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worldcat dissertation and theses

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

Contains records for over 5 million items cataloged as dissertations, theses, or published materials based on theses or dissertations, in WorldCat, including titles provided by NetLibrary. Allows users to quickly and efficiently retrieve records for theses and dissertations.

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

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WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

This subset of WorldCat contains records for over 5 million dissertations, theses, and published materials based on theses, mostly from U.S. schools  Dissertations & Theses  Multidisciplinary / Other  Abstracts & Indices

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Finding Dissertations and Theses

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Thousands of libraries may be searched from this one catalog; Interlibrary Loan requests can also be made.

WorldCat is OCLC's Online Union Catalog. It is the world's most comprehensive bibliography, with more than 33 million bibliographic records from libraries around the world. Use WorldCat to do a comprehensive search of published material, to verify citations, or to identify other libraries that own an item.

WorldCat is a global library catalog which allows you to search for materials cataloged in most libraries throughout the world.

Access WorldCat from the Resource Gateway on the IU Libraries homepage or go directly to WorldCat

WorldCat is useful in your dissertation and thesis search for two purposes. Use it to:

  • Verify and identify dissertations when you have only some bibliographic information.
  • Search for dissertations and theses from around the globe that are not found in ProQuest.

To limit by thesis/dissertation, enter your search terms and then specify “thesis/dissertation” in the Content Type box.

If you are interested in an item that isn’t available at IU, request from Interlibrary Loan by clicking “Request through ILL” in the full record for the item.

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  • Last Updated: Dec 7, 2023 4:47 PM
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University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for 20 simultaneous users.

For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial .

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Theses and Dissertations

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Author/Title Search

Find the dissertation written by Paul DeLaune in 2002 with the title: Development of a phosphorus index for pasture .

Search WorldCat by either author (i.e., DeLaune, Paul ) or title ( i.e., Development of a phosphorus index for pasture) or by author and title

Theses/Dissertations on a subject

Find theses/dissertations on the topic: year round schools in Arkansas

Choose a Keyword and enter the following search:   thesis and year round school* and Arkansas

Note: adding the word “ thesis" to a Keyword search will retrieve both theses and dissertations

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Finding Dissertations: Finding Dissertations in WorldCat

  • Finding Dissertations
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  • Finding Dissertations in WorldCat

How to find them in WorldCat

This example uses Educational Leadership as a subject, and then entered deg (the material type for a dissertation or thesis in WorldCat) and specified Material type with the pull down. This search finds over 14,000 items, over 3000 of them are available on the Internet. A lot of them have handles (links to items in repositories).

worldcat dissertation and theses

WorldCat Material Types

There are also material codes for items like dissertations and government documents that can be searched in WorldCat. 

  • Material Type names and codes
  • << Previous: Steps and Tips
  • Last Updated: Mar 12, 2021 5:21 PM
  • URL: https://wiu.libguides.com/findingdissertations

E-Books at the University of Dayton

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  • Print Books at UD
  • Getting Copies of Books & Chapters You Can't Find
  • Find Theses and Dissertations

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Finding Dissertations

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
  • Duquesne ETDs
  • Gumberg Library Classic Catalog
  • Subject-Specific Databases
  • By Country/Continent
  • ETD Preparation and Submission This link opens in a new window

WorldCat  is an online catalog that itemizes the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories which participate in the  Online Computer Library Cente r  (OCLC) global cooperative. It is built and maintained collectively by the participating libraries. It contains more than 300 million records, representing over 2 billion physical and digital assets in more than 470 languages, as of January 2014. It is the world's largest bibliographic database.  Source : Wikipedia

It contains the catalog records for  a large number of dissertations and theses, in various formats, held in libraries around the world, though it probably does not link to the full text of these items.

Click the image above to enter the database.

Enter WorldCat by clicking the image in the box above. This will take you to the Advanced Search Screen.

On the Advanced Search screen, enter your search terms in the appropriate search fields, then look on the right for the Format Menu box. Pop open the Format Menu and choose "Thesis/dissertations."

worldcat dissertation and theses

Then click Search. This will cause WorldCat to search only for dissertations and theses that match your search criteria.

ask gumberg

Button "Ask Gumberg" Click to Access

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  • Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024 9:44 AM
  • URL: https://guides.library.duq.edu/finding-dissertations

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Q. WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

  • 4 Audio Books
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  • 328 Databases
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  • 48 Newspapers & Magazines
  • 6 Off-Campus Access
  • 7 Scholarly Communications
  • 22 Search Strategies

Answered By: eTeam Support Last Updated: Apr 10, 2024     Views: 76

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses includes millions of records for all dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, including all subjects. Links to openly available electronic copies are provided when available. Use the "Libraries Worldwide" link to determine which libraries include the dissertation or thesis in their holdings.

Friendly URL : https://georgiasouthern.libguides.com/db_68719438

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Site search, top resources, all databases, theses and dissertations.

Print, microfilm, and digital theses and dissertations in our collections can be discovered in the main library catalog . To find digital full-text thesis and dissertations from U of I and around the world, use ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses Global database. All U of I ETD since 2015 are also available in our open access U of I Theses and Dissertations Digital Collection .

If you are looking for information about submitting your own ETD at U of I, please see COGS Thesis and Dissertation Resources .

ETD Databases

Browse theses and dissertations by subject:.

  • Agriculture
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WorldCat Dissertations and Theses (WorldCatDissertations)

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Why select this database?

This database provides fast and convenient access to the dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. Many theses are available electronically, at no charge, directly from the publishing institution.

Subjects included

All dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, on all subjects.

Database details

Database name WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
Short database name DIST
Available on New FirstSearch Production Server
Sources OCLC member libraries
Number of records 26,000,000+ records in the database
Coverage All cataloged dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses and dissertations to the present, including all document types.
Update frequency Diario
Producer OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

Index labels and search examples

Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. You can search with an index label from any search screen. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. The following examples show sample rather than actual searches.

