Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Essay

Introduction, biological and genetic aspects of autism spectrum disorders, asd etiology, prevalence of asd, diagnosis of asd, treatment of asd.

Autism is a serious disorder that has the potential to disrupt the success of people living with it. This report shall set out to explore various aspects regarding this disorder. To this end, an overview of the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment shall be offered. This shall aim at expanding our understanding regarding this disorder so as to enable us to be better prepared to handle it whenever the need arises.

Autism has been noted to be among the most prevalent childhood psychiatric disorder. Kuder (2003) denotes that in the USA, an estimated 2.1% of the population aged between 8 and 17 is affected by autism in its various forms.

Autism is manifested by varied behavior but it is chiefly characterized by inability to communicate, lingual deficits, lack of a sustained attention, low level of activity, temper tantrums, sleep disturbance, aggression inadequate motor control and other non-compliant behavior. These behaviors are detrimental to the social and educational endeavors of the people involved.

Autism spectrum is a medical term that is used to describe children and adults who experience difficulties in motor coordination, socializing, communicating (verbal and non-verbal) and language acquisition (Tager-Flusberg, Paul and Lord, 2005). The authors describe autism as a neurological disorder that stems from the brain’s inability to carryout some functions normally.

The causes of Autism as well as the reasons why it affects lingual and communication skills are not entirely known though there is a close linkage between Autism and genetics.

Studies indicate that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is inherited between family members. A study conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (2000) indicated that there is a 3-6% chance of getting autism amongst siblings.

However, Korvatska et al (2002) state that the difficulty experienced by scientists in pinpointing the genetic aspects of autism emanates from the lack of extended family histories. In most cases, autistic individual become more detached socially that they rarely marry or have children. As such, finding a family that has detailed genetic information regarding autism is difficult.

On a brighter note, twins have been used to explore the genetics behind autism (Beaudet, 2007). One study indicated an 82% likelihood of an autistic identical twin having the same disorder. This is in contrast to the 10% likelihood indicated by results from fraternal twins. More sophisticated studies have in the recent past concluded that 90% of autism related behavioral phenotypes are as a result of inherited genes (Happé & Ronald, 2008). This shows that there is a strong relationship between autism and genes.

Biologically, the root cause of autism has been difficult due to relative inability to access and study the brain systematically. However, technological innovations and advancements such as MRIs, CT scans and SPECT have made it possible to study the structure and functionality of the brain.

As a result, specialists have been able to deduce that majority of the brain’s structures play a pivotal role in the development of ASD. According to NIMH (2009, p. 1) they include but are not limited to “the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, limbic system, corpus callosum, basal ganglia, and brain stem”.

Similarly, other studies indicate that various neurotransmitters such as serotonin and epinephrine have a strong link to autism. The diagram below shows the biological basis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It shows various structures of the brain and explains the functions that each play. Various symptoms of ASD are as a result of the structures’ inability to carry out their normal function.

A diagram showing brain structures linked to ASD

Brain structures linked to ASD.

As mentioned earlier, the causes of ASD are not well known. However, researches conducted in this regard indicate that genetic, nutritional and environmental factors play a pivotal role in the development of the disorders. Results from numerous studies indicate that genetic factors predominate.

Others indicate that certain foods, infectious diseases, plastic and metallic extracts could cause autism. Similarly, smoking, alcohol, illicit drugs and some (mercury-based) childhood vaccines have also been attributed to causing autism. However, none of these causes are conclusive and more research needs to be conducted. This is to mean that the theory of causation regarding autism is not complete as yet.

The most recent survey conducted by center of disease control (CDC) indicated that autism rates have increased significantly over the past three decades. In most cases, studies indicate that autism is most prevalent among children. According to Rutter (2005), boys are four times more likely to be autistic than their female counterparts.

In addition, the author states that the symptoms of autism exhibit themselves from childbirth until three years of age. Parents are the most likely to discover these symptoms. As a result, they should ensure that they have their children checked at the onset of various abnormal behaviors.

Rutter (2005) asserts that the prevalence of autism disorder has been facilitated by ignorance and assumptions made by caretakers. In some cases, parents assume that their children are ‘slow and that they will develop as they grow up. However, this approach has proven to be costly since autism can best be handled as soon as it is detected.

Delaying makes it difficult to come up with remedies and coping mechanisms for both parents and the individuals having autism disorders. The main symptoms of this disorder include communication (verbal and non-verbal) difficulties, inability to develop and maintain relations with other people, abnormal lingual patterns and repetitive behaviors. Whenever any of these symptoms are discovered, it is highly recommended that medical or psychiatric assistance be sought.

An early diagnosis of ASD is important since it enables the people involved to come up with effective interventions before its too late. Recent studies show that intensive interventions administered in a control environment for a minimum of two years during preschool leads to behavioral and social improvements among children with ASD.

Clinicians base their diagnosis depending on the behavioral traits exhibited by a child. For a diagnosis to be made, NIMH (2009) asserts that at least one of the symptoms associated with ASD must be present. This means that a patient must have abnormal patterns of communication, socialization and restrictive behaviors.

In most cases, the diagnosis is made through a two-stage process. The first stage is “a developmental screening normally conducted during the routine childhood check-ups, while the second one involves a more comprehensive behavioral analysis by a team of experts (NIMH, 2009, p. 1).” Below are the stages that are followed to diagnose ASD.

The American Psychiatric Association (2000) recommends that every parent should ensure that a developmental screening test is carried out for his/her child during the “well child” check-up. The author contends that screening plays a pivotal role in the early identification of ASD symptoms.

Due to its importance, there are various screening instruments that have been developed to facilitate the diagnosis process. They include but are not limited to Checklist of Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) and its modified version; M-CHAT. Similarly, the Screening Tool for Autism in Two-Year-Olds (STAT) as well as the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) have proven to be effective in diagnosing ASD in children aged between two years old and above four years old respectively.

According to Tadevosyan-Leyfer et al (2003), questionnaires given to parents provide important information during the diagnosis process. As such, some instruments rely on such responses while others depend on these responses as well as observations made by the caregiver. However, these screening instruments are not as effective as they should be when it comes to identifying mild ASD or Asperger syndrome. As a result, other screening instruments such as the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) and the Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST) among others have been developed so as to diagnose these forms of ASD (NIMH, 2009).

Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation

This is the second stage of diagnosis and it relies on the skills of a team of different experts such as psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and therapists among others. This evaluation entails a comprehensive analysis of neural, genetic, cognitive and language testing in order to conclude whether a patient is suffering from autism or other behavioral disorders.

Some of the instruments used at this stage include: Autism Diagnosis Interview-Revised (ADI-R), which is a structured interview designed to test a child’s “communication, social interaction, restrictive behaviors and age-of-onset symptoms, and the Autism Diagnosis Observation Scheduling (ADOS-G), which is designed to identify abnormal, missing or delayed communication and social behaviors (NIMH, 2009, p. 1).”

The teams of experts that conduct this diagnosis determine the strengths and weaknesses of the child and recommend various treatment options that should be undertaken.

According to Freitag (2007) there is no one-shoe-fits-all approach to treating ASD. However, specialists in this area seem to agree on the fact that early interventions are of great importance. Arguably, the best treatment is one that considers the interests of the patient, allows the patient to learn in accordance to his/her ability and causes no harm to the overall well being of the patient. With this in mind, there are specialized programs and treatments that have proven to be effective against ASD symptoms.

For starters, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is among the most used intervention in treating ASD (SAMHSA, 2011). Similarly, there are dietary and medical interventions that help suppress unwanted behaviors among autistic children (NIMH, 2009). In regard to learning, there are specialized educational programs that seek to enhance the socio-communicative, cognitive and language skills of autistic students.

It can be articulated from this report that Autism is a problem that needs to be focused on. With proper understanding as to what the condition entails, parents and practitioners are better armed to assist patients overcome the weaknesses brought about by the condition and therefore achieve successful lives.

From this study, it can be authoritatively stated that early diagnosis and treatment of Autism spectrum is necessary to increase the chances of success in learning for the child suffering from this disease. Whereas Autism is not curable, it can be managed so as to ensure that it is not disruptive to the life of the individual during his/her future endeavors.

American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR (fourth edition, text revision). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Beaudet, A. L. (2007). Autism: highly heritable but not inherited. Nat Med, 13(5): 534–6.

Freitag, C. M. (2007). The genetics of autistic disorders and its clinical relevance: a review of the literature. Mol Psychiatry. 12(1): 2–22.

Happé, F., & Ronald, A. (2008). The ‘fractionable autism triad’: a review of evidence from behavioral, genetic, cognitive and neural research. Neuropsychol Rev, 18(4): 287–304.

Korvatska, E et al. (2002). Genetic and immunologic considerations in autism. Neurobiology of Disease , 9: 107-125.

Kuder, S. (2003). Teaching Students with Language and Communication Disabilities. USA: Allyn and Bacon.

NIMH. (2009) Autism Spectrum Disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders) . Web.

Rutter, M. (2005). Incidence of autism spectrum disorders: changes over time and their meaning. Acta Paediatr. 94(1): 2–15.

SAMHSA. (2011). Autism Spectrum Disorders . Web.

Tadevosyan-Leyfer, O et al. (2003). A principal components analysis of the autism diagnostic interview-revised. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(7): 864-872.

Tager-Flusberg, H., & Lord, C. (2005). Language and Communication in Autism. Web.

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General Information

Autism spectrum disorder, the name adopted in 2013, is a developmental disorder characterized by persistent problems in social communication and interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. 1  It replaces the older terms of autistic disorder, Asperger's syndrome and other conditions envisioned on "the great continuum" of autism. 2  Still, the defining features of the condition commonly referred to as "autism" remain essentially the same.

But what does autism  look  like? As you observe a person's behavior, what might make you suspect he or she could have autism? To explore this question, we return to the very first written account of autism.

First Accounts of Autism: Defining Characteristics

It is likely that autism has existed through the ages, but the first ever clinical account of the disorder was published by Dr. Leo Kanner in 1943. 3  Dr. Kanner, who developed the first child psychiatric service at a U.S. hospital, described a group of 11 children – eight boys and three girls – who had "autistic disturbances of affective contact." 4

Dr. Kanner based his report on direct observation, and much of what he set down has stood the test of time. He vividly depicted the essential features of autism, all of which are echoed in current-day diagnostic manuals. It is interesting to note that, just as in Kanner's study, the rate of autism in males continues to be much higher than the rate in females.

Hans Asperger, an Austrian pediatrician, was working at nearly the same time as Kanner with a similar group of children on the other side of the Atlantic. A milder form of autism, Asperger syndrome, was named after him.

About Autism

As the word "spectrum" suggests, people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have challenges that run the gamut from mild to severe, with different levels of ability and disability. Someone may have no functional speech, or may have a rich vocabulary. He or she may be intellectually disabled or have an average or above average IQ. He may be socially withdrawn or may be socially active, although in an oblivious, eccentric way. He may be fixated on lining up toys in a certain order, or have an encyclopedic knowledge of animals or another favorite topic.

