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PhD Admission Guide

This application guide provides information on the key stages in making an application to study for a PhD at King’s Business School and on the admission and funding deadlines. Please read this information carefully as failure to meet the requirements outlined below may jeopardise your application. 

Application and funding deadlines

  • How to apply: A step-by-step guide
  • After you Apply

Receiving an offer

* Be sure to speak with a supervisor before submitting your application.

For entry to the King’s Business School PhD Programme for October 2024/25, the following application and funding deadlines apply:

1. Check that you meet our entry requirements

Academic standards.

You should hold, or be completing, a Master's degree with a Merit or higher (or overseas equivalent) and  have achieved a 2:1 Bachelor's degree (or overseas equivalent) in a relevant subject.

International applicants can check the equivalence of their degrees . If you can't find your country or qualification in the list or would like to check the status of your institution with us, please contact the Admissions Office for further advice.

King’s does not require standardised tests such as the GRE or GMAT, but some supervisors may request these scores for information.

English language requirements

If you are a native English speaker or have been awarded a degree within the last five years from one of the countries listed here , you may not be required to take an English language test. English language competency is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

If your first language is not English you must be able to provide recent evidence that your spoken and written command of the English language is adequate for the programmes for which you have applied. Check our English language requirements here (Band B) . You can use our pre-sessional English calculator to check if your language scores meet our requirements.

Please note, we cannot review individual eligibility before you apply and are only able to consider complete applications which include all supporting documents.

2. Contact potential supervisor(s)

Support from a supervisor with the right expertise for your project is essential to success in your doctoral studies. For your application to be considered you must identify a lead supervisor who shares an interest in your proposed area of research.

You sould contact potential supervisors to discuss your research proposal before applying. If they are interested, they will invite you for an interview. 

You will work closely with your lead supervisor for several years, so it is essential to ensure that you have similar research interests and aims for the project. Before approaching a potential supervisor, read some of their publications on their Research Profiles to see if they undertake work in an area relevant to you. This will help you to decide whether they are the right fit for you and your project. When approaching a potential supervisor, it is important to show an appreciation of their research expertise and interests.

Details of research undertaken within the School can be found by exploring our departments and academic staff pages. All of our faculty members are research active and the majority of them are available to supervise doctoral students.

When you have identified a supervisor you would like to work with, please email them, and include the following information in your message:

  • A short message explaining your background, research interests and why you are interested in undertaking a PhD
  • An explanation of why you think they are the right supervisor for your project, demonstrating your familiarity with their research work
  • A copy of your CV
  • An early draft of your research proposal (usually about one page). Have a look at Section 3 for details on what to include in your proposal

If you do not send this information you may not get a response to your email, as without these details it will not be possible for a supervisor to assess whether they will be able to supervise your project.

It is fine to send queries to more than one supervisor, but please do not send blanket email requests to more than four academics at a time. These are unlikely to receive a response.

If you do not receive a response from your preferred supervisor after a week, then feel free to send them a reminder. If you still do not receive a response, you can still submit your application and include the name your preferred supervisor in your application. Your application may be considered.

If a supervisor is interested they will invite you for an interview and all applications are reviewed at School level. Please note that a supervisor’s agreement to supervise you does not guarantee entry to the programme. You must submit an online application with all of the required documents before the School is able to make a full assessment of your suitability.

3. Develop your proposal

A PhD proposal is an outline of your proposed project. It is arguably the most important part of your PhD application. The admissions committee will be assessing your expertise in your chosen research area, your knowledge of the literature, the quality and originality of your ideas, whether your project is a good fit with your proposed supervisor and the research strengths of the School, and the feasibility of your project.

The proposal should be approximately 1,500 words in length plus references, and should be structured using the following headings:

  • Introduction: To set up a clear research problem/question and its wider significance
  • Background: To provide a short literature review that analyses the state-of-the-art in the field and explains how the project will add to and/or challenge existing literature
  • Objectives: To state the main objectives of the project
  • Methods: To explain the methods you plan to use, including sources of, or means of collecting, data
  • Implications: To highlight the anticipated academic and applied contributions of the project

You are advised to contact prospective supervisors before finalising your proposal in case they have any advice about how to refine it and so you can ensure your research fits well with the expertise of your supervisor.

