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Master's thesis latex template.

"LaTeX is a document preparation system. When writing, the writer uses plain text as opposed to the formatted text found in WYSIWYG ("what  you see is what you get") word processors. The writer uses markup tagging conventions to define the general structure of a document (such as article, book, letter, or thesis), to stylise text throughout a document (such as bold and italics), and to add citations and cross-references. A TeX distribution such as TeX Live or MikTeX is used to produce an output file (such as PDF or DVI) suitable for printing or digital distribution. Within the typesetting system, its name is stylised as L a T e X ." — Adopted from Wikipedia. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX )

  • Linux/Unix — sdsu-thesis-latex.tar.gz
  • Windows — sdsu-thesis-latex.zip
  • Note: The generated sample pdf is available because many people asked for it, not because it is a good idea to use it as a reference. The style file and sample LaTeX document contain instructions and comments on why/how certain things were done in a certain way...
  • Note: Official Unofficial Guide for Thesis Chairs
  • Note: Official LaTeX format approval form; this is an official SDSU form — Do Not Edit .
  • Peter Blomgren ( [email protected] , webpage ) reviews LaTeX theses for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics; the Department of Computer Science; and the Computational Sciences program; thus bypassing the review by Montezuma Publishing
  • Fedora >> sudo yum install texlive* texmaker
  • Ubuntu — help/community/LaTeX
  • Texmaker (editor, recommended)
  • TeX Live (LaTeX distribution)
  • MiKTeX (LaTeX distribution)
  • Overleaf (Tested)
  • Typeset.io (Untested, Looks Promising)
  • Session 1 (February 23, 1981)
  • Session 2 (February 24, 1981)
  • Session 3 (February 25, 1981)
  • Session 4 (February 26, 1981)
  • Session 5 (February 27, 1981)
  • More Donald Knuth Lectures
  • LaTeX Graphics Blog
  • Wikibooks: LaTeX/Introduction
  • TeX Resources: LaTeX Matters
  • LaTeX Templates for FUTURE reference; DO NOT use for your thesis.
  • LaTeX Tables Generator
  • LMGTFY: More LaTeX Resources
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Writing a master's or ph.d. thesis, latex dissertation template, how to graduate: the paperwork, pandemic update (spring 2021).

Note: What appears below, with permission, began as a slightly edited version of unofficial advice from MGSA, the UC Berkeley Mathematics Graduate Student Associate, with Berkeley specific information removed. Over time this document has evolved to contain a great deal of UC Davis-specific information as well as current LaTeX templates.

(Thanks to Megumi Harada) Steps to your goal:

  • Start early . Jot down notes when you talk to your advisor. Keep them somewhere that you'll be able to find them again. Often, you find that little notes you write can serve as a “seed” to start the writing process.
  • Write a little each day. Obvious, and yet few people follow this advice. Even just one hour a day, divided into four 15-minute sessions, goes a long way if you keep at it for a month.
  • Get your advisor to look at small parts of drafts and chapters early on.

All information is subject to change. Current information specific to filing a doctoral thesis at UC Davis can be found via the Grad Studies website .

There are several websites dedicated to Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis . But since you're in the UC Davis math department, your best bet is to use a template that was specifically created for UC Davis math students.

Download: 2024 template (Overleaf compatible)

This template was created originally by Tyrell McAllister with later edits by Jeff Irion, John Challenor, Will Wright, and David Haley in order to keep the template current with formatting requirements. In 2024, Greg DePaul updated the template to be overleaf compatible.

Once you pass your Qual, download the dissertation template! Fill in some basic info (name, major, committee members' names, etc.), and add to your dissertation while you work on your research. After all, it's easier to write and cite as you go than to do it months/years later when that stuff isn't fresh in your mind.

This is an unofficial guide . Please see Preparing & Filing Your Thesis or Dissertation for the official set of instructions.

