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how to write a good youtube script

How To Write A YouTube Script (+ Free Template)

Roll the credits. 🎬

ICYMI: YouTube is the second largest search engine platform in the world.

And with so much content being uploaded every day, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd.

Enter: YouTube scripts. 

With the help of a YouTube script, you can create videos that'll hook your audience, keep them engaged, and get your channel noticed.

Whether you’re a small business owner or creator, we’re sharing how to write a YouTube script (+ a free template) in this guide, below.

Table of Contents

What is a youtube script, why should you write youtube scripts, how to write a youtube script in 5 easy steps.

A YouTube script is essentially the written framework for your video.

It will outline specific dialog, visual cues, and call-to-actions (CTAs) to hit so that you stay on-topic while also keeping viewers engaged. 

In a nutshell, YouTube scripts are a key component to creating high-quality video content.

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Come shoot day, it can be easy to get sidetracked while filming, especially if you have a ton of talking points.

With a YouTube script, you can stay on track, hit your cues, and reference important CTAs.

Writing your script ahead of time also gives on-screen talent the flexibility to play around with multiple takes when they’ve fumbled their words or need to adjust their tone to be more serious or playful. 

Plus, if you work with a video editor, it gives them more options in post-production.  

“Having a script in advance helps when planning out graphics, visual elements, and the video's pacing. It makes editing a lot more streamlined,” shares David Balista, Later’s in-house Video Editor.

"Plus, with scripts, you can reduce the amount of feedback you'll need as we'll have a document to refer back to when considering certain cuts, transitions, or where to insert b-roll," he adds.

Translation: YouTube scripts are a no-brainer when it comes to keeping teams organized during the video production process.

Ready to take your YouTube videos to the next level? Download our free YouTube video script template to keep your audience engaged and get your channel noticed. 👀

You don't need to be a professional write to create an effective YouTube script.

Here's how to do it in five easy steps (tried-and-tested by Later's social team):

Step #1: Ready, Set, Brainstorm

The topic you discuss in your video will form the base of your outline. 

So, it’s a good idea to map out a list of 5-10 topics that are relevant to your niche.

If you’re not sure where to start, try using these questions as prompts: 

What are some frequently asked questions that you could turn into a tutorial? 

What are some common myths in your industry? 

Could you add your perspective to any industry news or recent changes?

From there, establish the relevancy of those topics through keyword research and analysis.

This is key to determining the popularity and discoverability of your topic — the higher your keywords rank, the more likely your videos will perform. 

Just keep in mind, viewers can sense when you’re not genuinely interested in a topic, so it’s best to pick one that’s authentic to your brand, and not just a high-ranking keyword.  

TIP: If you're in a brainstorming rut, consider referencing your content pillars for some inspiration. Watch this 6-minute video to learn how.

Step #2: Build Your Outline 

Once you’ve nailed down your topic, it’s time to create your outline.

This is where you’ll break down your topic into sections.

If you’re basing your YouTube script off a blog post, we recommend using similar headlines to guide what your sections will be.

However, if you’re starting from scratch, you’ll want to stick to this formula:

Grab Attention: Hook your audience through a question, a pain point, an interesting fact, or a personal story.

Introduction: Introduce what you’ll be sharing in this video.

Main Headlines: Break your topic down into digestible sections with clear examples and explanations.

Throughout these sections, include visual elements that'll help illustrate your points like pop-up text, screenshots, b-roll, and transitions.

TIP: Once your video is uploaded to YouTube, you can convert these headlines into clickable timestamps in your video description (see this Later video as an example).

Conclusion: Sum up your video a short and sweet CTA, like subscribing to your channel, following you on Instagram, or clicking the link in your description.

Step #3: Write Your Script

Before you start writing, establish who will be speaking on camera. 

This will help determine the tone of the YouTube script — including how they converse naturally and any nuances that come with their personal expertise. 

Once that’s done and dusted, what software should you use to write your script? It depends!

Here at Later, our team uses Google Sheets to map out our YouTube scripts.

Why? Each line of text can be separated into its own row, making it easy to indicate where visual elements and CTAs should appear:

how to write a good youtube script

Keep in mind, most teleprompter apps and software like Speakflow will require a CSV format of your text in order to automatically upload.

Alternatively, we recommend CapCut’s in-app teleprompter, which requires manual transcription to use the feature.

Once you've decided what format your script will live in, it's time to start expanding on your outline:

Keep It Short: Go into as much detail as possible using the fewest words. For your introduction, viewers want to know what they're about to learn and how you're going to help them. For your main points, avoid rambling or unnecessary filler words.

Again, Short: On the Later YouTube channel , we've found that our most engaging videos are between two to three minutes in length. However, it's worth experimenting to see if longer-form video resonates with your key audience.

TIP: To figure out how many minutes your YouTube video will be based on your script’s word count, we follow a 150 words = 1 minute of speech rule.

Step #4: Map Out Visuals 

In the outline stage, you may have started identifying where your visual elements were going to appear. 

Here, we recommend finalizing those elements along with the copy for your text pop-ups (make a note in whichever template or software you use to write your script — see step #3).

Visuals can include charts, graphics, GIFs, or screen recordings that'll help illustrate your points.

Step #5: Edit, Edit, Edit

In this step, you'll trim and simplify your YouTube script. 

Reading your script aloud will help you get a sense of the natural flow of your dialogue.

Trust us, if it’s too choppy or over-complicated, you’ll hear it.

Doing a verbal run-through of your script will also help you reduce any filler words that are taking up time.

Lastly, get a fresh set of eyes on your script by getting a colleague to review it for final approval. 

And there you have it — every step you need to write your next YouTube script. 

With so much content on YouTube, writing scripts can be your ticket to creating valuable content that'll keep your audience coming back for more.  

Make every second count. Download our YouTube script template to turn visitors into loyal subscribers today — for free. 

Chantal Hermetz

Chantal is Later’s Social Media Specialist and based in Toronto. Passionate about all things social ( especially TikTok ), her experience includes content creation, influencer partnerships, and digital storytelling. Outside of work, you can find Chantal in new cafes, biking around the city, and perfecting her Pinterest boards.

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

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Table of contents

how to write a good youtube script

Chelsea Forsyth

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, with more than two billion active users and over 122 million visitors every day.

But with 720,000 hours of video uploaded daily to YouTube, it’s getting harder to cut through the noise. Without taking certain steps, your video can easily end up at the bottom of the pile, failing to make an impact. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to get the right eyes on your content.

We are going to get into the nitty gritty of building a successful YouTube channel, but it all starts with a winning script template.

If you just want the script - get it below. We suggest you don't stop there, but continue and check all the boxes needed to start your channel.

how to write a good youtube script

YouTube script template

Youtube Script

Download our FREE YouTube script template

* Note - This template was used by Wordtune's director of content to grow his channel to 300K subscribers, back in the days when he worked at Elementor. Now he uses the same strategy to grow Wordtune's channel.

how to write a good youtube script

Getting your video noticed on YouTube starts with understanding how to write a YouTube script. A script helps you to stay on topic, visualize what your content will look like, and makes for a better video all around. Here's how to get started.

Why create a script for YouTube videos?

Most importantly, it saves you time. Having a plan for what you will say in your video will reduce your chances of wandering off-topic when filming and save you sifting through heaps of raw footage while editing. By writing a script, you’re able to stay focused, organize your thoughts, and prepare short, snappy, and engaging content. 

Write better YouTube scripts with AI > Write better YouTube scripts with AI >

When creating a YouTube script, keep in mind that the level of detail should be appropriate for your objectives. If you’re hoping to create short-form content, you will want to keep details minimal. Focus on the big picture and invite readers to learn more through other content distribution channels, like your blog.

However, if you want to create long-form content, you will want to spend more time organizing your content into relevant sections and deciding which details are most important to include.

Your script should simply outline the main points you want to cover. It should be specific enough to keep you on track while filming, yet flexible enough to allow for ad-libs and your own unique style to shine through. 

How to get started with your script

While this step can also be completed after writing your script, deciding on a title beforehand can help direct what you will include in your video.

There are three main things to consider before writing your script:

1. Your target audience

Who are you creating your video for? What question or problem are you hoping to solve for them?

Find My Audience by Google is one useful tool for answering these questions. It lets you search for audiences by interests (known as “Affinities”), like “Lifestyles & Hobbies”, and then drill down into the details. You can choose from categories like “Fashionistas”, “Green Living Enthusiasts”, or “Pet Lovers” to find out which videos this demographic is watching and what other audiences they’re likely to be a part of. 

Knowing details like this and identifying your target audience upfront allows you to then cater your script accordingly, both in terms of what you cover and what tone you use. 

2. Your keywords

In order for your content to show up in users’ search results, you need to identify specific keywords and include them in the title and description of your video. There are many tools for keyword research, including Google Keyword Planner , Also Ask , and YouTube's auto-suggest feature. For the latter, simply start typing your proposed title or general topic into the search bar, and YouTube's algorithm will suggest relevant queries containing your keywords. These are actual questions that YouTube users are searching for, so this should provide you with plenty of inspiration for both your title and script content.

3. Your video title

Crafting a strong title will help to draw viewers’ attention and entice them into clicking on your video. And without a strong title, your video will be less likely to gain traction. 

Focus your title around one of your keywords, and aim for around 60-70 characters to ensure that it displays clearly on the majority of devices.

how to write a good youtube script

Writing your script

It’s time to start writing your YouTube script. Here’s how to plan and lay out your script. We've added a free script template at the end of this article to help you out.

Your hook is what draws viewers in. Though it may seem like just one small part of your video, the first 10 to 15 seconds are critical. This is your one and only chance to convince viewers to stick around.

A good hook will be entertaining, emotional, and/or informative. If viewers stay, how will they be rewarded? What do they gain by watching? What does your video have to offer? Even just hinting at these outcomes can be captivating.

For example, you can summarize your title and what they’re going to learn:

  • “ In this video, you’re going to learn how to write an amazing YouTube script in five easy steps.”  
  • “ By the end of this video, you’ll know how to get more views on your YouTube videos.”
  • “In the next ten minutes, you’re going to learn how to write a viral YouTube script in five simple steps.”

Or, you can ask them a question to connect with them:

  • “ Have you ever felt like no-one watches your YouTube videos?” 
  • “ Want to find out how to get more people watching your YouTube channel?”
  • “Is this you? You spend ages recording video content, only to have a handful of people watch it?”
  • “Fed up getting no views on your YouTube content? Watching this video will solve that problem.”

Once the hook has been established, it should be followed by an introduction. The goal here is to introduce yourself, highlight the key points of your video, and explain to your viewers how they stand to benefit from watching it. 

It's also a good idea to preview a tip that you'll discuss later in the video – but keep it brief.

Now it’s time for the main event: writing the bulk of your script. 

Although this will naturally be the longest part, try to keep it concise so your audience stays engaged. While the length of your video will very much depend on the content covered, Wistia recommends that you aim for a run-time of two minutes for short videos and between six and 12 minutes for longer content. Keep this in mind as you write.To ensure your body flows and is structured properly, you can follow this simple formula :

  • Introduce between three and five key points
  • Outline and elaborate on each point, using analogies and examples if possible
  • Complete the body by summarizing what you’ve just shared, to highlight the value delivered

Wordtune has a few helpful tools that can help with this part of your script. Wordtune Spices , for example, can produce clever analogies , impactful examples and thought-provoking counterarguments for any subject. Likewise, you can use the Wordtune editor to shorten passages and make them more concise.

Wordtune Spices' "Counterargument" feature

Above all else, keep your target audience in mind. What are they looking to find out? How are you answering their questions? If you have decided on a video title, this might also guide you. Equally, you may find that writing the script first will help you generate the perfect title. Allow yourself to be flexible and find out what works best for you.

No matter which order you decide on, be sure you follow through on what you promise in the title.  

By the end of this section, your viewer should feel like they’ve learned something, or that they can take action on the information you have provided. If you can provide this, they'll be more likely to engage with more of your content in the future.

The Call to Action 

In the conclusion of your script, you should summarize your video's main points and include a small request of your viewers  – also known as your call to action (CTA). 

On YouTube, viewers are usually asked to like the video and subscribe to the creator’s channel. Another common strategy is to ask a question and encourage viewers to leave their answer in the comments. You can also ask your viewers to share your video, visit your website, or subscribe to your mailing list. Finally, you can direct them to other content on your YouTube channel.

how to write a good youtube script

Reviewing your script

Before you hit record, it’s time to review your script and make sure it’s going to result in a top-quality video.

Practice going through your script a few times to ensure it flows well and that you can confidently improvise if you’ve left yourself space to do so. This will also give you an idea of how long it will be once recorded. If it’s too long or too short for your target audience, either adjust your speed or add or remove content. 

You may also want to ask someone else to read it and offer feedback. Does it cover all the key points you set out to discuss? Do they have suggestions of anything else to include? 

Finally, be sure to paste your script into Wordtune . This will help you to avoid repetition, rephrase any awkward sentences , and ensure there are no errors in grammar or tone.

Tips for writing a great script

Engaging scripts help you communicate effectively with your audience. Make sure to keep your target audience in mind as you write, ensuring you’re offering something of value.

Keep your script conversational and use short, simple sentences and language to avoid overwhelming your visitors. Check your tone and read aloud what you've written often so you can ensure it feels natural. And don’t be afraid to add a little humor to spice things up!

Use the present tense when writing, and use active voice rather than passive voice throughout. To keep your viewers focussed and engaged, you might also consider incorporating pattern interruptions into your script. These help keep viewers engaged by subtly playing off their expectations.Remember, your script doesn’t have to say everything. The goal is to encourage viewers to explore your offering further. You can do this by referencing other videos on your channel within your script or by ensuring your CTA directs viewers to your website, blog, or newsletter.

If you're having trouble getting started, we've created this handy template to help you out:

Here’s how to plan and lay out your script. Simply follow the steps and replace the example text in each section with your own.

  • Your hook is what draws your viewers in 
  • This should be within the first 10-15 seconds of your video
  • Make it entertaining, emotional, or informative (or all three!)
  • Explain what you’ll reward your viewer with if they stick around, or what problem you’ll solve

Write your hook here:

E.g. In this video, you’re going to learn how to write a viral YouTube script in five easy steps.

  • Introduce yourself
  • Highlight the key points of your video
  • Explain to your viewers what they will gain from watching it
  • You can also preview a tip that you'll discuss later in the video

E.g. I’m Jane Smith, content creator and YouTube expert. If you’re looking to make viral video content by understanding how to write awesome scripts, keep watching for five easy tips that will level-up your scriptwriting and transform your channel.

  • Use the title of your video to determine what to cover in your script
  • Cover 3-5 key points, listing the main points to discuss

E.g. Step number one is to decide on a killer title for your video.

A strong title will draw viewers’ attention and entice them to click on your video. Your content might be amazing, but if your title is awful, no one will be watching it!

You can come up with a great title by…

The Call to Action 

  • Summarize the key takeaways from your video
  • Include a small ask of your viewers, also known as your CTA
  • Mention any relevant links or references to other videos on your channel 

While a snappy title, an intriguing thumbnail, and a tempting description will help get you noticed, it’s your video’s content that makes your viewer stick around. Savvy scriptwriting is your key to success. 

Invest time into planning and writing your video script, using Wordtune features like "Analogy", "Example" and "Counterargument" to help you craft a compelling story. Read your script aloud to others and pay close attention to how it flows and how long it takes. Following these tips will help you attract a loyal audience that actively engages with your content and drives results for your channel.

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How to Write a YouTube Script: Step-by-Step Guide [2024]

Updated on November 27, 2023

9 min to read

how to write a good youtube script

Content Writer

Content Marketing

Social Media

Published November 27, 2023

How to Write a YouTube Script: Step-by-Step Guide [2024]

Learning how to write a YouTube Script has never been easier.

Believe it or not, so much goes into creating amazing YouTube videos—and it all starts with a great script.

After all, it takes more than pointing a camera and shooting to take your clients’ YouTube channels from zero to hero.

Before you start shooting, you need a YouTube script to plan your clients’ videos, from the layout to the storyline.

That’s what this guide is all about.

We’re pulling the curtain on the tips and steps to write winning YouTube scripts and create compelling content that boosts your clients’ audience engagement and channel subscriptions.

Let’s jump into it.

Table of contents

What you will learn, what is a youtube script, why write a youtube video script, 4 steps to write a youtube script, 7 tips to write a youtube script , publish youtube videos seamlessly with vista social, faqs on writing a youtube script, write a youtube script to create engaging videos.

Generally, a YouTube script is a written outline for your clients’ videos.

The script includes the visual cues, specific dialog, and Calls-to-Action (CTAs) in your clients’ videos.

A YouTube script is crucial to ensure a clear structure and focus for target audiences to follow, enticing viewers to watch to the end.

It can simplify planning and executing your video production process. 

Putting everything on paper before creating your clients’ videos has the following perks.

  • Give your storytelling a glow-up . With a killer YouTube script, you can get rid of those awkward Hellos, long pauses, and filler words. You can nail the video’s narrative and tell the story like a pro.
  • Organize the storyline easily . Organize those thoughts and have a superhero script on hand so your clients can translate them easily on camera.
  • Keep everything consistent . Writing video scripts helps your clients’ YouTube videos hit that sweet spot when everything from the dialogue and sound effects to the visuals is doing the perfect tango.
  • Save time and energy . Planning and creating your clients’ videos can be a breeze with a YouTube script.

Essentially, you need a script to ensure you create top-quality, engaging content for viewers, especially if you monetize YouTube videos .  

Start writing scripts with these time-tested tips.

1. Come up with a main idea or title

The video title or main idea is your script’s jumping-off point.

Identifying this from the get-go guides your scriptwriting.

It keeps you on the topic while ensuring your client’s video turns heads and provides audiences with the information they want or need.

Start by including the keywords in the title.

For example, if your content idea is about making exotic street food at home, your client’s video title can be “Street Food Adventure: Exotic Eats Right From Your Kitchen.”

You can also get inspiration from other creators and YouTube Shorts ideas .

Remember, don’t copy another creator’s YouTube script, or your clients could face potential copyright violations.

Get ideas and build from that.

2. Determine your target audience 

Identify your clients’ target audiences to determine what they need or want from the video.

Knowing what target audiences want can inform your video scriptwriting process.

Identifying your clients’ ideal audiences helps you create a script that conveys the video’s value to intended viewers.

Know your client’s target audience and research their common interests, pain points, and needs.

Start by finding keywords your client’s audiences search for on YouTube.

Leverage the information to build out your client’s script and, in turn, YouTube video.

A winning script helps you produce high-quality videos that can even end up on the target audience’s recommended videos list.

Plus, creating video content based on search terms with tons of engagement can get your clients’ videos some algorithm love.

Must read: How the YouTube Shorts Algorithm Works [2023]: w/ Tips & FAQs

3. Identify the voice of the channel

Establishing a YouTube channel voice helps your client’s brand stand out from other creators.

For example, your client’s voice can be fun, creative, professional, or adventurous. 

Whatever your client’s voice, weave it into your client’s YouTube video script.

