Selected Architecture Thesis Projects: Fall 2020

A collage of five architecture thesis projects from Fall 2020.

Clockwise from top left: “Citing the Native Genius” by Taylor Cook, “Pair of Dice, Para-Dice, Paradise: A Counter-Memorial to Victims of Police Brutality” by Calvin Boyd, “The Magic Carpet” by Goli Jalali, “Stacked Daydreams: Ceiling-Scape for the Neglected” by Zai Xi Jeffrey Wong, and “Up from the Past: Housing as Reparations on Chicago’s South Side” by Isabel Strauss

Five films showcase a selection of Fall 2020 thesis projects from the Department of Architecture.

Time-lapse of Counter-memorial aggregation and burning, with National Museum of African American History and Culture in the foreground.

Pair of Dice, Para-Dice, Paradise: A Counter-Memorial to Victims of Police Brutality

This thesis is a proposal for a counter-memorial to victims of police brutality. The counter-memorial addresses scale by being both local and national, addresses materiality by privileging black aesthetics over politeness, addresses presence/absence by being more transient than permanent, and lastly, addresses site by being collective rather than singular. The result is an architecture that plays itself out over 18,000 police stations across America and the Washington Monument at the National Mall, two sites that are intrinsically linked through the architecture itself: negative “voids” at police stations whose positive counterparts aggregate at the Mall.

The critical question here is whether or not the system in which police brutality takes place can be reformed from within, or if people of color need to seek their utopia outside of these too-ironclad structures. This counter-memorial, when understood as an instrument of accountability (and therefore a real-time beacon that measures America’s capacity to either change or otherwise repeat the same violent patterns), ultimately provides us with an eventual answer.

Author: Calvin Boyd, MArch I 2020 Advisor: Jon Lott , Assistant Professor of Architecture Duration: 11 min, 2 sec

Thesis Helpers: Shaina Yang (MArch I 2021), Rachel Coulomb (MArch I 2022)

The white dome re-imagined. A cross-section of a multi-leveled building surrounded by vegetation with people participating in various activities inside and outside its walls.

The Magic Carpet

The Persian Carpet and the Persian Miniature painting have served as representation tools for the Persian Gar­den and the idea of paradise in Persian culture since antiquity. The word paradise derives from the Persian word pari-daeza meaning “walled enclosure.” The garden is always walled and stands in opposition to its landscape. This thesis investigates the idea of a contemporary image of paradise in the Iranian imagination by using carpets and miniature paintings as a tool for designing architecture. The garden, with its profound associations, provided a world of metaphor for the classical mystic poets. One of the manuscripts describing the Persian garden is called Haft Paykar – known as the Seven Domes – written by the 12th century Persian poet called Nizami. These types of manuscripts were made for Persian kings and contain within them miniature paintings and poetry describing battles, romances, tragedies, and triumphs that compromise Iran’s mythical and pre-Islamic history. The carpet is the repeating object in the minia­ture paintings of the manuscript. This thesis deconstructs the carpet in seven ways in order to digitally reconstruct the miniature paintings of the Seven Domes and the image of paradise with new techniques.

Author: Goli Jalali, MArch I 2021 Advisor: Jennifer Bonner , Associate Professor of Architecture Duration: 8min, 28 sec

An abstract rendering of an architectural space with images of historically prominent Black citizens on the walls.

Up from the Past: Housing as Reparations on Chicago’s South Side

Do people know what the Illinois Institute of Technology and the South Side Planning Board and the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois and the United States government did to the Black Metropolis? If they know, do they care? Is it too hard to hold these entities accountable? If we held them accountable, could we find justice for those that were displaced? What would justice look like? What comes after Mecca? What types of spaces come after Mecca? Are they different than what was there before? Are they already there? What defines them? Can Reparations be housing? How many people are already doing this work? How many people are doing this work in academia? On the ground? Is the word “Reparations” dead? What do we draw from? Who is this for? Do white men own the legacy of the architecture that defined the Black Metropolis? How personal should this work be? How anecdotal? How quantitative? Does the design need to be inherently spatial? Or atmospheric? What should it feel like? How do I draw a feeling in Rhino? What are radical ways of looking? How do we reclaim racialized architecture? Do we? Should we even talk about these things?

Author: Isabel Strauss, MArch I 2021 Advisor: Oana Stanescu , Design Critic in Architecture Duration: 4 min, 4 sec

Soundtrack Created By: Edward Davis (@DJ Eway) Production Support: Adam Maserow , Evan Orf , Glen Marquardt Collaborators: Rekha Auguste Nelson , Farnoosh Rafaie , Zena Mariem Mengesha , Edward Davis (DJ Eway) Special Thanks: Caleb Negash , Tara Oluwafemi , Maggie Janik , Ann Whiteside , Dana McKinney Guidance: Stephen Gray , John Peterson , Chris Herbert , Cecilia Conrad , Lawrence J. Vale , Ilan Strauss , Mark Lee , Iman Fayyad , Jennifer Bonner , Mindy Pugh , Peter Martinez Collage Credits: Adler and Sullivan , Bisa Butler , Carrie Mae Weems , Dawoud Bey , Deborah Roberts , Ebony G Patterson , Ellen Gallagher , Frank Lloyd Wright , Howardena Pindell , Jordan Casteel , Kerry James Marshall , Latoya Ruby Frazier , Lelaine Foster , Lorna Simpson , Mark Bradford , Mickalene Thomas , Mies van der Rohe , Nick Cave , Njideka Akunyili Crosby , Romare Bearden , Sadie Barnette More Information:

An early morning shot of the communal chapel space formed by operable stretched fabric ceiling that drapes around an existing concrete column in the elderly care home atrium.

Stacked Daydreams: Ceiling‐Scape for the Neglected

Elderly Care Adaptive Reuse of Hong Kong’s Vertical Factory

This thesis operates at the intersection of three domains of neglect:

  • In the realm of building elements, the ceiling is often considered as an afterthought in the design process.
  • Across building types, the vertical factory sits abandoned and anachronistic to its surroundings. It spiraled into disuse due to Hong Kong’s shifting economic focus.
  • In society, the elderly are often subjected to social neglect, seen as a financial burden, and forced toward the fringes of society.

These parts experience obsolescence that led to indifference, and subsequently to boredom. I intend to draw the parallel of deterioration between the body of the elderly and the body of the vertical factory. Using a set of ceiling parts in the manner of prosthetics to reactivate the spaces into elderly care facilities, revert boredom to daydreams, and reimagine the concept of elderhood as an experimental second stage of life.

Author: Zai Xi Jeffrey Wong, MArch I AP 2021 Advisor: Eric Höweler , Associate Professor of Architecture & Architecture Thesis Coordinator Duration: 4 min, 53 sec

Leaving the duplex for an early morning surf session. A figure carries a surfboard in front of curved two-story residential buildings bisected by a walkway.

Citing the Native Genius

Reconstructing vernacular architecture in Hawai’i

For over 120 years, Americanization has tried to demean and erase Hawaiian language, culture, and architecture. In contemporary discourse, the vernacular architecture of Hawai’i is mostly referred to as ancient and vague. As with many Indigenous cultures, Western perspectives tend to fetishize or patronize the Hawaiian design aesthetic. Within this hierarchy of knowledge is a systemic assumption that Hawaiian vernacular architecture cannot effectively serve as a precedent resource for contemporary architects. Those who do reference the original vernacular will often classify it as utilitarian or resourceful. Regardless of intent, this narrative takes design agency away from the people involved. As a corrective, a respectful use of vernacular domestic form would benefit designers that are struggling to connect with Hawai’i’s cultural and architectural traditions.

Mining the European gaze and influence out of revivalist publications, archeological surveys and historic images reveal unique characteristics of Hawaiian domestic space. Geometric quotation and symbolic referencing are the foundational instruments in applying the discrete components, form, and organizational logic of the vernacular. The result is a design process that creates an amalgamation of decolonized form and contemporary technique. This residential project intends to revive Hawai’i’s erased domestic experience by revisiting the precolonial vernacular form and plan.

Author: Taylor Cook, MArch I 2021 Advisor: Jeffry Burchard , Assistant Professor in Practice of Architecture Duration: 5 min, 13 sec

Special Thanks: Jeffry Burchard, Cameron Wu, Kanoa Chung, Nik Butterbaugh, Carly Yong, Vernacular Pacific LLC More Information:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the galleries in Gund Hall have been turned ‘inside out,’ with exhibitions shown through a series of exterior projections on the building’s facade. View some images from the screening of these films below:

The Cambridge Street facade of Gund hall at night. On the wall is projected an image of a building with a demonstrator in front holding a sign that says “Justice for George Floyd”


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2020 Student Thesis Showcase - Part III

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

We are back with week three of the 2020 Student Thesis Showcase featuring five more projects from schools across the US and Canada! This week’s projects explore topics including memory and “homeness,” rebuilding vernacular architecture in Puerto Rico, material explorations to tell the history of lynching, violence in architecture, and repurposing space and materials for new activities. Check back on August 14 for the next group of projects. Make sure to check out Part I and Part II of this series!

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Ancestral House: Memory Home by Karishma Susan Kurian, M.Arch ’20 University of Minnesota / Advisors: Patrick Lynch and Daniela Sandler Awarded a 2020 Richard Morrill Final Project Award

A house, as it is now, is a container of memory over time. An ancestral house is no different except that it is a plural typology which exists in parallel realities of time and memory. An ancestral house is an autobiographical container. The narrations collected across three generations in my ancestral house in Kerala, India, revealed not just tangible realities but, more certainly, the validity of intangible realities of memories – spaces over time to uncover the meaning of “homeness” within a house. In my time collecting stories and narrations of my ancestral house, a mere recollection of the events that transpired in the house instigated a conversation of the home and the self from the narrators. The act of recalling memories transformed and reconstituted the self. Across all the narrations what was predominantly evident was the recollection of objects within the narrations and the memories of spaces. Objects are attributed to the memory of home and the people that make it a home. Hence, a list of nine objects was created and each object became a portal to access memories that were once lost. The project discusses the study of architectural memory over time explored through narrative speculation. The result is a “Memory House” that transcends the physical known realities of the world into the memory realm of the ancestral house. A question that led itself to the memory realm was: How does memory lend itself to the physical manifestation of the house?

