
6 Email Templates to Ask Someone to be on Your Thesis Committee

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Professional Etiquette

6 Email Templates to Ask Someone to be on Your Thesis Committee

Writing a thesis is one of the most challenging parts of being an undergraduate or graduate student. You need to know how to ask someone to be on your thesis committee, especially if you are looking for a mentor to guide you through the writing process.

If you are currently starting the dissertation process, these unique email templates will help show you how to ask someone to be on your thesis committee.

How to ask someone to be on your thesis committee: When asking senior students

  These email templates will help you figure out how to ask a senior student to be on your thesis committee.   Senior students are perfect for helping you through the writing process. You can ask a student with whom you get along and share similar ideas.  

foreign college student group

When asking professors to be on your thesis committee

  Your professor would be an invaluable addition to your thesis committee, especially since they could provide you with unique insight and constructive criticism.   Here is how to ask someone to be on your thesis committee if the person is your professor.  

surrounded by students asking questions

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How to ask someone to be on your thesis committee: When asking professionals in your field

  Professionals can offer diverse and useful expertise if they choose to join your thesis committee. Here is how to ask someone to be on your thesis committee if you’re asking professionals in your field.  

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  These are unique email templates that you can use when trying to figure out how to ask someone to be on your thesis committee.   Whether it is your professor, a senior student in your faculty, or a professional in your field, these templates will help you get that positive response that you are seeking.   If you are currently working on your thesis and wondering how to ask someone to be on your thesis committee, these templates will surely help you get some ideas.  

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Building your thesis committee

Choosing a faculty member for your thesis committee.

Thesis committees are typically composed of a Thesis Advisor from your major department, an Honors Council Representative from your major department, and a third committee member from outside your major department, usually referred to as the Outside Reader . Your thesis advisor is different from your Academic Advisor, and is always a faculty member.  While Academic Advisors are your best resource for planning out your course schedules and making sure you're on track to graduate with all the credits you need, when it comes to working on your thesis, you should direct your questions to your thesis advisor, Honors Council Representative, other members of your committee, or the Honors Program staff.

Thesis committee makeup can vary, but committees must always include at least three eligible members of the CU Boulder faculty (see Thesis Committee Policy below) in the roles of thesis advisor, Honors Council representative, and outside/third reader.  You are welcome to have additional members on your committee, provided they meet the eligibility requirements.  We recommend that you have no more than 5 members, as it becomes quite difficult to coordinate that many schedules when it's time for you to schedule your defense.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to serve on a thesis committee, one must be a regular full-time faculty member or a multi-year contract instructor involved in an instructional program at the University of Colorado Boulder. In terms of rank, this means Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Teaching Associate Professor (Senior Instructor), or Teaching Assistant Professor (Instructor). Additionally, faculty must hold a terminal degree in their field (usually a Ph.D.), and should have experience teaching or mentoring undergraduate students.  Graduate students are not eligible to serve.

Faculty Eligible to Serve

To find a list of Honors Council Representatives, please click here

To see a searchable PDF of faculty members that have been verified as eligible to serve, please click here *

To see a searchable and sortable Excel file of faculty members that have been verified as eligible to serve, please click here *

*This is NOT a complete list of faculty who are eligible to serve; this is simply a list of faculty who have served previously and were verified as eligible at that time.  Please note that eligibility can change as circumstances with faculty change (for example, a faculty member changes rostered departments or leaves the university).  

If you do not see a faculty member in this list and would like them to serve on your committee, you will need to verify their eligibility to serve.  Please see the information outlined in the "Eligibility Requirements" paragraph above to get a feel for the criteria, and then look up information on your faculty member.   A great resource to check eligibility is .  You can also check the People page of most departments to learn more.  If you think they meet the criteria, email us at [email protected] with their name and we will verify it for you.   The Honors Program makes the final determination on the eligibility of faculty members to serve.   Departmental approval of a committee member will still require verification by the Honors Program.

More about the different committee roles

Thesis advisor.

There are three positive signs that a professor might make a good thesis advisor for you: They are well-versed in the particular field of study you wish to investigate, you’ve taken or are taking a class or lab with them and are doing well, and you like them as a person and would be excited to work with them.  You will be working closely with them throughout the project, so a good working relationship is very beneficial.

When you meet with prospective thesis advisors, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. Be direct - ask how often they'd be willing to meet with you, how many drafts they'd be able to read and critique, and what kinds of expectations they would have of you. They will probably also have questions for you about why you'd like to write a thesis, what you hope to get from the process, and why you'd like to work with them.

If you're having trouble finding a thesis advisor, talk to your Honors Council representative.

Honors Council Representative

The Honors Council is a body of faculty made up of representatives from each Honors Program-participating department within the College of Arts and Sciences. Honors Council Representatives are responsible for making sure students follow the policies, procedures, and deadlines set forth by the Honors Program, as well as any additional policies and procedures the department has enacted, such as thesis format, research methods, and thesis class requirements. When planning to write a thesis, you should always start by contacting one of the Honors Council Representatives for your major to talk with them about your proposed project and to learn what policies and procedures you must follow.    In some departments, there is only one Honors Council Representative, and in that case, they will be serving on your committee.  In other departments, there may be several that you could work with, or there may be specific representatives for different major tracks. 

To see who the Honors Council Representatives are for your major department, and to learn more about any departmental requirements on top of what the Honors Program has set, please click here.

The Honors Council meets in April and November to award honors designations, first in divisional subcommittees and then as a full council.  Please note that, since the Council does not meet in the summer, you cannot defend a thesis and be eligible to be awarded Latin honors for a summer graduation.  You either need to defend in the fall or spring before you graduate.  

Outside Reader

If you are writing a departmental thesis (in other words, a thesis in your major), you will need an Outside Reader.  The primary role of an Outside Reader is to make sure that your thesis is held to the same high standards as theses in other departments.  So, the faculty member you choose as your Outside Reader needs to be from outside your major department.  This way they can provide that checks-and-balances piece of the puzzle so that we can confidently say that a Sociology thesis is held to the same standard as a Physics thesis, and Ethnic Studies, and Economics and so on.

At a minimum, the faculty member should be prepared to read and provide feedback on later drafts of your thesis and attend the defense.  However, if the Outside Reader's field of study touches on your topic or needs, they may be able to provide more support.  For example, if you feel that you could use some extra help in your writing, you could look for an Outside Reader from the Program for Writing and Rhetoric.  Or, if you were an Art major working on a project analyzing historic art pieces, it might be beneficial to ask a faculty member from the History department who specializes in the period of history you're studying to serve as your Outside Reader.

Additional Committee Member

If you're writing a General Honors thesis, you will select an additional committee member instead of an Outside Reader.  Since your topic is interdisciplinary, it is common for you to have a thesis advisor from one of the disciplines and an additional committee member from the other, but this is not required.  Due to the nature of your project, you are welcome to select any eligible faculty member, including faculty from the Honors Program, the Program for Writing and Rhetoric, or any other major department at CU Boulder.  To determine eligibility, please see the "Eligibility Requirements" section above.  Some suggestions on how to choose your Additional Committee Member:  You may choose someone that you feel would be a key contributor to either the content, structure/writing, or process of your project that you work well with, or you could select someone that will step in towards the end of your project to read your final draft(s) and participate in the defense, or any other criteria you feel would most benefit your project.  Please see the section above titled, "Faculty Eligible to Serve" for more details on verifying a potential committee member's eligibility.

If you're writing a departmental thesis, you may also wish to add additional committee member(s).  These members must meet the same eligibility criteria as all your other members.  Keep in mind that the more members that you add, the more people you'll have to coordinate with when it comes time to schedule your defense.

MIT BE Graduate Student Handbook

Thesis Committee

The Ph.D. Thesis Committee has the responsibility of advising a student on all aspects of the thesis experience, from the proposal process through the preparation and defense of the final document.