  • Take note of the filing deadlines . They recommend completing your dissertation in time to give it to your committee for review at the beginning of the quarter in which you intend to graduate. In most cases, your committee probably won't need that much time, but you should check in with your committee members well in advance to make sure they'll be around when you need them.
  • Once your committee members have signed your dissertation's title page, you can file your dissertation electronically (see the Grad Studies website linked above for the specific instructions). The Grad Studies office will review it to make sure that it is formatted correctly and let you know if any corrections need to be made. They will then inform you when your dissertation has been approved, after which time no further changes are allowed.
  • The final step is to make an appointment with the Senior Academic Advisor for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (as of Spring 2020, this is Brad Wolf ). This appointment can't take place until at least two business days after you file your dissertation online (and it must have been approved). The purpose of this appointment is to file the remaining paperwork and receive an official letter confirming your degree.

As of Spring 2021, the documents you will need to bring are as follows (see the official checklist here ).

  • Your title page with the signatures of your committee members.
  • One copy of your abstract.
  • The dissertation embargo agreement (this requires your advisor's signature even if you aren't planning on an embargo on your dissertation).
  • Two online surveys: The Survey of Earned Doctorates and the Graduate Studies Exit Survey. Each will give you a completion code which you will need to provide.
  • The Graduate Program Exit Information form. As of Spring 2021, this requires a signature from either Tina or Vanessa.

The three documents with signatures obviously must be physical copies. The other item can be emailed to the Academic Advisor when you set up your appointment.

Given that we've all become hermits here in our underground bunkers, only occasionally opening Zoom to remind ourselves that other people exist in this world, a few changes have been made to the process. These may or may not be permanent changes going forward. Always consult the Graduate Studies page if you are unsure about current requirements.

  • The title page must be a single form signed by all committee members, but those signatures can be electronic. It must still be ONE form. As having multiple persons sign a single PDF is not as easy as it sounds, I recommend to download the Word Template that is provided on the Graduate Studies page . It can easily be edited to contain your information, and adding signatures to a Word document is arguably simpler than teaching your committee members to add signatures to a PDF without accidentally closing it to future edits.
  • The signed title page must be submitted by your committee chair, or else your program chair (the coordinator might also work – check me on this). Since your committee chair is also one of the people who will be signing your dissertation, it makes sense to have them sign last, and then they can send the form to the Senior Academic Advisor directly. You cannot submit the title page yourself – this is a measure implemented to help prevent fraud and forgery.
  • All documents can be submitted digitally to the Senior Academic Advisor (and ideally, all in the same email, except the title page). You'll probably want to then schedule a Zoom appointment with the Advisor to go over your materials and make sure that they are complete.
  • Remember that you must schedule an exit seminar before the Program Exit Information form can be signed.

Older Templates

The “ucdavisthesis” LaTeX package maintained by Ryan Scott has a number of convenient macros that can generate a dissertation. It is loosely based on an earlier version of the math department template. It is also available in most TeX distributions by default (including Overleaf), and so accessing it is also convenient. However, editing the package to keep up with changes to formatting requirements requires some thought. To that end, you might be interested in one of the following two documents which bring the template up to date with Spring 2021 requirements:

  • ucdavisthesis.cls : Add this to the root directory of your Overleaf document
  • ucdavisthesis.dtx : Use this version if you are the kind of person who likes to compile your own stuff

The 2020 version of the math department template can be found here . It differs from the 2021 version only in the way that the page numbers are written (it places hyphens on either side of roman numerals, but not on the other pages).

A previous template that complied with UCD's requirements as of 2012 was created by Sean Whalen and can be found on GitHub . It has not been maintained since 2012 and so is not up-to-date with the current formatting requirements.

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phd thesis latex template math

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Style files (LaTeX) for theses at Penn Math

Theses at Penn (masters and Ph.D.) must be submitted according to the  official university guidelines .

The following style files can serve as a guide in preparing masters or doctoral theses in the correct format. (You should still check the official university website listed above, to see other details and to adjust to any changes that may have been made.)

