
What is Business Cycles? Phases, Types, Theory, Nature

  • Post last modified: 1 August 2021
  • Reading time: 40 mins read
  • Post category: Economics

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What is the Business Cycle?

Business Cycle , also known as the  economic cycle  or  trade cycle , is the fluctuations in economic activities or rise and fall movement of gross domestic product (GDP) around its long-term growth trend.

No era can stay forever. The economy too does not enjoy same periods all the time. Due to its dynamic nature, it moves through various phases.

Business Cycle

Table of Content

  • 1 What is the Business Cycle?
  • 2 Business Cycle Definition
  • 3.1 Expansion
  • 3.3 Contraction
  • 4.1 Cyclical nature
  • 4.2 General nature
  • 5 Types of Business Cycle
  • 6.1 Hawtrey Monetary Theory
  • 6.2 Innovation Theory
  • 6.3 Keynesian Theory
  • 6.4 Hicks Theory
  • 6.5 Samuelson theory
  • 7 Business Economics Tutorial

The change in business activities due to fluctuations in economic activities over a period of time is known as a business cycle . Business cycle are also called trade cycle or economic cycle. Business Cycle  can also help you make better financial decisions. 

The economic activities of a country include total output, income level, prices of products and services, employment, and rate of consumption. All these activities are interrelated; if one activity changes, the rest of them also change.

Also Read: What is Economics?

Business Cycle Definition

Arthur F. Burns and Wesley C. Mitchel defined business cycle definition as

Business cycle are a type of fluctuation found in the aggregate economic activity of nations that organize their work mainly in business enterprises: a cycle consists of expansions occurring at about the same time in many economic activities, followed by similarly general recessions, contractions, and revivals which merge into the expansion phase of the next cycle; in duration, business cycle vary from more than one year to ten or twelve years; they are not divisible into shorter cycle of similar characteristics with amplitudes approximating their own. Arthur F. Burns & Wesley C. Mitchel

Also Read: What is Demand in Economics

Phases of Business Cycle

4 Phases of Business Cycle are:


Phases of Business Cycle

Let us discuss 4 phases of business cycle in detail:

Expansion is the first phase of a business cycle . It is often referred to as the growth phase .

In the expansion phase, there is an increase in various economic factors, such as production, employment, output, wages, profits, demand and supply of products, and sales. During this phase, the focus of organisations remains on increasing the demand for their products/services in the market.

The expansion phase is characterised by:

  • Increase in demand
  • Growth in income
  • Rise in competition
  • Rise in advertising
  • Creation of new policies
  • Development of brand loyalty

In this phase, debtors are generally in a good financial condition to repay their debts; therefore, creditors lend money at higher interest rates. This leads to an increase in the flow of money.

In the expansion phase, due to increase in investment opportunities, idle funds of organisations or individuals are utilised for various investment purposes. The expansion phase continues till economic conditions are favourable.

Peak is the next phase after expansion. In this phase, a business reaches at the highest level and the profits are stable. Moreover, organisations make plans for further expansion.

Peak phase is marked by the following features:

  • High demand and supply
  • High revenue and market share
  • Reduced advertising
  • Strong brand image

In the peak phase, the economic factors, such as production, profit, sales, and employment, are higher but do not increase further.

An organisation after being at the peak for a period of time begins to decline and enters the phase of contraction. This phase is also known as a recession .

An organisation can be in this phase due to various reasons, such as a change in government policies, rise in the level of competition, unfavourable economic conditions, and labour problems. Due to these problems, the organisation begins to experience a loss of market share.

The important features of the contraction phase are:

  • Reduced demand
  • Loss in sales and revenue
  • Reduced market share
  • Increased competition

In Trough phase, an organisation suffers heavy losses and falls at the lowest point. At this stage, both profits and demand reduce. The organisation also loses its competitive position.

The main features of this phase are:

  • Lowest income
  • Loss of customers
  • Adoption of measures for cost-cutting and reduction
  • Heavy fall in market share

In this phase, the growth rate of an economy becomes negative. In addition, in trough phase, there is a rapid decline in national income and expenditure.

After studying the business cycle , it is important to study the nature of business cycle .

Read: Difference Between Micro and Macro Economics

Nature of Business Cycle

The nature of business cycle helps the organisation to be prepared for facing uncertainties of the business environment.

Cyclical nature

General nature.

Nature of Business Cycle

Let us discuss the nature of business cycle in detail.

This is the periodic nature of a business cycle. Periodicity signifies the occurrence of business cycle at regular intervals of time. However, periods of intervals are different for different business cycle . There is a general consensus that a normal business cycle can take 7 to 10 years to complete.

The general nature of a business cycle states that any change in an organisation affects all other organisations too in the industry. Thus, general nature regards the business world as a single economic unit.

For example, depression moves from one organisation to the other and spread throughout the industry. The general nature is also known as synchronism.

Read: What is Business Economics?

Types of Business Cycle

Following the writings of Prof .James Arthur and Schumpeter, we can classify business cycle into three types based on the underlying time period of existence of the cycle as follows:

  • Short Kitchin Cycle
  • Longer Juglar cycle
  • Very long Kondratieff Wave

Short Kitchin Cycle (very short or minor period of the cycle, approximately 40 months duration)

Longer Juglar cycle (major cycles, composed of three minor cycles and of the duration of 10 years or so)

Very long Kondratieff Wave (very long waves of cycle, made up of six major cycles and takes more than 60 years to run its course of duration)

Also Read: Scope of Economics

Business Cycle Theory

A business cycle is a complex phenomenon which is common to every economic system. Several theories of business cycle have been propounded from time to time to explain the causes of business cycle.

Business Cycle Theory are:

Hawtrey Monetary Theory

Innovation theory.

  • Keynesian theory

Hicks Theory

Samuelson theory.

Business Cycle Theory

Hawtray was of opinion that in depression monetary factors play a critical role. The main factor affecting the flow of money and money supply is the credit position by the bank. He made the classical quantity theory of money as the basis of his trade cycle theory .

According to him, both monetary and non-monetary factors also affect trade. His theory is basically the product of the supply of money and expansion of credit. This expansion of credit and other money supply instrument create a cumulative process of expansion which in return increase aggregate demand.

According to this theory the only cause of fluctuations in business is due to instability of bank credit. So it can be concluded that Hawtray’s theory of business cycle is basically depend upon the money supply, bank credits and rate of interests.