Search indexes Etiquetas Ejemplos
Keyword kw: coffee or tea and house+

[keyword searches, publication year, ISBN, geographic codes, map data, and all the information found in the Author, Title, Notes, Publisher, Publisher location, and Subject indexes]
Access Method am: www oclc org [or] oclc

(omit https:, and use spaces instead of punctuation or special characters)
Accession Number no: 4620335

Autor au: saint-arroman

(use single quotes around 'le' and other words that are operators;

operators supported in FirstSearch: Boolean search operators, parentheses, proximity operators, wildcards; operators included are le, ge, it, gt, n, near, w, with, and, or, not)
Author Phrase au= saint-arroman auguste

(use double quotes around exact phrases; omit single quote from 'le' operator when the double quote is used to search for an exact phrase)
Corporate and Conference Name cn: canadian
Corporate and Conference Name Phrase cn= canadian acoustics week
Descriptor de: voice disorders
Descriptor Phrase de= voice disorders in children
Género/Forma ge: solo piano
Genre/Form Phrase ge= screenplays
Geographic Coverage gc: cape
Geographic Coverage Phrase gc= capetown
ISBN nb: 3196311821 or 31-9631-182-1

9783540287070 or 978-3-540287-07-0

(search with or without hyphens)
ISSN ns: 0000-0019

(use hyphens)
Language Phrase ln= kw:coffeehouse* and ln= japanese

(See the drop-down list under Limit to: Language for the complete list of languages.)
Library of Congress Call No. lc: hd9000.6

(index deletes and collapses all spaces and punctuation, except periods)
LC Control Number nl: ne64-2560 or ne64002560 or ne642560 or

64-2560 or 64002560 or 642560

(prefixes can be immediately connected to the number or removed; hyphens can be included or removed; the number is searchable as it is stored, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, or as it is often displayed, without zeros)
Tipo de material mt: vhs
Material Type Phrase mt= vhs tape
Musical Composition mc: jazz
Musical Composition Phrase mc= folk music
Named Corporation and Conference nc: world conference on women
Named Corporation and Conference Phrase nc= intel corporation
Named Person na: mandela
Named Person Phrase na= mandela, nelson

(last name first with first comma retained)
Notes/Comments (includes degree-granting institution) nt: erasmus universiteit rotterdam
Personal Name pn: lemaire
Personal Name Phrase pn= weijer, kees

(use last name first with or without the first comma retained)
Editorial pb: media
Publisher Phrase pb= new star media inc
Ubicación del editor pl: china
Título de la serie se: emb report
Series Title Phrase se= emb evaluation report
Standard Number sn: 1097461x or 1097-461x

9783540287070 or 978-3-540287-07-0

1550463160 or 155-0463-160


(for all searches, hyphens can be included in the search or removed; for the LCCN number, only the number used for storage, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, is indexed; many other standard numbers are included in this index)
Asunto su: coffee and tea house+
Subject Phrase su= coffeehouses in art
Subject All sa= medical fees canada

(phrase search of complete subject heading with all parts, so "medical fees--canada" is searched as a single phrase)
Título ti: music w3 british w3 enlightenment
Title Phrase ti= music theory in the british isles during the enlightenment
Título uniforme ut: bible
Uniform Title Phrase ut= selected poems 1930-1972
Update Date up: 20060101

Index use and structure

FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access them:

Índice Descripción Atributo de uso Estructura Atributo Indexed Data Source
Keyword (kw)* Cualquier


2 Fields found in the following indexes:

Author keyword

Title keyword




Place of publication


008 Date 1

008 Date 2



052/a & ab combined


Access Method (am)* OCLC Defined 1209
2 856/u
Access Restrictions OCLC Defined 5068 1,2 506/a,f
Accession Number (no) Control number-local 12

1,2 001

Language   (ln=)** Code-language 54 1, 2 008 <lang>


041/a if first indicator is zero
Notes/Comments (nt) Nota 63 2 500/a



















Material Type (mt)* material-type 1031 1,2 945/m,n,p,q
Place of Publication (pl) Name-geographic-place-publication 59 2 257/a




Publisher (pb) Name-publisher 1018 1,2 260/b,f


Update Date (up)* Update date 1012 2 005/00-07 "replaced"
Year of Publication

Date-publication 31 4,5 008


* Additional information on these indexes is given in the below.

** Language is searchable by language code or the English translation of the code. Additional information is given below the section.

Author Searches

Índice Descripción Atributo de uso Estructura Atributo Indexed Fields and Subfields
Author keyword (au) Author-name 1003 2 100/a,b,c,d,j,q,u



















Author Phrase (au=) Author-name 1003 1 100/a,b,c,d,j,q






Corporate and Conference Name (cn, cn=) Author-name-conference 1005

1, 2 110/a,b,c,d,e,n,u*



Personal Name (pn, pn=) Author-name-personal 1004 1, 2 100/a,b,c,d,j,q,u


* The 100/u, 110/e,u, 700/u and 710/e are only available in the keyword forms of their respective indexes.

Subject Heading Searches*

Índice Descripción Atributo de uso Estructura Atributo Indexed Fields and Subfields
Subject (su, su=) Asunto 21 1, 2 600/a,b,c,d,e,g,j,k,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,x,y,z









Descriptor (de, de=) OCLC Defined 5650 1, 2 600/x






653/a if 2nd indicator is 0

Geographic Coverage (gc, gc=) Name-geographic 58 1,2 042/a**








653/a if 2nd indicator is 5


Genre/Form (ge, ge=) OCLC Defined 5655 1,2 655/a,b,v








653/a if 2nd indicator is 6

Named Person (na, na=)*** Subject-name-personal 1009 1,2 600/a,b,c,d,j,q

653/a if 2nd indicator is 1
Named Conference and Corporation (nc, nc=) OCLC Defined 5610 1,2 610/a,b,c,d,n,p


653/a if 2nd indicator is 2 or 3
Subject All (sa=)
OCLC Defined 5090 1 600/a,b,c,d,e,g,j,k,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,x,y,z










* Additional information on these indexes is given in the Searching Tips below.

** 042/a is indexed as the English terms represented by the codes.

*** The first comma is retained as part of the search for this index only.

Each portion of the subject heading (e.g., subheading in 650/a,x,y,z) will be handled as a distinct phrase search. The suggested strategy in searching for records that contain those subheadings is to and those terms together.

Example:  650 ‡a Nuclear Power Plants ‡x Safety Measures is searched by entering:

nuclear power plants and safety measures.

The one exception to this is the Subject All index (use attribute 5090) For that index the above term would be searched as "nuclear power plants safety measures".

Title Searches

Índice Descripción Atributo de uso Estructura Atributo Indexed Fields and Subfields
Title keyword (ti) Título 4


2 031/d






























Title (ti=) Título 4

1 130/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t







Series (se, se=) Title-series 5 1, 2 440/a,n,p,v,x









Uniform Title (ut, ut=) Title-uniform 6 1, 2 130/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t







* The Title phrase search has the 245/a and 245/b subfields combined into a single phrase search with structure attribute 1.  These subfields (245/a, 245/b) can be searched as separate subfields also.

Classification Numbers and Specific Searches

Index* Descripción Atributo de uso Estructura Atributo Indexed Fields and Subfields
Standard Number (sn) Identifier-standard 1007 1,2 010/a,b,z




























ISSN (ns) Identifier-ISSN 8 1,2 022/a,y,z
ISBN (nb) Identifier-ISBN 7 1,2 020/a,z
LCCN (nl) Control number-LC 9 1 010/a,z

* All searches in the above table (Classification Numbers and Specific Searches) are explained further in the Searching Tips, in the Call Number Indexes and Known Item Searches sub-sections (see below).

Record display information

Marc fields.

The MARC records returned from this database will be the OCLC-MARC records as they were input into the system.