It can help draw the right viewers to your client’s video and bring their YouTube channel ideas to life, enticing audiences to hit that subscribe button.

4. Outline the YouTube script

Once you have the basics (topic or title, target audience, and voice) down, start outlining your script.

For instance, your YouTube script outline can include the following.

1st section: Introduction and hook

The hook is a video’s opening line (or lines) to catch the viewers’ attention.

Effective hooks are informative, emotional, or entertaining. You have a winning combo if you use all three in one hook.

Besides your hook, consider presenting the main problem your client’s video solves in the introduction.

It’s a great opportunity to speak to the viewers’ pain points and reel them in.

As Larry Weber, entrepreneur, founder, chairman, and CEO of Racepoint Global, once said…

“ As you’ve noticed, people don’t want to be sold. What people do want is news and information about the things they care about .”

Let’s say your script’s title is “Win Over Anyone to Watch Your Videos.”

Your video hook should introduce the problem (lack of viewers), promise an answer while entertaining viewers, and speak to the audience’s emotions like this:

“Caution! This video helps you unlock the Jedi mind tricks and secrets to reel viewers in based on proven facts and the power of science.”

The hook is short, sweet, engaging, and convinces viewers to keep watching.

2nd section: Main content

The main points your clients want to highlight are the bulk of the YouTube video.

For example, if your clients have five to ten main points they want to discuss, you can write a subheader for each point in the script.

Include other relevant details, such as research and statistics, to support the information’s validity and credibility.

3rd section: CTA

Every script and video should have a clear CTA at the end.

This way, your clients can lead people to specific next steps, such as providing feedback, commenting, sharing the video, or subscribing to the channel.

Create compelling CTAs that entice viewers to act.

4th section: Ending and end screen elements

The endscreen is an interactive outro that displays within the last five to 20 seconds of your client’s YouTube video.

Specify the end screen elements in your script, such as clickable website links, related videos, and a subscribe button.

Design your client’s end screen to go seamlessly with the CTA to get the viewer’s attention while encouraging them to act on the CTA.

Additional tip: Follow the required YouTube video size and specs to ensure everything is clear and visible on your clients’ videos.

Writing an incredible YouTube script can be easier said than done, so we’re sharing the time-tested tips below to help simplify the process.

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1. Keep your sentences short

Keep your client’s YouTube Scripts short and to the point.

Long sentences are hard to read, understand, and hear.

Be crisp and concise to keep the video’s flow going smoothly, allowing viewers to follow the storyline or narrative easily.

However, not every sentence has to be short.

You can vary the length of each sentence so everything flows like a casual, friendly conversation in the video.

Try reading the script aloud to omit running sentences.

Also, ditch scenes, sentences, and unnecessary words if they don’t add to your script’s Story.

You want to keep everything brief, especially if you share the video across other social media platforms, including your client’s blog post.

Must read: How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram Story

2. Use present tense

Using the present tense in your clients’ YouTube scripts helps keep viewers in the moment.

It also creates a sense of urgency, which keeps viewers engaged and ready to act on your clients’ CTAs.

3. Adopt a conversational style

Use a conversational style to engage YouTube audiences.

So, use simple phrases and words in your script (unless your client’s video is about a research presentation or an academic speech).

But don’t be too casual, or your client’s video can sound unprofessional and suspicious.

Strike that perfect balance between conversational and professional.

4. Stick to active voice

Writing in an active voice means the sentence’s subject acts on an idea, person, or thing.

Using passive voice doesn’t directly reveal the subject, confusing readers and viewers.

For instance, a sentence in active voice would be, “Tom took a piece of the birthday cake home.”

Turn that into a passive voice, and you get, “A piece of the birthday cake was taken home by Tom.”

As you can see, the passive sentence sounds unclear and takes more brain power to understand—which isn’t exactly a great formula for an easy-to-read or follow script.

5. Throw in some humor  

Funny elements and a few jokes can help you create an entertaining YouTube video script.

But don’t go overboard and keep the jokes clean and above board, or your clients will be in trouble for violating the YouTube Community Guidelines .

Violations can lead to YouTube taking down the video or suspending your clients’ accounts.

6. Edit and polish the script

It can take a few editing and polishing before you get the perfect YouTube script, so keep at it until you’re satisfied.

Consider acting out scenarios and tweak them to see how they play out.

7. Write for the audience

You don’t need to be an expert to create incredible YouTube scripts and videos for your clients.

Your biggest chance for success is to write your script with your client’s audience in mind.

After all, your clients’ target audiences are the content consumers.

So, tailoring your script and content to your clients’ viewers makes sense.

Doing so ensures your client’s YouTube videos provide value to their audiences, boosting engagement and subscription opportunities.

Achieving YouTube success doesn’t end with an excellent script.

You must optimize planning, managing, and publishing your clients’ videos for maximum engagement.

Enter Vista Social, a sophisticated Social Media Management (SMM) platform with robust features to streamline and supercharge your tasks.

One of the platform’s key features is the content publisher.

It lets you create and schedule your clients’ YouTube videos for auto-posting.

Select your client’s linked YouTube profile on the Vista Social platform and create a new post.

How to Write a YouTube Script1

Upload your client’s video and customize the post by adding the video title, caption, hashtags, and more.

You can also enable the first comment to automatically add a comment once your client’s video is published.

Other options you can enable or select include the video’s privacy status, category, first like, and more.

How to Write a YouTube Script2

You can save the post as a draft if it needs your client’s approval.

You can also set it to publish immediately or on your specified schedule or add it to a scheduled post queue.

Want to get more work off your hands? Leverage Vista Social’s optimization algorithms that automatically schedule posts based on optimal times and dates.

Besides regular channel videos, Vista Social lets you schedule your clients’ YouTube Shorts videos for auto-publishing.

Must read: Best Time to Post on YouTube Shorts [2023]

Important note: You can’t change the scheduled Shorts video thumbnails due to YouTube limitations.

How to Write a YouTube Script3

Must read: YouTube Shorts Thumbnail Size : Best Practices + Tips & How-Tos

You can view and manage all your saved drafts, queued posts, already published content, and scheduled posts in the content calendar.

How to Write a YouTube Script4

Another handy feature is the social inbox.

It helps you track and manage conversations, including your client’s YouTube comment history and replies from other users from a central location.

Stay on top of your clients’ YouTube post performances with Vista Social’s robust analytics feature.

It lets you track and measure audience growth, engagement, and views.

How to Write a YouTube Script5

You’ll get valuable data insights to help improve your clients’ content and strategies.

Check out the frequently asked questions about writing a YouTube script.

What does a YouTube script look like?

A YouTube script should outline the main points your client wants to cover in the video.

The script should be specific enough to keep everything on track during filming yet be flexible to allow ad-libs to showcase your client’s unique style.

What is the ideal YouTube script?

How you write your client’s YouTube Scripts depends on the video’s goal, target audience, tone, and other factors.

Some YouTube scripts require heavy details, while others only need short sketches or notes of what you want to map out.

What tool can I use to write YouTube scripts?

Generally, you can use any writing tool that helps you outline, write, edit, and save your YouTube video scripts.

You can also use a YouTube script template or Artificial Intelligence or AI-powered YouTube script generators to help you kick things off.

YouTube scripts is key to making engaging, viral video content.

Don’t just put words on paper—create a script that connects your clients’ videos and audiences.

A well-written YouTube script can be your client’s ticket to fame and fortune on the platform.

Supercharge your clients’ YouTube content promotion and marketing with Vista Social. Create a Vista Social account now to explore its awesome SMM features.

About the Author

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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how to write a good youtube script

How to write a YouTube script that engages your audience: The ultimate guide

how to write a good youtube script

What type of content do you primarily create?

There’s no beating around the bush: if you want to take your YouTube video production to the next level, you need to be writing scripts for every video you publish. It’ll make your videos more consistent and more polished—two things that drive up viewership and attract new subscribers.

If you’ve never written a script before, don’t rule yourself out. This step-by-step guide teaches you how to write a YouTube script from scratch, complete with five bonus tips to make your outlines more engaging for viewers.

What is a YouTube script?

A YouTube script is a document that lays out what you’ll say in your video. Instead of just hitting record and saying whatever enters your brain, reading from a video script will ultimately help you produce better videos because you’ll be prepared. The document will serve as a list of key points you want to cover. 

There are a number of ways to write a YouTube script, depending on your presentation style. If you’re an experienced writer who can deliver a line naturally, writing your script verbatim will work well. If you prefer a more off-the-cuff delivery, a summary of the main points could be all you need. However you do it, a script will make your delivery smoother, more logically consistent, and much easier to edit.

3 reasons why you need a YouTube video script

Now we know what a YouTube script is, let’s take a look at why you should include them in your pre-production process. 

Better engagement

You didn’t start a YouTube channel to shout into the void. To get people interacting with your videos, you need to make them engaging. That’s where preparation comes into play.

A script allows you to plan out a hook that makes people want to watch, a beat-by-beat narrative that keeps them watching, and questions and CTAs that get them to take action. The longer they watch and the more they engage with your content, the higher your video will climb in YouTube’s ranks.

More impact

Spending time on your YouTube script allows you to dive deeper into specific topics. Research might change the way you approach the subject. Using statistics and real-life stories to corroborate your point can help you make a stronger impact with your videos. 

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People feel more comfortable when they know what to expect from someone. If you’re a creator that publishes vastly different types of content each time you upload to YouTube , people won’t understand you or know what to expect, which could deep them from subscribing to your channel.

But if you create a video script template and use it for every new video, your content creation process will follow the same workflow and result in consistent videos—not just in terms of quality, but outline and structure too. 

How to write a YouTube script in 5 easy steps

  • Identify your target audience
  • Create an outline
  • Define your hook
  • Incorporate visual cues
  • Practice your script and get feedback 

1. Identify your target audience

Before you put pen to paper, you need to know who you’re talking to in your YouTube content. Start by outlining your target audience—this will guide you when writing a script because you’ll have a better understanding of what they need to hear. 

Key things to keep in mind about your target viewers:

  • Age, gender, and location
  • Challenges or pain points
  • Goals and motivations

Let’s put that into practice and say you’re a skincare content creator who is producing a YouTube video about skincare routines. If you didn’t know your audience inside out, you’d likely take a generic route and talk to people similar to yourself.

But if you know that your ideal viewer is a premenopausal woman who is suffering with breakouts because her hormones are changing, you’d write a completely different script—one with a much higher chance of not only reaching your audience, but engaging them too. 

2. Create an outline

Now that you know who you’re talking to, it’s time to start drafting your script. The document doesn’t have to be anywhere near video-ready yet. Your goal at this stage is to just move away from the blank page and jot down some bullet points to weave into your YouTube script. 

Start with some keyword research to understand the words someone would search for to find your video. For example: if you’re creating a YouTube video around the topic of walking for fat loss, your keyword research might indicate you should talk about the following topics in your script: 

  • Why walking helps with fat loss
  • How to calculate your step count target
  • Tips to increase your steps 

From there, you can start to organize the talking points into sections. This will make it easier for you to cover a point in detail before moving onto the next, rather than jumping back and forth and making it much harder for viewers to follow.

3. Define your hook

Any good script has a strong hook. YouTube viewers have a plethora of videos to watch, and you need something to catch someone’s eye and convince them to watch yours.

The problem is: you don’t have long. The average viewer’s attention span is just over eight seconds , so your YouTube script needs to start off with a strong hook; something that:

  • Piques someone’s interest
  • Sparks an emotional response
  • Resonates with your ideal viewer’s goals or challenges

Take this intro to Steven Bartlett’s vlog, for example. He introduces the video with a quick rundown of what his week looks like, complete with video clips of city skylines, him sleeping in cars, and him talking onstage to a theater full of people. It’s exciting, and viewers will know this video is for them within just a few seconds.

‎4. Incorporate visual cues

A video script isn’t just a place for you to jot down what someone will hear when they tune into your YouTube video. The best YouTube script templates have visual cues to marry the audio to what a viewer sees on screen, such as:

  • Callouts or annotations 
  • Transitions from one scene to another 
  • B-roll to illustrate what you’re talking about (e.g. if you’re talking about dirt bikes, stock video footage of someone riding a bike) 

This process is made easy with Descript. Once you’ve written your YouTube video script and recorded the video footage, you can add transitions, B-roll, and even sound effects without leaving the script.

5. Practice your script and get feedback

The first draft won’t be the best one—that’s normal. Spend some time playing around with your script’s structure, language, and hook before you sit down to record. It’ll save any “Oh, I wish I said that instead!” moments during the editing process. 

Read your video script out loud to pick out any phrases that don’t sound right. If an idea pops into your head as you read, incorporate it into the video script and read it again.

Get friends and family—or even better, someone who already watches your YouTube channel—to take one last pass over your script. These people know who you are and what you sound like, so they’re the best ones to pick out any inconsistencies in your script and make sure your personality is still there. 

5 bonus tips and tricks to write a good YouTube script

Write in a conversational tone.

The YouTube creators who go viral and build loyal audiences do it because their followers can connect with them. That’s easier to do when your audience can easily understand what you’re saying. Big words and complicated jargon can turn viewers off—instead, write your script as if you’re explaining something to a friend.

A good way to judge whether your script will go over people’s heads is by using a writing assistant like Hemingway Editor, which rates the reading level of your writing. Aim for Grade 6 as a best practice, but don’t be afraid to adjust this based on your audience. If you’re creating kids’ videos, for example, you’d want a lower grade, whereas if you’re talking to founders about complex finance topics, you’d likely aim for a higher one.

Open a curiosity gap

A curiosity gap is a statement that makes viewers want to learn more, and it’s key to winning your audience’s interest and keeping them watching. Start your video with a question or a surprising statement, then keep opening more curiosity gaps throughout the video once the original question is satisfied. Be specific, but don’t give everything away too soon—you want to leave your audience wanting more.

Use pattern interrupts

A pattern interrupt is a change in language style that breaks your viewer’s thought pattern. If a section of your video script is too monotone, a viewer might know what’s coming next. But if you throw a pattern interrupt into the mix, it shocks them and makes them more engaged—which could make them less likely to click away from your video. 

Include a call to action

A call to action (CTA) tells someone what to do after watching your video. Whether you make money on YouTube or you’re just trying to build your audience, there are specific things you probably want your audience to do for you—and you need to be obvious with your ask.

In the outro of your YouTube script, be explicit about what the viewer should do. That might be:

  • Subscribe to your YouTube channel
  • Tune into a video playlist
  • Follow you on social media 
  • Join your email list
  • Visit the website of the brand that’s sponsoring your video

⚡  Pro tip: When you publish your video, add cards anywhere you’ve put a CTA, and an end card at the end of your video. These features allow you to show links and suggested videos so you can make your CTA more effective.

Write short sentences

You want viewers to hang on every word you say. If your script is littered with lengthy sentences, you’ll run the risk of not only confusing viewers, but losing their attention. Keep sentences short and to the point. It might look blunt when those shorter sentences are written down, but they come across much more naturally when you read from your script.

⚡️ Pro tip: We’re all guilty of using words like “um,” “uh”, and “like” in our daily speech. Filler Word Removal is an AI-powered tool that’s available in Descript. It’ll automatically find those unnecessary words and remove them from your video—without having to search for them yourself. 

‎Repurpose your script

A YouTube script takes time and effort to create, but it doesn’t have to go to waste. Instead of throwing your script into the trash once you’ve used it to record a YouTube video, repurpose the document to get more mileage out of your content. For example, you could:

  • Post the video script on your blog and embed the YouTube video
  • Use snippets from the script as social media captions
  • Add the script or outline into your YouTube video description

The YouTube video description use case, in particular, can help you reach more people on the video sharing platform. YouTube has its own search algorithm that connects viewers with new videos that are most relevant to their search query. If you’ve got keywords in your script and you add them to your YouTube video description , you’ll increase the odds of appearing in YouTube search results for those queries.

Create high-quality YouTube video scripts with Descript

The most successful YouTubers invest in tools that help them be more productive and produce high quality content. Descript checks both of those boxes, making it the ultimate tool for script writing and video editing.

As a free video editing software, Descript has a bunch of AI tools that make the entire YouTube video production process much smoother, including:

  • Eye Contact to readjust your glaze if you were reading from a script
  • Filler Word Removal to make your appear more confident on camera
  • Script Rewriter that trims down the bloat in your self-drafted script 
  • Studio Sound to remove background noise and improve audio quality 
  • Social Post Writer to suggest captions or tweets to use when promoting your videos

The best part: there’s a bunch of tutorials and templates to get you up to speed, so you can start editing your first video within minutes.

Take a free tour today and see why some of the world’s top creators use Descript. 

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How to write a YouTube script (step-by-step guide + examples)

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  • Content Writing and Copywriting
  • September 13, 2023

With over 2.7 billion users, YouTube’s potential to land your brand videos in front of a global audience is unparalleled. For businesses seeking an edge in this sometimes overwhelming content landscape, crafting the perfect script can make all the difference. 

But where do you begin?

Enter Wordbrew’s definitive guide to writing a compelling YouTube script. By tapping into a synergistic blend of AI precision and human creativity, we’ve harnessed the best of both worlds. The result? A clear, concise, and comprehensive roadmap for YouTube scriptwriters and marketing professionals across all industries.

The art of writing effective YouTube scripts

For all kinds of businesses in all niches, YouTube offers a platform to share your unique Point of View (PoV) and enhance your brand’s visibility. A well-crafted script ensures that your content resonates with your target audience, emphasizing connection, authenticity, and trust.

But, the ripple effect of getting a YouTube script right goes deeper than simply building brand trust. More engaging scripts lead to just that—more YouTube engagement. Which in turn means more visibility in YouTube’s algorithms. When your viewers watch your video through to the end rather than backing out after a few seconds, it signals to the inner workings of the YouTube mind that your content is valuable and interesting—and something that should rank higher in future searches.

In short, an effective YouTube script can lead to:

  • More video views
  • A higher conversion rate 
  • Increased brand recognition
  • Greater visibility on Google search
  • More qualified traffic reaching your website

Tools for unlocking trending YouTube content

Really want to engage your target audience? Find the topics that they care about. Centering your content around viewer trends can help you resonate more soundly with your customers, stay current, and build a sense of authority. But, harnessing the potential of trending topics requires more than just a keen intuition. 

A blend of AI technology and human expertise, akin to the hybrid content creation process, can help you pinpoint exactly what your viewers want. Let’s explore some essential tools and platforms to guide you to your next impactful topic.

1. TubeBuddy 

Specifically designed for YouTube creators, TubeBuddy offers a treasure trove of features, including keyword research, competition analysis, and trend alerts. Its ‘Keyword Explorer’ can give you insight into topics gaining traction, ensuring that your script aligns with what the YouTube community is hungry for.

User interface of TubeBuddy's keyword research tool

2. Google Trends

A direct line into the vast data reserves of Google, this free tool showcases trending search queries from across the globe. Originally designed for journalists to get the jump on a trending story, the real strength of Google Trends lies in its ability to break down data by regions, time frames, and categories. 

By keeping an eye on spikes in specific search terms, you can craft your script to match peaks in global or localized interest around your industry and activities.

