150 Strong History Dissertation Topics to Write about

ancient history dissertation topics

Writing a dissertation is one of the most challenging and exciting moments of an academic career. Such work usually takes a great deal of time, courage, and intellectual effort to complete. That’s why every step in your work process is essential.

It all starts with finding a good topic, which can be a challenge of its own. It especially matters when it comes to liberal arts subjects. In social studies, literature, or world history options are practically endless.

Coming up with history dissertation ideas, you need to think of historical events that interest you. We get it, choosing one is tough. There can be too much to wrap your head around. That’s why IvyPanda experts prepare some dissertation topics in history ready for you.

  • How to Choose a Topic?
  • Ancient History
  • Medieval History
  • Modern History
  • Cold War Topics
  • American History
  • European History
  • Indian History
  • African History
  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • How to Structure

🧐 How to Choose a History Dissertation Topic?

Before examining our ideas for dissertation topics in history, you should get ready for this. You have to understand how to pick a history dissertation topic, which will ensure your academic success. Keep in mind that this is a vital step in your career.

So, check some tips on picking what to write about:

  • Make sure that the topic fits in your field of study. You have to understand what you’re writing about. Basing your paper on existing knowledge and experience is a part of any dissertation. Working on an overly complicated idea can sound impressive but lead to failure. It will become a nightmare already on the stage of writing a dissertation proposal. How can you write the entire thing without comprehending it?
  • Estimate whether you’re interested in the topic you intend to write on. Although this might seem obvious, yes. However, being actually invested makes a massive difference for your further work. There are plenty of students who settle for “easy but boring” topics and end up struggling twice as much.
  • Ensure that your topic is specific enough. Your idea should have the potential for fruitful research. Narrowing down your area of study is essential for writing a good dissertation. It helps you to find the direction of your examination and enough sources to work with. Moreover, this way, you’ll be able to explore your topic in its entirety.
  • Do some prior research. It will give you an understanding of how much literature on your topic is out there. Take notes of the materials for the reference list and your analysis. Checking history essay samples is a good idea, too.
  • Don’t be shy to ask your dissertation advisor for some assistance. After all, they are here to help and guide you through the process. Besides, you have to see what ideas they consider relevant and appropriate.

👍 Good Dissertation Topics in History: Time Period

History is a subject as ancient and vast as the humankind itself. It’s only rational to study it according to a particular timeline. Here are some good history dissertation topics for different periods.

đŸș Ancient History Dissertation Topics

  • Ancient Civilizations: The Maya Empire . The Maya was an incredibly powerful Empire with its prime around six century A.D., excelling in mathematics, calendar-making, astrology, and writing. It faced the decline of its city-states in nine century A.D., leaving a rich cultural heritage to the studies of subsequent generations.
  • Women’s Roles and Gender relations in the Ancient World
  • Greek City-States . Ancient Greece is the place where the first city-states were formed. How did the first governments in the ancient history timeline develop? How did people’s attitudes towards leadership change in that context?

A city-state was the community structure of ancient Greece.

  • Ancient Near-Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
  • The Inca Empire as a Great Civilization of Pre-Columbian America
  • The Impact of Mongol Invasion in Ancient Arab
  • The personality of Julius Caesar and His Effect on Rome
  • The Role of Poets and the place of Poetry in Ancient Greece
  • Mesopotamian Civilization . This was a fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It has been home to some of the world’s wealthiest and most advanced ancient cities. It can also make an excellent archaeology dissertation topic. There are plenty of fascinating sites that could be studied.
  • History: Ancient Greek Olympics . Started in 776 BC, the Olympic Games were the most important cultural event in Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus every four years. Besides, the Olympics were representative of the triumph of physical and spiritual power.
  • Warfare and Violence in Ancient Times. Try to do a comparative analysis of warfare techniques used by different ancient civilizations. It could be a great dissertation topic.
  • Burial Rituals in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece: a comparison
  • Plutarch’s Vision on Alexander the Great
  • Dissolution of the Roman Empire . The Empire sprawled from the coast of North Africa to the territories of the modern UK and Armenia. Once, it was the most powerful political entity in the entire Mediterranean. The empire, however, collapsed in 476 CE. What were the reasons for its eventual decline?

There are at least 8 prominent reasons for the Roman Empire's decline.

  • How Geography Has Impacted the Development of Ancient Cultures
  • Cause and Effect of Art on Classical Societies
  • The Invention of Papyrus and its impact on the World
  • Chichen Itza Archaeological Site . Chichen Itza is a great pre-Columbian archaeological site, home to the Maya civilization. It is a fascinating study case in many aspects. Consider the origins and Maya history. Analyze the cultural preservation issues that it faces nowadays.
  • Egyptian Pyramid’s Importance in Egypt’s society
  • The Stone Age Period and its Evolution

🛡 Medieval History Dissertation Ideas

  • Cultural Exchanges in the Medieval Period . In the aftermath of the Roman Empire’s fall, new geopolitical conditions formed. The early Middle Ages period already marked the appearance of new trade routes. It fostered cultural exchange between nations.
  • Rome in the Middle Ages and its cultural transformation
  • The Development of Feudalism and Manorialism in the Middle Ages
  • The Catholic Church and the Black Death in the 14th Century . During the high Middle Ages, the plague epidemic terrorized Europe. It was a dreadful challenge to medicine, religious institutions, and the social apparatus of the time. How did the Catholic Church deal with such a complex and disastrous medical phenomenon?
  • Jews and Muslims in Medieval Spain . Christian, Islamic, and Jewish communities shared the Iberian peninsula in the early Middle Ages. It formed a vibrant cultural environment.
  • London during the Roman Age: A Critical Overview
  • Causes of the First Crusade of 1095-1099
  • Twelfth-Century Renaissance, how Franciscans reacted to it and benefited from its development
  • Business and Empire, the British ideal of an Orderly World
  • The Black Death, Late Medieval Demographic crisis, and the Standard of Living controversies
  • The Role of the Church in the life of the Middle Ages

Over the Middle Ages, the church was the only universal European institution.

  • Medieval Siege Warfare . Exploring methods of defense used during the Middle Ages might be an interesting research project.
  • The Conditions of Hindu and Islamic women in Medieval India
  • Why the Crusades Failed
  • The Mechanical Water clock of Ibn Al-Haytham, his philosophy of the rise and fall of empires
  • The Renaissance and its Cultural, Political and Economic Influence
  • The Dark Ages as the Golden Ages of European History . Plenty of facts demonstrate civilization’s decline during the Middle Ages. It was, nevertheless, the time of significant scientific, literary, and technological progress. For some interested in writing a medieval literature dissertation: think of Dante’s Divine Comedy . Da Vinci made his groundbreaking study projects during the Middle Ages. It was the time when first universities, such as Cambridge and Oxford, were founded. Overall, this period has a lot to offer!
  • Japan’s Development Under Edo/Tokugawa Shogunate
  • Historical and Theological Context of Byzantine Iconoclasm
  • Medieval Convivencia: Document Analysis

🕰 Modern History Dissertation Topics

  • World History: Enlightenment in Society and its Impact on Global Culture
  • Nationalism and its 19th Century History
  • Why Mussolini and the Fascists Were Able to Seize Power in Italy
  • Religious Symbolism in Renaissance paintings . Renaissance is well-known as a period when fine arts were thriving. It was an early modern birthplace of many technological and cultural advancements. Religion, however, was still a central topic in visual art.
  • Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Western Civilizations
  • Principles of Liberalism and Its Connection to Enlightenment and Conservatism
  • “History and Topography of Ireland” by Gerald of Wales . Looking for an incredible Irish history dissertation topic? Then this document might be an interesting prompt. Its somewhat controversial tone of describing contemporary Irish culture, history, and traditions can be subject to a comprehensive analysis.
  • Moral treatment of Mental Illness . Over the 19th and 20th centuries, psychology has changed. Moving from a scientific periphery, it became one of the central subjects of scholarly discussions. Mental illnesses were highly disregarded in earlier centuries. People even considered them to be manifestations of demonic possession. How did this attitude change? Why did people rethink psychology as a scholarly discipline?
  • A History of the Cuban Revolution

The Cuban Revolution started in 1953.

  • Abraham Lincoln’s Historical Influence
  • Role of Women During the Spanish Civil War
  • Conquest and Colonization of America by European Countries . Colonization of America is one of the grandest enterprises in the world’s political history. What were its driving forces?
  • Origins and Trajectory of the French Revolution
  • Major Impacts of Consumerism in contemporary world history
  • Coco Chanel Fashion: History of Costume . Probably not the first topic for a history dissertation that comes to mind. Chanel is truly an iconic figure in modern history, though. She revolutionized the fashion industry concerning gender as well.
  • Causes of the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia
  • The Russian Working Class Movement . Before 1861, the agriculture and peasant-owning system were the foundation of the Russian Empire’s economy. Serfs made up a significant part of the population, accounting for over 60% in some regions. Then the serfdom abolition happened. A lot has changed in the economic and social life of the country.
  • Segregation During the 1960s
  • Historical Development of Feminism and Patriarchy
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy during the Great Depression

🔔 History Dissertation Topics on Cold War

  • The Role of Cold War in Shaping Transatlantic Relations in the Period from 1945 to 1970
  • The showdown between the United States and the USSR . Cold Was was essentially the power struggle between the US and the Soviet Union. It unleashed in the aftermath of World War II. This political precedent came to an end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, the answer to the “Who won the Cold War?” question may be unclear.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis , its causes, and effects
  • US Foreign Policy during the Cold War. Cold War, as a phenomenon, has many layers to it. Yet the one crucial is the contest of two ideologies: democracy and communism. How did the US shape its foreign policy and pursue its interests abroad? And how did the cultural and political setup within the country adjust to it?
  • To what extent did the Cold War shape the US relations with Latin America?
  • What was the importance of Berlin in the Cold War?
  • Japan’s role since the end of the Cold War
  • Cold War Politics, Culture, and War . Exploring the Cold War causes and effects can be quite a challenge. It is such a multifaceted phenomenon. It was a war led on many fronts. Both USSR and the US pursued their interests using a variety of methods.

For your history dissertation, analyze the Cold War from different angles.

  • How did Cold War propaganda influence the film industry?
  • What were the challenges in the post-cold war world?

đŸ—ș History Dissertation Topics: Geographical Regions

Every country has its historical course, and so does every continent. Geography has always been an important factor when talking about history. It shapes historical trajectory in varied, unique ways.

Look at a dissertation topics history list based on geographical regions:

🩅 American History Dissertation Topics

  • History of Hollywood, California . Oh, Hollywood. A place where American movie history was born. What about Hollywood’s history? Although a less traditional American history dissertation topic, it is still a fascinating one. Explore the way technological advancements in filmmaking were introduced over the decades. How did they influence the film’s general style?
  • History: Migration into the United States . How did migration influence the economy of the time?
  • The Relationships between the Settlers and Native Americans
  • Literary works’ Views on Slavery in the United States
  • Causes of the Civil War in America
  • What is the real meaning of a cowboy?
  • The United States military experience through the eyes of films
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor: Effects of Foreign policy
  • Causes of Depression in the 1890s
  • Has President Obama’s Presidency changed the US?
  • The role of Founding Fathers in American Society and Religion
  • Post-Civil War reconstruction . Consider the way America’s economy, trade, and finance transformed in the aftermath of the Civil War.
  • Principal causes and consequences of the Spanish-American War
  • Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
  • The Significance of the Frontier in American History
  • How is a “new racial narrative” in the U.S.A created?
  • American Revolution and the Crisis of the Constitution of the U.S.A. Rethink the origins of the American constitution, as well as the following events. It could be an exciting thesis idea for an American history dissertation.

The US Constitution can be recognized as a crisis.

  • Growth and Development of San Francisco and Los Angeles after the Gold Rush
  • The Role of Racism in American Art
  • Drug Use and Abuse in America: Historical Analysis

🏰 European History Dissertation Topics

  • Age of Discovery in Europe. The Age of Exploration in Europe lasted from the 15th to the 17th century. Over this period, Europe actively engaged with other territories and continents. Discoverers formed new international relations and expanded geographical knowledge. This topic could also make an excellent cultural history dissertation.
  • Analyzing the Impact of British Colonization
  • Nationalism in World War II
  • Effects of the Industrial Revolution concerning World War I
  • The Rise and Fall of Napoleon and the Cause of Revolution . Napoleon is one of the most prominent figures in French history. What has shaped his career as a political leader?
  • History of Hitler’s Nazi Propaganda . Consider a brief history of Germany. Undoubtedly, the rule of Hitler and the Third Reich was its most devastating chapter. The “art” of propaganda flourished during the nazi regime. It penetrated the cultural, political, and social life of the country.
  • Evolution of the IRA
  • Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics in his Invasion of Russia . For someone interested in writing a military history dissertation.
  • Industrial Revolution Impact on Gender Roles
  • Witchcraft in Europe (1450-1750) . Witch hunts took place as early as the Middle Ages in Europe. Held by the Church in most cases, witch hunts targeted those who were suspected of practicing black magic. Examine this both astonishing and problematic phenomenon.

Witch hunts are strongly tied to the gender discrimination.

  • French Revolution: Liberal and Radical Portions
  • West European Studies: Columbus’s Journey
  • History of Feudalism . Feudalism dominated the European way of life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. What were its distinctive features as a system? Why did it eventually fade away?
  • Europe’s perception of Islam in the Early and Middle centuries
  • Cold War Consequences for European Countries
  • Mutated Medical Professionals in the Third Reich: Third Reich Doctors
  • Was the Holocaust the Failure or the Product of Modernity?
  • How did the use of print change the lives of early modern Europeans ?
  • Early Modern England: a Social History
  • Jewish Insight of Holocaust

⛰ Indian History Dissertation Topics

  • History of the Indian Castes. The Indian Caste system is a complex and unique example of social stratification.
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s Leadership . Gandhi is, for sure, among the greatest human rights advocates in the world’s history. His one of a kind leadership style is subject to many studies. While practicing a peaceful form of civil protest, he fought for equality, independence, and compassion.
  • Political conflicts in India in the XVII century
  • Impacts of the First World War on British Policies in India
  • Movement Against the British rule in India. Led by Mahatma Gandhi, with the support of the National Congress, the movement took place in 1920-22. It sought to fight for the freedom of Indians.
  • The Origin and Course of the Indian revolt of 1857
  • The Issues of the Partitioning of India in 1947
  • India Since 1900 . India is a region rich with unique traditions. Its spiritual and cultural heritage goes back to antiquity. The country’s authentic art and architecture, music, and cuisine have served as an inspiration worldwide. A considerable part of its history is, however, affected by British rule.

Colonization has created a merge of cultures in India.

  • Women in Hinduism and Buddhism
  • The British East India Company

🌍 African History Dissertation Topics

  • Ancient Societies in Mesopotamia and Ancient Societies in Africa: a comparison . Egypt is one of the most ancient African civilizations. Its origins go back to the third millennium B.C. Back then, the cultural exchange between Egypt and Mesopotamia was flourishing. What were the significant differences between the two civilizations? What did they have to offer to one another?
  • Political Violence in South Africa between 1985 and 1989
  • Did History of Modern South Africa begin with the Discovery of Diamonds and Gold?
  • Nelson Mandela: “Freedom in Africa.” Nelson Mandela is, without a doubt, one of the central figures in African history. His devotion and tireless effort in fighting against apartheid were remarkable. Thanks to him, many sub-Saharan countries enjoy the freedoms and advances of a democratic society.
  • The Cult of the Dead in West Africa: The Kongo People . African tribal rituals and traditions are unique and specific to their region. Cult of the Dead is prevalent in Western African culture. It can be notoriously known as the origin place of voodoo and other black magic practices. There is yet much more to this culture. Dismantling some prejudices could make an excellent African history thesis.
  • Christianity, Slavery, and Colonialism: the paradox
  • The Colonial War in Southwest Africa
  • African-Europe Relations between 1800 and 2000
  • Impacts of Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa
  • African Communities in America

There are organizations of African immigrants in the US.