To learn about the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, please see our  About Autism  section.

Newly Diagnosed?

Parents of children who have just been diagnosed with ASD often feel both devastated and panicked. In our  Newly Diagnosed  section, we address some of the issues most on the minds of parents in this situation.

Exploring Autism Treatments

When a child is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, families face the next challenge: choosing the right treatments and therapies for their child. What are these treatments and therapies? How much do we know about them? How can a family best evaluate whether a treatment is working for their child?

In our  Autism Treatments  section, we explore current autism treatments, the evidence behind them, and what we are learning from the experience of individuals and families who have tried them.

Challenging Behaviors

Children with autism spectrum disorder may exhibit many behaviors their family, teachers and others find challenging. At the same time, those children often find the world at large a challenge, and the behavior of other people may be confusing to  them .

What are the behaviors that distinguish a child with an ASD from his or her typically-developing peers? Although these will vary according to the severity of a person's autism and their age, there are core issues that affect most people with autism spectrum disorder. See our  Challenging Behaviors  section to explore those topics.

Adults With Autism

Many of the children diagnosed when autism rates began rising in the 1990s are, or soon will be, adults. Visit our  Adults with Autism  section for articles on topics of interest to teenagers and adults, such as the transition to adult services, getting a driver's license, employment, housing and romantic relationships.

So Much Still to Learn: A Quest For Answers

Since the 1940s, when Doctors Kanner and Asperger were putting their remarkable insights regarding socially different children on paper, we have learned a great deal. As you peruse this website and other sources of information on autism, you will see how much has been discovered about autism spectrum disorder from research in a wide variety of fields, including genetics, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology.

What will also become evident is how many questions remain unanswered. We still don't know exactly what causes autism; we haven't yet been able to identify specific subtypes of autism; and we still have very few proven treatments for autism.

The answers to our urgent questions will only come through research. The Interactive Autism Network was created to facilitate just that.

We hope individuals with ASD and their families will use this site to become informed consumers of autism research, and to become part of research studies themselves. Care providers, educators, researchers,

We salute each and every one of you who is committed to finding answers: individuals with autism and their families, researchers and educators, doctors and therapists, advocates and policy makers. We are here for you, and hope you will contact us with your questions, ideas, and concerns.

  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013).  Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders  (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Grandin, T. (2006).  Thinking in pictures: My life with autism  (Exp. ed.). New York: Vintage Books. (Pg. 47.)
  • Volkmar, F., & Klin, A. (2005). Issues in the classification of autism and related conditions. In F. Volkmar et al. (Eds.),  Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders  (pp.5-41). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kanner, L. (1943).  Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous Child, 2 , 217-250.

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  • v.9(Suppl 1); 2020 Feb

Autism spectrum disorder: definition, epidemiology, causes, and clinical evaluation

Holly hodges.

1 Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine and Meyer Center for Developmental Pediatrics, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX, USA;

Casey Fealko

2 Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine, Kalamazoo, MI, USA;

Neelkamal Soares

3 Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine, Kalamazoo, MI, USA

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. There have been recent concerns about increased prevalence, and this article seeks to elaborate on factors that may influence prevalence rates, including recent changes to the diagnostic criteria. The authors review evidence that ASD is a neurobiological disorder influenced by both genetic and environmental factors affecting the developing brain, and enumerate factors that correlate with ASD risk. Finally, the article describes how clinical evaluation begins with developmental screening, followed by referral for a definitive diagnosis, and provides guidance on screening for comorbid conditions.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors ( 1 ). In 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders —5 th edition (DSM-5) was published, updating the diagnostic criteria for ASD from the previous 4 th edition (DSM-IV) ( Table 1 ) ( 1 , 2 ).

ASD, autism spectrum disorder; SPCD, social (pragmatic) communication disorder.

In DSM-5, the concept of a “spectrum” ASD diagnosis was created, combining the DSM-IV’s separate pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) diagnoses: autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), into one. Rett syndrome is no longer included under ASD in DSM-5 as it is considered a discrete neurological disorder. A separate social (pragmatic) communication disorder (SPCD) was established for those with disabilities in social communication, but lacking repetitive, restricted behaviors. Additionally, severity level descriptors were added to help categorize the level of support needed by an individual with ASD.

This new definition is intended to be more accurate and works toward diagnosing ASD at an earlier age ( 3 ). However, studies estimating the potential impact of moving from the DSM-IV to the DSM-5 have predicted a decrease in ASD prevalence ( 4 , 5 ) and there has been concern that children with a previous PDD-NOS diagnosis would not meet criteria for ASD diagnosis ( 5 - 7 ). There are varying reports estimating the extent of and effects of this change. One study found that with parental report of ASD symptoms alone, the DSM-5 criteria identified 91% of children with clinical DSM-IV PDD diagnoses ( 8 ). However, a systematic review suggests only 50% to 75% of individuals maintain diagnoses ( 9 ) and other studies have also suggested a decreased rate of diagnosis of individuals with ASD under the DSM-5 criteria ( 10 ). Often those who did not meet the requirements were previously classified as high functioning Asperger’s syndrome and PDD-NOS ( 11 , 12 ). Overall, most studies suggest that the DSM-5 provides increased specificity and decreased sensitivity compared to the DSM-IV ( 5 , 13 ); so while those diagnosed with ASD are more likely to have the condition, there is a higher number of children whose ASD diagnosis is missed, particularly older children, adolescents, adults, or those with a former diagnosis of Asperger’s disorder or PDD-NOS ( 14 ). Nevertheless, the number of people who would be diagnosed under the DSM-IV, but not under the new DSM-5 appears to be declining over time, likely due to increased awareness and better documentation of behaviors ( 4 ).

It has yet to be determined how the new diagnosis of SPCD will impact the prevalence of ASD. One study found the new SPCD diagnosis encompasses those individuals who possess subthreshold autistic traits and do not qualify for a diagnosis of ASD, but who still have substantial needs ( 15 ). Furthermore, children who previously met criteria for PDD-NOS under the DSM-IV might now be diagnosed with SPCD.


The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the international prevalence of ASD at 0.76%; however, this only accounts for approximately 16% of the global child population ( 16 ). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates about 1.68% of United States (US) children aged 8 years (or 1 in 59 children) are diagnosed with ASD ( 6 , 17 ). In the US, parent-reported ASD diagnoses in 2016 averaged slightly higher at 2.5% ( 18 ). The prevalence of ASD in the US more than doubled between 2000–2002 and 2010–2012 according to Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM) estimates ( 6 ). Although it may be too early to comment on trends, in the US, the prevalence of ASD has appeared to stabilize with no statistically significant increase from 2014 to 2016 ( 19 ). Changing diagnostic criteria may impact prevalence and the full impact of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria has yet to be seen ( 17 ).

Insurance mandates requiring commercial plans to cover services for ASD along with improved awareness have likely contributed to the increase in ASD prevalence estimates as well as the increased diagnosis of milder cases of ASD in the US ( 6 , 20 , 21 ). While there was only a modest increase in prevalence immediately after the mandates, there have been additional increases later as health care professionals better understood the regulatory and reimbursement process. The increase in prevalence may also be due to changes in reporting practices. One study in Denmark found the majority of increase in ASD prevalence from 1980–1991 was based on changes of diagnostic criteria and inclusion of outpatient data, rather than a true increase in ASD prevalence ( 21 ).

ASD occurs in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, but its diagnosis is far from uniform across these groups. Caucasian children are consistently identified with ASD more often than black or Hispanic children ( 6 ). While the differences appear to be decreasing, the continued discrepancy may be due to stigma, lack of access to healthcare services, and a patient’s primary language being one other than English.

ASD is more common in males ( 22 , 23 ) but in a recent meta-analysis ( 24 ), true male-to-female ratio is closer to 3:1 than the previously reported 4:1, though this study was not done using the DSM-5 criteria. This study also suggested that girls who meet criteria for ASD are at higher risk of not receiving a clinical diagnosis. The female autism phenotype may play a role in girls being misdiagnosed, diagnosed later, or overlooked. Not only are females less likely to present with overt symptoms, they are more likely to mask their social deficits through a process called “camouflaging”, further hindering a timely diagnosis ( 25 ). Likewise, gender biases and stereotypes of ASD as a male disorder could also hamper diagnoses in girls ( 26 ).

Several genetic diagnoses have an increased rate of co-occurring ASD compared to the average population, including fragile X, tuberous sclerosis, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, among others; however, these known genetic disorders account for a very small amount of overall ASD cases ( 27 - 30 ). Studies of children with sex chromosome aneuploidy describe a specific social functioning profile in males that suggests more vulnerability to autism ( 22 , 23 , 31 , 32 ). With the increased use of chromosomal microarray, several sites (chromosome X, 2, 3, 7, 15, 16, 17, and 22 in particular) have proven to be associated with increased ASD risk ( 28 ).

Other risk factors for ASD include increased parental age and prematurity ( 33 - 35 ). This could be due to the theory that older gametes have a higher probability of carrying mutations which could result in additional obstetrical complications, including prematurity ( 36 ).

ASD is a neurobiological disorder influenced by both genetic and environmental factors affecting the developing brain. Ongoing research continues to deepen our understanding of potential etiologic mechanisms in ASD, but currently no single unifying cause has been elucidated.

Neuropathologic studies are limited, but have revealed differences in cerebellar architecture and connectivity, limbic system abnormalities, and frontal and temporal lobe cortical alterations, along with other subtle malformations ( 28 , 37 , 38 ). A small explorative study of neocortical architecture from young children revealed focal disruption of cortical laminar architecture in the majority of subjects, suggesting problems with cortical layer formation and neuronal differentiation ( 39 ). Brain overgrowth both in terms of cortical size and additionally in terms of increased extra-axial fluid have been described in children with ASD and are areas of ongoing study both in terms of furthering our understanding of its etiology, but also as a potential biomarker ( 40 , 41 ).

Genetic factors play a role in ASD susceptibility, with siblings of patients with ASD carrying an increased risk of diagnosis when compared to population norms, and a much higher, although not absolute, concordance of autism diagnosis in monozygotic twins ( 42 - 44 ).

Genome wide association studies and whole exome sequencing methods have broadened our understanding of ASD susceptibility genes, and learning more regarding the function of these genes can shed light on potential biologic mechanisms ( 45 ). For example candidate genes in ASD include those that play a role in brain development or neurotransmitter function, or genes that affect neuronal excitability ( 46 , 47 ). Many of the genetic defects associated with ASD encode proteins that are relevant at the neuronal synapse or that are involved in activity-dependent changes in neurons, including regulatory proteins such as transcription factors ( 42 , 48 ). Potential “networks” of ASD genetic risk convergence include pathways involved in neurotransmission and neuroinflammation ( 49 ). Transcriptional and splicing dysregulation or alterations in epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation or histone acetylation and modification may play a role ( 42 , 49 - 51 ). A recent study describes 16 newly identified genes associated with ASD that raise new potential mechanisms including cellular cytoskeletal structure and ion transport ( 52 ). Ultimately, ASD remains one of the most genetically heterogeneous neuropsychiatric disorders with rarer de novo and inherited variants in over 700 genes ( 53 ).

