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If you haven't played Mystic Messenger completely, you might read something that will reveal to you the complete story of the game. So please pay attention!


Throughout the events of Mystic Messenger , there are several endings in each character's specific route. Depending on the choices of the player made within the ten days prior to the 11th Day, the player can obtain either a Good Ending , Normal Ending , one of three Bad Story Endings , or one of two Bad Relationship Endings .

When the player reaches the 11th Day, the number of guests who attend the party on that day will be the determinant of whether the player gets the Good Ending, or the Normal Ending.

Once the player has obtained the Good Ending of a character's route, they will be able to unlock that specific character's After Ending for 50 hourglasses .

See also: Chat room timings

  • 1 Prologue: Bad Ending
  • 2 Casual Story: Day 5 Bad Ending
  • 3 Yoosung's Route
  • 4 Zen's Route
  • 5 Jaehee's Route
  • 6 Deep Story: Day 5 Bad Ending
  • 7 Jumin's Route
  • 8 707's Route
  • 9 Another Story: Bad Endings
  • 10 V's Route
  • 11 Ray/Saeran's Route
  • 12 Christmas Special 2016 DLC
  • 13 Valentine's Day After Ending
  • 14 April Fool's DLC
  • 15 Ray's After Ending

Prologue: Bad Ending

Prologue Bad1

When Unknown first sends the player to an apartment at the start of the game, the player insists that there is no password lock. Unknown loses his patience and confronts her, asking if she is going to continue to lie to him. He approaches the player from outside of the apartment, having been there the entire time watching the player, and since his plan failed, he has no other option than to kidnap the player and bring her to Mint Eye to re-educate her.

Requirements: Replies made prior to the revelation of the address to Rika's apartment is up to the player's discretion. Answer with the following responses when he asks about the password lock outside Rika's apartment.

  • Unknown: "Is there a password lock on the door?" "Hmm. Don't see one."
  • Unknown: "That's strange. There's really nothing? There's nothing to put in the password?" "There's nothing"
  • Unknown: "... You sure?" "It's not here."

Casual Story : Day 5 Bad Ending

For a more detailed description of this ending, see Casual Story .

On the night of the 4th Day, Zen tells the player that he had a dream that all of them were programmed robots. After thinking it through, Yoosung is under the impression that he and everyone else in the RFA chatroom are merely just fictional characters being programmed to say certain things, and proceeds to raise suspicions towards V and 707 whom seemed to be the only ones with free will in the RFA chatrooms, revealing that V was the mastermind behind this entire messenger. He eventually ends up following Unknown to Mint Eye , and Jaehee, unable to find Yoosung at his home, warns the player to make up their mind before making any further decisions, since a specific route was not obtained by the end of the 4th Day.


  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 1st Day to the 4th Day in Casual Story. OR Obtain more Jumin / 707's hearts than Yoosung / Zen / Jaehee's.
  • Obtain the chatroom "We're machines" that occurs at 01:28 / 1:28 AM on the 5th Day.

Yoosung's Route

For more detailed route guide and descriptions of the endings obtainable via Yoosung's route, see Yoosung/Route Tips and Yoosung/Endings .

  • Normal Ending
  • Bad Story Endings
  • Bad Relationship Endings
  • Good Ending
  • After Ending

Summary : After Yoosung gets injured by Unknown in Mint Eye 's hideout on Day 10, Seven breaks down during the party and reveals the truth of what happened to Yoosung. Shocked, Zen, Seven and Jumin, along with the player, decide to go to the hospital while Jaehee stays behind to oversee the party.


At the hospital, V reveals that Yoosung's state worsened just as they were about to attend the party. When the three leave, V thanks the player for organising the party, and apologises for not being able to attend the party with Yoosung, and for making her leave the party. He then expresses his gratitude towards Yoosung and Seven for preventing a crisis from befalling the party.

When Yoosung awakens and V leaves the two of them alone, he expresses his remorse for being unable to attend the party due to his injury, and at the same time reaffirms that she is indeed different from Rika. He talks about how he never thought he'd find happiness until he met the player, and assures the player that he will do anything for her to alleviate her sadness. He tells her to not look worried since he was able to sacrifice himself for her, and professes his love for her.

  • Obtain Yoosung's route in Casual Story from the 1st Day to the 4th Day.
  • Successfully reach the 11th Day in Yoosung's route.
  • The player must have less than 10 emails from guests with "Completed" status.

Bad Story Ending 1 Summary : When Seven reveals the existence of the bomb at Rika's apartment to the MC, Yoosung pushes the blame to V's irresponsibility for the player's safety, and promises to get her address from Seven. At Seven's place, Yoosung threatens to destroy his laptops if he does not reveal the address; to which Seven relents and asks him to hold on while he contacts V. In the process, Yoosung determines the location of Rika's apartment from the GPS coordinates displayed on a CCTV footage, and proceeds to find the player.

In Rika's apartment, Yoosung notes that the player looks completely different from Rika. He promises that he will protect her and "won't let [her] leave like Rika", and expresses his romantic feelings for her. Due to the fact that the altered bomb that explodes in response to the presence of RFA members has yet to be fixed by Seven, the bomb blows up, killing both Yoosung and the player.

  • From the 5th Day onwards, choose the options that would allow Yoosung to confuse the player with Rika.
  • Obtain the chatroom " I am sure about this " at 17:00 / 5:00 PM on the 7th Day.

Bad Story Ending 2 Summary : Although the bomb has been disabled, Yoosung's trust in V gradually deteriorates, and becomes further convinced when the player decides to side with him. He believes that V is hiding the truth about Rika's death. Yoosung asks the player to meet him at Forest Park 246. Jumin and Jaehee, reluctant, send bodyguards to protect them just in case, while Jumin contacts V. At the park, Yoosung proposes the player to leave RFA with him. Suddenly, one of the bodyguards intercept a stranger somehow connected to RFA, who begs for his life. Realizing that the stranger knows about Rika's death, Yoosung helps him escape.

The stranger reveals that he was bribed to keep quiet about an autopsy he had done of a body from a murder case, causing Yoosung to believe that Rika's death had been a murder rather than a suicide. As the stranger fears for his safety, and that confessing this information to an RFA member would put himself in danger, Yoosung breaks his phone and offers to be searched. The stranger agrees to tell the truth about Rika's death only if Yoosung and the player would lead him to a safe place, bringing them to his car. Once inside, Yoosung and the stranger make a deal to protect one another, but the player feels something is off. When both Yoosung and the player question why the stranger knows Yoosung's name without having been told, the stranger knocks Yoosung unconscious.

The stranger reveals himself to be Unknown, and everything he said had been a trick to encourage Yoosung to trust him. He is disappointed the player ruined his plans, but he plans on taking both of them back to Magenta where he will re-educate them.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "Advice from Jumin" at 17:32 / 5:32 PM on the 7th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that would blame V and the RFA for putting the player's safety at risk with the bomb.
  • Obtain the chatroom "I will be waiting..." at 20:45 / 8:45 PM on the 8th Day.

Bad Story Ending 3 Summary : On the 10th Day, Yoosung and Seven both infiltrate Mint Eye's base and are found by Unknown. He threatens them with a switch that will set off the bomb in Rika's apartment and his base, killing the four of them. Yoosung grabs onto Unknown while Seven escapes with the switch. Furious, Unknown attacks Yoosung.


  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "I'm shocked" at 20:45 / 8:45 PM on the 8th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that convince Yoosung to protect the player while showing disregard over his well-being, complain about safety, and show mistrust towards V and RFA.
  • Obtain the chatroom "He will never come back" that occurs at 12:12 / 12:12 PM on the 10th Day.

Bad Relationship Ending 1 Summary : Yoosung confronts the player and reveals that he might have confused her with Rika, which misled him into thinking he had romantic feelings for her. He expresses his sincere remorse, saying that he is not ready to be in a relationship yet, before leaving to hang out at Seven's place afterwards. Seven eventually breaks the fourth wall and explains to the player that their game progress will end here for not having enough likability points with Yoosung, forcing the player to obtain a Bad Relationship Ending and bringing them back to the main screen.

Requirements for Bad Relationship Ending 1:

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from Day 5 to Day 7. OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of his during the chatroom events in his route.
  • Obtain the chatroom "The life of a cherryboy" that occurs at 17:00 / 5:00 PM on the 7th Day.

Bad Relationship Ending 2 Summary : After Seven makes Yoosung wait outside, Unknown approaches Seven with a switch that will set off the bomb in Rika's apartment, thrilled at having him at his mercy. Outside, Yoosung notices Seven is not coming out and begins to doubt his ability to protect the player after facing danger. He thinks that he is weak, and the only thing he is good at is playing games. Without the player encouraging him, he feels that maybe he is delusional for thinking he can protect someone, and pleads for Rika to give him advice. Meanwhile, at Rika's apartment, the special security system reactivates and the bomb blows up.

Requirements for Bad Relationship Ending 2:

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 7th Day to the 10th Day. OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of his during the chatroom events in his route.


Summary : After Yoosung gets injured by Unknown in Mint Eye 's hideout on Day 10, Seven breaks down during the party and reveals the truth of what happened to Yoosung. Shocked, Zen, Seven and Jumin, along with MC, decide to go to the hospital while Jaehee stays behind to oversee the party.

Before they are about to leave, V suddenly walks in and gives a welcome speech to the party's attendants. He mentions that Rika founded the organization, but as she is no longer here to deliver a speech, he introduces Yoosung in her role instead, who has just been released from the hospital with bandages across his left eye. Yoosung remains positive despite his loss of sight in his left eye, and is finally happy that he can meet the MC.

When Yoosung goes to give a speech, he talks about how much Rika inspired him, but that he has found love and strength in the MC. Once he finishes, he walks towards the MC and kisses her, loving her as an individual rather than as a replacement for Rika.

  • The player must have 10 or more emails from guests with 'Completed' status.

Summary : In here Yoosung is already a veterinarian and married to MC. This is where Yoosung will undergo his eye surgery and said that he can't wait to see her with both eyes, since she's already pretty now, so she'll be twice as pretty when seen with both eyes.


  • Obtain Yoosung's Good Ending.
  • Spend 20 hourglasses to unlock the After Ending.

Zen's Route

For more detailed route guide and descriptions of the endings obtainable via Zen's route, see Zen/Route Tips and Zen/Endings .

Zen 39

Summary : Zen and the player arrive at the party and Zen notes that the crowd is smaller than he thought. Immediately after, they meet up with Jaehee and Yoosung. Yoosung has called a witness in to help prove Zen's innocence, while Seven is working on his computer in the backstage. Zen asks Yoosung to watch over the MC while he delivers his statement.

Jaehee opens the party with a welcoming greeting, and introduces Zen, who denies all the accusations he received and shares old social media posts made by Echo Girl. The witness, who happened to be the vendor of goldfish-shaped bread Zen had bought from on the 7th Day, describes his encounter with Echo Girl. This clears most of the doubts from the public. Jumin comments that everything is going exactly as he hoped.

When asked whether he is currently in a relationship, Zen hesitates, saying it is irrelevant and ends the press conference. After being congratulated by Jumin, Jaehee and Yoosung, Zen goes outside the party hall with the player and confesses he couldn't tell the truth about her on stage. He promises he will let the world know about their relationship once he succeeds more as an actor and reassures the player that his feelings towards her are not insignificant.

  • Obtain Zen's route in Casual Story from the 1st Day to the 4th Day.
  • Successfully reach the 11th Day in Zen's route.

Bad Story Ending 1 Summary : On the 7th Day, when the player's visit to Zen's apartment comes to an end, the MC immediately decides to return home. Zen stops her with mixed emotions, and is hurt that she treats him with indifference. At the same time, he feels every time she treats him that way, it makes him want her more and encourages him to work harder for her love.

Jumin later asks the player if she convinced him to model for his cat food commercial, to which she answers no. He questions if she is treating Zen indifferently on purpose, and she answers affirmatively. While Jumin is not interested in the MC being in a relationship with Zen, he disapproves, as it interferes with running the party as its first priority.

At nighttime, Zen asks the MC to let him make love to her. A year later, the state of their relationship has not improved and has become unhealthy on both ends. The player acts irritated when Zen has to co-star in a project with an actress and still treats him coldly. Zen is aware of the nature of their relationship, but still accepts it and assures her he will come back to her at night.

  • From the 5th Day onwards, choose the options that would suggest indifference or hostility towards Zen.
  • In Zen's story mode that occurs right after the chatroom "Let's invite Mummy", you will not be able to invite @mira. "I'm going to go now." is the only response available. Obtain the chat room "Are you guys still together?" at 22:22 / 10:22 PM on the 7th Day.

Bad Story Ending 2 Summary : Zen is under pressure to quit his acting career, but he still struggles to hold onto his dream. After he escapes into his secret place, he is approached by Jumin, who offers to help him by extension of V. Upon hearing Jumin quote V, saying, "Nothing beats the truth", Zen impulsively has Jumin arrange him an interview with a talk show host despite lacking evidence.

Jumin and Jaehee watch Zen's interview from Jumin's penthouse, where Zen slowly becomes flustered when the talk show host doesn't seem to believe him. He has a meltdown on live television. The interview is a disaster, and Zen finds his privacy invaded at home. At C&R International, Echo Girl arrives to gloat at her victory, realizing she made the right choice in keeping quiet under the orders of her manager. Jumin orders Jaehee protect Zen from the media before his career worsens.

A year later, Zen struggles getting acting jobs, but has hope he is able to make a stable comeback. He asks the MC to wait for him for a few years while he rebuilds his career.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "Jumin in the farm" at 22:22 / 10:22 PM on the 7th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that suggest Zen to quit his job and focus on the player.
  • Obtain the chatroom "At a broadcasting station" at 13:41 / 1:41 PM on the 9th Day.

Bad Story Ending 3 Summary : On the morning of 10th Day, Zen has a premonition of Unknown entering Rika's apartment and kidnapping the MC as hostage to bait the other RFA members. Later, Seven reveals the existence of the bomb in Rika's apartment. Though he eventually disables it, Zen is still frantic that Unknown can still enter. Although Seven is under strict orders from V not to reveal the address of the apartment, he goes over to Seven's place to get the address from him.

Around 4:00 PM, Unknown breaks into the apartment from the window. When the player asks who he is, he walks over to her and describes himself as an angel, ready to take her away to paradise. With no one else to trust, the player accepts his invitation and goes with him. Though Zen attempts to save the player, he, too, is captured by Unknown, though is more unwilling. He is brainwashed and tortured into acting for Magenta forever, and when he faces the player, he barely recognizes her. Unknown is unhappy with his performance and says that it will take a while before he is able to return to the stage again.

Zen 43

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "Don't give up!" at 13:41 / 1:41 PM on the 9th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that would direct blame on Seven and RFA.
  • In the standard story mode after the chatroom "Pressure" (which occurs on the 10th Day at 16:00 / 4:00 PM), "Who are you?" is the only response available.

Bad Relationship Ending 1 Summary : On the 7th Day, when the player's visit to Zen's apartment comes to an end, she immediately decides to go home instead of staying. Zen relents and confesses that he wished she'd talk to him on the messenger more, as he feels they aren't as close as they could be.

Jumin later asks the player if she convinced Zen to star in his cat food commercial, as that was the purpose of the visit. The player can only answer, "?? What was that?", indicating that she was not paying close attention to the discussions happening in the chatroom. Jumin explains to the player that while he understands she is busy, she needs to be active in order to organize the parties smoothly.

Once the player returns to the apartment, she is approached by Unknown. He is disappointed at her lack of dedication and resolves to find someone better suited to running the parties. Meanwhile, he has no other choice than to kidnap the player and bring her to Magenta to re-educate her.

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 5th Day to the 7th Day. OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of his during the chatroom events in his route.
  • In Zen's story mode that occurs right after the chatroom "Let's invite Mummy", you will not be able to invite @mira. "I want to. Good bye." is the only response available. Obtain the chatroom "Nervous Jumin" at 22:22 / 10:22 PM on Day 7.

Bad Relationship Ending 2 Summary :

On the night of the 10th Day, Zen does not arrive in time to save the player. Unknown breaks into the apartment via the window. When the player asks who he is, he describes himself as an angel ready to save her from this "boring game." He says that he can tell that the player is bored of waiting and replying without getting anything in return, and he promises her skills will be more valuable at Mint Eye. Assuring her that he is not a kidnapper, Unknown asks her to follow him into Magenta, a place of paradise, where she will be much more appreciated and loved than she currently is now, and promises to protect her.

As Unknown takes the player away, he takes off his mask and speaks in his normal voice. He is excited that the player is now "his" and tells her that where he will be taking her is much more fun than the "game" she is playing. They set off to Mint Eye together.

  • Participate in only 36-45% of each day in the chatroom on days 5–7, and less than 30% of the chat room from the 8th Day to the 10th Day. OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of his during the chatroom events in his route.

Zen 40

Summary : Zen and the player attend the party, but at the door, they are swarmed by reporters, anti-fans, and supporters. A bodyguard whisks them in, where they meet up with Jaehee. Yoosung has called a witness in to help prove Zen's innocence, while Seven and V are en route to the party. Zen asks Yoosung to watch over the MC while he delivers his statement.

Jaehee opens the party with a welcoming greeting, and introduces Zen. Rather than sticking to the sensationalized speech Jumin had suggested, Zen gives a very honest speech that mentions his past. The witness, who happened to be the vendor of goldfish-shaped bread Zen had bought from on the 7th Day, describes his encounter with Echo Girl, while Zen shares old social media posts made by Echo Girl. This clears most of the doubts from the public.

Zen ends his speech by deciding to mix his personal life with his professional career, as he no longer wants to hide his past and accepts who he is now. He makes the surprising decision to introduce the player as his girlfriend as a final statement to his love life, and asks her to come up onto the stage, where he professes his devotion to her.

Zen 41

Summary : Two years later, at Jumin's penthouse, Jaehee is concerned about the whereabouts of Seven and V, but Jumin is too engrossed in his old television to be concerned. The two watch an interview on Celebrity A! News , where Echo Girl and Zen discuss their new roles for a period drama the two are starring together. Echo Girl is flustered when the reporter asks her about the scandal, and is struggling to maintain her image, while Zen has become a successful actor, with his soundtrack albums topping the music charts.

At the filming location, the actors take a break after multiple outtakes caused by Echo Girl's lack of skill. Zen approaches the MC, who is now his manager, and professes his love to her.

  • Obtain Zen's Good Ending.

Jaehee's Route

For more detailed route guide and descriptions of the endings obtainable via Jaehee's route, see Jaehee Kang/Route Tips and Jaehee Kang/Endings .

Summary :

Jaehee 21

  • Obtain Jaehee's route in Casual Story from the 1st Day to the 4th Day.
  • Successfully reach the 11th Day in Jaehee's route.

Bad Story Ending 1 Summary : Seven comes to Rika's apartment to take the player to Zen's house. When they arrive at Zen's place, Zen doesn't seem to open the door nor take Seven's calls since his phone is off. Zen finally opens the door and meets the player. Seven then leaves after explaining it's V's orders and it's easier to protect them both. Zen later asks the player if she thinks of him more than just a friend.

In the chatroom Jumin tells Jaehee that his father might hand over another project aside from the coffee one. She hopes he had refused but he says he couldn't turn it down for some reasons. Jumin then declares the good news, Jaehee is expecting a vacation but he just plans to put a convenience store on the first floor of the office building since the nearest convenience store is 300m away from their building. She acts delighted until he leaves and then goes offline after her depressing reactions. Yoosung enters the chatroom and pities her after reading the past conversation. He remarks that he's scared of getting a job now and wants to live in the world of LOLOL, and leaves immediately.

3 years later, Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee and the player celebrate Jaehee's another pay raise in Zen's apartment. Jaehee is feeling sick which makes them worry her. Zen wants to congratulate her but he states that she's like exchanging her health for money. He advices her to start seeing people and get married but Yoosung asks him if he just wants them to feel jealous since he and the player started living together after the night she went to his house. Zen notices the player that she doesn't look happy because of Jaehee. Jaehee tells her that she doesn't have to worry and at least be happy that she has Zen on her side. She wants to talk more with her but she has to leave to give them privacy and she still has some things to take care of. She just wishes for her happiness.

  • Choose the options that prioritize pursuing Zen over Jaehee's friendship.
  • Obtain 707's story mode after the chat room "Visiting Zen" that occurs at 19:09 / 7:09 PM on the 6th Day, followed by the chat room "Very private visit" that occurs at 21:12 / 9:12 PM.

Bad Story Ending 2 Summary : Zen visits Jaehee at work on the 8th Day to give her a thank you gift for taking care of him. Jaehee is upset to see that the gift is a coffee grinder and refuses to accept it. In a chat room, Zen notes the change in Jaehee to the player and blames it on Jumin. However, the player remains unsympathetic and believes that personal feelings must be separated from work.

When Jaehee meets with Jumin at his penthouse to prepare for the presentation, Jumin notices that Jaehee has not been taking care of herself. Suddenly, she collapses from exhaustion and is rushed to the hospital. Everyone rushes to the hospital except for the player, who is asked to stay at the apartment by Seven.

At the hospital, Jaehee has a nightmare about V. She calls for Zen, but when she comes to, she finds Jumin and Yoosung. Jumin informs her that she needs to start eating, sleeping, and exercising properly, and his company will support her until she returns. Tired, Jaehee instead resigns, declaring herself as "broken." Jumin accepts her decision, while still allowing his company to support her until she is healthy again.

As he leaves, Yoosung begs her to reconsider and asks if she will still be in the RFA. Jaehee decides that she is taking a break, as she cannot attend the party in her current condition. She requests Yoosung to relay the message to the player, and also asks him to tell her not to worry, as she will return. When he leaves to phone the player, Jaehee begins to feel relieved she no longer has to worry anymore.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "To Zen's place" at 21:00 / 9:00 PM on the 6th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that would force Jaehee to work harder as a secretary and refuse to support her opening a cafe.
  • Obtain a standard story mode after the chat room "Possibilities" that occurs at 17:56 / 5:56 PM on the 8th Day, followed by the chat room "Jaehee can't work like a" that occurs at 18:53 / 6:53 PM.

Jumin 31

Bad Story Ending 3 Summary : After Jumin steals one of Seven's cars, Jaehee logs into the messenger, concerned. While Jumin is disappointed that Elizabeth 3rd didn't become the mascot of the cat hotel, he declares that he has found a new assistant to fill Jaehee's position: the player. He asks the player to come to C&R International for an interview. Surprised, the player is excited. On the other hand, Jaehee vehemently refuses and tries to convince the player to change her mind, not wanting her to be subjected under the same treatment she suffered under Jumin. Since the player is not swayed, Jaehee gives up and agrees to help train her. The player goes over to the C&R International building for the interview and Jumin gives her the contract, all the while promising her that he will not make her regret her decision.

Two years later, the player is helping Jumin prepare for a meeting but is still constantly making mistakes. Jumin is frustrated and reprimands her, threatening to keep her at the conference room if she messes up an important deal. He believes that Jaehee had been a more efficient secretary but decides to keep the player by his side because he values her loyalty more despite being disappointed at her inability to do the easiest of things. Patiently, he teaches her how to tie a necktie as they leave for the meeting.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chat room "Let's support each other" that occurs at 18:53 / 6:53 PM on the 8th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that would favor Jumin.
  • Obtain the chat room "New secretary" that occurs at 17:30 / 5:30 PM on the 10th Day.

Bad Relationship Ending 1 Summary : On the night of the 6th Day, the doorbell rings at Rika's apartment. When the door opens, the player finds Unknown standing there, wearing a mask with his voice distorted. He quips about how the player doesn't seem interested in the game anymore, and opts to take her to Magenta if she doesn't plan on playing. Because the player did not participate in many of the chats, she missed the warnings from the other members of the RFA to stay inside at all times after the chatrooms were hacked by Unknown.

Unknown reveals some of his original plans with the player, explaining how he's the one who first led her to the apartment and how he'd planned to use her and the RFA's party-planning distraction to bring them all to his savior's paradise. However, if MC is just going to "watch everything unfurl from the back," then there's no more reason to wait. With that, he kidnaps her, planning to take her to "paradise."