The Committee should be comprised of

  • the Thesis Advisor(s),
  • the Thesis Committee Chair who presides at all committee meetings (must be a BE faculty member), and
  • at least one additional member (unrestricted).

The student and research supervisor should agree upon members of a Thesis Committee, and the student is responsible for inviting faculty to sit on their committee. Beyond administration of the Oral Exam, the Thesis Committee is meant to provide guidance on the various aspects of the student’s project; Thesis Committee members should therefore be selected with this goal in mind.

Forming the Committee

During the summer of the second year, the student must submit the BE PhD Thesis Committee form  to the BE Academic Office ) to request approval of the Thesis Committee membership.

Changing the Committee

The Thesis Committee constituted for the Oral Exam/Thesis Proposal may change over the course of the student’s research, as determined by the student and advisor with approval by the Graduate Program Chair. Students should submit a new PhD Thesis Committee form (above) to the BE Academic Office.

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Dissertation Committee: Roles, Functions, and How to Choose

The path to a dissertation is filled with choices that determine the quality of your experience as a student as well as the future strength of your professional network. 

Choosing your dissertation committee is one of the most important decisions–and one of the most fraught–that you’ll make as a graduate student. With the stakes being so high, many doctoral students worry about making a misstep and getting it wrong. 

Fear not! Putting together your dissertation committee becomes easier once you know the right questions to ask: of potential committee members, of your dissertation chair, and of yourself. While forming your dissertation committee can be challenging, striking the right balance will lead to a richly rewarding academic experience that will pay dividends throughout your career. Do your homework, and you’ll be just fine. 

Dissertation Committee Questions

  • What does a dissertation committee do?
  • Who serves on your dissertation committee?
  • How do you choose dissertation committee members?
  • What can you expect from your dissertation committee? 

What Does a Dissertation Committee Do?

The basic function of your dissertation committee, which typically consists of five members, is to guide you through the process of proposing, writing, and revising your dissertation.  

Dissertation committee members serve in a mentoring capacity, offering constructive feedback on your writing and research, as well as guiding your revision efforts. They are also the gatekeepers of the ivory tower, and the ultimate judges of whether or not your dissertation passes muster. 

The dissertation committee is usually formed once your academic coursework is completed. It is not uncommon in the humanities and social sciences for dissertation committee members to also write and evaluate qualifying exams, and of course serve as faculty. By the time you begin working on your dissertation, you may know the faculty members who will serve on your dissertation committee quite well. 

Dissertation Committee Member Mentoring Student

Who Serves on Your Dissertation Committee? 

To a degree, who serves on your dissertation committee is up to you. Dissertation committees usually consist mostly of faculty members from the doctoral student’s home department, though this can vary due to the rise of interdisciplinary programs. 

Some universities also allow an outside expert–a former professor or academic mentor from another university–to serve on your committee. It’s advisable to choose faculty members who know you and who are familiar with your work. 

While it’s a good idea to have a mix of faculty members, it’s also important to be mindful about the roles they can play. For instance, I always advise graduate students working in quantitative fields to have a statistician on their committee. When there’s big data to crunch, it never hurts to have a stats expert in your corner. You’ll also want at least one faculty member–besides your chair–whose research is in the same relative area as yours, or adjacent to it. 

How to Choose Dissertation Committee Members

Think Carefully. It’s tempting to approach a faculty member who is a superstar in their field (if not, necessarily, in yours) to lend a little extra sparkle to your own academic credentials. Or perhaps the kindly professor you can always count on for an easy A. Or even the faculty member you’d like to be friends with after graduate school. Right? 

Not so fast. Here are some things to keep in mind when building your dissertation committee dream team: 

  • Avoid Superstars. Though the prospect of having your department’s most eminent name on your committee sounds exciting, their star power comes with a price. Between guest lectures, books, keynotes, and conference travel, their time is not their own, and it won’t be yours, either. Choose dissertation committee members who have time for you. 
  • Choose faculty members you know, like, and can learn from. It’s not a bad idea to approach a professor whose coursework challenged you. One of the professors who served on my committee was such an exacting grader that my term papers for her courses were accepted for publication without revision (academia’s most coveted mythical creature). 
  • Keep your eyes on the future. Members of your dissertation committee can be your mentors, co-authors, and research collaborators throughout your career. Choose them wisely. 

Forming Your Dissertation Committee

Asking a professor to be on a dissertation committee

Reaching out to potential dissertation committee members and formally asking them to serve on your dissertation committee can be a surprisingly taxing process. It takes some planning, and you’ll want to put some thought into it before making the big ask. While being asked to serve on a dissertation committee won’t come as a surprise to most faculty–they know the drill–these are some considerations to know going in:

  • Talk to your advisor before approaching anyone to be on your committee. Remember, your advisor knows their colleagues in a way that you don’t, and is also aware of departmental politics, potential personality conflicts, and which faculty members are a good fit on a dissertation committee. Trust your advisor’s judgement. 
  • Know what you’re asking. Serving on a dissertation committee is a big time commitment for any faculty member. If they say yes to being on your committee, it means they are invested in you and your research, and they want to play a role in your future. It doesn’t hurt to send a thank-you note. 
  • Don’t sweat it if they say no. It does not reflect on you as a student or a scholar. A good faculty member is aware of their limitations, and they probably just don’t have the time or bandwidth to take on another big commitment. Thank them and move on. 


Once your dissertation committee is formed, it’s time to get down to business. As a faculty member, I love serving on dissertation committees because doing so gives me the chance to work with grad students one on one as they journey into new frontiers and carve a place for themselves in academia. It is a deep, rich learning experience, and it’s thrilling to watch students transform into scholars. 

Even though researching and writing a dissertation is the most challenging work you’ll ever do, recognize this time for the opportunity it truly represents. In your dissertation committee, you have a panel of experts all to yourself, and they’re eager to help you knock your dissertation out of the park. This is the experience of a lifetime; take advantage of your dissertation committee’s time and talent, and channel that energy and goodwill into your development as a scholar. 

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Courtney Watson, Ph.D.

Courtney Watson, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of English at Radford University Carilion, in Roanoke, Virginia. Her areas of expertise include undergraduate and graduate curriculum development for writing courses in the health sciences and American literature with a focus on literary travel, tourism, and heritage economies. Her writing and academic scholarship has been widely published in places that include  Studies in American Culture ,  Dialogue , and  The Virginia Quarterly Review . Her research on the integration of humanities into STEM education will be published by Routledge in an upcoming collection. Dr. Watson has also been nominated by the State Council for Higher Education of Virginia’s Outstanding Faculty Rising Star Award, and she is a past winner of the National Society of Arts & Letters Regional Short Story Prize, as well as institutional awards for scholarly research and excellence in teaching. Throughout her career in higher education, Dr. Watson has served in faculty governance and administration as a frequent committee chair and program chair. As a higher education consultant, she has served as a subject matter expert, an evaluator, and a contributor to white papers exploring program development, enrollment research, and educational mergers and acquisitions.

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Feb. 27, 2023

Selecting your master’s thesis committee members, by karyssa courey: selecting a thesis committee is like completing a puzzle every piece of this process is very valuable to have the right fit for your committee.


First off, congratulations on advancing to this stage in your academic career! Meeting the requirements for your thesis is not an easy task but you did it! You deserve to celebrate your achievements, both big and small. 

After you have finish celebrating, it’s now time for you to select committee members for your thesis. A thesis committee is a group of faculty members who provides mentorship for your entire thesis experience.

Before you begin randomly selecting members of your committee, there are a few steps and strategies that will help you pick the right members!

Where do I start?

  • Review the requirements for thesis committees in your department

Rice provides requirements for thesis committees online . For example, a thesis committee for a graduate student in the psychological sciences must have three members (your advisor and two others). At least two committee members must be within your department. Reviewing the requirements will help you understand who can and cannot be on your committee!

