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this bachelor thesis deals with

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this bachelor thesis deals with

Bachelor thesis vs. Bachelor's thesis


Ahoj, prosím vás, jaká varianta “bakalářské práce” je správně? This bachelor thesis deals with … nebo This bachelor's thesis deals with …? Na internetu jsem se setkal s oběma varianty.

this bachelor thesis deals with

Hi Vety, either version is possible. The relevant Google Ngram (click on Search lots of books ) shows that the version with the apostrophe is much more prevalent, and that's the version I'd recommend. I ran a search, and the versions without the apostrophe tend to occur on the English pages of foreign (non-native English) universities.


Ok, great job! Thank you very much. Could I ask you one more thing? When I want to translate: “ Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou práce s lidmi… ” Could I translate it this way: “ This bachelor's thesis deals with the issues of working with people… ”?


I wouldn't use “issues” (or even “issue”) in this context. “Issues” in the sense of “problems” are individual countable problematic aspects of a situation, and “ the issues” (with the definite article) suggests “ all the issues”, or the issues that have already been mentioned, but of course in the introduction to a thesis, the issues haven't been mentioned yet. “Issue” in this kind of context also tends to mean a socially or ethically controversial problem . If the subject matter is, for example, working with people with learning difficulties, then it's academically unwise to suggest that this kind of work is “an issue” [rozumí se “a problem”] because it suggests that the thesis may not be objective, and has an underlying negative bias.

This bachelor's thesis deals with the subject/topic of working with people … // The subject/topic of this bachelor's thesis is working with people … As an alternative to “deals with”, you can say “considers”, “studies”, “addresses”, “examines”, “focuses on”, “explores”, “describes”, etc.


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What makes a Bachelor's thesis different from Master's and PhD theses? [duplicate]

All the three types of research revolve around an argument, a thesis. They of course differ in terms of student level, that is complexity.

But, what makes a bachelor's thesis different from master's and PhD theses in terms of procedures of researching given that all of them may follow the same process of research, questions or hypotheses, review of the literature, methodology, results and discussion?

  • research-process
  • research-undergraduate

Ooker's user avatar

  • 13 In a bachelor thesis you are usually not expected to expand the existing body of human knowledge in contrast to a PhD. Bachelor theses are closer to literature reviews. –  Marc Claesen Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 9:08
  • 1 I see what you meant but I'm not really convinced. Concerning the contribution to human knowledge, I think this depends on whether the thesis is innovative. If an undergraduate thesis is genuine, it can be published in a respectable academic journal. In that case, it would expand existing body of human knowledge. Concerning its similarity with literature reviews, how can it be similar if the literature review is but a chapter of the thesis? –  EasternRiver Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 10:26
  • 5 You are very unlikely to do anything really innovative as a BA, unless you just happen to be lucky to be working in a very new field, or under a very, very good mentor. The idea that you're going to make a meaningful contribution to some well established, famous open problem at 22 is really, really low. –  user10636 Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 12:00
  • 2 A PhD thesis requires original research, a master's does not required it, and a bachelor's thesis ... they just do assignments. –  Philip Gibbs Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 15:25
  • 6 This graphic is a bit instructive: An illustrated guide to a Ph.D. –  Matthew G. Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 16:37

3 Answers 3

The PhD thesis should be on a much higher level than the Honours/Masters thesis, offering a contribution to human knowledge that is of a sufficient level of "significance" to warrant publication in a respected journal.

Significance is highly subjective, and you also do not necessarily have to publish to be awarded the PhD (sometimes the peer-review delay means that they come out afterwards, or there may be some intellectual property issues that make it beneficial to refrain from publication). It is awarded based on your supervisors consent and a review of academics in your field. So the "significance" would probably be judged by them in terms of how much original work they see as a reasonable expectation at that stage of your development (first 3 years of serious/committed research). Unfortunately it also means that some people who probably do not deserve PhD's are awarded them anyway for fulfilling grunt work for their easy-going supervisors.

It is possible that some Honours/Masters thesis might even be more significant/higher quality than a PhD thesis. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the submission of the thesis will award the degree that they deserve. The university may have a policy to upgrade the student's enrolment if the supervisor senses that such progress is being made. However, it is impossible to upgrade to a PhD without completing Honours and I believe nearly every single university has a policy of a minimum period of enrolment before submission is allowed. A subsequent question that you may have is how to gain a PhD without enrolling in one, which is another level of achievement completely.

As for the difference between Honours/Bachelor and Masters it would depend on your university, but both have no requirement for publication quality research and are usually small tasks/ideas that are not worth the supervisors time to think about alone, or involve a lot of labor. In fact, in my school, many Honours thesis are of a higher level than the Masters, because the smart Honours students will either graduate into the work force or go straight into a PhD. The Masters students are usually those who cannot find a job and are not suited to research. However, I believe some other universities may require a mandatory Masters degree to start the PhD.

You may get a better idea by looking at some titles/abstracts of completed theses. The PhD level will be something like a new method/observation/application whereas the Masters/Honours will be an application specific set of measurements/simulations or even simply a literature review to gauge the needs of future work. The word limits are also typically different (although note that quality is NOT proportional to the number of words), with PhD at 100K, Masters at 50K and Honours at 30K at my university.

xyz's user avatar

Go back to basic definitions... In history of university degrees (500 years ago)

A bachelors degree is about learning existing knowledge. Historically from the book(s) written by the univ staff.

A masters degree, after you have learnt what is already known and in books in your topic area, is about learning evolving knowledge - that is near recent and current literature in academic journals and conference presentations.

A doctorate degree is about creating new knowledge by research.

So it is now easy to understand a thesis/dissertation for each degree.

A bachelors degree should be a critique of existing knowledge, often looking for inconsistencies in view points from different sources and synthesising arguments or positions in a DISSERTATION )that is you disserting !

A masters thesis (thesis is Greek for 'I believe') can be either an assembly of new knowledge from new published research or simply a critique and integration. It might have propositions (not hypotheses) that the masters student offers as a conclusion from bringing together new knowledge from different sources.

A doctoral thesis is where the author undertakes research, usually collecting primary new data which is presented as both factual findings and conceptual findings and thus new knowledge in the form of a new model or theory. Also possible, is to challenge existing knowledge and show earlier published knowledge is invalid.

Well that's what they all should be. In practice there is some overlap and different universities and faculties have their own custom and practice. It all starts to break down about 40 years ago when a masters degree become post graduate in time rather than post graduate in level. Thus engineers with a bachelor degree might take an MBA to make them more employable and did more a less a bachelor degree in business in 18 months rather than 3 years as they were already a graduate.

But still thinking in the above categories can help students today focus on the overall agenda.

I have examined over 55 PhD theses. And several hundred masters theses and I base my approach to assessment on the above.

Prof Peter Woolliams, B.Sc(hons), B.A., PhD, Emeritus professor, Anglian Ruskin College Cambridge, U K

Prof Peter Woolliams's user avatar

  • Your answer is very clear. However, I have come across many Bachelor's and especially Master's theses following the processes of research. personally, I am writing my Bachelor's thesis. I've followed the same of research. Specifically I've used online ethnography, collected data through participant observation and interviews, and trying to analyze data through constant comparative method. My supervisor did not impose this on me, but students have to follow the processes of research, literature review, data collection and analysis and discussion, etc. I really wonder if I am doing it wrong. –  EasternRiver Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 20:51
  • 1 As I said, many units and supervisor have their local specific requirements, peter –  Prof Peter Woolliams Commented Mar 30, 2014 at 10:14

Roughly speaking, there are three levels of tasks:

  • Application

For a Bachelor's thesis, you would only expect 1 and 2, that is the student should do something (e.g. solve a well-defined problem) with the knowledge they have aquired during their studies.

