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7 tips to help you achieve academic success

7 tips to help you achieve academic success

What is academic success?

Academic success means different things to different people. Whether you want to explore a subject area that you’re passionate about or enhance your credentials to advance your career, one of the primary purposes of education is to help you reach your full personal and professional potential. To achieve your vision for success, it’s important to create clear, actionable objectives and develop good habits and skills to guide your learning and keep you on track in your studies.

How do you achieve academic success?

Setting achievable short- and long-term goals is one key to academic success. When you set actionable objectives and incorporate skills and behaviors like time management, good study habits, and resilience, it’s easier to create and execute an effective study plan, track your progress, and reach your milestones. If you’re unsure of where to start when it comes to making a plan, read on to explore seven tips you can implement to align with your unique needs and experiences.

1. Work on your time management skills

One of the most critical skills for academic success is effective management of your study time. Time management skills are essential because they help ensure you stay on top of all your readings, projects, and exams. Managing your time well also requires you to stay organized, prioritize your tasks, and plan out a daily, weekly, and monthly study schedule that you stick to. How you choose to manage your study calendar is up to you, but you should create a system to track your project deadlines, exams, and study sessions in a way that’s easily accessible—whether that be a time management app on your phone, an online daily planner, or a physical calendar. As long as you carve out specific amounts of time each day or week to ensure you accomplish your high-priority items, you will set yourself up for success. It can also be helpful to let the important people in your life know about the times you have reserved for your studies so you can avoid distractions and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

2. Set small goals to help you accomplish large goals

One of the best ways to help you meet your larger, long-term goals is by tackling smaller goals that will help you achieve the results you desire. Create SMART goals that are clear and realistic and use your resources and time productively. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. By setting SMART goals, you give yourself the opportunity to take a hard look at your objectives, understand what is motivating them, and pinpoint the actions you need to take to meet them. An example of a SMART academic goal is, “I will work to improve my grade from a B to an A by devoting four hours a week to studying my notes, readings, and flashcards for the next three weeks.”

3. Surround yourself with supportive people who motivate you

When you lean on people who support your educational journey, it can invigorate you and help stoke your determination. With family, friends, and coworkers, it’s important to open up about your experience of returning to university to enhance your skills—including both your accomplishments and your challenges. It can also be helpful to share with your instructors and peers at Penn LPS Online. Because your coursework includes group projects, presentations, and online discussions, you’ll have many opportunities to collaborate with your classmates, share your experiences, and help each other to excel in your studies. And you’ll also interact with Ivy League faculty and practitioners who are experts in their fields who will be more than willing to support you by addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

4. Build good study habits

Developing and maintaining good study habits is critical to your academic success. When you make good study habits a part of your daily routine, it can increase your efficiency, confidence, and effectiveness while reducing anxiety about your coursework. The reality is that your days are likely already packed with work, family, and other personal responsibilities, so it’s crucial you carve out time to devote to studying. To help you build strong study habits, it’s beneficial to create a consistent and structured daily plan. Ensure that you have a dedicated environment that is conducive to studying and avoid procrastination by holding yourself accountable to your dedicated study sessions. These tips can help:

  • Take effective notes when listening to lectures or reading course materials Taking effective notes is extremely helpful for understanding course material and completing assignments—and there is a definite strategy for doing so. First, be selective and pay attention to the concepts that your instructor indicates are important—and look for section headings or summaries in your readings that highlight essential material. Then, once you’ve identified major concepts, rewrite them in your own words to help make them more understandable and memorable. Finally, go back and recap each idea in one or two sentences to streamline and highlight key takeaways.
  • Create mind maps A mind map is a diagram that represents how various ideas relate to the main concept. Using mind maps can be an effective way of organizing and summarizing key concepts, particularly if you’re a visual learner. Start by writing the central concept in the middle of your page and then draw curved lines branching out with related ideas. Then, you can add branches to the related ideas with further points. You can also use different colors, pictures, and line lengths/widths to make your maps more memorable or highlight the most important concepts.
  • Break up study sessions While some long study sessions can’t be avoided, if you can break up your study time into shorter increments, you will be doing yourself a favor. That’s because your brain needs these breaks to process and store the information that you learn. And stopping to grab a snack, listen to a podcast, or grab coffee with a friend can help you relax, improve your mood, and allow you to focus better once you return to studying.

5. Develop your patience and resilience

In a world where our attention spans seem to be getting shorter and instant gratification is often celebrated, it can be difficult to cultivate patience. But if you want to be successful in reaching your academic goals, you’re going to have to learn how. Practices that can be helpful to overcome impatience include being more mindful of your reactions to your environment, calming your mind by practicing deep breathing or meditation, and rewarding yourself when you reach set milestones.

Resilience refers to your ability to adapt to and overcome life’s challenges. If you’re interested in learning more about how to become more resilient you should look into APOP 1200: Human Flourishing: Strengths and Resilience at Penn LPS Online. This course explores the science of positive psychology and how we can leverage our strengths to contribute to the greater world and enhance our personal well-being. You will also learn about the physical and psychological protective principles and factors that comprise resilience and how they can be nurtured to help you flourish in your academics, career, and personal life.

6. Take care of yourself physically and mentally

You can’t expect to meet your goals if you experience burnout. That’s why it’s so important that you take care of your physical and mental health. Some effective ways to take care of your body include eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet and exercising regularly. Remember that being active doesn’t have to involve going to the gym—it can also be taking a dance class, going for a bike ride, or walking your dog around the neighborhood. The endorphins that your body produces when you exercise can help improve your disposition and relax your mind. You should also prioritize sleep to help boost your immune system, reduce stress, and increase your ability to focus on your studies. Did you know getting outdoors can improve your mental health? Not only will you enjoy the fresh air, but exposure to sunlight is also believed to increase the release of serotonin, a hormone associated with improved mood and sense of calm and concentration.

 Finally, schedule time just for fun! Whether you engage in your favorite hobby, work on a creative project, or go out to dinner with your partner, when you make the time to do activities that you love, it benefits your well-being and ultimately increases your chances of academic success. And it’s important to note that if you do find yourself feeling overwhelmed or struggling mentally during your studies that reaching out to a professional therapist is always a healthy step to take.

7. Practice positive thinking

People who maintain a positive outlook on life may cope better with stress, have stronger immunity, and experience healthier and happier lives. Consequently, cultivating a positive mindset can be invaluable when it comes to learning. Positive psychology is the scientific study of what helps people to thrive in all aspects of their lives. In APOP 1000: Introduction to Positive Psychology at Penn LPS Online, you will explore the underpinnings of positive psychology, address questions surrounding what it means to be happy, and learn the theory and science that supports the conceptual framework of well-being. With hands-on experiments and group activities, you’ll discover how to build well-being in yourself, in organizations, and in communities. So, when you’re registering for courses, do yourself a favor and consider this one.

Are you ready to achieve academic success?

Congratulations on committing to continuing your education and furthering your personal and professional development. In addition to advancing your academic and career goals, lifelong learning can also help you improve your self-confidence and self-worth, renew your creativity and motivation, build soft skills such as critical thinking and adaptability, and enhance your overall quality of life.

The Ivy League courses , certificates , and degree at Penn LPS Online are designed with adult learners like you in mind, offering the flexibility to obtain new career skills, indulge your unique passions, or earn your liberal arts degree on a schedule that works with your busy life. At Penn LPS Online, you can pursue your academic goals while building a foundation grounded in the arts and sciences and broadening your professional prospects.

View our course guide to see what excites you! Enrollment for certificates and courses and applications for the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences program are always open. Visit our online application and get started today!

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5 Strategies for Academic Success: Using Your Strengths

These five tips show you how to keep a clear head and have a successful semester.

Rebecca Bakken

The start of the semester can be a hectic time. You’re juggling your career, classes, family, and friends. Deb Levy , a certified life and business coach, and a Harvard Extension career workshop leader, offers five tips in this video to help you succeed in your coursework.

Know your strengths.

