dissertation coaching costs

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How Much Does Dissertation Coaching Cost?

dissertation coaching costs

You can expect to pay anything from $800 to $4000 per semester in dissertation coaching costs, depending on the level of service and the expertise of the coach.

Expensive well, that depends..

Dissertation coaching is an investment. While the upfront cost might feel steep, it is paltry when you consider what you are getting and the costs it can help you avoid.

A Degree is Worth Nothing if You Never Finish

It is important to weigh the cost of dissertation coaching against the greater expense of delayed graduation or dropping out..

A PhD coach’s first and foremost priority is to help you cross the dissertation finishing line, so that you don’t end up wasting your time, effort, and money by sticking at ABD – or worse, failing to finish altogether.

When you are spending thousands of dollars in tuition costs and related expenses, it is worth investing a little bit more to ensure that money is not wasted. If this is an idea that appeals to you, it’s worth signing up for a free consultation session to find out more.

dissertation coaching costs

Health and Sanity are Priceless

Working with a dissertation coach will help you stay on track and motivated, produce top-quality writing and research, and soar through your defense with minimal stress..

Best of all, you are your coach’s number one priority, so your coach will always be invested in providing you with inspiration and moral support.

This is important, because not all supervisors have the time and resources to provide this level of support to their students consistently.

What does this mean? It means that investing in coaching is an investment is confidence, peace of mind, and lower levels of stress. It’s cheaper than a semester’s worth of spa days and better for you than whiskey.

Affordable Alternatives to Coaching

If coaching is beyond your current financial reach, there are also other options for dissertation help and dissertation tutoring..

First and foremost, check out the services offered by your institution. From writing studios and career advisors to in-house tutors, most institutions provide some support free of charge to enrolled students.

You can also hire a coach for only a specific and limited need, such as dissertation manuscript editing, help with formatting, or advice on academic careers.

Interested in learning more? Why not book a free consultation ?

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Dissertation Coaching

Bookshelves lined with several collections of different dissertation materials

At The Dissertation Coach, we are expert dissertation coaches. Dissertation coaching will help you change your approach to your dissertation or thesis so that you are motivated, productive, and able to work in a wise, consistent manner. Our trained coaches understand the needs of graduate students and what it takes to be successful in graduate school.

Our dissertation coaches will help you become a better project manager of your dissertation or thesis by teaching you how to structure the process and create realistic work plans you can achieve. Our coaches will also help you work effectively with your chairperson and committee and overcome psychological barriers to finishing such as anxiety, fear, negative thinking, procrastination, perfectionism, and writer’s block. We have coached thousands of graduate students to complete doctoral dissertations and master’s theses.

Each of our dissertation coaches has many years of experience working with graduate students and has been highly successful in helping people finish their dissertations and theses once and for all.

If you require technical assistance with your dissertation or thesis, please visit our Consulting and Statistics pages to learn how we can guide and mentor you to successfully carry out your dissertation or thesis study.

Closeup of a bookshelf with several books lined up in a row and stacked on each other

What Is Dissertation Coaching?

  • Dissertation coaching is a service designed around your needs to help you successfully complete your dissertation or thesis once and for all.
  • Dissertation coaching is a system of structuring the dissertation or thesis process to increase productivity, so you make consistent and tangible progress.
  • Dissertation coaching helps you identify and change beliefs and behaviors that interfere with your motivation and productivity.
  • Dissertation coaching involves providing meaningful accountability and a significant avenue for solving any problems or issues that interfere with your progress.
  • Dissertation coaching provides you with the support you need to get motivated, stay motivated, and manage the inevitable challenges that arise during the dissertation process.
  • Dissertation coaching can help students in the humanities, social sciences, and the hard sciences at any stage of research.

As Your Dissertation Coach We Will:

  • Coach you to determine realistic short and long-term goals.
  • Coach you to reduce procrastination and increase motivation.
  • Coach you to make consistent progress towards meeting your goals.
  • Coach you on any issue that interferes with your progress.
  • Hold you accountable to specific daily and weekly goals.
  • Help you manage the negative self-talk and self-doubt that is often associated with completing a dissertation.
  • Help you change behaviors and habits that interfere with your motivation and productivity.
  • Teach you time management and stress management techniques.
  • Coach you to overcome challenges such as writer’s block, organization issues, and perfectionistic writing.
  • Help you reestablish contact with faculty or obtain readmission into a program if needed.
  • Help you establish and maintain good working relationships with your dissertation chairperson and committee.
  • Provide you with support and encouragement throughout the dissertation or thesis process.
  • Help you prepare for oral proposal and defense meetings.
  • Help you as you consider your career options and search for jobs.

How Does Dissertation Coaching Work?

  • Dissertation coaching is delivered by telephone, Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp. We work with graduate students throughout the world.
  • Initially, we design an overall structure for completing your dissertation that includes a master timeline and weekly action plans to help you develop: 1) a sense of how long it will take you to finish and 2) a clear set of dissertation tasks you can complete on a weekly and day-to-day basis.
  • We meet with you every week to review your progress, coach you to overcome internal and external challenges, and set new goals.
  • As dissertation coaches, we help you maintain an accurate and realistic work plan to keep you on track.
  • We provide unlimited email and/or text communication as a way to support you, intervene when problems arise, create a sense of accountability, and keep you on task.
  • Dissertation coaching is provided on a monthly basis. There are no long-term commitments to make.

Do I Need A Dissertation Coach?

  • Are you tired of working hard, but cannot seem to make consistent progress?
  • Do you feel stuck?
  • Do you get caught in cycles of procrastination and self-doubt that interfere with your progress?
  • Do you feel you need more accountability?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the dissertation process itself?
  • Do you feel that the stress associated with the dissertation process is interfering with your ability to work effectively?
  • Do you fear that you lack enough intelligence, creativity, motivation, or other necessary qualities to finish your dissertation?
  • Do you struggle with perfectionism?
  • Do you make new to-do lists on a regular basis that do not help you be more productive?
  • Do you work full or part-time, have children, or health issues that make it difficult for you to find the time or stamina you need to consistently work on your dissertation?
  • Are you frustrated by your inability to build or sustain motivation?
  • Do you no longer live in the same state or city as your graduate program?
  • Are you receiving inadequate support from faculty or your committee during the process of completing a dissertation?