For Master's thesis, you would want to have a non-trivial amount of 3, that is the student should transfer the competences aquired during studies to new problems. This usually includes (more) extensive literature research.

A formal difference that (imho) derives from the above is volume; Bachelor's theses typically award less credits than Master's theses and should thus take up less time and fewer pages.

Raphael's user avatar

  • 1 Note that excellent students will often move to 3 in their Bachelor's thesis and on to independent research in their Master's thesis. That's fair, encouraged even, but should by no means be required. –  Raphael Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 14:26

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this bachelor thesis deals with

this bachelor thesis deals with

How to Write a Bachelor’s Thesis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mimir Mentor graduated illustration

The bachelor’s degree is an important milestone in your academic life, and creating a successful bachelor’s thesis is an essential part of this process.

Although it can be a challenge, with a structured approach and a clear timetable, a well-researched, informed, and organized bachelor’s thesis can be created.

In this article, we explain how to write a bachelor’s thesis.

11 Facts About Bachelor’s Theses

  • The average length of a bachelor’s thesis is about 30-60 pages.
  • Most bachelor’s theses are written in the field of economics.
  • The average processing time for a bachelor’s thesis is 3-6 months.
  • Typically, bachelor’s theses are supervised by a professor or lecturer.
  • Most bachelor’s theses are still written and submitted on paper.
  • A bachelor’s thesis is always written within the framework of a study program and is an important part of the degree completion.
  • The topic selection for a bachelor’s thesis is usually free, as long as it falls within the field of study.
  • Adherence to citation rules and source references is an important part of a bachelor’s thesis.
  • Submission of a bachelor’s thesis is usually combined with an oral examination.
  • The bachelor’s thesis is the first longer scientific work that a student writes during their studies and therefore represents an important hurdle.
  • In 2021, approximately 260,000 students achieved their bachelor’s degree.

Scientific Formulations in Minutes Seconds

11 Tips for Academic Writing (Bachelor’s Theses)

  • Start your bachelor’s thesis early to have enough time for research, writing, and revision.
  • Choose an interesting and relevant topic that fits well with your field of study.
  • Create a detailed work plan to keep track of your steps and deadlines.
  • Use trustworthy and current sources to underpin your work.
  • Write clearly and precisely, avoid using unnecessarily complicated sentences.
  • Use a consistent citation style and pay attention to the correct source citation.
  • Logically structure your bachelor’s thesis and ensure that the common thread is recognizable.
  • Revise and polish your work multiple times to ensure that it is free from spelling and grammar errors.
  • Have your work read by others and seek feedback to recognize areas for improvement.
  • Consider publishing your bachelor’s thesis to make it accessible to others and to present your work.
  • Have your text scientifically rephrased by Mimir. Sample input : Potatoes are healthy… ➔ Result : Potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals and can contribute to a balanced diet.

The Process of Writing a Bachelor’s Thesis: Step by Step Guide

The writing process of a bachelor’s thesis is a challenge for many students. In this section, we give an overview of the most important steps and tips to successfully master the process.

  • Determine the topic of the bachelor’s thesis and discuss it with the supervisor.
  • Conduct comprehensive research and collect relevant sources.
  • Create an outline and divide the topic into individual sections.
  • Write the main part of the paper by processing and summarizing the insights gained from the research.
  • Compose the concluding part, summarizing the main findings of the work and outlining possible further steps or implications.
  • Proofread the work and check for formal requirements.
  • Submit and defend the bachelor’s thesis.

Choosing a Topic: How to Find the Perfect Topic for Your Bachelor’s Thesis

The first step in creating a bachelor’s thesis is selecting the topic. It’s important that your topic is specific and answers a clear research question. If your topic is too general, it will be harder to achieve meaningful results.

Why is the topic important?

An interesting and relevant topic not only captivates your readers but also gives you the motivation to successfully complete the work.

The topic of your bachelor’s thesis is crucial for the success of your work.

A difficult or boring topic, on the other hand, can lead to you finding the writing process frustrating and ultimately not successfully completing the work. Therefore, it’s important to think carefully about which topic you choose for your bachelor’s thesis.

If you have difficulty finding a topic, you can turn to your supervisors and present your ideas to them.

Social MediaHow does the use of social media affect the educational and career decisions of young adults?
Climate ChangeHow has climate change altered the impact on ecological systems in Europe?
ReligionHow has the role of religion in the modern world changed?

Research & Study: The Right Way to the Perfect Bachelor’s Thesis

Once the topic is set, it’s time to collect the necessary information. This can be done by searching through libraries and databases, reading specialist literature, and interviewing experts. It’s important to carefully organize and document the collected information so that it’s easily accessible when writing the work.

It’s also important that your sources are current, as research and opinions in your subject area are constantly changing.

Possible Sources

  • Academic Publications
  • Professional Journals
  • Reputable Websites (you should consult your supervisor beforehand)

Structure: Setup and Organization of the Bachelor Thesis

It is important to have a clear structure for your bachelor thesis. This should include an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion. Within the main part, you can divide your arguments into different sections. This helps you to structure your thought process and ensure a smooth and logical flow.


  • Summary of the research thesis
  • Definition of the main terms
  • Explanation of the research question and area of interest
  • Conduct literature research
  • Develop arguments and hypotheses
  • Draw conclusions and results
  • Cite sources
  • Summary of the results
  • Comparison of hypotheses and results
  • Explanation of the implications of the results
  • Recommendations for further research

Writing: Tips and Tricks for the Writing Process

After you have completed your research and established your structure, it is time to write.

It is important that you write your work in simple, academic German/English.

Avoid using too many technical terms and ensure that each sentence conveys a clear thought.

Compose a clear introduction that explains your topic and presents your argumentation. In the main part of your work, you should provide your arguments and examples to prove your thesis. Make sure that your arguments are logical and understandable.

  • Write a simple and clear introduction
  • Compose the main part of your work
  • Ensure that each sentence conveys a clear thought
  • Provide your arguments and examples to prove your thesis
  • Ensure logical and understandable argumentation
  • Avoid too many technical terms
  • Avoid vague formulations
  • Avoid subjective opinions

Tip: Let Mimir formulate your bullet point ( Example input : Running is great ➔ Result (1/3) : Running is a healthy and effective form of physical activity that can contribute to improving cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and mental health.)

Formatting: How to Properly Format Your Bachelor Thesis

It is important that you adhere to your university’s guidelines when formatting your bachelor thesis. Check the requirements for margins, line spacing, font size, and font type prescribed by your university.

It is also important to format your work consistently to achieve a professional look.

  • Adhere to your university’s guidelines
  • Check margins, line spacing, font size, and font type
  • Consistently format your work
  • Create a professional layout

Citing and Referencing: Rules for Citing and Referencing in the Bachelor Thesis

When referring to the ideas of other authors in your work, it is important to cite and reference them correctly. There are various citation styles you can use, but most universities use the Harvard or APA style.

Make sure to properly cite and reference all sources you refer to, to avoid plagiarism.

  • Use the Harvard or APA style
  • Cite and reference all sources you refer to
  • Avoid plagiarism

Proofreading: Error Sources and Tips for a Flawless Bachelor Thesis

After you have written your bachelor thesis, it is important to thoroughly review it. Check the content for correct grammar, spelling, and structure. Also ensure that your arguments are clear and logical and that your statements are supported by your research.

It is important to proofread and edit your work several times. Make sure to correct all spelling and grammar errors so that your work looks professional.

  • Read your work aloud to detect errors in grammar, sentence structure, and pronunciation.
  • Use a dictionary or an online proofreading program to find errors in spelling and punctuation.
  • Have someone else read your work and ask for feedback to gain additional perspectives and suggestions for improvement.
  • Carefully review and revise your work to improve its quality and content. This can be done by adding examples, removing unnecessary information, or refining arguments.

