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Finale de MT180 2021 en France

“My thesis in 180 seconds”: France will host the international final

On September 30, the international final of the competition “My thesis in 180 seconds” will be held for the second time in Paris. Registrations are open to attend to the event organised by the CNRS ( Centre national de recherche scientifique , National Centre of Scientific Research) and the CPU ( Conférence des Présidents d’Universités , Conference of University Presidents) at the Maison de la radio et de la musique . This international final, during which 24 female and male candidates from all over the world will face each other will also be broadcasted live on YouTube, Facebook and the website of the contest.

“My thesis in 180 seconds” is the French version of the Australian model “Three minute thesis”, created at the University of Queensland in which post-doctoral students “present their research topic, in French and in simple words to a diverse and uninitiated audience”. As the rules specify, “each student must make a clear, short, yet convincing presentation of her/his research project under three minutes”. And all this using only a single slide!

Thousands of candidates

According to the CNRS, “thousands of female and male post-doctoral students throughout the world” participated in the 2021 edition of the “My thesis in 180 seconds” competition. But after the successive steps (regional and national finals), only 24 candidates from all over the world remain, including: Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Central Europe Consortium (Poland, Austria, Hungary, Slovaquia), Egypt, France, Gabon, Haiti, Mauritius, Ireland, Lebannon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Moldavia, Quebec, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Romania, Senegal, Switzerland and Tunisia.

The 24 finalists

The dedicated website presents a brief presentation of the 24 finalists and their thesis subject, and there is of course as many finalists as subjects! Subjects chosen by post-doctoral students range from “The transmission of family companies in Senegal” to “Production and export of wool in medieval Ireland”, and “Comparative effect of processed and traditional seasoning broth on male and female fertility”, “Language and executive functions interactions in bilingual speakers”, “Use of marine energy on Mauritius” or “Designing an injectable bioactive hydrogel to regenerate intervertebral disks”!

An Audience Prize open to all

For the finalists, the challenge will be to communicate on their research project in a handful of minutes, not only to charm the audience, but also to convince the jury! Regarding this matter, all spectators of the final will have their say : individuals physically present at the studio “Maison de la radio et de la musique”, but also Internet users will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite candidate and chose the post-doc student who will receive the Audience Prize.

The international final of “My thesis in 180 seconds” will be broadcasted live on: 

  • Contest website

Related contents

  • The “Ma thèse en 180 secondes” website
  • Register now to attend the final in Paris

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My thesis in 180 seconds

Updated on: 26/01/2023

Presenting your research topic in three minutes flat with the help of a single slide: that's the challenge set by the national popular science competition "MT180s - My thesis in 180 seconds", only open to doctoral students.

Photo : Finalists of the 2022 Competition:

MT180  is a  competition open to doctoral students. The challenge is for students to present their research topics in simple terms in front of a diverse, non-expert audience.

Each participant must make a clear, concise and convincing presentation of his or her research project i n three minutes with a single slide .

More than just a competition, it is also an opportunity for the junior researchers to  learn how to communicate and popularise their passion for research .

Inspired by the concept of the  Three minute thesis ,  which originated at the University of Queensland  in Australia, the competition was started for the first time in French in 2012 in Quebec by Acfas  ( Association francophone pour le savoir ).

The challenge was launched in France in 2014 by  France Universités  and  the  CNRS . Since its arrival in France, University of Bordeaux doctoral students have taken part every year. In 2022, the university participated in its 9 th competition.

Tailor-made training

To meet the challenge, doctoral students receive training in writing and public speaking , coordinated by the  Graduate Research School , to help them popularise their research and quickly capture an audience's attention. During the latest competition, approximately 20 doctoral students from the University of Bordeaux took up the challenge.

A competition in several stages

  • The final round at the University of Bordeaux with 16 doctoral students leads to the selection of four winners: three are picked by a jury made up of representatives from the world of research, the media or scientific culture, and one winner is chosen by the public. A University of Bordeaux semi-final can be organised if there are more than twenty participants in the competition.
  • The regional final brings together the winners from the university clusters, and only two winners are selected from each cluster. The University of Bordeaux belongs to the cluster that also includes the  University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour , Bordeaux Montaigne University  and  La Rochelle University
  • A nationwide semi- final is then organised over 2.5 days to select  16 candidates who will participate in the national final.
  • The national  final determines  the doctoral student representing France during the last stage.
  • The international final is organised in the autumn and brings together the winners from the different French-speaking countries participating in the competition. It is an opportunity for the participants to face other audiences, in other places, to meet other researchers and to confront the universality of research.

