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John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

In Profiles in Courage , John F. Kennedy recounted the stories of eight U.S. senators who risked their careers to do what was right for the nation. These leaders demonstrated political courage by taking a stand for the public good in spite of pressure by interest groups, their political party, or even their constituents. The Profile in Courage Essay Contest challenges students to write an original and creative essay that demonstrates an understanding of political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in Profiles in Courage .

Contest Topic: Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917 , the year John F. Kennedy was born. Include an analysis of the obstacles, risks, and consequences associated with the act. The essay may concern an issue at the local, state, national, or international level.

The contest deadline is January 12, 2024.

Visit the Profile in Courage Essay Contest section of the JFK Library website for more requirements, judging criteria, past winning essays, and additional information.

Registration and Submission

Please read Contest Topic and Information carefully before submitting your essay. Essays must meet   contest requirements to qualify for evaluation.

The Profile in Courage Essay Contest has upgraded its registration and submission technology, and we now use the SurveyMonkey Apply platform. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the Profile in Courage Essay Contest Coordinator.

Important Note: Before contacting the Profile in Courage Essay Contest Coordinator, please be sure to review the contest web pages and read over the FAQ section of the web site.

Email: [email protected]

Sep 1 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)

Jan 12 2024 11:59 pm (est).

2022 Winning Essay by Theodora McGee

2022 Winning Essay List of Winners, Finalists, Semifinalists, and Honorable Mentions

Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and Theadora McGee, winner of the 2022 Profile in Courage Essay Contest

José Tomás Canales: An Early Voice for Reform

By Theodora McGee Moorestown High School in Moorestown, New Jersey

While the 2020 death of George Floyd focused the nation’s attention on the inequalities in law enforcement, this is not the first time police brutality and racism have been put on trial. Over 100 years ago, José Tomás Canales, a representative in the Texas State House, took a stand against violent acts by law enforcement. In 1919, Canales accused the Texas Rangers of killing innocent Mexican-Americans in South Texas. In the early 1900s, Texan law enforcement officers and the Texas Rangers responded to Mexican raids into Texas with extreme violence, killing not only raiders, but also Tejanos, landowners who had become American citizens when the  Texas-Mexico border shifted south (Lira Ramirez). It is estimated that the Rangers killed up to 5,000 Hispanics between 1914 and 1919 (Rangers and Outlaws). On January 15, 1919, Canales introduced a bill in the state legislature to address the violence by reforming the Rangers (Victoria Smith). The bill failed, but an investigation of abuses by the Texas Rangers was launched. Through his bill and the role he played in the subsequent investigation, Canales exhibited remarkable personal and political courage.

Canales' main obstacle in his pursuit of reform was lack of support for his people. Despite delivering impassioned speeches to gather support from his colleagues, he encountered almost unanimous resistance in the legislature (Lira Ramirez). As the only Latino in the legislature, Canales' ethnicity contributed to his isolation. During his years in the House, Canales found himself distanced from “leading Caucasian men who called him a ‘greaser from Brownsville.’” “His ethnicity generated an incredible hostility” (Lira Ramirez).

The lack of legislative support for Canales' bill reflected lack of public interest in the issue. The press was apathetic towards violence against Tejanos; “the discovery of Mexicans’ dead bodies had reached the point where it created little or no interest to media outlets” (Victoria Smith). The public, which tolerated violence by law enforcement, felt that Canales was blowing the issue out of proportion. Both politicians and the public perceived Canales’ reform proposals as extreme (Lira Ramirez).

Canales also faced an uphill battle because he was criticizing a well-liked organization. Canales was strongly criticized for attacking “an idealized force” that protected the public (Lira Ramirez). The judicial system had a history of turning a blind eye to the Rangers’ violence (Monica Martinez). The Rangers also enjoyed the support of prominent politicians, some of whom served on their defense team for the investigation.

Faced with opposition from fellow legislators and an unsupportive public, it became clear that pursuing reforms would jeopardize Canales' political future. Commitment to reform threatened his relationship with Canales' most influential political ally, Texas Governor William Hobby. Canales was personally loyal to Hobby and actively supported his election. When the Hobby administration fought against the reform bill, however, Canales did not back down (Sonia Hernandez and John Moran Gonzalez).

