The internal website for staff at Lund University

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Download templates and communication tools

Lund University’s graphic profile is to be used on material, printed and digital, produced on behalf of the University. Various templates and tools are gathered on this page to facilitate your work. You will also find the logotype and other graphic elements available for downloading.

All the templates and communication tools have been designed according to the instructions and rules in the University’s graphic profile. Using these tools saves time and contributes to reinforcing Lund University’s brand by giving an impression of unity.

Graphic profile

Templates in the Image and Media Bank

Most templates on this page are available for download in Lund University’s Image and Media Bank. The links provided here lead directly to each template. If you are not logged in to the Image and Media Bank, you will first land on the start page – log in with your Lucat ID to get through to the template.

Content on the page

Logotypes, fonts and graphic elements.

  • Templates for Word and PowerPoint

Templates for Indesign

Styleguide for websites, templates for film production, digital newsletters, business cards and office supplies.

  • Communication planning and message
  • Presentation material  

Other templates

Main logotype.

  • Download the basic version of the main Lund University logotype for print and digital use in Swedish and English (zip file, 1.5 MB, new window)
  • All approved versions of the main logotype are available for download in the Image and Media Bank


Download sub-logotypes from the Image and media bank

Download profile fonts from the Image and media bank

Graphic elements

The links lead to the Image and Media Bank for download:

  • Download the harlequin pattern
  • Download graphic buildings
  • How to use the logotypes, fonts and the various graphic elements

Templates for Word and Powerpoint

Powerpoint templates.

  • Download PowerPoint templates in English and Swedish
  • Download the template for a research poster in PowerPoint

The Powerpoint templates contain some examples of how diagrams can be designed to be accessible, in accordance with the law on accessibility to digital public services, even when the pastel colors are used.

Main presentation in Powerpoint

If you are going to hold an oral presentation about Lund University, you can base it on the Powerpoint presentation with general information about the University:

Presentation material

Thesis templates in Word

Please ask your institution or department what size to use before using the template. If you have any questions, contact Media-Tryck. Do you want to know more? Sign up for a free course to get useful knowledge in handling the templates on the Media-Tryck website.

  • Media-Tryck
  • Go to Kompetensportalen to sign up for a free course on how to work with the thesis template  
  • Go to the Image and Media bank to download the thesis templates in English and Swedish  

Document templates in Word 

Document templates in Word are available in Swedish and English. They use the fonts Times New Roman and Arial instead of our profile fonts, to avoid technical problems.

The law on accessibility of digital public service

Please note that the word templates are available in two versions, one accessibility-adapted version which is to be used for digital documents and another version for print. Instructions on how to work with the accessibility-adapted Word template can be downloaded from the Image and Media Bank.

Download Word templates from the Image and Media Bank

Install the profile colors in Office applications

You can easily install Lund University's profile colors in the Office suite.

In the Powerpoint templates, the colors are already installed, but if you work in other documents and want access to the profile colors, it is easier to have the color file installed on your computer.

The color file is available in two versions

LU.xml with the usual profile colors (zip-file, new tab)

LU-PPT.xml with slightly darker colors, for fuller colors when displayed with a projector (zip-file, new tab)

Install the color files in Windows

  • Paste the following in the search bar in the Start menu:% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Templates \ Document Themes \ Theme Colors
  • Put the XML files in the folder. You may need to restart your Office programs.

Install the color files on your Mac

  • In the Finder, hold down the Option key and select Library from the Go menu to open your user library.
  • Then go to Group Containers> UBF8T346G9.Office (the name of the folder may vary depending on the software version)> User Content> Themes> Theme Colors.

Open the colors in the applications

  • In Excel, select the palette with the Colors button on the Page Layout tab.
  • In Word, select the palette with the Colors button on the Design tab.
  • In Powerpoint, click the View tab and then Image Background, then select the palette with the Colors button.
  • Tabs and buttons may have different names in older software and system versions.

All the layout templates for the Indesign program are available for download in the Image Bank. Click the direct link below and log in with your Lucat ID to get through to the relevant template. Instructions and examples of how to structure your layout are included in the download of the templates.

  • Poster templates in A3 format
  • Advertisement templates (not vacancy announcements)
  • Template for doctoral thesis cover  
  • Brochure templates for A5 and A4 formats
  • Magazine templates in A4 format  
  • Template for roll-ups  
  • Template for two-fold brochure
  • Template for research poster in A0 format  

NB! A selection of the templates are accessibility-adapted, according to The law on accessibility of digital public service. You can see which templates are adapted when you click on them in the Image and Media bank. Instructions on how to work with the accessibility-adapted templates can be downloaded from the Image and Media bank.

The Image and Media Bank contains several thousand images which are freely available for use in material produced on behalf of Lund University. Always state the photographer’s name adjacent to the photograph. The Image and Media Bank also contains more information on permitted use of the images. Log in with your Lucat ID and search among the image categories.

Image and Media Bank

Background images for Zoom and Teams

When using Zoom or Teams, you can select one of the existing background images available in the applications, or add your own image.

