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UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2024-2025

The University of South Africa provides a diverse range of doctorate degrees in a variety of areas of study. A doctorate, often known as a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) or a professional doctorate, is the highest level of academic achievement and is usually sought by those who want to make substantial contributions to knowledge in their field of study.

Doctoral degrees at UNISA allow students to conduct original research, acquire advanced analytical and critical thinking abilities, and become experts in their chosen field. A doctorate is an academic degree awarded by Universities. It is also a research degree that qualifies someone to teach at the university level in the degree’s field or to work in a specific profession.

READ: UNISA Human Science Courses 2024-2025

Doctoral programmes at UNISA are primarily academic-focused, with students working closely with a supervisor or a team of supervisors who help them throughout their research journey. Students must do original research, contribute significantly to their field of study, and write a doctoral thesis or dissertation that exhibits their research results and ideas.

The length of a PhD programme at UNISA varies, but it typically takes three to six years to complete. The University of South Africa (UNISA) offers various Doctoral degree programmes. Some of these are listed below:

  • Doctor of Business Leadership (90071)
  • Doctor of Laws Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (98602 – CRI)
  • Doctor of Laws Jurisprudence (98602 – JUR)
  • Doctor of Laws Mercantile Law (98602 – MCL)
  • Doctor of Laws Private Law (98602 – PRL)
  • Doctor of Laws Public Constitutional and International Law (98602 – CIL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Development Studies) (90040 – DST)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy) (90040 – PHL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy Science, Engineering and Technology (90040 – SET)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Auditing (90026 – AUE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (90026 – FAC)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Financial Governance (90026 – GOV)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Financial Intelligence (90026 – INT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (90026 – MAC)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Taxation (90026 – TAX)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture (90018)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology (90031)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics (98972)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Archaeology (90032)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Art (90020): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy (98974)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (98976)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Communication (90028)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (98803)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Consumer Science (98029)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice Corrections Management (90039 – CMA)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice Criminology and Security Management (90039 – CSM)

READ: UNISA College of Graduate Studies 2024

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice Police Science, Forensic Science and Technology (90039 – PFS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (90022)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Adult Education) (90019 – ADE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Comparative Education) (90019 – CED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Curriculum Studies) (90019 – CUS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Early Childhood Development) (90019 – ECD)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Educational Management) (90019 – EDM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Environmental Education) (90019 – ENE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (History of Education) (90019 – HED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Inclusive Education) (90019 – IED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Language Education) (90019 – LED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Mathematics Education) (90019 – MED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Natural Science Education) (90019 – NSE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Open Distance Learning) (90019 – ODL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Philosophy of Education) (90019 – PED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Socio-Education) (90019 – SED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Technology Education) (90019 – TED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management (98006)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science (98009)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Geography (98012)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in History (90033): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science (90035)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems (98804)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (African Languages) (90041 – AFL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Afrikaans) (90041 – AFK)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Arabic) (90041 – ARB)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Classical Studies) (90041 – CSN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (English) (90041 – ENG)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (French) (90041 – FRN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Italian) (90041 – ITL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Linguistics) (90041 – LIN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Portuguese) (90041 – PRT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Semitic Languages) (90041 – SML)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Theory of Literature) (90041 – TLT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Translation Studies) (90041 – TLS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Law (90023)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences (90012)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Business Management) (90021 – BMA)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Entrepreneurship) (90021 – ENT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Finance, Risk Management, and Banking) (90021 – FIN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Human Resource Management) (90021 – HRM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (International Business) (90021 – INB)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Logistics, Transport Economics, Purchasing, and Supply Chain) (90021 – SUP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Marketing) (90021 – MKT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Operations Management) (90021 – OPM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Tourism) (90021 – TOU)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (98979)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Music (90027): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (90029)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Research (98598)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscaping (90170)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (98981)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (African Politics) (90034 – APL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (International Politics) (90034 – INP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (Politics) (90034 – PCS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (98555)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Consulting Psychology) (90042 – CON)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology) (90042 – IOP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Psychology of Education) (90058 – PSY)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration (90024)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health (90143)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Ancient Near Eastern Studies) (90044 – ANE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Biblical Archaeology) (90044 – BAR)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Islamic Studies) (90044 – ISL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Judaica) (90044 – JDC)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Religious Studies) (90044 – RST)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies Biblical Studies (New Testament) (90044 – BSN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies Biblical Studies (Old Testament) (90044 – BST)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (90068): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics (98984)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Christian Spirituality) (90043 – CSP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Church History) (90043 – CHI)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Missiology) (90043 – MSN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (New Testament) (90043 – NTE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Old Testament) (90043 – OTE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Pastoral Therapy) (90043 – PPT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Practical Theology) (90043 – PTH)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Systematic Theology) (90043 – STH)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Theological Ethics) (90043 – THE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Urban Ministry) (90043 – UBM)
  • Doctor of Psychology (90036)
  • Doctor of Social Work (90037)