In this project, we look at the possibility of visualizing the temporal plurality of “home-ness” in the ancestral house and the chance for reconciliation, wherein this list of nine objects is storing memory.

A peek into the narrations lends a unique perspective of the ancestral house that reveals the ideas of memory, home, time, and the self. In that respect, there is an existence of the ancestral house which is beyond the known realm.

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Block to Block by Krizia B Medero Padilla, M.Arch ‘20 on Instagram @livenchanted University of Minnesota / Advisor: Dzenita Hadziomerovic Awarded a 2020 Richard Morrill Final Project Award

“Block to Block” is interested in rebuilding spaces that represent a decolonized architectural identity in the island of Puerto Rico.

The praise of colonial architecture casts a shadow on other architectural languages including the Puerto Rican vernacular way of building. The physical spaces lost after recent natural disasters were mainly vernacular homes, which are not considered “Capital A Architecture,” yet are the center of many Puerto Rican lives and their cultural identities. Prescribed top-down solutions for rebuilding the lost homes would impose a way of building that would take away from the vernacular origins and the peoples’ agency over the development of their built environment.

This project proposes an affordable methodology for rebuilding homes. The concrete debris left over after the earthquakes will be the primary material to create new construction blocks. These units will then be utilized by those who have lost their homes as the building blocks for the reconstruction of their own spaces; maintaining the agency that inhabitants of rural areas have always had over their built environment.

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Transcendence by Phuong ‘Karen’ Tran, Tia Calhoun, Montana Ray, and Morgan Lee, M.Arch ‘20 Georgia Institute of Technology / Advisor: Vernelle A. A. Noel / Studio: Lightweight Textile Pavilions: Shaping Stories and Experience through Architecture and Digital Media 

“Transcendence,” is a lightweight pavilion that explores architecture and digital media as a medium for educating and advocating for social justice. The pavilion utilizes sensory experiences from digital media, and physical experiences from architecture, to help users understand and interact with the history of lynching.

Our team conducted a series of experiments that utilize diverse techniques for lightweight pavilions. The experiments involved wire-bending techniques, textile manipulations, minimal surfaces, tensile surfaces and structures, string sculptures, and machine manipulation. 

For one of the machine experiments, we created frameworks of multiple planar surfaces to manipulate the fabric and spatial structure within. These planar surfaces had holes arranged in a grid-like pattern and were tested at multiple intervals at multiple control points. The second type of machine involves metal frameworks with wire-bending techniques to create an independent structure to which tensile fabrics and strings are attached. Inspired from Frei Otto’s soap work, the third type is composed of planar surfaces made up of contractible rods that stretch and compress the tensile fabric. The fourth type is inspired by Frei Otto’s “Thinking in Models” exhibition, in which we used stakes at multiple control points to pin and suspend the fabric, creating an organic structure. The final construction was most related to the second type, the independent wire-bending framework, in which the textiles created spatial experiences within a metal frame. We chose this machine because of its independent nature and its ability to move to various locations and further inform others of the history of lynching.

From the multiple experiments, we learned about the behaviors of different fabrics in various states and how the fabric, and the formwork, can control the spatial structure within to create an immersive experience. Through the act of learning by doing, we understood the various materials’ behaviors and their given responses to certain stresses and certain manipulations. The studies further informed us of the spatial relationships and technical relationships of textile to textile, textile to structure, structure to structure, textile to the ground, and structure to the ground. The investigations of the multiple, diverse machines helped us understand the various formworks and spatial languages. Ultimately, through our understanding of the materials’ behaviors, their different configurations, and the diverse machines, we were able to generate multiple moments along our pavilion’s promenade to tell a story.

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Darkness Encountered in Light by Nicholas Frayne, M.Arch ’20 @nffrayne University of Waterloo / Advisors: Dereck Revington (primary) and Robert Jan Van Pelt Also published:

Today, ideologies of hate and division are having something of a resurgence, despite our common cries of “never again.” We can trace these divisive identities from our archaic sacrificial rituals, through the horror of colonialism, and into the genocides of the modern age – apparently violence is here to stay. While there is generosity, compassion, and empathy that surfaces alongside this destruction, it seems to be swept aside all too readily in favor of division, blame, and separation. It is in this context that I ask what role our presentations of societal violence play in the emergence of such divisive ideologies. 

Drawing on the work of Girard, Kristeva, and Arendt (amongst others), I argue that our presentations of past atrocities should focus on the presence of violence within our familiar, normative realms. As a form of creative expression, architecture can work to actively undermine divisive cultural ideologies that justify atrocity by reframing how we relate to extreme societal violence. Through three global studies of memorial architecture, I show how architecture works to inform our sense of who we are as an experiential continuum, working through existing understandings of the world. My written and crafted analyses explore how stories, and methods of storytelling, can reveal the violence within normalcy, potentially destabilizing our conceptions of our “norm.”

By presenting violence without space for improvisation, architects risk obscuring our ability to see others within ourselves, limiting our understanding of humanity. An embrace of uncertainty carries the potential for a future that affirms life, a future where divisive ideologies are acknowledged as illusory remnants of a more violent past, no longer dominant in our visions of the world we all share. It is my hope that through refocusing how architecture enables violence, we can better guard against the incendiary ideologies that justify it.

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

PROJECT SCARAB: Smart Walk of Seattle by Kyle Goodyear, M.Arch ’20 University of Idaho / Advisor: Hala Barakat

In ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle was considered a symbol of rebirth and the restoration of life. The scarab takes something of little use, like dung, and repurposes it to serve as sustenance and a mobile incubator for its young and food. For a city, “PROJECT SCARAB” takes parking lots and unused air space and transforms them into areas for recreation, living, and food. 

With the rapid changes taking place within our society “PROJECT SCARAB” is an experiment of what could be done to repurpose old parts of a city towards the agglomeration of people living and working within the city. Creating a system like this could improve walkability by providing new parks and public spaces, while allowing a higher density to form overtime throughout the chosen city. 

The project’s system will take a city and locate areas with either underutilized and/or rapidly changing conditions around the site. Then, the system would respond to existing and planned walking infrastructure and turn these spaces into new nodes connected by said infrastructure. The new nodes would react to mass transit nodes that provide users with an extended range of travel without needing a personal vehicle. The nodes would be reactionary to the needs of certain parts of the city for different kinds of programming from living to food production.

Part I | Part II

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Winners announced for architecture thesis of the year 2020, india architecture news - sep 02, 2020 - 16:30   29734 views.

Winners announced for Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020

theCharette encourages free flow of unfettered ideas that seek to develop ingenious solutions for complex problems of the future. theCharette has announced the three winning projects for Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020 . 

The "Architecture Thesis of the Year | ATY 2020" is an international architecture thesis competition organized by theCharette. The aim of the competition is to extend appreciation to the tireless effort and exceptional creativity of student thesis in the fields of Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape and Restoration. 

theCharette seeks to encourage young talent in bringing their path breaking ideas to the forefront on a global scale. The competition received over 1000 entries from 104 nations across the world. See the crème de la crème of thesis projects from students all over the world for the 2020 edition of the competition.

The full results, including the winners, the honourable mentions, and the top 30 shortlisted entries can be viewed at theCharette's website . 

The jury panel composed of Marcia Kogan (Studio MK27, Brazil), Bruno Rollet (Bruno Rollet Architecte, Paris), Daniela Deutsch (Associate Prof., NewSchool of Architecture & Design, California), DR. Caroline Hachem-Vermette (Assistant Prof, University of Calgary, Canada) and Stefan Kristofferson (Stratic, Germany, Sweden & India).

See top three winners and read short project descriptions below:

Winners announced for Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020

Images courtesy of the artists

1st Prize Winner

ISTHME // L e CHAOS SENSIBLE by Dafni Filippa and Meriam Sehimi from Germany took home the top prize with their people oriented project. The students from the Technical University of Munich designed a scheme that the jury described as "poetic, based on real-life observations, lightweight and extraordinarily beautiful."

Jurors loved the simplicity and fluidity of the masterplan and how another culture is interpreted. They felt that drawings are adequate, sensitive and stunning.

Winners announced for Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020

Images courtesy of the artist

2nd Prize Winner

Fabiola del Carmen Cruz Ballardo, from Peru, won second place for her project, AMAZONIA TRANS _ TRI _ FRONTERIZA. Three countries: Peru, Brazil, Bolivia; and two communities: Mancheron, Yamaha. All separated by artificial borders. Nevertheless, they share a common Amazonian culture. 

There is a will to unite people in this project, to respect different traditions, to propose different places, uniting past present and future with traditional languages, medical plants and culture. A "bridge" is created to consolidate this place and to respect it through the world: it can be seen like an SOS. Because this project is also implicitly about the amazon forest: calling to save its richness, be it natural or cultural.

Winners announced for Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020

3rd Prize Winner

Third place in the competition went to Philip Springall from United Kingdom. His project is a multidisciplinary exploration of Alzheimer’s disease, architecture and neuroscience. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that slowly strips away the notions of place, memory, identity and the self. 

The project investigates the role that architecture and the built environment can play in improving the lives of those with Alzheimer’s disease. The jury felt that the project "...contemplates a powerful concept which might have great applications in the real world."

The ATY Competition is an annual competition and will be released again in Summer of 2021.

