E-thesis / University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki doctoral dissertation form and publishing an electronic dissertation in E-thesis

University of helsinki doctoral dissertation form.

Doctoral candidates should fill in the electronic doctoral dissertation form three weeks before the public examination of the dissertation at the latest. The purpose of the dissertation form is to integrate the collection and storing of all information on dissertations as well as their abstracts. Currently the information is used by the Helsinki University Library, by the University Communications Department and also by the University calendar of events. The collected information is also made available in DART- Europe E-thesis portal. In addition, the abstracts of the dissertations in medicine are stored in Medic - the Finnish reference database of health sciences produced by Meilahti Campus Library Terkko.

If the date of the public examination changes, please contact the library ([email protected]) before submitting the doctoral disseration form again.

The abstracts submitted with the dissertation form are published in University of Helsinki Digital Repository Helda . Two abstracts are submitted, a popular abstract in Finnish or Swedish and a scientific abstract in English. The recommended maximum length for the scientific abstract is 1-2 pages, for the popular 1 page (about 2400 characters). If the abstract is longer, it should be sent separately as an attachment (text file, Microsoft Word is recommended) to [email protected]. In this case, please fill in a notification (such as "Abstract will be sent separately") to the text field for the abstract in the form. If the doctoral candidate wishes to publish an abstract in a language not mentioned above, the abstract should be sent to as an e-mail attachment.

Publishing an electronic dissertation in Helda

The doctoral candidate is required to publish the doctoral dissertation as a digital publication in Digital Repository Helda. The format of digital dissertations in Helda is PDF. The publishing of an digital dissertation in Helda is free of charge for the doctoral candidate.

If your dissertation is based on articles, it is sufficient if the summary part of the dissertation is published in Helda. However, the articles can be included in the digital dissertation, if you have checked that the publishers allow this.

In addition, 20 printed copies of the dissertation are required. The distribution of the printed copies should be checked from the faculty of the doctoral candidate. It is possible to apply for financial support to cover the expenses of the printing of the dissertation. For further information, see Instructions for Students .

Separate ISBN numbers are required for each version of the dissertation, i.e. different numbers for the printed version and the PDF version. If necessary, ISBN numbers can be obtained from the Finnish ISBN Agency (e-mail [email protected]).

The author of the dissertation should sign a publishing agreement (https://ethesis.helsinki.fi/files/sopimus-eng.pdf) with the University of Helsinki. You will receive a request to sign the agreement in the UniSign system .

The electronic version of the dissertation is normally published in Helda five days before the public examination of the dissertation, at the latest.

The file may be sent to the Libray as an e-mail attachment. If the electronic version of the dissertation has been ordered from Unigrafia, Unigrafia will deliver the file directly to the Library.

To summarize, please remember the following when publishing your dissertation in Helda

  • The electronic University of Helsinki dissertation form, preferably at least three weeks before the public examination of the dissertation (N.B.: this is a recommendation, the form can be sent later as well).
  • The dissertation as a PDF file, preferably two weeks before the public examination. If your dissertation is printed in Unigrafia, Unigrafia will take care of sending the file to the Library. N.B. If the file is over 20 MB, please contact the Library before sending it.
  • The author must approve the publication agreement by which she/he authorises the publication of the dissertation online. The agreement is approved in  UniSign service . You will receive a request for acceptance to the e-mail address you filled in the doctoral dissertation form (please submit a helsinki.fi address if possible). If it is not possible to accept the agreement in UniSign, please contact the library ([email protected])

Contact addresses

E-mail: [email protected]

Mailing address: Helsinki University Main Library E-thesis P.O. Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30) 00014 University of Helsinki Finland

  • University of Helsinki dissertation form
  • Publishing agreement (PDF)
  • En route to the Doctorate - by University Communications
  • The Finnish ISBN Agency

Contact information

  • Evaluation of master's and bachelor's theses
  • Teaching and Learning Services
  • [email protected]
  • Doctoral dissertations, availability and publishing of dissertations and theses
  • Helsinki University Library
  • [email protected]
  • © HULib 2012-2020


  • About E-thesis
  • Data protection
  • Accessibility

The instruction belongs to the following themes

  • Instructions for used systems

Search for degree programme

Open university programmes.

