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Graduate Programs

  • Educating Computing Bilinguals
  • Online Learning
  • Industry Programs
  • AI Policy Briefs
  • Envisioning the Future of Computing Prize
  • SERC Symposium 2023
  • SERC Case Studies
  • SERC Scholars Program
  • SERC Postdocs
  • Common Ground Subjects
  • For First-Year Students and Advisors
  • For Instructors: About Common Ground Subjects
  • Common Ground Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • New and Incoming Faculty
  • Faculty Resources
  • Faculty Openings
  • Search for: Search
  • MIT Homepage

mit computer science phd admission requirements

Below is a list of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing’s graduate degree programs. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is awarded interchangeably with the Doctor of Science (ScD).

Prospective students apply to the department or program under which they want to register. Application instructions can be found on each program’s website as well as on the MIT Graduate Admissions website.

Center for Computational Science and Engineering

The Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) brings together faculty, students, and other researchers across MIT involved in computational science research and education. The center focuses on advancing computational approaches to science and engineering problems, and offers SM and PhD programs in computational science and engineering (CSE).

  • Computational Science and Engineering, SM and PhD . Interdisciplinary master’s program emphasizing advanced computational methods and applications. The CSE SM program prepares students with a common core of computational methods that serve all science and engineering disciplines, and an elective component that focuses on particular applications. Doctoral program enables students to specialize in methodological aspects of computational science via focused coursework and a thesis which involves the development and analysis of broadly applicable computational approaches that advance the state of the art.
  • Computational Science and Engineering, Interdisciplinary PhD. Doctoral program offered jointly with eight participating departments, focusing on the development of new computational methods relevant to science and engineering disciplines. Students specialize in a computation-related field of their choice through coursework and a doctoral thesis. The specialization in computational science and engineering is highlighted by specially crafted thesis fields. 

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The largest academic department at MIT, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) prepares hundreds of students for leadership roles in academia, industry, government and research. Its world-class faculty have built their careers on pioneering contributions to the field of electrical engineering and computer science — a field which has transformed the world and invented the future within a single lifetime. MIT EECS consistently tops the U.S. News & World Report and other college rankings and is widely recognized for its rigorous and innovative curriculum. A joint venture between the Schwarzman College of Computing and the School of Engineering, EECS (also known as Course 6) is now composed of three overlapping sub-units in electrical engineering (EE), computer science (CS), and artificial intelligence and decision-making (AI+D).

  • Computation and Cognition, MEng*. Course 6-9P builds on the Bachelor of Science in Computation and Cognition to provide additional depth in the subject areas through advanced coursework and a substantial thesis.
  • Computer Science, PhD
  • Computer Science and Engineering, PhD
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science, MEng*. New in Fall 2022, Course 6-14P builds on the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science to provide additional depth in economics and EECS through advanced coursework and a substantial thesis.
  • Computer Science and Molecular Biology, MEng*. Course 6-7P builds on the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Molecular Biology to provide additional depth in computational biology through coursework and a substantial thesis.
  • Electrical Engineering, PhD
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MEng* , SM* , and PhD . Master of Engineering program (Course 6-P) provides the depth of knowledge and the skills needed for advanced graduate study and for professional work, as well as the breadth and perspective essential for engineering leadership. Master of Science program emphasizes one or more of the theoretical or experimental aspects of electrical engineering or computer science as students progress toward their PhD.
  • Electrical Engineer / Engineer in Computer Science.** For PhD students who seek more extensive training and research experiences than are possible within the master’s program.
  • Thesis Program with Industry, MEng.* Combines the Master of Engineering academic program with periods of industrial practice at affiliated companies. 

* Available only to qualified EECS undergraduates. ** Available only to students in the EECS PhD program who have not already earned a Master’s and to Leaders for Global Operations students.

Institute for Data, Systems, and Society

The Institute for Data, Systems, and Society advances education and research in analytical methods in statistics and data science, and applies these tools along with domain expertise and social science methods to address complex societal challenges in a diverse set of areas such as finance, energy systems, urbanization, social networks, and health.

  • Social and Engineering Systems, PhD. Interdisciplinary PhD program focused on addressing societal challenges by combining the analytical tools of statistics and data science with engineering and social science methods.
  • Technology and Policy, SM . Master’s program addresses societal challenges through research and education at the intersection of technology and policy.
  • Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Statistics . For students currently enrolled in a participating MIT doctoral program who wish to develop their understanding of 21st-century statistics and apply these concepts within their chosen field of study. Participating departments and programs: Aeronautics and Astronautics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Economics, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Political Science, and Social and Engineering Systems.

Operations Research Center

The Operations Research Center (ORC) offers multidisciplinary graduate programs in operations research and analytics. ORC’s community of scholars and researchers work collaboratively to connect data to decisions in order to solve problems effectively — and impact the world positively.

In conjunction with the MIT Sloan School of Management, ORC offers the following degrees:

  • Operations Research, SM and PhD . Master’s program teaches important OR techniques — with an emphasis on practical, real-world applications — through a combination of challenging coursework and hands-on research. Doctoral program provides a thorough understanding of the theory of operations research while teaching students to how to develop and apply operations research methods in practice.
  • Business Analytics, MBAn. Specialized advanced master’s degree designed to prepare students for careers in data science and business analytics.


MIT Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Computational Science and Engineering

  • CSE PhD Overview
  • Dept-CSE PhD Overview
  • CSE Doctoral Theses
  • Program Overview and Curriculum
  • For New CCSE Students
  • Terms of Reference

MIT Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Computational Science and Engineering (Dept-CSE PhD)

  • Dept-CSE PhD Program of Study Form   (version date 05Feb2024)
  • Checklist for Dept-CSE PhD Students (version date 05Sep2023)

Dept-CSE PhD Participating Departments

The interdisciplinary doctoral program in Computational Science and Engineering ( CSE PhD + Engineering or Science ) at MIT allows enrolled students to specialize at the doctoral level in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a doctoral thesis. This program is offered through a number of participating departments, namely

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (Course 1) ,
  • Mechanical Engineering (Course 2) ,
  • Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3) ,
  • Chemical Engineering (Course 10) ,
  • Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (Course 12) ,
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics (Course 16) ,
  • Mathematics (Course 18) ,
  • Nuclear Science & Engineering (Course 22) .

Program Outline

Once admitted, doctoral degree candidates are expected to complete the host department’s degree requirements (including qualifying exam) with CSE deviations relating to coursework, thesis committee composition and thesis submission that are specific to the Dept-CSE program and are discussed in more detail below.