While genetics clearly play a role in ASD’s etiology, phenotypic expression of genetic susceptibility remains extremely variable within ASD ( 54 ). Genetic risk may be modulated by prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal environmental factors in some patients ( 35 ). Prenatal exposure to thalidomide and valproic acid have been reported to increase risk, while studies suggest that prenatal supplements of folic acid in patients exposed to antiepileptic drugs may reduce risk ( 55 - 57 ). Research has not confirmed if a small positive trial of folinic acid in autism can be used to recommend supplementation more broadly ( 58 ). Advanced maternal and paternal age have both been shown to have an increased risk of having a child with ASD ( 59 ). Maternal history of autoimmune disease, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, or psoriasis has been postulated, but study results remain mixed ( 60 , 61 ). Maternal infection or immune activation during pregnancy is another area of interest and may be a potential risk factor according to recent investigations ( 62 - 65 ). Both shorter and longer inter-pregnancy intervals have also been reported to increase ASD risk ( 66 ). Infants born prematurely have been demonstrated to carry a higher risk for ASD in addition to other neurodevelopmental disorders ( 34 ). In a prior epidemiologic review, obstetric factors including uterine bleeding, caesarian delivery, low birthweight, preterm delivery, and low Apgar scores were reported to be the few factors more consistently associated with autism ( 67 ). A recent meta-analysis reported several pre, peri and postnatal risk factors that resulted in an elevated relative risk of ASD in offspring ( 35 ), but also revealed significant heterogeneity, resulting in an inability to make true determination regarding the importance of these factors.

Despite the hysteria surrounding the now retracted Lancet article first published in 1998, there is no evidence that vaccines, thimerosal, or mercury is associated with ASD ( 68 - 70 ). In the largest single study to date, there was not an increased risk after measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccination in a nationwide cohort study of Danish children ( 70 ).

Ultimately, research continues to reveal factors that correlate with ASD risk, but no causal determinations have been made. This leaves much room for discovery with investigators continuing to elucidate new variants conveying genetic risk, or new environmental correlates that require further study ( 52 ).

Evaluation in ASD begins with screening of the general pediatric population to identify children at-risk or demonstrating signs suggestive of ASD, following which a diagnostic evaluation is recommended. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines recommend developmental surveillance at 9, 15 and 30 months well child visits and autism specific screening at 18 months and again at 24 or 30 months ( 28 , 71 ). Early red flags for ASD include poor eye contact, poor response to name, lack of showing and sharing, no gesturing by 12 months, and loss of language or social skills. Screening tools for ASD in this population include the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised, with Follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F) and Survey of Wellbeing of Young Children (SWYC) ( 72 , 73 ). Red flags in preschoolers may include limited pretend play, odd or intensely focused interests, and rigidity. School age children may demonstrate concrete or literal thinking, have trouble understanding emotions, and may even show an interest in peers but lack conversational skills or appropriate social approach. If there is suspicion of ASD in these groups, screening tools available include the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ), Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) ( 74 - 76 ).

If concerns are raised at screening, primary care clinicians are recommended to refer the child to early intervention if less than 3 years of age or to the public school system for psychoeducational evaluation in order to establish an individual education program (IEP) if the child is three years of age or older. Clinicians should additionally refer the child to a specialist (pediatric neurologist, developmental-behavioral pediatrician, child psychiatrist, licensed child psychologist) for a definitive diagnosis and comprehensive assessment ( 71 ). A comprehensive assessment should include a complete physical exam, including assessment for dysmorphic features, a full neurologic examination with head circumference, and a Wood’s lamp examination of the skin. A parent interview, collection of any outside informant observations, and a direct clinician observation of the child’s current cognitive, language, and adaptive functioning by a clinician experienced with ASD should be components of this comprehensive assessment. ( 28 , 71 , 77 , 78 ).

Additionally, primary care clinicians need to be aware of (and evaluate for) potential co-occurring conditions in children with ASD. According to a surveillance study of over 2,000 children with ASD, 83% had an additional developmental diagnosis, 10% had at least one psychiatric diagnosis, and 16% at least one neurologic diagnosis ( 79 ). In the past, rates of co-morbid intellectual disability (ID) in patients with ASD were reported from 50% to 70%, with the most recent CDC estimate reported at 31.0% (26.7% to 39.4%) with ID defined as intelligence quotient (IQ) ≤70 ( 6 , 80 ). Other common co-occurring medical conditions include gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, including dietary restrictions and food selectivity, sleep disorders, obesity, and seizures ( 81 - 84 ). Studies using electronic health record (EHR) analysis revealed prevalence of epilepsy ~20% and GI disorders [without inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)] at 10–12% ( 82 ). Epilepsy has been shown to have higher prevalence rates in ASD with comorbid ID and medical disorders of increased risk such as tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) ( 85 - 87 ). GI disorders or GI symptomatology, including diarrhea, constipation, restrictive eating, or reflux, have been shown to be prominent in ASD across multiple studies ( 81 , 82 , 88 , 89 ). Sleep problems have been reported to occur in anywhere from 50% to 73% of patients with ASD with variation in prevalence dependent on the definition of sleep symptoms or the measurement tool used ( 90 - 92 ). Rates of overweight and obesity in ASD are reported to be roughly 33% and 18% respectively, higher than rates in typically developing children ( 81 - 84 , 93 ).

Other behavioral or psychiatric co-occurring conditions in ASD include anxiety, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder, and mood disorders or other disruptive behavior disorders ( 81 ). Rates of co-occurring ADHD are reported anywhere from 25% to 81% ( 81 , 94 ). A recent meta-analysis of 30 studies measuring rates of anxiety and 29 studies measuring rates of depression reported a high degree of heterogeneity from the current literature, but stated pooled lifetime prevalence for adults with ASD to be 42% for any anxiety disorder and 37% for any depressive disorder, though the use of self-report measures and the presence of ID could influence estimates ( 95 ). In children with ASD seeking treatment, the rate of any anxiety disorder was found to be similar at 42% and in addition this study reported co-morbid oppositional defiant disorder at a rate of 46% and mood disorders at 8%, with 66% of the sample of over 600 patients having more than one co-occurring condition ( 94 ).

Currently no clear ASD biomarkers or diagnostic measures exist, and the diagnosis is made based on fulfillment of descriptive criteria. In light of a relatively high yield in patients with ASD, clinical genetic testing is recommended and can provide information regarding medical interventions or work up that might be necessary and help with family planning ( 96 ). The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMGG) guidelines currently recommend chromosomal microarray for all children, fragile X testing in males, and additional gene sequencing, including PTEN and MECP2 , in certain patients as first tier genetic testing in the work up of ASD ( 97 ). High resolution G-banded karyotype, once recommended for all patients with ASD, is no longer routinely indicated based on recent consensus recommendations, but might still be performed in patients with a family or reproductive history suggestive of chromosomal rearrangements or specific syndromes such as sex chromosome anomalies or Trisomy 21 ( 96 - 98 ). Several professional societies recommend genetic testing for ASD, including the American Academy of Neurology, the AAP, ACMGG, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and a child may require further referral to a geneticist and/or genetic counselor, depending on results of testing ( 25 , 28 , 97 , 99 ). As the field of genetics continues to advance rapidly, recent publications suggest whole exome sequencing may become the preferred method for clinical genetic testing in individuals with ASD ( 100 , 101 ).

Aside from genetic testing, no other laboratory work up is routinely recommended for every patient with a diagnosis of ASD. However, further evaluation may be appropriate for patients with particular findings or risk factors. Metabolic work-up should be considered in patients with any of the following concerning symptoms or signs: a history of clear developmental regression including loss or plateau of motor skills; hypotonia; recurrent episodes of vomiting, lethargy or hypoglycemia; microcephaly or poor growth; concern for other organ involvement; coarse features; or concern for seizures or ataxia. Based on the patient’s history and presentation, components of a metabolic laboratory evaluation could include complete blood count (CBC), liver and renal function tests, lactate, pyruvate, carnitine, amino acids, an acylcarnitine profile, urine organic acids and/or urine glycosaminoglycans ( 97 , 102 ). Children with a history of pica should have a lead level measured ( 28 , 103 ). In a child with significantly restricted food intake, one should consider a laboratory evaluation of nutritional status. Sleep symptoms may warrant a referral for a possible sleep study, and if restless sleep symptoms are present, an evaluation for iron deficiency is not unreasonable, particularly if dietary rigidity limits iron intake ( 104 ).

Neuroimaging is not routinely recommended for every patient with ASD ( 28 , 99 ), but may be appropriate in patients with a suspicion for TSC or other neurocutaneous disorders, microcephaly, or an abnormal neurologic exam (spasticity, severe hypotonia, unilateral findings). Patients with suspected seizures should have an electroencephalography (EEG) obtained ( 102 ). If accessible, it might be appropriate to immediately refer children with concern for further genetic, metabolic or neurologic conditions to a specialist who can then obtain and interpret the aforementioned testing. At this time there is inadequate evidence to recommend routine testing for celiac disease, immunologic or neurochemical markers, mitochondrial disorders, allergy testing, hair analysis, intestinal permeability studies, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase studies, stool analysis, urinary peptides or vitamin and mineral deficiencies without a history of severe food selectivity.

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. Recent changes to the diagnostic criteria occurred with the transition to the new diagnostic manual (DSM-5) and will likely impact prevalence, which currently stands at 1 in 59 children in the US. ASD is a neurobiological disorder influenced by both genetic and environmental factors affecting the developing brain. Research continues to reveal factors that correlate with ASD risk and these findings may guide further etiologic investigation, but no final causal pathway has been elucidated. Clinical evaluation begins with developmental screening of the general pediatric population to identify at-risk children, followed by referral to a specialist for a definitive diagnosis and comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. Children with ASD should also be screened for common co-morbid diagnoses. While no clear biomarkers or diagnostic measures exist, clinical genetic testing is recommended as part of the initial medical evaluation. Further medical work up or subspecialist referrals may be pursued based on specific patient characteristics.


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Ethical Statement : The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Conflicts of Interest : The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

  • Introduction To Autism

Introduction to Autism

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Autism and Related Pervasive Developmental Disorders

A Neurological Illness Characterized by Social, Communication and Behavioral Deficits

Autism is a neurological disorder (a "brain" disease) characterized by the presence of severe communication, language and social deficits in affected persons. It is the most well known of several pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) diagnoses which begin in early childhood and continue throughout life, affecting most every aspect of life along the way. While autistic peoples' cognitive (thinking and language) and social skills are typically developmentally delayed compared to their peers, their motor (movement) skills develop in a more normal fashion.

