Rolf BRÜHL - Berlin Campus

Prof. Dr. Rolf BRÜHL

Scientific Director + 49 (0) 30 32 007 150

Fabian Felten  - PhD Programmes -  Berlin Campus

Fabian Felten

PhD Programmes Tel: +49 30 32007 139

Berlin | Doctoral Programme

  • Berlin Doctoral Programme

Entry level

University degree in Business Administration or Economics (Graduate Diploma or Master/Magister)

German and English

An annual intake of around ten participants from different courses of study.

Where you study

  • Faculty & Research
  • Application and Fees

Berlin Doctoral Programme A leading player among German business school faculties

Rolf BRÜHL - Berlin Campus

- Prof. Dr. Rolf Brühl, Scientific Director of doctoral studies, ESCP Berlin Campus

Since 2003, when it was granted the right to confer doctoral degrees, ESCP Berlin Campus has offered a European doctoral programme in International Management. The School has set itself the task of providing new generations of university graduates with high-quality postgraduate study, which includes the writing and defence of an outstanding thesis, entitling the author to the academic degree of “Doctor of Business Administration” (Dr. rer. Pol.).

An intensive supervision

An intensive supervision to each doctoral student is an integral part of the programme. The regular period of doctoral study is three years: In the first year several courses are to complete: from philosophy of science to international business. The second and third year are primarily devoted to writing the thesis. The course of study ends with the “disputation”.

The ESCP Berlin Campus has joined the “recommendations for assuring a good scientific practice“ and has decided to adopt the “Procedure in Cases of Suspected Scientific Misconduct”

Application for the Doctoral programme

PhD regulation [DE]

The PhD regulation can be downloaded at the following link as a pdf document:

Scientific Misconduct [DE]

Procedure in Cases of Suspected Scientific Misconduct

Work for Us

Work for ESCP Berlin during the Doctoral programme

Berlin Doctoral Programe Europäisches Promotionsstudium in Internationaler Betriebswirtschaftslehre

The regular period of doctoral study is three years..

In their first year doctoral students take part in block seminars and lectures. The seminars build on the students’ university education and, in addition, coach the methodical and methodological skills needed to successfully write a thesis. The seminars are offered as block courses and have the following thematic priorities:

  • International Management
  • Theoretical and methodological problems of intercultural / international comparative research
  • Research programs in economics
  • Methods of the empirical social research
  • Theorie of Science

Second and Third Year

The second and third years are primarily devoted to writing the thesis, which takes place in close coordination with the supervising professor. Parallel to this, in the framework of research colloquia, current topics of international business studies and related disciplines are taken up and discussed with regard to both contents and methods. In the colloquia, too, doctoral students regularly report on the progress of their thesis, subjecting their work to critical discussion.

Academic exchange

In order to further academic exchange at the Business School , the participants of the programme take part in workshops with doctoral students from other ESCP campuses. Visits abroad for research purposes, as well as the presentation of research results at international congresses, are encouraged, and receive financial support from the ESCP network. The course of study ends with the “disputation”, the oral defence of the thesis.

Berlin Doctoral Programme application and fees

Application process and fees.

ESCP expects from its young scientists outstanding academic work and provides an optimal supervisory relationship. Therefore, the approval process for the doctoral program is highly selective. The programme has an annual intake of around ten participants from different courses of study. About 35 doctoral students are currently being supervised at ESCP Berlin Campus.


University degree in business administration or economics.

University degree in Business Administration or Economics (Graduate Diploma or Master/Magister) rated good or higher; further requirements apply to graduates of other subjects as well as to applicants from other institutions of higher education. The relevant provisions can be found in our PhD regulations (paragraph 3).

High level of proficiency in English

The seminars of the doctoral programme will be offered entirely in English; proficiency in further languages if research visits abroad are planned.


Step 1 contact the academic chair.

Candidates for the program contact the academic chair for the field they are interested in and ask weather a cooperation is possible. The supervision of extra-occupational promotions can be realized.

Step 2 Application Documents

If there is the opportunity to support your research project, application documents need to be submitted. Please use the application form , it includes a list with further documents which are required for a successful application.

Step 3 Admission Interview

Suitable candidates will be invited for an admission interview. Based on the interview and the submitted documents, candidates are suggested to the doctoral board for participating in the doctoral programme which decides on the admission of the candidate.

Annual Fee (3 years)

Registration fee (for admission), final exam (disputation.

In general, these costs are eliminated for research assistants of ESCP Berlin Campus.

business phd in germany

  • / Study programs
  • / Doctoral students
  • Professorships
  • International
  • Career / Alumni

Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultaet_engl

  • IBA (Bachelor)
  • IBWL (Bachelor)
  • RWWR (Bachelor)
  • WP (Bachelor, dual)
  • IBA (Master)

Doctoral students

  • Course schedule
  • Course evaluation
  • Examinations
  • Advisory service
  • Examination boards
  • PhD admission board
  • Promotionsordnung
  • Promotionsausschuss
  • Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies
  • Promovieren mit Kind/ern
  • Aktuelle Disputationstermine

Graduation-Day-2023 ©Werbeagentur Giraffe

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) awards the academic degree of "Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften" (abbreviated: Dr. rer. pol.) on the basis of a scientific paper (dissertation) and an oral examination (disputation).

The doctorate serves as proof of the ability to do in-depth work in business administration and economics. The doctoral procedure is carried out by the dean, the faculty board and the examination boards. The faculty board is responsible for the organizational and administrative conduct of doctoral matters. It appoints a  PhD admission board .

Prerequisite for admission to the doctoral procedure are in principle:

  • a completed diploma or master's degree in business administration and/or economics at a university or equivalent institution of higher education as well as at universities of applied sciences within the scope of the German Higher Education Framework Act (Hochschulrahmengesetz) and a final grade of at least "good" or  
  • a completed bachelor's degree in business administration and/or economics at a university or equivalent institution of higher education as well as at universities of applied sciences within the scope of the German Higher Education Framework Act (Hochschulrahmengesetz) with a final grade of "very good" and the successful completion of an aptitude assessment procedure at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

For further regulations in connection with admission, please refer to the doctoral regulations (Promotions­ordnung) .

The application for admission to the doctorate must be addressed to the dean; the dean will forward the application to the PhD admission board. 

Within the framework of the doctorate, participation in courses of the doctoral program of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics amounting to 10 ECTS credits is required. The selection of courses is made in consultation with the supervisor. Please refer to the course catalog below for courses that can basically be credited. Furthermore, three presentations in the doctoral seminar or at scientific conferences are obligatory within the framework of the doctorate..

The times and rooms of the current courses for Doctral students / PhD are published in  viaCampus .

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Doctoral programme student in front of FS Campus

Programme Overview

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is one of Europe’s leading business schools with an internationally recognised reputation for relevant and rigorous research. We are determined to attract the most talented doctoral students in accounting, economics, finance and management, therefore we offer a stimulating academic environment.

Researchers at Frankfurt School work on fundamental problems that challenge firms and society. How should firms respond to climate change? Can markets be redesigned to support fair outcomes? Does working from home improve gender equality?

The five-year doctoral programme equips students to contribute to these debates. The first two years generally consist of classes in which students focus on analytical skills. Students also take courses in their chosen area of academic specialisation in Accounting, Economics, Finance, or Management, which provides the foundation from which to develop research topics. The programme encourages students to broaden their scope and obtain training in related areas such as data sciences, operations research, or economics.

The coursework phase ends when students successfully pass their Qualifying Exam and graduate to the dissertation stage. At this time, students have the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree in Business Research and Analytics as part of their doctoral programme. In the dissertation stage (years 3-5), students move to active research and write their dissertation.

While our primary intention is to provide graduates with an ideal platform to enter the world of academia, their research topics are also directly relevant for business and politics. We train our students to develop solutions to complex problems and to develop the social and conceptual skills they need to advise others. Our faculty mentors and supports students in their research. This nurturing intellectual climate is combined with an exciting state-of-the-art campus environment.

Frankfurt School confers a Dr. rer. pol., the German equivalent of a PhD in Economics. The School offers fully-funded study places and a generous monthly stipend for up to 5 years.

Menghan Zhu

by Menghan Zhu

From a doctoral student to an assistant professor of accounting.

Jonas Wessel

by Jonas Wessel

How my phd visit strengthened my research network.

Prof. Dr. Christian Schmaltz

by Prof. Dr. Christian Schmaltz

Should pandemic scenarios be included in the risk management tool box.

Prof. Dr. Christian Schmaltz

COVID-19: How can risk management handle the challenge?

Lorenzo Schönleber

by Lorenzo Schönleber

My journey on finding a finance assistant professor position.

Wenjiao Cao

by Wenjiao Cao

On the job market.

Lorenzo Schönleber

My PhD Visit at the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Science

Felix Fritsch

by Felix Fritsch

My experience in the fs doctoral programme.

Yuriy Timofeev

by Yuriy Timofeev

When do victims of non-financial fraud lose more.

Wenjiao Cao

Incentive-based Compensation and Financial Misreporting: Evidence from a Refined Sample

In the first two years, doctoral students attend core courses, elective courses, and concentration courses in their respective academic specialisations. In this phase, they obtain the knowledge and skills to research.

