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Dec 22, 2021 • knowledge, information, in this article, teacher edition, science logbook.

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Module Overview and Appendices

  • Appendix A: Module Resources —a set of lesson-specific resources to aid instruction: full-size photographs, informational texts, investigation procedure sheets, materials preparation, and supplemental information
  • Appendix B: Module Storyline —a more detailed version of the Module Map section in the Module Overview that summarizes the progression of concepts in the module
  • Appendix C: Module Glossary —level-appropriate definitions for new terms in the module and the lesson in which the definition appears
  • Appendix D: Domain-Specific Words, General Academic Words, and Spanish Cognates —a list of key terms in the module and their Spanish cognates to support English language development

Lesson Sets

  • Opening Paragraph: a brief introduction to the lesson set and its three-dimensional learning
  • Focus Question: a question that guides learning throughout the concept (remains the same throughout a concept)
  • Phenomenon Question: a question that guides learning throughout the lesson set (changes with each lesson set)
  • Knowledge Statement: a statement that reflects the scientific understanding students will develop during a lesson set (to guide teachers, not to post for students)
  • Objectives: learning outcomes for each lesson (to guide teachers, not to post for students)
  • Standards Addressed: a summary of the focus Performance Expectation(s), SEPs, DCIs, and CCs the lesson set addresses
  • Materials: a list of materials needed for each lesson, including necessary preparation (includes optional materials and substitutions where applicable)
  • Launch: the lesson opening, which engages students as they begin thinking about the lesson phenomenon
  • Learn: the heart of the lesson, during which students develop new knowledge and apply prior knowledge to explore phenomena
  • Land: the lesson closing, in which students reflect on what they have learned
  • Optional Homework: suggestions for applying and extending science learning in students’ homes and communities (does not occur in every lesson

Materials Kits

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PhD Science TEKS Logbook

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PhD Science TEKS Edition  includes print, digital, and hands-on materials kits designed to spark student curiosity and provide teachers with high-quality instructional materials to lead every science lesson with confidence.



A Teacher Edition for three module topics covered in a school year includes all lessons and teacher support items .

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6.6 Cells & Systems

How do living things heal?

phd science 6th grade

Unit Summary

This unit launches with students hearing about an injury that happened to a middle school student that caused him to need stitches, pins, and a cast. They analyze doctor reports and develop an initial model for what is going on in our body when it heals. Students investigate what the different parts of our body are made of, from the macro scale to the micro scale. They figure out parts of our body are made of cells and that these cells work together for our body to function.

Once students have figured out what their bodies are made of and how the parts of their body work together to be able to move, they wonder how the parts of our body heal. They start by watching a timelapse of a knee scrape and notice that over time the part that was scraped is filled in with new skin cells. Students investigate what happens when cells make more cells, what cells need to make more cells, and how cells get what they need to make more cells. Students return to the healing timeline they made at the start of the unit and apply what they have figured out about the interactions between the different systems in the body to explain the various events of healing that took place for the injury at the start of the unit. Finally, they apply their model for healing to explain growth at growth plates in children's bodies as they become adults.

 video thumbnail


phd science 6th grade

Unit 6.6 Lesson11 Virtual Microscope Interactive – All Images

phd science 6th grade

Unit 6.6 Lesson11 Virtual Microscope Interactive – Plants

phd science 6th grade

Unit 6.6 Lesson11 Virtual Microscope Interactive – Onion Skin

phd science 6th grade

Unit 6.6 L6 Virtual Microscope Interactive – Parts of Body

phd science 6th grade

Unit 6.6 L5 Virtual Microscope Interactive – Nerve

Unit examples, additional unit information, next generation science standards addressed in this unit.

Performance Expectations

This unit builds towards the following NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs): 

  • MS-LS1-1. Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
  • MS-LS1-2.* Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function.
  • MS-LS1-3.* Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.
  • MS-LS1-8.* Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories .

*PEs marked with an asterisk are partially developed in this unit and shared with other units, as explained in the DCI column.

Regarding the strike through in LS1.D–“and synthesize… or storage as memories”–this PE is revisited in multiple units in OpenSciEd. In order to support students in having a genuine need to figure out things about each of the different receptors, they will engage with this PE in the OpenSciEd Unit 6.1: Why do we sometimes see different things when looking at the same object? (One-way Mirror Unit) unit in reference to receptors in the eye, in the OpenSciEd Unit 7.1: How can we make something new that was not there before? (Bath Bombs Unit) unit in reference to receptors in your nose, in the OpenSciEd Unit 8.1: Why do things sometimes get damaged when they hit each other? (Collisions Unit) unit in reference to receptors in your skin and brain, and in the Sound Unit unit in reference to the receptors in your ears. In this unit, students will be engaging with this PE as they gather more information about nerves in general–what they do, how they look, and how they function.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

The unit expands students’ understanding of cells, systems, and structure and function which include these Grade 6-8 DCI elements: 