Go to the Download selected background images from the Image and Media bank

Websites within Lund University are to follow the graphic profile as outlined in the University’s style guide for websites.

Graphic profile for online presence and apps

Lund University uses the standard tool WordPress for blogs. The solution consists of ready-made templates which are easy to use. The templates have been designed in compliance with Lund University’s graphic profile.

The University’s blog tool

The graphic profile also applies to film production. There are Photoshop templates for things like name tags, film outro and how to place the logo. There are also audio files specially produced for Lund University.

Go to the Image and media bank category Video and music

The University's production team  

Tips on how to formulate, structure and work with newsletters:

Checklist for writing newsletters

Sending newsletters with information on University activities is part of the University’s external engagement activities. To ensure the sending of newsletters complies with the GDPR, read the information on the page below:

Personal data processing and sending out newsletters  

See a list of university-wide internal newsletters from the University administration on the page below:

Internal Newsletters

Order business and correspondence cards with your details, in accordance with the graphic profile, at Media-Tryck, the University’s internal printing house. You can also order other types of office supplies and conference material, such as stationery, name tags, folders, notepads and postcards from Media-Tryck.

  • Media-Tryck online store (in Swedish)

Communications planning and message

Effective communication requires planning. What are we to achieve, who are we trying to communicate with and what do we want to tell them? On the page below, you will find material to support your work in communicating in a planned and structured manner.

Communication Planning and presentation

On the page below you will find the University’s general presentation material – to use as a basis for speaking about the University at a conference or during a study visit, for example.

LaTeX thesis template in G5 format

Ggplot2-theme for the open source software R

Corporate Communications

grafiskprofil [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se

Petra Francke Communications officer petra [dot] francke [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]francke[at]kommunikation[dot]lu[dot]se) +46 46 222 03 16

Maria Wendel Communications officer maria [dot] wendel [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se +46 46 222 70 07

Anna Johnsson Communications officer anna_v [dot] johnsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se +46 46 222 70 21

Lund University graphics manual

Graphics manual

Graphics manual, in Swedish (PDF 19,5 MB, new window)

Browse the manual on

Order a printed version from the Media-Tryck webshop  

Image and media bank

Download images, templates, logos, fonts and music files from the Lund University Image and mediabank.


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Please use a modern browser to fully experience our website, such as the newest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari etc.


Thesis template in word, before you get started.

Please, sign up for one of our free of charge courses To format and deliver a print ready thesis as PDF (new window). The course will help you to be more efficient and prevents all the common errors during the production process.

Download the thesis templates here (zip-file, 8.3 MB)

Special templates

Department of Educational Sciences (zip-file, 34.4 MB).

Please contact Jonas Palm,  jonas [dot] palm [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: Power%20Point%20question) (jonas[dot]palm[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se) , if you need a template in another format than E5 or G5.

We can help you to typeset your thesis or article. Please contact us for more information. media-tryck [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se ( media-tryck[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se ) , 046-222 91 76

Thesis template in LaTeX

I you want to use LaTeX, please download the LaTeX template from the Image and media bank .

Please note that Media-Tryck offers no support regarding LaTeX.

Research poster template in PowerPoint

Choose the template that is closest to the instructions from your conference. You can choose english or swedish version. You can also choose between portrait and landscape.

Download the poster templates here (Zip-file, 6,1 mb)

Do you have too much to do? Contact us for help with layout and final art: media-tryck [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se ( media-tryck[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se ) 046-222 91 76

Please contact Jonas Palm, coordinator and template manager jonas [dot] palm [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: Power%20Point%20question) (jonas[dot]palm[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se) | 046-222 32 71

Dissertation course

Download templates and pictures.

Joboptions for exporting PDF from InDesign (Zip-file, 157 KB)

Poster templates in Power Point (Zip-file, 6.1 MB)

Thesis templates in Word (Zip-file, 8.3 MB)

Lund University's graphic manual (PDF, 19.5 MB)

Download our product catalog here (in Swedish, PDF 9 MB, new tab)

Lund University's Image and Media Bank

LUP Student Papers

Lund university libraries.

Lund University Publications Student Papers (LUP-SP) is the institutional repository for master theses and student papers from Lund University. The repository contains bibliographic information on over 0,000 publications. The full texts of the documents are made freely available when possible.

register student papers

The LUP student paper search interface was updated on September 29th 2021, with improvements focused on better accessibility.

Publications per year

Most downloaded student paper?

More statistics

Faculty of Medicine's internal website

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Please use a modern browser to fully experience our website, such as the newest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari etc.

Thesis structure and public defence procedure

Structure of the thesis.

The structure of the doctoral thesis should be that of a so-called compilation thesis. That is, a summary of scientific articles written by the PhD student alone or jointly with one or more other people [ with the articles appended after the summary]. Theses in the form of one unified, coherent scientific work (monograph thesis) may be allowed as an exception, following a specific application to the Research Studies Board.

The Research Studies Board finds compilation theses preferable to monograph theses since the publication of previously completed articles in internationally recognised scientific journals involves an assurance of quality [through peer review].