It is understood that your project will evolve during the course of your PhD, so the proposal is necessarily speculative. We do not expect you to be able to answer your research question(s) at the application stage. Likewise, some of the methods you may want to use will work, and some of them may not. Nonetheless it is important to try and be as specific as you can about the project’s objectives, methods and anticipated outcomes.

4. Write your Personal Statement

We ask that you also write a short supporting statement (c. 500 words) explaining:

  • Your motivation for applying for a PhD
  • Why you are well suited to undertaking a PhD (appropriate expertise, personal skills, etc.)
  • What you are hoping to do after you complete your PhD
  • Why you have selected your preferred supervisor(s)
  • Why King’s Business School is the best place for you to undertake your project

5. Apply online

Submit your application via King’s Apply , our online application portal. Select either Management Studies Research MPhil/PhD (Full Time) or Management Studies Research MPhil/PhD (Part Time) depending on your preferred mode of study. Please note that only applicants for Full Time study are eligible for a King’s Business School studentship.

Your application requires the following:

  • Research proposal of 1,500 words, to be uploaded on the portal
  • The name of your preferred supervisor
  • Personal statement of 500 words, to be pasted in the ‘Supporting Statement’ box
  • One academic reference which is recent and valid. You can invite your referee to upload their reference directly or you can upload copies of the reference letter to the online application form
  • A sample of your previous written work (typically, your Master’s dissertation)
  • English language test certificate, unless you meet the criteria for an exemption.Valid degree transcripts for both undergraduate and master’s degrees, which include marksheets showing all modules taken and marks received. If your transcripts are not in English, please provide an official translation
  • Details on how you will fund your studies. If you are applying for a King’s College London studentship you must enter the scholarship code details in the online form

6. Apply for funding

Most PhD students require funding to support their studies. To increase your chances of securing funding, we strongly encourage you to apply to all studentship competitions for which you are eligible.

A variety of competitions are open to students accepted to the King’s Business School PhD Programme and a comprehensive database of studentships is available through the Centre for Doctoral Studies . Some of the key competitions include:

King’s Business School Studentships

Open to all full-time applicants to the PhD Programme, regardless of fee status, King’s Business School studentships pay fees in full and an annual stipend. Applicants to the King’s Business School studentships are expected to also apply to any other King’s studentships for which they are eligible. The competition opens in early October each year.

Please let your supervisor know if you are interested in applying to the King's Business School Studentships and ensure you submit your online application via King’s Apply by 15 December 2023 at 17.00 (5pm) .

Please contact The PhD Team at [email protected] if you have any questions.

London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS-DTP) Studentships

These studentships, funded by the Economic and Social Sciences Research Council, are available to Home and International students (including EU students). The deadline is TBC, but usually late January 2024.

King’s China Council Scholarships

Open to citizens and permanent residents of the People’s Republic of China, these scholarships provide international fees, an annual living allowance and visa application fees. To apply mention the relevant scholarship code when you submit your online application to King’s Apply, and fill out the CSC application form (available online). The deadline is usually in early January.

After you apply

Use King’s Apply you can track the status of your application, view your offer details and upload supporting documents such as English language test results.

The application process can take four to eight weeks depending on the time of year. Please note that an incomplete application will delay the decision-making process.

If you have any queries about your application, you can contact Admissions directly through your King’s Apply Account using the messaging service (admissions does not communicate through email about applications)

All shortlisted applications are reviewed at School level and if your application is successful, you will either receive an unconditional or conditional offer at the end of March 2024 for Round 1 and end of June for Round 2. A conditional offer will outline certain requirements which you must fulfil before you can be admitted to the programme.

If you decide to accept the offer, you will need make the offer ‘firm’ on your King’s Apply Account. You can still do this if your offer is conditional and when all conditions are met the status of your application will change to unconditional.

You will start to receive specific programme Information from the Research Officer in the summer before the programme starts in October.

Do you have a question?