🎹 Art History Dissertation Topics

Art comes in all shapes and forms. To grasp it better, we can explore each kind separately. Here’s a list of art history dissertation ideas:

đŸŽ¶ Topics on Performing Arts

  • History and Development of Ballet . Ballet is an art form with a long history. Initially, a specific dance originated in Medieval Italy. It was later brought to France and Great Britain. Ballet thrived in the 20th century Russia, where Russian choreographers brought it to the highest level of mastery.
  • The Life and Work of William Shakespeare: His Contribution to The Contemporary Theater
  • Jazz Music in American Culture . Jazz is one of the most complex and exciting music genres of all time. It was born in the 20’s century black communities of New Orleans and quickly spread across America and then the world. The genre, however, will always be an integral part of African-American identity.
  • The Instrumental Music of Baroque: Forms and Evolution
  • Rock Music of the 1970s
  • Michael Jackson’s Life as a Musician and Choreographer
  • Development of the Symphony Orchestra in the 19th and 20th Century
  • Woodstock Music Festival . This massive music festival that first took place in 1969 was the epitome of hippie culture. It has a rich history that once again underscores the importance of performing arts in Western culture.
  • The History of Modern Chinese Music
  • The Renaissance Theater Development. The era in which both visual and performing arts were thriving. It has a lot to offer for proper dissertation research.

đŸ–ŒTopics on Visual Arts

  • Art Period Comparison: Classicism and Middle Age
  • Vincent Van Gogh: Changes in the Technique
  • The Ambiguity of Mona Lisa Painting

The US Constitution can be recognized as a crisis.

  • Orientalism in Western Art . It’s commonly associated with romanticism and some 20th-century artworks. Orientalism is a Western term that speculates the aesthetics of the Orient. Consider this concept as a prism through which Westerners viewed the Eastern world.
  • Classical Art and Cubism: History and Comparison
  • Postmodern and Modern Art . The 20th and 21st centuries have been a breeding ground for many forms of fine art to emerge and flourish. Some art movements presented their philosophy in the form of manifestos. These texts can be nothing but a pure treasure for someone writing an art history dissertation.
  • Female Figures in Ancient Greek Sculpture
  • Andy Warhol’s Career . Pioneer of pop-art, creator of Studio 54, and a style icon.
  • Filippo Brunelleschi and Religious Architecture
  • The Photographic Approaches Towards American Culture of Robert Frank and Garry Winogrand

📋 How to Structure Your Dissertation?

An adequately structured history dissertation can immensely help students. It ensures that they present their ideas and thoughts logically. Sticking to a particular dissertation structure is an essential element of such work.

Proper organization of a history dissertation can improve the working process.

The general plan of any dissertation type is the following:

  • Title Page. A title page should only contain essential information about your work. It usually shows your name, type of the document (thesis, research paper, dissertation), and the title itself. A good history dissertation title is crucial! It’s the first thing a reader will see.
  • Acknowledgments. Do you wish to give credit to someone for supporting you during the tiresome months of your work? This is the right part to do so, be it your family, friends, or professors. It is an excellent form to express gratitude to those who proofread your drafts. Or those who brought you another cup of coffee when you needed it.
  • Declaration. This section is your written confirmation. You declare that all the research and writing is entirely original and was conducted by you. If someone intellectually contributed to your project, state it in the acknowledgments.
  • Table of Contents. Essentially, it’s a brief structure of your dissertation. List every section that you’ve included in your academic paper here.
  • Abstract. This is the section where you write a brief summary of your dissertation. It should describe the issue, summarize your core message and essential points. List your research methods and what you’ve done. Remember to make it short, as the abstract shouldn’t exceed 300 words or so. Finish the part with a few essential keywords so that others can find your work.
  • Introduction. A dissertation introduction presents the subject to the reader. You can talk about the format of your work. Explain what you plan to contribute to the field with your research.
  • Literature Review. The chapter reviews and analyzes pieces of scholarly work (literature) that have been made on the subject of your research. The sources should present relevant theories and support your thesis. Be sure to discuss the weaknesses and strengths of the selected area of study and highlight possible gaps in this research.
  • a code of conduct;
  • research limitations;
  • research philosophy;
  • research design;
  • ethical consideration;
  • data collection methods;
  • data analysis strategy.
  • Findings and Results. Restate everything you have found in your research. However, do not interpret the data or make any conclusions yet.
  • Discussion and Conclusion. In this chapter, you should personally interpret all of the data and make conclusions based on your research. It is essential to establish a logical link between the results and evidence. Finally, conclude the overall study. You can add final judgments, opinions, and comments.
  • References. This section contains a list of references to all the sources that you used. Write down every material, which you quoted, mentioned, or paraphrased in your work. Check your educational institution’s guidelines to see how to do so correctly.
  • Bibliography. Similar to the reference section, a bibliography is a list of sources you used in your dissertation. The only difference is that it should contain even the sources you don’t directly mention in your writing. Whatever helped you with the research, you state here.
  • Appendices. The section may include any supplementary information that explains and complement the arguments. Add pictures, diagrams, and graphs that serve as examples for your research subject.

An appendix of the history dissertation should be available to provide the reader with evidence.

Writing a dissertation is the right challenge for those with ambitions and lots of determination. It is a lot like a marathon, and it starts with choosing the right topic. We hope that you will find one for yourself on this list. Good luck! Share the article to help those who may need a piece of advice or some history dissertation topics.

🔗 References

  • How To Write A Dissertation: Department of Computer Science, West Lafayette, Purdue University
  • Ph.D. Thesis Research, Where Do I Start: Don Davis, Columbia University
  • Writing with Power: Elbow P., Oxford University
  • Writing a Thesis or Dissertation – A Guide to Resources: Gricel Dominguez
  • The Elements of Style: Strunk, W. Jr., White, E.B., Angell, R.
  • A Collection Of Dissertation Topics In American History: asqauditconference.org
  • Yale History Dissertations: Department of History, Yale University
  • Dissertation Outline: School of Education, Duquesne University
  • Developing a Thesis Statement: The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Writing an Abstract: The Writing Center, George Mason University
  • Formatting Additional Pages: University of Missouri Graduate School
  • Reference List vs. Bibliography: OWLL, Massey University
  • How to Write Your Dissertation: Goldsmiths University for The Guardian
  • Tips on Grammar, Punctuation and Style: Kim Cooper, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Acknowledgments, Thesis and Dissertation: Research Guides at Sam Houston State University
  • Thesis Formatting, Writing up your Research: Subject Guides at University of Canterbury
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Yale history dissertations.

ancient history dissertation topics

During the late 1800’s, only a trickle of dissertations were submitted annually, but today, the department averages about 25 per year. See who some of those intrepid scholars were and what they wrote about by clicking on any of the years listed below.

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Whether you are studying on campus or by distance learning, your final year dissertation gives you a chance to investigate a topic in depth, supported by an academic supervisor. Here are just a handful of our recent successful undergraduate dissertations:

2017: Gill, Archaeology BA (distance learning)

Male identities in the roman provinces of britain and germany in the 1st – 3rd centuries ce: a comparative analysis (supervised by professor simon james).

"I analysed evidence from monuments and items of personal appearance, such as belt-plates, weapons and armour, to identify the male identities visible in Roman Britain and Germany. Men's identities as husbands, fathers and sons were visible on many tombstones."

Read more about Gill's dissertation .

2016: Anna-Sophie, Ancient History and Archaeology BA

The representation and transformation of lucretia from livy’s ab urbe condita in sixteenth-century italian renaissance paintings (supervised by dr sarah scott).

"After having done Dr Sarah Scott's third year module on Greek and Roman Art in Ancient and Modern Contexts, I became interested in past approaches to the classical past. I especially wanted to look at how we have transformed stories from ancient literary texts into visual representations, such as Lucretia's rape, and how different social and political contexts affect representations and viewer interpretations."

Read more about Anna-Sophie's dissertation .

2016: Claire, Ancient History and History BA

Sanitized city, sanitized history: a study into how the fascist regime engineered the city centre of rome in order to create a particular narrative of antiquity (supervised by dr andy merrills).

"The archaeological activities of Mussolini's regime were first introduced to me in a first-year lecture and ever since then I wanted to explore the subject further. The use of space to construct narratives and deliberate distortions of history by political regimes had long interested me, and this topic proved to be the perfect combination of these two concepts."

Read more about Claire's dissertation .

2013: Nick, Archaeology BA

Can the understanding of iron age people's perception of space help us to understand the location of burrough hill.

Nick's dissertation on prehistoric perceptions of space won him the Prehistoric Society prize for 2013 for the undergraduate dissertation that made the greatest contribution to the study of prehistory, an award open to students from any university in Britain and Ireland.

Read more about Nick's dissertation .

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Ancient History Dissertation

Module overview.

The dissertation is a key component of your degree; in it you have a chance to show the skills of analysis and research you have learned during the three years of your programme.

Linked modules

Aims and objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge and understanding.

Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  • The wider historiographical material relevant to your research
  • The broader historical significance of your chosen research question
  • The range and usefulness of primary source material for your topic

Transferable and Generic Skills

Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:

  • Present your work clearly and convincingly
  • Research and analyse large amounts of material
  • Organize your time effectively
  • Produce a long and complex written text

Cognitive Skills

  • Evaluate the existing historiography on the topic
  • Structure and explain your own arguments carefully and clearly
  • Analyse primary source material

A dissertation is a piece of original, independent research written on a topic of your choice and using primary source materials, whether printed or in an archive and an extended engagement with existing historiography. Topics might relate to a specific collection of sources or a local archive. You might choose to research an area that interests you but is not represented in our final-year modules or you might decide to follow up on an aspect of your second year options or the group project. A dissertation is the length of an average academic article and will have, like an article, a clear research question and central argument. You will be allocated a supervisor, based on your choice of research question, who will give you advice on specialist content and will read and comment on one sample chapter.

Learning and Teaching

Teaching and learning methods.

Teaching methods include:

  • Information session (2 hours)
  • Individual tutorials (4 hours max)

Learning activities include:

  • Individual research
  • Accessing primary sources including visiting archives
  • Managing the project and organising your time.

Innovative or special features of this module:

  • Independent research

The information session will assist you in devising a research topic and to organise your time. Discussion with your supervisor will help you to identify and understand the primary sources that you will be using and to develop your interpretation of the material. Through your visits to archives, museums, or archaeological sites and your careful examination of the sources you will further learn to develop and substantiate your own arguments and to critically assess the ideas in existing historiography. Your independent study and research will enable you to develop knowledge and understanding of a field of enquiry of particular interest to you. The writing of the dissertation will improve your written communication and will encourage you to be self-motivated and organised. The completion of a piece of independent research will enable you to fully understand the work of professional historians who specialise in the study of the ancient world.

General Resources

MHRA Style Book: Notes for Authors, Editors and writers of Theses 5th ed. (London, 1996).

B. Allison (1997). The student's guide to preparing dissertations and theses . London.

J. Young and J. Garrard (1993). How to write a dissertation . Salford.

R. Higgins (1996). Approaches to research: a handbook for those writing a dissertation . London.

L. Hampson (1994). How’s your dissertation going? . Lancaster.

This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.

This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.