  • Breaking down your topic

If you are considering committee members, you likely have a draft of your master’s proposal or at least an idea of what your project will be about. Consider the keywords of your project (i.e., what are five terms that can be used to categorize your proposal?). These keywords are the core of your project and can help you identify faculty that align with your interests and research goals.

  • Connect your topic to faculty research

Now that you have identified your keywords, think about faculty that you know in your department that are knowledgeable in the topics you are studying. You can also search faculty/lab websites or Google Scholar if you are unfamiliar with a faculty member’s research expertise. 

If there are aspects of your master’s proposal that are interdisciplinary, don’t be afraid to search for faculty outside of your department that can provide you with a valuable perspective on your research topic.

Who should I be in communication with?

  • Talk with your advisor

Often, your advisor will have suggestions for potential committee members. Your advisor is one of the few people that will understand both the scope of your research project and know the faculty expertise in your department. Listen to your advisor’s recommendations and suggestions, note any faculty that may be a good fit, and share any ideas that you have based on your search in steps 2 and 3. Don’t feel constricted the recommendations from your advisor either, your peers could also be a resource.

  • Talk with your peers

Older peers in your program often have a great perspective on selecting thesis committee members. Your peers may also have first hand experience with the same faculty members you are considering. E.g., Professor X provides more substantive feedback than Professor Y, so if you want substantive feedback, this is extremely helpful information!

  • Talk with other faculty

Don’t be afraid to schedule meetings with potential faculty members if you want to discuss your thesis. Meeting with faculty is a great way to explain your project, hear their feedback, and gauge their interest.

I’ve talked to everyone on the list; what's next?

  • Email potential committee members

Once you have selected your committee members, it is now time to email them! This might be scary or feel like a daunting step, but remember that the faculty at Rice are here to support you and help cultivate your skills as a researcher. Committee members are your team members, and are here to ideally provide constructive feedback to make your project even better!

When emailing faculty, make sure to use an appropriate tone, provide the title of your thesis, explain your project in a few sentences (or add your abstract), and note any specific reasons that that faculty is a good fit.

For example, if a faculty member has expertise relating to a theory you are applying in your research, make sure to name the theory in your email! The goal is for your potential committee members to have a clear understanding of the scope of your project and connect their expertise to your project.

What should I be mindful of during this process?

  • Handling rejection

If a prospective committee member declines your offer, it’s okay! Do not take it personally or be discouraged! There may be many reasons why a faculty member might decline (e.g., tight on time, perceived lack of fit, or think another faculty member might be a better fit). Do, however, consider other faculty members and consider scheduling a meeting to discuss your thesis project. Meeting with potential committee members can help you understand if they would be a good fit, plus it’s a great opportunity to meet faculty members outside of your courses!

  • Sticking to your timeline

Lastly, keep in mind your deadlines. Different departments have different requirements for scheduling your proposal and declaring your master’s candidacy. For example, in the Psychological Sciences department, a student can propose their master’s without declaring a master's candidacy. However, it is required that committee members are notified at least ten days prior to scheduling your proposal meeting.

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Selecting a Thesis Committee


Tips for selecting your thesis committee

Four members of a thesis committee sit behind a table with microphones and a computer.

In our Thesis/Dissertation Writing Series, we answered the commonly asked question: " What is a thesis? " We also discussed how to write a thesis or dissertation and offered some advice on the thesis editing process. We will now discuss how to select a thesis committee. The selection of the thesis committee is one of the most important decisions you will make during your academic career.

What is a thesis committee?

A thesis committee is a group of people, usually professors, who supervise a student's work and work closely with that student to answer questions and provide advice. A thesis committee may also act as the examining committee at a thesis defence. In most departments in North America, it is common for the thesis committee to consist of a principal supervisor and two (possibly three) other experts in your field of study. Typically, one member of the thesis committee must be a professor in a different department from that of the student.

Why do I need a thesis committee?

These individuals will act as mentors who will guide you through the process of defining objectives, conducting research, editing drafts, writing the literature review , and writing the thesis. Choose your committee—and especially your principal supervisor—with care. The relationship between supervisor and PhD student should be mutually beneficial. In the sciences, for example, the PhD student will conduct research and take classes, while the supervisor's time will likely be divided between teaching, administration (procurement of funding/maintenance of a laboratory), writing research articles, and mentoring graduate students.

How should I select my thesis supervisor?

The ideal supervisor would be one who

  • is readily available for consultation and proofreading,
  • is a balanced thinker (i.e., he or she considers both specific and general questions),
  • is respected in his or her field, and
  • has a good track record with respect to graduating previous thesis students.

Of these traits, accessibility is crucial, as the skills involved in academic research and dissertation writing are more easily acquired when a student has an accessible supervisor as a mentor.

Some final thoughts...

Most of the time, you will need to send out email requests to gauge the interest of members of your potential thesis committee. Then, you will schedule meetings to discuss your research and find out if you are a good match. You don't want to come off as unprofessional in your email because of grammatical or spelling errors, so send your thesis committee correspondence to our thesis editors for their revision.

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Forming Your Committee

Students should not schedule the proposal defense prior to their committee being finalized and their appointment form being approved by the Graduate School.

It is necessary to have the form approved in advance of the proposal defense, as there are instances in which committee members are not approved (for example, if someone is listed as the Graduate Faculty Representative who the Graduate School does not deem  qualified to serve in this capacity).

The Graduate School's requirements for everything from committee formation to graduation clearance can be found under the Current Students tab on the Graduate School website. 

Composition of the Doctoral Committee: Roles and Responsibilities

The Graduate School requires that doctoral committees consist of no less than four members. These four members must be regular members of the Graduate Faculty or must be granted an exception by the Dean of the Graduate School.  All committees must include a chair and a Graduate Faculty Representative. Assistant Professors are usually not approved to serve as chair unless they have served as a committee member first. Exceptions are granted on a case-by-case basis. 

Graduate Faculty Representative

The primary role of the Graduate Faculty Representative is to ensure that the student is treated fairly and that Graduate School policies are upheld. Expertise in the student's area of research is not a requirement. The Graduate Faculty Representative's responsibilities are explained in greater detail here . Assistant Professors are not eligible to serve as Graduate Faculty Representative. 

The requirement to include an outside member on all dissertation committees is not uncommon among institutions of higher education and is in keeping with best practices in doctoral support. 

Committee Members

Committee members are often chosen to provide topic or methodological expertise. Even without contributing their expertise, committee members may be chosen based on faculty with whom the student has a good professional relationship or who could offer a helpful outside perspective. Committee members are generally not as involved as the committee chair in the everyday progression of the dissertation.  Typically, they read the dissertation only in its final form before the defense, although they should be available for consultation throughout the process and may be more closely involved in sections or chapters in which they have particular expertise. 

The committee members and Graduate Faculty Representative will:

  • Approve of the subject matter and methodology of the thesis or dissertation research
  • Review and comment on drafts of the thesis or dissertation prior to submission to The Graduate School
  • Verify, to the best of their ability, the quality of the data collection and evidence, data analysis, and logical reasoning or interpretation in light of the proposal aims
  • Evaluate whether the student’s thesis or dissertation fulfills the requirements of the degree

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The student and research supervisor should agree upon members of a Thesis Committee and propose a Committee to the appropriate Graduate Program Committee Chair. During the summer of the second year, the student must submit the PhD Thesis Committee form  to the Graduate Committee Chairs (Profs. Katharina Ribbeck and Alan Jasanoff, copy to the Academic Office) to request approval of the Thesis Committee membership. The Committee should be comprised of the thesis advisor(s) plus a minimum of two additional members, at least one of whom must be a member of the BE faculty. The Committee Chair (who presides at all Committee meetings, including the Oral Examination) must be a BE faculty member.