  • LS1.A: All living things are made up of cells, which is the smallest unit that can be said to be alive. An organism may consist of one single cell (unicellular) or many different numbers and types of cells (multicellular).
  • LS1.A: Within cells, special structures are responsible for particular functions, and the cell membrane forms the boundary that controls what enters and leaves the cell.
  • LS1.A: In multicellular organisms, the body is a system of multiple interacting subsystems. These subsystems are groups of cells that work together to form tissues and organs that are specialized for particular body functions
  • Other aspects of this PE are developed in additional OpenSciEd units, beginning their initial work on MS-LS1-8 in the One-way Mirror Unit. The current version of this unit, OpenSciEd Unit 6.6: How do living things heal? (Healing Unit), primarily addresses the role of nerve cells in sending signals to the brain. Students will revisit and expand on their understanding of this DCI in later units in the OpenSciEd program, including returning to it in the OpenSciEd Unit 7.1: How can we make something new that was not there before? (Bath Bombs Unit) unit in 7th grade and the Sound Unit unit in 8th grade.

Science & Engineering Practices

  • Developing and Using Models: This unit intentionally develops this practice. While students engage in aspects of the modeling practice they have explored in prior units, this is a different context. This is the first biological system context that students investigate in the program, and is their first experience tying physical mechanisms to phenomena that occur in living things. Beginning in Lesson 1, students are developing a model for healing. They revise this model throughout the unit, and use their elaborated model to explain how the body heals from an injury (Lesson 12). In Lessons 2 through 6, the class develops a model of the structure and function of the different parts of the body. In Lesson 8, students apply what they have figured out about the different parts of the body to develop a model for how skin heals from a scrape at the cellular level. In Lessons 9 through 11, students continue to revise the healing model to include what is happening at the cellular level.
  • Planning and Carrying Out Investigations: This practice is key to the sensemaking in this unit. Students plan and carry out investigations across multiple lessons to help figure out how healing occurs. Students watch a demonstration of a chicken wing dissection in Lesson 2. They brainstorm how they would revise this dissection to “injure” the chicken wing in a similar manner to the injury the student in Lesson 1 had incurred. In Lesson 4, students carry out an investigation using microscopes to look at a blood sample. In Lesson 7, students plan for an investigation that could provide evidence as to whether other things in our world are made of cells. In Lesson 11, students carry out an investigation to figure out if things, like food particles, can get into an onion cell.
  • Analyzing and Interpreting Data: This unit intentionally develops this practice. While students have engaged with this practice in earlier units, in this unit students analyze different kinds of data (including images at different scales) in a different type of context, living things. Students identify the macro-level functions of skin, bone, and muscle, and figure out that the microscopic structures (cells) in blood and nerves support the functions of those body parts. Students analyze and interpret observational data, videos, and images to provide evidence that cell growth occurs. Students analyze second-hand data from an investigation of E.coli to collect evidence that the bacteria need food to make more cells and the more food the bacteria are provided, the more the bacteria make more cells.
  • Engaging in Argumentation: This practice is key to the sensemaking in this unit. Students engage in argumentation many times throughout the unit as they explain what is happening in the body for it to heal. In Lesson 2, they argue orally for the interactions between the bone and muscle and skin for a part of the body to function. In Lesson 7, students argue from evidence whether the living things they analyzed are made of cells or not. In Lesson 10, students argue for what human cells need to grow and make more cells and argue for what bacteria need to grow and make more of themselves. In Lesson 12, students argue from evidence for what caused the different healing events on the Healing Timeline from Lesson 1. In Lesson 13, students argue for whether the healing process is similar or different from the growth process and why.
  • Asking Questions and Defining Problems
  • Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
  • Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Crosscutting Concepts

  • Scale, Proportion, and Quantity: This crosscutting concept is key to the sensemaking in this unit. Students use different spatial scales to observe and make sense of phenomena, from macroscopic (parts of the body, systems within the body) to the microscopic (cell level). They also consider different temporal scales (4 months of healing for the student in Lesson 1 to the quick timelapse in Lesson 8) to figure out what the body is made of and how the different structures in the body are interconnected (ie: cells are part of tissues).
  • Systems and System Models: This crosscutting concept is key to the sensemaking in this unit. Beginning in Lesson 2, the class develops a poster titled Our Body as a System. Students incrementally revise and extend the systems model poster in the next four lessons as they figure out more about the different systems and subsystems within our body ranging from our body as a whole down to the system of the cell.
  • Structure and Function: This crosscutting concept is key to the sensemaking in this unit. As students figure out how parts of the body heal, they investigate the way different parts are structured, how these parts function and how the way these parts are structured is related to the function of the part. Students look at structures both macroscopically in the body as well as microscopically down to the cell. Students figure out that the different parts of the body are made of cells that are unique in shape and composition to that part of the body and that the structure of the cell is related to the structure and function of the part of the body the cell comes from.
  • Cause and Effect

Connections to the Nature of Science

Which elements of NOS are developed in the unit?

  • Science investigations use a variety of methods and tools to make measurements and observations. (NOS-SEP)
  • Science assumes that objects and events in natural systems occur in consistent patterns that are understandable through measurement and observation. (NOS-CCC)

How are they developed?

