidelines  [PDF 278 KB]
  • SMD  Portrait - Blue  [PPT 248 KB]
  • SMD  Landscape - Blue  [PPT 157 KB]
  • SMD  Portrait - Black  [PPT 115 KB]
  • SMD  Landscape - Black  [PPT 168 KB]
  • SMD  Portrait - White  [PPT 150 KB]
  • SMD  Landscape - White  [PPT 247 KB]
  • QMUL  Poster template guidelines  [PDF 278 KB]
  • QMUL  Portrait - Blue  [PPT 248 KB]
  • QMUL  Landscape - Blue  [PPT 157 KB]
  • QMUL  Portrait - Black  [PPT 115 KB]
  • QMUL  Landscape - Black  [PPT 168 KB]
  • QMUL  Portrait - White  [PPT 150 KB]
  • QMUL  Landscape - White  [PPT 247 KB]

Submitting your poster

You can send your Research Poster to us by email ( [email protected] ), in which case the poster title must be used as the subject title of the email.

Alternatively you can take you file in person to the CopyShop on the Mile End campus.

If paying by a Departmental budget code, this must be submitted at the same time as your artwork.

The CopyShop operates an in-house service for both of these products.

You can purchase plain copy paper form the CopyShop for your own use. You will find the cost very competitive at £2.25 per pack, that’s 500 sheets, whilst contributing to saving the environment.

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Submit your thesis

It's time to submit your thesis.

Prior to submitting your thesis, read through the information below and ensure you are following the correct process.

Nomination of examiners

Your supervisor is responsible for nominating suitable examiners for your thesis. The University requires nomination and selection of graduate research thesis examiners to be based on the principle that you receive an impartial examination by high-quality examiners in the relevant field of research.

The examiners must not have had any involvement in the preparation of the thesis, as a member of your supervisory panel or as one of your academic advisors. The University expects all supervisors, faculties and examiners to report all actual or potential conflicts of interest.

The University applies the  Conflict of Interest Guidelines [PDF 28MB] of the Australian Council of Graduate Research.

PhD/MPhil students

You should discuss possible examiners with your Principal Supervisor and other supervisors at least three months in advance of your thesis submission date. Your supervisor will contact the possible examiners to ascertain their availability to examine your thesis.

Once confirmed, your supervisor will submit an electronic examiner nomination via the  HDR Thesis Examination portal to the Thesis Examination Subcommittee for review and approval. This normally includes a list of:

  • Five examiners for a doctoral degree
  • Four for a Master of Philosophy degree

You will have to electronically confirm the selection of the nominated examiners.

For further information on the nomination of examiners, see Schedule 2 in the  HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.

Master of Research (MRes) students

You should discuss with your Principal Supervisor the names of any persons that you do not wish to examine your thesis at least two months before your expected thesis submission date.

Your supervisor will contact possible examiners to ascertain their availability to examine your thesis. Once confirmed, your supervisor will submit an electronic examiner nomination via the  HDR Thesis Examination portal to the Thesis Examination Subcommittee for review and approval.

For further information on the nomination of examiners, see the  Master of Research - Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Procedures and Schedule 2 in the  HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy .

Thesis submission

When your thesis is complete and appropriately formatted, you must submit your thesis via the  HDR Thesis Examination Portal . For more information view the  instructions for submitting your thesis via the HDR Thesis Examination Portal [PDF 684KB].

Note for Master of Research (MRes) students: If your thesis is submitted late, you will be penalised one percentage point from your final MRes thesis grade per calendar day until your thesis is submitted. Submission will be taken as the date your thesis is submitted electronically via the portal.

If your supervisor is unable or unwilling to approve your thesis submission, the matter should be referred to the Faculty’s Associate Dean, Research Training and Partnerships for resolution.

Once your thesis is submitted, your candidature is considered to be 'Under Examination' (UX).  If you are a PhD/MPhil student in receipt of a scholarship, your scholarship will be terminated when you submit their thesis or at the end of the Scholarship, whichever occurs first. If you submit your thesis prior to the expiry of the Scholarship, the Scholarship will normally be terminated at the end of the fortnightly pay period in which your thesis is submitted.

If you are a MRes student in receipt of a scholarship, your scholarship will be terminated at the end of your Scholarship.

For information about the examination process, see the  HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy .

Cotutelle and Joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students

If you are enrolled in a Cotutelle or Joint PhD program, refer to your agreement for additional information relating to your examiners and thesis examination. Joint PhD students with a lead university that is not Macquarie University must provide the following information to  [email protected] to ensure your enrolment is not ceased:

  • evidence of your thesis submission
  • 100 words abstract for your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement
  • a point of contact at the partner university

Celebrating your thesis submission

We’d like to celebrate this achievement with you, so after you’ve submitted your thesis, stop by the Graduate Research Academy (GRA) and take a selfie with us to capture the moment:

thesis submission qmul

Then it’s time to promote yourself!  Join the  Graduate Research Academy Network LinkedIn group and share a short statement of the most interesting, unusual or exciting thing about your research (no more than 25 words). Don’t forget to upload your selfie too!

  • Graduate Research Academy
  • Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
  • Macquarie University NSW 2109
  • T: +61 (2) 9850 4741
  • E: [email protected]

Prepare for submission

Review the requirements for your thesis submission.

Submit your thesis via the examination portal.

Thesis examination

Check out the thesis examination process.

Related links

  • Manage your research journey
  • Look after yourself

Academic Registry and Council Secretariat

Information for examiners of research degrees.

Examiners of research degrees are nominated by the supervisors of research degree students. Supervisors may approach examiners informally to check if they are willing to act, but the official invitation will be issued by the Research Degrees Office  only once the nomination has been approved by the Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board.

The Research Degrees Office will contact you to invite you to act as an examiner. If you agree, once the candidate has formally submitted their thesis, the Office will send you, by email:

  • A pdf copy or a link to a pdf copy of the thesis
  • PGR Exam Guidance Notes August 2023 [DOC 67KB]
  • PGR Guidance on disruption caused by Covid-19 [DOC 27KB]
  • MySIS User Guide for PGR Examiners [PDF 1,575KB]
  • Expense Claim Form [XLS 157KB] * , to be returned (along with scanned receipts) to  [email protected], Please see the expense claim policy: Expense Claim Policy (Updated March 2023) *this is usually only for external examiners.
  • Personal Details Form for fee payment (External Examiners only)
  • for theses sent to examiners with effect from 1 April 2022 examiners are asked to complete the online personal details form as explained in the thesis dispatch email.

If you need a hardcopy of the thesis to be sent please inform the Research Degrees Office by emailing  [email protected]  with the address you would like us to post to.

If the  candidate contacts the examiners , or if either the  candidate or the supervisor send the thesis to the examiners , the examination may be declared  invalid . Examiners must contact the Research Degrees Office if they are contacted by the candidate, or if they receive a copy of the thesis directly from the candidate or supervisor.

QMUL research degrees examination portal on MySIS

Please use the MySIS examinations portal to submit your preliminary report on the thesis to the other examiner before the viva takes place, and after the viva to report the examination outcome and to submit the examiners’ joint report. The internal examiner usually takes the lead to report the examination outcome.

You may need to click the + button on the MySIS menu bar in order to access the examiner portal

-- If the examiners were invited before August 2021 -  Please send the following to the Research Degrees Office  within two weeks of the viva :

  • outcome of examination form (please contact the Research Degrees Office if you need another copy of the form)
  • final joint report from both examiners
  • preliminary reports from each examiner

ALL examiners should email their fee/expense claims to  [email protected] Please ensure to send:

  • personal details forms (from the external examiner if the thesis was sent to examiners before 1 April 2022)
  • photocopies of your passport
  • photocopies of any immigration permission/work permit
  • expenses claim

Queen Mary Internal Examiners - please send your QMUL payroll number to [email protected]

Examiners external to the College may claim reasonable travel and other expenses.  The Research Degrees Office will authorise any incidental expenses as soon as possible after receipt.

Fee payments can be authorised for payment   only after all reports and outcome forms have been received by the Research Degrees Office. Payments are processed via Human Resources Payroll and paid via BACS directly into bank accounts once a month. Fee payments have to be processed this way due to the requirements placed upon the College by the HRMC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs). Fee payments are taxable income and need to be logged as such.  This is why the personal details form asks for information such as date of birth.

Please note that in order to demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK, all examiners must provide a copy of the picture page of their passport along with a copy of any work permit (for those requiring a permit). Overseas examiners may be appointed in exceptional circumstances. 

EU Settled Status: prove the right to work using the Home Office online service ‘prove your right to work to an employer’ available on GOV.UK:  https://www.gov.uk/prove-right-to-work . Please send the share code and date of birth which will enable us to conduct the right to work check using the online service at GOV.UK:  https://www.gov.uk/view-right-to-work

If you live and work outside the UK, you may be able to enter the UK through the Permitted Paid Engagement visa route. This route will allow you to enter the UK to work for a maximum period of 1 month.