Criticism of this Business Cycle theory

  • Hawtray neglected the role of non-monetary factors like prosperous agriculture, inventions, rate of profit and stock of capital.
  • It only concentrates on the supply of money.
  • Increase in interest rates is not only due to economic prosperity but also due to other factors.
  • Over-emphasis on the role of wholesalers.
  • Too much confidence in monetary policy. vi. Neglect the role of expectations. vii. Incomplete theory of trade cycles.

The innovation theory of business cycle is invented by an American Economist Joseph Schumpeter. According to this theory, the main causes of business cycle are over-innovations.

He takes the meaning of innovation as the introduction and application of such techniques which can help in increasing production by exploiting the existing resources, not by discoveries or inventions. Innovations are always inspired by profits. Whenever innovations are introduced it results into profitability then shared by other producers and result in a decline in profitability.

  • Innovation fails to explain the period of boom and depression.
  • Innovation may be major factor of investment and economic activities but not the complete process of trade cycle.
  • This theory is based on the assumption that every new innovation is financed by the banks and other credit institutions but this cannot be taken as granted because banks finance only short term loans and investments.

Keynesian Theory

The theory suggests that fluctuations in business cycle can be explained by the perceptions on expected rate of profit of the investors. In other words, the downswing in business cycle is caused by the collapse in the marginal efficiency of capital, while revival of the economy is attributed to the optimistic perceptions on the expected rate of profit.

Moreover, Keynesian multiplier theory establishes linkages between change in investment and change in income and employment. However, the theory fails to explain the cumulative character both in the upswing and downswing phases of business cycle and cyclical fluctuations in economic activity with the passage of time.

Hicks extended the earlier multiplier-accelerator interaction theory by considering real world situation. In reality, income and output do not tend to explode; rather they are located at a range specified by the upper ceiling and lower floor determined by the autonomous investment.

In the theory, it is assumed that autonomous investment tends to grow at a constant percentage rate over the long run, the acceleration co-efficient and multiplier co-efficient remain constant throughout the different phases of the trade cycle, saving and investment co-efficient are such that upward movements take away from equilibrium.

The actual output fails to adjust with the equilibrium growth path overtime. In fact it has a tendency to run above it and then below it, and thereby, constitute cyclical fluctuations overtime. This basic intuition can be shown with the help of the following figure.

  • Wrong assumption of constant multiplier and acceleration co-efficient.
  • Highly mechanical and mathematical device.
  • Wrong assumption of no-excess capacity.
  • Full-employment ceiling is not independent

According to this theory process of multiplier starts working when autonomous investment takes place in the economy. With the autonomous investment income of the people rises and there is increase in the demand of consumer goods. It directly affected the marginal propensity to consume.

If there is no excess production capacity in the existing industry then existing stock of capital would not be adequate to produce consumer goods to meet the rising demand. Now in order to meet the consumer’s requirements, producers will make new investment which is derived investment and the process of acceleration principle comes into operation.

Then there is rise in income again which in the same manner continue the process of income propagation. So in this way multiplier and acceleration interact and make the income grow at faster rate than expected. After reaching its peak, income comes down to bottom and again start rising.

Autonomous investment is incurred by the government with the objective of social welfare. It is also called public investment. The autonomous investment is the investment which is done for the sake of new inventions in techniques of production.

Derived investment is the investment undertaken in capital equipment which is induced by increase in consumption.

  • This model only concentrates on the impact of the multiplier and acceleration and it ignored the role of producer’s expectations, changing business requirements and consumers preferences etc.
  • It is not practically possible to compute the fact of multiplier and acceleration principle.
  • It has wrong assumption of constant capital output ratio.

Also Read: What is Law of Supply?

  • D N Dwivedi, Managerial Economics , 8th ed, Vikas Publishing House
  • Petersen, Lewis & Jain, Managerial Economics , 4e, Pearson Education India
  • Brigham, & Pappas, (1972). Managerial economics , 13ed. Hinsdale, Ill.: Dryden Press.
  • Dean, J. (1951). Managerial economics (1st ed.). New York: Prentice-Hall.

Business Economics Tutorial

( Click on Topic to Read )

  • What is Economics?
  • Scope of Economics
  • Nature of Economics
  • What is Business Economics?
  • Micro vs Macro Economics
  • Laws of Economics
  • Economic Statics and Dynamics
  • Gross National Product (GNP)
  • What is Business Cycle?
  • W hat is Inflation?
  • What is Demand?
  • Types of Demand
  • Determinants of Demand 
  • Law of Demand
  • What is Demand Schedule?
  • What is Demand Curve?
  • What is Demand Function?
  • Demand Curve Shifts
  • What is Supply?
  • Determinants of Supply
  • Law of Supply
  • What is Supply Schedule?
  • What is Supply Curve?
  • Supply Curve Shifts
  • What is Market Equilibrium?

Consumer Demand Analysis

  • Consumer Demand
  • Utility in Economics
  • Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
  • Cardinal and Ordinal Utility
  • Indifference Curve
  • Marginal Rate of Substitution
  • Budget Line
  • Consumer Equilibrium
  • Revealed Preference Theory

Elasticity of Demand & Supply

  • Elasticity of Demand
  • Price Elasticity of Demand
  • Types of Price Elasticity of Demand
  • Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Demand
  • Importance of Price Elasticity of Demand
  • Income Elasticity of Demand
  • Cross Elasticity of Demand
  • Advertisement Elasticity of Demand
  • Elasticity of Supply

Cost & Production Analysis

  • Production in Economics
  • Production Possibility Curve
  • Production Function
  • Types of Production Functions
  • Production in the Short Run
  • Law of Diminishing Returns
  • Isoquant Curve
  • Producer Equilibrium
  • Returns to Scale

Cost and Revenue Analysis

  • Types of Cost
  • Short Run Cost
  • Long Run Cost
  • Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
  • What is Revenue?

Market Structure

  • Types of Market Structures
  • Profit Maximization
  • What is Market Power?
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Methods of Demand Forecasting
  • Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting

Market Failure

  • What Market Failure?

Price Ceiling and Price Floor

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  • Determinants of Demand

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conclusion for business cycle assignment


conclusion for business cycle assignment

Business Cycle in Economy Essay

Appearing in last Sunday’s edition of New York Times, the article “Living on Minimum Wage” illustrates a picture of an American economy which is in the recovery phase in the business cycle. This paper illuminates some of the main ideas contained in the article.

Business cycle, also referred to as economic cycle, is a term mainly used by economics scholars and business practitioners to demonstrate the fluctuating movements (increasing or decreasing) of levels of the gross domestic product (GDP) in an economy over a particular period of time that may vary from several months to a number of years (Ball, 2009).

