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Instructions for Using HAMK Thesis Template

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Article sections

This page contains a collection of Word instructions produced by Microsoft to help you use the document template for HAMK’s thesis. The Microsoft Web site provides instructions on the same issues for versions of Windows and iOS operating systems.

HAMK Thesis template, Final Thesis page

Styles and Table of Contents

  • Apply styles
  • Insert a table of contents
  • Update a table of contents

Sections and Different Headers

  • Insert, delete, or change a section break
  • Different page numbers to different sections
  • Add page numbers
  • Remove page numbers
  • Start page numbering later in your document

Better Usability

  • Add alternative text to a picture, chart, or other object
  • Improve accessibility
  • Check document properties

Finishing Your Document

  • If you have extra pages in your document  

References, Citations and Sources

  • Add, format, and delete captions
  • Create a cross-reference
  • Create a bibliography, citations and referenc es

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HAMK Unlimited

HAMK Unlimited

Julkaisuja Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulusta

Instructions for writers

HAMK Unlimited is a publishing platform which gathers all HAMK-based publications onto one website. The publications may include texts, pictures, audios, and videos. There are three publications: Professional, Journal, and Scientific. Below you can find general instructions for all these publications, as well as specific instructions for each publication.

Submit your manuscript via submission form . You can also contact us earlier if you need guidance. If you are planning on making an audiovisual publication, please contact us at the earliest possible stage.

As of March 4, 2019, a publishing fee will be applied to such articles published in HAMK Unlimited that do not have an author working or studying in Häme University of Applied Sciences / HAMK Corporation. The publishing fee is 200 euros per article.

The publishing fee will not be applied to articles published in HAMK Unlimited Scientific.

HAMK reserves the right not to apply the publishing fee. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Ph.D., Adjunct Professor Maria Lassila-Merisalo acts as editor-in-chief for publications in HAMK, and M.A. Jaana Lamberg and M.A. Senja Sakko as editors.

HAMK Unlimited uses desk reject procedure. Manuscripts for HAMK Unlimited Professional and Journal are reviewed by two reviewers either from HAMK or outside of HAMK. The peer reviewing process is open both ways. HAMK Unlimited Scientific uses double-blind peer review.

The final decision on publishing is made by the editor-in-chief, based on peer reviews and the principles agreed upon by the editorial board.

The members of the editorial board of HAMK publications 13 March 2023–

Anne-Mari Järvenpää Olli Koskela Raija Koskinen Päivi Laaksonen Sinikka Luokkanen Harri Mattila Janne Salminen Kyllikki Valkealahti Katja Vähäsantanen Maria Lassila-Merisalo, chair

PROFESSIONAL stories are directed either at the big audience or the professional audience. They are based on the author’s expertise.

The structure of the article is free, and different forms are allowed, even promoted. Articles are from 4,000 to 8,000 characters long (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography). Source references are not necessary, but when used, they are referred to according to APA 7th edition. The sources do not need to be academic, but sound criticism is expected.

The publishing decision is made by the editor-in-chief, based on expert opinions. Desk reject is in use, i.e. the editor in chief may decide not to send the manuscript for review. The editors may ask for changes to be made in the manuscript, and the editors also hold the right to make minor corrections to the language. However, the author is responsible for proofreading.

JOURNAL articles present the results of R, D & I activities or teaching and education. The empirical material is in the leading role, and by choosing sources which support the empirical findings, the author shows his/her familiarity with the context and the tradition of his/her topic.

Lectio praecursoria articles can also be published in HAMK Unlimited Journal.

The length of the article is from 10,000 to 20,000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography). The sources are referred to according to APA 7th edition.

The publishing decision is made by the editor-in-chief and based on two expert reviews. Desk reject is in use, i.e. the editor in chief may decide not to send the manuscript for review. The editors may ask for changes to be made in the manuscript, and the editors also hold the right to make minor corrections to the language. However, the author is responsible for proofreading.

SCIENTIFIC includes peer-reviewed scientific articles. A manuscript is written according to general practices in the field in question. The maximum length is 50,000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography). The sources are referred to according to APA 7th edition.

HAMK Unlimited Scientific has been granted the right to use the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications (vertaisarviointitunnus) of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (Tieteellisten Seurain Valtuuskunta, TSV), and adheres to the requirements of use of the label.

Desk reject is in use, i.e. the editor in chief may decide not to send the manuscript for review. The review process is double blind. The reviewers are asked to give one of the following recommendations:

  • to suggest that the manuscript is accepted for publication as such.
  • to suggest that the manuscript is accepted for publication after minor revision (comments included).
  • to suggest that the manuscript is accepted for publication after major revision (comments included).
  • to suggest that the manuscript should be rejected for reasons they set out.