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Specific social interaction, communication and behavioral deficits must be present before the diagnosis of autism is appropriate. Though all people with Austim people show the same specific pattern of impairments, the severity of these impairments vary from case to case, with some people demonstrating relatively mild impairments and others demonstrating severe impairments.

From a very early age, children with autism demonstrate a fundamental difficulty in properly orienting towards other people and in processing social and non-verbal forms of communication, such as eye contact and facial expression. For instance, a typical infant is generally responsive to adult caregiver facial expressions and will imitate those expressions. If a parent smiles at an infant, that infant is likely to smile back. This is not the case with infants with autism, who often lack the ability to appreciate faces or socially conveyed feelings. Children with autism are also typically delayed (sometimes severely so) in their development of spoken language and conversational skills.

Individuals with autism also tend to demonstrate odd and socially inappropriate behaviors. They frequently act with indifference towards others, and remain isolated from their surroundings. Many obsess or fixate on certain objects or on particular topics they find personally interesting. They may insist on talking about a topic they find fascinating even when others around them are not interested. They may act out odd stereotyped movements and gestures. They may demonstrate an intense need for order and sameness with regard to their environment, and react with temper tantrums when their prized order is disturbed. In general, people with autism's lack of social awareness makes it difficult or impossible for them to successfully navigate through everyday situations.

Symptoms of autism are not present from birth. Most children with autism appear to develop typically during the first year of life. Symptoms of autism become apparent between eighteen and thirty-six months of life. Forty percent of cases are diagnosed by age three. Autism is an equal-opportunity illness; No particular race or social class tends to get it more frequently than another. However, it is far more likely (four to five times more likely) to occur in males than it is in females.

Once established, autistic symptoms continue into adulthood. The symptoms range in severity (across individuals) from relatively mild to severe and debilitating. In all but mild cases, autism interferes with typical development and makes it difficult or impossible for affected adults to live and work independently. Though intervention cannot reverse the course of autism, it can result in symptom improvement and a greater capability for independence. For intervention to be maximally successful, however, it must be delivered early in the developmental process, shortly after the diagnosis of autism is first made.

Autism appears to be occurring more frequently than was the case in the past. The prevalence (rate of occurrence) of autism has risen from five in every ten-thousand in the mid 1990's to one in every one-hundred and sixty-six in 2005. The numbers are leveling off and seem to be on the decline, but the rise in the number of cases of autism is staggering. There is no known reason for the dramatic increase, but awareness may play a significant role. Many more children who have mild forms of autism may be being diagnosed simply because parents and pediatricians have become more familiar with the symptoms of autism.

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  • Autism Abilities: Savant Behavior and Beyond
  • Autism in Adulthood
  • Behavioral and Communication Approaches
  • Communication and Language Deficits
  • Discrete Trial
  • Formal Screening Tools
  • Historical and Contemporary Understanding of Autism
  • Physical Deficits
  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
  • Process of Identifying and Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Sensory Integration
  • Social and Behavioral Deficits
  • Specialized Tests
  • Symptoms of Autism
  • Symptoms of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
  • Symptoms of Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified
  • Symptoms of Rett’s Disorder
  • What Autism is Not
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
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Autism - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Essays could explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment of autism, the experiences of individuals with autism, and societal understanding and acceptance of autism. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Autism you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Image About Autism

Rain Man and Autism

The film Rain man was released into theaters in 1988 and was awarded many awards along with an Academy Award. The movie starts off by showing Charlie who works as a car salesman, attempting to close on a deal involving four Lamborghinis. Charlie decides to drive with his girlfriend Susanna to ensure that this deal goes through. On the drive over Charlie receives a call telling him that his father has just passed away. Charlie and his girlfriend go his […]

Applied Behavior Analysis and its Effects on Autism

Abstract During my research i have found several studies that have been done to support the fact that Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) does in fact make a positive impact on children with Autism through discrete trials. It is based on the thought that when a child is rewarded for a positive behavior or correct social interaction the process will want to be repeated. Eventually one would phase out the reward. Dr Lovaas, who invented this method, has spent his career […]

The Unique Parenting Challenges are Faced by the Parents of Special Children

Introduction For typical children, parenting experiences are shared by other parents whereas the unique parenting challenges are faced by the parents of special children. Mobility and Inclusion of the parents as well as children are affected many a times. Even though careful analysis often reveals abilities, habitual tendency to perceive the disabilities from society’s part often hinders effective normalization and proper rehabilitation. All impose severe identity crisis and role restrictions even in knowledgeable parents.. In some conditions, as in the […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Autism in Japanese Manga and its Significance on Current Progression in J-pop Culture

Abstract In this paper I will explore and examine Autism in Manga, the social and cultural context of Autism in Manga, its movement, and importance of Tobe Keiko’s, “With the Light.” Manga is a huge part of Japanese culture and can be appreciated by so many different people. There are different types of Manga that have been specifically produced for that type of audience. In this paper, I will address the less talked about, women’s Manga or also known as […]

Speech Therapist for Autism

Abstract Autism Spectrum Disorder is a condition that consists of various challenges to an individual such as social skills, nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors and difficulties with speech. So far doctors have not been able to find out what causes autism although it is believed that it involves both environmental and genetic factors. Autism can usually be detected at an early age, therefore giving the patient and therapist an early start to improve their verbal skills. Speech language pathologists also known […]

Virtual Reality in Regards to Health and how it Can be Life-Changing

        Exploring Virtual Reality in Health Diego Leon Professor Ron Frazier October 29, 2018, Introduction When most individuals think of technology involving computers, they think it can solely involve two of the five senses we humans have – vision (sight) and hearing (audition). But what if we could interact with more than two sensorial channels? Virtual reality deals with just that. Virtual reality is defined as a “high-end user interface that involves real-time simulation and interaction through […]

Growing up with Autism

Autism is a profound spectrum disorder; symptoms, as well as severity, range. It is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in America. For every 68 children born in the United States, 1 is diagnosed with a neurological development disorder that impairs their ability to interact and communicate on what we constitute as normal levels. Autism is multifaceted; it affects the brain development of millions worldwide. Not only are those diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum facing difficulties, but the family members […]

Kids with Autism

In this earth we have many different lifeforms. Animals, plants, insects, and people. Humans have populated the earth all throughout it. Some people are born healthy and some are born will disorders and illnesses and diseases. One of the disorders is Autism. Autism is constantly affecting the people who have it and the people around them all over the world. So what is Autism? Autism is a disorder that impairs the ability for social interaction and communication. It is very […]

My Personal Experience of Getting to Know Asperger’s Syndrome

The beginning of this paper covers the history of Asperger’s Syndrome, followed by an explanation of what Asperger’s is. The history provides detailed insights into Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner, and their relationship to each other. Their work has significantly enriched our understanding of the research surrounding Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. The paper also discusses the process leading to Asperger’s becoming a recognized diagnosis, including the contributions of Lorna Wing and Ulta Frita. Furthermore, it traces Asperger’s entry into the […]

Cultural Stereotypes and Autism Disorder

“It’s the fastest growing developmental disability, autism” (Murray, 2008, p.2). “It is a complex neurological disorder that impedes or prevents effective verbal communication, effective social interaction, and appropriate behavior” (Ennis-Cole, Durodoye, & Harris, 2013). “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong disorder that may have comorbid conditions like attention deficit disorder (ADD)/attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorder, stereotypical and self-stimulatory behaviors, insomnia, intellectual disabilities, obsessive compulsive disorder, seizure disorder/epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, Tic disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and other conditions. Another certainty, […]

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a cognitive disability that affects a person’s “communication, social, verbal, and motor skills” . The umbrella term of ASD created in 2013 by the American Psychiatric Association that covered 5 separate autism diagnosis and combined them into one umbrella term, the previous terms being Autistic Disorder, Rett syndrome, Asperger’s Disorder, Childhood disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. The word spectrum in the diagnosis refers to the fact that the disability does not manifest itself in […]

Defining Altruism Issue

In current society, it can be justified that the level of autonomy directly influences the amount of altruism an autistic adolescent implements. Defining Altruism: When it comes to the comprehension of socialization within the development of behaviors in adolescents, altruism is vital. Although there is no true altruism, more or less altruism can be determined based upon the involuntary actions and behaviors of an individual. In the absence of motivation, altruism cannot transpire. An altruist must have the inherent belief […]

911 Telecommunicators Response to Autism

Autism is becoming more prevalent every day. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released new statistics in 2018. Nationally, 1 in 59 children have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and boys are 4 (four) times more likely to have autism than girls. 1 in 37 boys and 1 in 151 girls were found to have autism. These are incredibly high statistics that will affect our communities across the United States We, as Telecommunicators, need to know how to understand and […]

Representation of Autism in the Netflix TV Show “Atypical”

In the first season of the TV show “Atypical”, the viewer meets the Gardner family, a seemingly normal family with an autistic teenage son, Sam, as the focus. This show failed initially to deviate from typical portrayals of autistic people on screens, as a white male, intellectually gifted, and seemingly unrelatable, although it seemed to try. Sam acts in ways that seem almost unbelievable for even someone with autism to, such as when he declares his love for someone else […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of developmental disorders that challenges a child’s skills in social interaction, communication, and behavior. ASD’s collective signs and symptoms may include: making little eye contact, repetitive behaviors, parallel play, unexplainable temper tantrums, misunderstanding of nonverbal cues, focused interests, and/or sensory overload. Positive symptoms of ASD may reflect above-average intelligence, excellence in math, science, or art, and the ability to learn things in detail. A question that many parent has is whAlthough an individual […]

The Complexity of Autism

Autism spectrum disorder is a complex disease that affects the developmental and speech capabilities of adolescents that carries with them to adulthood. It is distinctly apparent when the child is still very young and able to be diagnosed from about a year and a half old onwards. Although the disease cannot be pinpointed to one specific area of the brain, it is believed to stem from a glitchy gene that makes the child more susceptible to developing autism, oxygen deprivation […]

An Overview of the Five Deadly Diseases that Affect the Human Brain

There are hundreds of diseases that affect the brain. Every day, we fight these diseases just as vehemently as they afflict their carriers. Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, depression, autism, and strokes are just five of the most lethal and debilitating diseases that afflict human brains. Parkinson's disease alone claims up to 18,000 lives a year (Hagerman 1). But what is it? Parkinson's disease occurs when a brain chemical called dopamine begins to die in a region that facilitates muscle movement. Consequently, […]

Autism Genes: Unveiling the Complexities

“Autism is a brain disorder that typically affects a person’s ability to communicate, form relationships with others and respond appropriately to the environment (” There are different levels of autism. “There is the autistic disorder, Asperger's syndrome and pervasive developmental syndrome (” According to (, “Each situation is unique as there are many levels and severities of it. Many cases also include sensory difficulties. These can range from imaginary sights and sounds to other sensations.” There are many different characteristics […]