Repeat Information

Repeat type: Internal & External

  • Course modules
  • Acoustical engineering
  • Biomedical and medical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Every day I’m completely immersed in an environment that’s creative in all aspects
  • Everything I learn feels so relevant, even If it’s a subject rooted in the past
  • Maritime engineering
  • Photonics and optoelectronics
  • Social statistics and demography
  • A missing link between continental shelves and the deep sea: Have we underestimated the importance of land-detached canyons?
  • A seismic study of the continent-ocean transition southwest of the UK
  • A study of rolling contact fatigue in electric vehicles (EVs)
  • Acoustic monitoring of forest exploitation to establish community perspectives of sustainable hunting
  • Acoustic sensing and characterisation of soil organic matter
  • Advancing intersectional geographies of diaspora-led development in times of multiple crises
  • Aero engine fan wake turbulence – Simulation and wind tunnel experiments
  • Against Climate Change (DACC): improving the estimates of forest fire smoke emissions
  • All-in-one Mars in-situ resource utilisation (ISRU) system and life-supporting using non-thermal plasma
  • An electromagnetic study of the continent-ocean transition southwest of the UK
  • An investigation of the relationship between health, home and law in the context of poor and precarious housing, and complex and advanced illness
  • Antibiotic resistance genes in chalk streams
  • Being autistic in care: Understanding differences in care experiences including breakdowns in placements for autistic and non-autistic children
  • Biogeochemical cycling in the critical coastal zone: Developing novel methods to make reliable measurements of geochemical fluxes in permeable sediments
  • Bloom and bust: seasonal cycles of phytoplankton and carbon flux
  • British Black Lives Matter: The emergence of a modern civil rights movement
  • Building physics for low carbon comfort using artificial intelligence
  • Building-resolved large-eddy simulations of wind and dispersion over a city scale urban area
  • Business studies and management: accounting
  • Business studies and management: banking and finance
  • Business studies and management: decision analytics and risk
  • Business studies and management: digital and data driven marketing
  • Business studies and management: human resources (HR) management and organisational behaviour
  • Business studies and management: strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Carbon storage in reactive rock systems: determining the coupling of geo-chemo-mechanical processes in reactive transport
  • Cascading hazards from the largest volcanic eruption in over a century: What happened when Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai erupted in January 2022?
  • Characterisation of cast austenitic stainless steels using ultrasonic backscatter and artificial intelligence
  • Climate Change effects on the developmental physiology of the small-spotted catshark
  • Climate at the time of the Human settlement of the Eastern Pacific
  • Collaborative privacy in data marketplaces
  • Compatibility of climate and biodiversity targets under future land use change
  • Cost of living in modern and fossil animals
  • Creative clusters in rural, coastal and post-industrial towns
  • Deep oceanic convection: the outsized role of small-scale processes
  • Defect categories and their realisation in supersymmetric gauge theory
  • Defining the Marine Fisheries-Energy-Environment Nexus: Learning from shocks to enhance natural resource resilience
  • Design and fabrication of next generation optical fibres
  • Developing a practical application of unmanned aerial vehicle technologies for conservation research and monitoring of endangered wildlife
  • Development and evolution of animal biomineral skeletons
  • Development of all-in-one in-situ resource utilisation system for crewed Mars exploration missions
  • Ecological role of offshore artificial structures
  • Effect of embankment and subgrade weathering on railway track performance
  • Efficient ‘whole-life’ anchoring systems for offshore floating renewables
  • Electrochemical sensing of the sea surface microlayer
  • Engagement with nature among children from minority ethnic backgrounds
  • Enhancing UAV manoeuvres and control using distributed sensor arrays
  • Ensuring the Safety and Security of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Environmental and genetic determinants of Brassica crop damage by the agricultural pest Diamondback moth
  • Estimating marine mammal abundance and distribution from passive acoustic and biotelemetry data
  • Evolution of symbiosis in a warmer world
  • Examining evolutionary loss of calcification in coccolithophores
  • Explainable AI (XAI) for health
  • Explaining process, pattern and dynamics of marine predator hotspots in the Southern Ocean
  • Exploring dynamics of natural capital in coastal barrier systems
  • Exploring the mechanisms of microplastics incorporation and their influence on the functioning of coral holobionts
  • Exploring the potential electrical activity of gut for healthcare and wellbeing
  • Exploring the trans-local nature of cultural scene
  • Facilitating forest restoration sustainability of tropical swidden agriculture
  • Faulting, fluids and geohazards within subduction zone forearcs
  • Faulting, magmatism and fluid flow during volcanic rifting in East Africa
  • Fingerprinting environmental releases from nuclear facilities
  • Flexible hybrid thermoelectric materials for wearable energy harvesting
  • Floating hydrokinetic power converter
  • Glacial sedimentology associated subglacial hydrology
  • Green and sustainable Internet of Things
  • How do antimicrobial peptides alter T cell cytokine production?
  • How do calcifying marine organisms grow? Determining the role of non-classical precipitation processes in biogenic marine calcite formation
  • How do neutrophils alter T cell metabolism?
  • How well can we predict future changes in biodiversity using machine learning?
  • Hydrant dynamics for acoustic leak detection in water pipes
  • If ‘Black Lives Matter’, do ‘Asian Lives Matter’ too? Impact trajectories of organisation activism on wellbeing of ethnic minority communities
  • Illuminating luciferin bioluminescence in dinoflagellates
  • Imaging quantum materials with an XFEL
  • Impact of neuromodulating drugs on gut microbiome homeostasis
  • Impact of pharmaceuticals in the marine environment in a changing world
  • Impacts of environmental change on coastal habitat restoration
  • Improving subsea navigation using environment observations for long term autonomy
  • Information theoretic methods for sensor management
  • Installation effect on the noise of small high speed fans
  • Integrated earth observation mapping change land sea
  • Interconnections of past greenhouse climates
  • Investigating IgG cell depletion mechanisms
  • Is ocean mixing upside down? How mixing processes drive upwelling in a deep-ocean basin
  • Landing gear aerodynamics and aeroacoustics
  • Lightweight gas storage: real-world strategies for the hydrogen economy
  • Long-term change in the benthos – creating robust data from varying camera systems
  • Machine learning for multi-robot perception
  • Marine ecosystem responses to past climate change and its oceanographic impacts
  • Mechanical effects in the surf zone - in situ electrochemical sensing
  • Microfluidic cell isolation systems for sepsis
  • Migrant entrepreneurship, gender and generation: context and family dynamics in small town Britain
  • Miniaturisation in fishes: evolutionary and ecological perspectives
  • Modelling high-power fibre laser and amplifier stability
  • Modelling soil dewatering and recharge for cost-effective and climate resilient infrastructure
  • Modelling the evolution of adaptive responses to climate change across spatial landscapes
  • Nanomaterials sensors for biomedicine and/or the environment
  • New high-resolution observations of ocean surface current and winds from innovative airborne and satellite measurements
  • New perspectives on ocean photosynthesis
  • Novel methods of detecting carbon cycling pathways in lakes and their impact on ecosystem change
  • Novel technologies for cyber-physical security
  • Novel transparent conducting films with unusual optoelectronic properties
  • Novel wavelength fibre lasers for industrial applications
  • Ocean circulation and the Southern Ocean carbon sink
  • Ocean influence on recent climate extremes
  • Ocean methane sensing using novel surface plasmon resonance technology
  • Ocean physics and ecology: can robots disentangle the mix?
  • Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal: Assessing the utility of coastal enhanced weathering
  • Offshore renewable energy (ORE) foundations on rock seabeds: advancing design through analogue testing and modelling
  • Optical fibre sensing for acoustic leak detection in buried pipelines
  • Optimal energy transfer in nonlinear systems
  • Optimizing machine learning for embedded systems
  • Oxidation of fossil organic matter as a source of atmospheric CO2
  • Partnership dissolution and re-formation in later life among individuals from minority ethnic communities in the UK
  • Personalized multimodal human-robot interactions
  • Preventing disease by enhancing the cleaning power of domestic water taps using sound
  • Quantifying riparian vegetation dynamics and flow interactions for Nature Based Solutions using novel environmental sensing techniques
  • Quantifying the response and sensitivity of tropical forest carbon sinks to various drivers
  • Quantifying variability in phytoplankton electron requirements for carbon fixation
  • Resilient and sustainable steel-framed building structures
  • Resolving Antarctic meltwater events in Southern Ocean marine sediments and exploring their significance using climate models
  • Robust acoustic leak detection in water pipes using contact sound guides
  • Silicon synapses for artificial intelligence hardware
  • Smart photon delivery via reconfigurable optical fibres
  • The Gulf Stream control of the North Atlantic carbon sink
  • The Mayflower Studentship: a prestigious fully funded PhD studentship in bioscience
  • The calming effect of group living in social fishes
  • The duration of ridge flank hydrothermal exchange and its role in global biogeochemical cycles
  • The evolution of symmetry in echinoderms
  • The impact of early life stress on neuronal enhancer function
  • The oceanic fingerprints on changing monsoons over South and Southeast Asia
  • The role of iron in nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in changing polar oceans
  • The role of singlet oxygen signaling in plant responses to heat and drought stress
  • Time variability on turbulent mixing of heat around melting ice in the West Antarctic
  • Triggers and Feedbacks of Climate Tipping Points
  • Uncovering the drivers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression using patient derived organoids
  • Understanding recent land-use change in Snowdonia to plan a sustainable future for uplands: integrating palaeoecology and conservation practice
  • Understanding the role of cell motility in resource acquisition by marine phytoplankton
  • Understanding the structure and engagement of personal networks that support older people with complex care needs in marginalised communities and their ability to adapt to increasingly ‘digitalised’ health and social care
  • Unpicking the Anthropocene in the Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Unraveling oceanic multi-element cycles using single cell ionomics
  • Unravelling southwest Indian Ocean biological productivity and physics: a machine learning approach
  • Using acoustics to monitor how small cracks develop into bursts in pipelines
  • Using machine learning to improve predictions of ocean carbon storage by marine life
  • Vulnerability of low-lying coastal transportation networks to natural hazards
  • Wideband fibre optical parametric amplifiers for Space Division Multiplexing technology
  • Will it stick? Exploring the role of turbulence and biological glues on ocean carbon storage
  • X-ray imaging and property characterisation of porous materials
  • Postgraduate Taught Diversity Scholarship (Environmental and Life Sciences)
  • Southampton Business School Postgraduate UK Scholarship
  • Southampton Genomics Talent Scholarship
  • Southampton History Patricia Mather and Helen Patterson Scholarship
  • Southampton MA Holocaust scholarships
  • Southampton Philosophy David Humphris-Norman Scholarship
  • Southampton Physics and Astronomy Achievement Scholarship
  • GREAT Scholarships 2024 – Greece
  • Undergraduate scholarships for UK students
  • Winchester School of Art Postgraduate Global Talent Scholarship
  • Southampton University Corporate Civil Engineering Scholarship Scheme
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  • Scholarship terms and conditions
  • Southampton Education Civic Scholarship
  • Southampton Ageing and Gerontology Talent Scholarship
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  • Southampton Presidential International Scholarship
  • Continuing professional development
  • Archers Road
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  • Cancer Sciences Protein Facility
  • Geotechnical Centrifuge
  • Maritime Robotics and Instrumentation Laboratory (MRIL)
  • Active Living
  • Advanced Fibre Applications
  • Advanced Laser Laboratory
  • Advanced Project Management Research Centre
  • Antibody and Vaccine Group
  • Astronomy Group
  • Autism Community Research Network @ Southampton (ACoRNS)
  • Bioarchaeology and Osteoarchaeology at Southampton (BOS)
  • Bladder and Bowel Management
  • Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Centre for Defence and Security Research
  • Centre for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
  • Centre for Digital Finance
  • Centre for Eastern European and Eurasian Studies (CEEES)
  • Centre for Empirical Research in Finance and Banking (CERFIB)
  • Centre for Geometry, Topology, and Applications
  • Centre for Global Englishes
  • Centre for Global Health and Policy (GHaP)
  • Centre for Health Technologies
  • Centre for Healthcare Analytics
  • Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration
  • Centre for Imperial and Postcolonial Studies
  • Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CISEI)
  • Centre for International Film Research (CIFR)
  • Centre for International Law and Globalisation
  • Centre for Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems
  • Centre for Justice Studies
  • Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research
  • Centre for Machine Intelligence
  • Centre for Maritime Archaeology
  • Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture (CMRC)
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  • Interdisciplinary Musculoskeletal Health
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  • Bibliography
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  • Referencing guides

Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Ancient History'

Create a spot-on reference in apa, mla, chicago, harvard, and other styles.

Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Ancient History.'

Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver, etc.

You can also download the full text of the academic publication as pdf and read online its abstract whenever available in the metadata.

Browse dissertations / theses on a wide variety of disciplines and organise your bibliography correctly.

Whitehead, D. "Published work in ancient history (1980-2004)." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.419422.

Wilkinson, Richard William. "A history of "Hymns ancient and modern"." Thesis, University of Hull, 1985. http://hydra.hull.ac.uk/resources/hull:8304.

Toner, Jeremy Peter. "Leisure and ancient Rome." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1993. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/272570.

Wasef, Sally A. "Ancient Egyptian Sacred Ibis Mummies: Evolutionary Mitogenomics Resolves the History of Ancient Farming." Thesis, Griffith University, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/367796.

Isayev, Elena. "Inside ancient Lucania : Dialogues in history & archaeology /." London : Inst. of Classical Studies, 2007. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=015512325&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

Shapiro, Beth Alison. "Inferring evolutionary history and processes using ancient DNA." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.288525.

Trejster, Mihail Û. "The role of metals in ancient Greek history /." Leiden ; New York ; Köln : E. J. Brill, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35802035k.

Fages, Antoine. "The genomic history of horse domestication and management : an ancient DNA perspective." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU30329.

Mwanika, Eva N. "Ancient Egyptian Identity." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2004. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1090531381.

Ely, Joshua J. "Society and Science: Ancient Astronomy." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2012. https://dc.etsu.edu/honors/31.

Hoffman, Zachary Adam. "Neither This Ancient Earth Nor Ancient Rus' Has Passed On: A Microhistorical Biography of Ivan Bunin." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1281218845.

Zakrzewski, Sonia Ruth. "Continuity and change : a biological history of Ancient Egypt." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2002. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/265607.

Hereld, Shoshana. ""A living history" : ancient Rome on Wilson Barrett's stage." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/62899.

Clements, Joanna. "The creation of 'ancient' Scottish music history, 1720-1838." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2013. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/4699/.

Lam, Kwong-wai, and æž—ć…‰ć‰. "Li Ji's contribution to research in Chinese ancient history." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31953542.

Vlassopoulos, Kostas. "Unthinking the Greek polis : ancient Greek history beyond Eurocentrism." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.615146.

Lawrence, P. J. N. "Agents and masters in ancient Near Eastern history writings." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.374420.

Zedeño, M. Nieves, Alex K. Carroll, and Richard W. Stoffle. "Ancient Voices, Storied Places: Themes in Contemporary Indian History." Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, University of Arizona, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/277393.

Harthen, David. "The logistics of ancient Greek land warfare." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.272587.

Irwin, Amber. "The history of the Areopagos council from the origins to Ephialtes." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=97034.

Rawls, Orlando Julius. "Bes: The Ancient Egyptian Way of Initiation." DigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, 2018. http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu/cauetds/124.

Pitts, Audrey. "The Cult of the Deified King in Ur III Mesopotamia." Thesis, Harvard University, 2015. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:17467243.

Yirga, Felege-Selam Solomon. "The Chronicle of John of Nikiu: Historical Writing in Post-Roman Egypt." The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1594681955418996.

Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd. "Women and veiling in the ancient Greek world." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.251431.

Edwards, Catharine. "Transgression and control : studies in ancient Roman immorality." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1989. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/272621.

Lee, Annie. "The History of Contraception: From Ancient Superstitions to Modern Science." The University of Arizona, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/626587.

Moore, Megan Bishop. "Philosophy and practice in writing a history of ancient Israel /." New York [u.a.] : T & T Clark, 2006. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0610/2006007656.html.

Marsden, James. "Ancient history in British universities and public life, 1715-1810." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:27429822-4a59-4608-ad69-4e6b1c9c4570.

Elitzur, Yoel. "Ancient place names in the Holy Land preservation and history /." Jerusalem : Winona Lake, Indiana : the Hebrew University Magnes Press ; Eisenbrauns, 2004. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39200608c.

Griffiths, William Rhys. "Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Australia." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/17562.

Bolis, Alessia Claudia. "A social history of the Campania in the fourth century." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.286238.

Dossani, Khairunessa. "Virtue and veiling| Perspectives from ancient to Abbasid times." Thesis, San Jose State University, 2013. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=1547087.

This thesis establishes a link between conceptions of female virtue and the practice of veiling by women from ancient to medieval times in the Mediterranean region. This is evidenced by the consistent advocacy and prescription of veiling in ancient and medieval theological texts, including Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian, and Islamic texts. Veiling practices are shown to have a religious foundation, grounded in the ideas of honor and virtue. These notions were reflected in society over time with veiled aristocratic noblewomen and unveiled marginalized classes. While acknowledging class-based theories of female veiling, the thesis concentrates on the religious factors for veiling, particularly for medieval Muslim societies. The argument of this thesis is that while veiling did not originate in Islamic societies, Muslims validated the practice through their own literature and laws. The paper also includes evidence of female seclusion, which co-exists with the spread in the practice of veiling by women.

Liedeman, Gwendolene Caren. "Magic in the ancient Near East with special reference to ancient Israel." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/52924.

Adali, Selim Ferruh. "Umman-manda and its Significance in the First Millennium BC." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/4890.

Adali, Selim Ferruh. "Umman-manda and its Significance in the First Millennium BC." University of Sydney, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/4890.

Swidzinski, Andrew. "Some minor magistrates of the Roman Republic: a political history of the quaestorship and the aedileship." Thesis, McGill University, 2010. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=86897.

Armstrong, Edward John. "Religion and Disaster in Thucydides’ History." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/20671.

Wheat, Elizabeth Ruth Josie. "Terrestrial cartography in ancient Mesopotamia." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2013. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/4350/.

de, Varennes Philippe. "Exploitations agricoles en Provence du Ier au IIIe siĂšcle : Ă©tude comparative des bĂątiments." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/5564.

Thériault, Gaétan. "La déesse Concordia à l'époque républicaine." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/5759.

Chamberland, Guy. "Recherches sur les sévirs augustaux de la cité de Nßmes." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/6469.

Lang, Alice. "The provisioning of the Ten Thousand." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/7905.

Constant, Marie-Luce. "Recherches sur la condition personnelle et sociale des licteurs à Rome du premier siÚcle avant notre Úre à la fin de l'époque des sévÚres." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/10291.

Hendricks, David J. "Culturae Africae: Rural Labour and the Organization of Agriculture during the Principate." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/22508.

Huot, Patrizia. "The emperor, the army and the coinage, four quantitative studies." Thesis, National Library of Canada = BibliothĂšque nationale du Canada, 1996. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp05/MQ26331.pdf.

Dowsing, Susan. "Contraception and abortion in the early Roman Empire, a critical examination of ancient sources and modern interpretations." Thesis, National Library of Canada = BibliothĂšque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ57109.pdf.

Limoges, Sarah. "Reconstructing religion: Augustus and the «Fratres Arvales»." Thesis, McGill University, 2010. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=95063.

Kleinman, Brahm. "Ambitus in the Late Roman Republic (80-50 B.C.)." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=107806.

Vadan, Paul. "Ephesos after Alexander: Socio-Political transformations in Western Asia Minor during the early Hellenistic period." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=103651.

Manolova, Tzveta. "Travels on the wine-dark sea: trans-regional networks in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Early Iron Age (c.1200-700 B.C.)." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=107812.

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ancient history dissertation topics

Following completion of three years of coursework and all examinations, a student will be advanced to dissertation stage. The dissertation constitutes a significant and original contribution to a field or fields of scholarship in ancient world studies. It is undertaken under the supervision of (usually) one primary faculty advisor, along with a dissertation committee of at least two other faculty members. Generally, it is expected that it will be completed by the end of the student’s fifth year in the program. Characteristically, students will remain in Philadelphia while engaged with their dissertations, so that they can consult regularly with their advisor and committee, participate in dissertation workshops with their peers, and continue to attend colloquia and talks on a regular basis. In these ways, students can obtain regular feedback on their progress and, equally important, remain part of the intellectual community around them.