In 2022,  Pierre Damien Fougou , a doctoral student in law at the University of Bordeaux reached the  national final on 31 st May  in Lyon and won the prize awarded by secondary students: "Prix des lycéennes et des lycéens".

Read about him (in french)

Pierre Damien Fougou, doctoral student in law and national finalist in the 2022 MT180s © Gautier Dufau

Blanche Masclef

Project Manager: Training and Career Development for Doctoral students

Delphine Charles

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my thesis in 180 seconds

My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT 180): the winners of the 2022 edition

Explaining months, even years of thesis research work in the simplest, most dynamic and entertaining way possible in just three minutes is no easy feat…but it is possible! Thirteen of the University’s PhD candidates took on that exact challenge during the final of the “My Thesis in 180 seconds” competition, which took place on 15 March at CentraleSupélec.

The art of convincing in 180 seconds

On stage in front of the audience, microphone in hand, thirteen PhD candidates took on the challenge of explaining three intense years of thesis work in just 180 seconds.

They succeeded in capturing the audience’s attention, calling on a creative range of metaphors and humour to win over the audience who had come to encourage them.

This year, the event took place in person and was also streamed live online via the University’s social media networks . The competition’s jury and the audience chose two winners who will go on to compete in the semi-final of the French national MT 180 competition in April.

The Jury Prizes and the Audience Award

The jury awarded First Prize to Isabelle Hoxha for her thesis “Neurocognitive mechanisms of perceptual anticipation in decision-making”. Isabelle Hoxha is a PhD candidate at the Complexity, Innovation, Motor Skills and Sports Laboratory (CIAMS - Univ. Paris-Saclay | Univ. Orléans).

The jury’s Second Prize was awarded to Olivier Destrian for his thesis “Multiscale modelling of cell apoptotic extrusion”. Olivier Destrian is a PhD candidate at the Macroscopic Molecular Energy and Combustion Laboratory (EM2C - Univ. Paris-Saclay | CNRS | CentraleSupélec).

Mariya Borovikova , PhD candidate at the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, from Genomes to the Environment Laboratory (MaIAGE - Univ. Paris-Saclay | INRAE), won the Audience Award for the presentation of her thesis “Extraction of information from textual data for plant health epidemio-surveillance”.

my thesis in 180 seconds

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My thesis in 180 seconds: final 2022.

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My Thesis in 180 Seconds, the international Francophone competition launched in Quebec, is back for the eighth time in France. Inspired by the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition, MT180 is led in France Universités and the CNRS, and has been developed locally by volunteer university groups. In Lyon & Saint-Étienne, the competition is organized by the Université de Lyon on behalf of its member institutions.

For the final, 16 candidates will present their research project in 3 minutes, in a clear, concise and convincing way, in front of a jury. Among them, Bastien Marguet is a PhD student at the Institut Lumière Matière (CNRS, UCBL) and is one of the alumni of ENS de Lyon (2019 class of the Master in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics). He will present his thesis "Modeling of the formation of grain boundaries in two-dimensional materials: application to graphene".



Attend the final and support the candidates!

Event open to public, registration opening soon. Register now to be alerted when the ticket office opens.

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Concours « Ma Thèse en 180 secondes » - 7ème édition

Competition: My Thesis in 180 seconds

Are you a doctoral candidate and want to make your research subject known beyond the confines of your laboratory and the academic sphere? The competition, "My Thesis in 180 seconds", is for you! In three minutes, and not one second more, you will be asked to make a clear, concise and yet convincing presentation of your research project. All using only one non-animated slide.

Published on 21/12/2019 - Updated on 12/02/2024

This is a great opportunity for you to open up to other disciplines, take a step back from your own work, foster contact with the scientific and socio-economic world, and, above all, hone your communication skills towards a lay audience.