Want to Get your Dissertation Accepted?

Discover how we've helped doctoral students complete their dissertations and advance their academic careers!

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Get customized coaching for:.

  • Crafting your proposal,
  • Collecting and analyzing your data, or
  • Preparing your defense.

Trapped in dissertation revisions?

How to choose a dissertation coach, published by steve tippins on july 17, 2019 july 17, 2019.

Last Updated on: 30th August 2022, 04:33 am

The dissertation journey can be a lonely one. Even if you are in a close cohort of people, there are still many times when you are on your own. Your dissertation committee may be helpful, but they are responsible for many students and may not be able to give you the level of support you need.

For these reasons and others (maybe you need someone to hold you to your commitments or provide moral support), many people look for a dissertation coach to help them along the way.

But how do you choose a dissertation coach ? While there are generic life coaching certification programs available, there are no dissertation coaching certification programs. You’re on your own to decide whether someone is qualified.

Here is my advice for how to choose a dissertation coach.

Have they written a dissertation?

The first thing that I would ask a potential dissertation coach is if they have successfully completed a dissertation themselves. They might know about the process, but if they haven’t gone through the experience they won’t have a full understanding. 

As Lady Catherine de Bourgh said of her skill at the piano in Pride and Prejudice , “If I had ever learnt, I would have been a great proficient.” 

You want a coach who has learned to play the piano–which in this case means having completed a dissertation. That person will understand the late nights, missed events, frustration, tears, elation, and everything else tied up neatly in the package of the phrase “I’m writing my dissertation.” Those that have been there can help you find your way through.

Have they served on committees?

older professor explaining stuff to her students

Completing a dissertation is a wonderful accomplishment. You learn a great deal about yourself and the process while writing a dissertation. However, one time through as a student does not give you the complete picture. 

When choosing a dissertation coach, you should look for someone who has served on many committees and in many different roles. This way you will get a coach who has seen many different approaches and who has dealt with many different personalities. The more experience your dissertation coach has the more helpful he or she will be for you.

Having someone on your side with the perspective of a dissertation Chair or committee member is an invaluable resource for you. They can see things the way your Chair might, see potential issues, and help you address their feedback much more quickly than you could on your own.

When students have asked me how to choose a dissertation coach, I always encourage them to look for someone who has chaired dissertation committees .

Have they coached others successfully?

Coaching requires a much different skillset than serving as a Committee Chair. You want someone who has been able to support others through the process successfully.

A Dissertation Chair has the power to tell a student what must be done. A coach needs to be able to help students navigate the requirements of chairs and committees and understand the perspective of committee members. Your dissertation coach will most likely be strong at this if he or she has coached others through this process successfully.

Pay attention to testimonials, and ask for references.

Are they an editor?

african american woman comparing notes between laptop and her notebook

This is an interesting thing to consider. Hiring a dissertation editor may be just what you need if you are only looking for help with your writing. But, if you are looking for help with the entire process, someone who knows what you are going through and what you need to do, and has dealt with many dissertation committee members, then an editor may not be what you need. 

How to choose a dissertation coach sometimes comes down to strategy–can you get all of your needs met in one place, rather than having to track down both a good coach and a good editor. This is especially important because a coach and an editor may have differing views.

Many dissertation coaches will do some editing when reviewing your work, but their value is beyond editing. They will offer you far more insight and support than a traditional dissertation editor will.

On the flip side, I found that coaching services on their own are not enough for students who need help with their writing. Because of this, I brought on a few trustworthy editors with whom I’ve worked closely over the years to make sure students get the help they need.

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Do they offer a specific program or tailor their offerings to your needs?

There are advantages to both approaches. A coach takes every client through a system that they have found people benefit from. This type of program can provide great information and be helpful but cannot be all things to all people.

A coach who tailors his/her offerings looks at where you are in the process, what you are asking for, what you need to reach your goals, and what questions that you have. This type of approach is more personal and designed to fit your exact needs.

A dissertation coach with a long term view will also try to help you be set up to meet you post-graduate degree goals. The approach that you choose depends upon your desires and needs.

How to Choose a Dissertation Coach: Summary

Many people use a dissertation coach during their dissertation process. Finding a coach who has the needed skills can help you make progress faster and make the journey easier. Finding a dissertation coach with the background and skills that you need is important. 

Look at the qualifications of any coach that you consider and see if they have the unique set of skills needed to help you move forward. In addition, I suggest that you have a phone conversation with any potential coach to determine how well you two can work together.

I hope I’ve thoroughly answered the question of how to choose a dissertation coach. Good luck!

PS. With 30 years of experience as a professor and a current Dissertation Chair, I know the dissertation process inside and out. Take a look at my dissertation coaching package, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. The first consultation is free!

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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My Dissertation Editor

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  • Dissertation Editing

Dissertation Coaching

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Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated in grad school?

You are not alone. we’re here to help., finish your dissertation and graduate., we offer a full concierge service with hands-on support and strategic planning throughout the entire dissertation process. we are with you every step of the way until your dissertation is approved and you cross the stage., the problem.

Every doctoral student’s worst fear is ending up with student debt and no degree. Unfortunately, for nearly half of all graduate students, this becomes a reality. 

Why? Because universities rarely provide the support students need to complete their programs. That’s where we come in.

Through expert dissertation coaching, we help students address all these problems, finish their dissertation, and graduate.

Challenges Our Clients Face:

Not understanding the feedback from their chair

Having a poor relationship with their chair

Running out of time to complete their program

Running out of money for tuition

Getting stuck with the writing process

Problems with alignment

Issues with their literature review

The Solution: Expert Dissertation Coaching

We offer comprehensive, expert support throughout the dissertation process. our coaches are award-winning scholars and faculty members who serve on and chair dissertation committees and can offer expert perspectives, unique benefits of working with us, availability.

We offer clear, open channels of communication. No more waiting around for weeks to receive feedback. You are our first priority. We respond to your inquiries within a day. Plus, you’ll be working with an actual human being who’s not just running your work through a machine.


We’ve been where you are now. We treat you with empathy and understanding, as a whole human being. Many of our clients have seen the worst of academia, and it’s important to let them know that they’re not alone, and they’re not imagining it. While we can’t fix the problems of academia, we can help you navigate them. We are here to genuinely listen to you, and to create a connection based on trust where you can ask the questions you’re afraid to ask your chair.

