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100s of Free Human Rights Law Dissertation Topics and Titles

Published by Grace Graffin at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On May 2, 2024


Writing a dissertation is a long process that requires good research skills and decent expertise in the field. Depending on the researcher’s university’s academic requirements, some different prerequisites and requirements should be fulfilled before writing the dissertation (thesis).

For instance, the supervisor may ask the researcher to provide a dissertation proposal with topics based on current legal trends. Once the dissertation topic is approved, the researcher will have to provide the supervisor with the research aim and problem statement alongside a good methodology .

Human Rights Law Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: how the social rights of immigrants are protected under international human rights law: a primary investigation in the uk.

Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate the protection of the social rights of immigrants given in international law in the UK. Many human rights contracts clearly forbid discrimination centred on state origin and want states to guarantee that immigrants’ human rights are treated equally. Moreover, immigrants, like other particularly vulnerable groups, have been granted additional safeguards under international law to address situations in which their rights are most in danger, such as employment. The research will focus on the immigrants and their social rights in the UK.

Topic 2: The role of social media apps in spreading awareness among youth about human right

Research Aim: The research will aim to explore the part social media plays in spreading awareness of human rights among the young. In today’s world, people use social media more than reading newspapers, and social media has also helped many people get justice. Young or old, every age group is active on social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc., and these apps have brought a new way to learn things. So, this study will specifically focus on social media apps and how they are contributing in spreading awareness about human rights among people.

Topic 3: What obstacles do international human rights policies encounter in terms of implementation? An academic review

Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate the challenges and problems international human rights face during implementation.  There are many factors that make it difficult to implement the policies in a country or an organisation. There should be solutions to the problems and challenges in the implementation of international human rights. This study will explore and explain the challenges and try to give solutions to tackle the challenges.

Topic 4: How are the rights of men being violated in the society? A human right perspective

Research Aim: The research aims to find the reason men’s rights are violated in society. Men’s rights are violated in society more often now. Men also get raped, beaten, killed without anyone questioning the abuser. Even after getting hit by a woman, people blame the man. Violence against males is a severe violation of human rights. The government’s role is to guard males from abuse, including domestic violence.

Topic 5: Define the rights to ethics, religion and life in the context of human rights law in US

Research Aim: The research will aim to define the basic human rights to culture, religion and life in the human rights law in the US. The research will explain the fundamental rights given to human beings, freedom of speech, and a thorough explanation of the human rights law article. The study will also describe the acts that violate fundamental human rights.

Topic 6: Investigating the impact of nationalist movements and ideologies on the rights of religious and ethnic minorities in India

Research Aim: The study investigates how nationalist movements and ideologies impact the rights of religious and ethnic minorities in India. It will also assess the role of governments in promoting or suppressing minority rights in such contexts.

Topic 7: Examining the rights and legal status of stateless persons who are forced to flee their countries of origin

Research Aim: The study aims to examine the rights and legal status of stateless persons who are forced to flee their countries of origin. This research will focus on the challenges they face in accessing protection and assistance in the absence of citizenship.

Topic 8: Investigating the tension between national security concerns and the protection of refugee rights

This research explores the tension between national security concerns and the protection of refugee rights. It discusses the context of border control policies, immigration detention, and anti-terrorism measures.

COVID-19 Human Rights Law Research Topics

Impacts of coronavirus on human rights.

Research Aim: This study will highlight the impacts of Coronavirus on human rights.

International human rights law and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the current pandemic crisis and international human rights law status in response to COVID-19.

United Nations on human rights during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will review the United Nations’ response to human rights for protecting human health and rights during COVID-19.

The role of National Human Rights Institutions during COVId-19

Research Aim: This study will highlight the role of National Human Rights Institutions during COVID-19.

Dissertation Topics in Human Rights Law and Society

Human Rights is an important area of the law inherent to all human beings, regardless of their race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, and other status forms. Human Rights can be seen as the most significant law area that has taken place since the end of the Second World War.

According to Rehman, even though the world has evolved over the years, human rights continue to be constrained and limited. Research in this particular area of the law is important to know its weaknesses and limitations in the 21st century.

This document contains a wide range of dissertation topics based on the area of Human Rights or Fundamental Rights. These topics provided by our PhD-qualified writers are based on the current legal trends, which tend to assess different topics related to Human Rights in the 21st Century.

