Essay on Effects of Global Warming for Students and Children

500+ words essay on effects of global warming.

Global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average of Earth’s temperature. Natural events and human influences are believed to be top contributions towards the increase in average temperatures. Global warming is a rise in the surface and atmospheric temperature of the earth that has changed various life forms on the earth. The issues that ascertain global warming are divided into two broad categories – “natural” and “human influences” of global warming.

essay on effects of global warming

Natural Causes of Global Warming

The climate has been continuously changing for centuries. One natural cause of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide . It traps the solar rays and prevents them from escaping the surface of the earth.

This causes an increase in the temperature of the earth. Volcanic eruptions are another reason for global warming. A single volcanic eruption can release a great amount of carbon dioxide and ash to the atmosphere. Increased carbon dioxide leads to a rise in the temperature of the earth.

Also, methane gas is another contributor to global warming. Methane is also a greenhouse gas. Methane is twenty times more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Usually, methane gas is released from many areas like animal waste, landfill, natural gas, and others.

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Human Influences on Global Warming

Human influence has been a very serious issue now as it is contributing more than natural causes of global warming. Since human evolution, the earth has been changing for many years until now and it is still changing because of our modern lifestyle. Human activities include industrial production, burning fossil fuel, mining of minerals, cattle rearing and deforestation.

Industries, transportation such as cars, buses, trucks burn fuel to power machines, which eventually releases carbon dioxide and monoxide from the exhaust, leading to an increase in a temperature rise of Earth’s atmosphere.

Another contributor is mining. During the process of mining, the methane gas trapped below the earth escapes. Rearing cattle also causes the release of methane from manure. Another cause is the most common but most dangerous – deforestation.

Deforestation is a human influence because human have been cutting down trees to produce paper, wood, build houses and more. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and their absence can lead to the concentration of such gases.

The Effect of Global Warming

The impact that global warming is causing on earth is extremely serious. There are many hazardous effects that will happen in the future if global warming continues. It includes melting of polar ice caps, leading to an increase in sea level drowning coastlines and slowly submerging continents.

Recent studies by National Snow and Ice Datacenter “if the ice melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet”. Another effect is climate change leading to the extinction of various species. More hurricanes, cyclonic storms, heat waves, drought, and extreme rainfalls will occur causing disaster to humankind.

The solution to Stop Global Warming

We humans need to work together towards the prevention of global warming. To reduce global warming we can contribute by reducing the production and concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We need to curb usage of gasoline, electricity and other activities including mining and industrialization that cause global warming.

Another way to reduce global warming is through recycling. Recycling can help reduce open burning of garbage by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. We need to stop open burning dry leaves or burning garbage. It contributes to releasing carbon dioxide and toxins. Besides, we should reduce deforestation and start planting more trees. Trees will help improve the temperature on earth and prevent drastic climatic change.

From today’s scenario, we can derive that our earth is “sick” and we humans need to “heal” it. Global Warming has already caused many problems for human and we need to prevent disasters of the future. Our generation needs to take care of the earth with immediate effect to safeguard future generations or they will suffer the consequences of global warming.

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Essay On Global Warming

Essay on global warming is an important topic for students to understand. The essay brings to light the plight of the environment and the repercussion of anthropogenic activities. Continue reading to discover tips and tricks for writing an engaging and interesting essay on global warming.

Essay On Global Warming in 300 Words

Global warming is a phenomenon where the earth’s average temperature rises due to increased amounts of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and ozone trap the incoming radiation from the sun. This effect creates a natural “blanket”, which prevents the heat from escaping back into the atmosphere. This effect is called the greenhouse effect.

Contrary to popular belief, greenhouse gases are not inherently bad. In fact, the greenhouse effect is quite important for life on earth. Without this effect, the sun’s radiation would be reflected back into the atmosphere, freezing the surface and making life impossible. However, when greenhouse gases in excess amounts get trapped, serious repercussions begin to appear. The polar ice caps begin to melt, leading to a rise in sea levels. Furthermore, the greenhouse effect is accelerated when polar ice caps and sea ice melts. This is due to the fact the ice reflects 50% to 70% of the sun’s rays back into space, but without ice, the solar radiation gets absorbed. Seawater reflects only 6% of the sun’s radiation back into space. What’s more frightening is the fact that the poles contain large amounts of carbon dioxide trapped within the ice. If this ice melts, it will significantly contribute to global warming. 

A related scenario when this phenomenon goes out of control is the runaway-greenhouse effect. This scenario is essentially similar to an apocalypse, but it is all too real. Though this has never happened in the earth’s entire history, it is speculated to have occurred on Venus. Millions of years ago, Venus was thought to have an atmosphere similar to that of the earth. But due to the runaway greenhouse effect, surface temperatures around the planet began rising. 

If this occurs on the earth, the runaway greenhouse effect will lead to many unpleasant scenarios – temperatures will rise hot enough for oceans to evaporate. Once the oceans evaporate, the rocks will start to sublimate under heat. In order to prevent such a scenario, proper measures have to be taken to stop climate change.

More to Read: Learn How Greenhouse Effect works

Tips To Writing the Perfect Essay

Consider adopting the following strategies when writing an essay. These are proven methods of securing more marks in an exam or assignment.

  • Begin the essay with an introductory paragraph detailing the history or origin of the given topic.
  • Try to reduce the use of jargons. Use sparingly if the topic requires it.
  • Ensure that the content is presented in bulleted points wherever appropriate.
  • Insert and highlight factual data, such as dates, names and places.
  • Remember to break up the content into smaller paragraphs. 100-120 words per paragraph should suffice.
  • Always conclude the essay with a closing paragraph.

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What is global warming, explained

The planet is heating up—and fast.

Glaciers are melting , sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying , and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. It has become clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives. Called greenhouse gases, their levels are higher now than at any time in the last 800,000 years .

We often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. While many people think of global warming and climate change as synonyms , scientists use “climate change” when describing the complex shifts now affecting our planet’s weather and climate systems—in part because some areas actually get cooler in the short term.

Climate change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events , shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas , and a range of other impacts. All of those changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, changing the rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely on.

What will we do—what can we do—to slow this human-caused warming? How will we cope with the changes we've already set into motion? While we struggle to figure it all out, the fate of the Earth as we know it—coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains—hangs in the balance.

a melting iceberg

Understanding the greenhouse effect

The "greenhouse effect" is the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat . These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse, hence the name.

Sunlight shines onto the Earth's surface, where the energy is absorbed and then radiate back into the atmosphere as heat. In the atmosphere, greenhouse gas molecules trap some of the heat, and the rest escapes into space. The more greenhouse gases concentrate in the atmosphere, the more heat gets locked up in the molecules.

For Hungry Minds

Scientists have known about the greenhouse effect since 1824, when Joseph Fourier calculated that the Earth would be much colder if it had no atmosphere. This natural greenhouse effect is what keeps the Earth's climate livable. Without it, the Earth's surface would be an average of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celsius) cooler.

a polar bear on ice

A polar bear stands sentinel on Rudolf Island in Russia’s Franz Josef Land archipelago, where the perennial ice is melting.

In 1895, the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius discovered that humans could enhance the greenhouse effect by making carbon dioxide , a greenhouse gas. He kicked off 100 years of climate research that has given us a sophisticated understanding of global warming.

Levels of greenhouse gases have gone up and down over the Earth's history, but they had been fairly constant for the past few thousand years. Global average temperatures had also stayed fairly constant over that time— until the past 150 years . Through the burning of fossil fuels and other activities that have emitted large amounts of greenhouse gases, particularly over the past few decades, humans are now enhancing the greenhouse effect and warming Earth significantly, and in ways that promise many effects , scientists warn.

Aren't temperature changes natural?