Tip: Have your text checked by Mimir (Unscientific words, gender conformity, and more…)

Submission: How to Safely Submit and Defend Your Bachelor Thesis

Writing a bachelor thesis can be a challenging task, but if you follow the steps mentioned above, you will complete your work in a professional manner.

Don’t forget to adhere to the guidelines of your university.

Once you have reviewed and revised your bachelor’s thesis, it’s time to submit it. Make sure your work meets the requirements of your examiner and contains the correct information. If possible, have a friend or family member review it before you submit it.

Earning a bachelor’s degree is a great achievement, and creating a successful bachelor’s thesis is an essential part of this process. Remember, choosing a topic, conducting research, and writing a bachelor’s thesis can be a laborious process. However, if you have a clear schedule and follow the steps mentioned above, you can create a well-researched, informed, and organized bachelor’s thesis.

And last but not least: Congratulations!

Two Practical Examples of the Process

To better understand the steps and tips mentioned above, here are two examples from different academic areas:

  • A psychology student writes a bachelor’s thesis on the effects of social media on the mental health of adolescents. She chooses this topic because it combines her personal interest and her expertise in psychology. She gathers information by reading textbooks and conducting interviews with adolescents and experts. She creates an outline consisting of an introduction, three main chapters, and a conclusion, and writes her paper accordingly. She makes sure to use quotes and references and to adhere to the APA formatting requirements. Finally, she carefully corrects her work and has it read by her teacher and a fellow student for improvement suggestions.
  • A computer science student writes a bachelor’s thesis on the development of a new algorithm for machine learning. He chooses this topic because it reflects his expertise in computer science and his curiosity about new technologies. He gathers information by reading academic articles and communicating with other experts in his field. He creates an outline consisting of an introduction, three main chapters, a section on results, and a conclusion, and writes his paper accordingly. He makes sure to use citations and references and to adhere to the IEEE formatting requirements. Finally, he carefully corrects his work and has it read by his supervisor and a reviewer from a professional journal for improvement suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start writing a bachelor’s thesis.

Before you start writing your bachelor’s thesis, you should first plan the topic and structure of the paper. This also includes researching relevant sources and creating an outline. Once you have an overview of the structure of the paper, you can start writing.

How quickly can you write a bachelor’s thesis?

The duration of writing a bachelor’s thesis can vary greatly and depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the topic, the size of the paper, and the time spent on research. However, you should generally plan several weeks or even months for the actual writing of a bachelor’s thesis.

How do you properly write a bachelor’s thesis?

1. Start by selecting an interesting and relevant topic for your bachelor’s thesis. 2. Create a clear and detailed research plan that outlines the goals, methods, and timeline for your work. 3. Gather comprehensive and reliable sources to support your arguments and substantiate your theses. 4. Compose a clear and structured introduction that highlights the topic and significance of your work. 5. Develop your arguments in the main chapters of your bachelor’s thesis and use examples and evidence to support your statements. 6. Conclude your findings and conclusion in a conclusive and detailed section that summarizes the significance and implications of your work. 7. Thoroughly correct and revise your bachelor’s thesis to ensure it is logical, coherent, and error-free.

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Academic writing Mimir Mentor

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Bachelor thesis or Bachelor's thesis

During my final year at university, I wrote what I thought was a "bachelor thesis". Right before printing it I stumbled upon several documents stating the name "bachelor's thesis". (Here we do not call it a dissertation just yet, so this question is only about the possessive bachelor's vs. bachelor .) A couple of Google search queries later, I had not found out which of these terms is correct. Which should I use?

  • word-choice
  • differences

James Waldby - jwpat7's user avatar

  • 2 It's a master's thesis and a doctoral thesis. Going by these, it should be a bachelor's thesis or a bacheloral thesis . Except bacheloral isn't a word. What is the adjective form for bachelor? Oh, it's bachelor. So by analogy, it's either a bachelor's thesis or a bachelor thesis . I think both should be fine. –  Peter Shor Commented Jul 19, 2012 at 16:06

4 Answers 4

First off, I would mimic the term that your university uses. Does that give you a satisfactory resolution? (Or are they inconsistent in their use?)

If not, do you use the full term "Bachelor of Arts" or "Bachelor of Science" in your thesis title? If so, you don't need the apostrophe s (and you should capitalize the words as indicated). However, if you are referring to the degree program more informally, then I think you should use "bachelor's thesis." ( See this Wikipedia entry in which bachelor's is used throughout.)

Also, the Associated Press Styleguide has these guidelines for Academic Degrees:

  • Use an apostrophe in bachelor’s degree, a master’s, etc.
  • There is no apostrophe in Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science.

I think that would apply to bachelor's thesis as well.

JLG's user avatar

  • Inconsistency is the problem. I have seen both versions come up, so it's not about being correct with respect to the university, it's more a question of my curiosity. As BA/BSc is concerned, we do not distinguish between them, we're simply bachelors. I read through some style guides, but none of them address theses specifically, so I was not sure about its application based on "bachelor's degree" and other uses. So your implication may or may not be correct. Still it's the closest I got to a backed answer. –  Ondrej Commented May 10, 2012 at 10:25

In some countries/universities, the word "thesis" or a cognate is used as part of a bachelor's or master's course, while "dissertation" is normally applied to a doctorate, while in others, the reverse is true.

In USA and Canada,

  • Research-based papers presented as the final empirical study of a bachelor with honours (honors) degree are normally called bachelor thesis or honours thesis (in USA, "thesis" is in more commonly use).
  • Major papers presented as the final project for a master's degree are normally called thesis .
  • Major papers presenting the student's research towards a doctoral degree are called theses or dissertations .

In Germany,

  • A bachelor's thesis is often 40–60 pages long, other theses are usually even longer.
  • The required submission for the doctorate is called a Dissertation or Doktorarbeit.

Fr0zenFyr's user avatar

  • 4 1) This does not address my issue at all. As I said, it's not about thesis/dissertation, regional specifics, ..., it's only about the first word of the term. 2) The whole answer is only a compilation of excerpts from the "Thesis" Wikipedia entry. Don't worry, read that already. –  Ondrej Commented May 10, 2012 at 10:19
  • Ahem... I double-checked Mac's Oxford dictionaries and they confirm that "thesis" is singular and "theses" is plural; your answer suggests a semantic difference. I've suggested a minimal edit to make the answer consistent with this. –  Blaisorblade Commented Jun 26, 2016 at 15:07

As I understand it, you are the bachelor (or at least the bachelor candidate) by virtue of being on the course, and the thesis is yours, so bachelor's thesis is the correct way to go.

On the thesis/dissertation thing, a thesis is your argument or proposition, and a dissertation is the discourse you defend it with.

Roaring Fish's user avatar

At the college I attended, we used the terms Senior Paper or Senior Thesis to describe that it occurs in the final year of schooling. There are no post-graduate programs at the college in question, which avoided confusion with doctoral or master's level work.

Nomenclature of this final year thesis will vary depending on the institution.

Zoot's user avatar

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this bachelor thesis deals with

The Smart Way to Choose your Thesis Topic

When you begin your studies with a postgrad degree, remember that you are committed to produce and pass a thesis or dissertation before you graduate.  Choosing the all-important thesis topic may well be the very first challenge you encounter at this stage of the programme.

What is a thesis topic?

A thesis is an idea or theory that is expressed as a statement, a contention for which evidence is gathered and discussed logically. However, at its core, the thesis is nothing more than a simple question that requires a long-detailed answer.