The recurring and fluctuating levels of the GDP an economy experiences over a certain time frame are grouped into five phases for ease of analysis – growth (economic expansion), peak, recession (economic contraction), trough and recovery (McConnell, 2009; Romer, 1999).

From the article, it is clear that the United States economy suffered under the 2008 financial crisis and many economic pundits viewed the crisis as a major triggering force for the economic contraction that was witnessed in many economies of the developed world.

The author of the article acknowledges that “the recession took middle-class jobs, and the recovery has replaced them with low-income ones, a trend that has exacerbated income inequality” (Lowrey, 2013 para. 2). The shift from middle-class jobs to low-income jobs, according to Romer (1999) is a viable indicator of the economic fluctuations in the business cycle over time.

Another major theme in the article is President Obama’s concept of stimulating the federal minimum wage in his economic proposal by increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour (current) to at least $9 to lift numerous American families above the poverty line (Lowrey, 2013).

As demonstrated in the relevant economics literature, the recovery phase in the business cycle is typified by improvement in customer’s optimism of the market, low bank lending rates, growth of companies due to capacity to finance projects, enhanced productivity due to better aggregate demand of the economy, increased production that allows organizations to start recruiting new workers, and increased income of consumers who can now manage to buy capital goods (Ball, 2009; McConnell, 2009; Romer, 1999).

Although the other variables have not been addressed in the article, the proposed increase in the minimum wage by President Obama demonstrates an economy that is in its recovery phase after the financial crisis.

As illustrated in the article, there has been opposing views about President Obama’s proposal to raise minimum wages, with some conformists and economics experts saying that raising the costs of recruiting new workers results in few workers whereas other pundits suggest that minimum wage increment does not necessarily result in companies shedding workers because it helps minimize turnover (Lowrey, 2013).

These are valid arguments that business people need to be aware of as they make critical organizational decisions since they reflect the uncertainties of the recovery phase. However, according to available literature, the profit margins of American companies will begin to rise, and the GDP will also start to expand during the recovery phase (McConnell, 2009), hence the need to reciprocate by raising the minimum wages of workers in the lowest echelons of the economy.

Ultimately, therefore, President Obama’s proposal to raise the minimum wages as demonstrated in the article may be somewhat rushed because the American economy was in bad shape and the uncertainties of the future are still hanging on the minds of business practitioners as they re-engineer their companies to start making profits. However, it is the right thing to do because the United States economy is slowly recovering from the effects of the recent global recession.

Ball, L. M. (2009). Money, Banking, and Financial Markets. New York: Worth Publishers.

Lowrey, A. (2013). Living on minimum wage. New York Times .

McConnell, C. R. (2009). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Romer, C.D. (1999). Changes in business cycles: Evidence and explanations. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 13( 2), 23-44. Web.

  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2020, March 19). Business Cycle in Economy.

"Business Cycle in Economy." IvyPanda , 19 Mar. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Business Cycle in Economy'. 19 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Business Cycle in Economy." March 19, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Business Cycle in Economy." March 19, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Business Cycle in Economy." March 19, 2020.

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Business Plan Conclusion: Summary & Recap

solid business plan conclusion

You’ve written your business plan, but now you want to wrap it up to make a lasting impact on your reader. In this article, we will define the conclusion to a business plan as well as provide some tips to help you attract and seal the deal with potential investors and lenders.  

What is a Business Plan Conclusion?

This business plan conclusion is a concise summary and recap of all of the components of a business plan , but especially the executive summary. It summarizes your business plan in 2-3 paragraphs, with an emphasis on the most important points.  

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here

Is the Business Conclusion Necessary?

It’s good practice for business plans, but not always necessary to be successful in obtaining funding.

If you have a stellar executive summary, it may be unnecessary.

If the business conclusion is written well enough, it can serve as an executive summary of sorts – a short recap that provides more detail than the business plan as a whole, but only includes the most important points. It could also serve as an executive summary that is more concise than an actual executive summary.  

How To Write a Conclusion for Your Business Plan

The conclusion of your business plan is the last thing people read before deciding to invest in you and your business, so it needs to make a lasting impression.  

Determine Location

think about your audience

Depending on your intended audience, there are two common places for the conclusion. If your plan is meant for internal purposes, you may have the conclusion at the end of the entire document. However, if you are seeking funds from investors, you want to place the conclusion at the end of the Executive Summary, increasing the chances that it is actually read.

Review & Concisely Recap 

conclusion reviews key points from the executive summary

    Finish Your Business Plan Today!

Startups might include the following information:.

  • Funding requirements
  • Service or benefit to the investor
  • Target market and audience
  • How products or services solve the target market’s problem
  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive advantage
  • Management team experience
  • Financial projections
  • Launch plan

Established businesses might include information in their conclusions such as:

  • Mission statement
  • Company’s history
  • Products and/or services
  • Historical growth data
  • Financial summary
  • Company’s goals

Summarize the 3-5 points in a couple of paragraphs. You don’t need to summarize everything that happened in your business plan, just the most important points of the business plan.

Support Your Claims with Stats and/or Visuals

company’s profitable revenue model

Establish a Call-To-Action (CTA)

acquire funds for lucrative returns

Proofread & Spell-Check

grammar and tone carefully considered

The conclusion needs to give your readers a sense of closure by wrapping up all loose ends while making your last pitch effort to obtain the money your business may need.

Business Plan Conclusion Example

Use this conclusion example to help you with how to end a business plan, but keep in mind to make it relevant to your target audience, industry, and funding requirements:

Expanding into the Seattle metro area will allow Skyridge to provide its cutting-edge technology to more people who need it. Purchasing the fabrication plant in Seattle allows us to produce all of our products in-house and in one location, delivering them promptly and efficiently to the northwestern region.

We have the power to change the way people use technology, and we want [Investor’s Name] to be a part of it. By investing in Skyridge’s growth, [Investor’s Name] will benefit in the following ways:

  • Inclusion with a startup that has seen XXX% growth over the past X years and our company’s management team with XX years of experience in the technology industry
  • Contribution to Seattle’s economic growth and its citizens’ access to technology that enhances their lives
  • Participation in company planning meetings and receive an XX% share in all profits earned

We can add to the number of lives Skyridge’s technologies impact, generate more job opportunities in the region, and alter the technology sector if we work together. If you agree with our vision for a better future for everyone, join us.