The Ph.D. Thesis Committee has the responsibility of advising a student on all aspects of the thesis experience, from the proposal process through the preparation and defense of the final document. The Thesis Committee must be approved prior to the scheduling of the thesis proposal/oral exam presentation, which must take place in the spring academic semester following the spring semester in which the General Written Exam is successfully completed.

It is expected that the student and supervisor will hold progress reviews with the entire Thesis Committee at least once a year. In addition to the Oral Exam/Thesis Proposal, the student must eventually present at least two Regular Thesis Committee Meeting Reports (one of which must be a Final Thesis Committee Meeting Report) and a Thesis Defense to the Thesis Committee. Progress Reports are required once a year or more frequently if the Thesis Committee so requests. More frequent one-on-one meetings are strongly recommended. Thesis Committee Member changes must be approved by submitting a petition to [email protected] .

The first Progress Report must be held within one year of the Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam presentation. One week before the Progress Report meeting, the student should deliver annotated Specific Aims to each of the Committee Members. The aims should be 2 pages long (at most/ 12pt font). After each up-to-date Specific Aim, please add a few sentences outlining the status of that aim.

At the Progress Report presentation, the student should hand out photocopies of slides to the Thesis Committee Members (generally, this will be a print out of a PowerPoint presentation). Also, the student should provide the Committee Chair with the Thesis Progress Report form to complete. The form should be emailed to [email protected] within two weeks of the committee meeting.

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The Dissertation Committee

The academic experience is greatly enhanced if faculty members other than the direct advisor are readily and formally available for consultation and discussion with the graduate student. To provide this element of supervision, a dissertation committee must be put in place for the Ph.D. student early in the dissertation stage. The graduate group is responsible for monitoring the progress of the student through the dissertation committee, as follows:

  • A dissertation committee must consist of at least three faculty (including at least two members of the graduate group). While some graduate groups require all members of the dissertation committee be members of the graduate group or affiliated department, others encourage/require appointment of a faculty member from another department to encourage an interdisciplinary perspective. Students should be sure to review the policy about the composition of dissertation committee as they are building their committee.
  • It is required that the dissertation committee meet with the student, as a committee, at least once per year to assess the student’s progress in the program and to provide advice on future work.
  • The committee submits a written report to the graduate group chair, at least once per year, detailing its observations of the student’s progress and its recommendations.
  • The student must be given the opportunity to respond to the committee’s report/recommendation and to append a response to the committee’s report.
  • Copies of the report shall be given to the student and kept by the graduate group.
  • This annual progress report will be used, in part, to determine the mark given for the student’s dissertation status course.

The Graduate Group is responsible for ensuring that the membership of the dissertation committee is recorded in the student’s official University record. The graduate division office at the home school will monitor compliance with this requirement through reports and an annual audit of the official student file.

Advising on Embargo Options

An important point of guidance from the advisor and dissertation committee – that is sometimes overlooked in the later stage of completion -- is to counsel the student on whether to embargo the dissertation. Penn requires open access publication of dissertations in the University’s institutional repository, ScholarlyCommons . Open access publication provides a wide audience, can help to market ideas to potential employers, and can help make plagiarism or theft much easier to detect. The open access dissertation will be available via the internet, including full text searching through search engines like Google. In cases where papers are in press, patents are pending, or where there are other intellectual property concerns, it may be beneficial to delay publication (commonly referred to as an "embargo"). Students should discuss embargo options with their advisor and their dissertation committee who can help to decide whether a delay in publication is necessary or advisable. Refer to the Dissertation Embargo Guidelines for more information about embargo options.

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

Choosing a thesis committee, published by dr. david banner on may 21, 2022 may 21, 2022.

Last Updated on: 3rd June 2022, 04:17 am

One of the most critical decisions you will make as a PhD candidate is selecting your thesis committee. These people will be with you (we hope) throughout your journey, and there are some key issues to consider as you make these selections. In this article, I will explore some of the things to look out for in this process.

Choose Thesis Committee Members Who Are Strong in the Methodology You Will Use

Once you have a good research question, the appropriate methodology will be obvious. Remember, the methodology flows from the question, not the other way around. Once a methodology becomes obvious, get at least one person on the thesis committee who is strong in that methodology. The choices are qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method. 

Qualitative methodology is now quite popular. It is useful to explore a phenomenon, if you just want to learn more about it. There are specific strategies to employ in this methodology. I urge you to get a used copy of Leedy and Ormrod Practical Research (8th edition or later) for more details.

woman with curly hair and headphones studying in the library

Quantitative methodology is for hypothesis testing. It uses quantitative techniques, such as chi square, T-test, F-test, analysis of variance, and so on. If quantitative is the appropriate methodology for your thesis, we have a mentor on staff who specializes in it and can guide you through the process.

Mixed-method methodology is appropriate when you want to explore a topic and then do some hypothesis testing. This is often seen as a more difficult methodology to implement but, when appropriate, can be quite powerful.

The important thing to remember is that the methodology must follow the question , not the other way around. Many first-time researchers pick a methodology that they think will be easy to implement, but this should not be your criterion. 

So, after you discern which methodology best suits your thesis question, pick at least one committee member strong in that methodology.  

Be Aware of the Politics of Thesis Committee Work

phd candidate in front of her thesis committee

There are political factors to consider as well. Stay focused on your goal. Your job is to get done with a PhD in hand. Avoid any behavior that will put you at a disadvantage politically with the thesis committee. Be sure to get a committee that can work together; talk to other doctoral students about combining certain faculty, who, for example, are known to “butt heads”

Also, don’t be a know-it-all. You can assert your position, but be willing to change your mind if one of your thesis committee member s makes a strong point for you to consider. Keep an open mind as you traverse this journey. 

Try to avoid reactivity in the process. You are relying on your thesis committee for their expertise. Seek to listen to all voices and not choose sides in your thesis deliberations. You are quite vulnerable as a doctoral candidate, so you need to avoid rigid positions and dogmatic viewpoints.

Choosing the Right Chair

committee member asking questions to a phd candidate

Another consideration is asking for someone to chair the thesis committee . Do not pick a junior faculty member (assistant or associate professor), since other thesis committee members are likely to be full professors. Also, do not pick someone as chair who is a “lightning rod” for controversy and a junior faculty member to boot; I did this and it proved to be challenging to get through. 

The thesis committee chair is supposed to be helping you navigate the process of doing the research and writing the five chapters when you are done. So, get a chair who is well-respected , a senior faculty member , tenured , and very knowledgeable in your chosen topic area .

Avoid Thesis Committee Members Nearing Retirement or About to Change Jobs

Another consideration to investigate is whether the thesis committee members have tenure (most will) and whether or not they’re about to retire or move to another university. Many PhD programs have been sabotaged by committee membership upheaval. 

So, if you can discreetly discern this, find out if a potential member might retire soon and move to another job. If a key member moves or retires, it can really slow down the process. 

student consulting with a senior professor about thesis defense

Remember, the thesis committee is there to support you. However, dissertation approval is a rite of passage and it seems that most committees will really make you work at the defense to make sure you are prepared to join the PhD “club.” 

If you cannot find the “ideal” committee, then go for the following qualities, if possible: Choose committee members who are tenured , are genuinely interested in your topic , and are likely to stay at your university and/or are not nearing retirement .

Making It a Rewarding Experience

All in all, the PhD journey is a rich experience, and both “stick-to-it-ive-ness” and resilience are needed. Consult your thesis committee members often to show your interest and your need for their counsel. Also, pick a topic area that you are really interested in. This work will be your major life focus for quite a while, so pick an area of real interest for you. 

Remember: The PhD journey is arduous, and persistence and resilience are needed. Pick a topic you are really interested in and thesis committee members who can support you, so you will stick it out until completion. 