This database can have any valid MARC tag in it. Besides the valid MARC tags, the following FirstSearch Locally Defined fields also exist:

856 fields OCLC has added links to additional content such as cover art, table of contents, summaries and author notes.  These OCLC-created 856 fields include the following subfields:

856/u  URL to additional content

856/i  instructions in URL use

856/q  data type such as "ASCII," "GIF," etc.

856/x  "OCLC EC"

856/3  type of content such as "COVER ART," "TABLE OF CONTENTS," "MORE INFO," or "EXCERPTS"

  Evaluative content info in websites: OCLC created URLs contained in 856/u fields in full MARC syntax and under the label "Access:" in full SUTRS syntax will allow internet-based access to evaluative content (cover art, summaries, excerpts, author information, etc.) These URLs can be cut and pasted, or programmatically entered, into any browser supported by FirstSearch in order to gain access to the information. The URLs will time out after 7 days so if continued access is desired another search to receive and updated URL will need to be executed. The 856/i field is the indicator for information on the URL; because not all 856/u fields are additional evaluative content, the 856/i should be checked to be certain the 856/u link is truly a OCLC sourced link. The 856/i field contains instructions regarding the URL.

NetLibrary websites: All NetLibrary records have had additional 856 fields added that would authenticate a user's access to their library's NetLibrary book subscription, based on their FirstSearch authorization number. These 856 fields will have a subfield u with the URL and a subfield I with the instructions:

"Input this URL in a browser to view e-book from NetLibrary".

Note: Searching "NetLibrary" in the Access Method index can retrieve all NetLibrary books. All NetLibrary books that a FS user subscribes to can be searched by ANDing this to the library's holding symbol, assuming the library is cataloging their holdings on the OCLC WorldCat cataloging subsystem.

945/f Primary document type code
945/d Additional document type codes
945/m Material type code media/technology access
945/n Material type text media/technology access
945/p Material type code content
945/q Material type text content
945/r Music Composition code
945/s Music Composition text
947/g Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/a]
947/h Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/z]
947/m Number of holding library symbols connected to item
947/n Date added to a database
947/p Date last updated in Cataloging subsystem of WorldCat
947/s Indicator for My Library holdings.

This indicates if authorization number's institution has local holdings attached in OCLC WorldCat. "Y" is yes. "N" is no.

Library Holdings

Field 948/a gives the ISO country code information for each library holding the item. Additional detailed holdings information is available in .

949/i Document Types (repeating)
a = Articles, Chapters, or Papers
b = Books, Monographics, or Text
f = Material visual
h = Mapas
i = Archivo informático
j = Grabación de sonido
k = Score
m = Material de archivo
r = Continually updated resource
s = Serial, Journal, or Magazine
w = Internet Resources, primarily websites
b = Books, Monographic, or Text including articles and websites listed as text
f = Material visual
h = Mapas
l = Archivo informático
j = Grabaciones sonoras
k = Score
m = Material de archivo
s = Serial, Journal, or Magazine
g = Multiple types, includes more then one of the types listed above)


The following restrictors should be combined with search strings in WorldCat (using the Boolean operators AND or NOT) in cases where the search results would otherwise be too large and unmanageable.

Restrictor Tipo Input Atributo de uso Estructura Atributo MARC Tag
Year (yr) All years

Single year

Range of years

1999, or 2000



31 5 008 <date1>

Library group (cg) Number of
libraries with

2500 or more

2000 - 2499

1500 - 1999

1000 - 1499

900 - 999

800 - 899

700 - 799

600 - 699

500 - 599

400 - 499

300 - 399

200 - 299

150 - 199

100 - 149

75 - 99

50 - 74

25 - 49

10 - 24

5 - 9

2 - 4



500 or more

100 or more

50 or more

10 or more

5 or more



























5848 2 947/m
Library Holdings (li) all

Library Symbol

xxx (OCLC symbol for the library)**

2 948/h

* All restrictors are discussed in the searching tips.

** To find the OCLC symbol for an institution, please see the online version of .

Refine your results by adding these labels

Refine by Etiqueta Ejemplo
DLC restrictor dl: ti: anything and dl:y
Document type¹ bks (books) mix (mixed material) dt= (history and dt=map)
com (computer) rec (recordings)
map (maps) sco (scores)
vis (visual media) ser (serials)
url (internet resource) art (articles)
int (continually updated resource)  
Language² ln= ln=spa or ln=spanish
Library holdings³ li= li=ocl
Material type mt: or mt= history and mt=juvenile

history and mt=microform
Number of libraries cg: history and cg:31-
Year(s) of publication yr: yr:1996-1998

¹ Use these limits only in combination with another search statement. ² Valid values for the language limiter include both the MARC three-letter language code and the english spelling of a language. For example, Spanish can be searched using ln=spa or ln=spanish . ³ For a list of library symbols, visit the Directory of OCLC members .   4 A number of specific searches are available with the material type index can make an excellent method for limiting records. For a complete list of material type indexes see Material types .   5 For a complete list of codes for the Number of Libraries index, see Number of library holdings .

Search results in the WorldCat database can be sorted by Author (1003) and Title (4).

General punctuation rules

Omit accent marks and diacritics such as ¨ (umlaut) and ¸ (cedilla). Special characters should be replaced by a Romanized form of the character, such as u for hooked u and ss for ß (eszett).

Punctuation Rule Punctuation Rule
" (quote mark) Convert to a blank @ (commercial at) Convert to a blank
' (apostrophe) Indexed both as:

— delete and collapse

— convert to a blank
? (question mark) Convert to a blank
. (period) Convert to a blank, except when the first period in a class number search. / (slash) Convert to a blank except in Dewey call number search where it is deleted and collapsed.
, (comma) Convert to a blank. - (hyphen) Convert to a blank
; (semicolon) Convert to a blank & (ampersand) Retain and index
: (colon) Convert to a blank \ (backslash) Convert to a blank
() (parentheses) Delete and collapse © (copyright sign) Delete and collapse
<> (greater/less than signs) Convert to a blank ° (degree sign) Delete and collapse
{} (curly brackets) Convert to a blank € (Euro) Convert to a blank
[] (square brackets) Delete and collapse, retaining the data within except for [sic] and [i.e. any data following] Flat (musical) Convert to a blank
= (equal sign) Convert to a blank ¡ (inverted exclamation point) Convert to a blank
! (exclamation point) Convert to a blank ¿ (inverted question mark) Convert to a blank
# (number sign) Delete and collapse Phonograph copyright Delete and collapse
$ (dollar sign) Convert to a blank # (sharp — musical) Convert to a blank
% (percent sign) Convert to a blank Espacio Convert multiple spaces to a single space
* (asterisk) Convert to a blank ± (plus/minus sign) Convert to a blank
+ (plus sign) Convert to a blank _ (underscore) Convert to a blank
a an and are as at be but por for from
had have he her his in is it not of on
or that the this to was which with you    

Phrase indexes have no stopwords.