It’s human nature to want to correct weaknesses. But knowing your strengths and how to use them effectively can have a much more substantial effect on success and well-being. So how can you reframe your thinking?

According to Deb Levy, the field of positive psychology offers many useful tools. One in particular—the Character Strengths Test from VIA Institute on Character—can help you gauge your strengths and weaknesses. The test ranks users’ character strengths from strongest to weakest, allowing for an objective view into where you excel and where you may need work.

Once you know what your strengths are, you can play to them. But it’s also important to know that sometimes strengths need to be tempered.

“Every strength if overused becomes a deficit,” says Levy.

For instance, someone who ranks highly in humor might run the risk of making an insensitive or inappropriate comment that could damage relationships.

Making a plan to bolster weaknesses while remaining conscious of strengths can be a great strategy to ensure not just academic success, but personal fulfillment.

Set specific goals.

Achieving your goals depends heavily on how well you can manage your time. Levy recommends making a priority pie that maps out how you’ll divide your time over the course of a semester.

“When you say yes to becoming a student, you have to say no to other things,” she says. “So goal-setting requires a strategic plan for the semester. Students who do better in general are the ones who take time to plan.”

Your priority pie should reflect all your personal, professional, and academic endeavors. For example:

time commitment graphic

Your priority pie should include not just classes and your work day, but also time for family, studying and homework, and self-care like going to the gym or getting a regular massage.

Levy stresses that the best goals are specific, personal, and flexible.

Prioritize happiness.

Feeling good about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it is the best way to ensure success. According to Levy, happiness often leads to success, but success on its own may not lead to happiness.

As such, prioritizing your own wellness is key to reaching your goals. Levy says well-being  consists of positive emotions, engagement, meaning, and achievement.

“By nature of being in school people are already prioritizing well-being. They’re getting engaged, working on accomplishments,” says Levy.

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Aside from making time for yourself, you can practice building positivity.

One exercise that Levy recommends is writing down three good things at the end of each day. These can be things you’re proud of, things you’re grateful for, or things that simply bring a smile to your face.

Studying subjects that give your life purpose or meaning can also be beneficial.

“People who connect meaning to their goals are more motivated,” says Levy

Be resilient.

Even with a good plan, obstacles will arise. How well you deal with those obstacles depends on your perspective.

In resilience coaching, Levy often refers to the work of psychologist Carol Dweck. Her research identifies two basic mindsets: fixed and growth. Fixed mindsets view mistakes or setbacks as insurmountable. Growth mindsets view them as opportunities for positive change.

If you lean toward a fixed mindset, the good news is that it’s not permanent. No one falls into one mindset 100 percent of the time. Training your brain to see opportunity where you once saw a roadblock is possible.

“Give yourself permission to be human,” Levy says. “Predict you’re going to make mistakes.”

One way to build resilience is by preparing for obstacles with implementation intentions , which are if–then plans designed to help people achieve goals. For example, “If I can’t get the financial aid I need, then I will reallocate money from my vacation or entertainment budgets.”

Setting these intentions gives you a default answer that helps you stick to your plan without having to deliberate or make a snap decision.

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Make time to recover.

Rather than avoiding stress altogether, Levy recommends setting aside time to mentally and physically recover.

As a student, you may sometimes fall into a “stretch zone,” where you’re extending yourself to accommodate for different obligations. Periods of stress can actually be positive and motivating if they expand your perception of what’s possible.

But it can lead to chronic stress when you don’t build in time to recover.

Viewing your eight hours of sleep every night as sacrosanct can go a long way toward staving off chronic stress. So before you pull another all-nighter, think about the effects it may have on you the next day.

Taking breaks, setting aside time for meals, and enjoying recreation can help fuel you and keep you on course to achieve your goals.

For more information from Deb Levy on balancing academics with life, check out How to Set Goals and Achieve Balance—In and Outside the Classroom .

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academic success essay

1.2 Your Academic Journey and Personal Story

Questions to Consider:

  • How can your academic journey develop skills needed for college success?
  • How can your personal story prepare you for applying to college?

Your Academic Journey

Now that you have a better understanding of what college can do for you, it is time to focus on how high school is preparing you for college, or better yet, how you can prepare yourself in high school to become college ready. It is clear that what you do (or don’t do) in high school can affect your ability to get into the colleges of your choice, but there is more to preparing yourself than just earning a high GPA or class rank. Your high school education can provide you with ample opportunity to help you hone your academic skills.

Take Difficult Courses

Any student who is serious about applying to college should consider taking challenging classes while in high school. Why? Because those classes can help lay a foundation of high expectations and hard work and they are often highly regarded by college admissions counselors. These classes are sometimes called Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors/advanced classes. If you are considering taking such courses, talk to your guidance counselor or current teachers. They may be able to offer suggestions for how to get selected (if there is an application process) and give you a realistic picture of what will be expected. There is no need to take all AP, IB, or advanced classes to prove you are ready for college, but taking a few can provide a college admissions committee evidence that you are open to challenge.

Manage Time and Tasks

If there is one skill that you can develop now that will help you throughout your college career, it is the ability to manage your time and complete tasks. If you already use a planner to track what you need to do and when it is due , then you are on the right track. You can enhance these skills by setting reminders for yourself—and not relying on teachers or parents to tell you when to complete or submit an assignment. The most important part of managing your time and tasks effectively is to build in time well before something is due to complete the work and to overestimate (at least initially) how long you need, which can provide time “buffers” that will keep you from rushing through work to finish it.

Learn to Learn

Earlier, you were introduced to the argument that the purpose of college is to become a learner. You don’t have to wait until college, though, to figure out how best to learn different subject matters. This is one reason you should consider taking challenging classes–they require that you put more time and effort in them to learn the material. And those skills will make transitioning to college much easier. How can you “learn to learn”? You may have little control over what you are learning and how you are tested, but you can control how you approach the learning. One way to learn how to learn is to space out your learning over time (as best as you can—sometimes teachers like to give you a pop quiz when you least expect it!). Reviewing a bit of material for a short amount of time over several days (as opposed to cramming it in right before a test) produces better results. Another way to learn how to learn is to monitor how well your learning strategies work. Did you do well on a test? Take some time to reflect on what you did that resulted in a good grade. Did you space out your studying? Did you look for connections in the material? Likewise, if you do poorly on a test, determine what led to the result. The more you can identify what works and doesn’t for you, the easier it is to make improvements in your learning strategies.

Demonstrate Integrity and Ownership of Learning

Being a high school student often means having a lot on your plate. It can be easy to put off homework and studying, not do it at all, or cut corners to complete the work. While you may be able to get away with some stumbles like forgetting to turn in an assignment, other behaviors, such as getting someone (including Artificial Intelligence software) to do your homework or write a paper for you can get you into trouble. Now is the time to build the skills you will need later in college. Taking full responsibility for your learning as well as demonstrating integrity in all assignments no matter how big or small are the foundation of those skills. How do you do this? For one, you acknowledge that every action or inaction will produce a result. If you put in the work to write the paper, you will earn the grade you receive. If you do not put in the work or find a way to shortcut the process by using someone else’s writing, then you have missed an opportunity to improve your writing, your thinking, and your project management skills. Plus, you may get into trouble for academic dishonesty, which could mean failing an assignment or a course, or getting a more substantial punishment, such as expulsion. The stakes only get higher when you are in college.

Keep Test Scores in Perspective

You will learn more about standardized test scores and their purpose for getting into college later in this chapter, but it is worth noting that while what you make on the ACT, SAT, or equivalent standardized test, may factor into your ability to get into and pay for the college of your dreams, it is not necessarily a reflection of who you are and what you are capable of. Definitely do all you can to raise your test scores through practicing, prepping, and doing your best on the day of the test. But do not assume that a low test score will be the end of your long-term goals or educational journey. They are just one piece of information by which an institution may evaluate your potential, but it shouldn’t be the only thing that tells who you are.

Your Personal Story

Just as important as your academic journey is your personal story. You will need to develop and reflect on both for your applications to college and scholarships. Those who read about you will want to know not only about your accomplishments, but also your challenges and how you have overcome them.