Aim for relevant research instead of groundbreaking

Many students start out with lofty ideals of writing a groundbreaking paper that will get recognized as a published piece in an academic journal. But the clock ticks loudly, and too much time spent thinking up “the next best thing”, simply for the sake of it being ‘the next best thing’ can be debilitating.  What you should be focused on is solving a real problem that contains solid theoretical work, as well as empirical results. It should be both connected to existing research and centered on a meaningful topic.

How to get started

Start wide by simply choosing an area of study within your field. Based on your own interests and issues you know exist in this area, narrow the field down to a niche that is has a specific problem to be solved, but also already has research from which to draw.

Begin by brainstorming and doing some free-writing exercises to get your mind moving in the right direction. Talk to others about your ideas and research your topics to determine the potential availability of information. This will help you create a shortlist of potential options.

Test the viability of your thesis topic choice

Do the simple but effective exercise of listing all the ideas you’ve had for a thesis topic. Don’t hold back. Think hard. Then rate each of the topics on a scale of 1-10 using these ten criteria. The topic that scores highest in one or more of the criteria below, should be duly investigated as a serious option.

  • My topic aligns with my academic and personal interests.
  • My topic is compatible with my academic objectives and background.
  • My topic motivates me.  I am passionate about it.
  • My topic is feasible – time, resources, money.
  • My topic lends itself to a realizable collection of data in my field.
  • My topic represents a key learning objective for me.
  • My topic is influenced by my personal experience and traits which promises authenticity.
  • My topic validates the need for further research.
  • My topic is current and will contribute to trends in my field.
  • I am excited to get started.

Once you’ve chosen your topic, the next challenge is staying married to it. Yes, you will end up having an intimate relationship with your thesis topic. Expect to feel frustrated at times but never forget that it’s okay to take a short break and practice some self-reflection and/or self-compassion. The key is simple: never give up and aim to make some progress on a daily basis.

Here’s my professional advice on how to succeed

DON’T WAIT FOR INSPIRATION, JUST GET STARTED.   Topic choices will not appear out of nowhere.  You will find that ideas are generated as you get involved with the work in your field.  When you work in a methodical fashion, you will find that ideas come effortlessly and you will start to get a feel for what is out there and what you need to do.

THE PROBLEM DRIVES THE PROCESS. Don’t jump into your investigation before you understand and define the research problem and the thesis statement.  The research problem is the foundation for your research and will drive the whole process.

YOUR TITLE WILL EVOLVE .  It is not necessary to finalize your thesis statement right at the beginning.  Let it evolve as you dig deeper into the research out there. Your own personal and academic objectives will gain clarity and be highlighted during your preliminary research actions.  You will have “aha” moments during this time, let them flourish.

AVOID PERFECTIONISM . you will not find the “perfect” topic for yourself in your field.  Perfectionism is a form of procrastination and at any stage of your thesis journey is an enemy.  Avoid it right from the start.

SIMPLICITY IS KEY. We all want to change the world.  At some stage, you may consider a research project that feels big and bold: remember, these amazing, beautiful and altruistic ideals can set you up for failure.  

DON’T READ TOO MUCH. Continual reading may become an excuse for procrastination, which is another thesis journey enemy.  A quick review of available sources will suffice to reveal your thesis topic. This is not a literature review.  Scan read your sources to get a general overview of what other academics have studied, researched and written.

ASK FOR HELP. Your supervisor, peers, faculty members and your coach will accelerate your process.

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What is a thesis?

What is a dissertation, getting started, staying on track.

A thesis is a long-term project that you work on over the course of a semester or a year. Theses have a very wide variety of styles and content, so we encourage you to look at prior examples and work closely with faculty to develop yours. 

Before you begin, make sure that you are familiar with the dissertation genre—what it is for and what it looks like.

Generally speaking, a dissertation’s purpose is to prove that you have the expertise necessary to fulfill your doctoral-degree requirements by showing depth of knowledge and independent thinking.

The form of a dissertation may vary by discipline. Be sure to follow the specific guidelines of your department.

  • PhD This site directs candidates to the GSAS website about dissertations , with links to checklists,  planning, formatting, acknowledgments, submission, and publishing options. There is also a link to guidelines for the prospectus . Consult with your committee chair about specific requirements and standards for your dissertation.
  • DDES This document covers planning, patent filing, submission guidelines, publishing options, formatting guidelines, sample pages, citation guidelines, and a list of common errors to avoid. There is also a link to guidelines for the prospectus .
  • Scholarly Pursuits (GSAS) This searchable booklet from Harvard GSAS is a comprehensive guide to writing dissertations, dissertation-fellowship applications, academic journal articles, and academic job documents.

Finding an original topic can be a daunting and overwhelming task. These key concepts can help you focus and save time.

Finding a topic for your thesis or dissertation should start with a research question that excites or at least interests you. A rigorous, engaging, and original project will require continuous curiosity about your topic, about your own thoughts on the topic, and about what other scholars have said on your topic. Avoid getting boxed in by thinking you know what you want to say from the beginning; let your research and your writing evolve as you explore and fine-tune your focus through constant questioning and exploration.

Get a sense of the broader picture before you narrow your focus and attempt to frame an argument. Read, skim, and otherwise familiarize yourself with what other scholars have done in areas related to your proposed topic. Briefly explore topics tangentially related to yours to broaden your perspective and increase your chance of finding a unique angle to pursue.

Critical Reading

Critical reading is the opposite of passive reading. Instead of merely reading for information to absorb, critical reading also involves careful, sustained thinking about what you are reading. This process may include analyzing the author’s motives and assumptions, asking what might be left out of the discussion, considering what you agree with or disagree with in the author’s statements and why you agree or disagree, and exploring connections or contradictions between scholarly arguments. Here is a resource to help hone your critical-reading skills:



Your thesis or dissertation will incorporate some ideas from other scholars whose work you researched. By reading critically and following your curiosity, you will develop your own ideas and claims, and these contributions are the core of your project. You will also acknowledge the work of scholars who came before you, and you must accurately and fairly attribute this work and define your place within the larger discussion. Make sure that you know how to quote, summarize, paraphrase ,  integrate , and cite secondary sources to avoid plagiarism and to show the depth and breadth of your knowledge.

A thesis is a long-term, large project that involves both research and writing; it is easy to lose focus, motivation, and momentum. Here are suggestions for achieving the result you want in the time you have.

The dissertation is probably the largest project you have undertaken, and a lot of the work is self-directed. The project can feel daunting or even overwhelming unless you break it down into manageable pieces and create a timeline for completing each smaller task. Be realistic but also challenge yourself, and be forgiving of yourself if you miss a self-imposed deadline here and there.

Your program will also have specific deadlines for different requirements, including establishing a committee, submitting a prospectus, completing the dissertation, defending the dissertation, and submitting your work. Consult your department’s website for these dates and incorporate them into the timeline for your work.


Sometimes self-imposed deadlines do not feel urgent unless there is accountability to someone beyond yourself. To increase your motivation to complete tasks on schedule, set dates with your committee chair to submit pre-determined pieces of a chapter. You can also arrange with a fellow doctoral student to check on each other’s progress. Research and writing can be lonely, so it is also nice to share that journey with someone and support each other through the process.

Common Pitfalls

The most common challenges for students writing a dissertation are writer’s block, information-overload, and the compulsion to keep researching forever.

There are many strategies for avoiding writer’s block, such as freewriting, outlining, taking a walk, starting in the middle, and creating an ideal work environment for your particular learning style. Pay attention to what helps you and try different things until you find what works.

Efficient researching techniques are essential to avoiding information-overload. Here are a couple of resources about strategies for finding sources and quickly obtaining essential information from them.



Finally, remember that there is always more to learn and your dissertation cannot incorporate everything. Follow your curiosity but also set limits on the scope of your work. It helps to create a folder entitled “future projects” for topics and sources that interest you but that do not fit neatly into the dissertation. Also remember that future scholars will build off of your work, so leave something for them to do.