The editors of HAMK Unlimited make the final publishing decision taking into account the recommendations of the reviewers.

These instructions apply to all publication categories.

FORMATTING THE TEXT The text must be aligned to the left; not justified. Do not use hyphenation or paragraph indents. Mark a new paragraph with an empty line. In addition to the main heading, there can be two subheading levels at the most. The main headings and the subheadings should be formatted clearly.

The publishing platform raises the first couple of sentences on the landing page, and thus all texts must begin with a short lead, consisting of two or three sentences.

TABLES AND FIGURES Any tables and figures are marked with running numbers. They are placed in the correct place in the text, not at the end. The headline of a figure is placed under the figure, and the headline of a table is placed on top of the table. Figures are sent in separate picture files. Always include the original file.

PHOTOS Each publication requires at least one article main photo. It needs to be appealing and of good quality, and it should be related to the topic. Submit the photo(s) as separate files (.jpg or .png). Make sure that you have the right to use the picture. Minimum width is 1,000 px, resolution 72 ppi, and the orientation is preferably landscape. Scaling and resizing are taken care of at HAMK Unlimited. You can search for a suitable photo from HAMK Flickr or use image banks on the internet. Always identify the source of the picture. If you don’t come across a suitable photo, the editors can help you find one.

The sources are referred to according to  APA 7   (American Psychological Association, Seventh edition). In the thesis guide for HAMK students, you can find the HAMK citation guide theory and examples , based on the APA publication manual.

HAMK Unlimited is completely open access: all publications are free and available to anyone. In addition to this, we use Creative Commons license CC BY-SA by default. This means that anyone can share, copy and edit your publication, as long as they mention the source and share the material with the same license. If you wish to publish under a different license, let us know. You can learn more about CC licenses and choose a suitable one at https://creativecommons.org/choose/ .

HAMK does not provide proofreading or translation services. HAMK has a contract with a service provider. Here you can check HAMK-specific vocabulary (available only for HAMK staff).


HAMK Unlimited on Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun open access -julkaisuportaali. Julkaisuista vastaa HAMKin toimituskunta. [email protected]


Alasottoilmoitus Käyttöehdot Saavutettavuusseloste

Häme University of Applied Sciences

thesis guide hamk

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Library uses several different services to acquire e-books for its collections. This causes variation in available features as well as in the ways and terms of use. Some e-books are available for download while others offer online use only. There are also e-books that are available for loan, with varying loan periods. The number of simultaneous users may also be limited.

Here you will find more information on the e-book service features and the software applications they may require.

Finding e-books

All e-books are available in HAMK Finna when you login using your HAMK id. Most of the e-books can be found using HAMK Finna basic search feature. Limit your results to e-books only, choose an e-book and use its link for access.

You can also use an individual e-book service (eg. Ebook Central, Ebsco e-books) to search and browse its collections. Use HAMK Finna basic search to locate the e-book service or use the Browse databases feature.

For a more extensive search, use e-book service’s own search features.

Software required

E-books can be used both with a computer and a mobile device. If you use a web browser to access your e-book, no additional software is required.

If your e-book format is PDF, make sure that Adobe Reader has been installed on your device.

>>Download Adobe Reader

Downloading e-books

Many of the e-books are available for download on your own device. Reading downloaded e-books does not require online connections. Your e-book will be downloaded to a reader software, where it will be available for the chosen time period. The following e-book services offer e-books for download: Ellibs, Ebook Central and Ebsco eBooks.

Many of the e-books have been protected by digital rights management (DRM) tools. These e-books require an Adobe ID and a DRM compatible reader software. We recommend the use of Adobe Digital Editions, which requires an Adobe user ID. First create the ID and then download the software before downloading the e-book.

>>Create Adobe ID

Adobe ID authorizes the reader software on your device. When you use the same Adobe ID to authorize your reader both on your computer and mobile device, you can use both to access the same e-books. If you only use your computer to access e-books, Adobe ID is not required and you can skip authorization. Mobile devices always require Adobe ID when using Adobe Digital Editions.

>>Download Adobe Digital Editions

HAMK staff members will find Digital Editions in the Software Center.

Referencing e-books

Instructions on citing and referencing e-books can be found in HAMK thesis guide , appendix 6: Referencing.

E-book services

Ebook central.

Search the database

EBSCO Audio Book Collection

Ebsco ebook collection, vitalsource explore.