Our coaches are award-winning scholars and faculty members who serve as dissertation committee chairs. Each of them has years of experience consulting and guiding students through the dissertation process.

While our competitors may have Ph.D.s, few have actually served as committee chairs. Many don’t have experience as faculty, and they haven’t mentored students. Our coaches have expertise you can rely on – and that makes the difference between your success and failure.


We offer a personalized approach that’s tailored to your specific needs. We get to know the details of your goals, learning style, and how we can best support you in making it across the finish line.

The 4-Step Coaching Process

Step 1: Free 3-Minute Consultation (Optional) Talk with your coach free of charge. You have the chance to ask questions, communicate your needs, and see if it’s a good fit. We don’t pressure you or use hard sales tactics – we want to make sure it’s the right fit for you.

Step 2: Kickoff Meeting We have a kickoff meeting where we go through what your goals are, what you’ve accomplished, and the major snags you’ve hit. Did you get bad feedback from your committee? Are you having problems communicating with your chair? Are you unable to get writing done? Have you lost momentum in your program?

Step 3: Create a Plan Together, we create a strategic plan to address the roadblocks. We use our insider knowledge and decades of experience guiding students through the dissertation process to strategically engage challenges.

Step 4: Execute the Plan + Weekly Support We have weekly meetings to support you in implementing the plan we developed in the kickoff session. We also address any new questions or issues that arise between sessions. In addition, we offer email support and document review between sessions. We send reminders, answer questions, and offer feedback & encouragement. After you do some writing – whether it’s a section of your dissertation, an email to your chair, or slides for your presentation – we’ll review it and offer feedback.

What is dissertation coaching?

Dissertation coaching is a personalized structure designed to meet your goals and timeframe.

Our dissertation coaching package is a full concierge service. We walk you through the entire process from start to finish.

Interested in learning more about the comprehensive and expert support we provide?

Our award-winning coaches are scholars and faculty members who serve on and chair dissertation committees. Their expert perspectives will help guide and inform you throughout the dissertation process.

Book a Free Discovery Call

What results can you expect to see from coaching? Here are some of the goals we’ve helped clients achieve:

Graduating and having their dissertation accepted by the graduate college.

Getting promoted to leadership positions.

Publishing articles in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Preparing presentations, taking research to conferences.

Becoming a full-time academic.

Getting positive comments and feedback from their committee.

Getting their prospectus accepted.

Passing the proposal phase.

Passing qualifying exams.

Successful dissertation defense.

Final revisions accomplished successfully.

Finding success with a career in academia.

Professional success outside of academia.

Meet Your Coaches

Dr. courtney watson.

Qualitative Coach

Courtney Watson, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of English at Radford University Carilion, in Roanoke, Virginia. Her areas of expertise include undergraduate and graduate curriculum development for writing courses in the health sciences and American literature. Read more .

Dr. Marissa Ericson

Quantitative Coach

Marissa Ericson, PhD is Principal Statistician at the University of California Irvine and a professor and dissertation Chair at California Lutheran University and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and California Lutheran University, teaching courses ranging from Dissertation to Research Methods. She has extensive experience with complex data sets, study design, and statistics of all levels and has authored, co-authored, and provided statistical support for many peer-reviewed publications in the broad areas of psychology, neuroscience, and survey design. Read more .

What does a coach do? .tatsu-BkxIP9Va4i.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

What we do depends on what kind of support you need. Some students need a writing coach who will help them set weekly goals and stick to them. Others are looking for someone to give them advice about how to handle the relationship with their chair. Some want help interpreting committee feedback and giving them what they really want to see. Others want to ask all the questions their chair doesn’t have time to answer. Some need guidance during the data collection and analysis phase. Still others need help preparing for their defense. 

Whatever your needs, we will meet with you weekly to support your goals, provide email support in between sessions, and review the documents you’re working on to offer feedback and ensure you’re on the right track.

What can a coach help me with? .tatsu-H1W8v94pEo.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

These are some of the things your coach can help you with:

  • Navigating your relationship with your chair and committee
  • Developing your idea and refining your topic, writing your prospectus
  • Finding a gap in the literature and developing your literature review
  • Research support (tips and tricks to being an effective researcher and not driving yourself crazy)
  • Mastering academic voice and style
  • APA style and citations
  • Avoiding plagiarism and finding your voice as a writer
  • Creating milestones and having regular check ins
  • Document review and feedback
  • Interpreting feedback from chair or committee to give them what they want
  • Preparing for your defense with a slide review and mock presentation
  • Final revisions

When should I start? .tatsu-ryGLv946Ns.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

It’s best to begin working with us as early on as possible in the process. Doing so saves you from having to clean up issues that could have been addressed earlier. We can even support you through classwork in graduate school. If you’re starting to work on your prospectus in Semester 3, we can help you knock that out of the park and be on your way to dissertation success.

That said, we have worked with clients beginning at every stage of the process – including the very end. 

The most important thing to remember is, once you start working with us, we are with you until you cross the stage.

Can you write my dissertation for me? .tatsu-Hy7IP5E64s.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

No. We do not write dissertations or offer any other service that would compromise our academic integrity. We are active scholars and professors and maintaining our integrity is our highest priority.

How much does dissertation coaching cost? .tatsu-BJVUvcE6Vo.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

Coaching costs $500/month.

How long will I need to be coached? .tatsu-B1Ywm8Ay9fo.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

That depends on the level of support you need. We’re here as long as you need us. We’ve had students resolve their problems in one month, and others stay long-term.

What is the structure of coaching? .tatsu-HyvtPf27j.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

We meet for one hour every week. We’ve found this is the most effective way to guide students through the dissertation process, as it provides structure, accountability, and accessibility. We also offer phone or email support and document review in between coaching sessions.

How are the sessions structured? .tatsu-SyKtDM27s.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

There is no typical session. Everyone comes with different issues and concerns, and we meet you where you are. That said, here is a broad outline of how sessions usually work.

The first ten minutes is usually spent catching up on the work you did (it helps if you send us what you’ve worked on in the previous week). We go through the comments we made on your work. Then we take down the document and talk, answering questions and providing guidance.