How to Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

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In this chapter, we have illustrated the process and the elements that are used to develop a full-blown business plan. The key points are the following:

  • The FAD template, the Organizational and Industry Analysis template, the Business Plan Overview template and executive summary are used as the basis for developing the full-blown business plan.
  • The business plan serves many purposes including serving as a communication tool for investors; it is a scaled-down version of how the business will function and it is used as a platform for communications among the founders, employees, consultants, and mentors; and finally, it can be used as a blueprint for operating the business the first year.
  • A business plan template is presented that illustrates the typical sections that are contained in the business plan.
  • The writing style, the organization and the formatting are just as important as the content for communicating the essence of the business model.
  • It is important to pitch and present the business plan before finalizing the full-blown plan. This will help to bring focus and clarity on the emergent business.
  • In many instances, investors invest in the management as much as in the idea.
  • Many investors are interested in market potential in terms of the growth of the market and the total size of the market.
  • Contingency planning and risk assessment should be addressed in the business plan or at least informally among the founders of the business and key management employees.
  • Time, hard work, and attention to details will lead to better business plans.
  • Legal counsel and accounting expertise are essential for incorporating the business and providing guidance through the legal and financial systems.

The business plan is presented to the outside world through a business presentation and the presentation leads to the development of a short business plan document. An important part of developing the business plan is the learning-by-doing process. It is important that the emerging company make and build things, try experiments, and construct prototypes. Prototypes need to be constructed as early as possible for tangible products and also for systems applications. As illustrated in Figure 12.3 "Planning Process Is Ongoing an Iterative" , the process is iterative and ends only after the business is not in existence.

Figure 12.3 Planning Process Is Ongoing an Iterative

conclusion for business cycle assignment

The most important element of the business plan and the business presentation is the “look and feel.” The plan and the presentation should look clean and streamlined. The development of a business model and plan begins with the moment that the entrepreneur has the original aha experience; this is followed with a very brief strategic planning process (we recommend the Ten–Ten approach coupled with a FAD analysis) and this is in turn followed by the development of the executive summary.

How to Write a Great Business Report Conclusion: Everything You Need to Know

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Peter Caputa

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When creating a comprehensive business report for your company, most of your time and energy will go into writing the main section of your report.

Once you come to the conclusion, you will probably be exhausted and you may feel the urge to just ‘wrap it up’ as soon as possible.

This can be a costly mistake.

Your conclusion carries the same importance as all the other sections of the report since it leaves the final impression on the reader.

How you conclude your business report has a direct impact on the way in which the readers will respond to the important information you gathered.

The business report may be spectacular, but without a convincing conclusion, all your efforts may deteriorate.

In this article, we are going to teach you how to write a compelling conclusion that will leave a huge impression on all your readers.

What Is Conclusion in Business Report Writing?

How do you write a conclusion for a report, types of business report conclusions, improve business reporting with databox.

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No matter which type of business report you have written, you will need a good conclusion to sum up all the critical information.

A business report conclusion is the last section of the document used for summarizing the most important information, providing a final word to the readers.

Through the conclusion, you are able to convey the main message of your business document. You use it to outline the report as a whole, remind the readers of the main pain points, and present the key findings and decisions.

Depending on whether you have written a shorter or longer business report, the conclusion length may vary, but it should always be included. It is a sign of good organization and it can make the readers understand the pain points much easier.

To put it simply, the conclusion is supposed to create the impression among the readers that the purpose of the report has been achieved.

Business report conclusions have a lot of similarities to executive summaries, which is why a lot of people tend to confuse these two.

However, there are some important things that differentiate them. These include:

  • Executive summaries are mainly focused on displaying what the report will be about, while conclusions are an overview of what was discussed in the report.
  • Executive summaries provide readers with a broad overview of the business report, while the conclusion summarizes the key pain points and most important data.
  • Executive summaries should convince the readers to continue reading the report, while the conclusion should persuade them to take certain action.
  • Conclusions tend to include CTAs (Call to Action), which isn’t the case with executive summaries.

Related : Executive Reporting: Management Reporting Best Practices & Report Examples

Now that you understand what a conclusion is and why it’s so important to include it in your report, let’s show you how you can write the perfect one and impress your readers.

Follow these steps to create a great business report conclusion.

Choose the Position

Include the right information, summarize the contents, facts and statistics, maintain a positive tone, develop a cta.

There are two places where conclusions are most commonly placed – at the end of the executive summary and at the end of the entire report.

For business plan reports, the common practice is to place the conclusion at the end of the executive summary.

This way, you make the first step through the executive summary template and introduce the plan’s main pain points and funding needs. Then, you create a conclusion to summarize these numbers to your potential investors, which directly impacts their decision to go over the executive summary once more, this time reading it more thoroughly.

For other types of business reports, the conclusion will generally be placed at the end of the whole report. Established companies use these business reports to track performances and data from important departments, which is why the conclusion should primarily focus on briefly reviewing the key metrics you included and emphasizing the company’s main strengths.

The information you put into the conclusion also depends on whether you are a new startup looking to attract investments or an established company that wants to track performances and asses objectives.

To raise money, startups should include this type of information:

  • Financial needs
  • The benefits of their product and how it can affect the market
  • Target audience/ideal customer persona
  • How the product can attract new customers
  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Competitive landscape and analysis
  • The expertise of the main members of the company
  • Financial forecasts (next 3-5 years)
  • Launching plan

Existing companies should include information such as:

  • Mission statement
  • Performance history
  • Data that showcases business growth
  • Financial summary
  • Overall goals and objectives

While these types of details are important, they aren’t universal for all reports. Your primary goal should be to include the most important data from your specific document and keep the conclusion concise and understandable.

PRO TIP: How to Track the Right Metrics for Your SaaS Company

It’s not easy to know which KPIs to track for sales, marketing, and customer success in a SaaS company. There are many possibilities, and so much to do! Why not start with the basic metrics that determine the health of your company?

  • Sales (Gross) Volume: How much revenue did your sales team bring in this month, this quarter, or this year?
  • MRR Growth: How fast are you growing revenues from recurring subscriptions? 
  • Customers: How many customers do you have right now? 
  • Customer Churn Rate: What’s your customer churn rate, and how much revenue have you lost to churn?

If you want to track these in Stripe, you can do it easily by building a plug-and-play dashboard that takes your Stripe customer data and automatically visualizes the right metrics to allow you to monitor your SaaS revenue performance at a glance. 


You can easily set it up in just a few clicks – no coding required.

To set up this Stripe dashboard , follow these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Get the template 

Step 2: Connect your Stripe account with Databox. 