  • For Students
  • Information Guide for Students

The purpose of the thesis is to develop your skills in critical thinking, application of knowledge, creativity, independent problem solving, and developing your own expertise, work, and professional field. With your thesis, you will demonstrate that you can operate in expert roles within your future profession.


Instructions, thesis templates, and master’s level evaluation criteria were updated on August 1, 2023, so it is advisable to read them carefully. The instructions, for example, provide more information about the reform related to the phasing of credits, meaning from August 1, 2023, onwards you will receive a ‘passed’ performance mark in three different stages in Pakki, which will change according to the final grade when the thesis is completed.

Instructions, links, and forms for completing the thesis

Writing guidelines and citation technique

The citation technique is now APA 7. In some technical fields, the number citation technique will be used. There’s a transition period for the adoption of the new writing guidelines; if you’ve already started your thesis, you can use the previous citation technique.

The updated writing guidelines, which are followed throughout the studies



Instructions for the Thesis

  • Thesis Workshop
  • Thesis Guidance and Allocation of Responsibilities
  • Research Ethics and Data Protection
  • Sources of Thesis Guidelines
  • Ideation, Selection, and Approval of Your Topic
  • Project Plan or Research Plan
  • Planning and Initiation of the Thesis
  • Formats of a Thesis
  • Writing the Theoretical Framework
  • Selection and Description of the Method
  • Guidelines for Reporting
  • Citations and Creating a Reference List
  • Language Guidance for the Thesis
  • Plagiarism Check
  • Guidelines for Theseus
  • Maturity Test
  • Instructions for the Final Stage of Master’s Thesis
  • Evaluation of the Thesis
  • Defining the search topic
  • Evaluating the search results
  • Choosing and using sources
  • Finna search services
  • Open access (OA)
  • Google Scholar
  • Evaluating online sources
  • Good to know about search engines
  • Databases and articles
  • Other resources

Guidelines for writing the Thesis

The purpose of the thesis is to develop your abilities in critical thinking, applying knowledge, creativity, independent problem-solving, as well as developing your own expertise, work, and professional field. With your thesis, you demonstrate that you can work in expert positions in your future professional field. The thesis in a university of applied sciences is characterized by applied research, analysis, development, and project work.

The process of the thesis

The thesis process consists of various stages and is phased as follows starting from August 1, 2023:

  • Topic selection and approval
  • Project plan and timeline
  • Thesis Planning and Initiation (3cr/5cr)
  • Thesis Theory and Implementation (6cr/10cr)
  • Thesis Final Stage (6cr/15cr)

Master’s Thesis

The aim of the master's thesis in a University of Applied Sciences is to guide you towards critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and the development of your own work and professional field. You are expected to be able to create a research or project plan, adhere to timelines, maintain communication with various stakeholders, independently gather information related to the theoretical framework and empirical data, analyse, and process the acquired theoretical knowledge and empirical data, report on your work, and ensure the language and formatting of documents and work are appropriate. In your thesis, you adhere to research ethics principles in all aspects. Additionally, you must demonstrate through your thesis that you can work in expert and managerial positions within your future professional domain.

Taxation of scholarships related to thesis

Regarding the taxation of scholarships related to the theses, according to the clarified interpretation guidelines received from the West Finland Tax Office, the following taxation practices have been applied since January 1, 2001, for the scholarships distributed from Vaasa University of Applied Sciences Scholarship Fund:

  • If the recipient of the scholarship has been employed by the scholarship-paying company while working on the thesis, the scholarship is considered as compensation for work performed, and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences acts as a substitute payer and withholds income tax from the scholarship. The employer is responsible for paying the employer's contributions related to the scholarship.
  • If the thesis is related to the field of activity or operations of the paying company but there has been no employment relationship as mentioned above, the scholarship is also considered as compensation for work performed, and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences withholds income tax.
  • If there are no connections between the scholarship donors and the scholarship recipient as mentioned above, no income tax withholding is conducted. For all scholarships amounting to at least €1,000, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences provides a notification to the recipient's local tax office.

Regardless of the amount of the scholarship received, the recipient is required to report the received scholarships in their tax return or provide additional information in the tax assessment process.