  • Open university Flag this item

Bachelor's Programmes

  • Bachelor's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Applied Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Biology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science (TKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (SBP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (VO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental and Food Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Physical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Science (BSC) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in the Languages and Literatures of Finland Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item

Master's and Licentiate's Programmes

  • Degree Programme in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Medicine Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item
  • International Masters in Economy, State & Society   Flag this item
  • Master ́s Programme in Development of health care services Flag this item
  • Master's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Area and Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Changing Education Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Computer Science (CSM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Culture and Communication (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Data Science Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Early Education (VAKA) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in English Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian Languages and Cultures Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Economy and Consumption Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Gender Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Integrative Plant Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Intercultural Encounters Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in International Business Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Life Science Informatics (LSI) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Literary Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Materials Research (MATRES) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (MAST) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Neuroscience Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences (PARAS) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Scandinavian Languages and Literature Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social and Health Research and Management Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Sciences (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theoretical and Computational Methods (TCM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translation and Interpreting Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translational Medicine Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP) Flag this item
  • Master’s Programme in Global Governance Law Flag this item
  • Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (ENCHIL) Flag this item

Doctoral Programmes

  • Doctoral Programme Brain and Mind Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM-DP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine (DPBM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (CHEMS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (KLTO) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Communication (CLIC) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Computer Science (DoCS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Drug Research (DPDR) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society (SKY) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Geosciences (GeoDoc) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in History and Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Human Behaviour (DPHuB) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science (ILS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences (DENVI) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Language Studies (HELSLANG) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanoscience (MATRENA) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences (PAPU) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, Arts and Society Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences (DPPS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes (PYAM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Population Health (DOCPOP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society and Culture Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources (AGFOREE) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Wildlife Biology (LUOVA) Flag this item

Specialist training programmes

  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Finnish) Flag this item
  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (ELO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (LEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (VEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies in subject teacher education Flag this item
  • Spe­cific Train­ing in Gen­eral Med­ical Prac­tice Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Clinical Mental Health Psychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Neuropsychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Food Production Hygiene Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Chemistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Microbiology Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 5-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 6-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, general veterinary medicine Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Trainer Training Programme in Integrative Psychotherapy Flag this item
  • Training Programme for Psychotherapists Flag this item
  • Language Centre
  • Open University

The examiner (called ‘reviewer’ in the E-thesis system) receives an automatic message from the E-thesis system when the examination stage begins. The message is sent to the email address that the E-thesis official at the Student Services on-site service point has entered into the system. The examiner must log in to E-thesis with the email address to which the message has been sent and to which the thesis has been submitted for examination. This means, for example, that theses sent to a hus.fi address can only be found if the examiner logs in to the system by clicking on Authentication with email address and password. For users that don’t have University of Helsinki’s credentials. Theses to be evaluated are always associated with the email address attached to them. 

The message comes from a no-reply address. The message contains a direct link to the main page of the thesis evaluation form. The message contains three links that lead to the main page and form in different languages. Please read the faculty guidelines on the language in which the thesis must be evaluated.

Kuvakaappaus automaattiviestistä, joka sisältää eri kieliset linkit tarkastettavan tutkielman arviointilomakkeelle

Another option for logging in to the E-thesis system is to use the front page. The front page is available at https://ethesis.helsinki.fi/en/ . You can find the Login link at the bottom of the front page.

Kuvakaappaus sivulta ethesis.helsinki.fi ja, jossa on ympyröity punaisella kohta "Kirjautuminen".

You must then select the login method.

If you do not have University of Helsinki credentials and are using the E-thesis system for the first time, you must register in the system before you can receive theses to be examined. An official at the Student Services on-site service point sends external examiners a registration invitation through the E-thesis system to the email address supplied. You can then create a username following the instructions in the email message.

Screenshot from log in page

You can find links to the PDF version of the thesis and the Ouriginal report at the top of the main page for the thesis to be evaluated, together with information on the examination deadline and the faculty and degree programme associated with the thesis in question. The current content of the evaluation form is displayed on the main page. 

Examiners can write comments to each other, only intended for mutual communication. Such comments are only available to the examiners, and they will be deleted from the system after the examination stage.

Both examiners are assigned their own colour (orange and grey; see below). If the examiners agree on the evaluation of various areas of the thesis, the colour is black. If the evaluation form only accepts one value for each evaluation criterion (bachelor’s theses), the selected values are displayed on a grey background. 