Human activity isn't the only factor that affects Earth's climate. Volcanic eruptions and variations in solar radiation from sunspots, solar wind, and the Earth's position relative to the sun also play a role. So do large-scale weather patterns such as El Niño .

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But climate models that scientists use to monitor Earth’s temperatures take those factors into account. Changes in solar radiation levels as well as minute particles suspended in the atmosphere from volcanic eruptions , for example, have contributed only about two percent to the recent warming effect. The balance comes from greenhouse gases and other human-caused factors, such as land use change .

The short timescale of this recent warming is singular as well. Volcanic eruptions , for example, emit particles that temporarily cool the Earth's surface. But their effect lasts just a few years. Events like El Niño also work on fairly short and predictable cycles. On the other hand, the types of global temperature fluctuations that have contributed to ice ages occur on a cycle of hundreds of thousands of years.

For thousands of years now, emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have been balanced out by greenhouse gases that are naturally absorbed. As a result, greenhouse gas concentrations and temperatures have been fairly stable, which has allowed human civilization to flourish within a consistent climate.

the Greenland Ice Sheet

Greenland is covered with a vast amount of ice—but the ice is melting four times faster than thought, suggesting that Greenland may be approaching a dangerous tipping point, with implications for global sea-level rise.

Now, humans have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by more than a third since the Industrial Revolution. Changes that have historically taken thousands of years are now happening over the course of decades .

Why does this matter?

The rapid rise in greenhouse gases is a problem because it’s changing the climate faster than some living things can adapt to. Also, a new and more unpredictable climate poses unique challenges to all life.

Historically, Earth's climate has regularly shifted between temperatures like those we see today and temperatures cold enough to cover much of North America and Europe with ice. The difference between average global temperatures today and during those ice ages is only about 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius), and the swings have tended to happen slowly, over hundreds of thousands of years.

But with concentrations of greenhouse gases rising, Earth's remaining ice sheets such as Greenland and Antarctica are starting to melt too . That extra water could raise sea levels significantly, and quickly. By 2050, sea levels are predicted to rise between one and 2.3 feet as glaciers melt.

As the mercury rises, the climate can change in unexpected ways. In addition to sea levels rising, weather can become more extreme . This means more intense major storms, more rain followed by longer and drier droughts—a challenge for growing crops—changes in the ranges in which plants and animals can live, and loss of water supplies that have historically come from glaciers.

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Global warming.

The causes, effects, and complexities of global warming are important to understand so that we can fight for the health of our planet.

Earth Science, Climatology

Tennessee Power Plant

Ash spews from a coal-fueled power plant in New Johnsonville, Tennessee, United States.

Photograph by Emory Kristof/ National Geographic

Ash spews from a coal-fueled power plant in New Johnsonville, Tennessee, United States.

Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long time, its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due to the burning of fossil fuels . As the human population has increased, so has the volume of fossil fuels burned. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas, and burning them causes what is known as the “greenhouse effect” in Earth’s atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is when the sun’s rays penetrate the atmosphere, but when that heat is reflected off the surface cannot escape back into space. Gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels prevent the heat from leaving the atmosphere. These greenhouse gasses are carbon dioxide , chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor , methane , and nitrous oxide . The excess heat in the atmosphere has caused the average global temperature to rise overtime, otherwise known as global warming.

Global warming has presented another issue called climate change. Sometimes these phrases are used interchangeably, however, they are different. Climate change refers to changes in weather patterns and growing seasons around the world. It also refers to sea level rise caused by the expansion of warmer seas and melting ice sheets and glaciers . Global warming causes climate change, which poses a serious threat to life on Earth in the forms of widespread flooding and extreme weather. Scientists continue to study global warming and its impact on Earth.

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Essay on Global Warming in English (100,150, 200, 250, 300, 500 Words)

global warming essay on in english

Global warming means the Earth is getting hotter. This happens because of things like pollution from cars and factories. These pollutants are called greenhouse gases, and they make the Earth's air trap more heat from the sun. One major greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, which comes from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. When trees are cut down and forests disappear, that's bad too, because trees help clean the air.

Because of global warming, some big problems are happening. Ice at the North and South Poles is melting, which causes the sea levels to rise. When the sea level goes up, it can flood coastal areas, making it hard for people to live there. Also, the Earth's weather is getting crazy. There are more hurricanes, droughts, and floods. These extreme weather events can be dangerous and damage homes and farms.

But don't worry! People all over the world are working to stop global warming. They use clean and renewable energy sources like the sun and wind instead of burning fossil fuels. They also make agreements like the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol to help reduce pollution. These agreements are like promises between countries to protect the planet.

Understanding global warming is important because it harms the environment and makes life harder for everyone. We need to take care of our planet by using clean energy and protecting forests. It's like being a good friend to the Earth. So, let's all work together to keep the Earth cool and safe for the future.

Why is the Essay on Global Warming Important for Your Exams? 

The essay on global warming is important for your exams for several reasons. First, it helps you learn about a critical issue that affects our planet. Global warming is the increase in Earth's temperature due to human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Knowing about this topic is essential because it's a significant environmental problem that impacts all of us.

Second, writing an essay on global warming can improve your research and writing skills. It teaches you how to gather information, organize your thoughts, and present them in a clear and structured way. These skills are valuable for your education and future career.

Third, understanding global warming is relevant to many subjects. It connects to science, as it involves the Earth's climate and ecosystems. It's also essential for geography, as it affects landscapes and weather patterns. In addition, it's a crucial aspect of social studies, as global warming has economic and political implications.

Fourth, addressing global warming is a global concern. International agreements like the Paris Agreement involve many countries working together to combat climate change. Knowing about these agreements and the actions taken by different nations can help you understand how the world is coming together to solve a shared problem.

Fifth, discussing global warming in your exams can demonstrate your awareness and concern for the environment. It shows that you're informed about the challenges our planet faces and that you're engaged in finding solutions.

Long and Short Essay on Global Warming

Essay on global warming 1 (100 words) .

Global warming is a big problem worldwide. Earth is getting hotter because it traps the Sun's heat, and there's too much carbon dioxide in the air. This is causing more and more problems for people. It's a serious issue that needs our attention. We must understand what causes it and how it harms us. We also need to find ways to fix it. We should work together to save our planet and make it a better place to live.

Essay on Global Warming 2 (150 words) 

Global warming is a major issue affecting our planet. It's making the Earth's surface temperature go up. Experts say that in the next 50 to 100 years, the temperature will rise a lot, causing big problems for everyone. The main reason for this is the increase in carbon dioxide in the air.

Carbon dioxide levels go up when we use things like coal and oil for energy, and when we cut down trees (deforestation). Trees are important because they absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen. When there are fewer trees, carbon dioxide levels increase.

Higher temperatures cause many problems like hotter oceans, melting glaciers, floods, stronger storms, and more diseases. It's a serious issue that affects us all. To tackle it, we need to use cleaner energy sources and protect our forests. Working together, we can make a difference and keep our planet safe for the future.

Essay on Global Warming 3 (200 words) 

Global warming is when the Earth's temperature keeps going up. This happens because of things we do without even noticing, like burning fossil fuels and using too much electricity. Global warming is a big problem for our planet, and it's getting worse every day. It's like a threat that's making life harder on Earth.

To fix global warming, we first need to understand what's causing it. One of the main reasons is the extra carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. This comes from things like cutting down trees and using coal, oil, and gas for energy. It's also from burning gasoline in cars. All of this makes the Earth's temperature rise.

When the Earth gets hotter, it causes problems like rising sea levels, floods, storms, and even more diseases. It's a big issue, and it affects all of us. We can't blame just one person or country for this. Everyone is a part of the problem, so we all need to work together to solve it.