READ: Doctorate Degree Unisa 2024

UNISA Contact Infomation

Please contact Unisa at the following address:

  • Preller Street, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria
  • Sunnyside campus (applications, registrations & learning centre):
  • Cnr Justice Mahomed & Steve Biko Streets, Sunnyside, Pretoria
  • Tel: 0800 005 311
  • Email: [email protected]

The University of South Africa (UNISA) is at the forefront of offering outstanding doctorate programmes, supporting research excellence, and empowering individuals to become leading experts in their fields of study. By enrolling in doctorate studies at UNISA, ambitious researchers receive access to a world-class learning environment, renowned instructors, and the tools needed to make a lasting influence on society. Visit Unisa’s Official Website .


  • UNISA Degree Courses 2024-2025
  • UNISA Accounting Courses 2024-2025

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Unisa media studies degree equips Radio Turf host to promote African discourse and decoloniality

In the dynamic world of radio broadcasting, few voices stand out as distinctly as that of Morokolo Mpholo. At just 26 years old, Mpholo has carved a niche for himself as a radio producer, presenter, and cultural influencer, captivating audiences with his thoughtful insights and unwavering dedication to promoting African discourse and decoloniality. In an exclusive interview, Mpholo provides a glimpse into his remarkable journey and the vision behind his acclaimed shows, "ROUTE326" and "Reggae Explosion" at Radio Turf.


Unisa BHon Media Studies graduate Morokolo Mpholo

Born and raised in the vibrant community of Mankweng, nestled in South Africa's Limpopo province, Mpholo's upbringing laid the foundation for his illustrious career in media. Despite grappling with social challenges during his formative years, he discovered his passion for radio broadcasting, driven by a desire to connect with others and amplify diverse voices. Armed with ambition and resilience, Mpholo pursued a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Media Studies from Unisa, specialising in decoloniality: African thought, discourse, and critique.

Reflecting on his academic journey, Mpholo describes his exploration of decoloniality as transformative. Delving into the complexities of colonial legacies and African identity, he profoundly understood the importance of cultural liberation and self-affirmation. This newfound awareness profoundly influenced his approach to media production and hosting, inspiring him to infuse his shows with elements of African heritage and decolonial perspectives.

Unisa's commitment to accessible education proved instrumental in Mpholo's academic pursuits, enabling him to balance his studies with his burgeoning career in radio broadcasting. Leveraging the university's flexible study options, he meticulously managed his time, dedicating early mornings to academic endeavours before immersing himself in the fast-paced world of radio production. Mpholo acknowledges Unisa's role in promoting diversity and inclusivity within the field of media studies, emphasising its global reach and transformative impact on students from diverse backgrounds.

As the host and producer of "ROUTE326," Mpholo embraces a vision of inclusivity and community empowerment. His show serves as a platform for diverse voices to share insights, experiences, and solutions, fostering a dialogue that transcends societal boundaries. With a keen focus on youth engagement and social advocacy, Mpholo champions the voices of tomorrow, empowering them to effect positive change in their communities.

Navigating sensitive topics with tact and empathy, Mpholo ensures that his shows facilitate constructive dialogue while honouring diverse viewpoints. Drawing on his academic background and critical thinking skills, he approaches contentious issues with respect and objectivity, prioritising the principles of inclusivity and mutual understanding.


Mpholo at Radio Turf

Looking to the future, Mpholo remains steadfast in his commitment to his career and academic pursuits. Currently pursuing a master's degree in media studies, he aspires to deepen his impact as a radio host and cultural influencer, leveraging his platform to inform, educate, and inspire audiences. With unwavering dedication and a passion for positive change, Mpholo continues to redefine the landscape of African broadcasting, one insightful conversation at a time.

For aspiring students considering Unisa as their educational pathway, Mpholo offers sage advice: "Embrace the journey with an open mind, prioritise self-discipline, and cherish the invaluable opportunities for growth and learning. With determination and dedication, the possibilities are limitless."

Mpholo is one of many illustrious Unisa alumni who stand as a beacon of hope, illuminating pathways to a more inclusive and enlightened tomorrow.

*By Nomusa Ngema, Intern Journalist, Department of Institutional Advancement

Publish date: 2024-05-15 00:00:00.0

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Prescribed student fees per year: doctoral degrees

Minimum amount payable at registration, research proposal module and research doctoral degrees.