Screen capture from the system's main view

Examiners can edit the content of the form by clicking on Edit evaluation. Editing the evaluation locks the content for the logged-in user and prevents other examiners from editing the content of the evaluation. If an examiner opens the information on the thesis while the other examiner is editing the evaluation form, the former examiner will be shown a message about the locked content and the examiner editing the form. The content will be unlocked after the examiner has saved or cancelled the changes made to the evaluation form or after the form has been open for 30 minutes without being saved or cancelled. 

If the Approved column is ticked, it means that the examiner in question has approved the content of the evaluation form.

If you click on Evaluation help, you will be taken to the faculty instructions for the examination of theses on the Instructions for Teaching website. NB! On the Instructions for Teaching website, you must select the degree programme of the thesis you are examining.

The most important element in the Evaluation information section is the evaluation form and the related details. The E-thesis system contains several evaluation forms that also differ depending on whether the examination focuses on a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. The logic of the forms also varies. The evaluation forms of new master’s theses contain both examiner-specific sections and shared sections. The latter include the grade proposal, its grounds and any faculty-specific additional information.

The examiners edit the content of the evaluation one at a time, saving the form after each edit. The evaluation does not need to be approved immediately if the interim edits are to be used in the evaluation. In this case, the examiners can use the comment field to send each other messages on their edits.

Kuvakaappaus E-thesis -järjestelmästä arvioitavan tutkielman päänäkymän alaosasta..

When the evaluation has been completed, the examiner approves it by clicking on Approve evaluation. The approval of the evaluation means that the logged-in examiner no longer wishes, or is able, to change the evaluation. The evaluation must be approved twice by the examiner who saved and approved the evaluation first. The other examiner(s) must usually approve the evaluation only once.

Kuvakaappaus E-thesis-järjestelmästä arviointilomakkeen muokkaustilan yläosan näkymästä.

Approving the evaluation locks the evaluation form for the logged-in user. However, the form opens again for editing if another examiner (or one of the other examiners) edits the content of the evaluation. In other words, both (or all) examiners must approve the evaluation in order for the thesis to be sent to the faculty, degree programme steering group or grading committee for consideration and approval. The Approve evaluation button is not activated if all selections are blank (-).

However, the examiner’s approval is cancelled if another examiner either edits their own evaluation section (radio button selections in the evaluation areas) or revises the shared evaluation section (grade proposal, faculty-specific additional information, grounds). When all examiners have approved the evaluation, the thesis is automatically sent on to the next stage, and the examiners receive an automatic email from a no-reply address. Attached to the email message is the content of the evaluation form as a PDF file.

The E-thesis official from the Student Services on-site service point then forwards the thesis for approval at the relevant meeting. This must be done at least one week before the meeting. The student will receive an automatic message from the system, attached to which is the content of the evaluation form as a PDF file. Once the thesis evaluation has been approved at the above meeting, a student adviser will separately record the thesis as completed in the student information system and submit the thesis to the E-thesis archive. The student will receive an automatic message about the grading decision and a link for allowing online publication.

The student provides information on the possible need for an embargo (delayed publication) at the beginning of the submission stage in the field Other notes on the submission form. This field is included in the master’s thesis submission forms of all faculties, with the exception of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Student Services official confirms the embargo. 

  • Instructions for students
  • Notifications for students

e thesis university of helsinki

This corpus contains the University of Helsinki’s master’s theses as well as the doctoral theses and their summaries in the following languages: English, Finnish, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Swedish, published at https://ethesis.helsinki.fi by September 2016. The corpus is divided in subcorpora, one for each language mentioned above.

Please note: Due to a known bug in the automatic conversion process that was applied on this corpus, there are some missing characters in the text, i.e., some individual words may have been erroneously truncated or split. The bug has probably affected every 129th character in the original text. This problem will be fixed in the next version (1.1) of the corpus.

Of this language corpus different versions/subcorpora are published in the Language Bank of Finland. The versions are available through the Language Bank Download Service and/or through the Korp concordance tool . The links to the different versions can be found from the list above.

Detailed information on the content of each version, user rights and licenses can be found from it’s specific metadata record in META-SHARE .