  • Ph.D. LaTeX style file (The University provides a standard LaTeX template that complies with all formatting requirements)
  • PH.D. Dissertation Sample Title Page
  • Ph.D. Dissertation Manual
  • Masters thesis style
  • Masters Thesis Title Page Sample.pdf
  • Masters Thesis LaTeX style

Sign up for May 2024 Graduation is now open. Apply for degree at https://srfs.upenn.edu/student-records/GradApp . View the Graduation Calendar for more information.

Department of Mathematics

Latex files and templates.

This page contains links to several LaTeX files, provided by graduate students in our department, that were useful to the contributors when they prepared their theses. Below are also resources such as posters and presentations.

LaTeX files for theses

These files are made available "as is". This means it is your responsibility to check that the documents you produce will meet current OSU Graduate School thesis requirements.

Each file contains comment lines that explain its purpose and background information.

  • Document class file
  • Style option file
  • First class option
  • Second class option
  • Third class option
  • Template file
  • A PDF document that shows the output produced by the OSUMathThesisTemplate.tex file (note that the first page is an obligatory blank flyleaf)
  • Update of gthesis2
  • BeavTex, by Neville Mehta (among others)

Other LaTeX templates

These files are made available "as is".

  • Style files and .tex source file to create a beamer poster with beamercolorthemeosu style (updated 2024)
  • Style files and .tex source file to create a beamer presentation with beambercolorthemeosu style (updated 2024)
  • A presentation from NCSU on getting started with Beamer (presentations).

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Thesis template.

The Graduate School's dissertation and thesis guidelines can be found here .

Below you can download Latex templates for writing dissertations.

Preparing Your Ph.D. Dissertation Using LaTeX

Introduction, preparing the latex file, downloading the macros to your computer, steps for final submission.

Last updated 11 February 2012

Math Report, Thesis, or Dissertation Template for Latex | Math | SIU

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Graduate programs, math report, thesis, or dissertation template for latex.

Caution : Requirements of the Graduate School may have changed since this was written. Check their formatting page here for Dissertations and Theses .

In Mathematics most papers are written in a type setting markup language called LaTeX - which evolved from TeX. It is much better at handling equations than Word type programs. It will also automatically number theorems, lemmas, definitions and bibliographic entries. The various LaTeX processing programs can be found at CTAN . They are free. The download time is about an hour. For Windows most people would download proTeX while Mac users would need MacTeX. Extra packages can be included to handle specialized needs such as graphics, commutative diagrams, chemistry notation and even chess moves.

LaTeX is a computer programming language. When you run the program it creates your document as output. It is not like Word where you see the final result as you type. As with most programs there is some header material, then the program begins, then it ends. In LaTeX the header starts with


where * is 10pt or 12pt and sets the default font size and format may be "article", "report", "amsart", "book" or various other options. For your report, thesis or dissertation use "siugrad51" as the format. In the header various packages are included such as


which loads a graphics package. There are also commands for setting formatting options for theorems and such. None of this in the output. Then a


indicates the beginning of the executable program. The final line is


In between will be the commands and text that generate your title page, table of contents, the body of your paper, and the bibliography.

There are many books and web-pages, in addition to CTAN, on how to use LaTeX. Here are two sites.

  • https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/
  • https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX

The main file is Thesis.tex . It is the file to run in whatever LaTeX program you are using. It is used for reports and dissertations in addition to theses. Thesis.tex needs various other files however. The first of these is siugrad51.cls . Never edit this file.

The other files you will edit with your information. For example, your abstract will be in the file Abstract.tex . Edit this file to replace the sample abstract with your own.

The sample has three chapters. You will likely have more. You can create files ch4.tex , ch5.tex and so on. You will need to edit the Thesis.tex file so that it knows to include these.

The *.ps files have figures in them. Ignore them if you do not need figures in your paper.

Here is a list of the major files:

  • siugrad51.cls
  • Copyright.tex
  • Abstract.tex
  • Approval.tex (Your committee approves your work.)
  • Acknow.tex (For any acknowledgments: "My advisor helped soooo much ...")
  • Dedication.tex ("I dedicate this to my parents.")
  • Preface.tex (Why my work is so important! Not needed for reports.)
  • Biblio.tex (For the bibliography.)
  • Vita.tex (Hire me! Hire me!!)

