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Master thesis

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Full-time in Vietnam

Practitioners in today's financial markets and in economic analysis are faced with a myriad of probing challenges. The M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program is designed with such challenges in mind and

  • combines thorough training in state-of-the art methods in finance with corresponding training in microeconomic theory, monetary economics, international macroeconomics, econometrics, data science and selected aspects of programming, providing its participants with a broad methodological apparatus and those tools needed to address current and future challenges in global finance and economic analysis.
  • combines academic rigor with a focus on topical issues facing financial practitioners and economic policy decision makers, and gives due consideration also to the development of strong communication, teamworking and leadership skills.
  • is taught by members of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Goethe University Frankfurt, augmented by members of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Vietnamese-German University (VGU), and in addition also involves courses that offer the participants insights from high-level practitioners in financial markets and in economic analysis who share their experiences.
  • provides its participants with the opportunity to gain valuable experience outside of Vietnam through an optional "Experience Frankfurt" module, including the option to sample in-depth academic research at Goethe University as part of the work underlying the Master thesis.

This unique program is delivered full-time at the campus of the Vietnamese-German University , 40km from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The program is conducted in English, begins annually in the fall semester and can regularly be completed within four semesters. Graduates earn a "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) degree (120 ECTS CP) from the AACSB-accredited Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt. The program ensures top-notch teaching and is academically managed and staffed by the Faculty of Economics and Business of Goethe University Frankfurt with the cooperation and substantive involvement of the Faculty of Economics and Management at VGU.

Any questions?

master thesis goethe uni finance

Get in touch!

Dr. Le Van Ha



Faculty Expertise

At GBS in general and within the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program in particular, students can benefit from the particularly strong expertise of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University in the areas of finance and macroeconomics.

Two research institutes of particular importance for the topics to be addressed in the curriculum of the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program are the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE ("Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe"), and the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS). SAFE conducts transdisciplinary research on financial markets and their players in Europe and also provides research-based, independent policy advice. SAFE emphasizes the cooperation of researchers from the fields of finance, economics, law and political science. The IMFS in turn engages in transdisciplinary research in monetary economics, and contributes to the public discussion of monetary and macroprudential policy decisions in a broad range of outlets, from hosting the annual "ECB Watchers" conference to webinars on current challenges in monetary and fiscal policy.

With regards to teaching aspects of faculty expertise, faculty members have been teaching in highly reputed degree programs outside of Goethe University as well, with teaching engagements inter alia at Yale University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Maryland, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and Study Center Gerzensee. The program is also designed to build on the strong links between the faculty members involved and the broad range of premier financial and monetary institutions based in Frankfurt as well as the growing number of these in Vietnam.

Program Content & Opportunities for Program Graduates

In comparison to other master programs in economics and finance currently offered in Vietnam, the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program stands out as a rigorous master program comprehensively incorporating quantitative and analytical insights from modern research. Among the key characteristics of the program’s offerings are:

  • the courses are taught by faculty members who are actively involved in frontier research in finance, economics and econometrics, complemented by course offerings from top-profile practitioners for the practice topics courses,
  • teaching quality is considered of utmost importance, and is incentivized inter alia through "Excellence in Teaching Awards",
  • courses and seminars involve an interdisciplinary perspective, integrating insights from econometrics, finance, macroeconomics and microeconomics, and in a number of cases also integrating transdisciplinary insights by also drawing on computer science, history, mathematics, political science, psychology, sociology and other disciplines,
  • courses and seminars involve in-person, within-classroom interaction between students and faculty complemented by e-learning elements, the latter also for pre-course preparation and post-course follow-up.

The learning goals of the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program ensure that graduates are able to (in the areas of global financial markets and economic analysis) to

  • select a state-of-the-art modeling approach that is conducive for the question being addressed;
  • successfully apply the selected modeling approach;
  • assess the substantive value of the results obtained on the basis of the selected modeling approach;
  • craft concise and insightful analyses; and
  • give structured and well-reasoned presentations.

Graduates’ expertise will allow them to contribute to the crisis-resilient development of financial markets and to sustainable economic development at large. The program will enable them to be in a highly competitive position for rewarding jobs in the financial industry and in economic analysis, inter alia at commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, mortgage companies, central banks, finance ministries, regulatory authorities, legislative bodies and international organizations. Some program graduates may alternatively choose to pursue academic research in top-notch structured Ph.D. Programs in Economics or in Finance, such as those offered by the Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management at Goethe University, or a number of other highly reputed institutions in Europe or Northern America.

Experience Frankfurt

The M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program provides its participants with the opportunity to gain valuable experience outside of Vietnam through an optional "Experience Frankfurt" module.