Most of the themes provided have never been researched before, and a desk-based or comparative analysis approach is used to provide a meaningful contribution to human rights.

Some topics are aimed at the thesis, which should implement an international aspect of Human Rights. On the other hand, the other topics are focused on specific jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom or the European Union.

You can also start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, including an introduction to the topic, research question , aim and objectives, literature review , and the proposed research methodology to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

Check our dissertation example to get an idea of how to structure your dissertation .

Review the step-by-step guide on how to write your own dissertation here .

Topic 1: An assessment of life imprisonment under the European Convention on Human Rights.

Research Aim: The research will be based on fundamental rights, more specifically on the European Convention on Human Rights. The research will use a desk-based approach to assess Article 3 of the ECHR, which prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment. The research critically assesses how the EU Member States deal with life imprisonment based on their domestic legislation.

Topic 2: Should prisoners be allowed to exercise their right to vote in a democratic society?

Research Aim: Disfranchisement is known as the revocation of the fundamental right to vote in a democratic society. The research will assess if there is a need to make the right to vote a basic fundamental right that can be exercised by prisoners. The research will use be a comparative assessment based on different jurisdictions.

Topic 3: The European Court Of Human Rights and its effectiveness amongst the EU member states

Research Aim: The research will assess the role of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in safeguarding the rights of EU Citizens. The research will evaluate the EU Supremacy and its authority over the EU Member States regarding human rights. In this line, the research will demonstrate how The ECtHR should balance the EU Law’s fundamental rights and the Member State’s Constitution on fundamental rights.

Topic 4: The link between human rights and same-sex marriage

Research Aim: The Universal Declaration on Human Rights recognises same-sex marriage as a basic right to marriage. However, it can be seen that most countries do not recognise this right. The research will assess different jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is considered legal to enforce this right amongst the signatory countries.

Topic 5: Assessment of human rights in the workplace

Research Aim: Basic Human Rights, such as protection from slavery or inhuman treatment, are available under the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. However, the research will assess human rights’ employment, such as fair treatment, equal pay, and minimum wage. The research will use a comparative analysis to evaluate how different jurisdictions view human rights regarding employment.

Topic 6: The right to life and death penalty in the 21st century

Research Aim: The fundamental right to life is enshrined under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On the other hand, the death penalty seems to be against the right to life and the protection of life preservation. The research will assess how to strike a balance between the right to life and capital punishment.

Topic 7: Should the death penalty be reinstated in the United Kingdom post-Brexit?

Research Aim: The 13th Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights has prohibited the restoration of the United Kingdom’s death penalty since 2004. The research will assess if the United Kingdom should reinstate the death penalty after Brexit. Since the United Kingdom will leave the European Union, it will no longer be a party to the convention and will be able to reinstate the death penalty.

Topic 8: Social media and the right to hold an opinion

Research Aim: The research will assess if the current Freedom of Speech and the Right to hold an opinion is adequate to be used online. The research will demonstrate a need to reform the Universal Declaration on Human Rights for online use.

Topic 9: Should Article 14 of the Human Rights Act 1998 be amended to implement more protected characteristics?

Research Aim: Article 14 of the Human Rights 1998 has a minimal number of protected characteristics. Following Brexit, the United Kingdom nationals may lose the protection of the European Convention on Human Rights. In this line, the research will assess whether there is a need to review Article 14 of the Human Rights Act 1998.

Topic 10: Should Human Rights be ignored when taking counter-terrorism measures?

Research Aim: The research will assess if Human Rights should be overlooked when dealing with counter-terrorism measures. The research will aim to demonstrate if there is a need to protect a presumed or prospective terrorist’s basic human rights.

Topic 11: The EU Supremacy and the Constitutional Rights of the Member States

Research Aim: The EU Supremacy imposes authority and control over the EU Member States. In this line, a Member State should remove all conflicting laws that are incompatible with the EU Law. The research will assess the extent to which Member States have accepted the authority of the EU supremacy regarding human rights. In other words, the research will demonstrate if the European Convention on Human Rights has adequate fundamental rights for the Member States.