  • Students make observations about the structure and function of different parts of the body at different scales through watching a dissection and then using microscopes to see the cellular level.
  • Students use microscopes to make observations of what different parts of living things are made up of. Through a small sample on a slide, they find these parts are made of cells and conclude the entire body part is made of the same type of cells.

Unit Placement Information

What is the anchoring phenomenon and why was it chosen?

The anchoring phenomenon of this unit is a case study of a middle school student who suffered an injury in PE class when he dropped a weight on his foot. The impact of this injury resulted in two bones in his foot breaking. Due to this injury, the student had pins put in his foot to line up the bones, stitches to close up the skin that had broken open, and a cast to support the foot as the bones healed. It took four months for the student’s injury to heal which included physical therapy once his cast was off to support strengthening his foot and leg.

Students are experts in their lived experiences which makes these experiences educational resources for the science classroom. Students’ experiences with their own healing of common childhood injuries, such as scraping a knee on a sidewalk, allow students to engage in the anchoring phenomenon of healing and to describe the healing process they witnessed. While students may not initially describe all of the components and interactions of healing, their macroscopic understanding of personal healing can be leveraged to motivate the need to understand the microscopic structures and multi-system and subsystem components and interactions of healing, that might not be directly visible from the outside of the body with just their eyes.

Each OpenScied unit’s anchoring phenomenon is chosen from a group of possible phenomena after analyzing student interest survey results and consulting with external advisory panels. We chose this case study around an injury that heals over time as the anchoring phenomenon for this unit for these reasons:

  • The PE bundles for this unit center around cells, connections between cell and cell parts and their functions, and thinking about the body as a system of interacting parts. To fully explain the healing process the body goes through, all of these ideas are necessary components of this story.
  • An injury of a broken bone is not foreign to most students, whether they experienced one themselves or saw a classmate or peer who had experienced one.
  • We want students to develop the understanding through investigations at different scales that the body is made up of very small parts before naming these parts cells. In working to figure out how the body heals, this idea is accessible for students.  
  • In analyzing and investigating the different parts of the body involved in this injury and the healing process, students will need to figure out the body is a system that is made up of other systems within it. These systems interact and work together during the healing process. The smallest of these systems is the cell.
  • In addition, they will figure out that cells can make more cells when provided food particles that are moved around the body through the blood vessels and therefore, systems need to interact for the student’s body to be able to heal and more generally so that all our bodies can heal and function.

How is the unit structured?

The unit is organized into two lesson sets.

  • Lesson Set 1 consists of Lessons 1-7. The anchor lesson is about an injury case that happened to a middle school student. The class hears about his story and then analyzes some different images representing people with disabilities. Using these images, students reflect on and think about what is meant by disability and how both the injury and some of these disabilities can affect how a person can function or do things. The class decides at the end of Lesson 1 to focus on figuring out more about the parts of the body that were injured in the case of the student with the broken foot. In this first lesson set we carry out investigations and critically read articles while incrementally changing spatial scales to figure out that the body can be thought of as a system, that there are different systems within the body that interact, and that all these systems are made up of cells. This first lesson set also serves to help students shift scales from the macro scale of the body to the micro scale of the cells that make up the parts of the body.
  • Lesson Set 2 consists of Lessons 8-14. The class remains at the microscopic scale at the beginning of this lesson set and then shifts from the micro back to the macro to explain the healing process. The focus of this lesson set is to explain that in order for our body to heal from an injury, it needs to make more cells. In order to make more cells, our cells need nutrients or food just like we do. We figure out that the structure of our cells is such that food particles which are carried around our body through our blood vessels can get into our cells and be used to make more cells. In the last lesson we engage with five disability stories through audio and video to reflect on what the word disability means and how it relates to our healing story. Students brainstorm areas in the classroom and school that could be adapted or redesigned to make them more accessible to people with different disabilities.

phd science 6th grade

Where does this unit fall within the OpenSciEd Scope and Sequence?

This unit is designed to be the first life science focused unit in OpenSciEd. This unit will serve to set a foundation for students around the ideas of cells, body systems, and the interactions between these systems for the body to function. These ideas will be built upon and revisited in future units: OpenSciEd Unit 7.3: How do things inside our bodies work together to make us feel the way we do? (Inside Our Bodies Unit), OpenSciEd Unit 7.4: Where does food come from, and where does it go next? (Maple Syrup Unit), and OpenSciEd Unit 8.5: Why are living things different from one another? (Muscles Unit). Students will use and build on Systems and System Model supports that were established in Cup Design Unit and Storms Unit. In addition, they will build upon supports for Structure and Function that were established back in Cup Design Unit. For more information, visit the Scope and Sequence page.

What modifications will I need to make if this unit is taught out of sequence?

This is the sixth unit in 6th grade in the OpenSciEd Scope and Sequence and the first life science unit. OpenSciEd 7th grade units Unit 7.3, Unit 7.4, and 8th grade Unit 8.5 will all build off the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) that students develop by working on the following NGSS performance expectations MS-LS1-1, MS-LS1-2, MS-LS1-3 in this unit. If this unit is taught later in the OpenSciEd sequence, be mindful that elements of these DCIs might need additional scaffolding in the other life science units.