If you have a query which is not answered on this page, or to find out more about supervisors currently taking on PhD students, please contact [email protected]

Postgraduate Research Students

Support & advice for pgr students, how we can help, academic issues.

We can give advice and support on a range of academic issues, including: 

  • Arranging extensions on upgrade or final submission deadlines. 
  • Arranging interruptions/taking a break from your studies for a certain period. 
  • Failure at Upgrade.  
  • Failure at final thesis submission and viva voce. 
  • Withdrawal due to lack of progress. 

Other Issues

We can also give advice and support on other issues, including: 

  • Problems with supervisors, including breakdown of the supervisor/student relationship. 
  • Problems with resources/facilities available. 
  • Harassment, discrimination and/or abuse. 
  • GTA issues, or issues relating to teaching.  
  • Research assistant issues. 
  • Academic misconduct.  

We can also help with other issues, so if you don’t see your problem on the list then please do check our PGR FAQs or get in touch by filling out the  Advice Information Form . 

I’m having issues with my studies. Who should I talk to? 

There are three main academics who can help you. 

Your supervisor or supervisory team 

Your department’s Postgraduate Coordinator 

Your faculty’s Vice Dean for Doctoral Studies 

For advice, you can  contact us  by filling out the advice form, or you can contact the KCL Advice Team  here . 

I’m having issues with my supervisor. Who can I talk to? 

You can contact your faculty’s Vice Dean for Doctoral Studies or your department’s Postgraduate Coordinator. Please also fill in the advice form to get specific advice on your case.  

How do I find out who my Postgraduate Coordinator is? 

Check your department’s website or any information you were given when you started your course. If this fails, ask your supervisor or email your department to find out. 

How do I find out who my faculty’s Vice Dean for Doctoral Studies is? 

The Centre for Doctoral Studies has compiled a list of Faculty Vice Deans for Doctoral Studies. You can find it  here  under ‘Faculty Contacts’. 

I’ve been experiencing problems with my supervisor or the way my programme has been organised. Can I submit a complaint? 

Yes. You can submit a complaint within 3 months of the incident(s) occurring. Complaints would not have academic outcomes and cannot be made anonymously. Potential outcomes could include an apology, financial compensation etc.  

We can give confidential advice and impartial guidance on this process, so please submit an advice form so you can get more specific advice on your situation. 

How do I change supervisor or supervisors?  

Your first step is to think about who you would like to work with next. If you have someone in mind, you can approach this academic informally via email or in person, explain about your research, and ask if they would like to supervise you. If they agree, you can then contact your department’s Postgraduate Coordinator, your faculty’s Vice Dean for Doctoral Studies, or your current supervisor if you feel comfortable doing so, and explain the situation. 

If you’re not sure who you would like to work with, then you can contact the postgraduate coordinator or vice dean to ask if they can find someone for you. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can also discuss this with your supervisor or supervisors.  

You can talk to your department’s postgraduate coordinator, or your faculty’s Vice Dean for Doctoral Studies. It should be possible to find out who these people are on your departmental website. The Centre for Doctoral Studies also has a list of faculty Vice Deans for Doctoral Studies. 

I’ve been having difficulties beyond my control. Can I submit a Mitigating Circumstances Form? 

No. Mitigating Circumstances Forms only apply to taught programmes such as undergraduate degrees and taught Masters. Instead, you can speak to your supervisor or Postgraduate Coordinator. If you need an extension, please see the advice below. 

I can’t meet my upgrade or submission deadline, what do I do? 

Please speak to your supervisor and explain the situation.  

Your supervisor can then fill out a form called an Exemption Request, which will be sent to the Vice Dean for approval.  

If your supervisor is away or unable to help you, you can contact your Vice Dean or your Postgraduate Coordinator. 

You can find more information on the extension process  here  under ‘PGR Exemption Requests’. 

I’ve been having mental health difficulties. Is there anyone who can help with this? 