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 5th Day to the 6th Day. OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of hers during the chatroom events in his route.
  • Obtain a standard story mode (instead of Jaehee's story mode) after the chatroom "Visiting Zen" that occurs at 19:09 / 7:09 PM on the 6th Day.

Bad Relationship Ending 2 Summary : On the 10th Day, after Jumin crashes Seven's car, Jaehee comes on to chat to ask Jumin if he's okay. Rather than talking about the whole car fiasco, Jumin seems more concerned with his inability to answer phone calls at the moment. He states that every time he tries to answer phone calls for the last few hours, all of the calls disconnect. He finds this frustrating—and despite hiring a temporary assistant now that Jaehee no longer works for him, they've been unable to resolve this issue. Yoosung pops online with similar problems, asking why his calls to Jumin always seem to be disconnected every time it seems like he answers. After realizing that they're both having issues with their phones, they go off chat to try to figure out what's going on. Jaehee then mentions that she herself hasn't been receiving any of the calls that she was expecting to get in the last few hours, and logs off to find the source of the problem.

In Rika's apartment, Unknown appears from behind the MC, having hacked into all of their phones. He snickers that it's amusing how the RFA thought they were safe after V claimed to have "dealt with the hacker problem." Unknown asks MC to call him an angel, and states that she might as well stop shaking in fear. He also asks why MC has been so distracted lately, adding that it's because of her ambiguity that he's come so early in the first place. Making a snide comment that perhaps she acted this way because she wanted to see him, he then kidnaps her—assuring her that he's taking her, just as he will soon take the entire RFA, to heaven.

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 7th Day to the 10th Day. OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of hers during the chatroom events in his route.
  • Obtain the chatroom "Suspicious feeling" at 17:30 / 5:30 PM on the 10th Day.

Jaehee 18

Summary : At the party, the player meets with Zen and Yoosung. When Yoosung looks for Jaehee, Jumin approaches the player and asks to speak with her privately. He asks her for advice on his issue that he cannot fix. After he explains he offers her to become his assistant. Jaehee suddenly makes an announcement over the microphone that Jumin is currently looking for an assistant. Many women, interested, flock over to Jumin while Jaehee takes the player away and gives her a key, asking to be her partner.

Summary : The after ending starts with a chat room conversation between Jumin Han , 707 , Zen and Yoosung . Jumin is the first one to talk, and it is revealed that after Jaehee quit working for Jumin, Yoosung became her replacement and has been working for him for the past few months prior to the conversation. Even though Jumin expects Yoosung to perform Jaehee's old service, Yoosung is not his chief secretary nor just a regular secretary. Zen and 707 tease Yoosung for working under Jumin and how he makes him do unrelated work, specifically bringing him wine. Yoosung then brings up how Jumin has been saying "damn" too much, expressing his discomfort towards it. Jumin tells Yoosung that he hasn't checked his schedule yet and 707 reveals that they will be attending Jaehee's cafe's opening together.

Jaehee 20

Afterwards, in a subsequent visual story mode, the rest of the RFA members reveal their feelings regarding the cafe's opening. While everyone else expresses their positive opinions, Jumin is the only one to give a negative remark about the place. When Zen says if they should go see the ladies—Jaehee and MC —a visual of a long-haired Jaehee and MC with aprons in the cafe is then revealed.

Jaehee greets the rest of the RFA members with a "Hello...!", welcoming them to her newly opened cafe.

  • Obtain Jaehee's Good Ending.

Deep Story : Day 5 Bad Ending

For a more detailed description of this ending, see Deep Story .

Prior to the 5th Day, V informs Seven and the player that he will be taking a trip a week before the party's set date. Seven mentions to V that he has added a new feature on his phone, where a red light will flash on his phone if a call is bugged. Right after Seven and V log off, Unknown, who had been lurking in the chatroom invisibly, suddenly leaves a threat.

At midnight, while V reminisces about Rika in the mountains, he encounters Unknown, who had just rummaged through the luggage in his car. Unknown is aware that V is investigating the cause of why the player joined the messenger, and he warns him not to go through else he will plan a "surprise" for RFA, particularly Seven.

While making homemade Honey Buddha Chips, Seven receives a bugged call from Unknown, who has V hostage. He quickly goes on the messenger to warn the player to leave the apartment immediately, as there is a bomb inside that will detonate at any moment. Meanwhile, Seven plans on saving V himself and asking Jumin to send bodyguards to the other RFA members to secure their safety. Because there is a "force" targeting V and the secret files in Rika's apartment, RFA is unable to hold the party. In addition, Seven tells the player that RFA has secrets that may jeopardize the player's safety if she knows about them and feels that it is better if she no longer involves herself with RFA. As the player bids farewell to Seven, she is disconnected from the messenger.

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 1st Day to the 4th Day in Deep Story. OR Obtain more Yoosung / Zen / Jaehee's hearts than Jumin / 707's.
  • Obtain a standard story mode that occurs at 0:00 / 12:00 AM on the 5th Day.

Jumin's Route

For more detailed route guide and descriptions of the endings obtainable via Jumin's route, see Jumin Han/Route Tips and Jumin Han/Endings .

Summary : During the party Jumin announces he wants to resign from his job at C&R International in order to begin a new chapter in his life, which astonishes everyone. Glam and Sarah Choi try to cover it up with lies, but Jumin reveals the fact they are sisters and were only in it for money. After Mr. Han and the Choi sisters leave the party, Jumin returns to his speech. He did not publicly announce who his girlfriend is and refused to give comments regarding his private life.

Jumin goes back to the others and announces to MC that starting tomorrow they can be a normal couple and he loves her.

The screen cuts to black and it skips ahead one and a half years later, where Jumin and some employees are shown throwing a surprise birthday party for MC. It's revealed Jumin and MC have gotten married.


  • Successfully reach Day 11 in Jumin's route.

Bad Story Ending 1 Summary:

Jumin initially dismisses Zen's premonition about Elizabeth 3rd, and when Jaehee suggests to invite @culture, he rejects the idea. When he notices the player is online, he decides to schedule an emergency meeting to plan for Elizabeth 3rd's safety, interested in the player's aggressive ideas.

The three meet at C&R International for a meeting, and while discussing options to keep Elizabeth 3rd from escaping from the penthouse unnoticed, Chairman Han and Sarah Choi barge in. Chairman Han feels this is a good opportunity for Sarah to learn about the family's business, but she is immediately upset upon seeing the player there. She and the player get into a heated argument, and while the player remains strong and collected, Sarah becomes increasingly flustered. The argument turns into a catfight. Jaehee offhandedly suggests to Jumin that they should stop the fight, but Jumin is too amused to care and also notes that the player is "talented."

3 months later, rumors spread in the C&R building that the new sales manager is uniquely talented and doesn't dress like normal people. Some say she is Jumin's girlfriend and she's one of the hosts of RFA. Jaehee arrives and introduces the player as the new sales manager.

  • Obtain Jumin's route in Deep Story from the 1st Day to the 4th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that would show aggressiveness against Sarah Choi and interest in Jumin's wealth.
  • Obtain the chat room "Invite to the meeting" at 7:07 / 7:07 AM on the 7th Day.


Bad Story Ending 2 Summary:

The player decides to stay with Jumin, and he confesses his twisted feelings and possessiveness to her, as she is the only person who understands him fully. Instead of helping him through these emotions, the player encourages Jumin to embrace his dark thoughts and keep her locked in his penthouse.

Jumin ties up the player's wrists and has her wear a pair of red heels with tracking devices on them. He orders her to wear them at all times, and if she reaches past the kitchen, she will set off the alarms in the penthouse. He also reminds her not to have any thoughts other than him, and that this is what they agreed on as lovers.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "I don't believe him" at 7:07 / 7:07 AM on the 7th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that show you want to be locked up by Jumin and be Elizabeth 3rd's replacement.
  • In Jumin's story mode after the chatroom "Jumin's change" (which occurs on the 8th Day at 17:22 / 5:22 PM), "Alright, I'll stay here. I know you'll protect me from danger." is the only response available.

Bad Story Ending 3 Summary:

When Jumin comes home on the 10th Day, he finds one of his bodyguards reminding the player that she is not allowed to go outside. He reprimands the bodyguard for keeping the door open while talking to her, worried that she might leave unnoticed. The player herself insists on going home while Jumin affirms that she is safer at the penthouse than at the apartment.

V arrives in the middle of their argument and returns Elizabeth 3rd. He cites Seven's concerns that Jumin has become possessive of the player. He reasons with Jumin that his behavior is not normal, and that if he continues to keep the player in the penthouse, he will call the police. Jumin sadly agrees and lets V drop her off at the C&R International building, with a request that she wears the dress he bought for her at the party tomorrow.

After walking home, the player arrives at Rika's apartment , only to find Unknown inside. Unknown had spent an enormous amount of time and effort into hacking into the special security system of the apartment to enact his revenge on Seven, who he is angry at for leaking information that has caused Mint Eye to dissolve, with its members seeking "another Magenta." As a last resort, he decides to use a switch that his "savior" had given him with the knowledge that it will ensure Seven will be under pain as long as he presses it with the player in the apartment. Unknown presses it, and, to his unexpected horror, the security system reactivates and the bomb explodes, killing the both of them.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "Dating in common" at 19:00 / 7:00 PM on the 8th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that insist on going home instead of staying at Jumin's penthouse and do not persuade Jumin to take back Elizabeth 3rd.
  • In Jumin's story mode after the chat room "Why?" (which occurs on the 10th Day at 19:58 / 7:58 PM), "I want to go home now..." is the only response available.

Bad Relationship Ending 1 Summary : On the 7th Day, Jumin becomes paranoid about losing Elizabeth 3rd and immediately makes plans to remodel his penthouse so that she will not escape. Jaehee arrives to convince him to return to work and that Zen's premonition was simply a nightmare. However, Jumin rebuffs her claims, insisting that Zen had only made him realize the security flaws of his penthouse. He also wants to spend more time with Elizabeth 3rd and no longer cares about the company because his father is forcing him to marry Sarah Choi. When Jaehee says that the player wouldn't be happy when she finds out about this, Jumin reminds her that they have hardly spoken to each other and asks her to leave.

Three days later, Jaehee calls Zen to inform him that the party is canceled. She tells him that since Jumin hasn't been coming to work, Chairman Han thinks he is lazy and has given him the ultimatum of marrying Sarah or losing his position as the director in the company. Moreover, the player hasn't finished preparing for the party. After Jaehee hangs up, she expresses sadness at how lonely Jumin must have felt, and that she had hoped the player would have helped him.

  • Attend less than 30% of the chats from the 5th Day to the 7th Day OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of his during the chatroom events in his route.
  • Obtain the chatroom "Anxiety" at 7:07 / 7:07 AM on the 7th Day.

Bad Relationship Ending 2 Summary : When Jumin comes home on the 10th Day, the player insists on leaving. Jumin refuses, again citing her safety. Jumin then confronts the player about if she has lost interest in him. Before the MC can answer, V arrives. The player takes this opportunity to try and escape by distracting the security guards, but Jumin quickly intervenes, and she is caught.

Jumin does not understand why the player is trying to run away, and V says plainly that it is because Jumin won't let her go home, and also mentions Seven's concerns that Jumin has been overly possessive. He also states that Jumin has completely abandoned Elizabeth 3rd, who is waiting in his car. Jumin does not understand why the MC seems to have an issue with him, and fears she has lost interest in him from not going on the messenger. While V and Jumin argue, the player opens a window in Jumin's penthouse, and tries to escape.

V notices a draft from an open window, and they both see the player trying to crawl out. V warns how dangerous it is to open the window from that height, and Jumin calls out to her. The player jumps from the window to escape from Jumin, and is killed.

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 7th Day to the 10th Day or obtain the hearts of other players instead of his during the chatroom events in his route.


Summary : Jaehee, Yoosung, and Zen greet the player. They express surprise at the large number of reporters and wonder why Jumin is late. Seven appears, stating that Jumin has asked him to escort the player. The two talk to V, who apologizes for ignoring Seven and admits that his eyesight is poor. Glam Choi then takes the mic to announce that Jumin is marrying Sarah. Jumin appears and describes a special woman in his life - pleasing Glam and Sarah, until he reveals that this woman is the player.

After Sarah storms up to the stage, Jumin reveals that she is Glam's sister: Glam had her get plastic surgery and a fake ID after her company failed. C&R is preparing to sue the two for this deception. Offstage, the chairman asks the stunned Glam if Jumin's words are true, while Sarah complains about the reporters taking her photo. Jumin asks the guards to escort his father out and expresses his desire for them to have dinner later. As the reporters swarm the player, the other members try to protect her. Jumin exits the stage and approaches her, kissing her hand and asking her to be his life companion.

  • Successfully reach the 11th Day in Jumin's route.


It is revealed that the player and Jumin had gotten married shortly after the events of the Good Ending. The RFA members discuss the prospects of their relationship, before going to the airport to welcome them back from their honeymoon. As both are swamped by reporters, Jumin requests the player to 'put [herself] above everyone's eyes... and put [him] in second place' as he wishes for her to choose 'a selfish life where [she] puts [herself] above everything else.

The ending concludes with Jumin answering the reporters about how he truly loves his wife.

  • Obtain Jumin's Good Ending

707's Route

For more detailed route guide and descriptions of the endings obtainable via 707's route, see 707/Route Tips and 707/Endings .

Seven 33

Mc and Seven do not attend the Party, therefore the speech is given by Jaehee and Jumin. While that's happening, MC and 707 are in the church. Seven hugs MC and prays for her, swearing to always love her.

  • Successfully reach the 11th Day in 707's route.

Bad Story Ending 1 Summary :

When Unknown hacks into the special security system, Seven decides to steal all of his work equipment and personally go rescue the player herself. Unfortunately, he is too late. Unknown breaks into Rika's apartment and takes the protagonist with him to Magenta. He decides to torture and take photos of her to show Seven how much he failed.

  • Obtain 707's route in Deep Story from the 1st Day to the 4th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that blame Seven for his incompetence over helping out with the party and hiding the security system.
  • Obtain the chatroom "I want to hear from them" at 20:58 / 8:58 PM on the 7th Day.

Seven 32

Bad Story Ending 2 Summary : The player grabs onto Seven, who falls down. However, he does not push you away, and in his weakened state, has lost hope in everything. He feels that he has failed Saeran, but the player suggests that Saeran is happier than he will ever be in his life. After contemplating, Seven sees the truth in her words and feels that Saeran is beyond saving, and that it is better to be blamed for everything if it means he will be happy.

Emotionally defeated, Seven gives up on his job and looks for Saeran. He seeks the player as comfort as he finds her optimism a relief. He believes she may have been an angel sent by God to end his suffering. In the subsequent chat room, he decides to leave RFA, with the player coming along with him.

Later, Seven has returned to his happy-go-lucky personality and has decided to run away from his problems and the country with the player. Because his car can be tracked, he suggests leaving the car someplace else, finding a tractor, and spending the rest of their lives on a boat. Thanks to the player, Seven has realized that he wants to experience happiness before he dies, and, fueled by these thoughts, speeds up his car.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "The system is back on" at 20:58 / 8:58 PM on the 7th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that show more interest being close to 707, ignoring his emotional problems, and emulate a happy-go-lucky manner of speech.
  • In 707's story mode after the chat room "It has nothing to do with you" (which occurs on the 9th Day at 10:01 / 10:01 AM), "(Makes Seven fall down.)" is the only response available. Obtain the chatroom "Do not leave us" at 11:33 / 11:33 AM on the 9th Day.

Bad Story Ending 3 Summary : Seven and the player infiltrate Mint Eye's base on the 10th Day, but are caught by Saeran. Saeran mocks Seven, angry that he left him behind with abusive parents while escaping to live a better life, only to be spared from his misery by being picked up by his "Savior" and learning how to hack through her. Seven and the player attempt to reason with him by telling him the truth. To prove his point, Seven and the player show him the floppy disc filled with his photos.

Saeran refuses to believe Seven, under the impression that Seven personally put the contents on the disc himself. Suddenly, he relents and pretends to believe Seven's words. Gaining the trust of Seven and the player, he offers to lead them out of the building, asking Seven if he could teach him how to hack. Seven refuses, in hopes of having him avoid being in such a high-stakes industry. However, Saeran leads them straight into a trap, intending to force Seven to teach him how to hack and eventually replacing him in his own life. He originally plans on keeping the player to torture her in front of Seven should he not meet his expectations, but Seven desperately pleads for her life in exchange for his. Saeran agrees, and he decides to keep Seven locked up and tortured.

  • Successfully bypass the game branch by obtaining the chatroom "He did not mean that" at 11:33 / 11:33 AM on the 9th Day.
  • From the game branch onwards, choose the options that doubt Seven, coming back in time for the party, and side with Saeran.

Bad Relationship Ending 1 Summary : When Unknown breaks through MC's window to kidnap her and take her to Magenta, Seven does not come to save her in time. Unknown snickers to himself about how he has total control of the secret security system, and that MC should "forget about that red-haired boy". He murmurs that he's going to take her to paradise, before escaping with the MC.

  • In the standard story mode, only one response is available.


  • Attend less than 30% of the chats from the 7th Day to the 10th Day OR Obtain the hearts of other players instead of his during the chatroom events in his route.

Seven 29

The player and Seven do not attend the party, opting to find Saeran and Vanderwood instead. The RFA holds the party nonetheless, with Jumin giving a welcome speech and expressing solemn condolences that half of the members were unable to attend despite their hard work. As Jumin is frustrated with the lack of transparency, he tells the party-goers about his disappointment about RFA hiding secrets and thanks the player and Seven, addressing him by his real name, Saeyoung.

While on the road, Saeyoung attempts to trace Vanderwood and Saeran, leaving Vanderwood a threatening voice message. At the same time, he and the player listen to Jumin's speech via RFA's radio feed, joyful that Jumin called him by his real name. Likewise, he asks the player to call him by his real name from now on as well, as he has reconciled his false identities as the happy-go-lucky 707 and the hopeful Luciel. He kisses the player, hoping that he can overcome his dark past with her help.

Seven 31

Summary : While still pursuing Saeran, Saeyoung holds the player as they lie on a bed, confiding his fears and his desire for a future with her. He asks for her consent to let him "embrace" her so that in case he does not survive, he would leave evidence of his existence.

Later, in a chat room with the rest of the members from RFA, including a changed Saeran, they make plans to visit Saeyoung and the player's toy shop, which he opened up after quitting his job as a secret agent. When they arrive at the entrance, they notice it is designed with a security system so tight that, as Jumin comments, it feels like Seven somehow managed to bring an underground bunker to the surface.

As the members try to guess the password and get into the shop, Saeran steps in to crack the code with his Arabic dictionary. In the process of reciting the password, he suddenly tells Saeyoung to wake up into a cruel reality, revealing that Saeran being saved was merely a dream.

  • Obtain 707's Good Ending

Another Story : Bad Endings

  • Prologue: Bad Endings 1 & 2
  • Another Story: Day 5 Bad Ending

Note: These two endings are just extra bad endings . They're not counted from the 7 endings.


Both prologue bad endings occur after the player declines to meet the game developer. Upon her refusal to participate, he begins to obsessively call her every day. Whether the player chooses to answer her phone or ignore him, he will either tell or leave a voice mail telling her that he's been stalking her since she declined to participate. He reveals that he lives at a "paradise" filled with endless happiness and would like her to join him despite her declining to participate in the game.

Prologue Bad Ending 1 Summary: When the game developer threatens to take her by force, the player can choose to call the police on him. Upon doing so, she doesn't hear anything about what happens to him after except that he was successfully arrested.

One day awhile later while she's out walking around, she catches a glimpse of an electronic billboard showing the news about how a cult involved in abductions, drug abuses and other illegal practices had been arrested. The player thinks to herself about how scary the world is, and briefly wonders if that had anything to do with the guy she reported. Putting that thought aside, she continues to walk down the street and debates going home to order some fried wings.

  • 'Just send me the file'
  • 'No, I'll just pass.'
  • 'It's not even real and I can't bother to even got there.'
  • 'I don't need it. No thanks.'
  • Choose '(Report to the police.)'

Prologue Bad Ending 2 Summary: The player agrees to meet the game developer at a cafe. Upon meeting her, he gushes about how much he's missed her since she rejected his offer to be a playtester for his game. Lucky for her, she can now ditch her boring life and join him in eternal paradise as his assistant. She follows, and he leads her with him to Magenta.

Time passes, and the player is now learning how to program. She's struggling to keep up with the game developer's level of skill, but feels too bad to complain. After seeing the sorrow in his eyes she feels too bad to abandon him. Though he won't let her play his game anymore, she'll stay by his side for eternity.

Summary: Ray visits the player in her room. He notices she isn't feeling well and isn't testing the game he made. He makes a lot of assumptions about the reasons for her boredom. He then assumes that it's because she played and preferred Seven's game version than his, but doesn't mention Seven's name. Furthermore, he keeps on making presumptions which makes him feel inferior, sad and unacknowledged. To keep her from leaving the place, he then decides to make her his assistant and have her contract complete once she finally understands him.

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from the 1st Day to the 4th Day in Another Story. OR Obtain more hearts from other characters aside from V or Ray.

For more detailed route guide and descriptions of the endings obtainable via Another Story, see V/Route Tips and V/Endings .

V 52

A reporter is stating how outraged the guests are at the sudden party cancellation on the day of the party, and how many of the guests say that will never attend a RFA party again. Jumin appears on TV and gives an explanation on the reason for the cancellation.

Back at the hospital, V turns off the TV. He is preparing to go house hunting because his current house isn't actually the kind of house he wanted, and that he had only gotten it to follow the artist stereotype and that everything inside was basically built to Rika's desires instead of his own. He goes on to list everything he actually wanted in his dream home, and asks MC to go house hunting with him. He proceeds to ask MC to move in with him the moment he is discharged. 2 years pass, and V and MC are now living together in the city, and V's now a musician like his mother.

  • Successfully reach the 11th Day in V's route.

V 35

Rika feels close to the player after getting to know one another. They share a connection, and Rika confesses how she feels like she can truly be herself around the player. The player makes her feel like a person and not just "the savior" or someone who can be taken advantage of. Rika finds the player an equal to her, and in order for them to join Mint Eye they won't need to take any elixir or go through any special ceremony like other members had to. Instead, they just need to help make one last choice as to what Mint Eye is going to do about V.

The pair go downstairs to meet V in his cell. But upon arriving, they discover that V is too drugged out of his mind from Ray's torture to do anything. Due to his current state, Rika agrees with the player that it's best to just let V go. The player reminds Rika that she doesn't need V now that she has her, and it dawns to Rika that she can truly be loved instead of bound to a blinding obsession like V's love was now that she has the player by her side.

The scene shifts to Rika and the player laying in bed together wearing lingerie. Rika is reading, but the player feels like being intimate with her. Rika appreciates the player's aggressive and straight forward nature in bed together, and the two confess their love/hate/adoration for each other as they begin taking turns making love.

  • Obtain V's route in Another Story from the 1st Day to the 4th Day.
  • Upon entering Day 5, begin to question and doubt V while doubting Rika's death to the other members of the RFA.
  • Upon meeting Rika, begin to praise her and insinuate that you are interested in caring for her romantically during and after the Day 6 20:00 story mode cutscene.
  • Select to embrace Rika during the 19:00 story mode cutscene on Day 7.
  • Successfully obtain the story mode scene during the Day 7 branch.

Bad Story Ending 2 Summary :

V 45

After talking with the player about his relationship with Rika, he realizes that it wasn't his style of love that was wrong in their relationship. The player convinces him that his idyllic obsession about being the sun to his lover regardless of their behavior was just wasted on Rika. He can instead focus that obsession on the player, and they can begin a relationship similar to the kind of love that he used to share with his former lover.

Two years later, V is seen taking a photoshoot of the player as she is dominated by a group of men in an orgy. The player is seen grinning devilishly to herself while V confesses his blinding adoration for her, praising her darkness as he looks into his camera.