If you are a “visa national” the visa costs £95 and must be applied for in advance of travel. If you will be entering the UK via this route, you must send RDO a scanned copy of the visa before you travel to the UK.

If you are a “non-visa national” you will be able to travel to the UK without a visa but it is essential that you speak with a UK border agent on arrival to advise them that you are entering under the Permitted Paid Engagement visa route. You will receive a wet ink stamp in your passport - do not enter via the e-gates. There is no fee for this. Please bring your   invitation   from QMUL to act as an examiner to show at the border check. If you will be entering the UK via this route, you must send RDO a scanned copy of the stamp in your passport after arrival in the UK.

Organisation of the oral examination Research degrees oral examinations may be held remotely with all participants attending online or face to face on a Queen Mary campus in line with health and safety and travel guidance in place on the day of the viva. All participants must agree the format of the viva.  One examiner can attend remotely if the student and other examiner can attend in person together.  The student’s supervisor is responsible for organising the viva and will contact the examiners to liaise with them about these arrangements. This is subject to change according to Government guidelines. Preliminary Independent Reports  Each examiner writes an independent preliminary report on the thesis in advance of the oral examination. It is expected that each examiner will write their report after reading the thesis but before conferring with the co-examiner about it. Typically the preliminary report identifies particular areas which the examiner believes should be explored with the candidate during the oral examination, and, if possible, makes an initial recommendation, based on an assessment of the thesis, for the result of the examination.  These recommendations should not be indicated to the candidate in advance of the oral, which is an integral component of the examination. The examiners should exchange their preliminary reports with each other before conducting the oral examination and send copies to the Research Degrees Office after the examination has been completed. Arrangements for the examination The purpose of the oral examination is to examine the candidate on the subject of the thesis and relevant subjects. During the oral the examiners should seek to establish whether all the requirements for a thesis submitted for the relevant degree have been met (as set out in Chapter 8, pages 129-134) of the QMUL Academic Regulations 2023/24 and to establish that the thesis is genuinely the work of the candidate. If there is any doubt that the thesis is the candidate’s own work the examiners should contact the Research Degrees Office. Further information on the conduct of the examination is provided in the guidance notes sent to examiners with the thesis. If the examiners have any queries about the College’s requirements for the award of the research degree and about the regulations they should contact the Research Degrees Office.  If the examiners have any queries about the thesis which they wish to raise with the supervisor in advance of the oral examination, they may do so. All matters relating to the examination are confidential and examiners should not contact any third party, other than the supervisor as provided for in the regulations and this guidance. Otherwise all queries must be made through the Research Degrees Office. The educational needs provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act require institutions to make reasonable adjustments for candidates with physical and special learning difficulties in their assessment.  Candidates are asked to inform the Research Degrees Office at the time of examination entry (or as soon as possible afterwards) if they require any special arrangements to be made.  Examiners will be advised of any such arrangements with their appointment letters. If examiners are informed directly by the supervisor or candidate of any disability they should seek the advice of the Research Degrees Office. The outcome of the examination  The options open to the examiners in determining the results are set out in detail in the Academic Regulations . In summary these are:

  • Pass subject to minor amendments to be completed and checked by one or both examiners within six months;
  • Pass subject to major amendments to be completed and checked by both examiners within nine months.
  • Not pass, but the candidate is allowed to revise the thesis and resubmit it within 18 months (for the PhD and MD(Res) degrees) or 12 months (for the MPhil degree);
  • Not pass, but the candidate is allowed to take a written paper or practical examination;
  • Not pass, but the candidate is allowed to submit to a second oral examination on the same thesis and by the same examiners within 18 months;
  • Fail but the candidate is deemed to have met the requirements for an MPhil (with or without minor amendments) or should be allowed to resubmit a revised thesis for the MPhil degree within 12 months;
  • Fail outright: no re-entry permitted.

