List of Europe Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships for International Students

  • Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students


In Italy, all international students are entitled to the same financial assistance services as Italian students based on same requisites of financial means and/or merit. There are government scholarships at the national and regional level to which international students can apply for. Moreover, some Italian Universities offer Italian scholarship programs for international students .

University of Milan Excellence Scholarships

Deadline: 31 May 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts Sept 2024

Tuition Fee Waivers for International Students at University of Pavia

Deadline: 23 May 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts Sept 2024

Rhodes Global Scholarships

Deadline: 1 August 2024 (annual) Study in: UK Course starts Oct 2025

UAL/ISH International Postgraduate Scholarships

Deadline: 5 July 2024 (annual) Study in: UK Course starts August 2024

The Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarship at the University of Edinburgh

Deadline: 30 May 2024 (annual) Study in:  UK Course starts September 2024

DAAD Helmut-Schmidt Masters Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance

Deadline: 31 July 2024 (annual) Study in:  Germany Next course starts Sept/Oct 2025

GREAT Scholarships in UK for International Students

Deadline: varies, Apr-June 2024 (Annual) Study in:  UK Course starts Sept 2024

Bocconi Graduate Merit Awards

Deadline: 18 Apr/23 May 2024 Study in: Milan, Italy Course starts 2024/25

Université Paris-Saclay International Master’s Scholarships

Deadline: 30 April 2024 (annual) Study in:  France Course starts Sept 2024

Carsten Stoehr Scholarship in Government at London School of Economics and Political Science

Deadline: 25 April 2024 (Annual) Study in: UK Course starts September 2024

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  • 35+ International Scholarships for Development-Related Studies
  • Top 10 Prestigious Scholarships for the Best International Students
  • Top 15 International Scholarships for Developing Country Students
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  • 20+ Tuition Scholarships offered by Universities for International Students
  • Top 10 Scholarships for Study in Any Country or Anywhere
  • Top 25 Foreign Government Scholarships for International Students
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  • Top 10 Scholarships in New Zealand for International Students
  • Top 75 International Scholarships to Watch out for in 2024

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France Excellence Eiffel scholarship program

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Call for applications 2024 is closed. The next call for applicatio 2025 will start in October 2024.

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs.

It gives opportunity to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study, and encourages applicants from foreign countries up to 25 years old at master’s level, and applicants up to 30 years old at PhD level.

2024 Campaign Timeline

  • Opening of the call for applications: week of September 18, 2023
  • Deadline for the reception of applications by Campus France:  January 10, 2024 included .
  • Publication of results:  week of 8 April, 2024 .


  • Eiffel Programme rules – 2024 Session

Only applications submitted by French higher education institutions are accepted.

You are an institution and you have already participated in the Eiffel program => You should have received an email concerning the download of application files. If that is not the case, please contact us .

  • You are an institution participating for the first time in the Eiffel Program => Please Contact us in order download the application files.
  • You are a student interested in participating in the Eiffel program : click here

Contact Campus France - Programme Eiffel 28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles 75010 Paris Contact us

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Follow the main steps to come study in France 2024 - 2025 - Find College and University Scholarships and Grants Free

2978 Scholarships for Phd in Europe

University and College Scholarships in Europe

Looking for any information about how to get some Europe scholarships and financial aid for Phd to pay out your tuition fees faster? You are in the right place and here you will find a variety of ongoing college and university scholarships ⭐ and other opportunities in Europe for 2024-2025 years, available for local scholars and international students.

You may also wish to subscribe to get our weekly scholarships-plus updates (locate a subscribe blue panel below).

Some of these scholarships in Europe are fully or partially funded, while some may have very specific benefits like tuition and accomodation fees coverage for international students, different allowances, or travel and insurance coverages. These Europe scholarships ⭐, grants, internships, and bursaries can be for both postgraduates and undergraduates, for Bachelors Degree, Masters, PhD, Fellowship or can be based on merit or have competitive schemes like contests or incentives and student loans. Scholarships are usually funded by Europe government, universities, colleges or private sponsors from Europe.

More Suggestions:

We are building a new Scholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.

European Education Area

How to apply for doctoral studies in europe.

Find out how to apply for doctoral studies, including a PhD, in Europe.

Getting started

In Europe, every university sets its own application criteria for doctoral studies. 

To successfully enter the world of research, it´s very important to be proactive and start your preparation early. 

The enrollment procedures take time. Prepare early, check entry requirements and collect your documents. 

Choose your topic

Choose your research topic well before starting your studies. 

Find out which university or programme meets your research interests and your academic background.

Find a supervisor

Finding a supervisor before applying could be either compulsory or advisable and it is usually the applicant’s responsibility. 

Check the research teams in the university and look at the publications written by your potential supervisor, as well as their research projects and supervised dissertations to ensure that his or her research areas match your plans.

Check language requirements

Examine the language skills needed for enrollment. It might be necessary to take a test or present internationally validated test results. 

Recognition of qualifications

Find out what documents need to be translated before applying and which ones may need ENIC-NARIC evaluation. 

Some documents might need to be certified by a notary, with an apostille attached.