What Makes You Unique

It may seem cliché to say “There is only one you!” But there is some truth in the fact that you are unique—there is no one else like you. To that end, you may want to draw upon those unique characteristics as you begin to shape the story that you will share with college admissions staff and scholarship committees. Will you be the first in your family to go to college? Do you live on a working farm and feed the goats, cows, and horses every morning before school? Can you ride a unicycle or juggle or both? There may be both personal characteristics as well as experiences that make you stand out from others, and if there are, consider weaving these details into the tapestry of your story. Start by making a list of your characteristics—no trait is too small or typical at this point. You can eliminate items later when you start building your story, but for now, create the list and add to it as you think of new things that you are or can do.

Getting Gritty

Many college essay prompts include an opportunity to share a time in your life in which you faced adversity and overcame it. For some students, this prompt is difficult for they have either not experienced a life-changing setback or not considered themselves challenged. It is important to remember that any setback or disappointment—no matter how inconsequential it may seem to you—can be the basis for an essay that responds to such a prompt. There is no need to embellish the circumstance if it is truly not harrowing, but it is acceptable to frame the experience as something that was difficult for you. Most readers of essays are less looking for a made-for-Hollywood story and more wanting to see someone who has demonstrated tenacity, resilience, and reflection no matter how big or small the adversity is. Even if you are not required to write an essay on a time in your life in which you failed or experienced disappointment, having a story handy for interviews (for scholarships, internships, or jobs) can help you share insight into your personality and strengths in a succinct way.

Finding the Themes of Your Life

In Katharine Brooks’ (2010) book You Majored in What? 3 she shares a writing and reflecting activity called “Wandering Pathways and Butterfly Moments” that guides readers through a series of prompts to develop a list of life experiences for the purpose of discovering what career pathway may be most fruitful for them to pursue. These life experiences could be as monumental as moving to a new state and starting a new school or they can be as mundane as spending the summers fishing. The goal of the exercise is to record what you have done or what has happened to you to get a sense of a “story.” These stories are built upon the connections and themes that you see in the experiences. Here are some of the life experiences Brooks wants you to consider when you are crafting your personal story.

  • What have you done during the summer or holiday breaks from school?
  • What did you play when you were a young child?
  • What are some of your major life experiences (e.g. family events such as births, deaths, marriages, divorces)?
  • What do people say you do well or have a talent for or seek you out for?
  • What do you consider your greatest achievements?
  • What jobs have you had?
  • What groups have you belonged to?
  • What awards have you won?
  • What lessons have you learned?
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • What kind of “secret” talent do you have?

The goal of answering the questions is to capture as much about who you are and how you have been shaped to develop clear connections among the life elements and create themes. These themes can drive your personal story that can share on a deeper level who you are or who you are becoming.

Consider this scenario: Raphael has taken the time to write down his life experiences so he can build his personal narrative. Some of the answers to the questions above include the following:

  • Raphael’s jobs: lifeguard, babysitter for his nieces and nephews, tutor, art teacher for elementary students
  • Raphael’s hobbies and interests: watching old movies, volunteering at the library, creating original jewelry from natural objects
  • Raphael’s awards and accolades: he won a writing contest in 11th grade, his friends come to him for advice, he has earned high grades in all of his classes
  • Raphael’s major life events: parents divorced when he was 6 years old, he started a new school in junior high, his aunt passed away when he was 14 years old

From this short list, Raphael can begin to draw out themes that he can use to create a detailed picture of who he is. He has found himself in teaching roles with his jobs. He has a love for the arts as evidenced by his hobbies. He is a good communicator evidenced by his awards and accolades, and relationships are an important part of his life. Raphael can use those themes—and details from his experiences—to craft his story as someone who has demonstrated an interest in connecting with and helping others by sharing his expertise and experience.

Recognizing the themes in your life helps you to describe how you've become the person you are now, and helps you to understand who you will become.

"For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn't end" —former First Lady Michelle Obama , Becoming (2018)

Analysis Question

In what ways is your academic journey in high school shaping your personal narrative? Describe how the following experiences are helping you “become":

  • The classes that you are taking
  • The activities you participate in as part of school (e.g., sports, performing arts, etc.)
  • The learning that you are doing outside of school (e.g., community language class)

In what ways are your personal experiences shaping your story? Describe how the following experiences are helping you “become”:

  • Major life events
  • Favorite activities
  • Awards and accomplishments
  • Jobs or volunteer work
  • 3 Brooks, K.(2010). You majored in what? Plume.

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Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/preparing-for-college-success/pages/1-introduction
  • Authors: Amy Baldwin
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Preparing for College Success
  • Publication date: Jul 12, 2023
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/preparing-for-college-success/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/preparing-for-college-success/pages/1-2-your-academic-journey-and-personal-story

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How to Write an Academic Essay in 6 Simple Steps


Written by  Scribendi

Are you wondering how to write an academic essay successfully? There are so many steps to writing an academic essay that it can be difficult to know where to start.

Here, we outline how to write an academic essay in 6 simple steps, from how to research for an academic essay to how to revise an essay and everything in between. 

Our essay writing tips are designed to help you learn how to write an academic essay that is ready for publication (after academic editing and academic proofreading , of course!).

Your paper isn't complete until you've done all the needed proofreading. Make sure you leave time for it after the writing process!

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Types of academic writing.

With academic essay writing, there are certain conventions that writers are expected to follow. As such, it's important to know the basics of academic writing before you begin writing your essay.

Read More: What Is Academic Writing?

Before you begin writing your essay, you need to know what type of essay you are writing. This will help you follow the correct structure, which will make academic paper editing a faster and simpler process. 

Will you be writing a descriptive essay, an analytical essay, a persuasive essay, or a critical essay?

Read More: How to Master the 4 Types of Academic Writing

You can learn how to write academic essays by first mastering the four types of academic writing and then applying the correct rules to the appropriate type of essay writing.

Regardless of the type of essay you will be writing, all essays will include:

An introduction

At least three body paragraphs

A conclusion

A bibliography/reference list

To strengthen your essay writing skills, it can also help to learn how to research for an academic essay.

How to Research for an Academic Essay

Step 1: Preparing to Write Your Essay

The essay writing process involves a few main stages:


As such, in learning how to write an academic essay, it is also important to learn how to research for an academic essay and how to revise an essay.

Read More: Online Research Tips for Students and Scholars

To beef up your research skills, remember these essay writing tips from the above article: 

Learn how to identify reliable sources.

Understand the nuances of open access.

Discover free academic journals and research databases.

Manage your references. 

Provide evidence for every claim so you can avoid plagiarism .

Read More: 17 Research Databases for Free Articles

You will want to do the research for your academic essay points, of course, but you will also want to research various journals for the publication of your paper.

Different journals have different guidelines and thus different requirements for writers. These can be related to style, formatting, and more. 

Knowing these before you begin writing can save you a lot of time if you also want to learn how to revise an essay. If you ensure your paper meets the guidelines of the journal you want to publish in, you will not have to revise it again later for this purpose. 

After the research stage, you can draft your thesis and introduction as well as outline the rest of your essay. This will put you in a good position to draft your body paragraphs and conclusion, craft your bibliography, and edit and proofread your paper.

Step 2: Writing the Essay Introduction and Thesis Statement

When learning how to write academic essays , learning how to write an introduction is key alongside learning how to research for an academic essay.

Your introduction should broadly introduce your topic. It will give an overview of your essay and the points that will be discussed. It is typically about 10% of the final word count of the text.

All introductions follow a general structure:

Topic statement

Thesis statement

Read More: How to Write an Introduction

Your topic statement should hook your reader, making them curious about your topic. They should want to learn more after reading this statement. To best hook your reader in academic essay writing, consider providing a fact, a bold statement, or an intriguing question. 

The discussion about your topic in the middle of your introduction should include some background information about your topic in the academic sphere. Your scope should be limited enough that you can address the topic within the length of your paper but broad enough that the content is understood by the reader.

