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contoh skripsi bahasa inggris experimental research

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Contoh Proposal Penelitian Bahasa Inggris

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Hafik Umarul Munir

The research was aimed to identify and analyze morphological errors found in the students' essays. The subject of this research was the eighth-grade students of Nahdhatul Ulama Junior High School and the primary data was taken from their English notebook. The objectives of this research were (1) To identify morphological errors made by the students, limited to the use of inflectional affixes (2) To find out the frequency for each type of classified error (3) To identify the cause of errors in inflectional affixes. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach to reach the objectives. The researcher identified errors and classified those based on surface strategy taxonomy developed by Dulay. Thus, the errors were classified into four categories, named omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. After completing the data analysis, the research revealed (1) Omission error was becoming the most common error found by 62.97%. Addition and Misformation shared quite similar proportion, less than a fifth of total errors, by 19.10% and 14.60% respectively. The lowest frequency of error was misordering errors by 3.37%. (2) Two primary factors that caused students to commit errors were interlingual error and intralingual error. The interlingual error which influenced by mother tongue was found frequently in omission, while intralingual errors mainly found in other types, showing the stage of students' development in mastering target language, specifically in inflectional concept.

contoh skripsi bahasa inggris experimental research

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This research is aimed to know the kinds of grammatical errors and the most common grammatical error made by the students in making personal letter at SMA Diponegoro 1 Purwokerto in academic year 2016/2017. The subject of this research were the eleventh grades. The total number of students as the sample were 35 students. The design of this study is descriptive study. The technique used for obtaining the data was test. the test was essay test of writing. The procedure of Error Analysis used is according to Dullay‟s Theory. The result of this study showed that there were 107 or 56,02% errors in tenses, 21 or 10,99% errors in word order and pronoun, 19 or 9,95% errors in prepositions, 17 or 8,90% errors in singular/plural and the last from article with 6 or 3,14% errors . Based on the total result types of errors, the writer found that tenses is the highest errors which is made by the students.

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Sabtu, 21 november 2015, contoh skripsi eksperimental research (bahasa inggris).

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contoh skripsi bahasa inggris experimental research

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