The components of a doctoral thesis should be written in English, but the summary may be written in Swedish.

List of requirements

A short summary in swedish written in layperson’s terms.

This is strongly recommended but not an official requirement.

The design of the dissertation’s cover and layout needs to be within the graphic profile of Lund University.

Title page 

A loose-leaf title page must be included in each copy of the thesis. The title page includes the opponent’s name, academic title and place of residence. It also announces the time and place of the public defence. The PhD student writes the dissertation title page themself; there is no template.

List of publications

A list of the articles/manuscripts included in the thesis must be included in each copy, preferably following the table of contents.

A brief loose-leaf abstract in English must be included with the doctoral thesis. The PhD student fills in a document template. The Faculty of Medicine recommends printing the sheet on the back of the title page (see above), to include in each copy of the thesis. This fulfils the requirement that the short English-language abstract be attached to each doctoral thesis. 

To avoid any legal repercussions, it is advisable to obtain authorisation from the copyright holder/publisher to reprint your articles. This also applies to electronic registration and publication. Check the agreement with the journal/publisher. Lund University Library has information on publishing agreements for articles in a compilation thesis, learn more about that here: Copyright | LUND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY

ISBN number

As a rule, published books and theses must have a publishing number – an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This is emailed to the PhD student in conjunction with the official decision regarding the public defence.

ISSN number

ISSN number 1652-8220 applies to all theses at the Faculty of Medicine.

Publication and distribution

Serial publication.

The published thesis is part of the Lund University Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertations Series. The PhD student is assigned an unique serial number for the thesis, also sent them by e-mail.

Printing and dissemination of the thesis All doctoral theses should be printed internally within Lund University. More information about printing can be found here:

  • Media-Tryck, Lund University’s printing and design agency Contact person: Richard Ringhov, Tel: 046-222 91 76. Media-Tryck is Lund University’s printing and design agency and offers all doctoral students the free course To format and deliver a print-ready thesis as a PDF. Register for the course at Media-Tryck's website, above. Media-Tryck also provides you with a thesis template in Microsoft Word to facilitate the writing process. If another printing company is used, information about framework agreements can be found on the university's website:  
  • Purchasing and procurement 

Duplication and distribution of doctoral theses

The doctoral thesis must be made available at the University in a sufficient number of copies to enable an assessment of the thesis at the public defence, at minimum 25 copies.

No later than three weeks before the defence date, the doctoral thesis is submitted and distributed by the doctoral student/department as follows:

  • 3 copies are submitted to Lund University Library at Helgonabacken (UB), for lending and archival purposes. The University Library no longer sends the thesis to the six other compulsory delivery libraries; this is now done by the printers according to law. The desk officer at the University Library receives and provides a receipt that the thesis has been submitted to UB Helgonabacken. There is no need to book an appointment.
  • 1 copy is submitted the same day to Anette Saltin’s mailbox between Forum Medicum and BMC F11 (through the main entrance of Forum Medicum, on the left, under/behind the stairs),   , with the receipt from UB Helgonabacken attached. If time allows, the thesis and receipt may instead be internally posted to Anette Saltin, BMC F12, pick-up point 66. A written announcement of the public defence is organized by the PhD Studies Office, containing the time and place of the public defence, the doctoral student's name, the title of the thesis, the subject of the defence, and the names of the opponent and chairperson of the seminar.
  • About 8 copies are sent by the doctoral student to the opponent, the members and deputies of the examination committee, the chairperson of the defence, the supervisors.

Electronic registration and publication of the thesis

The electronic registration is made by the doctoral student themself, in order to increase dissemination and awareness, and is then approved by the PhD Studies Office. Read about how to register your summary on the University Library's website. Learn more about registration of doctoral theses at Lund University Libraries’ website.

Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine that are registered electronically are compiled on the Lund University Research Portal, LUCRIS.

The registration of the thesis is a complement to the “nailing” of the physical book, and must take place three weeks before the public defence. Information about your defence and thesis is also entered into LUCRIS. The password for registration is your Lucat ID.

When registering, you should upload the electronic pdf version of the summary that you receive from the printer. Articles included in the thesis that are not published/accepted should not be uploaded. If unpublished data is uploaded into LUCRIS, problems may arise with journals during later publication.

Plagiarism check

Plagiarism check is mandatory and must be carried out on the thesis’ summary (kappa) and on all manuscripts before the defence of the thesis or licentiate examination. Published articles are not included in the plagiarism check. (It is also a strong recommendation to exclude references that will provide a 100% match when checking.) It is the responsibility of the supervisor to make sure that the plagiarism check is carried out and that a certification is sent together with the resulting digital analysis to the PhD Studies Office (the address can be found on the certificate) no later than six weeks before the public defence. 

The Research Studies Board recommends that you continuously review your material in the digital plagiarism checking system during the course of your doctoral programme, in collaboration with your supervisor. The certificate is however only required in connection with the examination (licentiate or doctoral degree).