We can offer research advice, style advice, structural advice, and much more. We answer as many questions as you have during a session, whether that’s two or twenty. Either way, we’re here to cut through the fog of academia and make sure everything is clear for you.

How long is each session? .tatsu-Sk3Ywf37s.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

Each session lasts on hour.

I have problems with my dissertation chair. Can you help? .tatsu-rJotPf3Qi.accordion-head{color: rgba(255,255,255,1) ;background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(46,115,232,1) 0%, rgba(133,57,217,1) 100%);}

Yes! Many clients come to us because they have problems communicating with their dissertation chair. We can help you understand the internal politics that may be influencing your chair and committee. We help you understand how to communicate effectively with your chair and committee.

dissertation coaching costs

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Grad Coach

Everything You Need To Succeed

Research topic kickstarter

 1-On-1 Private Coaching

Hands-on, custom-tailored support through every step of your research project, including topic ideation  and proposal development ,  literature review , methodology,   analysis  and viva voce prep .

Time-Saving Services

Professional services to fast-track your research project and allow you to focus on the things that really matter. Let us take care of language editing , interview transcription , qualitative coding , stats testing and more. 

Dissertation/thesis data support services

Kickstarter Courses

Straightforward, practical short courses to get you started and fast-track your research journey. Our curriculum currently covers the research proposal, literature review and methodology stages.

Looking for something else?

Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests.

Dissertation Angels

Weekly Coaching

The support of an experienced and knowledgeable dissertation coach can help you move through your dissertation as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you decide to join the Dissertation Angels Coaching Program, you will receive one-on-support, working with Jess, directly.

  What’s included?

  • Weekly coaching calls (via Zoom)
  • Weekly feedback on your work (via email)
  • Unlimited access to me via email — I respond to all emails within 24 hours
  • Comprehensive assistance throughout every step of your dissertation process
  • We move at your pace, based on your goals and time commitment

Typical areas of assistance included in the dissertation coaching program

  • Helping you develop and refine your topic and research questions/hypotheses
  • Assistance with crafting your problem and purpose statements
  • Assistance with research
  • Feedback and advice on your methodology
  • Help with organization of each chapter
  • Preparation for proposal and final defense presentations
  • Feedback on your writing/recommendations for addressing questions or concerns from your committee or school
  • Help with staying organized, setting goals, and meeting deadlines

How much does monthly dissertation coaching cost?

Coaching is billed on a month-to-month basis at $1000 per month. For this to be a worthwhile investment, you must be committed and ready to take advantage of the speed at which coaching can help you progress. If you have specific and aggressive goals, consider the Dissertation Fast Track program .

If you are not interested in receiving ongoing support and assistance, I am also available for individual consultations at $150/hour.

Who should join the Dissertation Angels Coaching Program?

The coaching program is ideal for students who need guidance, encouragement, and support during the dissertation journey.  It’s also an effective system of accountability.

Who should NOT join the Dissertation Angels Coaching Program?

Let me be frank — this program is not for people who really have no interest in completing their dissertations.  I don’t have time for excuses and laziness, and I’ll call you to the carpet on it.  I’m invested in my coaching clients (just as I am with all of my clients), and your success is reflective of my own.  So if you’re someone who likes to pull from the jar of excuses, this program is not for you.

Please note that I only take on a limited number of dissertation coaching clients to ensure I am able to dedicate plenty of time to everyone.  Please contact me if you’d like to discuss the coaching program and my current availability.

  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Dissertation Coaching Fast Track
  • Literature Review Assistance
  • Proposal/Final Defense Presentations
  • IRB Applications
  • Life after Dissertation
  • Book a FREE Consultation
  • Testimonials
  • Referral Program

Dissertation By Design

Dissertation Coaching

Qualitative data analysis, statistical consulting.

  • Dissertation Editing
  • On-Demand Courses

Dissertation Coach, Dissertation Help, Dissertation Consultant

Dissertation by Design provides full-service academic and dissertation coaching – from research proposal development to final editing and formatting. 

Dissertation coaching

Editing Services

Dissertation workshops

I had my dissertation edited by dissertation by design. I was nervous because my quantitative research required a lot of numbers, statistics, and tables. I wanted to be sure the editor had specific experience reviewing quantitative data. They did a great job and were super helpful in the last home stretch! – Dr. Kelly

Just what i needed this service is tantamount to a tutor or mentor relationship. you get that motivational “shot in the arm” to keep you on track, as well as have a professional academic to bounce ideas off of. it helps when you can be mentored by someone who knows the academic landscape. my confidence in my ability to make it across the finish line has increased astronomically. i am so grateful for this service. this should be a requirement of all grad programs – j. hayes, doctoral candidate, dissertation by design did not push me to sign with them. i met with the owner and a potential mentor/coach before signing up for anything. i really appreciate how they let me take the time that i needed before i joined. a former colleague (now a superintendent) of mine recommended dissertation by design. so far this company has a high level of professionalism. – e. cruz, doctoral candidate, jessica and her team are absolutely amazing before signing up, jessica is proactive at making sure her company and your dissertation topic are a good fit. everyone i have worked with is knowledgeable and talented at what they do. i would highly recommend this company to anyone working on their dissertation. it has been a lifesaver. – c. decker, doctoral candidate, for the latest reviews, please visit our trustpilot   page..

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How to Identify a Problem of Practice: A Guide for EdD Students     The Problem of Practice (PoP) is the heart of any Dissertation in Practice (DiP). Identifying a…

Putting money

Where our words are, we believe that strong writing skills open minds and doors. as a demonstration of our commitment to educational excellence, we donate a percentage from every coaching session to help a woman or girl find her voice through reading and writing..

Download our free guide on how to overcome the top 10 challenges common to doctoral candidates and graduate sooner.

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Optimum research consulting, premiere dissertation assistance, at optimum, we provide comprehensive dissertation assistance tailored to each client and each study. reach out today for a free consultation with an expert dissertation coach..

Our expert team at Optimum Research can provide you flexible, responsive dissertation help as you navigate your doctoral journey. Since 2018, we’ve helped hundreds of candidates become doctors through highly individualized, hands-on support . We offer help at each stage of your journey, leveraging the expertise of our team to provide doctoral-level research , qualitative and quantitative methodology, statistical analysis, and dissertation editing.