Yes. The  KCL counselling service  is confidential, free and available for KCL postgraduate researchers. You can make an appointment directly through their online self-referral form  here , or you can get in touch with them using the details below: 

E:  [email protected]  

T: 0207 848 1731 

If you need to talk to someone,  the Samaritans  also offer a free confidential listening service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

T: 116 123 

I need to take some time out from my studies. How do I do this? 

You can contact your supervisor to discuss this. It is very important that you also contact KCL Advice (which is separate from KCLSU Advice) because interruptions can have financial or legal issues and can affect funding, accommodation and visas. 

The KCL Advice team can provide advice on financial matters. You can contact them on the phone, via email, or attend one of their drop-in sessions. Further details and how to contact them can be found  here . 

I don’t feel that my assessment was marked fairly, can I appeal?  

Appealing because you disagree with your mark is considered a challenge to academic judgement and will not be accepted. 

I need advice on funding or visas. Can you help? 

Unfortunately not. We can’t give advice on these issues, but the KCL Advice team can give you advice on these issues. You can contact them here:  

I’ve failed my upgrade twice. What can I do now? 

You can submit an academic appeal within 21 days of getting the result. To submit an appeal, you need to fill out the PGR Appeal Form for Upgrades. Please get in touch with us for advice on how to write your statement and fill this form out. You can find the PGR Upgrades Appeal Form and more information on the process  here .  

Please note the correct form for this is called PGR Appeal Form: PhD Upgrade and MD(Res) Transfer. 

Useful Links

  • Centre for Doctoral Studies
  • Contacts at CDS and in Faculties
  • Counselling Service
  • KCL Advice Service
  • PGR Documents and Regulations

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Find Student theses

Filters for student theses.

  • 1 - 50 out of 6,853 results
  • Award date (ascending)

Search results

Essays on panel data prediction models.

Supervisor: Fosten, J. (Supervisor) & Weale, M. (Supervisor)

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy

Picture this: an investigation of the neural and behavioural correlates of mental imagery in childhood and adulthood with implications for children with ADHD

Supervisor: Farran, E. (External person) (Supervisor) & Smith, M. (External person) (Supervisor)

Aggression and Unity: Impacts of the First World War on German Protestant Missions in Hong Kong

Supervisor: Stockwell, S. (Supervisor)

Effectiveness of Iron Therapy During Pregnancy and Early Childhood on Infant Developmental Outcomes

Supervisor: Moore, S. E. (Supervisor) & Edmond, K. M. (Supervisor)

Roman Military Finds from Non-Military Contexts in South-East England and the Role of the Roman Army in Romano-British Society

Supervisor: Pearce, J. (Supervisor)

Beyond Continuity and Discontinuity: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Key Aspects in Galatians 3:1-4:11

Supervisor: Adams, E. (Supervisor) & Tilling, C. (External person) (Supervisor)

Pan-tropical modelling of the effects of tree cover growth on water quantity and regulation services

Supervisor: Catford, J. A. (Supervisor) & Mulligan, M. (Supervisor)

In vitro studies combining [ 177 Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE with metronomic chemotherapy to improve neuroendocrine tumour therapy

Supervisor: Terry, S. Y. A. (Supervisor) & Livieratos, L. (Supervisor)

Single Molecule Interferometric Imaging of Molecular Assembly

Supervisor: Wallace, M. (Supervisor)

Interpreting Norms and Stigma: The India-US Nuclear Relationship from 1974 to 2008

Supervisor: Elbahtimy, H. (Supervisor) & Engelkamp, S. (Supervisor)

Can Civil Disobedience be Justified through a Kantian Theory?

Supervisor: Callanan, J. J. (Supervisor) & Mameli, G. (Supervisor)

The role of metabolites in the interplay between gut microbiota and cardiometabolic health, with a focus on short-chain fatty acids

Supervisor: Menni, C. (Supervisor) & Valdes, A. (Supervisor)

An ‘omics’ approach to understanding spontaneous preterm birth

Supervisor: Tribe, R. (Supervisor), Mason, J. (Supervisor) & Flaviani, F. (External person) (Supervisor)

Re-engineering the Global Antitrust Network

Supervisor: Biondi, A. (Supervisor) & Nazzini, R. (Supervisor)

