Grad Coach

FREE Templates, Examples & Resources đź“Ą

Research proposal template

Practical Examples

Research proposal example

Literature review example

Research methodology example

Research topic ideas & examples

Research question examples

Full dissertations & theses

Other Templates & Tools

Ultimate dissertation writing checklist

Research topic evaluation tool (Excel)

Literature review cataloguing tool (Excel)

Research paper template (Word)

APA 7 template

MLA 9 template

Tools & Templates - Frequently Asked Questions

Are these templates and tools really free.

Yes . These templates and tools form part of the many free resources we provide to students. There are no costs or contractual obligations.

If you’re looking for more dissertation and thesis-related information, be sure to visit our blog and YouTube channel for lots of free content.

Can I edit the templates?

Yes. The templates are provided in MS Word format (DOCX), so you can edit the files to suit your specific needs.

Can I share the templates?

You’re welcome to share these templates with your friends or colleagues in their original form via email or chat .

If you wish to wish to share the templates on your website or anywhere else on the public web, please link to this page instead .

Should I follow the templates verbatim?

The templates are based on standardized chapter structures, but the exact structure and layout required by your university may differ. Therefore, it’s always best to review the specific requirements of your university and program before settling on a structure.

What's the difference between the full template and the chapter templates?

The full dissertation/thesis template provides a high-level outline structure, whereas the individual chapter templates provide more detail.

If you’re just starting the writing process, the former could help you structure your outline document and get a feel for how it all fits together, whereas the latter (chapter-specific templates) can be used as you approach each chapter.

What if I need more help?

The PhD Proofreaders

PhD Coaching: A Personal Trainer For Your PhD

Get tailored phd support, build confidence and resilience, one session or ongoing support, the solution to poor supervision, do you need more focused phd supervision, we can help..

Do you wish you had more focused, targeted PhD supervision? Someone to brainstorm with, run ideas by and get advice from? Someone to keep you accountable?

You’re not alone.  We can help. 

With your very own PhD personal trainer, you’ll get the support and guidance you need. You’ll enjoy a  truly bespoke service, so whether you need an accountability partner, a writing coach, someone to check chapter outlines, or someone to offer intense supervision, we’ll help.

We’ll do whatever it takes to help you write more, worry less and graduate sooner.


“i feel like you truly operate to genuinely help students be successful in their research. my coach was thorough in their work and not only showed me the corrections but taught me to see the errors myself. their descriptions and clarifications taught me what to look for, helping me learn to become a better scholar. they made me realise how much more interesting and fun my project could have been had i had more guidance from the beginning. my only regret is that i did not reach out to you sooner.”, ben – john hopkins university, read more reviews ., offering the guidance and support you need to navigate your phd.

added value proofreading

Bespoke support for your PhD

The challenges you face are unique. That’s why we start with a free phone consultation, so you can tell us what’s holding you back and we can explain how we’ll help. Together, we’ll design a programme that matches your needs. Arrange your free, no-obligation phone consultation now.

A dedicated PhD expert on your side

We’re the experts in planning, structuring and writing PhDs and we’ve all been where you are. That means you’ll be getting the right support from people who understand the pressure you’re under and know exactly what’s required. 

how to write fieldnotes

The support you've been dreaming of

The programme we’ll design with you will address all of the challenges you face. If necessary, we’ll provide feedback on written work, provide video or phone based coaching, offer check-in accountability sessions or offer email support. Every programme is different, but each one is designed to maximise your results.  

Structured discussions that'll boost your progress

Most of our support will come through video or phone-based coaching, during which we’ll offer you the kind of support a great supervisor should offer. We’ll challenge you, make you think, teach you and provide you with all the resources you need to overcome your PhD hurdles. 

thesis writing coach

A flexible programme geared towards success

Everything we do is directed at teaching you the skills you need to progress more quickly and confidently through your PhD. It’s entirely on your terms, and built around your needs.

We can offer once-off support, or arrange an ongoing relationship. 

Support for every stage of the PhD journey   

Our PhD personal training is bespoke, so you get support for the issues you face. During your free, no-obligation phone consultation you’ll get the chance to talk through your problems and we can design a programme to suit you.

Our typical programmes include many of the following:

Help developing chapter outlines

Feedback on draft chapters, advice on how to structure chapters, coaching on stress and anxiety, coaching to improve your writing, accountability partnerships, checking post-viva corrections, help create research proposals, meet professor jane creaton – your phd coach.