Certification of Plagiarism Check

The plagiarism checks are carried out using the software Ouriginal (formerly Urkund) ,  for which Lund University has a campus licence. 

Log in here: Login - OURIGINAL ( Choose Single sign-on and "Lund University" in the list. Log in with your Lucat ID. More detailed information about log-in procedure can be found at  the dedicated page on Urkund (swe) . As stated in the instructions, there is no exact percentage that proves plagiarism, but it is required that the supervisor analyzes the results and makes an assessment. Deliberate plagiarism is very rare, but if there is a suspicion of it, the supervisor can contact the chairperson of the Research Studies Board Karin Jirström ( karin [dot] jirstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (karin[dot]jirstrom[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se) ) for further analysis. Contact can be made through Emma Idman ( emma [dot] roybon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (emma[dot]roybon[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se) ).

Expenses in conjunction with the dissertation

The dissertation grant (SEK 32,000 +OH) is transferred from the PhD Studies Office to the department for remuneration to the opponent and to offset the costs of preparing for the dissertation.

The opponent's honorary is SEK 15,000. Travel and hotel costs (usually two overnight stays) are also reimbursed. The faculty's contribution to the printing of the thesis (production costs) is what remains of the SEK 32,000 after the opponent's costs have been paid. If the costs of printing the thesis are higher, the difference needs to be covered by the department. The PhD student should therefore always consult the head of department in good time about the structure of the thesis, language review and other costs in connection with the completion of the thesis.

As the PhD student receives invoices for printing, proofreading, transcription, etc. these are submitted to the department secretary who arranges payment.

Summary (kappa)

The summary is usually between 50-100 pages long, not including references. It should contain at least 100 references and fulfil the following requirements. 

The summary:

  • must provide an up-to-date description of the area of specialisation and topic of the thesis, as well as how the thesis work fits into this context.
  • must be written independently by the doctoral student, and describe the student's contribution to the different projects/articles, within their common context.
  • must demonstrate that the doctoral student has achieved the specific subject knowledge.
  • must include a critical description and discussion of the methods used, as well as of possible alternative methods.
  • should integrate the results achieved into the relevant research area.
  • should state what the thesis has contributed to within the area of specialisation.
  • must describe how the results of the thesis are beneficial, and propose subsequent research.

Suggestions for headings to include in the summary:

  • Abstract –  about 250-300 words
  • Abbreviations – the most significant ones
  • Popular scientific summary – a short summary in layperson’s terms
  • the overall purpose of the thesis
  • the subject’s history and previously published results in the field
  • description of methods – highlighting which methods are important to your thesis work, and any original methods developed during the work
  • the most significant results
  • broad discussion
  • conclusion, and perspectives on future development
  • Acknowledgements

An appointed chairperson leads the public defence. The process can be divided into the following three parts. 

  • Presentation: The opponent normally gives a brief account of the content of the thesis, and the doctoral student answers questions. This usually takes the form of a dialogue between the doctoral student and the opponent.
  • Comments and questions: The discussion is opened up and under the direction of the chairperson, the members of the examination committee and other audience members ask questions and make comments on the thesis.
  • The doctoral student's response: The student should be given the opportunity to respond to each comment and question.

When all comments and questions have been addressed, the chairperson declares the defence closed.

The time period should not be limited

From the PhD student's perspective, it is worthwhile that a research project lasting several years –examined with only a passing or failing grade – receives the attention it deserves, and is penetrated as comprehensively as possible. The public defence should therefore not be limited in time. The chairperson can decide on a break if the defence is prolonged.

The examination process

The examination committee normally meets immediately after the defence and reaches quorum (is adequate to make an official decision) only when all of its members are present. The examination committee appoints one of its members to chair their post-defence meeting. The principal supervisor must be present, but may not participate in the decision. The opponent usually also participates in this meeting.

Examination criteria

The doctoral thesis is assessed with a grade of either pass or fail. In awarding the grade, the examination committee takes into account the content of the thesis and its defence. The committee's task during the defence is to examine the doctoral student's competence. The committee makes its assessment in light of the opponent's viewpoints, and the account of the content and defence of the thesis. The committee's official decision is that of most of its members. The reasoning behind the decision is not explained in the meeting minutes or any other documents, except in the case of a thesis receiving a failing grade. The minutes from the examination committee’s meeting are sent to the PhD Studies Office.      

The links go to Lund University´s website.

  • Publishing and registering your doctoral thesis
  • Find dissertations at the Faculty of Medicin 
  • LU graphic profile
  • Guide to printing your thesis
  • Media-Tryck (the university’s printing and design agency)
  • Minutes for thesis defence
  • Regulations for digital components of a dissertation

Thesis support from the Faculty

  • Getting help with illustrations and figures for free
  • Reference management and EndNote support
  • LUCRIS support: Registering a doctoral thesis in LUCRIS

Contact the faculty´s Library & ICT Research support team through  Library and ICT contact form

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Please use a modern browser to fully experience our website, such as the newest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari etc.