Supervisor and Committee

Students will usually have one primary faculty advisor for the dissertation, who is a standing member of the Ancient History Graduate Group. This advisor will serve as chair of the student’s dissertation committee, which will include two or more secondary advisors, who are generally also members of the Group. In some circumstances, the dissertation chair and Graduate Group Chair, in conjunction with the student, may decide to appoint a member of the dissertation committee from outside the Group. Students meet regularly with their primary advisors, especially in the early stages of their project. 

In the spring of the third year in the program, all students participate in a prospectus workshop as one of their courses in that semester.  A full dissertation proposal outlining the topic, structure, goals, and methodology of the dissertation, along with a research bibliography, must be submitted to the Graduate Group Chair for distribution to the examiners at least two weeks before the Preliminary Examination. The Prospectus will then be discussed at the oral examination (see above). If the Prospectus is deemed satisfactory, the student will be admitted to candidacy for the PhD degree. If the submitted Prospectus is deemed unsatisfactory, the examiners will decide whether the student should revise the Prospectus within a specified time frame and re-submit it for further discussion, or leave the program.

Satisfactory Progress

The dissertation must be completed within five years of completing the Preliminary Examination. Together, the dissertation chair and the Chair of the Graduate Group will regularly assess the state of the student’s progress towards completion. Students who have not completed the dissertation within five years of first registering for dissertation tuition are required to submit a revised dissertation Prospectus and to repeat that portion of the Preliminary Examination that involves defending the Prospectus before a committee of at least three examiners. The revised Prospectus must include an account of the current state of scholarship on the topic and an up-to-date bibliography.

Candidates for the PhD degree are required to defend the dissertation formally. The dissertation defense will be scheduled only when the chair of the dissertation committee, in consultation with the other committee members, has confirmed that the dissertation is close to completion. 

“Close to completion” implies the following:

1.     All individual chapters, including the introduction and conclusion, have been read and commented upon by all committee members; all suggested revisions to each chapter have been acted upon to the satisfaction of all committee members.

2.     The final order of chapters has been determined and all chapters, including introduction and conclusion, have been revised accordingly.

3.     A complete bibliography of works cited has been compiled.

A draft of the whole dissertation incorporating all suggested revisions must be submitted to the committee at least two weeks before the scheduled defense. 

The defense consists of two steps, typically to be scheduled in the same week:

1. Dissertation Review: The Chair of the Graduate Group, the dissertation advisor, and the other members of the committee confer about the dissertation and decide if further revisions are going to be requested. They then meet with the student to discuss the project as a whole and outline any remaining requirements for the completion and deposit of the dissertation. The discussion also includes consideration of the student’s career plans and the next steps on the project and beyond.

2. Public Defense:  The student will give a public oral presentation of the dissertation for approximately 40-45 minutes, followed by an open-floor question period. The presentation may focus on a selected portion of the dissertation but must include an account of the whole. The public defense is chaired by someone NOT on the dissertation committee, such as the Chair of the Graduate Group or any other member of the standing faculty. Immediately following the defense, the committee will decide whether the dissertation has been satisfactorily defended. 

Students who finish their dissertations in the summer months may have to defer their defense until the fall semester. 

After the successful defense, the student must revise the dissertation as recommended by the committee. In all cases, the finalized dissertation must be read and approved by the candidate's dissertation advisor and the other members of the dissertation committee before the dissertation is deposited formally. The finalized dissertation must follow the format prescribed in the  Dissertation Formatting Guide . All dissertations must be submitted electronically. Candidates are encouraged to familiarize themselves early on with the guidelines and requirements published by the  Office of the Provost  and should make an appointment for depositing the dissertation well in advance.


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History: writing a history dissertation.

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  • Literature Search Plan

Starting a Literature Search

Conducting a literature search is a great way to find a viable topic and plan your research. It will also give you the opportunity to look for primary and secondary resources that can support the arguments you make in your dissertation. 

Starting your literature search early will help you plan your dissertation and give you an overview of all the resources you might want to consult. Below are examples of how you can start this process and how they can help.

Dissertation Books

ancient history dissertation topics

Define your Topic

Start your search by identifying a broad subject area, such as a country, period, theme or person. You might do this by looking at reference works, such as a Very Short Introduction , Cambridge Histories , or Oxford Handbooks . These books will give you an insight into the many areas you can investigate in greater depth and they will also provide references to peer-reviewed material on more defined topics. 

Next , look at material which focuses more on the area you have identified from reference works. These might be books, chapters or articles which focus on a more defined area of the subject you have identified. Use these to formulate questions that you can answer in your research.

Then ,  read resources that will help you form your argument and answer the questions you have set. This material should focus on the topic you have chosen and help you explain what has been written on this area before.

Search for Secondary Resources

In order to successfully search for resources relevant to your study, you will need to use search-terms which will retrieve the best results. The tips below will help you do this:

Terms you have found in your reading

Keep a note of terms you have seen when you have been identifying your topic. This could be anything relevant your topic, including: places, people, jobs, religions, institutions, objects, periods, or events. Also, take note of terms that are related to your topic and had an impact on the area you are studying. Write down all the terms which relate to your topic and note which ones provide the most relevant results.

It can also be useful to keep a note of what you are not looking at so that you stay focused on your topic and do not retrieve too many results.

Authors who are written about the topic

You will start to notice that some authors are mentioned as specialists on the topic you are researching. Search a variety of catalogues to find what they have written on the subject in different formats. They might have contributed to edited works, written articles, given presentations to conferences or annotated works. They also might lead you to others who have written about your topic or research groups which are relevant to your studies.

Use subject searches

Most secondary resources have been indexed according to their subject. Through using these subject terms you can search catalogues more efficiently and find relevant resources without just searching the title or author. 

If you find a useful resources, try looking at its catalogue record. See if any of the subject headings look useful and note what terminology they use as this will be consistent across most databases. When you have found a useful term, copy and paste it into a subject search (or select the link) and see what other resources are available.

You can also use an online thesaurus to find search terms. The most commonly used terms are the Library of Congress Subject Headings  which provide uniform terms across international databases.

Use databases

The University subscribes to many databases that focus on different countries and topics. These will provide a comprehensive guide to what has been written in your area and may use different subject headings. Reference databases and bibliographies can be especially useful for finding citations of everything that has been written on a certain area of history. Biographical databases can also help find information about individuals and institutions. For a complete list of all the databases the University subscribes to, look at the A-Z of databases . 

Search for Primary Resources

There are plenty of primary resources that can be used in your dissertation. The University subscribes to many databases that provide access to primary resources and some of our libraries hold special collections which can be used in your research. Below are some examples:

The University subscribes to many newspapers from the past and present. They can be a really useful tool for finding contemporary accounts of events and provide more than just articles (including: advertisements, illustrations, family notices, sports, arts, court cases). Many newspaper databases will also include related content, such as pamphlets and newsbooks.

The University Library has a collection of print newspapers which can be consulted on site. The University also subscribes to electronic databases of national and local newspapers across the world. More information about the newspaper databases we subscribe to is available on our  dedicated website .

Special Collection Material

Many libraries and archives provide access to rare, unique and specialised collections of books and manuscripts. The University Library, for example, provides access to Manuscripts and Rare Books Departments , as do some of the colleges. Some of the more frequently used and important material is also available as part of an online library, such as Cambridge's CUDL .

Official Publications (Government Documents)

Documents produced by governmental and intergovernmental bodies can provide an insight into their decision making and governance. Several libraries in Cambridge have received official publications material and a lot of material is now available online. More information about the official material in Cambridge libraries is available on our Official Publications LibGuide .

Data and Statistics

Figures can be used to help illustrate a point and provide evidence as you answer the central question in your dissertation. You might chose to refer to census data, crime statistics, trade figures, or any other data set that relates to your area of history. This sort of information can be found in databases and replicated in secondary resources. 

Private Papers

If you are researching an individual (or someone who played a prominent role in the area you are focusing on) it is a good idea to see if they have deposited private papers in an archive. These might includes diaries, letters, draft works, or anything else that was kept and not published. These works are normally kept in an archive, so a good starting point is to look at a catalogue that might show where relevant papers are held (such as Archives Hub )

These can include maps, cartoons, paintings and photographs. Images are available both in print and online, but you need to be cautious of the copyright restrictions of images before you use them (check the information given by the source). Some databases will allow you to search images, like ARTstor , so use them as a good starting point for your search. 


Similarly to images, the University provides access to a variety of audio-visual resources, including interviews, recordings, radio and films. If there is a particular DVD you would like to use, try searching the title in iDiscover. For example, " Interviews with Historians " will take you to a comprehensive collection of DVDs available at the Seeley. Many films are also available online, such as British Pathe .

Organise and Save Your Research

You will be able to do a comprehensive and efficient literature search if you keep a record of what you have read, where you read it and what each item means to your research. The best way to achieve this is to:

1. Record the key ideas, themes and quotes from what you have read. Try to find a uniform way to do this as it will make it easier to find information when you come to write your dissertation. Some formats are freely available on the internet, such as the Cornell Note Taking System .

2. Save citations you have looked at so you do not struggle to find them again. Also, this will help you when you come to do your references. There are many reference managers available to help you store this information and create a fully formatted bibliography.

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Classics and Ancient History

Postgraduate students' current research topics.

  • Manuela Marai, Galen's Pharmacological Texts as a Potential Source of New Plant-Derived Antimicrobial Agents [Supervisors: Dr Caroline Petit & Dr Freya Harrison (School of Life Sciences)]
  • Carlo Lualdi, Funerary monuments of Messapian elites, Battle narratives and Plant-Motifs in limestone and on painted pottery (late fourth to third centuries BC) [Supervisors: Suzanne Frey-Kupper & William Mack (Birmingham)]
  • Lucy Felmingham-Cockburn,   Xenophon's Peri Hippikes . Supervisor: Prof. Michael Scott.
  • Imogen Clark. The disabled body and the poetics of illness in Martial. M4C, jointly supervised by Prof. Victoria Rimell with Prof. Helen Lovatt, University of Nottingham
  • Alessio Ranno, Pindar [Supervisors: Prof. David Fearn & Prof. Enrico Medda (Pisa), co-tutelle with Pisa]
  • Jacqui Butler, Images of female mythological sacrificial characters and the role of the feminine in Roman art [Supervisor: Prof. Zahra Newby]
  • Danchen Zhang,   The wind imagery in Sophoclean tragedy [Supervisors: Dr Emmanuela Bakola and Prof. David Fearn]
  • Nathalia Kristensen: The coinage from Palmyra as an investigative tool: monetisation processes and economic patterns in Roman Syria. Supervisor: Prof. Kevin Butcher.
  • Sue Walker, Coinage and sacred spaces at the late Iron Age and Roman Sanctuary at Uley [Supervisor: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper]
  • Richard Allard-Meldrum, The Imperial Women of the Third Century, 235-285 CE [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan and Prof. Alison Cooley]
  • Campbell Orchard, The Imperial Coins from the Mint of Tarsus [Supervisors: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper and Dr Andreas Kropp (Nottingham)]
  • Abby Wall, The role of natural imagery in representing people and places on Roman coinage (3 rd century BCE to 3 rd century CE) [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan and Prof. Zahra Newby]
  • Shekinah Vera-Cruz, Working Wonders: Ritual and form in early and classical Roman civil law (5th century BCE to 3rd century CE) [Supervisor: Prof. Alison Cooley]
  • Elena Claudi, The Representation of Otherness in the Imagines of Philostratus [Supervisors: Prof. Zahra Newby and Dr Elena Giusti]
  • Isabella Liggi Asperoni, Aventicum /Avenches , the Capital City Civitas Helvetiorum : study of the coin fnds from the public and private buildings ( insulae and beyond) [Supervisors: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper and Prof Michel Fuchs (Lausanne), cotutelle with Lausanne]
  • Giles Penman, The Commissioning and Artistic Development of Graeco-Roman imagery on Great War British civic cultural artefacts and contemporary responses. Supervisors: Prof Suzanne Frey-Kupper & Dr Pierre Purseigle (History Dept).
  • Jurriaan Gouw, Understanding Power and Post-Truth Politics in the Age of Nerva and Trajan [Supervisors: Prof. Alison Cooley & Dr. Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham)]
  • Rose Su, Materialising the Afterlife: Studying the Roman Thoughts of the Afterlife Through the Mythological Depictions on the Roman Sarcophagi [Supervisor: Prof. Zahra Newby]
  • Victoria Vening-Richards, Eastern Provincial Coinage of the Flavian Imperial Women [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan & Dr Andreas Kropp (Nottingham)]
  • Ludovico Bevilacqua, Epigraphic Collections and the Roman Antiquarian Market in 18th-Century Italy: The Role of Scipione Maffei (1675-1755) [Supervisors: Prof. Alison Cooley & Prof. Lorenzo Cavelli, cotutelle with Venezia Ca Foscari]

MA by Research

  • Willow Chaddock, Public Engagement within Classics and the Archaeological sites of Pompeii and Knossos [Supervisor: Dr Paul Grigsby]
  • Katie Hyatt, The ' Meta -Meretrix': Ironic Femininity in Roman New Comedy [Supervisor: Prof. Victoria Rimell]
  • Vaggelis Papaioannou, The locally produced and imported Roman pottery from the Apsidal Building of the "Roman Balneum" in Rafina, Attica [Supervisors: Dr Conor Trainor & Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper]
  • Gabriella Davy-Ampudia (Ancient Visual and Material Culture)
  • Louise Domogal (Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece)
  • Cameron Heagney (Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece)
  • Xiaowei Yu (Visiting Student)


Recent Publications by our postgraduates:

  • Simone Mucci, “JĂłzef Struƛ (Josephus Struthius) translator of Galen. The case of De antidotis”, Arts et Savoirs [Online], 15 | 2021, Online since 25 June 2021, URL: http://journals.openedition.org/aes/3889
  • C. Mann, 'The significance of the military representationof Caracalla upon the coinage of his sole reign (212-217 CE)', Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia vol 28 (2017): 54-65.

D. Wilding et al. Tokens, Writing and (Ac)counting: A Conversation with Denise Schmandt-Besserat and Bill Maurer . Exchanges: the Warwick Research Journal, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 1-14, oct. 2017. ISSN 2053-9665.

Ancient Greece Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page is an exhaustive guide to ancient Greece research paper topics , catering primarily to history students embarking on their research journey. It kicks off with an extensive list of 100 research paper topics, meticulously divided into ten categories, each encapsulating a distinctive facet of ancient Greek history. The guide further equips students with valuable tips on how to select the most suitable ancient Greece research paper topic and provides a step-by-step approach to writing a compelling research paper. This page also introduces iResearchNet’s customized writing services, enabling students to order a bespoke research paper on any topic related to ancient Greece.

Ancient Greece offers a rich and captivating history that has greatly influenced various aspects of modern society. From its remarkable achievements in art, literature, philosophy, and politics to its epic myths and legends, Ancient Greece provides a vast array of intriguing research paper topics. This comprehensive list will explore ten different categories, each containing ten unique research paper topics, allowing students to delve into the fascinating world of Ancient Greece and contribute to the body of knowledge surrounding this remarkable civilization.