Forms and links


  • Word template Updated on Nov 13th, 2023.
  • Thesis or project agreement
  • Thesis Assessment Criteria at VAMK, University of Applied Sciences
  • Thesis Assesment Criteria for Master’s Thesis 
  • The old guidelines If you have already been working on your thesis, you can use the old guidelines.
  • For questions related to thesis instructions, please contact your thesis supervisor or group advisor.
  • Regarding matters related to updating the instructions, please contact: Principal Lecturer Piia Uusi-Kakkuri, puu(a)vamk.fi
  • Next: Thesis Workshop >>
  • Last Updated: May 17, 2024 10:30 AM
  • URL: https://vamk.libguides.com/instructions_thesis
  • Switch language, Suomi fi
  • Current language, English en

5 Data management plan guidelines for thesis

At Jamk, a data management plan (dmp) is prepared as an appendix to the thesis plan. It is a concrete plan for handling (saving, sharing, archiving, destroying) the data in the different phases of the thesis. The content complements the thesis plan.

  • Managing research data and preparing a data management plan are part of good scientific practice.
  • The data management plan is an indication of a competence as a higher education student.
  • With the help of the plan, the student prepares operating instructions for him/herself, how to handle the data during the thesis process. The student must solve these things in any case, the plan is tool for that!
  • A data management plan drawn up in advance reduces the risk of loss or destruction of materials. The plan helps to identify risks related to data protection, for example.
  • With the help of the plan, the student is able to anticipate and control the details related to ownership and usage rights, if the thesis is done for a commissioner or project.
  • A plan drawn up in advance enables the utilization of data in further use.

Instructions and template for the data management plan

The structure of the data management plan (see below) follows the national model. Create a data management plan according to the student’s choice using either the Word template or with the DPM Tuuli data management planning tool. They both also contain instructions on how to prepare the plan and what is described in it.

The DMP Tuuli planning tool is used with Haka login. The first time, the ID must be registered, and Jamk University of Applied Sciences must be selected as the organization. In the future, the user can log in directly through Haka under Sign in with your institutional credentials. This is how you find the Jamk’s template: select Create a new plan, write Jamk University of Applied Sciences as a research organization, check the box No funder associated, and finally select the template of Jamk. The plan created in the program can be shared in different file formats and shared with other users, for example to the thesis tutor or another thesis author.

Structure of the data management plan

  • General description of data
  • Personal data, ethical principles and legal compliance
  • Documentation and metadata
  • Storage and backup during the thesis project
  • Archiving and opening, destroying or storing the data after the thesis project
  • Data management responsibilities and resources

Best practices for the thesis tutor

  • The plan must be concrete and describe the solutions to the questions asked specifically for the thesis in question. The plan is an operating manual for the student.
  • The instructions found in the DMP template are also to support the thesis tutor. Check there what should be described in the plan. The questions will be answered in the applicable parts. The intention is not to repeat the contents of the thesis plan.
  • Processing personal data : Pay special attention to the fact that the student recognizes whether he/she is processing personal data in some form in the thesis. This results in the need for a privacy statement and adequate Informing research participants about the processing. The type of personal data also affects how the data can be stored and shared, for example.
  • Consider the role of the commissioner , for example as the owner, user or archiver of the data. Have the research participants been informed correctly, who has the rights to the data and what will be done with it after the thesis is completed. Does the organization require a research permit?
  • Master’s degree data storage for two years: The data of master’s degree theses must be stored securely for two years from the completion of the thesis. The data will not be anonymized or destroyed before this. This enables the data to be checked if necessary if there is reason to suspect fraud. The storage location is indicated in the data management plan.
  • Data storage options are described in the thesis guide (chapter 4.4.5). What is important is a data-secure way of storing and sharing the data, as well as disposing of or storing the data properly after the thesis is completed. When saving, it is recommended to use the services offered by the organization instead of private user accounts.
  • Basically, the data must always be anonymized if it is saved for further use after the work is completed. Note! The data of master thesis must be stored for a possible review for two years after the completion of the thesis in a data-secure manner. If there is still a need to store the data after that, anonymization is done at this stage. If the master thesis data is further used in other research, it is recommended to make an anonymized version for this purpose. Jamk is not responsible for archiving the thesis data.
  • The length of the plan is approximately 1-3 pages.

Data management plan and processing of research data (Thesis guide for students)

DMPTuuli (Data management planning tool)

Data Management Guidelines (The Finnish Social Science Data Archive , FSD): Detailed instructions for all stages of data management, e.g. informing the research subject, storage and disposal of material, rights, anonymization

What is persona data? (Data Protection Ombudsman)

Research permit at Jamk (jamk.fi)

Updated 24.10.2022 Elina Kirjalainen


  • Formatting and reference guides

Formatting guide

Hanken uses a  formatting guide (Libguide) when it comes to academic papers and thesis.

