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  • Slides: template PoliMi – Download
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  • Thesis templates: LaTex    Word   Overleaf Classic Format   Overleaf Article Format     Overleaf Executive Summary

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Degree examinations

The attention of students is drawn to the subjects of plagiarism,  or copying (even involuntary) without mentioning the source of parts of books, essays, theses, articles, projects by other authors in the preparation of the degree thesis. This constitutes the appropriation, through total or partial copy, of the authorship of a work of others.

We therefore invite you to check your documents and always cite the sources from which you draw texts and images. In this sense, we recall the following passage from the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Politecnico di Milano : "The Politecnico promotes the integrity of research, condemns plagiarism and infringement of intellectual property and provides opportunities for all those who carry out research activities to have a 'adequate training on ethics and integrity in research. "

Exam registration and calendars 

For information on how to register for degree exams and for the degree exam session calendar,  click here .

Online submission and approval of Laurea Magistrale / Specialistica/Vecchio Ordinamento (equivalent to Masters of Science) Theses.

Information on deadlines and on how to submit a thesis and have it approved can be found here:

Graduating students are advised to: 

  • check their university email (  for communications regarding the thesis submission/approval procedure
  • keep in touch with their supervisor between submitting the thesis and the deadline for its approval

Suspension of teaching activities on the days of the BSc and MSc graduation sessions

In the Leonardo and Bovisa Campuses, on the days of the BSc graduation sessions, all the teaching activities (lectures, exercises, labs, etc) of all the courses at bachelor and master level are suspended in the morning. In the afternoon from 2.30 pm the activities could take place accordingly to availability of the classrooms.

In the Leonardo and Bovisa Campuses, on the days of the MSc graduation sessions, all the teaching activities (lectures, exercises, labs, etc) of all the courses at bachelor and master level are suspended all day.

In the other campuses, the teaching activities are suspended according to the local calendar.

Degree and Master's Degree Commissions

Please note that the commissions will be avaiable 5 days before the Master's Degree Session on the personal page "ONLINE SERVICES->REGISTRATION TO FINAL EXAM ".

Procedures for the BSc graduation sessions.

Procedures for the MSc graduation sessions.

Graduation photography service

  • Regulation for accreditation and access of photographers to Politecnico di Milano on graduation exams

Rules for the final examinations

REGULATIONS FOR 1ST LEVEL GRADUATION EXAMS (Degree Courses - Ministerial Decree 270/04) - School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering

REGULATIONS FOR 2ND LEVEL GRADUATION EXAMS (Master's Degree Courses – Ministerial Decree 270/04) - School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering - Effective as of July 2023

MS Word Templates for Master Thesis

The School has prepared a set of templates available for the writing of the Master's Thesis. 

The following templates are available:

  • Thesis in "classical" format, to be used for writing the thesis in the traditional format.
  • Thesis in "article" format (valid only for 3I School), to be used as an alternative to the classical format for writing the thesis in a "journal paper" style (approximately 30 pages). IMPORTANT:  the use of this second format must be agreed with the supervisor and can be adopted only if in line with the guidelines of your study program.
  • Executive Summary, to be used for writing the “Executive Summary" in the case of Theses with Reviewer (“Controrelatore”).
  • Download the MS Word templates

Responsabili delle Lauree

Environmental and Land Planning Engineering - Milan Prof.  Renato Casagrandi

Civil Engineering - Milan Prof. Liberato Ferrara  

Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation - Lecco Prof.ssa Monica Papini (L)  Prof. Alessio Radice (LM)

Geoinformatics Engineering - Milan Prof.ssa Giovanna Venuti  

thesis template polimi

The Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab of Politecnico di Milano

This is a collection of miscellaneous resources that may be useful to you as an AIRLab user.

If you think you have something that deserves adding to this list, tell your advisor!