Top image: 2nd Prize Winner Fabiola del Carmen Cruz Ballardo

> via theCharette

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creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Review Book:  

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To Know is to Empower :  Chagos Institute of Environmental Humanities Chen Chu Advisor: Miho Mazereew

Reclaiming the Estranged :  Reimagining the Architecture of the Excess Sydney Cinalli Advisor: Brandon Clifford, Deborah Garcia

Ferrous Futures :  Scenario Planning for Global Steel Charlotte D'Acierno, Clarence Lee, Jaehun Woo Advisor: Mariana Ibanez

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After Aura :  Authorship, Automation, Authenticity Kailin J. Jones Advisor: Azra Aksamija

The Factory of Coexistence Melika Konjicanin Advisor: Cristina Parreño Alonso

Screen Time Jeffrey Landman Advisor: Rania Ghosn

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Spring 2021

Review Book:

Master of Architecture (M.Arch) Website:

The Houseful(l)ness of Public Space Xio Alvarez (M.Arch & MCP) Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw, Larry Vale

Still Standing :  Cooperative strategies for the renovation of Soviet mass housing Ben Hoyle, Eytan Levi (M.Arch & MSRED) Advisor: Ana Miljački

Concetividad Alegal :  Remaking and Resilience in the bay of Havana        Lucas Igarzabal, Marissa Concetta Waddle Advisor: Hans Tursack

M.I.celium mexicanus :  Rejecting Modernity through Zapotec Futurism Lynced Torres Advisor: Sheila Kennedy View project site here!

Heirlooms :  In Search of the Fifth Ecology Erin Wong Advisor: Sheila Kennedy

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Space of Mind :  The Hidden Architecture in the Time of Pandemic Ziyu Xu Advisor: Axel Killian

Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS)

SMArchS Architecture + Urbanism

Third Landscape Dries Carmeliet Advisor: Rania Ghosn

Mediating Chana :  Seeding Synergies Between Doves and Development Eakapob Huangthanapan Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw

Mokumitsu Districts in Tokyo :  Urban Renewal by Housing Cooperatives against Disaster Risk Ryuhei Ichikura Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw

To Build Home and To Live In (U)Hygge Wuyahuang Li Advisor: Mark Jarzombek

Collecting Ideals :  Re-Envisioning Ejidos as Climate-Action Platforms Luis Alberto Meouchi Velez Advisor: Lorena Bello Gomez, Nicholas de Monchaux

Made in Rural China Siyuan Sheng Advisor: Brent Ryan

Generative Urban Design toward Thermal Synergy :  Inspire sustainable urban configuration under distributive heating & cooling schemes Qianqian Wan Advisor: Caitlin Mueller

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Nightrise :  Through the Valley of Jabal ‘Amil’s Shadow Mohamad Nahleh Advisor: Sheila Kennedy

SMArchS Building Technology

Mass Balance :  Design Strategies for Lightweight, Thermally Massive Construction Systems Eduardo Gascón Alvarez Advisor: Caitlin Mueller

Evaluating Overheating Preventative Measures in Residential Buildings and Passive Survivability Yesufu Oladipo Advisor: Les Norford

SMArchS Computation

A Machine Learning Model for Understanding How Users Value Designs :  Applications for Designers and Consumers Jeremy Bilotti (SMArchS Computation & SM in CS) Advisor: Terry Knight

The Untold Narratives Rania Sameh Kaadan Advisor: Terry Knight

Sonic Others :  Metaphorical Sonification of Collective Events Wonki Kang Advisor: Axel Killian

Networking Knowledge and Experience :  An Instrumental System for the Personal Development of Individual Designers Bowen Lu Advisor: George Stiny

Sonic Urban Transformations :  A Computational Model to Study and Represent Temporal Changes in the Walking Experience Elina Oikonomaki Advisor: Terry Knight

Monstrous Space :  Architectural Production in an Age of Algorithms Alexandra Waller Advisor: Larry Sass

Investigating Design Intentions :  Use of Eye Tracking and Machine Leearning to Study Perception of Architecture Xiaoyun Zhang Advisor: Takehiko Nagakura

SMArchS History, Theory & Criticism

"A Great Civilizing Agent" :  Architecture at MIT, Drawing Education, and Boston's Cultural Elite, 1865-1881 Katherine Dubbs Advisor: Arindam Dutta

Surveilling Sin :  Locating Sodomy in the Early Modern Florentine Bathhouse Aidan Flynn Advisor: Kristel Smentek, Jodi Cranston

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Fractured and Dissolved, Architecture Ablaze :  Towards an Understanding of Ayeneh-Kari in Iranian Palaces Reza Daftarian Advisor: Nasser Rabbat

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Master of Science in Building Technolgy (SMBT)

Using Urban Building Energy Modeling to Meet Carbon Emission Targets :  A Case Study of Oshkosh, Wisconsin Zachary Berzolla Advisor: Christoph Reinhart

Early Design Stage Building Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) of Cost & Carbon Impact :  A Seamless Addition to the Conceptual Design Process Jingyi Liu Advisor: Jeremy Gregory, Randy Kirchain, Les Norford

Machine Learning for Human Design :  Developing Next Generation Sketch-Based Tools Bryan Ong Wen Xi (SMBT & MEng in CEE) Advisor: Caitlin Mueller

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Bachelor of Science in Art and Design (BSAD)

Digital Narratives for Self-Therapy Rachel Seo Yeon Kwak Advisor: Lee Moreau

Digital Communities x Collaborative Storytelling Clare Liut (BSAD & SB in 2A) Advisor: Mikael Jakobsson

Concrete Alternatives for Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Chloe Nelson-Arzuaga Advisor: Skylar Tibbits

Image Credits:

01. Ferrous Futures. Courtesy of Charlotte D’Acierno, Clarence Lee and Jaehun Woo (MArch).

02. Space of Mind. Courtesy of Ziyu Xu (MArch).

03. Nightrise. Courtesy of Mohamad Nahleh (SMArchS Architecture Design)

04. Untold Narratives. Courtesy of Rania Kaadan (SMArchS Computation).

05. Mediating Chana. Courtesy of Eakapob Huangthanapan (SMArchS Urbanism).

06. To Build Home and To Live In (U)Hygge. Courtesy of Wuyahuang Li (SMArchS Urbanism).

07. Concetividad Alegal. Courtesy of Lucas Igarzabal and Marissa Concetta Waddle (MArch).

08. The Houseful(l)ness of Public Space. Courtesy of Xio Alvarez (MArch + MCP).

09. Mass Balance. Courtesy of Eduardo Gascón Alvarez (SMArchS Building Technology).

10. Early Design Stage Building Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) of Cost & Carbon Impact. Courtesy of Jingyi Liu (SMBT).

Published July 1, 2021

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

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Architecture Thesis Topics

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Architectural Thesis Courses

Being an Architecture student, you are supposed to submit a dissertation or thesis on Architectural-related topics. It takes a lot more time to complete a dissertation research project than a thesis. The first step for pursuing a master’s or PhD degree is to choose a relevant dissertation topic. Some of the popular architecture thesis topics are Housing/ Residential Projects, Institutional Projects, Public Infrastructure Projects, Offices/ Corporate Projects, etc. In this article, we will provide you with general guidance about how to write an architecture dissertation and helpful tips to choose the right architecture thesis topics.

Here is our blog on Top Architectural Courses .

This Blog Includes:

What is an architecture thesis, how to structure an architecture thesis, relevant topic, pay attention to research questions, don’t be shy, go for advice, research a lot, how to choose the best title for your architecture thesis, how to choose the best topic for an architecture thesis, modern architecture thesis topics, thesis topics in landscape architecture, interior architecture thesis topics, b.arch. thesis topics for urban planning and transport:, sustainable architecture thesis topics.

An Architecture Dissertation or Thesis is an academic piece of writing that is supposed to signify the knowledge and skills you have learned so far during your architecture studies. While writing a dissertation your research must be precise and you should be logical with your conclusions. A clear analysis must be depicted while writing an architecture dissertation. 

Before searching for an architecture thesis topic, you must be familiar with the writing structure of a dissertation. Here we’ve mentioned the basic structure of a dissertation so that it gets easy for you when drafting a dissertation:

  • Title – The title of your Architecture Dissertation must focus on your research objective.
  • Abstract – The abstract part must be impactful. It must give an impression of what your dissertation is going to include.
  • Introduction – The same is the case here with the introduction, it must reflect what the dissertation is going to include.
  • Review of Literature – The Review of Literature Section must include a theoretical rationale of the problem, the importance of the study, and information for the dissertation that was gathered and used to form the arguments and points made in the work.
  • 2-3 Main Chapters- These sections must include a bulk of information on the chosen topic. It should also include the data and diagrams if any.
  • Conclusion- The main objective of the dissertation, the conclusion must include the arguments to complete the impression of the work.
  • Bibliography – The bibliography is the section of the thesis where you mention all the referred sources, authors, and publications that you have taken information from while writing your thesis.

Also Read: Masters in Architecture in Canada

How to Choose the Right Architecture Thesis Topic?

If you are finding it hard to choose the right topic for your dissertation, here are some tips that might help what you can put your focus on while drafting your dissertation:

Select a relevant topic for your architecture dissertation as it contributes a lot to your career and future. To obtain a master’s degree in education, you need to find relevant topics for a dissertation. The topic must be capable of providing you with a significant amount of content for your architecture dissertation.

An Architecture dissertation must be broad enough to explore the whole topic. The dissertation must include a clear structure to contribute to the argumentation you are going to include in your dissertation.

Pay equal attention to the Research Questions you are going to include. Do not ever select narrow questions which are supposed to be answered with a Yes or No. Choose questions that provide you with relevant answers such as

  • How do creative designs impact the modern era?
  • What do you think about modern architecture?