The formatting guide, even if it uses Microsoft Word as its template, gives a general conception on how writing programs work and this skill can be applied also to other writing programs. The formatting guide instructs you how to put your dissertations and other academic assignments in Hanken standard format. The guide also helps you use specific functions of Word programs.

Reference guides

Hanken reference guide Opens in new window is intended for students writing theses and other written assignments at Hanken. The guide follows the APA 7  system for reference technique.

See this Libguide Opens in new window for information about referencing management software.

Down the page under Referencing Tools, you find links to APA 7, Harvard and Oxford reference guides and information on training sessions in Zotero. There are also instructions on how to recognize and avoid plagiarism.

Referencing Tools & Plagiarism

Which referencing style should i use.

The APA 7 style (and Harvard) are the most commonly used referencing styles at Hanken, but at some departments the Oxford style is preferred. Whether unsure, ask your teacher or supervisor which style you should use. The guides and tutorials on this page will help you get the referencing right.  

Reference Management Software

By using a reference management software, you can create your own database and get the list of references as output. Hanken's library supports the use of Zotero. If you need help with referencing or Zotero, join a training session Opens in new window , contact the library through [email protected] or book your personal appointment through the library's booking calendar Opens in new window .  

Harvard system Opens in new window Anglia Ruskin University The Harvard system of referencing Opens in new window De Montfort University

APA-style Opens in new window American Psychological Association

Oxford system Opens in new window Oxford University

Hanken's action plan against academic dishonesty Opens in new window

Avoid plagiarism - test your referencing skills by using the tutorials below:

Refero - an anti-plagiarism tutorial Opens in new window Blekinge Institute of Technology Library and Linnaeus University Library Stop plagiarism Opens in new window The University of Southern Denmark

  • Contact Information


Helsinki Sarah Hagström +358 (0)40 3521408 [email protected]

Vaasa Susanne Holmlund +358 (0)50 4073798 [email protected]

MSOffice, formatting

Helsinki and Vaasa Vilhelm Lönnberg +358(0)50 5930710 [email protected]

[email protected]

Quantum help-desk returns in May

Lseg workspace license changes, quantum help-desk unavailable week 6, hanken library is closed on friday 2.2.2024, the library closed on thursday 14.12.