Browsing through theses and dissertations of the past can help to get a sense of your options and gain inspiration but be careful to use current guidelines and refer to your committee instead of relying on these examples for form or formatting.

DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard.

HOLLIS Harvard Library’s catalog provides access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global .

MIT Architecture has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

Rhode Island School of Design has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

University of South Florida has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

Harvard GSD has a list of projects, including theses and professors’ research.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024 11:19 AM
  • URL: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/gsd/write

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English Recap

Bachelor Thesis or Bachelor’s Thesis?

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The correct term is bachelor’s thesis because you need to show that the thesis belongs to the bachelor. E.g., “Her bachelor’s thesis was on 18 th -century British poetry.” However, the term bachelor thesis , which is viewed as incorrect by some people, is more common.

The difference between the two terms is that the one with the apostrophe shows that the thesis belongs to the bachelor, which in this form is a noun.

  • His bachelor’s thesis was on crime statistics in New York City.

In contrast, in the version without the apostrophe, the word bachelor is an adjective that describes the thesis .

  • The college rejected her bachelor thesis for plagiarism.

The term bachelor thesis is unacceptable to many people . However, the word bachelor appears as an adjective in the dictionary. Furthermore, there are plenty of examples of people using the term without an apostrophe.

However, although the term bachelor thesis is common, the correct grammar is bachelor’s thesis , with an apostrophe and no capital letter.

Please keep reading the rest of the article to learn more about the different versions and to find out the rules regarding capitalization.

Bachelor’s Thesis

The term bachelor’s thesis is the correct way to refer to a thesis written by a bachelor.

The apostrophe is necessary to show that the thesis belongs to the bachelor.

  • He wrote a bachelor’s thesis on the consistency of different types of concrete.

Furthermore, there is no need to use capital letters for a bachelor’s thesis because neither word is a proper noun.

However, if you are writing the full title of a bachelor’s degree, then you should use a capital letter.

  • They awarded him with a Bachelor of Arts In French.

Bachelor Thesis

Although many people feel it is incorrect , people commonly use the term bachelor thesis to refer to a bachelor’s thesis .

In this form, the word bachelor is an adjective rather than a noun. Therefore, it doesn’t need an apostrophe.

  • I did not do a bachelor thesis , so I didn’t graduate with honors.
  • She is writing her bachelor thesis on the causes of poverty.

Please bear in mind that, although this version is common , if you are writing formally, it is best to stick to the correct grammatical version, which is bachelor’s thesis .

Bachelors Thesis

The term bachelors thesis is an incorrect form of bachelor’s thesis.

In this form, with the “s” at the end, the apostrophe is vital because you need to indicate that the thesis is the bachelors .

For example, it is similar to saying:

  • The thesis is Johns.
  • It is John’s thesis.

Therefore, you must always put an apostrophe in the word order where the bachelor comes first.

  • Correct: John wrote a bachelor’s thesis on economic development in Vietnam.
  • Incorrect: John wrote a bachelors thesis on economic development in Vietnam.

Bachelors’ Thesis

The term bachelors’ thesis is not correct because the thesis belongs to the bachelor. Therefore, you should always put the apostrophe before the “s.”

As shown in these examples:

  • Correct: Her bachelor’s thesis is on river pollution.
  • Incorrect: Her bachelors’ thesis is on river pollution.
  • Lady’s or Ladies’ or Ladies?
  • Saturdays or Saturday’s?
  • Secretary’s or Secretaries’ or Secretaries?
  • Nicholas’ or Nicholas’s?

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I always thought... 10 myths surrounding the bachelor's or master's thesis

As a rule, the thesis for your master’s or bachelor’s degree is usually written only once. No wonder there are myths about it. Here are a few of them at a glance and tips on how to deal with them.

1. I always thought I should keep the topic of the thesis as general as possible.

At first glance, this seems to give certainty, according to the motto: "The broader the subject, the more I can write about it." This is obviously a trap. One simply writes as much as possible with information from external sources and does not insert his or her personal contribution. In the end, you have practically no time left for your own insight and then you combine the already written content once again, shuffle it a bit and hope that it will convince the supervisor. Maybe it will work, but the grade will be low.

It’s better to formulate the topic clearly at the beginning and then to search consistently for the appropriate sources. When you find enough, everything fits. If you can’t find enough sources, you should change the topic.

2. I always thought Google is not a good source for the thesis.

Google is not a good source. For the simple reason that Google is not a source at all. Google is a search engine in which many references to sources can be found. The sources themselves cannot be found on Google, of course. Google is the starting point for the search. However, you should not use the simple google search. Use scholar.google.com.

Here you will find more information, tips and tricks on how to use Google to quickly find acceptable sources for your master’s or bachelor’s thesis.

3. I always thought I'd go to my library first.

In the age of digital catalogs, you could start by going to the online catalog of your own library. However, we also recommend using other catalogs such as Google Scholar, Worldcat or a major national library, such as the British. Library. You will find a complete overview of scientific catalogs in the Thesis Guide.

4. I always thought I wasn't allowed to use Wikipedia for my thesis.

Wikipedia should not be quoted in a scientific paper. The reason for this is that the origin of the information on Wikipedia is difficult to verify. Anybody can enter content into Wikipedia and then quote themselves ... However, Wikipedia is a good starting point for research on your bachelor’s or master’s thesis.

5. I always thought I shouldn't use old theses for my thesis.

Old theses should not be quoted. However, they are a good source of inspiration if the quality is good. But always keep in mind: Old theses are often a compilation of contents from other old theses, i.e. "old bones". This is already evident in the question: "How do I cite sources that are cited in other sources?” If you formulate a current thesis using sources from the last ten years, you can go ahead and assume that these quotes are more likely to be from other old theses ... So it’s better to visit the original sources. Otherwise, you could be at risk of plagiarizing.

6. I always thought I'd have to read a lot first.

Of course, you have to read when you’re in the beginning stages of your master’s or bachelor’s thesis but this should not take weeks or even months. You must make a certain contribution of your own in your final work. This contribution must come from your head. Therefore, it won’t be easy to find the solution in existing texts. If that was the case, your work wouldn't be necessary.

The solution is to think about what you want to find in the sources before reading them and searching them specifically. Of course, you have to have the basics down. The basic literature is useful for this task. But keep in mind that evaluating these sources requires a matter of days, not weeks.

7. I always thought models were only mandatory for a doctorate.

Models play a central role in academic writing and in scientific texts as well as in a doctoral theses. They help people to communicate and are ultimately the form in which new findings are presented. Models come in a variety of shapes and styles. They can be formulas, organization charts, tables, mind maps or any kind of graphics. Even fully formulated texts can be a model. If you refer to models in your master’s or bachelor’s thesis, you will get a better grade. You will make progress faster. If you are writing an empirical thesis, you definitely need to use models.

8. I always thought that the proposal only contains the motivation for the thesis.

The motivation for a topic is extremely important. You must be personally aware of this. Ultimately, however, academic writing is about finding answers to questions that are not personal. These questions have absolutely nothing to do with you. The proposal is a blueprint for the work. It contains bullet points such as the descriptions of problems, research questions, approaches to the work, outlines, first sources and  clarification of terms. The proposal is practically a preview or miniature version of the final work. A proposal is not written overnight and many sources are vital to proving your thesis.

You can find detailed instructions, templates and examples to create your proposal in our Thesis Guide.

9. I always thought that the outline of the thesis would change often.

An outline is of course your first draft made in the beginning phases of your thesis. However, this draft should be so well-thought-out that you don't have to question the entire work again and again. Depending on the topic, there are certain patterns for chapter headings. In the Thesis Guide you can find sample outlines and example outlines depending on the type of thesis, such as empirical, practical or literature thesis. You can use this as a guide.