Register and publish in full text

Registration in LUCRIS and adding a full text

As a doctoral student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your degree project and the thesis. The registration makes the thesis visible in LU's Research Portal and on the university's calendar for upcoming defenses. Also, make the theses freely available whenever possible.

Register your doctoral thesis

As a doctoral student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your degree project and your thesis when it is completed.

You need this information to register your doctoral thesis:

  • Log-in information (LUCAT).
  • Information about the title of the doctoral thesis, ISBN etc.
  • Abstract in English, and preferably also in Swedish.
  • Information about the public defense of your doctoral thesis, venue and date, etc.
  • The doctoral thesis in full text as a pdf document for archiving. Do not include a signed version of the document data sheet. Google indexes your signature as a separate image. Use an unsigned version or publish in full text without the document data sheet.

The registration should be done well in advance to the public defense of your doctoral thesis! You can always save a started registration in LUCRIS and continue later.

Register your doctoral thesis in LUCRIS

As a doctoral student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your degree project and your thesis when it is completed. This makes your thesis visible and increases its dissemination within and outside LU. The registration makes it visible in the LU Research Portal, and also in the webpage for upcoming public defenses.

In order to register your doctoral thesis in LUCRIS you must have a LUCAT account.

Log into LUCRIS

Read more about registration in LUCRIS on the Staff pages

There is also a short manual that goes through step by step how to register a thesis and a thesis project.

LUCRIS short guide for doctoral and licentiate students (PDF)

Obtain ISBN

Before you send your doctoral thesis to be printed, it must have a unique ID, an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) which is usually printed on the flyleaf of the doctoral thesis.

You can get ISBN by contacting the University Library.

Get ISBN for your doctoral thesis

If you do not have a pdf file at the time of registration

If you do not have a pdf file ready when you register your doctoral thesis in LUCRIS, please contact the secretary at your faculty. See the list for the contact person at your faculty.

After the registration

When you have registered your doctoral thesis, the contact person at your faculty or department will review and approve the registration before it becomes visible. You will receive a message when the registration is approved.

Publish your thesis in full text

When a thesis is registered, it should also be made freely available electronically. This increases the dissemination and visibility. Depending on the type of thesis, there may be different copyright rules that apply.

Monograph doctoral theses published by the department

The author owns the copyright and the work can be made freely accessible.

Monograph doctoral theses published by a publishing house

Contact the publisher/editor and ask for permission.

Compilation theses

The author owns the copyright to the summarising introduction which can be made freely accessible. Access to other included publications will be determined by the agreements entered into with the respective publishers.

LU has general agreements with the following publishers: IEEE, Elsevier, Cambridge University Press and Portland Press.

Submitted manuscripts

If the thesis includes unpublished or submitted manuscripts, only the comprehensive summary should be made open access in LUCRIS. Some publishers consider a manuscript as already published if it is made available electronically in a thesis and might not accept it for publication in their journals. There is an increase in journal publishers running plagiarism detection software which is causing problems when a paper is submitted to a journal based on a PhD thesis that is freely available in an institutional repository. Even where a journal publisher states that a thesis does not count as prior publication, the large degree of overlap between the submitted paper and the manuscript in the thesis as detected by the plagiarism software is causing papers to be rejected or returned. Once the submitted articles are published, and if you have permission from the publishers, you can make the complete thesis open access.

Generally, articles entered in LUCRIS with the status "submitted" are not made visible because it can compromise future publishing.

Published articles

Publishers usually allow articles to be included in the printed thesis. If the compilation thesis including the articles also can be made freely available digitally varies depending on the publisher's policy. The publisher's web pages provide information on permits for re-use of articles in a thesis, so it is always a good start to search directly with the publisher. 

You can also use the following forms to apply for permission directly from the publisher:

Application form for previously published material (PDF)

Lund University has general publishing agreements with a number of publishers. If your article is published by one of the following publishers, no agreement is necessary:

  • Agreement with IEEE (PDF)
  • Agreement with Cambridge University Press (PDF)
  • Agreement with Elsevier (PDF)
  • Agreement with Portland Press (PDF)

Visibility and dissemination

If a doctoral thesis is published electronically, it will, for example, be indexed and searchable in Google. It will also be listed in the European dissertation database DART-Europe and in the international database for freely available academic material - BASE. It will also be linked to your full text from the Swedish research database SwePub and from the world's largest library catalog, WorldCat. Regardless of which search engines or databases searches have been made, the hits are directed to the description registered in LUCRIS and displayed in the Research Portal.

Contact the faculty secretary

For other questions about your doctoral thesis and upcoming public defence, please contact your faculty secretary.