Step 3: Watch your dashboard populate in seconds.

The best way to convey your main message is by explaining it in detail throughout the business report and then summarizing it to recap the main points.

When creating the business report, take notes of the most important information that you should later highlight in the conclusion.

Make sure to avoid any extra details since they are already provided within the report. Only include the key points that explain why the business report itself is useful to the company.

Also, don’t use any additional information that you didn’t include in the report. This can only confuse your readers and send mixed messages.

You should prepare some facts, statistics, and data to support the statements in your conclusion. No matter if the reader is a potential investor or the key stakeholders in your company, you will want to include some evidence to back up your claims.

This makes the conclusion much more convincing and the audience will see that your forecasts aren’t based only on vague assumptions.

The tone in your conclusion should match the rest of the document and the best way to leave an impression on the audience is by using a professional and positive tone throughout the whole report.

After going through the conclusion, the readers should feel interested and enthusiastic to support the growth of your organization.

Make sure you exude confidence by using strong and active language.

Including a call to action at the end of your conclusion helps you persuade the readers to support the goals you set up.

This can be anything from “Join us at X enterprises” or “Invest in X and become a part of the success”.

A good CTA includes strong action words through which you emphasize the benefits of investors joining your firm or key stakeholders supporting your objectives.

After you are finished writing the conclusion, go over it once again to make sure there aren’t any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes you overlooked. The conclusion should be clear, precise, and easy to go understand.

You can even ask a colleague or a friend to read it since it’s always helpful to have an extra set of eyes. Ask their opinion on how the conclusion makes them feel and whether it was easy to go through.

As we said, depending on which type of business report you have written and what is included in it, there are a few different types of conclusions you should differentiate.

Let’s walk you through them.

Conclusion with a Prediction

Conclusion with a major problem, conclusion with a quote, conclusion with a summary.

If your report focuses on a decision or strategy that already took place, you can write a conclusion that predicts the outcomes of that specific strategy.

You can include financial forecasts, sales expectations, and overall growth predictions. Make sure to also back up your predictions with sufficient evidence.

Writing this type of conclusion can be a bit tricky. You don’t want to come off strong and repeat the same issue over and over again. However, you do want the readers to take the issue seriously and realize why it is important that everyone focuses on solving it as soon as possible.

Be direct, but also lenient. Describe why that issue is important and provide a few ways on how you can solve it. Keep it brief and memorable.

Ending your conclusion with a powerful quotation can leave a great impression on the readers. However, you should be very careful when choosing the right quote.

You can’t just throw in some saying from Shakespeare and wrap it up. It is best to quote someone influential in the industry in such a way that it reinforces your message.

When writing your short but meaningful summary, don’t go into detail about your main points again. Keep it as brief as possible and only remind the readers of the most important information.

Also, you should remember that a conclusion doesn’t have to include only one of these things. Mixing up a summary and a prediction can be a powerful combination, so always try to figure out a few different ways to convey your message and then choose the right one.

Business reporting is one of the indispensable activities within a company, but it is also one of the most time-consuming. 

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Filip Stojanovic is a content writer who studies Business and Political Sciences. Also, I am a huge tennis enthusiast. Although my dream is to win a Grand Slam, working as a content writer is also interesting.

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How to write better conclusions in business essays

Updated: Sep 3, 2022

conclusion for business cycle assignment

The question of what to put in a conclusion has long bothered my students. To answer the question “what do I put in my conclusion miss”? I like to answer with a combination of a) their own discovery of what good supported judgement looks like and b) some instruction and guidance from me.

I like to think of it as learning to surf. A certain amount of it you can do on the sand with an instructor, but eventually, you are going to need to get on a board and have a go for yourself. Feel the waves, understand tides, and sense when conditions are just right. It is the same with learning to write a good conclusion.

Avoid lessons like “how to write the perfect conclusion” because a bold scrappy one that is alive with evaluative statements and bang-on application is better than a textbook one.

I chose surfing as an analogy but I could have chosen cooking, swimming or even playing snooker. Just activities where the learner needs to do some of this for themselves or they will never improve. So here is some guidance to help your students achieve “ Pura Vida ” ( a Costa Rican term, to mean an attitude, emotion and contentment all in one) Source:

conclusion for business cycle assignment

1) Answer the question. e.g. Assess the factors that might affect the success of a global business such as XXXXX when entering a new market such as China. So in this example, students can look for the most important reason which will impact the success of XXXX. That should form the framework of their conclusion. 99% of the time they can argue either way or for any factor. Occasionally there will be a set answer, but mostly a good argument with a bold conclusion will be fine.

2) What does the answer depend on? E.g. ability to extend the lifecycle. I like to suggest the use of PESTLE factors for this, which means bumping that unit forwards so that kids can use it in all their essays. E.g. economic factors such as growth in the Chinese economy or social factors such as the level of demand due to trends

3) What evidence is there in the case study to support it? Use a short quote to back up your ideas. When they first read the case study, they should have already read the question and be looking for their supporting quotes. Teach reading case studies with a highlighter in hand. Reading the question before the case study can save students from having to read it twice, and can be a game changer for good students who tend to run out of time in exams.

4) Students should not be afraid to take a responsible risk. This means sticking their neck out, acting on a hunch, using their wits and other phrases that mean having a go and seeing what happens. Occasionally, don’t ask students for their essays, ask for their essay plans, this frees them up to take more risks.

5) Encourage students to be bold, a good evaluation is bold in ideas and is not afraid to take the unpopular viewpoint. Bold is more exciting and interesting to read.

6) Bring a new point to the party. Their argument in the main body of the essay was sound, but that was only the main course, now in the conclusion, they should bring in the pudding. Train them to not accept sprouts in cheese sauce for dessert. They should not repeat their main argument in the conclusion.

7) Short-term, long-term. Use this with caution, do use it if it helps to get the creativity going, but don’t use it if the kids are sitting with their heads in their hands saying “I just can’t think of a long-term impact”. Sometimes it can be a bit prescriptive and does not allow scope for kids to use their own ideas and get things wrong.

conclusion for business cycle assignment

8) Use MOPS on 20 markers (Edexcel A Level only). This is why I am writing this blog now because after this half term is the perfect time to set 20-mark essays (or essay plans) with MOPS as the star of the show. Start training students early on, and they should have more bold confidence with their 20-mark conclusions. (Lots of examples of these on the 2019 past papers on the exam board websites ).