Option b) – pass subject to minor amendments – is the outcome that should be specified when the corrections required will make no difference to the arguments or conclusions of the thesis.  The amendments will usually be typographical in nature, but may also include minor changes to the text to improve explanations or descriptions.  Minor amendments must be completed within three months and certified by one of the examiners before the award can be made. Option c) – pass subject to major amendments – is the outcome that should be specified when the corrections required are more significant in nature, including the re-writing or re-structuring of significant parts of the thesis and the clarification of arguments.  ‘Major amendments’ is a ‘pass’ outcome, so should not be specified when, in the opinion of the examiners, any significant re-conceptualisation or additional research needs to be undertaken.  Major amendments must be completed within 9 months (though a shorter period may be specified by the examiners) and certified by both examiners before the award can be made. Option d) – not pass, but revise and resubmit – is the outcome that should be specified when the thesis presented, in the opinion of the examiners, does not meet the criteria for the degree, but might do so following a significant period of re-working and revision.  The revisions required might include re-conceptualisation of and amendment to the arguments and conclusions of the thesis, and additional research work may need to be undertaken.  Re-entry must take place within 18 months of the notification of the original result, and although both examiners must re-examine the thesis they may choose to waive the need for a second oral examination. Examiners should not consider option g) unless they have first considered and rejected as inapplicable the preceding options; and should not consider option h) unless they have previously considered and rejected as inapplicable all the previous options Reporting the decision

Examiners are required to complete the Outcome of Examination form indicating which of the available decisions they have made and write a joint report giving the grounds on which their decision is based. The joint report should be on a separate sheet and should include the following:

  • Name of the candidate;
  • Thesis title; and at the end of the report:
  • Signatures of each of the examiners; and

The report should have regard to the requirements of a thesis for the relevant research degree. It should not cross-refer to the examiners’ preliminary reports unless the examiners wish the candidate to be sent a copy of those preliminary reports.

The examiners should agree between themselves at the end of the oral examination the arrangements for drafting and finalising their joint report and for sending it, the Outcome of Examination form, their preliminary reports, and expenses paperwork to the Research Degrees Office. This should be done within two weeks of the examination.  If, for any reason, it is not possible for the reports to be returned within two weeks of the oral examination, one of the examiners should contact the Research Degrees Office to discuss the problem.

If the examiners have indicated on the Outcome of Examination form that they require the candidate to make minor or major amendments, the Research Degrees Office will send a further request to the examiner responsible for checking the amendments (usually the internal examiner) for certification that the amendments have been completed satisfactorily. If satisfied with the amendments, the examiner should inform the  Research Degrees Officer  for the candidate’s School.

Notification to the candidate

If the examiners wish to advise the candidate orally of their decision at the conclusion of their deliberations following the examination, they must make clear to the candidate that the result is not formal and final until confirmed and notified by letter from the College to the candidate.

A copy of the Outcome of Examination form and the examiners’ joint report is routinely sent to the candidate when he/she is officially informed by letter from the Research Degrees Office of his/her result. The candidate does not normally see the examiners’ preliminary reports, but may do so if the examiners so request and will do so in the event of his/her appealing against the examiners’ decision.

Examination of re-entry candidates

Unless it is impossible for them to do so, it is expected that the original examiners will examine the candidate on re-entry.

In examining a re-entry candidate the examiners should have regard to the report they made on the first examination, copies of which can be made available to them.

Examiners have discretion on whether or not to hold an oral examination on a revised and resubmitted thesis, but will need to have regard to any statement they have made about this in their joint report on the original examination. When the revised thesis is dispatched to the examiners the Research Degrees Office will ask them to confirm whether a further oral examination is required. If so, the Research Degrees Office will inform the supervisor who will make the necessary arrangements.

thesis submission qmul

Student Handbook 2023/24

11. plagiarism and referencing.

Queen Mary defines plagiarism as: “Presenting someone else’s work as your own, irrespective of intention. Close paraphrasing, copying from the work of another person, including another student, using the ideas of another person without proper acknowledgement or repeating work you have previously submitted – at Queen Mary or at another institution - without properly referencing yourself (known as ‘self plagiarism’) also constitutes plagiarism.”

For further information on the policy click here:  Academic Misconduct 2023-24

Plagiarism is a serious offence and all students suspected of plagiarism will be subject to an investigation. If found guilty, penalties can include failure of the module to suspension or permanent withdrawal from Queen Mary. 

It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand plagiarism and how to avoid it. The recommendations below can help you in avoiding plagiarism.