Topic 12: The importance of Human Rights in a democratic society

Research Aim: The research will assess the importance of human rights, which is a pivotal requirement for democracy. The research will use a comparative analysis of how fundamental rights have been adopted around the world. Furthermore, the research will assess how certain countries that do not follow the Universal Declaration on Human Rights may suffer from the lack of democratisation.

Topic 13: The role of courts in safeguarding fundamental rights in their domestic jurisdiction

Research Aim: The research will demonstrate the courts’ key role in safeguarding the fundamental rights enshrined in a country’s Constitution.

Topic 14: Does the General Data Protection Regulation Act as a Safeguard to the Basic Right To Privacy?

Research Aim: The research will assess the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its safeguards regarding the right to privacy. The research demonstrates how the GDPR can have an important human rights aspect, such as when dealing with a consumer or an online user.

Topic 15: Should Countries Implement A Constitutional Court for Fundamental Rights Breaches?

Research Aim: The research will assess how each country deals with breaches of fundamental rights. The research aims to provide recommendations in implementing a higher domestic authority to treat only constitutional matters like the Constitutional Court of South Africa.

Topic 16: Can Torture Be Justified Under Human Rights?

Research Aim: Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides that no individual shall be subjected to torture. The research will assess whether torture can ever be justified under the law. For instance, the research will aim to demonstrate whether there are justifiable grounds to inflict torture on criminals in certain cases such as terrorism with the view of getting confessions.

Topic 17: CCTV Surveillance and the Right to Privacy

Research Aim: The Research will assess the use of CCTV surveillance and its effect on Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The research will demonstrate if covert surveillance can either undermine or positively affect the right to privacy. The research will further critically analyse the right to privacy against public policy for the common good.

Topic 18: The Need to Standardise Disability Rights around the World

Research Aim: The Research compares and contrasts different disability rights under certain jurisdictions. The research will assess whether there is a need to standardise disability rights under one convention or treaty.

Topic 19: Should the Right to Education Be Extended to Tertiary Education

Research Aim: The research will access the right to education as found under Article 26 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The right to education applies to only fundamental stages of education, such as primary and secondary education. The research will aim to demonstrate if the right to education should be extended to tertiary education.

Topic 20: The Role of Legislators and the Right to Education in the Sub-Saharan Region

Research Aim: The research will assess legislators’ role with regard to the right to education. The research will demonstrate whether Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 (SDG4) is implemented in various sub-Saharan regions. The research will prove whether legislators are implementing appropriate safeguards to remain in line with SDG4 and promote quality education.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service , which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

List of the Best Human Rights Law Dissertation Topics in Critical Issues

  • An analysis of the link between human trafficking and armed conflict: trafficking for sexual exploitation and forced recruitment of child soldiers.
  • The impact of technology on the protection of human rights in the digital age.
  • Exploring the role of international criminal law in prosecuting human rights violations.
  • The effectiveness of regional human rights mechanisms in addressing human rights abuses.
  • Analysing the relationship between environmental law and human rights protection.
  • Investigating the challenges and opportunities of implementing economic, social, and cultural rights.
  • Examining the intersection of gender equality and human rights law.
  • Assessing the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in advancing human rights agendas.
  • The implications of counter-terrorism measures on human rights and civil liberties.

Important Notes:

As a human rights law student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing human rights law theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of human rights law is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like law , business law , cybercrime , and more. That is why it is imperative to create a human rights law dissertation topic that is particular and sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best human rights law dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample human rights law dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Human Rights Law Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research desig n, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : The findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to link the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject in which they specialise.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find human rights law dissertation topics.

To find Human Rights Law dissertation topics:

  • Study recent legal developments.
  • Examine global human rights issues.
  • Analyse case law and controversies.
  • Explore intersection with other fields.
  • Consider cultural and social aspects.
  • Select a topic resonating with your passion and research objectives.

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LL.M thesis topics

On this page you can find an overview of all our LL.M thesis topics or Master theses in English.

Do you want to write your LL.M thesis on a human rights topic? Choose one of these topics and contact the relevant supervisor. Do you want to write a Master thesis in English? First consult the Plato list.

All subjects in the domain of human rights or transitional justice in which the student applies a socio-legal perspective ann integrates a substantial empirical component (qualitative and/or quantitative) to examine the law “in practice”.