10. I always thought that internet sources should not be used for the thesis.

Internet sources can look very different. You should not use simple websites where no author can be found. But if you find a scientific article on the internet, you can definitely use it for your text. However, in this case you would not specify the web page / link as the source, but rather the metadata of the article.

Enjoy writing your text with the interactive Guides from Aristolo!

Silvio and the Aristolo Team

PS: Check out the Thesis-ABC and the Thesis Guide for writing a bachelor or master thesis in 31 days.


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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or research bias, make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

Research bias

  • Survivorship bias
  • Self-serving bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Halo effect
  • Hindsight bias
  • Deep learning
  • Generative AI
  • Machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

 (AI) Tools

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  • AI Detector
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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 2, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/examples/

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Other students also liked, how to choose a dissertation topic | 8 steps to follow, checklist: writing a dissertation, thesis & dissertation database examples, what is your plagiarism score.

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Media and Arts

Practical competences for creative minds, degree earned, planned duration, extent of studies, form of learning, tuition fee for non-eu/eea citizens, link to scholarship programme.

NB! Submit a pre-task assignment with your application!

The Degree Programme in Media and Arts provides you with up-to-date competences in the growing, international and constantly changing sector of culture. You will learn how to use emerging media tools and different working methods in a customer-friendly way. Options for practical training and exchange studies abroad will offer you an exceptionally good opportunity for an international career. The programme is on the Mediapolis Campus together with the Finnish Broadcasting Company.

During the first year, you will follow one of the study paths: Interactive Media, Music Production or Fine Art (see videos below). Besides following your main study path, you can construct your personal curriculum from several subdivided study modules, such as games design, sound design or fine art photography.

As a graduate, you will have the skills needed in the international media and arts sector. The industry offers a variety of job opportunities as expert, developer and entrepreneur in e.g. game companies, music and live event production, new media production, service design, and art galleries.

Detailed information on the content and structure of the studies is included in the curriculum.

Become a student

Learn more about the studies, admissions, and eligibility criteria on Studyinfo. In addition, applications are submitted via the Studyinfo.fi service.

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TAMK Foundation's grants support students' internationalization – Saara's and Annariina's path led to East Asia

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Iana Lang’s awarded bachelor’s thesis deals with seasons in art

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TAMK educates specialists for the growing AV sector

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TAMK and Yle promote sustainability of film and TV productions

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World’s first degree-awarding influencer marketing studies start in Tampere with 28 international students

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Degree programme   Bachelor's degree (UAS)

Degree earned: Bachelor of Culture and Arts

Extent of studies: 240 ECTS credits

Planned duration: 4 years

City: Tampere

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) constitute the Tampere Universities community. Our areas of priority in research and education are technology, health and society. Tampere University: +358 (0)294 5211 Tampere University of Applied Sciences : +358 (0)294 5222

Bachelor Thesis

Terms for  Bachelor’s thesis submission

Please note that the bachelor thesis is submitted online via InSIS only. 

  • Summer semester: May 15, 2024

The topic registration and the defence of the Bachelor’s thesis

The registration of the Bachelor’s thesis in InSIS is done by the supervisor in cooperation with the student and at least three months before the planned defence. After the completion of the Bachelor’s thesis (in cooperation with the thesis supervisor) the student submits the thesis at first electronically into the database of qualification theses (only in .pdf format) in InSIS. The proper electronic submission has to be confirmed by the following notification: “ Correct submission of the thesis confirmed – The electronic version of the thesis was submitted and the correct submission was confirmed. Hereby, the submission process is ended. The thesis cannot be modified anymore .”

The submission date is listed above, in InSIS and Faculty webpages. The thesis defence can be separated from the final examination. Student can sit the final examination without being obliged to defend his/her thesis.

How to start writing a thesis

  • Stage I: Specify a range (area /field) of your interests.
  • Stage II: Browse and then look into accessible subject literature.
  • Stage III: Establish a precise purpose of your work.
  • Stage IV: Define the topic of your work.
  • Stage V: Plan the structure of your work.
  • Stage VI: Prepare the theoretical part of your discourse.
  • Stage VII: Carry out an empirical study.
  • Stage VIII: Conclude your study with a synthetic report and alternative recommendations of changes, modifications etc.
  • Stage IX: Describe a solution to a problem.
  • Stage X: Specify a conclusion.

Recommended structure of a thesis

The thesis is printed in A4 format. Recommended line spacing 1.15, using a proportional serif font of size 12 pt. Font paragraph and chapter names are proportionally larger. Pages are numbered consecutively except the front page. The tables and figures are numbered and labelled. In the text, they are referenced (see Figure 3.3, as is evident from Table 7.1). Below the figure or the table, the source must not be missing (if the creator of a table or of a figure is the author, indicate “Source: author“). Tables and figures should always apply directly to the text. Otherwise (or if a table is too large, images etc.) they are placed in the annex. The total length of the thesis is usually 40-50 pages excluding annexes and references, to a maximum of 70 pages including annexes and references. Duplexing saves forests.

Table of Contents  (up to level 3, going into higher levels leads mostly to reader´s confusion)


  • Relevance of the topic and the necessity for a solution;
  • Practical and theoretical value of the topic;
  • Motives for choosing a particular topic;
  • Research problem and research approach towards the problem;
  • An explanation of the work structure;
  • Clearly stated the objectives of the thesis;
  • How far you hope to advance knowledge in the field;
  • Work limitations and difficulties.

Theoretical (methodological) part

  • Your research problem and research design towards the problem;
  • The most relevant previous findings in this area;
  • References to key literature or other sources;
  • Theories, concepts and modules, which explain the analyzed problem;
  • How will research methods be combined (i.e. qualitative and quantitative them);
  • For case study research, explain your rationale criteria for choices of cases and for sampling;
  • Alternative methodology and techniques.

Practical or Creative Part

  • Your solution of the problem – calculations, analyses, discussions; your own input must be clear and sufficient!
  • Empirical/Analytical studies;
  • A clear connection between theoretical and practical part;
  • Conclusive/designing part – solving a particular practical problem.
  • Reveal your authorship input and present the key research results;
  • An application/conclusion of empirical studies;
  • A prescription and recommendation from the author.

All of the used, mentioned or cited literature and other information sources must be referenced. Citation forms shall be governed by internationally accepted standards for citing APA. List bibliographic records, arranged alphabetically at the end of the publication, are essentially not numbered, for a better perception of records bullets can be taken .  For reference examples of APA style see https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples .

Principles of working with literature:

  • Consistently cite all sources used.
  • Use only the expert and trusted sources where the author is obvious.
  • Do not rely only on Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo and others as the main source (utilize the access to e-resources: http://www.vse.cz/index-en.php – Science and Research – Electronic Information Resources).
  • Use textbooks as basic literature only, for further work refer to current professional resources.

Large tables, various calculations, samples of surveys used, large explanations and other supporting material analyzed in the text should be placed as an appendix. Each appendix has to have a title and a number (e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.). Every appendix has to be pointed to from the text.

Further relating information to Bachelor’s Thesis, submission, defence and templates

The thesis is evaluated by the supervisor and by the opponent. The opponent must be a university-educated expert in the field, and must not be a related party. Due to the prevention of plagiarism, the thesis when submitted is checked by anti-plagiarism software Ephorus. This check is done by the supervisor.

Registration for the defence of your thesis should be done in “extra-semestral courses” section at Student’s portal in InSIS. For the defence prepare a ppt(x) or pdf presentation lasting up to 10-15 minutes where you emphasize the goals, research methods and your most important findings. In the course of the defence, it is important to clarify your own contributions. Do not forget to prepare the answers to questions from both evaluations. Be ready to react for additional questions.