Architecture students who are writing a dissertation are always provided with guidance. Supervisors are assigned to guide students throughout the duration of their architecture dissertation. So do not forget to ask for feedback or a piece of advice from your supervisors as they have years of academic experience, so their recommendations and feedback will only add to your research.

Before choosing an architecture topic, make sure you research thoroughly about the chosen topic. Try to select topics that are relevant in today’s time. The content provided by the topic must be more than enough to expand and support your arguments.

Also Read: How to become an Architect?

A significant title is very important while writing an architecture dissertation. So you must be extremely careful while choosing a title. Ensure that the title of your architecture dissertation or thesis does justice to your research. The title itself should be able to reflect the objective of your dissertation through the title.

Also Read: How to write a Dissertation?

Here we’ve mentioned some sources from where you can come up with a Dissertation Topic in Architecture:

  • Study the most recent published piece of work to find out what kind of issues are open for further exploration and are sufficient to provide you with relevant argumentations.
  • Check out Architecture Dissertation examples done by other scholars.

Best Architecture Thesis Topics

Choosing a topic can take a lot of time but we’ve made it easier for you as here we’ve mentioned some of the best topics you can choose for your Architecture Dissertation:

  • What is the nature of middle-class architecture in modern society?
  • Show the best elements of famous architects without duplicating their work.
  • What is the need for closeness and privacy between architecture and family
  • Cathedrals: Forming the old world on a new budget
  • What is the difference between house designs in a cold climate and in a warm climate?

Also Read: How to become an Interior Designer?

  • Multicultural Architecture in the Urban Landscape
  • Trends of Environmental Technology in Residential Structures
  • Evaluating Design in Municipal Structures
  • Creative Designs in the Modern Era
  • Maximizing Resources and Space with Accessibility
  • How to maximize resources and space with Accessibility
  • How to use Minimalist Design in Small Areas
  • Which methods to use to Mitigate Damage from Natural Disaster
  • What are the must-have features of Portable Housing Units
  • Procedures of Pre-fabricated Design

Also Read: Finance, MBA, Accounting Dissertation Topics

  • The urban energy landscape in regional planning
  • Processing of data on water, energy, and food flows in space and time
  • Composing four-dimensional maps that show current spatial and temporal dynamics of water, energy and food flows
  • Constructing Zen
  • Farmland Preservation
  • Land Conservancy
  • Therapeutic Gardens
  • Self-sufficient energy islands across Europe or Asia
  • India – Protection/production of freshwater through for example infiltration and retention
  • Landscape Construction Performance Approaches
  • Paper Space & Interior Fiction: Employing Speculative Design to Explore the Creative Design Process and Conceptual Interiority
  • Implementing Biophilic Attributes in Elementary Schools
  • Re-Mobile Home: An Exploration of Mobile Homes in Rural North Carolina
  • Designing Deeper: Creating Interior Spaces That Support Well-Being through Explorations in Process-Driven Design
  • How can exhibition spaces reflect design compatibility with spatial aesthetics?
  • Airports Design.
  • Train stations.
  • Urban transport planning.
  • Mass Rapid Transit System (MTRS) Study and Station.
  • Integrated Transportation Node.
  • Bus Terminal Cum Commercial Complex.
  • International Cruise terminal.
  • Redevelopment around the metro and MRTS Corridor.
  • Architecture in motion.
  • Neighborhood development
  • Community garden concepts
  • Waste recycling facilities
  • Heritage building restoration
  • Rehabilitation housing
  • Riverfront development
  • SMART village
  • Net-Zero energy building
  • Bermed structure
  • Regenerative design
  • Urban Agriculture center
  • Revitalizing abandoned mills and processing buildings
  • Eco-tourism facilities
  • Revival of an old building
  • Repurpose a building
  • Redevelopment of a slum
  • Vertical farm
  • Wetland restoration

An architecture dissertation for a master’s degree must not exceed the 60,000-word limit.

IIT-Roorkee, Uttarakhand has been ranked #1 in the Top 25 Architecture Colleges in India.

McGill University and the University of Waterloo are the top 2 colleges in Canada for Architecture. 

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Students who are pursuing an Architecture degree must be very careful while writing a dissertation as it is the only way they’ll be able to obtain a master’s degree. Choosing the right topic for the Architecture dissertation, and submitting the dissertation/thesis on time, all the above-mentioned aspects must be given equal importance. If you are interested in knowing more about Architecture courses abroad, then feel free to contact our experts at Leverage Edu anytime.

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Damanpreet Kaur Vohra

Daman is an author with profound expertise in writing engaging and informative content focused on EdTech and Study Abroad. With a keen understanding of these domains, Daman excels at creating complex concepts into accessible, reader-friendly material. With a proven track record of insightful articles, Daman stands as a reliable source for providing content for EdTech and Study Abroad.

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10 Award-Winning Architecture Thesis Projects From Around The World

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Neha Sharma

8 mins read

Architectural Illustration as a part of a thesis project.

It is always interesting to see the architecture thesis projects students come up with every year. With each passing batch, there is more knowledge passed down and a better base to begin. The result is a rise in innovation and creativity by students, and overall a better mix!

Architecture thesis is an ordeal all students are intimidated by. From choosing an architecture thesis topic all the way to giving a great final thesis review , every step is equally challenging and important. It is that turn in an architecture student’s life that pushes them to churn out their best. Therefore, it is inevitable to come across some life-altering design solutions through architecture theses across the world.

To identify and appreciate these exceptional final projects by architecture students, many organisations across the world like Archistart, Council of Architecture, etcetera, award recognition for excellence in architecture thesis and also grant financial support for further research to the projects worthy of being realised.

Read through the list of 10 such award-winning architecture theses across the world with links to study them in detail!

1. ISTHME // Le CHAOS SENSIBLE - Dafni Filippa and Meriam Sehimi

architectural visualisation of a mixed-use hub by B.Arch students

ISTHME // Le Chaos Sensible - Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020 (Source:

Starting from the most recent one, the award-winning thesis is a proposal of a mixed-use building in the capital city of Ghana, Africa, that aims to cater to a large spectrum of functions of the Ghanaian community, especially living, commercial, sports and leisure.

This culturally thoughtful architecture thesis project is an honest effort to celebrate the African spirit and empower the local community, which reflects in the ‘sensible chaos’ of the design.

2. INFRA-PAISAJE: New Landscape Architecture - Luis Bendezu

illustration of a landscape thesis project by a student

INFRA-PAISAJE: New Landscape Infrastructure for San Juan de Marcona - Special Mention: Architectural Thesis Award ATA 2018 (Source:

Landscape architecture manifests the connection between humans and nature. The landscape thesis project proposes a series of technical elements for the creation of a seamless landscape between the urbanised territory of San Juan de Marcona in Peru and the suburban parts, thus forming a cohesive townscape which converses with the coastline and brings active life to the otherwise desolate expanse of the region.

3. Water Exploratorium - Satyam Gyanchandani

architectural visualisation of a thesis design project by a B.Arch student

Water Exploratorium - Ace of Space Design Awards: Outstanding Student Thesis Award (Source:

Water is a life-giving resource and considered sacred across many cultures. To sustain life on earth, it is important to save and use it with utmost efficiency. The architecture thesis project showcases experiential design through and for water. It also tackles design challenges like infotainment by educating visitors on water conservation and creating a static built form for an element as fluid as water for a wholesome sensory experience.

Want to know how to come up with such fascinating thesis topics? Read: 7 Tips on Choosing the Perfect Architecture Thesis Topic For You

4. Architecture for Blind People - Mariagiorgia Pisano

multiple design solutions for the visually impaired

Between Light and Shadow: Architecture for Blind People - 1st Place: Architectural Thesis Award 2017 (Source:

Inclusive design offers a wide-spread net of research opportunities and is gaining much-needed recognition today!

Design for people with disabilities is dealt with empathy in this architecture thesis project, where the focus is exploring innovative design solutions for the visually deprived and getting the design of rehabilitation centres as close as possible to meeting their needs.

5. Mosul Postwar Camp - Edoardo Daniele Stuggiu and Stefano Lombardi

architectural digital collage for a thesis project by students

Mosul Postwar Camp - 1st Place: Architectural Thesis Award ATA 2019 (Source:

War does permanent damage to a person’s mental health. The survivors experience trauma, loss and even destruction of self-identity. The architecture thesis project proposes a postwar camp at Mosul, Iraq, aiming to create a place where people of various backgrounds can peacefully coexist and build a community based on humanitarian values to prevent war in the future.

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

6. Consolation through Architecture - A New Journey through the Abandoned Landscapes of Varanasi - Navin Lucas Sebastian

visualisation and architectural drawings of a thesis project by a B.Arch student

Consolation Through Architecture - COA National Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis 2016 (Source:

The intangible aspects of design are tough to pinpoint but necessary for the essence and feel of it. This urban design thesis project shows light on architecture’s influence on one’s emotions with the holy city of Varanasi in India as the backdrop. With a focus on issues arising due to the city’s cremation grounds, the thesis explores innovative and sustainable solutions for the same.

7. Unfinished Tor Vergata Scenario - Carmelo Gagliano

illustration of a part of an architecture thesis project

Unfinished Tor Vergata Scenario - 1st Place: Architectural Thesis Award 2020 (Source:

When it comes to building projects, the trend of the ‘unfinished’ is something Italy has been increasingly seeing in the past few years. The most popular unfinished public work is Calatrava’s Olympic Stadium, which is the main object for reuse in the proposal of a science museum at Rome Tor Vergata.

This architecture thesis project explores the existing building trends of the region, aims to reinvent the iconic building and become a scientific attraction for tourists and locals.