Across Europe and around the world, issues of memory and old monuments are being revisited. The shift of historical narratives resulted in the loss of social consensus about the past and interpretation of history. Since monuments are among the most visible expressions of history they have appeared in the middle of contestation and heated debates. […]

This research deals with the impact of prosecution of “minor offences” on people living in poverty in Europe. Through case studies (criminalization of beggars, SyRI case in the Netherlands etc. ), it explores whether minor offences – which are usually punished by outstanding fines with minimum procedural rights – are compatible with the ECHR (more […]

The sovereign debt crisis could have a direct impact on human rights, especially when they are framed within a programme of austerity, and tension between the ‘market justice’ and ‘social justice’ occurs. The aim of the thesis is to study the different human rights legal discourses surrounding the latest cases of sovereign debt restructurings.

Lately, the ‘Facebook Oversight Board’ and other private mechanisms of human rights accountability have been established. The Oversight Board of Facebook was created to review the lawfulness of certain ‘emblematic’ content moderation decisions taken by the social media platform. The Board comprises 20 representatives of civil society, including academics, human rights experts, and journalists. It […]

Regional human rights courts can organize so-called fact-finding missions when confronted with human rights violations. Both the Inter-American and African Court of Human Rights may, if necessary, organize such missions when confronted with cases involving gross and/or large-scale violations of human rights, while the European Court of Human Rights seems to have become rather  reticent […]

Human rights defenders around the world are being killed, especially in Latin-American countries. How is the Inter-American human rights system responding to this cruel reality?

During the past years worldwide human rights defenders are being targeted for doing their job. Such attacks may be of a physical, but also of a psychological nature, and they may target the human rights defenders themselves and/or their families. This study aims to evaluatie what kinds of legal mechanisms exist under international law, i.e. […]

Particular focus on Myanmar/Sri Lanka or Cambodia. Language requirement ENG.

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In 2010 Marie-Benedicte Dembour published an article entitled ‘What are Human Rights? Four Schools of Thought’ in Human Rights Quarterly. Her model posits that we do not all conceive of human rights in the same way, but that there are four main conceptions of human rights. She proposes that those who hold a ‘natural’ view […]

The summer of 2015 saw Europe hit by a refugee crisis – or some commentators say – more accurately a crisis in refugee protection. Marie-Benedicte Dembour asserts in an article forthcoming in Questions of International Law that, due to the relative weakness of its past jurisprudence concerning migrants’ rights, the European Court of Human Rights […]

Judges have to act in an impartial manner while deciding cases. The research will examine the breadth of the right to freedom of expression of judges from a cross-cutting international and regional human rights perspective, with possibly a case study.

Suggested by and with cosupervision from PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants. How does the package, comprised of the Council’s Facilitation Directive and the Framework Decision, impact undocumented children and families’ ability to secure adequate housing? This research would (i) look at the EU and national legal framework criminalising landlords renting to […]

For many centuries, citizenship has been regarded as the highest degree of affiliation between an individual and a ‘self-governing’ political community’. However, in the last years, the development of programs around the globe are seeking to attract flows of foreign capital by different incentives, including granting legal membership with society in exchange for diverse types […]

During the past decades social rights have become more prominently part of legal studies. However, most studies deal with substantial violations of social rights. This study takes a procedural turn by looking at the instrument of interim measures awarded by international monitoring bodies, thereby focussing on the different UN Treaty Bodies and regional human rights […]

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Worldwide, but especially in the America’s, women human rights defenders are being targeted. Such attacks may be of a physical, but also of a psychological nature, and they may target the human rights defenders themselves and/or their families. This study aims to evaluatie what legal mechanisms are available in the ambit of the Inter-American Human […]

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‘Universal jurisdiction’ is a principle of international law based on the recognition that certain crimes are so horrific that they affect the international community as a whole. Universal jurisdiction is therefore a key component in the fight against impunity. This thesis will analyze specific recent cases (for example, concerning Syria) where the principle of universal […]

Study of development of strategic litigation, the possibilities and limitations of using this approach. Language requirement ENG & Spanish.

Case study of the Tunisian court establised to adjudicate cases related to gross violations of human rights. Language requirement ENG.

This thesis will explore the interaction of the United States with the Inter-American System. In particular, it will analyse the Inter-American approach regarding migrants who are minors.