Our tailored, client-specific approach makes us different from other dissertation consulting firms, many of whom charge on a per-page or per-hour basis and don’t take the time to learn about a client’s study and needs before sharing a quote. At Optimum, we:

  • Offer free consultation with each client, first listening about your journey—where you are in that process, where you’ve been, and where you’re going .
  • Complete a diagnostic review of your existing work to determine where you’re starting from and what’s needed to reach final approval .
  • Provide a comprehensive written plan with feedback, guidance, and a plan for assistance and a to-the-dollar cost that includes all revisions.
  • Answer any and all questions before we start working and after we finish, ensuring we stay on the same page and on the path to approval.

These principles guide all the dissertation help we provide, through all the stages of the journey. Our assistance starts with the exploratory research needed to find a current and significant gap in the literature to motivate your study, and it culminates in comprehensive support in preparing for the defense of your final dissertation .

In between, we can help with all the research you’ll need to situate your study in the context of work in the field and justify its focus and research design . We can also develop a full methodology to help guide you through recruitment, data collection, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis that will help you construct the results and discussion chapters. We can also take on comprehensive dissertation editing and formatting to ensure that your manuscript adheres to APA editing conventions or any other formatting guidelines you must use.

(984) 222 – 7122

Frequently Asked Questions

What is optimumresearchconsulting.com .

Optimum Research Consulting is a full-service academic consulting firm providing dissertation help across all stages of the doctoral journey. We offer a tailored and responsive approach, providing hands-on assistance with dissertation research, qualitative and quantitative methodology, statistical analysis, APA editing, and even defense preparation. We also help with everything in between these steps, leveraging doctoral-level expertise to help you reach approval quickly.

Why choose Optimum Research?

At Optimum, we recognize that each client and each study are different. Unlike other consulting firms, we don’t share a cost or contract without first building a careful, tailored plan for assistance . We offer free consultation and a free diagnostic review s of what you’re working on to help us see where you’re starting from and where you need to go. In fact, clients often tell us that the feedback and guidance we share is  more helpful than anything they’ve received from their committees! 

With the deep understanding we build through our review, we know exactly how to help, sharing a plan and quote for exactly that–with a cost that won’t change.

Do you provide a guarantee ?

We do! Because of the planning we do at the start of each project, we can take on all revisions until final approval . All reviewers have individual preferences–we learn and align our work with the m, all the way to the finish line .

What will it cost ?

Unlike other consulting firms, we don’t price on a per-hour or per-page basis. Doing so results in costs that aren’t stated clearly upfront and continue to creep upward during the course of a project. At Optimum, our expert dissertation coaches share a specific, to-the-dollar quote after diagnostic review and planning. The result is a tailored cost to match what you need to reach approval, including all revisions to get there.

Where are your consultants located ?

All of our staff–dissertation coaches, researchers, qualitative and quantitative analysts, statisticians, and APA editors–are based in the United States. Optimum is a cloud-based company, as this allows us to leverage the expertise of professors and researchers in a wide variety of fields. However, we insist that our team is US-based , as this ensures that we keep our work at doctoral level . Again, our clients’ work matters, and reaching approval quickly is the best way we can help.

Do you have subject-matter experts in my field of study?

We certainly do. Given the way we leverage doctoral-level resources, we have subject-matter experts in psychology, education, business, nursing, healthcare, organizational leadership, and a host of other fields. When a client reaches out for dissertation help in a field we don’t work in–say, electrical engineering–we’re happy to refer to another service.

What is the policy concerning confidentiality ?

Your privacy is important to us. In the first email we send to you, we’ll include a n on-disclosure agreement , guaranteeing that the information you share with us is used only for our consultation together. We take other precautions, as well–our email servers are with Google, whose email and cloud storage solutions adhere to ISO 27001 and other independent security standards.

Will the price be reduced if I don't urgently need the work?

In determining the cost for the dissertation assistance we provide, we assess both (a) what’s needed and (b) the timeline. We’re pretty fast : Our work is done within 2-3 weeks. During that time, we ensure that we adhere to all guidelines —this reduces the number of revisions that would come with work thrown together hastily, resulting in much faster approval.

When we can have flexibility in our normal time frame, we’re able to leverage resources more efficiently and pass those savings to you . Of course, what’s needed to reach final approval won’t change, but we can certainly provide at least a modest discount when we get more time.  

Can you reduce the plagiarism score of my dissertation ?

It’s common for candidates to struggle with high similarity scores from checkers like Turnitin. We can address plagiarism issues so that you can resubmit and reach approval.

Can I set up a payment plan ?

Of course! We do this automatically for clients, as we divide the cost of each project into installments. Specifically, we use milestone-based payments where, after an initial payment for us to get started, all subsequent payments come with the receipt of work from us. This way, you make payments only as you progress toward approval.

Through comprehensive support that lasts to final approval, the team at Optimum can help you save on tuition costs and expand your bandwidth so you can devote time and attention to what matters . We’d love to talk about our dissertation research expertise and share insights that light the way forward. Reach out by phone at 984-222-7122 or email us at [email protected] .

Help with writing dissertation

Name Email Tell us how we might assist you. If you would like a call back please leave your number.

At Optimum, our expert dissertation coaches are here to help. There’s no commitment after your free phone consultation . It matters to us to learn–about your study, your needs, and how we can help.

dissertation coaching costs


We know that meeting deadlines with high-quality work matters. We guarantee on-time submission and alignment with guidelines for each project, and revisions are included at no additional charge . We develop comprehensive plans before sharing quotes or accepting payments to make sure our dissertation help leads to final approval. We believe in open communication to earn your trust– so if you have questions, just ask!

dissertation coaching costs

Optimum’s research team is composed of qualitative and quantitative analysts who have extensive, doctoral-level research experience. We stand behind our expertise and guarantee approval for all the dissertation assistance we provide.

dissertation coaching costs

Optimum Research is available 7 days a week, 365 days a year to serve you. Our office is open from 9:00am to 6:00pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday . We’re always available via email and can work around your schedule to connect.

Frustrated? Busy? Burned out?

Just want to talk about your issues?

All consultations are 100% confidential and free.

Free free to reach out to us with any dissertation concerns. that is what we are here for..