From 2023, the research proposal is no longer a stand-alone module. The research proposal is now incorporated into the thesis. Students register directly for the thesis. From 2024, doctoral students may now pay their fees in three instalments. Registration will be activated on receipt of the initial minimum payment. The outstanding balances must be paid by the relevant due dates in order to avoid financial cancellation. All fees must be paid into the Unisa official bank account with the correct reference number or else the university will not be able to process your registration before the relevant closing date. In the case where a letter from an employer / sponsor confirming that they assume responsibility for payment is supplied, the university can provide the employer / sponsor with a quotation.

Registration will only be activated upon receipt of the minimum payment by the relevant closing date. Compulsory miscellaneous fees , where applicable, are also payable on registration. These include the levy for students in foreign countries. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the sponsor pays the fees on time. No late payments will be accepted. It is advisable for a student to pay his / her own fees and claim it back from the sponsor.

Prescribed fees per subject group

Last modified: 2024/02/27

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Accounting and Finance Business Management and HRM Marketing Property Tourism, Sports and Events

Architecture Communication Contemporary Art Creative Industries Design Film, Television and Visual Effects Journalism Urban and Regional Planning

Biomedical Science Health Science Human Movement, Sport, Clinical Exercise Physiology Laboratory Medicine Medical Radiation Science Nursing or Midwifery Nutrition and Food Sciences Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physiotherapy Podiatry Speech Pathology

  • Law & Criminal Justice

Aboriginal and Australian Studies Arts Human Services Languages Psychology Social Work

Aviation Construction Management Defence Engineering Environmental Science Information Technology Mathematics Science

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  • Why UniSA for a PhD

Connect with UniSA's PhD candidates

At UniSA, we provide oppportunities for prospective and existing partners to engage with our PhD candidates.

By connecting with our PhD candidates, you can help to provide valuable learning opportunities, solve challenges in research and enhance our graduates' employability. 

Why connect with our PhD candidates?

Research expertise.

UniSA PhD programs deliver highly skilled researchers who become experts in their chosen field.

Enterprising futures

Our graduates are job-ready, equipped with knowledge and ready to contribute to your organisation.

Skills in practice

Provide an opportunity for experiential learning, enabling PhD candidates to build their skills in the workplace and beyond.    

Careers in focus

Support a PhD candidate's professional development goals and career ambitions.

Ways to connect

Co-design a research project.

Has your organisation identified a particular problem that requires investigation through research? Engage with us to co-design a bespoke project-based research degree that will deliver real outcomes to your business or industry more broadly.

  • Structured involvement  – A co-designed research project requires a shared commitment from your organisation and UniSA to ensure a mutually beneficial outcome.
  • Moderate time commitment – Nominate an expert from within your organisation to be part of a supervisory team and provide the student with local insight and end-user expertise
  • Overall duration of up to four years for a full-time PhD candidate  – there may be different time requirements at key stages of the PhD, and depending on the research degree.  

phd degree unisa

Mentoring offers opportunities for PhD candidates to gain awareness and insights directly from you about your workplace, industry, values and purpose. This can be undertaken directly between the mentor and candidate or through a formal mentoring scheme.

  • Flexible involvement  – the frequency and schedule can be negotiated by the mentor and the candidate. 
  • Low to moderate time commitment  – no more than one session every two months. 
  • Overall duration anywhere between 1-3 years  – this can be determined as the relationship progresses. 

Industry placement or internship

A placement is a way for a PhD candidate to understand  and work with an  organisation  on a problem. An internship involves the candidate spending time within your  organisation , usually undertaking a research project of interest to all parties. The research project may  or may not be  directly linked with the candidate’s thesis topic.   

  • Structured involvement  – there will be an agreed-upon project scope and objectives.  
  • Moderate time commitment  – a placement can be set up for autonomous work, or integrated with your organisation as desired.  
  • Short term duration  – approximately six weeks to six months maximum.  

The Australian Government facilitates  rebate-based  internship opportunities for PhD candidates via the APR Intern Scheme , to which you can apply directly .  

phd degree unisa

Join a supervisory panel

A supervisory panel guides a PhD candidate through their research  degree , making sure their project is academically sound and industry relevant. As an e nd-user advisor on a supervisory panel , you  will support the academic supervisory panel with  project co-creation (idea development, in-kind and/or  funding   contributions, etc.) , mentoring the candidate, career development support, and/or providing resources, exposure and experiences related to your industry.  

  • Flexible involvement – you may wish to contribute to multiple aspects of the project, or  take a specific role as an end-user advi sor .  
  • Moderate time commitment – this can be negotiated with other members of the supervisory panel and the candidate early in the project.  