This resource group page has a Persistent Identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021031601

e thesis university of helsinki

  • Researcher of the Month: Juraj Šimko (22.5.2024)
  • New resource: T-Bone Slim Corpus, source (9.5.2024)
  • Researcher of the Month: Lotta Leiwo (22.4.2024)
  • New resource (beta): Uralic UD v2.13, Kielipankki Korp version (22.4.2024)
  • Introducing: LAREINA project (funded by Business Finland) (16.4.2024)

Upcoming events

Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon 2024 #DHH24 15.5.2024 – 24.5.2024

FIN-CLARIAH Kick-off event 10.6.2024 11.00 – 16.00

Digital Research Data and Human Sciences (DRDHum) 2024 10.12.2024 – 12.12.2024

e thesis university of helsinki

e thesis university of helsinki

  • Browse Resources

The University of Helsinki's Finnish E-thesis, Korp Version

Helsingin yliopiston suomenkielisen e-thesiksen korp-versio, e-thesis-fi, persistent identifier of this resource:, http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2016090601, the corpus is available in kielipankki - the language bank of finland in korp (http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2016101801). the corpus contains the university of helsinki's finnish master's theses as well as the doctoral theses and their summaries published at https://ethesis.helsinki.fi by september 2016. please note: due to a known bug in the automatic conversion process that was applied on this corpus, there are some missing characters in the text, i.e., words may have been erroneously truncated or split. the bug has probably affected every 129th character in the original text. this problem will be fixed in the next version of the corpus..

e thesis university of helsinki

  • E-Thesis - University of Helsinki Digital Theses, http://ethesis.helsi...

e thesis university of helsinki

  • The Helsinki Korp Version of the Finnish Text Collection
  • The University of Helsinki's English E-thesis, Korp Version
  • Digital Morphology Archives
  • The HS.fi News and Comments Corpus

E-thesis / University of Helsinki

  • Instructions

University of Helsinki doctoral dissertation form

Step 2/4: submitting the information.

The headings of the mandatory fields are in bold letters and marked with an asterisk ( * ). Instructions are in brackets and in italics next to the field concerned. When you have filled in the form, click the Preview button at the end of the form. You will then be directed to a page, which lists the information you have submitted. At his point you can easily check the information, and also print it. If necessary, you can return to the previous stage to correct eventual mistakes. If you need help with the form or would like to give feedback, please contact Helsinki university library ( [email protected] , 02941 44584).

(The telephone number will not be published, but may be needed as contact information.)

(Please fill in the exact location, for instance Biokeskus 2, auditorio 1041, Viikinkaari 5)

(Please fill in the link to the Unitube or Zoom stream of the public discussion)

(The information will be shown in the University’s calendar of events)

(If the language of the dissertation is Finnish, the translation is in English. Otherwise the translation is in Finnish.)

(Faculty which have given the permission to defend the dissertation. Optional name of department unit can be typed in the unit field. The unit is typed in using the language (Finnish, English or Swedish) of the dissertation .)

(In this field you can type in other research institutions in which dissertation work was carried out, for instance independent institutes within University of Helsinki and/or institutions outside University of Helsinki. Please, use the language of the dissertation . If you would like to include more than one research institution, use the semi-colon between them; for instance: University of Tampere, Faculty of Information Sciences, Department of Computer Sciences; University of Helsinki, Institute of Biotechnology.)

Please choose one to six fields of science which describe your dissertation (national classification by the Ministry of Education and Culture). The information will used in the reporting of University’s research.

  • 111 Mathematics
  • 112 Statistics and probability
  • 113 Computer and information sciences
  • 114 Physical sciences
  • 115 Astronomy, Space science
  • 116 Chemical sciences
  • 1171 Geosciences
  • 1172 Environmental sciences
  • 1181 Ecology, evolutionary biology
  • 1182 Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology
  • 11831 Plant biology
  • 11832 Microbiology and virology
  • 1184 Genetics, developmental biology, physiology
  • 119 Other natural sciences
  • 211 Architecture
  • 212 Civil and Construction engineering
  • 213 Electronic, automation and communications engineering, electronics
  • 214 Mechanical engineering
  • 215 Chemical engineering
  • 216 Materials engineering
  • 217 Medical engineering
  • 218 Environmental engineering
  • 219 Environmental biotechnology
  • 220 Industrial biotechnology
  • 221 Nano-technology
  • 222 Other engineering and technologies
  • 3111 Biomedicine
  • 3112 Neurosciences
  • 3121 General medicine, internal medicine and other clinical medicine
  • 3122 Cancers
  • 3123 Gynaecology and paediatrics
  • 3124 Neurology and psychiatry
  • 3125 Otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology
  • 3126 Surgery, anesthesiology, intensive care, radiology
  • 313 Dentistry
  • 3141 Health care science
  • 3142 Public health care science, environmental and occupational health
  • 3143 Nutrition
  • 315 Sport and fitness sciences
  • 316 Nursing
  • 317 Pharmacy
  • 318 Medical biotechnology
  • 319 Forensic science and other medical sciences
  • 4111 Agronomy
  • 4112 Forestry
  • 412 Animal science, dairy science
  • 413 Veterinary science
  • 414 Agricultural biotechnology
  • 415 Other agricultural sciences
  • 416 Food Science
  • 511 Economics
  • 512 Business and Management
  • 5141 Sociology
  • 5142 Social policy
  • 5143 Social and cultural anthropology
  • 5144 Social psychology
  • 5145 Social work
  • 515 Psychology
  • 516 Educational sciences
  • 5171 Political Science
  • 5172 Global Politics
  • 518 Media and communications
  • 519 Social and economic geography
  • 5200 Other social sciences
  • 5201 Political History
  • 5202 Economic and Social History
  • 5203 Global Development Studies
  • 611 Philosophy
  • 6121 Languages
  • 6122 Literature studies
  • 6131 Theatre, dance, music, other performing arts
  • 6132 Visual arts and design
  • 614 Theology
  • 615 History and Archaeology
  • 6160 Other humanities
  • 6161 Phonetics
  • 6162 Cognitive science
  • 6163 Logopedics
  • 6164 Speech communication