The four specialisations, Accounting, Economics, Finance & Management, follow a similar structure.

We asked Dr. Timo Vogelsang, Assistant Professor of Management Accounting, why it is important to invest in coursework at the beginning of your research career. Here is what he had to say:

Timo Vogelsang

“The courses are an important basis for excellence while doing your dissertation research. Moreover, during your academic career, you will probably never have so much time available to learn new things. My supervisor always told me this. Now I sometimes regret that I did not spend much more time during the course-phase to learn more about the most current empirical methods and theoretical approaches.“

Ruishen Zhang, Assistant Professor of Accounting

Ruishen Zhang, Assistant Professor of Accounting

Finished his doctoral studies at frankfurt school and is now an assistant professor at shanghai university of finance and economics., "the frankfurt school faculty has introduced me to a wide range of topics in accounting research and has helped me connect with the international research community. my experience at frankfurt school has prepared me for my academic career.", ruishen zhang, assistant professor of accounting,.

Prof. Dr. Tobias Berg

Prof. Dr. Tobias Berg

Professor of finance, head of finance department, „we seek to educate our dr. rer. pol. students so that they can work on the frontier of academic research. we want to foster creativity and challenge dr. rer. pol. students every day, making them well prepared to work at top universities and research institutions worldwide.“, prof. dr. tobias berg,.

Prof. Dr. Frank Ecker

Prof. Dr. Frank Ecker

Professor of accounting, head of accounting department, "what i find very attractive about accounting is how many different important research areas it actually encompasses. while evolving around the concept of “information”, accounting spans strategic considerations in the reporting of financial and non-financial information, consequences for resource-allocation decisions, corporate governance, employee performance measurement, and designing optimal incentive schemes, to name a few. many important questions in these areas remain unanswered, providing ample research opportunities for talented students from all over the world.", prof. dr. frank ecker,.

Ionela Andreicovici

Ionela Andreicovici

Assistant professor of accounting, “having a data science background myself, i can confidently say that frankfurt school is the perfect place for me to apply my knowledge in data science in answering important questions. for instance, i use machine learning algorithms to try to push the boundaries of accounting research. for dr. rer. pol. students, the faculty not only offers vision but also resources to support them in putting their data science knowledge into action while advancing their understanding of economics.”, ionela andreicovici,, doctoral student life at fs.

We asked some of our current doctoral students to describe a typical day in their lives at the Frankfurt School. Here is what they said:

Xu Huiting

"On a typical day, I get up at 7:30 am. I check my emails, do in-door sports, and have breakfast. I leave home around 9:15 am and learn German on the underground. At school, I continue working where I stopped yesterday. As a third-year student I have finished my coursework, so I fully focus on my research. My favourite part of the day is the lunch break when I meet my school mates. Today in the afternoon, I attended the regular reading group lead by Professor Falko Fecht on the topic of banking and financial intermediations."

My favourite part of the day is the lunch break when I meet my schoolmates. Today in the afternoon, I attended the regular reading group lead by Prof. Dr. Falko Fecht on the topic of banking and financial intermediations."


“Once a week, we usually have a research seminar day, where a scholar from another university presents their research. Sometimes these scholars are legends in your field, whose work is quoted everywhere and it is always interesting to see the rigour with which their work is still interrogated. My favourite thing about this day though, is you get a chance to spend some time speaking with them and you realize they are pretty cool people, trying to do the best research they can, just like you. ”

My favourite thing about this day though, is that you get a chance to spend some time speaking with them and you realise they are pretty cool people, trying to do the best research they can, just like you.”

Maximilian Vojgt

“On a usual day, I am arriving at my desk between 8 and 9 am after having exercised in the morning. Then, I am getting my first coffee in the Faculty Lounge, which is also an excellent place to meet fellow PhD-students or faculty. After that, I am settling down at my desk and start working. As I am mostly working on theoretical projects, a lot of my work consists of solving mathematical problems. Hence, I am either programming potential solution algorithms or I am working with pen and paper. Here, the atmosphere at the Frankfurt School allows me to work in a highly concentrated manner."

At around twelve, most doctoral students are having lunch together. So, that’s perfect timing to chat about current news, research updates, or general things. Often, we are also having a seminar at lunchtime, where a top researcher presents his or her current project. These seminars are mostly highly interactive and a good way to get to know professors from other institutions as well. Due to Corona, a lot of seminars also shifted to online, such that there is a virtual presentation at some conference or seminar series almost every day. After lunch, I am typically trying to read a paper to catch-up with the current state of research. Thereby, I am trying not to focus too much on a single field but really to get a broader understanding of the economics and finance literature. Thereafter, I am often having a meeting with my supervisor or some other faculty member in the afternoon. There, we discuss my progress and these meetings are a great opportunity to ask open questions that help me to progress faster. After having had some more coffees throughout the day, I am leaving the Frankfurt School in the evening. After dinner at home, I am mostly reading books that are not connected to my research. Sometimes, this is also the perfect time to answer emails from students that arrived throughout the day.”

Student funding and scholarships

Frankfurt School offers fully-funded study places for the doctoral programme in order to attract and support the brightest minds in academia.

Students are expected to devote 100% of their working time to their doctoral studies at Frankfurt School for up to five years.

Funding includes a tuition fee waiver and a cost-of-living stipend. The monthly stipend comprises of EUR 1,820.

The stipend will be granted for five years, conditional on continuing to satisfy all academic programme requirements.

Doctoral students will receive EUR 1,820 from the first year onwards, for five years.

Furthermore, Frankfurt School covers costs related to research, including conferences and overseas visits.

Publications by doctoral students

Frankfurt School doctoral students contribute to high-quality research and publish in scientific top journals.


Paper title


Accounting, Organizations and Society

2023, 101469

Review of Financial Studies,

2021, 34(3), 1540-1571

Zacharias Sautner

Management Science (accepted

May 2021, forthcoming)

Strategic Management Journal

John Joseph

Management Science

Fousseni Chabi-Yo

phd placment candidates

Application process

1. target group.

Outstanding graduates of a Bachelor‘s or Master’s programme in business administration, finance, management, accounting or related fields who aspire to launch an academic career.

Candidates in the final year of a Master’s or Bachelor’s programme are welcome to apply with their most recent academic transcript. Please note that the degree has to be completed by the time of the beginning of the PhD. The expected grade of the applicants may not be less than a “B” grade point average or 75% of the achievable credits. Foreign degrees will be checked regarding their equivalence.

2. Online Application

The first step of our application process is to complete the online application form. You will need to upload the required documents. Please note that you need a certified English or German translation for all documents not originally in German or English. The application platform will be open from 15 September until 15 January

Required Documents

  • CV and list of publications (if existent)
  • Certified copy of your University Entrance Qualification (Abitur, A-levels or equivalent)
  • Certified copy of your University Degree Certificate or equivalent and academic transcript of records
  • Official GMAT or GRE results
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency Test (TOEFL IBT min. score of 100/IELTS min. score of 7.0)
  • Statement of Purpose (up to 2 pages): Why are you interested in your chosen field of study? What are the potential areas of research you might pursue? Have you completed any research projects with faculty? Is the research of any member of the FS faculty of interest to you?
  • Optional Statement: If you would like the committee to consider any of the following factors, you can describe their relevance in a separate statement within the application. This can contribute to the diversity of the entering class: background, extracurricular activities, work experience.

Two letters of recommendation: To request the letters from your recommenders, you have to register on a separate platform and send your request from there.

Please click on this link to access the platform:

Create a profile by clicking on the button “Apply now”.

If you require assistance, go to the “Home” tab and click the “Dossier Quick Start Guide”.

Once you send your request to your potential recommender, they will receive an e-mail together with a link where they can upload their recommendation letter confidentially. Please provide a deadline for your recommendation letter to ensure we receive it on time. Once the recommender has uploaded the letter, we will be notified and will be able to access it.

3. Interview

Successful applicants will be invited to an online interview with faculty members of their chosen concentration.

The final decision regarding admission to our doctoral programme will be made by the Committee for Doctoral Proceedings. It is based on the applicant's overall portfolio and the interview.

If you wonder what qualities the selection committee is looking for in applicants, here is some advice:

Markus Fitza

Prof. Dr. Markus Fitza, Professor of Management

states: “We are looking for outstanding conceptual and analytical skills. A genuine interest in research and a career in academia is a must.”

Francesco Sangiorgi

Prof. Dr. Francesco Sangiorgi, Professor of Finance

similarly highlights analytical skills for the Finance programme: “We encourage applications from candidates with strong analytical and quantitative skills.”