Find out more

For additional information or to learn about the requirements of working with our research students please contact us .

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Accounting and Finance Business Management and HRM Marketing Property Tourism, Sports and Events

Architecture Communication Contemporary Art Creative Industries Design Film, Television and Visual Effects Journalism Urban and Regional Planning

Biomedical Science Health Science Human Movement, Sport, Clinical Exercise Physiology Laboratory Medicine Medical Radiation Science Nursing or Midwifery Nutrition and Food Sciences Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physiotherapy Podiatry Speech Pathology

  • Law & Criminal Justice

Aboriginal and Australian Studies Arts Human Services Languages Psychology Social Work

Aviation Construction Management Defence Engineering Environmental Science Information Technology Mathematics Science

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Doctor of Education

Degree Level Research

Degree info for International students

Campus Magill

Duration 4 year(s) full-time

Mode On-campus/Online

Program Code MPEU

Fees AUD$ 32,400 per annum (per 1.0 EFTSL) for students enrolled in 2024

International Admission by Country See full entry requirements

CRICOS Code 036294F

Program level Doctorate by research

Entry requirements

You must check the entry requirements for the type of research degree you wish to apply for and make sure you are eligible.

  • If you are an international applicant you also need to check that you meet the English language requirements.
  • Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not automatically guarantee entry into a research degree.

Degree overview

  • Develop the ability to design and complete research relevant to your workplace and practice.
  • Benefit from our extensive national and in the broad field of educational practice.
  • Produce new and useful professional knowledge and practice(s).
  • Learn from visiting scholars and artists.
  • Create research projects around your professional interests.
  • Work in a dynamic research environment.
  • Work under the guidance of experienced and highly qualified research supervisors where our education research is rated above world-class 1 .
  • UniSA's education degrees are number one in South Australia 2 and World top 100 in Education 3 .
  • UniSA is an unstoppable university for unstoppable people. As one of the World’s Top Young Universities 4 , we’ll ensure you get the experience your future profession demands so it’ll feel like you’re studying one minute and in a career the next.

1 Results for Specialist Studies in Education - 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA). 2 2022 QS Subject Rankings  3 2023 THE Subject Rankings 4 UNSTOPPABLE® is a Kellogg Company trade mark used under licence. Ranked #52, 2023 THE Young University Rankings.

What is a research degree?

A research degree is an advanced program of study allowing you to investigate a topic relevant to your field. Under the supervision of world-class researchers, you will learn and apply advanced research methodologies to produce new knowledge and provide solutions to some of the world’s greatest challenges. Completing a research degree means becoming an expert in your field. It’s your opportunity to take a topic that interests you, explore it in depth, tackle intellectual, creative and practical challenges, and communicate your findings.

Depending on your area of interest, you can study a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professional Doctorate, Doctor of Philosophy (by Portfolio of Publications) or Master of Research.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (up to four years full-time equivalent) provides you with advanced training and education, and the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality.

By the end of your program, you will be capable of independently designing and executing original research that generates new knowledge.

Professional Doctorate

A rigorous program of advanced study and research, designed specifically to meet the needs of industry, end-users and professional groups. Professional doctorates usually consist of a blend of coursework and research (three to four years full-time equivalent), encouraging close cooperation across university, industry and the profession, as well as providing a framework for integrated professional expertise and scholarly inquiry.

Doctor of Philosophy (by Portfolio of Publications)

Allows formal recognition of established researchers and/or scholars who do not already hold a PhD qualification, and who have produced research of international standing in their field with an ongoing record of academic publication (work).

Master of Research

A Master of Research (two years full-time equivalent) enables you to analyse your thesis topic at an advanced level, and apply research methodology and techniques to contribute new knowledge in your field, under appropriate supervision.

Please note, a master by coursework (such as an MBA) involves enrolling in selected courses and participating in lectures and tutorials (online or on campus). It is different to a master of research.

Find out more about our  research projects .

Why do a research degree?

UniSA research is inspired by the challenges and opportunities of today. In the 2018 Australian Research Council Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation of Australian universities, all of our assessed research was rated at world class or above. We are vibrant, outward-facing and responsive. We partner with industry, government and communities to seek answers to questions that arise in the real world. 

Learn more about our research .

The transformed PhD

UniSA intends to deliver industry and end-user informed research that supports employer-relevant curriculum. To achieve this, and to produce entrepreneurial and business-aware graduates, we have developed the transformed PhD.

We have added a structured component to research degrees including enhanced skill development, supervisory panels and a technology-enabled oral defence of the thesis. Through these activities you will develop a set of professional, transferable skills relevant to our knowledge-based enterprise economy.