  • Be sure to record your sources when taking notes, and to cite these if you use ideas or, especially, quotations from the original source. Be particularly careful if you are cutting and pasting information between two documents, and ensure that references are not lost in the process.
  • Be sensible in referencing ideas – commonly held views that are generally accepted do not always require acknowledgment to particular sources. However, it is best to be safe to avoid plagiarism.
  • Be particularly careful with quotations and paraphrasing. Quotations need to be recorded accurately, and references are required when paraphrasing someone else’s ideas.
  • Be aware that technology, such as Turnitin, is now available at Queen Mary and elsewhere that can automatically identify possible plagiarism.
  • Ensure that all works used are referenced appropriately in the text of your work and fully credited in your bibliography.
  • If in doubt, ask for further guidance from your module convenor, Programme of Study: Academic Coordinator or PG law tutors ( [email protected] )
  • There is an Academic Integrity course to assist you in understanding and avoiding plagiarism. Please see on the School of Law QMplus home page, under the section 'Important Links'

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  • Queen Mary University of London
  • New Students

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Queen Mary! You will need to complete enrolment in order to become a fully enrolled student. This page links to information that will explain the whole enrolment process to you from beginning to end. 

The Enrolment Process

The enrolment timeline, documents required for enrolment.

As part of Pre-Enrolment, you are required to upload certain documents that prove your identity and nationality . If you require immigration permission to study in the UK you need to upload this, too. Find out what documents are required from you.

Permission to Enrol - Visas and Immigration Permission

Enrolment and temporary enrolment deadlines, resolving temporary enrolment, collecting your id card, what you'll have access to after enrolment, distance learning programmes.

Any questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions for the quickest and easiest way to find the answers to your queries!

thesis submission qmul


  1. Thesis Submission Guideline

    thesis submission qmul

  2. Thesis submission and the viva

    thesis submission qmul

  3. Thesis Submission Tutorial

    thesis submission qmul

  4. Thesis Submission FAQ

    thesis submission qmul

  5. Master’s Thesis Submission Checklist

    thesis submission qmul

  6. Application For Thesis Submission

    thesis submission qmul


  1. Thesis Submission Be Like

  2. e thesis submission to central library

  3. Write your thesis Submission 2 Literature Review Method

  4. MDM690 Thesis Collaboration PLO

  5. #PhD #submission #research #researchscholar

  6. Ethical Guideline in Social Research


  1. Thesis submission and the viva

    Thesis submission. To submit your thesis for examination you must submit an electronic copy of the thesis to the Research Degrees Office in the approved format (a digital (PDF) file) by email to [email protected]. The email submitting the thesis must be received in the RDO by 23:59 hours on the thesis submission deadline.

  2. PDF Guidance Notes on the Submission, Presentation and Binding of Theses

    Thesis Presentation. 5. The thesis document filename should include the student's name, student ID number and name of school/institute. 6. Theses must be presented in a legible and clear form. Please see the section on 'Illustrative Material' for instructions on how to include such materials.

  3. Your Thesis at Queen Mary

    When you make your thesis available in QMRO the full text of your thesis will be publicly available on the internet. Most publishers allow you to make your thesis available online in this way, so it's unlikely to affect your ability to publish your research in the future, but some publishers may consider the publication of a thesis in an online repository as prior publication.

  4. Student Handbook 2023/24: Writing the Dissertation

    Formatting. There is no official style guide for the dissertation. However, we recommend you use a 12-point font in a common font style, double space the main text and use margins of at least 2 cm. Footnotes should be no smaller than 10 point, normally in the same font as the main text. Dissertation Submission.

  5. Student Handbook 2023/24: Dissertation

    Your submitted dissertation should have a top sheet which should include the following information only: Module number (i.e. SOLMxxx) Module Title. Final Word count. Student I.D number (this is not username lcxxx, check your MySiS or Student I.D card)

  6. Nomination of examiners and examination entry

    The submission of the thesis must take place up to twelve months after examination entry. After twelve months, ... Individuals who have retired from academic positions at Queen Mary University of London or another higher education institution may be appointed as internal or external examiners if they remain active in their field of research.

  7. Your thesis and copyright

    The thesis will be made available within QMUL's online theses repository, Queen Mary Research Online (QMRO) (https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/). The repository is non-commercial and openly available to all. I would be grateful if you could advise if this will be acceptable.'

  8. eTheses in QMRO

    If the answer to this is likely to be yes, you need to put in place a few provisions before you submit for examination. Your thesis will be made available online through the repository within about 6 months of your award. ... Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road London E1 4NS +44 (0) 20 7882 5555 Follow us: Edit Page ...