Academic Performance

Dept-CSE PhD students are required to complete at least five graduate-level subjects, totaling no less than 60 credit units, in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . Dept-CSE PhD students may not use more than 12 units of credit from a “meets with undergraduate” subject to fulfill the CSE curriculum requirement. Subjects taken with the graduate P/D/F grading option, or subjects specifically designated as P/D/F in the MIT Bulletin, cannot be used to satisfy the Dept-CSE PhD curricular requirement of five graduate-level subjects, totaling no less than 60 credit units, in computational science and engineering*.

In addition to departmental academic performance expectations, Dept-CSE students are expected to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 4.5 (out of 5) in CSE subjects and an overall GPA of at least 4.2 (out of 5) during the course of their studies.

*ChemE-CSE students are required to complete at least four subjects in computational science and engineering, in addition to 10.34, for a total of no less than 57 credit units.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

A complete description of the doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering can be found at https://cee.mit.edu/resources/ . Deviations associated with the CEE-CSE degree (“1.CSD”) are as follows.

Coursework Requirements

The CEE-CSE doctoral program of study consists of at least five graduate-level subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . Subjects taken as part of an MIT SM degree can be counted toward this requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute. The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by their thesis committee.

Thesis Committee Composition

The thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of Course 1, with the additional requirement that that either the advisor be a CCSE member or the committee contain at least two CCSE members.

Thesis Submission

In addition to approval from the Chair of Course 1 Graduate Program Committee, the complete thesis needs to be submitted to and approved by CCSE. Students should provide a copy of the thesis title page to the CCSE academic administrator for review and approval prior to submitting the final thesis.

Thesis Fields

Course 1 will award degrees under the thesis fields “Civil Engineering and Computation” and “Environmental Engineering and Computation.”

Department of Mechanical Engineering

A complete description of the doctoral program in Mechanical Engineering can be found at http://meche.mit.edu/academic/graduate . Deviations associated with the CSE degree are as follows. MechE-CSE PhD candidates (“2.CSD”) are expected to pass the ME qualifying exam in Computational Engineering (present thesis in computational engineering and take computational engineering subject exam).

The MechE-CSE doctoral program of study consists of at least five graduate-level subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . Subjects taken as part of an MIT SM degree can be counted toward this requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute. The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by their thesis committee.

The thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of Course 2, with the additional requirement that  either the advisor be a CCSE member or the committee contain at least two CCSE members.

In addition to approval from the ME Graduate Officer, the complete thesis needs to be submitted to and approved by CCSE. Students should provide a copy of the thesis title page to the CCSE academic administrator for review and approval prior to submitting the final thesis.

Thesis Field

Course 2 will award degrees under the thesis field “Mechanical Engineering and Computation.”

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

A complete description of the graduate program in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) can be found via https://dmse.mit.edu/graduate/programs . Deviations associated with the DMSE-CSE degree (“3.CSD”) are as follows.

The DMSE-CSE doctoral program of study consists of at least five graduate subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . The CSE five-course requirement can be satisfied through courses that simultaneously satisfy the DMSE core, post-core electives, and/or minor requirements. CSE subjects that a student may have applied towards a MIT SM degree may also be applied towards a DMSE-CSE doctoral major field of study requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute. The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by Thesis Committee.

The Thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of DMSE, with the additional requirement that that either  the advisor be a CCSE member  or  the committee contain at least two CCSE members.

In addition to approval from the Chair of the Departmental Graduate Program Committee, the complete thesis needs to be submitted to and approved by CCSE. Students should provide a copy of the thesis title page to the CCSE academic administrator for review and approval prior to submitting the final thesis.

DMSE will award degrees under the Thesis field “Computational Materials Science and Engineering”.

Department of Chemical Engineering

A complete description of the doctoral program in Chemical Engineering can be found at  http://web.mit.edu/cheme/academics/grad/advising.html#phdscd . Deviations associated with the ChemE-CSE degree are as follows.

ChemE-CSE students (“10.CSD”) are expected to complete the ChemE core curriculum with a CSE minor consisting of at least four graduate level subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects .  The minor subjects shall not include 10.34, which is already part of the Chemical Engineering core curriculum. Subjects taken as part of an MIT SM program can be counted toward this requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute. The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by the student’s thesis committee.

The thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of Course 10, with the additional requirement that  either  the committee chair be a CCSE member  or  the committee contain at least two CCSE members.

Course 10 will award degrees under the thesis field “Chemical Engineering and Computation.”

Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

Once admitted, doctoral degree candidates are expected to complete the Course 12 degree requirements as outlined at https://eapsweb.mit.edu/academic-resources/grad-resources , except those relating to coursework in the Major Field of Study, Thesis Committee Composition and Thesis Submission that are specific to the EAPS-CSE program and are discussed in more detail below.

Degree candidates are expected to pass the qualifying exam in Course 12.

The EAPS-CSE (“12.CSD”) doctoral program of study consists of at least five graduate-level subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by the Thesis Committee. Subjects taken as part of an MIT SM program can be counted toward this requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute.

The Thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of Course 12, with the additional requirement that either the advisor be a CCSE member or the committee contain at least two CCSE members.

In addition to approval from the Examination Committee, the complete thesis needs to be submitted to and approved by CCSE. Students should provide a copy of the thesis title page to the CCSE academic administrator for review and approval prior to submitting the final thesis.

Course 12 will award degrees under the Thesis field ” Computational Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences “.

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

A complete description of the doctoral program in Aeronautics and Astronautics can be found at http://aeroastro.mit.edu/graduate-program/doctoral-degree . Deviations associated with the AeroAstro-CSE degree are as follows. AeroAstro-CSE PhD candidates (“16.CSD”) are expected to pass the Aerospace Computational Engineering track qualifying exam in Course 16.

The AeroAstro-CSE doctoral program of study consists of at least five graduate-level subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . Subjects taken as part of an MIT SM program can be counted toward this requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute. The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by thesis committee.

The thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of Course 16, with the additional requirement that either the advisor be a CCSE member or the committee contain at least two CCSE members.

Course 16 will award degrees under the thesis field “Computational Science and Engineering” to students matriculating in/before September 2023 and “Aerospace Engineering and Computational Science” for students matriculating after September 2023.

Department of Mathematics

A description of the plan of study for the Applied Mathematics option of the PhD degree in Course 18, can be found at http://math.mit.edu/academics/grad/timeline/plan.php . Deviations associated with the Math-CSE degree (“18.CSD”) are as follows.

The Math-CSE doctoral program of study consists of at least five graduate-level subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . Subjects taken as part of an MIT SM degree can be counted toward this requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute. The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by the Chair of the Applied Mathematics Committee in the Mathematics department and CCSE.

The thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of Course 18, with the additional requirement that either the advisor be a CCSE member or the committee contain at least two CCSE members.

Course 18 will award degrees under the Thesis field “Mathematics and Computational Science”.

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

NSE-CSE PhD candidates (“22.CSD”) must satisfy all NSE requirements for doctoral students, including passing the 22.15 module final exam with a satisfactory grade and completing an NSE Field of Specialization requirement. A complete description of the NSE doctoral program  and its requirements can be found at: http://web.mit.edu/nse/education/grad/phd.html .

Deviations associated with the NSE-CSE degree are as follows. The oral exam committee must include at least two CCSE-affiliated faculty members (one or both of whom may be NSE faculty members). The content of the oral exam must address some aspects related to computation.

In addition to satisfying a NSE Field of Specialization requirement, students pursuing the computation option must take at least five graduate-level subjects in computational science and engineering selected from the approved list of Computational Concentration Subjects . Subjects taken as part of an MIT SM program can be counted toward this requirement. Each of these subjects can be applied towards either the Advanced Subject requirement or the Minor requirement (but not both).  None of these subjects can count towards the Field of Specialization requirement. Doctoral candidates are normally expected to take their major subjects at the Institute. The specific subjects will depend on the student’s thesis topic and background, and will be approved by thesis committee.

The thesis committee composition requirements are identical to those of Course 22, with the additional requirement that either the advisor be a CCSE member or the committee contain at least two CCSE members (who may be NSE faculty members).

In addition to approval from the Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students, the complete thesis needs to be submitted to and approved by CCSE. Students should provide a copy of the thesis title page to the CCSE academic administrator for review and approval prior to submitting the final thesis.

Course 22 will award degrees under the thesis fields “Nuclear Engineering and Computation” and “Computational Nuclear Science and Engineering”.  Student may choose either; the requirements are identical.

Doctoral candidates in general may petition to change the name appearing on their degree certificates. However, petitions from students in the CSE-participating departments listed above to include the keywords ‘computation’ or ‘computational’ in the degree name will only be approved if the student has satisfied requirements listed above. The PhD thesis field “Computational Science and Engineering” will be reserved for students graduating from the standalone CSE PhD program.

  • Pre-registration
  • Spring registration
  • Registration holds
  • Add/drop/change
  • Understanding your schedule
  • Special student registration
  • Instructions for Harvard students
  • Converting Harvard credits to MIT units
  • Translating Harvard grades to MIT grades
  • Instructions for Wellesley students
  • Other institutions
  • General Institute Requirements
  • HASS Exploration subjects
  • HASS Concentration advisors
  • Substitutions within the HASS Requirement
  • First-year Essay Evaluation (FEE)
  • Subject listing
  • CI-H/HW subject selection
  • Subject levels & credit
  • Declaring a major
  • Changing a major
  • Double majors
  • Declaring a minor
  • Limited-enrollment waitlists

Graduate requirements

  • Progressing through MIT — the first year
  • Progressing through MIT — beyond the first year
  • Choosing to double major
  • Transitioning to MIT
  • VA education benefits
  • Deployment and leave of absence
  • Student veteran groups
  • Additional resources for veterans
  • Academic administrators & officers
  • Transfer credit
  • Leaves of absence & returns
  • Registration load & light load
  • Light load tuition
  • Summer tuition subsidy
  • Special student
  • Sloan School of Management
  • Visiting student
  • Other programs with non-standard tuition
  • Miscellaneous fees
  • Spring proration
  • Summer proration
  • Fall proration
  • Upcoming spring proration
  • Other degree dates & deadlines
  • Undergraduate degree requirements
  • Graduate degree requirements
  • Ordering transcripts
  • Express shipping
  • Enrollment certifications
  • Dean's certifications
  • Apostille certifications
  • Loan deferment letters
  • Subject registration letters
  • Paper diplomas
  • Digital diploma verification
  • Replacement diplomas
  • Suppressing directory information
  • Advisor access
  • Heads of House access
  • Address update
  • Name changes
  • Gender, legal sex & pronouns
  • Other biographic information
  • Voter registration
  • Schedule of classes
  • Class lists
  • Prerequisite reports
  • Request a final exam
  • Conflict exams
  • First year core exams
  • Advanced Standing Examinations
  • Listener status (auditing)
  • First year grading
  • Flexible P/NR Grading Option
  • Graduate P/D/F Option
  • Advanced Standing Exam grades
  • Repeating a subject
  • Incomplete work
  • Changing a grade
  • IAP grading
  • Calculating GPA
  • Giving constructive feedback
  • Custom question guidelines
  • 1 Preferences
  • 2 Teaching Data
  • 3 Question Management
  • 4 Evaluate Subjects
  • Report access & use of data
  • History & oversight
  • Rules for conducting classes
  • Managing limited-enrollment subjects
  • Managing CI-H/HW subjects
  • Non-Registrar rooms
  • Equipment policies
  • Event registration
  • Room & event resources
  • Current projects
  • Recent projects
  • Advising resources
  • Proposing a major
  • Proposing a minor
  • Proposing a graduate program
  • Proposing a HASS subject
  • Proposing a HASS Concentration
  • Proposing a CI-H/HW subject
  • Proposing a CI-M subject
  • Cross-listed
  • Equivalent with Scheduling Relationship (EQSR)
  • School-wide elective
  • Special subjects
  • Subjects involving digital content
  • Prerequisites & corequisites
  • Calculating instructional units
  • Style guide
  • Naming a subject
  • Title guidelines: special subjects
  • Transcript titles: standard abbreviations
  • Subject descriptions
  • Catalog & schedule coordinators
  • Funded projects
  • How to apply
  • Additional funding sources
  • How to nominate
  • Former Fellows
  • Event archive
  • About Margaret MacVicar
  • Program supporters
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Subjects: General Issues
  • 3 Subjects: GIR Subjects
  • 4 Subjects: The Communication Requirement
  • 5 Subjects: First-Year Advising Seminars
  • 6 Subjects: ROTC Subjects
  • 7 Subjects: IAP Subjects
  • 8 Subjects: Enrollment Management
  • 9 Guidelines for Preparing Subject Proposals
  • 10 Curricula: Majors
  • 11 Curricula: Minors
  • 12 Petitions
  • 13 CoC as Advisory Body to Registrar
  • 14 Appendix: Excerpts from Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Regarding Degrees
  • 15 Appendix: Excerpts from Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Regarding Grades
  • 16 Appendix: Degree Programs - Table of Required Votes
  • 17 Appendix: Guidelines for Subject Numbering
  • Meeting schedule
  • Institute Laboratory substitution
  • Restricted Elective in Science and Technology (REST) substitution
  • CUP reports

What you need to know

At MIT, graduate degree requirements are determined by the individual departments or programs and approved by the Committee on Graduate Programs (CGP). Each graduate student is officially enrolled in an individual degree program. MIT graduate programs are full-time and work is done chiefly on campus in collaboration with faculty, peers, and the Institute community.