The aim of the transformed PhD is to increase your employment prospects in any career path. You will possess the knowledge, expertise and confidence to meet the emerging needs of academia, industry, government and the community.

Four good reasons to do a research degree

  • Challenge yourself. You will need to work hard, be dedicated and think analytically at a high level. You will tackle completely new research and different research methods, or extend research already undertaken.
  • Increase your career opportunities. A research degree provides evidence of independent thought and the ability to manage a research project in a given timeframe. Your research could allow you to develop a new specialisation, academic field or career. A research degree at UniSA will also allow you to develop a skillset which sets you apart, putting you at the centre of your professional development.
  • Make your ideas public. Your research findings may be published, presented at conferences, provide a commercial return and have a positive impact on society.
  • Contribute to society. Discover new methods, understandings and techniques, and solve a real-world problem.

What can I research?

This professional doctorate is designed for professional educators and practitioners and includes a blend of coursework and research.

The coursework component builds on your professional expertise as a practitioner in the broad field of education by exposing you to contemporary and challenging ideas in your field. The research component aims to direct and inform change in educational practices of the particular industry, workplace or institution.

Our research is facilitated by a range of different research concentrations, including:

  • The Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion (CRESI):  is one of the largest research concentrations in the world that is focused on contributing to new knowledge about issues related to educational and social inclusion.
  • Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE):  a global knowledge hub – the centre brings together academics specialising in Islamic civilisation, psychology, ethics, leadership, management, sociology, finance and education.
  • Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L): focuses on the complex relationship between human and artificial cognition, how it changes society, knowledge processes, and teaching and learning.

You may also choose to study an alternate subject matter that does not fit within these research concentrations. To do this you must find a suitable supervisory team who specialises in the subject area.

Find a research area

To find a research area, you'll need to match your qualifications and interests to the  research projects  offered at UniSA. These have been developed by teams of academics who will supervise you during your research degree.

Scholarships and projects

A scholarship allows you to focus on your research without needing to do paid work. At UniSA, you can explore high achiever scholarships, vacation research scholarships, as well as Vice Chancellor and President’s scholarships.

We also offer thematically-based scholarships. These scholarships will not only address local, national and international grand challenges, they will also ensure you work across the University, with industry, and with community partners.

Learn more about available scholarships .

Graduate outcomes

There are seven identified graduate qualities and outcomes that result from doing a research degree at UniSA. Importantly, these competencies are transferable to the workplace, whether academic or professional. In brief, a research degree graduate of the University of South Australia:

  • understands, can contribute to and critique current research-based knowledge in their field
  • is prepared for lifelong learning in pursuit of ongoing personal development and excellence
  • is an effective problem solver and researcher
  • can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a researcher
  • is committed to ethical action and social responsibility
  • communicates research knowledge effectively
  • demonstrates international perspectives in research

Read about our  research degree graduate qualities  in more detail.

Degree structure

1. If candidates are first enrolled in second half of Year 1, then the order in which they complete the first two courses will be reversed.

2. EDUC 8027 'Research Methodology' builds on knowledge and skills developed in Masters level programs. Exemption of up to 3 units may be granted to candidates who have undertaken a Masters by research or who have extensive research experience.

3. It is important that, while the program is presented as courses, the total demand of the program is understood to equate to that of PhD students. The cumulative word count expected for assessment purposes is 75-80,000 words.


You will be required to complete papers and tasks for assessment as part of this degree's coursework component; you will also present a 75,000-80,000 word portfolio for examination.

Your portfolio will consist of:

  • introduction
  • three supervised small-scale research study reports
  • a thesis (meta-analysis) that incorporates a major analysis of the projects completed (approximately 15,000 – 20,000 words)

The research study reports (2 x 10,000 words and 1 x 35,000 words) will demonstrate your capacity to:

  • formulate researchable questions
  • develop a proposal for three interconnected studies that use an appropriate methodology and meet the standards for research at the University of South Australia
  • critically analyse data
  • report on that data, and
  • use the research to generate new knowledge about professional educational practices

Why Doctor of Education

Why this Degree

UniSA provides a dynamic, multidisciplinary environment where you are encouraged to explore your own ideas under the supervision of some of Australia’s leading researchers. 

We will also ensure you graduate with transferable career skills that complement your research experience and enhance your global capability when you complete the Transformed PhD  program. 

Career outcomes

Your career.

A professional doctorate will give you a competitive edge in the workplace.

You may choose to pursue a career in academia, or in research with a research institution or university. Alternatively, you may choose to work in your chosen specialisation.

Advanced research experience may also be the gateway to the Australian Public Service or leading NGOs.