This contest takes place every year. Doctoral candidates interested in the competition are selected, supported and initially compete within the Sorbonne University Alliance. The winners then represent the institutions of the Sorbonne University Alliance in the national semi-final, and then, if they are selected, in the national final, organised by the CPU (Conference of University Presidents) and the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research).

Several doctoral candidates from our institutions have already been selected to participate in the national final: Eslem Ben Arous and Alexandra Sauvêtre in 2019, and Mathieu Buonafine in 2016, winning the first prize from the jury in the final. 

The Sorbonne University competition

Each year, the members of the Sorbonne University Alliance call for candidates to compete in the Sorbonne University Alliance final. 18 candidates are selected and receive training in preparation for the requested exercise. This mandatory training takes place over two days plus half a day of coaching. On the evening of the competition, two winners are chosen: one winner chosen by the audience and the winner chosen by the jury. The two winners represent the members of the Sorbonne University Alliance during the national semi-final. 

Typical annual calendar

  • November - January: pre-registration of interested PhD candidates
  • End of January: selection of candidates who will participate in the Sorbonne University finals
  • February - early March: training of candidates (mandatory)
  • March: Sorbonne University final
  • Early April: national semi-final
  • June: national final
  • September/October: international final

Finale Ma thèse en 180 secondes

  • The Doctorate

The 2021 'My thesis in 180 seconds' final

Cérémonie des docteures et docteurs 2021

  • Sorbonne University Alliance

2021 Doctorate Ceremony

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My thesis in 180 seconds: 2023 regional final

Visuel annoncant la finale régionale du concours MT180 2023 ayant lieu le mardi 21 mars

Explaining months, or even years, of research in 3 minutes top chrono sounds impossible... But it's the challenge facing 12 young doctoral students from the region. By taking part in the international science popularization competition, Ma thèse en 180 secondes, they will bring their thesis to life in a clear, concise and convincing way for the general public, who will come to support them to thunderous applause!

Regional final results

Discover the three winners of the regional final on March 21, 2023:

  • 1st Jury Prize : Baptiste KERGARAVAT (Microbes Evolution Phylogeny and Infections) - AMU | ED 62 - Life and Health Sciences Development of innovative enzymes to combat plant pathogens, fungi and insects.
  • 2ᵉ Jury Prize: Claire MAHE (Institut des Sciences du Mouvement) - AMU | ED 463 - Human Movement Sciences Interactions between phantom sensations and walking in lower limb amputees.
  • 3rd Jury Prize: Thomas RAMONDA (Centre méditerranéen de sociologie, de science politique et d'histoire) - AMU | ED 355 - Espaces Cultures Sociétés Violence de guerres de la Guerre de la péninsule: la prise en charge des soldats de l'Empire par le service de santé en Espagne (1808-1814)

Baptiste Kergaravat also received a majority vote from the public (in theatres and online) , making him the lucky winner of the Prix du Public ! The winners of the 1st and 2nd Jury Prizes have thus qualified for the national semi-final in April, in the hope of going on to the national and international finals.

Regional semi-final results

The following candidates have been selected to take part in the regional final on March 21, 2023:

  • Margot CASSAYRE (Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie marine et continentale) - AMU | ED 62 - Life and Health Sciences Optimization of natural antioxidants acting on melanogenesis: nanoformulation techniques, electroporation, iontophoresis and environmental impact.
  • Nadège IANNI (Centre d'études et de recherche en gestion d'Aix Marseille) - AMU | ED 372 - Aix-Marseille Economic and Management Sciences Ostentatious] Socially Responsible Consumption: the paradox of a concept based on two historically antinomic research currents
  • Florian LECAËR (Centre d'études et de recherche en gestion d'Aix Marseille) - AMU | ED 372 -Sciences économiques et de gestion d'Aix-Marseille Study of leisure as a resource in a dual process between commitment and exhaustion at work: the specific case of diving
  • Raphaël PERRIER (Institute of Movement Sciences) - AMU | ED 463 - Human Movement Sciences Contribution to the development of an electromechanical actuator mimicking the multi-scale structure of the striated muscle
  • Claire MAHE (Institut des Sciences du Mouvement) - AMU | ED 463 - Human Movement Sciences Interactions between phantom sensations and walking in lower limb amputees
  • Tom FRINGAND (Mechanics, Modeling and Clean Processes) - AMU | ED 353 - Engineering Sciences Dynamic fluid mechanics model of an aortic valve in the context of Ross intervention
  • Clara CARRICAJO (Mechanics, Modeling and Clean Processes) - AMU | ED 353 - Engineering Sciences Mathematical modeling of turbulent fluid dynamics and stabilization control of TransPod capsules at supersonic speeds in low-pressure tubes.
  • Thomas RAMONDA (Mediterranean Center for Sociology, Political Science and History) - AMU | ED 355 - Espaces Cultures Sociétés Violence de guerres de la Guerre de la péninsule: la prise en charge des soldats de l'Empire par le service de santé en Espagne (1808-1814)
  • Baptiste KERGARAVAT (Microbes Evolution Phylogeny and Infections) - AMU | ED 62 - Life and Health Sciences Development of innovative enzymes to combat phytopathogens, fungi and insects.
  • Aurélie DELOFFRE (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Environnement Urbanisme) - AMU | ED 67 - Legal and Political Sciences Legal innovations and new mobility issues
  • Mélanie BRULC (Institut Matériaux Microélectronique Nanosciences de Provence) - AMU | ED 353 - Engineering Sciences Characterization of biometric parameters detectable by non-invasive FMCW (Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave) millimeter-wave radar technology.
  • Thomas VALERIO (Institute of Movement Sciences) - AMU | ED 463 - Human Movement Sciences Biomechanical modeling of the trapeziometacarpal joint to optimize surgical treatment of rhizarthrosis.

Tom Fringand also won the Prix du Jeune Public thanks to the votes of school classes attending the semi-final on Monday March 20, 2023.

Regional final

The 12 best talents selected by Aix-Marseille Université, Avignon Université and Université de Toulon are keen to share their research in the most accessible and entertaining way possible. Questions and discoveries in chemistry, management, health, law, psychology and much more will punctuate these 12 x 3-minute scientific shows. Whether on stage in the Toga auditorium or live on the Aix-Marseille Université Youtube channel, they're waiting for you to take to the stage and dazzle you!

In the presence of the jury: Christine Morin-Messabel, professor of social psychology at Lyon 2 University, Salima Rafai, physicist and CNRS research director at Grenoble Alpes University, Yves Barille, communications director at Airbus Helicopters, Gilles Rof, freelance journalist and documentary film-maker, correspondent for Le Monde newspaper in Marseille, and Priscille Riondel, AMU doctoral student and winner of the 1st prize in the 2022 regional jury competition.

At the end of the show, three performances will be awarded prizes by the jury. The audience will also be able to vote for their favorite participant. The winners of the 1st Jury Prize and the Audience Prize (or the 1st and 2nd Jury Prizes, if 1st Jury Prize and Audience Prize are identical) will qualify for the national semi-final in April, and will attempt to reach the national and international finals.

Practical information

  • The semi-finalists' presentation booklet is available here .
  • The finalists will be presented on this page on Monday March 20 from 5pm , following the regional semi-final.
  • IMPORTANT: It will be possible to register via Eventbrite to attend the indoor final until Tuesday March 21 at 1pm. Registration to follow the final remotely via Youtube will be open until Tuesday March 21 at 5pm .

About Ma thèse en 180 secondes : The Ma thèse en 180 secondes competition is inspired by the Three minute thesis (3MTMC) competition, first held in 2008 at the University of Queensland, Australia. The Quebec competition is the first of its kind in the French language, and has been running since 2012. Since 2014, the competition has been organized in France by France Universités and CNRS, in partnership with Casden, Maif and MGEN.

  • To register and vote for the People's Choice Award.
  • Follow the event live on Youtube.
  • To discover the semi-finalists .

Doctoral Training Department Sandrine Alligier - Head of cross-disciplinary training, MT180 referent sandrine.alligier[at]

Aix-Marseille Université Communications Department Fanny Trifilieff - Scientific Communications Officer fanny.trifilieff[at]

Le doctorat à l'université de Bordeaux

Université de Bordeaux

my thesis in 180 seconds

  • Science and Society

My Thesis in 180 Seconds 2024: Call for Applications

180 seconds to present your research. 3 minutes to share your passion. University doctoral candidates, come participate in the 2024 scientific popularization competition 'My Thesis in 180 Seconds' and learn to communicate your research project to the general public.