Given this placement, several modifications would need to be made if teaching this unit earlier in the middle school curriculum. These include:

  • If taught before OpenSciEd Unit 6.1 or at the start of the school year, supplemental teaching of classroom norms, setting up the Driving Question Board, and asking open-ended and testable questions would need to be added. (These supports are built into 6.1.) In this unit, students will build on the crosscutting concepts of system thinking, scale and proportion (moving from macroscopic to microscopic), and patterns from earlier 6th grade OpenSciEd units.
  • If taught before 6.1 and 6.2, students will benefit from additional scaffolding for structure and function.
  • If taught before, 6.4, students will benefit from additional scaffolding for scale, proportion, and quantity.
  • If taught before, 6.2 and 6.4, students will benefit from additional scaffolding for systems and system models. In this unit, students will build on the science and engineering practices of modeling, planning and carrying out investigations, and engaging in argument from evidence from earlier 6th grade OpenSciEd units.
  • If taught before 6.1 students will benefit from additional scaffolding for developing and using models.
  • If taught before, 6.2 and 6.3, students will benefit from additional scaffolding for planning and carrying out investigations. If taught before, 6.2 students benefit from additional scaffolding for engaging in argument from evidence.

What are prerequisite math concepts necessary for the unit?

In Lesson 4, students calculate the total magnification of their microscope’s view, such as a 40x objective times a 10x eyepiece is 400x total magnification. In Lesson 4, students also use millimeter graph paper to help gain perspective about how close-up they’re seeing things with the microscope and to estimate the field of view at different magnifications. Prerequisite math concepts that may be helpful include the following:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NBT.B.5 Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.A.2 Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.A.1 Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit.

Also in Lesson 4, you may choose to take time to explore the mathematics of ratios of blood cells based on the percentages of each type mentioned in the reading. If you choose to extend the investigation in this way, the prerequisite math concepts that may be helpful include the following:

  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.1: Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3.C: Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent.

How do I shorten or condense the unit if needed? How can I extend the unit if needed?

The following are example options to shorten or condense parts of the unit without completely eliminating the important sensemaking for students.

  • Lesson 4: If you do not have microscopes available, you can shorten this lesson by one day by taking out the orientation to the microscopes.
  • Lesson 6: This is a two day lesson that includes using the microscopes to look at skin, bone and muscle slides. These images are in the Link on OpenSciEd Interactive website . If you have the technology available, you could have students make observations of the images as home learning and do the sense making over the course of one day afterwards.
  • Lesson 7: This is meant as a mid-point assessment to gauge where students are at in their thinking about whether all living things are made of cells. It could be done as home learning which could gain you a class period. In addition, this assessment only begins to build towards this key science idea at this point in the unit but is more deeply built upon and assessed in Lesson 10.
  • Lesson 13: This lesson is used as a transfer task in which students apply what they have figured out about how our body heals from a biological perspective through making new cells to repair the injured tissues, to a growth scenario. Students look at images of growth plates and think about whether a similar process to healing might also be what is happening when we grow. Since the anchoring phenomena and the PEs will have been fully addressed and assessed prior to this unit you could choose to delete this lesson.

To extend or enhance the unit, consider the following:

  • Lesson 2: If you wish, you could conduct the dissection as a demonstration investigation with your students instead of watching the video of the dissection. This would allow students to make closer observations and ask questions about the structures of the chicken wing that might be able to be answered through closer investigations of the parts of the chicken wing.
  • Lesson 5: Instead of sharing microscopic images of nerves with students, if you have slides of nerve smear available, you could allow students to use the microscopes and look at them with a partner to make observations.
  • Lesson 7: The first part of the assessment asks students to plan for an investigation that would help them figure out whether other things in their world are made of cells. Due to the open-ended nature of this question, in the second part of the assessment students analyze microscopic images of 6 different objects to look for evidence of whether they are made of cells or not. If you have the materials and time, you could allow students to carry out the investigation they plan for in part 1 of the assessment.

Unit Acknowledgements

Unit Development Team

  • Dawn Novak, Unit Lead, BSCS Science Learning
  • Jamie Deutch Noll, Field Test Unit Lead, Northwestern University
  • Sue Gaspar, Writer, University Of Illinois Extension
  • Gail Housman, Writer, Northwestern University
  • Ari Jamshidi, Writer, University of California, Berkeley
  • Meghan McCleary, Writer, University Of Illinois Extension
  • Tracey Ramirez, Writer, The Charles A. Dana Center, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Wayne Wright, Writer, BSCS Science Learning
  • Gretchen Brinza, Pilot Teacher, Sauganash Elementary School
  • Keetra Tipton, Pilot Teacher, Aptakisic Junior High School
  • Abe Lo, Reviewer, PD design, BSCS Science Learning
  • Tara McGill, Conceptual design, Northwestern University
  • Katie Van Horne, Assessment Specialist, Concolor Research
  • Barbara Hug, Unit Advisory Chair, University of Illinois Urbana‐Champaign
  • Stina Krist, Unit Advisory Chair, University of Illinois Urbana‐Champaign
  • Molly Reisz, Advisory Team, Dennison Middle School