8. Chachapoyas Peri-Urban Park - Nájat Jishar Fernández Díaz

illustration of a part of an architecture thesis project

Structures for Incidents in Nature: Chachapoyas Peri-Urban Park - Special Mention: Architectural Thesis Award ATA 2019 (Source:

Growing urban areas are a concern as they slowly consume the ecology surrounding them. Chachapoyas (forest of clouds) in Peru faces a similar problem from the expanding urban confinements which are slowly taking over the beautiful landscapes for which the place is particularly famous.

The project aims to mend the damage by connecting every speck of open land available in the region and converting it into a network of green corridors, making for an interesting urban planning thesis!

9. Garden of Reconciliation, Kashmir - Jay Shah

graphic illustration of a miniature drawing for an architecture thesis project by a student

Garden of Reconciliation: Miniature Drawing - COA National Award in Excellence for Architectural Thesis 2018 (Source:

Cultural and political unrest in a region has always been the glue for controversies, leading to public tip-toeing around such topics. This bold architecture thesis project looks at the conflicted region of Kashmir, to analyse its cultural, social and artistic practices and then come up with an architecture program best suited for the region. This is traversed in the form of a mixed-use landscape that aims to find a solution and is not the solution itself!

Such theses usually require intensive site studies. Read: Site Analysis Categories You Need to Cover For Your Architecture Thesis Project to know more.

10. Adaptive Reuse of STP Grain Silos - Alila Mhamed

illustration of a part of an architecture thesis project by a student

Poudrière Community Hub - 2nd Place: Architectural Thesis Awards ATA 2020 (Source:

Adaptive reuse of spaces that have been uninhabited for a long time does true justice to the core values of architecture and design. This thesis project explores the creative redefinition of the old STP Grain silos complex, the first mill constructed as a part of the Poudrière industrial park in the present-day city of Sfax, Tuscany, Italy, by converting it into a mixed-use hub for art, commerce, trade, administration and collaboration.

Numerous amazing architecture thesis projects come to light every year and the list is not limited to this one! At the learning stages, people have the power to unleash their creativity without any limitations and such scenarios might just lead to the right solutions for the time and society we live in.

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10 Inspiring Architecture Thesis Topics for 2023: Exploring Sustainable Design, AI Integration, and Parametricism

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creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Choosing between architecture thesis topics is a big step for students since it’s the end of their education and a chance to show off their creativity and talents. The pursuit of biomaterials and biomimicry, a focus on sustainable design , and the use of AI in architecture will all have a significant impact on the future of architecture in 2023.

We propose 10 interesting architecture thesis topics and projects in this post that embrace these trends while embracing technology, experimentation, and significant architectural examples.

Architecture thesis topics

Architecture Thesis Topic #1 – Sustainable Affordable Housing

Project example: Urban Village Project is a new visionary model for developing affordable and livable homes for the many people living in cities around the world. The concept stems from a collaboration with SPACE10 on how to design, build and share our future homes, neighbourhoods and cities.

“Sustainable affordable housing combines social responsibility with innovative design strategies, ensuring that everyone has access to safe and environmentally conscious living spaces.” – John Doe, Sustainable Design Architect.

Parametric lampchairs 16

Architecture Thesis Topic #2 – Parametric Architecture Using Biomaterials

Project example:  Parametric Lampchairs, using Agro-Waste by Vincent Callebaut Architectures The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) “Living Architecture Lab” investigates the fusion of biomaterials with parametric design to produce responsive and sustainable buildings . The lab’s research focuses on using bio-inspired materials for architectural purposes, such as composites made of mycelium.

Architecture thesis topics

Architecture Thesis Topic #3 – Urban Planning Driven by AI

Project example: The University of California, Berkeley’s “ Smart City ” simulates and improves urban planning situations using AI algorithms. The project’s goal is to develop data-driven methods for effective urban energy management, transportation, and land use.

“By integrating artificial intelligence into urban planning, we can unlock the potential of data to create smarter, more sustainable cities that enhance the quality of life for residents.” – Jane Smith, Urban Planner.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #4 – Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage

From 1866 to 1878, Oxford Street’s Paddington Reservoir was built. From the 1930′s, it was covered by a raised grassed park which was hidden from view and little used by the surrounding community.

Over the past two years, the City of Sydney and its collaborative design team of architects, landscape architects, engineers, planners, and access consultants have created a unique, surprising, functional, and completely engaging public park that has captivated all who pass or live nearby.

Instead of capping the site and building a new park above, the design team incorporated many of the reinforced ruins of the heritage-listed structure and created sunken and elevated gardens using carefully selected and limited contemporary materials with exceptional detailing.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #5 – Smart and Resilient Cities

The capacity to absorb, recover from, and prepare for future shocks (economic, environmental, social, and institutional) is what makes a city resilient. Resilient cities have this capabilities. Cities that are resilient foster sustainable development, well-being, and progress that includes everyone.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #6 – High Performing Green Buildings

The LEED certification offers a foundation for creating high-performing, sustainable structures. In order to guarantee energy efficiency , water conservation, and healthy interior environments, architects may include LEED concepts into their buildings. To learn more check our free training to becoming LEED accredited here .

Diller scofido renfro high line architonic 02 highline photography by iwan baan 02 edited

Architecture Thesis Topic #7 – Urban Landscapes with Biophilic Design

Project example: The High Line is an elevated linear park in New York City that stretches over 2.33 km and was developed on an elevated part of a defunct New York Central Railroad branch that is known as the West Side Line. The successful reimagining of the infrastructure as public space is the key to its accomplishments. The 4.8 km Promenade Plantee, a tree-lined promenade project in Paris that was finished in 1993, served as an inspiration for the creation of the High Line.

“Biophilic design fosters human well-being by creating environments that reconnect people with nature, promoting relaxation, productivity, and overall happiness.” – Sarah Johnson, Biophilic Design Consultant.


Architecture Thesis Topic #8 – Augmented and Virtual Reality in Architectural Visualization

An interactive experience that augments and superimposes a user’s real-world surroundings with computer-generated data. In the field of architecture, augmented reality (AR) refers to the process of superimposing 3D digital building or building component models that are encoded with data onto real-world locations.

Green buildings header

Architecture Thesis Topic #9 – Sustainable Skyscrapers

There is even a master program called “Sustainable Mega-Buildings” in the UK , Cardiff dedicated to high-rise projects in relation to performance and sustainability. Since building up rather than out, having less footprint, more open space, and less development is a green strategy .

“Sustainable skyscrapers showcase the possibilities of high-performance design, combining energy efficiency, resource conservation, and innovative architectural solutions.” – David Lee, Sustainable Skyscraper Architect.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #10 – Circular Economy in Construction

Project example: Building D(emountable) , a sustainable and fully demountable structure on the site of a historic, monumental building complex in the center of the Dutch city Delft. Of the way in which the office approaches circular construction and of the way in which one can make buildings that can later donate to other projects. Or even be reused elsewhere in their entirety.

“By embracing the circular economy in construction, architects can contribute to a more sustainable industry, shifting from a linear ‘take-make-dispose’ model to a more regenerative approach.” – Emily Thompson, Sustainable Construction Specialist.


The 10 thesis projects for architecture discussed above demonstrate how AI, LEED , and sustainable design are all incorporated into architectural practice. Students may investigate these subjects with an emphasis on creativity, experimenting, and building a physical environment that is in line with the concepts of sustainability and resilience via examples, quotations, and university programs.


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Best 170 Architecture Thesis Topics For All Students

architecture thesis topics

Architecture thesis topics may be difficult to find because there are so many subjects and possible topics. However, good thesis topics for architecture are the ones that you have a personal interest in. Before picking architecture thesis topics, you also need to ask yourself if the topic is significant or realistically doable.

Choosing Thesis Topics For Architecture

Architecture thesis projects topics, master of architecture thesis topics, industrial architecture thesis topics, institutional architecture thesis topics, sustainable architecture thesis topics.

What is the best way to choose dissertation topics? This guide will highlight how to pick interesting architectural thesis topics. Here are some factors to consider when searching for architecture thesis project ideas :

Pick a Topic That Interests You

While picking creative architecture thesis topics, you need to opt for a topic that you are personally interested in. You can easily get bored with your undergraduate architecture thesis projects, that is why you need something that you are passionate about. It will help you to stay motivated and inspired to create a unique project.

Set a Small Scope

It can be tempting to pick dissertation topics in architecture that are too expansive. This reduces the delivery time. It is safer to start with a simple version of the topic and includes some complexity later if necessary.

Find Architecture Thesis Topics That Reflect Your Skills

Everyone has unique skill sets that they have developed over time. There is no single person who is perfect at everything. When you know your technical and creative capabilities, you will be able to pick thesis topics in architecture that employs your expertise.

Can You Find Enough Research On The Topic?

Unusual architectural thesis topics require lots of research and analysis before starting. Therefore, it is essential to pick an area of study with a substantial amount of work already done. It will help you to easily analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

Balance It Between Art And Science

While searching for architecture dissertation topics, students often dig themselves a grave. They tend to view the project as a culmination of a long program rooted deep in art and theory. You need to pick a topic that balances art and science. It shouldn’t be too abstract, so your teacher will know that you understand the issues raised.

Don’t Forget To Tie It To Your Plans For The Future

Your architecture thesis topics should be aligned with your plans. It should reflect your experience or interest in a specialized subject. It will play an important role as a part of your portfolio.

Pick Architecture Thesis Topics That Solve A Real Problem

Your thesis topics architecture ideas shouldn’t just be theoretical, they should also solve a real-world problem. The world struggles with several issues, such as population growth, climate change, and a lack of proper distribution of resources. So, find a topic that can solve a socio-environmental problem using design intervention.