Prepare your documents

The required documents vary. Usually, you need to prepare the following:

  • official copy of the previous diploma(s)
  • curriculum vitae (CV)
  • research proposal for your PhD
  • motivation letter
  • references and/or recommendation letters

Find a position and funding

EURAXESS is a European Commission portal providing information on research positions and funding to help researchers come to Europe to study, work in another European country and more.

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If you need to ask a question, please contact Europe direct .

21 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students in Europe

Here is a detailed list of fully funded scholarships for international students in Europe. These scholarships comprise of those obtainable in Europe and those obtainable outside Europe but European and probably all international students are eligible to apply for them.

In one of our compiled guides on how to secure scholarships abroad easily , we emphasized the fact that most international and local scholarships demand that applicants are already admitted into a course before they are awarded scholarships, and in that sense, we wrote on universities in Europe without application fees to help international students secure admission for free with which they can pursue scholarships.

You can also take a look at our guide that reveals the cheapest European countries for students who may need to shift interest to cut costs.

Scholarships For International Students In Europe – Fully Funded

Below is a list of scholarships for international students in Europe and also scholarships for both European and international students to study either in Europe or abroad. Note that these scholarships listed cover both scholarships for international students to study in Europe and scholarships for European and other international students to study in other countries too. They are all fully funded.

  • DAAD Scholarship for Masters and Ph.D. in Germany
  • Finland Government Scholarship
  • University of Canterbury Scholarship in New Zealand
  • Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (Sweden)
  • International Scholarship for Women in the USA
  • Fullbright Foreign Student Program in the USA
  • British Chevening Scholarships
  • The University of Sussex Postgraduate Scholarship in England
  • Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Students in Switzerland
  • University of Oxford Clarendon scholarships in the UK
  • Adelaide Scholarships International in Australia
  • University of Maastricht High Potential Scholarship in the Netherlands
  • Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto Canada
  • Danish Government Scholarships for Non-EU/EEA Students  (Denmark)
  • Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme (France)
  • VLIR-UOS Scholarship Awards (Belgium)
  • Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)
  • Developing Solutions Scholarships at the University of Nottingham (UK)
  • Erik Bleumink Scholarships at the University of Groningen (Netherlands)
  •  ETH Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)
  • Gates Cambridge Scholarships (UK)

1. DAAD Scholarship for Masters and Ph.D. in Germany

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) or German Academic Exchange Service, is a German academic support organization that funds international students to study in Europe.

The DAAD Scholarship is one of the best scholarships for international students in Europe currently and it has been there for quite a long time now.

This organization offers fully-funded scholarships to study for a Ph.D. or Master’s Degree from one of the prestigious universities in Germany. Before you apply, you must have a BSc. Degree on a proper four-year course and also possess two years or more of work experience after the degree.

The scholarship details are as follows;

  • Duration: 1-3 years
  • Scholarship application status: still open
  • Coverage of medical insurance and travel allowance
  • Document for employment confirmation will be required
  • 2 recommendation letters will also be required

The available courses for the DAAD Scholarship are;

  • Mathematics
  • Regional and Urban Planning
  • Agricultural and Forest Science
  • Social Sciences
  • Media studies
  • Engineering and Related Sciences
  • Political Economics Sciences
  • Medicine and Public Health
  • Natural and Environmental Sciences
  • Education and Law Apply Now

2. Finland Government Scholarship

This is a fully-funded scholarship provided by the Finnish government for international students in both Undergraduate and Master’s degrees to study in universities in Finland and it is open to students from anywhere in the world including Europe.

This is one of the most popular scholarships for international students in Europe covering up to full academic expenses.

All universities and universities of applied sciences have Finland scholarship opportunities for international students who want to study in Europe. Other Details of the Finland Government Scholarship for European and International Students are;

  • Duration: 2-4 years
  • Scholarship application status: Ended
  • Degree: Bachelor, Master degree
  • Financial coverage: Partially and Fully funded

Eligible Courses for the Finland Government Scholarship are;

  • Agricultural sciences(forestry, fisheries)
  • Health and Welfare Sciences
  • Social sciences
  • Business Administration
  • Veterinary Science
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Humanities Apply Now

3. University of Canterbury Scholarship

The University of Canterbury offers scholarship opportunities to international students who want to study in Europe. The scholarship is open to every nationality except New Zealand and Australian citizens who are not eligible.

The university offers international students fully-funded bachelor’s degree scholarships every year to all academic fields available in the university. Other Details of the University of Canterbury Scholarship are;

  • Scholarship application status: Ongoing
  • Deadline: October yearly
  • Degree: Undergraduate Scholarship
  • Financial coverage: Fully funded

Courses Eligible for the University of Canterbury Scholarship are;

  • Business management
  • Engineering
  • Health Sciences
  • Human development Apply Now

4. Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (Sweden)

The SI Scholarship for Global Professionals is an academic scholarship provided for full-time, one- or two-year, master’s studies in Sweden. The scholarship covers a wide range of study fields and over 700 of the 1000 English-taught master’s programs in Sweden.