  • Successfully progress through the Day 7 story branch by obtaining the 00:24 chat "Seven's Status Report" on Day 8.
  • Between Days 8 and 9, praise V's light and talk down aggressively about Rika. Try convincing V that nothing was wrong with his style of love, and that it just needs to be focused on you.
  • . Pass through the Day 9 story branch successfully with the bad ending story mode cutscene.

Bad Story Ending 3 Summary : V wakes up in the hospital with MC by his side and he begins to talk about how he can't forget Rika. Then we see Rika at the apartment and V appears. Rika begins talking about how everything is her fault and to forgive her, also saying how she won't hurt the RFA anymore and to not leave her.

It is implied that V and Rika's roles are switched so now V is going to be the one to hurt Rika.


Bad Relationship Ending 1 Summary :

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The player is alone inside Rika's room when suddenly Ray enters with some news. With Rika's permission, he's able to return her back to the room he'd made for her. Apparently, Rika had detected that the player had been unhappy staying with her due to how quiet she'd been. Instead, the player will go back to staying under Ray's care; something that Ray is extremely grateful for.

As Ray begins to walk back to the room with the player, he gushes about how much he cares for her. While rambling on their way back, he decides to let the player in on a secret that only Rika knows; he has "another him" inside. If the player asks about what the "other him" is like, Ray explains that his other self has a completely different personality. The way he thinks, acts, talks...but they share a body. Ray has excitedly told this other self about the player, and the other self is also intrigued to get to know her. And, despite this other self-hating his name, Ray will let the player in on the secret as to what his other self's name is...just because it's her.

As he's about to say his other self's name, they arrive in the player's room. Ray gets distracted, and begins asking the player if his story scared her or if she needs any gifts due to how it's been awhile since he'd managed to get her anything. He asks if he should bring her games to play while he's away, since it must be boring to play the same old game with the AIs.

The player corrects him, reminding him that the RFA were not AIs. Ray falters because he thought she would forget that part. Upon her correction, he slams the door of her room closed and glowers that she didn't play his game very well. He begins questioning the player on why she stopped playing? When? Was it no fun anymore? Did she like the AIs more than him? After accusing her of breaking her promise to him, he decides to leave her locked inside of the room for a while. He wants to be angry enough to hurt her, but he can't seem to do it when it's her. So instead, she'll stay locked in the room until he decides what he's going to do with her as punishment.

  • Participate in less than 30% of the RFA chats between Days 5-7 of V's Route.
  • Unlock the Story Mode scene after the Day 7 story branch.

Bad Relationship Ending 2 Summary : V decides to go on a walk outside the cabin to get some fresh air, and the player accompanies him. While the two are out, V inquires whether or not the player dislikes him due to how she's been avoiding him. Before she can answer, they're interrupted by the familiar voice of Rika. V tells the player to go back inside so that he and Rika discuss their private matter. Alone, both Rika and V agree that the only way to end their constant battle without hurting more people is for V to accompany Rika back to Mint Eye for punishment.

  • Participate between than 34-50% percent of the RFA chats between Days 5-7 of V's Route.
  • Participate in less than 30% of chats on the 7th and 8th day.

V 49

Yoosung, whom is in his home, gets a call from Jumin, telling him about the situation. Despite being thought dead, Rika had shown up at the party, claiming she is the host and apologizing for it having to be canceled due to V's injury. She passes out wine to the guests, as an apology. Yoosung, along with Jumin's security, then goes to the party and after a brief conversation between Yoosung and Rika, makes everyone give up the wine. The screen blacks out and goes to a flashback to V's mother, and after the flashback ends it goes to a party two years later. It's revealed that V has been traveling for a while and is currently in Alaska, so he most likely won't make it to the party. After MC is left alone, V appears from the crowd with a smile on his face. He tells MC about his new life, painting white puzzles with beautiful designs and colors, he now goes by Jihyun. He confesses his feelings towards MC, admitting he wants to continue his life with her. The screen then cuts to Good Ending

V's after Ending is an eight-part DLC, known as Judge or Forgive . For a more detailed description, see that page.

Ray/Saeran's Route

For more detailed route guide and descriptions of the endings obtainable via Another Story, see Unknown/Route Tips and Unknown/Endings .

Ray 24

During the broadcast of the scandal reveal video, the RFA receives a request to stop the broadcast. Jumin orders for the video to be taken down as they were receiving attacks from the agency Seven works at. Due to the circumstances, the RFA is forced to move on to Plan B and they resort to sending the blackmail files to the prime minister's office anonymously.

One week later, the news reports that the prime minister has made a stand that the files received were slanderous news and claims that he will sue whoever was the perpetrator. On the RFA's side, they are no longer receiving attacks from the agency, suggesting that Seven might have been rescued by them. However, there is no contact from either V or Seven. At the same time, Saeran's security continues to be threatened by unknown pursuers.

To protect Saeran and the player, Jumin asks them to stay on a private island that is virtually inaccessible. In exchange, Jumin requests for the two to create an encyclopedia of the plant species on the island. Time passes, and Saeran and the player have settled down happily on the private island, while V and Magenta have completely disappeared without a trace. As Saeran and the player reminisce of their time together on the island, Saeran wonders if they should visit newer places or continue to stay on the island. Either way, Saeran remarks that he is now happy, and asks the player to stay with him in this beautiful world forever.

  • Successfully reach the 11th Day in Ray's route.

Ray 6

If the player is dismissive of Ray's efforts, insists that he focuses on work and that he is weak and is generally very cold towards him, on the 6th day after the branch the player will leave the room. The Savior, in the middle of an errand, decides to speak to the player about Ray after spotting the player leave the room. The Savior admits to the player that Ray came from a horrid childhood that conditioned him to be obsessed about his self-worth after his mind and body were destroyed and that he would feel safer in an environment where his freedom is limited. Savior goes on to continue that she believes he will offer the best results if there is someone looking after him.

Savior is unable to continue the task, as she was his original caregiver, due to the growth and demands of Mint Eye. Aware of the player's influence on Ray, she asks the player to take care of Ray in her stead. The player is given full authority over Ray so long as Savior is given the most optimal results.

A few months pass and in the player's room, Ray reveals that he just obtained the last bit of information needed on the RFA as well as having obtained an undisclosed item at the player's request. Ray approaches the player after a comment made by them and is completely at their mercy, wanting to please the player and prove his worth, a repercussion of the player's earlier actions of wanting him to prove himself. He is, essentially, a slave and will obey every whim and fancy of the player's, afraid of the possibility of the player leaving him because of his lack of worth. He treats the player as a goddess and is completely compliant with the player, even going so far as willing to break or change himself for the player.

  • Be mean/cruel to Ray, and treat him like a weak useless person
  • Force Ray to work, and encourage RFA and Ray to work hard than taking breaks
  • Don't trust V
  • Be glad of the Prime Minister's good deeds and suggest the Prime Minister to join RFA
  • Be more enthusiastic on who will win between Ray, and the C&R intelligence unit and Seven, rather than settling the conflict peacefully

Ray 15

If the player is depressed and behaves submissively, reassuring Saeran that he is the strong one while Ray is weak, on the 9th Day, Saeran will come into the player's room dressed as Ray. Saeran taunts the player by pretending to be Ray, feigning tears and sadness, only to cruelly reveal that it was a trick. This breaks the player as her eyes finally go blank.

Some time passes, and it is revealed that Saeran continues to torment the player by giving her hope and then crushing them. He emotionally abuses the player by giving her gifts and taking them back, constantly reminding her that she is undeserving of anything. It is also implied that she is starved to a certain extent. Saeran furthers his abuse on the player by suggesting that he will get a girlfriend and comments that the player would be choked with jealousy. He then kisses the player, only to scathingly say that it was the worst kiss of his life. Saeran then punishes the player by leaving her alone in her room, saying that she must forever hurt so that he will have fun.

  • Be pessimist
  • Be intimidated and submissive to Ray, let him treat you as his 'toy'
  • Don't trust V and pry out secrets from him
  • Act like a believer and agree with Rika

Bad Story Ending 3 Summary :

Ray 22

On the 10th day, the player is summoned by the savior and it's revealed by the savior that your devil is "screaming for deliverance." It is implied that she is interested in the player, and wants to save the player from the light. The screen fades to black after the savior expresses that she and the player will perfect everything and make a kingdom that has a "great marionette king". The savior asks you to be a queen with her and the screen fades.

The player has one choice to speak to Saeran, who responds in complete submission, and calls the player "my queen". The screen fades in to Saeran sitting on the savior's chair, in the savior's robes whilst the believers are cheering for him as he addresses them. One of the believers yells that he is not the true savior, so both the player and Rika orders other believers to take the traitor away. Saeran continues his speech as if nothing had happened, and it ends with Rika asking if the player is happy, stating that it's the living paradise of Earth. Requirements:

  • Act like a believer
  • Be faithful to Rika and agree with her

Bad Relationship Ending 1 Summary : On the 6th day, the player is summoned by the savior and it is revealed that the player has rarely logged into the messenger. The savior decides that the player needs to be cleansed and forces the Elixir of Salvation on the player.

After the player's cleansing, Ray visits her in her room. The player seems to be heavily under the influence of the elixir in confusion, unable to respond to Ray when he speaks to her. Ray laments about his broken promises to keep the player safe, apologising to her profusely, and blaming himself for being unable to keep the player entertained. The other believers find Ray and forcefully remove him from the room, bringing him to the savior, as Ray cries that he will be back for the player.

  • Participate in less than 70% of the RFA chats between Days 5-6 of Ray's Route.

Bad Relationship Ending 2 Summary : On the 10th day, several Believers forcefully take the player out of her room, into the dungeon. When she wakes, she meets ??? (Ray?/Saeran?) who tells her that he doesn't know who he is either. He explains that the player has been unconscious after taking the elixir and that he has been waiting for her to come to. ??? tells the player that he will save her, and that his heart hurt when he saw her in pain. He gives her sleeping medicine, apologizes to the player for not being able to make her happy, and wishes that she will stay happy outside as he says good bye. The player then takes the sleeping medicine and finds herself in an unknown apartment when she wakes. Requirements:

Summary: Information Needed

Zen 61

Ray's after Ending is a four-day DLC, known simply as Ray's After Ending . For a more detailed description, see that page.

Christmas Special 2016 DLC

  • Yoosung Ending
  • Jaehee Ending
  • Jumin Ending
  • Christmas Bad Ending
  • Unknown Bad Ending
  • Normal/Neutral Ending


The player will come to the party to help fairly late, and help until it's dark. Then after either flirting with or complementing Yoosung, you will go somewhere quieter. There Yoosung will apologize for talking so much about Rika, have you sit on his handkerchief, and talk about how he wants to tell you his feelings when he's less of a mess. This will be interrupted by snow, and then Yoosung will lean over the player's back while taking them home.

  • Get green(Yoosung) hearts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
  • Get chatroom entitled "Watch me" and story mode entitled "Dreamy Christmas" at 21:00 on Christmas Day

Zen 47

Zen Ending Summary: When the event is about to end Jaehee, Yoosung and the player notice Zen arriving at the place while riding a motorcycle. Zen approaches the player and takes her away from the event. They arrive in a secluded place where they can be alone. Zen feels happy and special being with her on Christmas Day, he never spent Christmas with someone he has feelings for. Zen conveys that he feels lonely inside whenever he always works or stays home. His dreams and passions are important but he knows he won't be able to stand being alone feeling lonely. He admits to her that he's barely holding himself back. The player tells him to let him do what he wants. Zen moves closer to her and finally kisses her. He feels overjoyed and thanks her for making his Christmas special.

In the subsequent chatroom, Jaehee worries Zen and the player since they haven't heard anything from them after they ran away from the event. Seven then hacks into Zen's phone which makes Zen enter the chatroom. Seven explains why he did it and Zen apologizes to Jaehee for leaving. Zen tells them that he's with the player reading his script together in his practice room just the two of them. He says the player has to say something and leaves the chat room. Seven and Jaehee notices how elated he is. Later on the player enters the chatroom and tells something depending on what option you'll choose.

  • Get gray(Zen) hearts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
  • Get chatroom entitled "Wait for me" and story mode entitled "You and I" at 21:00 on Christmas Day


The player arrives at the party very early to help with all the work, and spends a fair amount of time with Jaehee. Afterwards, Jaehee has to leave to finish another project for Jumin. Jumin will give the player some documents to give to Jaehee and send her to the C&R building with Driver Kim. There the player will see Jaehee has fallen asleep, have the option to muse about confessing their real feelings, and kiss her. Later, Jaehee will wake up to documents and hot chocolate and wonder if she dreamed about what she wanted most: the player coming to see her.

  • Get yellow(Jaehee) hearts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
  • Get chatroom entitled "Jaehee back to the company" and story mode entitled "Warmth you left behind" at 21:00 on Christmas Day


The player will arrive at the party to help. At the very end, it will turn out that Jumin was standing in line for an hour to donate to the fundraiser as well. He'll ask Thorn to walk across the stage with him before donating 120 million in cash to charity in her name. Then he'll walk off, talk about trying to enjoy the changing present with her, and hug her. The night will end with Jumin taking her home to have her sleep on his couch.

  • Get purple(Jumin) hearts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day#
  • Get chatroom entitled "" and story mode entitled "The present" at 21:00 on Christmas Day

Seven 43

707 will call MC to inform her that he's waiting outside the apartment for her. She'll go outside to meet him and he'll take you out. He'll state that it's a secret and then blindfold MC, leading you away. He takes it off to reveal fireworks, he then takes MC home and a chat room is opened.

  • Get Red (707) hearts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
  • Get chatroom entitled "From the outer space" and story mode entitled "First Christmas" at 21:00 on Christmas Day

Christmas Bad Ending Summary: The player is about to go to the event when a phone installed in Rika's apartment is ringing. It turns out Seven is the one who's calling. He tells her that the hacker seems to be back and on the move, and suggests to not go to the event. He apologizes and informs her that he initiated a full lock-down on the apartment.

The fundraising party becomes successful. Yoosung and Jaehee begin cleaning up, both secretly hoping the player will eventually arrive, but she does not attend. In a subsequent chatroom, everyone congratulats each other on the effort they spent working on the party, but notice the player didn't go to the event and hasn't logged onto the messenger.

  • Participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day.
  • Get chatroom entitled "Looks busy..." and story mode entitled "Security alert" at 21:00 on Christmas Day

Common 55

Unknown Bad Ending Summary: If the player shows interest in meeting Unknown when he first texts her on Christmas Day, he mentions that security is so strong that it's difficult for him to speak with her. He asks her to give him the address to the party and arranges a meeting time. At the end of the party, which becomes a success, Jaehee and Yoosung thank the player for attending, and Driver Kim takes her home. When the player opens the door to Rika's apartment, Unknown is inside, waiting. Though the player is trembling, which he interprets as fear, he is also convinced she loves him. He tells her that Santa is a big lie made up by adults who only reward "good" children, and he plans on reinventing the holiday so that everyone will be happy. He takes her away, laughing as he does so.

The members of RFA gather at a chat room to celebrate the success of their party, Seven becomes alarmed when the other members mentioned the player has not logged in. He reveals that the security cameras in front of Rika's apartment were hacked and replaced with a still image, and the rest of the members begin panicking as they try to locate her. Once everyone has logged off, Unknown appears in the messenger, saying that he will take care of the player. Meanwhile, the player is seen spending time with him, as he decorates her with a festive bow.

Requirements: Answer with the following responses when Unknown texts on Christmas Day.

  • 12:01 am message - Unknown: "Do you want to see me?" "Yes. I want to know who you are."
  • 8:43 am message - Unknown: "You won't make secrets from me, would you?" "I'll send you the address for the event. [Send address]"
  • 4:07 pm message - Unknown: "Could you tell me when that event ends? If I know that, I'll be able to reach you." "It ends at 9. I'll be waiting. You said you'd come find me soon."

Normal/Neutral Ending Summary: It begins with the player and Seven chatting before she leaves for the event. In the event, Yoosung and Jaehee are having a conversation when the player arrives. They have decided to stop receiving donations since they've already raised four times the goal amount. Jumin enters the venue shortly, meeting her for the first time. He decides to make some donations which make eight times the goal amount. Later on, Zen comes to the event, riding his motorcycle. He greets the player and argues with Jumin as usual. V appears eventually who purposely hid amongst the crowd and snuck in. Zen then checks if everyone is complete but notices Seven is missing. As they're talking about him, the giant monitor suddenly turns on and off. They suspect it's because of the hacker so they stand to protect the player. All of a sudden the screen displays fireworks with “-707 Cat” fixed at the bottom right of the screen. They think it's prepared from Seven so they suppose the whole RFA has gathered and spent Christmas together.

In the subsequent chatroom, Seven congratulates on the success of the charity event. The whole RFA members then enter the chatroom one after another. Seven checks on the player and reports it on the chat room as she gets to the apartment safely. He then suggests to the whole RFA to greet her when she logs in the messenger. As she enters the chatroom, every one of them greets her “Merry Christmas” with short messages.

  • Balance all hearts from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day
  • Don't pick too many options that don't give out hearts, else you'll get Bad Ending
  • Get chatroom entitled “707’s monologue” and story mode entitled “RFA & Christmas” at 21:00 on Christmas Day

Valentine's Day After Ending

Yoosung 34

Jaehee, Yoosung, and the player are having a leisure time in Jaehee's coffee shop. Although it's Valentine's Day, the shop is closed due to the construction in front of the store. Yoosung notices a construction worker who's trying to move a vase outside the café so Jaehee exits and talks to the man. Yoosung then admits that it's not his day off and he is just ordered by Jumin to check their coffee shop if it's doing well. He later receives a call from Jumin and leaves the store. Afterwards, Jaehee and the player go back on their work even though it's their day off.

They look at their sales and try to make a new cake recipe. After mixing the ingredients and placing it in the oven, Jaehee remembers they ran out of coffee beans so they both go to the storage room and get some other things in there. After getting the necessary ingredients both of them try to leave the room but a mop got stuck on the door, stopping the door from opening. Unable to exit the area, Jaehee calls Yoosung on her phone for help. Both of them sit down on the floor while waiting for him to arrive.

Jumin 37

The player awakes from her sleep in Jumin's penthouse. She interacts with some things in the room, like a giant wedding photo and Elizabeth the 3rd. The player then receives a call from Jumin, who is currently on a business trip and calling to see how she is doing. The player notices how annoyed he is at his work. She asks if he knows what day it is today but he just answers with a general board meeting, leaving MC assuming he forgot it's Valentine's Day. Later he ends the call to continue his work.

Common 57

It starts off with MC getting a call from 707 announcing he has set up a special game for her to play. For the first round you go visit Jaehee at C&R and she will talk about how 707 has changed before giving MC a cat shaped clock left by Seven, for you. Seven will then send MC a series of text messages before calling her and giving her the next hint, for this round you will go visit Jumin at his home, he'll give MC a doll, named brother, shaped like 707 that'll tell a bedtime story if you squeeze it. 707 will call and give MC the hint to go to the next place, Zen's house, upon getting their Zen will give MC a wrapped present from Seven that contains a homemade taser, for self defense. For the last round go to Yoosung's house, where you'll receive a box of chocolates. Your ending will now be determined.

White Chocolate Ending

707 takes MC out and they're shown watching the stars, Seven will invite her to dance and as they're dancing he'll go on about how he's glad he met MC.

  • Try choosing the more cute, innocent, options.

Dark Chocolate Ending

707 takes MC back to his home and announces he's been watching her the whole time and has realized what she wants. He'll then start to unzip her dress, announcing how he wants to go farther in their relationship.

April Fool's DLC

  • Normal Ending 1
  • Normal Ending 2

April fools14

Seven informs the player that he is going to do some ‘maintenance’ for the messenger to ensure that the pranks from ‘dreamland’ don't go over to reality. He then congratulates her for reaching the end of the ‘dream’ with Zen. He thanks her for trying to stop Zen from going insane and later removes the bug that keeps Zen from leaving the chat room. In a story mode Zen wakes up and asks to himself if it was just a dream.

In a subsequent chatroom, all of the members except Zen are online. They tell the player that she was online since midnight and she didn't pick up their calls and texts. Later they inform her that they've prepared a party to celebrate Zen's birthday and invite her to come. They also decide to change the party location to Zen's house since they can't contact Zen. Seven, who is silent the whole time, finally speaks and tells them that Zen is in his house the whole day. Eventually Zen enters the chatroom, he notices that he can leave the chat room now and assumes he's finally awake from his dream. They notify him that they are going to celebrate his birthday in his house and greet him ‘Happy birthday’. They all leave the chatroom and head to Zen's place afterwards.

Inside Zen's house, all of the members, except the player, are discussing some things. Zen later tells them about his dream. He thanks the player for encouraging him by his side when he is the only normal being in his dreams. Later on the player arrives in the venue and they start to prepare the cake. After lighting the birthday candles Zen blows and everyone gives presents to him. He then realizes in his dreams that no matter how ridiculous things are around him, it's all okay if there's one person who truly believes in him. He thanks the player and considers her his most precious birthday gift of all.

  • Celebrate his birthday not April Fool's Day, persuade Zen that it's just a dream, don't make him adjust and turn himself like the other members, make him be himself, act like a normal person.

April fools17

Zen shares his thoughts about what Yoosung said earlier about dimensions to the player. When he was still little he had a weird dream. It felt like he was looking out towards a three-dimensional world through a glass window. He saw someone who was walking really fast. He wanted to approach that person and ask about the world but the glass window blocked him. He thinks that the player might be the person he saw in that dream. He asks her if they're both from different dimensions, if her displayed name is real, if everything she told him is true; which will be answered depending on the player's choice. After she answers the questions he becomes more confused and leaves the chat room afterwards.

In the subsequent chatroom, after pondering his thoughts, he feels blessed to have her come on the messenger to see him on his birthday. He feels her sincerity from all the messages she sent. He admits that his feelings for her have gotten to big for him to give up on them. Even if he can't cross over dimensions he'll try his best so that at least his heart can get through and reach her. He hopes that she's doing well and having a good life in her world and hopes that she will find him when she feels blue or needs a place to rest. Before leaving the chat room, he tells her that he will always be by her side and says ‘I love you’.

In a story mode, Zen and the player finally see each other. He wants to get to know her better but her answers are already determined. He wants to make her happy and have fun that he'll never forget. He tells her that he will always be there so that she can come and see him whenever she wants. He admits that at first he couldn't stand the fact that she is in another dimension but he feels satisfied when he realizes that their thoughts and feelings transcend dimensions. He feels grateful for the moment when he can finally see her. It ends with him saying ‘I love you, [Your Name]. Let’s be forever.’

  • Acknowledge the existence of a different dimension, make Zen believe he is in another dimension from you.

April fools15

The members are chatting about Unknown, Zen is now awake and everyone is now normal. However, Zen still believes he has achieved going to another dimension and is now a plaster head, which makes everyone concerned for him, but they still ignore him. As everyone leaves the chat room Zen says he's going to an art gallery to live where he belongs and leaves, ending the chat.

  • Participate less 30% on the whole day; or
  • Persuade Zen that what he is seeing right now is reality, go along with the craziness of the other members.

Ray's After Ending

  • Bad Endings
  • Bad Relationship Ending
  • Successfully reach Day 4 and bypass the first branch.
  • In Jumin's Story Mode after "Escape - Success!", go with Driver Kim to save Saeran.
  • In Story Mode after "Saeyoung is Back", choose "(Follow V.)"

Bad Ending 1 Summary : Two weeks after V's attack, MC still hasn't woken up after being drugged. Ray is lost without her and doesn't know what to do. During this time, Saejoong Choi comes live with fake DNA tests to clear his name and 'prove' that the twins aren't his sons. You then see a speech from Yoosung about how he's terrified to leave his house and everything is going wrong for the RFA members, with the minister manipulating the media with false stories against them.

  • In Story Mode after "Please Wake Up" on Day 1, choose "(Do not move.)"

Bad Ending 3 Summary :

  • In Saeran's Story Mode after "ZEN Is Awake!" on Day 2, choose "You can go ahead. I think I'll try contacting the rest of the RFA."

