1. Template for ETH Zurich IRIS Thesis Template

    eth master thesis example

  2. Template for ETH Zurich IRIS Thesis Template

    eth master thesis example

  3. Template for ETH Zurich IRIS Thesis Template

    eth master thesis example

  4. Template for ETH Zurich IDSC Thesis Template

    eth master thesis example

  5. Template for ETH Zurich IDSC Thesis Template

    eth master thesis example

  6. Master Thesis Cover Page Template

    eth master thesis example


  1. Master Thesis |Meromorphic function and its application| #thesis #mathematics #@hbmathematics3540

  2. Thesis and Dissertation Evaluation Format in All Ethiopian Universities(በአማርኛ)

  3. What Is a master's Thesis (5 Characteristics of an A Plus Thesis)

  4. Thesis Statement

  5. SECRETS TO BECOME TOP 1 IN THESIS || Episode 2 || How to Choose Your Thesis Topic

  6. What is a thesis Statement


  1. Projects and Master's Thesis

    Master's thesis. The Master's degree programme concludes with a Master's thesis that lasts six months. The project includes an oral presentation and a written report (the Master's thesis), and it is graded. Before starting the project, the Master's thesis must be registered in mystudies ("Projects/papers/theses"). You will be admitted to the ...

  2. Master Thesis

    Erol, Ecda (2021) This thesis deals with designing, engineering, and manufacturing a new cable-driven parallel robot, namely the cable-driven floating robot. The aim is to reduce the energy cost of transport in robotics by proposing a novel drive system.

  3. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines

    Define the topic of the Master's thesis in consultation with the student. b. Define the tasks in writing. c. Determine the date on which the student can begin the Master's thesis and the date on which the student must submit the thesis. d. Define the criteria for assessment of the Master's thesis. e. Assess and grade the thesis.

  4. Master's thesis in Earth Sciences

    Master's thesis in Earth Sciences. The Mas­ter's pro­gramme in Earth Sci­ences is con­cluded with the Mas­ter's thesis. The sub­ject of the thesis is in the ma­jor study area and rep­res­ents either an ap­plied or fun­da­mental re­search pro­ject. In most cases, the pro­ject will be in­teg­rated into one of the re­search ...

  5. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines

    c. Determine the date on which the student can begin the Master's thesis and the date on which the student can submit the thesis. d. Define the criteria for assessment of the Master's thesis. e. Assesses and grade the thesis. 4. Start date and duration The maximum time allowed for completion of the Master's thesis is 28 weeks. (These 28 weeks

  6. PDF Pre-Proposal for Master thesis

    The pre-proposal for the Master's thesis must be developed independently by yourself. If you refer to work already done at ETH Zurich or elsewhere, this must be properly refer-enced. All forms of plagiarism are unacceptable and will disqualify your scholarship application. As part of the evaluation of your application, you are inter-

  7. Master's Thesis

    The Master's thesis must be completed within 28 weeks. These 28 weeks include 26 weeks of work and 2 weeks for holidays, sick leave, and other brief absences.. Students are free to choose a start date in agreement with both supervisors. The start date is then registered in myStudies, subject to approval by the supervisor.

  8. PDF Guidelines to Master's Project Proposal

    ETH Zurich Study Administration NO D 63 Sonneggstrasse 5 8092 Zurich, Switzerland Phone +41 44 632 86 44 [email protected] ... objectives for their Master's Thesis, and to begin development of communication skills. The main objectives of the Master's Project Proposal are to demonstrate the following abilities:

  9. Thesis Projects and Research in DS

    Thesis Projects and Research in DS. The Mas­ter's thesis is a man­dat­ory course of the Mas­ter's pro­gram in Data Sci­ence. The thesis is su­per­vised by a pro­fessor of the data sci­ence fac­ulty list. Re­search in Data Sci­ence is a core elect­ive for stu­dents in Data Sci­ence un­der the su­per­vi­sion of a data sci ...

  10. Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis. In the fourth semester stu­dents write a Mas­ter's thesis which is su­per­vised by the tu­tor and cov­ers a theme de­rived from the six skill areas. The Mas­ter's thesis can be com­pleted at ETH Zurich, in co­oper­a­tion with an or­gan­iz­a­tion, or with the tu­tor's sup­port in co­oper­a­tion with fac ...