Production Team

BSCS Science Learning

  • Maria Gonzales, Copyeditor, Independent Contractor
  • Kate Herman, Copyeditor, Independent Contractor
  • Rachel Poland, Copyeditor, Independent Contractor
  • Renee DeVaul, Project Coordinator
  • Valerie Maltese, Marketing Specialist & Project Coordinator
  • Chris Moraine, Multimedia Graphic Designer
  • Kate Chambers, Multimedia Graphic Designer

Unit External Evaluation

EdReports awarded OpenSciEd an all-green rating for our Middle School Science Curriculum in February 2023.  The materials received a green rating on all three qualifying gateways: Designed for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Coherence and Scope, and Usability. To learn more and read the report, visit the EdReports site .

NextGenScience’s Science Peer Review Panel

An integral component of OpenSciEd’s  development process  is external validation of alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards by NextGenScience’s Science Peer Review Panel using the  EQuIP Rubric for Science . We are proud that this unit has earned the highest score available and has been awarded the  NGSS Design Badge . You can find additional information about the EQuIP rubric and the peer review process at the  website.

Unit standards

This unit builds toward the following NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs) as described in the OpenSciEd Scope & Sequence:

Reference to kit materials

The OpenSciEd units are designed for hands-on learning and therefore materials are necessary to teach the unit. These materials can be purchased as science kits or assembled using the kit material list.

NGSS Design Badge Awarded: Feb 9, 2022 Awarded To: OpenSciEd Unit 6.6:How Do Living Things Heal? VERIFY

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  • MATH > CORE CURRICULUM > Arriba las Matematicas, K-8" data-element-type="header nav submenu" title="Arriba las Matematicas, K-8" aria-label="Arriba las Matematicas, K-8"> Arriba las Matematicas, K-8
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  • MATH > INTERVENTION > Math 180, 5-12" data-element-type="header nav submenu" title="Math 180, 5-12" aria-label="Math 180, 5-12"> Math 180, 5-12
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WF1743859 Into S 2023 TX Landing HERO

Texas Science Curriculum 

Bring out every student's inner scientist, texas state board adopted k–8 science curriculum.

HMH Into Science ® Texas and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! ® Texas were developed specifically for Texas to support educators with all of the print and digital resources necessary to meet the TEKS. With HMH Into Science Texas and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas , students learn science by doing science, engaging in deep explorations of science phenomena.

HMH is one of only two companies to have met 100% of the TEKS and ELPS objectives on the TEA and TRR Quality Reviews!

Explore HMH Texas Science Solutions

HMH Into Science Texas Grades K-5

HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados K–5

HMH Into Science Texas Grades 6–8

HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados 6–8

Equipment Kits

Hands-on activities.

At K–5, print Student Editions provide content to address the TEKS along with space to complete hands-on activities and exit tickets. Leveled FUNomenal Readers offer content extensions that further reinforce the concepts being covered.

Read Overview Brochure

Grade-Level Equipment Kits include both consumable and non-consumable materials to make conducting activities even more manageable.

Students learn best by doing science, which is why Hands-on Activities are an integral part to every lesson across HMH Into Science Texas K–5.

HMH Into Science Texas Hands-On Activities are simple to do with easy-to-find materials.

Para una experiencia en español totalmente equitativa para los estudiantes bilingües emergentes, TODOS los componentes para el maestro y para el estudiante están disponibles en español en el plan de estudios de HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados K-5.

Los kits del grado que contienen materiales fungibles y no fungibles reducen el tiempo de preparación y permiten a los docentes realizar fácilmente las actividades prácticas con los estudiantes.

Actividades prácticas:

  • Son divertidas, breves y fáciles de realizar con materiales que se consiguen sin dificultad.
  • Ayudan a los estudiantes a aprender cómo diseñar experimentos y observar resultados.
  • Hacen énfasis en el discurso y el trabajo colaborativo de los estudiantes.
  • Incluyen versiones de “Diséñalo” en las cuales los estudiantes participan activamente en la creación de conceptos, prácticas y vocabulario de ingeniería.

Hands-On Labs

At 6–8, science content has been moved online to keep the weight of the student materials manageable. The print Student Activity Guides are lab manuals that provide steps to the hands-on labs and a space for students to record their data and answers. The guide also introduces the lesson phenomenon, has vocabulary reinforcement, a lesson summary, and lesson check questions. Online, lesson content and PocketLab Library content provide teachers with exceptional flexibility.

For your convenience, the labs were designed with easy-to-source materials. HMH has made conducting them even more manageable by creating Grade-Level Equipment Kits.

HMH Into Science Texas lets students explore everyday phenomenon through Hands-On Labs that bring science to life. Lessons follow an activity-before-content approach and are driven by a variety of Quick Labs, longer Hands-On Labs, and other collaborative activities, so learning is centered on “Students as Scientists.”