By refusing to abandon his reform efforts, Canales also put his life on the line. Advocates of previous efforts to reform the Rangers had been assaulted, including one attorney who had been pistol-whipped by a Ranger (Rebecca Onion). Canales himself was accosted on the street and threatened with violence by a prominent Texas Ranger who warned, “You are hot-footing it here, between here and Austin and complaining to the Governor and the Adjutant General about the Rangers, and I am here to tell you that if you don’t stop that you are going to get hurt” (Proceedings). At one point, Canales expressed his belief that if his efforts were not successful, “he would not live another six months” (Sonia Hernandez and John Moran Gonzalez).

Canales' reform bill failed when the legislature concluded there was a lack of evidence of the Rangers’ misdeeds. During the investigation that followed, the Rangers’ defense team twisted the review of the Rangers’ abuses into a debate over whether the Rangers should be disbanded. The other primary defense strategy was attacking Canales' credibility and integrity. He was painted “as a delusional, hypocritical shill for ‘larger interests’ and as an unpatriotic Mexican, with all the negative connotations the term held at the time.” (Richard Ribb). After twelve days of testimony, the investigation concluded that the Rangers should not be disbanded, though they acknowledged a “‘gross violation of both civil and criminal laws’” (Victoria Smith). The legislature then passed a watered-down reform bill that placed fewer restrictions on the Rangers.

Canales' efforts to reform the Texas Rangers had repercussions for Texas history, for the Rangers, and for Canales himself. The “Proceedings,” the official transcript of the investigation, provided an official documentation of racial violence perpetrated against Mexicans and Tejanos, thus memorializing the voices of the witnesses.

 Although the bill that ultimately passed did not contain a number of the reforms Canales had fought for, the resulting reforms and attention drawn to the issue resulted in a decrease in Ranger violence against Mexicans and Tejanos. There were even instances when the Rangers stopped racially fueled violence by private citizens (Victoria Smith). The investigation also increased public awareness and outrage by the press. After the investigation ended, the prominent Dallas Morning News concluded that “only Canales' courage and sense of responsibility prevented the continuation of ‘shocking and intolerable conditions’” (Sonia Hernandez and John Moran Gonzalez).

While Canales' fight to reform the Texas Rangers helped reduce violence against Mexicans and Tejanos, it spelled the end to his political career. Due to his diminished status in the legislature and the threats against him, Canales decided not to seek re-election to the Texas House (Lira Ramirez). This was not the end for Canales’ public contributions, however, as he continued to fight for equal rights in education, politics, and society (Sonia Hernandez and John Moran Gonzalez).

José Tomás Canales was “willing to meet crushing defeat rather than compromise his principles” (John F. Kennedy). By initiating and then persevering in his efforts to prevent violence against Mexicans and Tejanos, Canales exhibited extraordinary personal and political courage. Despite threats of physical violence and the near certain end of his political career, José Tomás Canales took a stand against the misuse of official power, thus serving as an inspiration to current and future politicians.

Works Cited

Canales, J. T. (Jose Tomas), et al. “Proceedings of the Joint Committee of the Senate and the House in the Investigation of the Texas State Ranger Force, Volume I.” University of Texas Rio Grande Valley University Library Special Collections & Archives ,

Hernández Sonia, et al. “José Tomás Canales and the Paradox of Power.” Reverberations of Racial Violence: Critical Reflections on the History of the Border , University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 2021, pp. 168–187.

“The History of Racial Violence on the Mexico-Texas Border.” Refusing to Forget , 17 Sept.2021,

Kennedy, John F. Profiles in Courage . Harper, 1961.