9) Start with "In conclusion, it's clear to see from extract A that...." this prevents students from putting themselves in the conclusion. Early on I ban the use of "I think that", worse "I feel" and most hated of all; "I believe". It also helps to signal to the examiner that, while there may be superb evaluative statements throughout, this is where the really good surf is...

Let’s hope that your students don’t “ wipe out ” and that their conclusions are bolder, more experimental and totally “off the hook”. (Sorry)

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Writing an Effective Business Plan Conclusion: Tips & Examples

Do you need help concluding the business plan that you have worked so hard to create? A well-crafted business plan conclusion is essential for setting the tone for the entire document, and summarizing the key points that justify why the business will be successful. In this article, we will explore how to write an effective business plan conclusion that will ensure that your plan is read and taken seriously.

How to End a Business Plan?

The conclusion of your business plan should briefly summarize the main points of your argument. It should state why you believe your business will succeed and explain how you intend to achieve your goals. A business plan conclusion should cover the opportunity, highlight the strengths of your plan, summarize your vision, and remind the reader why your business is in a unique position to succeed.

A template example of a solid business plan conclusion follows:

  • Opportunity: Explain the opportunity that your business is capitalizing on and why it is attractive.
  • Key Strengths: Highlight the key strengths of your plan, such as your competitive advantage and any unique selling points.
  • Vision: Summarize your vision for the business and its future.
  • Unique Position: Remind the reader why your business is in a unique position to succeed.

It is important to keep your business plan conclusion succinct and to the point. It should be no longer than a few paragraphs, and should be a clear and concise summary of the entire document.

At, we understand how important it is to have a clear and effective business plan conclusion. We are experts in the field of business brokering, and we can help you through the entire process of buying or selling a business. Visit our website for more information, and for answers to all your questions about selling a business and about business brokers.

What is the final stage of the business plan?

Conclude your business plan with a presentation for obtaining funding, and provide any relevant data, graphs, and charts to back it up. Make it explicit how much money you are asking for from investors—whether it is equity, a collaboration, or a loan.

What is the appropriate way to conclude a business plan letter?

What should be included in the concluding section of a business plan.

It should also include a description of the problems you are trying to solve, a review of your marketing strategy, and an assessment of the financials. The best way to write an executive summary is to write it after you have a thorough understanding of your entire plan and can succinctly summarize it. The executive summary should include your company’s mission statement, a description of the products and services you offer or plan to offer, an overview of the problems you are aiming to solve, an assessment of your marketing strategy and an overview of the financials.

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How to write the conclusion section of your business plan.

This tutorial explains how to write the conclusion for a business document, for example, a report, thesis, project, or any document that needs a section to gather together the main points.

The structure of the conclusion is as follows:

Reviewing this conclusion, we can see that it mirrors the structure of the executive summary. This serves several purposes:

  • Reminding the reader of the messages made in the executive summary
  • Reinforce the main message the authors want to highlight
  • Laying information throughout the white paper to nudge the reader in the right direction.

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How To Write the Conclusion of a Business Plan

Your business plan’s conclusion should encapsulate your overall justification for why your venture will succeed in order to draw investors or motivate your staff. Additionally, it ought to give a short future outlook outlining your goals for development and growth. The conclusion should also restate your company’s key selling points and leave readers with a favorable impression.

Business Plan Writer Explains How to Write a Business Plan: Part 8 The Conclusion

How to write a business plan conclusion

When writing a business plan’s conclusion, adhere to these guidelines:

1. Decide where you want it to be

Choose whether you want the executive summary or the entire document to contain your business plan’s conclusion. Consider placing the conclusion at the end of the executive summary if you are writing a business plan to attract investors or raise money. The executive summary introduces the key points of the business plan and outlines the company’s funding requirements and conditions. It can be more persuasive to potential investors to place the conclusion at the end of this summary, and it also increases the likelihood that it will be read.

You might select a more conventional location for your conclusion at the end of the document if you are writing a business plan for an established company to track progress or provide information to a third party. In this case, your conclusion should review and highlight the company’s advantages.

2. Include the right information

Depending on whether your business is a startup looking to raise capital or an established organization evaluating goals, the information you include in your business plan conclusion will vary. New companies trying to get funding might include:

Established businesses might include information in their conclusions such as:

Not all conclusions need all these details. The most crucial information for the purpose of your business plan should be included, but the conclusion should be brief. When selecting what to include in your conclusion, keep your audience in mind. Focus on the value your company provides to investors, for instance, and the reasons why this opportunity is special. Focus on company leadership’s experience and ways to lower the lender’s risk when applying for a business loan.

3. Add facts and statistics

Facts, figures, and statistics should be used to support the conclusions in your business plan. Investors want evidence that your business can succeed and that they will see a return on their investment. Include details like your track record of expanding this or other businesses, or the information you used to calculate how much funding you need. This information is more convincing than assumptions or vague statements.

4. Maintain a positive tone

Your business plan’s conclusion should be formal and upbeat in nature. You want to convey your optimism and enthusiasm for the company’s success so that the reader will feel motivated or enthusiastic to support the business. Use language that is assertive and active and conveys your confidence in the business.

5. Include a call to action

At the conclusion of your essay, include a brief call to action that instructs the reader on what to do next. The reader should be motivated to support the business’s objectives in the manner you desire. You might conclude by saying something like, “Invest in the success of Harper Corps by joining us as a minority partner in WinTec Enterprises.” In your call to action, use action words and emphasize how the reader will benefit from taking that action.

6. Review your conclusion

Make sure your business plan’s conclusion is written with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation by reading it after you’ve finished. You want it to flow naturally and be both concise and clear. Ask a friend or coworker who is not familiar with the objectives of your company to read it as well. Ask them if they have any questions about the book’s conclusion and whether reading it has piqued their interest or excitement. Then make improvements as needed.

What is a business plan conclusion?

The goal of a business plan conclusion is to persuade the reader of the company’s success by summarizing the plan’s advantages. The conclusion should highlight how the organization makes money and why it is a good investment because businesses typically produce business plans in order to obtain funding or investors. Businesses also create business plans to evaluate their performance or set new objectives.

In a business plan, the conclusion can be found at the end of the whole thing or at the end of the executive summary. The executive summary, which appears at the start of the business plan, provides an overview of what the reader can expect to learn and persuades them to continue reading. Some people conflate the executive summary and the conclusion, but there are several significant differences between the two.

Every business, whether new or established, should have a business plan with a succinct and focused conclusion.