Dr. David Banner

David Banner is the author of 6 books, 40 journal articles, and 35 conference papers on transformational leadership, Dr. David Banner received his PhD in Policy and Organizational Behavior from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University in Illinois. He worked for the DePaul College of Commerce, The University of the Pacific School of Business, and the University of New Brunswick (Canada) School of Management; he was tenured at all 3 universities and was voted “Outstanding Professor” at all three. He also worked at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wi, where he was the Director of the values-based MBA program, which he designed, recruited students, mentored faculty, set up an Advisory Board and got the program accredited (2003-07). He also worked for 16 years as a faculty mentor for the Leadership and Organizational Change PhD students (2005-21); in his 16 years, he graduated 82 PhDs in his roles as Committee Chair, Committee Member and URR (University Research Reviewer). Mentoring PhD students gives him the most joy and satisfaction. He offers his services to help people complete their PhDs, find good academic jobs, get published in peer-reviewed journals and find their place in the academic environment. Book a Free Consultation with Branford McAllister

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Henley-Putnam's Dissertation or Thesis Committees

  • Getting Started on Finding Your Research Committee

Committee Members Roles and Responsibilities

  • Subject Matter Expert
  • Committee Member

Committee Chair.   The chair schedules the comprehensive exams, delivers feedback and results of the comprehensive exams, acts as an instructor, oversees the production of the thesis/dissertation, communicates feedback from the subject matter expert and committee member, schedules the dissertation defense, meets monthly via Zoom with the student/candidate throughout the research courses, and reviews work for publication quality.  The chair deals directly with the student on the quality of the paper, the presentation, the flow, the sequence, and the conclusions.  

The role of the committee chair includes the following responsibilities:

  • scheduling the comprehensive exams,
  • communicating the grades and feedback from the doctoral comprehensive exam,
  • overseeing the production of the dissertation,
  • managing the timeline and schedule for completion of each phase of the dissertation in the courses.
  • acting as an instructor in the courses,
  • contacting the student/candidate regarding setting and meeting deadlines in the dissertation process,
  • directing the timely and successful completion of each assignment,
  • working directly with the SME and committee member to garner added perspective, feedback, and constructive criticism to strengthen the dissertation,
  • communicating with the student/candidate to convey feedback, insights, added perspective, and constructive commentary provided by the committee member and SME,
  • confirming with the SME that the content of the dissertation is factual and accurate,
  • advising the student on formatting, sequencing, and organizing the thesis/dissertation,
  • ensuring the academic quality of the thesis/dissertation, including each of the assignments in courses.
  • facilitating final approval of the thesis/dissertation by making sure that all committee members sign the approval form, and
  • scheduling and leading the thesis/dissertation oral defense and publication.

Subject Matter Expert (SME).   All members of the committee are subject matter experts (SMEs). The title of this particular member of the committee emphasizes and highlights specific responsibilities within the committee dynamic.  The SME should be in constant contact with the student regarding  content  of the dissertation.  This is the person the student turns to in order to test ideas and conclusions and to ensure the appropriateness, relevance, significance, and accuracy of the dissertation’s content in order to meet university and academic standards.

The SME also certifies the accurate reporting of that material to the chair and determines the factual nature of the work.  The SME knows the subject closely and acts as the student’s sounding board.  The SME does not establish timelines, length of the thesis/dissertation, etc.  The role of SME includes the following responsibilities:

  • consistently consulting with the student/candidate regarding the relevance and significance of the research content,
  • regularly discussing content with the student/candidate to test ideas and conclusions,
  • updating the committee chair about discussions with the student/candidate and about any suggestions or recommendations resulting from those discussions, and
  • confirming the accuracy, appropriateness, relevance, and significance of the research focus and content with the committee chair.

Committee Member.   One additional committee member works for the committee chair.  The committee member advises and assists the committee chair in every aspect of the project.  The committee member interacts directly with the chair, not the student.  This prevents conflicting information from being sent to the student and presents a unified stance during the process.  The chair and the committee member work out all responses presented to the student and resolve any conflicting guidance before the student is contacted.  If conflicts cannot be resolved, the chair makes the ultimate decision.  The chair and the committee member work together constantly, but the chair is the face of the university to the student.  The role of the committee member includes the following responsibilities:

  • interacting with the chair to provide added insight, perspective, and feedback to be shared with the student, and
  • determining responses, suggestions, and constructive criticism that will be shared with the student through the chair.
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Asking Faculty to Sit on Your Dissertation Committee

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The Role of the Dissertation Committee

Choosing a dissertation committee, give some warning, make your intentions known, explain their role, dealing with rejection.

  • Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, Fordham University
  • M.A., Developmental Psychology, Fordham University

Graduate study can best be explained as a series of hurdles. First is getting in. Then comes coursework. Comprehensive exams typically are the culmination of coursework in which you demonstrate that you know your stuff and are ready to begin your dissertation. At this point, you are a doctoral candidate, unofficially known as ABD. If you thought coursework and comps were difficult you’re in for a surprise. Most students find the dissertation process to be the most challenging part of graduate school. It’s how you show that you are an independent scholar capable of generating new knowledge. Your mentor is critical to this process, but your dissertation committee also plays a role in your success.

The mentor is highly invested in the dissertation’s success. The committee serves as an outside consultant, offering a more broad perspective as well as support for the student and mentor. The dissertation committee can serve a checks and balances function that can boost objectivity and ensure that university guidelines are adhered to and that the product is of high quality. Members of the dissertation committee offer guidance in their areas of expertise and supplement the student and mentor’s competencies. For example, a committee member with expertise in specific research methods or statistics can serve as a sounding board and offer guidance that is beyond the mentor’s expertise.

Choosing a helpful dissertation committee isn’t easy. The best committee is composed of faculty who share an interest in the topic, offer diverse and useful areas of expertise, and are collegial. Each committee member should be carefully selected based on the project, what he or she can contribute, and how well he or she gets along with the student and mentor. It’s a delicate balance. You don’t want to argue over every detail yet you need objective advice and someone who will offer insightful, and tough, critiques of your work. Ideally, you should trust each committee member and feel that he or she has your (and your project’s) best interests in mind. Choose committee members whose work you respect, who you respect, and who you like. This is a tall order and finding a handful of faculty who meet these criteria and also have the time to participate on your dissertation committee is a daunting task. It’s likely that not all of your dissertation members will fulfill all of your professional and personal needs but each committee member should serve at least one need.

Work with your mentor to select committee members. As you select potential members, ask your mentor if he or she thinks the professor is a good match to the project. Aside from seeking insight – and making your mentor feel valued – professors talk to each other. If you discuss each choice with your mentor beforehand he is she is likely to mention it to the other professor. Use your mentor’s reaction as an indicator of whether to move forward and approach the potential committee member. You may find that the professor is already aware and may have already implicitly agreed.

At the same time, don’t assume that each professor knows that you’d like them as a committee member. When the time comes, visit each professor with that as your purpose. If you haven’t explained the purpose of the meeting by email then when you enter, sit and explain that the reason you’re asked to meet is to ask the professor to serve on your dissertation committee.

No professor will agree to participate in a project without knowing something about it. Be prepared to explain your project. What are your questions? How will you study them? Discuss your methods. How does this fit with prior work? How does it extend prior work? What will your study contribute to the literature? Pay attention to the professor’s demeanor. How much does he or she want to know? Sometimes a professor might want to know less – pay attention.

In addition to discussing your project, be prepared to explain why you are approaching the professor. What drew you to them? How do you think they will fit? For example, does the professor offer expertise in statistics? What guidance do you seek? Know what the professor does and how they fit in with the committee. Likewise, be prepared to explain why you think they are the best choice. Some faculty might even ask, “Why me? Why not Professor X?” Be prepared to justify your choice. What do you expect expertise-wise? Time-wise? How much or little time and effort will you require? Busy faculty will want to know whether your needs outstrip their time and energy.