We need to be aware of global warming and do our best to stop it. This means using cleaner energy sources and being more careful with our planet. It's a team effort, and if we all pitch in, we can make a difference and make the Earth a better place to live.

Essay on Global Warming 4 (250 words) 

Global warming is a serious and ongoing increase in the Earth's temperature. It's a huge problem worldwide and is mainly caused by the rise in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. If we don't take immediate action as a global community, it could lead to catastrophic consequences, even threatening life on Earth.

The effects of global warming are becoming more dangerous every day. It's responsible for rising sea levels, floods, erratic weather patterns, storms, epidemics, food shortages, and loss of life. To combat this issue, we need to raise awareness at the individual level. People must understand what global warming is, what causes it, and the harm it brings. By making people worldwide aware, we can work together to restore the Earth's natural balance and ensure life can continue as usual.

To address global warming, we should reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. This means using less oil, coal, and gas, protecting trees (as they absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen), and using electricity more wisely. Small changes in our daily lives, practiced worldwide, can make a big difference in lessening the impact of global warming and ultimately stopping it. Everyone needs to take responsibility and contribute to a safer, healthier planet for current and future generations.

Essay on Global Warming 5 (300 words) 

Global warming is the gradual heating of the Earth's surface due to an increase in carbon dioxide gas in the environment. It's a major issue that requires worldwide action. As the Earth's temperature steadily rises, it poses various threats and disrupts the balance of nature. This temperature rise brings about lasting changes in our climate, affecting the environment.

The increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels has far-reaching consequences. It leads to heatwaves, sudden and powerful storms, unpredictable cyclones, damage to the ozone layer, floods, heavy rainfall, droughts, food shortages, diseases, and even loss of life. This problem is largely driven by the continuous burning of fossil fuels, the use of fertilizers, deforestation, excessive electricity consumption, and certain gases used in refrigeration. If we don't take action to control CO2 emissions, the harmful effects of global warming are predicted to worsen by 2020.

The increased CO2 levels cause a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases like water vapor, CO2, methane, and ozone absorb heat energy, which is then radiated in all directions, including back toward the Earth's surface. This results in the Earth's surface warming up, contributing to global warming.

To combat the life-threatening effects of global warming, we must change our habits. We need to stop activities that increase CO2 and other greenhouse gases, leading to the greenhouse effect and global warming. This includes ending deforestation, reducing electricity consumption, and halting the burning of wood and other fossil fuels. These are critical steps to ensure a healthier and safer planet for ourselves and future generations. By working together and making these changes, we can address the global warming crisis and protect our world.

Essay on Global Warming 6 (500 words) 

Global warming is an enormous environmental problem that we must address urgently and permanently. It refers to the continuous and gradual increase in the Earth's surface temperature. This issue requires global cooperation and discussion to mitigate its effects, as it has already disrupted the delicate balance of nature, impacted biodiversity, and significantly altered our planet's climate over several decades.

The primary culprits behind global warming are greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane. These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing a rise in temperatures. This, in turn, leads to rising sea levels, melting ice caps and glaciers, and unpredictable climate changes, all of which pose serious threats to life on our planet. The demand for an improved standard of living has driven an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, especially since the mid-20th century.

Statistical data reveal alarming trends, with years like 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1991 being recorded as the warmest six years of the past century. Such an increase in global warming has led to unforeseen natural disasters, including floods, cyclones, tsunamis, droughts, landslides, ice melting, food shortages, epidemic diseases, and even loss of life. These events disrupt the natural balance of our planet and signal a potential threat to life as we know it.

The global warming process intensifies as more water evaporates from the Earth's surface into the atmosphere. This excess water vapor further contributes to the greenhouse effect, causing temperatures to rise. Additionally, human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, the use of fertilizers, and the emission of gases like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), tropospheric ozone, and nitrous oxide are also responsible for global warming.

The root causes of these problems can be traced back to technological advancements, population growth, an increasing demand for industrial expansion, deforestation, and the prioritization of urbanization. As our population continues to grow, we consume more resources, leading to higher emissions of greenhouse gases and a depletion of the Earth's natural resources.

To address global warming and its devastating effects, we must take immediate and collective action. The time for inaction has long passed. We must prioritize sustainability, renewable energy sources, afforestation, and reforestation to reduce CO2 levels and mitigate the impact of global warming. Additionally, responsible and conscious consumption, efficient energy use, and reducing waste are critical steps in the fight against this crisis.

Education and awareness are also key. People need to understand the causes and consequences of global warming, prompting a change in behavior and the adoption of more environmentally friendly practices. Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to protect our planet and secure a sustainable future for generations to come. The solution to global warming requires a global commitment to change our way of life and preserve the Earth for future generations.

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Causes of Global Warming Essay

The quality of the Earth's environment has significantly declined as humanity has grown. Climate change is one of the greatest threats to the sustainability of the planet. Among the main causes of the planet's deteriorating state are inadequate research and the careless usage of natural resources. Here are some sample essays on causes of global warming.

100 Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming

200 words essay on causes of global warming, 500 words essay on causes of global warming.

Causes of Global Warming Essay

The progressive increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere is referred to as global warming. There are several activities going on, which have been progressively raising the temperature. Our ice glaciers are melting quickly due to global warming. Both the planet and people will suffer greatly as a result of this. Controlling global warming is very difficult, but it is not impossible. Finding the cause of an issue is always the first step towards fixing it. Global warming has a number of natural and human-made causes. The natural ones contain methane gas, volcanic eruptions, and greenhouse gases. Deforestation, mining, livestock raising, burning fossil fuels are man-made causes.

Since the industrial and scientific revolutions, Earth's resources have been gradually depleted. Additionally, the world's population explosion is placing a significant strain on the environment. Simply said, when the population grows, there is a corresponding rise in the consumption of natural resources as well as the waste that results from their usage. Climate change has been one of the key effects of this over the years.

What Leads to Global Warming

We currently have to deal with the severe effects of global warming on our environment. Global warming is escalating as a result of rapid industrialisation, rising population, and pollution. The excessive release of greenhouse gases that are trapped on the earth's surface and cause an increase in temperature is one of the causes of global warming. Volcanoes contribute to global warming by releasing excessive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The rise in population is one of the main factors contributing to global warming. Air pollution is another effect of this population growth. Many CO2 emissions from automobiles become trapped in the soil. Deforestation is a side effect of this population growth that contributes to global warming. Added to this more trees are being cut, increasing the concentration of CO₂ and thus leading to global warming.

The constant rise in atmospheric temperature has made global warming a prominent worry in the modern age. It keeps becoming stronger and stronger. Its escalating trend is caused by a variety of factors. The environment needs "healing" from us humans. Humanity has experienced numerous problems as a result of global warming, yet it is we humans who are to blame. In order to prevent future generations from suffering, our generation needs to start caring for the environment.

Factors Responsible for Global Warming

Rising sea levels, community damage, and harsh weather are all effects of climate change. Here are several factors that contribute to the climate crisis and cause global warming:

Industrialization | Various techniques exist in which industrialization is damaging. All of the garbage that this industry generates is disposed of in landfills or the environment. Industrialization uses substances and materials that have the potential to damage both the earth and the atmosphere.

Farming | Since farming requires a lot of green land, local ecosystems may be destroyed to make room for it. Because it generates more pollutants and can accommodate more animals, factory farming contributes to even greater climatic problems.

Transport | Almost all modes of transportation, including vehicles, aircraft, boats, and trains, depend on fossil fuels to operate. Carbon and other forms of pollution are released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned. In light of this, transportation is partially to blame for greenhouse emissions.

Power Plants | Power plants burn fossil fuels to operate, due to this they produce a variety of different pollutants. The pollution they produce not only ends up in the atmosphere but also in the water ways, this largely contributes to global warming.