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Ancient Greek Architecture

  • The Evolution of Greek Temples: From the Doric to Ionic Styles
  • The Parthenon: A Masterpiece of Classical Greek Architecture
  • The Role of Architectural Proportions in Greek Temples
  • Greek Theaters: Design, Acoustics, and Performances
  • The Significance of Greek Architectural Orders in Public Buildings
  • Urban Planning in Ancient Greece: The Design of Cities
  • Greek Architectural Influence on Roman and Neoclassical Styles
  • Temples of Ancient Greece: Sacred Spaces and Religious Rituals
  • The Sanctuary of Delphi: A Center of Ancient Greek Worship
  • The Architecture of Ancient Greek Agoras: Public Spaces and Political Life

Ancient Greek Mythology and Religion

  • The Twelve Olympian Gods and Their Roles in Greek Mythology
  • The Heroic Deeds of Heracles: Legends and Symbolism
  • The Myth of Prometheus: Rebellion, Punishment, and Humanity
  • The Journey of Odysseus: Adventures and Lessons in Homer’s Odyssey
  • The Stories of Greek Tragic Heroes: Oedipus, Medea, and Antigone
  • The Significance of Greek Creation Myths: Origins of the World
  • The Cult of Dionysus: Rituals, Festivals, and Wine in Greek Society
  • Greek Oracles and Prophecies: Delphi, Dodona, and Beyond
  • Greek Funeral Rites and Beliefs about the Afterlife
  • The Cult of Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries: Secrets of Initiation

Ancient Greek Literature and Philosophy

  • The Works of Homer: The Iliad and The Odyssey
  • The Philosophy of Socrates: Ideas, Influence, and Legacy
  • The Dialogues of Plato: Exploring Philosophical Concepts
  • Aristotle’s Contributions to Philosophy and Science
  • The Tragedies of Sophocles: Themes, Symbolism, and Morality
  • Euripides and the Complexities of Greek Tragedy
  • The Poetry of Sappho: Love, Desire, and Feminine Expression
  • Greek Historiography: Herodotus and Thucydides
  • The Hellenistic Period: Literature and Philosophy
  • The Influence of Ancient Greek Literature on Western Culture

Ancient Greek Art and Sculpture

  • Classical Greek Sculpture: Beauty, Idealism, and Naturalism
  • Black-figure and Red-figure Pottery: Techniques, Styles, and Themes
  • The Iconography of Greek Vases: Mythology, Daily Life, and Rituals
  • The Kouros and Kore Sculptures: Representations of Youth and Beauty
  • The Development of Greek Bronze Sculpture: Techniques and Subjects
  • Greek Mosaic Art: Techniques, Designs, and Symbolism
  • Hellenistic Sculpture: Realism, Emotion, and Dramatic Expression
  • The Greek Influence on Roman Statuary and Portraiture
  • The Function and Symbolism of Greek Architectural Sculpture
  • The Artistic Legacy of Ancient Greece in Modern Times

Ancient Greek History and Politics

  • The Rise of the City-States: Athens, Sparta, and Thebes
  • The Persian Wars: Causes, Battles, and Outcomes
  • The Golden Age of Athens: Democracy, Leadership, and Cultural Flourishing
  • The Peloponnesian War: Causes, Strategies, and Impacts
  • Alexander the Great: Conquests, Empire, and Legacy
  • The Hellenistic Kingdoms: Ptolemaic, Seleucid, and Antigonid Empires
  • Greek Colonization: Expansion, Trade, and Cultural Exchange
  • The Life and Reign of Pericles: Influence and Achievements
  • Greek Democracy: Origins, Principles, and Limitations
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Greek Society and Politics

Ancient Greek Science and Mathematics

  • Archimedes and his Contributions to Mathematics and Physics
  • Hippocrates and the Birth of Western Medicine
  • Euclid’s Elements: Geometry and Mathematical Principles
  • The Scientific Achievements of Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes
  • The Concept of Atomism: Leucippus and Democritus
  • Pythagoras and the Pythagorean Theorem: Mathematics and Philosophy
  • Aristarchus of Samos: Heliocentrism and Early Astronomy
  • Greek Medicine and Healing Practices: Asclepius and the Cult of Health
  • Greek Engineering and Inventions: Contributions to Architecture and Warfare
  • The Legacy of Ancient Greek Science in Modern Society

Ancient Greek Society and Daily Life

  • The Greek Polis: Society, Governance, and Citizenship
  • Slavery in Ancient Greece: Origins, Roles, and Treatment
  • Education in Ancient Greece: Philosophical and Practical Aspects
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Greek Society
  • Ancient Greek Festivals and Religious Celebrations
  • Greek Sports and Athletics: The Olympic Games and Beyond
  • Ancient Greek Cuisine: Food, Drink, and Banquets
  • Clothing and Fashion in Ancient Greece
  • The Influence of Greek Music and Dance on Culture
  • The Ancient Greek Family: Structure, Roles, and Values

Ancient Greek Warfare and Military Strategies

  • The Spartan Military System: Training, Discipline, and Values
  • The Battle of Marathon: Tactics, Heroes, and Significance
  • The Hoplite Warfare: Phalanx Formation and Strategies
  • The Peloponnesian War: Naval Warfare and Strategies
  • The Macedonian Phalanx: Innovations in Ancient Warfare
  • Siege Warfare in Ancient Greece: Methods and Technologies
  • Alexander the Great’s Military Campaigns: Strategies and Conquests
  • The Role of Mercenaries in Ancient Greek Warfare
  • Naval Power in Ancient Greece: The Trireme and Naval Battles
  • The Legacy of Ancient Greek Warfare in Military History

Ancient Greek Philosophy and Intellectual Movements

  • The Pre-Socratic Philosophers: Exploring the Nature of Reality
  • The Philosophy of Plato: Ideal Forms and the Theory of Forms
  • Aristotle’s Ethics: Virtue, Happiness, and the Golden Mean
  • The Stoic Philosophy: Principles and Practices for a Virtuous Life
  • The Epicurean Philosophy: Pursuit of Pleasure and Freedom from Fear
  • The Skepticism of Pyrrho: Doubt, Suspense, and Epistemic Inquiry
  • Cynicism and Diogenes of Sinope: Rejecting Conventional Values
  • The Hellenistic Philosophies: Eclecticism and Syncretism
  • The Influence of Ancient Greek Philosophy on Western Thought
  • Philosophy and Its Impact on Ancient Greek Society

Ancient Greek Art and Aesthetics

  • Greek Pottery: Styles, Techniques, and Symbolism
  • The Beauty and Harmony of Greek Sculpture: Idealized Human Form
  • The Greek Art of Mosaics: Colors, Patterns, and Narrative
  • Architectural Sculpture in Ancient Greece: Ornamentation and Function
  • The Technique of Greek Vase Painting: Black-figure and Red-figure
  • Greek Coinage: Artistic Representations and Political Symbols
  • The Use of Color in Ancient Greek Art and Architecture
  • Greek Frescoes: Wall Paintings and Decorative Arts
  • Greek Jewelry and Adornment: Materials, Designs, and Symbolism
  • Greek Textile Art: Weaving, Dyeing, and Pattern-making

The comprehensive list of ancient Greece research paper topics provides students with a wide range of fascinating subjects to explore within the realm of Greek history, culture, and civilization. From the realm of art, literature, and philosophy to politics, warfare, and daily life, these topics offer ample opportunities for in-depth research and scholarly inquiry. By delving into these captivating areas of study, students can gain a deeper understanding of Ancient Greece and contribute to the body of knowledge surrounding this extraordinary civilization.

Ancient Greece: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Ancient Greece is renowned for its rich history, culture, and enduring legacy. The study of Ancient Greece offers a vast array of research paper topics that delve into various aspects of this fascinating civilization. From its mythology and philosophy to its politics and art, Ancient Greece provides ample opportunities for in-depth exploration and scholarly inquiry. This section aims to explore the diverse range of research paper topics available in Ancient Greek history, offering students a glimpse into the breadth and depth of this captivating field of study.

  • Greek Mythology : Explore the significance of Greek mythology in Ancient Greek society, examining the gods, heroes, and mythical narratives that shaped their religious beliefs, rituals, and cultural practices. Topics could include the role of gods in human affairs, the portrayal of women in mythology, or the connections between myth and historical events.
  • Athenian Democracy : Investigate the development, functioning, and significance of Athenian democracy, focusing on key institutions such as the Assembly, Council, and courts. Examine topics such as the role of citizenship, political participation, and the impact of democracy on Athenian society.
  • Greek Philosophy : Dive into the world of Greek philosophy and explore the works and ideas of influential thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Topics may include the nature of knowledge and reality, ethical theories, or the role of philosophy in shaping Ancient Greek society.
  • Greek Theater : Analyze the origins, evolution, and cultural significance of Greek theater, examining prominent playwrights such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Topics could explore theatrical conventions, the portrayal of women in Greek drama, or the role of theater in Athenian democracy.
  • Olympic Games : Investigate the origins, rituals, and cultural impact of the Ancient Greek Olympic Games. Topics may include the role of athletes in society, the connection between sport and religious festivals, or the political significance of the Games.
  • Ancient Greek Warfare : Explore the military strategies, tactics, and technologies employed by the Ancient Greeks, focusing on notable battles and conflicts. Topics could include the rise of hoplite warfare, naval warfare in the Peloponnesian War, or the military legacy of Alexander the Great.
  • Hellenistic Period : Examine the Hellenistic period that followed the conquests of Alexander the Great, exploring the political, social, and cultural developments of the successor kingdoms. Topics may include the spread of Greek culture, the impact of Hellenistic art and architecture, or the role of women in Hellenistic society.
  • Greek Art and Architecture : Delve into the world of Greek art and architecture, studying iconic structures such as the Parthenon and the sculptures of the Classical period. Topics could explore the symbolism in Greek art, the evolution of architectural styles, or the influence of Greek art on later civilizations.
  • Spartan Society : Investigate the unique society of Sparta, focusing on its military culture, social structure, and political system. Topics may include the Spartan education system, the role of women in Spartan society, or the Spartan military ethos.
  • Alexander the Great : Analyze the life, achievements, and legacy of Alexander the Great, examining his military campaigns, empire-building strategies, and cultural impact. Topics could explore his leadership style, the blending of Greek and Eastern cultures, or the political implications of his conquests.

The study of Ancient Greece offers a vast array of research paper topics that cover a wide range of disciplines and themes. From mythology and philosophy to politics, art, and warfare, the world of Ancient Greece is ripe with opportunities for exploration and scholarly inquiry. This section has provided a glimpse into the diverse range of research paper topics available, showcasing the richness and significance of Ancient Greek history. Whether you are drawn to the mythical realm of gods and heroes or fascinated by the political systems and cultural achievements of the Greeks, there is a captivating research topic awaiting your exploration. Delve into the wonders of Ancient Greece and uncover its enduring legacy through the lens of your research paper.

Choosing Ancient Greece Research Paper Topics

Choosing a research paper topic on Ancient Greece can be an exciting yet challenging task. With such a vast and diverse history, it’s essential to select a topic that is engaging, relevant, and allows for comprehensive exploration. This section aims to provide expert advice and guidance on how to choose the perfect research paper topic in Ancient Greece. By following these tips and considerations, students can narrow down their options and select a topic that aligns with their interests and academic goals.

  • Understand Your Interests : Reflect on your personal interests and passions within the field of Ancient Greece. Are you drawn to a particular aspect, such as art, philosophy, politics, or warfare? Identifying your interests will help you select a topic that resonates with you and keeps you motivated throughout the research process.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before finalizing a topic, conduct preliminary research to familiarize yourself with the existing literature and scholarly discussions in Ancient Greek history. This will help you identify gaps in knowledge or areas that require further exploration, which can serve as potential research paper topics.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus : Ancient Greece encompasses a wide range of time periods, regions, and themes. Narrow down your focus by selecting a specific time period or geographical region that interests you the most. For example, you may choose to focus on the Classical period, the city-state of Athens, or the impact of Greek colonization.
  • Consider Unexplored Topics : While popular topics in Ancient Greece have been extensively researched, consider exploring lesser-known or under-researched areas. This can include examining marginalized groups in Greek society, lesser-known historical figures, or specific aspects of daily life that have received limited scholarly attention.
  • Engage with Primary Sources : Dive into primary sources, such as ancient texts, inscriptions, or archaeological findings, to discover intriguing research paper topics. Analyzing primary sources allows for a deeper understanding of Ancient Greek culture and can lead to unique research questions and interpretations.
  • Consult with Your Professor or Advisor : Seek guidance from your professor or academic advisor. They can offer valuable insights, suggest potential research paper topics based on your academic goals, and provide additional resources to support your research.
  • Brainstorm and Refine Your Topic : Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate a list of potential research paper topics. Consider the feasibility, scope, and availability of sources for each topic. Refine your ideas by narrowing down the focus, formulating clear research questions, and ensuring the topic aligns with the requirements of your assignment.
  • Consider Comparative Approaches : Explore topics that allow for comparative analysis between Ancient Greece and other civilizations or time periods. Comparative approaches can provide a fresh perspective and contribute to a broader understanding of Ancient Greek history and its interconnectedness with the wider world.
  • Explore Interdisciplinary Connections : Ancient Greece has influenced various disciplines, including literature, philosophy, art, politics, and science. Consider exploring interdisciplinary connections by incorporating elements from other fields into your research paper topic. This can lead to innovative and multi-dimensional analyses.
  • Stay Current with Scholarly Debates : Stay updated with the latest scholarly debates and discussions in the field of Ancient Greek history. Familiarize yourself with the current trends, research methodologies, and emerging topics of interest. Engaging with ongoing debates can inspire new research paper topics or offer opportunities for critical analysis and contribution to the academic discourse.

Choosing an ancient Greece research paper topic requires careful consideration, engagement with primary and secondary sources, and a clear understanding of your academic interests. By following the expert advice provided in this section, students can select a captivating and well-focused research topic that allows for in-depth exploration and contributes to the understanding of Ancient Greek history. Remember to consult with your professor or advisor for guidance and support throughout the research process. With the right topic, diligent research, and a passion for the subject, you can embark on a rewarding journey of uncovering the wonders of Ancient Greece.

How to Write an Ancient Greece Research Paper

Writing a research paper on Ancient Greece offers an exciting opportunity to delve into the captivating world of this ancient civilization. From its mythology and philosophy to its politics and art, Ancient Greece provides a wealth of topics for exploration and analysis. This section aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write an effective and engaging research paper on Ancient Greece. By following these tips and strategies, you can navigate the research process with confidence and produce a well-crafted paper that showcases your knowledge and critical thinking skills.

  • Choose a Specific Topic : Start by selecting a specific topic within the realm of Ancient Greece that interests you the most. Narrow down your focus to a particular aspect, time period, or theme to ensure that your research remains manageable and focused.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : Begin your research by consulting a variety of reputable sources, including books, scholarly articles, and academic journals. Utilize both online and offline resources to gather a comprehensive understanding of your chosen topic.
  • Develop a Strong Thesis Statement : Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that presents the main argument or central idea of your research paper. Your thesis should be specific, arguable, and supported by evidence from your research.
  • Organize Your Research : Create a well-structured outline to guide your writing process. Organize your main points, arguments, and supporting evidence in a logical manner. This will help you maintain a coherent flow throughout your paper.
  • Analyze Primary and Secondary Sources : Engage with a combination of primary and secondary sources to support your arguments and provide historical context. Primary sources can include ancient texts, artifacts, and inscriptions, while secondary sources offer scholarly interpretations and analysis.
  • Engage with Different Perspectives : Consider various viewpoints and interpretations of your chosen topic. Engaging with different perspectives will enhance the depth and breadth of your research and demonstrate your ability to critically evaluate historical evidence.
  • Utilize Proper Citations : Ensure that you properly cite all sources used in your research paper. Follow the appropriate citation style, such as MLA or APA, and adhere to the guidelines for both in-text citations and the bibliography or references page.
  • Develop Strong Arguments : Structure your paper around well-developed arguments supported by evidence from your research. Present a clear line of reasoning and critically evaluate the sources to strengthen your arguments.
  • Include Visuals and Illustrations : Consider incorporating visuals such as maps, diagrams, or images related to your topic. Visuals can enhance the understanding of complex concepts and provide visual evidence to support your arguments.
  • Revise and Edit : Set aside ample time for revising and editing your research paper. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and punctuation errors. Ensure that your paper flows smoothly and effectively communicates your ideas.