Google Trends for the search term "back to school" showing peaks in interest around September every year

While primarily seen as an SEO tool, Ahrefs boasts a powerful keyword explorer that draws data from multiple search engines, not just Google. By analyzing top-performing content in your niche, you can gauge topic popularity and deep dive into related questions to find angles or sub-topics that haven’t been extensively covered.

The best part? There’s a section on their keyword explorer that deals specifically with YouTube data! 

Ahrefs' keyword research tool showing trends in interest for the search term "angle grinder" on YouTube

Here at Wordbrew, we love a deep dive into Reddit for nuggets of content gold. These informal virtual conversations can be a beeline into the inner workings of your customer’s mind. Often dubbed ‘The Front Page of the Internet’, Reddit is a dynamic platform where discussions on virtually any topic under the sun take place. 

To know what fancies your audience, browse subreddits (topic-specific communities) that resonate with your channel’s focus. Here, you can discover questions, discussions, and topics that are gaining momentum. Crafting video content around these discussions not only addresses current trends but also answers specific questions and challenges faced by your target audience.

5. The human touch

While these tools are immensely powerful, remember that they complement, not replace, human intuition and creativity. Tools might show you what’s trending, but understanding why something is trending, tailoring it to your unique brand voice and perspective, and adding the emotional connection your customers crave requires a uniquely human touch. 

For instance, while Ahrefs might tell you that “sustainable travel” is a rising keyword, you will need to use your creativity and human empathy to unearth the emotional and societal reasons behind the trend, allowing for a more profound, nuanced script.

How to write a YouTube script: A step-by-step guide

So, you’ve analyzed trends and been head down in keyword research. Now, in front of you is a list of burning topics that, with the right treatment, will attract your target audience and keep them hanging onto your every word. But, where do you start when it comes to the actual scriptwriting?

1. Understand your audience

Before you set pen to paper, you must understand who you’re talking to. Recognize your audience’s needs, preferences, and challenges. Whether you cater to small businesses or large enterprises, knowing your audience is the first step in crafting a message that strikes a chord.

How do you get to know your audience better? 

It might not seem like it at first glance, but you have plenty of resources within your organization to call upon before you start commissioning expensive market research surveys. Talk to your sales and customer services team. Find out who they are talking to, what problems they need solutions to, who the customers are, and where they are based. 

You can also use the insights functions on your social channels to gain a clearer picture of your followers’ interests, ages, and when they are most active online.

2. Set clear objectives

Your content strategy should include clear objectives for your video marketing efforts. Is it to educate, entertain, inspire, or persuade? Your objectives will guide the script’s tone, content, and call to action.

Setting SMART targets will help you produce videos that drive real results. 

Using our sustainable travel example again, a holiday company promoting its sustainability credentials via a YouTube video might set a SMART target as follows:

3. Craft a strong introduction

Engage your audience from the get-go. Start with a compelling hook, a question, or a startling fact. This sets the stage for the value your video promises to deliver. Keep your intro short but powerful—ideally no more than 20 seconds long—and incorporate your brand logo, typography, and style to increase brand recognition. 

This from Recognize works well, drawing the viewer in by presenting a problem their target audience has and that they can solve.

RECOGNIZE | Explainer Video by Yum Yum Videos

4. Build your narrative 

YouTube is more than just sharing information—it’s about storytelling . Structure your content with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Take your viewers on a journey, one where they emerge more informed or inspired than before.

As brand stories go, you don’t get much more compelling than Google’s Parisian Love ad—which cleverly takes you through all the features of the search powerhouse without once uttering a word about what the website actually does. 

Parisian Love

5. Keep it conversational

While you might need to stay professional, strive to keep your script approachable. Use simple, clear language and think about how you talk, rather than how you write. The aim is to communicate, not complicate. Where you can, show rather than tell. 

Moz’s Whiteboard Fridays series does an excellent job of taking complex SEO topics and making them clear, understandable, and relatable to their audience. All the while keeping the tone conversational yet authoritative throughout. 

Stephen A. Smith on Skip Bayless, First Take, LeBron vs Jordan & More With Shannon Sharpe | EP. 85

6. Incorporate visual cues

Consider the visual elements accompanying your words. Will there be graphics, animations, or live shots? Align these with your script to create a cohesive experience that increases the clarity of what you are saying and helps define brand identity. 

Things you might want to consider:

  • Displaying numbers or statistics as graphics.
  • Using animation to show, rather than explain a complex process.
  • Speaking directly to the camera rather than a voice-over to make your video more personal.

7. Conclude with a clear call to action

Every video should have a purpose. End with a call to action (CTA) that nudges viewers towards a specific action, whether subscribing, purchasing, or simply exploring more content. This is where setting your SMART goals comes in – when you know what your overarching goal is, you know what you need to ask your customers to do. 

With this video, AllRecipes does better than just a final CTA. With up to 40% of viewers bouncing – leaving – videos lasting up to 2-3 minutes, they’ve included a short, sharp call to action at the very start to capture as many of their audience as possible.

AllRecipes' YouTube video featuring a CTA to subscribe to the channel 7 seconds into the video.

8. Review and refine

Even with AI-produced drafts at your disposal, the human touch is irreplaceable. Review your script with a critical eye. Edit for clarity, conciseness, impact—and, most of all, creativity. Remember, the empathy and creativity of a human writer are crucial to the hybrid content creation process, ensuring that your content truly resonates with viewers.

Storytelling tips for YouTube

For generations, humans have been telling stories. But why does storytelling have such an impact on us? And why should you use it in your YouTube videos? 

From cavemen sitting around a campfire to the modern day, the stories we tell all have something in common: An ability to engage and connect us. They play with our emotions, reel us in, and leave us with a message that stays with us to pass down through time. Use YouTube storytelling in your brand videos, and the message your viewers take home will be you. Here’s how to make engaging YouTube videos:

Build your narrative around empathy and emotion

YouTube is a platform where emotions can drive engagement. Craft stories that resonate emotionally, whether with humor, inspiration, or even surprise. Why does that matter? Because our emotions drive 95% of our purchasing decisions, so connecting with your customer’s subconscious is a powerful marketing tool.

Define your leading character

It might be you, your brand founder, or someone in your team with an engaging personality and confidence in front of the camera. Viewers connect with characters. So, build your video around someone who can lead your viewers through your brand journey with conviction and empathy.

Show, don’t tell

Leverage the visual nature of YouTube. Instead of just describing situations or concepts, show them. The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text—so, rather than telling or writing out an explanation of what you do, use graphics, animations, and other visual aids.

Best practices for writing a YouTube script

The inner workings of the YouTube algorithms are driven by engagement. Get viewers to watch your videos all the way through—or most of the way there—and YouTube will start ranking you higher up the search listings. But how do you ensure your videos and channel perform consistently?

Engage early

The first 10-15 seconds are crucial. This is when viewers decide whether to continue watching or click away. 

Be consistent

Maintain a consistent tone and style across your videos. This helps in building a recognizable brand voice and identity.

Be conversational 

Speak to your audience, not at them. Avoid overly formal language. Instead, focus on authenticity and relatability.

Time it right

While YouTube doesn’t have a strict time limit, attention spans do. Aim for scripts that translate to videos between 7-15 minutes long for educational or informational content.

In a world awash with digital content, YouTube offers a canvas for businesses to paint their brand stories. Crafting the perfect script is both an art and a science. It’s about understanding your audience, telling a compelling story, and ensuring your message is delivered with clarity and impact.

Ultimately, it’s all about meaningful engagement

Trending topics are valuable, but they’re a means to an end, not the end itself. The end goal is authentic, meaningful engagement with your audience. As you employ these tools to guide your YouTube script topics, ensure you’re not just chasing views. Your content needs to be uniquely yours and portray your brand identity at all times. Don’t just piggyback off trends. Use them to showcase your unique perspective, voice, and value to your viewers.

In the fluid world of YouTube, where trends come and go, it’s this authentic connection with your audience that will stand the test of time. So, while you ride the waves of trends, ensure your content anchors are deeply rooted in genuine value and authenticity.

AI scriptwriting helps you follow those trends, generating content at speed that allows your brand to stay ahead of the wave. But, with the hybrid method, it’s the human touch that ensures the emotional connection with your audience.

Embrace the tools and techniques available, and let your brand’s voice resonate on YouTube like never before.

Need help writing your YouTube scripts? Start a project with Wordbrew today!

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How to Write an Entertaining YouTube Video Script

how to write a good youtube script

You know the importance of having a video script if you're a YouTuber. It helps you organize your thoughts and tell an engaging story. It also allows you to speak clearly, avoiding common mistakes we all make when speaking. Messing up a word. Saying "um" too many times. Forgetting what you wanted to say altogether.

You can fix this by writing a good video script for YouTube . This guide will show you how to make it engaging, natural, and  definitely  not cheesy.

But First, What's a YouTube Video Script?

A script is a document that describes what will happen in your video. It includes details about the characters, plot, action, and setting.

From a text perspective, your script is also an outline of what you want to say. It's specific enough to read while filming but loose enough to allow for ad-libbing and vocal experimentation.

how to write a good youtube script

How to Start Writing a YouTube Script

When writing a script, it's essential to focus on your audience . You're using the document to craft a video they'll enjoy, so the script should speak directly to your viewers.

You need three details to complete this task: who your audience is, the main idea of your video, and the "voice" you want to use.

1. Start with a Video Title or Main Idea

The first step is simple but worth mentioning: You need a video title or idea before sitting down to write. This helps you stay on topic, grab viewers' attention, and provide the information they crave.

Read More: 3 Secrets for Writing Click-Worthy YouTube Titles

Imagine writing a video script about credit cards. Using a title like "How to Squeeze More Value Out of Your Credit Card" is a lot more engaging than "How to Use Your Credit Card Wisely." And as you focus on that winning concept — "squeezing" value instead of "using" a credit card — it's easier to write in that engaging perspective.

You should also add the right keywords to your title. It will help you write an even better script that increases YouTube views , but more on that later.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

It also helps to know who your viewers are before writing a script. This detail is usually related to your YouTube niche. Are you making videos for teen gamers? College students who study abroad? Single dads who seek parenting advice?

With those details in mind, ask yourself what information viewers want or need from the video you're planning. Then try to deliver that value.

This process is called speaking to your target audience . And the best way to do that is by researching their daily challenges, joys, and desires. Then you can craft a video that solves a problem or intensifies their joys.

Most of this research happens on YouTube, so click here to learn the basics of keyword research . You'll learn how often people search for your video's topic, the words they use when searching, and related topics you can use to build out the video.

3. Know Your Channel's 'Voice'

Every YouTube creator has a "voice." Maybe you're the "jester" who cracks jokes and makes people laugh. Or perhaps you're the "adventurer" who takes people on a journey with action-packed scenes.

Whatever your voice is, use it when writing scripts for YouTube videos. It'll help you stand out and attract the right kind of viewers — people who like your personality and hit subscribe.

Create a YouTube Script Outline

Now that you know your video's topic, voice, and target audience, you can start outlining a script.

Luckily you don't have to build this from scratch. You can use a well-known YouTube video script format, then personalize it for your content.

Alina Iatiuc, creative producer at vidIQ, writes scripts for the vidIQ channel.  Here's the YouTube script template  she uses, plus a few tips to make it your own:

  • Section 1: Video hook/intro
  • Section 2: Main content and research
  • Section 3: CTA (call to action)
  • Section 4: YouTube end-screen elements

Section 1: Video Hook/Intro

The "hook" is the first sentence or two that catches the viewers' attention in a video. It should be one of three things: entertaining, emotional, or informative. If you can do all three, that's even better.

Another thing you want to do is present the main problem you're solving.

For example, we have a YouTube script titled "Trick Anyone into Watching Your Videos." The video hook introduces the problem (no one is watching your videos), promises a solution, entertains viewers, and taps into their emotions:

"Warning! This video will help you learn to hack peoples' minds and trick anyone into watching your videos using science and proven facts."

The hook is brief, engaging, and makes the viewer curious enough to keep watching. Press play below to see what we mean!

But there's more than one way to do this.  In fact, here are eight ideas to hook viewers in the first eight seconds.

Section 2: Main Content and Research

This is where you'll write the bulk of your content. For example, you might have 5-10 main points for your video. One by one, you'll give each point a subheader and write the words you want to say for that section.

Don't forget to add information that might be useful, including research and statistics, to support your claims.

"One of the most common mistakes people make when writing a script is not doing enough research and fact-checking," Alina says. "Sharing misleading information will not help build trust with your audience. Moreover, it can destroy a good reputation you've already built."

Section 3: Your CTA (Call to Action)

There should be a clear call to action at the end of every video. Some creators ask for feedback in the form of likes, subscriptions, comments, and shares. Some even encourage people to sign up for their email newsletter. You should write your call to action in a way that drives viewers to your chosen destination.

Section 4: YouTube End Screen Elements

A YouTube end screen is an interactive outro that appears in the last 5-20 seconds of a video. You can place clickable elements on an end screen, such as links to a website, a subscribe button, or extra videos for viewers to watch.

End screens and CTAs go hand-in-hand. You'll use the CTA to bring viewers' attention to the end screen, and you'll use the end screen itself to send viewers where you want them to go.

For example, here's a CTA and end screen paired together:

"If you want to get people to watch more of your content — essentially free videos — then watch this video over here (points to end-screen element showing clickable video)." And by doing that, you're giving me free views!"

how to write a good youtube script

Writing Tips: 8 Ways to Make Your Script More Engaging

There's planning a video script, and then there's doing the actual writing. Here's how to make sure what you write becomes an entertaining video.

1. Use Short Sentences

Long sentences are difficult to read, hear, and understand. That's why you should write shorter sentences for your video script and keep things casual. You'll reduce the information viewers hear so they can follow your train of thought.

At the same time, you don't want  every  sentence to be brief. Vary the length of your sentences, so they flow like a natural conversation between friends.

2. Use the Present Tense

Writing in the present tense creates a sense of urgency. You'll communicate in the here and now, grabbing viewers' attention to keep them engaged.

3. Write in a Conversational Style

YouTube is pretty laid-back, so use simple words and phrases anyone can understand. You don't want to sound like you're delivering an academic speech or giving a research presentation.

At the same time, don't make your script so informal that it sounds off-putting.

4. Use More Active Voice Than Passive Voice

When you write in the  active voice , the subject of a sentence performs an action on something else – a person, idea, or thing. A sentence written in the passive voice doesn't reveal the subject upfront, which gets confusing.

Active voice :  Joseph adopted three puppies last winter, and they're growing fast.

Passive voice : Three puppies were adopted by Joseph last winter, and they're growing fast.

The passive sentence requires more effort to understand.

5. Keep it Simple

Remove unnecessary words, sentences, and scenes from your script if they don't add to the story.

6. Sprinkle in Some Humor

Humor adds a cheery, light-hearted tone to your video. Just don't go overboard by cracking offensive jokes that make people feel uncomfortable.

7. Edit Your Script Several Times

Good writing doesn't happen overnight, so read your script and revise it until you're satisfied.

8. Seek Feedback

It's helpful to get feedback before publishing a YouTube video. You can ask friends and family what they think or get serious feedback from a scriptwriter.

Always Write for Your Audience

The beauty of scriptwriting is that you don't need to be an expert . Anyone can sit down and create a vision for their YouTube video, from the storyline to the spoken words to the special effects sprinkled on top.

how to write a good youtube script

But to create outstanding scripts, you do need to be an expert in one thing: prioritizing your viewers and no one else .

"A YouTube video script is engaging when a content creator understands their audience and writes for the people and not for the ego," Alina says. "Before starting to write a script, I ask myself: "What is the problem I want to help my audience solve? How can I solve it so that people find the solution helpful?"

Blog Manager at vidIQ

Lydia Sweatt is a writer who loves balancing her article/blog time indoors with a healthy dose of nature. She bikes, hikes, and identifies edible plants along the way.

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How to Write Great YouTube Video Scripts: Step-by-Step Guide


If you really want your videos to shine and be of a high standard, then you should definitely use YouTube video scripts to record and produce better content. 

This article will discuss the following:

What is a YouTube video script? Why create YouTube video scripts How to write a YouTube script Some important things to remember when creating video scripts

If you want to learn more about video scripts, then continue reading.  

What is a YouTube Video Script?

Simply put, a YouTube video script is a written document that outlines the content of a video. It usually includes the video’s key discussion points, the video hook, the intro, and more. 

Much like an actor or actress uses a script to prepare for shooting a movie scene, a YouTuber can use a video script to have a clear picture of what he/she will be communicating with the audience. 

The video script tends to include the exact wordage and terminology a creator will use when recording the content. 

Why Follow a YouTube Script?

The benefits of creating a video script far outweigh the effort it takes to write one. 

A YouTube script gives you the opportunity to organize all your thoughts. 

So instead of babbling on and just recording a video without having a clear idea of what exactly you want to communicate with your viewers, a script will help you to share your thoughts in a structured manner.

This will help you sound more professional and believable to viewers, which in turn, can lead to more subscribers. 

Following a video script will also ensure that you don’t forget any important discussion points when recording your content. 

Additionally, a YouTube script will eliminate common grammatical errors. When you write and follow a script, you’ll reduce the odds of making mistakes when speaking or using filler words such as “um”.

By following a video script you’ll reduce the number of retakes needed, which as a result, cuts down on the total time it takes to produce an entire video. 

How to Write a YouTube Script?

As you can see, creating a script for your video production will only be beneficial to your YouTube channel. 

Writing a video script is almost like writing a blog post. Similarly, it consists of research, the introduction, the main content, and the conclusion.

Here are the steps that you need to follow to write great YouTube video scripts:

1. Do a Competitive Analysis

The first step is to do a competitive analysis of the current content. (This is assuming that you’ve already done YouTube keyword research to find opportunities that don’t have a lot of competition.)

The reason why you need to perform a competitive analysis is so that you can get ideas from content that’s already performing well. Top-ranking videos give you a good indication of what the YouTube algorithm likes and prefers to rank in the video search results. 

Now, I’m not saying that you should just blatantly copy what your competitors are saying. Instead, use their ideas as a foundation to build your content outline.

The competitive analysis will also reveal the optimal length for your content. You can determine this by calculating the average length of the top 5 ranking videos. 

2. Create for Your Audience

This next step is heavily dependent on the YouTube niche you’ve chosen. It’s important that you know who your target audience is and what they want to learn by watching your videos. 

For instance, the interests of someone looking to learn how to pass the CFA exam are very different from that of someone who just wants to learn about finance in general. 

So, identify who your target audience is and write your script with them in mind.

Try to answer the questions that your target audience might have, address their pain points, or just provoke their interest. 

This phase is also where you need to think of and find the common terminology that your target audience is using to find videos on YouTube. 

Include this in your video script so that you will remember to say these words loud and clear when recording the content. Doing this will ensure that the YouTube algorithm will detect these common terms as you upload your content to the platform. 

This will help YouTube understand what your content is about, giving it the ability to rank it for the appropriate search queries.

2. Write the Video Title

Another important element of the YouTube video script is writing the video title. 

By deciding on the title prior to writing the video outline or recording the content, you will have a clear idea of the direction of the video and what pertinent information you need to include in the script. 