Some indexes will have exceptions to the list of stopwords. These differences are:

  • Author, Corporate and Conference Name, and Personal Names have no stopwords.
  • Place of Publication, Subjects, Geographic Coverage will not have the following stopwords: an, as, at, be, by, if, in, is, it, on, or, so, to.
  • Access Method has the stopwords above as well as http and https as stopwords.  

Searching tips

Keyword search.

The Keyword index for WorldCat uses attribute number 1016. The Keyword search finds information in the author, title, subject, notes, ISBN, year, year 2 and a few fields specific to the keyword search (034/a,b,d,e,f,g, 052/a,b, 255/a,b,c,d,e).

The Year data is indexed exactly as those indexes index the 008 data (see below). The ISBN is indexed as the data is indexed, without hyphens. However, any keyword search term that meets the characteristics of an ISBN and is entered with hyphens will be automatically concatenated by the search processor.

A geographic field found only in the keyword indexes is 052/a,b. This is a field useful to map catalogers. The 052/a field is indexed alone. Any records containing 052/b also indexes as 052/a concatenated together with 052/b without spaces, as a single word. So, a record with 052 #a 1234 #b P4 #b C2 is searchable as 1234, 1234p4, and 1234c2.

Subject Indexes

The Subject searches have many options. The types of data have been broken down to allow specific searches, such as Geographic Coverage (58) and Genre/form (5655), Named Person (1009), Named Corporation (5610) and Named Conference (5611). The Descriptor search (5650) includes only topical information.

Library Holdings Group

The library holdings group (use attribute 5848) limits a search by the most widely held items. Try using a rangeable search, such as 08, which would include all items held by 100 libraries or more. Different types of material will have different high-end levels for searching. If you searching for highly technical material, 50 libraries holding the item would be a large number. However, serial records and very popular works can be found in the rare "most held" group—31.  

Access Method/Internet Resources

The most direct search of internet resources is the Access Method search (use 5856) which searches the URLs in some WorldCat records. The characters between the punctuation in the URL are the "words" that are searched for. For example, http://www.oclc.org is searched by the "words" www, OCLC, and org. The most distinct term in the string is the most useful on which to search. All the stopwords apply to this index, plus two additional stopwords, "http" and "https".  

Known number indexes

ISBNs (use 7) remove and concatenate all punctuation including hyphens. However, a search can be entered with hyphens and get the appropriate ISBN records. Consider searching the ISBN using the Standard Number index (use 1007) instead of the ISBN only (use 7) index. The index with use 7 includes only data found in the 022 field, while the ISBNs for the electronic item are sometimes included in the 776/z field which is indexed with Standard Number (use 1007). To have all ISBNs included in the index use the Standard Number index. For both of these indexes, ISBNs can be successfully searched with or without hyphens.

LCCN or Library of Congress Control Numbers (use 9) have the numbers indexed without the hyphen. A user can search with the hyphen added or with the zero fill characters that is also used to store the number. So for example, sn92-1234 is indexed as sn921234 and 921234 and can be searched as 92-1234 or 92001234 or sn92-1234 or sn92001234.

The standard number index (use 1007) has ISBNs, ISSNs, LCCNs, and many other standard numbers. For all of these, all punctuation is removed and concatenated. For the LCCNs, only the stored number with the zeros is retained. Further, if there is an alphabetic prefix with three letters it is attached to the number. If there is an alphabetic prefix of one or two letters, it is not attached.  

Update Index

The update index (1012) gives the date on the MARC record as the date last updated in the OCLC WorldCat Cataloging System in the format YYYYMMDD. Since FirstSearch is a day or two behind the cataloging system, please take that into account. So, if a user searched on August 31, 2000 and wanted to retrieve only new or changed records a month later (October 1, 2000) the user would AND the previous search with the update index using "200009*". However, while this would retrieve all of September, to be complete the search "2000083*" would also need to be included.

Copyright information

Copyright © 1978-2018 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

OCLC staff occasionally hears from librarians who want to use Z39.50 access to the WorldCat database on the OCLC FirstSearch service for cataloging purposes. While use of Z39.50 for cataloging is available, only a cataloging authorization number can be used to catalog with Z39.50 access within the services agreements. OCLC does provide an extensive range of cataloging and metadata services for libraries, including Web and Z39.50 interfaces for cataloging.

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Why select this database?

This database provides fast and convenient access to the dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. Many theses are available electronically, at no charge, directly from the publishing institution.

Subjects included

All dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, on all subjects.

Database details

Database name WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
Short database name DIST
Available on New FirstSearch Production Server
Sources OCLC member libraries
Number of records 26,000,000+ records in the database
Copertura All cataloged dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses and dissertations to the present, including all document types.
Update frequency Giornaliero
Producer OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

Index labels and search examples

Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. You can search with an index label from any search screen. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. The following examples show sample rather than actual searches.

Search indexes Etichette Esempi
Parola chiave kw: coffee or tea and house+

[keyword searches, publication year, ISBN, geographic codes, map data, and all the information found in the Author, Title, Notes, Publisher, Publisher location, and Subject indexes]
Access Method am: www oclc org [or] oclc

(omit https:, and use spaces instead of punctuation or special characters)
Accession Number no: 4620335

Autore au: saint-arroman

(use single quotes around 'le' and other words that are operators;

operators supported in FirstSearch: Boolean search operators, parentheses, proximity operators, wildcards; operators included are le, ge, it, gt, n, near, w, with, and, or, not)
Author Phrase au= saint-arroman auguste

(use double quotes around exact phrases; omit single quote from 'le' operator when the double quote is used to search for an exact phrase)
Corporate and Conference Name cn: canadian
Corporate and Conference Name Phrase cn= canadian acoustics week
Descriptor de: voice disorders
Descriptor Phrase de= voice disorders in children
Genere/Forma ge: solo piano
Genre/Form Phrase ge= screenplays
Geographic Coverage gc: cape
Geographic Coverage Phrase gc= capetown
ISBN nb: 3196311821 or 31-9631-182-1

9783540287070 or 978-3-540287-07-0

(search with or without hyphens)
ISSN ns: 0000-0019

(use hyphens)
Language Phrase ln= kw:coffeehouse* and ln= japanese

(See the drop-down list under Limit to: Language for the complete list of languages.)
Library of Congress Call No. lc: hd9000.6

(index deletes and collapses all spaces and punctuation, except periods)
LC Control Number nl: ne64-2560 or ne64002560 or ne642560 or

64-2560 or 64002560 or 642560

(prefixes can be immediately connected to the number or removed; hyphens can be included or removed; the number is searchable as it is stored, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, or as it is often displayed, without zeros)
Tipo di materiale mt: vhs
Material Type Phrase mt= vhs tape
Musical Composition mc: jazz
Musical Composition Phrase mc= folk music
Named Corporation and Conference nc: world conference on women
Named Corporation and Conference Phrase nc= intel corporation
Named Person na: mandela
Named Person Phrase na= mandela, nelson