(Write the name of the publisher, if some other than University of Helsinki)

(Scientific abstract is the abstract in English. Please leave an empty line between paragraphs. The abstract can be typed in or copied and pasted. Recommended maximum length is one page (2400 characters).)

(Popular abstract is the abstract in Finnish or Swedish. Please leave an empty line between paragraphs. The abstract can be typed in or copied and pasted. Recommended maximum length is one page (2400 characters).)

(For the press release, you can tell about yourself within the limits of one paragraph: your date and place of birth, high school you graduated etc.)

  • Helsinki University Main Library
  • Digital Services
  • PO Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30)
  • 00014 University of Helsinki
  • © HULib Verkkopalvelut 2012
  • [email protected]
  • puh. (029) 41 44584


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Anton Björklund defends his PhD thesis on Interpretable and explainable machine learning for natural sciences

M.Sc. Anton Björklund defends his doctoral thesis "Interpretable and explainable machine learning for natural sciences " on Friday the 31st of May 2024 at 13 o'clock in the University of Helsinki Exactum building, Auditorium B123 (Pietari Kalmin katu 5, 1st floor). His opponent is Professor BenoÎt Frénay (University of Namur, Belgium) and custos Professor Kai Puolamäki (University of Helsinki). The defence will be held in English.

The thesis of Anton Björklundis a part of research done in the Department of Computer Science and in the Exploratory Data Analysis group at the University of Helsinki. His supervisor has been Professor Kai Puolamäki (University of Helsinki).

Interpretable and explainable machine learning for natural sciences

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are becoming fundamental parts of the modern world. Characteristic for modern machine learning is the use of large and complex models. We call these kinds of models black box models because their internal reasoning is practically impossible to follow. However, understanding the processes and decisions is important when human lives are affected and for the scientific discovery of new knowledge.

The topic of this dissertation is machine learning where human understanding is desired, or required. We will discuss two approaches to enable understanding; interpretable machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence. Interpretable machine learning involves the use transparent processes and models that are directly understandable. These kinds of methods let us verify that they work correctly and, possibly, extract new knowledge.

The use of black box models is often motivated by their higher accuracy. If we want to use black box models, we have turn to explainable artificial intelligence. Here, the goal is not to replace the complex models, but rather extract more information from them, to better understand their reasoning.

In this dissertation we take a closer look at two types of interpretable machine learning methods: how robust regression deals with unreliable data and how non-negative matrix factorisation decomposes the data into recognisable parts. As for explainable artificial intelligence, we look at model-agnostic, local explanation methods, that can explain individual predictions from any black box model, and how we can visualise multiple local explanation to get a holistic view of the behaviour of a black box model.

Finally, the increased use of machine learning also extends to scientific applications. The main objective of science is the pursuit of knowledge, which makes interpretability and explanations crucial tools when applying machine learning. An advantage of scientific domains is the vast amount of background knowledge, that can be used to inform and improve the modelling. This dissertation demonstrates applications of interpretable machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence on two scientific domains: high energy physics and atmospheric science.