Martinez, Monica Muñoz. “Recuperating Histories of Violence in the Americas: Vernacular History-Making on the US–Mexico Border.” American Quarterly , vol. 66, no. 3, 2014, pp. 661–689.,

Onion, Rebecca. “America's Lost History of Border Violence.” Slate Magazine, Slate , 5 May 2016,

Ramirez, Lira. “José T. Canales, Conflict and Compromise, Tejano Identity in Politics,” Senior Division Historical Paper, National History Day, Texas State Library and Archives Commission , 2018,

“Rangers and Outlaws.” Texas State Library and Archives Commission , 10 Apr. 2019,

Ribb, Richard. “A Reader’s Guide to the ‘Proceedings of the Joint Committee of the Senate and the House in the Investigation of the Texas State Ranger Force’ (1919).” Refusing to Forget , Aug. 2020,

Smith, Victoria. “The Canales Investigation: A Turning Point for the Texas Rangers.” The Measure: An Undergraduate Research Journal, Sam Houston State University , 9 Sept. 2020,

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jfk essay contest

John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

jfk essay contest

One thing that quickly becomes apparent to high school students preparing for college is the burden of funding a four-year degree. Fortunately for college-bound students, there are numerous ways to reduce the cost of school. One of the most notable methods is pursuing a wide range of scholarships and awards. An award that students with exceptional writing and researching skills should consider is the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest.

About the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

In 1954, John F. Kennedy took a leave of absence from the Senate to recover from back surgery. Kennedy used that time to study the topic of political courage, which inspired him to later write the Pulitzer-Prize winning book Profiles in Courage —detailing the careers of eight Senators whom Kennedy believed demonstrated enormous courage when faced with pressure from their parties and constituents.  

Today, the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest asks students to follow in Kennedy’s footsteps by researching and writing a creative original essay about an elected official who risked their career to take a stand on moral principles. The essay contest serves as a companion project to the Kennedy Library Foundation’s Profile in Courage Award, which honors elected officials who have demonstrated incredible political courage.

The winner of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest receives a $10,000 cash award and is invited to accept their prize at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, Massachusetts during the Profile in Courage Award events—with all travel and lodging expenses paid for. In addition to the award winner, the runner-up will receive a $3,000 award, the five finalists each receive $1,000 awards, and the eight semi-finalists are awarded $100 each.

In addition to the winners, ten students are selected for honorable mention and all participants receive a certificate of participation.

John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest Applicant Requirements

The John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest is available to U.S. high school students in grades nine through twelve. Students need to be enrolled in a public, private, parochial, or homeschool high school program in one of the 50 states, Washington, D.C., or a U.S. territory. The contest also accepts submissions from U.S. citizens attending school overseas.

How to Apply

In order to participate in the Profile of Courage Essay Contest, students need to be recommended by a teacher who will support and advise the student in the creation of their essay. Nominating teachers can be former or current teachers of the applicant, but must still be still teaching at the school the participant is enrolled in. Rarely, an exception may be made if a student is unable to be nominated by a teacher from their school. For applicants who are homeschooled, the parent or legal guardian can fill the role of a nominating teacher.

An applicant’s essay is required to describe an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official on the local, state, or national level who served between 1917 (the year of Kennedy’s birth) and the present. Essays need to be an original work of the applicant and fall between 700 and 1,000 words—citations and bibliography do not count toward the word count. Additionally, applicants should cite a minimum of five sources.

John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Edward M. Kennedy, along with the senators featured in Profiles of Courage are not eligible subjects for essays. It’s also recommended to avoid writing about present or past presidents of the United States.

Past winners of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest are not eligible to participate again. Employees of John Hancock Financial Services and their family members are also ineligible for the award.

Tips on Applying For Awards

Don’t Miss Deadlines: Pay close attention to deadlines and don’t wait until the last minute to submit your essay. The Profile in Courage Essay can be submitted via email or traditional mail. If you decide to submit your materials via traditional mail, the application must be postmarked on its due date.

Follow Directions: The John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest has specific rules about how many words are allowed, sources needed, what information needs to be included, and how sources should be cited. It would be extremely disappointing to write a winning essay only to be disqualified because you made a mistake like forgetting to include a bibliography.

Proofread: Applicants for the Profile in Courage Essay Contest should work closely with their nominating teacher to ensure that they submit a clean essay free of grammatical, typographical, and spelling errors, along with making sure the essay flows and meets the submission requirements.

Research: In addition to researching for their essay, applicants should research past winners to get an understanding of what a winning essay looks like. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum maintains a list of winners and their essays on their website .  

Professional Appearance: When applying for any distinguished award, there’s a chance that your social media profiles will be looked at. Audit your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profiles and delete any content that could be potentially damaging. While you’re at it, make sure you have a professional-looking email address to correspond with.