Prof. Dr. Yuping Jia, Professor of Accounting

emphasizes that applicants do not need to be experts in accounting regulation, indeed she argues that “Accounting is interested in original thinkers, who are creative and have broad interests. People with diverse backgrounds, but with genuine curiosity will find that accounting research has a lot to offer.”

business phd in germany

Isabeau Köhncke Recruitment Officer

business phd in germany

Lianna Mirzoyan Recruitment & Admissions Manager

business phd in germany

  • State-recognized since 1999
  • Accredited by the German Science and Humanities Council
  • Leading positions in various rankings
  • Munich – a prime business location

PhD Studies for Executives

PhD studies are quite specific in their nature in that they are often targeted to those who have just done their master’s degree and may not necessarily have professional experience. But what if you had a dream of getting a doctorate which had to be set aside to prioritize employment? Furthermore, what if you don’t want to leave employment but doctoral studies still play on your senses? Does an alternative to PhD in business exist? The short answer is yes, and it’s called a DBA.

Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) is an equivalent of PhD studies in business for those who earned at least 5 years of work experience with at least 3 years in a managerial role. The part-time nature of this programme allows to complete studies in parallel to full-time employment and the structured approach for taught modules makes it easy to plan.

Munich Business School together with Sheffield Hallam University have years of experience delivering the DBA programme together. Our collaboration resulted in many outstanding research projects in areas such as technology, marketing, finance, HR or organizational behavior. Self-directed nature of these studies puts you in full control of your research area, supported throughout by our experienced faculty members.

business phd in germany

Why choose DBA at Munich Business School:

  • Full control over your research project, you can propose a research question in any topic related to business and direct your study as you wish
  • Flexibility to combine full-time employment with doctoral studies so that you don’t pause your career or put your financial stability at risk
  • Expert supervisors from two institutions provide you with latest industry knowledge and technical know-how on how to conduct research and write your thesis
  • Doctor title recognized in Germany and completed in two international institutions gives you opportunities for wider networking and access to a bigger pool of resources and expertise

This business-oriented alternative to PhD studies enables you to become an expert in your field of study, increasing employment opportunities and earning potential. Showing your future employer that you are willing to go the extra mile and stand out from the crowd will help you in increasing your salary and securing a leadership role.

Munich Business School has been named the best private specialist business university in Germany (WirtschaftsWoche ranking 2022).

The Munich-based private university was founded in 1991 and offers a range of programs at bachelor’s and master’s level as well as a doctoral program (DBA).

What do you need to join our research programme:

  • Minimum 5 years of work experience with at least 3 years in a managerial position i.e. budget or team responsibility, project management
  • Master degree in business, management or related area, alternatively an MBA degree
  • English proficiency
  • Research proposal indicating your topic of interest, motivation for completing the programme and insights as to how you wish to complete the degree

The application process is very simple and you need to upload all your files to our online portal, for more information you can visit our dedicated page .

Our DBA programme is a part-time opportunity and so it does not qualify for visa support or scholarships. However, if you contact us for more information, we can provide you some insights about interest-free payment plans to help spread out the cost according to your needs. Below you will find contact details to our DBA study advisor.

business phd in germany

Our alternative to PhD Studies for Executives in a nutshell

No need for career breaks.

Benefit from experienced partnership of two prestigious institutions who are here to support you along the way. You can complete our DBA programme in 4 years part-time without taking career breaks but having the flexibility to take a break from your research if required.

Become an expert in your field

The DBA is an open to any research that has business relevance. Unlike a PhD, we don’t impose a subject for your research, giving you the steering wheel and providing you with all that you need to succeed in mastering your field of study.

Capitalize on your investment into the programme

Committing to the programme is not easy both in terms of money and time – and we know that very well. However, think of it as a long-term investment. Your doctorate will open up new opportunities to you in the future and the Dr. title makes your salary negotiation position much stronger.

Key Information

  • The DBA programme begins in mid-September with a module in Sheffield, two other modules take place in Munich
  • Minimum duration of the programme is 4 years, some doctorands complete it faster and some take a little longer – depends on your personal circumstances
  • The programme is part-time so you can continue with your professional career whilst researching for your DBA
  • DBA with Munich Business School costs €36,000 in total – we offer no scholarships but can discuss interest-free payment plans available
  • You can submit your application any time with three deadlines available – 31 st January, 31 st March and 31 st May – places are limited so you are encouraged to apply early.

Financing your PhD studies or DBA studies

Working in business, you have to see your PhD studies alternative as a long-term investment. We understand it’s not always easy and although we may not offer you a scholarship, by keeping the cost of our DBA programme low, we don’t artificially try to lure you in. The total cost of the programme is €36,000 for the 4 years. This cost does not include travel & accommodation for your 1-week intensive residential modules or additional years. Should you need more than 4 years, each additional one is charged at €3,600. We offer interest-free payment plans to help you manage the costs better with monthly, quarterly or half-year options.

First steps to your PhD studies or DBA studies

Your next step would be to join our information session or set-up a virtual consultation to discuss the programme in more detail. We want to ensure you have all the information you need before applying and then you can simply submit all your documents on our website. To make your first step, please check out our events and register for an MS Teams link.

Alternatively, please send a copy of your CV and availability to Maciej Kapron our study advisor who will be very happy to meet you for a personal consultation.

Would you like to learn more?

Studienberater MBS: Nicoletta Fabian, MBA

Elsenheimerstraße 61,  80687 Munich Germany

  • +49(0)89 547678-0
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Business Administration in Germany


15  Business Administration PhDs in Germany

Berlin School of Business and Innovation

Business and Economics Unlock the doors to business acumen and economic insight at Philip University in Marburg, renowned for its... Philip University in Marburg Marburg an der Lahn, Hessen, Germany

Business Administration and Economics The individual chairs and departments form the core of the research conducted within the Faculty of Business... Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Business, Economics and Society The School of Business, Economics and Society at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)... Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany

Manchot Graduate School - Competitiveness of Young Enterprises The Manchot Graduate School - Competitiveness of Young Enterprises (WEJU) of the Faculty of Business... Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Business Administration The Business Administration is a part-time degree programme at SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences... SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Study in Germany

Germany is a very attractive destination for people from all over the world. Excellent academic standards, a thriving economy, and major developments in engineering are only some of the reasons why German universities should be on your study-abroad list. Internationals are treated as equals and benefit from fair social policies. Another amazing advantage is that almost all public universities charge no tuition fees to all international students. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn German, an important skill that can help you land jobs in Germany as well as Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, or at many international corporations all over the world.

Is Germany the right place for you?

Take the test and find out which country is your best fit.

Explore your Business Administration degree

Business Administration teaches you how to manage and lead businesses effectively. Specialisations include Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management, and Strategic Management. Programs cover market dynamics, resource management, and business decision-making. Graduates understand various organisational layers, from finance to marketing and HR to operations. Key courses encompass ethics, organisational behaviour, supply chain management, entrepreneurship, and international business. Business Administration skills are versatile and valuable in diverse sectors. Essential attributes include critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, organisation, decisiveness, and leadership potential. Careers range from Business Consultant to Financial Analyst, Marketing Manager, Human Resources Director, and Operations Manager. A Business Administration degree opens doors to a wide range of opportunities.

Is Business Administration the best for you?

Take the test and find out if Business Administration is the right path for you.

Go to your profile page to get personalised recommendations!

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business phd in germany

We are excited that you are interested in joining the doctoral program at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) at the University of Münster in Germany. The school offers the possibility to pursue a doctorate of the German degree of “Dr. rer. pol.” to excellent university graduates of degree programs in Business Administration, Economics, Information Systems or in a related field of research.

A doctorate enhances your professional and personal development. You will learn to structure and analyze complex issue spaces, to immerse yourself quickly in new topics and to present your findings with confidence, and in addition, you will expand your expertise in your field of research. On top of that, a doctorate will open new doors for you career wise – whether in corporate practice or in academia.

The SBE offers excellent conditions for the successful completion of a doctorate. This does not only include an excellent infrastructure (e.g. access to numerous databases such as WRDS, Bloomberg), but also financial support though department’s junior researcher fund (e.g. grants for participation in national and international conferences). Furthermore, in addition to your mandatory participation in the doctoral studies curriculum, there is a variety of continuing education options that are open to you.

As a city steeped in a rich history of culture and science, Münster offers a wide range of museums, theaters and events of all kinds. The historic old town with its rich history, lake Aasee and the beauty of Münster’s surrounding countryside including its many castles make the city of Münster a popular travel destination.

More information for international doctoral candidates

Icon Ways to your doctorate

Ways to your doctorate

Icon Documents for your doctorate

Documents for your doctorate

Icon Further information on doctorate programmes at the WWU

Further information on doctorate programmes at the WWU

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Current job offers

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  • Germany Student Visa
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Studying in Germany

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

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Germany is an excellent destination for both young and experienced researchers. 

The European country is third behind the U.S. and China for research & development expenditure . Plus, it is home to some of the most prestigious (and affordable!) research universities in the world.

If you’re considering doing a PhD in Germany, you will need to follow these steps:

The main steps to doing a PhD in Germany:

  • Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor
  • Decide Between Individual and Structured PhD Programs
  • Meet All Requirements & Prepare Your Application
  • Apply for Doctoral Studies
  • Secure Funding
  • Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit
  • Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

Why Pursue a PhD in Germany?