Avail­ab­il­ity of the dis­ser­ta­tion

An electronic version of the doctoral dissertation will be available in the University of Helsinki open repository Helda at  http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-84-0144-5 .

Printed copies will be available on request from Anton Björklund: [email protected]

UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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This collection contains University of Texas at Austin electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The collection includes ETDs primarily from 2001 to the present. Some pre-2001 theses and dissertations have been digitized and added to this collection, but those are uncommon. The library catalog is the most comprehensive list of UT Austin theses and dissertations.

Since 2010, the Office of Graduate Studies at UT Austin has required all theses and dissertations to be made publicly available in Texas ScholarWorks; however, authors are able to request an embargo of up to seven years. Embargoed ETDs will not show up in this collection. Most of the ETDs in this collection are freely accessible to all users, but some pre-2010 works require a current UT EID at point of use. Please see the FAQs for more information. If you have a question about the availability of a specific ETD, please contact [email protected].

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May 22, 2024

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Urban gardening may improve human health—research subjects benefit from microbial exposure

by University of Helsinki

Urban gardening may improve human health—research subjects benefited from microbial exposure

A collaborative study between the University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland and Tampere University demonstrated that a one-month indoor gardening period increased the bacterial diversity of the skin and was associated with higher levels of anti-inflammatory molecules in the blood.

In his doctoral thesis , Mika Saarenpää investigated, among other things, how microbial exposure that promotes the health of urban residents, particularly enhancing their immune regulation , could be increased easily through meaningful activities integrated into everyday life. The study has since been published in the journal Environment International .

Previously, it has been shown that contact with nature-derived, microbially rich materials alters the human microbiota. In Saarenpää's study, research subjects committed to urban gardening, a natural activity for them, which may result in long-term changes in the functioning of the immune system.

"One month of urban indoor gardening boosted the diversity of bacteria on the skin of the subjects and was associated with higher levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the blood. The group studied used a growing medium with high microbial diversity emulating the forest soil," says Doctoral Researcher Saarenpää from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki.

In contrast, the control group used a microbially poor, peat-based medium. According to Saarenpää, no changes in the blood or the skin microbiota were seen. Peat is the most widely used growing medium in the world, and the environmental impact of its production is strongly negative. Moreover, Saarenpää's research indicates that it does not bring health benefits similar to a medium mimicking diverse forest soil.

"The findings are significant, as urbanization has led to a considerable increase in immune-mediated diseases, such as allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases, generating high health care costs. We live too 'cleanly' in cities," Saarenpää says.

"We know that urbanization leads to reduction of microbial exposure, changes in the human microbiota and an increase in the risk of immune-mediated diseases. This is the first time we can demonstrate that meaningful and natural human activity can increase the diversity of the microbiota of healthy adults and, at the same time, contribute to the regulation of the immune system."

Urban gardening is an effortless way to improve health

Microbial exposure can be increased easily and safely at home throughout the year. The space and financial investment required is minor: in the study, the gardening took place in regular flower boxes, while the plants cultivated, such as peas, beans, mustards and salads, came from the shop shelf.

Changes were observed already in a month, but as the research subjects enjoyed the gardening, many of them announced that they would continue the activity and switch to outdoor gardening in the summer.

According to Saarenpää, microbe-mediated immunoregulation can, at its best, reduce the risk of immune-mediated diseases or even their symptoms. If health-promoting microbial exposure could be increased at the population level, the health care costs associated with these diseases could be reduced and people's quality of life improved.

"We don't yet know how long the changes observed in the skin microbiota and anti-inflammatory cytokines persist, but if gardening turns into a hobby, it can be assumed that the regulation of the immune system becomes increasingly continuous," Saarenpää notes.

Saarenpää considers it important to invest in children's exposure to nature and microbes, as the development of the immune system is at its most active in childhood. Planter boxes filled with microbially rich soil could be introduced at kindergartens, schools and, for example, hospitals, especially in densely built urban areas.

For urban gardening to bring health benefits instead of risks, the skin of the hands in particular must be unbroken, and the inhalation of dusty growing media avoided.

"My research emphasizes the dependence of our health on the diversity of nature and that of soil in particular. We are one species among others, and our health depends on the range of other species. Ideally, urban areas would also have such a diverse natural environment that microbial exposure beneficial to health would not have to be sought from specifically designed products," Saarenpää says.