Writing a research paper on Ancient Greece offers a fascinating journey into the world of this ancient civilization. By following these tips and strategies, you can navigate the research process with confidence and produce a well-crafted paper that showcases your knowledge and critical thinking skills. Remember to choose a specific and engaging topic, conduct in-depth research, develop a strong thesis statement, and organize your paper effectively. Engage with different perspectives, utilize proper citations, and develop strong arguments supported by evidence. With careful planning, thorough research, and diligent writing, you can create an exceptional research paper that illuminates the wonders of Ancient Greece for your readers.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges students face when it comes to writing research papers on Ancient Greece. The complexity of the subject matter, the extensive research required, and the need for critical analysis can be overwhelming. That’s why we are here to offer our professional writing services and be your trusted partner in crafting exceptional Ancient Greece research papers. With our team of expert writers and a commitment to excellence, we provide you with the support and assistance you need to excel in your academic endeavors.

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When it comes to writing Ancient Greece research papers, iResearchNet is your reliable partner. With our team of expert writers, commitment to excellence, and dedication to customer satisfaction, we provide you with the support and assistance you need to achieve academic success. Our services are designed to alleviate the stress and challenges of research paper writing, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your academic journey. Trust iResearchNet to be your partner in crafting exceptional Ancient Greece research papers that meet the highest standards of quality and professionalism.

Unleash Your Potential with iResearchNet

Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey through the rich history of Ancient Greece? Do you want to delve into the captivating world of Greek civilization and uncover its profound influence on art, philosophy, politics, and more? Look no further! iResearchNet is here to support you in your exploration of Ancient Greece through our exceptional writing services. Whether you need assistance with choosing a research paper topic, crafting a well-researched paper, or navigating the complexities of academic writing, we are your dedicated partner in achieving academic success.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the captivating world of Ancient Greece? Let iResearchNet be your guiding light. With our team of expert writers, commitment to excellence, and dedication to your success, we provide you with the support and assistance you need to excel in your academic pursuits. Don’t miss the opportunity to unleash your potential and make a lasting impact with your Ancient Greece research papers. Trust iResearchNet to be your partner in crafting exceptional papers that showcase your knowledge, critical thinking, and passion for this remarkable civilization. Unlock the secrets of Ancient Greece and embark on a rewarding academic journey with iResearchNet today!


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History Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On June 3, 2024

Choosing the most appropriate topic for a history dissertation can be tricky. Before selecting a topic, it is imperative to have an in-depth knowledge of the historical events or phenomena you wish to evaluate. Complete comprehension of a topic area is necessary before you can go about the task of completing your dissertation.

To help you get started with brainstorming for history topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your history dissertation.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review,  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Topic 1: Who was Responsible for the European Civil Wars? An Exploratory Study Identifying the Determinants of the 1870 Franco-Prussian War

Research Aim: This research aims to determine various political, social, and economic factors which caused European civil wars. It will use the 1870 Franco-Prussian War as a case study to analyse which political, social, or economic forces played their part in exaggerating this war. Moreover, it will use various historical lenses to evaluate the available evidence in this area to determine the factors objectively. Lastly, it will recommend ways through a historical viewpoint that could’ve saved lives in these wars.

Topic 2: What were the Socio-Economic Discontents of the Second Industrial Revolution? A Marx-Engels Perspective

Research Aim: This study identifies various socioeconomic discontents of the Second Industrial Revolution through the Marx-Engels communist lens. It will analyse how the second industrial revolution brought undesirable socio-economic changes in Europe and the rest of the world. It will develop a socio-economic framework by using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s critique of capitalism and social class theory to show the second industrial revolution divided the entire world into two classes. Moreover, it will show how imperialist powers used the Second Industrial Revolution to change the world order.

Topic 3: Did Mongols Bring Social Change in Ancient Arab? Impact of Mongol Invasion on Ancient Arab Culture and Traditions

Research Aim: This research intends to analyse the social change brought by Mongols in ancient Arab. It will find the impact of the Mongols’ invasion on ancient Arab culture and traditions by identifying channels such as slavery, forced marriages, etc., through which Mongols brought a cultural change. Moreover, it will find whether Arabs could come back to their original state or whether modern Arabs have their traits. And through which ways did ancient Arabs resist those changes?

Topic 4: What is Common among the United States’ Iraq, Japan, Afghanistan, and Cuba Invasions? A Comparative Study Finding the United States Common Political and Economic Motives

Research Aim: This study compares the United States’ Iraq, Japan, Korea, Afghanistan, and Cuba invasions. It will identify the United States’ common political and economic motives among these invasions, which gave it an incentive to pursue. It will be a multidisciplinary study exploring geopolitical, geo-economic, geo-strategic, and historical aspects of the invasions. Moreover, it will also compare the post-invasion situation of these countries to show how these countries dealt with it.

Topic 5: The Life and Work of William Shakespeare: His Influence on The Modern Theater- A Critique of Dr. Johnson

Research Aim: This study sheds light on the life and work of William Shakespeare by analysing his role in modern theatre. It will try to highlight his contribution to the field of literature and theatre but through the approach of Dr Johnson. Johnson’s works will be evaluated to see whether William Shakespeare has done something significant for modern theatre or it is just a one-sided view of William Shakespeare’s followers. It will analyse various works of William Shakespeare from Johnson’s critical lens to provide an objective assessment.

COVID-19 History Research Topics

Topic 1: the history of coronavirus..

Research Aim: This study will explore the historical facts and theories related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Topic 2: History of Spanish flu

Research Aim: In 1918, a deadly pandemic called Spanish flu hit the world, and many people lost their lives. This study will highlight the history of the disease, its symptoms, and similarities with the present crisis of COVID-19.

Topic 3: The history of various types of pandemics and their consequences

Research Aim: This study will investigate the history of various types of pandemics and their consequences on people’s health, the economy, and the world’s transformation after it.

New History Research Topics

Topic 1: types of communications in history.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the types of communications in history

Topic 2: Terrorism and its impact on people's life

Research Aim: This research aims to address terrorism’s impact on people’s life

Topic 3: Treaty of Lausanne and the world's predictions about Turkey in 2023

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct a study on the Treaty of Lausanne and the world’s predictions about Turkey in 2023

Topic 4: Mythological stories and their impact on the youth

Research Aim: This research aims to study the impact of mythological stories on the youth.

Dissertation Topics from the Nineteenth Century

Topic 1: analysis of church wealth expropriation and political conflict in 19th-century colombia..

Research Aim: The research will explore the events of political violence after independence in Colombia regarding the redefinition of the Catholic Church’s property rights. The study primarily focuses on the country after 1850 to measure the influence of that expropriation of the Church’s assets on political violence.

Topic 2: Exploring the impact of the 19th-century development of refrigeration on The American meatpacking industry.

Research Aim: The city of Chicago in the United States is known to be the centre of modern refrigeration development due to it being the hub of the meatpacking industry. The proposed research will analyse Chicago’s meatpacking sector’s development and its significant role in developing critical technologies such as refrigeration. The study will examine the development of refrigerated transport and cold storage units to comprehend the city’s meatpacking industry’s local and later global success throughout the 19th century.

Topic 3: Examining the impact of the telegraph in the United States of America

Research Aim: The research uses document analysis to examine the influence of the invention of the telegraph in the United States of America. Specifically, the study will analyse how the telegraph revolutionised communication and news broadcasting to newspapers over national and international networks.

Topic 4: The impact of industrial conflict and technology on the development of technical education in 19th-century England.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the role that 19th-century employers played in training and educating young industrial workers in England. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the various factors that influenced the development of technical education while discovering the reason for antagonistic relations with skilled workers, which may have caused the Great Strike and Lockout of 1897.

Topic 5: The impact of changing gender relations on childbearing populations in the 19th-century Netherlands.

Research Aim: The research will look to comprehend the changes in childbearing patterns using a sequence analysis approach. The study will also try to understand the association between gender relations, historical fertility records, and women’s reproductive patterns in the 19th-century Netherlands.

Topic 6: Examining the shift of hierarchical and ethnocentric foreign relations to the Western model of international relations in 19th-century Japan.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the 19th century, a period of transition in Japanese foreign policy. The study will mainly focus on Russo-Japanese relations using document analysis to assess the four stages of shift that led Japan from an ethnocentric foreign policymaker to the Western type without colonisation and defeat in war.

History and Religious Dissertations

Topic 1: the impact of popular culture on evangelical christians in america..

Research Aim: The research uses document analysis to examine the impact that popular culture has had in shaping Evangelical Christian thought in the United States from the 1960s to the 2000s. The study focuses on analysing the variables that have allowed Evangelicalism to become a middle-class populist movement.

Topic 2: Fertility, feminism, and the American revolution

Research Aim: The research using document analysis, analyses the impact of the American Revolution on declining birth rates in the colonies and the increase of family limitation among white free women. The research will investigate the intentions of founding American women in their rejection of abundant fertility and a patriarchal family and the existent or non-existent role that colonial Christians played.

Topic 3: The decline of irrational and magical ideologies in England 1500-1600.

Research Aim: The research analyses how the introduction of religion, specifically early Christianity, had an impact on declining the conventional thought processes that used irrationality or magic as their basis. The research will use document analysis as its research method.

Topic 4: The impact of religion on innovation, 1604.

Research Aim: The research examines how Sir Frances Bacon’s epistle “Of Innovations” argues for the positive potential of innovation from the understanding of the Biblical scriptures. The study will also explore the relationship between Bacon and the English Protestant Church.

Topic 5: The role of churches and religion in World War II.

Research Aim: The research looks to examine the role of churches in Europe during WWII. The study will also analyse their religious ideologies and their deeds as institutions to impact the perceptions of World War II. The research will be conducted using document analysis.

History and Sociology Dissertations

Topic 1: race, poverty, and food deserts in cardiff, 1980-2016..

Research Aim: The research examines the demographic and spatial patterns that have shaped access to supermarkets in low-income neighbourhoods in Cardiff from 1980 to 2016. The research methods used will be quantitative.

Topic 2: Impact of World War II rationing on British cuisine

Research Aim: The research analyses the impact of rationing items by the British Ministry of Food on the specific culture from the 1940s to the 1980s. The research uses variables of socio-economic classes and geographic locations of the country to examine the cultural impacts it had on the British palate during the time. The research methods will include quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Topic 3: Impact of religious doctrines and ideologies on racism and racist factions in the USA.

Research Aim: The research analyses the relationship between different Christian sects and racial prejudice among groups of Christians based on geographic location (North or South) in the United States after the 2016 presidential elections. The research will be quantitative in nature but will incorporate qualitative techniques of historical document analysis to examine how racism in the country has changed since the Civil Rights Era of the United States.

Topic 4: The historical development and impact of public transportation in Shanghai, China, 1843-1937.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact of public transportation on the development of Shanghai’s urban landscape using the variables of tradition vs modernity, state and social relationships, and technology and society relations. The research will provide a historical analysis of the city from the British and the Opium Wars’ colonisation to the 20th century. The study will use qualitative document analysis and quantitative techniques as research methods.

Topic 5: The impact of water resource management, technological solutions, and urban growth after World War II on Atlanta, Georgia.

Research Aim: The purpose of the dissertation is to examine the origins of water-related issues in Atlanta by discovering the challenges that public officials, activists, and engineers faced in the area in terms of planning and enacting an effective environmental policy after World War II in the metropolitan area of Atlanta. The research will use historical document analysis as its methodology.

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Historical People and Events Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the events and people giving rise to winston churchill.

Research Aim: The research examines the network of friends and colleagues of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill on how they influenced the primer’s reputation after his retirement and death. The study will analyse the history of the Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge, and the influence that Sir John Colville had on shaping Churchill’s image.

Topic 2: The rise of the right-wing woman in 20th-century Britain- Analysing Margaret Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse

Research Aim: The relationship between conservative powerhouses Margaret Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse was well known to the public for its traditional undertones. The research will examine the relationship between the two women using document analysis, particularly the public presentation relationship, to better understand the importance of conservative women in Britain. The research will analyse the twentieth-century political and cultural contexts that gave rise to these two women.

Topic 3: Examining the cooperative transformational leadership of Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk.

Research Aim: The research will study the transfer of power in South Africa by focusing on the cooperative leadership strategies, policies, and personal characteristics of leaders such as Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk. The research will examine how these two leaders could bring systematic revolution through democratic and peaceful means.

Topic 4: Pablo Picasso- The making of “Guernica” and its historical context.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the history of paintings of people suffering from the convulsion of war, explicitly focusing on Goya. The paper will examine the factors and influences on Pablo Picasso that led to the development of “Guernica.” The research will analyse how Picasso depicted real history snatches with symbolism that resonated with people.

Topic 5: Analysing the role of women in the Crusade Movement.

Research Aim: The research examines women’s contribution to the Crusades and its impact on propaganda, recruitment, organisation of the crusades, and financing of the campaigns. The study will also survey their roles in looking after families and properties while also giving liturgical support at home for those on the crusade campaigns.

Topic 6: The impact of the Harlem Renaissance on urban landscaping, Jazz music, and literature.

Research Aim: The research will examine the Great Migration of the 1910s in the United States, where a concentration of African American population moved North, causing demographic shifts. The study will analyse Toni Morrison’s Jazz, Persia Walker’s Black Orchid Blues, and other works regarding music and urbanisation.

Topic 23: John F. Kennedy- Rise of American foreign power and South Vietnam.

Research Aim: The research will analyse John F. Kennedy’s foreign policy strategies’ central themes. The paper examines the themes of counterinsurgency, credibility, and commitment in South Asia, particularly South Vietnam, to improve his credibility after the Bay of Pigs incident. The paper will observe the president’s fascination regarding psychological warfare, military forces, and countering ‘communism’ aggression in Southeast Asia.

Italian Unification History Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the preservation of italy- analysing the fragility of italian unity 1866-68..

Research Aim: The research analyses the impact of the Austro-Prussian War at its conclusion in July 1866. The paper analyses factors such as the fall of the Liberal government in Britain that impacted the fragility of the Italian Unification. The paper examines the historical event through the bilateral relationship between a newly rising Italy and Britain.

Topic 2: Analysing the Italian post-unification period- Racial and colonial factors influencing modern Italians.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the rise of Italian fascism with the premise that it rose from the failures of previous liberal governments. The study particularly examines the first Liberal period after unification, which led to the explosion of civil war in the South of Italy. The study will analyse the racial and colonial factors that influenced the competition with Western European nations for imperialistic endeavours.

Topic 3: Prison system management in 19th-century Italian prisons after unification.

Research Aim: The research analyses accounting practices in prisons using documentation analysis of the prison management system of major Italian States in the early 19th century. The study aims to use various accounting methods to uncover the potentially socially damaging tools of accounting in prison reforms to discipline individuals of lesser status.

Topic 4: The impact of the mafia on Italian education after unification.

Research Aim: The research will use historical point data to analyse the impact the Mafia had on the level of education between 1874 and 1913. The particular geographic constraint of the study will be restricted to Sicily, Italy, after the unification of the Italian Kingdom in 1861.

German Unification History Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the parties and problems of governance in the german empire..

Research Aim: The research will examine, using document analysis, the various processes for political restructuring that caused the founding of many political parties, interest groups, and civic associations. The research analyses how the Federal Republic strategised to transfer German Democratic Republic citizens’ sovereign rights to international institutions and the Federal Republic institutions.

Topic 2: Analysing the collapse of the GDR and the reunification of Germany.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the factors and influences surrounding the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1898 to 1990 and the reunification of East and West Germany. The research will also analyse the role of businesses with regard to the collapse, particularly the German business elites and their relationship with the Soviet Union.