  9. Request an extension of your thesis submission date

    PGR Extension of Thesis Submission Form [XLS 133KB] Criteria: You may request an extension of up to one year if your studies are being affected by circumstances beyond your control. Extensions can be granted in periods of whole months. Extensions may be permitted for a number of reasons, including illness, maternity/paternity/adoption leave ...

  10. PDF research handbook 0907

    10 8 Submission and Examination 10 • writing-up 10 • requirements of a thesis 10 • academic offences 10 • entry for the examination 10 • the viva 11 • intellectual property rights ... Secretary to Council & Academic Secretary, email: [email protected] . Handbook for Research Students, September 2007 1 Introduction

  11. Student Handbook 2023/24: Submission of Assessments (Course essay/FAE

    Your final submission will be submitted into the Turnitin student database repository. You can make unlimited submission to the Final submission point until the deadline date/time. It is strongly recommended that you submit your work at least 30 minutes before the final deadline to ensure safe receipt.

  12. Theses

    Here you will find details of what the Queen Mary University of London Thesis collection consists of and how to access it. We also have guidance for authors on how to prepare your final thesis and how to deposit your thesis to the Library. If you have an enquiry relating to a theses awarded by Queen Mary University of London please contact Open ...

  13. Depositing your thesis

    The guidance document, Instructions for depositing theses with Queen Mary University of London Library Services, explains how to deposit your thesis (you need your QMUL username and password to access the instructions). When your thesis is deposited to the repository it will be made public so you must ensure you have permission to reproduce any ...

  14. Services

    QMUL Thesis. Please check with your course tutor on what type of thesis you need to submit and how many. You have spent hours preparing it and its time to present it so leave good time for the document to be produced. Softback thesis and book binding. Soft bound (Morgana) and wiro-bound thesis binding is available at the CopyShop.

  15. QMUL Thesis Template

    Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for QMUL Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in Queen Mary University of London author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 856 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal. SciSpace is a very innovative ...

  16. Student Handbook 2023/24: Late Submission Policy

    For every period of 24 hours or part thereof that an essay or dissertation is overdue, there shall be a deduction of 5% of the total marks available (i.e. 5 marks for an assessment marked out of 100). A late penalty may be revoked where a student provides good reason for the late submission under the extenuating circumstances policy.

  17. Forms and Guidance Notes

    If an examination entry was made before August 2021 and an Outcome Form is needed please contact [email protected]. PGR Presentation of Thesis Notes Apr 23 [PDF 122KB] - please read it carefully, before submitting your thesis. PGR Thesis Submission Form (RD02) [DOC 39KB] - to be completed and handed in at the time of thesis submission ...

  18. Thesis examination

    Once the thesis has been examined and passed by the Research and Research Training Committee, you have to submit a 'HDR Thesis Submission to Library Request' eForm accompanied by the final digital copy of the thesis. To submit, you must: Log in to eStudent; Click in the Forms tile; Search for the 'HDR Thesis Submission to Library Request'

  19. Submit your thesis

    When your thesis is complete and appropriately formatted, you must submit your thesis via the HDR Thesis Examination Portal. For more information view the instructions for submitting your thesis via the HDR Thesis Examination Portal [PDF 684KB]. Note for Master of Research (MRes) students: If your thesis is submitted late, you will be penalised ...

  20. Request permission to transfer to writing up status

    Transfer to writing up status is an academic progression point. In order to transfer to writing up status, a student is required to have completed all experimental work or collection of material related to his/her thesis and, in the judgement of the supervisor, be in a position to submit the thesis within 12 months.Schools and Institutes may stipulate additional requirements for approving ...

  21. Information for examiners of research degrees

    During the oral the examiners should seek to establish whether all the requirements for a thesis submitted for the relevant degree have been met (as set out in Chapter 8, pages 129-134) of the QMUL Academic Regulations 2023/24 and to establish that the thesis is genuinely the work of the candidate. If there is any doubt that the thesis is the ...

  22. PDF stacks.stanford.edu


  23. Student Handbook 2023/24: Plagiarism and Referencing

    Student Handbook 2023/24. 11. Plagiarism and Referencing. Queen Mary defines plagiarism as: "Presenting someone else's work as your own, irrespective of intention. Close paraphrasing, copying from the work of another person, including another student, using the ideas of another person without proper acknowledgement or repeating work you ...

  24. Enrolment

    The Enrolment Process. All enrolments will be completed online in a process that's been broken down into two stages. Please read our guidance on the enrolment process carefully - it explains everything you need to know about how you can become a fully enrolled student and includes lots of useful information and answers to your questions!