If you’re not yet sure if you should choose Germany for your PhD studies, here are some compelling reasons why you should consider it:

  • Top-tier universities. Four German universities are ranked in the top 100 global universities, and many more are in the top 200.
  • Large international student community. Germany welcomes a diverse and thriving international student community. Over 458,210 international students are currently studying in the country.
  • Quality research institutions. There are over a thousand publicly funded research institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes, businesses, and government bodies) that you can choose from in Germany.
  • High investment in research and development. Germany’s public expenditure in the research and development sector reached a record high of 112.6 billion euros in 2021.
  • Strong economy. Germany is known for its strong and stable economy. After completing your PhD, there are plenty of employment opportunities in the academic, business, and research sectors.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany

From finding the perfect program for you to submitting your application and starting your PhD, here are all the steps you need to take:

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1. Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor

After all the years of studying leading up to this step, you most likely have a few areas of interest you want to do your research in.

This is the first important step: define your research focus by considering your interests and academic background. If you need more help, you can consult online resources from research universities. Or, even better, you can discuss your decision to pursue a PhD with academic communities online or offline and seek advice from current PhD students in Germany who can tell you more about their individual experiences.

If you already know what your research direction is, you can begin searching for suitable programs right ahead. 

  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has an extensive list of current opportunities, which you can look up at the  DAAD PhD Database . 
  • Another option is to research universities in Germany individually to find the newest opportunities and offerings at each institution.

You will also have to find a supervisor. The best way to do this is to go to university websites and find faculty directories with profiles of professors and their research fields/current projects. Contact professors whose work aligns with your interests via email to inquire about supervision opportunities.

> Search PhD programs from 31,000 research institutions listed on the GERiT database .

Types of PhD Programs in Germany

There are two different paths you can take when pursuing a PhD: individual PhD programs and structured PhD programs. Each comes with its own set of advantages and requirements.

Individual doctorates are the most common and what is considered the more ‘traditional’ PhD route in Germany, especially in humanities and social sciences. 

They are flexible and you’re expected to take charge of your work. You are responsible for finding your supervisor (“Doktorvater” or “Doktormutter”) and proposing your research topic.

These programs don’t have a fixed curriculum, so you’ll have plenty of freedom to design your research timeline and choose the coursework you like. 

To succeed, you need a lot of self-discipline and to actively network, be it in doctoral candidate meetings or events related to your research.

Structured PhD programs are ideal for people who want a clear path to completing this degree, although they’re not as common in Germany.

It usually takes three to five years to complete a structured PhD path. 

They are called such because they include a curriculum and research proposal that has to fit an existing project, within a set timeline for coursework and research.

Candidates work under the supervision of an advisor and collaborate with peers from different disciplines to get the best possible results.

2. Verify That You Meet All Requirements & Prepare the Application

Requirements and application documents to apply for a PhD in Germany are specific to the institution and research area you’re applying to. But, as a general guideline, you should prepare the following:

  • Academic degree recognized in Germany. You need a master’s degree or a German state examination (Staatsexamen) in a field relevant to the PhD program to qualify.
  • Copy of master’s thesis. Submit a copy of your master’s thesis. The work should demonstrate your research skills and the depth of your academic work.
  • Research proposal. Craft a clear and detailed research proposal that includes your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and significance. 
  • Statement of purpose. Write a statement of purpose why you want to do a PhD in your chosen field, your academic and career goals, and how this program aligns with them.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). Prepare a detailed CV highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, relevant coursework, publications, and any other qualifications.
  • Proof of language proficiency. Depending on the language of instruction, you may have to provide proof of language proficiency in English and/or German. You can do this with certificates like TestDaF and DSH for German or TOEFL and IELTS for English. Proof of previous studies in the language is also sufficient.
  • Academic references. Provide contact information or recommendation letters from professors/ academic advisors who can attest to your academic abilities and potential.
  • Predoctoral examination. Some programs ask that you pass a predoctoral examination as part of the application process.

3. Apply for Doctoral Studies

After finding a suitable PhD program and mentor, and making sure your academic qualifications are recognized, you can send in your application.

You can send in your application online or by post, depending on the hosting institution’s preferences. To make sure, check their guidelines and specifications. Admission committees are selective, so you may also have to attend an interview soon in the application process.

4. Secure Funding

You must demonstrate access to a minimum of €934 per month (€11,208 per year) to meet visa requirements and live comfortably while you’re in Germany. You can prove this through an admission agreement or relevant PhD contract, or you can open a blocked account with individual funds.

There are many ways to support yourself financially while pursuing a PhD in Germany:

  • PhD scholarships. DAAD offers the highest number of doctoral scholarships. PhD students get an average monthly stipend of €1,139. 
  • Paid PhD positions. Many universities and research institutions offer paid PhD positions in Germany. You will work on specific research projects on a contract and receive a salary.
  • Research associate positions. You can also work as a research associate in a university, research institution, or company and receive a salary as compensation.
  • Part-time jobs. Some PhD students/researchers work part-time jobs that are not related to their studies for extra income.

> Read more about the costs of studying in Germany.

> Discover PhD scholarships in Germany.

5. Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit

If the institution confirms your place in the PhD program, next in line is applying for a student visa or residence permit. The requirements for a German PhD visa or permit can vary depending on your nationality and circumstances: 

Visa Requirements

If you’re a citizen of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you don’t need a special permit or visa for a PhD in Germany. You can enter the country for research and work purposes with a valid passport or ID card.

Otherwise, you will need a visa and/or a residence permit to do your PhD in Germany. Nationals of some countries, including the United States, Australia, Israel, Japan, and Korea, don’t need a visa but must apply for a residence permit.

Depending on the circumstances, you need one of the following visas:

  • Study visa. If you’re pursuing a full-time doctoral program.
  • Research visa. If your focus is on research and you have a formal affiliation with a research institution in Germany.
  • EU Blue Card. If your PhD contract pays a gross annual salary of at least €45,300 (or €41,041.80 in certain professions), you can apply for an EU Blue Card . This is a special residence title for international academics and other professionals.

Residence Permit Requirements

If you come to Germany on a visa, you will need to apply for a residence permit within three months of arrival. This also applies to nationals of countries outside the EU, EEA, and Switzerland who are exempt from the visa requirement.

You can apply for one of the following residence permits:

  • Study permit. If you’re accepted into a PhD program at a German university, apply for a study-based residence permit. It lasts up to two years, extendable.
  • Research permit. If you’re a researcher with the right qualifications for doctoral programs, apply for a research permit. This requires a contract with a research institution for your project.
  • EU Blue Card. With a PhD offer that has a minimum salary of €45,300 per year, or €41,041.80 for some bottleneck professions , you may be eligible for the EU Blue Card. Apply for this permit if you meet the criteria.

> For more specific information tailored to your situation, we recommend contacting the German embassy or consulate in your home country. You can also use this visa navigator.

6. Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

The most exciting step of all is near—time to unpack your bags and begin your life as a PhD student or researcher in Germany. Once you’re settled in, there are some formalities you need to take care of.

The international office at the university or another representative can guide you best on this. However, here are some of the main things you need to do once you arrive in Germany:

Register Your Residence

Shortly after your arrival, you must register your residence at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt). This is mandatory, and you typically have a window of two weeks to complete this process. 

Get Health Insurance

Everyone in Germany is required by law to have health insurance coverage. This includes international PhD students. Depending on the source of your funding, you are eligible for one of the following health insurance coverages: 

  • Doctoral candidates with an employment contract are automatically insured with a state-regulated health insurance provider (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung-GKV) in most cases.
  • Doctoral candidates without an employment contract (with a fellowship or private funding) can choose between:
  • Voluntary health insurance coverage with a state-regulated provider.
  • Coverage with a private health insurance company.

There are some exceptions in which you can use your insurance from your home country. These apply to students from a European Union (EU) country or other countries with social security agreements with Germany.

Open a Bank Account 

You should open a German bank account as soon as possible. Most financial transactions in Germany, including receiving your stipend or salary, are done through a German bank account.

Enroll at the University

If your PhD program is part of a university degree, you need to enroll as a student at the university. Follow your university’s instructions to submit the necessary documents to the enrollment office. These usually include your admission letter, passport, proof of health insurance, and semester fee.

After you complete this process, you will receive an Enrollment Certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). This is a very important document that you most likely need in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There’s a lot of planning involved if you’re considering doing a PhD, especially if it’s in a foreign country. We’re sure you’ve got more questions, and we’re here to help.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Germany?

A PhD in Germany usually takes between three to six years to complete. Just like in other countries, it can take longer or shorter than expected, depending on several factors. The type of PhD you choose (structured programs can be more rigid), your subject area, and individual progress can all make a difference in the time it takes to get a PhD in Germany.

Are PhD Programs in Germany Tuition-Free?

The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

Is German Mandatory to Pursue a PhD in Germany?

You don’t necessarily have to know German to do a PhD in Germany. In fact, most PhD programs in Germany are in English, especially in fields such as science, engineering, and humanities. In these programs, you can both write your thesis and communicate with your advisor and peers in English.

There is of course the chance that the program you’ve chosen is in German or requires knowledge of German (in most cases, in addition to English). In this case, you have to prove your proficiency through a recognized language certificate or proof of previous studies in German.

Even if German isn’t mandatory, we strongly encourage you to learn the basics. They will be super helpful in daily interactions and getting accustomed to life in Germany.