Topic 3: Analysing the impact of Bismarck on the capitulation of German liberalism.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact the German National Liberal party of 1866 to 1867 had on supporting Otto von Bismarck’s policy of German unification. The study will examine the political stakes involved and the philosophy of Realpolitik in the Unification of the German Empire.

Topic 4: The impact of radical nationalism and political change after Bismarck.

Research Aim: The research will examine the factors that gave rise to the radicalisation of the German right under the politics of Otto von Bismarck. The study looks to find evidence of German fascism prior to World War II. To conduct the research, a thorough document analysis will be done with an extensive literature review.

World War I Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the response of german immigrants to discrimination in the usa during world war i.

Research Aim: The research will examine the impact of caste-based discrimination on assimilation patterns of immigrant minorities, specifically German immigrants in the United States during WWI. The study will understand if discriminated minority groups increase their assimilation efforts to avoid discrimination and public harassment. The research will use naming patterns of children and records of petitions of naturalisations to conduct the study empirically.

Topic 2: Analysing the impact of affective experience and popular emotion on WWI International Relations.

Research Aim: The research will examine the factors of communal emotion and mass emotion during the outbreak of WWI to demonstrate the political significance of widespread sentiment. The research looks to study the factors with regard to contemporary populism.

Topic 3: The impact of military service in WWI on the economic status of American Veterans?

Research Aim: The research will analyse the different registration regimes during the WWI draft to find their impact on economic outcomes. The research will use empirical from 1900 to 1930 United States to study short-term impact of military service, while the United States census of 1960 is used to determine the long-term impacts. The data collected will be of household income and draft population of the time in WW1.

Topic 4: Examining the Impact of Quarrying Companies Royal Engineers in WWI to support British armies on the Western Front.

Research Aim: The research will examine the history of the Quarrying Companies unit within the Royal Engineers in WWI. The study will analyse the impact that the group had on British armies on the Western Front, particularly for the aid of the British Expeditionary Forces until its disbandment in 1919.

The Great Depression (Britain 1918-1939) Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of the great depression on labour productivity..

Research Aim: The research will examine the labour productivity of the UK manufacturing industry during the Great Depression. The research will be of empirical methodology and collect data on actual hours of work, real output, and employment statistics. The study will prove that during the Great Depression, output per work hour was counter-cyclical between 1929 and 1932.

Topic 2: Analysing the discourse of British newspapers during the Great Depression.

Research Aim: The research will use document analysis and text analysis to examine the rhetoric of British newspapers when unemployment rises. The study will accurately analyse the Great Depression in Britain by determining how the stigmatisation of poverty changes in the rhetoric of newspapers when discussing unemployment.

Topic 3: The Impact of the Great Depression on British Women Migration 1925-1935.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact that the Great Depression had on the migration of women out of Britain to the rest of its empire. The study will use empirical data to analyse the Society for Overseas Settlement of British Women (SOSBW). The research will assess if the society’s training programme influenced the employment and migration of women.

Topic 4: The Great Depression and British industrial growth- Analysing economic factors contributing to the Great Depression in Britain.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the British deceleration of industrial growth and the percentage rate of growth as the cause of the Great Depression in Britain. The research will examine the contribution of the Industrial Revolution and its initial rapid percentage of rate of growth causing ‘retardation.’ The study will be empirical and analyse historical patterns of Britain’s national economy.

Second World War Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing brazilian aviation in world war ii.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the extent to which Brazilians were actively engaged in combat on the Brazilian coast and in the European theatre. The study will primarily focus on the global conflict through the Forca Aerea Brasileira, FAB, or the Brazilian Air Force development before participation in the Second World War.

Topic 2: The impact of invention secrecy in World War II.

Research Aim: The research will examine the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patent secrecy orders which put over 11,000 US patent applications given secrecy orders. The study will analyse how this policy impacted keeping technology from the public during the war effort, specifically radar, electronics, and synthetic materials.

Topic 3: Analysing aerial photographic intelligence in WWII by British geologists.

Research Aim: The research will examine the period of WWII from 1939 to 1945 when intelligence was collected from aerial photographs by the Allied Central Interpretation Unit. The study will assess the history of aerial photographic information based on geology contributing to the Allied landings in Normandy in 1944.

Topic 4: Analysing British propaganda in the United States during WWII.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the strategies that British propagandists used to understand the American opinion of WWII during the war and for post-war relationships. The study will investigate the policies and factors that contributed to keeping the wartime alliance and creating an acceptable political climate in the United States for post-war cooperation.

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History of Nazi Germany Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of discrimination against jewish managers on firm performance in nazi germany..

Research Aim: The research will examine the large-scale increase in discrimination in Nazi Germany to cause the dismissal of qualified Jewish managers in large firms. The study will analyse the persistent stock prices of firms, dividend payments, and return on assets after the discriminatory removal of Jewish managers.

Topic 2: Examining children’s literature in Nazi Germany

Research Aim: The research will analyse children’s literature which was propagandised between 1933 and 1945 under the National Socialists party. The paper will examine the various themes, specifically the Nordic German worldview, and how German values were distorted to produce a homogenous folk community.

Topic 3: Shifting from liberal education of the Weimar Republic to Nazi educational reforms- Analysing educational reforms under the Nazi government.

Research Aim: The research will examine education reform that the National Socialist government implemented in elementary education. The research will look to accumulate personal accounts of families and students who experienced the era to better comprehend the educational reforms. The study seems to under how these educational reforms moulded student ideologies.

Topic 4: The effects of antisemitism in film comedy in Nazi Germany.

Research Aim: The research will explore the themes of antisemitism in film comedy produced during the reign of the Nazi party in Germany. The research will study how themes impacted the perceptions of people living in Germany post-war. The research will use document analysis and empirical analysis to document and examine the themes and attitudes.

History of Cinema Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing the history and politics of bollywood..

Research Aim: The research will explore the various events in Indian film history that have allowed it to become a global sensation. The paper will analyse its market-driven triumph against Hollywood imports starting from the 1930s. The paper will also examine the nationalist social views of films produced in Bollywood during the 1950s.

Topic 2: The role of cinematic depictions influencing popular understanding of the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will examine the role that cinema played in shaping the understanding of the Spanish Civil War. The study will focus on fictional films that were produced in Spain and Hollywood between the 1940s and the early years of the 21st century.

Topic 3: Analysing distinctive characteristics of Korean films.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the characteristics of Korean films and examine their historical development. The research will focus on the eras of the Japanese colonial period to 1945 when the American army occupied South Korea. The study will analyse the role of censorship throughout this time period in producing Korean films.

Topic 4: Examining the history of cinema in Britain since 1896.

Research Aim: The research will explore the development of cinema exhibitions and cinema-going in Britain in 1896. They will analyse various factors that led to the rapid growth of cinema in Britain just before WWI. The study will examine factors such as the position of cinema, the development of modern spaces, artistic respectability, the invention of sound, and cinema as individual entertainment.

History of Racism Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing the factors influencing institutional racism in america..

Research Aim: The research will explore the complicated history of racism in the United States. It will analyse how racism has become embedded throughout American society, from land ownership, education, healthcare, employment, and the criminal justice system. The research will use a mixed-methods research approach to gather data.

Topic 2: Examining the relationship between racism and environmental deregulation in the Trump Era.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the possible relationship between environmental deregulation and racism between 2016 and 2017 under the Trump Administration. The study will primarily collect data from executive actions, ecological events, and tweets from the President during this time period. The study will document racist events that were targeted at people of colour, Asians, Arabs, South Asians, Muslims, and indigenous persons.

Topic 3: Analysing the experience of racism in English schools towards Eastern European Migrants.

Research Aim: The research will use qualitative design to analyse the experience of racism faced by students of Eastern European descent. The research will use the framework proposed by the Critical Race Theory and Critical Conceptions of Whiteness to conduct the study. The research will focus on the racism experienced by these students as marginal whiteness for their various linguistic accents.

Topic 4: The impact of racism on Afro-Italian entrepreneurship.

Research Aim: The research will use qualitative data to analyse the participation of Afro-Italian women entrepreneurs in start-ups relating to beauty, style, and hair care lines. The study explores the obstacles that young black women entrepreneurs face in Italian due to racism and how their inclusion in small economies changes the perception of Blackness and Black womanhood related to Italian material culture.

Also Read: Religion, Theology and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

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History of Spanish Civil War Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the role of international nurses during the spanish civil war..

Research Aim: The research will use document analysis, primarily memoirs, to explore the life and work of international nurse participation during the Spanish Civil War. The study will examine their role with regard to contributions made to Spanish nursing during the war.

Topic 2: Examining republican propaganda during the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will explore the propaganda used by the Republicans of the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939 to support their ideology of the war. The paper will focus on three primary forms of media – newspapers, cinema, and music. The study will conduct the analysis using historical context to examine its effectiveness in propagating the Republican messages.

Topic 3: The history of British Battalions in the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will examine the role, experiences, and contributions of British volunteers to the Spanish Republic through the British Battalion of the 15th International Brigade. The study will accurately analyse the motivations of the volunteers to join the International Brigades and participate in the Spanish Civil War.

Topic 4: British cultural perspectives on the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will explore the cultural perspectives of the political understanding of the British responses to the Spanish Civil War. The study will examine the mass culture and personal experiences of British visitors to Spain in the 1930s.

History of the United States Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of ‘the frontier’ on american expansion and imperialism..

Research Aim: The research explores the idea of ‘manifest destiny, its connection to the American frontier, and its impact on imperialism. The study focuses on how the American perception of savagery and civilisation is related to expanding the American frontier.

Topic 2: Analysing the American public opinion on the War in Vietnam.

Research Aim: The research uses empirical data to analyse the American public attitude with regard to the Vietnam War. The data will be analysed using demographic groups and perception studies. The study will investigate how these perceptions eventually shaped government policy preferences during the Vietnam War.

Topic 3: Analysing the inaugural speeches of re-elected US presidents since WWII.

Research Aim: The research identifies, analyses, and assesses the use of individual style in inaugural speeches of re-elected US presidents since WWII. The research will be conducted using document analysis of lexical and semantic levels. The study will assess how the inaugural addresses are shaped to reflect the public policy of re-elected presidents.

Topic 4: Analysing the rise of white power and paramilitary groups in the United States.

Research Aim: The research analyses the rise and expansion of white nationalists and racist far-right groups using government publications, journalistic accounts, and archival records. The research focuses on the failure in Vietnam, giving rise to white power movements. The study will examine various events to assess the factors and significance that caused an increase in paramilitary groups in the United States.

Topic 5: Examining the rise of new white nationalism in America.

Research Aim: The research will use data acquired from speeches, books, and internet sources written by white nationalists to assess the shift of white nationalist ideas of oppression of other races to a view of victimhood of white nationalists. The research will use an extensive literature review to document the development of white nationalism in American history while also considering the development of social media.

Historic Events of Early Twentieth-Century Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the creation of uniquely american musical sounds; changes in classical music from the 19th to 20th century..

Research Aim: The research explores the changes in American classical music, shifting from its traditional European origins to a more defined American sound. The study will contend that historical events such as the upheaval and shifts of society during the American Civil War were the main factors in the creation of new American classical music.

Topic 2: The influence of political parties on democracy and party-state relations in the 20th-century.

Research Aim: The research will analyse institutional reforms of party-state relations, including constitutions, electoral laws, and party laws in France and Italy during the 20th century. The study will examine the impact of party entanglement on contributing to democratisation in Europe.

Topic 3: The impact of suspicion and distrust on conflict coverage- A case study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Research Aim: The research will use inductive-qualitative analysis to examine the journalistic narratives of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To do so, the factors of suspicion of information sources, awareness of being under suspicion, and distrust of peer journalists are used to examine the trust of journalists and the dilemmas they face in hostile environments.

Also Read: Project Management Dissertation Topics

List Of Top Trending Dissertation Topics For History Students

  • Decolonisation Movements and the Reshaping of Global Power Dynamics
  • The Rise of Social Media and Its Influence on Historical Narratives
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Historical Research
  • The Cold War’s Legacy in the Context of Contemporary Geopolitical Tensions
  • Redefining National Identity in a Globalised World
  • A Long-Term Analysis of The Environmental Consequences of Industrialization
  • The Representation of Race and Gender in Historical Film and Television
  • The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation in Museums and Historical Sites
  • Space and its Influence on International Cooperation
  • Cyberwarfare and its Implications for Global Security
  • The Role of Technology in Shaping Revolutions Throughout History
  • The Power of Propaganda and its Role in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Interconnectedness of Global Trade Routes and Historical Exchange
  • The Black Death’s Devastating Impact and its Long-Term Social Repercussions
  • The Rise of Populism and its Challenges to Democratic Institutions
  • The History of Censorship and its Impact on Freedom of Expression
  • The New World and its Devastating Consequences on Indigenous Populations
  • The Scientific Revolution and its Challenges to Religious Authority
  • The French Revolution’s Legacy: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and Their Unfinished Business
  • The Unintended Consequences of Technological Advancements Throughout History
  • The Power of Social Movements in Driving Political and Social Change
  • The History of Espionage and its Influence on International Relations
  • The Role of Diplomacy in Resolving International Conflicts
  • The Vietnam War’s Legacy and its Enduring Impact on American Society
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States and its Global Influence
  • The History of LGBTQ+ Rights and the Ongoing Fight for Equality
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Urbanisation Throughout History
  • The History of Mental Health and the Changing Attitudes Towards Treatment
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Historical Events and Social Development
  • The History of Education and its Impact on Social Mobility
  • The Power of Literature and Art in Reflecting and Influencing Historical Change
  • The Role of Espionage in Shaping the Outcomes of Major Historical Events
  • The Challenges of Preserving and Interpreting Historical Artifacts for Future Generations

Important Notes:

As a student of history looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing history theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of history is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like literature , linguistics , politics , international relations , and more. That is why it is imperative to create a history dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best history dissertation topics that fulfils your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and can also be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample history dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your History Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area while identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is to establish the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, or graphs that were used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  Ph.D. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

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How to find dissertation topics about history.

  • History era or event that excites you!
  • Look for the historical roots of modern issues.
  • Seek guidance from professors with research areas you like.
  • Consider the availability of research materials for your topic.
  • Narrow a broad topic into a specific research question.

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206 Informative History Dissertation Topics For Research Thesis

history dissertation topics

History is the study of the past. The past entails a lot, hence, history helps us to understand the world better, and how things came to be. History consists of past events as well as different inventions that have revolutionized till now. Writing a history dissertation is not that complex.

Essential Parts of A History Dissertation

A history dissertation is much more advanced than simple history homework . But fear not, follow this brief guide and checkout the list of topics to help you out. Most dissertations follow a similar basic structure. Ideal history dissertations include an abstract, introduction, methods, discussion, conclusion, and references.

Get An Ideal Topic. First, you will need to find an ideal topic that your professor will approve of. Also, remember, you must stick to your course unit to ensure that you write what is needed. Furthermore, keep in mind the specific length of the dissertation, rules, and regulations that you should stick with. Abstract. Remember to have a great title page, acknowledgment, dedication, and much more. You should then have an abstract that is normally a summary of the whole project, dissertation, or thesis. However, you should write it after you are done with the entire work. It should just be brief. Introduction. This is another major part that illustrates what you will cover while doing your dissertation. Hence, do proper research to ensure that what you write in the introduction is built up in the dissertation. Additionally, you should provide a background to the topic and reasons for choosing the specific topic. Also remember to highlight the key questions to be explored, the structure of the dissertation, and ultimate goals. Methods And Discussion. These are the methods that you will use to research your topic. There are qualitative and quantitative research methods. You need to properly choose a research method that will help you in the collection of data. Once you compile the data, you can then discuss your findings. Conclusion. Once you are done, you will need to provide a conclusion that sums up all that you have done. This will help you to align all your findings easily without any issues. You can have your deductions, inferences, assumptions, and much more. This is a great way to make your assumptions clear or nullify your hypothesis References. Remember to provide references that show the resources that you used in your research. Hence, use credible sources to get your data. Also, do a proper literature review for your dissertation.