Bad Ending 4 Summary :

  • In Saeran's Story Mode after "Saeyoung Is With Rika" on Day 2, choose the options to not follow Vanderwood;
  • When Saeran suggests going with Vanderwood on his own, choose "Okay. That'd be better than getting us both in trouble."
  • In Jumin's Story Mode after "Escape - Success!", choose "I think I'll stay here..."
  • Successfully reach Day 4 and bypass the first two branches.
  • 1 Chat Room Timings
  • 3 Phone Calls

Mystic Messenger Endings: Unlock Secrets and Embrace the Emotional Rollercoaster

Mirtha Hadley

Hey there, fellow Mystic Messenger fans! If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent countless hours immersed in the captivating world of this otome game. And let’s not even get started on the rollercoaster of emotions we’ve experienced with the various endings. Well, fear not, because in this article, I’ll be diving deep into the mystic waters of Mystic Messenger endings. We’ll explore the different routes, the choices that lead to each outcome, and the emotional impact they have on us players. So buckle up and get ready for a journey through love, heartbreak, and everything in between in the world of Mystic Messenger endings.

Table of Content

Route Options

The deep story route, the casual story route, the another story route, the v route, bad endings, good endings, understanding the choices, exploring the emotional impact, tips and strategies for unlocking endings.

When it comes to Mystic Messenger, one of the most exciting aspects is the ability to choose different routes and explore various storylines. The game offers several route options, each leading to its own unique ending. As players, we get to decide which path we want to take and see how our choices impact the outcome of the story.

Here are some of the route options available in Mystic Messenger:

  • Zen’s Route: This route focuses on the charming and talented Zen, a talented actor with a passionate personality. Throughout his route, players will get to know Zen better as they unravel his past and help him with his personal struggles. Zen’s route provides a heartwarming love story with some unexpected twists.
  • Yoosung’s Route: Yoosung’s bright and cheerful personality makes his route a delightful experience. As players embark on Yoosung’s route, they will discover his journey of self-discovery and growth. The emotional depth of this route is truly captivating, and it’s impossible not to get emotionally invested in Yoosung’s story.
  • Jaehee’s Route: Jaehee is a hardworking and dependable character, and her route explores the challenges she faces in her professional and personal life. As players engage with Jaehee’s route, they will witness her determination and loyalty. Jaehee’s route offers a unique perspective and an inspiring narrative.
  • Jumin’s Route: For those who enjoy a more mysterious and complex storyline, Jumin’s route is an excellent choice. Players will delve into Jumin’s enigmatic world and unravel the secrets that surround him. Jumin’s route is filled with intrigue and surprises, leaving players wanting for more.
  • Seven’s Route: Seven’s route is an emotional rollercoaster that takes players on a thrilling journey. As players get to know Seven’s quirky and enigmatic personality, they will uncover the truth behind his past and his involvement in the mysterious organization. Seven’s route is filled with twists and turns that will keep players on the edge of their seats.

Each route in Mystic Messenger offers a unique and captivating experience. The choices we make throughout the game will determine the ending we get, creating a strong emotional attachment to the characters and their stories. Exploring each route allows us to immerse ourselves in the world of Mystic Messenger, making every playthrough feel like a new adventure.

With these different route options, Mystic Messenger truly provides a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience that keeps players coming back for more

In Mystic Messenger, the Deep Story Route is a captivating and emotionally intense journey that delves into the lives of the characters on a much deeper level. This route is unlocked after successfully completing at least one character’s route in the Casual Story or Deep Story modes. It offers a more intricate narrative, exploring the darker secrets and underlying motivations of the characters.

Within the Deep Story Route, players have the opportunity to connect with the enigmatic character, 707, also known as Saeyoung Choi. Unraveling his mysterious past and unruly personality is an exhilarating experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats. Through engaging chat conversations, phone calls, and deeply personal moments, players can uncover the truth behind 707’s past and unlock the depths of his heart.

The Deep Story Route in Mystic Messenger focuses on themes of trust, redemption, and sacrifice. The storyline becomes increasingly complex and thought-provoking, drawing players into a web of intricate character relationships and emotional turmoil. The route explores topics such as privacy invasion, government conspiracies, and the consequences of one’s actions, all while maintaining a sense of emotional depth and connection with the characters.

Throughout the Deep Story Route, choices made by the player hold significant weight and determine the outcome of the story. Each decision carries consequences that can lead to different endings, enhancing the replayability factor of Mystic Messenger. This aspect adds an element of excitement and uncertainty, urging players to make careful and deliberate choices to unlock the true ending of the route.

The Deep Story Route in Mystic Messenger provides an immersive and captivating experience. It’s a journey that transcends the boundaries of a typical visual novel game, offering a rich narrative that explores complex emotions and personal growth. Whether you’re exploring the depths of 707’s past or unraveling the intricate relationships between characters, the Deep Story Route promises an unforgettable adventure filled with love, heartbreak, and self-discovery.

In Mystic Messenger, the Casual Story Route offers players a more lighthearted and relaxed experience compared to the intense Deep Story Route. This route allows players to form connections with characters such as Zen, Yoosung, and Jaehee, as they navigate the world of the mysterious RFA (Rika’s Fundraising Association).

Throughout the Casual Story Route, players have the opportunity to interact with the characters through text messages, phone calls, and chat rooms. These interactions not only provide insight into the characters’ personalities and backgrounds but also allow players to make choices that influence the course of the story.

One of the central themes explored in the Casual Story Route is personal growth. As players engage with the characters, they can witness their growth and development, both individually and as a group. The route’s focus on friendship and support encourages players to empathize with the characters’ struggles and celebrate their successes.

While the Casual Story Route may not delve as deeply into the darker secrets and underlying motivations of the characters like the Deep Story Route, it still offers plenty of emotional moments and captivating narratives. The route presents a balance of lightheartedness, humor, and heartfelt moments that keep players engaged in the story.

Players will encounter a variety of endings in the Casual Story Route, depending on the choices they make. These endings range from heartwarming and satisfying to bittersweet and thought-provoking. Each ending further emphasizes the impact that the player’s choices have on the characters’ lives.

The Casual Story Route in Mystic Messenger provides a delightful and enjoyable experience that allows players to form meaningful connections with the characters. It invites players to explore themes of friendship, personal growth, and the power of choices. Whether you’re seeking a more relaxed and lighthearted journey or simply want to deepen your understanding of the Mystic Messenger world, the Casual Story Route is a must-play.

Let’s delve into the intriguing Another Story route of Mystic Messenger. This route introduces a whole new dimension to the game, providing players with a fresh perspective on the characters and their stories.

In the Another Story route, players take on the role of a new character called V. Through V’s eyes, we see the events of the game unfold in a unique and captivating way. This route offers a deep exploration of V’s character, his relationships, and the mysteries surrounding Rika, the founder of the RFA.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Another Story route is the opportunity to uncover the truth behind Rika’s actions and her involvement with Mint Eye. As players navigate through the story, they come face to face with a series of revelations and plot twists that shed light on Rika’s past and motives.

Not only does the Another Story route provide a compelling narrative, but it also offers a variety of endings that are influenced by the choices made throughout the game. The decisions players make as V will have a significant impact on the outcomes and the resolution of the story.

In this route, players have the chance to strengthen their relationships with characters such as V, Rika, and the other members of the RFA. Each interaction and conversation brings players closer to the truth and unravels layers of emotional depth within the characters.

The Another Story route is a must-play for any fan of Mystic Messenger who craves more in-depth storytelling and character development. It provides a fresh perspective and a wealth of new information that adds depth and complexity to the overall narrative. Prepare yourself for a journey of discovery, mysteries, and emotional revelations like no other.

In the world of Mystic Messenger, the V Route stands out as a captivating and mysterious journey that takes players on a profound exploration of the game’s narrative. This route introduces a new character, V, and provides a fresh perspective on the events of the game. With its rich storytelling and character development, the V Route is a must-play for fans seeking a deeper understanding of the game’s lore.

Entering the V Route unveils a complex web of relationships and mysteries surrounding Rika and Mint Eye. Players are given the opportunity to unravel the truth behind Rika’s actions and the enigmatic organization known as Mint Eye. The interactions and conversations in this route bring players closer to the truth and add a new level of emotional depth to the characters.

Throughout the V Route, players will navigate through a series of choices that influence the outcome of the story. These choices drive the narrative forward and determine which of the multiple endings players will experience. It is crucial to pay careful attention to the details and decisions made along the way, as they greatly impact the direction of the story.

One of the strengths of the V Route is its ability to delve deep into V’s character and his relationships with the other characters. Through various conversations and interactions, players gain insight into V’s motivations, struggles, and innermost thoughts. The emotional complexity and depth of the characters truly shine, allowing players to engage with the story on a whole new level.

As players progress through the V Route, they will gradually uncover the intricacies of the story, leading to a satisfying and enlightening climax. The route offers a range of endings, each reflecting the choices and actions of the player. It’s an immersive experience that rewards players for their attention to detail and empathetic understanding of the characters.

The V Route in Mystic Messenger offers a compelling narrative that captivates players with its nuanced storytelling and character development. By peeling back the layers of mystery, players gain a deeper understanding of the game’s intricate plot and the complex motivations of its characters. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer to the world of Mystic Messenger, the V Route is an essential part of the game that shouldn’t be missed.

Bad Endings and Good Endings

In Mystic Messenger, the choices you make throughout the game can lead to various outcomes, including both bad and good endings. These endings play a crucial role in shaping the overall narrative and can leave a lasting impact on players. In this section, I’ll discuss the different types of endings and how they contribute to the overall experience.

In Mystic Messenger, bad endings occur when you make choices that lead to unfavorable outcomes. These endings often depict unfortunate and sometimes tragic events, leaving players with a sense of disappointment or sadness. While these endings may not be the desired outcome, they add an element of realism to the game and showcase the consequences of poor decision-making.

These bad endings serve as cautionary tales, reminding players that their choices matter and have real consequences. They challenge players to think strategically and consider the motivations and feelings of the characters in order to avoid negative outcomes.

On the other hand, good endings in Mystic Messenger are the favorable outcomes that players strive for. Achieving a good ending requires making choices that demonstrate empathy, understanding, and a genuine connection with the characters. These endings often provide a sense of satisfaction and closure, rewarding players for their efforts in building meaningful relationships within the game.

Good endings are not only the result of making the right choices, but they also reflect the growth and development of the player’s character throughout the story. By understanding the desires and vulnerabilities of the characters, players can make decisions that lead to positive outcomes and strengthen their bond with the cast.

It’s important to note that the game offers multiple routes and endings, each with its own unique story arc and character development. This adds to the replayability and depth of the game, allowing players to explore different possibilities and uncover new layers of the narrative.

By experiencing both the bad and good endings in Mystic Messenger, players gain a more holistic understanding of the story and the characters’ journeys. It’s through these varied outcomes that the game encourages self-reflection and empathy, reminding us of the importance of our choices in shaping our own lives.

The bad endings and good endings in Mystic Messenger are part of what makes the game so captivating and engaging. As players navigate the intricate web of relationships and choices, they are rewarded with a range of outcomes that reflect the intricacies of human emotions and the power of personal connections. So, choose wisely and embark on a journey that will leave you with a deeper appreciation for the impact of your decisions.

When it comes to Mystic Messenger, the choices you make throughout the game play a crucial role in determining the outcome of the story. Each decision you make has the potential to lead to different endings, whether they be good or bad. Understanding the choices and their consequences is essential for achieving the desired outcomes and strengthening your bond with the characters.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind when navigating through the choices in Mystic Messenger:

  • Pay attention to the characters’ desires – The choices you make should align with the desires and goals of the characters. By understanding their motivations and needs, you can make choices that resonate with them and deepen your connection with them.
  • Consider the characters’ vulnerabilities – The characters in Mystic Messenger have their own vulnerabilities and insecurities. Taking the time to understand their fears and concerns can help you make choices that support and uplift them, ultimately leading to more favorable outcomes.
  • Think about the long-term consequences – Many of the choices you make in the game have ripple effects that impact the overall story. It’s important to consider how your choices may affect not only the character you’re interacting with in the moment but also the other characters and the overarching plot.
  • Don’t be afraid to explore different routes – Mystic Messenger offers multiple routes and endings, allowing you to experience the story from different perspectives. Don’t hesitate to replay the game and explore different paths to uncover new layers of the narrative and discover alternative endings.

Remember, the choices you make in Mystic Messenger are not only about determining the outcome of the story but also about exploring the intricacies of human emotions and the power of personal connections. Dive into the game with an open mind, empathize with the characters, and let your choices guide you through a captivating and engaging journey.

When it comes to Mystic Messenger, it’s not just about the story and the route you choose. It’s about the emotional impact that these choices have on both the characters and the player. Each decision you make in the game has the power to shape the outcome of the story and influence the relationships you form.

One of the key aspects that make Mystic Messenger so captivating is the depth of the emotional journey it takes you on. As you interact with the characters and uncover their pasts, desires, and vulnerabilities, you can’t help but become invested in their stories. From the initial casual conversations to the intense moments of vulnerability and trust, these interactions create a sense of connection and attachment.

The emotional impact of Mystic Messenger extends beyond the main storyline. Even in the individual character routes, you get a chance to delve deeper into their emotions and experiences. You witness their growth, their struggles, and their triumphs, all while forging meaningful connections.

Each route offers a unique emotional experience. From Zen’s passion and his inner demons to Yoosung’s journey of self-discovery and healing, each character’s story tugs at your heartstrings. Jaehee’s determination and her battle against societal expectations, Jumin’s struggle with his own emotions and the weight of his responsibilities, and Seven’s enigmatic past and his quest for redemption all add layers of emotional depth to the game.

But it’s not just the route-specific stories that leave an impact. The overall narrative of Mystic Messenger, with its themes of trust, sacrifice, friendship, and redemption, resonates with players on a profound level. It poses questions about the complexities of human emotions and relationships, forcing you to reflect on your own experiences and choices.

In Mystic Messenger, there are no easy answers, and the emotional impact lies in the consequences of your decisions. Your choices not only determine the outcome of the story but also shape the bonds you form with the characters. This adds to the replayability of the game, as you can explore different routes and uncover new layers of the narrative, ultimately leading to alternative endings.

So as you navigate through the world of Mystic Messenger, remember the emotional impact of your choices. Pay attention to the desires and vulnerabilities of the characters, consider the long-term consequences of your decisions, and explore different routes to uncover new layers of the narrative and discover alternative endings. The emotional journey of Mystic Messenger is one that will stay with you long after you put down your phone.

Unlocking different endings in Mystic Messenger can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Here are some tips and strategies that can help you navigate through the game and reach the desired outcomes:

  • Pay close attention to the characters: Each character in Mystic Messenger has their own unique personality, desires, and vulnerabilities. To unlock specific endings, it is crucial to understand the individual needs and preferences of each character. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and carefully read their responses to gain insights into their emotional state.
  • Consider the long-term consequences: The decisions you make throughout the game have a significant impact on the overall story and the relationships you form with the characters. Some choices may seem insignificant at the moment, but they can lead to paths that will ultimately determine the ending. Think about the potential consequences before making a decision and consider how it aligns with the character’s desires.
  • Explore different routes: Mystic Messenger offers multiple character routes, each with its own unique story and ending. Don’t be afraid to explore different routes to uncover new layers of the narrative and discover alternative endings. This allows you to delve deeper into the lives of the characters and gain a better understanding of their journeys.
  • Utilize the in-game resources: Mystic Messenger provides various in-game resources that can help you unlock different endings. The game features a chat room where you can interact with the characters, as well as phone calls, emails, and text messages. Make use of these resources to deepen your connection with the characters and uncover hidden clues that can lead to specific endings.
  • Keep track of your progress: As you progress through the game, it’s important to keep track of the choices you’ve made and the consequences they had. This will help you identify patterns and make more informed decisions in future playthroughs. Consider maintaining a journal or using a note-taking app to record your choices and the outcomes they result in.

By following these tips and strategies, you can enhance your Mystic Messenger experience and unlock a variety of endings. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so embrace the emotional rollercoaster and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Mystic Messenger.

Unlocking different endings in Mystic Messenger can be an emotional journey filled with twists and turns. By paying attention to the desires and vulnerabilities of the characters, considering the long-term consequences of your decisions, and exploring different routes, you can uncover new layers of the narrative and discover alternative endings.

The Mystic Messenger experience is all about immersing yourself in a captivating world where your choices have a profound impact. It’s about embracing the emotional rollercoaster and allowing yourself to be swept away by the storylines and characters. Whether you find yourself on a path of romance, friendship, or mystery, each ending offers a unique perspective and adds depth to the overall experience.

So, dive into the world of Mystic Messenger and let your choices shape the outcome. Uncover the hidden truths, build meaningful connections, and experience the full range of emotions that this game has to offer. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, and each ending is a testament to the choices you made along the way. Enjoy the ride!

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good endings mystic messenger

Mystic Messenger Zen route guide

Image of Davy Davison

Mystic Messenger has been around for a while but it is still one of the most popular otome games currently available. Cheritz is still adding new content to the game on a regular basis that keeps players coming back, but a lot of us still like to explore the original routes provided in the base game. Here is our guide on how to get every ending for our favorite actor, Zen.

Save often and make careful use of your saves to get all of these endings more easily. Create saves throughout your progress that you can go back to when you get the ending you want.

Day 1 – 4

Start Zen’s route in the Casual Story during days 1 – 4, you can do this by agreeing with and complimenting Zen or choosing chat options he likes. Feed his ego and avoid siding with Jumin to gain as many hearts as possible.

Good Ending

The good ending is the best possible ending you can get with Zen. To get this ending you have to reach day 11 with as many hearts as possible from Zen. You must also have at least 10 completed email chains. To maximize the number of hearts earned from Zen, use the list of chat choices below.

Good Ending chat choices

Here are all of the choices you can use to guarantee getting the good ending.

  • Jaehee… are you watching DVDs of Zen by any chance?
  • Looking at Zen’s looks is just like taking a vitamin.
  • Do you like Zen, Jaehee?
  • I like seeing Zen try hard too.
  • I’d like to see his performance live one day.
  • Isn’t it better to be honest?
  • I hope everything goes well for Zen. I’m fully supporting him.
  • I’d like to see too. Have fun ^^
  • I want to see Zen… lolol
  • You mean you helped Zen?
  • Omg look at the views….
  • I have no idea what you’re saying.
  • He’s good looking, but he’s even fit… So amazing.
  • I want to be owned by Zen. >_
  • …How much does Zen hate cats?
  • Is it all because of me?
  • Why is everyone single?
  • I want to see Zen.
  • Zen~ I really really really really missed you. I almost died. (
  • I already ate.
  • I will, lovely Zen~
  • I seriously think you’re the hottest guy in the world…
  • You have natural talent and amazing looks… and plus you try hard. You’ll succeed for sure.
  • Are you really coming here often to talk to me?
  • Hope you have a great day, Zen ^^
  • I think Zen is the best actor. He’s good looking and he even works hard.
  • There’s no doubt about the fact that his looks cause envy.
  • Still, I like good looks. Although that’s not everything.
  • Anyways, Zen is perfect on the outside and on the inside. So isn’t he perfect?
  • Son of the company Chairman… So jealous.
  • Zen’s not only attractive on the outside, so I don’t care.
  • I like Zen’s selfies.
  • Don’t you have to go to work now?
  • I’m going to go think of Zen.
  • Zen~! I missed you so so much~!
  • Why, did something good happen?!
  • Wow! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you~!
  • I’m a bit jealous but I hope everything goes well for you!
  • Of course! Good luck!
  • Isn’t that right before the party?
  • Cheer up!! I’m here for you ^^
  • Zen got a lead role and he’s acting with a famous TV star~
  • Is she good at acting?
  • I should get his autograph too ^^
  • I feel like Zen won’t change.
  • Sounds fun. Alright, let’s invite them.
  • I hope Zen’s girlfriend shows up in his life in the near future.
  • I will. This is really good ^^
  • My love Zen~. What do you think he’s doing right now?
  • Is Echo Girl that famous? Zen must be really good…
  • Do you really think she will help Zen get more famous?
  • I think Jumin tends to be harsh on Zen.
  • I don’t think Zen will like that.
  • That’s a good idea~.
  • Maybe if you dress up as Jaehee, they’ll let you in?
  • Seven, it was nice talking to you.
  • What are you doing with Jaehee!?
  • Very very very bad of him to mess with you!!
  • Try to stop him, Jaehee lolol
  • I think Zen doesn’t want to do the job for personal reasons.
  • I don’t really like cats…
  • I hope your new piece is a huge success ^^
  • I don’t think it matters who Zen acts with as long as they are talented.
  • I hope the situation gets better for actors~
  • I think it would be nice.
  • Thank you for thinking of me… ^^
  • Jaehee, are you being jealous?
  • I feel the same way.
  • Jaehee, it looks as if you’re jealous.
  • I want to be there with you~
  • Thank you for worrying about Zen, Jaehee. But we’ll take care of it on our own.
  • I want to sneak a peek Zen working out.
  • Good luck…;
  • Why don’t you try something more constructive than playing games? haha
  • I like that Zen is really nice to me ^^
  • I think Jaehee can be cautious of me since she’s his fan. I’m sure she means no harm.
  • I’m going to go think of Zen lol
  • Lovely Zen, I want to see some of your selfies lolol
  • Everything is forgiven if you have good looks, so it doesn’t matter. lol
  • If Zen says he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like it~!
  • No wonder he hates cats…lololol
  • You are right, but why don’t you consider his allergy a bit more? ^^
  • Isn’t that the attitude you should take if you want to cast a good actor?
  • Stop harassing my Zen… T_T
  • lolololololololol Stop teasing him.
  • Zen, calm down a bit… ^^;
  • Yes, but don’t overwork yourself. I’m sure Jumin means well.
  • I hope rehearsal goes well, lovely Zen ^^
  • Jumin and Zen… Isn’t there anyway for them to get along?
  • Shouldn’t you be cheering for Zen?
  • Whatevs. Spill
  • … You want to invite the longcat…?
  • Al…Alright.
  • He’s allergic…
  • I hope they make up one day…
  • That’s awesome, Seven.
  • I get that you’re worrying about Zen.
  • Thanks for worrying about Zen ^^ Good bye.
  • I missed you so much all I did was think about you the whole day…
  • What? Your ankle bones!? What’s going on? Do you want me to go?
  • Just be calm for now… Is there anything I can help you with?
  • No, you’re not pathetic. Think about getting to the hospital first.
  • First… go to the hospital and see a doctor. It’s not too late to regret then.
  • Get to the hospital safe, Zen… You’ll be alright.
  • I feel so bad that Zen got injured.
  • He hasn’t completely lost the role yet, so let’s wait until Zen get back.
  • I think we should just watch how things go for now.
  • I really hope that’s the case this time~!
  • That’s a good idea.
  • Zen will be thankful that you’re worrying for him… Get some rest, Jaehee ^^
  • I’m so worried about him.
  • How could you say that right now?;;;
  • Uhm, hello? Does the autograph matter when someone’s hurt?
  • If he gets better quickly, he might be able to do the rehearsal, don’t you think?
  • I don’t know how good Zen is… but I think he can pull it off. He can practice things that don’t require him to move.
  • Seven, I’m disappointed.
  • Haha… You slob.
  • I’d like to go visit him at the hospital… What do you think?
  • Seven, hope work goes well~!
  • I was worried so much… Are you back from the hospital, lovely Zen?
  • Oh now… does it hurt?
  • It’s not good to rely on cigarettes~!
  • You’re not pathetic at all. It was only an accident.
  • I do believe in you… I know that your efforts will shine through one day.
  • Sometimes things don’t work out as you planned. Cheer up and get back your spirit!
  • Yes, it’s a good idea.
  • I’d love that~!
  • Hope you feel better, Zen.
  • I feel bad seeing Zen have a hard time.
  • The doctor told him to rest… It’s really too bad.
  • You’ll have to say laterz to your fair skin if you start.
  • You should control yourself~!
  • I don’t like it that much.
  • Do you agree to me going to go visit Zen?
  • He’ll feel better soon. ^^
  • I’m glad that he got released from the hospital.
  • You need to exercise~!
  • If I can’t go, I think at least you should go Jaehee. I’m worried that he might get too depressed…
  • Jaehee… you don’t have feelings for Zen, do you?
  • Jaehee, I understand why you’re anxious, but we’re just starting to get to know each other.
  • I think we can put them on the list of potential guests.
  • Good luck with work, both of you ^^
  • I hope Zen gets better soon.
  • It’d be great if he gets better that quickly… but shouldn’t he listen to the doctor?
  • I’m sure she means well.
  • Hope Jaehee gets a boyfriend soon…
  • I don’t want to keep any secrets from Zen.
  • That came out of the blue?
  • That’s a beautiful story.
  • … Alright. I don’t fully support it, but let’s invite him.
  • Just what does Seven do in his free time…?
  • Yoosung, you should look for party guests too.
  • If I can help Zen, I’d like to go.
  • Let’s do that…^^
  • Don’t game too much.
  • I’d like to go.
  • Hey, Jaehee~^^
  • I’d really like to go, but since I’m staying at a secret place, things aren’t too easy ^^
  • How could you recommend Seven? lolol
  • I haven’t known Zen for long… but I think I can care about him as much as the others do or even more.
  • Thank you ^^
  • Then doesn’t that mean I can go?
  • Did I do something wrong?
  • If that’s what’s best for Zen, I’ll keep that in mind.
  • I understand your position, Jaehee… but thank you for saying that Zen.
  • Jaehee, you’re not wrong… but I think it should be Zen to decide what dignity means for himself, not the fans.
  • Zen… don’t have such thoughts. You’re just going through a rough patch right now.
  • But shouldn’t you tell the director first?
  • I’m sure she means well too. We just have different perceptions.
  • Rest up and just think positive thoughts! Cheer up!
  • Good luck on your work. Thank you for caring about Zen.
  • Why am I the center of attention?
  • I’m sure Jaehee’s just worried about Zen’s career.
  • I don’t hate her.
  • You don’t like your father?
  • Zen said he doesn’t talk to his family… I feel so bad about that.
  • You’re right, but I feel like Zen has a lot of hurt regarding his family. So I’m careful to tell him that.
  • Maybe you just like Zen?
  • He said he’s ALLERGIC!
  • I quite like Zen too. ^^
  • I understand why she feels that way.
  • I am innocent, sir.
  • I don’t really understand Jumin.
  • You should ask things like that on Fake Book.
  • Zen is mine!! Don’t text him.
  • lolololololololol
  • So you just have to get yourself together and you have a perfect family.
  • What? Really?
  • You must have a complicated reason.
  • I feel like you didn’t grow up in a normal family, Seven…
  • What if they don’t take him back in?
  • Let’s stop talking about this. It’s a sensitive issue.
  • Go ahead, Yoosung.
  • You were only thinking of Zen. ^^
  • Thank you for thinking of Zen… ^^
  • Hey, Zen ^^
  • I’m sure it’s because they are worried about you.
  • You have to exercise to sleep…
  • Zen… are you still holding on to it…?
  • Don’t think like that, Zen. You can get better soon and get a better role!
  • I don’t think that’s a bad idea.
  • Of course it’s for you to decide, Zen, but it would be nice if you could return to your family like Seven said.
  • You never know. He could have just been worried for you~
  • You shouldn’t have cared so much about what Jumin said~!
  • It’s a sensitive issue, so I’ll respect your opinion.
  • Please feel better… I really wish I could go.
  • Thanks for thinking of him though.
  • Cheer up, Zen~!
  • Deep into the night, I stay awake staring into the dark abyss of Zen’s eyes.
  • Zen will always stay beautiful no matter what.
  • You’re right.
  • I think he’ll be happy if I go visit him ^^
  • No! What if Zen gets fat?!
  • I still can’t sleep yet. Good night~
  • I did! You should eat properly too.
  • What?? Honey Buddha Chips?! How did he find them? They’re so hard to get.
  • I want to try them… Get on for me, Zen.
  • I know it’s hard… but you know that you always have to tell the truth.
  • You’ll get another opportunity. Everyone thinks so… Have faith in yourself!
  • Don’t limit yourself by thinking like that.
  • Have confidence! Don’t think like that.
  • Get back safe~
  • Hiya Yoosung.
  • I can feel that Zen is having a really difficult time.
  • That’s just how life works.
  • Yes… Since I’m cheering for him, he has to get better soon!
  • Yeah. He always stays humble and puts a lot of effort, so I’m sure he’ll succeed.
  • Try to play games less and do other activities.
  • I hope I can be that kind of person to Zen.
  • Alright. Let’s think about your future together.
  • It’s more sad not being able to do what you want.
  • You’re going to study, right? Good luck!
  • Hello, Jaehee~
  • Is it a crime to have an allergy? ;;
  • …So if Zen’s allergic to cats, Jumin’s allergic to women?
  • Jumin… Do you like men or women?
  • Am I the only one who smells more late work hours for Jaehee?
  • Aren’t you sick of cats?
  • He’ll feel better if I go see him…
  • I’d like to go… but how can I?
  • Then… I can really meet him!!
  • I could ask him about it.
  • Jaehee, you don’t have to worry. Nothing bad will happen.
  • Where should I go?
  • Don’t worry. I won’t do anything to harm him.
  • I’m excited too~
  • You met her?
  • Did you tell her that you can’t do the show…?
  • How does she know all of them!?
  • He was cold…
  • What is it?
  • Wow… Amazing.
  • Guess you get to play the role. Congrats.
  • See you soon. I’m almost there ^^