Available Topics and Templates

  • About Programme Faculty Facilities Regulations Corporate Partners
  • Applicant Admission Procedure Useful Information
  • Student Courses Time Schedules Useful Information
  • Arrange a call
  • How to Apply
  • Links for the current user InSIS Microsoft 365 Moodle VŠE Intranet

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Comprehensive Help With Thesis-related Issues

What You Need To Know Before You Start Writing

How To Write A Bachelor Thesis

The List Of Disciplines That We Cover

How To Buy Bachelor Thesis On The Website

Bachelor thesis writing service from experts

Our service assists students in writing their bachelor thesis papers and getting high-quality results at a low price. We intend to provide anyone with instant help, so you don’t need to worry about deadlines. Just turn to us, fill out the order form, and buy bachelor thesis. Writers ensure the highest quality.

Comprehensive bachelor thesis help

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Outstanding paper from a ghostwriter for bachelor thesis

First and foremost, our service intends to figure out your issues with a bachelor thesis paper and supply well-done solutions. We have the best writers to handle your task in compliance with all requirements. They ensure accurate formatting, relevant content, proper citations, verified sources, coherent structure, and many other features of an excellent paper. Our experts know how to deal with different topics, and they cover all disciplines, so it’s not challenging for them to ensure high-quality results.

Bachelor thesis powerpoint presentation

Another service for our customers is a powerpoint presentation for a bachelor thesis. Some students ask why it’s necessary to have a presentation for their work. Basically, it’s important and useful to have a presentation on the stage of thesis defense. It is much more convenient to have background information on the slides to present your paper and main points accurately. Moreover, it’s interesting to have an interactive form of your presentation. Writers know the peculiarities of PowerPoint presentations connected with this work, so it’s not a problem to make an excellent project for you.

Bachelor thesis proposal

A proposal is another paper related to a thesis, and sometimes it’s important to write a proposal. Simply put, this paper intends to outline your thesis and provide readers with a blueprint for your main work. If you want to know how to write a bachelor thesis proposal, we can say that it’s necessary to emphasize all the key points of your paper such as a topic, purposes, main ideas, and others. It also helps you to establish the direction of your research, its methods, background, and problems. So, if you want to be sure of receiving high-quality results, turn to a ghostwriter bachelor thesis and ask for help.

Thesis for bachelor degree: what you need to know

We have prepared some significant details for you to clarify everything about your project. Hence, if you wish to know how to write a bachelor thesis, just check out the information below and make sure you know all the specificities of thesis writing.

What is a bachelor thesis?

A bachelor thesis is the final paper you need to write to get your degree. It’s a huge project that includes unique research, thesis writing, and formatting. This paper intends to investigate some problematic topics in a certain field to figure out different issues and provide a brand-new solution. This paper is required to get your bachelor's degree, so it’s crucial, and you need to be sure it’s excellent to secure the best results. A bachelor's thesis paper's purpose is to show your analytical and critical skills as well as your knowledge in a particular field. It intends to ensure your competence, so this paper reflects your proficiency.

Is a thesis required for a bachelor degree?

Do you need a thesis for a bachelor degree? In general, there are different institutions that have various requirements. It’s not required to write a thesis for some bachelor's degrees. However, most colleges and universities demand this type of work to accomplish your bachelor's degree. So, if you want to make sure, just double-check the requirements for your degree or ask your instructors. It’s the best option to be sure if this task is required for you.

How long is a bachelor thesis?

A bachelor thesis length can be different depending on your degree and topic. Also, you can have special instructions from your bachelor thesis advisor. In general, an undergraduate thesis is around 40–60 pages or up to 10000 words long. It’s pretty huge and demands some time to complete it properly, so make sure you have enough time to deal with your thesis. If you can’t write it on time, rely on us and place your order.

Preparing for a bachelor thesis defense

The last stage of your task is a defense. A bachelor thesis defense is so important to get your final results. It includes presenting your paper to many professors and explaining to them the value of your work. You need to be confident and aware of the topic to provide the audience with a comprehensive background, the purposes of your work, the main findings, and your conclusions. It has to be concise and interesting enough to convince an audience of your excellent skills and knowledge.

How to write a bachelor thesis?

If you want to know the peculiarities of bachelor thesis writing, we are ready to provide you with a step-by-step guide and show you all the main points of proper thesis writing. It’s important to follow all instructions and make sure you know the specificity of your instructions, topic, formatting, and so on. Let’s learn more about writing a bachelor thesis with no flaws.

Bachelor thesis outline

Firstly, you need to make an outline of your paper. A bachelor thesis outline is pretty simple to complete, so you just need to figure out the idea of your paper and check the instructions to understand how to structure a bachelor thesis. Sometimes there are optional or additional chapters, so you may have to include them in your outline. There’s a simple outline template:

  • Literature review
  • Implications/discussion

This template shows you an example of a proper outline for a thesis, however, it can be different depending on each case individually.

Bachelor thesis introduction

You should start off your paper with a captivating and informative introduction. This chapter opens your research and lets the readers catch the topic and main idea of your work. It’s important to include such details as questions and problems in your intro. Basically, these are the main elements of your research, as an intro intends to answer certain questions and figure out some problems in the fields. Moreover, an introduction has to show the direction of your academic work and its purposes.

Bachelor thesis conclusion

A conclusion ends your research by providing readers with a summary of your work. It has to answer the questions stated in the introduction and give solutions to the mentioned problems. It’s pretty concise and reflects the overall result of your thesis. So, the bachelor thesis conclusion simply ends your work as a summary before the implications and reveals what your research has found out.

How to structure a bachelor thesis?

A bachelor thesis has a specific structure that you need to follow to accomplish this task perfectly and provide your readers with comprehensive research. The bachelor thesis structure contains all the chapters of your paper. You need to make sure your paper has some core elements:

  • Introduction
  • Methodology

It can also include some other chapters or exclude some of the ones mentioned above. So you have to check the instructions before writing a paper to make sure you know how to structure bachelor thesis properly.

Some relevant bachelor thesis ideas

What’s really important to writing an outstanding paper is to find a relevant and interesting idea for your work. If you want to know how to write your bachelor thesis, you need to decide on the topic. There are many ideas in any field, however, you have to pay attention to relevance, background, issues, possible solutions, interest, and other factors.

Top bachelor thesis fields of study that we cover

Our service covers all disciplines, so you can be sure of excellent papers on any topic. Writers can complete your task despite the main idea and your subject, so just turn to us and fill out the order form. We have experts in many fields to handle all cases properly.

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  • Bachelor thesis on mathematics. Do you need a thesis in math? We know how to complete your paper on algebra or geometry, so you can be sure of getting an outstanding outcome. Experts ensure accurate math thesis help.
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It’s so simple to buy bachelors thesis and get help from us. You just need to contact us or place an order. We have detailed instructions for customers on how to order a paper from us, so you can just follow a few steps and get your paper.

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Bachelor thesis ghostwriting from experts

Once you have placed your order, we assign a writer based on your field and topic and their qualifications to ensure the highest quality of your dissertation for bachelor degree. Writers do your task in compliance with your requirements. It includes background collection, writing bachelor thesis, formatting, and final revisions. So, if you need a bachelor thesis buy your paper and enjoy the results.

Do I have to write a thesis for a bachelor's degree?

Most of the bachelor’s degrees require a thesis as a final project to get a degree. However, there are some cases when a thesis is not required, so you need to check out your program and ask your advisor. However, if you need a bachelor dissertation, turn to us and get a paper at a low price.

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If you want to get bachelor degree dissertation assistance, order your paper from us and get an outstanding outcome. Our writers are able to assist you instantly, so rely on us and buy your paper.