Autism and Assistive Technology for Autistic Children

Autism is a complex neurobehavioral condition that is found in a person from early childhood days where the person faces difficulty in communicating with another person. It is also known as ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is a spectrum disorder because its effect varies from person to person. This is caused due to some changes that happen during early brain development. It is suggested that it may arise from abnormalities in parts of the brain that interpret sensory input […]

The Evolution of Autism Diagnosis: from Misunderstanding to Scientific Approach

Autism has come a long way from the early 1980s when it was rarely diagnosed to today where 100 out 10,000 kids are diagnosed. Autism is defined as a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior (NIMH 2018). There are many aspects surrounding Autism and the underlying effects that play a role in Autism. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, people with Autism have “Difficulty with communication and interaction with other people Restricted interests and repetitive […]

Do Vaccines Cause Autism

In a world of medicines and “mommy bloggers”, there is a controversy between pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers. The vaccination controversy cause an uproar for many people, understandably, it’s very polarized- you strongly believe in them or you strongly do not. For me, at the age of 15, I strongly believe in the Pro-Vaccine movement and I have data that can back me up. For starters, you may wonder ‘what is a vaccine’ or ‘how to do they work’. For a general […]

Autism: Characteristics, Diagnosis, and Understanding

The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder has nearly doubled in recent years, and the numbers are staggering: nearly 1 in every 59 children are diagnosed with autism in the United States alone. Yet, there are so many questions surrounding the complexity and increase in diagnoses of this condition that affects so many in such diverse ways. (Autism Speaks) How autism originates in the first place and its impact on communication, both verbal and nonverbal, are questions that need to be […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder and its Positive Effects

 What would it feel like if you were constantly ignored or treated as though you have little usefulness? Many people experience this kind of treatment their entire lives. Long has it been assumed that people with mental disabilities such as Autism, were meant to be cared for but to never expect any value from them. Evil men such as Hitler even went so far as to kill them because he thought they had no use to society. However, there is […]

Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication and behavior, generally diagnosed within the early stages of life. No two individuals living with Autism experience the same symptoms, as the type and severity varies with each case (Holland, 2018.). Autism has been around for hundreds of years, but the definition has evolved immensely. In 1943, scientists Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger conducted research on individuals with social and emotional deficits to better refine the definition […]

Raising a Child with Autism

All impose severe identity crisis and role restrictions even in knowledgeable parents.. In some conditions, as in the case of physical challenges, the child needs physical reassurance and support from the parents against those conditions of cognitive deficits in which the demands are always parent’s constant attention and feedback. As far as autism is concerned, the child’s deficits are many namely social, emotional, communicational, sensual, as well as behavioral. Symptoms are usually identified between one and two years of age. […]

Is Autism a Kind of Brain Damage

Many people have different views about autism. Autism may be only one simple word, but with this one word comes many forms in the way it could affect people with this disability. Autism should not be looked down on as much as this disability is from others in society. It may seem as if it has more “cons” than “pros” as some call them, but if looked at from a better perspective, there could be more pros than cons and […]

Trouble with Social Aspects and People on the Autism Spectrum

Autism in childhood starts as early as age two, and symptoms will become more severe as children continue into elementary school. When a child goes to a psychiatrist, they will work on social development. Adolescence with autism struggle when attempting to project others pain. For example, my brother has Asperger's and when I have a bone graph done on my hand, he could not stop touching my hand. He needed constant reminders to not touch and remind him of when […]

Effects of Autism

When he was eight years old, the parents of Joshua Dushack learned that their son was different. He had been diagnosed with Autism. According to the doctors, Joshua would never be able to read, write, talk, or go to school on his own. This might have been the case, had his parents accepted it. But his mother saw her son as a normal boy, and treated him as such. He did need some extra help in school, but because of […]

How Different Types of Assistive Technology Can Help Children with Autism

I. Introduction An anonymous speaker once said, “some people with Autism may not be able to speak or answer to their name, but they can still hear your words and feel your kindness.” Approximately thirty percent of people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder never learn to speak more than a few words (Forman & Rudy, 2018). Fortunately in today’s society, new technologies have made it possible for these individuals to communicate and socialize with others. Purpose The primary focus of […]

Searching Employment Autism

Over the last 20 years, there has been an alarming increase for children who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in the year 2000 1 in 159 children would be diagnosed with ASD. In the latest version of the study, the number has been reduced to 1 in 59 children will be diagnosed with ASD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). This is a subject that […]

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How To Write an Essay About Autism

Understanding autism.

Before writing an essay about autism, it's essential to understand what autism is and the spectrum of conditions it encompasses. Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. It is characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Start your essay by explaining the nature of autism, its symptoms, and the spectrum concept, which acknowledges a range of strengths and challenges experienced by individuals with autism. It's also important to discuss the causes and diagnosis of autism, as well as the common misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding it. This foundational knowledge will set the stage for a more in-depth exploration of the topic.

Developing a Focused Thesis Statement

A strong essay on autism should be centered around a clear, focused thesis statement. This statement should present a specific angle or argument about autism. For example, you might discuss the importance of early intervention and therapy, the representation of autism in media, or the challenges faced by individuals with autism in education and employment. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and ensure that your analysis is structured and coherent.

Gathering and Analyzing Data

To support your thesis, gather relevant data and research from credible sources. This might include scientific studies, statistics, reports from autism advocacy organizations, and personal narratives. Analyze this data critically, considering different perspectives and the quality of the evidence. Including a range of viewpoints will strengthen your argument and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Discussing Implications and Interventions

A significant portion of your essay should be dedicated to discussing the broader implications of autism and potential interventions. This can include the impact of autism on individuals and families, educational strategies, therapeutic approaches, and social support systems. Evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions, drawing on case studies or research findings. Discussing both the successes and challenges in managing and understanding autism will provide a balanced view and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence and examples provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of understanding and supporting individuals with autism. You might also want to highlight areas where further research or development is needed or the potential for societal changes to improve the lives of those with autism.

Final Review and Editing

After completing your essay, it's important to review and edit your work. Ensure that your arguments are clearly articulated and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or experts in the field to refine your essay further. A well-crafted essay on autism will not only inform but also engage readers in considering the complexities of this condition and the collective efforts required to support those affected by it.

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Autism: A Very Short Introduction

Autism: A Very Short Introduction

Autism: A Very Short Introduction

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Autism: A Very Short Introduction asks: What causes autism? Is it a genetic disorder, or due to some unknown environmental hazard? Are we facing an autism epidemic? What are the main symptoms, and how does it relate to Asperger syndrome? It explores the relevance to autism of neuroscience, psychology, brain development, and genetics. Everyone has heard of autism, but the disorder itself is little understood. It has captured the public imagination through films and novels portraying individuals with baffling combinations of disability and extraordinary talent, and yet the reality is more often that it places a heavy burden on sufferers and their families.

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Neurology & Nervous System Diseases — Autism

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Essays About Autism

What makes a good autism essay topics.

When it comes to writing an essay on autism, it's important to choose a topic that is not only interesting but also relevant and impactful. The topic you choose can make or break your essay, so it's crucial to select one that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Here are some recommendations on how to brainstorm and choose an essay topic, what to consider, and What Makes a Good essay topic.

When brainstorming for autism essay topics, it's important to consider the audience and the purpose of the essay. Think about what you want to achieve with your essay and who will be reading it. Consider the impact you want to make and the message you want to convey. It's also important to choose a topic that is manageable and can be effectively explored within the constraints of the essay.

A good autism essay topic should be relevant and timely. Consider current issues and debates surrounding autism and choose a topic that is both current and significant. It's also important to choose a topic that is unique and original. Avoid cliché topics and instead focus on something that has not been extensively explored or discussed. A good essay topic should also be specific and focused. Avoid broad and generic topics and instead narrow down your focus to a specific aspect or issue related to autism.

Best Autism Essay Topics

  • The impact of early intervention on children with autism
  • The role of sensory processing in autism
  • The link between autism and genetics
  • The portrayal of autism in popular media
  • The challenges of parenting a child with autism
  • The benefits of music therapy for individuals with autism
  • The use of technology in autism interventions
  • The importance of inclusive education for children with autism
  • The impact of autism on the family dynamics
  • The experiences of adults with autism in the workplace
  • The connection between autism and co-occurring conditions
  • The role of speech therapy in treating autism
  • The challenges of accessing autism services in rural communities
  • The intersection of race and autism diagnosis
  • The potential of animal-assisted therapy for individuals with autism
  • The link between autism and mental health
  • The experiences of girls and women with autism
  • The impact of autism on social relationships
  • The role of advocacy in the autism community
  • The potential of alternative therapies for individuals with autism

Autism essay topics Prompts

  • Imagine a world where autism acceptance is the norm. How would society be different?
  • Write a letter to a parent of a newly diagnosed child with autism, offering support and guidance.
  • Create a fictional story that explores the experiences of a teenager with autism navigating high school.
  • Imagine a future where a cure for autism is discovered. What are the potential implications and consequences?
  • Write a reflective essay on your own experiences with autism, whether as an individual on the spectrum or as a caregiver or advocate.

Choosing a topic for an autism essay can be a daunting task, but with careful consideration and creativity, you can choose a topic that is not only engaging but also impactful. Whether you're exploring the latest research on autism interventions or delving into the personal experiences of individuals with autism, there are endless possibilities for compelling and thought-provoking essay topics. So, take your time, brainstorm, and choose a topic that will captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

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Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication.

Trouble with social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and presence of restricted interests and repetitive behavior.

Autism spectrum disorder has no single known cause. Given the complexity of the disorder, and the fact that symptoms and severity vary, there are probably many causes. Both genetics and environment may play a role.

Autism is about 4 times more likely in boys than girls. Autism affects children of all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Autism can be reliably diagnosed by age 2, but children may be diagnosed at earlier ages. ASD affects about 1 in 68 children Visit disclaimer page in the United States.

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autism essay introduction

National Academies Press: OpenBook

Educating Children with Autism (2001)

Chapter: 16 conclusions and recommendations.