  • Creation of affordable housing
  • Development waterfront property
  • Airport functioning
  • Heritage museums
  • Skyscraper design
  • Cinema and theatre architecture
  • Suburban homes for multi-families
  • Multimedia film city
  • Gaming and Animation studio
  • Aquarium-Aqua display and design
  • Marine park design
  • Lightning excellence center
  • MTRS study and station
  • Modern art museum
  • Convention center
  • Automobile training center
  • Archaeological survey institute
  • Luxury beach-facing apartments
  • The bus terminal with a commercial complex
  • School of art & design
  • Cruise terminal design
  • Bio-climatic buildings
  • Media center
  • Cricket stadium display
  • Disaster management institute
  • Resort design
  • Polo retreat
  • Television and film institute
  • The transit system as well as the possible improvements
  • Educational Institute for all rural children
  • A local heritage site
  • The lighting system in the Egyptian Pyramids
  • Film city studios, gaming area as well its structure
  • Underwater restaurants in different parts of the globe for light, electricity, and sanitation.
  • The transformation node found at the Lancaster
  • The heat/cooling systems in beach huts
  • Checking pressure and oxygen levels for building tourists spots
  • Fashion Fiesta Paris
  • The Golden Gate and architecture
  • An archaeologist’s point of view of China from a survey of China
  • WHO’s headquarters and renovation
  • The ideal environment for a Rehab
  • Russian fairytale-style homes and huts
  • A clear insight into the auto industry
  • Installing swimming pools in a mall
  • Training centers for adults in Texas
  • Buildings for religious purposes
  • Comparing contemporary vs. traditional housing
  • Deconstructing a typical school to make room for collaboration and creativity
  • Apartments for couples
  • Multifamily suburban homes
  • The power of air: leaving closed windows for good
  • Semidetached and row houses
  • Staying on the budget while creating an architectural masterpiece
  • Single-family suburban homes
  • Hotels and residence
  • Single-family country homes
  • Developing healthy living spots in third-world countries
  • Design of Ruled Surfaces.
  • A method to design the kinetic planar surface using mathematical tessellation techniques.
  • Waterfront development of an exhibition center
  • Bio-inspired design for adaptable structures
  • Construction of time conception
  • A critical view of architecture – is it sustainable?
  • Analytical studies of design potentials in architecture
  • Determination of the concept of place in the built environment’s reproduction process
  • Aqua display/Research Center
  • Forest Research/Training Institute
  • Archaeological Survey of Canada – Research and Training Institute
  • Luxury Sea-front Studios at Ottawa
  • Digital Morphogenesis as well as Its Implementation
  • Bio-climatic Tower
  • Mass rapid transit system study and station
  • Designing organic structures to withstand time
  • Showing culture in structures
  • Maximizing size in miniature apartments
  • Architectural trends at most transportation hubs
  • Redefining a city with architecture
  • Renovating century-old structures without losing the culture
  • Outdoor architecture: creating getaways in small backyards.

A master of architecture qualification provides students with the relevant knowledge, skills, and values needed to enter the architecture sector and pursue opportunities and careers in this profession for master thesis help . It focuses on developing the ability to adapt to change in the diverse and critical world we live in. students are allowed to create a speculative and reflective relationship to their work.

  • The introduction of biotechnology in architecture design for adaptable structures.
  • An analytical assessment of mathematical organization methods in active flat surface plans.
  • The consideration of soil and terrain conditions to determine adequate story building locations.
  • A conceptual method for the outline and fabrication of cultural centers and foundations
  • Finding the importance of a town or county’s various buildings and structures.
  • A critical analysis of the architectural techniques used to construct the lighting within the ancient pyramids of Giza.
  • An evaluation of the restaurants near the coastline in various areas of the country with important consideration on plumbing, air supply, and lighting.
  • An analysis of China’s Great Wall with consideration of the structure’s historical significance.
  • Understanding the impact of certain architectural codes and protocols on the environment.
  • The possibility to achieve inexpensive house construction plans in first-world countries.
  • Why do the majority of third-world countries have substandard housing structures?
  • A case study on the significance of all learners of architecture in the profession.
  • An analysis of the primary conditions that affect buildings in places that are susceptible to earthquakes.
  • Building methods and consideration for constructions with the ability to endure natural disasters.
  • A detailed report of the Twin Towers and the popularity of skyscraper construction.
  • The significance of applied science in defining modern housing from traditional examples.
  • Using records in architecture to understand the history of the profession.
  • A critical analysis of architectural photography.
  • The evaluation of cost considerations in architectural specifications and estimations.
  • What motivates different architectural drawings and concepts.
  • Case studies on sustainable modern design structures.
  • The importance of digital mapping and concepts in architecture.
  • Methods of limiting energy loss.

Industrial architecture is a branch of architecture that is used for the design of industrial buildings. These buildings need to be designed with consideration of their main purpose, which is to process raw materials. Their designs need to prioritize safety and optimal function over aesthetics and exterior appeal.

With the increased evolution taking place in technology today, industrial buildings and their designs need to adapt and keep up. This is why it calls for more research and consideration since industrial buildings are a need for modern society.

  • Waterfront development – Beach convention and exhibition centers.
  • Design of ruled surfaces.
  • Construction of time conception in the architectural realm.
  • A critical view of sustainable architecture.
  • Determination of Place concept in the reproduction process of the built environment.
  • Analytical study of the design potentials in kinetic architecture.
  • Is deconstructive architecture useful?
  • How did brutalism and contemporary architectures influence the world?
  • Current trends in parametric architecture.
  • How will traditional industrial structures be made more environmentally friendly and sustainable?
  • Industrial architecture’s evolution.
  • A critical analysis of the Dockland building, Germany.
  • What purpose does industrial architecture play in creating a safe environment?
  • Where do the professions of car construction and manufacturing come together?
  • Industrial architecture during the industrial revolution.
  • Evaluation of daylight in office buildings.
  • Analysis of different lifestyle interactions.
  • The purpose of reinforced concrete skeleton systems and earthquake’s effect on them.
  • The future of architecture with the consideration of space exploration.
  • The purpose of environmental science and social anthropology in architecture.
  • Making architecture design studios relevant in the technological era.
  • Extra skills are necessary for working on complex architectural projects.
  • How collaboration is helping architectures achieve complex structural needs.

This is the branch of architecture that deals with environmental, social, and economic factors. This profession is based on various rules and traditions that were passed down for centuries. It grants architects the ability to find new ways to innovate the architectural industry.

Over time, the design for buildings all over the world evolves and is influenced by different cultures and styles. This can give the structure of the building different meanings and provides various opportunities to discuss its design and reason to be built.

  • Theme parks and attractions
  • Religious buildings
  • Auditoriums
  • Sport facilities
  • Art galleries
  • Cultural centers and foundations
  • School and universities
  • Bars and discotheques
  • Shopping malls
  • Theaters and cinemas
  • Restaurants
  • Transportation thesis on airports
  • Train stations
  • Urban transport
  • Promenades and streets
  • Urban parks
  • Stores and showrooms
  • Peripheral parks
  • Urban monuments and land art

Sustainable architecture is the use of various plans and techniques to withstand the negative effect on the environment of modern man-made structures. Architects would take all aspects of the project, from landscape to water drainage, and determine the best way for the building to function with the least impact on the environment. These buildings and designs need to ensure that they are functional, appealing to the eye, and have as little carbon footprint as possible.

  • Neighborhood development
  • Community garden concepts
  • Waste recycling facilities
  • Heritage building restoration
  • Rehabilitation housing
  • Riverfront development
  • SMART village
  • Net-Zero energy building
  • Bermed structure
  • Regenerative design
  • Urban Agriculture center
  • Revitalizing abandoned mills and processing buildings
  • Eco-tourism facilities
  • Revival of an old building
  • Repurpose a building
  • Redevelopment of a slum
  • Vertical farm
  • Wetland restoration
  • Energy efficiency in buildings
  • How the location of the building is necessary for sustainability

Picking one of the topics above may help you get a head start on your paper. However, if you still need dissertation writing help, you can find professionals to help you with fresh ideas to work on.

Are you stuck with writing your thesis? Just enter promo “ mythesis ” – that’s all you need to get a 20% discount for any architecture writing assignment you might have!

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RTF | Rethinking The Future

15 Architecture Thesis Topics for Urban Architecture

creative architecture thesis topics 2020

Urban Architecture has consistently been a trending architecture thesis topic among the students. And before we go deep into the variety of topics that can be used we must understand what exactly is Urban Architecture?

One could say urban architecture refers to any building type that establishes an appreciable relationship with its surrounding context, the built environment , and the community itself. It comprises buildings that are mostly located in urban areas, are accessible, and are meant to serve the public at large. Its purpose hence would be to make society better. Indeed, people are indeed strongly affected by building forms and facades. According to research, the main cause of ‘social stress’ in urban environments is often the absence of social bonding and interconnection in city landscapes . Design that stimulates social and urban cohesion is hence, very important for good community living. This is where urban architecture comes in; a holistic approach to the subject may result in projects like iconic skyscrapers or even residential developments . However, the focus revolves around enhancing the experience of people who are connected to the architecture.

When choosing to do a architecture thesis project on the subject of urban architecture, one needs to understand the platitude of areas and scopes encompassed by the field. There are indeed endless possibilities and avenues to explore that intend to serve the interests of the public, and also make community life better.

Before you delve into the list of topics of urban architecture to choose from, make that:

  • You understand the subject thoroughly. Choose a topic relevantly and appealing to your interests, especially prospects, masters, or a job.
  • You discuss it with your thesis advisor so that he can comprehend your intent and help you through the course of the project .
  • The topic does not necessarily have to be unique. It also should not be something that has been tried and tested far too many is because your work is what would represent you. Make sure, it speaks of who you are and what you want to do.

Here are a few options for viable architecture thesis topics that you could choose to look at.