Deforestation | Deforestation refers to the destruction of woodland and forest, either for the purpose of harvesting the wood or to make room for ranches or farms. When forests and trees are removed, the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere because they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

How to Reduce Global Warming?

Here are some ways to reduce global warming:

Forest Management | To help the environment become greener, more tree planting should be promoted. Industrialization should follow certain rules. Industries shouldn't be constructed in green zones in order to preserve flora and species. Strict penalties should be imposed on these industries that contribute to global warming.

Use Public Transportation | Using an electric or hybrid vehicle is the best way to minimise carbon dioxide emissions. It is better for a citizen to switch to a hybrid car and use public transit. This will help to lessen traffic congestion and pollution.

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle | You can also do a lot to help the environment by using less plastic. The largest contributor to global warming is plastic, and recycling it takes years. Since plastic and all metals take years to degrade, it is better to reuse and repair them rather than toss them away after a single usage or if they break simply because they are no longer useful.

Many people are aware of the causes of global warming, but we seldom try to modify our daily habits in order to improve our quality of life and perhaps even pave the way for a better future for those who will come after us. The Earth can still be saved from global warming; we simply need to put forth some effort.

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Are we communicating climate change wrong? Here are five ways to improve.

The way we communicate the issue has a different impact on different audiences

May 6, 2024

Tree on shore

We typically communicate climate change focusing on rising ocean levels, more intense storms and droughts. But we rarely connect the dots to the social and economic impacts.

Fernando Andrade

Climate Change Technical Specialist, UNDP

During the last decade working on climate change, I’ve witnessed how the way we communicate the issue has a different impact on different audiences. Tailormade messages and differentiated approaches have proven to be the most effective for me. I’m sharing my top tips to help you communicate climate change to your audience.

Take on the role of a climate change translator

To motivate our audience to take action, we need to avoid the “one speech for all”.

If you are working on climate change, and you want to share your message across different audiences, the first thing you need to consider is, who is listening or reading. Make sure you are tailoring your message for the intended audience.

I often see colleagues in our industry communicating in a way that assumes that people understand them. All the technical jargon, the acronyms and technical concepts tend to alienate people. We don’t need to sound smart to be smart, especially when not everybody has the same access to knowledge and awareness of the topic. 

We need to resonate with our audience. We must identify their motivations, their objectives, and their needs. For instance, the interests and experiences of young people will be different than those of government officials. How they speak or what kind of words will impact them will be different too.

When talking to the private sector, I’ve seen that focusing on how their businesses can be affected by climate change, talking about how climate action can help them be more efficient, more competitive, and gain access to new markets can go a long way.

We should make more conscious attempts to better communicate outside of our echo chamber. The same way that an interpreter translates from one language to another so more people can understand, we need to be “climate interpreters” to help bring more people into the conversation. 

If you are afraid of oversimplifying concepts or not being scientifically accurate, don’t forget that there is a big difference between simple and simplistic. We don’t want to be simplistic, but being clear and simple will really help you to get your message across.

Make it human

Climate change is no longer an exclusively scientific issue, it is also a socio-economic development issue. 

Yet, we can go out to the streets and start asking people about climate change, and you’ll be surprised to see how many don’t understand the term, although they do feel the impact. 

I typically see how people communicate about climate change focusing on the physical impacts, such as the rising sea levels, the polar ice caps melting, and extreme weather events, but often don’t connect the dots to the social and economic impacts.

To change this perception, it’s necessary to tell the story differently - using metaphors, analogies, and real life examples. Focus on the human side, explain how climate change can affect different aspects of their current lifestyle, such as purchasing power, the ability to work more efficiently, and make a living for themselves and their families. For example, explaining how droughts can affect the generation of electricity creating blackouts and how this impacts their livelihood, how the cost of food will rise due to floods, how fishing communities will suffer from ocean acidification.

Add a dash of hope

It’s well known that if we feel hopeless about a situation, we won’t take action to make a change. Why would we bother if we’re doomed anyway?

Yes, we need to communicate the need for urgent action, and yes, we need to sound all the alarms, but we also need to communicate hope and let people know that we can reverse the problem. That our actions count, and that collectively we can change the trajectory. The solutions are there, we just need the political will to foster the change.

Let’s inform about the different options and paths to be more prepared for the impacts of climate change. Let’s inform readers and listeners about the alternatives to help us reduce our impact. Highlight the positive and tell people what they can do to take action instead of listing only the terrible things that will happen if they don’t. Focus on sharing successful and inspiring examples or local experiences that they can relate to. 

Co-create the message

If you want your message to be replicated, it needs to be co-created with the relevant audiences. If you want to reach Indigenous Peoples, you need to work with them, create the messages in a way that relates to their lives and their culture. It might need to be in their native language, so it has more impact and reaches more people.

If you are working with the private sector, you need to shape the message with them based on their knowledge of their own industries. This approach often leads to companies becoming champions or advocates who start bringing other companies into the conversation. 

If you want to send the message to young people, you have to share it using their channels of communication. For example, we recently developed the  Youth for Climate Action e-learning course , but we didn’t do it from UNDP only. We worked with youth organizations so that they could shape the course in the way they knew was best for young people. It was designed by youth for youth. 

Get your sources right

If you are a communicator or a journalist, you know that communicating science is no easy task. You’ll need to become a “half-expert” on some topics, so you understand the issue enough to repackage it and communicate it to your audience in a more digestible way. This is especially a challenge when talking about climate change. There are countless acronyms, extensive theories, endless pages of treaties and agreements. It gets even more challenging as climate change misinformation and disinformation are so widespread and are  on the rise . 

But before you panic, there’s no need to become an expert on climate science to communicate it. There are resources that will help you to familiarize with the climate change terminology such as the  Climate Dictionary . You can partner with organizations and institutions that are authorities in the topic who could act as reliable sources of information. You can seek fact-checking websites, such as  Verified , that will help you avoid giving inaccurate or fake information. When communicating, share resources based on evidence and official sources, such as  UN websites , including UNFCCC and UNDP, academic research, and reputable news sources. 

Beware of greenwashing, making sure that you are communicating about real sustainable practices, and think whether you are including the different communities involved in your narrative. 

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  • Consequences of Global-Warming Essay


Essay on Consequences of Global-Warming

Global warming is not a myth. Many discard the fact that our planet is dying because of our insolent behavior and misuse of natural resources. Over the years, scientists from all over the world have recorded the changes in wind patterns, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, and other meteorological factors and concluded that global warming is real and quite scary. It has been estimated that we have only a decade left to make drastic changes and save the planet or the effects of global warming will become irreversible.

Global warming is a manmade phenomenon that occurs due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. These gases originate from artificial processes in different industries and the vigorous use of fossil fuels. These gases make a blanket covering the entire world that does not let the surface heat to pass. This entrapment of heat causes an abrupt increase in temperature harming the ecosystem of the entire planet.

If you think that the slightest increase in temperature will do nothing then you need to think again. Even if there is a slight increase in the average temperature, the ice caps melt faster, the glaciers are receding, the water level is increasing and slowly engulfing the islands. It has been recorded that the highest temperature has gone to 54°C. The fact that a degree rise of temperature is the result of the accumulation of so much heat is not easily realized.

It is because of our abrupt use of natural resources and deforestation that have resulted in such a crisis. We have witnessed severe floods, droughts, tsunamis, hurricanes, and other natural disasters with an elevated frequency. In fact, we have also seen an abrupt change in the seasonal configuration over a few decades. Even though these changes have taken place over a few decades, it is quite abrupt and unprecedented for the other animals and plants. These changes are extremely harming the wellbeing of the plants and animals in all ecosystems. Whether it is melting polar ice caps or the mountain glaciers, everywhere we can find the bad effects of global warming.