Before applying, you will need to do some investigation. Our step-by-step guide will take you through the process of preparing your application to maximise your chances of success.

Please check the  research degrees calendar for all key dates.


Check to see if you meet the entry requirements for the type of research degree you wish to apply for.

Life in Adelaide

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Every year, over 2,500 UniSA students are supported in their studies through scholarships and grants worth millions of dollars. Check out the scholarships below. One of them may be perfect for you. Visit our scholarships page for more .

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Research Training Program international (RTPi) and University Presidents Scholarship

These scholarships will cover your tuition fees and your overseas health cover, and provide and a stipend (living allowance).

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Research Themes PhD Scholarships

These scholarships address local, national and international grand challenges, and encourage collaboration with industry and community partners.

Australia’s University of Enterprise

Study at South Australia’s No. 1 university for graduate careers* and unlock your full potential.

*ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2020-21, Skills Development Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities.

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Magill campus is on stunning grounds, with huge eucalyptus trees bordering open grassy spaces. The campus has a gym for student use and is a short walk from restaurants, takeaway shops and other conveniences.

Keep up with the latest at Magill campus on Facebook .

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For information on applying to do postgraduate study by research, including Masters by Research, PhDs or Doctorates, please visit

You are eligible for a range of scholarships and grants as a current research student. For example, the prestigious Vice Chancellor and President’s Scholarship, Maurice de Rohan International Travel Scholarships or one of UniSA’s International Travel Grants. See Scholarships and Prizes for more information.

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Renowned Restaurant Mogul Natasha Sideris Receives Honorary Doctorate from Unisa

Presenting her degree, Dr MaseTshaba Mantepu, Acting Executive Dean of the College of Economic and Management Sciences, said Sideris has distinguished herself as a ground-breaking force in the restaurant and hospitality industry. She continued: “After recognising a significant market gap for a simple, un-themed, daytime dining concept, she launched the first Tashas café in Atholl in 2005. Her vision was to create venues where customers could enjoy good food in beautiful environments, served with special care.”

The concept flourished and expanded over eighteen years, including fifteen locations in South Africa and six in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “Each Tashas café reflects a unique theme inspired by various places and times, showcasing her commitment to creating distinct dining experiences,” explained Mantepu.

Furthermore, Sideris’ entrepreneurial journey extended to developing other sophisticated dining concepts like Avli by Tashas, Flamingo Room by Tashas, Bungalo34 and the internationally acclaimed Galaxy Bar. Her ventures emphasise a blend of cultural homage and innovative cuisine, enhancing the global dining landscape. The Galaxy Bar has been recognised among the world’s top 50 bars in 2020 and 2021, a testament to her exemplary leadership in conceptualising and managing world-class establishments.

Mantepu said: “This honorary degree recognises not only her transformative impact on the hospitality industry but also her visionary leadership that continues to inspire and shape the global standards of dining and guest experience. Her lifelong commitment to elevating the consumers’ hospitality experience, her innovative contributions to the industry and her ability to inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs make her eminently worthy of this honour, aligning perfectly with Unisa’s mission, vision and values.”

Accepting the degree to resounding applause, the emotional Sideris expressed gratitude to Unisa, the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Puleng LenkaBula, and South Africa. She said: “It is an honour to receive this degree. I am truly humbled and would like to thank my staff, who have stood by me every step of the way.” Sideris added: “Like Unisa, at Tashas, we watch individuals flourish and grow. People like Precious are now the general manager of some of our restaurants in Dubai. Others now run our restaurants in the United Kingdom. All these young South Africans came through our restaurants in South Africa and worked their way up. Today is about celebrating them more than me.”

Affirming Sideris’ accomplishments and contributions to society, LenkaBula said: “The world is always looking for individuals who overcome their fears to create beautiful initiatives and outputs that serve society and create employment, and Sideris’ contributions in hospitality and consumer science are worth noting.”

To the rest of the graduates at the ceremony, LenkaBula said: “I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you all for completing your studies at Unisa. Your success is a pointer to your initiative, persistence and resilience, which, through your graduateness, will hopefully contribute to the national priorities.” She added: “Unisa has armed you with the requisite knowledge and skill set to enable you to thrive anywhere in the world with good prospects. You will not only seek employment, but even more importantly in our day, you will surely provide employment to others and, by the same token, anchor your participation in socio-political, economic and other contexts.”

“As a graduate of Unisa, you are encouraged to transfer your knowledge to transform life to better yourself, family, community and society, with a local and global outlook. I wish you success in your journey ahead as you hoist the Unisa flag high as our proud alumni,” LenkaBula closed.