Your thesis statement should be incredibly specific and only one to two sentences long. Here is another essay writing tip: if you are able to locate an effective thesis early on, it will save you time during the academic editing process.

Read More: How to Write a Great Thesis Statement

Step 3: Writing the Essay Body

When learning how to write academic essays, you must learn how to write a good body paragraph. That's because your essay will be primarily made up of them!

The body paragraphs of your essay will develop the argument you outlined in your thesis. They will do this by providing your ideas on a topic backed up by evidence of specific points.

These paragraphs will typically take up about 80% of your essay. As a result, a good essay writing tip is to learn how to properly structure a paragraph.

Each paragraph consists of the following:

A topic sentence

Supporting sentences

A transition

Read More: How to Write a Paragraph

In learning how to revise an essay, you should keep in mind the organization of your paragraphs.

Your first paragraph should contain your strongest argument.

The secondary paragraphs should contain supporting arguments.

The last paragraph should contain your second-strongest argument. 

Step 4: Writing the Essay Conclusion

Your essay conclusion is the final paragraph of your essay and primarily reminds your reader of your thesis. It also wraps up your essay and discusses your findings more generally.

The conclusion typically makes up about 10% of the text, like the introduction. It shows the reader that you have accomplished what you intended to at the outset of your essay.

Here are a couple more good essay writing tips for your conclusion:

Don't introduce any new ideas into your conclusion.

Don't undermine your argument with opposing ideas.

Read More: How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph in 3 Easy Steps

Now that you know how to write an academic essay, it's time to learn how to write a bibliography along with some academic editing and proofreading advice.

Step 5: Writing the Bibliography or Works Cited

The bibliography of your paper lists all the references you cited. It is typically alphabetized or numbered (depending on the style guide).

Read More: How to Write an Academic Essay with References

When learning how to write academic essays, you may notice that there are various style guides you may be required to use by a professor or journal, including unique or custom styles. 

Some of the most common style guides include:

Chicago style

For help organizing your references for academic essay writing, consider a software manager. They can help you collect and format your references correctly and consistently, both quickly and with minimal effort.

Read More: 6 Reference Manager Software Solutions for Your Research

As you learn how to research for an academic essay most effectively, you may notice that a reference manager can also help make academic paper editing easier.

How to Revise an Essay

Step 6: Revising Your Essay

Once you've finally drafted your entire essay . . . you're still not done! 

That's because editing and proofreading are the essential final steps of any writing process . 

An academic editor can help you identify core issues with your writing , including its structure, its flow, its clarity, and its overall readability. They can give you substantive feedback and essay writing tips to improve your document. Therefore, it's a good idea to have an editor review your first draft so you can improve it prior to proofreading.

A specialized academic editor can assess the content of your writing. As a subject-matter expert in your subject, they can offer field-specific insight and critical commentary. Specialized academic editors can also provide services that others may not, including:

Academic document formatting

Academic figure formatting

Academic reference formatting

An academic proofreader can help you perfect the final draft of your paper to ensure it is completely error free in terms of spelling and grammar. They can also identify any inconsistencies in your work but will not look for any issues in the content of your writing, only its mechanics. This is why you should have a proofreader revise your final draft so that it is ready to be seen by an audience. 

Read More: How to Find the Right Academic Paper Editor or Proofreader

When learning how to research and write an academic essay, it is important to remember that editing is a required step. Don ' t forget to allot time for editing after you ' ve written your paper.

Set yourself up for success with this guide on how to write an academic essay. With a solid draft, you'll have better chances of getting published and read in any journal of your choosing.

Our academic essay writing tips are sure to help you learn how to research an academic essay, how to write an academic essay, and how to revise an academic essay.

If your academic paper looks sloppy, your readers may assume your research is sloppy. Download our Pocket Proofreading Checklist for Academic Papers before you take that one last crucial look at your paper.

About the Author

Scribendi Editing and Proofreading

Scribendi's in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing transformed into a great one. Scribendi's in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained numerous degrees. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

Have You Read?

"The Complete Beginner's Guide to Academic Writing"

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academic success essay

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Strategies for Sustaining Academic Success in College

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Published: Mar 6, 2024

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academic success essay

551 Success Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Looking for exciting success topics for an essay? Success is a concept that is definitely worth exploring!

🔝 Top 10 Success Topics to Write About

📑 aspects to cover in a success essay, 🏆 best success topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on success, 🎓 simple & easy success essay titles, 🥇 most interesting success topics to write about, 📌 writing prompts about success, 💡 easy success essay topics, ❓ questions about success.

There is a range of topics to focus on here. You might want to tell your readers about the life of a successful person, study the role of education in a successful career, elaborate on the most colorful examples of success and failure, etc. In this article, we’ve gathered a list of top success topic ideas to write about. You’ll also find here a collection of success essay examples to inspire you even more.

  • Natural selection as a form of biological success
  • Adaptiveness as the key to biological and social success
  • Success in education: is the grading system fair?
  • How to measure success in life?
  • How to define “a successful company”?
  • The American Dream: is the ideal of success realistic?
  • Does success bring happiness?
  • Self-made man: is it a myth?
  • Compare and contrast the life trajectories of two successful people
  • Success in education and in career: is there a correlation?

What do we perceive as success? Why are some people more successful than others? These are some of the questions you can answer in your essay on success.

Success essays are engaging assignments that allow you to analyze personal stories and define qualifications for success. The purpose of these papers is to find the true meaning of success.

Before starting to work on an essay, think of the topic you want to discuss. Here are some examples of success essay topics and ideas we can suggest:

  • How one’s personal philosophy allows them to succeed
  • Do you need to work hard to succeed?
  • Self-confidence as a significant factor of success
  • Can success be harmful?
  • Overcoming personal challenges in life to achieve success
  • The differences between individuals’ perspectives on success
  • The link between success and wealth
  • Education is the key for success

Remember that you can choose from many other successful essay titles, as the topic is broad. You can also ask your professor or peers about possible success essay ideas. Once you have selected one of the topics and titles for your essay, you can start working on your paper. Here are some important aspects you need to cover:

  • Think of the arguments you will present and develop an outline for your paper. Remember to include an introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs (at least three), and a summary of your work. When working on an outline, think about the purpose of your paper. Do you want to motivate the reader to achieve success? Do you want to show the possible disadvantages of being successful?
  • Hint: If you are not sure about the issue you have selected, find success essay examples online. It will help you to see whether the problem is relevant.
  • A thesis is a very important part of your essay. You should state it at the end of the introductory paragraph. A thesis statement can look like this:

Money and wealth do not define success. / Hard work is the most important contributor to one’s success.

  • Define success. This point is especially important if you are writing an opinion piece. State what success means to you and provide a dictionary definition. Provide a comprehensive perspective on success and analyze it from different viewpoints (wealth, social status, education level, etc.).
  • Discuss possible parameters of success. They can include wealth, good health, or academic knowledge.
  • Discuss the factors that can contribute to one’s success. You can share success stories or biographies of famous people to prove your points.
  • You can talk about the significance of motivation and dedication in achieving success. Address the value of hard work and patience. This way, your reader can get inspiration from your paper.
  • Keep your reader engaged by asking questions or providing interesting facts about the issue. At the same time, stick to the formal language if your professor did not say otherwise.
  • It is always good to support your claims with evidence. Although success can be a subjective concept, refer to outside sources in your arguments. Ask your professor about the types of sources you can use for your paper.
  • Provide examples throughout your paper. This step is crucial to help the reader understand your point better.
  • Discuss opposing perspectives on the issue if you are working on a persuasive essay. Remember to prove that your opinion is more reliable than the alternative one.