The research should focus on a legal analysis of Strasburg case law on history, when the Court was asked to rule on the so-called ‘historical situations’ (to bring justice to those accused of war crimes, to protect the rights of mass atrocities victims and their relatives, to deal with Holocaust and genocide deniers, to punish […]

Needless to say, having evidence being declared inadmissible can be devastating to a case. Two cases which ended up before the European Court of Human Rights due to the inadmissibility being contested are Cwik v Poland and R.B. v Estoni. In Cwik, the ECtHR agreed that the tape of the interrogation by a gang of […]

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Recent Submissions

Mind the gap: an empirical study of terrorism offences, law-making, and discretion , challenges and limitations of granting legal personality to distributed/decentralized autonomous organizations , development of international shipping standards under the auspices of the imo and their implementation in practice: a case study of thailand , adequacy of the ex post armed attack framework of the jus ad bellum in relation to the evolving means and methods of warfare , governing disputed maritime areas , what we say when we criminalise: a metanormative inquiry , testamentary law in england, c. 1450-1540 , sovereign immunity from execution of foreign arbitral awards in the 21st century , conceptualizations of addiction in harm reduction strategies for effective and ethical uk drug policy , liminality and the lived experience of law in medicine: the legal consciousness of physicians in encounters with people living as undocumented migrants , contested citizenship and statelessness in question: an anlysis of cases of overseas taiwanese people and tibetan exiles in taiwan , eternity and the constitution: the promise and limits of eternity clauses , hate speech in the british press: a theoretical and practical assessment of the case for broader regulation , liberty versus security under illiberal constitutionalism: the legality of criminalising humanitarian assistance in hungary and greece , operationalising ‘publicness’ in data-intensive health research regulation: an examination of the public interest as a regulatory device , worldmaking powers of law and performance: queer politics beyond/against neoliberal legalism , development of law of the sea by unclos dispute settlement procedures: towards a coherent jurisprudence , evaluating the european union's response to online misinformation and disinformation: how to address harm while maximising freedom of expression , reconciling reverse burdens of proof with the presumption of innocence: a new approach , uses of roman law in the construction of the concept of possession in the german-speaking countries in the nineteenth century .

human rights law dissertation

LLM Human Rights Law Dissertation Award

The annual prize for the best dissertation by a student on the LLM in Human Rights Law has this year been awarded to Ms. Éabha Sweeney.

The dissertation, entitled ‘The Distance Between the Gutter and the Stars: Can Human Rights Address the Everyday Crisis of Poverty Amongst Plenty?’ , was supervised by Therese O’Donnell.

Commenting on receiving the award, Éabha said: 

In my dissertation I set out to discuss the controversial statement that the human rights movement has been kindest to the rich - that in an increasingly globalised, capitalist world, a commitment to address material inequality and socioeconomic injustice has been lost. I proposed that the legal implementation of economic, social and cultural rights into domestic law is essential in addressing the inequality epidemic of our modern era -  that there should be a non-negotiable absolute right to a basic level of subsistence below which no person should fall,  particularly in regards to income, education, health, and nutrition. I discussed the momentum growing in Scotland to implement rights such as these into our domestic law. It is an honour to have my work recognised in this way and I am absolutely delighted to be awarded this prize! I am very grateful to have since worked with the CSHRL on a capacity building project headed by Professor Alan Miller and Dr Elaine Webster, which has a particular focus on economic, social and cultural rights in Scotland and allowed me to explore this topic further. I have just completed my diploma in legal practice and all being well, I will be starting as a trainee solicitor in the Crown Prosecution and Fiscal Service early next year. I thoroughly enjoyed studying the LLM in Human Rights Law and I hope to continue, throughout my career, to advocate for the realisation of substantive equality and the participation of individuals in a democratic society, regardless of class, status or wealth. 

The Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law congratulates Éabha on this fantastic achievement and thanks our generous sponsor, Balfour + Manson.

Balfour+Manson is a leading 23 partner, medium sized law firm based in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, delivering legal services in the areas of dispute resolution, commercial and charities, and private client and property work. The Balfour+Manson team consists of leading practitioners with extensive expertise in a range of public law matters, including judicial review and human rights. We have experience of advising on a wide variety of novel, complex and high profile cases. 