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16 Conclusions and Recommendations This chapter summarizes the committee’s conclusions about the state of the science in early intervention for children with autistic spectrum disorders and its recommendations for future intervention strategies, pro- grams, policy, and research. The chapter is organized around seven key areas pertaining to educational interventions for young children with autistic spectrum disorders: how the disorders are diagnosed and as- sessed and how prevalent they are; the effect on and role of families; appropriate goals for educational services; characteristics of effective in- terventions and educational programs; public policy approaches to en- suring access to appropriate education; the preparation of educational personnel; and needs for future research. DIAGNOSIS, ASSESSMENT, AND PREVALENCE Conclusions Autism is a developmental disorder of neurobiologic origin that is defined on the basis of behavioral and developmental features. Autism is best characterized as a spectrum of disorders that vary in severity of symptoms, age of onset, and association with other disorders (e.g., mental retardation, specific language delay, epilepsy). The manifestations of au- tism vary considerably across children and within an individual child over time. There is no single behavior that is always typical of autism and no behavior that would automatically exclude an individual child from a 211

212 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM diagnosis of autism, even though there are strong and consistent com- monalities, especially relative to social deficits. The large constellation of behaviors that define autistic spectrum dis- orders—generally representing deficits in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and restricted patterns of interest or behav- iors—are clearly and reliably identifiable in very young children to expe- rienced clinicians and educators. However, distinctions among classical autism and atypical autism, pervasive developmental disorder-not other- wise specified (PDD-NOS), and Asperger’s disorder can be arbitrary and are often associated with the presence or severity of handicaps, such as mental retardation and severe language impairment. Identifying narrow categories within autism is necessary for some research purposes; however, the clinical or educational benefit to subclas- sifying autistic spectrum disorders purely by diagnosis is debated. In contrast, individual differences in language development, verbal and non- verbal communication, sensory or motor skills, adaptive behavior, and cognitive abilities have significant effects on behavioral presentation and outcome, and, consequently, have specific implications for educational goals and strategies. Thus, the most important considerations in pro- gramming have to do with the strengths and weaknesses of the indi- vidual child, the age at diagnosis, and early intervention. With adequate time and training, the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders can be made reliably in 2-year-olds by professionals experi- enced in the diagnostic assessment of young children with autistic spec- trum disorders. Many families report becoming concerned about their children’s behavior and expressing this concern, usually to health profes- sionals, even before this time. Research is under way to develop reliable methods of identification for even younger ages. Children with autistic spectrum disorders, like children with vision or hearing problems, re- quire early identification and diagnosis to equip them with the skills (e.g., imitation, communication) to benefit from educational services, with some evidence that earlier initiation of specific services for autistic spectrum disorders is associated with greater response to treatment. Thus, well meaning attempts not to label children with formal diagnoses can deprive children of specialized services. There are clear reasons for early identifi- cation of children, even as young as two years of age, within the autism spectrum. Epidemiological studies and service-based reports indicate that the prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders has increased in the last 10 years, in part due to better identification and broader categorization by educators, physicians, and other professionals. There is little doubt that more children are being identified as requiring specific educational inter- ventions for autistic spectrum disorders. This has implications for the provision of services at many levels. Analysis of data from the Office of

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 213 Special Education Programs, gathered for school-age children since the autism category was recognized in 1991, would support investigation of whether the dramatic increases in the numbers of children served with autistic spectrum disorders are offset by commensurate decreases in other categories in which children with autistic spectrum disorders might have previously been misclassified or whether these dramatic increases have come about for other reasons. Although children with autistic spectrum disorders share some char- acteristics with children who have other developmental disorders and may benefit from many of the same educational techniques, they offer unique challenges to families, teachers, and others who work with them. Their deficits in nonverbal and verbal communication require intense effort and skill even in the teaching of basic information. The unique difficulties in social interaction (e.g., in joint attention) may require more individual guidance than for other children in order to attract and sustain their children’s attention. Moreover, ordinary social exchanges between peers do not usually occur without deliberate planning and ongoing struc- turing by the adults in the child’s environment. The absence of typical friendships and peer relationships affects children’s motivation systems and the meaning of experiences. Appropriate social interactions may be some of the most difficult and important lessons a child with autistic spectrum disorders will learn. In addition, the frequency of behavior problems, such as tantrums and self-stimulatory and aggressive behavior, is high. The need for sys- tematic selection of rewards for many children with autistic spectrum disorders, whose motivation or interests can be limited, requires creativ- ity and continued effort from teachers and parents to maximize the child’s potential. Although general principles of learning and behavior analysis apply to autistic spectrum disorders, familiarity with the specific nature of the disorder should contribute to analysis of the contexts (e.g., commu- nicative and social) of behaviors for individual children and result in more effective programming. For example, conducting a functional as- sessment that considers contexts, and then replacing problem behaviors with more appropriate ways to communicate can be an effective method for reducing problem behaviors. Recommendations 1-1 Because of their shared continuities and their unique social diffi- culties, children with any autistic spectrum disorder (autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, atypical autism, PDD-NOS, child- hood disintegrative disorder), regardless of level of severity or function, should be eligible for special educational services within the category of autistic spectrum disorders, as opposed to other

214 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM terminology used by school systems, such as other health im- paired, social emotionally maladjusted, significantly developmen- tally delayed, or neurologically impaired. 1-2 Identification of autistic spectrum disorders should include a for- mal multidisciplinary evaluation of social behavior, language and nonverbal communication, adaptive behavior, motor skills, atypi- cal behaviors, and cognitive status by a team of professionals experienced with autistic spectrum disorders. An essential part of this evaluation is the systematic gathering of information from parents on their observations and concerns. If the school system cannot carry out such an assessment, the local education author- ity should fund the assessment through external sources. Early diagnosis should be emphasized. Because of variability in early development, younger children with autistic spectrum disorders should receive a follow-up diagnostic and educational assess- ment within one to two years of initial evaluation. 1-3 Professional organizations, with the support of the National Insti- tutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), should disseminate infor- mation concerning the nature and range of autistic spectrum dis- orders in young children to all professionals who have contact with children, particularly those who work with infants, toddlers, and preschool children. This information should include the vari- able presentations and patterns of behavior seen in autistic spec- trum disorders from toddlers to school age children. Members of “child find” teams within the early intervention systems, as well as primary care providers, should be trained in identifying the “red flags of autistic spectrum disorders” and the importance and means of early referral for comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. Advocacy groups and relevant federal agencies, as well as profes- sional organizations, should use effective media resources, in- cluding the Internet, to provide information concerning the range of behaviors in autistic spectrum disorders. ROLE OF FAMILIES Conclusions Having a child with an autistic spectrum disorder is a challenge for any family. Involvement of families in the education of young children with autistic spectrum disorders can occur at multiple levels, including advocacy, parents as participating partners in and agents of education or

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 215 behavior change, and family-centered consideration of the needs and strengths of the family as a unit. Nearly all empirically supported treat- ments reviewed by the committee included a parent component, and most research programs used a parent-training approach. More informa- tion is needed about the benefits of a family-centered orientation or com- bined family-centered and formalized parent training in helping parents. It is well established that parents can learn and successfully apply skills to changing the behavior of their children with autistic spectrum disorders, though little is known about the effects of cultural differences, such as race, ethnicity, and social class, nor about the interactions among family factors, child characteristics, and features of educational interven- tion. For most families, having a child with an autistic spectrum disorder creates added stress. Parents’ use of effective teaching methods can have a significant effect on that stress, as can support from within the family and the community. Parents need access to balanced information about autistic spectrum disorders and the range of appropriate services and technologies in order to carry out their responsibilities. They also need timely information about assessments, educational plans, and the avail- able resources for their children. This information needs to be conveyed to them in a meaningful way that gives them time to prepare to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. In the last ten years the widespread availability of the Internet and media attention to autistic spectrum disorders have increased parents’ knowledge but often conveyed perspectives that were not balanced nor well-supported scientifically. Of crucial importance is the question of how to make information available to parents and to ensure their active role in advocacy for their children’s education. Recommendations 2-1 Parents’ concerns and perspectives should actively help to shape educational planning. Specifically: a. In order for a family to be effective members of the Indi- vidualized Education Plan (IEP) team that plans a child’s educa- tion, the local school system should provide to the parents, at the beginning of the assessment process, written information con- cerning the nature of autistic spectrum disorders and eligibility categories, the range of alternatives within best practices in early education of autistic spectrum disorders, sources of funding and support (e.g., a support guide and bibliography), and their child’s rights. b. Prior to the IEP meeting, the local school system should provide to each family the written results of their child’s assess-

216 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM ment, and a contact person to explain the findings if they wish, and should indicate that they will have the opportunity to present their concerns. Early during the IEP meeting, parents should be given an opportunity to voice their questions, concerns, and per- spectives about their child’s development and educational pro- gramming. 2-2 As part of local educational programs and intervention programs for children from birth to age 3, families of children with autistic spectrum disorders should be provided the opportunity to learn techniques for teaching their child new skills and reducing prob- lem behaviors. These opportunities should include not only di- dactic sessions, but also ongoing consultation in which individu- alized problem-solving, including in-home observations or training, occur for a family, as needed, to support improvements at home as well as at school. 2-3 Families that are experiencing stress in raising their children with an autistic spectrum disorder should be provided with mental health support services. Under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which addresses family sup- port and service coordination, including private service provid- ers, services should be extended to include families of children at least up to age 8 years. GOALS FOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Conclusions At the root of questions about the most appropriate educational inter- ventions lie differences in assumptions about what is possible and what is important to give students with autistic spectrum disorders through edu- cation. The appropriate goals for educational services are the same as those for other children: personal independence and social responsibility. These goals imply continuous progress in social and cognitive abilities, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, adaptive skills, amelioration of behavioral difficulties, and generalization of abilities across multiple environments. In some cases, reports have suggested that particular treat- ments can foster permanent “recovery”. However, as with other develop- mental disabilities, the core deficits of autistic spectrum disorders have generally been found to persist, to some degree, in most individuals. Research concerning outcomes can be characterized by whether the goal of intervention is broadly defined (e.g., “recovery” or “best out-

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 217 come”) or more specifically defined (e.g., increasing vocabulary or peer- directed social behavior); whether the design involves reporting results in terms of group or individual changes; and whether the goals are short term (i.e., to be achieved in a few weeks or months) or longer term (i.e., over years). A large body of single-subject research has demonstrated substantial progress in individual responses to specific intervention tech- niques in relatively short periods of times (e.g., several months) in many specific areas, including gains in social skills, language acquisition, non- verbal communication, and reductions in challenging behaviors. Studies over longer periods of time have documented joint attention, symbolic play, early language skills, and imitation as core deficits and hallmarks of the disorder that are predictive of longer term outcome in the domains of language, adaptive behaviors, and academic skills. Many treatment studies report postintervention placement as an out- come measure. While successful participation in regular classrooms is an important goal for some children with autistic spectrum disorders, the usefulness of placement in regular education classes as an outcome mea- sure is limited, because placement may be related to many variables other than the characteristics of the child (e.g., prevailing trends in inclusion, availability of other services). The most commonly reported outcome measure in group treatment studies of children with autistic spectrum disorders has been changes in IQ scores, which also have many limita- tions. Studies have reported substantial changes in large numbers of chil- dren in intervention studies and longitudinal studies in which children received a variety of interventions. Even in the treatment studies that have shown the strongest gains, children’s outcomes are variable, with some children making substantial progress and others showing very slow gains. The needs and strengths of young children with autistic spectrum disorders are very heterogeneous. Although there is evidence that many interventions lead to improvements and that some children shift in spe- cific diagnosis along the autism spectrum during the preschool years, there does not appear to be a simple relationship between any particular intervention and “recovery” from autistic spectrum disorders. Thus, while substantial evidence exists that treatments can reach short-term specific goals in many areas, gaps remain in addressing larger questions of the relationships between particular techniques, child characteristics, and outcomes. Recommendations The IEP and Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) should be the vehicles for planning and implementing educational objectives.