Through the scholarship, the Swedish Institute (SI) aims to develop a network of future global leaders that will contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and drive the development of their home countries forward. The scholarship is open for applications once every year, for master’s studies beginning in the autumn semester. In order to apply you must: 

  • Be a citizen of one of the 41 countries that is eligible for the SI Scholarship for Global Professionals; 
  • Apply for a master’s program that is eligible for the SI scholarship;  
  • Be liable to pay tuition fees at University Admissions;  
  • Have demonstrated work experience; 
  • Have demonstrated leadership experience from a current or previous employer, or from civil society engagement.  About 700 English-taught master’s programs are eligible for the SI scholarship for Global Professionals, covering programs in the fields of humanities, agricultural science, medicine and public health, natural science, social science, and technology.   

5. International Scholarship for Women in the USA

Application for this scholarship is currently open, so go ahead and apply for it. It is a fully-funded scholarship open to every female student in Europe and around the world except Iran and she can apply in all academic fields of any university in the USA.

The admission will come in two batches and the deadline for selecting the first batch is April 20 th yearly while the deadline for the second batch is June 30th annually. Other details of the Scholarship are as follows;

  • Degree type: Bsc., Ph.D., and Master
  • Duration: 1-4 years depending on degree type and selected course
  • Scholarship application status: ongoing

You can apply in all academic fields of any university in the USA but you would need to submit an offer letter from the university before the deadline.

6. Fullbright foreign student program in the USA

This is a scholarship program for international students and it is open to students from all over the world to apply. If you are an international student who wants to pursue a master’s or Ph.D. degree, you could apply for this scholarship grant.

This one exactly isn’t for students who want to study in Europe but for European and international students who want to study in the USA.

This grant covers everything from tuition, living expenses, health insurance, etc. It is a fully-funded financial aid that will cover the study duration. You can choose any course/major offered by your preferred university in the USA.

7. British Chevening Scholarships

This is a scholarship grant specially awarded to students with leadership potential, by the UK government, to pursue a master’s degree program of their choice. It is a fully-funded grant and scholars may choose any field/major of their choice offered by their preferred university.

8. The University of Sussex postgraduate scholarship in England

Application for this fully funded scholarship is ongoing for students who want to pursue a master’s degree or postgraduate. Everyone from all over the world can participate even its citizens just be fast on the application as the deadline draws nigh.

You can go for any major offered by the University of Sussex and the financial coverage will cover your tuition, living expenses, and health insurance.

9. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship in Switzerland

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.

The research scholarship (research fellowship, PhD, Postdoc) is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree is the minimum qualification required) who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at the doctoral or post-doctoral level.

Art scholarships are open to art students wishing to pursue an initial arts master’s degree in Switzerland. Art scholarships are awarded for study at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts. This scholarship is available to students from a limited number of countries only.

10. University of Oxford Clarendon Scholarships in the UK

This is a fully-funded scholarship scheme awarded to about 140 scholars yearly by the Clarendon Scholarship Fund. This scholarship seems to be special as it is awarded to applicants on the basis of excellence and potential across all degree-bearing subjects at the graduate level.

The fund covers tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance and it is currently ongoing for application.

11. Adelaide Scholarships International in Australia

This a fully-funded grant open to every nationality and it is a scholarship scheme invented by Adelaide Scholarships International to attract high-quality students to boost the research efforts at the University of Adelaide. The grant covers yearly living allowance, health insurance, and tuition fees.

12. University of Maastricht High Potential Scholarship in the Netherlands

This is a scholarship by the UM to attract high-potential scholars from all over the world to pursue a master’s degree at the UM. The fund covers living allowance, health insurance, and tuition fees.

13. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto Canada

This is a scholarship program at the University of Toronto awarded to international students who show special academic achievement and creativity and who are seen as leaders within their school. The fund will cover tuition fees, incidental fees, books, and living expenses for up to four years.

14. Danish Government Scholarships for Non-EU/EEA Students  (Denmark)

The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) offers a limited number of tuition waivers and grants through the Danish Government Scholarship program. The scholarships are competitive and offered to highly talented students with outstanding academic records from non-EU/EEU countries. All non-EU/EEA applicants offered admission will automatically be considered for the scholarship. The Danish Government Scholarship is granted as full or partial tuition fee waivers and/or as an amount covering basic living costs.

15. Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme (France)

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their master’s and Ph.D. programs.

It gives opportunities to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study, and encourages applicants from foreign countries up to 25 years old at the master’s level, and applicants up to 30 years old at PhD level.

16. VLIR-UOS Scholarship Awards (Belgium)

They award scholarships to students and professionals from Africa, Asia, or Latin America to study in Flanders, as well as travel grants to Flemish/European students to do fieldwork/internships in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. They award scholarships to applicants from 29 eligible countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to attend one of the 15 master’s programs taught in English at one or more Flemish universities. VLIR-UOS provides an annual intake of 10 new first-year scholarships for each ICP

17. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship is an award available to outstanding students from outside Europe. The value of the award is 25,000 Euro per annum for a maximum of 2 years. The purpose is to provide excellent students with the opportunity to complete a Master’s degree at the University of Amsterdam. There is no set number of scholarships to be awarded under this program. Students must be in the top 10% of their class and must be eligible for a Master’s course at the University of Amsterdam. Students must be based outside the EU.