Student thesis : Master's Thesis › Master of Philosophy

Interpreting Shared Pasts: Remembering Taiwanese Idol Dramas and Taiwan Tourism in a Rising China

Supervisor: Reading, A. (Supervisor) & Berry, C. (Supervisor)

Essays in corporate finance and brand valuation: Evidence from sports sponsorships and athletes endorsements

Supervisor: So, R. (Supervisor) & Driouchi, T. (Supervisor)

Milk Extracellular Vesicles-Mediated Oral Delivery of TNFα RNA Interference for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Supervisor: Vllasaliu, D. (Supervisor) & Thanou, M. (Supervisor)

Object Constraint Language Based Test Case Optimisation

Supervisor: Lano, K. C. (Supervisor) & Chockler, H. (Supervisor)

Examining the role of structural dynamics in the assembly and function of the multidrug efflux pump AcrAB-TolC

Supervisor: Reading, E. (Supervisor) & Booth, P. J. (Supervisor)

Divergent roles of type I and III Interferons in Shigella and Salmonella Infection

Supervisor: Odendall, C. M. (Supervisor) & academic, A. (Supervisor)

Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Novel Clinical Pathway for People with Co-occurring Eating Disorders and Autism

Supervisor: Tchanturia, K. (Supervisor) & Byford, S. (Supervisor)


Supervisor: Earl, G. (Supervisor) & Sully, D. (External person) (Supervisor)

Identifying Candidate Biomarkers of Clinical Response to Ustekinumab in Psoriasis

Supervisor: Barker, J. N. W. N. (Supervisor) & Di Meglio, P. (Supervisor)

A lifespan perspective on brain-behavioural heterogeneity following very preterm birth

Supervisor: Batalle Bolano, D. D. (Supervisor) & Nosarti, C. (Supervisor)

Network Optimisation for Robotic Aerial Base Stations

Supervisor: Friderikos, V. (Supervisor) & Deng, Y. (Supervisor)

Aggression in mouse models of autism spectrum disorder: the effect of mutations in Nrxn1α and Nlgn3 genes

Supervisor: Blackwood, N. J. (Supervisor), McAlonan, G. M. (Supervisor) & Petrinovic, M. (Supervisor)

The Nationalisation of the People. Nationalist Articulations in Western European Right-Wing Populist Parties: A Comparative Analysis

Supervisor: Calvo Mendizabal, N. (Supervisor) & Foster, R. D. (Supervisor)

Enhancing Structural Refinement of Macromolecules obtained from Neutron Crystallography

Supervisor: Steiner, R. (Supervisor) & Murshudov, G. N. (External person) (Supervisor)

Pluripotent Stem Cells and Dynamic Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering

Supervisor: Grigoriadis, A. E. (Supervisor), Liu, K. J. (Supervisor) & Mendes Pereira da Silva, M. R. (Supervisor)

The Russian Way of Regular Land Warfare: A Comparative Case Study of Four Major Russian Operations after the Cold War

Supervisor: German, T. C. (Supervisor)


Supervisor: Joyce, P. M. (Supervisor) & Taylor, J. E. (Supervisor)

Creating outside the lines? Idea work targeting innovation outside formalized corporate structures: experimentation, networking and feedback

Supervisor: Gutierrez Huerter O, G. (Supervisor) & Miozzo, M. M. (Supervisor)

Praying for the Nation: Faith and Belonging in the Ukrainian Far Right

Supervisor: Shterin, M. (Supervisor)

Development of glycosyltransferase inhibitors for the glycoengineering of therapeutic antibodies

Supervisor: Karagiannis, S. (Supervisor) & Wagner, G. K. (Supervisor)

Immune responses to lipids in the skin

Supervisor: Barral Catoira, P. (Supervisor) & Hawrylowicz, C. M. (Supervisor)

Modelling the Mechanisms of Ice Crystal Growth at the Molecular Scale

Supervisor: Molteni, C. (Supervisor) & academic, A. (Supervisor)

The impact of exercise on cardiac repair by eliciting macrophages

Supervisor: Ellison, G. M. (Supervisor) & Dazzi, F. M. (Supervisor)