218 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM 3-1 Appropriate educational objectives for children with autistic spec- trum disorders should be observable, measurable behaviors and skills. These objectives should be able to be accomplished within 1 year and expected to affect a child’s participation in education, the community, and family life. They should include the devel- opment of: a. Social skills to enhance participation in family, school, and community activities (e.g., imitation, social initiations and re- sponse to adults and peers, parallel and interactive play with peers and siblings); b. Expressive verbal language, receptive language, and non- verbal communication skills; c. A functional symbolic communication system; d. Increased engagement and flexibility in developmentally appropriate tasks and play, including the ability to attend to the environment and respond to an appropriate motivational system; e. Fine and gross motor skills used for age appropriate func- tional activities, as needed; f. Cognitive skills, including symbolic play and basic con- cepts, as well as academic skills; g. Replacement of problem behaviors with more conven- tional and appropriate behaviors; and h. Independent organizational skills and other behaviors that underlie success in regular education classrooms (e.g., complet- ing a task independently, following instructions in a group, ask- ing for help). 3-2 Ongoing measurement of educational objectives must be docu- mented in order to determine whether a child is benefiting from a particular intervention. Every child’s response to the educational program should be assessed after a short period of time. Progress should be monitored frequently and objectives adjusted accord- ingly. CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE INTERVENTIONS Conclusions In general, there is consistent agreement across comprehensive inter- vention programs about a number of features, though practical and, some- times, ethical considerations have made well-controlled studies with ran- dom assignment very difficult to conduct without direct evaluation. Characteristics of the most appropriate intervention for a given child must

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 219 be tied to that child’s and family’s needs. However, without direct evalu- ation, it is difficult to know which features are of greatest importance in a program. Across primarily preschool programs, there is a very strong consensus that the following features are critical: • entry into intervention programs as soon as an autism spectrum diagnosis is seriously considered; • active engagement in intensive instructional programming for a minimum of the equivalent of a full school day, 5 days (at least 25 hours) a week, with full year programming varied according to the child’s choronological age and developmental level; • repeated, planned teaching opportunities generally organized around relatively brief periods of time for the youngest children (e.g., 15- 20 minute intervals), including sufficient amounts of adult attention in one-to-one and very small group instruction to meet individualized goals; • inclusion of a family component, including parent training; • low student/teacher ratios (no more than two young children with autistic spectrum disorders per adult in the classroom); and • mechanisms for ongoing program evaluation and assessments of individual children’s progress, with results translated into adjustments in programming. Curricula across different programs differ in a number of ways. They include the ways in which goals are prioritized, affecting the relative time spent on verbal and nonverbal communication, social activities, behav- ioral, academic, motor, and other domains. Strategies from various pro- grams represent a range of techniques, including discrete trials, incidental teaching, structured teaching, “floor time”, and individualized modifica- tions of the environment, including schedules. Some programs adopt a unilateral use of one set of procedures, and others use a combination of approaches. Programs also differ in the relative amount of time spent in homes, centers, or schools, when children are considered ready for inclu- sion into regular classrooms, how the role of peers as intervention agents is supported, and in the use of distraction-free or natural environments. Programs also differ in the credentials that are required of direct support and supervisory staff and the formal and informal roles of collateral staff, such as speech language pathologists and occupational therapists. Overall, many of the programs are more similar than different in terms of levels of organization, staffing, ongoing monitoring, and the use of certain techniques, such as discrete trials, incidental learning, and struc- tured teaching. However, there are real differences in philosophy and practice that provide a range of alternatives for parents and school sys- tems considering various approaches. The key to any child’s educational program lies in the objectives specified in the IEP and the ways they are

220 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM addressed. Much more important than the name of the program attended is how the environment and educational strategies allow implementation of the goals for a child and family. Thus, effective services will and should vary considerably across individual children, depending on a child’s age, cognitive and language levels, behavioral needs, and family priorities. Recommendations The committee’s recommendations for effective treatment are made on the basis of empirical findings, information from selected representa- tive programs, and findings in the general education and developmental literature. In particular, it is well established that children with autism spend much less time in focused and socially directed activity when in unstructured situations than do other children. Therefore, it becomes crucial to specify time engaged in social and focused activity as part of a program for children with autistic spectrum disorders. 4-1 Based on a set of individualized, specialized objectives and plans that are systematically implemented, educational services should begin as soon as a child is suspected of having an autistic spec- trum disorder. Taking into account the needs and strengths of an individual child and family, the child’s schedule and educational environment, in and out of the classroom, should be adapted as needed in order to implement the IEP. Educational services should include a minimum of 25 hours a week, 12 months a year, in which the child is engaged in systematically planned, develop- mentally appropriate educational activity aimed toward identi- fied objectives. Where this activity takes place and the content of the activity should be determined on an individual basis, de- pending on characteristics of both the child and the family. 4-2 A child must receive sufficient individualized attention on a daily basis so that individual objectives can be effectively implemented; individualized attention should include individual therapies, de- velopmentally appropriate small group instruction, and direct one-to-one contact with teaching staff. 4-3 Assessment of a child’s progress in meeting objectives should be used on an ongoing basis to further refine the IEP. Lack of objec- tively documentable progress over a 3 month period should be taken to indicate a need to increase intensity by lowering stu-

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 221 dent/teacher ratios, increasing programming time, reformulat- ing curricula, or providing additional training and consultation. 4-4 To the extent that it leads to the specified educational goals (e.g., peer interaction skills, independent participation in regular edu- cation), children should receive specialized instruction in settings in which ongoing interactions occur with typically developing children. 4-5 Six kinds of interventions should have priority: a. Functional, spontaneous communication should be the pri- mary focus of early education. For very young children, pro- gramming should be based on the assumption that most children can learn to speak. Effective teaching techniques for both verbal language and alternative modes of functional communication, drawn from the empirical and theoretical literature, should be vigorously applied across settings. b. Social instruction should be delivered throughout the day in various settings, using specific activities and interventions planned to meet age-appropriate, individualized social goals (e.g., with very young children, response to maternal imitation; with preschool children, cooperative activities with peers). c. The teaching of play skills should focus on play with peers, with additional instruction in appropriate use of toys and other materials. d. Other instruction aimed at goals for cognitive develop- ment should also be carried out in the context in which the skills are expected to be used, with generalization and maintenance in natural contexts as important as the acquisition of new skills. Because new skills have to be learned before they can be general- ized, the documentation of rates of acquisition is an important first step. Methods of introduction of new skills may differ from teaching strategies to support generalization and maintenance. e. Intervention strategies that address problem behaviors should incorporate information about the contexts in which the behaviors occur; positive, proactive approaches; and the range of techniques that have empirical support (e.g., functional assess- ment, functional communication training, reinforcement of alter- native behaviors). f. Functional academic skills should be taught when appro- priate to the skills and needs of a child.

222 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM PUBLIC POLICIES Conclusions The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) contains the necessary provisions for ensuring rights to appropriate education for chil- dren with autistic spectrum disorders. However, the implementation and specification of these services are variable. Early intervention for young children with autistic spectrum disorders is expensive, and most local schools need financial help from the state and federal programs to pro- vide appropriate services. The large number of court cases is a symptom of the tension between families and school systems. Case law has yielded an inconsistent pattern of findings that vary according to the characteristics of the individual cases. The number of challenges to decision-making for programming within school systems reflects parents’ concerns about the adequacy of knowledge and the expertise of school systems in determining their children’s education and implementing appropriate techniques. The treatment of autistic spectrum disorders often involves many disciplines and agencies. This confuses lines of financial and intellectual responsibility and complicates assessment and educational planning. When communication between families and school systems goes awry, it can directly affect children’s programming and the energy and financial resources that are put into education rather than litigation. Support sys- tems are not generally adequate in undergirding local service delivery programs and maximizing the usefulness of different disciplines and agencies, and transitions between service delivery agencies are often prob- lematic. A number of states have successful models for providing services to children with autism, and mechanisms are becoming increasingly effi- cient and flexible in some states. In most cases, existing agencies at state and federal levels can develop appropriate programs without restructur- ing—with the possible addition of special task forces or committees de- signed to deal with issues particular to children with autistic spectrum disorders. Recommendations The committee recommends that a variety of steps be taken to ensure that policies are effectively carried out at the state and local levels. 5-1 At the federal level, the National Institutes of Health’s Autism Coordinating Committee and the Federal Interagency Coordinat- ing Council should jointly appoint a clinical research oversight

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 223 task force of professionals knowledgeable in the field of autistic spectrum disorders, to review and periodically report on basic and applied research programs to the parent agencies and to track program implementation through the State Interagency Coordi- nating Councils or relevant state agencies. Administrative sup- port for these efforts should be provided by the appropriate de- partment of the Secretary’s office. 5-2 States should have regional resource and training centers with expertise in autistic spectrum disorders to provide training and technical support to local schools. States should also have a mechanism to evaluate the adequacy of current support systems to local schools and recommend ways for improvement. One such mechanism could be an autistic spectrum disorders support systems task force that would examine the relevant provisions for personnel preparation, technical assistance, and demonstration of exemplary programs and would make recommendations as to what would be needed to bring a state’s support systems into alignment with quality education for children with autistic spec- trum disorders. States should monitor coordination among and transitions between service delivery systems and should develop ways to facilitate these processes. 5-3 Families should have access to consultation and legal knowledge such as provided by an ombudsman who is independent of the school system and who could be a standard part of Individual- ized Educational Plan planning and meetings. The ombudsman should be knowledgeable about autistic spectrum disorders and about relevant law and court decisions. The ombudsman’s role should include attending IEP meetings, interpreting the school system’s communications about a child to parents, and propos- ing, at the parents’ request, alternatives to those presented by the school system. Professional and advocacy groups should work together to provide this service, with the Governor’s Council for Developmental Disabilities or the Autistic Spectrum Disorders Support Systems Task Force responsible for ensuring funding for training and support of this service. 5-4 State and federal agencies should consider ways to work with and support professional and advocacy groups to provide up-to- date, practical, scientifically valid information to parents and practitioners.