Writing a good YouTube title is a science in itself. If you’re having trouble thinking of catchy, attention-grabbing titles, our Title Generator Tool can help you brainstorm the best title ideas.

3. Write the Intro/Hook

After you’ve done the research and gathered some ideas it’s time for the actual writing of the video script, beginning with the introduction and the hook.

The hook is simply the very beginning of the video, usually, the first 3 sentences, and its purpose is to capture the attention of the viewer. 

The hook is a subsection of the video’s introduction and should entice the viewer to continue watching the remainder of the introduction.

After the hook, you can elaborate further on the video’s main discussion points, and finish off the introduction.

4. Write the Body Script

The next part of the video script is the main content or the “body”. This is where you will discuss the main talking points of your video. 

YouTubers tend to break this section of the script into shorter subsections using video chapters . 

The body is probably the most important part of the video script since here you will share all of your research, findings, and knowledge with your viewers. 

5. Write the Outro

The last part of the video script is the outro. The outro consists of the conclusion, CTA, and end screen elements. 

The conclusion summarizes what you discussed in the video’s main content. Try to keep this section brief since you don’t want to be too repetitive.

Then, be sure to add a CTA (Call-to-Action) which prompts the viewer to take some sort of action. This could be to like the video, leave a comment, subscribe to your channel, or click on an external link to learn more. 

The last part of the video outro is to plan which end screen elements you’ll add to your video. These end screen elements can be links to other YouTube videos or your own website. 

Important Things to Remember

Well, now you know how to write a great YouTube video script. But to make your video scripts even better, here are some tips that you need to keep in mind when writing your scripts.

1. Keep Sentences Short and Simple

The shorter your sentences, the easier it will be for you to stick to your script when recording the video. Longer sentences tend to be more difficult to remember, and they increase the probability of making mistakes or leaving out something important.

Furthermore, the shorter your sentences the easier it will be for viewers to hear and understand what you’re saying to them.

With that being said, your sentences should still vary in length. The best piece of advice is to write your sentences in such a way that it sounds like you’re having a conversation with your viewers.

Additionally, you should remove any unnecessary parts of the script if they don’t provide any value to the viewer. 

2. Stick to Your Brand Voice

When writing a video script it’s important to stick to your channel’s brand voice. 

Your channel’s brand voice includes the type of vocabulary you use, the general “personality” of your channel, and elements like sounds or graphics.  

For instance, if your channel produces finance-related content, you’ll likely not be making jokes in your videos. You want to keep to this brand voice and avoid randomly adding humor to your content. 

Likewise, if you publish content for kids, you should stick to your channel’s personality to prevent your audience (kids) from getting bored. This includes sticking to similar background music, images, graphics, etc. 

3. Use Active Voice

Active voice is easier to understand and interpret than passive voice, so be sure to write your video script using this voice.

The active voice simply means that the subject of the sentence is performing the action. An example of this is, “ Paul made a wooden replica of a plane he saw at the show. ” 

Whereas with passive voice, the subject is receiving the action. The passive voice of the example sentence is, “ A wooden replica of a plane was made by Paul after he saw it at the show. ”

Using a video script when recording your content will take your YouTube videos to the next level. 

As you’ve read, using a script has got a lot of advantages. So yes, even if it takes time to write one, you’ll be better off with a script than without one. 

By following the steps and keeping the tips we outlined in mind, you’ll be able to write great video scripts for your next YouTube videos. 

how to write a good youtube script

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How to Write a YouTube Script: A Complete Guide

One of the biggest advantages of writing a YouTube script is that it can save you time and resources in the long run. By having a well-written script, you can avoid unnecessary re-shoots and edits. With a clear plan in place, you'll know exactly what you want to say and how to say it, reducing the need for multiple takes or improvisation. This means less time spent in the editing room and more time focusing on creating new content.

Writing a script also allows you to practice and refine your delivery, which in turn improves your confidence and clarity as a speaker. When you know exactly what you're going to say, you can focus on delivering your message with conviction and authenticity. This not only helps you come across as more professional and knowledgeable but also builds trust with your audience.

And a well-written script can elevate your storytelling abilities and enhance audience engagement. By carefully crafting your narrative, you can create a compelling storyline that captivates your viewers from start to finish. A script also allows you to incorporate storytelling techniques such as anecdotes, humor, or emotional hooks, making your videos more memorable and shareable.

The last one, but most important one, writing a good YouTube script can also have a positive impact on your search engine optimization efforts and improve your ranking on YouTube. By including relevant keywords and phrases in your script, you can increase the visibility of your videos in search results. This means more people will discover your content, leading to higher views, engagement, and ultimately, a larger subscriber base.

write a YouTube video script

Part 1. What is a Well-Written YouTube Script

Now that we understand the benefits of writing a YouTube script, let's explore the essential components that make up a good script. Incorporating these elements into your scripts will help you create engaging and effective videos that resonate with your audience.

1. Catchy Title and Thumbnail

Your title and thumbnail are the first things viewers see when coming across your video. A catchy and intriguing title, paired with an eye-catching thumbnail, can significantly increase the click-through rate. Take the time to brainstorm creative and descriptive titles that accurately represent the content of your video.

2. Strong Introduction and Conclusion

A strong introduction sets the tone for your video and grabs the viewer's attention from the start. Use a hook or a summary to capture their interest and let them know what they can expect from the rest of the video. Similarly, a well-crafted conclusion wraps up your video and reinforces your main message. End with a call to action, such as subscribing, liking, commenting, sharing, or visiting your website.

3. Clear and Logical Structure

Organize your script in a clear and logical manner to guide your viewers through your content. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and transitions to break up your video into digestible chunks. This helps viewers navigate through your video and find the information they're looking for quickly.

4. Consistent Tone and Voice

Choose a tone and voice that aligns with your brand personality and resonates with your target audience. Whether you prefer a formal or casual tone, make sure to maintain consistency throughout your video. This helps build familiarity and trust with your viewers.

5. Call to Action

Always include a call to action in your script to encourage viewers to take the next step. Whether it's subscribing to your channel, leaving a comment, or visiting your website, guide your audience towards the desired action. This helps to build engagement and foster a loyal community of viewers.

By incorporating these elements into your YouTube scripts, you'll be well on your way to creating engaging and impactful videos that resonate with your audience.

But more importantly, how do we make it, right? No worries, in the following contents, we will talk about it in detail. Keep reading.

How to Write a YouTube Script

Step 1: research your topic and audience.

Before you start writing your YouTube script, it's important to do some research. This will help you understand your target audience and create content that resonates with them. Here are a few ways to gather insights:

1. Use online tools and sources: Take advantage of tools like Google Trends, YouTube Analytics, Quora, Reddit, and VidIQ. These platforms can provide valuable information about what your audience is searching for, watching, and asking about your topic.

2. Seek inspiration from others: Check out successful YouTube videos and articles related to your topic. By analyzing their scripts, you can gain inspiration and ideas for your own content. Remember, though, to put your unique spin on things and avoid simply copying someone else's work.

3. Understand your audience's pain points and preferences: Put yourself in your viewers' shoes. What challenges do they face? What are their goals and aspirations? Tailor your content to address their needs and interests.

4. Keep an eye on competitors and influencers: Take a look at what your competitors or influencers in your niche are doing on YouTube. This will help you identify gaps in the market and find ways to differentiate yourself.

5. Engage with your audience: Don't be afraid to ask your viewers for feedback or suggestions. This can give you valuable insights into what they want to see from you and help you create content that truly resonates.

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience and topic, it's time to decide on the format for your YouTube video. Here are a few factors to consider:

1. Choose a video type: Consider the purpose of your video and choose a format that aligns with it. Some popular video types include tutorials, reviews, interviews, vlogs, and storytelling videos. Pick the one that best suits your topic, audience, and goals.

2. Consider the length, style, and tone: Depending on your niche and platform, you'll want to adjust the length, style, and tone of your video. For example, if you're creating educational content, a longer video might be appropriate. If you're targeting a younger audience, a more casual and energetic tone might work best.

3. Plan the visuals, audio, and editing elements: Think about the visual and audio elements that will enhance your video. Consider camera angles, lighting, music, transitions, and any other editing techniques that will make your video engaging and professional.

Step 2: Outline Your Main Points and Subpoints

Before you start writing your script, the second important thing is to outline your main points and subpoints. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your video flows smoothly. You can use a mind map, a spreadsheet, or a word document to brainstorm and organize your ideas. Start by identifying the key topics you want to cover in your video. Then, break down each topic into subpoints that support your main message.

Once you have your main points and subpoints outlined, it's time to structure them using headings and subheadings. This will make it easy for you to navigate your script and for your viewers to follow along. Use H2, H3, and H4 headings to clearly distinguish each section. Indented bullet points can be used to further break down your ideas and provide additional details.

Here we recommend you use a simple formula to structure your points: AIDA. AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Let's break it down:

1. Attention: Grab the viewer's attention right from the start with a catchy title, thumbnail, and intro. Spark curiosity and interest by addressing a problem or posing a question that your video will address.

2. Interest: Once you have their attention, build their interest by providing relevant and valuable information. Answer their questions, solve their problems, and keep them engaged throughout the video.

3. Desire: Create desire by appealing to the viewer's emotions. Use storytelling, social proof, or incentives to make them want to take action. Show them how your video can improve their lives or provide a solution to their pain points.

4. Action: Finally, prompt the viewer to take action. End your video with a clear and compelling call to action. Tell them what they should do next, whether it's subscribing to your channel, liking the video, or visiting your website for more information.

Step 3: Write YouTube Script Using Your Outline

Writing a YouTube script is not just about putting words on a page. It's about crafting content that captivates your audience, keeps them engaged, and ultimately convinces them to take action. In this section, we'll explore some techniques and best practices to help you write a YouTube script that achieves these goals.

1. Tell a Compelling Story

One of the most effective ways to engage your viewers is through storytelling. People relate to stories, and they remember them long after the video ends. So, when writing your YouTube script, incorporate storytelling techniques such as anecdotes, metaphors, and humor. These elements make your content more relatable, memorable, and enjoyable to watch.

For example, let's say you're creating a video about a new cooking gadget. Instead of simply listing its features, share a personal story about how the gadget transformed your cooking experience. This not only adds authenticity to your content but also hooks your viewers by making them feel connected to the story.

2. Use Rhetorical Devices for Impact

Another way to make your YouTube script more impactful and persuasive is by using rhetorical devices. These devices help you emphasize key points and create a sense of urgency or importance. Some common rhetorical devices include repetition, contrast, and asking thought-provoking questions.

To illustrate, let's say you're making a video about the benefits of exercise. Instead of just stating the benefits, use repetition to drive the point home. Say something like, "Exercise boosts your mood. Exercise improves your health. Exercise enhances your productivity." This repetition not only reinforces your message but also creates a rhythmic flow that captures your viewers' attention.

3. Write in a Conversational Tone

To make your YouTube script more friendly and natural, use conversational language. This means using contractions, slang, idioms, and other colloquial expressions. Writing in a conversational tone helps you build a connection with your viewers and makes your content more relatable.

For instance, instead of saying, "You should try this new skincare product," say, "You gotta check out this amazing skincare product!" This small change in language instantly makes your script more engaging and appealing to your audience.

4. Keep it Simple and Clear

When writing a YouTube script, simplicity and clarity are key. Use short and clear sentences and paragraphs that are easy to read and understand. Avoid complex words or jargon that might confuse your viewers.

Remember, your goal is to provide clear and relevant information to your audience. Use examples, case studies, tutorials, and more to illustrate your points and offer value. This helps your viewers grasp the information easily and keeps them interested in watching till the end.

5. Inject Humor, Emotion, and Storytelling

To truly connect with your audience and keep them interested, don't be afraid to inject humor, emotion, and storytelling into your YouTube script. Humor can lighten the mood and make your content more enjoyable to watch. Emotion evokes a response from your viewers, making your content more impactful and memorable. And storytelling, as we mentioned earlier, helps create a personal connection with your audience.

Tips and Best Practices for Writing a YouTube Script

Now that we've covered some techniques for writing an engaging YouTube script, let's dive into some tips and best practices to help you craft content that resonates with your viewers:

1. Know your target audience: Understand the needs, preferences, and expectations of your target audience. Tailor your script to address their specific pain points and interests.

2. Keep it short and simple: Write in short and simple sentences and paragraphs. This makes your script easy to read and understand, especially for viewers who may be watching on mobile devices.

3. Use an active and confident voice: Write in an active voice that shows your authority and credibility. Use strong verbs and confident language to convey your message effectively.

how to write a YouTube video script

Step 4: Edit and Revise Your YouTube Script

So now, you've written your YouTube script. You've poured your heart and soul into it, making sure it's informative, engaging, and entertaining. But before you hit that record button, there's one crucial step you can't afford to skip: editing and revising. This step will not only ensure that your script is error-free, but it will also help you optimize it for search engines and viewers. And here, we'll walk you through the process of editing and revising your YouTube script to make it the best it can be.

1. Use Online Tools and Apps

First things first, let's polish your script for grammar, spelling, punctuation, readability, and style. There are several online tools and apps that can help you with this task. Grammarly, Hemingway, Wordtune, to name a few, are excellent options to check and improve the quality of your script. These tools will catch any errors or inconsistencies you may have missed and provide suggestions for improvement.

2. Read It Aloud

Reading your script aloud or recording yourself reading it can do wonders for its flow and overall quality. When you read your script aloud, you get a sense of how it sounds to the ears of your viewers. This allows you to identify any awkward or clunky sentences that need reworking. Additionally, recording yourself reading the script can help you gauge the pacing and tone of your delivery.

3. Seek Feedback

It's always a good idea to get a fresh pair of eyes on your script. Ask a friend, a colleague, or a professional editor to give you feedback on your script. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Listen to their feedback with an open mind and make changes accordingly. Remember, constructive criticism is your friend and will only make your script better.

4. Trim the Fat

Once you've received feedback and made the necessary revisions, it's time to trim the fat. Eliminate any unnecessary or redundant words or sentences that don't add value or clarity to your content. Keep your script concise and to the point. This will not only make it easier for your viewers to follow along but also help improve engagement.

5.Optimizing Your YouTube Script for Search Engines and Viewers

Now that you've edited and revised your script, it's time to optimize it for search engines and viewers. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Use Relevant Keywords and Phrases: Research and incorporate keywords and phrases that are relevant to your topic and align with your audience's intent. This will improve your script's chances of ranking high in search engine results.
  • Organize with Headings and Subheadings: Break your script into sections using headings and subheadings. This not only helps you stay organized but also makes your content scannable for viewers.
  • Highlight Key Points with Bullet Points and Lists: Use bullet points and numbered lists to emphasize key points and make them stand out. This helps viewers quickly grasp the main ideas of your script.

6. Creating Captions and Transcripts for Your YouTube Video

In addition to editing and revising your script, you should also consider creating captions and transcripts for your YouTube video. This enhances accessibility and improves user experience. Here's how you can do it:

  • Use YouTube Studio: YouTube Studio offers a built-in captioning tool that can automatically generate captions for your video. You can then edit and refine the captions to ensure accuracy and readability.
  • Explore Captioning Tools: If you're looking for more advanced captioning options, you can try third-party tools such as Flixier or Vmaker. These tools provide additional features and flexibility for editing and customizing your captions.
  • Pay Attention to Accuracy: When creating captions and transcripts, make sure to use proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Accuracy is key to ensuring a seamless viewing experience for all viewers, including those who rely on captions.
  • Convey Visual and Sound Effects: In your transcripts, be sure to include descriptive text and audio that convey any visual or sound effects that are relevant to the content. This helps viewers understand and engage with your video on a deeper level.

Writing a YouTube script is an essential step in creating engaging and effective videos. By understanding your target audience, defining your video's goal, and following a structured approach, you can craft scripts that captivate your viewers and help you achieve your desired outcomes. So, start implementing these tips and get ready to create YouTube videos that leave a lasting impression. 

About The Author

how to write a good youtube script

Cecilia Hwung is the editor-in-chief of Digiarty VideoProc. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in delivering insightful content on AI trends, video/audio editing, conversion, troubleshooting, and software reviews. Her expertise makes her a trusted ally in enhancing users' digital experiences.

VideoProc is a primary branch of Digiarty Software that is a leading multimedia software company founded in 2006. It endeavors to provide easier hardware-accelerated video audio editing and conversion solutions. The installed base of the VideoProc product has reached 4.6 million units from 180 countries since its release 5 years ago.

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How to Write a YouTube Script: 7 Steps For Content Creators

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Key Takeaways:

  • Define Your Video’s Purpose : Your video’s purpose will guide its content.
  • Understand Your Audience : Know who you’re making the video for.
  • Choose a Topic : Pick one that excites you and interests your viewers.
  • Outline Your Script : Start with a clear structure: an introduction to hook viewers, a main body to elaborate on your topic, and a conclusion to wrap things up.
  • Include Personal Stories or Examples : Share your own experiences to make your content relatable.
  • Enhance Your Script with Visuals : Plan which pictures, graphics, or demonstrations you’ll use in your video.
  • Edit and Revise Your Script : Trim the excess, ensure clarity, stick to your goal, get feedback, and do a final check.

Are you a content creator looking to make the most out of your YouTube channel?

Effective YouTube video scripts are essential to keep viewers returning to your channel. But where do you start? With these five tips, we’ll help you learn how to write a YouTube script and keep your audience happy!

We’ll begin by exploring the importance of understanding your target audience – their preferences, interests, and viewing habits. This knowledge forms the foundation for an effective video script that will keep viewers engaged.

Next, we’ll talk about outlining your YouTube video script as a roadmap to ensure you cover all the essential points for your video. We’ll then move on to crafting compelling stories within your scripts – because every great YouTube video tells an interesting story!

Let’s get into it!

How to Write a YouTube Script

1. understand your audience.

man browsing tablet sitting in front of TV

First, let’s look at the purpose of your YouTube video. This step is super important because you are setting up a roadmap for your entire video. Here are a few types of YouTube videos you might consider:

Educate Your Audience

Maybe you want to teach your viewers something new. These videos can be tutorials, how-tos, or even deep dives into interesting topics.

Entertain with Fun Content

Are you aiming to make people laugh or keep them entertained? You could go for funny skits, challenges, or even a day-in-the-life video.

Inspire with Motivational Content

Sometimes, you might want to lift people’s spirits or motivate them. Think about creating videos that share inspiring stories or motivational talks.

Share Tips and Tricks

If you’ve got some cool hacks or tips up your sleeve, why not share them? These could be life hacks, cooking tips, or even tech shortcuts.

Review and Recommend

You could focus on reviewing products, books, movies, or anything else you’re passionate about. Share your thoughts and recommendations.

Share Personal Stories

Get personal and share your experiences. This can be travel vlogs, personal challenges, or life updates.

You may also want to do some keyword research and find specific keywords to include in your video script.

woman in blue sweater using white earbuds

2. Understand Your Audience

Grasping who your audience is forms the backbone of successful YouTube content. Understanding your viewers entails both looking at demographics and getting into the heads of the viewers.

  • What do they like?
  • What are their everyday challenges?
  • What keeps them coming back to YouTube?