Day 7 – Visual Novel 1

  • Is it okay to ignore what Driver Kim said?
  • I wanted to see you to. You’re more handsome in person.
  • Alright. I’ll help you.

Day 7 Continued

  • I’ll have to go home soon ^^;;
  • Don’t worry~ I’m only here to help Zen feel better.
  • Don’t scare me! Zen will protect me.
  • Then there won’t be any use in me mentioning it…
  • Zen can’t work because of his allergy.
  • You mean… that Youtube video that Seven made? What kind of help did you offer?
  • I don’t even want to imagine that…
  • I do agree… but I’m sure he doesn’t mean harm.
  • Jumin, are you angry?
  • This might be a misunderstanding, so please take time to think about it.
  • That will be fun!
  • I understand how Jumin feels… but I don’t know if Zen really hates him.
  • I will. Don’t worry ^^

Day 7 – Visual Novel 2

  • I think he’s jealous of you.
  • What was your brother like?

Day 7 – Continued

  • He’s doing well.
  • I’ll tell him that. Thanks, Jaehee.
  • Jaehee, I understand what you are saying. But… leave our relationship to us.
  • It sounds good. I’ll consider inviting them
  • I will. Good luck with work, Jaehee.

Day 7 – Visual Novel 3

  • Let’s invite it!
  • If that’s what you want.
  • I want to stay here too.
  • I trust your decision.
  • You must have really liked your brother…
  • Why did you think he changed so suddenly?
  • So did you get help?
  • So that’s why you don’t like Jumin?
  • Hold it tight and never let go.
  • What do you mean?
  • It’s fine. I can come next time.
  • It was a comfortable trip thanks to you. (Alt Selection)
  • Zen’s going to be busy since he has to act!
  • Stop drinking so much…
  • You water the plants and rake the dirt?
  • I felt excited as if I have known him for a long time.
  • Uhm… Zen does realize that he discriminated against you.
  • Zen has his own reasons for his attitude… so please don’t be so offended.
  • We’ll take care of it ourselves~ Laterz Jumin.
  • I wanted to stay the night at your place… T_T…
  • I’m blushing…
  • Why don’t you stop playing games first of all… ^^
  • I’m sure Zen will take care of it himself ^^
  • Thank you so much for saying that, Zen
  • I like you too, Zen, but I don’t want any damage to your career…
  • Zen… Thank you so much for saying that~!
  • I don’t care if you’re blinded. I still like you.
  • This is a nice feeling…
  • Why don’t you try playing less~!
  • Don’t be like that~ Zen is going through a difficult time.
  • Great! (Email from writer)
  • Put me to bed, Zen…
  • Goodbye, Zen ^^
  • I just saw something strange…?
  • I saw some weird text— I’m telling the truth.
  • My babe’s love is so ginormous it just oozes out of the messenger…
  • Mmm. invent a similar one! And publish it!
  • Do you even have time to make one?
  • I’m Zen’s lovable baby.
  • The I guess you can’t create one… I think Zen will be able to since he knows love ^^
  • I’m ready to religiously devote my body and soul to Zen.
  • I’m make sure to protect it with all I have. Good bye ^^
  • I’m hungry for Zen…
  • What are you going to have?
  • Why don’t we invite them to the party?
  • Zen~ Hello.
  • I can’t sleep thinking of you.
  • What?? Why?
  • Did something happen with Echo Girl?
  • I see… It must have been tough, Zen…
  • I hope Echo Girl doesn’t do anything to hurt you… I’m worried this might somehow effect you.
  • It wasn’t an opportunity that came because of your talent… I think it’s best to just forget about it.
  • Don’t say that. You made it because you’re talented, not just because you’re handsome.
  • Here is one of those fangirls hooked onto that magic.
  • Who dares to put a filter over your face~! Nope. You look best in your natural state.
  • Think his app is just acting weird.
  • You really are okay, right?
  • Zen, I’m here~
  • Yup, he’s in the rich class.
  • Be understanding Zen ^^ Just as you were handsome from birth, Jumin doesn’t have any choice in that matter.
  • Jumin, Zen is officially giving you an apology. Why don’t you accept it?
  • Jumin, okay? ^^
  • Be careful, darling~
  • Did she have something against Zen? That’s not good…
  • What do you think she means by revenge? I’m getting nervous…
  • So you really can’t do that new role…
  • Yes, I hope so. Have a safe trip to the hospital.
  • Do you feel better about Zen now?
  • Why don’t you have someone else help you?
  • Seven, meow~
  • I’m worried about Zen…
  • What did you find?
  • Re… Really?!
  • That’s so random…
  • Was something saved in there?
  • I’m so curious to know what’s saved in there.
  • Should we invite that group to the party?
  • Everyone misses the past.
  • I see… Well, RFA is a private organization anyways. Won’t it be fine amongst us?
  • I’m so excited…
  • The party… I’ll try my best to make it fantastic ^^
  • Let’s not invite cats~ Zen’s allergic.
  • You guys are so mean~
  • I hope they become better friends from now on ^^
  • Seven, good luck with work!
  • Jaehee, hello~
  • I think he went for a stroll.
  • Did something happen?
  • Regardless, I think it was rude of you to do that in front of your father.
  • Jumin… I feel like you’re being childish to ask Jaehee that.
  • I think they’re back to being friends
  • Is that… a compliment? Thank you.
  • Jumin, can I ask you what happened with Echo Girl this morning?
  • I hope nothing bad happens… I’m worried.
  • Jaehee.. I’m sure it’s stressful to work on all those cat projects.
  • I can’t stop thinking about Echo Girl. You don’t think she’ll hurt Zen, do you?
  • Bye, Jaehee~
  • I’m so glad your leg is better. Now you can come to me, right?
  • I’ll look forward to seeing you give your all
  • No they don’t. You cleanse my life.
  • Oh now… Wasn’t that hurtful?
  • I’m glad that you’re opening up about your family…
  • That’s… so sad.
  • Thank you for telling me. You worked hard to be an actor… I truly believe that.
  • Go and take it
  • I’m worried about Zen being too handsome… People are asking for his number all the time…
  • Yoosung. If you’re jealous, just say so
  • I think it will be fun. Let’s invite them~
  • I was happy to see Zen open up.
  • Don’t think you know everything about Zen! I know Zen best.
  • I think we’re going off topic haha
  • I’d like to support Zen if he ever gathers the courage
  • I’m curious of what our children would look like heart
  • It was fun talking to you. Have fun
  • Zen… Are you okay!?
  • Zen… first try to calm down. Don’t let the media get to you!
  • Echo Girl’s the one who did something wrong by lying… Please don’t let it get to you.
  • I can’t believe they’re using you like this… I’m so mad, but I know this is hardest for you Zen.
  • You did nothing wrong… No actor would have turned down and opportunity like that. You know that.
  • Zen… I think you’re too emotional right now. First… try to calm down, and let’s all try to come up with a solution.
  • Tell me if something happens, okay?
  • Do you think Echo Girl has the media in her hands?
  • Hmm… Is there anything we can do?
  • I don’t know what you’re thinking about… but please take care of everything for Zen
  • Jumin is quite powerful already… but Zen is just an actor. I’m worried.
  • That’s so unfair… Zen did nothing wrong…
  • He always worked hard and never relied on anyone else. There’s so much to learn from him…!
  • If they are true fans… they will think carefully about this and support him.
  • That sounds good. Let’s invite them.
  • Thanks, Jaehee… Bye.
  • Zen, how are you feeling?
  • What are you talking about?
  • Zen… you’re not searching yourself online, are you?
  • Zen… it’s hard now but I’m sure you’ll get over it soon.
  • Zen, don’t say that!
  • This isn’t so black and white… You have your talent to back you up.
  • You’re just going through a rough time. Go and try to get yourself together.
  • You’re worried right…? Me too.
  • Considering Zen’s job… it can be quite damaging. Zen’s dream is to be an actor.
  • Bye, Jumin.
  • Yes… I’m worried about Zen. I hope he cheers up soon.
  • What did they say?
  • I’m angry too… but it must be hardest for Zen.
  • I hope people realize the truth as time passes…
  • I hope I can help Zen get over this.
  • Tell me if you see anything weird.
  • Zen… how are you feeling?
  • Oh my god…! Should we call the police?
  • Don’t think that…! Be confident.
  • Don’t let those opinions get to you. If you didn’t do anything wrong, then just act so.
  • Don’t say that. I’d go to you right now and comfort you if I could…
  • Was Rika your fan?
  • You didn’t like the financial support?
  • Motorcycle… it must have been dangerous.
  • Did someone save you?
  • Maybe V’s a rider too!?
  • I understand… but can’t you find a safer way?
  • Make sure to be safe!!
  • Yes… I think he’s going through a rough time.
  • Everything is against him… but I’m sure everything will be fine once he gets his energy back
  • It’s a bit sad… to hear you say that.
  • How can we get through this situation?
  • Why doesn’t he just explain the truth to the public?
  • I understand that you just want what’s best for Zen. Good luck with work today…
  • I’m worried too…
  • Where do you think he went?
  • How do you know that Jumin?
  • Wow… How was it meeting him for the first time?
  • Zen would have refused all of that ^^;
  • I guess he said that because his parents never approved of his dreams…
  • Zen would have refused ^^; Although offers purely based on his talents won’t be so bad.
  • Did Zen join the RFA because Rika persuaded him?
  • Rika must have been a huge fan!
  • He called because he got worried over Zen?
  • Do you think that will help Zen?
  • How exactly do you plan to dispute then?
  • Jumin… that’s awesome. Please take care of Zen!
  • Sounds good! Let’s invite him. (Email from netizen)
  • Are you guilty of something?
  • Yes… but now that everyone is helping, I’ll have to look at the bright side and think everything will be okay.
  • That’s so nice… Let’s think that everything will be fine ^^
  • … And it was not Jumin who returned after that call, but only an echo.
  • Didn’t Jumin say he’d help with that?
  • Shouldn’t we at least say the truth rather than staying still?
  • I’m so impressed by how everyone is trying to help Zen…! I hope he sees this and cheers up.
  • Maybe… he went to go see Zen who disappeared with his motorcycle?
  • That will happen!! I have faith.
  • Please ignore him and go do what you have to do Jaehee
  • Since Jumin is missing haha;;
  • You still can’t look as good as Zen though.
  • I’m going to keep thinking about Zen.
  • I am… You don’t think he got hurt on his motorcycle do you?
  • Maybe the two of them are together?
  • Anyone who’s seen Zen in person would know that he’d never do something like that.
  • I hope Zen doesn’t give up either.
  • Everything Zen worked so hard to build up won’t just crumble down so easily!
  • I’m sure you’re helping just by thinking that way
  • Talk to you later~
  • You’re safe, right? I’m so glad!
  • Do you feel better?
  • That’s so touching…
  • You met with Jumin? Model… Are you sure?
  • Okay… As always, I’ll watch you and support you.
  • I’m so glad you got over the hurt from your past.
  • Sounds good! Let’s invite him.
  • Go ahead, get some rest.
  • Don’t be so harsh~ They seem to be better friends now because of that, haha.
  • You can use Zen for that.
  • I’m so glad that you two are getting along now.
  • Maybe she changed her mind after seeing Zen’s attitude.
  • I know that Zen will get back up there…! And he will be more honest this time!
  • Now I think we can finally be optimistic about what’s to come!
  • No doubt about it~
  • The party’s the day after tomorrow!
  • Rest up… Thank you for thinking of Zen.
  • You were only worried. I understand.
  • Yes, we’ll do it together… Hope we can talk again soon
  • I miss Zen.
  • I wish she’d just stop now… T_T
  • What things?
  • Goldfish-shaped bread…… I want some.
  • I want to meet Zen at the party~
  • It’s a bit strange… but why don’t we?
  • Good bye, Yoosung.
  • Is that the issue right now?
  • Thanks, Seven. Good luck!
  • Zen! I missed you.
  • Zenny… I’m getting dizzy… Are you going to take care of me.
  • I’m glad to hear that.
  • That’s a great idea! I’m sure it’s better.
  • Thank you… We’ll get to see each other more often.
  • I know you can.
  • Hurry and take it!
  • I didn’t really hear anything…?
  • They’re going to fight against Echo Girl.
  • If we’re going to do it, let’s do it properly Jaehee!
  • Hahahah, exactly!
  • Good! Let’s invite her!
  • I’m sure Zen will prepare for it with everything he has
  • Zen~! You’re not asleep yet? Go and sleep.
  • I can’t even imagine you doing something like that with such a blessed face… Please give everyone a fantastic…
  • Lolol I can almost imagine how you were like to women until now lolol
  • What does that mean?
  • If you faint, I’ll wake you up with the sweetest voice ^^
  • Zen works out really hard… so won’t his beauty continue on?
  • You both are good looking. Don’t worry about it now;;
  • Where in the world were you guys?
  • Oh but Zen, didn’t you say you were going to call your family?
  • How is your family doing?
  • I’m sure that with your generosity, you will have a much better relationship with your family now.
  • I’ll be beside you as you try…
  • Zen go and rest up
  • Seven, is something wrong?
  • Is it about Zen?
  • A special security system? Why would I need that?
  • Were hackers after the information?
  • Why are you telling me this now!?
  • So you mean the bomb might go off!?
  • Who in the world would do this…?
  • I’m nervous being here by myself… Can’t Zen come?
  • There’s no other choice… I’ll trust you.
  • Please go and fix it.
  • I don’t notice any changes yet… Thanks for worrying.
  • I think it might be safest to listen to Seven for now.
  • I don’t really know… but I don’t want to think that he had bad intentions.
  • I want to proceed with the party…! For Zen…!
  • What?? Why…?
  • Did you… have a psychic dream or something?
  • Was I in your dream then?
  • Zen, I’m scared….
  • I want to believe what Zen said.
  • Me…? But the address is secret…
  • As Seven said, if you come here Zen… the system might activate.
  • Yes, I think that’s better.
  • I’m worried Zen will go out of his way.
  • Okay… I’m so sad that this is happening…
  • I’m okay. But Seven… did you talk to Zen?
  • I am safe, right?
  • It would be a big waste to just quit…
  • I’ll stay here just as you said, Seven.
  • Thanks for the gesture…
  • What is he going to do?
  • Oh…! That’s important too. Please do a good job, Yoosung.
  • Did you have a bomb there too?
  • I know right? The world these days…
  • Alright, good luck, Seven.
  • Hi, Jumin. I’m good.
  • Jumin, what do you think is best to do right now?
  • It’s strange that the bomb was installed in the first place.
  • I wish we could see the records…
  • Okay… I think it’ll be helpful to have an investigator. Let’s invite him.
  • Is it about my safety?
  • Can’t Zen come for me?
  • Send Zen over
  • I guess he has no choice since he’s in charge of handling sensitive material T_T
  • No wonder we can’t reach him… I get it.
  • No, it’s not your fault, Jaehee.
  • Zen, didn’t you say you were going to call V?
  • Oh my…. do you think he’s planning to come here?
  • My heart is beating too fast because of Zen +_+
  • Is Zen coming…?
  • Are you helping Seven out right now?
  • Who knows what will happen to the two of them~
  • Knight in shining armor?
  • V’s coming tomorrow right?
  • Okay, do a good job Yoosung.

Day 10 – Visual Novel 1

  • Who are you…?
  • What do you want?
  • Why should I listen to you.
  • How do you know Seven?
  • (Bites mans hand.)

Day 10 – Continued

  • I’m at Zen’s place…
  • T_T Zen I was so scared.
  • Zen… calm down, I’m safe.
  • He seemed to know you Seven… but not in a good way.
  • Yes, thanks to Zen, I wasn’t hurt at all.
  • I understand, Zen.
  • Zen, I think Seven understands now…
  • Seven, you did your best. Thank you for letting Zen know the address.

Day 10 – Visual Novel 2

  • (Grabs Zen’s wrist.)
  • Yes, Zen is taking good care of me!
  • Well, I’m safe so let’s just focus on the party.
  • Everything is okay now.
  • I know for sure that it’s someone who knows Seven…
  • Yoosung, weren’t you working until now too?
  • Whew! I guess Echo Girl will go down tomorrow then.
  • It is a commoner food in the shape of goldfish, Mr. Han.
  • alkjh;4i;lkfjdk;l
  • Zenzenzenzenzenzenny
  • Come to think of it, didn’t Zen mention that he was going to get goldfish-shaped bread?
  • What did she say on her social media?
  • Jumin… that actually makes sense.
  • Do you want me to help you?
  • Thank you for everything!
  • Why do you think so?
  • Goodbye, Jumin.
  • Yes, let’s out do our best.
  • I’m going to stay up a bit more, since Zen’s up
  • Yes, I have. The party is tomorrow!
  • Alright, Zenny.
  • Not only me, Zen was in danger too…!
  • Did you hurt yourself?
  • Did you get hurt!?
  • How can you take photos now?
  • V, don’t you think that you’re being unfair to us?
  • Zen… Cheer up.
  • Your sight isn’t good. Can you come to the party tomorrow?
  • Zen, let’s try to understand V for now. Nothing will come out of getting mad…
  • Thank you at least for letting me join the organization. Thanks to that, I met Zen.
  • See you soon
  • Do you believe in God, V?
  • Okay, then I’ll get going.

Day 10 – Visual Novel 3

  • Okay, thank you.
  • Zen, what about your acting?
  • That’s not like you.
  • Seven, do you have news?
  • Okay, I will.
  • Did V say anything?
  • You did so well~.
  • Today’s a good day, but I’m worried about V…
  • Why didn’t you say anything then?
  • My Zenny is very special
  • Is he coming today?
  • Is V coming alone?
  • I’m okay thanks to Zen
  • Z-Zen… haha;;;
  • Jumin~ See you later!

Normal Ending

To get this ending the player will need to have completed 10 or fewer emails. If you complete more than 10 email chains you will receive the good ending. Follow the good ending guide until the very end, but only complete a few email chains to get this ending.

Bad Endings

There are several bad endings in MM for every route. Maintaining a very good relationship between your character and Zen is essential for preventing one of these bad endings from happening. Here are the criteria for causing a bad ending.

Bad ending 1, Days 5 – 7

To keep from getting this bad ending. You will need to keep supporting Zen. Refrain from acting jealous towards Jaehee or attacking her and the other fans trying to dictate Zen’s life. Don’t push Zen to accept Jumin’s offer and visit Zen at his home when he offers.

Getting this bad ending is fairly easy. Be jealous of other characters when it comes to Zen, push him to accept Jumin’s offer, and refuse to visit him. When the game branch’s on day seven you will get a Visual Novel with the bad ending.