Faculty secretaries

School of Economics and Management charlina [dot] lunvald [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlina Lunvald) Phone: +46 46 222 41 73

Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and IIIEE maria [dot] bajuk [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Bajuk) Phone: +46 46 222 89 13

Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Annika Michelsen Phone: +46 46 32 54 96

Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology kristina [dot] arnrup_thorsbro [at] kansliht [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina Arnrup Thorsbro) Phone: +46 46 222 83 15

Faculty of Law Helena Josefsson Phone: +46 46 222 10 95

Faculty of Medicine Anette Saltin Phone: +46 46 222 49 26

Faculty of Science constance [dot] holmback [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Constance Holmbäck) Phone: +46 46 222 44 24

Faculty of Social Sciences yvonne [dot] aiello_davidsson [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Yvonne Aiello Davidsson) Phone: +46 46 222 43 65

Login screen LUCRIS

Log in to LUCRIS

More information about copyright at the LU Staff Pages, compiled by The Legal Division

  • Browse aloud   |
  • Swedish website

Lund University

Current students

  • Giving to Lund
  • Current staff
  • Academic Calender
  • Student Life
  • Research & Innovation

Department of Automatic Control

Lth, faculty of engineering, report templates.

These are templates for the degree project reports (in most browsers right click to download).

  • Microsoft Word
  • Latex   (To use the report template in e.g. Overleaf, simply upload all the files in the zip archive)



  • Architecture and Built Environment
  • Automatic Control
  • Building and Environmental Technology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Centre for Mathematical Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Construction Sciences
  • Design Sciences
  • Electrical and Information Technology
  • Energy Sciences
  • Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition
  • Immunotechnology
  • Industrial Management and Logistics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • School of Aviation
  • Technology and Society

International Master's programmes

  • Architecture (MSc)
  • Biotechnology (MSc)
  • Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (MSc)
  • Embedded Electronics Engineering (MSc)
  • Energy-efficient and Environmental Building Design (MSc)
  • Food Technology and Nutrition (MSc)
  • Industrial Design (MFA)
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MSc)
  • Sustainable Urban Design (MSc)
  • Water Resources Engineering (MSc)
  • Wireless Communication (MSc)

Exchange studies

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Department of Automatic Control Faculty of Engineering LTH Box 118, SE-221 00 LUND, Sweden +46 46 222 72 00 [email protected]

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Development Studies: Master's Thesis

Course · 30 credits

On this page :


This course is offered as the only course of the fourth term and is the final course of the Lund University Master of Science Programme in International Development and Management (LUMID).

The Master’s thesis is an independent piece of work that addresses development issues from a social science perspective within the context of the contemporary developing world. Students may write their thesis together with one other student. Guidelines for the Master’s thesis are published by the Lund University International Master of Science Programme in International Development and Management.

Course documents

Syllabus (PDF - new window)

Closed for applications

Human Geography

Requirements and selection

Entry requirements.

Students are required to have passed the following first seven courses (MIDA11, 15 credits; MIDM12, 15 credits; MIDA13, 7.5 credits; MIDA24, 7.5 credits; MIDM45, 7.5 credits; MIDM26, 7.5 credits; and MIDM58, 22.5 credits) of the LUMID programme.

Selection criteria

English language requirements.

Most of Lund University’s programmes require English Level 6 (unless otherwise stated under 'Entry requirements'). This is the equivalent of an overall IELTS score of 6.5 or a TOEFL score of 90. There are several ways to prove your English language proficiency – check which proof is accepted at the University Admissions in Sweden website. All students must prove they meet English language requirements by the deadline, in order to be considered for admission.

How to prove your English proficiency –

Country-specific requirements

Check if there are any country-specific eligibility rules for you to study Bachelor's or Master's studies in Sweden:

Country-specific requirements for Bachelor's studies –

Country-specific requirements for Master's studies –

Start Spring Semester 2024

Day-time Lund, full time 100%

Study period

15 January 2024 - 2 June 2024


You can only apply for this course in the 'Swedish student' application round. Find out more: Applying for studies – when to apply

How to apply

Lund University uses a national application system run by University Admissions in Sweden. It is only possible to apply during the application periods.

When to apply for studies

Step 1: Apply online

  • Check that you meet the  entry requirements of the programme or course you are interested in (refer to the section above on this webpage).
  • Start your application – go to the University Admissions in Sweden website where you create an account and select programmes/courses during the application period. Visit the University Admissions in Sweden website
  • Rank your programme/course choices in order of preference and submit them before the  application deadline .

Step 2: Submit documents

  • Read about how to document your eligibility and how to submit your documents at the University Admissions in Sweden website. Follow any country-specific document rules for Master's studies or Bachelor's studies Country-specific requirements for Bachelor's studies – Country-specific requirements for Master's studies –  
  • Get all your documents ready: - official transcripts and high school diploma (Bachelor's applicants) - official transcripts and degree certificate or proof that you are in the final year of your Bachelor's (Master's applicants) - passport/ID (all applicants) and - proof of English proficiency (all applicants).  
  • Prepare  programme-specific documents  if stated in the next paragraph on this webpage.
  • Upload or send  all  required documents to University Admissions before the  document deadline .
  • Pay the application fee (if applicable – refer to the section below on this webpage) before the  document deadline .