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Student Guide

Call for Theses: Master’s Award in Development Studies 2024

Aalto University, Squad students, May-2023. Credits: Aleksi Poutanen

The Finnish University Partnership for International Development –UniPID-, and the  Finnish Society for Development Research –FSDR - seek to recognize and award exceptional Master’s theses from  UniPID member universities .

The Master’s Award in Development Studies 2024 will be presented in conjunction with the FSDR’s annual Development Days Conference in February 2025. The prize for the winning thesis is 1,000 euros. Honorable mentions will also be awarded to other high-quality theses of exceptional merit.

The Master’s Award in Development Studies eligibility criteria are the following:

  • The thesis has been approved as a requirement for completion of a Master’s degree during the period 1.8.2023 - 31.7.2024  at a  UniPID member university .
  • The language of the thesis is in Finnish, Swedish, or English .
  • The grade of the thesis is eximia cum laude approbator or higher, or at least 4  in the 1-5 grading scale.
  • While the scope of the competition is multidisciplinary, the thesis should employ one of the following global development research frameworks: development studies, developing country research, international development, or Global South research.

The Master’s Award Working Group will decide on the eligibility of the submitted thesis.

The final review of the work will focus on the following qualities:

  • Scientific relevance and impact (i.e., excellence and academic merit related to theoretical value and/or research methods; pioneering topic; timeliness; and creativity).
  • Societal applicability (i.e., social impact of the results).
  • Maturity/excellence of research design and research questions (i.e., the choice and use of methods; author’s own critical thinking).
  • Potential for publication.

How to participate?

The author should submit the thesis via the specific form for Master’s Award 2024 application on the UniPID website .

With the author’s consent, the thesis may also be submitted by his/her supervisor.

The deadline for the submissions is 15 August 2024 at 23:59 .

The submitted theses should be accompanied by the following information and attachments:

  • Contact details of the author
  • A summary of the work (max. 1 page)
  • Relevance of the thesis for the field of global development research (max. 1 page)
  • Transcript of records and/or examiner’s statement indicating the university, department, supervisor(s), the grade the work received, and official date of approval.

For further information, please contact Ana Tarazona ( [email protected] )

Feedback about the page

  • Published: 21.5.2024
  • Updated: 21.5.2024

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  1. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    This site describes how to search dissertations and theses written at the University of Helsinki. You can also read instructions about submitting and publishing theses. ... Please read the examiners instructions for using the E-thesis system for evaluating master's and bachelor's theses. Contact information. Evaluation of master's and bachelor ...

  2. E-thesis

    Select degree programme. E-thesis is a digital system for the submission, assessment and archiving of theses and dissertations. It also feeds theses into the University of Helsinki's open publication repository (Helda). In all other faculties, theses are also reviewed and evaluated in the E-thesis system except the Faculty of Science.

  3. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    The system is maintained by the Teaching and Student services of the University and Helsinki University Library. The evaluation process is managed in E-thesis system. When the thesis has been evaluated and accepted in the faculty, it is possible for the student to give a permission to publish the thesis. The university recommends the open ...

  4. E-thesis / Helsingin yliopisto

    E-thesis järjestelmän käytön tekniset ohjeet alemman ja ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon opinnäytteen tarkastajalle.

  5. Theses

    The University of Helsinki uses the Ouriginal plagiarism detection system. On this page you will find information on using Ouriginal. ... E-thesis is a digital system for the submission, assessment and archiving of theses and dissertations. On this page you will find information on E-thesis. Thesis commissions. ...

  6. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    With depositing or publishing your thesis, you can contact [email protected]. In questions related to the thesis examination and assessment process, contact Kruununhaka Student Services ([email protected]. If you have problems with PDF conversion you can also contact the IT Service HelpDesk (02941 55555).

  7. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    Contact addresses. E-mail: [email protected]. Mailing address: Helsinki University Main Library. E-thesis. P.O. Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30) 00014 University of Helsinki. Finland.

  8. E-thesis

    E-thesis is a digital system for the submission, assessment and archiving of theses and dissertations. It also feeds theses into the University of Helsinki's open publication repository (Helda). In all other faculties, theses are also reviewed and evaluated in the E-thesis system except the Faculty of Science.

  9. E-thesis

    If you do not have University of Helsinki credentials and are using the E-thesis system for the first time, you must register in the system before you can receive theses to be examined. An official at the Student Services on-site service point sends external examiners a registration invitation through the E-thesis system to the email address ...