Bad ending 2, Days 7 – 9

To get this ending you have to be successful on days 1 – 6 so that the story can fork. Support Zen, visit his home when he offers, and stop him from accepting Jumin’s offer. After the game forks you will get this ending if you convince Zen to quit his job and focus on the main character.

Bad ending 4, Day 10

To get this ending you have to obtain Zen’s route during casual story on days 1 – 4. Stay on Zen’s route through day 7 by supporting him and visiting his home. Once the game branches start directing the blame for everything towards 707 and the rest of the RFA. This will cause a visual novel to occur on day 10 that will give you the bad ending.

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Mystic Messenger Zen

Mystic Messenger: How to Get Zen’s Route & Good Ending

Image of Zhiqing Wan

In order to get locked into Zen’s route in Mystic Messenger , first you have to make sure that you’re playing the Casual Story mode. This is the first mode you can unlock upon starting up the game.

For the first four days, you’ll have to collect as many Hearts as possible from Zen to make sure that you get his route by the time the route split rolls around.

Zen’s Route & Good Ending in Mystic Messenger

With Zen, dialogue options that boost his ego will help because he’s generally a pretty narcissistic guy. For the first few days, you’re free to flirt back with him whenever he does so, and you should definitely always take his side whenever he’s arguing with Jumin in the chatrooms.

It’s also a good idea to be supportive of him, and reassure him that he’s chosen the right career path.

After you’ve unlocked his route, things get a little bit trickier. You’ll still want to be supportive, but you have to be careful not to come off as an overenthusiastic fan who only likes him because of his fame. Zen is looking for a reliable friend, and you have to fill that role for him.

You should also try to convince him to behave in a more genuine manner, and also patch things up with his family.

Jaehee will occasionally step in and express her concerns about your relationship with Zen, but you should tell her that you understand her point of view without being dismissive of her.

Lastly, remember to bite his hand when the opportunity arises to unlock his good ending.

These general rules should help you out with unlocking his route and good ending in Mystic Messenger. If you have any other tips, feel free to sound off in the comments down below.

Check out some other MM guides here:

  • Jumin’s Route and Good Ending
  • 707’s Route & Good Ending
  • How to Get Hourglasses
  • Games Like Mystic Messenger
  • Romance Emails Guide

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Mystic Messenger: A Complete Guide to Jaehee Kang's Route

Need some help with Mystic Messenger? Use this guide for Jaehee Kang's Route for tips and a walkthrough.

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How to get onto jaehee's route, jaehee's route choices, how to get jaehee's good ending, how to get jaehee's normal ending, how to get jaehee's bad endings.

Jaehee Kang is one of the easiest routes to get on in Mystic Messenger . This is because she is part of the original free routes that you can play for free. She is also the only female route in the game, making her perfect for fans who are over-dating the boys. Jaehee is a hard-working woman, who sadly has to deal with Jumin's strange ideas and often finds herself being overworked.

Related: Complete Mystic Messenger Email Guide - All Correct Answers

Her route consists of you helping her to find a healthier work-life balance and becoming her support system. While this isn't one of the hardest routes in the game, there are still several bad endings that you can get by using the wrong dialogue or not being able to keep up with chat times.

Updated July 22, 2022 by Jacqueline Zalace: We've updated our guide to help you get onto Jaehee 's route, as well as how to obtain each ending.

To get onto Jaehee Kang's route, you will need to avoid getting too close to Zen or Yoosung . You don't need to worry about 707 or Jumin's routes, as they have to be purchased and will only unlock when you choose to play in the deep story mode. To get on Jaehee's route you will need to do the following things in chat.

  • Don't Try to Be Zen's Girlfriend, but understand Jaehee's love for him
  • Don't let Jumin Push Her Around and Support Her Opinions
  • Give Jaehee Your Attention in the Chat

This section will take place over a four-day time period; during this time just be sure to at least participate in 31 percent of the chats to ensure you get on Jaehee Kang's route.

Keep in mind that this isn't a romantic route . Jaehee Kang's route focuses on developing a healthy friendship and support system rather than a romantic partnership.

If you need a bit of extra help, you can check out all the correct answers for the first four days below.

After you have won over Jaehee, you will proceed onto her route. You will still need to keep up with chat times and ensure that you are participating in as many conversations as possible. Below are the times that Jaehee's route has chats.

To ensure that you are still winning hearts with Jaehee, you will need to say the right things while chatting. Try not to flirt with Zen and follow the chat tips below.

  • Support Her Love For Zen
  • Don't Push Her to Start Dating
  • Don't Let Her Overwork Herself
  • Don't Let Jumin Push Her Around
  • Cheer Her on When She Talks About Her Passions
  • Don't Try to Be Jumin's New Assistant

To get Jaehee Kang's good ending you will need to have at least 10 RSVPS to the party .

Be sure to use hourglasses to participate in any chats that you have missed.

Jaehee's normal ending is similar to the good ending in terms of how to achieve it. For this ending, you will need to answer correctly for every question, but only receive zero to nine RSVPs.

As with all characters in Mystic Messenger Jaehee has bad endings. These can be gotten from both lack of chat participation and saying the wrong thing when speaking with her. Below is how to get every bad ending for Jaehee.

Bad Story Ending One

To get the first ending, you will need to answer incorrectly through day six. This includes convincing her to work more without showing any support.

Bad Story Ending Two

Next, we have bad story ending two. To get this ending, you will need to select correct answers until day six, and then start answering incorrectly. This means that you will need to let Jumin bully Jaehee.

Bad Story Ending Three

Bad ending three requires you to answer correctly until day eight, and switch to incorrect answers. For this ending, you will need to convince Jaehee that quitting was a mistake, and try to take her old job.

Bad Relationship Ending One

Bad relationship ending one requires you to participate in less than 30 percent of chats on days five and six.

Bad Relationship Ending Two

Lastly, you can get bad relationship ending two by participating in less than 30 percent of chats on days seven through ten. Next: Mystic Messenger: A Complete Guide to Ray's Route

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good endings mystic messenger

How to Get Secret Ending in Mystic Messenger

Image of Yash Nair

The Secret Ending of Mystic Messenger specifically refers to the Secret 01 and Secret 02 After Endings, which focuses on more details of the backstories of 707, Rika, V, and Unknown, also revealing the rest of the entire plot details behind the events of Mystic Messenger, where Vanderwood plays a rather important role in contributing to the plot as well.

To unlock the Secret Ending, which is Secret 01 and Secret 02, players will need 30 hourglasses each in addition to having gotten 707’s Good Ending.

In the Secret Ending, the player plays the role of Seven’s girlfriend.

How to Get 707’s Good Ending in Mystic Messenger

good endings mystic messenger

Before getting 707’s Good Ending, you need to unlock his route. 707’s route is only available in the Deep Story mode, and unlocking his route can be simply done by getting the most possible number of hearts with him that you can.

Focus on getting his hearts during the initial four days of the game as you ignore the rest of the characters, increasing your chances of getting locked into 707’s route.

Gaining hearts from 707 simply entails you joking around with him and going along with whatever he says, but knowing when to stop joking around as he becomes serious, which is not too often.

After a while of continuing this behavior with 707, you should unlock his route. Continue fooling around with him, after which he should start getting emotional and opening up about his issues. Obviously, you need to get serious at this point as well, providing him with emotional support instead.

When other characters talk about 707 in separate chats, take his side and defend him. Following this and the other guidelines elaborated on above should easily get you to 707’s Good Ending in Mystic Messenger.

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good endings mystic messenger

‘The Good Doctor’ Bosses Explain Shaun & Glassman’s Emotional Endings & That Time Jump

Freddie Highmore as as Dr. Shaun Murphy in 'The Good Doctor' series finale - 'Goodbye'

Spoiler Alert

The good doctor.

  • ‘The Good Doctor’: Freddie Highmore & Bosses Share Their Favorite Moments
  • Everyone Rallies to Save Glassman & Claire in ‘The Good Doctor’ Finale Photos

[Warning: The following contains MAJOR spoilers for  The Good Doctor series finale, “Goodbye.”]

The Good Doctor has come to a poignant end. The series finale saw Dr. Shaun Murphy ( Freddie Highmore ) taking on the most personal medical cases of his career as he fought to save his best friend, Dr. Claire Browne ( Antonia Thomas ), and his father, Dr. Aaron Glassman ( Richard Schiff ), both of whom had cancer.

Glassman chose not to treat his terminal glioblastoma, opting instead to spend his final six months enjoying every second of time he had left. That came with stepping down from his position as co-president of St. Bonaventure Hospital. Shaun refused to accept Glassman’s decision and gathered all the doctors to form a treatment plan for him and Claire, who was experiencing life-threatening complications from her breast cancer.

Shaun struggled to acknowledge the real possibility that both Glassman and Claire could die, so he spent much of the episode fighting to find a miracle solution for them both. The autistic surgeon proved himself capable of medical marvels again when figuring out a new way to fight off the virus that was killing Claire, but the FDA denied his and Charlie’s ( Kayla Cromer ) emergency pitch.

In the ultimate display of Shaun’s evolution, he was willing to lose his medical license to use the experimental treatment on Claire. Glassman took the fall in Shaun’s place so that his career as a surgeon could continue. There was no convincing Glassman to seek treatment for his cancer, however. And Lea ( Paige Spara ) urged Shaun not to waste what time he had left with his father.

Glassman died six months later, but he made the best out of his final months with his family. Claire’s arm had to be amputated to save her life, ending her surgical career, but she survived. The last shot of Shaun and Glassman in the series showed them saying “I love you” to each other while riding a carousel, and then the series ended with a time jump years into the future that revealed what happened to Shaun and the rest of the St. Bons crew next.

The reveals came as Shaun gave a Ted Talk about how being neurodivergent has helped save people over the years. He and Claire started a foundation named after Glassman that supports neurodivergent representation in medicine, and the St. Bons family was watching with pride in the audience. That audience included a married Claire and Kalu ( Chuku Modu ) with their young daughter, and we also learned that Shaun and Lea went on to have another child, a daughter. Everyone at St. Bons got a happy ending in the end.

Here,  The Good Doctor co-showrunners David Shore and Liz Friedman break down everything from the series finale, including how Glassman and Shaun spent their final months together.

Freddie Highmore as Dr. Shaun Murphy, Richard Schiff as Dr. Aaron Glassman in 'The Good Doctor' series finale - 'Goodbye'

Disney / Jeff Weddell

Congratulations on landing the series finale. I thought it was a very moving, poignant ending. I wept! Were there other characters you wanted to bring back but couldn’t?

Liz Friedman: Oh, thank you. It’s a shame that Andrews [ Hill Harper ] wasn’t able to make an appearance. [Harper left the series to run for U.S. Senate .]

David Shore: Some of the characters we’ve loved are no longer with us, and some are seeking political office, but it’s still a shame. We respect and admire him for this, but it was too bad.

The time jump: was that always the ending you envisioned?

'The Good Doctor': Freddie Highmore & Bosses Share Their Favorite Moments

'The Good Doctor': Freddie Highmore & Bosses Share Their Favorite Moments

Shore: Liz developed that some time ago, but not at the beginning. To be honest, when I’m starting a show that’s a luxury I don’t indulge in. It feels just too arrogant. The idea that a show would last long enough to deserve that kind of ending, I just don’t go there. At a certain point, I was thinking there were a number of landmarks that we’ve gone past that I thought would be lovely, like getting married and having a baby, and we blew past those and did other wonderful stories. But it’s certainly something we’ve thought about all year, but I wouldn’t say we’ve always thought of it.

When did the idea for the carousel and the time jump come to you, Liz?

Friedman:  I think we had that pretty early as we started to break the story [for the series finale]. We knew that we wanted to do the Ted Talk. What I knew I wanted to leave the audience with is that Shaun is still out there doing what he does, both medically and in terms of changing people’s minds. I just want that to still be going. So really it was about how can we tell people that first of all, he’s going to be OK, and that our people are going to be OK, and that even after going through losses and some tumult that they are still out there doing their heroic work. And I feel like we delivered that.

Would the plot with Glassman and Claire still have happened if there was a Season 8?

Friedman:  I would’ve introduced Glassman’s cancer at the end of Season 7 and then played that into [Season] 8. And then I’m not sure about Claire, but I probably would want to save her return for something as substantial as this.

Did you have a plan in mind for Season 8 outside of this Glassman arc, or was it too early to start planning for that?

Friedman:  Oh, it’s never too early [ laughs ], but that was the big piece. And there’s other stuff that we have kicked around, but I’m very happy with the way we ended the show and we did have time to tie up threads in a way I feel very pleased with. I hope the audience finds it to be a rewarding experience, so I don’t want to get people too distracted about things that might have been.

Antonia Thomas as Dr. Claire Browne, Richard Schiff as Dr. Aaron Glassman in 'The Good Doctor' series finale - 'Goodbye'

Totally understandable. It was a very neat and tidy ending. It wasn’t predictable, but everything got resolved, which I thought was crystal clear writing. So hats off to you for that, because not every show can do that.

Shore:  Thank you.

Friedman:  Thank you. David and I talk about the fact that, in my mind, the gold standard is surprising but earned. So it sounds like we got kind of close there.

That’s how I would describe it. It was heartwarming, it was heartbreaking, but I felt taken care of watching it, if that makes sense.

Shore:  It does, and it’s what we were going for, so that’s wonderful.

Friedman:  Terrific.

Did you toy with any alternate endings?

Shore: Not really. There were slightly different versions of this, but I think once we came upon this general idea, we were pretty happy with it and ran with it pretty full on, right, Liz?

Friedman: That’s absolutely right. We had a bunch of little variations. David hired me for my very first staff writer job. I am very much the writer I am because of him. The thing I have learned from him is, we are hard on stories. You work it and you push it and prod it and make sure that everything is there for a reason and that it’s doing what it should, so that by the time that there is an outline that we both sign off on, we know what we’re doing.

I was really moved when Shaun was ready to lose his medical license to save Claire. It showed his growth in the most clear way that you could with Shaun. How does that describe Shaun and his journey throughout the seven seasons to you?

Shore:  We spent a lot of time talking that through. Weirdly enough, that particular specific came relatively late in the process. The decision to have Shaun choose to sacrifice his career, even though it doesn’t often go that way, but be willing to do that is something we came up with and just felt so right as soon as we’d thought of it. It’s a lovely indication of how much he’s grown through the seven years and how much he’s learned.

Friedman: We always talk about that it isn’t that Shaun doesn’t have emotions. There can be a perception that people who are on the spectrum don’t have emotions, but of course he does. But what’s a considerable issue for him is, it’s quite hard for him to be in touch with them. It’s very logical, and he always has access to that part of his brain. I think neurotypicals can get very swept away with the emotion. That doesn’t happen to Shaun. For him to understand that the meaning of Claire to him is enough that he would give up his entire career, to some extent, logically, that doesn’t make any sense. But emotionally it’s incredibly true. So it really ends up being the perfect encapsulation of the progress he’s made.

Shore: And representative of what a good parent he’s going to be, as we’ve already seen. And it’s all about Glassman leaving him in a better place than he found him, as all parents hope to do.

The cast of 'The Good Doctor' in the series finale - 'Goodbye'

Is putting himself at risk for the sake of someone he loves something that Shaun learned from Glassman?

Friedman:  Interesting. I hadn’t thought of it that way.

I think it was certainly on display with Hannah [ Ruby Kelley , Schiff’s real-life daughter].

Why Did [Spoiler] Die on 'The Good Doctor'?

Why Did [Spoiler] Die on 'The Good Doctor'?

Shore:  It was definitely on display, and it’s definitely there. In this final lesson that Shaun got from Glassman, I like to think it wasn’t about a specific lesson. It was about a general lesson on humanity.

What is that lesson?

Shore: It’s a broader thing than just simply sacrificing yourself. It’s all about who Shaun is as a human being now. But you’re not wrong. At the same time it absolutely is there.

We’re the sum of our experiences, right? It’s not just one thing that moves us to do something. It’s a collection of things. So I’m sure Glassman is in there. I’m sure Lea is in there. Steve is in there.

Shore: Exactly. I think both Steves are in there.

Friedman:  Yes, all of the Steves.

Do you have an idea of how long Glassman lived after his diagnosis?

Shore:  I assumed the prognosis was more or less correct that he was going to have six months or so.

Friedman:  Six months. That’s what I assumed too.

And did he do a lot of bowling during that time?

Shore:  He and Shaun definitely did some bowling.

Friedman:  Although I wonder if they tried it once and then went, “I don’t like bowling.” Then they went to the carousel.

Shore:  [ Laughs ]

Do you imagine that Shaun took any time off from work during those final months as part of, as Lea described it, his plan to say goodbye to his father?

Friedman:  Yes, I think so.

Shore:  Yeah. It’s all part of the lesson we’ve just been talking about. He gave up his important work for the important task of bowling with his father.

The Good Doctor, Available now, Hulu

The Good Doctor - ABC

The Good Doctor where to stream


Antonia Thomas

David shore, freddie highmore, liz friedman, paige spara, richard schiff.

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing pivotal moment in long fight to stay out of US court

Watch live views outside the London High Court as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces a hearing that could end with him being sent to the U.S. to face espionage charges, or provide him another chance to appeal his extradition.

FILE - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being taken from court, where he appeared on charges of jumping British bail seven years ago, in London, Wednesday May 1, 2019. Assange faces what could be his final court hearing in England over whether he should be extradited to the United States to face spying charges. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File)

FILE - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being taken from court, where he appeared on charges of jumping British bail seven years ago, in London, Wednesday May 1, 2019. Assange faces what could be his final court hearing in England over whether he should be extradited to the United States to face spying charges. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File)

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LONDON (AP) — The host of a news conference about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition fight wryly welcomed journalists last week to the “millionth” press briefing on his court case.

Deborah Bonetti, director of the Foreign Press Association, was only half joking. Assange’s legal saga has dragged on for well over a decade but it could come to an end in the U.K. as soon as Monday.

Assange faces a hearing in London’s High Court that could end with him being sent to the U.S. to face espionage charges, or provide him another chance to appeal his extradition .

The outcome will depend on how much weight judges give to reassurances U.S. officials have provided that Assange’s rights won’t be trampled if he goes on trial.

Here’s a look at the case:


Assange, 52, an Australian computer expert, has been indicted in the U.S. on 18 charges over Wikileaks’ publication of hundreds of thousands of classified documents in 2010.

Prosecutors say he conspired with U.S. army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to hack into a Pentagon computer and release secret diplomatic cables and military files on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

FILE-- Gavels and law books are shown, July 14, 2010 in San Francisco, Calif. The Senate is set to confirm the 200th federal judge of President Joe Biden’s tenure. That's about a month before then-President Donald Trump hit the 200 threshold. Trump still holds the edge when it comes to the most impactful confirmations — those to the U.S. Supreme Court and the country’s 13 appellate courts. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, file)

He faces 17 counts of espionage and one charge of computer misuse. If convicted, his lawyers say he could receive a prison term of up to 175 years, though American authorities have said any sentence is likely to be much lower.

Assange and his supporters argue he acted as a journalist to expose U.S. military wrongdoing and is protected under press freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Among the files published by WikiLeaks was video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack by American forces in Baghdad that killed 11 people, including two Reuters journalists.

“Julian has been indicted for receiving, possessing and communicating information to the public of evidence of war crimes committed by the U.S. government,” his wife, Stella Assange, said. “Reporting a crime is never a crime.”

U.S. lawyers say Assange is guilty of trying to hack the Pentagon computer and that WikiLeaks’ publications created a “grave and imminent risk” to U.S. intelligence sources in Afghanistan and Iraq.


While the U.S. criminal case against Assange was only unsealed in 2019, his freedom has been restricted for a dozen years.

Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 and was granted political asylum after courts in England ruled he should be extradited to Sweden as part of a rape investigation in the Scandinavian country.

He was arrested by British police after Ecuador’s government withdrew his asylum status in 2019 and then jailed for skipping bail when he first took shelter inside the embassy.

Although Sweden eventually dropped its sex crimes investigation because so much time had elapsed, Assange has remained in London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison while the extradition battle with the U.S. continues.

His wife said his mental and physical health have deteriorated behind bars.

“He’s fighting to survive and that’s a daily battle,” she said.

A judge in London initially blocked Assange’s transfer to the U.S. in 2021 on the grounds he was likely to kill himself if held in harsh American prison conditions.

But subsequent courts cleared the way for the move after U.S. authorities provided assurances he wouldn’t experience the severe treatment that his lawyers said would put his physical and mental health at risk.

The British government authorized Assange’s extradition in 2022.


Assange’s lawyers raised nine grounds for appeal at a hearing in February, including the allegation that his prosecution is political.

The court accepted three of his arguments, issuing a provisional ruling in March that said Assange could take his case to the Court of Appeal unless the U.S. guaranteed he would not face the death penalty if extradited and would have the same free speech protections as a U.S. citizen.

The U.S. provided those reassurances three weeks later, though his supporters are skeptical.

Stella Assange said the “so-called assurances” were made up of “weasel words.”

WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said the judges had asked if Assange could rely on First Amendment protections.

“It should be an easy yes or no question,” Hrafnsson said. “The answer was, ‘He can seek to rely on First Amendment protections.’ That is a ‘no.’ So the only rational decision on Monday is for the judges to come out and say, ‘This is not good enough.’ Anything else is a judicial scandal.”


If Assange prevails, it would set the stage for an appeal process likely to further drag out the case.

If an appeal is rejected, his legal team plans to ask the European Court of Human Rights to intervene. But his supporters fear Assange could possibly be transferred before the court in Strasbourg, France, could halt his removal.

“Julian is just one decision away from being extradited,” his wife said.

Assange, who hopes to be in court Monday, has been encouraged by the work others have done in the political fight to free him, his wife said.

If he loses in court, he still may have another shot at freedom.

President Joe Biden said last month that he was considering a request from Australia to drop the case and let Assange return to his home country.

Officials have no other details but Stella Assange said it was “a good sign” and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the comment was encouraging.

good endings mystic messenger

Mystic Messenger V route walkthrough and endings – Day 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (Another Story mode)

This Mystic Messenger article gives a walkthrough of V's route, which is only available in Another Story, the new mode added in the September 2017 update.

Our Mystic Messenger guide now includes a full V Route walkthrough ensuring you can achieve the Normal and Good Ends with the minimum of fuss.

Cover image for YouTube video

The V route kicks off on Day 5, so you'll need to have followed our instructions on how to get on V's route in Mystic Messenger's Another Story mode . It could be considered spoiler material, so you may want to check out our V route Another Story chat times schedule and our page of V route Mystic Messenger tips instead.

Still here? Good. Below you'll find a run down of the endings available in Another Story and on V route, followed by details on the most efficient way to achieve them all. Then, after an image, you'll hit the full V route walkthrough.

Another Story V Route endings

Another Story functions identically to the other modes in that you must successfully invite guests via email in order to unlock the Good End. The guests are different from those found in Casual and Deep Story, but we've added them all to our Mystic Messenger email guide .

In addition to two bad endings in the Prologue which don't count towards your endings tally on the profile screen, there are seven potential endings to V route, including one Bad End if you totally drop the ball with V. We've recently done some more experimentation and are pretty sure we've locked down the requirements for all of them:

  • Bad End: participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms until the 4th Day branch or fail to secure enough V hearts to lock onto his route.
  • Normal End: reach the party with 0-9 opened RSVP emails.
  • Good End: reach the party with 17 or more opened RSVP emails.
  • V Bad Story End 1: after passing the 4th day branch, select incorrect answers (mistrust and suspect V, agree with Ray and the Saviour) through to the 7th Day branch.
  • V Bad Story End 2: after passing the 7th day branch, select incorrect answers (be hostile to Ray and the Saviour, aggressively push your relationship with V) through to the 9th Day branch.
  • V Bad Relationship End 1: pass the 4th Day branch, then score below 30% chat participation V on Days 5 through 7.
  • V Bad Relationship End 2: pass the 4th Day branch, then score between 34%-50% chat participation on Days 5 through 17, then score below 30% chat participation on Days 8 through 10.
  • Just send me the file
  • No, I'll just pass.
  • It's not even real and I can't bother to even go there.
  • I don't need it. No thanks.
  • (Report to the police.)
  • (Wait for him at the cafe.)