  • Read more about Master’s degree requirements .
  • Read more about Doctoral degree requirements .

Additional information can be found in the MIT Bulletin:

  • Programs and degrees by School and department
  • Interdisciplinary graduate programs
  • General degree requirements

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Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

77 Massachusetts Avenue Building 38-444 Cambridge MA, 02139

617-253-4603 [email protected]

Website: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Application Opens: September 16

Deadline: December 15 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time

Fee: $75.00

Terms of Enrollment

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (MEng)*

Interdisciplinary Programs

Standardized tests.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

  • Not required

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

  • Minimum score required: 7
  • Electronic scores send to: MIT Graduate Admissions

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

  • Minimum score required: 100 (iBT) 600 (PBT)
  • Institute code: 3514
  • Department code: 78 or 66

IELTS exam is preferred over the TOEFL. Waiver of TOEFL/IELTS may be available.

Areas of Research

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bioelectrical Engineering
  • Circuit Design
  • Communications
  • Computational Biology
  • Computer Architecture
  • Computer Graphics and Vision
  • Computer Networks
  • Control and Decisions Systems
  • Electromagnetics, Energy, and Power
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Machine Learning
  • Materials, Devices, and Photonics
  • Natural Language and Speech Processing
  • Programming Languages
  • Signal Processing
  • Theoretical Computer Science

Financial Support

In the EECS PhD program, students are supported with a fellowship, research assistantship or teaching assistantship. The financial support provides full tuition, a monthly living stipend and medical insurance. When needed, additional departmental support is available. 

Decisions on support are made after decisions on admission and are based on the information supplied in the application for admission. Any newly admitted student will automatically be considered for Department fellowships and assistantship support. Newly admitted students are also encouraged to apply to outside government and private agencies for fellowship support. Please see the EECS website for more information.

Application Requirements

  • Online application
  • Statement of objectives
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • English proficiency exam scores

Special Instructions

*The Master of Engineering degrees are available to MIT undergraduates only.

**The Master of Science degree is required of students pursuing a doctoral degree. If you do not have a master’s degree when you apply, you will receive that degree first before proceeding to the PhD. A terminal master’s degree is not offered.

Applicants should not send published papers or theses. Admitted students will be required to submit official transcript(s) to the EECS Graduate Office.

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Which program is right for you?

MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

An interdisciplinary program that combines engineering, management, and design, leading to a master’s degree in engineering and management.

Executive Programs

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

This 20-month MBA program equips experienced executives to enhance their impact on their organizations and the world.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

Admissions Requirements

The following are general requirements you should meet to apply to the MIT Sloan PhD Program. Complete instructions concerning application requirements are available in the online application.

General Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent
  • A strong quantitative background (the Accounting group requires calculus)
  • Exposure to microeconomics and macroeconomics (the Accounting group requires microeconomics)

A Guide to Business PhD Applications by Abhishek Nagaraj (PhD 2016) may be of interest.

Application Components

Statement of purpose.

Your written statement is your chance to convince the admissions committee that you will do excellent doctoral work and that you have the promise to have a successful career as an academic researcher. 


We require either a valid GMAT or valid GRE score. At-home testing is allowed. Your unofficial score report from the testing institution is sufficient for application. If you are admitted to the program, you will be required to submit your official test score for verification.    

We do not have a minimum score requirement. We do not offer test waivers. Registration information for the GMAT (code X5X-QS-21) and GRE (code 3510) may be obtained at www.mba.com and www.ets.org respectively.


We require either a valid TOEFL (minimum score 577 PBT/90 IBT ) or valid IELTS (minimum score 7) for all non-native English speakers. Your unofficial score report from the testing institution is sufficient for application. If you are admitted to the program, you will be required to submit your official test score for verification.    Registration information for TOEFL (code 3510) and IELTS may be obtained at www.toefl.org and www.ielts.org respectively.

The TOEFL/IELTS test requirement is waived only if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are a native English speaker.
  • You attended all years of an undergraduate program conducted solely in English, and are a graduate of that program.

Please do not contact the PhD Program regarding waivers, as none will be discussed. If, upon review, the faculty are interested in your application with a missing required TOEFL or IELTS score, we may contact you at that time to request a score.


We require unofficial copies of transcripts for each college or university you have attended, even if no degree was awarded. If these transcripts are in a language other than English, we also require a copy of a certified translation. In addition, you will be asked to list the five most relevant courses you have taken.

Letters of Recommendation

We require three letters of recommendation. Academic letters are preferred, especially those providing evidence of research potential. We allow for an optional  fourth recommendation, but no more than four recommendations are allowed.

Your resume should be no more than two pages. You may chose to include teaching, professional experience, research experience, publications, and other accomplishments in outside activities.

Writing Sample(s)

Applicants are encouraged to submit a writing sample. For applicants to the Finance group, a writing sample is required. There are no specific guidelines for your writing sample. Possible options include (but are not limited to) essays, masters’ theses, capstone projects, or research papers.

Video Essay

A video essay is required for the Accounting research group and optional for the Marketing and System Dynamics research groups. The essay is a short and informal video answering why you selected this research group and a time where you creatively solved a problem. The video can be recorded with your phone or computer, and should range from 2 to 5 minutes in length. There is no attention — zero emphasis! — on the production value of your video.  

Nondiscrimination Policy: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. For complete text of MIT’s Nondiscrimination Statement, please click  here .

mit computer science phd admission requirements


Information and Computer Sciences

Information and Computer Sciences

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Prospective Ph.D. Students

  • January 15th : Application deadline for Fall semester admissions.
  • September 1st : Application deadline for Spring semester admissions
  • Late Applications: Full consideration will be given to applications received by the deadline. Late applications are considered depending on availability of resources.


Submit your application online through Graduate Division. The CS program requires the following Supplemental Documents to be uploaded with your application:

  • Statement of Objectives/Purpose . This document explains why you wish to pursue a graduate degree and your career objectives.
  • Three letters of reference . Enter the names and e-mail addresses of reference letter writers via the Graduate Division’s Supplemental Documents upload site. Your letter writers will submit their confidential letters directly to the Graduate Division.