18. Developing Solutions Scholarships at the University of Nottingham (UK)

Developing Solutions is the University of Nottingham (UK) flagship master’s scholarship, founded in 2001, for students from African, South Asian, and other selected Commonwealth countries. This scholarship program is designed for international students who want to make a difference in the development of key economic, environmental, structural, social, or political structures in their home country.

The University of Nottingham offers scholarships covering 50% or 100% of full-time master’s tuition fees. These one-year scholarships are available to support innovative and passionate students who can successfully demonstrate their ingenuity in developing solutions that will impact their home countries and incite change.

19. Erik Bleumink Scholarships at the University of Groningen (Netherlands)

Provided by the University of Groningen, this grant is awarded for a 1 year or 2 years Master’s degree program. The grant covers tuition fees, costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance. A considerable number of students apply for this scholarship each year, whereas the University can issue only a limited number of grants.

20. ETH Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)

ETH Zurich supports outstanding students who wish to pursue Master’s degree studies by offering scholarship and opportunity program. The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) supports students with a scholarship, mentorship, and a network of the ETH Foundation. The scholarship covers the full study and living costs during the Master’s degree course. The scholarship consists of a scholarship covering living and study expenses (CHF 12’000 per semester) as well as a tuition fee waiver. ESOP is awarded for the regular duration of the Master’s program (three or four semesters). This also applies to the tuition fee waiver. Only ETH Bachelor students may start the ESOP with a leave of absence.

21. Gates Cambridge Scholarships (UK)

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship program was established in October 2000 by a historic donation of US$210m from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the University of Cambridge. The first class of scholars came into residence in October 2001. Since then, the Trust has awarded over 2,000 scholarships to scholars from more than 100 countries.

Each year Gates Cambridge offers c.80 full-cost scholarships to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Approximately two-thirds of these awards will be offered to PhD students, with approximately 25 awards available in the US round and 55 available in the International round. A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge. It also provides additional, discretionary funding.

More About Scholarships for International Students in Europe

Scholarships have helped a lot of students achieve their academic goals in life as well as pushed them up the professional ladder, especially, fully-funded scholarships.

Fully funded scholarships are sometimes different from full-tuition scholarships because while full-tuition scholarships ensure payment of only tuition fees in some cases, fully-funded scholarships cover tuition fees, housing, feeding, medicals, flight from applicant country to host country, and in many cases, it also pays the beneficiaries stipends for personal upkeep.

Here at Study Abroad Nations , we’ve helped over 300,000 students discover and apply for scholarships and today, we will be adding to the numbers through this novel guide on how to secure fully-funded European scholarships for international students.

What is a scholarship?

A scholarship is a grant or payment awarded to a student in other to help them further their education and it can be awarded on the basis of academic achievement or other achievements.

You may begin to wonder, how does one get a scholarship opportunity? or what are the ways one can get a scholarship? Good thing I have done a lot of research on this matter and I have valid answers to your questions.

How International Students Can Apply for Scholarships to Study in Europe Successfully

As an international student who wants to study in Europe with a fully-funded scholarship or maybe at least with a full-tuition scholarship, you have to put the following factors into consideration

1. Begin early research

It is advisable to start researching early for scholarships as gathering information on time will help you know how to go about it. Here, we help you with this by publishing scholarship opportunities daily and you can also sign up for our free scholarship updates so we can send you a compilation of available scholarships daily.

You can also join our study abroad and scholarship telegram group to chat with other international students and get updates on available scholarships. If you follow us on twitter , you will be the first to learn about our scholarship updates because we tweet them immediately after they are published.

Time is really necessary when applying for scholarships, the earlier you submit your applications the better for you, all in all, just try to meet the deadline of any scholarship you are applying to.

Aside from meeting deadlines, we advise you to apply earlier, especially for fully funded scholarships because the competition is always very high here coupled with the fact that a lot of international students are routing for Europe and a majority of them are searching for scholarship opportunities just like you.

2. Sign up for a scholarship search

You can use our free scholarship search engine here to search for available scholarships in any country and for any program. You can also click here directly for scholarships in Europe .

Searching for scholarships is also a way of discovering new scholarships to apply for.

Registering for a scholarship search will help you find scholarships that match your interest, skills, and activities and you could set up customized notifications to alert you when fully funded scholarships in Europe that match your profile becomes available.

3. Let people close to you know about your search for a scholarship

Discuss it with your school counselor, teachers, parents, and others. Scholarships are opportunities and they may pop up from anywhere, so it is advisable to talk about it to the people around you just in case an opportunity comes up.

In our international social groups on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Telegram, you can meet international and domestic students in Europe who could help you to actualize your dreams of studying abroad with a scholarship.

4. Ensure you make the right application decision always

Applying to a university/college that fits your profile is the best way to win a scholarship.

Most international scholarships require that applicants, first of all, should apply and be offered admission to a certain school before they are considered for scholarships.

In fact, some international scholarships in Europe are awarded directly just by considering a student’s former academic performance without even asking the student to sit for any scholarship exam.

FAQs on Scholarships For International Students In Europe

Can a current college or university student apply for a n european scholarship.

Yes, you can, it is completely open to everyone, whether you are still in college or your final years in high school unless otherwise stated.

Every scholarship publication has application criteria, once you meet these criteria and every other qualification, you can go ahead and apply.