Picture of Professor Jane Creaton

Professor Jane Creaton

Think of me as a personal trainer for your PhD marathon. I’m here to guide you, coach you, keep you accountable and help you cross the finish line. I’ll challenge you, motivate you and make sure you’re going in the right direction.

I am Emeritus Professor of Higher Education at the University of Portsmouth, and have researched and published on professional doctorates and the mental health and wellbeing of postgraduate researcher students. I was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2019 for my work on doctoral education, and have worked with hundreds of doctoral students through workshops, writing retreats and one-to-one coaching and mentoring sessions.

My experience tells me that, with my encouragement, you’ll grow in confidence as you reach each milestone on the path to completing your PhD.

The service I offer is flexible and personalised. That means two things. First, there are no minimum contracts and there are no set hours per week. You can have as many sessions as you want, and for as long and often as you like. You’re also free to end the sessions whenever you want to – you’re not locked in.

Second, the service addresses your pain points and your current struggles. Each PhD student has different needs, so I’ll listen carefully to what yours are and then provide the guidance to overcome them. You may have read many general self-help books, but I’m offering personal, customised support.

The initial step is an introductory Zoom call, which often lasts about 30 minutes. However, the first 15 minutes are complimentary, so if we talk for 30 minutes, you’ll only pay for 15. During that call, I’ll explain my background and approach to coaching. You’ll have a chance to let me know what your expectations and hopes are and what challenges you’re facing, and we can make a plan for future sessions. The length and frequency of meetings will be up to you, with your budget in mind. Some clients like shorter but more frequent calls, whereas others prefer longer working sessions. We can discuss options, but you choose. Scroll down to share some info and book onto a call. 


“i originally reached out to the phd proofreaders team after learning i would need to retake my comprehensive exam course. i knew the second time around i needed more support and someone who paid close attention to detail. after coming across the phd proofreaders during my search, i submitted a formal inquiry and received almost an immediate response. max reached out to me and inquired about my needs. he assigned me to someone he believed would best meet my needs. i am extremely grateful for max’s discernment that day as he paired me with an amazing writing coach…i look forward to a continued relationship with the phd proofreaders as they have given me the honesty, kindness, support, and tools to succeed thank you so much for supporting me during this journey”, “the phd proofreaders have saved my life….the last few weeks i have been under so much pressure with phd deadlines and elizabeth was there for me every step of the way. the zoom calls were fun and the feedback on my writing was just what i needed to motivate and inspire me. thank you for your kindness, your patience, for believing in me and for giving me the confidence to get my work done.”.

Your first 15 minutes are free. After that, we charge two rates:

 Organise your free intro session today…

To get started, please fill out the form below. This is your chance to let us know more about you, your PhD, and your pain points. All of your information is treated confidentially and you’re not committing to anything at this stage. Once you’ve submitted the form, we’ll be in touch to book your free intro session.

Your name Your email What country are you in? Your time zone Where are you in your PhD journey?

What is your field of study?

Please summarise your topic in a few sentences

How would you rate yourself as a doctoral candidate? 1 (lost and stuck) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (accomplished & successful) How would you rate the quality of your supervision? 1 (unsupportive & unavailable) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (very supportive & always available) What are the pain points that are causing you to struggle with your thesis, and with the doctoral journey in general?

Why are you looking into coaching, and what is your end goal?

What upcoming dates and deadlines need to be considered?

The Dissertation Coach LOGO

How to Hire a Dissertation Coach

August 13, 2022

One woman discussing with another on how to hire a Dissertation Coach.


So, you’ve decided to hire a dissertation coach. Now that you’ve made this decision, you may be nervous and overwhelmed. It’s okay. That’s normal. A dissertation is an enormous endeavor. If you’ve decided to hire a coach, you’re going to want to find someone who fits you and provides legitimate services. Right now, if you google dissertation coach, you will get 8,170,000 results. That’s a lot of  information to sift through.

To help you navigate this earliest stage of hiring a dissertation coach, we’ve put together a list of things to consider. Searching for help with your dissertation doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. You just need to figure out what you want and whether or not a potential coach can provide it.

Things to Consider when You Hire a Dissertation Coach

Know what you are looking for.

In general, dissertation assistance breaks down into a few categories, and not all are the same. Typically, dissertation coaches help you manage the behavioral aspects of writing a dissertation, such as time management and dealing with writing blocks. Dissertation consultants, on the other hand, tend to help with the content of the dissertation. They may help you shore up your statistical knowledge or respond to your adviser’s feedback. Dissertation consultants often work with you at key developmental stages, like evaluating the soundness of your research plan, or helping you to edit down a lengthy document.