When Graduate Division determines that your application is complete, your application will be forwarded to the ICS Department. Note: ICS does not collect the application fee, and thus cannot waive it. You may request a waiver from Graduate Division at [email protected], but they routinely deny such requests.

Minimum Requirements

An applicant may be admitted with a Bachelor’s degree or with an M.S. degree. Applicants with Bachelor’s degrees must satisfy the admission requirements of the ICS master’s program .

The GRE General Test is suggested but not required due to the logistical and financial challenges they pose to some students. If you send them, GRE scores should be sent to us directly from ETS (Institution code: 4867; Department code: 0402) .

International Students

Graduate Division requires that international applicants whose native language is not English take either the TOEFL or the IELTS . More information on the requirements is available on the English Proficiency page of the Graduate Division website . See also additional information for international applicants .

See the prospective FAQ . Questions about submitting an application should be directed to Graduate Division . Questions about the program should be emailed to ICS Graduate Chair .

Some Colleges Are Requiring Test Scores Again: What it Means for Applicants

A small group of schools, mostly Ivy Leagues or those considered very selective, are requiring testing again.

Should Students Submit Test Scores?

Young female and male students writing exam in classroom seen through glass wall at community college

Getty Images

Some experts say that requiring test scores brings more transparency to the admissions process.

In response to testing disruptions at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, many colleges implemented test-optional admission policies. Some said the change – which lets applicants decide whether to submit their SAT or ACT scores as part of their application – was only temporary.

For instance, in March 2022, Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced plans to reinstate its mandatory SAT and ACT testing policy for future admissions cycles.

More recently, in the early months of 2024, additional schools enacted similar policies, such as Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, Brown University in Rhode Island and the University of Texas at Austin . Yale University in Connecticut also eliminated its test-optional policy, but with a caveat: Applicants can choose to submit their Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exam scores instead of ACT or SAT scores.

"Our research shows standardized tests help us better assess the academic preparedness of all applicants, and also help us identify socioeconomically disadvantaged students who lack access to advanced coursework or other enrichment opportunities that would otherwise demonstrate their readiness for MIT," Stu Schmill, MIT's dean of admissions and student financial services, wrote in a blog on the school's website. "We believe a requirement is more equitable and transparent than a test-optional policy."

Standardized test scores historically have been one of several significant factors in admissions decisions. Now, a relatively small group of colleges and universities – mostly Ivy Leagues or those considered very selective – are requiring test scores again. However, more than 80% of U.S. four-year institutions will not require SAT and ACT scores or will not consider them if submitted for the fall 2025 admissions cycle, according to data from the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, a nonprofit advocacy group commonly known as FairTest.

Why Some Colleges are Reinstating Standardized Test Requirements

Based on internal research at these institutions, the reasoning for requiring tests again beginning with the fall 2025 admissions cycle was similar to MIT's: Test scores can reliably predict – more than just high school grades alone – a student's academic success in college.

"I don't think that's surprising given just the wide range of grading scales and grading methods we see at high schools," says Robin Miller, a college admissions counselor at IvyWise. "I think from the colleges' perspective, standardized test scores somewhat level the playing field in terms of better understanding the students' academic context."

Another reason for the reestablished requirements, she says, is that over the past few years, colleges have noticed that students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds were opting to not send in their test scores when it may have helped to submit them.

"Those students' scores could provide more context about (their) high school environment," says Miller, who formerly worked in admissions at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. This means a student's score "might stand out when considering what the average standardized test score is for a student from that particular high school, which potentially could have led to that student (being) admitted."

Requiring test scores also brings more transparency to the admissions process, as there has been confusion about what test-optional actually means, some admissions experts say.

"Test-optional policies, which were instituted during a global pandemic, have become yet another element of the college application process that have inadvertently created confusion and miscalculation," Logan Powell, associate provost for enrollment and dean of undergraduate admission at Brown, wrote in an email. "One of our goals in requiring standardized testing is to offer clarity to families – we consider testing but we consider it as one of many factors in the whole-person admission review."

Effect of Test-Optional Policies

To a certain extent, for applicants who decided to not submit SAT or ACT results, test-optional policies relieve some pressure and allow them to spend more time focusing on activities, academics and writing college application essays , Miller says.

"For students who submitted test scores, they were able to stand out in an applicant pool, potentially, if they had a really strong test score that aligned with other aspects of their application that were appealing to the university," she says. "So that was a way for them to differentiate themselves."

Research on the potential benefits of test-optional policies varies, but in many cases they have led to an increase of applications .

"Study after study shows when testing was optional, applications went up at a lot of institutions and especially from underrepresented groups," says Akil Bello, senior director of advocacy and advancement at FairTest. "There's no universal answer to what will happen, but the general trends are if you remove a barrier, more people will apply."

He adds that the restoration of admissions testing requirements will affect students unequally.

"For some students, it will have a chilling effect and reduce the number of applications," Bello says. "Some students will look at average test scores and say, 'I'm not applying to that place.' Other students will say, 'This is a thing I'm good at that I have the money to pay for preparation for. Great, this will help me over somebody else who can't prepare for the test.'"

There have been some unintended consequences of test-optional policies in terms of more applications, says Christopher Hamilton, founder and CEO of Hamilton Education, a San Diego-based educational consultancy.

Test-optional "should be beneficial to students," he says. "I think in general, though, it's meant that universities have something they want ... more applicants, in some cases. But they also have to invent new systems to evaluate them. And many of those new systems have involved part-time, outside, hourly readers who read with a different sensibility and ... are compensated on a per-piece basis, in some cases. There's some pretty strong evidence that kids may be getting a less robust, less three-dimensional look from colleges just because of the fact that there's 15, 20, 30,000 additional applicants."

How to Navigate Changes to Admission Requirements

It wouldn't be surprising to see a few more schools go back to requiring test scores, but a large number are permanently test-optional, Miller says.

"This is, perhaps, the most complex college admissions environment we have ever experienced," Powell says. He advises students to "continue to focus on doing the best they can in a rigorous high school curriculum , engage in extracurricular activities that allow them to showcase additional strengths and have a carefully considered list of colleges to which they may apply."

Typically, colleges announce their admissions requirements for the upcoming application cycle somewhere between nine months and 18 months in advance, Bello says.

"Students have to recognize that they can't rely on lore or history or what their mama said," he adds. "They have to check admissions requirements as they enter their junior year and throughout the year to ensure that they are meeting all requirements for admissions for places they're interested in applying to. What makes that a little bit challenging is, what teenager knows three years out, four years out, eight months out what schools they are going to apply to?"