Writing and Reading

  • Suggestions to write well can help to produce a good thesis, as well as good scientific publications in general. Here is the part of the 14 steps to write well found on the San Francisco Edit company site that Andrea Bonarini shares.
  • Suggestions to write a good (and possibly accepted!) paper are on the Elsevier site .
  • You can access all the papers for which Politecnico has bought a subscription even when you are at home if you enable the Politecnico proxy .

How to write your thesis

  • AIRLab’s directions about preparing and writing your thesis [also, talk to your supervisor(s) about how you should use the templates linked below]
  • AIRLab’s template for thesis presentations, in pdf and ppt formats.
  • A collection of thesis-related information published by Polimi’s School of Industrial and Information Engineering…
  • direct links to Polimi’s LaTeX and MS Word templates
  • (for LaTeX) Overleaf templates for classical format , article format , executive summary

Software and programming

  • Go to our ROS HOWTO page for advice and tutorials about ROS (Robot Operating System)
  • How to get rid of Delay() in Arduino (Please, do this) Part1 Part2
  • If you do not know Arduino or would like to understand how to use it at best, you may refer to The Adafruit lessons or directly to the less clear, but “official” Arduino pages .
  • Here are 200+ videos explaining basics of using Arduino and useful tricks .
  • Someone wrote some advice about writing code
  • Info about Mathematica
  • How to plot using gnuplot in your C/C++ project Gnuplot in cpp
  • A few resources on Low Cost RTK GPS that might be useful
  • Need to design a new robot and have no ideas bout how to select the basic elements? Have a look here and then talk with your advisor, before taking any decision.
  • Tutorial on LED selection and use.
  • Some practical hints about LiPo Batteries
  • All about LiPo Batteries
  • Need to learn how to solder ? Here’s a handy comic explaining the basics in a very clear way.
  • Need the US name for that bit of mechanics? Use this useful chart . By the way, at the same place you can find other useful stuff of the same type.
  • All about motors
  • Small tutorial on (motor choices, wheel diameter, etc) mechanics for mobile robot design
  • Tutorial on designing and making Omni-wheeled Robots
  • Tutorial on making 433MHz antennas which largely improve the performance of transmitters/receivers.
  • Some useful addresses and links about shops, stores, factories, online catalogues. With some of them we have partnerships for discounts. You can find information here .

Version Control (GIT)

  • A short guide to git

Producing videos and publishing them

  • Usually, at the end of the project, people tend to produce a video and put it on the web. The best way to do this is to produce a video and then send it to Prof. Andrea Bonarini to have it published on the YouTube channel of the AIRLab.

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Thesis LaTeX template for Mathematics Department students at Politecnico di Milano.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, thesis latex template mat-polimi.

This is a simple, clean yet customizable and extensible LaTeX template for theses written by students at the Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano.

Click here to download the latest release of this template.


All the template styles and options are in the mat-polimi.tex file: edit its content depending on your needs.

Note : by default, the bibliography is compiled through the biber backend, which is more modern and customizable than the standard bibtex one. Make sure your LaTeX editor uses biber as a default bibliography backend. Only in case of troubles, change the biblatex package options to backend=bibtex .

A demo of the resulting pdf is available here .

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PhD Thesis Template

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Degree Defence

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Download  Regulation  for the Degree and Master Degree exam.

Master Degree

For the Thesis, the use of the  template provided by the School . 

The presentation must be prepared in Powerpoint format. The PC and the projector will be made available in the room (no need to bring your PC).

The time slot for the presentation of a regular Thesis (i.e., Thesis with opponent examiner) is 15 minutes (extended to 20 minutes for Thesis co-authored by two students).

The time slot for the presentation of a reduced Thesis (i.e., without opponent examiner) is 10 minutes (extended to 15 minutes for reduced Thesis co-authored by two students).An optimized presentation usually foresees one slide per minute. You can use this  presentation template .

Search for your thesis

New space economy - digital ecosystems design.