How Much Does a PhD Student Earn in Germany?

Most PhD candidates in Germany receive financial support in the form of a salary or grant. This includes candidates affiliated with universities, research institutes, or company collaborations.

The majority of doctoral positions are structured under either the Collective Agreement for Civil Service TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of Individual Federal States TV-L (Tarifvertrag der Länder). Since universities are funded by their respective federal government, if your PhD is affiliated with one, your salary will be structured under the TV-L.

Doctoral positions fall within the TV-L 13 category, with a salary range spanning from €4,188 (Tier 1) to €6,037 (Tier 6). The difference between the tiers (Stufe) depends on prior experience in the field. If you don’t have any research experience, you will fall under Tier 1 and progress to the other tiers throughout your PhD.

Your salary will ultimately be determined based on a wage agreement that specifies the contract tier (Stufe) and working hours (percentage-based). Many entry-level PhD students start with tier 1 contracts that are not full-time. For example, if your contract places you in Pay Group E-13 Tier 1 of the TV-L and you work at 75% capacity, your monthly gross salary will be €3,141.

> Learn more about pay ranges for PhD students using this convenient calculator .

Can I Work While Pursuing a PhD in Germany?

Part-time work is an option in most cases unless it’s strictly stated otherwise in your contract. Whether or not you are allowed to work on the side as a PhD in Germany depends on the working hours stated in your PhD contract, supervisor, and other specific circumstances. 

However, since the PhD is considered a job in itself, it’s usually frowned upon to have a side hustle. Even if you have a 50% contract, a PhD is demanding and requires long hours of work and research. If you choose to work on the side, make sure to find the right balance between work and your PhD commitments. To be on the safe side, it’s best to talk to your supervisor and go over all the legal and contractual obligations related to your PhD.

What Is the Process for Defending a PhD Thesis in Germany?

Here are the main steps to defending your PhD thesis in Germany:

  • Submit your thesis. The first step is submitting submit your thesis and supporting documents in adherence to all the formal requirements. A commission will be formed, and in some cases, you can suggest reviewers.
  • Oral defense. The next step is preparing and undergoing an oral defense, which can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, you will present your research and discuss it with the committee. The defense can be either public or private.
  • Receive the title and publish your work. The outcome of the discussion determines your final grade, to be received after the defense. If everything goes well, you’re granted the Ph.D. title and have about two years to publish your dissertation.

What Are the Career Prospects Like After Doing a PhD in Germany?

Career prospects after a PhD in Germany are quite promising. 

The most common paths for PhD holders in Germany are either in academia as professors or post-doctorate researchers or in industry positions. 

Technology, healthcare, and finance, in particular, are some of the most in-demand industries in Germany. The country’s strong economy and research-oriented environment make it an attractive place to develop your career.

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Quick Links

  • 8 Steps to Study in Germany
  • German Education System
  • Requirements
  • Universities in Germany
  • International Programmes
  • Funding Your Education
  • German Student Visa
  • German Health Insurance
  • Germany Blocked Account
  • Learn German Guide
  • Cost of Living

Latest News and Statistics

German universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics, new study reveals high level of satisfaction among students at german universities.

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Doctor of Business Administration

  • DBA (Doctor of Business Administration)
  • extra-occupational
  • DBA degree by LJMU
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Get the highest academic degree in management education. With the part-time Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), you get to apply your leadership skills to a real business case and take your company to the next level.

  • January 2025

Doctor of Business Administration

Your Part-Time DBA Degree 

The DBA is a part-time degree programme designed for managers and executives who want to earn a professional doctoral degree and develop both their research skills and their career prospects .

As the programme structure is tailored to active professionals , you can apply your findings directly to the needs of your organisation , driving progress without sacrificing your studies or your work.   

The DBA is a partnership with LJMU, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, which also awards the DBA degree. The workshops take place in both Liverpool and Berlin .

The rest of the time, you will be mentored virtually and apply your insights to your company or an organisation of your choice . Thanks to the part-time approach, we offer you the opportunity to achieve the highest academic qualification while working full-time. The programme has been running very successfully at LJMU for ten years and will be available soon to SRH Berlin students. 

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Why It’s Worth Getting a DBA

Upon completion of the Doctorate in Business Administration, you'll have a specialised repertoire of problem-solving and decision-making strategies that will take you to the next level of your career and will help your organisation save money and implement new innovative strategies through your research. 

By working closely with other senior professionals, you'll also expand your network with valuable contacts around the world. 

Companies benefit from the support of DBA candidates by developing and retaining talent and using knowledge as a competitive advantage. 

The advantages of the Doctorate of Business Administration at a glance:

  • enables you to acquire a part-time doctorate
  • enhances your professional and academic qualification
  • strengthens the competitiveness and financial security of one's own company
  • provides a solid foundation for further professional development or an important career step
  • offers a large international network of managers and senior professionals

Der Doctor of Business Administration ermöglicht eine berufsbegleitende Promotion

What students say about the DBA programme

Learn more and stay in touch.

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is a DBA? A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is the highest academic management degree.  
  • Is the DBA equivalent to a PhD in Germany and am I allowed to use the title "Dr." in Germany? Yes, the DBA is recognised as an equivalent degree programme. A DBA differs from other doctoral degrees as it focuses on the application of research in a real business environment, which is also a prerequisite for successful completion. Under the current regulations, the abbreviated form "Dr." may be used (without a subject-related addition and without a designation of origin).  
  • How is the DBA programme structured? The DBA programme is unique in its design and structure as well as the intensive supervision of students. It lasts approximately four years, with a maximum duration of seven years. In the first three years, a total of four 5-day workshops are held in Liverpool and Berlin. Here, the research process is planned and the topics and methods to be implemented in the company are specified. In addition, students learn more about data collection and analysis, academic writing and take part in the colloquium. After the third year, there are no more workshops and students focus on completing their dissertation and prepare for the exam. Typically, students receive their DBA degree within four years.

Our requirements

To submit your application, you will need the following:

  • Master's degree in Business/Management
  • Min. 2 years of managerial experience or min. 5 year of other relevant work experience
  • Letter of motivation incl. research plans
  • One academic and one industry reference
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of your passport/ID

Here are our English language requirements:

  • TOEFL 87 ibt (direct entry)
  • TOEFL 79 - 86 ibt (with additional agreement)
  • TOEIC 785 (Listening/Reading 785, Speaking 160, Writing 150)
  • IELTS/ IELTS ONLINE (academic) 6.5 on average - please see Language Centre guidelines if results differ
  • CAE (grade A, B, or C)
  • CPE (grade A, B or C)
  • Pearson English Test Academic (PTE-A) 59 points
  • Linguaskill: 176 - 184 (CES) - all four skills required
  • Duolingo 110 points

Details letter of motivation including research plans

Personal statement (max. 2,000 words). This is not a full research proposal, but should address why you would like to do a DBA, why you think you are suitable for the programme and what you expect from the DBA. You should furthermore provide a brief outline of your research topic and its contribution to theory and practice, including:

  • title of your research
  • introduction of your research
  • literature review of current studies
  • research methods
  • contribution of your research.

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Your tuition fees

Tuition Fees

  • Year 1 - 3 | Citizenship "International" (all countries excl. UK): £13,755 / year (part-time)

Write-Up Fees

  • Year 4 - 7 | £4,600

Join our 3 different webinar series

  • How do I apply? series
  • How do I finance my studies? series
  • Q&A with your study advisor series

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When? 2 x per month on Wednesdays at 3 pm (CEST/CET)

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When? Last Wednesday each month at 3 pm (CEST/CET)

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When? 2 x per month. Every 1st Monday of the month at 12 pm/noon (CEST/CET) AND every 3rd Friday of the month at 3.30 pm (CEST/CET).

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Fully funded PhD Scholarships: Apply now for the structured Ph.D. Program in Operations Management

Der Mittelbau des Mannheimer Schlosses im Sonnenlicht.

3 January 2024

Interested in pursuing a fully funded PhD in operations management at Germany's top-ranked business school?

We are inviting applications for our structured Ph.D. program in Operations Management at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Business ( CDSB ). Our program trains outstanding talents to apply theoretical, data-driven, or empirical analysis to advance knowledge in all areas of operations management – from procurement and supply chain management all the way to production and service operations .

Please see this flyer for more details and note that the early application deadline is January-15, 2024 ; the final application deadline is March-31, 2024 . In case of questions, please contact our faculty – we are happy to provide additional information.

Related Files

  • CDSB_OPM_Flyer-2024.pdf ( PDF , 199 KB )

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DBA Doctorate in Business Administration

The Doctorate in Business Administration has been designed in order to provide the necessary knowledge and expertise to managers and leaders in the business and industrial sector. 

The doctorate combines modules in advanced management theory and practice alongside training in the necessary methodologies and techniques to carry out research in business and management. The main aim of our Doctorate of Business Administration is to assist professionals who wish to enhance, contribute and transform how they work.

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Find out how to apply here, what will you experience.