One of the biggest blows we received in recent years is the heavy forest fire that took down a major part of the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon and the African forests are considered to be the two lungs of the entire world. The cumulating smoke from vehicles, factories, and forest fires is resulting in a severe drop in the air quality we breathe. Humans and all other land animals are breathing toxic air.

The increase in temperature is melting the ice caps. In fact, the marine water source is also rising in volume due to the temperature rise. This is affecting the coral reefs and other ecosystems in the marine world. The islands are gradually going under the sea along with the coastal cities. The coastal forests are unable to handle the severity of the storms and oceanic waves. The emission of toxic chemicals and gases in the atmosphere has also increased the acidic level of rainwater resulting in the hampered lifespan of aquatic animals. We have contributed to this grave problem by deforesting lands to build concrete jungles leaving our planet suffocate. The rise in deforestation has also lead to more damages that we cannot imagine. It is time to act quickly and cautiously to save the only planet we have. It is our responsibility to save this habitat and let other animals live peacefully. We need to stop acting selfish and think of the harmony of all ecosystems we are a part of. It is time to take action to eradicate global warming and restore the balance we have lost within a few centuries.


FAQs on Consequences of Global-Warming Essay

1. What are the Greenhouses Gases?

Greenhouses gases are the toxic byproducts of various industrial processes and fossil fuel combustion that accumulate in our atmosphere. They are lighter than the air we breathe. These gases accumulate and form a blanket over the earth’s surface. The prime property of these gases is that they pass the heat waves coming from the sun but block the ones that are emitted by the earth’s surface. Hence, the heat is trapped in between the earth’s surface and the blanket of greenhouses gases causing a rapid rise in the temperature.

2. What is Causing More Harm while Controlling Global Warming?

The uncontrolled cutting of trees in the forests and forest fires are causing more harm and hampering global warming prevention measures. People are becoming more cautious and concerned regarding global warming and taking necessary measures from their end. The use of fossil fuels without any control is also contributing to this grave problem. We need to stop the unnecessary use of fossil fuels by switching to greener energy sources. Factories should emit treated gases from their chimneys. Almost everything contributes to global warming. We need to educate ourselves and act accordingly.

3.  How can We Make a Difference?

As mentioned earlier, almost everything we use and need in the contemporary world, we find the use of fossil fuels and malpractices done by the factories that harm the environment by contributing to global warming issues. We need to make choices that are healthier for Mother Nature. We should use greener and alternative energy sources. Our needs and wants should be minimized. Planting trees will slow down global warming but we should act actively in different verticals to stop global warming. 

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Writing the best global warming essay – take an original approach.

October 8, 2019

Global warming is one of the most disastrous phenomenons in the history of the earth. Unlike several decades ago, the scientific evidence of global warming and associated impacts has become clearer. But even with the dangers such as the thawing of polar ice sheets and extensive droughts become the norm, it is sad that we have failed to come up with a cohesive strategy to counter it. Now, when you are required to write a global warming essay or related paper; how do you do it?


Craft The Right Structure For Your Essay On Global Warming

Even before starting to work on your global warming essay, it is prudent to create a good structure. The goal of the structure is ensuring you know what will come at what section and creating a smooth flow of ideas from the start to the end. Here is a sample structure of a great short essay on global warming for students.

Title : The title should be catchy and relevant to the topic.

Introduction : As the first part of your essay, you should use the introduction to prepare the reader about what is in the body. Also, make the introduction interesting so that the reader can have the interest to keep reading.

The body : This is another very important part of the essay where you get into the details of your subject. Every paragraph on global warming essays should explain a different point.

Conclusion : After bringing out your argument cohesively, the conclusion allows you to tie the points neatly. You should summarize the entire essay in a few sentences. Note that the conclusion should not introduce new points. However, you can call for further studies on the topic if you found it inadequately covered.

Research All Facts Before Writing Your Essay On Global Warming

Now that you have the best structure for the essay of global warming, it is time to get down into the details of your topic. Every global warming essay in English for students should be deeply researched to cover the following components:

Some history of global warming (when did it start). At what point was it discovered to be a threat to the planet?

What are the causes of global warming? Make sure to cite specifics such as individual sources of emissions.

Effects of global warming. Because these are many, it is important to focus on those that you have ample information on.

Carefully bring out the different interventions that have been instituted and point out their success or failure.

Special Tips For A Winning Global Warming Essay For Students

In addition to having the best structure, and comprehensive research on global warming, here are other useful tips to help you craft a good essay.

  • Use images to demonstrate various aspects of the global warming phenomenon.
  • Use the latest trends to make your essay more impressive.
  • Consider using short sentences and paragraphs to make the essay easy to read and understand.
  • Make sure to use the right citations. For example, capture the latest statistics and give the right references. This will make your work more authentic.
  • Make the essay easy to read by using simple English and explaining every complex phrase. If there are initials, ensure to give their full meaning the first time they appear in the essay.
  • Use samples of other global warming essays for students to learn how to craft winning papers.
  • If your writing skills are poor or the deadline is tight, do not hesitate to seek writing help with your college essay. This will guarantee you top marks as you hone the necessary skills.

Essay Of Global Warming: Where Do You Place Environmental Activism

Another concept that features prominently in global warming essays is environmental activism. You can either include it as a separate paragraph in a short essay or a different subtopic for longer papers. One of the most outstanding activists in fighting global warming out there is Greta Thunberg. Here is some info about her:

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist whose campaign on climate change has won her international recognition. At age 15, she started spending part of her school time outside the Swedish parliament with banners calling for stronger efforts to counter global warming. She called it “School Strike for Climate.” Soon, other students joined and held demonstrations from across the world, calling for firmer action on climate change. In 2018, she addressed the UN Climate Change Conference.

Identifying Essay Topics On Global Warming

If you are in a global warming class or a related subject, there are instances when your tutor might require you to pick your preferred topic to write on. In such a case, you should look for a subject that has ample information to write on. Though it is also okay to be exploratory by picking subjects that are relatively new, you are likely to get stuck along the way for a lack of information. Here are some great topics that you should consider for your global warming essay.

  • The New Dynamics of Climate Change: What are the Factors making it Hard to Address the Global Phenomenon.
  • How does Global Warming Impact Food Production?
  • Climate Change: Why the Earth is Still at Risk even if Carbon Dioxide Emissions are Reduced.
  • Demonstrating the Link between Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming.
  • What Efforts Could Have been used to Prevent Global Warming 50 Years Ago?
  • Demystifying Global Warming Denial and its Impact on Mitigation Effects?
  • Red Alert: Why Global Warming could become Unstoppable even with the new interventions.
  • Exploring the Shift in Earth Balance of the Polar Ice: A Closer Look at Antarctic Ice Sheet.
  • Is there a Link between Climate Change and Sea-level Changes in Islands?
  • Learning From the Past: Exploring the Lessons Drawn from the Kyoto Protocol on Carbon Dioxide.
  • Evaluating the Relationship between Global Warming and Population Changes of Tropic Animals.
  • Can the Fight against Global Warming be won?
  • The Extended Impacts of Air Pollution: A Closer Look at the Health of Forests
  • Taking Stock of Kyoto: Why Our Best is not enough to Halt Global Warming.
  • Global Biodiversity Change: Exploring the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Climate Change.
  • Assessing the Extinction of Debt of Mountain Plants under the Effect of Climate Change.
  • Evaluating the Species that are Most Vulnerable from Global Warming.
  • Assessing Greenhouse Gases Emissions Production in West China.
  • What are the Most Effective Ways of Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Transport Sector: A Closer Look at Copenhagen.
  • Polar Volcanoes: Evaluating the Impact of their Degradation Because of Global Warming.
  • Global Warming and its Impact on Migration Paths.
  • Impacts of Pesticides on Water Safety: Exploring its Link to Air and Water Pollution.
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The Final Take On Writing Global Warming Essays

If you are new to college, tasks such as global warming essay assignments will be very common. This post has demonstrated how to plan for such essays and get the highest marks. Do not let college essays cause stress to you; use the tips provided in this post to write like a pro.