At The Dissertation Coach, we make a distinction between coaching and consulting. Our coaches assist students with goal setting, task management and navigating thorny issues with their advisers and committees. We help students deal with common challenges like impostor syndrome, procrastination, and overcoming perfectionism. Our consultants help explain the differences in statistical approaches, help students make sense of the data they’ve collected, and intervene at various stages of the writing process. Other companies don’t make this distinction, so be sure you know what you need and can articulate it to the person you’re hiring. Some companies use the word “coach” to mean both services and others incorporate coaching within consulting. So, make sure you clarify exactly what services you’ll get when you start working with someone.

Know who is in Charge

Make sure that there is a caring person in charge. It’s fine if there is a team of consultants and coaches, but if there is no clear leader of that team, it can be difficult to determine who will take responsibility for the work. You may want to google several of the members of the team to make sure they are reputable and that one of them will be a good fit for you.

Conversely, if the company only consists of one individual who provides services, you may want to consider what will happen if that person suddenly has an emergency and cannot help you. Are there backup people? How will that person handle it if they go on vacation or get sick? Will you be left without assistance for a substantial period of time?

Look for a Professional Presence

As with any service, look at the way that the company presents itself. Is the website generally well designed and easy to navigate? Are the photos professional and is the text readable? And are there photos of the team members with bios so that you know who they are? Are there typos or any other tip offs that maybe the company hasn’t paid as much attention to detail as they should, particularly since they’re positioning themselves to help you with a very difficult, detail-oriented project?

Look for a good track record

Are there testimonials on the website? If not, can the company’s owner put you in touch with at least three former clients who will vouch for the work that the coach or consultant has done? Who recommends this person? How long has the company existed? There are dissertation coaches who have been helping students since the 1990s, and others who run startups and have less than two years of experience. As long as there are significant testimonials, even if the company is brand new, it might still be a good fit, but it’s important to know what kind of track record and history the company has.

Make Sure the Company Operates Ethically

Neither dissertation coaching nor dissertation consulting is ghostwriting. If a coach offers to write your dissertation for you, run. Unfortunately, because almost anyone can say they’re a dissertation coach, it is easy to run into scammers. These people are unethical and will, usually for a very large fee, write dissertations or other academic work for their clients. This is a clear ethical violation and an obvious transgression of academic honesty. Before you hire a dissertation coach or consultant, ask what specifically they will do. If they do developmental editing, make sure your program allows this (some encourage it while others do not), and be clear on the ethical boundaries of what the consultant can do. Usually getting feedback and suggestions is fine, but if they are rewriting whole passages, that is not. Make sure you are on the same page, both with the person you hire, and with the academic integrity policies of your university.

Only Hire Companies that Offer a Free Consultation

Some companies want people to pay thousands of dollars up front without getting a chance to interview their coach or consultant. We advise against this. We tell all our prospective clients we want them to find the best fit whether they choose us or someone else. Don’t pay too much money up front, and definitely not to a person who isn’t going to be your coach.

Hire the Dissertation Coach Who is Right for You

Whether you are looking for a coach or consultant, it’s important that the person you hire has the emotional intelligence, experience, and bandwidth to assist you. Even the most experienced coach or consultant will not be a good fit if they are not available when you are or if their style of working with people clashes with your needs.

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About Caroline

Caroline’s career spans more than 35 years during which she enjoyed a successful 20-year career in stockbroking, almost entirely in information technology and project management. During preparation for her own thesis, for which she achieved distinction Caroline became aware of the significant failure rate plus high stress related to deadline extensions, experienced by those writing a thesis.

Corporate career 20+ years Project management

Retail Hospitality Real estate

Psychology Honours (2012) Addiction care (2015) Masters in philosophy (2017)

Since 2018 130+ students 1300+ hours

Published June 2022

Wife Mother

In pursuit of a long-term teaching vocation, The Thesis Coach was formed as a business for academic performance coaching. It offers, through a unique methodology, individual mentoring, coaching and support for interested, ambitious students. Caroline developed The Dale Method from proven management techniques; several tertiary qualifications in psychology and evidenced based coaching theory.

Caroline’s commitment to improving her methodology to stay abreast of current theories and her natural interest in the science of human behaviour keep her inspired. She is also dedicated to health and wellness supported by a focus on good nutrition and daily walking.