The module offers students two main components: First, they will be able to engage in in-person interaction with the advisor of their Master thesis at Goethe University. Second, they will be able to take part in an introduction to major institutions of the German and European financial and monetary system located in Frankfurt. Frankfurt is not only home to two major central banks, the European Central Bank and the Deutsche Bundesbank, but is also home to the German Stock Exchange and a number of other German and international financial institutions that not only play an important national role, but also affect the development of international financial markets.

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We have designed the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics to draw upon faculty members’ active involvement in frontier research in finance, macroeconomics and applied econometrics, as well as their strong links to the broad range of premier financial and monetary institutions based in Frankfurt and beyond, including also the growing number of these in Vietnam. We aim to prepare our graduates to succeed in a highly competitive job market and to contribute substantively to the new phase of development of financial markets and of economic analysis in Vietnam.

Examination Registration

Examination Registration Sommersemester 2024

Schedule Exams First Year Sommersemester 2024

Other forms

  • Confirmation of Completion of  Independent Studies Course
  • GRADE-GSEFM Annual Progress Report  (Completion of Third-Year Research Paper Requirement and Progress Report for Subsequent Years)
  • GRADE-GSEFM Supervision Agreement   (Registration Supervisor)
  • Registration for MSQ in First Year
  • Registration for Ph.D. in First Year
  • Credit Transfer Request
  • TemplateResearchPresentation
  • Guidelines for Master Thesis
  • Guidelines for Ph.D. Thesis


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  • Fachbereich
  • Economic Policy and Quantitative Methods
  • Master Thesis

Master Thesis and Thesis Seminar

To complete your master studies you have to complete both the Master thesis and the Master Seminar.


  • To be eligible for the Master Thesis, you must have completed  at least 60CP

Finding an advisor

  • To find a thesis advisor, you must typically contact a professor yourself. It is sensible to choose an advisor, whose seminar you have attended. The thesis advisor can usually be  any member of the professor group


  • Master Thesis registration must be done with the examination office . To do so, please visit the examination office during their office hours.
  • There you will receive a form.  This form must be filled out and signed by your thesis advisor . The topic of the thesis must be written on the form. After your advisor signs the form, you must return it to the examination office  at the next possible office hour  for master students

Thesis submisson

  • You will have  18 weeks  to complete the Master Thesis. Please note that there are special office hours at the examination office for the thesis submission.

Supervisor Allocation Process at the Finance Department

  • The Finance Department allocates supervisors by application. This application process is independent of the examination office and does not replace the usual registration procedure. Please find more information on the Finance Department's website:

Further information on the Master Thesis can be found in §36 of the academic regulations (see  links and downloads ) and in the  examination office's instructions .

Please inquire detailed information on deadlines and the registration process in the course catalogue (QIS/ LSF) entry of the Thesis Seminar in each semester.

In order to complete your studies you must also complete  the Thesis Seminar along with your Master Thesis .

This means that you should hand in your Master Thesis in the  same semester  in which you participate in the Thesis Seminar. To ensure this, you have to  register your Master Thesis at least 18 weeks before the end of the semester . Therefore, it is not possible to start your thesis all year round, to ensure that you can participate in the thesis seminar.

The exact deadlines can be found in the QIS description of the Thesis Seminar.  Additionally, the examination office can provide more information on this matter.

Signing up for the Thesis Seminar

  • You need to  register for the Thesis Seminar separately at the beginning of each semester
  • In a first step, you will be asked to fill out a research registration form and in a second step to sign personally a registration list. You will find the deadlines and information on both registration steps in the QIS description of the Thesis Seminar for the semester in which you intend to write
  • Please note that the registration is possible even if you have not registered your Master Thesis yet. However, if you do not register your Master Thesis within the stated time frame, your Thesis Seminar registration will be void and you will have to repeat it next semester again

  • Study programmes
  • Graduation Thesis

Master Thesis

Topics and allocation.

The Master's theses in the Department of Marketing are assigned centrally.

You can find information on the assignment of the master theses here .

You can find the topics as well as the registration form here .

Important information about the procedure of master theses at the chair of Prof. Dr. T. Bornemann is available in the following PDF .

  • Bachelor of Science, Specialization area Finance & Accounting

Information about the specialization area Finance & Accounting

The specialization area "Finance & Accounting" is besides the specialization areas "Management" and "Economics" one of the three options of specialization in the Bachelor's program, which was introduced in the winter semester 2005/2006. Students can choose between those specialization areas after they have passed the orientation phase.

There are a number of good reasons to decide for a Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration majoring in "Finance & Accounting" at Goethe University. Our University has always been among the most prestigious universities in this field in Germany. The Accounting Department includes five full-time chairs. Thus the Goethe University has one of the largest accounting departments in the German-speaking world. The Department of Finance has ten full-time chairs. Furthermore, both departments have numerous honorary professors and guest lecturers, who complement the curriculum.