Get Professional Help: CollegeVine helps students win awards. Our expert advisors can provide whatever assistance a student needs, whether it’s staying ahead of deadlines or crafting an exceptional essay.

Curious about your chances of acceptance to your dream school? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. We’ll also let you know how you stack up against other applicants and how you can improve your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to get started!

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John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

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Hey everyone! Has anyone here participated in the JFK Essay contest before? I'm curious about the requirements and how competitive it is. Any advice or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Hey there! The JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest is a pretty competitive event, but don't let that discourage you. It's an excellent opportunity to showcase your writing skills, and historical and political knowledge.

The contest asks participants to write an original (less than 1000 words) essay on an elected official who acted courageously to address a political issue, all while adhering to JFK's definition of political courage. It's important to choose a unique and lesser-known subject while ensuring your writing is engaging, well researched, and insightful.

As for advice, start by reading JFK's book 'Profiles in Courage' to understand his concept of political bravery. Take your time choosing a topic, making sure it hasn't been overused, as this will help your essay stand out. Research rigorously and use reputable sources to add credibility to your essay.

Don't forget to proofread your work multiple times and consider asking a teacher, counselor, or a peer to review it as well. Since it's a competitive contest, try to participate for the experience and growth rather than focusing entirely on winning.

Best of luck with the contest! I'm sure you'll do great!

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JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest

Offered by John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

jfk essay contest

Multiple awards worth up to

Grade level.

High School Students

Expected deadline: This scholarship might not currently be accepting applications. Most scholarship programs only accept applications a few months ahead of their annual deadline. We’ve estimated this deadline based on last year’s deadline in order to help you plan out your scholarship applications.

January 2025

Scholarship Overview

Are you a U.S. high school student with a love for U.S. history? If so, we may have the perfect opportunity for you: the JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest! Each year, the contest awards up to $10,000 to winning applicants who submit 700 – 1,000 word essays following the year’s prompt. Each year’s prompt relates to U.S. history, with this year’s being: “ Describe an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917, the year John F. Kennedy was born.” The scholarship is offered by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, Massachusetts.

If you love U.S. history and want to put your writing skills and history knowledge to the test, we encourage you to apply!

Eligibility information

This scholarship is open to students meeting the below eligibility criteria.

U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents

Political Science

Apply to these scholarships due soon

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

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$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

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$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

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$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

Application information.

To apply for this scholarship, students must submit an online application in addition to the below application materials. Bear in mind that applicants must also have a “nominating teacher” who are currently teaching at the same high school as the applicant. Nominating teachers are responsible for providing advice and support to the student throughout the application process.

1,000-word essay


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JFK Hyannis Museum Logo

Scholarship Essay Contest

Every year, the john f. kennedy hyannis museum foundation invites high school seniors who are residents of barnstable (cape cod), nantucket or dukes (martha’s vineyard) counties to participate in an essay competition every march and relate the personal meaning of one of president kennedy’s quotes to the student’s own civic engagement experiences..

jfk essay contest

2024 Essay Winner Daniela Novoa Read More

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2023 Essay Winner Luc-Andre’ Sader Read More

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2022 Essay Winner Sadie LaBonte Read More

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2022 Essay Winner Etzer Lindor Read More

The 2025 JFK Hyannis Museum Essay Contest

Check back for details of the 2025 JFK Hyannis Museum Foundation’s essay contest.

Eligibility :

  • Applicants must be residents of Barnstable (Cape Cod), Nantucket or Dukes (Martha’s Vineyard) counties.
  • Students must be enrolled in senior year of high school.

Submission Guidelines:

  • An introduction that outlines the main ideas of your essay, including your personal interpretation of President Kennedy’s quote.
  • A description of your own civic engagement experiences and how those efforts relate to trying to make a difference in your community, state, and/or country.
  • Explain how these experiences will shape your future.
  • 300-500 words in length.
  • Student name
  • Home address
  • Cell phone number
  • Email address
  • College acceptance letter copy or letter of intent for a certificate program 
  • Copy of your most recent transcript including semester and cumulative GPA
  • Or attach a copy of your school’s scholarship application
  • The winner will be asked to read their essay to the Board of Directors of the John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum. 
  • All contestants agree to allow the museum to publish their essays, names and graduating high school on the museum website.
  • Scholarship will be paid to the student directly upon proof of acceptance to a four-year college or accredited institution of higher education.
  • The deadline to apply is in March , by sending an attachment containing the essay to [email protected] .  The museum foundation board will vote on essay recommendations at the board meeting held in May (typically the third week of the month).