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Brown water lines a street flanked by a canopy of trees and blocks of high-rise buildings.

Images of a Brazilian City Underwater

Torrential rains have caused one of Brazil’s worst floods in modern history, leaving more than 100 dead and nearly an entire state submerged.

An aerial view on Wednesday of one of the worst natural calamities to hit the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. Credit... Nelson Almeida/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

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By Ana Ionova and Tanira Lebedeff

Ana Ionova reported from Rio de Janeiro, and Tanira Lebedeff from Porto Alegre, Brazil.

  • May 8, 2024

Anderson da Silva Pantaleão was at the snack bar he owns last Friday when clay-colored water began filling the streets in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. Soon, it was rushing into his ground-floor shop. By 9 p.m., the water was up to his waist.

“Then the fear starts to hit,” he said. “You’re just trying not to drown.”

He dashed up to a neighbor’s home on the second floor, taking refuge for the next three nights, rationing water, cheese and sausage with two others. Members of the group slept in shifts, fearing another rush of water could take them by surprise in the dead of night.

On Monday, water began flooding the second floor, and they thought the worst. Then, a military boat arrived and rescued Mr. Pantaleão, 43. A day later, despite heavy rains, he was trying to go back on a rescue boat to search for friends who were still missing or stranded.

“I can’t leave them there,” he said. “The water is running out, the food is running out.”

Flood victims took shelter at a sports facility in the Menino Deus neighborhood of Porto Alegre, Brazil. The situation in southern Brazil, where heavy rains have caused flooding in hundreds of municipalities, may worsen with the arrival of new storms.

A man was rescued by military firefighters after the floods in Canoas, Brazil, on Saturday.

People charging their mobile phones outside a drugstore in the historic center of Porto Alegre, Brazil, after torrential storms devastated areas in Rio Grande do Sul State.

Brazil is grappling with one of its worst floods in recent history. Torrential rains have drenched the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, home to 11 million people, since late April and have triggered severe flooding that has submerged entire towns, blocked roads, broken a major dam and shut down the international airport until June.

At least 105 people have been killed and 130 others have been reported missing. The floods, which have stretched across most of Rio Grande do Sul’s 497 municipalities, have forced nearly 164,000 people from their homes.

In the state capital, Porto Alegre, a city of 1.3 million perched on the banks of the Guaiba River, streets were submerged in murky water and the airport was shuttered by the deluge, with flights canceled through the end of the month.

The river rose to over 16 feet this week, exceeding the previous high levels seen during a major flood in 1941 that paralyzed the city for weeks.

The flooding has blocked roads into the city and hampered deliveries of basic goods. Supermarkets were running out of bottled water on Tuesday, and some residents reported walking up to three miles in search of clean drinking water.

Many of those stranded awaited help on rooftops. Some took desperate measures to flee: When the shelter her family was staying in flooded, Ana Paula de Abreu, 40, swam to a rescue boat while grasping her 11-year-old son under one arm. Two residents of one Porto Alegre neighborhood used an inflatable mattress to pull at least 15 people out of their inundated homes.

Search crews, which include the authorities and volunteers, were scouring flooded areas and rescuing residents by boat and air. With nowhere to land, some helicopters have used winches to pull up people stranded by the flooding.

Barbara Fernandes, 42, a lawyer in Porto Alegre, spent hours on the scorching roof of her apartment building on Monday, waving a red rag and her crutches toward the sky. A rescue helicopter finally spotted her in the late afternoon.

“You just don’t know when they’ll come for you,” said Ms. Fernandes, who is recovering from surgery on her ankle and could not flee her building before the waters rose.

A cargo plane at the flooded Salgado Filho International Airport on Tuesday in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Residents were evacuated in a military vehicle from an area flooded by heavy rains, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on Tuesday.

Cintia Santos was evacuated by bus from a flooded area on Tuesday in Eldorado do Sul.

Nearly 67,000 people were living in shelters across the state, while others have taken refuge in the homes of family or friends. Some people who had access to neither option were sleeping in their cars or on the streets in areas that were still dry.

“It seems like we’re living through the end of the world,” said Beatriz Belmontt Abel, 46, a nursing technician who was volunteering at a shelter in the city of Canoas, across the river from Porto Alegre. “I never imagined I would see this happen.”

In another shelter set up in a gym in Porto Alegre, volunteers distributed meals and clothes. Rows of mattresses lay on the floor, and cardboard boxes served as shelves. Those who had been rescued busied themselves sweeping the floor and making their temporary beds.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who visited the region last week, pledged federal funds to help the rescue efforts. The state authorities have also announced aid to pay for search crews, health services and housing for those whose homes were destroyed or damaged by floodwaters.

Even as rescues continued, the authorities worried that the crisis could worsen because another wave of severe weather was expected in coming days. With a cold front buffeting the region, meteorologists have forecast heavy rains, hail, thunderstorms and winds over 60 miles per hour.

The states’s governor, Eduardo Leite, said the authorities were evacuating people from regions vulnerable to more turbulent weather. Some residents have refused to abandon their homes, fearing looting. Others have tried to return to their neighborhoods, hoping water levels will recede.

“It’s not time to go home,” Mr. Leite told reporters on Tuesday.

The flooding is the fourth weather-related crisis to hit Brazil’s southern region in less than a year. In September, 37 people were killed in Rio Grande do Sul by torrential rains and punishing winds caused by a cyclone.

People rescued from flooded areas in the Sao Joao neighborhood in Porto Alegre.

Floodwaters surrounded the Beira-Rio soccer stadium, home of the Sport Club Internacional, in Porto Alegre on Tuesday.

A flooded street in the Cidade Baixa neighborhood of Porto Alegre.

Climate experts say the region is reeling from the effects of El Niño, the cyclical climate phenomenon that can bring heavy rains to Brazil’s southern regions while causing drought in the Amazon rainforest.

But the effects of El Niño have been exacerbated by a mix of climate change, deforestation and haphazard urbanization, according to Mercedes Bustamante, an ecologist and professor at the University of Brasília.

“You’re really looking at a recipe for disaster,” said Dr. Bustamante, who has written several reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of experts convened by the United Nations.

For well over a decade, scientists have been warning policymakers that global warming would bring increased rains to this region.

As deforestation advances in the Amazon and elsewhere in Brazil, precipitation patterns are shifting and leading to more erratic rain patterns, according to Dr. Bustamante. As a result, rainfall is spread unevenly at times, drenching smaller areas or coming in torrential downpours over shorter periods.

Severe weather has also become more deadly in recent decades, as urban populations have grown and cities like Porto Alegre have pushed into forested areas that once acted as buffers against flooding and landslides, she added.

The latest floods caught Brazil “unprepared,” Dr. Bustamante noted, highlighting the need to make cities more resilient to climate change and develop response strategies that better protect residents from extreme weather events, which are bound to become more frequent.

“It is a tragedy that, unfortunately, has been coming for some time,” she said. “We hope that this serves as a call to action.”

People linked arms as others rescued from flooded areas arrived by boat in Porto Alegre on Tuesday.

Manuela Andreoni contributed reporting from New York.