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phd degree unisa

Watch to see how this man made his dad proud with 4th degree from Unisa

  • A young South African man, Kenny, proudly shared a TikTok video of his graduation from the University of South Africa
  • The video showed his father congratulating him and pointing at his impressive collection of 4 academic belts
  • Mzansi netizens congratulated Kenny on his academic achievements and were also tickled by his proud dad

A young Mzansi man not only made his dad proud but won online admiration after posting a video of his most recent graduation day.

Dad flexes son's academic belts

Seeing your parents beam with pride fills you with a warmth that validates your efforts and strengthens the bond you share.

Academic overachiever Kenny (@kenny_018295) posted a TikTok video of his proud father congratulating him on his graduation from the University of South Africa (Unisa).

In the clip, the father can be seen pointing at all four of his son's academic belts, representing the different degrees he has earned.

"My dad was really proud here," Kenny said in his caption.

SA congratulates 4x graduate

Many South African netizens were impressed by Kenny's academic achievements and showered him with love in the comments section.

Others also expressed how they were charmed by his handsome father, LOL.

Tebogo Mmageti commented:

"Guys let’s be honest, graduation becomes addiction neh like we can’t stop studying ♥️♥️♥️♥️."

zintezinhle said:

" I'm graduating next weekend. It will be only me and my younger brother."

geeu² commented:

"Ubaba usingle yin yena ngfuna ukuba indlu yokugugela (Is your dad single? I'd like to grow old with him)."

mzamoh respodned:

"Zaze zazinhle leynsizwa, I standing bawo. (These men look so good)."

sabzangubane53 joked:

"Usiqedela imfundo . Kodwa asikubongele ❤️‍ (You're finishing education for us. But we're happy for you)."

Noxolo Ntokazi replied:

"Umuntu ofuna sidle late emngcwabeni wakhe siyambona (You can just see a person who wants us to eat late at their funeral)."


"Indlondlo yemfundo madoda. (Trophy of education)."

mamaLewatle commented:

"Wafunda kangaka uyindoda usabani ? Congratulations (Why are you so educated as a man, what are you scared of)."

Sassy man in high heels shows off his 4 geology qualifications

In another story, Briefly News reported that a sassy and spectacular Mzansi man took to social media to proudly flex his four impressive qualifications in geology.

Lebo G Molax made education fashionable when he went viral on TikTok for a video of him sporting a stunning all-black outfit, sky-high-heel boots, a graduation gown and his four academic belts, each representing his degrees in the field of geology.

Watch to see how this man made his dad proud with 4th degree from Unisa


  1. Master's & doctoral degrees

    All master's and doctoral applications and enquiries must be submitted online. For any master's or doctoral enquiries, please send an e-mail to [email protected] . GSBL students must direct their enquiries to the relevant e-mail address: [email protected] / [email protected] or [email protected]. Start the process. Last modified: 2024/02/14.

  2. Master's & doctoral degrees

    For any enquiries, please contact the Master's & Doctoral Administration Support Section for assistance: [email protected]. For any enquiries regarding the examination of the M&D research component (dissertation/thesis), please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Doctor of Philosophy (90040) - SET, MAT, TEC, CHE, COM, LIF, AST, STA, SCE ...

  3. Apply for admission to study for Master's or Doctoral degrees

    Do you want to pursue a master's or doctoral degree at Unisa? Find out how to apply online, what documents you need, and what deadlines you have to meet. Visit the Unisa Find Tool and start your journey to academic excellence.

  4. PDF Procedures for Master'S and Doctoral Degrees

    requirements for the completion of a doctoral degree as described in the HEQSF Unisa refers to the University of South Africa Viva Voce refers to the oral examination which form part of the curriculum for doctoral candidates who registered for the first time in 2022 for a doctoral degree ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿

  5. PDF Procedures for Master'S and Doctoral Degrees

    PhD by Publication Refers to a doctoral degree that is composed of several peer-reviewed publications written as an introduction, discussion and conclusion that has been ... accepted as a master's or doctoral student at Unisa Research focus areas Catalytic niche areas are the research areas of expertise as identified by Unisa to be ...

  6. Apply for a student number and apply for admission

    Unisa's application process. Applying for admission to a master's or doctoral degree comprises three steps: Apply for a student number (only applicable if you do not already have a formal Unisa student number). Apply for admission. Upload the compulsory supporting documents. These documents are displayed in red on the upload platform.

  7. Study Doctor of Philosophy at the University of South Australia (UniSA

    The transformed PhD. UniSA intends to deliver industry and end-user informed research that supports employer-relevant curriculum. To achieve this, and to produce entrepreneurial and business-aware graduates, we have developed the transformed PhD. ... In brief, a research degree graduate of the University of South Australia: understands, can ...