In the research both departments enjoy an excellent reputation. The scientists working in the Accounting Department publish books and articles about normative and interpretive problems of accounting, taxation and business valuation, about empirical, capital-market-oriented issues of accounting, as well as formal and conceptual works on internal corporate accounting. The scientists of the Department of Finance deal among other issues with pensions, banking, financial intermediation, credit management and credit markets, private equity, development finance, investment and portfolio management, real estate financing, as well as strategies of financial intermediaries. The articles appear often in the most prestigious national and international journals and the textbooks authored by members of the departments are often among the standard references of the respective area. The expertise of the professors working in the two departments is therefore appreciated at national and international committees and commissions and is often requested.

The close contact of the University to firms from the financial and accounting services industry, which are located in Frankfurt, the banking centre, makes precisely this major field of study so interesting for prospective students. Students can combine theory and practical experience not only in the courses of external professors and lecturers, but also in the context of numerous practical lectures, workshops, fireside evenings and other events. In addition, several companies also offer financial support opportunities for students. In this way the building of an individual network succeeds quickly and effectively.

The Bachelor’s program in Frankfurt is divided into six semesters. In the orientation section (first and second semester), students receive an introduction to the three specialization areas. In the third and fourth semesters the acquired information in the orientation section is engrossed in the form of compulsory modules, whereas students can choose optional modules in the following last two semesters which allows them to specialize in chosen focus.

In teaching the specialization area "Finance & Accounting" covers a wide spectrum of content and is represented in each study section. In the orientation section the lectures "Management Accounting" (Introduction to double-entry accounting) and "Finance 1" (basic concepts, such as the valuation of cash flows) are available. The third semester offers with the base modules "Cost and Activity Accounting" and "Finance 2" (financial instruments and financial markets) more foundations for later specialization. On the other hand, the second part of the qualification section (fourth semester) provides deeper insights in external accounting ("Financial Statements"). In the finance area the topic of capital structure will be taken up simultaneously with the lecture "Finance 3".

In the subsequent fifth and sixth semesters the students are offered a wide range of choice lectures in the specialization area "Finance & Accounting". The addressed issues are, among other, problems of the (international) group accounting, business valuation, business taxation, commercial and international banking, derivatives, risk management, as well as investment theory. The teaching is based always on theoretical knowledge, fosters critical discussion of problems and their solutions, and presents possibilities of practical implementation. The mandatory seminar in the fifth semester should serve as a possibility to prepare for the upcoming Bachelor thesis in the sixth semester.

More information about the bachelor's program can be found on the page of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

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  • English Version
  • Fachbereiche
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  • Master Thesis
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  • Fachbereich Medizin
  • M.SC. Molecular Medicine

During the master thesis students work on an individual scientific project from the field of molecular medicine for six months. Here, they will be able to put both their theoretical and laboratory experience acquired during the preceding courses into practice.

First, they thoroughly familiarize themselves with the background literature and the scientific question at hand. Together with their supervisor they write an outline defining the overall goal, milestones and how the scientific problem can be tackled technically. After the outline has been defined students work hands-on in the laboratory as independently as possible. Finally, they present the results orally and in writing in their master thesis.

The master thesis usually is performed in a laboratory at the Faculty of Medicine within the broader area of Molecular Medicine.

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  4. Fillable Online Guidelines for Master's Thesis Application

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  5. Goethe University Frankfurt Masters In Finance

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    master thesis goethe uni finance


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  3. Master Finance: FAQs answered by Patrick Krause (Executive Director)

  4. What Is a Thesis?

  5. GEMFIN Leadership Retreat in Saanen Gstaad (Master of Advanced Studies in Finance)

  6. Master Thesis: The Full Process For Profitable Customer Acquisition In DTC


  1. Fachbereich 02

    Master Theses. Master Thesis Application and Supervisor Allocation Process - Department of Finance. The matching of students and master thesis supervisors is conducted through a centralized process for all chairs within the finance department. The process is designed in order to achieve the best possible fit between student preferences and ...

  2. Fachbereich 02

    Topics. Currently, the House of Finance Chair of Sustainable Asset Management offers master thesis topics in four fields: asset management, information disclosure by firms and information demand by investors, empirical asset pricing, and textual analysis. All topics have an empirical part in which students should statistically analyze data to ...

  3. Fachbereich 02

    Master thesis. The assignment of master theses is done centrally within the department on two dates in year. These are usually the beginning of March and September. You should apply by those deadlines if you want to begin with the thesis in the next six months. The beginning date can be freely selected within this semester.