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  • Success: How Do You Define It? Often we consider the word success as the binary opposite of failure, and success of a person is measured largely based on the failure of someone else.
  • Easyjet’s Success and Challenges The company had to do things differently by eliminating the services that customers dislike; after all, the low-income earners are not interested in the unnecessary services. This is because the airline has to make many […]
  • Key Factors of Competitive Success in the Water Bottling Industry The introduction of enhanced or functional water products, by a number of major bottling firms such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, has provided further competition, threatening to squeeze profitability for them.
  • SIA’s Main Ingredients of Success SIA’s success in the airline industry is owed to the various unique and quality services offered by the company. Therefore, dedication to quality and excellent services and adoption of a continuous service improvement strategy are […]
  • People’s Potential and Success Hard work implies the sacrifice of time and the associated rest and recreation, and many people will choose to avoid it.
  • “Assessing E-Commerce Systems Success” by Yi-Shun Wang The main focus of the analyzed article can be successfully derived from its title that emphasizes the necessity of assessing the success of e-commerce systems and validity of the use of the model of IS […]
  • Persuasion, Manipulation, Survival, Success at Work in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” Since the beginning of the play edited by Roma Gill, Brutus is presented as a character who is very close to Caesar and is a “great friend” of his.
  • Professor Wangari Maathai: Life and Success The academic attainment of her doctoral degree was also a celebrated achievement as she was the first woman in the whole of east African region to attain that award.
  • Starbucks Company’s Reasons for Success Starbucks is committed to promoting ethical business practices and conserving the environment. The company seeks to maintain accuracy and truth in its dealings with government agencies in the countries in which it operates.
  • The Reasons of Yahoo’s Success Since the search industry depends of revenue from companies, any slight performance of these companies affects the performance of the entire industry.
  • The Idea of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the Maritime Logistics Sector To demonstrate that IT is a CSF that is currently driving the maritime logistics sector a comparison is drawn between COSCO Group TNC and Wilh.
  • Chanel and the Way to Success The start of the business was very usual; the recognizable brand had grown from a small shop in the downtown of Paris which introduced Chanel to the market which was not very hard to capture […]
  • Success of Nike Products As a matter of fact, this outstanding success of Nike in the global markets can be attributed to the quality of its footwear products and apparel for sports.
  • Distinct Lower Class Culture: An Impediment to Success A distinct lower-class culture is the set of cultural values and prospects transmitted to the children raised in the low class and social status within the society; that further acts as an impediment to their […]
  • College Success Skills: Prioritizing and Flexibility Since only a fraction of individuals is able to stay organized in the long run without guidance, a written plan is recommended to maximize the efficiency and keep track of the progress.
  • HR Management Skills and Organisational Survival & Success A manager’s knowledge of HRM is significant to the attainment of the organisation’s goals and objectives. It is created to promote and pursue the aims and objectives of an organisation.
  • The Road to Financial Success: “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki They learnt the important lesson that, the rich do not work for money; no, money works for them by employing other people to work for them In Chapter 2, the author explains the importance of […]
  • Einstein’s Success in “Einstein’s Dreams” by Alan Lightman The notion of the end of the world is synonymous to the notion of the end of time. The subtleties of time can be visualized: “In this world, time is a visible dimension”.
  • The Aspects of the Zappos’ Company Success Meanwhile, Zappos was a private company, which made its most important decision to offer free shipping in spite of the data and costs.
  • Marvel Entertainment’s Success Journey The purchase itself and the amount that Disney was ready to contribute indicates that its representatives recognized both the “financial viability and cultural power of the Marvel brand”.
  • Delayed Gratification is a Major Factor in Professional Success Resisting the lure of an immediate pleasure in expectation of a better payoff later is the definition of delayed gratification.
  • Business Networking for Graduate Career Success According to Moore, networking serves as the hidden job market, considering that meaningful relationships before launching a career can provide oneself with a valuable asset for the workplace in the future.
  • Digital Technology and My Career Success The author has a positive view of the Digital Generation, as she believes that the Internet enables individuals to be “the actor, the collaborator, the initiator, the rememberer, the organizer”.
  • Phenomenon of Creativity and Success This essay aims to discuss the two positions on creativity and argue that being creative is vital to achieving success in the 21st-century workplace, as creativity contributes to problem solving and effective leadership and helps […]
  • Assessing the Linkage Between the Success of H&M’s Organizational Performance Digital marketing strategies have gained massive popularity over the recent past. Large, mid-sized, and small firms are all using these platforms to promote their brands and products.
  • Merger & Acquisition: Critical Success Factors The importance of mergers and acquisitions in the corporate world stems from their variable advantages, which include increased economies of scale, expansion of the economy of scope, increased revenues, increased market share, development of synergy, […]
  • Festival of Britain, Its History and Success The rationale behind it was to point to the reconstruction of London and the incorporation of futuristic buildings in the architecture of the city.
  • Philosophy Ideology of Success and Failure The right to success is personal and largely depends on the determination of the individual these are the views of Alain.
  • Money, Success, and Relation Between Them In particular, the modern generation attaches so much importance to money in the sense that success and money are presumed to be one and the same thing.
  • Hollywood Success in the Film “Sunset Boulevard” In addition to that, the protagonists of this movie illustrate the canons of this genre. This is one of the details that can be distinguished.
  • Literature Review & Critique on Project Success In his theorising on project success, Andersen rejects the self-interest of the project as the domineering viewpoint and focuses attention to the interplay between the project and the parent organisation, with the view to clarifying […]
  • F1 Team’s Success: Management and Strategy Main causes of the problems experienced by the Ferrari in the early 1970 and how they overcome them The company had taken motor sport as a sporting activities and had invested minimal in the research […]
  • Success factors in business These factors comprise of the leader, the team, the nature of the project being undertaken, the organization involved, and the external surrounding, including the administrative and socioeconomic conditions influencing their activities.
  • Xerox: Innovation and Success One of the ways Xerox has been able to serve a large amount of customers is by creating business partners and offering comprehensive packages that include a number of services.
  • Success of Zappos in National and International Markets One year down the line, the company merged with Venture Frogs, which added an additional capital to the growing capital base of the company and jointly they adopted the name Zappos.
  • Factors Influencing the Growth and Success of an Enterprise Although many experts indicate that as the firm ages the likelihood of it learning form its mistakes and thus succeeding are high, the multiplier effect of large business is low and this is a major […]
  • The Success of the Cheesecake Factory The factory provides services both to be consumed in the many outlets of the factory and take away services for customers who wish to enjoy the factory’s products at their homes.
  • The Concept of Leadership in Organizational Success From the definition provided it is evident that leadership is of importance not only to the individual workers but the entire organization and ultimately to all other stakeholders.
  • Flight Centre Success Factors However, the company was greatly affected in 1991 as a result of the Gulf War leading to the closure of the UK and US offices.
  • Human Resources Management: The Key to Strategic Success Human resource management entails the recruitment, selection, training, and development of the body of people that make up an organization in any sector of the economy.
  • Improving Company Performance with New Corporate Culture The meeting with the COO of the Dynamic Designs company indicated that four main problems threaten the company’s success in the market.
  • Unlocking Success: The Key Elements of Organizational Culture It is defined as “a pattern of basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well […]
  • American Values: The Pursuit of Success Nevertheless, the American mentality exists and is very different from the mentality of other countries. One of the key values of the American people is individuality: they are very proud of being self-sufficient.
  • Leading and Lagging Indicators of Success The primary distinction between leading and lagging indicators is that although lagging indicators will disclose performance trends, leading indicators may be utilized to monitor if specific actions really affect an organization’s performance.
  • Technology Strategy for Business Success In conclusion, while technology strategy can be a challenging and uncertain field, the key takeaways from the success stories of companies like Genentech, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook show that it is possible to navigate […]
  • Alibaba’s Success: A Window Into the Future of Strategy Innovative companies also prioritize innovation and are not afraid to take chances to stay ahead of the competition. Fourth, innovative companies prioritize it and are prepared to take chances to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Alibaba’s Success and the Future of Strategy This trust has allowed the organization to securely occupy a major portion of the e-commerce market and further diversify into other realms, such as cloud computing and digital payments. To conclude, Alibaba’s success reveals that […]
  • Graduate Study Success in Nursing Self-discipline in the nursing field will provide me with the strength to remain professional with my clients, even when one is ready to give up in life.
  • Debenhams and ASOS Companies’ Success and Failure Following the failure of large British retailers, the obstacles that contributed to the downfall of Debenhams and the chances that Asos used to become successful should be of great interest to every investor.
  • The Success of Pfizer in the Context of the Intrasystem Approach The success of Pfizer in the context of the intrasystem approach shows that the business decided to establish specialized departments with distinct leaders, allowing each team to have more defined objectives and outcomes.
  • Elon Musk: Leadership, Financial Success, and the Future of Tesla Musk’s ability to increase Tesla’s product offerings and raise consumer expectations for the company’s goods was perhaps his biggest achievement. Financial situation of Tesla was eccentric and explosive akin to the character of its leader.