De grados 6 al 8, el contenido de ciencias se accede de forma digital para minimizar el peso de los materiales impresos de los estudiantes. Las Guías de actividades para estudiantes impresas son manuales de laboratorio que proporcionan pasos para los laboratorios prácticos y un espacio para que los estudiantes registren sus datos y respuestas. La guía también presenta el fenómeno de la lección, tiene refuerzo de vocabulario, un resumen de la lección y preguntas de verificación de la lección. El contenido de las lecciones en línea y el contenido de la biblioteca de PocketLab brindan a los profesores una flexibilidad excepcional.

Estas prácticas han sido diseñadas con materiales de fácil acceso para su conveniencia. Más aún, HMH creó Paquetes de materiales por grado para facilitar el proceso.

Con HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas , los estudiantes exploran fenómenos cotidianos a través de prácticas de laboratorio que hacen que las ciencias cobren vida. Las lecciones siguen un enfoque en el que hay una actividad previa al contenido y cuentan con diversas Actividades rápidas de laboratorio, Prácticas de laboratorio más extensas y otras actividades colaborativas, por lo que el aprendizaje se centra en “Los estudiantes como científicos”.

HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas: High-Quality Spanish Science Solution

Quality Matters. HMH took additional steps to ensure all students have access to our high-quality programs:

  • HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas was submitted separately to the TEA review so that Spanish-speaking experts could evaluate. It earned 100% compliance in this review.
  • Every teacher and student English component of HMH Into Science Texas is also available in the Spanish HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas solution to support multilingual learning.
  • Beyond doing an automated translation, all components of HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas were transadapted by a team who specializes in scientific academic vocabulary.
  • ELPS MiniLessons ensure that teachers can cover every proficiency standard.
  • The Multilingual Glossary helps students build fluency.
  • Emergent Bilingual support provides teachers with multiple strategies to engage students in language development.

HMH Into Science Texas has an exclusive PocketLab partnership

This partnership takes science education to the next level and provides Texas students and educators with the one-of-a-kind, customizable, collaborative and engaging hands-on learning experience they have been seeking.

Through PocketLab Notebook , teachers can digitally:

  • Create, customize and share content
  • Establish student collaborative environments
  • View student activity in real time
  • Access additional content from PhET Labs, Biomimicry Institute project-based learning, Deep in the Heart lesson plans, and much more!

Into Sci TX Adoption Webpage Pocketlab Partnership WF1815854

Professional Development

Our award-winning professional development supports all teachers, whether experienced or new to teaching science, to deliver long-term, sustainable growth.

PD card block accordion custom pd plan WF1459756 2

Insights & Resources

Explore articles, lessons, and additional resources for teaching science in Texas.

Three educators talking hero WF1807234

NGSS and the Dimension of Crosscutting Concepts: Setting the Stage for Student Sense-Making in Science

Learn about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Crosscutting Concepts and how teachers can use them to elicit student sense-making.

Peter McLaren

February 29, 2024

Hero Banner 2

Photo: Past NSTA president and HMH Into Science Texas author Dr. Karen Ostlund

Podcast: Science Instruction Insights from Past NSTA President Dr. Karen Ostlund on Teachers in America

Past NSTA President and HMH Into Science Texas author Dr. Karen Ostlund joins us to discuss the ins-and-outs of NGSS standards, technology's impact on student agency, and more.

Jennifer Corujo

August 31, 2023

WF1807212 Hero

Don’t Lead with Science Vocabulary—Start with Conceptual Meaning

Get advice on how to incorporate vocabulary into science instruction to ensure students learn science concepts deeply.

Dr. Karen Ostlund

July 31, 2023

7 Activities for Middle School Science

7 Activities for Middle School Science

Get your students into science with these activities for middle schoolers.

Shaped Staff

August 15, 2022

Back to school science activities for elementary students hero

7 Science Activities for Elementary Students

Use these fun activities and experiments for science class any time of the year!

August 1, 2022

Shapebook Patterns: Science Evidence Notebooks for Elementary Students

Shapebook Patterns: Science Evidence Notebooks for Elementary Students

Use these shapebook patterns as an engaging space for students to write their science observations and outstanding questions.

April 8, 2022

Learn more about HMH’s newest solutions to accelerate learning.

Hmh into science texas & hmh ¡arriba las ciencias texas hands-on activities and labs, k–5 & 6–8 program overview videos, contact us about hmh into science.

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phd science powerpoints

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Phd science powerpoints

Preview of Ecosystems: Interactions and Food Chains PowerPoint 5th Grade NGSS Science

Ecosystems: Interactions and Food Chains PowerPoint 5th Grade NGSS Science

phd science 6th grade

Photosynthesis PowerPoint Plants and Energy

Preview of Biomes and Ecosystems PowerPoint Tundra and Taiga

Biomes and Ecosystems PowerPoint Tundra and Taiga

Preview of Amphibians, Life Cycle of a Frog PowerPoint, Tadpoles, Salamanders

Amphibians, Life Cycle of a Frog PowerPoint , Tadpoles, Salamanders



phd science 6th grade

EFFECTS OF GLOBAL WARMING & POLLUTION Science PPT (cfc's, acid rain, plastics)