  8. Research degrees

    For any queries about undertaking a research degree at the University of South Australia please contact the Research Degree Admissions team. We can provide you with further information about your area of research interest. Research Degree Admissions. p: +61 8 8302 5880. e: [email protected].

  9. Study Doctor of Philosophy at the University of South Australia (UniSA

    There are seven identified graduate qualities and outcomes that result from doing a research degree at UniSA. Importantly, these competencies are transferable to the workplace, whether academic or professional. In brief, a research degree graduate of the University of South Australia:

  10. The UniSA PhD

    UniSA is committed to ensuring that research degree candidates experience excellent and contemporary research training and that, in the course of their candidature, they acquire a skill set that expands their employment choices post-PhD. The UniSA PhD: Connects candidates with partnered grand challenges in research

  11. Study Doctor of Philosophy at the University of South Australia (UniSA

    The transformed PhD. UniSA intends to deliver industry and end-user informed research that supports employer-relevant curriculum. To achieve this, and to produce entrepreneurial and business-aware graduates, we have developed the transformed PhD. ... In brief, a research degree graduate of the University of South Australia: understands, can ...

  12. UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2024-2025

    Doctoral degrees at UNISA allow students to conduct original research, acquire advanced analytical and critical thinking abilities, and become experts in their chosen field. A doctorate is an academic degree awarded by Universities. It is also a research degree that qualifies someone to teach at the university level in the degree's field or ...

  13. Application approval

    Unsuccessful application: Unisa will inform you of this via e-mail and provide you with a reason why your application was unsuccessful. You may appeal the decision by sending an e-mail to [email protected] The appeal submission must contain a motivation for the request and supporting documents.

  14. Professional doctorates

    A professional doctorate is a rigorous program of advanced study and research, designed to meet the needs of industry and professional groups. Professional doctorate programs: foster excellence in professional practice by developing the capacity of individuals to lead development of knowledge in their professional contexts.

  15. Study Doctor of Philosophy at the University of South Australia (UniSA

    Research degrees offered at UniSA Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Produces graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. By the end of the degree, UniSA's PhD students are capable of independently designing and executing original research which generates new knowledge (three to four years ...

  16. Unisa media studies degree equips Radio Turf host to promote African

    Unisa media studies degree equips Radio Turf host to promote African discourse and decoloniality. In the dynamic world of radio broadcasting, few voices stand out as distinctly as that of Morokolo Mpholo. At just 26 years old, Mpholo has carved a niche for himself as a radio producer, presenter, and cultural influencer, captivating audiences ...

  17. Unisa confers honorary doctorate to renowned restaurant mogul, Natasha

    Unisa conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) to Natasha Sideris at a graduation ceremony held on 07 May 2024. Sideris is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Founder of Tashas Restaurant Group. The degree recognises her substantial and unique contributions to the fields of hospitality and consumer science, as well as her ...

  18. Master's and doctoral studies: apply for admission

    Apply for admission to study for Master's or Doctoral degrees. Complete your personal details and then submit your documents. Step 1. Complete the application for admission form. Use your Unisa student number/application reference number and complete the information. Apply for Admission. Step 2.

  19. Prescribed student fees per year: doctoral degrees

    Research proposal module and research doctoral degrees. From 2023, the research proposal is no longer a stand-alone module. The research proposal is now incorporated into the thesis. Students register directly for the thesis. From 2024, doctoral students may now pay their fees in three instalments.

  20. Engage with our PhD research

    Engage with us to co-design a bespoke project-based research degree that will deliver real outcomes to your business or industry more broadly. Structured involvement - A co-designed research project requires a shared commitment from your organisation and UniSA to ensure a mutually beneficial outcome. Overall duration of up to four years for a ...

  21. Study Doctor of Education at the University of South Australia (UniSA

    The transformed PhD. UniSA intends to deliver industry and end-user informed research that supports employer-relevant curriculum. To achieve this, and to produce entrepreneurial and business-aware graduates, we have developed the transformed PhD. ... In brief, a research degree graduate of the University of South Australia: understands, can ...

  22. Renowned Restaurant Mogul Natasha Sideris Receives Honorary Doctorate

    Accepting the degree to resounding applause, the emotional Sideris expressed gratitude to Unisa, the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Puleng LenkaBula, and South Africa. She said: "It is an honour to receive this degree. I am truly humbled and would like to thank my staff, who have stood by me every step of the way."

  23. Watch to see how this man made his dad proud with 4th degree from Unisa

    Academic overachiever Kenny (@kenny_018295) posted a TikTok video of his proud father congratulating him on his graduation from the University of South Africa (Unisa).