In fact, it is better to start the college scholarship application while you are still in high school, remember, the earlier the better.

How many scholarships can a single person apply for?

There are millions of scholarships out there so go ahead and apply for as much as you can, I have students who apply for up to 5-7 scholarships in a week.

Scholarships are very competitive and the tough will always have it. So never get tired of applying until you finally land one.

Important Scholarship Application Tips

  • Be proactive, that is, keep applying whether you’re in college or not
  • Pay attention to details
  • Be thorough
  • If the application involves scholarship essay writing , do your best.

It doesn’t matter if you are an international student who wants to study in Europe or anywhere in the world the tips and ways of scholarship application I have provided above are the same, follow them diligently and you will definitely succeed.

Conclusion: Scholarships for international students in Europe

For those seeking scholarships for international students in Europe, keeping to these tips will do you every good as winning European scholarships is most times very competitive and you need extra effort to stay ahead of the competition.

So, after all my research I was able to come up with a list of 15 fully funded scholarships for international students in Europe currently and I decided to list and give details of every one of them above.

The main purpose of this article is to bring to your notice some scholarships for international students in Europe, majorly, those that are fully funded to ease you from the financial stress of studying abroad. We went ahead also to list more fully funded international scholarships for European students to study abroad.


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Last Updated on November 12, 2023 by SAN

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DAAD Scholarships - An Overview

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Would you like to study, carry out research or learn German in Germany and are you looking for funding? Every year, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports well over 100,000 German and international students and researchers around the globe – making it the world's largest funding organisation of its kind. Learn more about our scholarship options.

DAAD scholarships are aimed primarily at graduates, doctoral students and postdocs and are awarded for study and research visits to universities and non-university research institutions in Germany. In some programmes, internships are also funded.

DAAD awards Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates for PhD students from almost all countries of origin. A grant for a full doctoral programme in Germany is offered primarily to applicants from developing and threshold countries (based on the OECD-DAC list ).

Scholarships for a Master's degree in Germany are available, in particular, for persons from industrial countries.

Students and doctoral candidates who are at risk of being denied educational or other rights in their country of origin have the chance to apply for a scholarship from the Hilde Domin Programme . Potential candidates cannot themselves apply for participation in the scholarship programme but are nominated by an institution or organisation that is a legal entity domiciled in Germany. Thereafter, suitable candidates will be contacted by the DAAD and invited to apply via the DAAD application portal.

Also available are so-called " Sur-place and Third Country Programmes " in which students and young scientists and researchers are offered DAAD funding for a graduate programme, doctoral programme or postdoc period in their home country or region.

If you wish to apply for a DAAD scholarship, please read the call for applications for your chosen scholarship programme in the scholarship database , paying particular attention to application deadlines. The scholarship database will take you to the application portal. Scholarship applications are reviewed by independent and voluntary selection committees, which also decide on the allocation of scholarships. Selection is based on subject-related criteria.

DAAD scholarships do not have to be paid back. They usually consist of a monthly scholarship payment (currently, for example,  € 934 for graduates and € 1,200 for doctoral/PhD students) and a flat-rate travel allowance. In many cases, DAAD also provides you with health, accident and personal liability insurance . Depending on scholarship programme, here are also additional benefits such as a one-off research allowance, family benefits or funds for language courses. The benefits offered by the respective scholarship programme are described in the call for applications in the scholarship database .

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn

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  • CEU Doctoral Scholarships

CEU has an international reputation for high-quality postgraduate education delivered in a research-led environment. In pursuit of our mission , we strive to attract the very best graduates worldwide for our doctoral program. Candidates who apply by the  financial aid deadline  are automatically considered for the CEU Doctoral Scholarship, covering the full cost of tuition, complete with a monthly stipend to assist with housing and living costs.

Doctoral Stipend - 1,880 EUR/gross/month

Doctoral students receive a monthly stipend to help with housing and living expenses. Each student is responsible for securing accommodation for themselves.

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Top 20 Europe Scholarships for International Students

Great News! Now you can study in Europe for free with fully funded scholarships. Here are the latest Top 20 Fully or Partially Funded Scholarships in Europe for 2024 - 2025 . With these scholarships, one can study and live in Europe at no cost. If you are looking for Masters, PhD, or undergraduate scholarships in Europe (with or without IELTS requirements) and meet some basic criteria for admission to universities in Europe, you can apply for the following scholarships. One way that international students can help finance their studies in Europe is through scholarships, which are non-repayable financial awards. They are often awarded to students with outstanding academic achievements, although some also recognize volunteer and work experience. Europe is renowned for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, highly qualified professors, and excellent research opportunities, attracting students globally to pursue higher education. For international students, the financial burden of studying abroad, with tuition fees in foreign currency, can be significant. Fully funded scholarships offer a viable solution to this challenge, providing substantial financial support to international students. These scholarships not only cover tuition fees but also often include living expenses, enabling students to focus fully on their studies and research without financial worries. In 2024, a diverse range of fully funded scholarships are available, supporting students from various countries to achieve their academic goals in Europe. Studying in Europe can be quite expensive; therefore, you may apply for fully funded scholarships in Europe, as well as for partially funded scholarships and tuition fee waivers at institution and universities inEurope. You will be able to work on a student visa and manage other expenses.