Type of project: Dissertation

Supervisor 1: Jacopo Manotti

Date: 25 September 2023

Email: [email protected]

Contacts: Jacopo Manotti

Content / Work description: In the last 20 years, the European Commission gradually developed a constellation of Earth Observation satellites named Copernicus . The infrastructure is today able to collect petabytes of data every day, making such data available for everyone for free. Some renowned firms decided to build their digital ecosystem to offer value-added services based on the combination of such free data with other sources of data (e.g., public records, in-situ sensors, etc.) or technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, cloud, quantum). These digital ecosystems rely on different sources of data, different processing activities, and more broadly, different governance mechanisms. The thesis aims at deep diving into the configuration of digital ecosystems leveraging Copernicus data, exploring the antecedents and the process which led to their design. Couples of students will have the priority in the assignment of such work.

Stream: ID ) ?>

Additional Information: The project involve the interaction with the Space Economy Observatory's community

European Space Economy Startups - Business Model Innovation

Tutor: Antonio Ghezzi

Content / Work description: The New Space Economy is forecasted to worth over 1 trillion dollars by 2040. The interest and commitment of billionaires such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson to Space represent worldwide examples of the timeliness in studying this area. However, the New Space Economy is not just about US. In the last 10 years, the European Commission launched a number of ambitious projects to make its Space Sector grow (e.g., Copernicus, Galileo). Many startups were founded based on the availability of this innovative technological infrastructure and the combination with the most advanced digital technologies. But what are the value propositions of these startups in Europe? Which are their customers? Which revenue model they implement? Drawing on the original database of European startups in the New Space Economy built by the Space Economy Observatory, students (preferably a couple) will be asked to conduct desk research to track and analyze the business model of more than 500 European startups. The thesis is intended as a Short Thesis, with the possibility to be extended to Dissertation by leveraging Business Model Innovation literature and analytical methodologies (e.g, QCA).

Additional Information: Possibility to interact with Space Economy Observatory's researchers and community

Desk research on corporate purpose and strategic renewal

Type of project: Thesis

Supervisor 1: Josip Kotlar

Email: [email protected]

Tutor: Luca Manelli

Co-Supervisor: Federico Frattini

Content / Work description: Description : This thesis project seeks to systematically collect cases and examples of large, incumbent companies which have undergone a process of radical redefinition of their business model, business strategy, culture, structure, and innovation stream portfolio. In particular, the thesis will look at those cases where inside-out corporate purpose has been instrumental for the successful formulation and implementation of the strategic renewal process. The data sources will involve published secondary sources, such as journal articles or newspaper articles.

Requirements: Fluent in English and Italian; Working knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

Additional Information: If you are interested in this thesis project, please send the updated version of your CV and transcript of records to prof. Luca Manelli ([email protected]), possibly by the 10th October 2023.

Literature review on Family Office and family wealth management​

Supervisor 1: Luca Manelli

Date: 21 September 2023

Tutor: Josip Kotlar

Content / Work description: Description : There is a growing interest in the phenomenon of family offices. These organizations are privately owned, often  providing services such as account aggregation or concierge, and are thought of managing a sum of $6 trillion around the world.  Their strategic agility and their care in maintaining secrecy over their activities makes them not just very influential long-term  investors, but also severely understudied. By developing a systematic literature review from academic and practitioners’ sources,  the objective of this thesis is to provide a deep overview of what we already know about family offices, and to offer new research  directions to understand better this fascinating organizational phenomenon. 

Requirements: Fluent in English; Working knowledge of Microsoft Excel​

Additional Information: If you are interested in this thesis project, please send the updated version of your CV and transcript of records to prof. Luca Manelli ([email protected]), possibly by the 10th October 2023

Literature review on corporate purpose

Content / Work description: Description :  The concept of corporate purpose is arguably one of the most diffused buzzwords in contemporary business  jargon, and loosely refers to the presence of an aspiration to have an impact on stakeholders and society. Indeed, it is one of the  most unclear and ambiguous business concepts as well. While research on corporate purpose has been gaining traction, it is  fragmented in different streams, hampering the development of a coherent body of knowledge on the topic, and diminishing the  potential relevance of academic research to business practice. By developing a systematic literature review, the objective of this  thesis is taking stock of research on corporate purpose, analyzing the evolution of the concept, and generating a framework for  organizing it.