Throughout the DBA, you will cover essential concepts of business management and research, including management and administrative theories, research and business models as well as research methods. From this, you will develop problem-solving and decision-making skills which are vital for successful management in the business sector. Additionally, you will learn how to apply management research techniques and concepts to the drafting of a business-related thesis.

The last two years of the programme will be dedicated to carrying out research and preparing a dissertation on a relevant topic of your choice. Our unique approach to the DBA involves both experienced academics and senior business professionals to help mentor your through your research.

You will also have the option to learn German.

The course is delivered 100% on-campus with full access to state-of-the art facilities. Students will also have additional access to course and reading materials via the UNINETTUNO platform.

Why study this programme ?

The Doctorate in Business Administration has been designed in order to provide the necessary knowledge and expertise to managers and leaders of the business and industrial sector.

The doctorate combines taught modules in advanced management theory and practice along with training in the necessary methodologies and techniques to carry out doctoral research in business and management.

The main aim of our Doctorate of Business Administration is to assist career professionals who wish to enhance, contribute and transform how they work. Attending this prestigious course will give your academic and professional aspirations a huge boost.

Programme Price

Price:  €15,000/year

Berlin: February, May, July, October

Special offer: Up to 25% discount if one year fee is paid in full. 

Terms and conditions apply. Find out more  here .

The School’s admissions process is subject to the Consumer Contracts (Terms and Conditions). Information on your Right of Withdrawal and our Refund Policy can be found in the BSBI study agreement.

Programme Structure

The modules of this programme are offered and delivered 100% on campus. Students will also have additional access to course and reading materials via the UNINETTUNO platform.

Supervision takes place Monday to Saturdays, during morning, afternoon, or evening sessions.

  • Introduction to Doctoral Studies
  • Globalization and Economic Policy 
  • Research Methods 
  • Research in Organisational Dynamics
  • Research in Business Statistics
  • Research in Business Administration and Strategy
  • Research in Finance
  • Final Dissertation – Part 1
  • Final dissertation – Part 2

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Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able to:

  • Conduct primary and secondary research in order to understand and develop evidence-based practice
  • Analyse contemporary approaches to management research and develop a strategic approach to research design
  • Describe and critique concepts of project appraisal, and design a framework for monitoring and evaluating a project or programme
  • Describe and critique current concepts, models and theories of quality assurance in business research
  • Demonstrate an understanding of theories and practices which underpin effective, efficient and equitable management policies and practices
  • Possess conceptual understanding of management and leadership thinking that enables students to reflect on and evaluate critically both current research and its application to the practice of leadership in a business context
  • Improve the understanding of management and leadership at the business workplace by transforming research-informed teaching into practice

Career Progression

After successful completion of the DBA in Economics and Business Administration programme, students will have opportunities to work in areas such as banking, finance and accounting. Successful graduates will have the knowledge and skills to secure placements in large consultancies firms, international retailers and fashion houses and other service industries. You can also pursue research degrees in top universities around the world. In addition, graduates on this programme can apply for exemptions from relevant professional examinations of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Students on this programme may also become student members of the Institute of Management.

BSBI’s dedicated Careers Service helps DBA students and alumni reach their career goals and realise their potential. The Service offers specialised support and aims to build long-lasting relationships with local and national employers. To find out more about the support available, visit the Careers Service  website .

Key Programme Information

Entry requirements, online application.

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We have 42 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

Phd researcher (f/m/x): origin of common diseases in childhood – health behaviour, nutrition and environment (9211) children's hospital, pediatric research center, life child, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhD Researcher (f/m/x): Origin of Common Diseases in Childhood – Genetic/Epigenetic Predisposition (9212) Children's Hospital, Pediatric Research Center, LIFE Child

Phd position on inflammatory bone loss (f/m/x), phd position (f/m/d) in biophotonics / molecular biophysics, phd position / research assistent (f/m/d) on development and characterization of a reaction device for nmr measurements under harsh process conditions, phd student (f/m/d), doctoral researcher (m/f/div) in microbiome systems biology, phd student (f/m/d) center for optogenetic therapies, phd positions on research with the icecube neutrino telescope, phd position on radio detection of neutrinos, phd student (f/m/d), phd position in plant biochemistry of stress perception (m/f/d), materials for the detection of minority species in optofluidic waveguides, funded phd project (european/uk students only).

This project has funding attached for UK and EU students, though the amount may depend on your nationality. Non-EU students may still be able to apply for the project provided they can find separate funding. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhD student (m/f/d) position

Responsive biomaterials based on biogenic resources.

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PhD students

Here you find a  selection of funding programmes  for international PhD students by various funding organisations. For more funding opportunities please search our  funding databases .

Selection of funding programmes (alphabetical order):

Collaborative Research Centres

Collaborative Research Centres offer PhD students opportunities to pursue an outstanding research programme that crosses disciplinary, institutional, departmental and faculty boundaries.

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships

Outstanding PhD students can complete a doctorate in the fields of space, aeronautics, energy, transport, digitalisation and security at an institute of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

ERA Fellowships – Green Hydrogen

This programme provides funding for a research project or continuing academic training in the field of GH2.

Green Talents

The winners of this competition are invited to visit leading German institutions of environmental and sustainability research. Furthermore, Green Talents awardees can complete a research stay at an institution of their choice.

Individual Doctoral Projects at Fraunhofer Institutes

PhD students can complete a doctorate while working on exciting projects in cutting-edge areas of technology involving state-of-the-art equipment at a Fraunhofer institute.

Individual Doctoral Projects at Leibniz Institutes

PhD students can complete a doctorate while working in an excellent interdisciplinary research environment at a Leibniz institute.

Individual Doctoral Projects at Max Planck Institutes

PhD students can complete doctoral projects within the scope of research work conducted at a Max Planck institute.

International Max Planck Research Schools

PhD students can complete a doctorate in a structured programme offering excellent research conditions at one of the 68 International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS).

International Visiting Researchers at Max Planck Institutes

International researchers can conduct independent research at a Max Planck institute. The programme aims to strengthen cooperation and promote networking between Max Planck institutes and their international partners.

Leibniz Graduate Schools and Leibniz ScienceCampi

PhD students will find ideal conditions for completing a doctorate in a structured doctoral programme that can be pursued at either a Leibniz institute or a partner university.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks

PhD students receive structured doctoral training within these networks, which are formed jointly by different European institutions.

Max Planck Schools

The Max Planck Schools are a joint graduate programme run by German universities and research organisations. They offer ambitious bachelor’s and master’s graduates excellent conditions within a unique scientific network, and provide structured and fully funded PhD programmes in three interdisciplinary research fields: cognition, matter to life and photonics.

Munich Aerospace: PhD Scholarships

Munich Aerospace PhD scholarships allow talented young scientists to focus exclusively on the research work at hand and on attaining a timely doctoral degree.

PhD Fellowships

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards PhD Fellowships to outstanding early career researchers who wish to carry out an ambitious scientific PhD project in basic biomedical research at an internationally leading laboratory.

Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/Cotutelle

The aim of this programme is to support doctoral degrees at the student’s home university with integrated research phases in Germany.

Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

International PhD students can realise a doctoral project (individually or in a structured programme) at a state or state-recognised German university or non-university research institution.

Research Grants – One-Year Grants

International doctoral candidates can carry out research primarily as part of a doctoral project at a state or state-recognised university or non-university research institution in Germany.

Research Training Groups

Research Training Groups are set up by universities and pursue a focused research programme. They offer a structured PhD programme relating to an innovative, peer-reviewed research topic.

RISE Professional

This programme enables students in the fields of natural sciences, engineering or computer science from North America, the United Kingdom or Ireland to gain serious practical experience in a German company or research institution with strong industry ties.

Travel Grants

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) awards travel grants to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from all over the world.

More information:

Search funding databases.

More funding programmes are available for international researchers. For more information you can either search the funding databases or go straight to the websites of the funding organisations.

EDHEC Business School

Eight new alumni for the EDHEC PhD in Finance programme

In the past twelve months, eight PhD in Finance candidates, all executive track participants, successfully defended their PhD theses. As we look ahead, with more than 25 candidates currently working on their PhD dissertations, we’re excited about these recent achievements and our commitment to making a positive impact on the innovation and careers of our alumni in the financial industry.

business phd in germany

In the past twelve months, eight PhD candidates coming from Germany, India, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA, all executive track participants, successfully defended their PhD theses. The diverse research topics of these new EDHEC PhD alumni can be found below and abstracts are available here .  