The John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3  non-profit organization.

Have Questions? Contact Wendy Northcross, Museum Director at [email protected] or text 508-364-4557.

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The Morning

The influence of r.f.k. jr..

What the independent candidate is emphasizing in his speeches — and which voters support him.

A blurred image of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaking into a microphone.

By David Leonhardt and Ian Prasad Philbrick

George Wallace, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader and now perhaps Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

With the support of about 10 percent of likely voters, Kennedy has a chance to join the list of third-party candidates who have influenced modern presidential elections. Consider the latest Times poll:

If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were:

(Among likely voters in six battleground states)

jfk essay contest

Donald Trump

Another candidate

Don't know or

would not vote

jfk essay contest

Don't know or would not vote

In today’s newsletter, we’ll offer a primer on Kennedy’s candidacy — who he is, which voters support him, how his level of support is likely to change and what he’s emphasizing in his speeches and ads.

He is the third of 11 children of Robert F. Kennedy — the former attorney general, senator and presidential candidate — and Ethel Kennedy. He was 6 years old when his uncle was elected president and 14 years old when Sirhan Sirhan assassinated his father because of his father’s support for Israel during its 1967 war.

R.F.K. Jr., who’s now 70, has never run for office before. He spent his early career as an environmental advocate and lawyer. He fought for clean water and renewable energy and opposed coal, factory farms and pollution in heavily Black and Native American communities.

In recent decades, he has focused much of his attention on spreading false, conspiratorial ideas. After the 2004 election, he suggested that George W. Bush had stolen victory from John Kerry. Kennedy has claimed that vaccines cause autism, that H.I.V. may not cause AIDS and that Covid vaccines are a dangerous corporate plot.

What is he saying now?

His anti-vaccine views are his best-known position, but our colleague Jess Bidgood points out that Kennedy’s overall campaign is more traditionally populist. Ben Tulchin, a former pollster for Bernie Sanders, has noted the similarity between Kennedy’s and Sanders’s messages.

“We are no longer living in a democracy,” Kennedy has said. “We’re living in a corporate kleptocracy.” He has criticized wealth inequality, praised labor unions and called for a higher minimum wage, free day care, stronger border security, tougher corporate regulation and tax increases on the rich.

His foreign policy views lean toward isolationism. He describes Democrats and Republicans as warmongers and promises to keep the country “out of foreign conflicts.” He says President Biden has been too aggressive in confronting Russia and calls for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine. He supports Israel’s right to defend itself after the Oct. 7 attacks and has said Hamas “must be destroyed.”

His views on other issues are a mix of liberal and conservative, and he says those labels aren’t useful anymore. He says abortion should be legal early in pregnancy and restricted later. He favors marijuana legalization. He has promised not to take away people’s guns. He questions medical treatments for trans children.

Regular readers of this newsletter know that the American public leans to the left on many economic issues and to the right on many social issues. We’ve called it the Scaffle vote (for socially conservative and fiscally liberal ). R.F.K. Jr.’s platform may not be wholly consistent, but he is mostly a Scaffle.

Who supports him?

The people who say they plan to vote for R.F.K. Jr. are not vastly different from Americans as a whole. But there are some differences, says Ruth Igielnik, a polling expert at The Times.

His fans skew young: About 17 percent of likely voters younger than 30 backed him in our recent poll of swing states. His supporters are less likely to have a college degree than the electorate as a whole and are more likely to make less than $50,000 a year. They are more likely to be Latino. None of this should be surprising: Working-class and Latino Americans are often Scaffles.

“I’m just not seeing much change,” Chantel Turk, 33, a dance studio owner in Marietta, Ga., and a Kennedy supporter, told The Times . “I haven’t seen change since I started voting, so I’m losing faith in the system.”