If a professor declines your invitation to sit on your dissertation committee, don’t take it personally. Easier said than done but there are many reasons people decide to sit on committees. Try to take the professor’s perspective. Sometimes it’s that they’re too busy. Other times they may not be interested in the project or may have issues with other committee members. It’s not always about you. Participating on a dissertation committee is a lot of work. Sometimes it’s simply too much work given other responsibilities. If they are not able to meet your expectations be grateful that they’re honest. A successful dissertation is the result of a great deal of work on your part but also the support of a helpful committee that has your interests in mind. Be sure that the dissertation committee you build can meet these needs.

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Dissertation and Thesis Committees: Student and Faculty Responsibilities

All doctoral programs and some master’s programs at UA Little Rock culminate in the completion of a dissertation or thesis. The purpose and content of dissertations and theses varies by program area, but their supervision is universally handled by a member of the UA Little Rock graduate faculty as chair and by a committee of graduate faculty. This sections outlines the Graduate School’s expectations for graduate student and graduate faculty interaction and responsibilities on dissertation and thesis committees.

Graduate Student Responsibilities

Concerning Rules and Requirements

  • Be familiar with the Graduate Catalog and the rules and guidelines of the specific program they are enrolled in.
  • Be thoroughly familiar with the current edition of the Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines , the core document that describes what is expected in a dissertation/thesis, including UA Little Rock’s unique conventions. This document includes all post-proposal and post-final defense steps that are required of students.
  • Be aware of and comply with established defense and manuscript submission deadlines held by individual programs and the Graduate School.
  • Obtain and maintain appropriate research certifications. Students may be required to complete human subject research training and responsible conduct of research (RCR) training. Students conducting research involving human subjects, animals, or biological materials must submit research protocols for review to the Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and/or Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) before they begin their research.

Concerning the Dissertation or Thesis

  • Craft and execute the dissertation or thesis through all its phases, including completion of a final manuscript that has been properly edited and that follows all of the conventions described in the current edition of the Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines published by the UA Little Rock Graduate School. Students with inter-institutional (e.g., UA Little Rock and UAMS) should check with their program coordinator to determine which institution’s guidelines to use for thesis and dissertation formatting.
  • Submit only original work and properly cite the works of others that inform the study. Students should be familiar with UA Little Rock policies on academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Misconduct in these areas is treated seriously and may result in a range of penalties up to and including academic dismissal.
  • Make substantive progress towards completion of their degree requirements, especially while being supported by a graduate assistantship. This applies even during the summer when the student may not be enrolled in classes.

Concerning the Committee

  • Use the committee chair as the primary point of contact for developing ideas, selecting an appropriate committee (in consultation with the graduate coordinator), and developing early drafts. The committee chair should also serve as the gatekeeper for submitting materials to the committee and submitting a final manuscript to the Graduate School.
  • Use the committee members as secondary points of contact for developing ideas, reviewing drafts, and submitting a final manuscript.
  • Schedule regular meetings with the committee chair to discuss the project and its development. With the chair’s approval, students may also schedule meetings with members of the committee.
  • Take personal initiative to move the project forward and discuss with the chair any problems that arise. If issues arise that cannot be resolved with the committee chair or that are best discussed with another person, the student may opt to discuss them with (in this order) the graduate coordinator; program or department chair; dean of the college; and the dean of the Graduate School.
  • Recognize that crafting a dissertation is an ongoing process between the student and the chair and, often, between the student, the chair, and the committee.
  • Maintain contact with their committees and make timely revisions when requested.
  • Be mindful of the academic schedule of their chair and committee members. Students who want to finish and defend work over the summer (when faculty members’ availability may be limited) must get permission from their chair and committee members during the spring semester. Once permission has been granted, regular contact with the chair and committee members should continue over the summer. Before the end of the spring semester, the student and the chair should agree upon a method of contact and communication for the summer months.
  • Check with their chair and committee members to find out if and when faculty may be unavailable due to off-campus duty assignments (OCDA). Depending on the faculty member’s schedule, students may be able to make arrangements to work with a chair or committee member on OCDA. Alternatively, the student may need to consult with the chair to identify a temporary or permanent replacement. Students must also be respectful of the fact that chairs and committees have many other time-intensive duties. Students must maintain realistic expectations about faculty workloads around holiday and vacation times as well as normal busy periods (e.g., beginnings and ends of semesters).
  • Students who do not meet with their committee chairs over the summer should schedule an appointment with their chair within the first two weeks of the fall semester to provide evidence of their progress.
  • Negotiate expectations early in the research effort regarding the publication of research and the ownership of research results generated as part of the dissertation/thesis project. Issues to be negotiated include authorship, the number and frequency of submissions, and any programmatic expectations concerning works published prior to the dissertation/thesis defense.

Committee Chair Responsibilities

  • Recognize that, as the committee chair, he/she is a mentor who works closely with the student and has significant impact on the student’s training during his/her dissertation/thesis.
  • Provide timely and thorough guidance on all aspects of the student’s graduate study, including the development of projects, the development of manuscript drafts, and the ethical conduct of research.
  • Recommend appropriate members to serve on the committee and indicate when the student may circulate the drafts and the final version of the manuscript to members of the committee.
  • Advise the student on proposal and final defense protocols.
  • Ensure that students and their manuscripts are adequately prepared for the proposal and the defense.
  • Facilitate the defense, take notes for the student at the defense, and discuss with the student any revisions that may be needed after the defense has been concluded.
  • Help students develop appropriate timelines and procedures for completing dissertation or thesis. Students need to know how to schedule a defense date, how to prepare their manuscripts for the defense, how far in advance of the defense date the finished manuscript must be submitted to the committee, and the Graduate School’s deadlines for submitting the manuscript for review.
  • Be accessible to students for dialogue and meetings as needed.
  • Respond to student drafts in a timely manner. In general, committee chairs should provide feedback within 10 working days of receiving a draft. If more time is needed, the chair should contact the student to acknowledge receiving the draft and indicate how much additional time may be required for a response.
  • Graduate faculty members who are chairing multiple committees should discuss their workload honestly with their students, setting clear, realistic expectations about how often and how quickly students can expect to receive feedback.
  • Be thoroughly familiar with the Graduate Catalog as well as the rules and guidelines of the student’s specific program.
  • Be thoroughly familiar with the material found in the current edition of the Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines , the core document that describes what is expected in a dissertation or thesis, including UA Little Rock’s unique conventions. This document includes all post-proposal and post-final defense steps that are required of students by the Graduate School.
  • Maintain UA Little Rock graduate faculty status and certifications in the areas of human subjects research, animal research, biosafety, and the responsible conduct of research, if applicable.
  • Monitor the student’s progress towards fulfilling all federal, state, local, and institutional compliance requirements. These include, but may not be limited to, IRB, IACUC, IBC, and RCR training (as defined in Item 4 under the section on “Graduate Student Responsibilities: Concerning Rules and Requirements”).
  • Provide the editorial and citation support that students need to prepare a correctly edited manuscript or refer students to an outside resource for this purpose. Manuscripts with errors that are received by the Graduate School will be returned to the student for corrections.
  • Respect the power differential that exists between the student and chair and not abuse the trust placed in the chair as a member of the graduate faculty and research mentor.
  • If the student is a doctoral candidate, the chair should be present at graduation to hood the student unless alternative arrangements have been made.
  • The chair can continue advising and assisting the student as normal, in which case the chair and the student must agree upon a method of communication while the chair is absent.
  • The chair, in consultation with the student, may identify another qualified graduate faculty member–either temporarily (for the duration of the OCDA) or permanently–to serve as chair.