Preview of NAMING BINARY IONIC & COVALENT COMPOUNDS Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point (21PG)


Preview of Meditation PowerPoint, Mindfulness Scripts, Self-Affirmation Coloring,

Meditation PowerPoint , Mindfulness Scripts, Self-Affirmation Coloring,

phd science 6th grade

Fungi PowerPoint

Preview of Life Cycle PowerPoint Plant Frog Butterfly

Life Cycle PowerPoint Plant Frog Butterfly

Preview of Environmental Art Bundle (PowerPoints)

Environmental Art Bundle ( PowerPoints )

phd science 6th grade


Preview of ACIDS POWER POINT pH SCALE Power Point Bases Grade 10 Science Power Point 19 PGS

ACIDS POWER POINT pH SCALE Power Point Bases Grade 10 Science Power Point 19 PGS

Preview of NAMING POLYATOMIC COMPOUNDS Multivalent Metals Grade 10 Science Power Point 27PG

NAMING POLYATOMIC COMPOUNDS Multivalent Metals Grade 10 Science Power Point 27PG

Preview of CELLS Ppt Eukaryote Prokaryote Biological Diagrams Grade 10 Science Power Point

CELLS Ppt Eukaryote Prokaryote Biological Diagrams Grade 10 Science Power Point

Preview of OSMOSIS, DIFFUSION & USING A MICROSCOPE Grade 10 Science Power Point (20PG)


Preview of Mega Mindfulness Meditation Bundle, Audios, PowerPoints, Coloring

Mega Mindfulness Meditation Bundle, Audios, PowerPoints , Coloring

Preview of STEM CELLS, SPECIALIZED CELLS, CANCER Biology Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point

STEM CELLS, SPECIALIZED CELLS, CANCER Biology Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point

Preview of CHEMICAL REACTIONS Synthesis Decomp. Combustion Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point

CHEMICAL REACTIONS Synthesis Decomp. Combustion Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point

Preview of Atoms and Static Electricity PowerPoint Activities Worksheets

Atoms and Static Electricity PowerPoint Activities Worksheets

Preview of Most Common Graphs: to support informational text (PowerPoint)

Most Common Graphs: to support informational text ( PowerPoint )

Preview of COVALENT BONDING POWER POINT IONIC BONDING Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point 20PG


Preview of EYE SIGHT AND VISION Ppt Near and Far Sighted Grade 10 Science Power Point 24PG

EYE SIGHT AND VISION Ppt Near and Far Sighted Grade 10 Science Power Point 24PG

Preview of GREENHOUSE EFFECT & GASES Climate Change Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point (22PG)

GREENHOUSE EFFECT & GASES Climate Change Ppt Grade 10 Science Power Point (22PG)

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  1. PhD Science®

    PhD Science students think and act like real scientists as they ask questions, gather evidence, develop models, and construct explanations while investigating authentic phenomena. All students deserve the opportunity to build an unshakeable knowledge of the scientific world. That's why we offer PhD Science for Levels K-2 as an open ...

  2. PhD Science Module Map

    With PhD Science, we inspire students to wonder about the world and empower them to make sense of it through a coherent storyline. Below is a snapshot of concepts students cover, the phenomena they investigate, and the questions they answer as they learn to think and act like real scientists. Level. Module 1. Module 2.

  3. PhD Science Program Components

    Phenomenon-Based Learning. PhD Science ® is a phenomenon-based K-5 curriculum, blended seamlessly across print and digital formats, and grounded with professional development and supports to make every implementation a success. Print Materials. Digital Materials. Services and Support Tools.

  4. Great Minds-PhD Science Texas

    For Students. PhD Science Texas includes the following materials and resources to support students in building knowledge of the scientific world:. Science Logbooks, print and digital, where students will synthesize information and reflect on what they're learning. Student Science Packs for additional lesson resources.; Knowledge Deck™ Cards to help students in Levels K-3 build knowledge on ...

  5. PDF PhD Science™ Grade Levels 3-5 Reviewer Guide

    The module structure of PhD Science is designed to fit an academic year. Each grade level is organized into four modules of instruction, and the modules are sequenced so that learning builds on prior modules. Each module has 25-30 lessons, for a total of 105-115 lessons per grade level.

  6. PhD Science Product Components

    These specially designed kits contain the supplies needed to implement the PhD Science investigations and activities in all four modules of each level. Organized by module, the materials kits arrive in bins that can store reusable materials from year to year. Refill kits are available to replace consumable supplies.

  7. Great Minds-PhD Science TEKS

    In 2020, the Texas Education Agency partnered with Great Minds ® to develop high-quality materials for Grades K—5 as an open educational resource. PhD Science ® TEKS Edition and PhD Science in Sync TEKS Edition are fully aligned to TEKS standards and are free to Texas educators as a part of this initiative.. Since then our phenomenon-based program has helped schools across the state attain ...

  8. PDF Preparation Guide

    Lanterns with batteries (6) Protractors (6) School Supplied Items Pencils, unsharpened (6) Meter sticks (6) Rulers, metric (6) Item Reuse Lesson 6 requires the shadow investigation materials. Lesson 8 requires the lanterns. Lesson 10 requires the unsharpened pencils. Lesson 21 requires 1 of the meter sticks. Save all the meter sticks for Lesson 22.