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  • 29/05 2019 Seminar "Human rights – why should investors care?"
  • 28/05 & 29/01 2019- "What do you think?" Seminars
  • 15/08 2018 - Seminar "The Political Ontology of Corporate Responsibility research"
  • 05/03 & 07/05 2018 - "What do you think?" Collaborative and Cross-disciplinary Seminars
  • 20/03 2018 - Seminar on "Responsible meta-organisations"
  • 15/12/2017 - CCR Christmas Research-Get-Together!
  • 14/12/2017 - Seminar with DS Fellow Henning Grosse Ruse Khan
  • Agenda and Practicalities
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  • 16/10 & 11/12/2017 - “What do you think?” – Collaborative and Cross-disciplinary Seminars
  • 31/08 & 01/09/2017 - Research seminars with Farzad Khan
  • 06/06/2017 - Breakfast seminar
  • 27/04/2017 - Research seminar of Professor Jeremy Moon
  • 31/09/2016 - Launch of CCR
  • Call for Papers
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  • 30.11.2017: Seminar with Robbin Derry
  • 28.09.2017: seminar with Eva Maria Blazquez Agudo
  • 16.03.2017: Seminar with Jeff Hearn
  • 02.02.2017: Seminar with Charlotte Holgersson
  • 26.11.2016: Doctoral Thesis Defence of Tricia Cleland Silva
  • 25.11.2016: Launch of the GODESS Institute
  • Minor studies
  • Bachelor's studies
  • Study modules
  • PhD studies in SCM & SR
  • People at SCM&SR
  • The Nordic School Book
  • Introduction to the Nordic School of Service in Japan
  • Christian Grönroos - Legend in Marketing
  • CERS 25th Anniversary Seminar: “Service Transforming Society”
  • CERS Network
  • Visitors at CERS
  • Services for companies
  • Doctoral dissertations
  • Customers and Relations
  • Marketing Logics and Strategizing
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  • Marketing Effectiveness and Profitability
  • Services Marketing and Philosophy
  • Finnish Innovation Index 2024
  • Finnish Innovation Index 2023
  • Finnish Innovation Index 2022
  • Finnish Innovation Index 2021
  • Innovation Index Coalition (IIC)
  • Boosting Space Business – Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem (AuroraSpace)
  • Co-worker Alignment with Value Propositions
  • The Data Paradox: Aligning Digitalization and Data Policies for Consumer and Employee Well-Being
  • Ostrobothnia Tourism Roadmap 2030
  • Destination Kvarken
  • Food Innovation
  • InnoVäxthus
  • Consumer Newsscape Project
  • Kvarken Space Center
  • ServicePulse
  • A word from the Director of the Institute
  • Board of Directors
  • People at HUMLOG
  • Waste in humanitarian Operations: Reduction and Minimisation (WORM)
  • Self-organization, Support and Integration
  • Cross-sector partnerships for sustainable innovations and closing the loops in the humanitarian supply chain (Co-loop)
  • DigCBA: Responsible Use of Digital Cash-Based Assistance in Refugee Crises
  • Last mile logistics innovation (LOGIN)
  • Resilient Multimodel Freight Transport Network (ReMuNet)
  • SRC Logistics Review and Analysis
  • UrbanSymbiosis
  • sCience & human factOr for Resilient sociEty (CORE)
  • Health Emergency Response in Interconnected Systems (HERoS)
  • Frontline Humanitarian Logistics
  • Integrated system for real-time TRACKing and collective intelligence in civilian humanitarian missions
  • Analysis and Mitigation of Cargo Theft Risk
  • Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis
  • Cash and/or carry: The challenges and modalities of delivering aid in conflict zones
  • DRC Supply Chain Review
  • Innovative sustainable urban last mile: small vehicles and business models (i-SMILE)
  • Waste management and measuring, reverse logistics, environmentally sustainable procurement and transport, and circular economy. (WREC)
  • UNHCR Supply Chain Certification programme
  • Cascading Innovation Upstream the Supply Chain
  • An Integrated Methodological Framework for Emergency Logistics
  • Resilience in Disaster Relief and Development Supply Chains
  • Risk management of extreme weather related disasters and climate change adaption
  • Pictures from "WIM for Partners" training, Copenhagen, October 2015
  • Relief Supply Chain Management
  • Research Outline - Food Security and Development Project
  • Gender and Humanitarian Logistics
  • Stories from our master's students
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  • HUMLOG Board Award
  • Bibliography
  • Articles related to the JHLSCM
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  • Bachelor and Master Studies
  • Master's Degree studies in English
  • Career prospects
  • Auditor examination in Finland
  • Botnia Accounting & Auditing Seminar
  • Bachelor and Master studies
  • Master studies in Intellectual Property Law
  • Research in Commercial Law
  • Message from the director
  • Honorary Fellows
  • Accounting for Sustainability seminar
  • English as a minor
  • Suomen kieli
  • Finnish as a minor
  • Projects within the Finnish department
  • French as a minor
  • German as a minor
  • Russian as a minor
  • Spanish as a minor
  • Minor in the national languages of Finland
  • Learning environments in Swedish
  • Projektet Finlandssvenskars skrivande i arbetslivet
  • Undersida under arbete
  • Grants within the Language Centre
  • Competence centres
  • Hanken & SSE
  • Students from Ukraine
  • After Class med Jesper & Dennis
  • Career Podcast
  • Gyllene studietider at Hanken
  • Hankens Summer Pods
  • Humanitarian Unwrapped
  • Sustainability Unwrapped
  • Pod archive
  • Mission – Vision – Values
  • Hanken in Figures
  • Accreditations and Rankings
  • Quality Handbook and Quality System
  • Competency Goals
  • The Hanken 2030 Strategy
  • Financial Statements
  • Two Study Locations
  • Sustainable campus
  • Institutions and competence centres for sustainable development
  • Societal engagement in research
  • Sustainability in Education
  • Program Details
  • PRME Hanken
  • Hanken Progress Reports
  • Nordic Regional Chapter and Hanken
  • SDG week 2022
  • SDG Week 2023
  • Sustainable Organisation
  • Hanken's Organisation Chart
  • University Collegium
  • The Board of Hanken
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  • Rector and Deans
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  • Corporate Relations and Outreach
  • International partnerships and mobility
  • Hanken Business Lab
  • Hanken Support Foundation
  • Experts for media
  • Pictures and logos
  • Job opportunities
  • Code of Conduct
  • Videon från dataskyddsseminarier på Hanken (GDPR)
  • De inhemska språken i kandidatexamen
  • Ämnesval i Helsingfors
  • Ämnesval i Vasa
  • Mognadsprov i kandidatexamen
  • Master's degree structure
  • Swedish summary (in Swedish)
  • Maturity Test
  • Plagiarism control
  • Support for study planning
  • At the start of your studies
  • Funding for your doctoral research studies
  • Structure and Regulations
  • Study administration
  • Change of Major
  • Change of Supervisor
  • Doctoral Courses
  • External Networks and Partners
  • Doctoral Studies Abroad
  • Composite Thesis
  • Licentiate Thesis
  • Public Defence
  • Degree Certificate
  • Conferment Doctoral Degrees
  • Coaching for PhD students
  • General information
  • Entreprenörskap och företagsledning / Entrepreneurship, Management and Organisation
  • Finansiell ekonomi / Finance
  • Företagsledning och organisation / Management and Organisation
  • Handelsrätt / Commercial Law
  • Informationsbehandling / Information Systems Science
  • Logistik och samhällsansvar / Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility
  • Marknadsföring / Marketing
  • Nationalekonomi / Economics
  • Redovisning / Accounting
  • Statistik / Statistics
  • Engelska / English
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  • Tyska / German
  • Sommarkurser / Summer courses
  • JOO studies at another university
  • Hanken MOOCs
  • CR minor for degree students
  • CR module for non-degree students
  • LITO study module
  • Study Module in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility
  • Study Module in IP Law
  • Study Module in Commercial Law
  • Open University
  • Document requirements
  • Country-Specific document requirements
  • Registration as absent first year of enrolment
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  • Practical tips for students new to Finland
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  • Language selection - new bachelor's students
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  • Transferring Credits from Studies Abroad
  • Limited duration of studies
  • Timetable for graduation
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  • Language Support
  • Artificial intelligence in studies and learning
  • Co-writing sessions
  • Step 1: Know yourself
  • Step 2: Know the industry
  • Step 3: Make a decision
  • Step 4: Establish the contact
  • Insight days
  • Working Breakfast
  • Career seminars and case-exercises
  • CV/LinkedIn Check-In
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  • Internship grant
  • How to make the most out of your internship
  • How Do I Prepare?
  • Career survey: MSc graduates, 6 months after graduation
  • Career survey: MSc graduates, 5 years after graduation
  • Career survey: PhD graduates 3 years after graduation
  • How to find job openings
  • How to write a successful Job Application and CV
  • How to Shine at an Interview
  • Aptitude tests and analysis
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  • Safety instructions for Quantum
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Thesis Report Guide - TAMK's Report Guide