Whether a student should submit scores to a test-optional college depends on a few factors. For instance, it may be a "strategic mistake" if an ambitious student who goes to a competitive high school takes the test-optional policy too literally, Hamilton says.

Miller recommends applicants research whether their score falls within the "middle 50" – the   range between the 25th and 75th percentile – among accepted students at colleges of interest.

"Generally speaking, if a student score falls within that mid-50% range, it's typically going to be a good idea to submit that test score. Obviously there's always nuance with that," she says.

On the other hand, "if the student tested really well compared to what the average test scores are from their high school, that might be another reason for that student to choose to submit their test score if they are applying to a test-optional school, even if that score maybe is just below the mid-50% range," Miller says. "They would want to talk to their school-based counselor to help them make that decision."

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A grandfather is helping his granddaughter as she works from a laptop; they look happy to be bonding and working together.

Tags: students , education , SAT , ACT , college admissions , colleges

Ask an Alum: Making the Most Out of College

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

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The General Institute Requirements include a Communication Requirement that is integrated into both the HASS Requirement and the requirements of each major; see details below.

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Choose at least two subjects in the major that are designated as communication-intensive (CI-M) to fulfill the Communication Requirement.

The units for any subject that counts as one of the 17 GIR subjects cannot also be counted as units required beyond the GIRs.

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Michtom School of Computer Science

Hongfu Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Brandeis Title: "Goal-Oriented Data-Centric Learning"

Tevfik Kosar, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB) Title: "Realizing the Potential of Computer Science at Brandeis by Leading in Innovation, Engagement, and Impact"

Romila Pradhan, Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Technology, Purdue University Title: "Toward Trustworthy and Responsible Data Science"

Dr. Neil Shah, Principal Research Scientist and Senior Manager, Snap Research  Title: " Improving the Scalability of Graph Neural Networks"

Liping Liu, Assistant Professor, Tufts University Title: "Generative Models for Graph Data: Probability Calculations and Efficiency"

A. Erdem Sariyuce, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo Title: "Using Motif Transitions for Temporal Graph Generation"

Tyler Derr, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and the Data Science Institute, Vanderbilt University Title: "Data Quality-Aware Learning on Graphs"

Sucheta Soundarajan, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department, Syracuse University Title: " Fairness in Social Networks "

Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, Washington University in Saint Louis Title: "Towards Trustworthy AI-Driven Autonomous Systems"

Weijun Xie, Coca-Cola Foundation Early Career Professor. and Assistant Professor at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering , Georgia Tech Title: "Best Principal Submatrix Selection for the Maximum Entropy Sampling Problem: Scalable Algorithms and Performance Guarantees"

Zheng Wen, Research Scientist at DeepMind Title: "A Mini-Tutorial on Thompson Sampling"

João Luís G. Rosa, Visiting Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, UMass Lowell and Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of São Paulo (USP), in São Carlos, Brazil Title: "Brain-Computer Interfaces"

Manling Li. Ph.D. candidate at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Title: "Toward Factuality in Information Access: Event-Centric Multimodal Knowledge Acquisition"

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Hunter College


MA in Computer Science

Program overview.

The MA program in Computer Science bridges the gap between a traditional UG degree and your future. With the penetration of computer science into almost every field students with non-computer majors but with strong analytical skills and inter-disciplinary interests are encouraged to apply.

Master of Arts (MA) in Computer Science

Students must obtain 30 credits to complete the Master of Arts in Computer Science

A total level of 30 graduate level credits are required for the degree. Students may choose between a Research or Applied concentration, which differ primarily on whether students do a thesis or project.

Core Courses

  • CSCI 70500: Algorithms
  • CSCI 72400: Computational Theory
  • CSCI 73000: Computer Systems
  • CSCI 74000: Computer Modeling and Simulation

You must meet the following minimum requirements in order to be considered for admission. Meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the program.

  • Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 in the final 2 years of computer science and related course work.
  • Courses in: calculus I and II, linear algebra or matrix algebra, statistics, discrete structures, data structures, and computer systems.
  • Official score report of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test*
  • Two letters of recommendation from appropriate academic or professional references
  • A statement of purpose of approximately 500 words or fewer

* GRE's are waived for the incoming Spring and Fall 2024 class.

Providing an exceptional academic value is what we do best. See how our annual tuition compares against other top Computer Science master's programs.

Career Paths

While specific career paths and salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and industry demand, here are ten potential career paths for individuals with a Master's in Computer Science in New York City, along with approximate average salaries:

Cloud Solutions Architects design and implement cloud computing solutions, leveraging platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to optimize infrastructure and services.

Salary Range: $110,000 - $150,000

Cybersecurity Consultants advise organizations on how to protect their computer systems and sensitive information from security breaches and attacks.

Salary Range: $90,000 - $130,000

Data Scientists analyze and interpret complex data sets, using statistical and machine learning techniques to extract valuable insights and inform business decisions.

Full Stack Developers work on both the front-end and back-end of web applications, designing user interfaces and implementing server-side logic.

Salary Range: $85,000 - $120,000

Machine Learning Engineers design and develop algorithms that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.

Salary Range: $100,000 - $150,000

Network Security Analysts design and implement security measures to protect computer networks and systems from cyber threats and attacks.

Salary Range: $90,000 - $120,000

Product Managers in the tech industry oversee the development and launch of software products, ensuring alignment with business goals and user needs.

Salary Range: $100,000 - $140,000

Software Architects design and create the high-level structure of software systems, making strategic decisions about the technology stack and overall architecture.

Systems Analysts evaluate and improve computer systems for organizations, analyzing user requirements and optimizing processes.

Salary Range: $80,000 - $120,000

UI/UX Designers focus on creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces for websites, applications, and other digital products.

Application Deadline

Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Hunter College may consider late applications on a rolling basis pending space is still available in the program.

Some programs may extend their application deadlines beyond those listed above. Please contact Graduate Admissions for specific information. For information on how to apply, click the link below.

Students Educated Outside the US

Applicants whose native language is not English and who have taken all or part of their undergraduate education in a country where English is not the native language are required to submit scores on the  Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL ) or the  International English Language Testing System (IELTS ). The following minimum scores must be obtained:

  • TOEFL iBT: 80/ Paper Based Test: 550/ Computer Based Test: 213
  • IELTS: 6.5 Overall Band Score

Contact the Program

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Steer Clear of Corporate Venture Capital Pitfalls

Many corporate venture capital initiatives (CVCs) don’t deliver on their potential to bolster innovation. Research finds that these units often fit awkwardly within their parent companies, fail to meet their goals, or lack clear objectives. The authors identify the salient issues and specific questions that business leaders who are overseeing, or launching, CVC efforts should work through to improve their odds of success.