They are regarded as one of the leading firms in Scotland in relation to public law, judicial review and human rights. Consistently, they are ranked highly by legal directories, the only law firm ranked Band 1 for Civil Liberties and Human Rights in Scotland by Chambers and Partners 2020. 

human rights law dissertation

Varju, Márton. "On divergence in European human rights laws : the European Convention on Human Rights and European community law: a claim of non-divergence." Thesis, University of Hull, 2008. http://hydra.hull.ac.uk/resources/hull:993.

Jovanović, Marija. "Human trafficking, human rights and the right to be free from slavery, servitude and forced labour." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:438dfa89-492c-4882-b882-8f21a0f60e9e.

September, Jerome. "Children's rights and child labour: a comparative study of children's rights and child labour legislation in South Africa, Brazil and India." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/9175.

Moyo, Khulekani. "Water as a human right under international human rights law : implications for the privatisation of water services." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/80062.

Brady, Michael J. "International law and national legislation : their relation to human rights and the protection of minorities." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.387978.

Atrey, Shreya. "Realising intersectionality in discrimination law." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:ff5720c2-d40f-4126-9a1e-3831e61f0986.

Elbahtimy, Mona Ahmed Hassan. "The right to be free from the harm of hate speech in international human rights law : an analysis of a difficult evolutionary path." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2014. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.648696.

Huamusse, Luis Edgar Francisco. "The right of sexual minorities under the African human rights system." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2006. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_4577_1190370461.

The protection of the rights of sexual minorities in Africa is a controversial issue. It is not unusual to find newspaper reports on gross violations suffered by this minority group. Gays and lesbians are victims of violence, sometimes resulting in death. Sexual minorities in Africa are often confronted with government actions such as those of the Nigerian government that recently submitted to the parliament a Bill to make provisions for the prohibition of relationships between persons of the same sex, celebration of marriage, registration of gay clubs and societies and publicity of same sex relationships. The objective of this study was to suggest possible legal protection and recognition of sexual minority rights under the African human rights system.

Malmsköld, Elin. "The status of abortion in public international law and its effect on domestic legislation." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-355922.

Du, Plessis Jan Andriaan. "The impact of minimum sentence legislation on South African criminal law." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020037x.

Chinnian-Kester, Karin. "Female genital mutilation as a form of violence against women and girls: an analysis of the effectiveness of international human rights law." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2005. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&amp.

Pillay, Neelan. "Teachers’ knowledge of legislation and education law specifically and its influence on their practice." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/43224.

Rushwaya, Chipo Irene. "A critical analysis of the legislative framework regulating intercountry adoption in South Africa and Ghana." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/9176.

Kinley, Davd William. "Legislative compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights in the United Kingdom." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.277863.

Chow, Lok-ning Eric, and 周樂寧. "Policy-making in an executive-led government: an analysis of the equal opportunities bill and the human rights andequal opportunities commission bill." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1996. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31964916.

King, William Jude. "The implications of canon 1286 for the canonical protection of employee rights in Pennsylvania." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1989. http://www.tren.com.

Lee, Man-yee Karen, and 李敏儀. "Equality, human dignity, and the grounds for the legalization of same-sex marriage." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2009. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B41508890.

Stockmann, Petra. "Indonesian reformasi as reflected in law : change and continuity in Post-Suharto era legislation on the political system and human rights /." Münster [u.a.] : LIT-Verl. [u.a.], 2004. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/385302126.pdf.

Mnisi, S. C. "An analysis of the enforcement of the rights of access to adequate housing." Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/1211.

Du, Plessis Madri. "Evaluation of the international law regarding humanitarian intervention in human rights abuses not breaching international peace and security." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/53742.

Albertus, Chesne Joy. "The constitutionality of using deadly force against a fleeing suspect for purposes of arrest." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2007. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_2766_1205414522.

The advent of the supreme Constitution signaled the beginning of an era during which the South African legal system must be intolerant to human rights violations. All laws and conduct must conform to the Constitution. If it does not then the law or conduct must be declared invalid to the extent that it is inconsistent with the Constitution. This paper questions the constitutionality of the use of deadly force against a fleeing suspect in terms of section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act. In particular this paper sets out the circumstances in which section 49 justifies the use of deadly force against fugitives.

Teklu, Asmelash Yohannes. "Striking the balance between conforming to human rights standards and enacting anti-terrorism legislation : a challenge of the 21st century : an Ethiopian perspective." Thesis, University of Lincoln, 2014. http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/14695/.