224 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM 5-5 States should have clearly defined minimum standards for per- sonnel in educational settings for children with autistic spectrum disorders. For example, at a minimum, teachers should have some special preparation (e.g., preservice course work, equiva- lent inservice training, workshops, and supervised practice in re- search-based practices in autistic spectrum disorders) and should have well-trained, experienced support personnel available to provide ongoing training and additional consultation. 5-6 States should develop a systematic strategy to fund the interven- tions that are necessary for children with autistic spectrum disor- ders in local schools, so that this cost is not borne primarily by the parents or local school systems. State education departments should develop interagency collaborations to pool support for local systems. A state fund for intensive intervention, or more systematic use of Medicaid waivers or other patterns of funding currently in place in some states, should be considered. Families should not be expected to fund or provide the majority of educa- tional programming for their children. 5-7 An updated, accurate summary of case law, consultation services, and mediation mechanisms in autistic spectrum disorders should be made accessible by the Office of Special Education Programs so that schools and parents can understand the options available to them when conflicts arise. 5-8 Since levels of information about autistic spectrum disorders vary greatly within the groups and agencies that make funding and policy decisions about autistic spectrum disorders, including state task forces in education and review panels in federal agencies, it is crucial that persons knowledgeable in the range of needs and interventions associated with autistic spectrum disorders be in- cluded in those decision-making activities. PERSONNEL PREPARATION Conclusions The nature of autistic spectrum disorders and other disabilities that frequently accompany them has significant implications for approaches to education and intervention at school, in the home, and in the commu- nity. Approaches that emphasize the use of specific “packages” of mate- rials and methods associated with comprehensive intervention programs

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 225 may understate the multiple immediate and long-term needs of children for behavior support and for instruction across areas. Teachers are faced with a huge task. They must be familiar with theory and research concerning best practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders, including methods of applied behavior analysis, naturalistic learning, assistive technology, socialization, communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, language interventions, assess- ment, and the effective use of data collection systems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance of behaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teaching children with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQ scores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrum disorders, from profound mental retardation and severe lan- guage impairments to superior intelligence, intensify the need for person- nel training. To enable teachers to adequately work with parents and with other professionals to set appropriate goals, teachers need familiar- ity with the course of autistic spectrum disorders and the range of pos- sible outcomes. Teachers learn according to the same principles as their students. Multiple exposures, opportunities to practice, and active involvement in learning are all important aspects of learning for teachers, as well as stu- dents. Many states and community organizations have invested substan- tial funds in teacher preparation through workshops and large-audience lectures by well-known speakers. While such presentations can stimulate enthusiasm, they do not substitute for ongoing consultation and hands- on opportunities to observe and practice skills working with children with autistic spectrum disorders. Personnel preparation remains one of the weakest elements of effec- tive programming for children with autistic spectrum disorders and their families. Ways of building on the knowledge of teachers as they acquire experience with children with autistic spectrum disorders, and ways of keeping skilled personnel within the field, are critical. This is particularly true given recent trends for dependence on relatively inexperienced assis- tants for in-home programs. Providing knowledge about autistic spec- trum disorders to special education and regular education administra- tors, as well as to specialized providers with major roles in early intervention (e.g., speech language pathologists) will be critical in effect- ing change that is proactive. Findings concerning change in educational and other opportunities suggest that administrative attitudes and sup- port are critical in improving schools. Recommendations The committee recommends that relevant state and federal agencies institute an agenda for upgrading personnel preparation for those who

226 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM work with, and are responsible for, children with autistic spectrum disor- ders and their families. These efforts should be part of a larger effort to coordinate and collaborate with the already established infrastructure of special education, regional resource centers, technical assistance pro- grams, personnel preparation, communication sharing, and other relevant aspects of the existing infrastructure. Professionals aware of the special nature of these children are already carrying out many of these recom- mendations in a limited fashion. The committee urges agencies to pro- vide the personnel preparation resources needed for intensified efforts to build a viable support structure for educating children with autistic spec- trum disorders. 6-1 The Office of Special Education Programs should establish a 5- year plan to provide priority funds for preservice and inservice preparation for teachers, paraprofessionals, and other personnel providing services for children with autistic spectrum disorders, including children under age 3 years. 6-2 The need for a team approach involving many professions should be addressed by personnel preparation and practicum work within multidisciplined organizations and teams. 6-3 A special emphasis should be placed on training of trainers. There is a short supply of expertise and experience in the field of educa- tion for children with autistic spectrum disorders, and special attention should be paid to rapidly increase the capabilities of the trainers, who may have experience in special education or related fields, but not in the special skills and practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders. 6-4 The existing support systems that provide short-term training (e.g., technical assistance systems, resource centers, etc.) should include people with special expertise in autistic spectrum disor- ders on their staff. 6-5 The content of the curriculum for children with autistic spectrum disorders should be based on sound research. A continuing pro- gram should be established from such agencies as the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to translate their research into usable information for practitioners. Work on family research is particularly relevant.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 227 NEEDED RESEARCH Conclusions There are several distinct and substantial bodies of research relevant to young children with autistic spectrum disorders. One body identifies neurological, behavioral, and developmental characteristics. Another body of research addresses diagnostic practices and related issues of prevalence. Another has examined the effects of comprehensive early treatment programs on the immediate and long-term outcomes of chil- dren and their families. These treatment studies tended to use some form of group experimental design. An additional body of research has ad- dressed individual instructional or intervention approaches, with many studies in this literature using single-subject experimental methodology. Altogether, a large research base exists, but with relatively little integra- tion across bodies of literature. Highly knowledgeable researchers in one area of autistic spectrum disorders may have minimal information from other perspectives, even about studies with direct bearing on their find- ings. Most researchers have not used randomized group comparison de- signs because of the practical and ethical difficulties in randomly assign- ing children and families to treatment groups. In addition, there have been significant controversies over the type of control or contrast group to use and the conditions necessary for demonstrating effectiveness. Al- though a number of comprehensive programs have provided data on their effectiveness, and, in some cases, claims have been made that certain treatments are superior to others, there have been virtually no compari- sons of different comprehensive interventions of equal intensity. Across several of the bodies of literature, the children and families who have participated in studies are often inadequately described. Stan- dardized diagnoses, descriptions of ethnicity, the social class, and associ- ated features of the children (such as mental retardation and language level) are often not specified. Fidelity of treatment implementation has not been consistently assessed. Generalization, particularly across set- tings, and maintenance of treatment effects are not always measured. Though there is little evidence concerning the effectiveness of discipline- specific therapies, there is substantial research supporting the effective- ness of many specific therapeutic techniques. Recommendations 7-1 Funding agencies and professional journals should require minimium standards in design and description of intervention projects. All intervention studies should provide the following information:

228 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM a. Adequate information concerning the children and fami- lies who participated, and who chose not to participate or with- drew from participation, including chronological age, develop- mental assessment data (including verbal and nonverbal IQ levels), standardized diagnoses, gender, race, family characteris- tics, socioeconomic status, and relevant health or other biological impairments; b. description of the intervention in sufficient detail so that an external group could replicate it; detailed documentation is crucial especially if no treatment manual is available; c. fidelity of treatment and degree of implementation; d. specific objective measures of expected outcomes, assessed at regular intervals; and e. measures of outcome that are independent of the interven- tion, in terms of both the evaluators and the measures, and in- clude broad immediate and long-term effects on children and families, particularly generalization and maintenance effects. 7-2 Funders and performers of research should recognize that valu- able information can be provided by a variety of approaches to research in intervention, including group experimental and single-subject designs. 7-3 In order to help educators and consumers make informed deci- sions about appropriate methods of intervention for particular children, federal agencies involved in autistic spectrum disorders initiatives (including the Office of Special Education Programs, the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, the Na- tional Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Neu- rological Disorders and Stroke, and the National Institute on Deaf- ness and Other Communication Disorders) and nonprofit agen- cies with similar national missions (such as Autism Society of America Foundation, Cure Autism Now, and National Alliance for Autism Research) should form a research task force and spe- cifically allocate federal responsibilites for recruiting and funding a comprehensive program of research related to intervention and treatment. This program should include: a. development of more specific, precise measures of impor- tant areas of outcome, such as social functioning, peer relation- ships, spontaneous communication and language, and the acqui- sition of competence in natural contexts (e.g., classroom, home);

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 229 b. definition of appropriate educational skills and sequences in social and cognitive development, informed by normal devel- opmental literature; c. measurement of the effects of the interactions between fam- ily variables (e.g., family structure, family supports, socioeco- nomic status), child factors (such as degree of language impair- ment), and responses to educational interventions (including family-centered, parent training, and other approaches) on out- comes. d. longitudinal treatment studies, where feasible, built on a clinical model with randomly assigned samples of sufficient size to assess the effectiveness of differing modes of treatment. 7-4 Treatment studies should recognize the common components of many comprehensive programs (e.g., standardized curriculum, family training, presence of typically developing peers) and should target and measure, longitudinally when feasible, “active ingredients” and mediating variables that influence the effects of intervention (e.g., communication and interaction opportunities for engagement, levels of interaction and initiation, specific teach- ing techniques, proportion of time in close proximity of peers). The concomitant development of innovative treatments building on these “active ingredients” should be supported. 7-5 In response to amendments in IDEA to make education more outcome oriented, a federal initiative should solicit and fund stud- ies in the following areas, not easily supported under the current review system: a. the development of instruments for measurement of diag- nosis and critical aspects of development, particularly tools for early screening of autistic spectrum disorders and for measure- ment of response to interventions; b. the development and application of sophisticated statisti- cal methods of analysis of change and growth, particularly multi- variate designs and those applicable to small samples; and c. the development and dissemination of novel research de- signs that combine individual and group approaches in ways that minimize biases and maximize the power of small samples. 7-6 Competitively funded initiatives in early education in autistic spectrum disorders should require plans and contain sufficient funding for short- and long-term assessment of child outcomes and measures of program efficacy.

Autism is a word most of us are familiar with. But do we really know what it means?

Children with autism are challenged by the most essential human behaviors. They have difficulty interacting with other people—often failing to see people as people rather than simply objects in their environment. They cannot easily communicate ideas and feelings, have great trouble imagining what others think or feel, and in some cases spend their lives speechless. They frequently find it hard to make friends or even bond with family members. Their behavior can seem bizarre.

Education is the primary form of treatment for this mysterious condition. This means that we place important responsibilities on schools, teachers and children's parents, as well as the other professionals who work with children with autism. With the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975, we accepted responsibility for educating children who face special challenges like autism. While we have since amassed a substantial body of research, researchers have not adequately communicated with one another, and their findings have not been integrated into a proven curriculum.

Educating Children with Autism outlines an interdisciplinary approach to education for children with autism. The committee explores what makes education effective for the child with autism and identifies specific characteristics of programs that work. Recommendations are offered for choosing educational content and strategies, introducing interaction with other children, and other key areas.

This book examines some fundamental issues, including:

  • How children's specific diagnoses should affect educational assessment and planning
  • How we can support the families of children with autism
  • Features of effective instructional and comprehensive programs and strategies
  • How we can better prepare teachers, school staffs, professionals, and parents to educate children with autism
  • What policies at the federal, state, and local levels will best ensure appropriate education, examining strategies and resources needed to address the rights of children with autism to appropriate education.

Children with autism present educators with one of their most difficult challenges. Through a comprehensive examination of the scientific knowledge underlying educational practices, programs, and strategies, Educating Children with Autism presents valuable information for parents, administrators, advocates, researchers, and policy makers.


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