Political Economy of Rural Self-governance: the Case of the Village Communities in the Russian Empire after the Emancipation

Supervisor: Leon Ablan, G. J. (Supervisor) & Pennington, M. (Supervisor)

Shifting Tides of Power: The Evolution of China's Naval Strategy in the South China Sea from Defensive Offence to Defensive Defence, 1974–2018

Supervisor: Patalano, A. (Supervisor) & Brown, K. (Supervisor)

Preventative diplomacy: Britain, Yugoslavia, and the Cold War in Europe 1968-1980

Supervisor: Kandiah, M. (Supervisor) & Blick, A. (Supervisor)

Design and synthesis of novel pyrrolobenzodiazepines (PBDs) for use as payloads for antibody-drug conjugates

Supervisor: Rahman, K. M. (Supervisor) & Al-Jamal, K. (Supervisor)

Modelling the effects of cortisol and inflammation on neuronal progenitors and microglia in vitro: relevance for depression

Supervisor: Pariante, C. (Supervisor) & Srivastava, D. (Supervisor)

Anticholinergics, Antipsychotics and Associated Risks in Dementia Seeking to improve the Safety of Prescribing

Supervisor: Stewart, R. J. (Supervisor) & Taylor, D. M. (Supervisor)

Between the Classical and the Biopolitical: the Authority of Antiquity in the Articulation of a Modern Paradigm

Supervisor: Orrells, D. J. (Supervisor) & academic, A. (Supervisor)

Synthesis of Model Transformations from Metamodels and Examples

Supervisor: Lano, K. (Supervisor) & Zschaler, S. (Supervisor)

Targeting the architecture of pathological extracellular matrix in keloid scars

Supervisor: Shaw, T. (Supervisor) & Logan, M. (Supervisor)

Contributing to smoke-free: How can the provision and uptake of smoking cessation support be improved, including for those with mental health conditions?

Supervisor: Brose, L. S. (Supervisor) & McNeill, A. D. (Supervisor)

Defining anti-tumour immunity of mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

Supervisor: Ma, Y. (Supervisor) & Heaton, N. (External person) (Supervisor)

Pushing the Boundaries of Deep Reinforcement Learning by Challenging its Fundamentals

Supervisor: Celiktutan Dikici, O. (Supervisor) & Dai, J. (Supervisor)


Supervisor: Tribe, R. (Supervisor) & Jungbluth, H. (Supervisor)

The University of Hong Kong Graduate School

Joint PhD Programme with King's College London

HKU King's Logo

Background of King’s College London

King’s College London was founded in 1829 and is one of the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom according to latest QS World University Rankings.  It has nine academic schools of Arts & Humanities, Biomedical Sciences, Dental Institute, Institute of Psychiatry, Law, Medicine, Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery and Social Science & Public Policy. Its academic excellence enables world class teaching, research and innovation in the service of society.    The Joint PhD programme was introduced in 2010/11. It offers a valuable opportunity for students to pursue research in a wide range of disciplines as well as in topics that invite interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches at two premier universities in Asia and Europe.

Programme Features

Students admitted to the joint PhD programmes will:

  • be registered as full-time students at both universities and be able to enjoy their full range of academic and various facilities;
  • be guided in their work by faculty members from both universities, and be examined to the standards of both; and
  • normally split their time of study equally between the two universities and spend the last 6 months of study in the home university.
  • Interested applicants should first contact the Faculty concerned on available supervisors and subject areas
  • King's College London postgraduate entry requirements and English Language proficiency requirements
  • The University of Hong Kong research postgraduate entry requirements and English Language proficiency requirements
  • To apply through the University of Hong Kong  (i.e. HKU as your home institution)
  • To apply through the King's College London (i.e. KCL as your home institution)

Fees and Scholarships 

Joint PhD candidates will pay tuition fees to the admitting university for the whole period of candidature.  Applicants applying through the University of Hong Kong can apply for Postgraduate Scholarships .  Candidates who have outstanding academic performance or proven research records may apply for the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship  and Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme .    Students who pursue a joint PhD degree with King’s in Integrative Medicine may apply for the HKU Postgraduate Fellowships in Integrative Medicine . The Fellowships, offered by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, give preference to students enrolled in the HKU-King's College London Joint PhD programme with HKU being the home institution.  For enquiries about the Fellowships, please contact the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine directly.   