Loff, Beatrice. "Health and human rights : case studies in the potential contribution of a human rights framework to the analysis of health questions." Monash University, Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, 2004. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/5291.

Lubaale, Emma Charlene. "A human rights-based approach to child labour in Africa : challenges and prospects in South Africa." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/18624.

Gómez-Lugo, Fanny. "The protection of fundamental rights at work : a study of Venezuela and the Andean Community." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=99138.

Penninga, Mark, and University of Lethbridge Faculty of Arts and Science. "A Judeo-Christian account of human dignity in Canadian law and public policy." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Arts and Science, 2008, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10133/671.

Fick, Sarah Johanna. "Consenting to objectifying treatment? Human dignity and individual freedom." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/20286.

Chapdelaine, Feliciati Clara. "The status of the girl child under international law : a semioethic analysis." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:811e3c7a-40a8-4d1f-a790-7842eb1b8d0c.

Keyanti, Frederick Kanjo. "The plight of internally displaced persons (IDPs) during armed conflict: the case of Sudan and Somalia." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2007. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_7839_1257146321.

The plight of internally displaced persons (IDPs)in Sudan and Somalia constitutes one of the greatest human tragedy of our time since the end of the Cold War. The concept of IDPs is immense and growing. This research paper addressed the plight of IDPs during armed conflict in Sudan and Somalia. This paper also investigated into the existing institutional and legal frameworks for the protection of IDPs during armed conflict and critically highlight some of the weaknesses of these institutions and legal instruments that protect IDPs during armed conflict.

Chirwa, Danwood Mzikenge. "Towards binding economic, social and cultural rights obligations of non-state actors in international and domestic law: a critical survey of emerging norms." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2005. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&amp.

Dafel, Michael. "The constitutional rebuilding of the South African private law : a choice between judicial and legislative law-making." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/285563.

Tadesse, Mizanie Abate. "HIV testing from an African Human Rights System perspective : an analysis of the legal and policy framework of Botswana, Ethiopia and Uganda." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2007. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_5928_1210839992.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic poses the greatest threat to Africa's efforts to achieve its full potential in the social, economical and political spheres. Cognizant of its devastating consequences, various mechanisms have been designed to address the issue of HIV/AIDS in Africa. This thesis addressed the question: 'Are the legislations and policies of Ethiopia, Botswana and Uganda providing for various modalities of HIV testing consistent with human rights as enshrined under African Human Rights system?' The author of this dissertation critically analyzed the African human rights instruments and the relevant domestic legislation and policies of the three countries.

Chiringa, Kudakwashe E. M. "Human rights implications of the compulsory HIV/AIDS testing policy: a critical appraisal of the law and practice in South Africa, Uganda and Canada." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1017298.

Rapoport, Yuri. "A critical analysis of the extent to which the personal civil rights recognised in the constitution of the Russian Federation are enjoyed under Russian law /." Gold Coast, QLD : Bond University, 2006. http://epublications.bond.edu.au/theses/rapoport.

Netshitahame, Nyadzanga Evelyn. "An analysis of learners' knowledge and understanding of human rights in South Africa." Thesis, Pretoria : [s.n.], 2008. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-10172008-130614.

Mwebe, Henry. "The impact of privatisation on socio-economic rights and services in Africa: the case of water privatisation in South Africa." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2004. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&amp.

Hixson, Araujo-Alvarez Frank, and Paniagua Pamela Dulanto. "In regards to Legislative Decree No. 1236 - New Immigration Law." Derecho & Sociedad, 2017. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/118536.

Adams, Anton John. "The education sector as an essential service." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1573.

Keeffe, Mary Bernice. "Legal Tensions in the Governance of Inclusion: Principals' Perspectives on Inclusion and the Law." Queensland University of Technology, 2004. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/15976/.

Osogo, Ambani John. "Oval slides in triangular spaces? Anchoring national human rights institutions in 'tripartite' Commonwealth Africa." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/1200.

Yanou, Michael A. "Access to land as a human right the payment of just and equitable compensation for dispossessed land in South Africa." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003214.

Abu, Zahra Nadia. "Legal geographies in Palestine: identity documentation, dispossession, repression and resistance." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.491590.