Controversial History Dissertation Topics

Are you in college or uni and looking for ideal topics? You can start with these. Whether you are a graduate or undergraduate at school, the topics are ideal.

  • Evaluate the Mesopotamia civilization back in the day.
  • The history of the ancient Greek Olympics.
  • Evaluate the warfare and violence in ancient times.
  • The various women roles and gender relations over time.
  • Discuss the Maya empire according to the ancient civilizations.
  • Compare the burial rituals between Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.
  • How has Geography had an impact on ancient culture development?
  • The impact of the invention of papyrus on the world.
  • The cause and effect of art on classical societies
  • The importance of the Egyptian pyramid.
  • The evolution of the Stone Age period.
  • The various cultural practices during the historical period.
  • The cultural transformation of Rome in the Middle Ages.
  • Evaluate feudalism development.
  • The art development in the Middle Ages.

Interesting History Thesis Topics

When choosing a topic, try to choose one that is interesting. Also, you should try to choose a topic that you will feel happy doing its research. However, remember, you will need to consult your professors first.

  • Evaluate London during the Roman age.
  • The role of the church in the Middle Ages.
  • The various defense methods that were used during the Middle Ages.
  • Analyze the medieval convivencia.
  • Evaluate nationalism since the 19th century.
  • Evaluate the religious symbolism in renaissance paintings.
  • The impact of the industrial revolution on western civilizations.
  • The major principles of liberalism.
  • Analyze the history of the Cuban revolution.
  • The historical influence of Abraham Lincoln.
  • What were the gender roles during the Spanish Civil War?
  • The origin of the French Revolution.
  • The impacts of consumerism in world history.
  • The development of feminism over time.
  • The development of patriarchy over time.

In-Depth History Dissertation Ideas

As a student in class, you need to be observant and try your best to succeed while in school. Hence, you can even brainstorm with other students to know how best to do your dissertation.

  • The importance of Berlin in the Cold War.
  • The causes and effects of the Cuban missile crisis.
  • The main cause of the Crimean war.
  • The major consequences of the Crimean war
  • The religious role of the Crimean war.
  • How the Cold War influenced the film industry.
  • The post-cold war world challenges.
  • The relationship between the settlers and Native Americans.
  • The causes of civil war in America.
  • The major causes of depression during the 1890s.
  • The major roles of founding fathers in American society and religion.
  • The causes and consequences of the Spanish-American war.
  • The major importance of the frontier in American history.
  • The racism role in American art.
  • The historical analysis of drug use.

Best Ancient History Dissertation Topics

You need to write a high-quality dissertation to get high grades. These are some of the best ancient history dissertation topics that you can start with.

  • The impact of British colonization.
  • The rise and fall of Napoleon.
  • The causes of revolution in history.
  • The evolution of the IRA.
  • Evaluate the history of feudalism.
  • Europe’s perception of Islam in the different centuries.
  • The major political conflicts in India.
  • The impact of the First World war on British policies.
  • The role of women in Hinduism.
  • The paradox of Christianity, slavery, and colonialism.
  • The comparison of classical art and cubism.
  • Analyze the impact of religion on innovation.
  • The evolution of advertising and marketing in the UK.
  • The history of public health.
  • How history helps in exploring the future of any country.

Good Art History Dissertation Topics

Art is beautiful. Did you know that people started making art even in the early years? Yes, they did, and it looked as amazing as it looks even now. Here are some topics that deal with the history of art.

  • Evaluate the past architecture.
  • The development of the human body in the past.
  • How did Egyptian art change over time?
  • The relation between feminism and Egyptian art.
  • Evaluate the development of the Amarna art.
  • The evolution of paintings.
  • The impact of the natural world in Indian painting.
  • Do you think the British era led to a repression of Indian art development?
  • The Indian temple art.
  • How did Miro contribute to the surrealist movement?
  • Evaluate contemporary feminism according to Egyptian art.
  • Compare the development of Byzantine and Egyptian art.
  • Evaluate the gothic art through medieval eyes.
  • Analyze the past Egyptian paintings.
  • Evaluate art and politics.

Advanced History Dissertation Topics

Finding an ideal topic can take you a considerable amount of time. Hence, you can use any of these topics for your history dissertation. They are all simple, straightforward, and ideal.

  • The political causes of Britain’s decision to join WW1.
  • The major political factors that led to the creation of Nazi Germany.
  • The damages were caused by the great depression in Britain.
  • An analysis of the German confederation and inevitability.
  • The role of Napoleon III in the Crimean war.
  • The major implications of the change of roles in The British Queen.
  • The contribution of the Victorian era.
  • How does the Victorian era affect the perceptions of the British culture in popular novels?
  • The spread of Islam after WWII in the UK.
  • Explore Britain, the age of romanticism.
  • The modes of British history have shaped its current culture.
  • The major British economy changes in the two World wars.
  • The British mining historical perspective.
  • Explore British mining and opportunities in the colonial lands.
  • The role of the British Empire in the creation of the economic disparities in its colonies.

Interesting History Dissertation Topics

While doing a history dissertation, you need to have a goal in mind. What do you exactly want to find out? Why do you want to know more about it? Here are some topics that you can start with.

  • Evaluate what led to the fall of the British Empire.
  • The impact of British India in the field of medicine.
  • Analyze patenting during the Industrial revolution.
  • The contribution of the Industrial revolution globally.
  • The evolution of the gas industry over time since inception.
  • Evaluate the changing roles of the British military over the past century.
  • Explore communism in the UK.
  • How can all the UK’s migration patterns over time be traced?
  • The origin, changes, and current challenges of the history of the British birds.
  • Labor contribution from underdeveloped regions to the building of the British Empire.
  • The reasons why it took long for the Berlin Wall to fall.
  • The reasons that led to the American Revolution stages.
  • The major causes of the WW1.
  • Evaluate Hitler in the WW1
  • The major unions in WW1.

Informative History Of Art Dissertation Topics

Are you a good history student? Then you should try any of these dissertation topics and see how best you can cope with them. They are ideal, and you will be happy in the long run.

  • How WW1 can be avoided?
  • The most meaningful decisions that affected the First World War conclusion.
  • Make a comparison between the Great Migration and the Great depression.
  • The meaning of black Tuesday and its implications.
  • The various parties that became wealthy during the Great Depression.
  • Evaluate major disasters in the United States.
  • Analyze the countries that were destroyed during WW II.
  • Which are the various things that led to Germany’s defeat.
  • Which are the major impacts of Napoleons’ leadership style.
  • Analyze the life of Napoleon over time.
  • The motivation of Hitler in the past.
  • The contribution of Hitler in history.
  • The most relevant battles in Napoleon’s life.
  • The consequences of the fight of Napoleon vs. Hitler.

Unusual History Dissertation Topics

Yes, these are some of the most unusual history dissertation topics that you wouldn’t have thought of. You just need to know how to do research and choose one for your dissertation.

  • Evaluate the life of Medieval European peasants.
  • Analyze the Western world and social stratification.
  • Compare the World War I and World War II.
  • Analyze the recent historical development of Japan and China
  • Which are the significant events of the Ottoman Empire?
  • Evaluate the impact of nuclear weapons on the world military clashes.
  • Which is Japanese history?
  • The key achievements of the World Rights movement.
  • Review the lessons gotten from the World Wars.
  • Analyze the common impacts of Roman cultures.
  • Evaluate imperialism in the 20th century.
  • The role of the colonial American women in the revolution.
  • Describe how Martin Luther King Jr assassination occurred.
  • Evaluate the conflicts, strikes, and labor unions in the 18th century.
  • Analyze the democratic convention in Chicago during 1968.

Victorian History Dissertation Topics

The Victorian era had a lot of evolutions and great steps. Here are some Victorian history dissertation topics that you can use in your coursework to get top grades.

  • The diplomatic history of World War I
  • Evaluate Korean poetry since time immemorial.
  • Analyze the modern dress versus classical art.
  • Analyze decorative art and exoticism.
  • Evaluate the development of Pablo Picasso’s painting.
  • Analyze the Ancient Greece power versus ancient Rome.
  • Medieval Europe and city development.
  • The significance of the Quran in Medieval Europe.
  • The common protests and demonstrations during the ancient ages.
  • Evaluate the rise of the Dutch republic.
  • The decline of the Eastern Empire.
  • Feudalism decline.
  • The various queens and kings of Britain since ancient times.
  • Europe and 18th-century politics.
  • The rising of the Eastern powers.

African History Dissertation Topics

These are some of the best African history dissertation topics. They are all attributed to the African continent and its development over time.

  • The emergence of the National Congress of British West Africa.
  • The politics of transformation in Abuja.
  • The origins of indirect rule in Nigeria.
  • The major role of ex-servicemen in nationalism in Kenya.
  • The Dutch participated in the African slave trade.
  • The negative impact of the slave trade on the current generations in Africa.
  • The history of labor emigration from Malawi and its neighborhood.
  • Evaluate the Afrikaners in Kenya.
  • The paradox of the indigenous church building.
  • The historical study of Malawi Lake.
  • Malawians in the Great War and after.
  • The development of the transportation sector in Tanzania.
  • The Rwandan colonial economy.
  • The state and society in colonial Malawi.
  • The internal and external dimensions of the Eritrean conflict.

Russian History Dissertation Topics

Russia has developed over time. These are some of the topics that you can use to understand why some things happened as they did, back in Russia.

  • What is so remarkable about Russian leaders?
  • The influence of Russian history in the current political practices.
  • How can Russia’s social interaction be considered different from that of the rest of the world?
  • The major causes of the coal up springs throughout Russia’s history.
  • The main Russian obstacles in the quest for industrialization.
  • The origins of the social classes in Russia.
  • The major causes of the breakup of the Soviet Union.
  • The major contributors in the formation of Russia.
  • The major roles of the former empires of Russia in the current nation.
  • How was Christianity incorporated into the Russian culture?
  • What led to the customary war-like culture of the Russian leaders?
  • The evident impacts of the Soviet Union.
  • The various social classes in Russia.
  • The impact of the revolutionary action and the impact of the industrial workers in the early 1900s.
  • The reasons for the Russian social interaction over time.

American History Dissertation Topics

Are you looking for the best American history dissertation topics? You can start with these! They are ideal, simple, and easy to comprehend.

  • Evaluate the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  • The politics of public health and welfare in the United States.
  • The impact of the baby boom on American Society.
  • The secrecy methods used in the Manhattan Project.
  • The causes of McCarthyism and the effects.
  • The impact of the midway battle in World War II.
  • The causes, effects, and events that led to the Harlem renaissance.
  • What led to the protest of the bonus army?
  • The cause and effects of the spring face race riot of 1908.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the two sides of the civil war.
  • The impact of the United States Abolitionist movement.
  • Evaluate the Mexican war provoked by the U.S.

Modern History Dissertation Topics

Over time things have changed. These are some of the best modern history dissertation topics that you can use in your course unit.

  • Does the decline of socialism give rise to the authoritarianism of the past?
  • Does the loss of faith in democracies produce conservative leaders?
  • Did the world learn from the rise of Hitler?
  • The most successful and disastrous vaccines produced by scientists.
  • How science has changed human behavior over the years.
  • What changed the world more, the crash of the 1920s or 2000s?
  • Can the market be trusted even after historical crashes and recessions?
  • Evaluate the age of digitalization.
  • The history of the modern world.
  • How the USA benefitted from industrialization.
  • The impact of industrialization in Africa.
  • How can history be termed as the best teacher?
  • Do you think today’s education system is well-equipped to produce innovators?

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History Research Paper Topics For Students

February 11, 2019

Need to write a research paper about some historical period but dont know how to choose the right one? Check our list of most interesting topics about different periods on world history.

Art History Research Paper Topics

  • The combination of old traditions and new ideas in Neoclassicism sculpture.
  • What were the main reasons for the Roman artistic style shift in the 4th century?
  • The most frequently used symbols in Frida Kahlo’s paintings.
  • Compare and contrast the Baroque and Rococo art styles.
  • The origin of the traditional Japanese and Chinese costumes and their impacts on culture.
  • Compare and contrast the Egyptian and Greek canons of proportions.
  • What was the influence of the Industrial Revolution on art development?
  • The psychology of colour in Kazimir Malevich’s works.
  • What are the peculiar features of Art Deco hotels in French Indochina?
  • The literature of the Enlightenment: the main authors.
  • Realistic and artificial motifs in Jasper John’s “Flag.”
  • The most famous pieces of Mesopotamian art.

US History Research Paper Topics

  • The Pirates of the New England Coast
  • Land of Hope
  • City of Women
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Abolitionist Movement
  • Indians of California
  • Legal Policy and Women
  • Impact of Unions
  • An ideal of the American Dream
  • Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War
  • Manifest Destiny
  • Charles Lindbergh
  • Women and PTSD After Vietnam

Ancient History Research Paper Topics

  • The culture of the Roman Empire in comparison to ancient Greece
  • Constantine the Great
  • The colonization of America
  • The historical Jesus and conflict with Rome
  • The Economy of the Greek Cities
  • The trading routes of the Renaissance period
  • Emperors of Rome: Establishing the best and worst
  • The gnostic gospels
  • The Caribbean in the golden age of pirates.
  • The most prominent queens of ancient Egypt
  • What made ancient Sparta so different from other cities?
  • Divisions of labour in Rome (Social classes)
  • Money and Its Uses in the Ancient Greek World
  • The expansion of Latin: Linguistic analysis
  • Rome and the development of Christianity

Bronze Age Research Paper Topics

  • China in the Early Bronze Age: Shang Civilization
  • The New Chronology of the Bronze Age Settlement
  • Bronze Age Economics
  • What Makes Civilization? The Ancient Near East and the Future of the West
  • Prehistoric Britain
  • Letters of the Great Kings of the Ancient Near East
  • Arabia and the Arabs
  • Stone Tools and Society: Working Stone in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain
  • The Bronze Age
  • Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology
  • The Archaeology of Britain
  • The Horse and the Sword

Ancient Rome Research Paper Topics

  • Julius Caesar: The Colossus of Rome
  • Religious Toleration and Persecution in Ancient Rome
  • Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries
  • Rome, the Greek World, and the East
  • Roman Imperialism
  • Ancient Rome at Work
  • Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome
  • Marriage, Divorce, and Children in Ancient Rome
  • A Critical History of Early Rome
  • Rome: Empire of the Eagles
  • Ancient Tyranny
  • Human Rights in Ancient Rome
  • The State of Speech

Ancient Egypt Research Paper Topics

  • A History of Ancient Egypt
  • The Geography of the Mediterranean Region
  • Tausret: Forgotten Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt
  • Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt
  • Ancient Egyptian Tombs
  • Egyptian Religion
  • Who’s Who in Ancient Egypt
  • Egypt: A Short History
  • The Twilight of Ancient Egypt
  • The Tears of Re
  • Ancient History from Coins
  • Egypt’s Legacy
  • Reading Papyri, Writing Ancient History

Japan History Research Paper Topics

  • An Introduction to the History of Japan
  • Women in Japanese Religions
  • Samurai, Warfare and the State in Early Medieval Japan
  • Shinto, a Short History
  • The Character of Kingship
  • Buddhist Hagiographies in Early Japan
  • Taoism: The Enduring Tradition
  • From Sovereign to Symbol
  • Hired Swords
  • The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity, and Gender
  • The Teleology of the Modern Nation-State
  • The Mikado’s Empire
  • Empires of the Silk Road
  • Japan at War

You can choose your own topic, but if you need a research paper writing service –  ask for help on this site and forget about your problems with any kind of papers.

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