Award of Degree

Upon successful completion of the programme, a student will be conferred a PhD degree jointly awarded by the University of Hong Kong and the King’s College London.  

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Applied Mathematics Research MPhil/PhD

King's college london, university of london, different course options.

  • Key information

Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, similar courses at different universities, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Applied Mathematics

Course type


Our department has a large number of active and internationally renowned researchers and postdoctoral research fellows. The research groups organise regular seminars, where top-ranking scientists from around the world present new results, which our research students can witness firsthand. The students also organise their own informal seminars and discussion groups. The lively environment and the exceptionally friendly atmosphere at our department contribute to the high success rate of our students. You can apply for supervision in all fields of interest of our staff members. The department provides funding for PhD students to attend suitable schools and conferences during their studies.

Joint PhD programme

Exciting opportunities are now available to undertake a joint PhD programme with the University of Hong Kong or the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Course study environment

You will be assigned a supervisor with whom you will work closely. You will also attend research seminars and take part in other research related activities in your research group, the department and more widely in the University of London. We do not specify fixed attendance hours, but we expect a good level of attendance, and our research students benefit from informal interaction with each other. You will be provided with working and storage space, as well as a computer. On arrival you will discuss your research programme with your supervisor, and you will attend general induction sessions.

UK fees Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

Financial Maths: Bachelor’s degree with 1st class or 2:1 honours. Those applying for the joint degree are encouraged to contact an academic at King's to develop research links with the partner institution. Candidates may also be interviewed; Disordered Systems: Bachelor’s degree with 1st class or 2:1 honours. Those applying for the joint degree are encouraged to contact an academic at King's to develop research links with the partner institution; Theoretical Physics: Bachelor’s degree with 1st class or 2:1 honours. A good MMath, MSci or master's degree with high grades in modules that relate to the chosen research area will strengthen the application. Candidates may also be interviewed at the Department's open day or afterwards; Pure Maths: MMath, MSci or Master’s degree with Merit and high grades in modules relating to the research area. Candidates may also be interviewed.

MSc Applied Mathematical Sciences

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The University of Hong Kong - Graduate School

  • Joint Programmes

Joint PhD: King's College London

Background of kcl.

HKU_KCL Joint PhD_Leaflet

Please click here to download the leaflet

KCL was founded in 1829 and is one of the top 20 universities in the world according to 2013/14 QS World University Rankings. It has nine academic schools of Arts & Humanities, Biomedical Sciences, Dental Institute, Institute of Psychiatry, Law, Medicine, Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery and Social Science & Public Policy. Its academic excellence enables world class teaching, research and innovation in the service of society.  The Joint PhD programme was introduced in 2010-11. It offers a valuable opportunity for students to pursue research in a wide range of disciplines as well as in topics that invite interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches at two premier universities in Asia and Europe. 

Programme Features

Students admitted to the joint PhD programmes will:

be registered as full-time students at both universities and be able to enjoy their full range of academic and various facilities;

be guided in their work by faculty members from both universities, and be examined to the standards of both; and

normally split their time of study equally between the two universities and spend the last 6 months of study in the home university.

Programmes Available

Joint PhD Programmes between The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and King's College London (KCL) (information as of September 1, 2019)

​ Collaborating with international partners for education

Interested applicants should first contact the Faculty concerned on available supervisors and subject areas.

Students are required to meet the entry requirements of both universities:

King's College London postgraduate entry requirements  and  English Language proficiency requirements

  • The University of Hong Kong research postgraduate entry requirements and English Language proficiency requirements

Applicants can apply through either university, and they are required to submit one application only. The admission decision will, however, be made jointly by both universities.