Essays on Asset Management and Crypto Asset Pricing by Ainsley To

Adviser: Laurent Calvet; External Examiner: Wei Xiong (University of Princeton)

Essays in Climate Finance by Rahul Bhattarcharjee 

Adviser: Gianfranco Gianfrate; External Examiner: Marco Grotteria (London Business School)

Understanding on Technological Origin of the Value Premium Dynamics by Andy Tang

Adviser: Laurent Calvet; External Examiner: Sebastien Betermier (McGill University) 

Disentangling the Low Risk Effect - The Role of Volatility and Correlation in the Low-Risk Anomaly by Lukas Elmiger 

Adviser: Nikolaos Tessaromatis; External Examiner: Harrison Hong (Columbia University)  

Essays on the Transmission of Unemployment and Monetary-Policy Shocks in the EU by Aravind Srinivasan

Adviser: Raman Uppal; External Examiner: Eric Swanson (University of California, Irvine) 

Forecasting long-term US equity returns with a steady-state Bayesian VAR by Edoardo Cilla 

Adviser: Mirco Rubin; External Examiner: Francis X. Diebold (University of Pennsylvania)

Essays on machine learning and the cross-section of stock returns by Maximilian Sauer 

Adviser: Raman Uppal; External Examiner: Paolo Zaffaroni (Imperial College London) 

Analyzing The Dynamics of Financial Communication Language: Measuring Financial Constraints using Embeddings and Measuring Sentiment of Non-GAAP Disclosures by Joseph Poulous 

Adviser: Arnt Verriest (KU Leuven); External Examiner: Edith Leung (Erasmus University of Rotterdam) 

At EDHEC, the dissertation work starts in the first year of the programme with the drafting of a proposal to be submitted at the beginning of the second year and intensifies as course requirements wane. PhD candidates are required to communicate the progress of their dissertation research to faculty and peers at two formal presentations scheduled in the second and third years of the programme. The dissertation should be completed and defended at the end of the third year of the programme. During all phases of the dissertation process, candidates work closely with their advisor.

Dissertation topics are selected for their academic and industry relevance and according to each candidate’s research interests and professional goals. The dissertation should make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge and practices in the field and should be of sufficient originality and quality for publication in leading peer-reviewed journals.

As we look ahead, with more than 25 candidates currently working on their PhD dissertations, we’re excited about these recent achievements and our commitment to making a positive impact on the innovation and careers of our alumni in the financial industry

More information on the programme curriculum is available here . 

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Fully-Funded PhD Opportunities at Renowned European Universities


Fully Funded PhD Opportunities at Renowned European Universities in diverse fields forall nationalities!

Exciting Prospects Across Diverse Academic Disciplines for Applicants of All Nationalities

We are thrilled to announce a range of fully funded PhD positions available at prestigious universities throughout Europe. These exceptional opportunities span an array of cutting-edge fields, including:

  • Biochemistry
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Sports Science
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology

Elevate your academic journey and contribute to groundbreaking research at top-tier institutions such as:

  • University of Bordeaux
  • University of Galway
  • Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering POLYMAT Fundazioa
  • Universität Heidelberg
  • Grenoble INP - Institute of Engineering
  • Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen
  • Swansea University
  • Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
  • Université de Namur
  • University for Continuing Education Krems
  • University of Cologne

This is your chance to be part of shaping the future of science and technology. Apply now for these fully funded PhD opportunities, open to applicants of all nationalities.

Explore diverse opportunities and take your academic and research career to new heights. Apply now for Doctoral (PhD) positions at these prestigious institutions.

PhD Student in Integration of morphological constraints in tomographic image reconstruction through deep learning: Application in Biology, University of Bordeaux (France)

PhD Student in Soil Molecular Microbial Ecology, University of Galway (Ireland)

PhD Student in Chemistry, Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering POLYMAT Fundazioa (Spain)

PhD Student in Machine Learning in Particle Physics, Universität Heidelberg (Germany)

PhD Student in electrochemistry - LEPMI, Grenoble INP - Institute of Engineering (France)

PhD Student in Creep of zirconium based nuclear fuel claddings, Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Sports Science, Swansea University (United Kingdom) 

PhD student in Mathematics, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (Germany)

PhD student within the Laboratory for Computational Modeling of Functional Materials at the Namur Institute of Structured Matter, University of Namur (Belgium)

PhD Student in Biochemistry, University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria)

PhD Student in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Cologne (Germany)

Don't miss this opportunity to engage in groundbreaking research and advance your academic career in Europe.

#PhD #ResearchOpportunities #UniversityofBordeaux #UniversityofGalway #BasqueCenterforMacromolecularDesignandEngineeringPOLYMATFundazioa #UniversitätHeidelberg #GrenobleINP-InstituteofEngineering #PaulScherrerInstitutVilligen #SwanseaUniversity #WeierstrassInstituteforAppliedAnalysisandStochastics  #Postdoc

#UniversitédeNamur #UniversityforContinuingEducationKrems #UniversityofCologne

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Reporting by Alessandro Parodi and Greta Rosen Fondahn; Editing by Mark Potter

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Thomson Reuters

Alessandro is an Italian journalist based in Gdansk reporting on European markets, with focus on Italian companies. Previously, he worked as a multimedia freelancer in South Africa covering general news and cultures.

The Stellantis owned Vauxhall car factory in Ellesmere Port, Britain

Business Chevron

Traders work on the floor of the NYSE in New York

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The Nasdaq jumped on Tuesday as Nvidia and other AI-linked stocks rose after bruising selloffs, while the Dow slipped from a one-month high as investors awaited key inflation data this week for further cues on the Fed's monetary policy path.

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Russian saboteurs burned down a Berlin factory to hit weapons supplies to Ukraine. Just one problem — the facility made car parts.

  • A massive fire at a factory in Berlin last month was set by Russian saboteurs, per WSJ.
  • They were targeting the flow of arms to Ukraine, the outlet reports.
  • But the factory, owned by Diehl Metal, makes parts for cars and electrical systems, not weapons.

Insider Today

In early May, scores of German firefighters massed at a metal technology plant in southwest Berlin as it burned. Some 200 firemen were deployed to battle the blaze that Friday morning amid concerns that the flames could interact with chemicals in the factory.

It was a major event for the neighborhood in Lichterfelde , with residents told to shut their windows and stay home as the rooftop belched a steady column of black smoke. At least four floors of the facility were eventually burned through.

A month later, The Wall Street Journal reports that the fire at the Diehl Metal factory was an arson attempt carried out under Russia's auspices.

Citing unnamed security officials, the outlet reported on Sunday that a NATO intelligence agency had intercepted communications showing Russia's involvement and passed it to German authorities.

German outlet Bild also reported on the intercepted messages.

The Journal reported that Russia intended to hit arms supplies to Ukraine. Diehl Metal's parent company also manufactures the IRIS-T anti-air systems given to Kyiv.

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But Diehl Group's arms manufacturer, Diehl Defence, only lists a representative's office in Berlin , and its factories and major facilities are spread across southern Germany.

Meanwhile, the Diehl Metal factory that burned down instead makes parts "primarily for the automotive and electrical industries," according to its website.

The Journal reported, citing the unnamed security officials, that Germany hasn't blamed Russia for the fire because the intercepted messages aren't admissible in German courts.

Still, the fire at the Diehl Metal factory has added fuel to concerns of Russian sabotage attempts on civilian infrastructure and military installations among Ukraine's European allies.

Suspected targets in recent months include a warehouse in the UK that was set on fire and US military bases in Germany.

The Financial Times reported Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs saying the spate of incidents and attempts was "testing our response" and that NATO was still determining how best to act.

US State Secretary Antony Blinken said on May 31 that the alliance has been tracking sabotage attempts closely.

"I can tell you that in the meeting of foreign ministers today virtually every ally was seized with this intensification of Russia's hybrid attacks," he said at a press conference in Prague. "We know what they're up to, and we will respond both individually and collectively as necessary."

Diehl and the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry did not immediately respond to requests for comment sent by Business Insider outside regular business hours.

Watch: Video footage shows the moment of a massive explosion at a factory near Moscow

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Students with Mortarboard

103 PhD programmes

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Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Abteilung Personal PhD Student (f/m/d) Crystal surface reactivity

  • Type of Promotion: Full PhD
  • Application deadline: 15.07.2024
  • Working language: German, English
  • Beginning: 01.09.2024
  • Required degree: Diplom, Master
  • Location: Dresden

Last changed: 25.06.2024 (Published: 25.06.2024)

more More about PhD Student (f/m/d) Crystal surface reactivity - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Abteilung Personal

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Abteilung Personal PhD Student (f/m/d) Spectro-microscopic investigation of actinide migration

more More about PhD Student (f/m/d) Spectro-microscopic investigation of actinide migration - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Abteilung Personal

Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Psychologie, Institut für Arbeits-, Organisations- und Sozialpsychologie, Professur für Sozial Psychologie Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)

  • Application deadline: 11.07.2024
  • Beginning: 01.10.2024

more More about Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x) - Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Psychologie, Institut für Arbeits-, Organisations- und Sozialpsychologie, Professur für Sozial Psychologie

Bergische Universität Wuppertal Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftinformatik und Operations Research Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (Doktorand*in) Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Research (100 %) (AKZ 24039)

  • Application deadline: 22.07.2024
  • Working language: German
  • Required degree: Master
  • Location: Wuppertal

more More about Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (Doktorand*in) Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Research (100 %) (AKZ 24039) - Bergische Universität Wuppertal Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftinformatik und Operations Research

Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Informatik, Institut für Technische Informatik, Professur für Rechner-architektur wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in (m/w/d)

  • Application deadline: 25.07.2024
  • Beginning: as soon as possible

more More about wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in (m/w/d) - Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Informatik, Institut für Technische Informatik, Professur für Rechner-architektur

Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. Department of Community and Ecosystem Research PhD student in Freshwater Plant Stress Ecology (m/f/x)