(last name first with first comma retained)
Notes/Comments (includes degree-granting institution) nt: erasmus universiteit rotterdam
Personal Name pn: lemaire
Personal Name Phrase pn= weijer, kees

(use last name first with or without the first comma retained)
Editore pb: media
Publisher Phrase pb= new star media inc
Posizione dell'editore pl: china
Titolo della serie se: emb report
Series Title Phrase se= emb evaluation report
Standard Number sn: 1097461x or 1097-461x

9783540287070 or 978-3-540287-07-0

1550463160 or 155-0463-160


(for all searches, hyphens can be included in the search or removed; for the LCCN number, only the number used for storage, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, is indexed; many other standard numbers are included in this index)
Oggetto su: coffee and tea house+
Subject Phrase su= coffeehouses in art
Subject All sa= medical fees canada

(phrase search of complete subject heading with all parts, so "medical fees--canada" is searched as a single phrase)
Titolo ti: music w3 british w3 enlightenment
Title Phrase ti= music theory in the british isles during the enlightenment
Titolo uniforme ut: bible
Uniform Title Phrase ut= selected poems 1930-1972
Update Date up: 20060101

Index use and structure

FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access them:

Indice Descrizione Utilizzare l'attributo Attributo della struttura Indexed Data Source
Keyword (kw)* Qualsiasi


2 Fields found in the following indexes:

Author keyword

Title keyword




Place of publication


008 Date 1

008 Date 2



052/a & ab combined


Access Method (am)* OCLC Defined 1209
2 856/u
Access Restrictions OCLC Defined 5068 1,2 506/a,f
Accession Number (no) Control number-local 12

1,2 001

Language   (ln=)** Code-language 54 1, 2 008 <lang>


041/a if first indicator is zero
Notes/Comments (nt) Nota 63 2 500/a



















Material Type (mt)* material-type 1031 1,2 945/m,n,p,q
Place of Publication (pl) Name-geographic-place-publication 59 2 257/a




Publisher (pb) Name-publisher 1018 1,2 260/b,f


Update Date (up)* Update date 1012 2 005/00-07 "replaced"
Year of Publication

Date-publication 31 4,5 008


* Additional information on these indexes is given in the below.

** Language is searchable by language code or the English translation of the code. Additional information is given below the section.

Author Searches

Indice Descrizione Utilizzare l'attributo Attributo della struttura Indexed Fields and Subfields
Author keyword (au) Author-name 1003 2 100/a,b,c,d,j,q,u



















Author Phrase (au=) Author-name 1003 1 100/a,b,c,d,j,q






Corporate and Conference Name (cn, cn=) Author-name-conference 1005

1, 2 110/a,b,c,d,e,n,u*



Personal Name (pn, pn=) Author-name-personal 1004 1, 2 100/a,b,c,d,j,q,u


* The 100/u, 110/e,u, 700/u and 710/e are only available in the keyword forms of their respective indexes.

Subject Heading Searches*

Indice Descrizione Utilizzare l'attributo Attributo della struttura Indexed Fields and Subfields
Subject (su, su=) Oggetto 21 1, 2 600/a,b,c,d,e,g,j,k,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,x,y,z









Descriptor (de, de=) OCLC Defined 5650 1, 2 600/x






653/a if 2nd indicator is 0

Geographic Coverage (gc, gc=) Name-geographic 58 1,2 042/a**








653/a if 2nd indicator is 5


Genre/Form (ge, ge=) OCLC Defined 5655 1,2 655/a,b,v








653/a if 2nd indicator is 6

Named Person (na, na=)*** Subject-name-personal 1009 1,2 600/a,b,c,d,j,q

653/a if 2nd indicator is 1
Named Conference and Corporation (nc, nc=) OCLC Defined 5610 1,2 610/a,b,c,d,n,p


653/a if 2nd indicator is 2 or 3
Subject All (sa=)
OCLC Defined 5090 1 600/a,b,c,d,e,g,j,k,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,x,y,z










* Additional information on these indexes is given in the Searching Tips below.

** 042/a is indexed as the English terms represented by the codes.

*** The first comma is retained as part of the search for this index only.

Each portion of the subject heading (e.g., subheading in 650/a,x,y,z) will be handled as a distinct phrase search. The suggested strategy in searching for records that contain those subheadings is to and those terms together.

Example:  650 ‡a Nuclear Power Plants ‡x Safety Measures is searched by entering:

nuclear power plants and safety measures.

The one exception to this is the Subject All index (use attribute 5090) For that index the above term would be searched as "nuclear power plants safety measures".

Title Searches

Indice Descrizione Utilizzare l'attributo Attributo della struttura Indexed Fields and Subfields
Title keyword (ti) Titolo 4


2 031/d






























Title (ti=) Titolo 4

1 130/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t







Series (se, se=) Title-series 5 1, 2 440/a,n,p,v,x









Uniform Title (ut, ut=) Title-uniform 6 1, 2 130/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t







* The Title phrase search has the 245/a and 245/b subfields combined into a single phrase search with structure attribute 1.  These subfields (245/a, 245/b) can be searched as separate subfields also.

Classification Numbers and Specific Searches

Index* Descrizione Utilizzare l'attributo Attributo della struttura Indexed Fields and Subfields
Standard Number (sn) Identifier-standard 1007 1,2 010/a,b,z




























ISSN (ns) Identifier-ISSN 8 1,2 022/a,y,z
ISBN (nb) Identifier-ISBN 7 1,2 020/a,z
LCCN (nl) Control number-LC 9 1 010/a,z

* All searches in the above table (Classification Numbers and Specific Searches) are explained further in the Searching Tips, in the Call Number Indexes and Known Item Searches sub-sections (see below).

Record display information

Marc fields.

The MARC records returned from this database will be the OCLC-MARC records as they were input into the system.

This database can have any valid MARC tag in it. Besides the valid MARC tags, the following FirstSearch Locally Defined fields also exist:

856 fields OCLC has added links to additional content such as cover art, table of contents, summaries and author notes.  These OCLC-created 856 fields include the following subfields:

856/u  URL to additional content

856/i  instructions in URL use

856/q  data type such as "ASCII," "GIF," etc.

856/x  "OCLC EC"

856/3  type of content such as "COVER ART," "TABLE OF CONTENTS," "MORE INFO," or "EXCERPTS"

  Evaluative content info in websites: OCLC created URLs contained in 856/u fields in full MARC syntax and under the label "Access:" in full SUTRS syntax will allow internet-based access to evaluative content (cover art, summaries, excerpts, author information, etc.) These URLs can be cut and pasted, or programmatically entered, into any browser supported by FirstSearch in order to gain access to the information. The URLs will time out after 7 days so if continued access is desired another search to receive and updated URL will need to be executed. The 856/i field is the indicator for information on the URL; because not all 856/u fields are additional evaluative content, the 856/i should be checked to be certain the 856/u link is truly a OCLC sourced link. The 856/i field contains instructions regarding the URL.