Published on 07/12/2023

The Concept

The MT180 contest , co-organized nationally by CNRS and France Universités , involves presenting your research topic in simple terms to a lay and diverse audience. Your 3-minute presentation should be clear, concise, and, above all, convincing about your research project.

Conditions for Application

  • Be enrolled in a doctoral program in 2023-2024 at the University of Bordeaux or have obtained your PhD in the previous academic year 2022-2023
  • Accept and authorize the use and dissemination of videos and photos related to the competition, especially on social networks
  • Inform your thesis advisor of your participation in the competition
  • Present a sufficiently advanced state of the doctoral research project
  • Speak in French
  • Familiarize yourself with the candidate's handbook published by France Universités and CNRS
  • Candidates from the previous year can reapply if they wish and still meet the eligibility criteria

To Apply Each candidate must complete the online form and send the completed and signed registration form , along with a photo, to the College of doctoral schools before December 18th by email at [email protected] The application will be validated only with the submission of the signed form. Preparation

  • Training in communication and public speaking provided by professionals to learn how to communicate and popularize your passion for research in January and February
  • Support for participation in various finals: University of Bordeaux semifinal and final, followed by regional, national, and international finals, before a jury composed of representatives from the fields of culture and scientific communication, the business world, HR, and the media.

All information about MT180

Your Contacts

Stéphanie danaux.

PROJECT MANAGER - Animation and Training Engineering

Graduate Research School

PROJECT MANAGER - Scientific Mediation

Science avec et pour la société (SAPS)

My thesis in 180 seconds

Presentation of the competition, 2022 edition, dates to remember.

6 December 2021 - 26 March 2022: Organisation of the regional finals in the participating university groups and member universities of France Universités

Early April 2022: Semi-final in Paris

June 2022: National Final

Autumn 2022: International Final in Montreal, Quebec

2019 Edition

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mis à jour le 22 December 2022

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My thesis in 180 seconds

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Initiated for the first time in French language by the Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas) in Quebec in 2012, the “My thesis in 180 seconds” competition was launched in France by the CNRS and the CPU in 2014.

The competition consists in PhD students presenting their thesis subject in three minutes only, while making it attractive and understandable by all. Each PhD student must give a clear, concise, and nonetheless convincing talk about his/her research project, with the support of only one slide! It is a unique opportunity for them to popularise the contents and stakes of their works with the general public, and acquire communication skills well beyond a mere stylistic exercise. PhD students benefit from training courses to meet that challenge, to help them popularise their research and quickly capture attention from an audience.

Each year, UBFC organizes the regional final : 10 PhD students are selected to take part and try to win one out of the two regional prizes: the Audience Award and the Jury Award. The two laureates then represent UBFC at the national final, maybe even the international final…!

The 10 PhD students also have the opportunity to make their presentation to high school students in the Region during the session reserved for them each year and at the end of which the Rectorate awards a Prize for high school students to their preferred candidate.

Regional Final 2024

Congratulations to the 10 finalists !

The 2024 edition of the Ma thèse en 180 secondes contest in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté saw the participation of :