By figuring this out, you can tailor your content to be more relevant. Let’s break down the key areas to focus on:

Different age groups have varying interests and ways of engaging with content. Knowing whether your audience is teenagers, young adults, or older viewers will shape your video style and language.

Interests and Hobbies

Are your viewers tech enthusiasts, beauty gurus, or fitness buffs? Identifying their interests helps in creating content that resonates and keeps them engaged.

Challenges and Pain Points

Understanding your audience’s challenges or problems allows you to make content that offers solutions.

Engagement Patterns

Look at how your audience interacts with your videos. Do they prefer long-form content or short clips? Do they engage more with educational content or entertainment?

You can use tools like Google Analytics or YouTube Studio , which offer valuable insights into your audience’s behaviors and preferences. They can help you understand which of your videos are performing well, the peak times your audience is online, and what content keeps them engaged the longest.

Cultural Background

Consider the cultural diversity of your audience. This awareness can help create respectful and relatable content for people from different backgrounds.

Getting to know your audience is like putting together pieces of a puzzle. The more pieces you fit, the clearer the picture of what your audience wants and needs from your content. This understanding is key to attracting viewers and turning them into loyal followers.

Audience Personas

Consider creating audience personas to ensure you consistently hit the mark with your YouTube videos. These are semi-fictional characters that represent different segments of your target audience.

Include specific details in your personas like their daily activities, hobbies, likes and dislikes, challenges they face, and goals they strive towards. Try to step into their shoes and see the world from their perspective. This will help you understand what content they might find appealing, inspiring, informative, or entertaining.

For instance, if you are a fitness brand, your personas could include “Gym Gary,” who is an experienced gym-goer, and “Home-workout Hannah,” who prefers exercising at home. These personas will then guide you in creating targeted videos – workout tutorials for advanced gym equipment for Gary and creative home workout routines for Hannah.

Find The Right Tone And Style For Your Content

In the world of video content, one size does not fit all. Your script’s tone and style should cater to your audience’s preferences.

For example, if your content is directed towards professionals, perhaps in finance or law, you might opt for a more formal and informative tone, like a lecture or seminar. On the other hand, if your audience is younger or if your content is lighter, like a travel vlog or a beauty tutorial, a casual, fun-loving tone would be more fitting.

3. Choose a Topic

A great topic is one that not only interests you but also interests your audience. Here’s how to zero in on the best subject:

Choose a topic you’re genuinely excited about. Your enthusiasm will shine through, making your videos more authentic.

Next, consider what your viewers are interested in. Picking a topic that aligns with their preferences ensures your content stays relevant and appealing.

Keep an eye on current trends in your niche, as talking about these can increase the visibility and reach of your videos.

4. Outline Your Script

Before you begin writing your YouTube script, it’s a good idea to create an outline first. This will help you stay focused, ensure a logical flow, and make it easier for your audience to understand your video.

You should always try to have a clear message or story in your video script. Break your story down into sections or key points – these will form the framework of your video script.

MasterClass suggests a three-part structure: introduction, body, and conclusion. Grab attention in the intro, dive deeper into the body, and wrap it up neatly in the conclusion.

  • Introduction: Hook viewers with interesting facts or questions.
  • Main Body: Break down complex ideas into digestible chunks.
  • Conclusion: Recap main points and provide actionable steps.

Once you’ve defined the main sections, flesh them out by listing the key elements for each. This is your script template and starting point for detailed scriptwriting.

Enhance Your Video With Visual Storytelling

An aspect often overlooked in scripting and video production is noting down visual ideas. This is often referred to as visual storytelling . Pair these with the corresponding parts of your script.

These might include B-roll footage , animations , or graphical elements that complement your script. They enrich the viewer experience and provide a visual reminder of your script’s key points.

youtube, laptop, notebook

5. Include Personal Stories

Sprinkling your YouTube script with bits and pieces of your own life stories can make your content feel more real. Opening up and sharing bits from your life, whether a funny mishap, a tough challenge you’ve overcome, or just a sweet memory, helps break down walls. Suddenly, you’re not just another face on their screen – you’re someone they can relate to and maybe even look up to.

A Dash of You in Every Video

By weaving in your own experiences, you set your videos apart in a sea of similar content. Your journey, with all its ups and downs, is uniquely yours.

Building a Bridge with Stories

Your stories can be seen as bridges that connect you to your audience. When you share your experiences, whether they are the obstacles you have overcome or the small accomplishments you have celebrated, you’re not just telling a story – you’re reaching out and touching hearts. This kind of communication creates a connection that’s tough to break.

Lessons from Life

Your personal experiences and the lessons you’ve learned from them are valuable treasures. Sharing these experiences in your videos can help you reinforce your message and give your viewers something real to relate to. You’re telling your viewers, “I’ve been through this too, and here’s what I learned.”

A Source of Inspiration and Learning

Imagine your experiences lighting up someone else’s path. Your journey could inspire someone to take that first step or educate them with insights you’ve gained. There’s something incredibly powerful about sharing knowledge that’s been lived and not just read about.

6. Enhance Your Script with Visuals

Making your YouTube videos is like putting on a show. You’ll want to add pictures, drawings, or even show-and-tell moments to make what you’re saying really stand out. Let’s look at how to make your videos super interesting with these tips and tricks:

Pick the Best Pictures and Graphics

Think about what kinds of pictures or drawings will help explain your ideas better. If you’re talking about something from history, a timeline picture could help. Or, if you’re explaining something tricky, a simple drawing could make it easier to understand.

Show How to Do Things

If you’re teaching something, showing how to do it step by step can really help. It’s like when someone shows you how to tie your shoelaces – it’s easier than just telling you.

Make Them Feel Something

Pictures and videos can make people feel happy, excited, or even think deeply. Use these to make your videos more than just talking – make them feel something!

Consistent Visual Style

Try to make all your pictures and graphics look like they belong together. Stick to the same colors and styles so your video looks neat and professional.

Edit for Visual Impact

Your initial draft of your YouTube video script may not sync up perfectly with the visuals you have in mind. That’s completely normal.

The revision stage allows you to synchronize your audio with the corresponding visuals, ensuring a smooth flow throughout your video.

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table

7. Edit and Revise Your Script

Fixing up your script is super important. Here’s how to make your script the best it can be:

Make It Short and Sweet

Go through your script and take out anything that you don’t need. If something doesn’t help tell your story or make your point, it’s probably okay to cut it out.

Make Sure It Makes Sense

Read your script and check if it’s easy to follow. You want to ensure everything you say leads smoothly to the next part and that it’s easy for people to understand.

Stick to Your Goal

Remember what you wanted your video to do? Make sure your script is doing that. Every part should help you reach your goal, whether it’s to teach, make people laugh, or get them thinking.

Ask for Opinions

It’s a good idea to let someone else read your script. They might see things you didn’t and can tell you how to make it better.

Final Check

Last, read your script aloud. This is your chance to fix any small mistakes and ensure everything sounds right.

8. Use AI to Assist

AI writing tools are taking center stage in an era of rapid technological advancements. They’re your backstage team, your invisible co-writer who can turbocharge the video creation process. Let’s look at how you can use AI to help you write YouTube scripts.

Automated Ideation and Brainstorming

AI tools, such as AI content generators , can help generate a flurry of ideas for your script. Input a topic – these smart tools can help you create a relevant video title, video description, and even complete script drafts.

Improved Writing Quality

AI-powered grammar and style checkers like Grammarly ensure your script is free from grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. They also suggest enhancements for clarity, engagement, and delivery.

AI writing tools like Jasper AI contain templates to help you create great video titles, descriptions, outlines, and more! See below for some of my favorite templates from Jasper:

Video Templates-Jasper

After your outline is ready, you can use the Jasper Chat function to help you write a good video script for your YouTube Channel, section by section.

Content Optimization

Some AI tools specialize in analyzing audience data and current trends. They can also help optimize your scripts for SEO, ensuring your YouTube videos reach a wider audience.

Script Testing

AI can also simulate potential audience reactions by testing different versions of your scripts. This way, you can fine-tune your content to maximize audience engagement before the video even goes live.

Chatbots for Interactive Scripts

AI chatbots can help you script interactive content. They can simulate conversations and generate dynamic dialogues, providing your audience with a unique and engaging experience.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, writing a good YouTube video script requires careful consideration of your target audience, a well-structured outline, and a good story.

You can tailor your script to their interests and needs by understanding who you are creating content for.

An outline helps organize your ideas and ensures your video flows smoothly.

Additionally, incorporating visuals into your script enhances the overall viewing experience. Whether it’s through graphics, images, or B-roll footage, visual elements help reinforce key points and make your content more visually appealing.

So remember:

  • Understand your target audience.
  • Outline your script.
  • Write a compelling story.
  • Incorporate visuals to enhance your script.

Happy YouTube scripting!

How to Write a YouTube Script

Common Questions (FAQs)

How do i learn to write a youtube script.

You can learn by studying successful YouTube scripts and videos, reading books on scriptwriting, and practicing regularly.

How much does it cost to write a YouTube video script?

The cost varies greatly depending on the complexity of the video – some creators write their own scripts for free, while others may hire professional writers. Others still use AI writing tools such as Jasper or Writesonic.

How long does it take to write a YouTube script?

The time taken can vary from a few hours to several days based on the length and complexity of your YouTube content.

Do YouTubers read scripts?

Yes, many YouTubers use video scripts to ensure they deliver clear, concise, and engaging content in their videos.

Interested in video creation? Check out these other helpful articles:

9+ Best AI Video Editor Software Tools [Reviewed]

11+ Best Video Background Remover Tools

The 7+ Best AI Video Generators [Text to Video]

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Filmmaker, Author, Actor and Story Consultant

Neil Chase is an award-winning, produced screenwriter, independent filmmaker, professional actor, and author of the horror-western novel Iron Dogs. His latest feature film is an apocalyptic thriller called Spin The Wheel.

Neil has been featured on Celtx, No Film School, Script Revolution, Raindance, The Write Practice, Lifewire, and, and his work has won awards from Script Summit, ScreamFest, FilmQuest and Cinequest (among others).

Neil believes that all writers have the potential to create great work. His passion is helping writers find their voice and develop their skills so that they can create stories that are entertaining and meaningful. If you’re ready to take your writing to the next level, he's here to help!

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How to write a YouTube script: A step-by-step guide

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Table of contents, why script your youtube videos, pre-writing considerations, 1. introduction, 2. research your topic, 3. write the content and notes for editing, 4. include a call to action (cta), 5. conclusion, tracking how well your videos perform, create high-quality content with speechify video studio.

Are you a new YouTuber? Here's a detailed guide on how to write a YouTube script and create engaging video content.

In the current digital age, YouTube has become a compelling platform for creativity, entertainment, education, and expression. It offers an avenue for people to share their passions, skills, knowledge, and opinions with viewers across the globe. One of the fundamental steps in crafting compelling video content is script writing. An organized, well-thought-out script can make the difference between a video that captivates and retains its audience and one that falls flat. Despite its importance, however, script writing is often overlooked by many content creators in the video production process.

Here, we delve into the importance of scripting your videos before hitting the record button, the necessary preparations before penning a script, a step-by-step guide to writing an effective YouTube script, and additional tips for creating engaging video content. Embracing these techniques can transform your video creation process, leading to higher viewer engagement and overall YouTube channel success.

Scripting your videos before recording ensures a clear, concise, and well-planned delivery. A good script helps you stay on topic, convey your main points effectively, and engage your audience, leading to improved viewer retention. Moreover, it assists in the video editing process, acting as a roadmap for on-screen animations, B-roll, transitions, and other elements that can take your content to the next level.

Before you dive into video script writing, consider the following:

  • Decide on a topic — Choose something relevant to your YouTube channel, interesting to you, and valuable to your target audience. For how-to videos and tutorials, identify a pain point your audience experiences.
  • Know your audience — Understanding your target audience's needs, preferences, and vernacular allows you to write a script that resonates and engages.
  • Create your brand voice — Your brand voice should be consistent across all your content, making your videos easily recognizable to your viewers.

Writing a YouTube video script

Once the initial research is complete, you can start crafting your YouTube script. Here's a step-by-step process:

The intro should grab your viewers’ attention, introducing the video's topic while hinting at what's to come. The video title and thumbnail play crucial roles here.

Deep-dive into your subject matter. Include interesting facts, stats, or anecdotes that support your content and keep your audience engaged.

Divide your script into manageable sections or topics, each covering a specific point. Include notes for your video editor detailing where to insert B-roll, animations, or pattern interrupts to make the video more engaging.

CTAs guide your audience to engage further with your content or channel. This could be a prompt to subscribe, visit your social media profiles, or check out other videos on your channel.

Wrap up your video by summarizing your main points and reinforcing your CTA.

Scriptwriting tips for engaging video content

Finally, remember these tips to create engaging video content:

  • Keep it conversational — Write as if you're speaking to a friend. This creates a more intimate and engaging viewer experience.
  • Use SEO best practices — Incorporate specific keywords in your script to improve your YouTube SEO and video marketing strategy. This can help your content get discovered.
  • Length matters — While the ideal video length can vary, a rule of thumb is to keep it as concise as possible without sacrificing the quality of the content.
  • Use a script template — A free video script template can help streamline the content creation process, especially for beginners.

Writing a compelling YouTube video script is a skill that develops over time. With practice, your script writing and video content creation skills will undoubtedly improve, leading to a more successful and engaging YouTube channel.

Tracking video performance is crucial to understand the effectiveness of your content and to guide your YouTube content strategy. Various metrics can be used to gauge success, such as view count, watch time, audience retention, likes, shares, comments, and subscriber growth. YouTube provides an analytics tool where you can access this data.

Look at how your video is performing over time—are viewers dropping off at certain points, or are they staying engaged throughout? Which videos get the most shares or comments? By delving into the details, you can identify what works and what doesn't. Additionally, if your videos have CTAs, track how many viewers are following through. All these insights will help you create more effective and engaging video content in the future.

The bar is high for creating quality content on YouTube, especially for new YouTube channels. Get a head start with making engaging video content with the help of Speechify Video Studio. This versatile video editing tool is powered by many advanced AI features that help you create high-quality videos in just a few clicks. Choose from a huge library of video templates, import your script for natural-sounding AI voiceovers, add instant subtitles and translations, include professional-quality special effects, and more all within this user-friendly software.

Transform your video content with Speechify Video Studio , and watch your YouTube channel grow.

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Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.

How to Write YouTube Video Scripts?

How to Write YouTube Video Scripts?

Writing a script for a YouTube video can seem overwhelming, but it is an essential step in creating high-quality content. A well-written script can help you keep your content organized, focused, and engaging for your audience. 

In this article, we will provide tips and tricks on how to write effective YouTube video scripts. We will cover the basics of script structure, writing styles, some  video marketing trends for 2023 , and best practices for scripting a YouTube video. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced content creator, this guide will help you take your video scripting skills to the next level.

  • What Is a Video Script?

A YouTube video script is a written document that specifies the content and aspects of a video production that is designed exclusively for the YouTube platform. 

It contains the speech, images, and special effects that will appear in the finished video. Writing a script for a YouTube video is essential since it ensures that the video is well-structured, focused, and interesting for the intended audience. 

A well-written script may also make the video production process easier to plan and execute. A video script is a vital tool for YouTube content creators who want to create high-quality, popular videos that engage and amuse their audience. At the same time, having a clear script can help you lower the time spent  editing YouTube videos , as you will already have a clear structure for your video content.

  • Why Do You Need a Video Script?

A video script is a crucial part of the video production process, as it serves several important purposes. Some of the reasons why you need a video script include:

  • Organization: A video script helps you organize your thoughts and ideas, ensuring that your video has a clear structure and message.
  • Improved storytelling:  A script allows you to plan and craft your story, improving the overall quality of the final video.
  • Better time management:  Having a script allows you to plan and execute the video production process more efficiently, saving time and reducing the risk of mistakes.
  • Consistency:  A script helps ensure that all elements of the video, such as visuals, dialogue, and sound effects, are consistent and in-sync with one another.
  • Better engagement: A well-written script can help to make your video more engaging and entertaining for your audience, increasing the chances of it being shared and viewed by a larger audience.

How to Write a YouTube Video Script

Writing the script for your next YouTube video can seem like a daunting task. After all, it's not like writing a blog post or an article, where you have complete control over what gets said and how it is conveyed to an audience. With YouTube videos, there are a number of factors that need to be considered in order to ensure that people will actually want to watch them! But don't worry—we'll walk you through everything you need to know about creating effective scripts for YouTube content.

These are the steps on how to write script for YouTube video:

  • 1. Define your audience

Defining your target audience is an important stage in the screenplay writing process since it influences the tone, style, and substance of the video. You may generate content that is especially customized to the requirements and interests of your target audience once you know who they are.

Consider age group, gender, employment, geography, and hobbies when determining your target audience. This information will assist you in determining what type of material is likely to appeal to your target audience, as well as how to effectively contact them.

It is also important to consider how many people your video is likely to reach, and if there are any specific demographics you can target. For example, if you are creating a video about a new product, you may want to target a specific age group or gender.

  • 2. Deliver a story

Telling a story is a powerful tool for making your point more memorable and engaging for your audience. When you use a story to illustrate your message, it helps to bring abstract concepts to life and make them more relatable for your viewers.

However, it is critical to select a narrative that is directly related to your issue and meaningful to your target audience. A tale that is too tangential or does not resonate with your audience will likely distract rather than strengthen your point.

When selecting a story to use in your video, think about what message you want to convey and what kind of story would be the best fit. For example, if you're trying to explain a complex concept, a personal anecdote or case study may be the most effective way to illustrate your point.

Remember, the goal of using a story in your video is to make your message more memorable and relatable for your audience. So choose your story wisely and make sure it supports your overall objective.

  • 3. Start with an outline

Having a clear outline before you start writing your script can be incredibly helpful in ensuring that your video is well-structured, concise, and effective in communicating your message. The outline should include the key points you want to cover in the video and any visuals you want to include to help illustrate your points.

By having an outline in place, you can ensure that your script stays focused on your main message and doesn't veer off into unrelated territory. You can also use the outline to determine the most effective way to present your information and ensure that the video is well-paced and engaging for your audience.

Additionally, having an outline can make the writing process smoother and more efficient, as you'll already have a clear idea of what you want to include in your script. This can save you time and reduce the risk of writer's block. If you’re ready to take your content a step further and collaborate with a brand or fellow creator, check out this free  video brief template that will level up your YouTube video game.

You can also record yourself while drafting the script and then  convert the audio to text.

  • 4. Establish a problem, solution and urgency

Another step in writing your script is to establish the problem you are trying to solve for your readers. You can do this by asking them questions like: What are their biggest challenges? What problems do they face on a daily basis? Why do they need help with these challenges or problems? Then, once you've defined the issue at hand, explain how your product or service can provide an elegant solution that will benefit them immensely (and also help them achieve their goals).

Asking these types of questions will not only help refine what type of content would be most beneficial for viewers but also ensure that it aligns with their needs and interests so as not waste any time during production - which means more money saved!