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This major covers a wide range of algorithms and theory, software engineering, programming languages, computer systems, human-computer interaction and graphics, and artificial intelligence and machine learning. Students who entered MIT in Fall 2021 or earlier can choose between the 2017 and 2022 requirements. Students entering in Fall 2022 or later must use the 2022 requirements.

Requirements (2022)

Requirements (2017), degree roadmap.

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Berkeley Engineering

Educating leaders. Creating knowledge. Serving society.

Futuristic batteries on top of a computer chip emitting powerful lightning bolts, neon blue colors, black background.

Researchers achieve giant energy storage, power density on a microchip

Fitness trackers, internet-connected thermostats and other smart devices offer many benefits, but their growing popularity is driving up energy consumption, along with the need for more efficient energy storage solutions in small sizes. Now, researchers have engineered a new generation of microcapacitors that deliver both ultrahigh capacity and ultrafast operation.

To achieve this breakthrough in miniaturized on-chip energy storage and power delivery, scientists from UC Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and MIT Lincoln Laboratory used a novel, atomic-scale approach to modify electrostatic capacitors. Their findings, reported this month in Nature , have the potential to change the paradigm for on-microchip energy storage solutions and pave the way for sustainable, autonomous electronic microsystems.

“For the first time, we’ve shown that electrostatic energy storage capacitors are approaching the areal energy densities of electrochemical supercapacitors — and even commercial lithium-ion microbatteries,” said Suraj Cheema, a postdoctoral researcher in UC Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and co-lead author of the study. “This could expand the application space of electrostatic capacitors and help realize on-chip microcapacitors for size-restricted devices like self-powered implantable bioelectronics, advanced edge computing units, and microrobots.”

This collaborative study was led by Sayeef Salahuddin, TSMC Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley and faculty senior scientist at Berkeley Lab. In addition to Cheema, other co-lead authors are Nirmaan Shanker, a graduate researcher, and Shang-Lin Hsu, a postdoctoral researcher, both in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. Co-authors are Joseph Schaadt, Nathan M. Ellis, Matthew Cook, Ravi Rastogi, Robert C.N. Pilawa-Podgurski, Jim Ciston and Mohamed Mohamed.

View the Berkeley Lab press release for more details.

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mit computer science phd admission requirements

Four from MIT named 2024 Knight-Hennessy Scholars

The fellowship funds graduate studies at stanford university..

MIT senior Owen Dugan, graduate student Vittorio Colicci ’22, predoctoral research fellow Carine You ’22, and recent alumna Carina Letong Hong ’22 are recipients of this year’s Knight-Hennessy Scholarships. The competitive fellowship, now in its seventh year, funds up to three years of graduate studies in any field at Stanford University. To date, 22 MIT students and alumni have been awarded Knight-Hennessy Scholarships.

“We are excited for these students to continue their education at Stanford with the generous support of the Knight Hennessy Scholarship,” says Kim Benard, associate dean of distinguished fellowships in Career Advising and Professional Development. “They have all demonstrated extraordinary dedication, intellect, and leadership, and this opportunity will allow them to further hone their skills to make real-world change.”

Vittorio Colicci ’22

Vittorio Colicci, from Trumbull, Connecticut, graduated from MIT in May 2022 with a BS in aerospace engineering and physics. He will receive his master’s degree in planetary sciences this spring. At Stanford, Colicci will pursue a PhD in earth and planetary sciences at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. He hopes to investigate how surface processes on Earth and Mars have evolved through time alongside changes in habitability. Colicci has worked largely on spacecraft engineering projects, developing a monodisperse silica ceramic for electrospray thrusters and fabricating high-energy diffraction gratings for space telescopes. As a Presidential Graduate Fellow at MIT, he examined the influence of root geometry on soil cohesion for early terrestrial plants using 3D-printed reconstructions. Outside of research, Colicci served as co-director of TEDxMIT and propulsion lead for the MIT Rocket Team. He is also passionate about STEM engagement and outreach, having taught educational workshops in Zambia and India.

Owen Dugan, from Sleepy Hollow, New York, is a senior majoring in physics. As a Knight-Hennessy Scholar, he will pursue a PhD in computer science at the Stanford School of Engineering. Dugan aspires to combine artificial intelligence and physics, developing AI that enables breakthroughs in physics and using physics techniques to design more capable and safe AI systems. He has collaborated with researchers from Harvard University, the University of Chicago, and DeepMind, and has presented his first-author research at venues including the International Conference on Machine Learning, the MIT Mechanistic Interpretability Conference, and the American Physical Society March Meeting. Among other awards, Dugan is a Hertz Finalist, a U.S. Presidential Scholar, an MIT Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awardee, a Research Science Institute Scholar, and a Neo Scholar. He is also a co-founder of VeriLens, a funded startup enabling trust on the internet by cryptographically verifying digital media.

Carina Letong Hong ’22

Carina Letong Hong, from Canton, China, is currently pursuing a JD/PhD in mathematics at Stanford. A first-generation college student, Hong graduated from MIT in May 2022 with a double major in mathematics and physics and was inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society. She then earned a neuroscience master’s degree with dissertation distinctions from the University of Oxford, where she conducted artificial intelligence and machine learning research at Sainsbury Wellcome Center’s Gatsby Unit. At Stanford Law School, Hong provides legal aid to low-income workers and uses economic analysis to push for law enforcement reform. She has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals, served as an expert referee for journals and conferences, and spoken at summits in the United States, Germany, France, the U.K., and China. She was the recipient of the AMS-MAA-SIAM Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research, the highest honor for an undergraduate in mathematics in North America; the AWM Alice T. Schafer Prize for Mathematical Excellence, given annually to an undergraduate woman in the United States; the Maryam Mirzakhani Fellowship; and a Rhodes Scholarship.

Carine You ’22

Carine You, from San Diego, California, graduated from MIT in May 2022 with bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering and computer science and in mathematics. Since graduating, You has worked as a predoctoral research assistant with Professor Amy Finkelstein in the MIT Department of Economics, where she has studied the quality of Medicare nursing home care and the targeting of medical screening technologies. This fall, You will embark on a PhD in economic analysis and policy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She wishes to address pressing issues in environmental and health-care markets, with a particular focus on economic efficiency and equity. You previously developed audio signal processing algorithms at Bose, refined mechanistic models to inform respiratory monitoring at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, and analyzed corruption in developmental projects in India at the World Bank. Through Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow, she taught computer science to Israeli and Palestinian students in Jerusalem and spearheaded an online pilot expansion for the organization. At MIT, she was named a Burchard Scholar.