For now, R.F.K. Jr. seems to be hurting Biden more than he’s hurting Donald Trump — but only modestly more. About 32 percent of R.F.K. Jr.’s supporters said they had voted for Biden in 2020, while 24 percent voted for Trump. Most of his remaining supporters didn’t vote four years ago.

Support for third-party candidates usually declines during a campaign. It happened to Wallace in 1968, Perot in 1992 and Nader in 2000.

Why? Some voters signal their unhappiness with the major-party candidates by telling pollsters they plan to vote for a third party, Ruth explains, but ultimately choose the Democrat or Republican they prefer. If this year’s campaign follows historical patterns, R.F.K. Jr.’s level of support is likely to decline by at least half (and he may not get onto the ballot in every state).

“But we should also take the lesson that less is not none,” Ruth says. In 2000, Nader, who received less than 3 percent of the popular vote, likely cost Al Gore the election. In 2016, the combined support for third-party candidates was larger than Trump’s margin over Hillary Clinton in six swing states.

Kennedy is faring well with voters who get their news from social media, our colleagues Shane Goldmacher and Neil Vigdor write. Here are more interviews with his supporters .

Kennedy polls especially well with voters who usually back Democrats but are now sympathetic to Trump. Read Nate Cohn’s analysis .

Dig into the results of the poll — done jointly by The Times, Siena College and The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Nicole Shanahan, the Silicon Valley millionaire who is Kennedy’s running mate, has started giving stump speeches. Her first quoted Carl Jung .


Trump on trial.

The lawyer Michael Cohen testified at Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial that Trump directed him to pay Stormy Daniels hush money before the 2016 election and approved the plan to reimburse Cohen for it.

Trump believed that Daniels’s story of a tryst would be “ a disaster for the campaign ” and wanted it buried, Cohen testified. “Women are going to hate me,” Cohen recalled Trump saying. “Just take care of it.”

Cohen’s testimony is crucial to the prosecution’s case that Trump ordered the payment to win the election, not for personal reasons. Trump, Cohen said, “ wasn’t thinking about Melania .”

Cohen looked gaunt but seemed calm, speaking smoothly and carefully. Trump sat with his eyes closed for much of the testimony but at times smirked, scoffed or shook his head.

Senator J.D. Vance, an Ohio Republican and potential Trump running mate, was in the courtroom yesterday . Eric Trump, sitting behind his father, glared at Cohen as he testified.

China Policy

Biden will announce higher tariffs on Chinese imports , including electric vehicles and computer chips.

As a presidential candidate, Biden criticized Trump’s trade war with China. In office, he has escalated it, but with a different focus: high-tech industries .

The Biden administration will expand a chip factory in Minnesota .

2024 Elections

Harry Dunn, a former Capitol Police officer who was on duty during the Jan. 6 riot, is running for a U.S. House seat in today’s Maryland Democratic primary.

Voters in Nebraska and West Virginia will also cast primary ballots today. Read what to watch for .

Israel-Hamas War

The U.N. said that a staff member was killed when one of its convoys came under fire in Rafah.

“Our hearts are broken”: On Israel’s Memorial Day, people visited to the site of a music festival where hundreds were killed during the Hamas-led attacks on Oct. 7.

War in Ukraine

Ukraine is short on troops and weapons as it tries to repel a new Russian offensive in the northeast.

As Russia advances, Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Kyiv to reaffirm U.S. support for Ukraine.

Russia’s gains in the east show the danger of even a small crack in Ukraine’s front lines.

Climate Change

Declining profitability of homeowners insurance.

Ratio of revenue to costs per year

jfk essay contest

South Dakota

jfk essay contest

Home insurers are losing money as climate change produces more extreme weather, like wildfires and hurricanes. They are raising premiums and cutting back on coverage .

The government approved sweeping changes to electric grids. This could lead to many new high-voltage power lines as well as more wind and solar power.

Business and Economy

“How am I supposed to retire?” Millions of low- and moderate- income Americans are struggling with high borrowing costs.

OpenAI unveiled a new version of ChatGPT that can respond to voice commands , images and videos.

Other Big Stories

A pediatrician who led a British review of youth gender treatments said that U.S. doctors were out of step with scientific evidence and too encouraging of the treatments — based on a fear of upsetting political progressives.