Learning LaTeX takes some practice. Here are a couple of simpler sample documents.

  • Calculator practice sheet: LaTeX file . Resulting PDF file .
  • Calculus quiz: LaTeX file . Resulting PDF file .

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Dept of Math, Stat, & Comp Sci

College of liberal arts and sciences, thesis templates, latex macros for typesetting uic theses.

A computer science student, Peter Snyder , has rewritten the UIC LaTeX macros and published them in his GitHub repository .

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PhD/MPhil Thesis - a LaTeX Template

A new version of this, by Krishna Kumar, is available. Features include -

  • Conforms to the Student Registry PhD dissertation guidelines and CUED PhD guidelines
  • Supports LaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
  • Adaptive Title Page: Title page adapts to title length
  • Title page with both College and University crests.
  • Print / On-line version: Different layout and hyper-referencing styles
  • Pre-defined and custom fonts (Times / Fourier / Latin Modern) with math support
  • Supports system fonts (XeLaTeX)
  • Pre-defined and custom bibliography style support (authoryear / numbered / custom)
  • Custom page styles: 3 Different Header / Footer styles
  • Pre-defined and custom margin size
  • A separate abstract with thesis title and author name, along with the titlepage can be generated by passing the argument abstract to the document class.
  • Option to generate only specific chapters and references without the frontmatter and title page. Useful for review and corrections.
  • Draft mode: Draft water mark, timestamp, version numbering and line numbering

July 2018: On CUED's central Linux system, you'll need to change Preamble/preamble.tex , commenting out the \usepackage{siunitx} ... line by putting a % symbol at the start of it. (some of our packages are too out of date)


  • LaTeX Template - https://github.com/kks32/phd-thesis-template/releases/tag/phd-latex-template-latest-stable
  • LaTeX Template - https://github.com/kks32/phd-thesis-template/releases/latest
  • LyX Template - https://github.com/kks32/PhDThesisLyX/releases

Older versions are still available, but no longer supported.

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Writing PhD Thesis using LaTeX

How to use it .

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phd thesis latex template math

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IU Thesis Document class

The IU Thesis Document class is a LaTeX document class that produces output acceptable (as of Summer 2018) for an Indiana University Bloomington Master’s or Doctoral thesis. It is available free for anybody's use, but comes with no warranty. In particular, the author is not responsible if it produces output that is not acceptable to the Graduate School. This document class is not officially sanctioned by the University Graduate School, although several theses have been written with it and accepted.

Per the University Graduate School information page on  thesis formatting , the template font in the sample may not be the correct size. Font size should be either 11 or 12 point for the entire document, including section and chapter headings, with the only exception being the title on the title page, footnotes, tables/charts, and picture/table descriptions. Font up to size 16 point may be used for the document’s title on the title page, only. Font as small as 10 point may be used for footnotes, the content of tables/charts, and picture/table/chart descriptions. The Acceptance and Abstract pages are slightly different: the official formatting should have lines for the committee signatures. 

The files: 

  • iuphd-doc.tex
  • Example file, also doubles as documentation.
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PhD Thesis LaTeX Template, according to the rules of Combined Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Germany


Folders and files, repository files navigation, heidelberg university phd thesis latex template (natural sciences and mathematics).


A PhD thesis LaTeX template, according to the rules of the Combined Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Germany .

Disclaimer: This is NOT an official template. Use at your own risk.

Check out the compiled result: phdthesis.pdf

If you use Overleaf, then please set the compiler to XeLaTeX !

The class definition file is hdphdthesis.cls , and the example thesis template is main.tex . The chapter texts and the figures are stored in the chapters and figures directories, respectively.

Each chapter contains some example use cases of figures, tables, and equations.

It's the terror of knowing what this world is about - our planet is dying of climate changes!

Since it is unavoidable you need to use some amount of papers to write and publish your thesis, I think it makes total sense for you to consider planting a tree. Therefore,

This package is Treeware . If you use it in production, then we ask that you buy the world a tree to thank us for our work. By contributing to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.