Arqus European University Talent Scholarships.

Arqus European University Talent Scholarship Fund 2024 (Study Free in Europe)

  • Partial Funding
  • European Universities
  • All Subjects
  • International Students

Arqus European University Talent Scholarship Fund 2024 (Study Free in Europe) is a Partial Funding scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Arqus European University Talent Scholarship Fund 2024 (Study Free in Europe) . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Arqus European University Talent Scholarship Fund 2024 (Study Free in Europe).

UNICAF Scholarships.

UNICAF Scholarships 2024/2025 (for BS, MS and PhD)

  • UK Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities European Universities
  • Bachelor, Masters, PhD
  • UK, USA, Africa, Europe

UNICAF Scholarships 2024/2025 (for BS, MS and PhD) is a Partial Funding scholarship in UK, USA, Africa, Europe offered by UK Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities UK, USA, Africa, Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Bachelor, Masters, PhD in UNICAF Scholarships 2024/2025 (for BS, MS and PhD) . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per UK Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities's admission rules and then apply for UNICAF Scholarships 2024/2025 (for BS, MS and PhD).

Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarships.

Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 2024.

  • Fully Funded
  • Japan Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities European Universities, Oceania Universities
  • Economic policy management, tax policy, and infrastructure management
  • Japan, USA, Africa, Europe

Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 2024. is a Fully Funded scholarship in Japan, USA, Africa, Europe offered by Japan Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities Japan, USA, Africa, Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 2024. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per Japan Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities's admission rules and then apply for Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 2024..

Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business 2024.

Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business 2024.

  • European Universities.
  • Healthcare, medical, Technology
  • International Students, Domestic Students

Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business 2024. is a Partial Funding scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students, Domestic Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business 2024. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business 2024..

List of Fully Funded Scholarships.

List of Fully Funded Scholarships Offered by European Government in 2024.

  • Partial Funding, Fully Funded

List of Fully Funded Scholarships Offered by European Government in 2024. is a Partial Funding, Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Bachelor, Masters, PhD in List of Fully Funded Scholarships Offered by European Government in 2024. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for List of Fully Funded Scholarships Offered by European Government in 2024..

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarships.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (MSc RePIC)

  • Full tuition fee
  • industrial design, Urban Planning

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (MSc RePIC) is a Full tuition fee scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (MSc RePIC) . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (MSc RePIC).

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program 2024-25, Europe.

  • Provided by European Union

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program 2024-25, Europe. is a Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program 2024-25, Europe. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program 2024-25, Europe..

Canon Foundation Research Fellowships, Europe.

Canon Foundation Research Fellowships, Europe.

  • Stipened up to 30,000 Euros per year.
  • Offered by Canon Foundation.
  • Europe, Japan

Canon Foundation Research Fellowships, Europe. is a Stipened scholarship in Europe, Japan offered by Europe, Japan . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Fellowship in Canon Foundation Research Fellowships, Europe. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Canon Foundation Research Fellowships, Europe..

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 for International Students.

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 for International Students.

  • Fellowship, Post Doctorate

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 for International Students. is a Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Fellowship, Post Doctorate in MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 for International Students. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 for International Students..

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Scholarships.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Scholarships 2024-25 for International Students (Fully Funded)

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Scholarships 2024-25 for International Students (Fully Funded) is a Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Scholarships 2024-25 for International Students (Fully Funded) . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Scholarships 2024-25 for International Students (Fully Funded).

European Central Bank ECB Scholarships.

European Central Bank ECB Scholarship for Women 2023-24 in Europe.

  • Economics, Statistics, Engineering, Computing Science
  • International Students, European Union Students

European Central Bank ECB Scholarship for Women 2023-24 in Europe. is a Partial Funding scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students, European Union Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in European Central Bank ECB Scholarship for Women 2023-24 in Europe. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for European Central Bank ECB Scholarship for Women 2023-24 in Europe..

DOC Nomads Joint Master European Scholarships.

DOC Nomads Joint Master European Scholarships 2023-25 - (Erasmus Mundus Scholarship)

  • University of Theatre and Film Arts, Lusofona University, College Sint Lukas
  • Film Studies, Documentary Film Directing
  • International Students Selected countries

DOC Nomads Joint Master European Scholarships 2023-25 - (Erasmus Mundus Scholarship) is a Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by University of Theatre and Film Arts, Lusofona University, College Sint Lukas Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in DOC Nomads Joint Master European Scholarships 2023-25 - (Erasmus Mundus Scholarship) . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per University of Theatre and Film Arts, Lusofona University, College Sint Lukas's admission rules and then apply for DOC Nomads Joint Master European Scholarships 2023-25 - (Erasmus Mundus Scholarship).

Fully-Funded Erasmus Mundus Master in Impact Entrepreneurship 2023-24

Fully-Funded Erasmus Mundus Master in Impact Entrepreneurship 2023-24 is a Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Fully-Funded Erasmus Mundus Master in Impact Entrepreneurship 2023-24 . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Fully-Funded Erasmus Mundus Master in Impact Entrepreneurship 2023-24.

Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2023-24 - Fully Funded

Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2023-24 - Fully Funded

  • Short Training
  • Mathematics
  • Developing Countries

Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2023-24 - Fully Funded is a Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . Developing Countries are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Short Training in Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2023-24 - Fully Funded . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2023-24 - Fully Funded.