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We have detailed instructions to help you make an order. To get bachelor thesis help you need to specify requirements, make a payment, and wait for your paper. Contact us if you need assistance.

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Once you’ve placed your order, we assign a writer who has the most appropriate qualification in this field, so you can be sure of instant bachelor degree thesis assistance from us.

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The service assists students with different issues. So, if you need editing, you can choose such a service. Our writers can accurately edit/proofread your thesis for bachelor degree in a jiffy.


  1. Thesis Proposal

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  2. Bachelor's Thesis Abstract (1)

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  3. Sample Bachelor Thesis Proposal

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  5. (PDF) Bachelor Thesis

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  1. Tips on writing bachelor thesis

  2. Bachelor's Thesis: Safety analysis and configuration of ABB CRB 15000 (GoFa) cobot

  3. How to write thesis for Bachelor/Master/M.Phil/PhD

  4. Ad hoc Video Streaming on Android Smartphones

  5. Getting my Bachelor's Degree with this project

  6. Watch Me Graduate! Bachelor's Degree at 46


  1. Bachelor thesis vs. Bachelor's thesis

    This bachelor's thesis deals with the subject/topic of working with people …. // The subject/topic of this bachelor's thesis is working with people …. As an alternative to "deals with", you can say "considers", "studies", "addresses", "examines", "focuses on", "explores", "describes", etc. Absolutely ...

  2. research process

    For a Bachelor's thesis, you would only expect 1 and 2, that is the student should do something (e.g. solve a well-defined problem) with the knowledge they have aquired during their studies. For Master's thesis, you would want to have a non-trivial amount of 3, that is the student should transfer the competences aquired during studies to new ...

  3. How to Write a Bachelor's Thesis: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Determine the topic of the bachelor's thesis and discuss it with the supervisor. Conduct comprehensive research and collect relevant sources. Create an outline and divide the topic into individual sections. Write the main part of the paper by processing and summarizing the insights gained from the research.

  4. PDF How to Write a BA Thesis

    have prepared you to write a BA thesis. You've taken the introductory and intermediate courses in your major, delved into more specialized topics in advanced courses, and written research papers. All of them prepare you to tackle your BA thesis, which many students say is the most rewarding project of their college years.

  5. word choice

    3. As I understand it, you are the bachelor (or at least the bachelor candidate) by virtue of being on the course, and the thesis is yours, so bachelor's thesis is the correct way to go. On the thesis/dissertation thing, a thesis is your argument or proposition, and a dissertation is the discourse you defend it with. Share.

  6. Bachelor's thesis

    The bachelor's thesis seminar includes, among other things, information literacy training. The thesis process progresses systematically based on intermediate goals. The student is expected to take the feedback provided by the supervisor into consideration while writing the thesis. ... The principal may appoint a contact person to deal with ...

  7. Developing A Thesis

    A good thesis has two parts. It should tell what you plan to argue, and it should "telegraph" how you plan to argue—that is, what particular support for your claim is going where in your essay. Steps in Constructing a Thesis. First, analyze your primary sources. Look for tension, interest, ambiguity, controversy, and/or complication.

  8. What Is a Thesis?

    Revised on April 16, 2024. A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master's program or a capstone to a bachelor's degree. Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation, it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete.

  9. PDF Bachelor thesis proposal template

    Time Schedule. <Give a brief time schedule, broken down to the different research steps you are going to undertake. Present a realistic, though motivating, time span. This will help the readers and yourself (!) to decide on the viability of your proposal in the given timescale. By considering this thoroughly, you will save yourself a great deal ...

  10. PDF Thesis

    Thesis Your thesis is the central claim in your essay—your main insight or idea about your source or topic. Your thesis should appear early in an academic essay, followed by a logically constructed argument that supports this central claim. A strong thesis is arguable, which means a thoughtful reader could disagree with it and therefore needs

  11. PDF Manual for Writing the Bachelor Thesis for The Fulltime Bachelor

    draft (one A4 page) of your thesis in accordance with part II of these Guidelines. N.B.: in order to be able to deal with a subject in your bachelor thesis that deviates from the standard critical philosophical reflection, you must submit a draft and provide a motivated request to the Examination Board before 1 October of the academic year.

  12. The Smart Way to Choose your Thesis Topic

    Test the viability of your thesis topic choice. Do the simple but effective exercise of listing all the ideas you've had for a thesis topic. Don't hold back. Think hard. Then rate each of the topics on a scale of 1-10 using these ten criteria. The topic that scores highest in one or more of the criteria below, should be duly investigated as ...

  13. Research Guides: Write and Cite: Theses and Dissertations

    A thesis is a long-term, large project that involves both research and writing; it is easy to lose focus, motivation, and momentum. Here are suggestions for achieving the result you want in the time you have. The dissertation is probably the largest project you have undertaken, and a lot of the work is self-directed.

  14. How to write a bachelor thesis?

    6.3 Draft and planning of assessment. At the end of the writing phase, the student hands in a draft thesis. Together with the supervisor, the students plan the dates for handing in the draft, the turnover time needed for the supervisor to hand in the comments and plans the date for the final assessment.

  15. Bachelor Thesis or Bachelor's Thesis?

    The correct term is bachelor's thesis because you need to show that the thesis belongs to the bachelor. E.g., "Her bachelor's thesis was on 18 th-century British poetry."However, the term bachelor thesis, which is viewed as incorrect by some people, is more common.. The difference between the two terms is that the one with the apostrophe shows that the thesis belongs to the bachelor ...

  16. 10 myths surrounding the bachelor and master thesis

    As a rule, the thesis for your master's or bachelor's degree is usually written only once. No wonder there are myths about it. Here are a few of them at a glance and tips on how to deal with them. 1. I always thought I should keep the topic of the thesis as general as possible.

  17. Bachelor's thesis

    A bachelor's thesis is a public written work that is counted towards a bachelor's degree and explores a narrowly focused research problem. Bachelor's theses are commissioned by companies and organizations that are seeking information on a specific topic or are looking for summer workers or students who might write them a master's thesis ...

  18. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on July 18, 2023. It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation.One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer's block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

  19. is it worth it to publish your bachelor degree's thesis?

    Publishing in reputable student journals isn't a bad deal either if you recently completed your bachelor's. A good thesis doesn't mean it's automatically fit for publication but it probably does mean that it can be made so without a whole lot of work. ... Any journal that would publish a bachelor's degree thesis isn't a journal worth being ...

  20. List of Topics for Bachelor's Theses

    We will accept applications for Q4 when the registration window starts (i.e., May 2024). In the following list, you can find potential topics for your bachelor's thesis. Your own ideas for possible topics are also welcome. Usually, bachelor's theses focus on literature reviews or conceptual works but empirical analyses are also possible.

  21. Media and Arts

    Media and Arts is a degree programme for future experts in the field of culture. The studies will guide you into creating fresh ideas and developing them into high-quality products in an artistically, technically and economically successful manner. Type. Bachelor's degree (UAS) Degree earned. Bachelor of Culture and Arts.

  22. Bachelor Thesis

    Terms for Bachelor's thesis submission Please note that the bachelor thesis is submitted online via InSIS only. Summer semester: May 15, 2024 The topic registration and the defence of the Bachelor's thesis The registration of the Bachelor's thesis in InSIS is done by the supervisor in cooperation with the student and at least three months before […]

  23. Buy A Bachelor Thesis to Help You Graduate

    Finance bachelor thesis topics. Finance topics can be challenging for students, however, it's not a big deal for our writers to handle your paper on investment, banking, cryptocurrency, fiscal policy, and so on. Writers can deal with finance dissertation bachelor degree easily. Marketing bachelor thesis topics.