* Note that the process is different if you are applying as an exchange student or as a part of a cooperation programme (such as Erasmus+). * If you have studied your entire Bachelor's programme in Sweden and all of your academic credits are in Ladok, you do not have to submit transcripts or your diploma when applying for a Master's programme.  However, there may still be other documents you need to submit! See the link below.  *  Svensk student?  Läs instruktionerna om att söka till ett internationellt masterprogram på

Tuition fees

Non-eu/eea citizens.

Full programme/course tuition fee: SEK 55 000

First payment: SEK 55 000

  • Convert currency –

Citizens of a country outside of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are required to pay tuition fees. You pay one instalment of the tuition fee in advance of each semester.

Tuition fees, payments and exemptions

EU/EEA citizens and Switzerland

There are no tuition fees for citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.

Application fee

If you are required to pay tuition fees, you are generally also required to pay an application fee of SEK 900 when you apply at the University Admissions in Sweden website. You pay one application fee regardless of how many programmes or courses you apply to.

  • Paying your application fee –
  • Exemptions from paying the application fee –

*Note that there are no tuition or application fees for exchange students or doctoral/PhD students, regardless of their nationality.

Scholarships & funding

Lund university global scholarship programme.

The Lund University Global Scholarship programme is a merit-based and selective scholarship targeted at top academic students from countries outside the EU/EEA.

Lund University Global Scholarship

Swedish Institute Scholarships

The Swedish Institute offers scholarships to international students applying for studies in Sweden at Master's level.

Scholarship information on the Swedish Institute website

Country-specific scholarships and funding options

Lund University has agreements with scholarship organisations and funding bodies in different countries, which may allow applicants to apply for funding or scholarships in their home countries for their studies at Lund University.

  • Country-specific scholarships
  • Canada student loans

External scholarships

Information about scholarships from external organisations

Department of Biology | Lund University

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Public defense of the doctoral thesis and PhD degree

When you have met all the formal requirements for postgraduate studies, have completed all your courses and written your thesis, you are ready to publicly defend your thesis. If you are aiming for a Licentiate degree (at the Faculty web) instead, the public defence takes the form of a departmental seminar.

Guidelines for the comprehensive summary of the thesis ("Kappan")

The doctoral thesis is to be a carefully thought-out and reasoned presentation and discussion of a candidate’s own work in relation to the broader research field and can be designed either as a compilation thesis or a monograph.

Compilation theses

PhD theses at the Department of Biology are almost exclusively compilation theses, consisting of attached copies of a number of research articles or manuscripts, along with the actual dissertation, which is a comprehensive summary and synthesis of the individual chapters (Swedish – kappan ). The research articles are to be of a quality corresponding to the requirements for publication in recognized academic journals with peer review procedures, and it should be possible to distinguish the doctoral student’s contribution to the work.

It is rarely the case that the research papers in a compilation thesis are solely authored by the doctoral student. For this reason, importance should be attached to the summarising chapter that, on the one hand, gives the doctoral student the opportunity to demonstrate an autonomous and independent intellectual performance and, on the other, enables assessment of the doctoral student’s autonomous and independent contributions.

The summarising chapter should provide an introduction to the papers and place the scientific questions, theories and results achieved into a general context. Therefore, the summarising chapter must be written in a different form from the papers in the thesis and must be read as an independent academic text. The summarising chapter must not contain extensive copying of text, figures and tables from the papers compiled in the thesis.

The monograph consists of a cohesive report including a description of the research assignment, scientific questions and theories, working methods, analysis, results and a discussion. For monographs, it is particularly important that the candidate’s own research is presented in such a way that the methods used, results achieved and conclusions drawn can be understood and assessed.

Demands on the content

The thesis must relate to the learning outcomes of the Higher Education Ordinance, which means the outcomes for both the compilation thesis and the monograph are principally to:

  • demonstrate up-to-date specialized knowledge and a broad and advanced understanding of the research field,
  • demonstrate the ability to place the thesis into a broader theoretical and scientific context,
  • state clear goals of the thesis project and its most important hypotheses and issues,
  • demonstrate familiarity with the methods and analytical tools used within the research field, and an ability to assess and evaluate them,
  • demonstrate an ability to reflect on the importance and limitations of the candidate’s own research,
  • make a significant contribution to the formation of knowledge in the field and identify the need for further knowledge.

The summary is the PhD student's own text and should be written by the doctoral student and not be rewritten by advisors or other faculty. However, the latter may give comments and suggestions. All advisors and the departmental representative should have read the summary before it is submitted for printing, to assure that it is up to standard with the goals and guidelines.

Design and layout rules for doctoral theses

The physical appearance of the thesis is to follow the University’s graphic profile.