  • Alexandra MERIENNE : doctorante en 5 ème année à l’école doctorale Sociétés, Espaces, Pratiques, Temps (SEPT). Elle prépare sa thèse au sein du Laboratoire de Sociologie et d’Anthropologie (LASA), dans la spécialité Sociologie.
  • Bertrand KACZMAREK : tout jeune docteur, il a soutenu sa thèse le 18 janvier 2024. Il était rattaché à l’école doctorale Sociétés, Espaces, Pratiques, Temps (SEPT) et a préparé sa thèse au sein du Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Sociétés,Sensibilités, Soin (LIR3S), dans la spécialité Philosophie.
  • Chloé MERCIER : doctorante en 1 ère année à l’école doctorale Environnement Santé (ES). Elle prépare sa thèse au sein du laboratoire Interactions Hôte-Greffon-Tumeur & Ingénierie Cellulaire et Génique (RIGHT), dans la spécialité Biochimie et biologie moléculaire.
  • Mathis DAMON : doctorant en 1 ère année à l’école doctorale Environnement Santé (ES). Il prépare sa thèse au sein du laboratoire Interactions Hôte-Greffon-Tumeur & Ingénierie Cellulaire et Génique (RIGHT), dans la spécialité Médecine, cancérologie, génétique, hématologie et immunologie.
  • Elisa CHAZEAU : doctorante en 3 ème année à l’école doctorale Carnot-Pasteur (CP). Elle prépare sa thèse au sein de l’Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l’Université de Bourgogne (ICMUB), dans la spécialité Chimie.
  • Houda RAFI : doctorante en 3 ème année à l’école doctorale Sciences Physiques pour l’Ingénieur et Microtechniques (SPIM). Elle prépare sa thèse au sein du laboratoire Imagerie et Vision Artificielle (ImViA), dans la spécialité Informatique.
  • Raniya KETFI : doctorante en 2 ème année à l’école doctorale Sciences Physiques pour l’Ingénieur et Microtechniques (SPIM). Elle prépare sa thèse au sein de l’institut FEMTO-ST, dans la spécialité Informatique.
  • Lilou DUQUET : doctorante en 1 ère année à l’école doctorale Environnement Santé (ES). Elle prépare sa thèse au sein du Laboratoire de recherches Intégratives en Neurosciences et psychologie Cognitive (LINC), dans la spécialité Neurosciences.
  • Luca MARCHISIO : doctorant en 2 ème année à l’école doctorale Environnement Santé (ES). Il prépare sa thèse au sein du laboratoire Pathologies et épithéliums : prévention, innovation, traitements, évaluation (PEPITE), dans la spécialité Médecine, biochimie, biologie cellulaire et moléculaire, physiologie et nutrition.
  • Marie OLLIVIER : doctorante en 4 ème année à l’école doctorale Carnot-Pasteur. Elle prépare sa thèse au sein du laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB), dans la spécialité Chimie-physique.

The Jury Prize was awarded to Bertrand KACZMAREK .

The Public Prize was awarded to Chloé MERCIER .

 Congratulations to our two winners who will represented the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region at the national semi-final.

Bertrand KACZMAREK will be taking part in the national final on 5 June 2024 in Nice !

Congratulations also to Raniya KETFI , who won the Prix des lycéens 2024, during a session dedicated to them.

A look back in pictures…

Did you miss the regional final find here the performances of the 2 semi-finalists.

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Final of the competition "My Thesis in 180 seconds"

Final of the competition

The 14 PhD Students finalists of the competition My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180)  will present their research in simple, straightforward terms in 3 minutes exactly, in English or in French, using humour, metaphores and examples. A jury made up of people from the scientific community and the broader science world, the business world and the media will decide between the doctoral candidates and award a prize to the three best candidates. The prizes are CHF 1000, CHF 700 and CHF 400 for the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd places. A special audience prize of CHF 400 will also be awarded by the public on site  (no online voting): come to learn more about EPFL research and vote for your favorite candidate ! The 8 th Edition of the EPFL Final My Thesis in 180 seconds is free and open to the public !

17h30: Opening of the doors , free entrance, registration 18h00: Beginning of the Final

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    "My thesis in 180 seconds" is the French version of the Australian model "Three minute thesis", created at the University of Queensland in which post-doctoral students "present their research topic, in French and in simple words to a diverse and uninitiated audience". As the rules specify, "each student must make a clear, short ...

  2. My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180): the winners of 2024

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  3. The 2022 "My thesis in 180 seconds" Final

    The 2022 "My thesis in 180 seconds" Final. Congratulations to the winners! Published on 11/03/2022 - Updated on 16/03/2022. Reading time 2 min. Broadcast live, the final of "My thesis in 180 seconds" (MT180) took place last Thursday, March 10, with a limited audience, under the aegis of the President of Sorbonne University, Nathalie Drach-Temam.

  4. My thesis in 180 seconds

    Finalists of the 2022 Competition: "My Thesis in 180 seconds" @ Gautier Dufau. MT180 is a competition open to doctoral students. The challenge is for students to present their research topics in simple terms in front of a diverse, non-expert audience. Each participant must make a clear, concise and convincing presentation of his or her research ...