  10. Theses

    Theses can be found in the library's collections in both printed and digital formats. You can read printed theses at the library premises. Newer theses are mostly available digitally. Whether a thesis has been published openly depends on the author's permission. The University of Helsinki recommends the open publication of theses.

  11. Publishing the dissertation and communications

    All doctoral candidates defending their doctoral thesis at the University of Helsinki must complete the dissertation form available on the E-thesis website no less than three weeks before the public examination. Details on the public examination and the doctoral thesis are requested on the form, which will be submitted simultaneously to the ...

  12. Helda digital repository

    Helda, the open-access digital repository of the University of Helsinki, contains researchers' articles, doctoral and other theses, monographs, unit publication series and other resources produced at the University. The University is committed to open science and research, and the Helda repository maintained by Helsinki University Library is ...

  13. Submitting your thesis this year?

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  14. E-thesis

    E-thesis. This corpus contains the University of Helsinki's master's theses as well as the doctoral theses and their summaries in the following languages: English, Finnish, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Swedish, published at https://ethesis.helsinki.fi by September 2016. The corpus is divided in subcorpora, one for each language mentioned above.

  15. PhD Thesis

    Please contact [email protected] in all matters related to PhD thesis. According to the University's guidelines for doctoral education the doctoral dissertation is the main part of the doctoral degree. In addition to the doctoral dissertation the doctoral degree includes 40 credits of studies.

  16. PDF Thesis template of the University of Helsinki

    The Master's Thesis includes research work and literature review. The scope of the MSc Thesis at University of Helsinki is 30 cr, but in MP CHEMS and MP MATRES the practical research part is extended by adding the study unit "Research project" (15 cr. In MP ASC study track the scope is 10 cr, see below).

  17. Thesis and maturity test in Master's and Licentiate's Programmes

    Publication of theses. The University recommends the open publication of master's theses and corresponding licentiate theses. If you permit the online publishing of your thesis, it will be published in the University of Helsinki's open publication repository Helda, where it will be available to the general public. Search engines will ...

  18. Doctoral dissertation

    The doctoral dissertation must have a brief abstract of one to two pages, providing a summary of the dissertation and its key results. The abstract must outline the doctoral candidate's objectives or research questions as well as the core research methods, results and conclusions. Doctoral dissertation in Faculty of Medicine.

  19. The University of Helsinki's Finnish E-thesis, Korp Version

    The corpus contains the University of Helsinki's Finnish master's theses as well as the doctoral theses and their summaries published at https://ethesis.helsinki.fi by September 2016. Please note: Due to a known bug in the automatic conversion process that was applied on this corpus, there are some missing characters in the text, i.e., words ...

  20. University of Helsinki doctoral dissertation form

    At his point you can easily check the information, and also print it. If necessary, you can return to the previous stage to correct eventual mistakes. If you need help with the form or would like to give feedback, please contact Helsinki university library ([email protected], 02941 44584).

  21. E-thesis accessibility statement

    The E-thesis repository contains thousands of PDF files stored before 23 September 2020. There are no resources available for converting them to comply with the relevant accessibility requirements. ... Thesis files stored in the E-thesis repository can be browsed at Helsinki University Library premises using the library terminals. Their ...

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    Tähän pyritään uuden E-thesiksen avulla. Uudistettu tutkielmien palautus- ja arviointijärjestelmä E-thesis tulossa käyttöön porrastetusti. E-thesis on uudistettu tutkielmien palautus- ja arviointijärjestelmä, joka on tulossa käyttöön osassa tiedekuntia 1.8.2024 alkaen ja toisissa 1.1.2025.

  23. Employment as a doctoral researcher

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    M.Sc. Anton Björklund defends his doctoral thesis "Interpretable and explainable machine learning for natural sciences" on Friday the 31st of May 2024 at 13 o'clock in the University of Helsinki Exactum building, Auditorium B123 (Pietari Kalmin katu 5, 1st floor).His opponent is Professor BenoÎt Frénay (University of Namur, Belgium) and custos Professor Kai Puolamäki (University of Helsinki).

  25. UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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  28. Call for Theses: Master's Award in Development Studies 2024

    The thesis has been approved as a requirement for completion of a Master's degree during the period 1.8.2023 - 31.7.2024 at a UniPID member university. The language of the thesis is in Finnish, Swedish, or English. The grade of the thesis is eximia cum laude approbator or higher, or at least 4 in the 1-5 grading scale.