Melinda French Gates will resign from the foundation she started with her ex-husband, Bill Gates, but said she would continue her philanthropic work .

Biden alienates swing voters when he panders to the left on Israel, immigration and electric vehicles , Mark Penn writes.

Here are columns by Michelle Goldberg on “vice signaling” and Paul Krugman on Biden’s unpopularity .


Good dogs : See behind-the-scenes photos from this year’s Westminster dog show.

Your Money: This week, our personal finance columnist is helping 20-somethings sort out their finances .

Lives Lived: The civil rights expert Christopher Edley Jr. advised three Democratic presidents and six presidential campaigns. He died at 71 .

N.B.A.: The Oklahoma City Thunder beat the Dallas Mavericks in Game 4 to tie their series at 2-2. And the Boston Celtics won their game against the Cleveland Cavaliers to take a 3-1 series lead.

N.H.L.: The Carolina Hurricanes defeated the New York Rangers to force a Game 6 . And the Vancouver Canucks beat the Edmonton Oilers .

W.N.B.A.: The season starts tonight. People are watching Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever .


Britain’s butlers are changing. These days, buttling (yes, that’s a verb) is less about looking after a mansion and polishing silver and more about lifestyle management — akin to a private maître d’, one expert explained. If a client wants to eat dinner on a mountaintop, it’s the butler’s job to arrange the meal and the helicopter to get it there. And if a client wants donkeys for a Christmas Nativity scene, the butler will wrangle them. (Both are real examples from a new story by Plum Sykes in The Times .)

More on culture

There’s a battle over New York City’s streets : Cars, pedestrians, e-bikes and dining sheds are competing for space on a grid designed over two centuries ago.

George Clooney will make his Broadway debut in a stage adaptation of his 2005 film “Good Night, and Good Luck,” about the pioneering newscaster Edward R. Murrow.

Four subway stations will sell a limited-edition MetroCard featuring the New York rapper Ice Spice , Time Out reports.

Trump mentioned “Silence of the Lambs” character Hannibal Lecter at a rally. “Please tell me this is not your V.P. announcement,” Seth Meyers said on his late night show .


Turn a modest can of beans into a creamy, spicy tomato dish .

Relieve discomfort from muscle knots .

Game with a better keyboard.

Here is today’s Spelling Bee . Yesterday’s pangram was cornily .

And here are today’s Mini Crossword , Wordle , Sudoku , Connections and Strands .

Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David and Ian

P.S. Around the world and inside The Times: Nicholas Kristof, the longtime columnist and correspondent, has published a memoir today. It’s called “Chasing Hope.”

Sign up here to get this newsletter in your inbox . Reach our team at [email protected] .

David Leonhardt runs The Morning , The Times’s flagship daily newsletter. Since joining The Times in 1999, he has been an economics columnist, opinion columnist, head of the Washington bureau and founding editor of the Upshot section, among other roles. More about David Leonhardt

Ian Prasad Philbrick is a writer for The Morning newsletter. More about Ian Prasad Philbrick


  1. John F. Kennedy Profile In Courage Essay Contest

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  2. Impressive Jfk Essay Contest ~ Thatsnotus

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  3. Essay_2006_02.jpg

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  4. JFK Essay Contest winner reading her essay

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  5. Homeschooled Short Hills Teen Wins National JFK Essay Contest

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  6. Profile in Courage Essay Contest

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  1. who is The Driving Crooner and why is he like that?

  2. Linkin Park

  3. Submit your essay for the 2018 Profile in Courage Essay Contest

  4. Strut (Definition)

  5. JFK's Harvard Application Essay in Copperplate Script Calligraphy #fountainpen #handwriting

  6. In Case You Missed It


  1. Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    U.S. high school students can describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official since 1917. The contest offers cash prizes, recognition, and resources for writing and research.

  2. John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    Contest Topic: Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917, the year John F. Kennedy was born. Include an analysis of the obstacles, risks, and consequences associated with the act. The essay may concern an issue at the local, state, national, or international level.

  3. 2022 Winning Essay by Theodora McGee

    By Theodora McGee. Moorestown High School in Moorestown, New Jersey. While the 2020 death of George Floyd focused the nation's attention on the inequalities in law enforcement, this is not the first time police brutality and racism have been put on trial. Over 100 years ago, José Tomás Canales, a representative in the Texas State House ...