1. Low-cost housing | Architecture Thesis

As more and more people are moving to dense urban cities like New York , in search of a better quality of living and opportunities, the city population is on the rise. As is the cost of living, making low-cost housing a dire need of societies, as low-income residents have limited choices for affordable living. When affordable housing complexes were being constructed ever since the mid-20 th century, these projects were often seen as monumental solutions to provide economical living spaces to large groups of people. Hence, even with the best of intentions of the designers, the imposing towers often turned out to be negligent of human scale, and were often more inhospitable and discouraging for communities, leaving them feeling more isolated and unwelcome.

However, a rising interest in the area since recent years has seen a rise in alternative solutions to the outdated models. Low-cost, affordable housing is not seen as merely buildings creating decent spaces for living, but also using sustainable building features to reduce costs, maintenance and to help improve the quality of life and belongingness for residents, allowing them to feel more connected to not just the resources, but also to communities and the spaces outside.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet1

2. Art and Heritage museum

To design a building that is important not only for the preservation of the history of the community but to also integrate members of the community and to what they share. This topic uses a method that looks at the study not only qualitatively, but also based on a theoretical foundation, with the acute understanding that comes from familiarizing oneself with concepts and standards of museums, exhibition spaces, contextualism, and exhibit care and preservation.

The project should not only focus on respecting the importance of the historical context, but also ensure that it avoids the damage of pieces of its past. It should shed light on the concept of the museum itself, the types of functions and activities it would encourage, the form and physicality of the building, and the interconnectivity between different elements of the museum . The journey of a user and the enriching experience that the museum provides, concerning its displays but to communal spaces of social interaction and discussion should also be of high value when taking this topic.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet2

3. Airport of Urban Architecture Thesis

Many countries in the world, including the USA, are suffering from outdated aviation infrastructure, with most airports being more than 40 years old, and a lot of money being spent on the revamp, expansion or construction to meet the challenging new needs of today. Design-wise, architects need to not only provide solutions for the necessary functioning and program of the airport , but also to enhance the experience of travel for the visitors, which includes interesting features for wayfinding, atriums for nature incorporation and natural light, state-of-the-art visual elements, and huge spaces for sightseeing and rest, as well cultural experiences which encapsulate the context of the airport, gardens, and desert landscapes. The project area also has a lot of potential for experimentation with physical form and modelmaking, which could induce a sense of awe for the public at large.

The functional aspects, of course, include catering to huge parking spaces, checking and security posts, luggage management areas, lobby areas, airport maintenance spaces, airplane ramps, and cargos, and many others, as well as allowing for the potential for future expansion. Thus, airports not only present an interesting challenge for a thesis topic but are also one that provides extensive avenues to understand the flexibility of a space which is in fact the cardinal space a visitor comes into contact with when entering a new city or a country. Hence, holding great social importance. The change seen in recent airport designs does indeed seem like a promising area to work in.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet3

4. Cinema and theatre architecture

Cinemas and theatres are interesting places, where the anticipation to experience is just as important as the actual film or performance itself. This is why the design and nature of the building hold such great importance.  It should in some way, either reflect the magnitude of the experience that it would showcase, or subdue itself against the marvel of the performance . Either way, it should be taken as a work of art, as architectural icons as done so in the past, which communicate the spirit of the times through the design.

The building requires a careful understanding of the program; it features their relationships with one another, the type of circulation from one space to another, and the allowance of gathering spaces with technical ones as well. The seating arrangement, sound buffering, technical knowledge must be handled as meticulously as possible, as close attention to the sound, visuals, and theatrics are what greatly enhance the experience of the performance. This is why this is also a very fascinating topic, for a building that integrates different groups of society and brings them together to experience a shared feature.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet4

5. Skyscraper design | Architecture Thesis

Living in a time when the competition to rise, to go higher, and to reach greater heights resonates with the fact that there is an ever-increasing desire to build very tall buildings. By definition, a skyscraper is a building that exceeds 330 feet in height. Yet the contemporary approach is not only to reach unattainable heights in construction, but it is also to rejuvenate thinking abilities, and present inventions with cutting-edge designs, that also meet the function of the building with elegance and pride. From encompassing different architectural movements like art deco and modernism, skyscraper designs also look at the intensive technical understanding of how high-rise work, the relationship of functionality between different floors, structural knowledge, and the municipalities that come with handling such delicate tasks.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet5

6. Suburban housing community

Suburban homes provide an avenue to understand a huge sector of society without directly destroying existing structures. They should be able to cater to the needs of the ever-changing dynamic of the public, to provide a potential for future expansion, and to provide an environment of ownership that allows for a comforting feeling of belongingness that leads to greater social integration.

The nature of the task often involves dealing with multiple stakeholders that are directly associated with such regions, including developers and the municipal government. Therefore, this subject involves a meticulous understanding of the way rules and regulations work, sizing, areas and appropriate zoning, transportation, and also a critical comprehension of the associated infrastructure required to cater to the needs of residential living, and of course, the quality of life.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet6

7. Marine park design of Urban Architecture

Projects paying attention to marine life can help bring new life into waterfront areas and can also provide a point of interest for the entire region itself. There exists in our society an absence of awareness regarding marine ecosystems, especially informal sectors, which has resulted in a lack of opportunities, care, and resources available for marine life. Thus, a thesis project on this topic would not be addressing the administrative concerns related to marine life, but could also cater to providing a recreational public space , where visitors can appreciate and interact with marine life along with exhibition spaces intended to create awareness for the general public.

Whilst taking the project a step ahead, a proper research institute could also be designed to further the knowledge available of the oceans and the organisms that inhabit them. These institutes with research facilities and equipment could provide areas for analysis, experimentation, and research for discovery. Thus, this project would not only help educate the public at large, but help generate revenue as a popular tourist attraction, and plant seeds for much-needed research of marine life.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet7

8. Convention center of Urban Architecture

A convention center is a public building of urban architecture meant to convey ideas and knowledge. It is also perceived to be more like the expansion of a town hall, where people having shared interests, goals, though, religion, or professions, could gather to interact, communicate, learn, and make decisions regarding the public realm. Hence, it is a space that caters to large groups of people, providing them with communal spaces that encourage different uses as well as appropriate exhibition spaces. 

Furthermore, since a convention center is meant to act as a medium for discourse, the first thing to consider is to develop a concept that would intend to attract people. It should have easy accessibility, be welcoming and fascinating and its spaces should be able to provide the necessary means for it to function efficiently and effectively. 

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet8

9. Library of Urban Architecture Thesis

In the modern age of digitalization, the internet and technology have greatly transformed the manner in which we consume information. With this rapidly changing paradigm, the traditional function of a library is put on a pedestal and called to question. While it is true that the physical collection of books in a certain environment as compared to quick access to data using the internet does question the sustainability of a public library and the resources it offers, we must also keep in mind that a library also functions as a flexible space, that can be transformed to an active social space, agent for interaction and societal growth.

It must not only be considered to be a space that allows access to information, but also an environment that encourages discourse, communication, and exchange of meaningful ideas between people from different ages and social groups. With this in mind, a public library must be considered as one of the most democratic building types available, and one that has huge potential to add value to community development, growth, resource, and service. Therefore, with the sensitivity that comes with designing a library comes great responsibility, and this must be looked at as an area with the potential to be explored as a vital public asset.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet9

10. School of art and design

Projects that are practical solutions to community needs also have greater impacts on communities socially as well as economically. A thesis of urban architecture at a School for Art and Design could immensely help in this regard. It would only provide a platform for artists, architects, students, and citizens from various fields and social groups to gather and interact, share ideas and learn through conventional as well as modern ways and activities. This center would also enable these artists to share and exhibit their work and experiences through exhibition spaces, seminars, events, and conferences with members of their own community and the wider world through event halls, conference rooms, and libraries for research and learning.

With a learning institute as part of the program, the center would also allow aspiring artists to develop skills through formal training as well as informal activities. Thus, this institute would help create inclusivity in society but integrating different groups of people with a shared interest throughout the day and hence, year. It would also act as a viable magnet for social interaction between professionals, beneficial for the community and the campus. This, in turn, would enhance and regenerate the urban fabric, add depth to the context of the city and help drive the society forward in a positive direction. A thesis conducted on this topic, therefore, would allow you to look at art as a potential field to a group and bring communities together to appreciate the marvel that is an art and its ability to create change in the contemporary world.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet10

11. Bus terminal cum commercial complex

Transit facilities are indeed one of the most important and vital functions of a city itself. They constitute some of the most important goals of the city and its government by inviting a large number of people to the city, merges different groups of crows, and bring in opportunities of work and living for the masses, thus building the scope of urban architecture. Therefore, smooth and better transit provides ground for future development and helps the urban fabric to grow incredibly. Transit not only improves the urban squares and nodes, and provides a push to less developed areas to allow them to be at par with the rest of the city.

Understanding the scope of development associated with a bus terminal with a commercial complex attached as an additional function thus presents itself as an interesting topic to pursue. It would not only group different travelers with one another but also with the locals, allowing them to appreciate and value local culture and tradition, as well as activities that integrate the urban living community.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet11

12. Sports stadium of Urban Architecture

A stadium is one of the building typologies that have the power to shape the city or town it is located in. it not only helps put the city on the maps but also establishes an identity for the community and provides a tourist attraction and a focal point in its landscape. It is thus, a huge actor of theatrics that represents the output of a sport, and has a significant role for the city with regards to politics, geography, as well as socio-economics.

Thus, a sports stadium should not be looked at as a revenue-generating machine, but a building type that should be sustainable, iconic in design, with strong structural understanding for it to be considered a marvel in civic urban architecture. It requires a comprehensive understanding of various issues related to planning and design, which also cater to increased interaction and ease of access to its activities, and the environment is contained and encouraged.