Popular Subjects: Nursing & Health - Law & Int'l Relations - English & Literature - Finance & Acc' - Applied Sciences

  • World-class Dissertation Coaches & Thesis Coaches

Find a Dissertation Coach in Your City Today!​

Dissertationcoaches.com is a faster, easier way to find local and online dissertation coaching, mentoring, and tuition services. We enlist the best dissertation coaches, mentors, and tutors in top cities worldwide.


Verified dissertation coaches.

Dissertation Coaches provides full-service dissertation coaching support. Our experienced dissertation coaches will help you confidently progress through every stage of the dissertation writing process, from developing the dissertation proposal to final editing, formatting, and presentation.

Meet dissertationcoaches.com and Get-It-Right

Dissertation coaching is meant to come up with better methodologies for handling your dissertation or thesis. We are experts in dissertation coaching with many years of experience in helping thousands of graduate students finish their doctoral dissertations and master’s theses conclusively. For this, we understand the struggles graduates go through in handling dissertations and all we can assure you is success in the process by making you take full control of your dissertation or thesis and training you on ways to structure the process and come up with convincing and doable work plans. Our dissertation coaches will guarantee you better working plans with your chairperson and committee to help you rule out psychological barriers such as fear, anxiety, perfectionism, procrastination, negative thinking, or writer’s block that may curtail your progress.

Get Expert Coaching & Mentoring

Get personalized help from subject matter dissertation coaches near you.

Understand Your Topic

Simplify the toughest concepts with digestible topic breakdowns.

Finish Your Dissertation

Strengthen your writing with dissertation coaching and mentoring help.

A Proven Instrument For Success...

98% of our customers say they get better grades when they use our dissertation coaches to understand their dissertation., our commitment, why choose us.

Our expert dissertation coaches and mentors will guide you through the process of conceptualizing your research (selecting a topic, but formulating a defensible and researchable research problem), writing each dissertation or thesis chapter, analyzing and reporting results, and developing conclusions and recommendations for future research. Our approach is holistic, and we understand the needs of incredibly busy doctoral students.

Our rigorous recruiting and interview process ensures that we have the best dissertation coaches around. Our dissertation coaches are local university professors, experts in their field and accomplished professionals who possess a profound interest in education and working with students. You will find them to be engaging, patient, professional, and above all, passionate about dissertation writing. 

The Most Effective Matching Process

No need for you to scroll through dozens of potentially unqualified dissertation coaches profiles. Our experienced support staff will match you with the perfect dissertation coach and mentor who will be the perfect fit for your dissertation's unique needs.

No "One Size Fits All" Approach Here!

What sets dissertation coaches apart is the personal attention that our dissertation coaches give to each student to provide an individualized support services that caters to each student's strengths. This means that each and every student is provided with an exclusive, one of a kind experience that is made to order.

Guaranteed Results

Our students achieved their learning goals in a very short period of time by providing them the right support and learning skills.

Dissertation & Thesis Coaching

Be advised that in case of any need, visit the Hire a Coach page and know how we carry out our mentorship help services that will help you handle your dissertation or thesis project successfully.

What to understand about Dissertation Coaching;

  • Dissertation coaching is a kind of a deal aimed to help graduates productive and accomplish their doctoral dissertations or thesis.
  • Dissertation coaching makes you psychologically responsible for issues that may hinder progress, and keep you motivated and productive.
  • Dissertation coaching can be done at any stage of research or dissertation writing process, and therefore is most open to students handling social sciences, humanities, and other hard sciences.

What to expect from dissertationcoaches.com;

  • Make you set and stay motivated to your short-term and long-term goals and avoid procrastination.
  • Coach you on toxic habits and behaviors, as well as issues that might hinder your progress like negative doubts, thoughts, and other psychological barriers.
  • Coach you to manage time and stress effectively.
  • Dissertation coaching will create a connection with the faculty in case you need readmission, as well as a mutual working relationship with the chairperson and committee responsible for your dissertation.
  • Inspire and support you throughout the process of dissertation or thesis including oral proposal preparations and defense meetings.
  • Our Dissertation coaches offer advice in making career options and in job hunting.

How Dissertation Coaching works;

  • Dissertation coaching is done as per agreement between the coach and the student via the selected communication avenue.
  • The dissertation coach will provide a defined scheme with a master timeline and weekly goals to keep you informed on how long the process will take, and dissertation tasks to complete on a weekly or daily basis under manageable work plans.
  • The dissertation coach will create weekly online meetings with the client to evaluate the progress, and overall challenges and to set new goals.
  • We are always there, though behind the scenes, and you will be free to contact us in case any problems arise to avoid panic.

Situations that Call for a Dissertation Coach;

  • When you get stuck due to a lack of morale, fear, self-doubt, procrastination, or the tiring nature of the process that ultimately hinders your progress.
  • When you need to feel a sense of responsibility but you feel drained.
  • When perfectionism is hard to achieve and your regular-set goals are not helping.
  • When you lack time or consistency to make progress due to the nature of your job, health issues, or children.
  • When you are facing mobility problems in your graduate program
  • When you feel your faculty or committee is not offering you enough support in your dissertation process.

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Trusted by thousand of students.

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Genevieve Buechner

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Jason Priestley

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Eric Nordhoff

Welcome to dissertation coaches, your premier destination for academic excellence.

At Dissertation Coaches, we understand the significance of a well-crafted dissertation or thesis. As a leading provider of expert coaching services, we are dedicated to guiding you through every step of your academic journey, ensuring your success and growth. Our platform, dissertationcoaches.com, is your gateway to unlocking your true potential and achieving exceptional academic accomplishments.

Navigating Your Academic Success with Dissertation Coaches

Who We Are: Based in the bustling heart of New York, Dissertation Coaches stands as a beacon of academic support for students worldwide. Our platform is a testament to our commitment to excellence. With a global network of expert coaches spread across major cities like New York, London, Toronto, Melbourne, Paris, Tokyo, Dubai, Barcelona, Rome, Madrid, Singapore, Amsterdam, and beyond, we bring unparalleled expertise to your fingertips.

Our Services: At Dissertation Coaches, we offer a comprehensive range of Expert Dissertation and Thesis Services. Our dedicated coaches possess a wealth of experience and knowledge across various fields, making us adept at assisting students from diverse academic disciplines. Whether you’re delving into scientific research, social sciences, humanities, or any other subject, our coaching is tailored to your unique needs.