BSD 2-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2020, Jeongbin Park All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


Contributors 2


Latex3 template for hkust thesis (ph.d. or mphil.), latex3 template for hkust thesis, introduction.

This project provides a LaTeX3 template for HKUST Thesis to fulfill the requirements for Ph.D. and MPhil. graduation.

Getting started

For general users.

  • Download the zip file hkust-thesis-v*.zip from the latest release .
  • Read the PDF documentation – hkustthesis.pdf and follow the sample thesis file – mythesis.tex in the release.
  • We recommend Visual Studio Code with LaTeX Workshop extention as the editor. Then, run the build_mythesis command we pre-defined to compile the thesis file.

For command line users

After downloading the release file, you can compile from command line by:

  • Makefile . make all make clean
  • latexmk : latexmk latexmk -c
  • XeLaTeX : xelatex mythesis.tex biber mythesis xelatex mythesis.tex xelatex mythesis.tex

For developers

  • Fork the Github repo and develop on your branch.
  • Read through the documentation hkustthesis.pdf including the implementation section.
  • File issues and PRs for your contribution.

There’s no .cls file in the repository and you need to compile yourself.

  • For VS Code and LaTeX Workshop , run the commands as extract_dtx before running build_mythesis . Then you get the documentation and sample theis.
  • For command line users: xetex hkustthesis.dtx

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Your thesis or dissertation is often the most important single piece of work you’ll produce as a student (whether it be your final year undergraduate research project or your complete Masters / PhD thesis). These templates, many provided by the university themselves as official layout guidelines, include sections for you to add all the relevant author information (your university, department, supervisor, year, etc) along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references and appendices.


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  1. 2021 Math Thesis Template

    Abstract. This is a variation on a standard template with changes made to comply with guidelines set forth by the UW-Madison Graduate School. Tags. Thesis UW Madison. Find More Templates.

  2. Master's Thesis LaTeX Template

    Windows — sdsu-thesis-latex.zip; PDF — sdsu-thesis-latex.pdf. Note: The generated sample pdf is available because many people asked for it, not because it is a good idea to use it as a reference. The style file and sample LaTeX document contain instructions and comments on why/how certain things were done in a certain way...

  3. thesistips [Galois Group]

    There are several websites dedicated to Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis. But since you're in the UC Davis math department, your best bet is to use a template that was specifically created for UC Davis math students. ... The 2020 version of the math department template can be found here. It differs from the 2021 version only in the way that ...

  4. PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard ...

    Dissertate provides a beautiful LaTeX template for a thesis or dissertation. This template has been uploaded into Overleaf so you can get started simply by clicking the button above. It currently provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, and NYU.

  5. Style files (LaTeX) for theses at Penn Math

    Style files (LaTeX) for theses at Penn Math. Theses at Penn (masters and Ph.D.) must be submitted according to the official university guidelines. The following style files can serve as a guide in preparing masters or doctoral theses in the correct format. (You should still check the official university website listed above, to see other ...

  6. LaTeX Files and Templates

    LaTeX files for theses. These files are made available "as is". This means it is your responsibility to check that the documents you produce will meet current OSU Graduate School thesis requirements. Each file contains comment lines that explain its purpose and background information. Document class file. Style option file.

  7. Thesis Template

    Thesis Template. The Graduate School's dissertation and thesis guidelines can be found here. Below you can download Latex templates for writing dissertations. PhD Dissertation Template. Masters Thesis Template. Contact. Calin Chindris Professor, Director of Graduate Studies ... 202 Math Sciences Building | 810 East Rollins Street | Columbia, MO ...

  8. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    Abstract. This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at LaTeXTemplates.com, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start ...

  9. Preparing Your Ph.D. Dissertation Using LaTeX

    Preparing the LaTeX File. To prepare the LaTeX file, copy the files from the sample thesis located at /~vojta/thesis/ , and adapt them to your situation. The document class ucbthesis is already installed on our computer network. However, if you are using a thin client, then you will need to type the following command, just once, in each ...