Business plan conclusion example

Use this sample business plan conclusion as a model for your own plan’s conclusion, being sure to customize it to your target audience’s needs and requirements:

Expanding Bridgewater & Co. Our already prosperous company will be able to provide cutting-edge health technologies to more people who need them thanks to its expansion into the Denver metropolitan area. Buying this manufacturing facility in Denver gives us the chance to produce all of our goods internally and in a single location and ship them out quickly and effectively to the area. We want Sixty-Seven Investors to be a part of this exciting revolution because we have the unique ability to change lives. Investing in Bridgewater & Co. s expansion benefits Sixty-Seven Investors by:

We can save more lives if we work together, Bridgewater & Co. Products change, add to the community’s employment opportunities, and revolutionize the health technology sector. Invest with us if you share our vision for a more prosperous and healthy future.

How do you conclude a business plan presentation?

Conclusion. The conclusion of a business plan doesn’t necessarily need to be lengthy; in fact, it can be quite succinct. Your conclusion should restate the opportunity, highlight the plan’s key strengths, summarize your vision, and remind the reader of the reasons why your company is in a position to carry out the plan successfully.

What is summary in business plan?

One of the most crucial components of your plan is the executive summary, which is a synopsis of all the important sections of your business plan.

What should be done after finishing the business plan?

  • Make sure it connects to your purpose.
  • Begin to test and measure.
  • Use the 80/20 rule.
  • Learn something new (quickly)

What is recommendation in a business plan?

A business recommendation letter, also known as a reference letter, is an endorsement of the products or services that one company has provided to another business or individual.

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Chapter 1: Professional Business Communication

8 Conclusion

Communication is an essential component of business. While communication is a natural part of the human experience, it’s important to consider how you will communicate in a positive and effective manner that aligns with your responsibilities and reputation as a business professional.

Check Your Knowledge

Reflection activity.

1. Describe the process of communication. 2. Name at least four essential components of communication. 3. What role does context play in communication? 4. What responsibilities do you have as a communicator? 5. What are three attributes of an ethical communicator?

Channel – The channel is the way in which a message or messages travel between source and receiver (McLean, 2005). Communication – The process of understanding and sharing meaning (Pearson Nelson, 2000). Context – Involves the setting, scene, and expectations of the individuals involved (McLean, 2005). Environment – The atmosphere, physical and psychological, where you send and receive messages (McLean, 2005). Feedback – Messages the receiver sends back to the source. Group Communication – A dynamic process where a small number of people engage in a conversation (McLean, 2005). Interference – Anything that blocks or changes the source’s intended meaning of the message (McLean, 2005). Interpersonal Communication – Normally involves two people, and can range from intimate and very personal to formal and impersonal. Intrapersonal Communication – Involves one person; it is often called “self-talk” (Wood, 1997). Mass Communication – Mass communication involves sending a single message to a group. Message – The stimulus or meaning produced by the source for the receiver or audience (McLean, 2005). Nonverbal – Any message inferred through observation of another person. Public Communication – In public communication, one person speaks to a group of people; the same is true of public written communication, where one person writes a message to be read by a small or large group. Receiver – Receives the message from the source, analyzing and interpreting the message in ways both intended and unintended by the source (McLean, 2005). Source – Imagines, creates, and sends the message. Verbal (or oral) Communication – Is any message conveyed through speech. Written Communication – Is any message using the written word.

Additional Resources

The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) is a global network of communication professionals committed to improving organizational effectiveness through strategic communication.

Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides a wealth of resources for writing projects.

Chapter References

All images (unless otherwise indicated) are from the open sharing photo site

Habermas, J. (1984). The theory of communicative action . Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Hawkins, A. (2016). The communication process communication media noise encoding decoding [Slideplayer page]. Retrieved from

Leavitt, H. J., & Mueller, R. A. (1951). Some effects of feedback on communication . Retrieved from

McLean, S. (2005). The basics of interpersonal communication . Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon.

Pearson, J., & Nelson, P. (2000). An introduction to human communication: Understanding and sharing . Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Vocate, D. (Ed.). (1994). Intrapersonal communication: Different voices, different minds . Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Wood, J. (1997). Communication in our lives . Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Communication for Business Professionals Copyright © 2018 by eCampusOntario is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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This Week in Mets: What’s up with Edwin Díaz?

May 18, 2024; Miami, Florida, USA;  New York Mets relief pitcher Edwin Diaz (39) reacts as he leaves the mound after giving up four runs against the Miami Marlins in the ninth inning at loanDepot Park. Mandatory Credit: Rhona Wise-USA TODAY Sports

“It’s not so easy to become what one is, to rediscover one’s deepest measure.” —“Nuptials at Tipasa,” Albert Camus

On the same mound where his 2023 season ended, Edwin Díaz saw his 2024 reach an unexpected early nadir.

Díaz’s meltdown in Miami on Saturday marked the third straight appearance in which he’d blown a ninth-inning lead for New York. He’d blown three of his four prior save opportunities; Saturday’s lead was too large to count as a fourth in five.


And so it was that Reed Garrett locked down a six-out save for the Mets on Sunday, as manager Carlos Mendoza pondered finding lower-leverage spots for Díaz to find his way back to the form that made him the sport’s highest-paid reliever two winters ago.

With the immense help of Baseball Savant, Brooks Baseball and Alex Chamberlain’s Pitch Leaderboard , let’s examine what’s up with Díaz.

His velocity is down

You can’t ignore the radar gun. Díaz’s fastball velocity is down 2.2 mph and his slider velocity is down 1.8 mph from the 2022 season.

In 2022, almost 80 percent of Díaz’s fastballs were 98 or harder. This year, it’s less than 15 percent. His hardest fastball this year was slower than 173 that he threw in 2022.

This isn’t an unreasonable development given the injury Díaz sustained and his time away from the mound. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t factored into the results.

He’s not getting as many strikes with his fastball

Díaz’s fastball control has not been as strong as it was two seasons ago. He’s in the zone a bit less often, he’s inducing swings a bit less often, and he’s generating swings-and-misses on his fastball a lot less often (18.0 percent in 2022 compared to 14.7 percent this year).

Díaz’s struggles with both the velocity and control of his fastball have more consistently placed him behind in the count than in 2022.

In 2022, he was 0-1 on opposing hitters more than twice as often as he was 1-0; this year, that ratio is 1.6:1. In 2022, he was 1-2 almost 2 1/2 times as often as he was 2-1; this year, that ratio is 1.4:1. He threw a pitch in a 2-0 or 3-1 count just 57 times in more than 1,000 deliveries in 2022; this year, he’s done it 27 times in fewer than 400 pitches.