European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022/2023

European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022/2023

  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Developing talents, advancing research
  • Post Doctorate

European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022/2023 is a Partial Funding scholarship in Europe offered by Europe . International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Post Doctorate in European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022/2023 . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission rules and then apply for European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022/2023.

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Makerere University Mastercard Foundation Scholarships 2024 (Fully Funded)

Webster vienna private university scholarships fall 2024 in austria, schlumberger foundation faculty for the future fellowships 2025/2026, international mathematical union (imu) breakout graduate fellowship 2024. (fully funded), amsterdam university of arts talent grant scholarships 2024 in netherlands, robert s. mcnamara fellowships the world bank 2025, iie-srf fully funded fellowships 2024-25 for international phd students., human frontier science program postdoctoral fellowships 2025/2026 (fully funded), japan manga award 2024: an opportunity for international cartoon and manga artists, university of pavia italy announces 6 fully-funded cicops scholarships for 2025, caregiver continuing education: 7 ways to advance your career, london centre for nanotechnology announces phd positions for 2024, ontario tech university has 16 vacant postdoctoral and academic positions., 69 vacant postdoctoral and academic positions at arizona university, 41 faculty positions at toronto university, canada, bocconi university launches scholarship program for 2024 academic year.

International PhD Scholarships

We are actively seeking high achieving candidates wishing to undertake doctoral level research in the areas of fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, multiphase flows & aerosols, biomedical flows or clean combustion to apply for scholarships at the University of Sydney, with the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. A successful candidate would have the opportunity to work in one of the most advanced laser diagnostic facilities in the world ( ) while having the ability to carry out high-fidelity numerical simulations on readily available supercomputing facilities. The University’s engineering faculty is consistently ranked amongst the top 100 in the world. 

Projects are available in the subject of experimental fluid dynamics (and some computational), with some key topic areas being:

Turbulent renewable and synthetic fuel sprays, Turbulent Clean Combustion, Multiphase flows of inhaled aerosols, design of devices for targeted treatment of respiratory disease, fluid dynamics of the extrathoracic airway, topics in electrohydrodynamic flow control, micro-combustion, and advanced laser diagnostics. Proposals in other areas may be considered.

What is funded

Candidates succesful with competitive international scholarships (more information here:… ) are eligible to receive funding for both tuition fees and living expenses at the standard annual stipend rate, for up to 3 years. Students unsuccesful with university wide scholarships may be considered for school level funding. Any additional funding (such as top up scholarships) are at the discretion of the school and will be assessed on an individual basis.

The PhD typically lasts for 3 years however extensions are possible subject to funding availability.


The competitive university wide scholarships are open for candidates with a minumum grade of First Class Honours equivalent (A Average) from a 4 year honours degree (with a thesis component). 5 year degrees with a significant research component are preferred, or students which hold both a Bachelors and Masters degree.

Succesful candidates are typically in the top 5-10% of their class.

Candidates with significant potential that are not successful with central university scholarships may be considered by the school for faculty level scholarships.

Application Process

At a first instance please contact Dr. Agisilaos Kourmatzis ( [email protected] ) to discuss the proposed research topic with a brief statement of interest, a CV and a full transcript of grades. After this, candidates must apply through the formal university process (… )


The responsibility for the funding offers published on this website, including the funding description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes.


  1. A Comprehensive List of PhD Scholarships Across Europe

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  3. 12 PhD Scholarship Positions in Europe

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  4. PhD Study in Europe *| obtaining a scholarship in Europe

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  5. PhD Scholarship in UK 2019 for EU and UK Students

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  6. Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe & USA 2023

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  1. master scholarship

  2. Scholarship Mastery Academy: How to use Euraxess and ResearchGate Platforms to Find #Scholarships

  3. Masters and PHD scholarships in Europe (Fully funded Scholarships)

  4. Fully Funded PhD Scholarship at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

  5. PhD in Europe, PhD salary in Italian universities. #shorts #italianuniversities #italyeducation

  6. PHD in Denmark| Here are the benefits| LEARN and EARN


  1. Europe Scholarships for International Students 2024-2025

    Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students. In Italy, all international students are entitled to the same financial assistance services as Italian students based on same requisites of financial means and/or merit. There are government scholarships at the national and regional level to which international students can apply for.

  2. 4 Phd Scholarships in Europe

    The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships offers graduates from about 180 nations the chance to pursue PhD and postdoctoral research in desired academic field at a recognised/public-funded Swiss institution. The scholarship awards cover tuition fees, lodging allowance, monthly allowance amongst other things.

  3. Scholarships, grants and financial support

    There are 100,000s of scholarships and financial support schemes available across Europe for international students who wish to study here. Some schemes cover part of the tuition fees, some cover all of the tuition fees, as well as supporting living costs too. Competition can be strong, but it is well worth exploring your options.

  4. europe PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Unravelling the subsistence and diet of late Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens in Central and Southeast Europe. University of Reading School of Archaeology. Applications are invited for a research studentship in the field of zooarchaeology, resulting in the award of a PhD degree. The post is fully-funded and includes a bursary and tuition ...