NetLibrary websites: All NetLibrary records have had additional 856 fields added that would authenticate a user's access to their library's NetLibrary book subscription, based on their FirstSearch authorization number. These 856 fields will have a subfield u with the URL and a subfield I with the instructions:

"Input this URL in a browser to view e-book from NetLibrary".

Note: Searching "NetLibrary" in the Access Method index can retrieve all NetLibrary books. All NetLibrary books that a FS user subscribes to can be searched by ANDing this to the library's holding symbol, assuming the library is cataloging their holdings on the OCLC WorldCat cataloging subsystem.

945/f Primary document type code
945/d Additional document type codes
945/m Material type code media/technology access
945/n Material type text media/technology access
945/p Material type code content
945/q Material type text content
945/r Music Composition code
945/s Music Composition text
947/g Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/a]
947/h Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/z]
947/m Number of holding library symbols connected to item
947/n Date added to a database
947/p Date last updated in Cataloging subsystem of WorldCat
947/s Indicator for My Library holdings.

This indicates if authorization number's institution has local holdings attached in OCLC WorldCat. "Y" is yes. "N" is no.

Library Holdings

Field 948/a gives the ISO country code information for each library holding the item. Additional detailed holdings information is available in .

949/i Document Types (repeating)
a = Articles, Chapters, or Papers
b = Books, Monographics, or Text
f = Materiale visivo
h = Mappe
i = File del computer
j = Registrazione del suono
k = Score
m = Materiale d'archivio
r = Continually updated resource
s = Serial, Journal, or Magazine
w = Internet Resources, primarily websites
b = Books, Monographic, or Text including articles and websites listed as text
f = Materiale visivo
h = Mappe
l = File del computer
j = Registrazioni sonore
k = Score
m = Materiale d'archivio
s = Serial, Journal, or Magazine
g = Multiple types, includes more then one of the types listed above)


The following restrictors should be combined with search strings in WorldCat (using the Boolean operators AND or NOT) in cases where the search results would otherwise be too large and unmanageable.

Restrictor Tipo Input Utilizzare l'attributo Attributo della struttura MARC Tag
Year (yr) All years

Single year

Range of years

1999, or 2000



31 5 008 <date1>

Library group (cg) Number of
libraries with

2500 or more

2000 - 2499

1500 - 1999

1000 - 1499

900 - 999

800 - 899

700 - 799

600 - 699

500 - 599

400 - 499

300 - 399

200 - 299

150 - 199

100 - 149

75 - 99

50 - 74

25 - 49

10 - 24

5 - 9

2 - 4



500 or more

100 or more

50 or more

10 or more

5 or more



























5848 2 947/m
Library Holdings (li) all

Library Symbol

xxx (OCLC symbol for the library)**

2 948/h

* All restrictors are discussed in the searching tips.

** To find the OCLC symbol for an institution, please see the online version of .

Refine your results by adding these labels

Refine by Etichetta Esempio
DLC restrictor dl: ti: anything and dl:y
Document type¹ bks (books) mix (mixed material) dt= (history and dt=map)
com (computer) rec (recordings)
map (maps) sco (scores)
vis (visual media) ser (serials)
url (internet resource) art (articles)
int (continually updated resource)  
Language² ln= ln=spa or ln=spanish
Library holdings³ li= li=ocl
Material type mt: or mt= history and mt=juvenile

history and mt=microform
Number of libraries cg: history and cg:31-
Year(s) of publication yr: yr:1996-1998

¹ Use these limits only in combination with another search statement. ² Valid values for the language limiter include both the MARC three-letter language code and the english spelling of a language. For example, Spanish can be searched using ln=spa or ln=spanish . ³ For a list of library symbols, visit the Directory of OCLC members .   4 A number of specific searches are available with the material type index can make an excellent method for limiting records. For a complete list of material type indexes see Material types .   5 For a complete list of codes for the Number of Libraries index, see Number of library holdings .

Search results in the WorldCat database can be sorted by Author (1003) and Title (4).

General punctuation rules

Omit accent marks and diacritics such as ¨ (umlaut) and ¸ (cedilla). Special characters should be replaced by a Romanized form of the character, such as u for hooked u and ss for ß (eszett).

Punctuation Rule Punctuation Rule
" (quote mark) Convert to a blank @ (commercial at) Convert to a blank
' (apostrophe) Indexed both as:

— delete and collapse

— convert to a blank
? (question mark) Convert to a blank
. (period) Convert to a blank, except when the first period in a class number search. / (slash) Convert to a blank except in Dewey call number search where it is deleted and collapsed.
, (comma) Convert to a blank. - (hyphen) Convert to a blank
; (semicolon) Convert to a blank & (ampersand) Retain and index
: (colon) Convert to a blank \ (backslash) Convert to a blank
() (parentheses) Delete and collapse © (copyright sign) Delete and collapse
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Phrase indexes have no stopwords.

Some indexes will have exceptions to the list of stopwords. These differences are:

  • Author, Corporate and Conference Name, and Personal Names have no stopwords.
  • Place of Publication, Subjects, Geographic Coverage will not have the following stopwords: an, as, at, be, by, if, in, is, it, on, or, so, to.
  • Access Method has the stopwords above as well as http and https as stopwords.  

Searching tips

Keyword search.

The Keyword index for WorldCat uses attribute number 1016. The Keyword search finds information in the author, title, subject, notes, ISBN, year, year 2 and a few fields specific to the keyword search (034/a,b,d,e,f,g, 052/a,b, 255/a,b,c,d,e).

The Year data is indexed exactly as those indexes index the 008 data (see below). The ISBN is indexed as the data is indexed, without hyphens. However, any keyword search term that meets the characteristics of an ISBN and is entered with hyphens will be automatically concatenated by the search processor.

A geographic field found only in the keyword indexes is 052/a,b. This is a field useful to map catalogers. The 052/a field is indexed alone. Any records containing 052/b also indexes as 052/a concatenated together with 052/b without spaces, as a single word. So, a record with 052 #a 1234 #b P4 #b C2 is searchable as 1234, 1234p4, and 1234c2.

Subject Indexes

The Subject searches have many options. The types of data have been broken down to allow specific searches, such as Geographic Coverage (58) and Genre/form (5655), Named Person (1009), Named Corporation (5610) and Named Conference (5611). The Descriptor search (5650) includes only topical information.

Library Holdings Group

The library holdings group (use attribute 5848) limits a search by the most widely held items. Try using a rangeable search, such as 08, which would include all items held by 100 libraries or more. Different types of material will have different high-end levels for searching. If you searching for highly technical material, 50 libraries holding the item would be a large number. However, serial records and very popular works can be found in the rare "most held" group—31.  

Access Method/Internet Resources

The most direct search of internet resources is the Access Method search (use 5856) which searches the URLs in some WorldCat records. The characters between the punctuation in the URL are the "words" that are searched for. For example, http://www.oclc.org is searched by the "words" www, OCLC, and org. The most distinct term in the string is the most useful on which to search. All the stopwords apply to this index, plus two additional stopwords, "http" and "https".  