  9. PBS PhD Science Level 5 Module 3 Part 1

    PBS PhD Science Level 5 Module 3 Part 1 Module 3 Part 1: In concept 1, students begin to wonder about the anchor phenomenon, Balinese Rice Farming, and how it has endured for 1,000 years.

  10. PDF Planning and Preparation Guide

    Lesson 6 Build a rain gauge to measure precipitation and use a thermometer to measure temperature. Preparing to Teach Cut plastic bottle for rain gauge (see Lesson 6 Resource B). Prepare cups of ice water. Materials Thermometer (1 per student) Science Logbook (Lesson 6 Activity Guide) Cup of water with ice cubes (1 per student pair)

  11. PhD Science Levels K-2 OER

    PhD Science Levels K-2 OER. FREE. Free downloadable PDFs of PhD Science® Levels K-2 are available as an open educational resource. These OER files include the Teacher Edition and the Student Logbook for all four modules. Add to Dashboard.

  12. PDF Planning and Preparation Guide

    Science Logbook (Module Question Log) Colored pencils, crayons, or markers Science Logbook (Lesson 1 Activity Guide B) Copper patina preparation: 2-4 pieces of copper tubing (22 mm diameter, approx. 5 cm long), sandpaper, 100 g (approx. 6 tbsp) sea salt, 240 mL (approx. 1 cup) white vinegar, 9-ounce clear plastic cup, plastic

  13. HMH Into Science ® 6-8

    Educators and Students Access All Curriculum Resources from One Platform. HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! reside on Ed®, the HMH learning platform, which includes e-book content, simulations and videos, auto-graded interactive assessments, actionable data and reporting, and embedded Professional Development. Flexible Instruction.

  14. PDF Louisiana Guide to Implementing PhD Science: Grade K-2

    Louisiana Guide t o Implementing PhD Science: Grade K-2 To assist teachers with the implementation of the PhD Science curriculum for grades Kindergarten - 2, this document provides ... 1Adapted from guidance developed by PhD Science 6. Guide to Implementing PhD Science: Grades K-2 Grade 2 Standards by Module1 Module 1 Matter Module 2 Earth ...

  15. 6.6 Cells & Systems

    This is the sixth unit in 6th grade in the OpenSciEd Scope and Sequence and the first life science unit. OpenSciEd 7th grade units Unit 7.3, Unit 7.4, and 8th grade Unit 8.5 will all build off the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) that students develop by working on the following NGSS performance expectations MS-LS1-1, MS-LS1-2, MS-LS1-3 in this unit.

  16. Great Minds Phd Science Module 1 Teaching Resources

    Hi!Attached are my PHD Science Module 1-4 google slide resources. I've also included the sample lessons I offer if you are looking for a quick read of a sample lesson. These resources are based directly off of the PHD Grade 3 program. The questions, order of activities, and images reflect what I taught last year.

  17. PhD Science

    Hands-OnMaterials Kits. PhD Science ® allows students to learn to think like real scientists by conducting hands-on investigations. With a Science or Engineering Challenge in each module, students are provided multiple opportunities to collaborate with peers, practice problem solving, and continue building and connecting knowledge of the world ...

  18. Sixth Grade Science Projects

    Sixth Grade Science Projects. (701 results) Science Buddies' sixth grade science projects are the perfect way for sixth grade students to have fun exploring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Our sixth grade projects are written and tested by scientists and are specifically created for use by students in the sixth grade.

  19. IXL

    Count atoms and molecules in chemical reactions. 3. Calculate amounts of reactants or products in chemical reactions. 4. Describe energy changes in chemical reactions. 5. Compare physical and chemical changes. 6. Explore chemical structure and properties: soapmaking.

  20. PhD Science K-2 OER

    That's why we're offering Levels K-2 of PhD Science as a free PDF open educational resource (OER). All four modules are now available. PhD Science ® is a K-5 curriculum in which real-world phenomena anchor the learning as students build enduring knowledge about the real world and its everyday wonders. Students develop their ...

  21. Texas Science Curriculum

    HMH Into Science ® Texas and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! ® Texas were developed specifically for Texas to support educators with all of the print and digital resources necessary to meet the TEKS. With HMH Into Science Texas and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas, students learn science by doing science, engaging in deep explorations of science phenomena.. HMH is one of only two companies to ...

  22. PhD Science® Curriculum Assessments

    Our teacher-writers carefully crafted PhD Science® assessments to ensure teachers have visibility into student understanding. PhD Science includes formative and summative assessments. Based on student responses and teacher observation, including next steps, teachers know how to proceed with instruction. Just-in-time notes and rubrics further ...

  23. Phd Science Powerpoints Teaching Resources

    This is a Power Point on cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms and the digestive system. It explains the topics using words, diagrams and gifs. The content is suitable for a grade 10 science course. The Power Point is 16 slides long.My name is Darrin Mathewson and I have a PhD in organic chemistry.