  • Optimization of Supply Chain Levers for Global Success When the transport and logistics system is optimized, it increases volume and the ease of movement of raw materials and finished products to and from the warehouse; this will cause inconvenience to the storage services.
  • Amazon’s Success: Online Shopping Psychology One of the many factors contributing to Amazon’s success is its thorough understanding of its consumers, which is shown in the layout of its website and the numerous innovations it has brought to online retail.
  • How Has SIA’s Success Become Vulnerable? SIA’s success is becoming vulnerable due to the increasing customer demand, worsening business and competition environment, and internal organizational pressure. The employees lacked shared values and dedication to SIA’s quality service.
  • The Secret Behind Rihanna’s Brand Success Therefore, the brand mainly targets meeting women’s needs and wants first.”Fenty sells lingerie with the idea that a woman is in charge of her body, and her personal life and has the right to choose.
  • Social Darwinism and the Success or Failures of Individuals in the Society According to Darwin, while the fittest survive in nature, in human society such fitness is determined by the ability of people to adjust to the changing circumstances.
  • Unveiling Nordstrom’s Success: The Power of Customer Experience Customers on their smart phones and associates behind sales counters see the same thing the entire inventory of Nordstrom’s stores is presented as one selection, which the company refers to as perpetual inventory.”Customer service is […]
  • Strategies for Success in the Handbag Industry The more competitors there are and the number of similar commodities they offer, the less powerful a firm becomes. Generally, how valuable a company’s products are in the marketplace determines its ability to place a […]
  • A Significant Decline in Children’s Academic Success The problem to be solved in this research project is that students’ math skills in the ninth grade are inadequate for passing the minimum requirements of the FSA exam.
  • Scaling and Success of DevOps for Military HQDA Army G-4 is a special unit involved in the development and evaluation of logistics processes, programs, and policies for the national military sector.
  • Japan’s Economy Success Factors The Prime Minister of Japan is in charge of most of the government. Japan’s economy is one of the biggest and fastest in the world.
  • Content Area Reading: Preparing America’s Students for Success The reading associated with a specific content area includes the ideas and concepts necessary for these subjects; its text is also structured according to the rules of the field practitioners.
  • Success of the Canadian Economy The next stage, work design, it is required managers to ensure that the success of the team is in its diversity and inclusion.
  • Chick-Fil-A and Its Market Success The needs of the restaurant’s customers include the need for quality food, as well as relaxation, as the company positions itself as a family-type restaurant.
  • Success and Failure of South Korea In conclusion, South Korea’s remarkable rise as a prosperous economy sown the seeds of the challenges it faces because the system was primed for rapid growth without ensuring it is resilient to its current failures.
  • Employer Recruitment’s Role in Organizational Success This paper discusses the strategies associated with the recruitment of employers, how training and development of activities contribute to the success of an organization.
  • Project Management: Determining Key Success Factors The focus on contingency planning appears to be beneficial to the framework that requires making decisions under the spur of the moment for several reasons.
  • The Uber Firm’s Marketing Success Analysis However, Uber has found a way to adapt to the passenger transport market and is still one of the best services around the world.
  • Women’s Success in Late 19th-Century Europe In the early 16th century, Women in Europe engaged in private and public activities associated with the theaters. Through the years, they have proven to be some of the most progressive personalities in the film, […]
  • Prime Chocolate’s External Factors of Success In addition, the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic have significantly weakened precisely this positive feature of the influence of external factors on business. The inclusion of the company in the Fair Trade program reflects […]
  • Prime Chocolate’s Internal Factors of Success In advancing and conquering the market, a company can focus on its strengths, including a complex pattern of personnel management and the use of hired labor.
  • What Are Metrics of Company Success? One of the best ways to save excessive costs when transporting goods within the company’s activities is to optimize routes, that is, adjust them to calculations that correspond to the logic of the supply chain.
  • Zambia’s 2021 Elections: The Success of Opposition In the article for the Journal of Democracy titled “How Zambia’s Opposition Won,” Danielle Resnick explores the path that the population of the country had completed before the opposition finally won, symbolizing the drastic turn […]
  • Zoom’s Success and Washington Prime Group’s Failure: Impact of the COVID-19 By the beginning of the second quarter of 2020, the internal operations of many business organizations changed due to the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences.
  • Paul Tasner’s Success as an Entrepreneur This man’s example shows that regardless of an entrepreneur’s age, a successful business can be built based on a desire to change the world for the better and contribute to society.
  • Analysis of Aretha Franklin’s Success She was born on March 25, 1942, and succumbed on August 16, 2018; the artist was a songwriter, a pianist, and the first to introduce soul music. Franklin’s father managed the artist’s work and supported […]
  • Purdy Chocolatier: Reasons for Success For Purdy Chocolatier, it may be even more challenging as the company has been operating for a long period of time in Western Canada and decided to serve the customers of Eastern Canada as well. […]
  • Role of Causal Research in Success of ConFundrum Communication with people, online surveys, and interaction with regular customers are the elements of causal research to understand what ideas can be beneficial for new rooms.
  • The Relationships Between Parents and Children and Keys to Their Success The key points, which people frequently neglect, are the need for parents to be nurturers, never-ending personal development, and the risks with which the prevalence of emotional motives for parenthood is associated.
  • Evidence of the Success of Alcohol Prohibition in the United States in 1920 Consumption of alcoholic beverages considerably declined as a result of the enactment of prohibition in the United States. As a result, there was a considerable decrease in the number of alcohol-related diseases.
  • Amazon’s Success Online and Its Main Reasons The second reason for the company’s online success is its competitive advantage in terms of price and service. For example, Amazon has developed a creative solution to promoting online shopping in India, where only 35% […]
  • Techniques and Methods of Achieving Success A purpose is extremely important because it affords me the appropriate sense of direction, exactly where to direct my efforts and thoughts. Thus, action is a key strategy that encourages me to learn from my […]
  • ROI as a Tool to Understand the Success of a Particular Investment In business, the process of investing money and resources into potential marketing, advertising efforts and specific products with the expectation of increased returns is one of the primary ways of increasing revenues and growing one’s […]
  • The Success of the US COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Since the approval of two COVID-19 vaccines in the US, the need for the monitoring of rates of vaccination has become a prominent issue.
  • Serial Crowdfunding, Social Capital and Project Success In the following essay, the differences between the social capital accrued by traditional serial entrepreneurship and serial crowdfunding will be explained, and the effect of these differences on project finance will be considered.
  • Kapiolani Community College: The Factors of Success The first criterion is the concept of identity and place, and this factor might heavily influence the well-being of the individual and his or her desire to achieve success.
  • Financial Strategies and Success of Organizational Mission
  • Critical Thinking. Start-Up Success and Growth
  • M-PESA: Critical Success Factors
  • ViaBela: Online Business and Website Success
  • “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by C. Dweck
  • Music Museums: Role and Success
  • The Delayed Gratification: Fundamentals and Impact on Professional Success
  • Patience as a Major Factor of Professional Success
  • Student Success Strategies: Clinical Lesson Plan
  • Organizational Health and Firm’s Success
  • Google’s Success: Contributions to Google’s Success
  • The United Arab Emirates Success in Yemen
  • Success in Major and Career
  • Does Spanish Hotel Need Intermediaries for Success?
  • Project Initiation Document and Measuring Project Success
  • Doing Business Internationally: Change and Success
  • The Amazon Company’s Success Reasons
  • Success: How to Parent?
  • Relative Moral Theories vs. Universal Moral Theories in Team Success
  • Predicting Medium-Term Success Among Alcohol and Opiate Dependents
  • The Arab Spring: Between Success and Failure
  • The Success of Saudi Arabian Airlines
  • XCEL Study Program’s Impact on Student Success
  • Aspects of Success of the Healthcare Team
  • The American Dream and Success
  • Meta-Analysis: The Critical Links of Success
  • Employee Sharing: Problems Inhibiting Business Success
  • Healthcare in Cuba: Reasons for Success
  • A Road Map for Managed Care Success
  • The Critical Success Factors for IPv6 Uptake and Likely Future
  • Long Term Financial Success for Clubs
  • Trails to Success: Bank of America
  • Critical Success Factors for Health IT Professionals
  • Managing Oneself: The Key to Success
  • Windows vs Google. New Operating System as the Key to Success
  • Phenomenal Success of August Wilson’s Fences Play
  • 7 Steps to Success in Dual Language Immersion
  • The Success of Homeschooling and How the Program Can Be Increased
  • Success and Mistakes of Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy
  • Success of Egypt in Yom Kippur War
  • Logistics: The Dell Company’s Concept of Success
  • The Triple Constraints: A Valid Set of Criteria to Measure IS-Project Success?” by Koen Milis
  • Success Sales of Playstation 4 Consoles
  • Learning Communities and Student Success
  • SharePoint: Enhancing Practices & Student’s Success
  • The Key Factors of Success in the Revolutionary War
  • Achieving Success in America: Characteristics of Options
  • Organizational Success: Effective Employee Engagement
  • Learning Environment and Student Success
  • Factors Influencing the Success of Insurgencies
  • Reasons of Success of Amateur Detective Fiction Authors
  • The Success of Cheesecake Factory
  • Supervision Change and School Success
  • Key to Success in Life
  • Fast Food Industry: Five Forces of Success
  • Leadership Development Plan: Challenges & Success
  • Company Success Due to the Organizational Concept
  • The Extent of GATT’s Success
  • How Close Is the Success of Suborbital Commercial Space Shuttles?
  • Dimensions of National Culture and Formula for Business Success
  • Success Secrets in “They Did You Can” by Finnigan
  • Empires’ Success in Ancient World History
  • Small Business Success Survey
  • The RIAA Success in Filing Lawsuits Against Illegal Downloading of Music