  4. John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    Learn how to apply for the essay contest that honors political courage and awards up to $10,000 to high school students. Find out the eligibility, requirements, tips, and past winners of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest.

  5. PDF John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    • The contest deadline is January 17, 2020 at 11:59 PM (EST). • Essays can be no more than 1,000 words but must be a minimum of 700 words. Citations and bibliography are not included in the word count. • Essays must be the original work of the student. • John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Edward M. Kennedy are not eligible subjects ...

  6. John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    Submit your essay online before the contest deadline of January 12th at 11:59 PM (EST). The Profile in Courage Essay Contest challenges students to write an original and creative essay that demonstrates an understanding of political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in "Profiles in Courage". The maximum word count is 1,000 with a minimum ...

  7. Finalists Answer: What was most challenging about the Contest?

    The winners and finalists of the 2021 JFK Profile In Courage Essay Contest offer advice to future students.

  8. The Ultimate Guide to the Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    The Profile in Courage Essay Contest was established in 1994 in honor of the late President John F. Kennedy, inspired by his Pulitzer Prize-winning book "Profiles in Courage.". The book highlights acts of bravery and integrity by eight U.S. Senators who risked their careers for the greater good. Following this legacy, the contest encourages ...

  9. John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    Every year, the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum runs the Profile in Courage Essay Contest, in which U.S. high school students compete for a share of nearly $20,000. Students are asked to submit a 700- to 1,000-word essay that describes and analyzes an act of political courage by an elected official who served before or after 1917. Applicants must be high school students attending a public ...

  10. JFK Profiles in Courage Essay Contest tips?

    Hello! I'm glad to hear you're interested in the JFK Profiles in Courage Essay Contest. Although I haven't personally participated in it, I have some suggestions to help you approach it effectively: 1. Thorough Research: The first step is understanding the historical or contemporary figure you want to write about. Start by reviewing published material such as books, articles, speeches, and ...

  11. JFK essay contest advice?

    Here are a few tips to make your essay stand out: 1. Choose an original angle: Instead of reiterating well-known facts about JFK's life or political achievements, find a unique angle to explore. Look for lesser-known events or aspects of his life that resonate with you. 2. Connect your essay to current events: Demonstrating how JFK's ideas are still relevant today can make your essay more ...

  12. JFK Library and Museum's Profile in Courage Essay Contest (with Bard

    The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum has an annual Profile in Courage Essay Contest for 9-12th graders. Please click here to learn more. The 2024 essay topic is: "Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917, the year John F. Kennedy was born.

  13. JFK Essay Contest: Tips and Experiences?

    The JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest is a pretty competitive event, but don't let that discourage you. It's an excellent opportunity to showcase your writing skills, and historical and political knowledge. The contest asks participants to write an original (less than 1000 words) essay on an elected official who acted courageously to address ...

  14. JFK Library on Twitter

    Last year's winner of the Profile in Courage Essay Contest ™️ shares what political courage means to her and how the subject of her essay, Rep. José Canales, demonstrated such courage. Our 2023 essay contest is open!

  15. An 18-year-old Pete Buttigieg won a JFK Library essay contest. His

    April 2, 2019. ... Nearly two decades ago, an Indiana high school student won a national award from the John F. Kennedy Library for his essay about a little-known Vermont congressman.Out of more ...

  16. JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest

    A scholarship for U.S. high school students who write essays on U.S. history and political courage. The contest is sponsored by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum and offers up to $10,000 awards.

  17. Scholarship Program, Cape Cod

    2024 Quote for JFK Hyannis Museum Essay Contest: "The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet." - President John F. Kennedy, Speech to a joint session of the Dail and the Seanad, Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 1963.

  18. Finalists Answer: What was the most rewarding part of ...

    The winners and finalists of the 2021 JFK Profile In Courage Essay Contest offer advice to future students.

  19. The Influence of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    May 14, 2024. George Wallace, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader and now perhaps Robert F. Kennedy Jr. With the support of about 10 percent of likely voters, Kennedy has a chance to join the list of third ...