  • 5. Address pain points

As a content creator, you're going to want to address the pain points that your audience is experiencing. Pain points are the things that make your audience feel uncomfortable. If you address these issues, it will make them feel more comfortable watching and listening to what you have to say. On the other hand, if there are certain topics or concerns which aren't addressed in your video script then this could lead viewers feeling anxious about these issues being left out of the conversation altogether (or at least not given enough attention).

For example: If someone had just lost their job because their company went under due to layoffs at work and was unable to find another job anywhere else because there were no openings available right now due to high unemployment rates across all industries - this would be considered a "pain point" since it's something which causes stress/anxiety within themselves while also making them feel powerless over their situation (i..e., not having any control over whether or not they get hired again).

  • 6. Don’t forget to make it sound like you 

Humor in your video script may be a very effective approach to make your material more engaging and interesting for your viewers. Humor may contribute to a more relaxed and casual tone, helping your audience feel more connected to you and your company. Furthermore, comedy may be an effective strategy for making your material more memorable, increasing the likelihood that viewers will share your video with others on social media.

However, it is critical to employ comedy in a way that is acceptable for your target audience and video theme. Avoid utilizing inappropriate, insulting, or contentious comedy, since it is unlikely to resonate with your audience and may harm your brand's reputation.

  • 7. Utilize AI technology

OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT, is a powerful tool for writers and content creators looking to craft the perfect video script. By using AI technology, ChatGPT can provide suggestions and generate ideas for your script, helping you to stay on track and avoid writer's block.

For example, if you're struggling to come up with a story to use in your video, ChatGPT can suggest a relevant story or case study that aligns with your message. If you need help with word choice or phrasing,  ChatGPT can provide suggestions that help to make your script more engaging and relatable for your audience.

Whether one is seeking for a vlog introduction script or a YouTube channel introduction script, Chat GPT can help all video creators draft their content! You can also use the generated script to  add text to video .

  • Ready to Start Creating Videos Based on a Script?

Writing a video script is an important step in the video creation process. It allows you to organize your thoughts, structure your content, and effectively communicate your message to your audience.

So if you're ready to start creating videos based on a script, take the time to carefully consider these tips and tricks. With the right preparation, tools and a  free template for video briefs to up your organization game, you'll be well on your way to creating videos that connect with your audience and effectively communicate your message.

As you move forward with your video creation, consider using a video editing tool like Flixier to help you bring your script to life. With its user-friendly interface and powerful editing capabilities, Flixier can help you to quickly and easily create videos that look professional and polished. So why wait? Get started with Flixier today and take your video creation to the next level!

Frequently asked questions

Do you need to write a script for a YouTube video?

How long should a 10-minute YouTube script be?

Do vloggers have scripts?

Content Writer at Flixier

Andra is highly curious about the marketing field, but most of her experience lays in the content writing sphere, mainly in relation to social media marketing, social media automation, and video marketing.

Table Of Contents

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How to Write a YouTube Script: Video Script Example and Tips

The secrets of writing a great youtube script: steps, video script example, tips.

How to write a script for a YouTube video? You must have asked this question several times before creating your YouTube video. But did you ever venture to find out what a YouTube script needs? What are the things that make video scripts effective? Today is the perfect opportunity to learn all about creating the perfect video script for YouTube videos. We are going to go in detail and help you create a fitting script for getting your videos maximum views and likes. First, we will start with the basics. 

How to Write a Video Script: The Fundamentals

YouTube script writing

Before you set out to make a script, you have to get a few things done. Let's say you are creating a video on SEO tips to encourage the viewers to download your whitepaper. We will use this example to show you a general script format template you can use as a reference.  Before you start video scriptwriting, answer the following questions- ●    What is the goal of your video? -To make viewers download my SEO whitepaper ●    Who is the target audience? -Digital marketers, website owners, blog owners ●    What is your video on? - SEO tips ●    What will viewers learn? Tips to rank websites on search engines ●    What will the video lead to? - Downloading the whitepaper The answer to the questions will work as a brief to help create your YouTube video script. Now, let's get to the next step of our YouTube video script template.

Create a YouTube Script Outline

Create an outline of your U Tube script so that you know the things to cover. From there, you can work on the details and develop your actual music video script or online video marketing script. Let's use our SEP tips example to illustrate the process. Let's consider you are giving 3 SEO tips in your video. Here is what a video scripting outline might look like- ●    Introduction + hook  ●    Transition to tips ●    Tip 1- keyword research and use ●    Tip 2- Website user experience ●    Tip 3- Domain authority ●    CTA Now, we are going to enter the main part of writing the script for your YouTube video. 

Video Scripting Techniques for a Great Script

Start with a hook.

It's really important to hook your audience right at the beginning of the video. Appeal to the emotion of your viewers, share anecdotes and facts, tell a story- anything that works for you.  The idea is to convey the message what your viewers can get by watching the video. 

Introduce Yourself and Your Company

Tell a few things about yourself to help the viewers connect with you personally. Share a few things about your company, what you do, in a few words. You can use the commercial script template below to develop your hook and introduction-

YouTube video script hook and introduction infographic

Write the Main Script

Now focus on the things you want to cover in your video and start writing your script. You will most probably be fine with a simple script as we are not considering movie scripts here. While you write, keep the following video strategy for scripts in mind- Follow the outline: Base your script on the brief and outline for the best results. Consider visuals: Your video may not always focus on the narrator. You might have shots zooming on products, infographics, or transition to other scenes. Your script should account for these factors in the video as the speaking will be affected.  Be conversational: You need to be conversational and speak directly to the viewers. The approach should be like writing a blog post, but you need more elements to connect with the audience. Try to address the viewers more often, ask questions, and bring up facts or stories your viewers can relate to.  Mind the tone: The nature of your video will determine the attitude or tone you need to adopt. You can also experiment and try to be funny or quirky even on serious topics. However, your humor shouldn't feel forced upon. This is where many brands fail while trying to imitate video script templates of others. Use a tone that flows naturally and brings out the message in your video in the best manner.  Don't get too technical: The average person may not be knowledgeable about technical terms. They may find it difficult to grasp numbers or relate to raw data. You should provide context to the data and help your audience understand the benefits or importance of the data.  Don't miss anything: Be sure to write down everything you plan to say in your video. You may be an expert on the topic but still may miss out on something important you want to convey. Scripting everything also reduces the numbers of re-dos afterward.  Read it aloud: After you are done with the script, read it aloud. You may find portions in your script that doesn’t sound good while speaking. Fine-tune the areas and make the script flow more smoothly. If required, record as you speak and listen afterward to analyze the flow. 

End with a Strong CTA

End your video script with a strong CTA, whatever that is. The general CTA for any video is to ask for likes, shares, and subscriptions. But marketers can have a different goal, like downloading the white paper in our video script example.

Assess Your YouTube Script for the Final Time

Congrats on getting down with your script. But before you can call it a shot, go over your script once more. Here you need to adopt the lenses of the viewer and check if the script really serves their needs. You can achieve the goals of your video only if your viewers can relate and connect with the content.  Check for the following- ●    Will your viewers be able to understand the concepts? ●    Does your script address the viewer's needs? ●    Have you explained your facts and concepts? ●    Did you use the appropriate vocabulary? ●    Was your tone appropriate? ●    Was the CTA apt for your audience? The answer to the questions will help you adjust your script for creating the most impact on your audience. Now, we will provide you a YouTube script template based on our SEO tips example.

YouTube Video Script Example for Reference

Introduction + hook.

"Hello, there! Are you frustrated by constant low ranking on Google even after spending thousands of dollars on SEO? Today, we are going to give you 3 advanced SEO tips to bring your website back on the radar! I'm John, and I manage a small digital marketing agency called XXX. We help small business owners leverage their SEO and compete with the leading brands. So, here's the first one of our pro SEO tips just for you."

Here we will talk about just one example tip to give you an idea for writing a video script for yourself. "One of the most important factors to rank your website is user experience. Do you know most visitors leave a site if it doesn't load in 15 seconds? That could really hamper your Google rankings and put you in a bad light! So having a responsive website that loads quickly is a must for Google rankings. You also have to keep an eye on how your website plays out on mobile devices, as half of the internet traffic now comes from mobile devices."

"We hope you enjoyed our video and learned a thing or two about getting your website back in rakings. If you'd like, we have more cool tips to improve your SERP rankings in a concise whitepaper. Just click on the link in the video description to download your copy and appear on the first page of Google results." That was a great script for any video marketing strategy. You can take inspiration from our example of the script and write your own!

Explainer Video Script Template

By now, you must have formed an idea about the things that help you create a great video script. However, some people keep asking for video script format or video script template word-by-word. So we thought of giving an example of video script templates. Here's how it looks-


●    Hook to attract viewer attention ●    Information about yourself ●    The key takeaways of the vide

●    Introduce your concepts ●    Cover them in details ●    Keep it thorough but concise ●    Keep room for visual elements ●    Adopt an appropriate tone ●    Help viewers connect with your video

●    Ask viewers to like, subscribe, sign up, or download  We will give you a super-useful infographic with helpful tips to write your own script-

YouTube Script writing tips

Now comes the turn to shoot your video. We will also help you out a bit to make your narration as best as possible. 

Practice A Lot

It's really important that you practice the script multiple times by reading it aloud. You will be able to get used to the tone, pauses, modulations, as required by the flow of the script by practicing. Many people find it best to practice in front of a mirror.  You can also practice in front of your friends and get ready for feedback on how things sound. Practice makes perfect, and this holds true for any speech, including video scripts. 

Final Thoughts

A great video script makes a great video that deserves to be watched. If you want to promote your videos easily , think of Viboom. You can get authentic views from real users in a short time and grow your subscribers and likes. Viboom can also make your videos go viral and attract thousands of views in a few days. We take over after you create your video and help you become a popular YouTuber in no time!

how to write a good youtube script

Sasha Lerman

Copywriter, writer, editor. Development and promotion on YouTube and Instagram, as well as many other exciting topics.

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How to Write Engaging YouTube Video Scripts


  • March 17, 2020
  • Content Marketing , Copywriting

Most people don’t know this, but in another timeline, YouTube may not have become the second largest search engine in the world. 

When they launched, they wanted to be a video-based dating site. You’d log on, watch videos from potentials, and pick one.

Imagine that.

As history goes, YouTube quickly realised its potential and became the online video platform we know today. 

Today, 2 billion users from around the world turn to the video platform for content. And sure, comedy sketches and cat videos will always be internet favorites, but so will more serious content. 

Google found that 7 in 10 users turn to YouTube to solve a problem related to their job, studies or hobby. 

And with the world leaning into video in a big way, savvy copywriters see opportunity. You can carve-out a share of the YouTube video script writing cake. 

You see, video scripts are a big deal. Every business creating content for YouTube needs a well-structured message to take to market. Who better than you to be that writer?

The power of YouTube video scripts

There’s no denying that it takes more than a strong script to rank a video on YouTube. You need a captivating thumbnail, an enticing description that’s SEO’d, and a catchy title. 

But after those get viewers to click play, you’ll need to grab and hold their attention. And that’s where smart scriptwriting saves the day. 

YouTube ranks content according to many factors, but the most important are engagement-based. For your video to beat the competition, it needs to get more watch-time, views, likes, shares, and comments. 

Your thumbnail, description and SEO isn’t going to do all that, but your script most definitely will.

Want to know how to create an engaging video script?

Keep reading.

In this blog post, I’ll share a step-by-step process for writing video scripts that command and hold viewer attention. I’ll show you how to identify strong topics for videos, how to produce an effective outline, and how to strengthen your script.

1. YouTube scripts and finding a strong topic

Unlike SEO copywriting , your video script doesn’t need to focus on keywords or other SEO-related metrics. While you will need to mention certain points related to the topic you choose, writing your video script is all about creating content your viewers will find helpful.

Finding strong topics to use is, therefore, as easy as focusing on the pain points and desired outcomes of your audience.

But to know what their pain points are, you need to dig deep and develop an intimate understanding of their lives and how your solution fits into their daily experience.

What are the challenge that lead them to actively search for a solution? How can you help?

Validate your topic

Once you list out some ideas, it’s time to validate them and cull your list.

The following three-step approach will help identify your audience’s interest level and potential subtopics you can incorporate. 

Step one: gauge interest using Google Trends

Google Trends is often used for identifying trends on search engines and also works for YouTube. Using Google Trends is as simple as typing in a term and selecting YouTube from the source drop-down menu.

What you’ll see next is a graphical representation of the interest in your term over the last 12 months.

A score between 50 and 100 indicates high interest. A score around the 50 mark shows moderate interest, and anything between zero and 50 represents low interest.

In the example below, we can see that the interest in “SEO” is rapidly rising in the past 2-3 months comparing to the previous period, which can be a good sign to cover a topic around that search term.

Step two: identify potential keywords using YouTube suggestions

Once you’ve established the interest level for your topic, and decide you’d like to move ahead, it’s time to identify more specific keywords and ideas using YouTube.

YouTube pulls a third of the internet. These are people searching for content using YouTube’s search bar. As users type terms for content that they want to see, YouTube’s algorithm is learning and suggesting content that most accurately meets user demands.

Turning to YouTube suggestions is one of the smartest tactics you can use to identify keywords and content ideas to include in your script.

YouTube’s auto suggest feature is very similar to Google Suggest. As you start typing in the search bar, YouTube will show a list of relevant queries that contain your keywords. These are the queries that users on YouTube are actively searching for.

You can also use the asterisk (*) in your search query together with your main keyword. The asterisk will act as a “wildcard” and show other variations of your search query.

Once you have several topic ideas, and a list of keywords and search queries, collect them in a Google Doc or a Google Sheet for use in step two.

Step three: establish keyword volume with Ahrefs

Next, use Ahrefs to gather keyword search volume. Ahrefs has fast-become the go-to SEO, keyword and research tool almost everyone uses today. It will help you refine ideas for your script based on keywords and their search volume.

As you learned in step two, identifying which ideas that people are actively searching for and including them in your script is important. Introducing too many ideas can overwhelm viewers, while too few can leave your audience underwhelmed.

Ahrefs does a great job of presenting information on search terms. 

For example, the “Newly Discovered” report includes new terms added to the Ahrefs database that includes your keyword. These can help you create new content ideas based on terms that have started to generate more search volume.

2. Create your outline

Whether you’re planning live-streaming sessions or pre-recorded video, developing a structure for your script is essential. An outline will help you arrange your ideas so they flow as you deliver your content. 

One of the most effective structures is based on grabbing attention early, introducing yourself, delivering value and closing with a call to action.

Here’s what goes into each part.

According to YouTube, you have 15 seconds to grab the attention of your audience. If you don’t, there’s a good chance they’ll click back to find a video that better serves their needs.

The best hooks identify what your audience stands to gain. They are specific, clear and easy to understand.

For busy viewers, this approach is perfect. It acts as a form of reassurance that clicking on this video based on its title and thumbnail design was a good idea.

After sharing how your audience will gain (in your hook), identify yourself and the brand you represent. Then, tell your audience what you will be sharing with them in your video. 

With this formula, you capture the viewers’ attention and keep them engaged through the first minute of your video.

Provide context .

When crafting a YouTube video script, make sure to really hone the first two steps, by first engaging your viewers by telling them how they’ll gain from watching before introducing yourself and diving deeper into the topic at hand. 

For example, if you’re going to cover “How to do X”, Your hook can be “Today, I’m going to show you how to do X to achieve Y, let’s Go!” and your intro can be “Hi, My name is X, welcome to our channel where we help you achieve Y, today I’m going to share…” 

The body of your video script

This is where you’ll deliver all the value and it will be the longest section of your script. 

It’s important to create a body that flows, ensuring each point is salient and connected to your core topic.

Here’s a simple, three-step formula for structuring the body of your script:

  • Introduce three to five points so you don’t overwhelm your audience.
  • Elaborate on each point using examples for the context where needed.
  • Complete the body with a summary of what you’ve just shared to drive your message home.
  • Include your call to action. Tell your audience what to do next. 

What’s the optimal video length?

There’s a simple rule of thumb to follow when producing video content.

Make it as long as necessary and as short as possible. And this all has to do with the type of information you’re sharing and how much time you really need to get the message across. 

Research by Wistia shows that if there ever was a sweet spot, it would be between six and 12 minutes. This, apparently, is where engagement decay starts to set in. 

But what about videos that go beyond the 12-minute mark? Think Media recommends cutting yours into two parts. This way, you get the viewer’s undivided attention. 

Tips for strengthening your script

While these steps are effective, crafting the perfect YouTube video script will take more than an outline and a great idea. Here are three tips for injecting more character into your script, and making your videos more engaging and concise. 

Make it conversational

Conversational YouTube copywriting is easier than it sounds. By being conversational, your video scripts help you produce more engaging videos. They are easier to relate to and feel personalized. 

The best way to sound conversational is by writing for an audience of one. You’ll find that communicating with one person is far less intimidating than addressing thousands of strangers. There’s also a degree of intimacy that would otherwise be lost if you focused on speaking to a larger audience.

Write stronger paragraphs

A smart way to cover each point is by structuring each paragraph. Introduce an idea in the first sentence and elaborate on it in the following sentences. It’s an old copywriter’s technique that’s highly effective and one you’ll undoubtedly begin to spot and well-written text.

For example, here’s how you would structure a paragraph on what “Viewing loop” is:

“A viewing loop is a way of keeping people on your channel. And, it’s one of the most effective – yet overlooked – ways to increase your views. It works by prompting people to watch more interesting or relevant content you’ve created and forms a “loop” where people stay tuned into your videos.”

Don’t forget a call to action

Tell your viewers what to do next. While it may seem like the obvious thing to do, neglecting to include one can stunt your YouTube channel’s growth. 

Put another way, if you’re trying to generate more views, subscribers, and potentially monetize them with links to external pages and resources, not mentioning those resources won’t help.

When you call out what viewers must do next, ensure your calls to action includes a benefit. For example, if you’re offering a free guide, explain what the guide is about and why it matters and what viewers stand to gain from downloading it.

Introduce pattern interrupts

Pattern interrupts were popularized in the study of neuro-linguistic programming. They are designed to break thought patterns by introducing what seems like a sudden and unexpected idea.

When used correctly, they can help “reset viewer minds”, forcing viewers to pay attention for longer periods of time (something that can help position your videos in front of more viewers, boosting views on YouTube and your channel’s success).

They also come in different forms, from switching camera angles and subject positioning on-screen, changing the volume of your voice or using graphics in your video. 

Take Neil Patel’s video titled “8 Things to Master in SEO – Do You Know Them?” 

Buffer used pattern interrupts to boost their YouTube channel growth by 59% in just 30 days .

Edit. Edit. Edit.

Any copywriter will share that writing has more to do with editing ideas than the number of words you use. 

As you edit your script, focus on introducing enough pauses between each point related to your core topic. Read the script out loud. Hear how the video flows and pay attention to the rhythm of the words to nail down the timing. This will allow you to perfectly package your ideas as easy-to-digest concepts by offering examples for anything that appears complex.

Over to you…

YouTube copywriting involves a little more than video titles and descriptions. It includes producing well-crafted scripts that help drive engagement.