Known number indexes

ISBNs (use 7) remove and concatenate all punctuation including hyphens. However, a search can be entered with hyphens and get the appropriate ISBN records. Consider searching the ISBN using the Standard Number index (use 1007) instead of the ISBN only (use 7) index. The index with use 7 includes only data found in the 022 field, while the ISBNs for the electronic item are sometimes included in the 776/z field which is indexed with Standard Number (use 1007). To have all ISBNs included in the index use the Standard Number index. For both of these indexes, ISBNs can be successfully searched with or without hyphens.

LCCN or Library of Congress Control Numbers (use 9) have the numbers indexed without the hyphen. A user can search with the hyphen added or with the zero fill characters that is also used to store the number. So for example, sn92-1234 is indexed as sn921234 and 921234 and can be searched as 92-1234 or 92001234 or sn92-1234 or sn92001234.

The standard number index (use 1007) has ISBNs, ISSNs, LCCNs, and many other standard numbers. For all of these, all punctuation is removed and concatenated. For the LCCNs, only the stored number with the zeros is retained. Further, if there is an alphabetic prefix with three letters it is attached to the number. If there is an alphabetic prefix of one or two letters, it is not attached.  

Update Index

The update index (1012) gives the date on the MARC record as the date last updated in the OCLC WorldCat Cataloging System in the format YYYYMMDD. Since FirstSearch is a day or two behind the cataloging system, please take that into account. So, if a user searched on August 31, 2000 and wanted to retrieve only new or changed records a month later (October 1, 2000) the user would AND the previous search with the update index using "200009*". However, while this would retrieve all of September, to be complete the search "2000083*" would also need to be included.

Copyright information

Copyright © 1978-2018 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

OCLC staff occasionally hears from librarians who want to use Z39.50 access to the WorldCat database on the OCLC FirstSearch service for cataloging purposes. While use of Z39.50 for cataloging is available, only a cataloging authorization number can be used to catalog with Z39.50 access within the services agreements. OCLC does provide an extensive range of cataloging and metadata services for libraries, including Web and Z39.50 interfaces for cataloging.

Karl Marx 1845

Theses On Feuerbach

Written : by Marx in Brussels in the spring of 1845, under the title “1) ad Feuerbach”; Marx’s original text was first published in 1924, in German and in Russian translation, by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism in Marx-Engels Archives, Book I, Moscow. The English translation was first published in the Lawrence and Wishart edition of The German Ideology   in 1938. The most widely known version of the Theses is that based on Engels’ edited version, published as an appendix to his Ludwig Feuerbach in 1888, where he gave it the title Theses on Feuerbach ; Translated : by Cyril Smith 2002, based on work done jointly with Don Cuckson.

The main defect of all hitherto-existing materialism — that of Feuerbach included — is that the Object [ der Gegenstand ] , actuality, sensuousness, are conceived only in the form of the object [ Objekts ] , or of contemplation [ Anschauung ] , but not as human sensuous activity, practice [ Praxis ] , not subjectively. Hence it happened that the active side, in opposition to materialism, was developed by idealism — but only abstractly, since, of course, idealism does not know real, sensuous activity as such. Feuerbach wants sensuous objects [ Objekte ] , differentiated from thought-objects, but he does not conceive human activity itself as objective [ gegenst�ndliche ] activity. In The Essence of Christianity [ Das Wesen des Christenthums ] , he therefore regards the theoretical attitude as the only genuinely human attitude, while practice [ Praxis ] is conceived and defined only in its dirty-Jewish form of appearance [ Erscheinungsform ] [1] . Hence he does not grasp the significance of ‘revolutionary’, of ‘practical-critical’, activity.

The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question. Man must prove the truth, i.e. , the reality and power, the this-sidedness [ Diesseitigkeit ] of his thinking, in practice. The dispute over the reality or non-reality of thinking which is isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question.

The materialist doctrine that men are products of circumstances and upbringing, and that, therefore, changed men are products of changed circumstances and changed upbringing, forgets that it is men who change circumstances and that the educator must himself be educated. Hence this doctrine is bound to divide society into two parts, one of which is superior to society. The coincidence of the changing of circumstances and of human activity or self-change [ Selbstver�nderung ] can be conceived and rationally understood only as revolutionary practice .

Feuerbach starts off from the fact of religious self-estrangement [ Selbstentfremdung ] , of the duplication of the world into a religious, imaginary world, and a secular [ weltliche ] one. His work consists in resolving the religious world into its secular basis. He overlooks the fact that after completing this work, the chief thing still remains to be done. For the fact that the secular basis lifts off from itself and establishes itself in the clouds as an independent realm can only be explained by the inner strife and intrinsic contradictoriness of this secular basis. The latter must itself be understood in its contradiction and then, by the removal of the contradiction, revolutionised. Thus, for instance, once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the holy family, the former must itself be annihilated [ vernichtet ] theoretically and practically.

Feuerbach, not satisfied with abstract thinking , wants sensuous contemplation [ Anschauung ] ; but he does not conceive sensuousness as practical , human-sensuous activity.

Feuerbach resolves the essence of religion into the essence of man [ menschliche Wesen = ‘human nature’] . But the essence of man is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In reality, it is the ensemble of the social relations. Feuerbach, who does not enter upon a criticism of this real essence is hence obliged:

1. To abstract from the historical process and to define the religious sentiment regarded by itself, and to presuppose an abstract — isolated - human individual.

2. The essence therefore can by him only be regarded as ‘species’, as an inner ‘dumb’ generality which unites many individuals only in a natural way.

Feuerbach consequently does not see that the ‘religious sentiment’ is itself a social product , and that the abstract individual that he analyses belongs in reality to a particular social form.

All social life is essentially practical . All mysteries which lead theory to mysticism find their rational solution in human practice and in the comprehension of this practice.

The highest point reached by contemplative [ anschauende ] materialism, that is, materialism which does not comprehend sensuousness as practical activity, is the contemplation of single individuals and of civil society [ b�rgerlichen Gesellschaft ] .

The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society; the standpoint of the new is human society or social humanity.

Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.

1. “Dirty-Jewish” — according to Marhsall Berman, this is an allusion to the Jewish God of the Old Testament, who had to ‘get his hands dirty’ making the world, tied up with a symbolic contrast between the Christian God of the Word, and the God of the Deed, symbolising practical life. See The Significance of the Creation in Judaism , Essence of Christianity 1841

Deutsch | 1938 translation of Marx’s original | 1969 Selected Works translation | Engels’ 1888 version

Marx/Engels Works Archive | Study Guide | Engels on Feuerbach | Image of Thesis 11 | Works Index

Theses On Feuerbach 1938 translation of Marx’s original

Source : MECW Volume 5, p. 3; Written : by Marx in Brussels in the spring of 1845, under the title “1) ad Feuerbach”; This version was first published in 1924 — in German and in Russian — by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism in Marx-Engels Archives, Book I, Moscow. First Published : the English translation was first published in the Lawrence and Wishart edition of The German Ideology in 1938.