The Power of Empathy: Auggie’s Journey in Wonder

This essay is about the character August “Auggie” Pullman from R.J. Palacio’s novel *Wonder*, focusing on how his life with Treacher Collins syndrome reveals essential lessons about empathy and kindness. As Auggie navigates fifth grade in public school for the first time, he endures stares, whispers, and bullying, yet demonstrates remarkable courage and resilience. Palacio enriches the narrative by providing multiple perspectives, including those of Auggie’s family and friends, to show the far-reaching impact of one individual on many lives. The essay emphasizes how Auggie’s journey teaches us to embrace differences and recognize the power of kindness, encouraging readers to reflect on their behavior and become more understanding and accepting. Ultimately, *Wonder* invites us to be better and kinder versions of ourselves.

How it works

R.J. Palacio’s novel Wonder tells the compelling story of August Pullman, affectionately known as Auggie, a boy with a facial difference that makes him stand out wherever he goes. Born with Treacher Collins syndrome, Auggie has undergone numerous surgeries throughout his young life, which have left him with distinctive facial features. After years of homeschooling, he is thrust into the intimidating world of public school for the first time. The novel examines not just Auggie’s personal struggles and triumphs but also the perspectives of those around him, revealing powerful lessons about empathy, kindness, and the importance of understanding differences.

Auggie faces the challenges of school with remarkable courage and humor, despite the intense scrutiny he receives from other students. His transition into fifth grade is marked by stares, whispers, and exclusion. He longs to fit in and make friends, but the reactions of others often leave him feeling isolated. What’s powerful about Palacio’s depiction is that she doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities of bullying or the struggles that Auggie endures, yet she infuses his journey with hope, showing his inner strength and resilience.

One of the novel’s most compelling elements is how it shifts perspectives between different characters. We hear from Auggie himself, but also from his sister Via, his new friends Summer and Jack, and even characters who initially treat him poorly. This narrative structure creates a multifaceted view of the challenges Auggie faces, offering insight into the complexities of relationships and highlighting the impact of one individual on many lives. For instance, Via loves her brother deeply but also grapples with the attention that his condition demands. Meanwhile, Jack struggles between being a supportive friend to Auggie and fitting in with the popular kids.

The book also delves into how Auggie’s experiences affect those around him, particularly his family. Via’s character demonstrates how the siblings of children with disabilities often feel overlooked, despite their love and loyalty. Her internal struggle adds depth to the narrative, emphasizing how families cope with adversity in different ways. Palacio’s ability to weave these interconnected stories together enriches the narrative and strengthens the overarching theme of empathy.

Auggie’s journey ultimately becomes a story of triumph, not because he overcomes his differences but because he learns to embrace them. The precepts of Mr. Browne, his English teacher, encapsulate this theme by encouraging students to choose kindness. This lesson resonates throughout the story, reminding readers of the importance of small acts of kindness and their cumulative impact.

In depicting the challenges and triumphs of Auggie and the people in his life, Wonder becomes more than a story about a child with a disability. It becomes a call for understanding, kindness, and the recognition that our differences should be celebrated rather than feared. The way Palacio frames Auggie’s journey resonates with readers of all ages, encouraging them to reflect on their behavior and consider the power of empathy in their daily lives.

Ultimately, Wonder is a book that challenges us to think beyond appearances and look deeper into each other’s hearts. It captures the essence of human connection and reminds us that every individual, no matter their appearance, deserves acceptance and understanding. Auggie’s story leaves a lasting impression, not just because of his remarkable courage but because it invites us to be better, kinder versions of ourselves.


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The Power of Empathy: Auggie's Journey in Wonder. (2024, May 12). Retrieved from

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Opinion: How L.A.’s Chinatown helped reinvent Southern California

Sign reads "New Chinatown welcomes you" on pagoda-style gate in black and white

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For almost 150 years, Los Angeles has been an idea as much as a place. Even before the growth of Hollywood, newspaper publishers and land developers sold a carefully constructed image of the region to the world. These boosters promoted Los Angeles as a suburban paradise to an audience of middle-class white families in the Midwest. Perhaps surprisingly, as both a concept and an immigrant enclave, Chinatown was crucial to developing this image and forming L.A.’s identity.

Following the completion of the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe railways in the late 19th century, city leaders, boosters and land speculators began transforming this former small Spanish-Mexican village into a major metropolis. Railroads hired journalists to promote the region. The city’s population exploded from 11,000 people in 1880 to more than a million in 1930. Yet beneath this vision of what booster Charles Fletcher Lummis dubbed the “land of sunshine” lay a violent and exclusionary process that was racialized from the start.

ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA - JULY 11: Shoppers in the indoor mall at the 1000 block of North Nogales Avenue near the 99 Ranch market on Monday, July 11, 2022 in Rowland Heights, CA. A couple was pistol-whipped and robbed in a parking lot in a parking lot in the 1000 block of North Nogales Avenue near the 99 Ranch market in broad daylight, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Authorities said the two suspects pistol-whipped the victims on their heads and robbed one of the victims of a $60,000 Rolex. (Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)

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Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, reports portrayed Chinatown as a neighborhood of filth, violence and vice. The district lay on a street known as Calle de los Negros, which the Los Angeles Times and other papers routinely referred to in print using a more racist moniker. In 1871, an angry mob rampaged Chinatown attacking immigrants, destroying property and lynching 18 people. This event would come to be known as the Los Angeles Chinese Massacre, part of a wave of anti-Chinese actions that swept the North American West toward the end of the 19th century.

If the threat of violence wasn’t enough, by the 1920s most neighborhoods across the city were covered in restrictive covenants, language in housing deeds that prevented people of color from buying homes. Middle-class white residents, however, considered the urban core less desirable, leaving these homes available.

Alongside French, Italian and Mexican immigrants, Chinese Americans thrived in the city’s bustling multiethnic central core. Chinatown featured restaurants, curio shops, two Chinese temples and a Chinese theater; on Los Angeles Street, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Assn. occupied the top floor of the Garnier Building, which today stands as one of the last remaining structures of Old Chinatown. For a while, the community even supported a Chinese newspaper.

But by the early 20th century, the English-language press and regional boosters increasingly constructed L.A.’s image of suburban idyll against representations of Chinatown. Depicting Chinatown as a pariah, newspapers applied outsized scrutiny to the community’s relatively small population.

Pauline Chau at East Garden Restaurant

Fading memories of Chinatown

Pauline Chau is the unofficial mayor of Chinatown and her neighborhood is fading fast. The last few years have left it without a grocery store, a hospital, and most of its commercial indoor malls, and now senior housing is in danger.

Oct. 28, 2022

The 1930 census identified about 3,000 Chinese in a city of more than a million people. During this decade, the Los Angeles Times mentioned Chinatown more than 1,100 times — compared with just 200 mentions of Little Tokyo, even though the Japanese American community was seven times larger. Coverage even surpassed that of the Mexican American community near the Plaza, nearly all of which predated the arrival of Anglo settlers. Alarmist media depictions contributed to the city’s decision to build Union Station on the site of Old Chinatown, displacing most of the immigrant community.

In the summer of 1938, two neighborhoods emerged as replacements to Old Chinatown. Known as New Chinatown and China City, they pushed back against leering representations of Chinatown by using non-threatening commercialism, surface aesthetics and racial performance to shape popular perceptions of Chinese Americans. Both districts’ commodification of racial differences shaped L.A.’s image as a complex multiethnic metropolis.

Under the leadership of Peter SooHoo, Chinese American merchants created New Chinatown — the Chinatown we still have today near downtown. SooHoo was a Los Angeles-born graduate of city schools and USC and one of the first Chinese Americans hired by the Department of Water and Power. He partnered with attorney Y.C. Hong, the first Chinese American to pass the bar in California, to form a corporation through which Chinese merchants bought land for their Chinatown. To contrast with portrayals of Old Chinatown as riddled with secret underground passages and opium dens, they designed their district as an urban mall with neon lights, wide walkable streets, a wishing well and pagoda-style roofs.