Requirements: Fluent in English, working knowledge of Microsoft Excel

The emergence of family governance: A longitudinal single case study

Content / Work description: Description: Family governance is a set of formal and informal rules, processes, and structures (e.g., family constitutions, family council, etc.) that enable the business family to regulate their participation and decisions to the ownership and family systems. Business families do not have family governance structures and rules from the get-go, but they come to structure it later, often beyond the 2nd generation. Even though it has been acknowledged by practitioners that this is of vital importance for families, research lags behind. How do family governance structures emerge within business families? This dissertation project employs a single case study of an Italian, multigenerational business family to trace a rich longitudinal analysis of how the interaction between family members and advisors leads to the emergence of a shared set of norms that regulate the conflicts and the decisions over the family affairs. Methodology : Qualitative

Requirements: Fluent in English and Italian; basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel

Mapping the liquidity events of Italian family businesses

Content / Work description: Description:  Much attention has been granted to the strategic management of the family-owned business: how to  internationalize, how to manage cash, how to devise an effective succession plan. However, in the evolution of business families,  family-owned companies can be also sold. The sale of the family business (the "liquidity event") represents an important  discontinuity in the history of a business family. Particularly in Italy,  since a few years,  we are witnessing an increase in the number  and size of liquidity events, which makes the headlines of newspapers. The purpose of this dissertation project is to  systematically map the liquidity events of family businesses in Italy and highlight their key dimensions and consequences for the business family and the local economy.  Methodology : Quantitative

Requirements: Fluent in English; very good knowledge of Microsoft Excel; basic knowledge of statistical analysis programs (SPSS, STATA) and willingness to improve quantitative analysis skills.

Direct investments in private markets by European family offices

Content / Work description: Description: Family offices are gaining much attention from analysts and entrepreneurs. Family offices, organizations that are entrusted with the management, allocation and investment of family wealth, are becoming more and more active investors in private markets. While this is a way to diversify the portfolio, it is also a way to ensure that the wealth-owning family remains entrepreneurial, even if it has sold the family business. Due to the family-centered goals, family offices are often considered as long-term investors and providers of patient capital, which makes them an interesting category of investors vis-à-vis private equity funds. However, we do not know much about the investments that family offices in Europe make. This dissertation project seeks to map the direct investments that European family offices have made in a given timeframe, and to understand their effect on the target firms’ performance after the investments. In a nutshell, this dissertation seeks to understand whether and under which conditions family offices create value for the target firm.  Methodology : Quantitative   ​

Family businesses and community resilience in the Biella textile cluster

Content / Work description: Description: The textile cluster in Biella is home to some of the most famous brands in Italian fashion, such as Zegna  or Fratelli Piacenza. Most of the companies in the clusters, both large and not-so-large, are family-owned businesses. Once the  engine of the industrial revolution in Italy, the Biella textile cluster has been undergoing a severe change, due to increased  competition and reconfiguration of the global value chains. How is the local territory and business actors responding to these  threats? What are the elements that enable or impede the resilience of the cluster? What is the role of family firms in this picture?  This exploratory thesis project employs a qualitative research design, combining primary sources (like interviews) and  secondary, archival data, to make sense of these questions. Methodology : Qualitative ​

Requirements: Fluent in English and Italian; Working knowledge of Microsoft Excel

Decoding metaverse adoption: a comprehensive analysis of adoption drivers and barriers

Supervisor 1: Debora Bettiga

Date: 19 September 2023

Email: [email protected]

Contacts: Debora Bettiga

  • Perform a literature review with the scope of identifying the most relevant and influential models, barriers and drivers to the adoption of immersive technologies, and situational factors.
  • Identification of a specific current research gap to be filled with the research.
  • Development of a theoretical model and identification of measurement metrics
  • Design of a data collection phase to empirically validate the theoretical model (proposed methodology: online survey to be distributed).
  • Data collection.
  • Analysis of the gathered data, with the aim of testing the research hypotheses.
  • Discussion of the results and identification of managerial and policymakers’ implications.