Some of these Bad Ends are pretty spectacular! Don't forget you can use the save load feature to avoid repeating the whole route as you collect endings on V route. You will need to restart once (not counting Prologue restarts), reload your save four times, so it will cost you 20 HG in total. Make sure you understand the rules for reloading saves before you do this! Here’s the most efficient method:

  • Achieve both Prologue Bad Ends, restarting each time.
  • Proceed through the Prologue and achieve the generic Bad End, then restart your game and play as normal.
  • Do not open RSVP emails (those you receive after three correct replies).
  • Make a manual save after reaching Day 5, then achieve Bad Relationship End 1.
  • Reload your save and achieve Bad Story End 1.
  • Reload your save and achieve Bad Relationship End 2.
  • Reload your save, progress to the Day 7 branch point, make a second save, then achieve Bad Story End 2.
  • Reload your second save, then progress to Day 11. Make a third save, then achieve Normal End.
  • Reload your third save, open all your RSVP emails, then achieve Good End.

The walkthrough below suggests the answers leading to V's good ending. Just as a reminder, bear in mind that you don’t have to action every chat to reach the good ending – just try to hit as many as you can. Unlike the common route on earlier days, every chat on the V route after the Day 4 branch offers chances to earn hearts from him, so they're all worthwhile.

Although a second route will be added in an early 2018 update, at time of publication there was only one route available in Another Story - V route. Attempting to romance another character and failing to interest V will result in a generic Bad End, as if you'd failed to action enough chats or win enough hearts to capture a character's attention.

Our V route walkthrough plays it safe and avoids showing too much interest or sympathy in Ray and Rika, while also avoiding the pitfalls outlined in the Bad Ends summaries above.


V route walkthrough - Day 5

  • 1: Ray, explain yourself about what happened back there!!
  • 2: I don’t believe you… He looks and sounds the same as the V I know.
  • 3: So this was no game from the beginning…!
  • 4: Promise me you won’t do anything bad to the V I just saw…
  • 5: Are you threatening me?
  • 6: That’s easier said than done.
  • 1: Oh…looks like the hacker who sent me here doesn’t trust me anymore.
  • 2: Is V safe?
  • 4: The connection seems unstable… I’m worried about him.
  • 5: That man I saw was you, right? Are you ok?
  • 8: Alright, I’ll keep a secret about what happens here.
  • 9: Seven, do you invent things a lot?
  • 10: You’ve encrypted them since you can’t tell right now where you are, right?
  • 11: Did he forget the word he input by any chance?
  • 13: V… shouldn’t you get help from the rest of the RFA?
  • 15: V…I really want to know what you’re thinking.
  • 16: I understand that you’re trying to do this alone… But promise me that you’ll be safe, V.
  • 17: Seven…thank you for understanding V.
  • 18: Uh..did you get hurt by any chance?
  • 19: Ok… Please call me as soon as you can.
  • 1: Good morning, Zen! I’m fine!
  • 2: V sent Seven his location in encrypted form.
  • 3: I’ll feel so safe if you come to rescue too!
  • 4: I’m safe right now, so please don’t worry. V will save me.
  • 5: I’m sure there’s a complicated reason for V… I’m more worried about him, actually.
  • 6: I’ll do the best I can for the party too.
  • 7: Who is this candidate?
  • 8: Sounds interesting! Please tell him to send me an email. [Unlocks email.]
  • 9: So you want us to trust V…!
  • 10: I see! Now I get it!
  • 11: Looks like you understand V to his depth, Jumin.
  • 12: Yes, I know very well that V values RFA so much.
  • 13: i’m sorry I can’t tell you that…
  • 14: You’re so thorough…! Thank you, Jumin.
  • 15: They’re very special friends, that’s why.
  • 16: Yes, I’m going to wait too.
  • 17: I will. Thank you for your concerns…Zen!!
  • 1: V, does your phone work now?
  • 2: I’m fine! Are you okay?
  • 3: I’m fine! Nothing happened yet!
  • 4: You had no choice. I’m just glad you’re safe.
  • 5: Yes, I’ll be waiting…
  • 6: You’re telling me to sell you out! I can’t do that!
  • 7: Don’t blame yourself too much… Everything will be okay. It’s partially my fault. I was too innocent.
  • 8: I’ll trust you. And I’ll be waiting. Please take care of yourself, V…
  • 1: My goodness! Where did that come from?
  • 2: First of all…I’m safe yet. So don’t worry about me.
  • 6: So this person actually came in person to put that in your mailbox?
  • 8: Let’s not suspect the members of the RFA… T-T
  • 9: It’s written ‘LIE’ on the image… This person must hate these two.
  • 10: I agree… Just who would do this…?
  • 11: That’s a great idea!
  • 12: Watch out on your way! And be careful of the alleyways!
  • 13: Maybe this person is trying to throw RFA into a whirlpool of confusion?
  • 14: My heart is breaking. It looks like V is going through nothing but misfortunes and mishaps.
  • 15: Please take care of Yoosung…
  • 16: Gotca. You don’t have to worry about me!
  • 1: Did something happen to V…?
  • 2: Seems like it… Who could hate V that much? I hope he doesn’t suffer any harm…
  • 3: I’m more worried about V. There’s no doubt he’ll see this…
  • 4: Jumin, Jaehee also got that bizarre photo.
  • 5: Wait… Could it be…?
  • 7: Jumin, so is your work all done?
  • 9: Is this person planning on sending everyone at the RFA one of these images?
  • 10: Why does no one know where Seven lives?
  • 11: Shouldn’t we get outside help?
  • 14: Jaehee… You’re sacrificing yourself for the RFA.
  • 15: …I can only see a Niagara of tears before me.
  • 16: But if you create an intelligence unit now, it’d take sometime to get it to work.
  • 17: Is it okay to do this without telling V?
  • 18: But is it okay to have our party? It’s going to be okay, right?
  • 19: Good, please tell him to contact me! [Unlocks email.]
  • 20: I hope V will pick up…
  • 21: But it’s a relief that Jumin is doing something.
  • 22: I believe the RFA will make it through this well!
  • 23: Good luck, Jaehee!
  • 2: Ugh…looks like somebody really hates V…
  • 3: …Are you suspecting that hacker?
  • 4: There’s no way V is a bad person!
  • 5: But we can’t reach him. So we’ll never know.
  • 6: We’ve trusted him so much until now… Let’s not think of bad things!
  • 7: I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t want to put you in danger!
  • 8: I wanna hear no more of that
  • 9: I’m not sure if it’s ok to tell you that…
  • 10: You sound tired, Seven…
  • 2: I’m worried we’re hearing nothing from V yet…
  • 3: What are we going to do with V…?
  • 7: I’d say that man has a heart of steel… He’s impressive…
  • 8: V! Thank god you’re logged in! Are you alright?
  • 10: Are you really coming to get me? Don’t you think it’d be dangerous?
  • 11: Did you see the images…? What do you think about them?
  • 12: V… I hope the time comes soon.
  • 14: I’d like to trust you, V…
  • 16: Yoosung…please calm down.
  • 17: Yoosung…you should first do something about that alcohol in your blood…
  • 18: A human relationship isn’t something you can define as one or the other…
  • 19: Yoosung, I think you’ve gone too far…
  • 20: You’re taking great care of Yoosung.
  • 21: V… I hope you’d tell us the truth someday…
  • 22: He’s right! So please think about it, V.
  • 24: Actually, I’m having a great time. I got to meet you and a group of new people.
  • 25: You’re still grieving a lot for Rika’s death, aren’t you?
  • 26: Can you swear that you’ve done your best to Rika?
  • 27: V, Rika’s choice is her own. It has nothing to do with you.
  • 29: V, please hang in there!
  • 2: Are you feeling okay now? About your heart, I mean.
  • 3: I wish I could talk to V too.
  • 6: Zen T-T He fought bravely and fallen…
  • 7: She’s right… I hope you’d understand how V would feel…
  • 9: That’s not what I was expecting to hear… But I think V had his own reasons why he looked like that.
  • 10: So V was so sad that he couldn’t even cry.
  • 12: I hope that’d be the case…
  • 13: I see… V still loves Rika… It hurts a bit.
  • 15: No, you’ve done well!
  • 16: I agree… Let there be peace!
  • 17: Oh dear… Good luck, Jaehee.
  • 1: I wanted to talk too…!
  • 2: I trust you.
  • 3: You will tell us everything soon, won’t you?
  • 4: You mean that the person who sent the images is in the hacker?
  • 8: So you’re here to tell us to not let ourselves waver if that happens, right?
  • 9: You’re saying this is something you need to do alone, aren’t you?
  • 10: Yes, I promise.
  • 11: I’m counting on you!
  • 1: Welcome, Jumin.
  • 2: So V was not uninterested in Rika.
  • 4: Same here… I think this situation is really complicated.
  • 5: I can’t give you details since that hacker might see this..but it bothers me that the hacker hates V.
  • 10: But if she’s alive, why won’t she come back to us?
  • 11: Tell me about it. That doesn’t sound like you, Jumin.
  • 18: I feel sorry for Jaehee…but I’d like to invite him to the party. [Unlocks email.]
  • 19: I like Jumin’s personality…especially regarding his care for his friend.
  • 20: The members would be so happy…
  • 21: I’m feeling nervous…but I should trust V.

V route walkthrough - Day 6

  • 3: You’re getting your meals on time, aren’t you?
  • 4: I know you’ll win, Seven!
  • 7: Blank puzzles.
  • 8: Jaehee… You’re still up late…
  • 9: You work all day and night, Jaehee T-T
  • 10: The sun.
  • 11: Aren’t you…awkard with V, Jaehee?
  • 12: Mint color?
  • 13: V has mint-colored eyes!
  • 15: Do you think V’s heart also has 16-fold locks?
  • 16: Don’t you think it’s better to get the coordinates after a week, like V said?
  • 19: Ok… Could you ask him to send me an email? [Unlocks email.]
  • 21: It will! Cheer up, Jaehee.
  • 2: I think he’s trying to decrypt the coordinates as fast as he can.
  • 3: Do the mint-colored eyes mean something?
  • 4: I don’t think getting the right coordinates is going to be easy.
  • 5: V, you shouldn’t let yourself get in danger… That might be the best way for you.
  • 8: You turned a little brighter thanks to me, didn’t you? ^^
  • 9: Do you think I’m attractive, V?
  • 2: Pictures! Let me see them!
  • 3: V is still looking for Rika’s traces. It breaks my heart.
  • 4: When do you go to bed, Jaehee? ;;;
  • 5: She’s right. You should go to work!
  • 6: And don’t forget V! You can also protect him!
  • 8: I think V is slowly approaching me because my heart is wide open for him.
  • 9: I hope V will take courage and break his wall himself!
  • 11: Jaehee, please make sure V doesn’t see those pictures.
  • 12: Aren’t you going to work…?
  • 14: Let’s take care of them one by one.
  • 15: Why don’t you have a cup of morning coffee?
  • 16: Good luck today, Jaehee!
  • 1: Ray, please let me out of here!
  • 2: Why do you keep doing this?
  • 3: It looks like nothing but a malicious delivery…
  • 4: Right now I am a hostage…
  • 5: They’ll come to save me if I lost contact by force.
  • 6: I’ll trust V.
  • 7: Don’t touch the RFA anymore. And please let me go.
  • 8: Please don’t torment Seven too much…
  • 9: Are you going to send something worse than images?
  • 10: I…like someone else.
  • 11: Are you going to make me take that drug?
  • 12: I don’t believe you…
  • 13: I think something bad will happen if you see her.
  • 15: When will you let me out of here?
  • 1: About time to gaze at the sun, worrying about V…
  • 2: Your body rhythms turn irregular, which could cause obesity or imbalance of hormones in the future, and…
  • 5: I think you should stay under Zen’s protection.
  • 6: Yoosung…why would you go there…?
  • 7: …Good for you, Jaehee.
  • 8: Stop suspecting V, Yoosung T-T
  • 9: What about Zen?
  • 10: Whoa…nostalgia.
  • 11: Why won’t he get a new one?
  • 12: I wish I could help Zen somehow…
  • 13: Ok…there’s no other choice.
  • 15: I think Zen would use that to listen to music…
  • 16: I think we should first help Zen before we hold a charity party.
  • 17: I think this is a good time for a donation…
  • 20: Please be careful of kidnappers!
  • 2: But I think V will be distressed when he sees those pictures…
  • 3: He’s not going to sneak into V’s house, is he?
  • 5: I wonder what kind of car V owns.
  • 6: I’d like to go on a drive with V…
  • 7: Here comes the devastatingly handsome man.
  • 8: Zen do you know how to drive?
  • 9: I thought of V!
  • 10: It’s the graceful stability that dances between speeding and slowing!
  • 11: I wanna try Seven’s car – it’s packed with speed.
  • 18: I wonder what kind of pictures V got. I’m starting to get worried.
  • 19: I wonder what V’s home is like…
  • 21: I’m sure your more well-built, Zen! You work out every day!
  • 22: Don’t be so stressed out! Have fun!
  • 23: Do you rhink V is good with computers?
  • 1: …What brings you here?
  • 5: But I don’t want to.
  • 1: Yoosung, how are your gaming going so far?
  • 2: Cup noodle is bad for your health! Especially for your skin!
  • 3: You’ve found peace.
  • 5: Is it because Jaehee isn’t with you right now?
  • 6: You talked about work even in chat rooms? T-T
  • 8: Yoosung, your suspicion is just endless… Can’t ou trust V for just a little? T-T
  • 9: Oh… Thank you for the compliment!
  • 10: Yes… V will come to save me.
  • 11: I hope you’d take more action instead of blaming V!
  • 12: Good idea! Now that’s something only you can do.
  • 16: Let’s invite him! And let’s place computers at the party! [Unlocks email.]
  • 18: How’s the intelligence unit going?
  • 2: Yes, there’s nothing like a shower after exercise!
  • 5: Yeah yeah!
  • 7: Is V fit too? +_+
  • 8: I think you need to have your seriousness on if you’re going to advise him on computers.
  • 9: Looks awesome…
  • 10: The latest model runs on Hindows 7?
  • 11: Don’t you think we should get him THE latest model?
  • 12: You’re not giving him a laptop you’ve been using, are you? If it’s 5 years old, its lifespan is almost over…
  • 13: Sniff sniff… I smell trouble…
  • 15: Nothing is for free in this world.
  • 16: Zen, you should say farewell to your computer.
  • 17: He said he needs your computer to work on something.
  • 20: Hmm…but don’t you think you need some distance from the other party?
  • 21: Though I’d like to know that acquaintance of your acquaintance… Alright. Let’s invite him. [Unlocks email.]
  • 1: Nothing in particular. What about you?
  • 3: Was there something in V’s mailbox?
  • 5: What was in it?
  • 6: Do you think he missed Rika?
  • 7: You’re not suspecting V again, are you?
  • 10: It’s so sad, but it looks like something is definitely wrong.
  • 11: And you’ve been blaming V all this time with no idea about this…?
  • 12: They’re basically strangers, don’t you think?
  • 14: This isn’t your fault…
  • 15: Perhaps that’s why she made such a dire choice.
  • 16: You shouldn’t look for someone to blame. Instead, you should start offering condolence to Rika with your heart.
  • 17: From now on let’s trust V together.
  • 18: If you’re stressed out, you might want to take a break. Don’t think about anything else.
  • 19: I met someone new, so I think I have to stay alert for a while.
  • 21: Yes, if there’s anything who needs my help, I’m willing to offer it.
  • 22: I think things would be different if Rika was willing to show what she felt.
  • 23: I’m going to wait for V to contact me.
  • 2: Why do you keep asking me questions?
  • 3: So why don’t you find answers to your questions?
  • 4: V will come to save me…
  • 5: I don’t believe you.
  • 2: But that’s the proof Jaehee’s doing a good job –
  • 3: I’m sure he did. He’s her fiance…
  • 4: Well, you can’t change your familial environment…
  • 5: Yep! I’m fine.
  • 6: Umm, let’s not talk much in this chat room.
  • 7: How’s your cat doing, Jumin?
  • 8: Did Rika avoid talking about her parents?
  • 9: But marriage happens between two people, not two families.
  • 10: So you loved her just the way she is.
  • 11: Why don’t we call an end to this conversation? This is a personal story on Rika.
  • 12: But maybe it wouldn’t been better for V to see them.
  • 14: Have a good time with Elizabeth the 3rd.
  • 16: Yes, I will. Don’t worry.
  • 1: How old is this building?
  • 2: Do you have lots of wounds?
  • 3: Do you also alternate between fear and happiness within?
  • 5: You’re not using me as bait, are you?
  • 6: V! This place isn’t safe. Run!
  • 1: V! Are you alright?
  • 1: This place is weird. Everything seems against the laws.
  • 2: What will happen to V now…?
  • 3: Couldn’t you be the light?
  • 4: What are you going to do with V?

V route walkthrough - Day 7

  • 1: V has been kidnapped! What should I do?
  • 2: Seven, please explain to him…
  • 3: A few hours ago…
  • 4: I’m alright..but V is in danger… We must save him!
  • 5: Rika and V are apparently not friends…
  • 6: Let’s just calm down! We need to discuss how to save V.
  • 7: But it’s no wonder V kept it a secret… She’s no longer the Rika you used to know.
  • 8: Yes…
  • 9: Rika isn’t a hostage… She’s the one who tricked and trapped V.
  • 10: I’m alright! Please take care of V!
  • 11: I think he’s imprisoned…
  • 12: Yes…perhaps he’s watching us…
  • 13: It’s someone else.
  • 14: …
  • 15: Yoosung, just wait. You’ll find out everything after some time.
  • 16: You mean what V said to me? To not listen to Rika?
  • 17: Maybe V was protecting the RFA. He even destroyed all the data from 6 months ago.
  • 18: I think this is much more serious than a simple fight…
  • 19: No, that’s not the case.
  • 20: Let’s not hide anything until we save V.
  • 21: I’m fine, so please save V. Good luck, Seven!
  • 22: Zen, I think Yoosung needs you
  • 24: That’s alright. Please take care of the rest of the members.
  • 1: Jumin… you’re logged in at this hour.
  • 2: Rika now hates V.
  • 3: I think she’s doing something illegal…
  • 4: It seemed to me…that Rika finds her current location more precious than the RFA.
  • 5: I felt that V always did his best to protect the RFA. And he always meant the things he did.
  • 6: V was just trying not to harm anyone…
  • 8: Rika did it!?
  • 9: Then why won’t he get his eyes treated?
  • 10: You’ll help us save V, won’t you?
  • 11: I don’t think I can sleep. I’m so worried about V.
  • 1: I’m fine…though I can’t say V is safe too.
  • 2: V could be in greater danger than he was back then.
  • 3: I hope their friendship won’t break apart.
  • 4: They are working together… I can guarantee.
  • 5: I think both of them suffered deep wounds in their hearts…
  • 6: I don’t think comparison really matters now… ^^;
  • 7: I hope so too…
  • 2: I’m fine, though I just can’t sit still because I’m worried about V…
  • 4: It’s a secret sign that tells you to clean…
  • 5: Whoa, morning packed with vitamins and fibers for you!
  • 7: She’s not well in her heart…
  • 8: We should be worrying about V! He’s in danger right now…!
  • 9: But it’s kind of stranger that V refused to get treated.
  • 12: I’m sure there’s something we can help with, if we look for them ^^
  • 13: …….
  • 14: That’s because of the router.
  • 15: Let, let’s do that! [Unlocks email.]
  • 16: You can recommend guests too, Yoosung!
  • 18: I think you’ll be good with that, Yoosung –
  • 19: Umm…I’m not sure if Rika would want to hear that, but ok.
  • 1: Is he safe right now?
  • 2: Why did you leave V?
  • 3: Are you afraid of stepping outside from the darkness?
  • 4: Do you show your tears to V?
  • 2: When will we go save V?
  • 4: A cult…? Yes, it feels like a cult here!
  • 5: If this place is really involved in illegal activities, shouldn’t we rescue the victims?
  • 6: It’s Ray… I’m sure it’s the hacker who sent me here!
  • 7: I want to get out of here before things get any worse…
  • 10: You mean… V’s in danger?
  • 12: Let’s do as he says, Jumin.
  • 13: Yes, please hurry!
  • 14: I’ll be waiting!
  • 15: I hope everything works out well…though I can’t help worrying.
  • 16: Okay! I’ll be right here waiting!
  • 1: I’m so worried about V. It’s hard to keep waiting.
  • 3: Okay… Though I’m not sure if the party’s happening, let’s first invite him! [Unlocks email.]
  • 5: Do you think it’s ok to send him alone?
  • 6: I see you’re having a difficult time, Yoosung…
  • 7: It’s dangerous here!
  • 8: Seven will find out the truth for us…
  • 9: I think I know what you feel like…
  • 10: Looks like Yoosung is having a hard time.
  • 11: Whatever Rika would say, I think what matters is for Yoosung to realize what kind of people Rika and V truly are and make the choice for him, by himself.
  • 12: Don’t worry. Right now what we need to do is the work together to defeat this crisis. Let’s just focus on that!
  • 1: Is V safe?
  • 2: I’m worried that she’ll hurt V…
  • 3: Ray… You should stop being obsessed with me.
  • 4: Yes, he’ll be here to rescue me.
  • 5: What are you trying to do with the RFA?
  • 6: Is V safe? He’s safe, right!?
  • 7: Yoosung… I just talked to the hacker.
  • 8: Did you try calling him?
  • 9: Why not leave a message on the chat room?
  • 1: Yes, I’m waiting for you! Did you get a call from Yoosung?
  • 4: How is Yoosung doing?
  • 5: Jealous… Can I have one too?
  • 6: Whoa… You don’t get to hear that number everyday haha
  • 8: I really wish he would…
  • 9: It does look somewhat simple and honest lol
  • 10: I hope you’d always sty bright too.
  • 12: I’ll try talking to him. For a curry party! [Unlocks email.]
  • 14: Got it! ^^ I hope you stay safe as well, Zen! Until I see you!^^
  • 1: What are you doing now, Jumin?
  • 3: Umm… I think a car and a helicopter are on completely different levels.
  • 5: I think it’s easy to get hurt if you have too much expectation.
  • 6: You’ve been friends with V for so long… So I understand.
  • 12: Hahahahahahaha.
  • 13: Wow… Let’s try inviting if we’re actually having one for our party. [Unlocks email.]
  • 1: What’s racing?
  • 2: So Ray, are you going to see Seven?
  • 3: I think you’re rather sensitive about Seven.
  • 4: What is Rika going to do to V…?
  • 6: I… will make a choice of my own.
  • 7: Bye…
  • 1: How far did Seven go?
  • 2: I don’t think you can deal with the hacking even if we save V.
  • 4: Seven, for now, let’s just focus on saving V!
  • 5: Oh…you’re professional!
  • 6: What should I do when I’m in danger?
  • 8: I feel a bit safer thanks to you, Jaehee.
  • 9: You are already more than helpful. I wish luck for the C&R intelligence unit!
  • 10: Oh, it’s alright! Please go ahead.
  • If you have made correct choices to this point, the game will continue as below. If not, you’ll eventually arrive at a Bad End.
  • 2: What drug?