Thesis report guide.

Theses are reported in accordance with TAMK's Report Guide .

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) constitute the Tampere Universities community. Our areas of priority in research and education are technology, health and society. Tampere University: +358 (0)294 5211 Tampere University of Applied Sciences : +358 (0)294 5222


  1. HAMK-Thesis-guide

    thesis guide hamk

  2. Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: A Handbook For

    thesis guide hamk

  3. HAMK International Applicant's Guide 2024 by Häme University of Applied

    thesis guide hamk

  4. Instructions for Using HAMK Thesis Template

    thesis guide hamk

  5. Choosing a Proper Thesis Format: Useful Guidelines

    thesis guide hamk

  6. How To Write A Thesis Statement

    thesis guide hamk


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  4. Janell Shah

  5. Elements and Structure of a Master Thesis (Chapter 3

  6. 15- ?How to write chapter 1 of a master's thesis


  1. Thesis

    A Master's thesis includes, for example, one (1) HAMK Unlimited Journal article and 1-2 professional articles, preferably directed at external channels, in at least one of which the student is the first author. The supervisor and HAMK's publishing services ensure the article's eligibility for publication.

  2. Instructions for Using HAMK Thesis Template

    HAMK Thesis template, Final Thesis page Styles and Table of Contents Apply stylesInsert a table of. This page contains a collection of Word instructions produced by Microsoft to help you use the document template for HAMK's thesis. The Microsoft Web site provides instructions on the same issues for versions of Windows and iOS operating systems.

  3. PDF HAMK Citation Guide part 1: Theory 2023

    Citation of references. A citation is composed of two parts: 1) the in-text citation and 2) its counterpart in the reference list. A parenthetical in-text citation is embedded in the text. An in-text citation is enclosed in parentheses at the place where the idea or information is presented. An in-text citation incorporates the author of the ...

  4. Examples related to the thesis

    HAMK's theses often focus on people, so in the early stages of the thesis, it is necessary to take care of the implementation of good scientific practice and data protection aspects when recruiting target persons for the thesis. ... More information can be found in HAMK's thesis guide and data protection guidelines. You can ask questions at ...