  • Instructions and templates for the appearance of the document data sheet are provided on Lund University Library's (UB) web .
  • In connection with the list of the papers included in the thesis, the thesis is also to include a list of the doctoral student’s contributions to the various papers, as well as those of the co-authors. The following sentence is to appear here “ All authors in the list of papers have given their consent for the use of their work in the thesis ”.
  • The thesis is to be fully paginated (regardless of the pagination of the papers included in the thesis).
  • The summarising introduction is to be written using the Adobe Garamond Pro font or if it includes many symbols, Times New Roman .
  • No designations of divisions or research teams are to appear on the cover or the title page. The only designation allowed is " Department of Biology, Lund University " with no variations .
  • The thesis is given two ISBN numbers according to Lund University's regulations on the central library website .
  • The cover must follow Lund University’s graphic profile as specified in the graphic manual on the Lund University Staff Pages . In order to facilitate this, there are prepared grid templates in Indesign for the cover, available for download from Lund University's image bank (log in with your LUCAT identity). The templates are accompanied by a couple of examples and a description of the different elements in the template that can be useful to look at even if you decide not to use the template itself. Media-Tryck (the printer) also has a number of examples of possible cover designs.

The front cover of the thesis is to:

  • feature the partial seal of the University in the bottom right-hand corner,
  • have the title in a white text box with the stated font including a bronze-coloured line (see the graphic manual),

The back cover of the thesis is to have:

  • a complete University seal in the bottom left-hand corner,
  • an address block in the bottom right-hand corner
  • a list of the papers included in the thesis.

If you have questions concerning the graphic profile, please address them to the graphic profile officers at Lund University or, if they are more general questions on the design of the thesis, to Media-Tryck , the printer.

Media-Tryck can help with the typesetting and design of the thesis if you wish, but in that case, remember to start on this in good time. They have information on printing theses; they also offer a course, “Writing, formatting and delivering a thesis in ready-to-print PDF format” which can be helpful on the road to a completed thesis.

Please note that the rules concerning the appearance of the thesis apply regardless of the printing company used to produce it.

You can find information on how to book a date for the public defence of your thesis and how to register it, on the composition of the examining committee, what is required of the faculty examiner, and other useful details, at the Faculty of Science .

Obtaining an ISBN number for your thesis

The main office of Lund University libraries is responsible for allocating ISBN numbers to doctoral theses.

More information on how to order an ISBN number (at UB 's web)

Remember that the Biology Library would also like to have two copies of your printed thesis! They do not receive any of the copies you give to the University Library.

Directors of Postgraduate Studies

Emma Kritzberg Professor

Telephone: +46 46 222 40 79 E-mail: Emma [dot] Kritzberg [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se

Klas Flärdh Professor

Telephone: +46 46 222 85 84 E-mail: Klas [dot] Flardh [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se

Biology Doctoral Students Council

BDR – Biology Doctoral Students Council

Graduate research school

The g raduate research school in integrative biology on our external website .

Licentiate degree

You find information about licentiate degree on the faculty's website .

  • Template for the document data sheet (Lund University Libraries)
  • Obtain an ISBN number (Lund University Library)
  • Graphic profile (Staff pages)
  • Lund University Image and media bank

Template for PhD thesis template for astronomy at Lund University

Unofficial PhD thesis template for astronomy at Lund University.

See the README.txt file for instructions.

Template for PhD thesis template for astronomy at Lund University

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  1. Download templates and communication tools

    If you are going to hold an oral presentation about Lund University, you can base it on the Powerpoint presentation with general information about the University: Presentation material. Thesis templates in Word. Please ask your institution or department what size to use before using the template. If you have any questions, contact Media-Tryck.

  2. PhD-students

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  3. LUP Student Papers

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  4. Thesis structure and public defence procedure

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  7. Report Templates

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  8. Lund University Licentiate and PhD Thesis Template

    % PhD thesis template, Lund University % Originally designed for the Faculty of Science: Astronomy and Theoretical Physics % Reformatted to work with Overleaf % Layout and typesetting: Daniel Michalik, with Berry Holl, Helene Jönsson, Jonas Palm, Samuel Stenberg, Vidar Aspelin % Implementation and documentation: Daniel Michalik, Samuel Stenberg % % Credits to the past generations of students ...

  9. Development Studies: Master's Thesis

    The Master's thesis is an independent piece of work that addresses development issues from a social science perspective within the context of the contemporary developing world. Students may write their thesis together with one other student. Guidelines for the Master's thesis are published by the Lund University International Master of ...

  10. Templates

    This is a template for documents created by the Science Student Union, LUNA at Lund University, Sweden. This is a beamer template I made to match the Lund University style guide. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  11. Public defense of the doctoral thesis and PhD degree

    The physical appearance of the thesis is to follow the University's graphic profile. Instructions and templates for the appearance of the document data sheet are provided on Lund University Library's (UB) web.; In connection with the list of the papers included in the thesis, the thesis is also to include a list of the doctoral student's contributions to the various papers, as well as ...

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    lund-university-licentiate-and-phd-thesis-template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  13. Template for PhD thesis template for astronomy at Lund University

    Unofficial PhD thesis template for astronomy at Lund University. See the README.txt file for instructions. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. ... % PhD thesis template, Lund University % Originally designed for the Faculty of Science ...

  14. Templates

    Licentiate and PhD thesis template created within the guidelines of Kemicentrum at Lund University. Many, some stated in the document. This is a template for documents created by the Science Student Union, LUNA at Lund University, Sweden. This is a beamer template I made to match the Lund University style guide.