Committee Member Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with the committee chair to provide timely and thorough guidance to the student as a mentor on all aspects of his or her graduate studies, including the development of projects, the development of manuscript drafts, and the ethical conduct of research.
  • Respond to student drafts in a timely basis. Generally, committee members should provide feedback within 10 working days of receiving a draft. If more time is needed, the committee member should contact the student to acknowledge receiving the draft and indicate how much additional time may be required for a response.
  • Graduate faculty members who are serving on multiple committees should discuss their workload honestly with students, setting clear, realistic expectations about how often and how quickly students can expect to receive feedback.
  • Inform the committee chair of any feedback being provided to students outside of the formal defense settings.
  • Respect the power differential that exists between a student and a committee member and not abuse the trust placed in the chair as a member of the graduate faculty and research mentor.
  • Maintain UA Little Rock graduate faculty status and certifications in the areas of human subjects research, animal research, biosafety, and the responsible conduct of research, as applicable.
  • The committee member can continue advising and assisting the student as normal, in which case the member and the student, in consultation with the committee chair, must agree upon a method of communication while the member is absent.
  • The committee member, in consultation with the student and the committee chair, may identify another qualified graduate faculty member–either temporarily (for the duration of the OCDA) or permanently–to serve as his or her replacement on the thesis/dissertation committee.

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts occasionally arise between students and their dissertation/thesis chairs or committee members. Sources of conflict may include but are not limited to disagreement about a timeline for completing the project, disagreement about the direction of the study or the interpretation of the results, and disagreement about the content, style, and editing of the dissertation or thesis manuscript.

If a conflict is disrupting the progress of the dissertation/thesis, the student should follow the procedures below.

  • The student must first make a documented attempt to resolve the issue with the chair or committee member who is involved in the conflict.
  • If unable to resolve the conflict, the student may follow up with the chair (except in those instances when the conflict is with the chair), followed by the program coordinator or the department chairperson.
  • If the conflict cannot be resolved within the department to the satisfaction of all parties, the chair or the student may forward the disagreement in writing to the dean of the Graduate School for further mediation.

Students should be aware that some committee members (including chairs) may resign from a committee if the student does not make timely progress toward completion. In addition, some students find that even without overt conflict, they may not be satisfied with their chair or with a committee member and wish to make a change.

Both students and faculty members can initiate action to change the membership of a committee, but this should be a collaborative, consensual process whenever possible. Students who wish to change committee members should demonstrate courtesy by communicating about the change directly with the faculty involved. Likewise, faculty who wish to resign from a committee should demonstrate courtesy by directly informing the student.

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  • Bachelor's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
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  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in the Languages and Literatures of Finland Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item

Master's and Licentiate's Programmes

  • Degree Programme in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Medicine Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item
  • International Masters in Economy, State & Society   Flag this item
  • Master ́s Programme in Development of health care services Flag this item
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  • Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
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  • Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Changing Education Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Computer Science (CSM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Culture and Communication (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Data Science Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Early Education (VAKA) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in English Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian Languages and Cultures Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Economy and Consumption Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
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  • Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP) Flag this item
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Doctoral Programmes

  • Doctoral Programme Brain and Mind Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM-DP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine (DPBM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (CHEMS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (KLTO) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Communication (CLIC) Flag this item
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  • Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society (SKY) Flag this item
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  • Doctoral Programme in Human Behaviour (DPHuB) Flag this item
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  • Doctoral Programme in Language Studies (HELSLANG) Flag this item
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  • Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanoscience (MATRENA) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) Flag this item
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  • Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences (PAPU) Flag this item
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  • Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes (PYAM) Flag this item
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  • Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources (AGFOREE) Flag this item
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Specialist training programmes

  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Finnish) Flag this item
  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Swedish) Flag this item
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  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (old) Flag this item
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  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
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  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, general veterinary medicine Flag this item
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  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
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  • Training Programme for Psychotherapists Flag this item

The thesis committee (follow-up group) assigned for all doctoral researchers is responsible for monitoring the progress of the doctoral dissertation work as well as the quality of the degree and supervision.

The thesis committee meetings are organised annually. The aims of the meetings are

  • to provide feedback on the progress of the research work and doctoral studies
  • to support graduation in the target duration and to monitor that other duties are not preventing the scheduled progress of the dissertation
  • to issue recommendations on the continuation or interruption of the dissertation as well as for changes to be made in supervision
  • to support the doctoral researcher in career planning
  • to support the progress of high-quality doctoral studies by offering expertise in the topic of the doctoral thesis

Please select your doctoral programme from the site's degree programme menu to see the doctoral programmes' specific instructions below.

On this page

The regulations behind the instructions.

The decision to utilise thesis committees as part of the support for doctoral dissertations was made by Rector’s Decision 801/2017 . The general disqualification principles applied in all workings of the university (Universities Act §30) are provided in the Administrative Procedure Act (section §27 and §28). The disqualification of thesis committee members from acting as preliminary examiners or opponents is based on Rector's Decision 498/2017.

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Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences

  • Accessibility
  • Graduate students
  • Supervisors
  • Thesis Committees

Though all NDCN postgraduate students have at least two supervisors as standard, they also have the option of putting together a thesis committee for further support as they progress through their milestones. If you would like to organise one, please email [email protected] to discuss further. On this page you can find an outline of the thesis committee purpose, structure, and expectations from you if you set one up.

These are an extension to your core supervision structure and have a purely advisory role. The Thesis Committee advises on your academic work, monitors progress and can flag any concerns. It helps you work towards timely completion of your DPhil.

The Thesis Committee consists normally of 4 to 5 people:

  • your supervisors
  • 2 to 3 additional PIs not directly involved in your project/line of supervision [1

The additional members of your Thesis Committee are invited after you are sufficiently clear about the general direction of your project, which will normally be no later than your 2 nd term. Consult with your supervisor about who to invite. When assembling your Thesis Committee consider the expertise, scientific standing and seniority of the additional members (aim for a balance with your supervisor’s seniority), and whether you would feel comfortable raising any issues you might have with them. They should not be close collaborators. At least one of the additional members should be internal to the University of Oxford; for practical reasons most of them usually are.

The additional members of your Thesis Committee can serve as Transfer and Confirmation of Status assessors, provided their involvement remains purely advisory and does not move into the supervisory realm (e.g. when interactions become more frequent or they become collaborators), and they meet the assessor criteria of the Medical Science Board. 

A Thesis Committee member cannot normally serve as internal examiner for your thesis viva.

Thesis Committee members are well placed to provide a reference for you.

Frequency of Thesis Committee Meetings

The Thesis Committee meets normally once a year. More meetings can be called, by the Committee or you, if there are concerns about any aspects of your DPhil. The first meeting should be in your 3 rd term the latest. This meeting provides an excellent opportunity to test-run your Transfer of Status viva in term 4.

The focus of a Committee meeting will be guided by the stage of your career. For example, expect emphasis on foundation and grasp of project in the first year, data generation, interpretation, and plans in the second year, career prospects and finalizing your studies successfully in the 3 rd (and 4 th ) years. In general, Thesis Committee meetings provide an opportunity to take a step back and get feedback not only on your direct work but also on the bigger picture and impact of your studies as your Thesis Committee members are likely to be further removed from your direct topic.

It is your responsibility to organize the meetings (i.e. find suitable date, space, take care of the paperwork, etc.)

Prior to a Committee meeting:

At least three working days prior to the meeting, you provide members of the Thesis Committee with a brief progress report of no more than 2 pages, including the aim of your studies, results obtained and experimental plans. This report does not normally include any figures: you will be expected to prepare a 15-minute presentation for the Committee meetings which is where you can show your data.

A typical Thesis Committee meeting (1 hour):

At the start of the meeting, you give a 15-minute presentation outlining your project and highlighting your most important findings. This is followed by a discussion of your data, project, and future plans. Often you will be interrupted during your presentation and the discussion and presentation coincide, at least in part. Next, both your supervisor and you will each have the opportunity to meet with the other Committee members in private to comment on your progress and flag any concerns. For this the Committee will first ask the student to step out of the room temporarily, and next the supervisor. The meeting ends with a Committee discussion and completion of the report form (at which neither the student and supervisor are present) followed by feedback to the student.