V route walkthrough - Day 8

  • 1: We saved V! And I’m with Seven too!
  • 2: I feel so bad for V…
  • 3: Yoosung, V is sick!
  • 4: I think V was forced to take a dangerous drug…
  • 5: I don’t think she’s the same Rika you used to know…
  • 6: Yoosung… Rika was the one who put V in danger.
  • 7: Yes. Seven saved V. Good work, Seven…
  • 8: Seven, are you going to investigate the Mint Eye soon?
  • 9: You can talk to me, Yoosung.
  • 10: No more repetitions!
  • 11: You can count on me.
  • 12: Perhaps V made secrets because he didn’t wan us to see what Rika became.
  • 13: I don’t think she’ll actually come with us even if we all go there together…
  • 14: Good luck on that, Yoosung!
  • 1: You should worry about yourself!
  • 2: Seven, I know you’re confused, but V is not well right now.
  • 3: I’m fine. Please take care of yourself.
  • 1: He’s resting… But he’s sweating a lot… He seems to be in lots of pain…
  • 2: I don’t think we can afford to invite him over here, but could you please tell me to contact me? I’d like to invite him to our party. [Unlocks email.]
  • 5: I don’t think…V has any intention of making Rika have her punishment.
  • 6: V is trying to solve this, but…he’s too self-sacrificing.
  • 7: I think you can check with Yoosung.
  • 9: You’re working so hard, Jaehee.
  • 11: I think we’d better tell Seven.
  • 12: I don’t want to see any more of this heartbreaking war…
  • 13: You’re working so hard, Zen.
  • 14: Good luck, Jaehee!
  • 16: Seven, I think we need to make V rest more comfortably.
  • 18: This is sad… We can’t use the messenger now?
  • 2: I hope this battle will be over without causing a lot of damage…
  • 4: So can we get back to our original messenger?
  • 5: I’m looking after V.
  • 6: Isn’t there a way all of us can get along?
  • 9: …For now, could you tell him to send me an email? [Unlocks email.]
  • 10: Is that really important right now?
  • 11: …
  • 12: Could you please ask Rika to settle this peacefully?
  • 3: No, it’s fine. It almost worked…
  • 4: Did Ray stop Seven?
  • 6: Rika, I’ve seen them too… I think you need a treatment.
  • 7: But Seven rescued V.
  • 8: Seven, is it okay to keep telling to Rika?
  • 9: It sounds like there’s another secret I’m not aware of.
  • 10: Seven, I don’t know what you two are talking about… But right now don’t let yourself falter. Alright?
  • 11: Stop talking to her now!
  • 12: Don’t you want to make up with us?
  • 13: You brought this on yourself, Rika.
  • 14: I think we can make up…if we treat your trauma.
  • 1: V, what are you doing? You should be resting!
  • 2: Rika won’t listen to you anymore…
  • 3: What was your first encounter like?
  • 4: Do you think Rika actually understood your art?
  • 5: So…you wanted to be a painter?
  • 6: So it was Rika who helped you wake up?
  • 7: Rika must have been so happy.
  • 8: …So denying love was the same as denying yourself.
  • 9: I understand how Rika would’ve felt.
  • 10: I…I think it was a process of discovering who you really are. Now you got to know what love is a little better.
  • 11: But you didn’t know that until now… Ignorance is no sin.
  • 12: I understand how you feel, V… But I wish you wouldn’t lost your hope in love.
  • 13: I will be with you in your path to the conclusion to all this. I’ll hold you tight…
  • 14: I think you can soon find an answer more mature than that.
  • 15: Why is that?
  • 16: That is not going to happen… I want to protect you!
  • 1: I think I is looking back at himself… He must be in lots of pain.
  • 2: I don’t think talking about your past will be of any use…
  • 3: What did it feel like to you back then?
  • 4: Perhaps he realized that it’s selfish to unconditionally and blindly pour his feelings, no matter how good it is.
  • 5: I think V was just being honest with his feelings…
  • 6: Rika…are you having difficulty accepting the truth?
  • 7: Rika, if you still love V… Please let him go. Just like V is trying to.
  • 8: Rika… V wants to become different now. And I want to help him.
  • 9: Right now…all V wants to do is to protect me.
  • 10: Please stop trying to put us against each other Rika…
  • 11: V doesn’t mask himself.
  • 12: That is not going to happen.
  • 13: And please stop trying to captivate Seven…!
  • 14: Trying to control us with fear won’t work now, Rika.
  • 1: I’m on the RFA’s side now! So stay away from me!
  • 2: It’s not V’s fault… But I’m not sure if you’d understand.
  • 3: You shouldn’t have drugged him… It’s wrong.
  • 4: I hope your trauma can be cured too… The Mint Eye will not provide you fundamental treatment for your wound.
  • 5: Ray… I’m not going back now.
  • 6: I don’t remember anything like that.
  • 7: I think you must find your own happiness, instead of relying on someone else for it.
  • 8: I don’t think that’s the right way… And all the things that are forced in that place are wrong.
  • 9: I trust in V. And that won’t change, no matter what you say…
  • 10: I’m sure that was because you were a fool.
  • 11: I wish there were somebody who could sincerely care for your wounds…
  • 12: My heart can’t be divided into a devil and an angel… My heart is just what it is.
  • 13: I don’t ant to see you, Ray.
  • 14: …I’m sorry. But I don’t think that’ll happen.
  • 15: Leave the RFA alone…and leave the party alone. Those people have nothing to do with this.
  • 16: Stop it, Ray… We’re not getting anywhere…
  • 2: It’s alright. There’s really nothing we can do about this. Rika’s side thinks that we’re bad…
  • 3: That’s not true. I believe that you can love!
  • 4: No, you can do it, V. You can be stronger. I’ll help you!
  • 5: I understand that you’re afraid… Think about all the things you’ve gone through.
  • 6: Seven, are you looking for V?
  • 7: Don’t you think you’re being over protective?
  • 8: What’s wrong? Is it bad for V?
  • 9: Oh, no… I’ll be fine. V, you can talk to me if you feel uneasy.
  • 10: He hates all members of the RFA.
  • 11: Why did you think that you might know him?
  • 12: Is this person you’re thinking of the person you asked Rika if he’s doing fine?
  • 13: V, you’d better come on in, or I’m going to get you.
  • 14: Cheer up! I’m with you! I wish you’d get better soon.
  • 15: I don’t think it’s bad to out down your burden and take a refuge in this situation…
  • 16: I’ll bring V with me.
  • 17: For now let’s think about good things, okay?
  • 18: Are you hiding something again?
  • 19: Yes, I’m sure your depression will soon go away! Let’s have faith and wait just a bit more.
  • 20: How are you going to do that?
  • 21: Instead of a reunion, why not ‘a new start?
  • 22: It’s okay! Of course you’d be scared in a situation like this!
  • 23: I’m sure you can find love again. From now on try to accept your fear as well.
  • 24: Ok, you can talk to me right by my side.
  • 1: Rika… Are you painful to see V changing…?
  • 2: I know how difficult your environment was, but you chose to make things like this…
  • 3: Please, take a look around. There are people who are having a hard time because of you…
  • 4: Don’t you think that’s only temporary?
  • 5: Don’t you think you’re taking away their ability to stand alone?
  • 6: He’s accepted loss of love.. So of course, he’d start to feel afraid.
  • 7: He’s not running away. He’ll learn to acknowledge his fear and love in the reality.
  • 8: Perhaps V is afraid… because no one ever held his hand by his side.
  • 9: Don’t even think about it. V will become happy with me from now on…
  • 1: Not well, because of the Mint Eye
  • 2: You mean why she founded the Mint Eye?
  • 3: V is deeply related to the source of the trouble Rika caused…
  • 4: You used your talents for bad. You will be punished.
  • 5: You’re being used and manipulated! Can’t you see?
  • 6: I don’t think any single part is at fault in this.
  • 7: You’ve done nothing wrong. But I thought that it was dangerous to be with Rika, and I wanted to help V.
  • 8: Ray, don’t you want to join the RFA…?
  • 9: Ray… Isn’t there any way I can save you?
  • 10: Rika was so obsessive about V… It was beyond my imaginations.
  • 11: How could you use a drug like that…? I’m reporting to the police.
  • 12: I heard that the side effect will be tremendous if you take it for long.
  • 13: I’m sorry, that won’t happen.
  • 14: I feel bad for Ray. Please, don’t make any more victims…
  • 1: V, how are you feeling?
  • 2: I think…Rika tried to achieve her goal by hook or by crook…
  • 3: Rika… You’re back.
  • 4: V is now starting to change… Even you won’t be able to stop him, Rika.
  • 5: There you have it. Now stay away from V.
  • 6: Right now V is experiencing trials and errors call love. And her’s, therefore, becoming a better person.
  • 7: V… Don’t let her words get you.
  • 8: Honestly, I’m sure even V didn’t know that you’d do something like this, Rika.
  • 9: Can’t you two forgive each other and make up?
  • 10: Rika… It doesn’t matter. It’s all in the past now.
  • 11: I’m sure you want to believe that was love.
  • 12: V, you can’t do that…!
  • 13: V, now you can’t save her…
  • 14: But now…V won’t love you like you want him to.
  • 15: V… Don’t comply with her. You’ll end up bringing others into this!
  • 16: Whatever it is that you want, it won’t come true, Rika… V is changing.
  • 17: I’m fine… It’s just that my heart aches a bit…
  • 18: You shouldn’t do that. For her sake! This is where this ill cycle ends.
  • 19: I respect your opinion, V. But please don’t sacrifice yourself. Don’t forget that your life can have a new beginning.
  • 20: Of course. I’d be glad to help.
  • 2: I’m looking for a way to destroy your friends, Ray…
  • 3: He’s not tormenting you… He’s also trying to protect someone precious to him.
  • 4: Ray…I’m sorry. Now that things have turned like this, everything will start to change.
  • 5: You’re being punished because you hung out with bad people.
  • 9: Seven, we have a stranger here!
  • 10: What do you mean, maybe not…? We need to stop that no matter what!
  • 11: I think this is a different person from Ray…
  • 12: Is V alright?
  • 14: What are you going to do now?
  • 15: You can’t take me. The RFA will protect me…

V route walkthrough - Day 9

  • 1: I don’t want to think about that.
  • 2: Something disastrous will happen if you can’t control the darkness within you, Rika.
  • 3: I think it was a realization essential for V. It’s not something that derived from fear. It’s something that he needed for himself.
  • 4: That’s more natural to me.
  • 5: I’m not afraid of anything. Because my true nature is closer to the light.
  • 6: I want to prove that the good will prevail in the end.
  • 7: Sounds unrealistic to me.
  • 8: I’ll… choose the RFA.
  • 9: I’ll…wait for the sun.
  • 1: You’re new, aren’t you?
  • 2: Sleeping? What do you mean?
  • 4: Get rid of him?
  • 5: You…seem dangerous.
  • 6: No, thanks.
  • 7: I’m not going back!
  • 8: Please leave us and V alone…
  • 9: There’s no way that’s going to happen…!
  • 1: How are you feeling?
  • 2: I’m okay! You don’t have to be sorry!
  • 3: I’m sure the others are doing well!
  • 4: Merely hiding things wasn’t the answer… But you can change that from now on.
  • 5: I think you’re the only one getting hurt because of Rika.
  • 6: Stop trying to sacrifice yourself, V! That’s not good to Rika as well.
  • 7: I want you to treasure yourself more. V, you’re a precious person to me as well.
  • 8: Then what about the person who cares for you, V? Stop saying such irresponsible things and get a grip!
  • 9: V, please…
  • 10: V, if you want everyone to be happy, you have to stop pampering Rika.
  • 11: Thinking of others is great, but you should really think about yourself, V!
  • 1: It’s alright. You’re good enough just the way you are.
  • 2: There goes your habit again. You’re trying to handle everything by yourself -.
  • 3: There’s nothing that you shouldn’t have started. Back then you only had innocent intention… You only wished to
  • 4: You’re not a monster, V! You’re just… you experienced tragically sad love. That’s all.
  • 5: You can find your hue from now on. You can start discovering yourself from the beginning.
  • 1: Seven???
  • 3: Oh…the design’s like this because it was hacked.
  • 4: No. Not a test…but Vanderwood, the hacker can see the messages you write here.
  • 9: Now I have no idea where this party is heading, either…
  • 10: He’s sacrificing to protect everyone.
  • 13: Allow me to thank you in his place ^^; V had many difficult to things going on.
  • 15: …It might not be the time yet… But you never know about the future, right?
  • 17: But this is the exceptional situation! Exceptional!
  • 19: Seven is safe, right?
  • 1: He wants to protect everyone.
  • 2: That’s not completely wrong…
  • 4: It may be love to you, Rika, but…it might have been obsession to V.
  • 5: Then you should let go of V now…
  • 6: You’re only using them.
  • 7: That’s even scarier…
  • 9: Even without you, Rika…they will find ways themselves.
  • 10: At least V is a leader with a warm heart…
  • 11: If it slips to one side, that’s called obsession. It’s obsession for you as well.
  • 3: Who in the world would believe in Rika’s words?
  • 4: I can’t imagine what V would have gone through…It breaks my heart…
  • 5: Since when did Rika change like this…?
  • 6: Yoosung…will be in a metal catastrophe.
  • 7: Yes, of course.
  • 8: She might have hidden her dual side very well…
  • 9: You can see that, Seven?
  • 10: That’s…sad…
  • 1: V, please calm down… It’s too dangerous to go there by yourself
  • 2: V, you’re so stubborn.
  • 3: Are you sure you’re okay with that, V?
  • 4: V…can’t you take courage and let us all work this out together?
  • 5: Enough with your obsession with Rika! You should treasure yourself some more!
  • 6: You think like that? That’s an obsession, not an idea. No more obsession!
  • 7: You already have the courage to put an end to your obsession. It’s already inside you, and I’m sure you can find it.
  • 1: Why do you keep coming into the chatroom?
  • 2: If you know I’m having a difficult time, hurry up and recover! Let’s think this positively!
  • 3: No… She’ll probably keep doing what she wants.
  • 4: I don’t mind suffering, as long as my words have reached you, V…
  • 5: You know that’s not the way to save Rika, don’t you?
  • 6: We can fill that in together. We have time a head of us. So don’t leave.
  • 7: You’re going to sacrifice yourself by meeting her? You know that’s not the answer.
  • 8: …So are you really going to go? Putting everyone behind you…?
  • 9: You can start again. Even love and art… Please listen to me.
  • 10: V, you change is…entirely up to you. I told you to think of yourself first!
  • 1: return “jumin cat”
  • 2: Did you come in to interfere us?
  • 3: Seven, is Ray baffled because we’ve won?
  • 4: He’s right, Ray… You should rather go with Seven.
  • 5: Ray…. You should let go of us now.
  • 6: Don’t trust Rika too much…
  • 8: Seven, you seem to be very interested in that hacker.
  • 9: Good luck till the end!
  • 1: Can we now get rid of the Mint Eye?
  • 5: Yes! Can we now move V to a safer place?
  • 6: Will Ray not attack again…?
  • 7: Wouldn’t it be more transparent by receiving the law’s orders?
  • 8: Let’s celebrate the recovery of our messenger!
  • 9: I want to see the messenger buzzing again with everyone logged on.
  • 11: Good luck!
  • 2: What do you want?
  • 3: We did. But Seven would have blocked it.
  • 4: Quit it if you’re trying to seduce them to join the Mint Eye.
  • 5: That’s a lie… What trip?
  • 6: For making V like that?
  • 10: I don’t plan to… Rika, stop being like that in front of me…
  • 11: Keep away from V and the RFA! It’s really sick and tiring!
  • 1: Okay. Here, lean on me.
  • 2: Have you never had someone hug you before?
  • 3: Regardless, thank you for wading through such a trail of thorns and making it here.
  • 4: I’m sure you can.
  • 1: I have nothing to say to you now, Ray.
  • 2: …………
  • 4: Why don’t we first take V to the hospital and contact the others later?
  • 5: That’s not what’s important right now! Get V to the hospital first!
  • 7: Yes, I’ll keep him awake!
  • 8: I’m okay. So is Seven. V’s the only one hurt badly.
  • 9: I have to look over V so it’ll be difficult for me to tell you in detail.
  • 10: Yoosung, V’s been hurt badly!
  • 11: Of course that’s a lie. Rika was the one who attacked the RFA messenger using the Mint Eye.
  • 12: Everything’s been done but he couldn’t kick out Rika and the hacker.
  • 13: Do you want me to find proof or something?
  • 14: Make up your mind after listening to both side of the story, after V recovers.
  • 15: Yoosung, you’re trying to look after RFA in your own way, aren’t you?
  • 16: Leave V to me and you two should contact the other members!
  • 17: I’m okay… But I’m worried about V…

V route walkthrough - Day 10

  • 1: I’m worried about V…
  • 3: I think it’s Rika.
  • 4: I think it’s good enough that you’re worried about V…
  • 5: Wouldn’t Jumin already know about it? He has the intelligence unit.
  • 6: Yoosung, what did you think of that?
  • 7: Yoosung, you think differently?
  • 8: Maybe…someone needs to listen to Rika. Then we would be able to get all the troubles behind us.
  • 9: She’ll try to explain, but you must try to remember that she’s in a very stable condition.
  • 11: seems you need some time to recollect your thoughts. Leave V to me and get some rest.
  • 12: I’m alright. It’d be more than great if you could pray for V’s recovery.
  • 1: Will V be okay…!?
  • 2: Seven, it’s not your fault…
  • 3: Okay. I’ll stay with him. Don’t worry.
  • 1: Jumin, where are you right now?
  • 2: Yes…he’s going into surgery soon.
  • 3: I hope V would take courage and find his inner strength after the surgery…
  • 4: Rika couldn’t accept V’s change…Maybe that’s why she despises him…?
  • 6: So are you…momentarily holding off your habit of preparing for the worst?
  • 7: Can’t we also treat V’s eyes during this surgery?
  • 8: V will wake up healthy. That’s what I believe.
  • 10: Don’t worry, Jumin…and thank you for your support.
  • 2: Thank you for coming, Jumin…
  • 4: He cared for me…just in case.
  • 5: I also…wish for V’s happiness. I really do.
  • 6: I don’t think Rika…will be able to influence V in a good way anymore…
  • 1: He’s having his surgery. I’m waiting for him in the waiting room…
  • 2: But we don’t have to worry about him yet, do we?
  • 5: It seems like he was able to prep himself up with the info Jumin gave about the Mint Eye.
  • 7: I think we should stop talking about Rika now…
  • 8: I think this isn’t really the time…for us to start a relationship… T-T
  • 9: I don’t want to burden V because of me… To me, V’s happiness is the top most priority.
  • 10: Wouldn’t she have gone to V’s house?
  • 11: I don’t know where the apartment is, but I think I can tell what it looks like inside…with my ‘psychic powers!’
  • 13: Rika… I hope nothing bad happens with her and the RFA from now on…
  • 15: Seven… You seem to be on a very tight schedule.
  • 16: Can’t you win with his help?
  • 18: Thank you. Now I feel like I’ve finally become an official member of the RFA.
  • 19: No… You shouldn’t…
  • 20: Alright, if that eases your mind…the go ahead.
  • 1: What have you got to say? Why are you here again?
  • 2: Now everyone knows what you were trying to do.
  • 3: What are you hiding in there?
  • 4: Rika, you know very well what kind of situation you’re in, don’t you?
  • 5: Can’t you see that it’s best to leave Yoosung alone?
  • 6: …Rika, you’re sick.
  • 7: Jaehee…try not to be fooled by Rika’s words.
  • 8: Shouldn’t we send someone to the apartment?
  • 9: You mean by forcing salvation and using violent means.
  • 10: That help is not a justified method outside your world, Rika.
  • 11: Rika… stop being stubborn now.
  • 12: Jaehee… you should stop talking to her.
  • 13: I think talking to her anymore will only hurt us more…
  • 14: Jaehee, let’s leave the room if you have nothing more to say to Rika.
  • 15: Jaehee…. I think it’s best to leave now.
  • 16: … Why do you ask?
  • 1: Zen…how are you managing?
  • 2: I’m worried Yoosung will see that…
  • 3: It must be hard for Yoosung…
  • 5: Yoosung, why did you go out…?
  • 6: You should head to Zen’s place right now!
  • 7: Yoosung…it must be hard for you.
  • 8: Everything’s going to be okay in the end, Yoosung.
  • 10: You should take care of yourself, at least for tonight…
  • 11: Yes… I’m worried it’ll affect his graduation.
  • 12: Got it. Take good care of Yoosung.
  • 1: Yoosung… I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk to Rika.
  • 3: Maybe to protect you?
  • 5: Huh? Rika just logged in…
  • 6: Rika, please don’t say anything weird to Yoosung…
  • 7: Rika, do you regret your decision in leaving Yoosung?
  • 8: Rika…what are you trying to say?
  • 9: I know what it is… and I don’t think it’s a good idea to show that to Yoosung.
  • 10: Yoosung… I know it hurts, but you have to accept it…It’s the truth.
  • 11: Yoosung, It’s time for you to learn to stand on your own and move forward…
  • 12: Yoosung… the others won’t accept that.
  • 13: Yoosung, it’s time to let Rika go.
  • 14: Yoosung… Rika has already left.
  • 15: It seems she has said her final words to you, Yoosung. I think it’ll be a good idea to have some time to recollect your thoughts.
  • 16: Yoosung…you know that she can’t come to the party anymore.
  • 17: …
  • 18: Yoosung… I think it’s time for you to stop and have some rest.
  • 1: Zen, how is Yoosung?
  • 2: I think Rika really meant it.
  • 3: I hope Yoosung can get over this…
  • 5: Seven, what do you think of Rika’s behavior?
  • 6: Everyone already is worn out… T_T
  • 7: Is there something wrong?
  • 8: Isn’t there another way to solve the problem?
  • 9: Plan B doesn’t sound that peaceful for some reason…
  • 10: You want to take the hacker to your agency?
  • 11: How long do you think we’ll have to wait until V wakes up….?
  • 12: He’ll come around very soon! Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on him.
  • 13: He will…wake up.
  • 14: Can you use it as an ID?
  • 15: You could block Yoosung.
  • 16: I’m sure Yoosung will do as he pleases…
  • 17: Try to cheer up with Yoosung!
  • 18: Is there a peaceful way we can take care of this?
  • 19: Good luck, Seven!
  • 1: Why do you keep coming to this chatroom?
  • 2: You don’t even think about the scars you’ve given?
  • 3: Rika…why did you make RFA? Did you know if will turn out like this?
  • 4: The problem was that you forcefully took those who didn’t want to walk.
  • 5: Rika…please, let’s stop fighting.
  • 6: At first…you tried to become the light.
  • 7: Is there really no way for you to become the light?
  • 8: Stop meddling with V anymore.
  • 9: …Thank you.
  • 2: V is my priority for now.
  • 3: How’s the intelligence unit doing?
  • 4: Rika… you’re here again.
  • 5: Rika… you sound different now.
  • 6: You know there is no one out there who will understand you, Rika…
  • 7: Jumin, I think we should leave the chat room.
  • 8: But Rika, you can’t save them until the end. Look at the situation now.
  • 9: That isn’t something that you can change alone, Rika…
  • 10: Happiness should be found by oneself. It’s not something you implant in others.
  • 11: If you going to talk about your faith, I think you can stop it now…
  • 12: Rika…if you really care for V, you need to stop now.
  • 13: So you’re saying it had nothing to do with Mint Eye’s ideology.
  • 14: Alright, don’t worry, Jumin.
  • 15: Are you going to be at the apartment?
  • 16: Are you ashamed of using Ray even now?
  • 2: What’s plan B?
  • 3: It looks like they’re even willing to die, as this is their last battle.
  • 4: Then what will happen to Ray?
  • 6: I’m okay. I’m worried about V.
  • 7: Foe of your fingers!
  • 8: He might have to run away by now.
  • 9: So it’s all going to end soon.
  • 10: So you have been watching us.
  • 11: Ray, it’s all over now….
  • 1: We are at the hospital! Are you okay?
  • 2: You were hurt, V…You were stabbed…
  • 3: No, she’s not. Let’s slowly assess the situation.
  • 1: I’ll stay…
  • 2: Did something happen to Ray…?
  • 3: …
  • 4: Good bye, Rika…
  • 5: Everyone will help you…
  • 6: …
  • 7: I’ll leave Rika to you, Seven.

The party is available any time from midday onwards and can be actioned at any time you like. Make a back up save before you begin. If you proceed without enough confirmed guests, you’ll see the Normal End. You can then reload your save for 5 HG, action all your confirmation emails, and see the Good End.

  • [party and ending]
  • Back to Mystic Messenger guide
  • Back to V character hub

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