  • Strategic Leadership: Ensuring Your Organization Success
  • Parameters of Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Usability, Success and Limitations
  • Cyrus and Dairus the Great’s Contribution to Persia’s Success
  • The Contributions of Dwight Eisenhower to America’s Success in Their Space Exploration Efforts
  • Costa Coffee: Quality as the Core of Success
  • Firm’s Success and Ethical Behaviour Relations
  • IKEA: People and Environment as Key Elements That Can Result Into Business Success in the Long Term
  • The Role of Hospitability and Customer Relations in Business Success
  • Success Rate of Movie Products: Product-Placement Planning
  • Time Management: How Developing Professional Knowledge and Abilities Impact Career Success
  • Issue of the Educational Success
  • Right Leadership and Its Impact on the Company’s Success
  • The Importance of Different Skills for Business Success
  • Mercosur: A Road Towards Success or a Failed Attempt?
  • Success of Vector Managed Inventory Programs
  • Disney Corporation’s Success Evaluation
  • Personal Definition of Success
  • Organisational Effectiveness: Approaches to Measuring Success
  • Toyota Motor Corp.: Reasons of Success
  • IKEA’s Strategy Success Analysis
  • E-Commerce: Analysis of Amazon Success
  • The Success of AXE Cologne Commercial
  • The Path to Success: Motivation, Business Structure
  • Reasons for Success in International Management
  • The Concept of Success From Different Aspects
  • Optimistic Thinking Flues Success
  • Success of Democracy in US: Comparative Approach for Explaining
  • Issues of Tesla: Despite the Worldwide Success
  • Individual Factors and Professional Success
  • Personal Rules of Success
  • Lifco and Spinneys Companies’ Success Histories
  • Effective Group Work Counseling for Academic Success
  • Communication Success in an Oil and Gas Company
  • The Success of India’s Economy
  • Martin Luther King and Malcolm X: Who Is Closer to Success?
  • Oral and Written Communication as a Success Factor
  • Cultural and Systemic Factors of Success
  • Best Buy Co.’s Success and Circuit City Firm’s Failure
  • Collaborative Success Plan in Nursing
  • Video Games: Budget and Success
  • Group-Think at the Workplace: Plan for Success
  • Business Email Writing: Plan for Success
  • Success Factors: Psychological Research Findings
  • Employee’s Personality Traits and Success
  • UAE Public-Private Partnerships: Success Factors
  • John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and Leadership
  • Cognition, Motivation and Success
  • Success in the ENG101 Course
  • Culture and Characteristics of Success or Failure
  • Psychology: Success Strategies in Education and Life
  • Benefits Management Practices for Project Success
  • King.com’s Candy Crush Game’s Business Success
  • Arab Spring: Its Success and Failure Factors
  • “Principles of Innovation and Measuring Success” by Clay Christensen
  • Determination & Perseverance: Failing Before Success
  • Stress Management: Personal Success Plan
  • Vladimir Putin: President’s Success
  • Banking Systems Success in Canada and Australia
  • The Success of Taglit-Birthright Israel Program
  • Blue Design Management: Construction Project Success
  • Payday Lending Industry and Its Success Factors
  • Oprah Winfrey’s Success as a Leader
  • Project Evaluation and Program Success Measurement
  • Poundland Retailing Company’s Success Factors
  • Critical Success Factors: Boss, I Think Someone Stole Our Data
  • “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell
  • Media: Economic Impact versus Event Success
  • Lean Supply Chains and Organisational Success
  • Learning Success from Professional Perspectives
  • Dividend as a Contribution the Business Success
  • Procurement Function’s Role in Company’s Success
  • Emirates Airlines’ Cross-Cultural Cooperation and Success
  • Tom Eyen’s “Dreamgirls”: Success and Failure
  • Marketing Planning as an Essential Part of a Firm’s Success
  • What Affects the Likelihood of Academic Success
  • McDonald’s Company Analysis and Success
  • Children’s Success Requirements in Parents’ Views
  • Amy’s Ice Cream Company’s Success Factors
  • Family Business: Success or Challenge?
  • Tim Hortons vs. Starbucks: Companies Success
  • The Role of Social Support in School’s Success
  • Uber Technologies Inc.’s Way to Success
  • LinkedIn Network’s Success and Functional Area
  • Creative Strategy and Success in Business Enterprise
  • Snapchat: Causes of Success
  • Ads by National Society of Leadership and Success
  • Student Success in Online, Mixed, Direct Courses
  • Zillow Company’ Strategic Steps to Success
  • Bill Gates’s Leadership and Success Factors
  • “Outliers: The Story of Success” by M. Gladwell
  • Community Policing, Its Success and Failure Factors
  • Jeff Bezos and Gladwell’s Success Principles
  • Audrey Hepburn and Gladwell’s Principle of Success
  • Male Mating Success and Courtship Modalities
  • Trulia Company’s Competencies and Success Factors
  • Tourism Business and Its Success Factors
  • Juvenile Reentry Programs and Their Success Rate
  • Du Company’s Internal and External Success Factors
  • Entrepreneurship: Justina Bright’s Success Factors
  • Black Lives Matter Movement’s History and Success
  • National Society of Leadership and Success: Marketing
  • Pulse Nightclub Attack: Events and Success Factors
  • Emirates Airlines: Success and Highest Quality Services
  • Principles of Innovation and Measuring Success
  • Henry Kissinger’s Success in Diplomatic Negotiations
  • Hoopla Project’s Short-Term Gains and Success
  • Kiwi International Air Lines, Its Success and Failure
  • Dhahran Ahliyya Schools and Their Success Factors
  • Organisational Success and Its Elements
  • Madonna’s Sustainable Success
  • Reconstruction History: Success or Failure?
  • Google Company’s Success
  • Caterpillar Inc.’s Success Factors and Future
  • Literary Success of “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien
  • Zara Company’s Business Model and Success Factors
  • What Drives Advertising Success on Facebook?
  • Salesperson’s & Sales Manager’s Traits for Success
  • BRL Hardy Company’s Post-Merger Success
  • Spanish Conquest on Americas: Success Factors
  • Grönefeld Company’s Economic Success Factors
  • The Bill Shreeve Band and Its Success Factors
  • Project Success and Interpersonal Conflicts
  • Secrets for Japan’s Success
  • Marketing Role in Success of Victoria’s Secret
  • Disney California Company and Its Success
  • Yahoos Company’s Strategic Management’ Success
  • Michael Ignatieff: Success and Failure in Politics
  • The One Company: Key to Success
  • Strategic Management in the Business Organization Success
  • Understanding the Obstacles to TQM Success
  • Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe
  • The War Finance Feature in Promoting Military Success
  • Analysis of Giglamesh’ and Job’ Success and Suffering
  • China’s Success in the Urbanization Process
  • Newark Family Success Center
  • Family Success Centre’s in Newark
  • Emotional Intelligence as a Factor of Professional Success
  • Project Planning and Project Success Relation
  • Determinants of Success in the Swedish Food and Drink Industry
  • WTO and Its Success in Jordan
  • Importance of Marketing Functions in Organizational Success
  • The Department of Homeland Security and its Impacts on the United States’ Emergency Preparedness: Success or Failure
  • How Much Does the Success of E-Learning Depend on Changing Organizational Culture?
  • Can Small Business Replicate Apple’s Success?
  • Success in Interpersonal Communication
  • Wal-Mart’s Extraordinary Success
  • A Critical Debate on Key Management Success Factors for Various Sporting Events
  • Success of the Chinese Economy
  • Corporate Social Responsibility is Integral to the Long-Term Success of Five-Star Hotels
  • THL Company Strategy Success
  • The Success of Organizational Learning
  • Organizational Learning in Western and Chinese Regions
  • Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of System in the State of Qatar
  • Key Success Factors of the Global Online Fashion Business
  • Professional Development for Strategic Managers: Up the Ladder to Complete Success
  • Cross Cultural Negotiation and Business Success
  • Reflections on Achieving Career Success and Personal Fulfillment
  • How to Define Project Success?
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Integration Success
  • Schwarzkopf’ Leadership Style and Success as a Military General
  • “Jaguar Land Rover and HSBC Using CSR to Ensure Brand Success in China” by Andy Rice
  • Keys to Success in Cross-Border Marketing
  • Preparation for Academic Success at the Graduate Level
  • Criteria Used in Assessing the Relative Success of a Family Business
  • “Success Criteria and Factors for International Development Projects: A Life-Cycle-Based Framework” Khang and Moe
  • 3 Leadership Aspects for Successful Organizational Collaboration
  • Successful project of the Android
  • Managers Roles in Determining the Organizations Success
  • Land Rover Project Management: Failure and Success
  • How do Religion, Culture and Ethnicity Affect the Success or Failure of a Global Enterprise in China?
  • Importance of Quality Management System for Running a Successful Company
  • Techniques Employed by Managers in Ensuring Success of Plans in their Firms
  • Success of Canadian Economy
  • The socioeconomic success of second generation immigrants
  • Diamond Bank Plc Culture And Its Impact On The Success Of Set Strategies
  • Phenomenon of Pixar’s Success
  • Methods of Measuring Campaign Success
  • The Balance Between Sustainable Construction and Project Success in the Current Economical Situation in the UK
  • Business Transformation: Innovating New Strategies for the Success
  • Construction Projects Success Factors
  • Success in the Global Business Environment
  • Successful Knowledge Worker Teams
  • Success is an Individual’s Secret
  • Managing Change for Competitive Success
  • Change Management, BPR and successful ERP implementation
  • Characteristics of Successful Teams
  • Success Factors of Implementing E-Services Project
  • What Makes a Successful Situation Comedy?
  • The Success International Company
  • Why Knowledge Management is important to the Success of Organizations
  • Path Towards Future Success
  • Images of Success and the Prefernce for Luxury Brands
  • How Schuman Accounts for the Success and Failures of the Asian Model of Development
  • The Major Obstacles to Success for College Students
  • The successes of Applebee’s Grill and Bar
  • The Way to Success in “Fifth Discipline” by Peter Senge
  • Book Critique: “The Intentional Church: Moving From Church Success to Community Transformation” by Randy Pope
  • Project Marketing to Improve Project Success
  • Critical Factors of Executive Success: Steve Jobs
  • Astonishing Success of Zara in the Fast Fashion Industry
  • Project Success – Leadership Management
  • The Reasons behind the Success of the 1949 Communist Revolution in China
  • Successful Strategic Human Resource Planning
  • Family Business and Its Governance
  • Factors influencing successful buyer–seller relationships
  • What Entrepreneurs Should Do to Become Successful
  • “5 Simple Tips for Successful Stock Trading” by Richard Band
  • LensCrafters: Achieving Organizational Success
  • Factors Affecting the Success of Mega-Events
  • McDonald’s Success
  • Project Success and Team Building
  • Dyslexic Students: Success Factors for Support in a Learning Environment
  • CRM Components and Success Factors
  • Critical Success Factors for a CRM Program: A Discussion
  • Corporate Branding Success
  • Dollar General: Retail Outlet’s Success
  • Intercultural Communication and Success at Work
  • The Components of Restaurant Concept and the Unique Selling Points that Have Driven the Success of The Cheesecake Factory
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 551 Success Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/success-essay-examples/