  5. The 2021 'My thesis in 180 seconds' final

    Reading time 2 min. 100% digital this year, the Sorbonne University final of "My thesis in 180 seconds" (MT180) was adapted to the current health conditions. Broadcast live, it took place behind closed doors, under the aegis of the President of the University. 180 seconds is all the time that each young researcher has to make a clear and ...

  6. My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180): the winners of 2023

    The 2023 edition of the My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180) competition was organised for the 10th consecutive year by France Universités, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Université Paris-Saclay, in partnership with CASDEN Banque Populaire and MGEN. The competition gives PhD candidates the chance to present their ...

  7. My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT 180): the winners of the 2022 edition

    Explaining months, even years of thesis research work in the simplest, most dynamic and entertaining way possible in just three minutes is no easy feat…but it is possible! Thirteen of the University's PhD candidates took on that exact challenge during the final of the "My Thesis in 180 seconds" competition, which took place on 15 March at CentraleSupélec.

  8. My Thesis in 180 seconds: final 2022

    205 Pl. Guichard, 69003 Lyon. Free. My Thesis in 180 Seconds, the international Francophone competition launched in Quebec, is back for the eighth time in France. Inspired by the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition, MT180 is led in France Universités and the CNRS, and has been developed locally by volunteer university groups.

  9. My Thesis Summed Up in 180 Seconds

    The My Thesis Summed Up in 180 Seconds ("Ma Thèse en 180 secondes") contest lets doctorate students explain their research in simple words for the general public.They only have three minutes, not a second longer, to explain their thesis! It is a unique opportunity for them to enhance their communication skills and to share their research in a public forum.

  10. Competition: My Thesis in 180 seconds

    The competition, "My Thesis in 180 seconds", is for you! In three minutes, and not one second more, you will be asked to make a clear, concise and yet convincing presentation of your research project. All using only one non-animated slide. Published on 21/12/2019 - Updated on 12/02/2024. Competition: My Thesis in 180 seconds.

  11. My thesis in 180 seconds: 2023 regional final

    The Ma thèse en 180 secondes competition is inspired by the Three minute thesis (3MTMC) competition, first held in 2008 at the University of Queensland, Australia. The Quebec competition is the first of its kind in the French language, and has been running since 2012. Since 2014, the competition has been organized in France by France ...

  12. My Thesis in 180 Seconds 2024: Call for Applications

    Science and Society; My Thesis in 180 Seconds 2024: Call for Applications. 180 seconds to present your research. 3 minutes to share your passion. University doctoral candidates, come participate in the 2024 scientific popularization competition 'My Thesis in 180 Seconds' and learn to communicate your research project to the general public.

  13. Elise Berodier

    My Thesis in 180 Seconds is a competition held at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne that gives doctoral students the opportunity to present their rese...

  14. My thesis in 180 seconds

    The Ma thèse en 180 secondes competition allows doctoral students to present their research topic, in French and in simple terms, to a lay and diverse audience. Each candidate must make a clear, concise and convincing presentation of his or her research project in 3 minutes. The presentation must be supported by a single slide.

  15. My thesis in 180 seconds

    My thesis in 180 seconds. Initiated for the first time in French language by the Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas) in Quebec in 2012, the "My thesis in 180 seconds" competition was launched in France by the CNRS and the CPU in 2014. The competition consists in PhD students presenting their thesis subject in three minutes only ...

  16. PDF My Thesis in 180 Seconds

    My Thesis in 180 Seconds is a competition that gives doctoral students the opportunity to present their research topic in simple terms to a general and diverse audience, and to a jury who will grade them. In three minutes each doctoral student must deliver a clear, concise, and yet compelling explanation of his or her research project.

  17. Final of the competition "My Thesis in 180 seconds"

    The 14 PhD Students finalists of the competition My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180) will present their research in simple, straightforward terms in 3 minutes exactly, in English or in French, using humour, metaphores and examples. A jury made up of people from the scientific community and the broader science world, the business world and the media will decide between the doctoral candidates and ...

  18. My Thesis in 180 Seconds (2)

    My Thesis in 180 Seconds (2) 23m. Students in STEM fields related to aviation from universities across the globe were invited to present the main topic of their thesis, exploring various technical or policy aspects of digitalization in aviation - all in 180 seconds. Mr. Bogdan Bogachov - Mc Gill University.