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    The standalone CSE PhD program is intended for students who intend to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science. The resulting doctoral degree in Computational Science and Engineering is awarded by CCSE via the the Schwarzman College of Computing. In contrast, the interdisciplinary CSE PhD program is ...

  5. Graduate Programs

    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MEng*, SM*, and PhD. Master of Engineering program (Course 6-P) provides the depth of knowledge and the skills needed for advanced graduate study and for professional work, as well as the breadth and perspective essential for engineering leadership. Master of Science program emphasizes one or more of ...

  6. MIT Doctoral Program in Computational Science and Engineering

    Program Overview. The standalone doctoral program in Computational Science and Engineering ( PhD in CSE) enables students to specialize at the doctoral level in fundamental, methodological aspects of computational science via focused coursework and a thesis. The emphasis of thesis research activities is the development and analysis of broadly ...

  7. Graduate program requirements

    Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science. The Institute's basic requirements for the award of a doctorate are: Completion of a major program of advanced study, including qualifying examinations. Completion and oral defense of a thesis on original research. A minimum residence requirement of four terms of full time graduate work.

  8. Computational Science and Engineering PhD

    Computational Science and Engineering PhD. 77 Massachusetts Avenue. Building 35-434B. Cambridge MA, 02139. 617-253-3725. [email protected]. Website: Computational Science and Engineering PhD. Apply here.

  9. MIT Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Computational Science and

    The interdisciplinary doctoral program in Computational Science and Engineering ( CSE PhD + Engineering or Science) at MIT allows enrolled students to specialize at the doctoral level in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a doctoral thesis. This program is offered through a number of participating ...

  10. Graduate requirements

    What you need to know At MIT, graduate degree requirements are determined by the individual departments or programs and approved by the Committee on Graduate Programs (CGP). Each graduate student is officially enrolled in an individual degree program. MIT graduate programs are full-time and work is done chiefly on campus in collaboration with faculty, peers, and the Institute community.

  11. Graduate Admissions

    Office of Graduate Education - Apply to become a part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology community. MIT graduate students play a central role in the Institute's wide-ranging research activities, making a vital contribution to the educational experience of students and faculty, and ultimately leading to the success of the research itself.

  12. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 77 Massachusetts Avenue. Building 38-444. Cambridge MA, 02139. 617-253-4603. [email protected]. Website: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Apply here.

  13. Admissions Requirements

    Admissions Requirements. The following are general requirements you should meet to apply to the MIT Sloan PhD Program. Complete instructions concerning application requirements are available in the online application. General Requirements. Bachelor's degree or equivalent. A strong quantitative background (the Accounting group requires calculus)

  14. Graduate programs

    The largest graduate program in MIT's School of Engineering, EECS has about 700 graduate students in the doctoral program at any given time. Those students conduct groundbreaking research across a wide array of fields alongside world-class faculty and research staff, build lifelong mentorship relationships and drive progress in every sector ...

  15. Requirements

    The MEng requires 90 units (in total) beyond the units that are required for the undergraduate degree (s): 24 units of thesis (6.THM) and 66 units of additional credit; at least 42 of those additional units must come from Approved Advanced Graduate Subjects (AAGSes). Most MEng students end up with 48 units from AAGSes, since the majority of ...

  16. Prospective Ph.D. Students

    Application. Submit your application online through Graduate Division. The CS program requires the following Supplemental Documents to be uploaded with your application: Statement of Objectives/Purpose. This document explains why you wish to pursue a graduate degree and your career objectives. Three letters of reference.

  17. Yanjie Shao and Jesús del Alamo receive Intel's 2023 Outstanding

    Yanjie Shao, a Postdoctoral Researcher at MIT, and Jesús del Alamo, Donner Professor and Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT were selected for this award for their work on " Exploring the Limits of Vertical-Nanowire Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors in the Nanoscale. " This was the topic of research of Shao's PhD thesis at MIT.

  18. Some Colleges Are Requiring Test Scores Again: What it Means for

    Computer Science; Data Science; ... with the fall 2025 admissions cycle was similar to MIT's: Test scores can reliably predict - more than just high school grades alone - a student's academic ...

  19. Computer Science and Engineering (Course 6-3) < MIT

    Summary of Subject Requirements Subjects; Science Requirement: 6: Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Requirement [two subjects can be satisfied by 6.3260[J] and 6.4590[J] (taken as part of a track) in the Departmental Program]; at least two of these subjects must be designated as communication-intensive (CI-H) to fulfill the Communication Requirement.

  20. Michtom School of Computer Science

    March 2024. Hongfu Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Brandeis. Title: "Goal-Oriented Data-Centric Learning". Julia Mendelsohn, PhD Candidate, School of Information at the University of Michigan. Title: " Computational Approaches for Uncovering Implicit Strategies in Political Discourse".

  21. MA in Computer Science

    The MA program in Computer Science bridges the gap between a traditional UG degree and your future. With the penetration of computer science into almost every field students with non-computer majors but with strong analytical skills and inter-disciplinary interests are encouraged to apply. A total level of 30 graduate level credits are required ...

  22. Steer Clear of Corporate Venture Capital Pitfalls

    Steer Clear of Corporate Venture Capital Pitfalls. By Ilya A. Strebulaev Amanda Wang. MIT Sloan Management Review. March 2024 Vol. 65 Issue 3. Finance. View Publication. Many corporate venture capital initiatives (CVCs) don't deliver on their potential to bolster innovation. Research finds that these units often fit awkwardly within their ...

  23. 6-3: Computer Science and Engineering

    6-3: Computer Science and Engineering. This major covers a wide range of algorithms and theory, software engineering, programming languages, computer systems, human-computer interaction and graphics, and artificial intelligence and machine learning. Students who entered MIT in Fall 2021 or earlier can choose between the 2017 and 2022 requirements.

  24. Researchers achieve giant energy storage, power density on a microchip

    To achieve this breakthrough in miniaturized on-chip energy storage and power delivery, scientists from UC Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and MIT Lincoln Laboratory used a novel, atomic-scale approach to modify electrostatic capacitors. Their findings, reported this month in Nature, have the potential to change ...

  25. Four from MIT named 2024 Knight-Hennessy Scholars

    Owen Dugan. Owen Dugan, from Sleepy Hollow, New York, is a senior majoring in physics. As a Knight-Hennessy Scholar, he will pursue a PhD in computer science at the Stanford School of Engineering. Dugan aspires to combine artificial intelligence and physics, developing AI that enables breakthroughs in physics and using physics techniques to ...