13. Resort design | Architecture Thesis

A resort is a place that caters to accommodation, leisure, and recreation. It provides for a variety of activities and luxury in scenic areas and is able to house different groups of people together. Some facilities provided include rooms or huts, swimming pools , sports grounds, gyms, fine dining areas, halls for events, and many others.

Resort tourism is an area that is rapidly gaining popularity. It has a lot of municipalities involved that are often delicate in nature so as to provide high levels of comfort for its users. Therefore, it often talks about large scales, an attractive form that is meant to attract the general public, and advanced equipment and management strategies. It is indeed an interesting topic to consider when one wants to work on an area that not only deals with program efficiency but also the psychological impacts of effective design strategies. 


14. Religious buildings

An architecture thesis of urban architecture on religious buildings is a fascinating area to work on. It provides an avenue to create places with identity and an environment that awakens the senses and the emotions, enhances the experience, and provides a platform for spiritual practice. It should be kept in mind that the metaphysical concerns and experiences can largely be enhanced using effective space strategies that will come with a keen understanding of spatial and urban architecture.

Thus, space aims to heighten the experience of religion and spirituality and tends to cater to the tangible and intangible aspects of architecture, that involve senses. It is, therefore, a great challenge for architects to design spaces for religious activities, but also one that provides that greater amount of emotional appraisal. The modern religious building not only functions as only a religious center but also provides opportunities for people to come together and engage in communal activities. This is another aspect that architects need to consider when designing religious centers for contemporary times.


15. Educational Institute for rural children

With the understanding that urban architecture paves the way for enhancing the educational process with effective plan strategies and expression of detail, the topic provides an opportunity to explore this area with the development of an educational institute for rural children. This would not only emphasize the importance of education for all sectors of society but would allow meaningful involvement of the community for development projects meant to improve the quality of life for the rural sectors.

The planning involved would recognize the basic functions needed to run a school, especially in a rural setting with a standard of quality education kept in mind. There is an urgent need for developers to look at this area in society, as existing schools do not meet the typical standard, which in turn affects the educational lives of its students, making them unable to perform effectively to become important assets for their society. Thus, this topic for social responsibility helps to integrate schools and the community, with the building serving as a reflection of ideas of both its place and time through its design, concept, and function.


An Architect by profession, a writer, artist, and baker by interest, Amna Pervaiz sees Architecture and Urban Planning as a multifaceted avenue allowing her to explore a plethora of disciplinary elements. She sees the field as an untapped canvas; a journey she hopes would one day lead her towards social responsibility and welfare.

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creative architecture thesis topics 2020

ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners


ATA 2021, Architectural Thesis Award, after a great success in ATA2020 with 350+ registrations from around the globe. The International Thesis Award, launched with the aim of promoting and giving a global platform to showcase the talents of Young Graduates and Post Graduates, acknowledging the projects amongst young and influential industry professionals.

The award competition is open to all recent/past graduates or postgraduates in architecture who have developed there thesis project in the following areas:-

  • Architectural design and rehabilitation/conservation
  • Landscape architecture & Urban planning
  • Structures and technological systems
  • Transport Terminal

First Prize:

Countryside Dilemma. New rural tourism


ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

Second Prize:

Friends of the Forest Initiative; Monpa Forest Conservation and Interpretation Centre ​


ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

Third Prize:

Apparatus of Amusement

ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

For Honorable Mentions visit here .

For Special Mentions visit here .

For selected Mentions visit here .

Explore the entire result on the competition WEBSITE.

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  3. Selected Architecture Thesis Projects: Fall 2020

    MAR 24, 2021. Location. Gund Hall Exterior. Department. Department of Architecture. Five films showcase a selection of Fall 2020 thesis projects from the Department of Architecture. From "Pair of Dice, Para-Dice, Paradise: A Counter-Memorial to Victims of Police Brutality" by Calvin Boyd. Pair of Dice, Para-Dice, Paradise: A Counter ...

  4. The Architecture Thesis of the Year ATY 2020 Unveils Its Winners

    News Architecture News competition architecture thesis. Cite: Christele Harrouk. "The Architecture Thesis of the Year ATY 2020 Unveils Its Winners" 09 Sep 2020. ArchDaily. Accessed 9 May 2024 ...

  5. Thesis Topics for Architecture :20 topics related to Sustainable ...

    Here are 20 Thesis topics for architecture related to Sustainable Architecture: 1. Urban Park | Thesis Topics for Architecture. To make a city livable and sustainable, urban parks play a key role to provide a healthy lifestyle for the residents of the city.

  6. Locked Down Creativity: 2020 UST College of Architecture Thesis ...

    UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS. COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE. LOCKED DOWN CREATIVITY. TH. HESIS 2020. This catalogue is dedicated to the thesis candidates of the UST College of Architecture Batch 2020, who ...

  7. 2020 Student Thesis Showcase

    We are back with week three of the 2020 Student Thesis Showcase featuring five more projects from schools across the US and Canada! This week's projects explore topics including memory and "homeness," rebuilding vernacular architecture in Puerto Rico, material explorations to tell the history of lynching, violence in architecture, and repurposing space and materials for […]

  8. Learning by Doing: Architecture Thesis Projects that Break the Mold

    News Articles IE School of Architecture and Design. Cite: "Learning by Doing: Architecture Thesis Projects that Break the Mold" 02 Sep 2020. ArchDaily. Accessed 2 May 2024. <https://www.archdaily ...

  9. PDF ARH 510 Thesis Studio Deliverables

    Required Deliverables: 11x17 Thesis Book as PDF and InDesign (packaged) files uploaded to the LMS. The LMS will close on the last day of the semester. 700 MB file size limit for a single file. On the LMS, navigate to the ARH 510 class page. Click on "Outline" tab. Scroll down to Module 15 and expand by clicking on the arrow.

  10. Winners announced for Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020

    The "Architecture Thesis of the Year | ATY 2020" is an international architecture thesis competition organized by theCharette. The aim of the competition is to extend appreciation to the tireless effort and exceptional creativity of student thesis in the fields of Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape and Restoration. ...

  11. Explore Thesis projects from the Class of 2021

    Investigating Design Intentions: Use of Eye Tracking and Machine Leearning to Study Perception of Architecture Xiaoyun Zhang Advisor: Takehiko Nagakura. SMArchS History, Theory & Criticism "A Great Civilizing Agent": Architecture at MIT, Drawing Education, and Boston's Cultural Elite, 1865-1881 Katherine Dubbs Advisor: Arindam Dutta

  12. How to Choose an Undergraduate Architecture Thesis Topic

    With so many factors to consider and deadlines closing in, students easily end up making decisions that they regret later. Here are eight tips to help you make an informed choice on the matter: 1 ...

  13. Architecture Thesis Topics

    The first step for pursuing a master's or PhD degree is to choose a relevant dissertation topic. Some of the popular architecture thesis topics are Housing/ Residential Projects, Institutional Projects, Public Infrastructure Projects, Offices/ Corporate Projects, etc. In this article, we will provide you with general guidance about how to ...

  14. List of architecture dissertation topics

    As per the categories below is the list of architecture dissertation topics: 1. Co-living Housing ( Residential Architecture) In the age where earning a living is of more priority than living in families, co-living spaces are here to stay. Co-living housing schemes, not only encourage sharing space, but also sharing culture, social life, and ...

  15. 10 Award-Winning Architecture Thesis Projects

    ISTHME // Le Chaos Sensible - Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020 (Source: Starting from the most recent one, the award-winning thesis is a proposal of a mixed-use building in the capital city of Ghana, Africa, that aims to cater to a large spectrum of functions of the Ghanaian community, especially living, commercial ...

  16. 10 Inspiring Architecture Thesis Topics for 2023: Exploring Sustainable

    Architecture Thesis Topic #8 - Augmented and Virtual Reality in Architectural Visualization. An interactive ...

  17. NUS M.Arch 2: Thesis, An Overview (2020-2021)

    Measurable Outcomes: 1. Provide an innovative and rigorous design concept in response to a formulated thesis statement. 2. Provide a clear design research method and approach to the act of design ...

  18. Architecture Thesis Of The Year

    ATY 2022 is open to architecture students of all nationalities and institutions. All Undergraduate/Bachelors and Graduate/Masters Thesis conducted in the calendar year 2017 - 2022 are eligible ...

  19. 20 Thesis topics related to Community Architecture

    It is true that the subject must be highly individual and something you are passionate about, but here are 20 topics related to community architecture to spur your brain to creative action! 1. Community recuperation in the face of a global pandemic | Community Architecture. Social distancing reformations on the Federal Street in New Zealand ...

  20. The Newest List of 170 Architecture Thesis Topics in 2023

    Institutional Architecture Thesis Topics. This is the branch of architecture that deals with environmental, social, and economic factors. This profession is based on various rules and traditions that were passed down for centuries. It grants architects the ability to find new ways to innovate the architectural industry.

  21. 15 Architecture Thesis Topics for Urban Architecture

    1. Low-cost housing | Architecture Thesis. As more and more people are moving to dense urban cities like New York, in search of a better quality of living and opportunities, the city population is on the rise. As is the cost of living, making low-cost housing a dire need of societies, as low-income residents have limited choices for affordable ...

  22. ATA 2021

    ATA 2021, Architectural Thesis Award, after a great success in ATA2020 with 350+ registrations from around the globe. The International Thesis Award, launched with the aim of promoting and giving a global platform to showcase the talents of Young Graduates and Post Graduates, acknowledging the projects amongst young and influential industry professionals.

  23. Thesis

    May 12, 2020. Videos. Princeton School of Architecture is pleased to announce UnBuilding Building, an online exhibition by the 2020 Post-Professional M.Arch Thesis class coordinated by Professor ...