1) ad Feuerbach [1] 1

The chief defect of all previous materialism (that of Feuerbach included) is that things [ Gegenstand ], reality, sensuousness are conceived only in the form of the object, or of contemplation , but not as sensuous human activity, practice , not subjectively. Hence, in contradistinction to materialism, the active side was set forth abstractly by idealism — which, of course, does not know real, sensuous activity as such. Feuerbach wants sensuous objects, really distinct from conceptual objects, but he does not conceive human activity itself as objective activity. In Das Wesen des Christenthums , he therefore regards the theoretical attitude as the only genuinely human attitude, while practice is conceived and defined only in its dirty-Jewish form of appearance [2] . Hence he does not grasp the significance of “revolutionary”, of “practical-critical”, activity.

The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question. Man must prove the truth, i.e., the reality and power, the this-worldliness of his thinking in practice. The dispute over the reality or non-reality of thinking which is isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question.

The materialist doctrine concerning the changing of circumstances and upbringing forgets that circumstances are changed by men and that the educator must himself be educated. This doctrine must, therefore, divide society into two parts, one of which is superior to society.

The coincidence of the changing of circumstances and of human activity or self-change can be conceived and rationally understood only as revolutionary practice.

Feuerbach starts out from the fact of religious self-estrangement, of the duplication of the world into a religious world and a secular one. His work consists in resolving the religious world into its secular basis. But that the secular basis lifts off from itself and establishes itself as an independent realm in the clouds can only be explained by the inner strife and intrinsic contradictoriness of this secular basis. The latter must, therefore, itself be both understood in its contradiction and revolutionised in practice. Thus, for instance, once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the holy family, the former must then itself be destroyed in theory and in practice.

Feuerbach, not satisfied with abstract thinking , wants [ sensuous ] contemplation ; but he does not conceive sensuousness as practical , human-sensuous activity.

Feuerbach resolves the essence of religion into the essence of man . But the essence of man is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In its reality it is the ensemble of the social relations.

Feuerbach, who does not enter upon a criticism of this real essence, is hence obliged:

1. To abstract from the historical process and to define the religious sentiment [ Gem�t ] by itself, and to presuppose an abstract — isolated — human individual.

2. Essence, therefore, can be regarded only as “species”, as an inner, mute, general character which unites the many individuals in a natural way .

Feuerbach, consequently, does not see that the “religious sentiment” is itself a social product, and that the abstract individual which he analyses belongs to a particular form of society.

All social life is essentially practical . All mysteries which lead theory to mysticism find their rational solution in human practice and in the comprehension of this practice.

The highest point reached by contemplative materialism, that is, materialism which does not comprehend sensuousness as practical activity, is the contemplation of single individuals and of civil society.

The standpoint of the old materialism is “civil” society; the standpoint of the new is human society, or social humanity.

The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.

Deutsch | 1969 Selected Works translation | 2002 translation of Marx’s original | MECW translation of Engels’ 1888 version

Marx/Engels Works Archive | Study Guide | Engels on Feuerbach | Image of Thesis 11 | Works Index


  1. WorldCat Dissertations and Theses (WorldCatDissertations)

    WorldCat Dissertations and Theses: Short database name: DIST: Available on: New FirstSearch Production Server: Sources: OCLC member libraries: Number of records: 26,000,000+ records in the database: Coverage: All cataloged dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses and dissertations to the present, including all document types.

  2. WorldCat dissertations and theses

    WorldCat dissertations and theses. Author: OCLC. Summary:"This database provides fast and convenient access to the dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. Many theses are available electronically, at no charge, directly from the publishing institution." Website, Multiple Languages, 2006-. Publisher:OCLC, Dublin, Ohio, 2006-.

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  4. WorldCat dissertations and theses

    WorldCat dissertations and theses. Summary: Access to the dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. Many theses are available electronically, at no charge, directly from the publishing institution. Over 5 million records. Computer Program, English, 2000. Publisher: OCLC, 2000.

  5. WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

    WorldCat Dissertations and Theses. Contains records for over 5 million items cataloged as dissertations, theses, or published materials based on theses or dissertations, in WorldCat, including titles provided by NetLibrary. Allows users to quickly and efficiently retrieve records for theses and dissertations.

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    WorldCat Dissertations and Theses. All dissertations, theses and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, including all subjects. Direct Link. General Reference & Research Help.

  7. WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

    Fuller Library > Database Items > Abstracts & Indices > WorldCat Dissertations and Theses. November 5, 2015 Library Systems. This subset of WorldCat contains records for over 5 million dissertations, theses, and published materials based on theses, mostly from U.S. schools Dissertations & Theses Multidisciplinary / Other Abstracts & Indices.

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  11. Finding Dissertations in WorldCat

    Information for finding and accessing dissertations and theses. Home; Finding Dissertations; ... This example uses Educational Leadership as a subject, and then entered deg (the material type for a dissertation or thesis in WorldCat) and specified Material type with the pull down. This search finds over 14,000 items, over 3000 of them are ...

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    Many UD theses and dissertations have been digitized and are now freely available in UD's open-access institutional repository, eCommons. ... WorldCat Dissertations and Theses This link opens in a new window. Contains a catalog of dissertations, theses and published material based on theses and dissertations. This catalog is created by OCLC ...

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    WorldCat Dissertations and Theses includes millions of records for all dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, including all subjects. Links to openly available electronic copies are provided when available. Use the "Libraries Worldwide" link to determine which libraries include the dissertation or thesis in their holdings.

  15. University of Idaho Library

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  16. WorldCat Dissertations and Theses (WorldCatDissertations)

    WorldCat Dissertations and Theses: Short database name: DIST: Available on: New FirstSearch Production Server: Sources: OCLC member libraries: Number of records: 26,000,000+ records in the database: Coverage: All cataloged dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses and dissertations to the present, including all document types.

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  22. Theses On Feuerbach by Karl Marx

    Theses On Feuerbach. Written: by Marx in Brussels in the spring of 1845, under the title "1) ad Feuerbach"; Marx's original text was first published in 1924, in German and in Russian translation, by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism in Marx-Engels Archives, Book I, Moscow. The English translation was first published in the Lawrence and ...

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    WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online.


    The dissertation also has practical applications in academic research, in the preparation of general and specialized works on the history of the Soviet (Russian) justice, especially in the period 1941-45. The material and results of the thesis can even be used in the drafting of textbooks and courses on the history of the Great

  25. Theses On Feuerbach by Karl Marx

    Theses On Feuerbach1938 translation of Marx's original. This version was first published in 1924 — in German and in Russian — by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism in Marx-Engels Archives, Book I, Moscow. First Published: the English translation was first published in the Lawrence and Wishart edition of The German Ideology in 1938.