  5. Find a scholarship

    How to get a scholarship in Europe, EU funding programmes for education, country profiles, find out about research and other costs, scholarships for international students, grants for interpretation students. Bursaries for conference interpreting students.

  6. France Excellence Eiffel scholarship program

    The next call for applicatio 2025 will start in October 2024. The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs. It gives opportunity to the future foreign ...

  7. PhD Study in Europe

    A PhD from Europe often also includes a range of additional training and development opportunities (this, after all, is the continent that invented the modern doctoral degree). ... PhD students in Europe also have the potential to benefit from wider funding schemes such as Erasmus+ or MSCA scholarships. These are usually focussed on student ...

  8. Europe Scholarships for Phd

    In addition to the stipend, the Foundation will cover the cost of health insurance in Belgium through its group policy. No further financial aid is available.... more details. Master, PhD. 31-Oct-2024. Belgium. $$ $30,000 for Master's or PhD students, $34,000 for Post-doctoral Fellows.

  9. How to apply for doctoral studies in Europe

    Getting started. In Europe, every university sets its own application criteria for doctoral studies. To successfully enter the world of research, it´s very important to be proactive and start your preparation early. The enrollment procedures take time. Prepare early, check entry requirements and collect your documents.

  10. 2024 Hardiman PhD Scholarship

    The Hardiman PhD Scholarships are fully funded for four years, with a stipend of €22,000 p.a. plus tuition fee waiver. High-achieving individuals, with drive and passion, who have an appetite for the research world and creativity, who thrive on intellectual excitement, and who will positively impact and shape the future for all in our society.

  11. 21 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students in Europe

    Apply Now. 5. International Scholarship for Women in the USA. Application for this scholarship is currently open, so go ahead and apply for it. It is a fully-funded scholarship open to every female student in Europe and around the world except Iran and she can apply in all academic fields of any university in the USA.

  12. DAAD Scholarships

    DAAD. scholarships. are aimed primarily at graduates, doctoral students and. postdocs. and are awarded for study and research visits to universities and non-university research institutions in Germany. In some programmes, internships. are also funded. DAAD awards Research Grants - One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates for PhD students from ...

  13. fully funded PhD for international students PhD Projects ...

    Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world. PhDs ; PhD Opportunities ... PhD Studies in the Heart of Europe. The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Organ Biology (IMPRS-MOB) offers fully funded positions to talented and enthusiastic students holding a relevant Master's degree

  14. Hardiman PhD Scholarships 2022

    The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes. We are pleased to announce the launch of the 2022 Hardiman PhD Scholarships scheme for 'new' PhD students. The Hardiman PhD Scholarships are fully funded for four years; with a stipend of €18,500 per annum, plus ...

  15. CEU Doctoral Scholarships

    Candidates who apply by the financial aid deadline are automatically considered for the CEU Doctoral Scholarship, covering the full cost of tuition, complete with a monthly stipend to assist with housing and living costs. Doctoral Stipend - 1,880 EUR/gross/month. Please note: That PhD stipends are taxable in Austria.

  16. Top 20 Europe Scholarships for International Students

    Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program 2024-25, Europe. is a Fully Funded scholarship in Europe offered by Europe. International Students are eligible to apply and receive a scholarship for Masters in Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program 2024-25, Europe. . International students are required to comply with the admission criteria as per 's admission ...

  17. PhD Scholarships for International Students

    The Romanian government yearly offers scholarships for prospective students who wish to undertake undergraduate, graduate or doctoral studies in Romania. The scholarships are granted for three levels of study: a) for the first cycle (licenta): This scheme is dedicated to graduates of high schools or of equivalent pre-university systems, as well ...

  18. PhD Programmes, Research Projects & Studentships in the UK & Europe

    PhD Studentship opportunities in the College of Business and Social Sciences. Exceptional research and doctoral training. 5-year funding available. Discover Research at the School of Science, Engineering and Environment. Join a research community making a difference in society with a London Met PhD.

  19. PhDs in European Studies

    To be eligible for a PhD in European Studies, you will typically need a strong academic background in a related field such as languages, literature, cultural studies, or European studies. A minimum of a 2.1 Honours degree is usually required, although specific requirements may vary between universities.

  20. DAAD: MA & PhD scholarships EPOS now OPEN for 2025/2026

    The call for EPOS scholarships is open. This DAAD full scholarship program, called Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS) in English and Entwicklungsbezogene Postgraduiertenstudiengänge (EPOS) in German, offers professional graduates the possibility of pursuing Master's or Doctoral studies at German universities.. The call for EPOS scholarships includes a specific list of academic ...

  21. PhD Fellowship

    The PhD Fellowship ... Europe is defined by geography and includes also Turkey and Israel. The fellowship provides a country-dependent monthly stipend for up to 3.5 years and a travel allowance to attend conferences plus benefits from the alumni network. There are three application closing dates per year: February 1, June 1 and October 1.

  22. International PhD Scholarships

    Eligibility. The competitive university wide scholarships are open for candidates with a minumum grade of First Class Honours equivalent (A Average) from a 4 year honours degree (with a thesis component). 5 year degrees with a significant research component are preferred, or students which hold both a Bachelors and Masters degree.