Matsheta, R. M. "Prospects of limiting the right to reproductive health in South Africa : a human wellbeing and socio-economic view." Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/2915.

Taiwo, Elijah Adewale. "The implementation of the right to education in South Africa and Nigeria." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1392.

Myoli, Vuyiseka Marly. "An evaluation of affirmative action in public sector." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/14190.

Okorodas, Anthony E. "The role of section 2(1) and (4) of the European Communities Act and section 3(1) of the Human Rights Act in the interpretation and application of primary legislation : impact on judicial attitudes to the traditional concept of parliamentary sovereignty." Thesis, Northumbria University, 2010. http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/3160/.

Batchelor, Bronwyn Le Ann. "Constitutional damages for the infringement of a social assistance right in South Africa are monetary damages in the form of interest a just and equitable remedy for breach of a social assistance right." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10353/388.

Atkinson, Kelsey. "Bridging the Justice Gap: Exploring Approaches for Improving Indigent Access to Civil Counsel." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2014. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/pomona_theses/121.

Khayundi, Francis Mapati Bulimo. "The effects of climate change on the realisation of the right to adequate food in Kenya." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003190.



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  5. The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal

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    Dissertation Topics in Human Rights Law and Society. Human Rights is an important area of the law inherent to all human beings, regardless of their race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, and other status forms. Human Rights can be seen as the most significant law area that has taken place since the end of the Second World War.

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    Title: The application and interplay of humanitarian law and human rights law in peace operations, with a particular focus on the use of force Author (s): WIESENER, Cornelius Date: 2015 Citation: Florence : European University Institute, 2015 Type: Thesis Series/Number: EUI; LAW; PhD Thesis Abstract: This thesis examines the application and ...

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  4. PDF The Relevance of Human Rights Law in Climate Change Litigation

    16 Dewaele Janne, "The Use of Human Rights Law in Climate Change Litigation," (Master's Thesis, University of Montpellier, 2019), 4. 6. the total proposed commitments were fully implemented, it would lead to global average. temperature increases of well over 2 degrees Celsius and perhaps even 3 degrees Celsius by.

  5. Dissertations

    The independence of national human rights institutions: A comparative study of the Ugandan and South African human rights commissions. Florence Mukamugema. The role of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in prosecuting crimes of sexual violence committed against Rwandese women in the 1994 Rwanda genocide.

  6. Human Rights Law Dissertation Topic Examples

    This dissertation topic will explore the debate over the application of Article 3 of Protocol 1 of the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights) that has provided a more balanced approach to the prisoner's right to vote (Greens and MT v UK (Applications nos. 60041/08 and 60054/08). The Greens Case is an example of the prima facie inherency ...

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    international human rights law? Through my dissertation, I explore the extent to which the domestic public is willing and able to constrain governments to abide by a wide array of international human rights law using a series of survey experiments and a lab-in-the-field experiment. I find that international legal

  9. An Analysis of the Human Rights Approach to Climate Change: The Right

    Part of the Environmental Law Commons, Human Rights Law Commons, and the Litigation Commons Recommended Citation Unwana Udo, An Analysis of the Human Rights Approach to Climate Change: The Right to a Healthy Environment, Intergenerational Equity and Climate Litigation (LLM Thesis, Dalhousie University, Schulich School of Law, 2020) [Unpublished].

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    All subjects in the domain of human rights or transitional justice in which the student applies a socio-legal perspective ann integrates a substantial empirical component (qualitative and/or quantitative) to examine the law "in practice". Across Europe and around the world, issues of memory and old monuments are being revisited.

  13. PDF PhD thesis The institutional turn of international human rights law and

    Summary. The thesis explores the institutional turn of international human rights law and its reception by state administrations in developing countries. The remarkable propagation of institutional innovations across states since the 1990s has led to the emergence of public "human rights administrations", which constitute a complex and ...

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    Prado Fernandes, André (The University of Edinburgh, 2022-12-15) This thesis examines the worldmaking powers of the law and of performances, two crucial sites/strategies of historical importance for LGBT and queer activists and artists. My focus is a particular rhetoric of LGBT rights ...

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    1.4 Definitions. The word 'jurisdiction' is probably the most central word in this thesis. States have obligations under international human rights law through human rights treaties which extend their obligations both to individuals within their territory and to individuals 'subject to their jurisdiction'.

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