  11. Semester and Master's Thesis Projects

    Mas­ter's Thesis. The Mas­ter's Thesis re­quires 6 months of full time study/work, and we strongly dis­cour­age you from at­tend­ing any courses in par­al­lel. We re­com­mend that you ac­quire all course cred­its be­fore the start of the Mas­ter's Thesis. Be­fore start­ing the Mas­ter's Thesis, it is im­port­ant to agree ...

  12. Master's thesis

    The form of submission (printed, bound, PDF, etc.) of the Master's thesis needs to be agreed with the supervisor. Additionally, the Master's thesis must be handed in as a PDF document to the . With the agreement of the main supervisor, an excellent Master 's thesis can be published in the Research Collection ETH.

  13. Master's thesis

    Hand in your thesis by the agreed date (within 6 months), in­clud­ing the signed de­clar­a­tion of ori­gin­al­ity. Mas­ter's theses must be com­pleted within the spe­cified time. You must plan care­fully in ad­vance, if you wish to re­ceive your credit points on time to ap­ply for your Dip­loma De­gree Re­quest.

  14. Master's Thesis Guidelines

    MA Thesis Work­shop: you must at­tend the MA thesis work­shop and present the res­ults of your MA thesis re­search in front of all MACIS stu­dents. This work­shop usu­ally takes place March and July re­spect­ively. Out­stand­ing Mas­ter's theses are hon­oured with the Sil­ver Medal of ETH Zurich and a fin­an­cial sum.

  15. Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis. The mas­ter's de­gree pro­gramme con­cludes with a mas­ter's thesis of 35 weeks dur­a­tion that in­cludes a writ­ten re­port and oral present­a­tion. The topic of the thesis can be chosen ac­cord­ing to the stu­dent's in­terests in the field of bi­o­tech­no­logy. Im­port­ant: the mas­ter's thesis needs to ...

  16. Master's Thesis

    All master theses must be supervised by an ETH Professor authorized to supervise master theses for the MEST programme. The thesis is a 6-months full-time workload including an oral presentation and a written report (the Master Thesis). It is graded. Before starting the thesis, it must be registered online via myStudies

  17. Master Project

    The Master thesis project requires 6 months of full time study and is awarded 30 credit points upon completion. The project may only be started when all other requirements have been completed. This applies in particular to the semester project as well as to industry /research internships (see Art. 35 of the study regulations (PDF, 648 KB ...

  18. Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis. According to the Study Regulations, a Master's Thesis is only admissible to those who. a) have fully completed their Bachelor studies and. b) have fulfilled any extra requirements needed for admission to the Master Programme HST. Postings for Master's Thesis projects lock (nethz login required)

  19. Info about Bachelor and Master theses

    The bachelor thesis is worth 10 KP and the master thesis 30 KP. The bachelor thesis can be written over 6 months in a part-time workload or as a full-time workload in a shorter time frame. The master's thesis is written over 6 months in a 100% workload. Under certain conditions, the Bachelor thesis can also be written in a group (see Bachelor ...

  20. Masters' theses

    SA0793 - Pleisch, A. (2023) The im­pact of weather on urban trans­port de­mand, Mas­ter Thesis, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. SA0792 - Bender, J. (2023) Com­bin­ing line plan­ning and time­tabling to en­sure equit­able con­nec­tions from ori­gin to des­tin­a­tion, Mas­ter Thesis, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich.

  21. Master Thesis

    This Master's thesis explores the applications of remote sensing for coral reef studies and presents a pipeline for studying coral reef shapes and spectral features. Consecutively, a machine learning framework was applied for substrate classification. The study concludes that the most important Sentinel-2 bands for classifying underwater reef ...

  22. Master's thesis from AS 2021

    The new format of the Master's thesis on a defined topic is intended to encourage more intensive processing and interaction between the architectural project and other disciplines. The preparatory work steps (preparation phase) are included and serve as the basis of the final project (elaboration phase). Overall, the academic component of the ...

  23. Open Theses Projects (BSc/MSc)

    Open Theses Projects (BSc/MSc) If you are interested in conducting your Bachelor or Master thesis in the HYCLIMM group, please contact Manuela Brunner by email ( [email protected] ). Open Master thesis topics (Spring 2024) (PDF, 9.8 MB) vertical_align_bottom. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to discuss any ...

  24. PDF Master Curriculum Health Sciences and Technology

    1.1 Aim of the Master Thesis. The master thesis is a mandatory part and usually concludes the study programme. By conducting a master thesis, the students demonstrate their ability to carry out a structured, scientific piece of work independently. In general, it includes the study of existing literature, the specification of the research ...