That same summer, Christine Sterling, the white philanthropist behind the pedestrian-friendly Olvera Street, built China City close by, around Hollywood myths. Backed by the publisher of the Los Angeles Times and Hollywood producers, the district included a re-creation of the House of Wang set from the MGM’s “The Good Earth,” a 1937 blockbuster set in China, and the Chinese Junk Cafe, a bar fashioned as a pirate ship run by movie performers Luke Chan and Johnson Sing.

EUREKA, CA - SEPTEMBER 02: Mary Chin says she misses her husband Ben Chin upon seeing his picture on a mural painted by artist Dave Young Kim in Eureka's Chinatown. Ben Chin was the first person of Chinese descent to live in the city since it excluded Asians in 1885 and forced them onto ships bound for San Francisco. Chin died in 2019 at age 97, but Mary and his adult children are continuing his legacy of rebuilding the Asian community there. Photographed on Friday, Sept. 2, 2022 in Eureka, CA. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)

This California town ran its Chinese residents out. Now the story is finally being told

In an 1885 expulsion, the city of Eureka, Calif., put its Chinese residents on two ships and kept them out for seven decades. Now, the Eureka Chinatown Project tells the story.

Nov. 12, 2022

While China City has been dismissed by some as culturally exploitative, the workers there formed a real community. To run the stalls, Sterling hired local Chinese Americans, many of whom supplemented their income working as background extras in Hollywood films of the 1930s and 1940s. China City, with all its artifice, offered a safe haven and camaraderie for many who felt ostracized by the merchant elite running New Chinatown. These included: Swan Yee, the son of a Pennsylvania laundryman, who ran the rickshaw stand with his brother Johnny; Camille Wing née Chan, a mixed-race Chinese American whose father was a vaudeville performer; and Tsin Nan Ling, the merchant who ran Chekiang Importers and hailed from outside the Pearl River Delta region that most Chinese immigrants called home.

China City was eventually destroyed by fire in 1948. But in the coming decades, New Chinatown continued to allow Chinese Americans to wrest control of their image away from city boosters and create their own representation. Of course, the local papers and elite continued to cast Los Angeles against the idea of a racialized urban core, increasingly by stereotyping Black and Latino communities as urban threats. The ties between Los Angeles’s suburban identity and racial exclusion proved to be stubborn.

Today, Chinatown is one of many Asian neighborhoods across Southern California. From Little Saigon in Westminster to Artesia’s Little India and the ethnoburbs of the San Gabriel Valley, Asian American neighborhoods help define the region. Within this context, it’s easy to forget the distinct role that Los Angeles Chinatown has played. Too many people dismiss Chinatown’s pagoda-style roofs, fortune cookies and wishing well as inauthentic representations of Asia and Asian Americans. Instead, we should embrace them as reminders that neither the popular image of Los Angeles nor the city itself would have developed as they are today without Chinatown.

William Gow is an assistant professor at Sacramento State, a community historian with the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California and author of “ Performing Chinatown: Hollywood, Tourism, and the Making of a Chinese American Community .”

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  13. Essay on Global Warming in English (100,150, 200, 250, 300, 500 Words

    Essay on Global Warming 5 (300 words) Global warming is the gradual heating of the Earth's surface due to an increase in carbon dioxide gas in the environment. It's a major issue that requires worldwide action. As the Earth's temperature steadily rises, it poses various threats and disrupts the balance of nature.

  14. Climate Changes, So Should We...

    In 2015, the Paris Agreement, which is legally binding on climate change, has been accepted by approximately 191 countries to limit global warming to below 2, if possible, to 1.5. The countries have committed to achieve this primary goal and minimise global warming. To accomplish this goal requires all parties to put forward their best efforts ...

  15. Climate Explained: Introductory Essays About Climate Change Topics

    Climate Explained, a part of Yale Climate Connections, is an essay collection that addresses an array of climate change questions and topics, including why it's cold outside if global warming is real, how we know that humans are responsible for global warming, and the relationship between climate change and national security.

  16. Prevention of Global Warming Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Prevention of Global Warming. Global warming is an extremely serious concern and we humans must take immediate measures to control it as soon as possible. Industrialization has led to the fast growth of technology, health, and economy but has been ruining planet Earth for the last few centuries.

  17. Causes of Global Warming Essay

    500 Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming. The constant rise in atmospheric temperature has made global warming a prominent worry in the modern age. It keeps becoming stronger and stronger. Its escalating trend is caused by a variety of factors. The environment needs "healing" from us humans. Humanity has experienced numerous problems as a ...

  18. Global Warming Essay

    A rise in global temperatures can lead to additional changes in the environment, such as rising sea levels. Since an increase in the temperature causes the glaciers and icebergs to melt at a rapid pace, it causes the sea levels to rise. On the Weather: Global Warming causes intense heat waves by significantly increasing the temperature which ...

  19. PDF Climate Explained: Introductory Essays About Climate Change Topics

    Climate Explained is a collection of short primers that answer diverse climate change questions, including why it's cold outside if global warming is real, how we know that humans are responsible for global warming, and the relationship between climate change and national security. Image 1. Example Climate Explained essays on the Yale Climate ...

  20. Global warming

    Global warming is the rise in temperature of the air and oceans globally. It is happening mainly because humans burn coal, oil, and natural gas; and cut down forests. [2] Average temperatures today are about 1 °C (1.8 °F) higher than before people started burning a lot of coal around 1750. [3]

  21. Are we communicating climate change wrong? Here are five ways to

    We typically communicate climate change focusing on rising ocean levels, more intense storms and droughts. But we rarely connect the dots to the social and economic impacts. During the last decade working on climate change, I've witnessed how the way we communicate the issue has a different impact ...

  22. Global Warming

    79 essay samples found. Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average temperature due to human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases. Essays on this topic can discuss the scientific evidence supporting global warming, its impacts on weather patterns, sea-level rise, ecosystems, and human societies.

  23. How 5 N.Y.C. Neighborhoods Are Struggling With Climate Change

    The food desert here is just one problem, said Jackie Rogers, the president of the 15,000-square-foot garden, which has five community plots and 23 for individual use. "We check all the boxes ...

  24. Peterson Institute for International Economics

    Peterson Institute for International Economics

  25. Consequences of Global-Warming Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Consequences of Global-Warming. Global warming is not a myth. Many discard the fact that our planet is dying because of our insolent behavior and misuse of natural resources. Over the years, scientists from all over the world have recorded the changes in wind patterns, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, and other ...

  26. How To Write A Winning Essay On Global Warming

    The body: This is another very important part of the essay where you get into the details of your subject. Every paragraph on global warming essays should explain a different point. Conclusion: After bringing out your argument cohesively, the conclusion allows you to tie the points neatly. You should summarize the entire essay in a few ...

  27. Flooding in Southern Brazil: Images of Rio Grande do Sul Underwater

    May 8, 2024. Anderson da Silva Pantaleão was at the snack bar he owns last Friday when clay-colored water began filling the streets in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. Soon, it was ...

  28. The Power of Empathy: Auggie's Journey in Wonder

    Essay Example: R.J. Palacio's novel Wonder tells the compelling story of August Pullman, affectionately known as Auggie, a boy with a facial difference that makes him stand out wherever he goes. Born with Treacher Collins syndrome, Auggie has undergone numerous surgeries throughout his

  29. The Global Spread of English Loanwords: Implications for ...

    This paper explores the process of loanword adoption, focusing on how English words are integrated into the lexicons of other languages. Through examples and analysis, it examines the linguistic and sociolinguistic implications of this phenomenon, highlighting its impact on language change, identity, and cultural exchange.

  30. Opinion: How L.A.'s Chinatown helped reinvent Southern California

    Oct. 17, 2022. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, reports portrayed Chinatown as a neighborhood of filth, violence and vice. The district lay on a street known as Calle de los ...