  4. Fachbereich 02

    Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions. Postal address: 60629 Frankfurt am Main Germany. For student requests: study[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de. For general requests: dekanat02[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

  5. Goethe-Universität

    Quantitative Finance specialize in asset pricing and corporate finance; ... second-year courses discuss how to carry out frontier research and that part of the second-year studies is to write a Master's thesis that involves work on a substantive research question. ... if you are not already enrolled at Goethe-University Frankfurt: university ...

  6. Fachbereich 02

    Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3 60629 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (0)69/798-34601

  7. Goethe-Universität

    Master of Science in Money, Macro and Finance. Duration. The standard length of study for the Master of Science degree is 4 semesters. Language of instruction. English. Start of the programme. The study program starts in the winter semester. Student advisory service. [email protected].

  8. Fachbereich 02

    Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions. Postal address: 60629 Frankfurt am Main Germany. For student requests: study[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de. For general requests: dekanat02[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

  9. Goethe Business School: Curriculum

    Semesters 1-3: Lectures on Friday afternoons (13:00 to 20:00) and Saturdays (9:00 to 17:00) on 8-10 weekends, final module exams included. Semester 4: Preparatory seminar in Austria and final master thesis; no regular presence on campus required. Given the program's specialization options and the modular structure of the curriculum, you can ...

  10. Goethe Business School: Format & Curriculum

    Within the optional "Experience Frankfurt" module of the program offered annually in early summer, students will have the opportunity to. conduct in-depth academic research at Goethe University institutes as part of their work on the Master thesis and maintain close personal contact with their Master thesis advisor

  11. Goethe-Universität

    How can I register for the Master thesis? You can find the formular to register for your MA Thesis here. Please send a copy of your formular to the Institute Study Administration ( [email protected]) and to the Prüfungsamt ( [email protected] ).

  12. Goethe Business School: Start

    The program is conducted in English, begins annually in the fall semester and can regularly be completed within four semesters. Graduates earn a "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) degree (120 ECTS CP) from the AACSB-accredited Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt. The program ensures top-notch teaching and is academically ...

  13. Finance

    The MSQ Program in Quantitative Finance is completed with a Master thesis written in the final months of the second year of studies. Ph.D. Program Structure. First Year. ... Due to technical problems, for the time being messages sent from e-mail servers of Goethe University may be rejected by Microsoft servers, including those for Hotmail, Live ...


    Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management . House of Finance, Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3 60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany . Please note: Due to technical problems, for the time being messages sent from e-mail servers of Goethe University may be rejected by Microsoft servers, including those for Hotmail, Live and ...

  15. Fachbereich 02

    The responsible advisor will get back to you with a suggestion for a first meeting. During this meeting you will discuss the subject and methodology of the master thesis. Please take the assignment form compiled by the examination office with you. It remains at the chair until your final registration for the master thesis.

  16. Goethe-Universität

    5. registration of the thesis. Finally, register your thesis with the Examination Office. The formalities are explained below. Who may supervise my thesis? Below you will find information on which groups of people are authorized to supervise theses. Please note that there are differences between the individual degree programs and study regulations.

  17. Fachbereich 02

    Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions. Postal address: 60629 Frankfurt am Main Germany. For student requests: study[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de. For general requests: dekanat02[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

  18. Goethe-Universität

    About the University; News-in-brief; University administration; Campus locations; Campus life; University archives (German) Rhine-Main-Universities; Services; Campuservice (host your event on campus) Jobs at Goethe University ; Job board for companies ; University Library; Student Life; Campus life; Life in Frankfurt; University Sport Centre ...

  19. Master Thesis

    Master Thesis. Requirements. To be eligible for the Master Thesis, you must have completed at least 60CP. Finding an advisor. To find a thesis advisor, you must typically contact a professor yourself. It is sensible to choose an advisor, whose seminar you have attended. The thesis advisor can usually be any member of the professor group.

  20. Fachbereich 02

    Master Thesis. Topics and Allocation. ... Goethe University Frankfurt Campus Westend - Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 Building Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 60323 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (0)69/798-34640 Fax: +49 (0)69/798-35001. Campus Plan Top-Links Course Catalogue ...

  21. Fachbereich 02

    Goethe-University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Accounting Department. Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany. Tel: (+49) - (0)69 - 798 34746 E-Mail

  22. Bachelor of Science, Specialization area Finance & Accounting

    There are a number of good reasons to decide for a Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration majoring in "Finance & Accounting" at Goethe University. Our University has always been among the most prestigious universities in this field in Germany. The Accounting Department includes five full-time chairs.

  23. Goethe-Universität

    Master Thesis. During the master thesis students work on an individual scientific project from the field of molecular medicine for six months. Here, they will be able to put both their theoretical and laboratory experience acquired during the preceding courses into practice. First, they thoroughly familiarize themselves with the background ...