Caroline holds a BA Hons Psychology (Unisa), BA Psychology (cum laude) (Unisa), PGDip Addiction Care (Stellenbosch), and an MPhil Management Coaching from the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

Submitting a good thesis is difficult but not impossible. Personally, I was unable to find a practical, useful methodology to guide me along my way. So, I created my own.

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Graduate Writing Center

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Workshops help you blossom

Sign up now for live spring workshops. Learn proven writing and research techniques from GWC coaches and DKL Librarians.

Take a seat at a  GWC write-in ! Work alongside peers and encourage each other as you meet your writing goals. Held every Friday in Herrmann Hall's Executive Briefing Center and via Zoom, 1000–1430.

What kinds of assistance do writing coaches provide? How do I make an appointment? Learn about the logistics of the coaching process  and how GWC coaching can work for you!

For some basic re-training in grammar and punctuation, try our  writing mechanics modules , with fun quizzes to test comprehension and awareness.

The GWC is located on the first floor of Dudley Knox Library on the NPS campus.

thesis writing coach

The GWC helps NPS students develop writing and critical thinking skills for success in graduate school and as military and civilian leaders.

Have questions? Reach us at (831) 656-3682 or [email protected] .

Please share your experiences with the GWC:

Give Feedback

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Writing Coaching

Face-to-face coaching, asynchronous online coaching, online tips and tools, writing coaches regularly help students with:.

  • Getting Started: Review your assignment, brainstorm, organize your ideas, and start writing!
  • Clarity: Get a coach’s reactions and feedback.
  • Making your case: Learn to incorporate evidence, write an effective thesis statement, and test the strength of your argument.
  • Different kinds of writing: Find out how to write for different courses, contexts, and audiences.
  • Revision Strategies: Write a reverse outline, highlight your paper in a color-coding technique, or even take scissors to your draft to identify opportunities for revision.
  • Flow: Make your sentences, paragraphs, and overall organization easier for readers to follow.
  • Citation, Style, and Sentence-Level Concerns: Experiment with new proofreading strategies, consult resources on citation and usage, and discuss grammar and punctuation questions.

Take an inside look at the Writing Center: How Writing Coaching supports students

The Writing Center makes an effort to make sure every student is comfortable. Katharine Shriver


  • College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning
  • Core Learning
  • Writing Coaches

English Language Support Programmes


Having trouble with academic writing? Get help from our writing coaches!

Our SUSS Writing Coaches Programme aims to provide all SUSS students with individualised one-to-one coaching on academic writing. Our coaches are trained in TESOL/English language teaching.

Our Writing Coaches will help you to:

  • Understand assignment instructions
  • Understand expectations of academic writing such as the style, tone, organization and language appropriate for academic audiences and purpose
  • Use sources, citations, quotations and paraphrases
  • Go through previously marked assignments to better understand the areas in which improvement is needed
  • Provide one-time feedback for improvement on a portion of a draft of an assignment to be submitted (i.e., not more than 10% of the total word count of the assignment; coaches will not provide feedback on subsequent drafts.)
  • Learn techniques involved in different parts of the writing process and for improving the style, tone, organisation, cohesion, coherence, grammar and mechanics
  • Identify areas that need improvement
  • Uphold high standards of academic integrity

Writing Coaches Schedule

Coaching/consultation window:   17 Jan 2024  to  05 Apr  2024 . 

Note:  Coaching/consultation is not available on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays (including the eve of Chinese New Year).

Guidelines for Requesting Writing Coaches

Note:  All appointments are e-Coaching slots only.

If you encounter issues with the Book Now button, please click  here .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

No, the coaching is for previously marked assignments or for a portion of the draft of an assignment * .

* For unmarked essay draft of TMAs in SDE101, SDE102 and SDE105 , our writing coaches will only be able to advise on citations and referencing and generic directions on how to answer an essay question.

You are encouraged to upload documents (e.g., assignment instructions, a previously marked assignment, a portion of a draft which is not more than 10% of the total word count of the assignment) when you book a slot.

You will find a link to cancel your appointment in the confirmation email that is sent to you. Please cancel your appointment well in advance if you know that you will not be able to attend.

Do note that repeated cancellations / no-shows without proper justification(s) may result in an ineligibility to book subsequent Writing Coaching Session(s). We encourage you to plan your schedule ahead and book responsibly.