"551 Success Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/success-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '551 Success Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "551 Success Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/success-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "551 Success Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/success-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "551 Success Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/success-essay-examples/.

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Success Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on success.

Success Essay- In today’s world everyone wants to be successful but what is a success. The perspective of success varies from person to person. For the record, the people before us have a different view on success and the person after us will have a different view on success.

Moreover, people compare different people performance to evaluate their success. But success is not something that you can copy from others. You have to make your own path to achieving success. In modern-day, people are obsessed with success because of the glamour and lifestyle of successful people .

Success Essay

What formulates a person successful?

There are many ways in the world to be successful. But most people think of celebrities, artist, politicians, and businessmen whenever they heard the word success.

Moreover, they think doing what they will make you successful but that not the case. They forget the most basic thing that makes a person successful that is their hard work, dedication, and the desire to achieve their dream. More importantly, they what they like to do not what that others told them to do. Successful people do what they like to do also they do what they feel correct for their business.

If you look in the dictionary for the meaning of the word success then you will find that it means the achievement of one’s goal or aim . So, basically, anyone can achieve success by simply achieving their aim or goal.

What is the harm of success?

We all knew that we can’t achieve something without sacrificing something. Success also demands various things from you. But these sacrifices will not go in vain if you achieve your goal.

Certainly, many people achieve professional success but in doing so they fail in achieving mental, social and physical success. The tension of lacking behind in other things pulls them apart.

Also, there are cases where people became so obsessed with success that the people around them start to feel uncomfortable around them. In some cases, they have gone mad. Apart from that, people also get depressed if they can’t achieve success like others. So, we can say that there is much harm to success.

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Success and hard work

It may sound unfit to some peoples but success depends a lot of hard work. Without it, you can’t become successful. Hard work does not mean that you do laborious work or the work that make you sweat. Hard work means having a healthy body, strong mind, willpower and positive attitude towards things. And for all those things you need energy. So, be attentive to your body and soul.

Besides, do not just work on your program, push your limit, take charge of other things, improve your skills and most importantly keep learning. Apart from that, be with positive peoples, develop positive habits, and do exercise not only for the body but also for your mind.

To sum it up, we can say that success is like a seed that needs a balanced proportion of all the elements of life. And no one can achieve success in a day they have to go through and face different conditions in life for being successful. Above all, success is the feeling of fulfillment that you feel when you achieve your goal.

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