  • Application deadline: 18.07.2024
  • Working language: English, German
  • Location: Berlin

Last changed: 24.06.2024 (Published: 24.06.2024)

more More about PhD student in Freshwater Plant Stress Ecology (m/f/x) - Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. Department of Community and Ecosystem Research

Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie, Professur für Elektrochemie Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)

  • Application deadline: 17.07.2024

more More about Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x) - Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie, Professur für Elektrochemie

University of Würzburg Institute of Systems Immunology ERC-funded PhD position in immunology to gut microbes

  • Working language: English
  • Location: Würzburg

Last changed: 21.06.2024 (Published: 21.06.2024)

more More about ERC-funded PhD position in immunology to gut microbes - University of Würzburg Institute of Systems Immunology

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Abteilung Personal PhD Student (f/m/d) Ion Transport in 2D Polymer-Based Monolayers and Heterostructures

  • Application deadline: 05.07.2024
  • Required degree: Master, Diplom

more More about PhD Student (f/m/d) Ion Transport in 2D Polymer-Based Monolayers and Heterostructures - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Abteilung Personal

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Institut für Energie- und Klima­forschung Doktorand – Elektrochemische Charakterisierung neuartiger Materialien und Komponenten zur AEM-Elektrolyse (w/m/d)

  • Application deadline: 09.07.2024
  • Location: Jülich

Last changed: 19.06.2024 (Published: 19.06.2024)

more More about Doktorand – Elektrochemische Charakterisierung neuartiger Materialien und Komponenten zur AEM-Elektrolyse (w/m/d) - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Institut für Energie- und Klima­forschung

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    Doctor of Philosophy. 4,800 EUR / year. 4 years. The Hamburg School of Business Administration's Doctor of Philosophy program is a pinnacle of academic excellence in the field of business administration. Ph.D. / Part-time / On Campus. Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) Hamburg, Germany. Add to compare.

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    The doctoral study program Business Administration and Economics at University of Hohenheim offers a research-oriented path to complement your individual doctoral dissertation. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. University of Hohenheim Stuttgart, Germany. Ranked top 4%. Add to compare.

  3. Doctoral Programme in Management

    Management Concentration. This concentration is one of the three concentrations offered in Frankfurt School's Doctoral Programme. We are among the very few European business schools conducting top-level scientific research and training doctorates in English. Joining the Management track enables you to study cognitive and behavioural processes ...

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    About the Business School. Mission, Vision and Values; Rankings; Members of the Board. Dean; ... Business School of the University of Mannheim because of its consistent top rank and its high research quality in the Germany and all over the world. ... Pursuing my PhD at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences was one of the most ...

  5. Find your PhD position

    Finding a PhD position. PhDGermany publishes PhD openings in Germany that specifically target international applicants. Accordingly, in most cases the working language is English. Fluent knowledge of German is only required for certain special positions. PhDGermany helps you find the right PhD opening or supervisor for your doctoral thesis and ...

  6. PhD Studies & Research

    PhD Studies & Research. Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers. Discover Germany's top-tier PhD programs and research scene ...

  7. Berlin Doctoral Programme

    The regular period of doctoral study is three years: In the first year several courses are to complete: from philosophy of science to international business. The second and third year are primarily devoted to writing the thesis. The course of study ends with the "disputation". The ESCP Berlin Campus has joined the "recommendations for ...

  8. How to Find Your PhD Position in Germany

    Information on how to find a PhD position in Germany. Cookie Consent. To improve the website, the DAAD and third parties set cookies and process usage data.In doing so, the DAAD and third parties transfer usage data to third countries in which there is no level of data protection comparable to that under EU law. By clicking the "Accept all" button, you consent to this processing.

  9. Doctoral students • Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

    The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) awards the academic degree of "Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften" (abbreviated: Dr. rer. pol.) on the basis of a scientific paper (dissertation) and an oral examination (disputation). The doctorate serves as proof of the ability to do in ...

  10. in Accounting, Finance and Management

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    Munich Business School has been named the best private specialist business university in Germany (WirtschaftsWoche ranking 2022). The Munich-based private university was founded in 1991 and offers a range of programs at bachelor's and master's level as well as a doctoral program (DBA).

  12. Doing a PhD in Germany

    Discover your best route to a PhD in Germany, including financing options and advice on how to prepare for your research stay. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50. 53175 Bonn. Germany. Receive regular up-to-date information about our work and organisation. Information about doing a PhD in Germany.

  13. Business Administration in Germany: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Study in Germany. Germany is a very attractive destination for people from all over the world. Excellent academic standards, a thriving economy, and major developments in engineering are only some of the reasons why German universities should be on your study-abroad list. Internationals are treated as equals and benefit from fair social policies.

  14. Doctorate

    We are excited that you are interested in joining the doctoral program at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) at the University of Münster in Germany. The school offers the possibility to pursue a doctorate of the German degree of "Dr. rer. pol." to excellent university graduates of degree programs in Business Administration, Economics, Information Systems or in a

  15. How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

    The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

  16. Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

    A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is the highest academic management degree. Is the DBA equivalent to a PhD in Germany and am I allowed to use the title "Dr." in Germany? Yes, the DBA is recognised as an equivalent degree programme.

  17. Fully funded PhD Scholarships: Apply now for the structured Ph.D

    We are inviting applications for our structured Ph.D. program in Operations Management at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Business . Our program trains outstanding talents to apply theoretical, data-driven, or empirical analysis to advance knowledge in all areas of operations management - from procurement and supply chain management all ...

  18. List of Universities for PHD in Business Analytics in Germany

    Advert. Find the list of all universities for PHD in Business Analytics in Germany with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  19. Doctorate in Business: PhD & DBA Degree Programs in Germany 2024+

    With a projected employment growth of 3% to 2032, the median annual salary for chief executives was $100,090 in May 2022. Pursue your DBA degree, DM or PhD in Business at one of our partner schools. Review business graduate schools in a specific location, or study online.

  20. Doctorate in Business Administration

    BSBI offer Doctorate in Business Administration programme for the business professionals who wants to enhance their business and leadership skills. Doctorate in Business Administration(DBA) Course intakes, duration, fees and all the key information is given on this page. ... 12043 Berlin Germany +49 3058 584 0959 [email protected]. Berlin ...

  21. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

    PhD Position on Inflammatory Bone Loss (f/m/x) University Hospital Erlangen Department of Orofacial Orthopedics. Orofacial Orthopedics │ 25 hours Limited to 36 months Starting. September 1 st , 2024│Salary according to German TV-L│ Application deadline. Read more.

  22. Funding programmes

    Max Planck Schools. The Max Planck Schools are a joint graduate programme run by German universities and research organisations. They offer ambitious bachelor's and master's graduates excellent conditions within a unique scientific network, and provide structured and fully funded PhD programmes in three interdisciplinary research fields: cognition, matter to life and photonics.

  23. 106 sustainability PhD positions in Germany

    PhD position - Digital Integration and AI for Sustainable Hydrogen Technologies. artificial intelligence and cloud-based technologies to accelerate the discovery, design, and deployment of high-performance materials, thereby enabling a sustainable and green future. You will contribute.

  24. Eight new alumni for the EDHEC PhD in Finance programme

    In the past twelve months, eight PhD candidates coming from Germany, India, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA, all executive track participants, successfully defended their PhD theses. The diverse research topics of these new EDHEC PhD alumni can be found below and abstracts are available here. Essays on Asset Management and Crypto Asset Pricing by Ainsley To

  25. Fully-Funded PhD Opportunities at Renowned European Universities

    PhD student in Mathematics, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (Germany) PhD student within the Laboratory for Computational Modeling of Functional Materials at the Namur Institute of Structured Matter, University of Namur (Belgium) PhD Student in Biochemistry, University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria)

  26. Germany's Top Trade Partner This Year Is US ...

    Trade between the US and Germany was 63.2 billion euros in the first quarter of 2024, edging out the 60 billion euros of trade between China and Germany, according to data from the German government.

  27. EU electric car sales drop in May as German demand slumps, industry

    Sales of new battery-electric cars in the European Union dropped 12% in May from a year earlier, led by a 30% plunge in Germany, data from Europe's auto industry body showed on Thursday.

  28. Russian Saboteurs Hit Factory Making Car Parts, Not ...

    A massive fire at a factory in Berlin last month was set by Russian saboteurs, per WSJ. They were targeting the flow of arms to Ukraine, the outlet reports. But the factory, owned by Diehl Metal ...

  29. PhDGermany

    Institut für Fluiddynamik und Abteilung Prozessmetallurgie PhD Student (f/m/d) Interfacial Solution for priorto- equilibrium rare-earth separator with Magnetic-Assisted Solvent extraction (INTOMaSX) Type of Promotion: Full PhD; Application deadline: 31.07.2024; Working language: German, English; Beginning: 01.10.2024; Required degree: Diplom ...

  30. Citi Fined €13 Million by Germany Over Fat-Finger Flash Crash

    A unit of Citigroup Inc. was fined almost €13 million ($14 million) by Germany's financial regulator over control failures in the banking giant's algorithmic-trading business that caused a ...