Get In Touch

For more information about the English Language Support Programmes, drop us an email at [email protected].

*Please select at least 1 field

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    1:1 Dissertation & Thesis Coaching. Get your own dedicated coach to provide you with plain-language, actionable advice, direction and feedback, every step of the way. Enjoy hands-on dissertation help from start to finish - from developing a strong research topic and research proposal to crafting a comprehensive literature review and producing ...

  2. How To Write A Dissertation Or Thesis

    Craft a convincing dissertation or thesis research proposal. Write a clear, compelling introduction chapter. Undertake a thorough review of the existing research and write up a literature review. Undertake your own research. Present and interpret your findings. Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications.

  3. Expert Dissertation & Thesis Services

    Contact Us. 910.250.8767. The Dissertation Coach: Expert help for graduate students since 2000. Get one-on-one support to finish your dissertation or thesis.

  4. Dissertation & Thesis Coaching to Help You Finish Once & For All

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  5. Our Team

    Kathryn Peterson, PhD. Dissertation Coach, Faculty Coach, and Consultant. PhD in Creative Writing and Literature. University of Houston. Kathryn's Bio.

  6. Townsend Writing Coaching

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  8. The Coaching Process

    The Coaching Process. One of the best ways to improve your writing is to receive regular constructive feedback. GWC coaches assist with any type of assignment, from short papers to dissertations, and can help you face to face or via email. Coaches have the training and experience to help you organize your ideas, structure an argument ...

  9. Grad Coach

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  10. Coaching

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  11. Free Dissertation & Thesis Templates

    The full dissertation/thesis template provides a high-level outline structure, whereas the individual chapter templates provide more detail. If you're just starting the writing process, the former could help you structure your outline document and get a feel for how it all fits together, whereas the latter (chapter-specific templates) can be used as you approach each chapter.

  12. PhD Coaching To Help You Structure Your PhD

    Structured discussions that'll boost your progress. Most of our support will come through video or phone-based coaching, during which we'll offer you the kind of support a great supervisor should offer. We'll challenge you, make you think, teach you and provide you with all the resources you need to overcome your PhD hurdles.

  13. How to Hire a Dissertation Coach

    Typically, dissertation coaches help you manage the behavioral aspects of writing a dissertation, such as time management and dealing with writing blocks. Dissertation consultants, on the other hand, tend to help with the content of the dissertation. They may help you shore up your statistical knowledge or respond to your adviser's feedback.

  14. The Thesis Coach

    Buy the Book. This book is an engaging and MUST read for anyone involved in writing research proposals and thesis writing. It is more than an indispensable step by step guide - it is energising, empathetic, motivational and authentic in navigating thesis writers through the very real emotional complexities that inevitably pop up during the ...

  15. Dissertation Structure & Layout 101: How To Structure Your Dissertation

    Learn exactly how to structure your dissertation, thesis or research project for maximum impact (and high marks!). We explain the 8 core sections of a typica...

  16. About Caroline

    The Thesis Coach. In pursuit of a long-term teaching vocation, The Thesis Coach was formed as a business for academic performance coaching. It offers, through a unique methodology, individual mentoring, coaching and support for interested, ambitious students. Caroline developed The Dale Method from proven management techniques; several tertiary ...

  17. Home

    The GWC helps NPS students develop writing and critical thinking skills for success in graduate school and as military and civilian leaders. Have questions? Reach us at (831) 656-3682 or [email protected]. Please share your experiences with the GWC: Give Feedback.

  18. Writing Coaching

    Every writer needs a reader. The Writing Center's coaches serve as friendly, highly-trained readers for all kinds of writing projects. Meet one-on-one with a writing coach or submit a draft to our online coaching service to get feedback on your writing, try out some new strategies, and explore resources. Our coaches can help you at any stage ...

  19. How To Write A Dissertation Or Thesis

    Learn how to write a high-quality dissertation or thesis in 8 straightforward steps. We explain the dissertation writing process from start to finish in plai...

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    Learn how to craft a top-notch dissertation introduction or thesis introduction in 7 easy steps. We explain how to develop a high-quality introduction chapte...

  21. Writing Coaches

    Our SUSS Writing Coaches Programme aims to provide all SUSS students with individualised one-to-one coaching on academic writing. Our coaches are trained in TESOL/English language teaching. Our Writing Coaches will help you to: Understand assignment instructions. Understand expectations of academic writing such as the style, tone, organization ...