  10. Math Report, Thesis, or Dissertation Template for Latex

    Math Report, Thesis, or Dissertation Template for Latex Caution: Requirements of the Graduate School may have changed since this was written.Check their formatting page here for Dissertations and Theses.. In Mathematics most papers are written in a type setting markup language called LaTeX - which evolved from TeX.

  11. jwlawson/dmathesis: Latex template for Durham maths thesis

    Durham maths thesis template. This template is a hand-me-down from numerous people and has evolved over the past few years. Steven Charlton worked on a number of fiddly details and fixed much of the template, which was started by M. Imran. The template aims to satisfy the university guidelines, but these could change at any time.

  12. Thesis Templates

    Dept of Math, Stat, & Comp Sci ... Breadcrumbs. Dept of Math, Stat, & Comp Sci. Graduate Studies. Current Students. Thesis Templates. Thesis Templates LaTeX macros for typesetting UIC theses. A computer science student, Peter Snyder, has rewritten the UIC LaTeX macros and published them in his GitHub repository. Grad. PhD and MS Programs. PhD ...

  13. CUED

    PhD/MPhil Thesis - a LaTeX Template. A new version of this, by Krishna Kumar, is available. Features include -. Title page with both College and University crests. A separate abstract with thesis title and author name, along with the titlepage can be generated by passing the argument abstract to the document class.

  14. Writing PhD Thesis using LaTeX

    Writing PhD Thesis using LaTeX ... Yes, it is very powerful and convenient yet you need a template, including a style file. Here is nice LaTeX template files, that allow you to create a dissertation that fulfils the requirments of the Registrar's office. The style file automatically generates a cover page, a signature page, contents, a list of ...

  15. LaTeX document class for LSU theses and dissertations

    Template. To use the template below, you also need the two files above. mythesis.tex; mythesis.pdf; Getting started. For an example of what can be produced, take a look at "mythesis.pdf". To produce your own thesis or dissertation, download the other three files and modify "mythesis.tex". More specifically: You need access to a TeX ...

  16. Graduate Resources

    The IU Thesis Document class is a LaTeX document class that produces output acceptable (as of Summer 2018) for an Indiana University Bloomington Master's or Doctoral thesis. It is available free for anybody's use, but comes with no warranty. ... Per the University Graduate School information page on thesis formatting, the template font in the ...

  17. pjb7687/uni-heidelberg-phd-thesis-latex-template

    A PhD thesis LaTeX template, according to the rules of the Combined Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Germany.. Disclaimer: This is NOT an official template. Use at your own risk. Check out the compiled result: phdthesis.pdf If you use Overleaf, then please set the compiler to XeLaTeX!. The class definition file is hdphdthesis.cls, and the example thesis ...

  18. LaTeX3 Template for HKUST Thesis

    There's no .cls file in the repository and you need to compile yourself. For VS Code and LaTeX Workshop, run the commands as extract_dtx before running build_mythesis. Then you get the documentation and sample theis. For command line users: xetex hkustthesis.dtx. LaTeX3 Template for HKUST Thesis (Ph.D. or MPhil.)

  19. memoir

    31. Aaron Turon created a beautiful thesis. His colophon: This document was typeset using LATEX, with a mixture of classicthesis developed by André Miede and tufte-latex, which is based on Edward Tufte's Beautiful Evidence. The bibliography was processed by Biblatex. Robert Slimbach's Minion Pro acts as both the text and display type-face.

  20. Templates

    Welcome to the MAT320 Homework template on Overleaf — just edit your LaTeX on the left, and we'll compile it for you on the right. (Based on a homework template by Dana Ernst.) Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  21. Gallery

    Version 2 of the unofficial thesis template for the Master Smart Systems Engineering at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Uses the new Hanze logo (from 2024). Natanael Magno Gomes, Felipe Nascimento Martins and Ewout Bergsma. TCD SCSS Thesis Template. This is an optional thesis template for masters.