He’s been behind more often, to say nothing of the increase in his walk rate.

He’s leaving his slider in the middle of the plate more often.

This strikes me as the main problem, as it recalls Díaz’s woes from 2019. When Díaz’s slider is properly located, it’s almost impossible to hit and just as hard to lay off. When it’s in the middle of the plate, it can be launched very far.

Here’s Díaz’s year-by-year percentage of sliders in the “heart” of the plate charted in front of the opponents’ weighted on-base average against those sliders:

conclusion for business cycle assignment

Josh Bell ’s homer off a Díaz slider Saturday was already the third long ball Díaz has yielded on his slider in 18 innings; he had allowed one on a slider in 150 1/3 innings pitched from the start of 2020 through the 2022 season. (Congrats Daulton Varsho .) The only season he’s allowed more than three? 2019.

As a result of all this, his confidence is down

To his credit, Díaz has always been remarkably candid in his self-evaluation — through good times and bad. He was that way on Saturday, telling reporters in Miami that he’d lost some of his self-confidence because of how the season is going. When a pitcher’s confidence wavers, so does his conviction in what he’s throwing, and the results can snowball from there.

The good news is, well, Díaz has been here before. He’s battled back from an even larger obstacle in 2019, when his slump lasted the entire season and came when he had little credibility with a new fan base. (He’s unlikely to be booed as vociferously now at Citi Field as he was that season; he may not even be booed at all.)

Toward the end of that 2019 season, I did a story reaching out to closers who had experienced similar slumps . The advice from them then is true again for Díaz. Tune out the noise, build solid outing on solid outing, and remember how good you really are.

The exposition

The Mets once again salvaged the finale of a series, defeating the Marlins on Sunday to avoid being swept by the team with the worst record in baseball. New York’s past three wins are all to avoid being swept. At 21-25, the Mets are third in the National League East.

The Guardians walked off the Twins on Sunday to complete a weekend sweep and push their record to 30-17, 1 1/2 games clear of the Royals in the American League Central.

The Giants likewise polished off a weekend sweep of the Rockies . Despite a remarkable run of injuries, San Francisco has won four in a row to get to 23-25 and third in the NL West. The Giants visit Pittsburgh from Tuesday through Thursday.

The pitching possibles

at Cleveland

RHP Tylor Megill (0-1, 2.25 ERA) v. RHP Ben Lively (2-2, 3.06) RHP Adrian Houser (0-3, 7.44) v. RHP Carlos Carrasco (2-4, 5.16) LHP Jose Quintana (1-4, 5.21) v. RHP Triston McKenzie (2-3, 3.23)

v. San Francisco

RHP Christian Scott (0-2, 4.32) v. LHP Kyle Harrison (4-1, 3.60) RHP Luis Severino (2-2, 3.48) v. RHP Jordan Hicks (4-1, 2.38) LHP Sean Manaea (3-1, 3.11) v. RHP Logan Webb (4-4, 3.03)

Injury updates

conclusion for business cycle assignment

• After being briefly shut down earlier in the week, Drew Smith played catch on Thursday. Smith is expected to throw a bullpen session Monday or Tuesday, and he’ll likely need to restart a rehab assignment before returning to the majors.

• David Peterson could be an option in the rotation by the end of the month. Peterson isn’t eligible to come off the 60-day IL until May 27 at the earliest. The Mets have been excited by Peterson’s performance during his rehab assignment, believing the hip surgery should allow him to throw strikes and finish his delivery more consistently than in the past few years.

• Kodai Senga will take a longer time to return, of course. Senga felt better with his mechanics this week during a bullpen session, and the Mets have yet to decide whether the next step is a live batting practice or a rehab assignment. When Senga does go out on a rehab assignment, expect him to make several starts at the minor-league level. Even after being fully built up through spring training and the first week of the season, Tylor Megill made four rehab starts; Peterson has made four himself and will make at least two more.

• The Mets remain unsure about the long-term prognosis for Brooks Raley . Raley’s latest MRI on Tuesday revealed a strain of the ulnar collateral ligament in his left elbow, albeit one that was healing. Raley will take the next two weeks off from throwing before re-evaluating the UCL. Surgery is still on the table.

• A possible replacement for Raley, lefty prospect Nate Lavender , went under the knife for a “variation of Tommy John surgery” with an internal brace, president of baseball operations David Stearns said Thursday. Lavender will be out for roughly 12 months.

• Shintaro Fujinami , who was recalled and placed on the major-league injured list earlier in the week, has a shoulder strain of undetermined severity. While Stearns didn’t think surgery would be necessary, he expects Fujinami to be shut down “for a while.” An eventual move to the 60-day injured list appears likely.

Minor-league schedule

Triple-A: Syracuse at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (New York, AL) Double-A: Binghamton at Reading (Philadelphia) High-A: Brooklyn v. Hudson Valley (New York, AL) Low-A: St. Lucie v. Clearwater (Philadelphia)

Last week in Mets

• The Mets provided a kind of blueprint win Thursday ; it hasn’t held • Why the Mets are poised to hand out their largest bonus to an international amateur ever • Enough with the walks • Which prospects have raised expectations and which have fallen short so far this season • Why now for Mark Vientos • Diving deeper on some of the Mets’ offensive trends • On the start of Edwin Díaz’s struggles • Why the Mets are being flexible with Kodai Senga • TWIM : The Mets need more from their stars

A note on the epigraph

I usually try to quote something from a book I’ve read recently, but sometimes I haven’t read anything good recently, and those weeks I basically cycle through Camus, Dostoevsky and Faulkner. If all you’ve ever read by Camus is “The Stranger,” you’re missing out. “Nuptials at Tipasa” is part of a collection of “Lyrical and Critical Essays,” and I’ve read through the former a bunch of times.

Trivia time

The 15 home runs Díaz allowed in 2019 set a new franchise record for long balls surrendered by a reliever. One of Díaz’s teammates in the bullpen that season is tied for the fourth-most home runs allowed by a Mets reliever in a season with 11. Who was it?

(I’ll reply to the correct answer in the comments.)

(Photo of Edwin Díaz: Rhona Wise / USA Today)

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Tim Britton

Tim Britton is a senior writer for The Athletic covering the New York Mets. He has covered Major League Baseball since 2009 and the Mets since 2018. Prior to joining The Athletic, he spent seven seasons on the Red Sox beat for the Providence Journal. He has also contributed to Baseball Prospectus, NBC Sports Boston, and Yahoo Sports. Follow Tim on Twitter @ TimBritton


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