Why Choose Us?: What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to your success. Our dissertation coaches are not just mentors; they are partners in your academic journey. With us, you’ll find more than guidance – you’ll discover unwavering support, tailored strategies, and a collaborative approach that ensures your success.

The Importance of Dissertation or Thesis Coaching: Embarking on a dissertation or thesis journey is a monumental task. The complexities of research, writing, and presentation can be overwhelming. This is where our dissertation coaching steps in. Our coaches provide invaluable insights, helping you navigate challenges, refine your research methodologies, enhance your writing skills, and ultimately produce a scholarly work of the highest caliber.

Cities We Work In: No matter where you are in the world, Dissertation Coaches is at your service. Our expert coaches are strategically located in major cities across the globe. Whether you’re in the bustling streets of New York or the scenic charm of Amsterdam, our support is readily accessible to you.

Subjects We Can Help With: Our expertise spans a multitude of subjects and disciplines. From complex technical research to profound literary analyses, our coaches possess diverse backgrounds that empower them to guide you effectively. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in engineering, psychology, business, or any other field, our coaches have the expertise to elevate your work.

How Our Process Works:

  • Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation where we understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Personalized Match: Based on your needs, we match you with a dissertation coach whose expertise aligns with your subject area.
  • Tailored Coaching Plan: Your coach designs a customized plan that outlines milestones, session frequency, and objectives.
  • Progressive Guidance: Through consistent sessions, your coach offers feedback, refines your work, and ensures steady progress.
  • Preparation for Success: As you approach your defense or submission, your coach prepares you for the final steps, ensuring you’re poised for success.

How to Request a Dissertation or Thesis Coach

Initiating your journey with Dissertation Coaches is effortless:

  • Visit our website at dissertationcoaches.com.
  • Navigate to the “Hire a Coach” section.
  • Complete the coaching request form, providing essential details about your project and requirements.
  • Our platform’s advanced algorithm matches you with the perfect coach.
  • Engage in an initial consultation to solidify your coaching plan.
  • Collaborate with your coach, make steady progress, and achieve your academic goals.

At Dissertation Coaches, we’re not just shaping dissertations or theses – we’re transforming academic experiences. Our coaches are your partners, mentors, and confidants throughout your journey. Join us on this transformative expedition toward academic excellence.

You’re already here…

Yes, you can trust us. We treat clients like friends. If you are falling behind on your dissertation, thesis, or any other research project, just give us your email address and we will contact you right away. We’ll save you a lot of time, and money!

Dissertation Complete Coaching

Dissertation Coaching – A Strategic Approach

  Meet Dr. Cara Weston, Director of Dissertation Complete Coaching

I have successfully worked with hundreds of doctoral and masters students around the globe – just like you – to help them finish their dissertations and graduate. I have more than 25 years of experience in higher education administration, teaching, coaching and consulting. My academic interests include international education projects, program design, writing development and language acquisition. I use a dynamic, positive and brain-based coaching approach to help my clients develop effective new strategies and implement change. I know first-hand what it’s like to be a graduate student while working professionally full-time, raising a family and managing other projects. As your dissertation coach, I will help you build the skills and knowledge that helped me succeed as a doctoral student, as well as the many clients I have coached through the dissertation process. 

I completed my doctoral, masters and undergraduate degrees at Columbia University in New York, the University of British Columbia, Canada, and Tilburg University in The Netherlands.   For the past two decades, I’ve mentored students and colleagues as a faculty member and administrator at universities and colleges in Canada, Singapore, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. I’ve trained on innovative coaching methods with the Mentor Coach organization, based in the United States. 

A New Kind of Dissertation Support

 You may have imagined that completing your doctorate would be a straightforward process that would look something like this: enter the program, take courses, do research, write your dissertation, graduate.  

However, given the complications involved in doctoral-level research and the reality of life-changing events occurring over four or more years, there’s a good chance your experience hasn’t gone completely to plan.

That’s where I come in! Save time, energy and money by leveraging my dissertation coaching expertise.

For many grad students, the dissertation process causes anxiety, anguish and drags on for years – or is never finished. Working with an effective dissertation coach can greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to finish your dissertation and complete your degree, allowing you to move forward with your post-graduate life sooner.

I understand the process of completing a masters or doctoral project intimately. I’ve  gone through it myself – yes, while working full-time in a challenging academic role and raising a family. I fully understand the challenges.

Over the past two decades, I’ve mentored hundreds of domestic and international students and have developed specific strategies for completing each phase of the research project efficiently.

For most graduate students, there’s a psychological component to the completion of the dissertation that’s equally important. Completing a dissertation is a complex process that elicits a wide array of potential impasses.

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  1. Dissertation Coaching Costs: Is It Worth the Investment?

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  2. Dissertation Coaching Packages That Fit Your Budget

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  3. Dissertation Coaching

    dissertation coaching costs

  4. Dissertation Coaching Costs: Is It Worth the Investment?

    dissertation coaching costs

  5. Dissertation Coaching Costs: Is It Worth the Investment?

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  6. Dissertation & Thesis Coaching to Help You Finish Once & For All

    dissertation coaching costs


  1. Dissertation Punitive Punishment Costs Organizations Billions Every Year

  2. How To Increase Your Price As A Coach

  3. One Thing To Avoid While Writing Your #Dissertation

  4. How to Manage The Dissertation Process in Record Time #dissertationcoach #phd

  5. Why Every Doc Student Struggling Should Invest In Themselves #dissertation

  6. #1 Tip To Get Unstuck When Writing Your Dissertation #dissertationcoach #phd


  1. 1-On-1 Dissertation Coaching & Thesis Coaching

    Kickstart Your Dissertation, Today. Enter your details below, pop us an email, or book an introductory consultation. Get 1-on-1 thesis and dissertation coaching from seasoned PhDs, including research supervisors and markers. Book a free consultation today.

  2. Service and Pricing Schedule

    Dissertation Coaching (editing services separate) Three Payment Options: Hourly Rate - $85 per hour. Monthly Rate - $850 per month. One-Time Rate (Lifetime of the Doctoral Program Enrollment) - $8500. Includes all aspects of dissertation coaching, including methodology and high level writing, APA, and formatting (non-editing, see below)

  3. Expert Dissertation & Thesis Services

    Contact Us. 910.250.8767. The Dissertation Coach: Expert help for graduate students since 2000. Get one-on-one support to finish your dissertation or thesis.