Deadline: 31-10-2023

Work Location: Milano

Requirements: Good statistical knowledge is needed

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships

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PhD Thesis Template

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  • Thesis bulletin board

 Biblioteche ed Archivi logo

Search for a document

General information, search tips, search through a database, if you did not find the document you were looking for.

Through this websile you can search all documents available at University Library System: printed books and journals, electronic resources (online articles and e-journals, e-books, databases), post-graduate theses and PhD theses, technical standards, cartography, materials. 

On this website you can use:

  • the search box available on home page, the discovery tool BIBLIOSEARCH  (you can select the type of document)
  • the page of Polimi research tools

As for electronic resources on subscription (online articles and e-books) you can also download the document in full-text. If you are off campus you need to have configured the proxy on your laptop browser and to have set the proxy credentials . Further information

We advise you not to do bibliographic searches on electronic resources from your mobile phone , both for reasons related to the reduced size of the screen, and because it is not possible to configure the university proxy on your mobile phone, and therefore you may obtain unreliable information regarding the availability of electronic resources.

Puoi verificare l’elenco alfabetico completo di tutti i periodici elettronici e gli e-book in abbonamento.

If ou are searching only printed books and journals or materials you can use also PolimiLibrary app , which coincides with the online catalogue .

  • If you are looking for a book or an e-book enter the significant words of the title or author's surname in BIBLIOSEARCH .  
  • if the thesis was discussed before July 2010 or the PhD dissertation was discussed before 2012, use the online catalgue
  • if the thesis was discussed after July 2010 o r the PhD dissertation was discussed since 2012 use the online repository POLItesi
  • if you don't know the discussion date, use the search engine box in home page, leaving the icon "all the resources" selected  
  • If you need to do a general research and you don't know exactly what kind of document you are interested in, you'd better use the discovery tool BIBLIOSEARCH leaving the icon "all the resources" selected. If you enter one or more search terms you simultaneously search for the online catalogue (in which you find printed books and journals, printed theses, cartography and materials), the online theses repository, the e-books, the e-journals and most of online databases on subscription.  
  • If you are looking for a technical standard , use the specific databases on subscription.  

Through the databases you can find out publications about an even very specific subject or publications about an author. You can access the full-text of a document through the database, if the Politecnico has a subscription, by pressing the SFX button.  You can search for journal articles and documents directly in a specific database specialized in the sector of your interest or in the citational databases (Scopus and Web of Science). You find the complete A-Z list of databases on subscription here .

Some databases can also be searched through the search engine, while others can only be accessed via the native interface of the single database. Further information

After having retrieved the bibliographic references of the articles, you can check the availability of the full text by clicking the SFX button. If the full-text is not available, check in the Online Catalogue if the journal containing the article is present in paper format in the Politecnico libraries. If the paper document is not available either, a link to the Document Delivery service through Nilde is available.

You can try to search for it yourself in the catalogues of other libraries outside the Politecnico or you can request the book you need through the inter-library loan service or request the article or book chapter you are looking for through the Document Delivery service. If you need help you can always contact the Reference Service .


  1. Template Tesi Polimi Word

    thesis template polimi

  2. Template Tesi Polimi Word

    thesis template polimi

  3. Template Tesi Polimi Word

    thesis template polimi

  4. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

    thesis template polimi

  5. Thesis full text (PDF)

    thesis template polimi

  6. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

    thesis template polimi


  1. Literature Review Template for Thesis/Proposal

  2. Complete MS Thesis Template

  3. Using Stellenbosch Overleaf Thesis Template

  4. The Gate Thesis Project Video Render

  5. 02 How to use features in the thesis template

  6. Polimi Design Student Vlog


  1. Material

    Material. Slides: template PoliMi - Download. Slides: template DEIB - Download. Thesis templates: LaTex Word Overleaf Classic Format Overleaf Article Format Overleaf Executive Summary.