If well-written, your scripts can help build a strong and loyal audience filled with viewers who actively engage your content and help drive results.

Big thanks to Amir Shahzeidi for this post! What do you say… are you going to try YouTube video script writing?



17 responses.

Thanks for putting together this article, as well as taking the time to include screenshots. There were some great subtle tips, which I never considered. (e.g. standing in a different part of the video frame). Cheers.

All credit to Amir! Thanks for reading. I’m so glad it was useful.

Thanks, Louise! Glad you enjoyed the article!

Spot on wow, this was worth the read, it’s a light bulb moment right now, thank you really for sharing this content, I this am now ready to go try out my first script, Belinda thanx for pointing me to this direction,

I’m so glad you enjoyed it Markus.

Behind almost every great YouTube video is a thought-through script. It’s safe to assume that viewers want something that’s unique, informative, and engaging. The explanation given is spot on. Thanks for sharing Amir.

I would say that scripts are of vital importance for tutorials/how-to videos. I’ve seen far too many videos on YouTube where the person who’s making the video talks too much about things that are not related to the intended topic of the video.

Great article, Amir; I learned a lot!

Thank you Amir. I have been reading post about scripts for more than an hour looking for the right information, and you just delivered what I’ve been looking for. I also follow Neil Patel. He makes a great job scripting his videos.

Cheers Dalia

Amazing just loved it. I am going to start a youtube channel very soon so I thought of researching scriptwriting, and I think this is the best article I have ever read. Thank you 🙂

This is good article to help organize how to organize your thoughts in simple systematic process to get started producing YouTube content. Thanks!

Thanks for sharing this! It really was insightful! Will definitely be using your tips!

It is a well written article which is very useful for me during my initial stage of starting a youtube channel. Thank you.

Great tips!

Fantastic, informative article, thanks! I’m about to write a script and this is a perfect step-by-step guide to calm the nerves and sharpen the pen (so to speak). I’ll be coming back to this regularly.

Amazing blog! I recently started my own YouTube channel and I was really struggling with quality content. However, I guess I could use some tips to form a better script for my videos. Thank you so much for the tips.

I believe I speak for everyone when I say Neil patel’s is very good with pattern interrupt. Its really good to keep viewers engaged. It make them move their eyes from one scene to the other, then refocuses it on the speaker.

Also, call to action can be for your viewers to watch another one of your videos therefore increasing the feedback loop and your watchtime on the platform.

Nice article.

This gives me a lot to think about writing my scripts. I did a few youtube videos and tried to get the audience to watch the entire video.

Do you have any suggestions when you are doing computer tutorial videos?

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How to Write a Video Script for Youtube , Video Script , Youtube Video Script

Youtube is becoming more and more competitive every passing day!

With more than 500 hours of videos being uploaded on YouTube every single minute, it's becoming pretty hard for content creators to stand out and make a mark!

As a content creator, you must have tried different approaches occasionally to increase viewership and engagement.

But, have you ever thought about the script of the video? 

Have you ever tried working on improving it?

If your answer is no, this post is for you!

Writing a good script will help you plan a lot of important things ahead. Once you're clear about all the nitty-gritties of video making and marketing, you'd be able to address your target audience in the right way and be able to deliver what they actually want. 

When you have a solid YouTube video script that's well written and tailored for your needs, you will be able to stand out amongst the masses and shine with your valuable content. After all, people love and encourage content that they find valuable.

And, once you start delivering valuable content, you'd be able to establish a strong relationship with your audience and grow consistently. 

Now, before you get started with your scriptwriting process, it would be helpful if you try answering a few basic questions that will help you understand your purpose behind creating these videos. 

Most youtube videos that require a script are informational videos. While these could be how-to videos , tutorials , or instructional videos , it's important to ask yourself these five basic questions before you start writing your script. 

  • Who is your target audience? 
  • What do they need? 
  • What messages do you want to deliver?
  • What kind of emotion do you want to convey? 
  • What kind of action do you expect from your audience after watching this video?

Once you have the right answers to these questions, you can go ahead and see what elements can be added to a video script . 

youtube screen recorder

Here's a list of the basic elements that can be added to your script:

  • Scene description : It provides the context for filming a scene.
  • Stage directions : Stage directions denote the actions the speaker or actor is about to perform in the video.
  • Camera cues: Camera cues are instructions on how the video should be filmed.
  • Dialogue : Dialogues are nothing but the message or content the speaker is about to deliver in the video.
  • Post-production notes : These notes contain detailed information about how the video should be edited in post-production. 
  • Callouts for B-roll : We all must have come across videos that transition from a person explaining on camera to a close-up of their product or a demonstration. These secondary shots are called "B-roll" shots. As a person who writes the video script, you should provide proper callouts to these B-roll shots as well. 

Scriptwriting streamlines the whole video creation process and helps plan things way ahead. It organizes your thoughts into a structured outline and reduces the time wasted on unnecessary things. Here's a list down of the 5 main reasons why you should never start your video creation process without a script.

  • The script plays a major role in getting the entire production team on the same wavelength 
  • It reduces the number of retakes
  • Helps visualize how the video will look like
  • Helps the speaker avoid unnecessary rants
  • It saves a the time wasted on unnecessary edits

Now, let's go ahead and learn how to write a YouTube video script that's not only engaging but also valuable to the audience. 

The goal of writing a video script is to make the post-production process easier. So, irrespective of whether you choose to write a detailed script or a minimal script, as long as you serve the purpose of the video, you're fine. Just, remember to make sure you add value by giving out genuine information to your audience. 

1. Identify your target audience

The first step in this process is to identify your target audience and understand their needs. Think about what section of audience you're trying to appeal to. Are you targeting young teens or retirees? Deciding on these basic things will help you set the language, tone, pace and length of the video.  

2. Start brainstorming

Now, this is very important. Take 15 minutes or so and write down every idea that comes to your mind. Once you are done, flesh out a few of them that align with your objectives. 

You should also be checking whether they resonate with your target audience. The aim should be to convey the core message in an easy-to-understand manner. 

3. Determine your narrative and emotions

The narrative will help you decide how your story should flow. This is the section where you can try to experiment with different marketing formulas like PAS, AIDA, etc. 

4. Identify the right keywords for your topic

Once you list down a few ideas, it's time to validate them. Let's divide this process into three steps. 

The idea here is to get a bunch of keywords that are popular with a good search volume. 

Wondering where to find them? 

Here are three easy ways. 

Option 1: Google Trends

Google Trends is one of the most reliable platforms for identifying popular search trends on Google. However, this data can also be used for YouTube. 

You just need to type in your search term. When you do this, you'll see a graphical representation of the interest in your 'search term' for the last 1 year. 

Here is how you analyze the search results. 

  • Search interest in the range of 0 - 50 : Low
  • Search interest around 50 : Moderate
  • Search interest above 50 - 100 : High

Option 2: YouTube suggestions 

This is another wonderful way to identify the specific keywords for free. It's very similar to 'Google Suggest.' 

When you type your search terms into Youtube's search box, it will show a list of relevant queries. And, as these queries are generated based on what people are searching worldwide, they become an excellent source to find the right keywords. 

You can also use the asterisk (*) to find other variations of your search query. For example, if you type in "how to * a cake", it shows a list of results like "how to bake a cake", " how to make a vanilla cake", "how to make cake without oven", etc. You can use this data to come up with the right keywords for your videos.

Option 3: SEO tools

SEO tools can be used to determine the search volume and difficulty of the selected keywords. Although they provide detailed insights on other metrics such as impressions, bounce rate and clicks, and help analyze SEO traffic . You can just focus on the search volume and search difficulty in the beginning. Some of the popular SEO tools that can be used are SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, etc.

5. Write an outline 

This is where you actually start writing. This will help you decide on the structure and flow of the video. Before you finish, check whether you've covered all the relevant topics. 

6. Divide your script into sections and start writing 

It's always easier to divide the script into different sections. Here's what a solid draft will contain: 

It's very important to have an impressive hook as that is what grabs viewers' attention and keeps them watching till the end. 

For instance, it could be

  • A brief summary of what the video is about
  • An attention-grabbing line
  • An eye-catching visual or 
  • A short teaser 

This section comes right after the hook. You can introduce yourself, show an example, or give viewers a small glimpse of what the video is about. It's best to keep this section of the video short. 

iii) Content

This will be the most detailed part of the script. Make sure you include all the necessary points that have to be addressed. But, don't make it too lengthy. People have a really short attention span nowadays. So, you don't want people to get bored and leave. 

iv) Call to action

At the end of every video, it's important to make sure you add the necessary call-to-actions. Most YouTubers usually ask viewers to like, subscribe, comment, and share their videos. Some might even ask people to subscribe to their email list. Depending on where you want to direct your target audience, you can customize your CTA. 

7. Edit, format, revise and repeat

Once you are done writing your script, give it a thorough read and start editing, cutting, and rearranging it if it's not up to the mark. If you feel you've written things that don't align with your goals, try removing them.

8. Get feedback 

Once you are done writing and editing your script, it's important to run it through somebody who wasn't involved in the writing or editing process. It could be any of your friends, colleagues or siblings. Give it to them for a read, and try to improve the script based on their suggestions. 

Here are some useful tips and tricks to help you get started:

  • Find a good spot to write your scripts
  • Be conversational
  • Don't forget to add a call-to-action
  • Introduce pattern interrupts 
  • Keep it short
  • Fix an optimal length for your video
  • Experiment with different video script templates
  • Try running a verbal run-through off camera

If you're writing a youtube video script for creating tutorials, screencasts, how-to videos, instructional videos, or product videos, you can easily record yourself using Vmaker . Vmaker is a screen recording and editing software that allows YouTubers to record their screen, webcam and audio effortlessly. 

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  • How To Send Videos in Gmail - 3 Easy Ways
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How to write a video script for YouTube

Do content creators use YouTube video scripts, and if so, how do they write them? We’ll answer your YouTube video script-related questions today!

Alec Chillingworth

Alec Chillingworth

Want to write a YouTube video script? Let’s delve into what it takes, the sort of structure you’ll need, how they can improve your content, and more.

What is a video script?

A video script is your North Star. It contains your dialogue, actions, sound effects, camera angles, graphics – it’s an integral part of your content, the backbone, the thing that keeps everything running smoothly.

Whether it’s a script for a music video, a video game, a corporate video, a promotional video, a YouTube video, a movie, or something else entirely, it’s going to keep everybody on-track to deliver the goods. It just makes filming easier.

Filming for YouTube

What is a video script format?

Traditionally, there are three formats for video scripts, and they can all be applied to YouTube videos. They are:

  • Audio/Visual, or AV. This is a basic format that works for interviews, product reviews, and simpler pieces of content. It describes the bare bones of what’s happening on-screen: the audio and dialogue, and the essential visual aspects. The script is simply split into two columns, with one for the audio aspect and another for the visual.
  • Visual/Audio/Graphics, or VAG. This is similar to the AV script, but with an extra column for graphics. This can come in handy for scripts for training or corporate videos, where you’ll likely use a bunch of graphs, diagrams, and text.
  • Sequential Flow is the format you’ll often see for high-end productions like film scripts. This is a running document without columns, starting at the top of the page and going through everything in chronological order. These are perfect for reading detailed instructions like camera angles and stage directions as part of the action, rather than an ‘extra’.

What format should I write a video script in?

It honestly depends on what works for you. You probably don’t need a Sequential Flow video script for a camera buying guide on YouTube, but if it helps you get the work done, go for it! 

It’s worth bearing in mind what kind of script will help other people working on your project, too. If you’ve assembled a crew who’re used to working on AV scripts, consider sticking to that format unless the content really demands something else. That way, you’ll help everyone feel more comfortable and the shoot will be smoother.

Reading from a YouTube script

Do YouTubers write scripts for their videos?

Most professional content creators will have at least a skeleton of a script for their YouTube videos. They can insert breaks for transitions, subscribe call-outs, and more. Some YouTube video scripts will be heavily detailed, while others might just be notes or short sketches of what the creator wants to map out. 

How many words are in a video script?

As a rule of thumb, one minute of video is around 160 to 180 words. Natural human speech clocks in at an average of 130 words per minute, but that’s without a script to back you up.

If you’re going by a scripted average, a script for a two-minute video should be roughly 320 to 360 words, a three-minute video should have 480 to 540, and so on. Of course, this depends on how much of your script is spent on dialogue, directions, technical aspects, and so on. It can vary. While it’s ideal to keep things as tight as possible, don’t stick to some numbers just because they’re the average. Do what feels right for you, then trim it down if needed.

Before we dive into some tips, tricks, and essentials for writing a YouTube video script, let’s consider an integral part of the process: music. After all, bad music kills good video. Nail the soundtrack every time with our catalog of 40,000 tracks, from pop to polka, heavy metal to classical. We’ve got you covered. 

How do you write a script for a YouTube video?

While you can write a video script for pretty much any platform under the sun, we’re going to walk through how to write a script for video, whether that be on YouTube or elsewhere.

1. Start with a brief

Before you even touch your YouTube video script, write yourself a brief. What do you want to achieve with this video? Who is the audience? What’s your call-to-action? According to a Google survey, one of the consistently top-ranking reasons to watch YouTube is ‘to learn something new’. What kind of value are you providing, and how are you enriching your viewers’ day?

Opening YouTube

2. Move onto the outline

This is more of a sketch than a video script – bullet-points will be fine. The purpose of an outline is to summarize your YouTube video. For example, a camera review could look something like:

  • Why should you buy a new camera?
  • Camera 1 review
  • Camera 2 review
  • Camera 3 review
  • Which is best?
  • Wrap-up/subscribe call-to-action (CTA)

The level of detail depends on the individual. Some YouTubers would be happy to go with the above and just record straight away, while others would like to expand the outline and then move onto a proper script, so they know exactly what to say and ensure they don’t miss anything.

3. Create dialogue

Underneath each point of the outline, start fleshing out the dialogue. Which key phrases or points do you want to drive home in each section? Are there any jokes or statements you want to cram in? Write down your key dialogue for each bullet-point, and don’t worry if it’s not perfect – you can build it out later.

Filming a YouTube script

4. Identify your hook

So, you’ve started putting everything together for your YouTube video script. Now you need your hook: the thing to hook viewers in with. The selling point. You can do this one of two ways:

  • The straight hook, which tells the viewer what they’re going to watch, and then you take them through the process step-by-step. This is super common in tutorials and educational content.
  • In media res, which places the viewer in the action. You could start your video with a wild car chase scene, and then flip back to the beginning. The rest of the video would then show how you got to filming the car chase, and the various legal/mechanical issues you experienced along the road.

Using a hook right at the beginning gives viewers little chance to click or scroll away. Give them a reason to keep watching!

5. Nail the introduction

Your hook will sit in your introduction, naturally, but scriptwriting for YouTube videos demands a strong intro. Beyond just ‘Look at this cool thing!’, your introduction should cover facts. Namely:

  • Who you are (consider some cool lower thirds for this)
  • What you’re doing
  • How you’re going to do it
  • Why the viewer should keep watching, and why you’re the person they should trust

Shooting a YouTube script

Keep everything short so it doesn’t drag, and for the sake of clarity, assume that your viewers don’t know how stuff works. This goes for basic instructions like telling them to subscribe – make sure to point to a button, link, etc. – all the way to technical terms in your content. Spell things out for people and keep your appeal broad.

6. Build the body

You’ve put in the groundwork, and now it’s time to fill in the blanks. Remember those bullet-points you listed during the outline? Those are the meat of your content. Take each point and expand on it in detail. Figure out what works best for you – do you prefer writing as you’d speak, or do you want to present things in a more theatrical manner?

Consider adding data or other points of view where relevant, and if you do, remember to cite your sources. These little tidbits bolster your credibility and lend your content a more factual, trustworthy tone.

If your YouTube video script’s getting pretty lengthy, it’s worth adding some midpoint engagement. These are the subtle transitions and markers you’ll hear from YouTubers to regain viewers’ attention, or encourage them to think.

It could be something like ‘What do you think about that?’, 'Comment with your hot take below’, or even something like ‘Did I get that right? Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments.’ Midpoint engagement makes people think, and even if they don’t comment, it can help them stick around if they’ve got a shorter attention span.

Filming a car for a script

7. Wrap up with a CTA and outro

Once you’ve gotten through the main content, you’ll need to wrap everything up. Summarize or recap if necessary, then leave your viewer with a strong, clear CTA. Whether it’s to like, subscribe, follow an external link, or all of these options, don’t let anyone second-guess. Be direct and leave nothing to chance.

Say goodbye, thank people for watching, and finish nice and clean. A witty, stylized send-off could strengthen your YouTube video scripts if they catch on – it could give viewers a catchphrase to associate with your content.

Once you’ve gone through this process, you’ll be able to bulk out your YouTube video script and fill in the blanks, depending on whether you’re penning an AV, VAG, or Sequential Flow script. As you get more comfortable with the process, you’ll be able to draft this stuff in your sleep.

Now that you've learned how to write a script for video, it’s time to find the perfect soundtrack. Don’t leave it to chance – Epidemic Sound covers all bases.

Filming a YouTube cooking tutorial

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  • Music for commercials

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Full Text: Harrison Butker of Kansas City Chiefs Graduation Speech

The Super Bowl champ and kicker spoke about the dignity of life, masculinity, and the most important role of all: motherhood.

Kansas City Chiefs’ placekicker Harrison Butker speaks to college graduates in his commencement address at Benedictine College on May 11.

Editor’s Note: Harrison Butker, 28, the placekicker for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League, delivered the commencement address at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, on Saturday, May 11, 2024. A transcript of his remarks is below.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Class of 2024:  I would like to start off by congratulating all of you for successfully making it to this achievement today. I'm sure your high school graduation was not what you had imagined, and most likely, neither was your first couple years of college.

By making it to this moment through all the adversity thrown your way from COVID, I hope you learned the important lessons that suffering in this life is only temporary. As a group, you witnessed firsthand how bad leaders who don't stay in their lane can have a negative impact on society. It is through this lens that I want to take stock of how we got to where we are, and where we want to go as citizens and, yes, as Catholics. One last thing before I begin, I want to be sure to thank President Minnis and the board for their invitation to speak.

When President Minnis first reached out a couple of months ago, I had originally said No. You see, last year I gave the commencement address at my alma mater, Georgia Tech, and I felt that one graduation speech was more than enough, especially for someone who isn't a professional speaker. But of course, President Minnis used his gift of persuasion. [ Laughter ] It spoke to the many challenges you all faced throughout the COVID fiasco ,and how you missed out on so many milestones the rest of us older people have taken for granted. While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique. Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.

Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the Sign of the Cross during a pro- abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I'm sure to many people it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.

He is not alone. From the man behind the COVID lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America, they all have a glaring thing in common. They are Catholic. This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it.

These are the sorts of things we are told in polite society to not bring up. You know, the difficult and unpleasant things. But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history, we need to stop pretending that the "Church of Nice" is a winning proposition. We must always speak and act in charity, but never mistake charity for cowardice.

It is safe to say that over the past few years, I have gained quite the reputation for speaking my mind. I never envisioned myself, nor wanted, to have this sort of a platform, but God has given it to me, so I have no other choice but to embrace it and preach more hard truths about accepting your lane and staying in it.