  5. Instructions for Using HAMK Thesis Template

    Kuuntele This page contains a collection of Word instructions produced by Microsoft to help you use the document template for HAMK's thesis. The Microsoft Web site provides instructions on the same issues for versions of Windows and iOS operating systems. HAMK Thesis template, Final Thesis page Styles and Table of Contents Apply styles Insert a […]

  6. PDF HAMK Citation Guide part 2: Examples 2023

    HAMK citation guide Part 2: Examples Replaces previous HAMK reference guides as of November 2022. Content Publication, one author 3 Publication, two authors 4 ... Master [s or achelor [s thesis 21 Dissertation 22 Acts and decrees 23 Standards 24 Blog post 25 Radio or TV programme 26 YouTube video, podcast, webinar 27

  7. Thesis archive

    Guide to using HAMK thesis archive. HAMK staff and students can access theses in the HAMK internal thesis archive via VDI connection. Instructions on how to do it can be found from HAMK intra.. If you are a non-HAMK customer and want to read theses stored in the HAMK thesis archive, please contact the library staff.

  8. Instructions for writers

    In the thesis guide for HAMK students, you can find the HAMK citation guide theory and examples, based on the APA publication manual. CC LICENSE. HAMK Unlimited is completely open access: all publications are free and available to anyone. In addition to this, we use Creative Commons license CC BY-SA by default.

  9. Thesis Guide: Bachelor's Thesis and Master's Thesis

    HAMK-Thesis-guide - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  10. Search Home

    Search tips and help on using thesis archive. Library manuals. Manuals to help you to use HAMK library. Information sources . E-collections. HAMK library e-resources: books, journals, databases. Subject specific information sources. Information search guide. Feedback; ... Log in to use e-materials. Login. Access to e-materials is provided for ...

  11. | HAMK Finna

    HAMK staff members will find Digital Editions in the Software Center. Referencing e-books . Instructions on citing and referencing e-books can be found in HAMK thesis guide, appendix 6: Referencing. E-book services. Ebook Central . Search the database. Description: More than 140 000 electronic books on a wide range of topics.

  12. Thesis

    The purpose of the thesis is to develop your skills in critical thinking, application of knowledge, creativity, independent problem solving, and developing your own expertise, work, and professional field. With your thesis, you will demonstrate that you can operate in expert roles within your future profession.

  13. Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu

    Standardized test instructions and documentation for UL962-compliant tests . Roivainen, Joonas (2024) The aim of this thesis was to assess the process of mechanical tests in the UL-962 standard and identify the need for standardization. The work is related to Framery's commission, examining the impact of the standard on ...

  14. Welcome to complete your thesis!

    Welcome to complete your thesis! This website contains both basic information about the thesis and more detailed instructions on how to carry out the actual thesis project. In section 4 you will find the steps related to the progress of the thesis. Proceed in numerical order (4.1, 4.2 …). The final stages of the thesis are described in ...

  15. Guidelines for Writing the Thesis

    The thesis process consists of various stages and is phased as follows starting from August 1, 2023: Topic selection and approval; Project plan and timeline; Thesis Planning and Initiation (3cr/5cr) Thesis Theory and Implementation (6cr/10cr) Thesis Final Stage (6cr/15cr)

  16. 5 Data management plan guidelines for thesis

    Data storage options are described in the thesis guide (chapter 4.4.5). What is important is a data-secure way of storing and sharing the data, as well as disposing of or storing the data properly after the thesis is completed. When saving, it is recommended to use the services offered by the organization instead of private user accounts.

  17. Thesis at TAMK (student's guide)

    1.1 Thesis. The thesis is an independent study performance in your studies. Its scope within bachelor's degrees is 15 credits (cr) and 30 cr in master's degrees. The thesis is graded separately on the degree certificate. The thesis process includes contact teaching, seminars, thesis supervision and independent work.

  18. Formatting and reference guides

    Formatting guide. Hanken uses a formatting guide (Libguide) when it comes to academic papers and thesis. The formatting guide, even if it uses Microsoft Word as its template, gives a general conception on how writing programs work and this skill can be applied also to other writing programs. The formatting guide instructs you how to put your ...

  19. Thesis Report Guide

    Thesis Report Guide. Theses are reported in accordance with TAMK's Report Guide. TAMK's Report Guide. Published: 22.8.2019. Updated: 28.6.2022. Print this page.

  20. HAMK-Thesis-guide

    naytetyo@hamk. The thesis is then transferred to HAMK's inter- nal thesis archive, where it can only be read by users in the HAMK net- work. The library notifies the student and the supervisor specified in the thesis after the work has been archived. After this, the supervisor permits the student to participate in the final seminar.