  2. Polimi Thesis in Computer Science and Engineering

    Abstract. A template for Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. The template is a modified version of the original LaTeX template of Polimi, slightly modified in order to reduce the colour of the template (e.g. in corner pages and section/subsection headers). Tags. University Thesis Politecnico di Milano.

  3. Classical Format Thesis

    Classical Format Thesis - Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione - Politecnico di Milano. Open as Template View Source View PDF. ... This document is intended to be both an example of the Polimi \LaTeX{} template for Master Theses, as well as a short introduction to its use. It is not intended to be a general introduction to ...

  4. Templates

    Polimi Thesis in Computer Science and Engineering A template for Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. The template is a modified version of the original LaTeX template of Polimi, slightly modified in order to reduce the colour of the template (e.g. in corner pages and section/subsection headers).

  5. Submit your thesis

    Thesis submission support. For information and assistance on the online submission of the post-graduate thesis you can: read the FAQ for who has to deposit his thesis: you find them at the bottom of this page. fill out the assistance request form. book an appointment at the virtual desk. contact the Reference service at Leonardo Campus Library.

  6. School: Degree examinations

    The following templates are available: Thesis in "classical" format, to be used for writing the thesis in the traditional format. Thesis in "article" format (valid only for 3I School), to be used as an alternative to the classical format for writing the thesis in a "journal paper" style (approximately 30 pages).

  7. Resources

    AIRLab's directions about preparing and writing your thesis [also, talk to your supervisor (s) about how you should use the templates linked below] AIRLab's template for thesis presentations, in pdf and ppt formats. A collection of thesis-related information published by Polimi's School of Industrial and Information Engineering….

  8. GitHub

    All the template styles and options are in the mat-polimi.tex file: edit its content depending on your needs.. Note: by default, the bibliography is compiled through the biber backend, which is more modern and customizable than the standard bibtex one. Make sure your LaTeX editor uses biber as a default bibliography backend. Only in case of troubles, change the biblatex package options to ...

  9. Templates

    Polimi Thesis in Computer Science and Engineering A template for Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. The template is a modified version of the original LaTeX template of Polimi, slightly modified in order to reduce the colour of the template (e.g. in corner pages and section/subsection headers).

  10. Degree Defence

    Master Degree. For the Thesis, the use of the template provided by the School . The presentation must be prepared in Powerpoint format. The PC and the projector will be made available in the room (no need to bring your PC). The time slot for the presentation of a regular Thesis (i.e., Thesis with opponent examiner) is 15 minutes (extended to 20 ...

  11. Thesis Board Test Page

    The thesis is intended as a Short Thesis, with the possibility to be extended to Dissertation by leveraging Business Model Innovation literature and analytical methodologies (e.g, QCA). ... ([email protected]), possibly by the 10th October 2023 . The emergence of family governance: A longitudinal single case study . Type of project ...

  12. Gallery

    The template is a modified version of the original LaTeX template of Polimi, slightly modified in order to reduce the colour of the template (e.g. in corner pages and section/subsection headers). Davide Baroffio, Federico Reghenzani. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses ...

  13. School: Thesis bulletin board

    Thesis Bulletin Board. In order to facilitate the search for a Thesis Advisor, in the online services under "Degree - Final exam" it is possible to consult the Thesis bulletin board, a continuously updated space in which faculty members publish proposals of thesis topics to which the Master's Degree student can apply.

  14. Search for a document

    Search tips. If you are looking for a book or an e-book enter the significant words of the title or author's surname in BIBLIOSEARCH.; If you are looking for a post-graduate thesis or PhD dissertation. if the thesis was discussed beforeJuly 2010 or the PhD dissertation was discussed before 2012, use the online catalgue; if the thesis was discussed afterJuly 2010 or the PhD dissertation was ...