As members of the Church founded by Jesus Christ, it is our duty and ultimately privilege to be authentically and unapologetically Catholic. Don't be mistaken, even within the Church, people in polite Catholic circles will try to persuade you to remain silent. There even was an award-winning film called Silence , made by a fellow Catholic, wherein one of the main characters, a Jesuit priest, abandoned the Church, and as an apostate when he died is seen grasping a crucifix, quiet and unknown to anyone but God. As a friend of Benedictine College, His Excellency Bishop Robert Barron, said in his review of the film, it was exactly what the cultural elite want to see in Christianity -- private, hidden away, and harmless.

Our Catholic faith has always been countercultural. Our Lord, along with countless followers, were all put to death for their adherence to her teachings. The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority. Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail.

But make no mistake, before we even attempt to fix any of the issues plaguing society, we must first get our own house in order, and it starts with our leaders. The bishops and priests appointed by God as our spiritual fathers must be rightly ordered. There is not enough time today for me to list all the stories of priests and bishops misleading their flocks, but none of us can blame ignorance anymore and just blindly proclaim that “That's what Father said.” Because sadly, many priests we are looking to for leadership are the same ones who prioritize their hobbies or even photos with their dogs and matching outfits for the parish directory.

It's easy for us laymen and women to think that in order for us to be holy, that we must be active in our parish and try to fix it. Yes, we absolutely should be involved in supporting our parishes, but we cannot be the source for our parish priests to lean on to help with their problems. Just as we look at the relationship between a father and his son, so too should we look at the relationship between a priest and his people. It would not be appropriate for me to always be looking to my son for help when it is my job as his father to lead him.

St. Josemaría Escrivá states that priests are ordained to serve, and should not yield to temptation to imitate laypeople, but to be priests through and through. Tragically, so many priests revolve much of their happiness from the adulation they receive from their parishioners, and in searching for this, they let their guard down and become overly familiar. This undue familiarity will prove to be problematic every time, because as my teammate's girlfriend says, familiarity breeds contempt. [ Laughter ]

Saint Josemaría continues that some want to see the priest as just another man. That is not so. They want to find in the priest those virtues proper to every Christian, and indeed every honorable man:  understanding, justice, a life of work — priestly work, in this instance — and good manners. It is not prudent as the laity for us to consume ourselves in becoming amateur theologians so that we can decipher this or that theological teaching — unless, of course, you are a theology major. We must be intentional with our focus on our state in life and our own vocation. And for most of us, that's as married men and women. Still, we have so many great resources at our fingertips that it doesn't take long to find traditional and timeless teachings that haven't been ambiguously reworded for our times. Plus, there are still many good and holy priests, and it's up to us to seek them out.

The chaos of the world is unfortunately reflected in the chaos in our parishes, and sadly, in our cathedrals too. As we saw during the pandemic, too many bishops were not leaders at all. They were motivated by fear, fear of being sued, fear of being removed, fear of being disliked. They showed by their actions, intentional or unintentional, that the sacraments don't actually matter. Because of this, countless people died alone, without access to the sacraments, and it's a tragedy we must never forget. As Catholics, we can look to so many examples of heroic shepherds who gave their lives for their people, and ultimately, the Church. We cannot buy into the lie that the things we experienced during COVID were appropriate. Over the centuries, there have been great wars, great famines, and yes, even great diseases, all that came with a level of lethality and danger. But in each of those examples, Church leaders leaned into their vocations and ensured that their people received the sacraments.

Great saints like St. Damien of Molokai, who knew the dangers of his ministry, stayed for 11 years as a spiritual leader to the leper colonies of Hawaii. His heroism is looked at today as something set apart and unique, when ideally it should not be unique at all. For as a father loves his child, so a shepherd should love his spiritual children, too.

That goes even more so for our bishops, these men who are present-day apostles. Our bishops once had adoring crowds of people kissing their rings and taking in their every word, but now relegate themselves to a position of inconsequential existence. Now, when a bishop of a diocese or the bishop's conference as a whole puts out an important document on this matter or that, nobody even takes a moment to read it, let alone follow it.

No. Today, our shepherds are far more concerned with keeping the doors open to the chancery than they are with saying the difficult stuff out loud. It seems that the only time you hear from your bishops is when it's time for the annual appeal, whereas we need our bishops to be vocal about the teachings of the Church, setting aside their own personal comfort and embracing their cross. Our bishops are not politicians but shepherds, so instead of fitting in the world by going along to get along, they too need to stay in their lane and lead.

I say all of this not from a place of anger, as we get the leaders we deserve. But this does make me reflect on staying in my lane and focusing on my own vocation and how I can be a better father and husband and live in the world but not be of it. Focusing on my vocation while praying and fasting for these men will do more for the Church than me complaining about her leaders.

Because there seems to be so much confusion coming from our leaders, there needs to be concrete examples for people to look to in places like Benedictine, a little Kansas college built high on a bluff above the Missouri River, are showing the world how an ordered, Christ-centered existence is the recipe for success. You need to look no further than the examples all around this campus, where over the past 20 years, enrollment has doubled, construction and revitalization are a constant part of life, and people, the students, the faculty and staff, are thriving. This didn't happen by chance. In a deliberate movement to embrace traditional Catholic values, Benedictine has gone from just another liberal arts school with nothing to set it apart to a thriving beacon of light and a reminder to us all that when you embrace tradition, success — worldly and spiritual — will follow.

I am certain the reporters at the AP could not have imagined that their attempt to rebuke and embarrass places and people like those here at Benedictine wouldn't be met with anger, but instead met with excitement and pride. Not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him. Reading that article now shared all over the world, we see that in the complete surrender of self and a turning towards Christ, you will find happiness. Right here in a little town in Kansas, we find many inspiring laypeople using their talents.

President Minnis, Dr. [Andrew] Swafford, and Dr. [Jared] Zimmerer are a few great examples right here on this very campus that will keep the light of Christ burning bright for generations to come. Being locked in with your vocation and staying in your lane is going to be the surest way for you to find true happiness and peace in this life.

It is essential that we focus on our own state in life, whether that be as a layperson, a priest, or religious. Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2024, you are sitting at the edge of the rest of your lives. Each of you has the potential to leave a legacy that transcends yourselves and this era of human existence. In the small ways, by living out your vocation, you will ensure that God's Church continues and the world is enlightened by your example.

For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.

[ Applause lasting 18 seconds ]

She is a primary educator to our children. She is the one who ensures I never let football or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and father. She is the person that knows me best at my core, and it is through our marriage that, Lord willing, we will both attain salvation.

I say all of this to you because I have seen it firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God's will in their life. Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud, without hesitation, and say, “Heck, No.”

As a man who gets a lot of praise and has been given a platform to speak to audiences like this one today, I pray that I always use my voice for God and not for myself. Everything I am saying to you is not from a place of wisdom, but rather a place of experience. I am hopeful that these words will be seen as those from a man, not much older than you, who feels it is imperative that this class, this generation, and this time in our society must stop pretending that the things we see around us are normal.

Heterodox ideas abound even within Catholic circles. But let's be honest, there is nothing good about playing God with having children — whether that be your ideal number or the perfect time to conceive. No matter how you spin it, there is nothing natural about Catholic birth control.

It is only in the past few years that I have grown encouraged to speak more boldly and directly because, as I mentioned earlier, I have leaned into my vocation as a husband and father, and as a man.

To the gentlemen here today: Part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation. Other countries do not have nearly the same absentee father rates as we find here in the U.S., and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower violence rates, as well.

Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy. You might have a talent that you don't necessarily enjoy, but if it glorifies God, maybe you should lean into that over something that you might think suits you better. I speak from experience as an introvert who now finds myself as an amateur public speaker and an entrepreneur, something I never thought I'd be when I received my industrial engineering degree.

The road ahead is bright. Things are changing. Society is shifting. And people, young and old, are embracing tradition. Not only has it been my vocation that has helped me and those closest to me, but not surprising to many of you, should be my outspoken embrace of the traditional Latin Mass. I've been very vocal in my love and devotion to the TLM and its necessity for our lives. But what I think gets misunderstood is that people who attend the TLM do so out of pride or preference. I can speak to my own experience, but for most people I have come across within these communities this simply is not true. I do not attend the TLM because I think I am better than others, or for the smells and bells, or even for the love of Latin. I attend the TLM because I believe, just as the God of the Old Testament was pretty particular in how he wanted to be worshipped, the same holds true for us today. It is through the TLM that I encountered order, and began to pursue it in my own life. Aside from the TLM itself, too many of our sacred traditions have been relegated to things of the past, when in my parish, things such as ember days, days when we fast and pray for vocations and for our priests, are still adhered to. The TLM is so essential that I would challenge each of you to pick a place to move where it is readily available.

A lot of people have complaints about the parish or the community, but we should not sacrifice the Mass for community. I prioritize the TLM even if the parish isn't beautiful, the priest isn't great, or the community isn't amazing. I still go to the TLM because I believe the holy sacrifice of the Mass is more important than anything else. I say this knowing full well that when each of you rekindle your knowledge and adherence to many of the church's greatest traditions, you will see how much more colorful and alive your life can and should be.

As you move on from this place and enter into the world, know that you will face many challenges. Sadly, I'm sure many of you know of the countless stories of good and active members of this community who, after graduation and moving away from the Benedictine bubble, have ended up moving in with their boyfriend or girlfriend prior to marriage. Some even leave the Church and abandon God. It is always heartbreaking to hear these stories, and there is a desire to know what happened and what went wrong.

What you must remember is that life is about doing the small things well, setting yourself up for success, and surrounding yourself with people who continually push you to be the best version of you. I say this all the time, that iron sharpens iron. It's a great reminder that those closest to us should be making us better. If you are dating someone who doesn't even share your faith, how do you expect that person to help you become a saint? If your friend group is filled with people who only think about what you're doing next weekend and are not willing to have those difficult conversations, how can they help sharpen you?

As you prepare to enter into the workforce, it is extremely important that you actually think about the places you are moving to. Who is the bishop? What kind of parishes are there? Do they offer the TLM and have priests who embrace their priestly vocation? Cost of living must not be the only arbiter of your choices, for a life without God is not a life at all, and the cost of salvation is worth more than any career.

I'm excited for the future, and I pray that something I have said will resonate as you move on to the next chapter of your life.

Never be afraid to profess the one holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church, for this is the Church that Jesus Christ established, through which we receive sanctifying grace.

I know that my message today had a little less fluff than is expected for these speeches, but I believe that this audience and this venue is the best place to speak openly and honestly about who we are and where we all want to go, which is Heaven.

I thank God for Benedictine College and for the example it provides the world. I thank God for men like President Minnis, who are doing their part for the Kingdom. Come to find out you can have an authentically Catholic college and a thriving football program. [ Laughter and applause ]

Make no mistake: You are entering into mission territory in a post-God world, but you were made for this. And with God by your side and a constant striving for virtue within your vocation, you too can be a saint.

Christ is King.

To the Heights.

  • harrison butker
  • benedictine college
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how to write a good youtube script

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  1. How to Write a YouTube Script: Video Script Example and Tips

    how to write a good youtube script

  2. How to Write a Youtube Video Script (A Simple Guide)

    how to write a good youtube script

  3. Best Way to Write a Youtube Script

    how to write a good youtube script

  4. How to Write a Good Script for a YouTube Video with this Simple

    how to write a good youtube script

  5. How To Write A Script For A YouTube Video

    how to write a good youtube script

  6. How to Read/Write a script PROPERLY!

    how to write a good youtube script


  1. How I Would Learn YouTube Scriptwriting (If I Could Start Over)

  2. How to to Script Research Any Topic And Storytelling

  3. How to write script for YouTube videos |how to write script

  4. How to write scripts for YouTube FAST

  5. How to write script for youtube video (poor to genius)

  6. How to Write a Script for a Video-based Online Learning Lesson


  1. How To Write A YouTube Script in 2023 (+ Free Template)

    Step #2: Build Your Outline. Once you've nailed down your topic, it's time to create your outline. This is where you'll break down your topic into sections. If you're basing your YouTube script off a blog post, we recommend using similar headlines to guide what your sections will be.

  2. How to Write a YouTube Script (This Template Won 300K Subs)

    The Body. Use the title of your video to determine what to cover in your script. Cover 3-5 key points, listing the main points to discuss. E.g. Step number one is to decide on a killer title for your video. A strong title will draw viewers' attention and entice them to click on your video.

  3. How to Write a YouTube Script: Step-by-Step Guide [2024]

    3. Adopt a conversational style. Use a conversational style to engage YouTube audiences. So, use simple phrases and words in your script (unless your client's video is about a research presentation or an academic speech). But don't be too casual, or your client's video can sound unprofessional and suspicious.

  4. How to Write a YouTube Script that Keeps People Watching

    Practice your script and get feedback. 1. Identify your target audience. Before you put pen to paper, you need to know who you're talking to in your YouTube content. Start by outlining your target audience—this will guide you when writing a script because you'll have a better understanding of what they need to hear.

  5. How to write a YouTube script (step-by-step guide + examples)

    1. Understand your audience. Before you set pen to paper, you must understand who you're talking to. Recognize your audience's needs, preferences, and challenges. Whether you cater to small businesses or large enterprises, knowing your audience is the first step in crafting a message that strikes a chord.

  6. How to Write an Entertaining YouTube Video Script

    Section 1: Video Hook/Intro. The "hook" is the first sentence or two that catches the viewers' attention in a video. It should be one of three things: entertaining, emotional, or informative. If you can do all three, that's even better. Another thing you want to do is present the main problem you're solving.

  7. How to Write Great YouTube Video Scripts: Step-by-Step Guide

    Here are the steps that you need to follow to write great YouTube video scripts: 1. Do a Competitive Analysis. The first step is to do a competitive analysis of the current content. (This is assuming that you've already done YouTube keyword research to find opportunities that don't have a lot of competition.)

  8. How to Write a YouTube Script: A Complete Guide

    Here are a few factors to consider: 1. Choose a video type: Consider the purpose of your video and choose a format that aligns with it. Some popular video types include tutorials, reviews, interviews, vlogs, and storytelling videos. Pick the one that best suits your topic, audience, and goals. 2.

  9. How to Write a YouTube Video Script Like a Pro: 6 Tips

    If you want to create engaging and effective YouTube videos, you need to write a good script first. A script can help you organize your ideas, deliver your message, and connect with your audience. In this article, you'll learn six tips on how to write a YouTube video script like a pro, from choosing your format and tone to optimizing your keywords and call to action. Whether you're a beginner ...

  10. How to Write a YouTube Script in 6 Easy Steps [Guide]

    These steps will help you to have a good starting point for your video script. 🎯 The main idea and title of your video: Properly analyzing your main idea and selecting the right keywords in the title can help your video get discovered by the right audience, generate more views, and reach higher engagement. 🎯 Recognize your target audience ...

  11. How to Write a YouTube Script: 7 Steps For Content Creators

    Understand Your Audience: Know who you're making the video for. Choose a Topic: Pick one that excites you and interests your viewers. Outline Your Script: Start with a clear structure: an introduction to hook viewers, a main body to elaborate on your topic, and a conclusion to wrap things up. Include Personal Stories or Examples: Share your ...

  12. How To Write A Script For A YouTube Video (5-Step Template!)

    This is how to write a script for a YouTube video that maximizes engagement, watch time & value. Learn how to make YouTube videos using our YouTube video scr...

  13. Mastering the Basics of Writing a Compelling YouTube Video Script

    What makes a good YouTube video script? A good video script uses straightforward language that everybody can comprehend. Avoid sounding like you are giving a research presentation or an academic speech, and avoid writing a screenplay that seems too informal. Conclusion: YouTube Video Script. A video script can be a hastily scribbled draft or a ...

  14. How to write a YouTube script: A step-by-step guide

    Once the initial research is complete, you can start crafting your YouTube script. Here's a step-by-step process: 1. Introduction. The intro should grab your viewers' attention, introducing the video's topic while hinting at what's to come. The video title and thumbnail play crucial roles here. 2.

  15. How to Write YouTube Video Scripts?

    7. Utilize AI technology. OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT, is a powerful tool for writers and content creators looking to craft the perfect video script. By using AI technology, ChatGPT can provide suggestions and generate ideas for your script, helping you to stay on track and avoid writer's block.

  16. How to Write a YouTube Script: Video Script Example and Tips

    Here is what a video scripting outline might look like-. Introduction + hook. Transition to tips. Tip 1- keyword research and use. Tip 2- Website user experience. Tip 3- Domain authority. CTA. Now, we are going to enter the main part of writing the script for your YouTube video.

  17. How to Write A YouTube Script and Tell A Story

    In this video I share how to write a YouTube script that tells a story and keeps your viewers engaged. I cover the 5 plot points to a good story and examples...

  18. How to Write Engaging YouTube Video Scripts

    Google found that 7 in 10 users turn to YouTube to solve a problem related to their job, studies or hobby. And with the world leaning into video in a big way, savvy copywriters see opportunity. You can carve-out a share of the YouTube video script writing cake. You see, video scripts are a big deal.

  19. How to Write a YouTube Video Script (A Simple Guide)

    Take 15 minutes or so and write down every idea that comes to your mind. Once you are done, flesh out a few of them that align with your objectives. You should also be checking whether they resonate with your target audience. The aim should be to convey the core message in an easy-to-understand manner. 3.

  20. How to write a killer YouTube video script

    As a rule of thumb, one minute of video is around 160 to 180 words. Natural human speech clocks in at an average of 130 words per minute, but that's without a script to back you up. If you're going by a scripted average, a script for a two-minute video should be roughly 320 to 360 words, a three-minute video should have 480 to 540, and so on.

  21. Tips on Writing a Solid YouTube Script by a YouTube Scriptwriter

    The writing advice for a good script is the same for all, no matter your numbers. From what I've learned so far, this is what makes a solid YouTube script: Retention. Your channel's niche will determine what's the best type of hook for your video script. If you're writing a script for an animal compilations type of channel, (think The ...

  22. How To Write A Video Script For YouTube

    If you want to know how to write a video script for YouTube I show you all of the steps involved in writing the perfect script.Subscribe for more YouTube tip...

  23. Justin Baldoni and Colleen Hoover on Blake Lively and 'It ...

    Justin Baldoni who is directing and starring in 'It Ends With Us,' gushes over his "chemistry" with his co-star, Blake Lively. Plus, Colleen Hoover, the...

  24. How to Write a Script for a YouTube Video (Made Easy!)

    The easy way to write scripts for your YouTube videos. ***** Find out How to Come Up with Good Video Ideas for YouTube here ️

  25. Full Text: Harrison Butker of Kansas City Chiefs Graduation Speech

    When President Minnis first reached out a couple of months ago, I had originally said No. You see, last year I gave the commencement address at my alma mater, Georgia Tech, and I felt that one ...

  26. How To Write Script For Youtube Video In Chatgpt

    Learn how to effortlessly write scripts for your YouTube videos using ChatGPT! Our tutorial will show you how to generate scripts directly from YouTube video...