  4. Pricing & Packages

    Contact. All content copyright Grad Coach 2024 · The Grad Coach logo is a registered trade mark: UK00003956375 · Tutors' Association ID: 55870609. Grad Coach: #1 For Dissertation & Thesis Help · Join us on: Facebook| Twitter| YouTube| LinkedIn| Spotify| Apple Podcasts. Learn about pricing for the various services Grad Coach offers, including ...

  5. Dissertation Coaching

    Coaching for Doctoral Students Get Your Dissertation Accepted On Your Next Submission …or we'll keep working with you for free until it is. Get customized coaching crafting your proposal, collecting and analyzing your data, or preparing your defense. Our coaches can help you overcome challenges and finish your doctorate sooner. Book a ...

  6. PhD Coaching & Dissertation Editing

    Dissertation Coaching. Whether you need help deciding on your topic, crafting your proposal, collecting and analyzing your data, or preparing for your defense, our coaching services can help you overcome challenges and finish sooner. We customize our coaching to your needs, and use proven methods of accountability and support to help you reach ...

  7. Pricing & FAQ

    Dissertation coaching is billed on a month-to-month basis at $1000 per month. For this to be a worthwhile investment, you must be committed and ready to take advantage of the speed at which coaching can help you progress. If you have specific and aggressive goals, consider discussing this with your dissertation coach.

  8. 1-On-1 Dissertation & Thesis Help

    1:1 Dissertation & Thesis Coaching. Get your own dedicated coach to provide you with plain-language, actionable advice, direction and feedback, every step of the way. Enjoy hands-on dissertation help from start to finish - from developing a strong research topic and research proposal to crafting a comprehensive literature review and producing ...

  9. Coaching Services

    Individual coaching is accountability coaching. Successful coaching often occurs over the course of several months allowing clients to discuss roadblocks and celebrate milestones. I offer four half hour sessions per month OR two one-hour sessions of individual dissertation coaching per month depending on the client's desires. $300 a month.

  10. How Much Does Dissertation Coaching Cost?

    You can expect to pay anything from $800 to $4000 per semester in dissertation coaching costs, depending on the level of service and the expertise of the co ... (570) 269-2375 [email protected]

  11. Dissertation & Thesis Coaching to Help You Finish Once & For All

    Dissertation coaching is a system of structuring the dissertation or thesis process to increase productivity, so you make consistent and tangible progress. Dissertation coaching helps you identify and change beliefs and behaviors that interfere with your motivation and productivity. Dissertation coaching involves providing meaningful ...

  12. Dissertation Coaching

    1:1 DISSERTATION COACHING. At Dissertation by Design, we understand the dual challenges of managing a professional career while pursuing a doctorate. Our personalized coaching is designed to alleviate the stress of dissertation writing by providing tailored support that respects your time constraints and professional commitments.

  13. How to Choose a Dissertation Coach

    A coach needs to be able to help students navigate the requirements of chairs and committees and understand the perspective of committee members. Your dissertation coach will most likely be strong at this if he or she has coached others through this process successfully. Pay attention to testimonials, and ask for references.

  14. Dissertation Coaching

    The 4-Step Coaching Process. Step 1: Free 3-Minute Consultation (Optional) Talk with your coach free of charge. You have the chance to ask questions, communicate your needs, and see if it's a good fit. We don't pressure you or use hard sales tactics - we want to make sure it's the right fit for you.

  15. Services

    All content copyright Grad Coach 2024 · The Grad Coach logo is a registered trade mark: UK00003956375 · Tutors' Association ID: 55870609 Grad Coach: #1 For Dissertation & Thesis Help · Join us on: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

  16. Weekly Coaching

    How much does monthly dissertation coaching cost? Coaching is billed on a month-to-month basis at $1000 per month. For this to be a worthwhile investment, you must be committed and ready to take advantage of the speed at which coaching can help you progress. If you have specific and aggressive goals, consider the Dissertation Fast Track program.

  17. PDF 2020 Fee Schedule and Description of Services

    Dissertation Coaches, Editors, and Data Analysis Consultants 1-877-875-7687 or 917-331-8349 [email protected]. www.dissertationgenius.com. 535 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor New York City, NY 10017.

  18. Dissertation By Design

    How to Identify a Problem of Practice: A Guide for EdD Students The Problem of Practice (PoP) is the heart of any Dissertation in Practice (DiP). Identifying a…. Dissertation by Design provides full-service academic and dissertation coaching - from research proposal development to final editing and formatting.

  19. Optimum Research's Premiere Assistance

    We can also take on comprehensive dissertation editing and formatting to ensure that your manuscript adheres to APA editing conventions or any other formatting guidelines you must use. Struggling? Talk with an expert dissertation coach to help you move forward. (984) 222 - 7122. [email protected].

  20. Academic & Dissertation Coaching Services

    stay focused, healthy, and sane through this process. My services include: Regular meetings to help you finish your dissertation. I recommend meeting once a week to keep you on task. We can establish how often we meet based on your needs and goals. A review of your written work and general feedback.

  21. Expert Dissertation and Thesis Coaching Services

    At Dissertation Coaches, we understand the significance of a well-crafted dissertation or thesis. As a leading provider of expert coaching services, we are dedicated to guiding you through every step of your academic journey, ensuring your success and growth. Our platform, dissertationcoaches.com, is your gateway to unlocking your true ...

  22. Dissertation Coach

    Meet Dr. Cara Weston, Director of Dissertation Complete Coaching. I have successfully worked with hundreds of doctoral and masters students around the globe - just like you - to help them finish their dissertations and graduate. I have more than 25 years of experience in higher education administration, teaching, coaching and consulting.

  23. Dissertation Coaching

    Dissertation Boot Camp is a program designed to help you get unstuck, finish your dissertation, defend, and earn your doctorate. It includes one-on-one coaching with experienced PhDs who know how to guide you through all aspects of your dissertation. We offer flexible payment options to fit almost any budget. SCHEDULE A FREE STRATEGY CALL.