To apply through  The University of Hong Kong  (i.e. HKU as your home institution)

To apply through  King's College London  (i.e. KCL as your home institution)

Fees, Scholarships and Living Expenses

Joint PhD candidates will pay tuition fees to the admitting university for the whole period of candidature. Applicants applying through The University of Hong Kong can apply for Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS). In addition, a small number of University Postgraduate Fellowship (UPF) are reserved for Joint PhD students with excellent academic performance. Please click here for more information about PGS and UPF.  Students who pursue a joint PhD degree with King’s in Integrative Medicine may apply for the HKU Postgraduate Fellowships in Integrative Medicine . The Fellowships, offered by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, give preference to students enrolled in the HKU-King's College London Joint PhD programme with HKU being the home institution. For enquiries about the Fellowships, please contact the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine directly.  The living cost of students varies depending on different factors like duration of study, accommodation type and life style. Please click  here  for details.

Award of Degree

Upon successful completion of the programme, a student will be conferred a PhD degree jointly awarded by HKU and KCL.


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Your Degree Certificate

I’m a recent graduate

If you have recently graduated (less than a year ago), and awaiting your degree certificate, please refer to our article  I’ve graduated recently and need my degree certificate .

You will also find these articles helpful:

  • I need to prove I have completed my studies
  • I need a transcript

I graduated a year ago or more

If you graduated year ago or more, and looking for details about replacing a lost or damaged degree certificate, please refer to our article I graduated a year ago or more, and need my degree certificate .

  • I’m King’s alumni and I need to prove my degree

I need my degree certificate legalised

Some overseas institutions or organisations may ask for you to legalise your degree certificate. This is not something which King’s can do internally, but is something done by the UK government’s Legalisation Office. To find out more about how to do this, please see our article  Can I turn my degree certificate into a legal document?

Further documentation you may need when you graduate:

  • For details on your final transcript, what it contains and how to access it, please read  I need a transcript
  • For a full and detailed report on what you have achieved, including your module marks and degree award, please read  What is the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)?
  • If you graduated from King's a few years ago and looking for documents to prove your degree, what's available to you may vary depending on when you studied with us. For details and guidance please read  I’m King’s alumni and I need to prove my degree
  • If your employer or other third party has requested verification of your degree, please refer to  How can an employer or other agency verify a degree from King’s?

Related Articles (6)

The King's Careers Blog

We're here to help you, whether you are in the discover, focus or action phase of your career journey., apply now for phd studentships starting october 2024.

The Centre for Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (CRESTEM) are pleased to announce that they are recruiting 2-3 PhD studentships to start in October 2024. Applications are open now, and you have until the 9th April to apply!

Ros Driver Studentship in Science Education

The Rosalind Driver Scholarship Fund was set up in honour of Professor Driver’s research concerning students’ ideas in science, carried out at Leeds University and King’s College London. The fund was endowed with the purpose of supporting the advancement of research in science education. This predominantly takes the form of funding the fees and stipend for one or two PhD studentships per year within CRESTEM.

This is a 3.5 years stipend of 20,000 pa and fees (home level) paid.

Eligibility criteria

Open to all nationalities. Essential criteria that candidates will need to demonstrate include:

  • A good (2:1 or 1st class) honours degree
  • High merit/distinction at Masters level (or equivalent qualification) in the social sciences/ education or a related field (including some research experience);
  • Recent experience of formal or informal learning settings
  • A commitment to social justice and equitable access to education

How to apply

To apply please go to:

Bernard Dawson Studentship in Chemistry Education

The Bernard Dawson Scholarship Fund was set up to support chemistry education research. Dr Bernard Dawson was an academic in chemistry education at King’s and pioneered new approaches to science teaching. The fund was set up by Dr Dawson to support chemistry education PhD scholarships at King’s.

This is a 3.5 years stipend of 20,000pa and fees (home level) paid.

International students are also eligible to apply, but please note they would be required to pay the excess for the international fees. Part-time applications are also welcome.

Please see the Scholarships in CRESTEM page for more details about both opportunities.

Interested candidates are also welcome to contact prof Heather King for an informal conversation at: [email protected].

The deadline for both applications is 9th April 2024.


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