[1] An exception to this are instances where students already have 4 or more official supervisors, e.g. because of industry placements (iCASE studentships). In this case, the supervisors further removed from the direct line of supervision can fulfil the role of the Thesis Committee. Note that in this instance Thesis Committee members cannot serve as Transfer or Confirmation of Status Assessors. If you are not certain about how to compose your Thesis Committee, ask your DGS or local Graduate Advisor for advice.

  • MSc by Research and DPhil in Clinical Neurosciences
  • MSc/PGDip in Sleep Medicine
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'A small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged thesis project'

Valerie Hu: Biology & Society

A&S Communications

Biology & Society Sunnyvale, Calif.

What is your main extracurricular activity and why is it important to you? 

person smiling

When I came to Cornell, I knew I wanted to get involved in initiatives that aligned with my personal values of justice and mercy and served a community beyond the one on campus. I joined the Parole Preparation Project (now Cornell University Parole Initiative) and began working with an incarcerated person in preparation for a Parole Board hearing that determines whether he can be released on parole. Along with two other student volunteers, I liaised with community partners to establish a plan for re-entry, gathered various legal and medical documents for the parole packet, and met regularly with the parole applicant in a maximum-security correctional facility to practice for his hearing. Three and a half years later, I now consider the incarcerated applicant I work with not only a teammate and coworker, but also a friend. Through working together, we have found common ground in the pursuit of justice, the importance of family and the role of faith and prayer in guiding our lives. This year, I became a teaching assistant for the Cornell Prison Education Program, going to Auburn Correctional Facility once a week to teach incarcerated students within a French club and an anthropology course, which has allowed me to explore my interests in the intersection of education and incarceration. Due to Cornell’s resources and investment in community engagement, I had the unique opportunity to work within facilities that reveal the immense inequalities in America’s criminal legal system and to play a role in working toward a more equitable world.

What Cornell memory do you treasure the most?         

The Cornell memories I treasure the most are the evenings I’ve hosted potlucks or dinners with large groups of people at my apartment because they embody the best parts of my time at Cornell: community and bringing people together. I’ve invited close friends and acquaintances from my classes, faith community, work and clubs, many of whom do not know each other and otherwise wouldn’t cross paths, and new friendships have been formed. On these evenings, my kitchen and living room are full of conversations and laughter, and the area sometimes gets so warm because of the number of people that we have to open a window even in the winter, while we share food and discover unlikely common ground.

people around a table eating

What are the most valuable skills you gained from your Arts & Sciences education?     

I learned how to critically examine the things I see and learn, rather than take them at face value and accept the status quo. I came into college accustomed to the type of learning that consisted of knowing facts and successfully regurgitating them on a test or essay. My eyes were opened to the beauty of academic discourse and debate in one of my first classes at Cornell. For each class topic, we read multiple scientific articles that built upon each other or disagreed with one another. As we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each scientist’s research findings, I developed critical thinking and analysis skills. I learned not to take at face value every piece of information I am given within the context of a classroom, but gained the courage and confidence to challenge and critique other viewpoints while developing my own.    

What have you accomplished as a Cornell student that you are most proud of?

person grilling

While working as an investigator at the public defender’s office in D.C., I wondered about a paradoxical observation I made: that people who have had negative experiences with the police seem to call the police a lot. At the beginning of my junior year, I had the opportunity to turn that curiosity into a semester-long research paper for Professor Joseph Margulies’ Crime and Punishment class. I began interviewing young people who have had negative encounters with law enforcement about times they have called the police. The class project evolved beyond the semester into an independent study, and eventually into my senior honors thesis. I’m most proud of my research because I learned that a small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged thesis project. Through my thesis, I’ve been able to combine my interests in social justice with academic pursuits, and I learned how to conduct research that has implications for public policy and social change.

Who or what influenced your Cornell education the most?     

Cru has undoubtedly influenced my Cornell education more than anything else. I came into college with an abundance of questions about meaning and purpose, both generally and personally. Through the Cru community, I have become close friends with people from so many more backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences than I thought possible. Together, we have wrestled with difficult and existential questions. The diverse set of friends offering input and encouragement has been invaluable to my growth, as I figure out who I am and why I’m here. We have also supported each other through some of the most challenging times of sorrow and loss that tested the strength and genuineness of our beliefs. The Cru community has taught me to be resilient in the face of difficulties and to find hope in something bigger than myself. I learned how to allow my personal values to fuel every pursuit —academic, extracurricular, spiritual and personal — and every moment of my life, from the biggest highlights to the utterly mundane.

Every year, our faculty nominate graduating Arts & Sciences students to be featured as part of our Extraordinary Journeys series.  Read more about the Class of 202 4.

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Members of the A&S Class of 2024

Extraordinary Journeys: The Class of 2024

Valerie Hu

Environmental Science and Policy Program College of Social Science

Dissertation defense: rui zhang.

Thu, May 30, 2024 10:00 AM - Thu, May 30, 2024 12:00 PM at Zoom


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  • iSchool Connect

Jaihyun Park's Dissertation Defense

Jaihyun Park will defend his dissertation “A Computational Approach toward Understanding Political Language of Ideologically Opposing Groups—From Historical Newspapers to Social Media."

The committee includes Associate Professor Ryan Cordell (chair), Professor Ted Underwood, Assistant Professor JungHwan Yang, (Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Communication), and Assistant Professor JooYoung Seo.

Living in a democratic society grants us the freedom to hold and express our beliefs and thoughts, protected under the commonly referred to principle of “freedom of conscience.” As such, individuals act and speak in accordance with their belief systems and values, engaging in conversations to share perspectives, spread information aligned with their beliefs, or even persuade others to support causes they deem just. However, this freedom contributed to creating a polarized society where people find it difficult to unanimously agree with one another. Digital archives with a collection of text from historical newspapers to social media provide an opportunity to study how people of opposing viewpoints engaged in political battles and how they generated discourse around the topic they support. Taking this advantage, the thesis applied a computational approach to examine the political language of ideologically opposing groups using historical newspapers in Chronicling America and contemporary social media such as Twitter and Parler. 

For the historical context, the first two sections cover the issue of slavery and racism in the 19th and 20th centuries. (1) The first section examines the discourse around slaves and servants during the period covering the Civil War and studies how newspapers from the South and North used different words to create distinct discourse communities. Methodologically, embedding-based text mining technologies and the method of incorporating possible OCR errors are used. (2) The second section focuses on the derogatory word referring to Asian workers and examines how this word is used. Methodologically, embedding-based text mining technologies, the log-odds-ratio with informative Dirichlet prior, and network analysis to examine the most circulated story are used. For the contemporary context, (3) the third section introduces varied uses of toxic language on different social media platforms during the period of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. A state-of-the-art method for determining the degree of toxicity in the text, a statistical approach to distinguish over-represented words in each platform, and network analysis are used. 

By leveraging digital archives and applying computational text analysis, this thesis aims to bridge the gap between the research on historical and contemporary political language thus far divided into two separate fields, Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science.

  • Opening Statements
  • Hearings & Legislation

Opening Statement of Research and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Mike Collins at Oversight and Examination of the National Science Foundation’s Priorities for 2025 and Beyond

May 16 , 2024.

Good morning. Welcome, Director Panchanathan and Dr. Reed. Thank you for taking the time to be with us today. I’m looking forward to hearing your testimony and thoughts on the future of the National Science Foundation.

As the primary authorizing Committee for the National Science Foundation, we have a key responsibility to oversee the Foundation, ensuring it continues to support American innovation while spending taxpayer’s funding wisely. Today’s hearing ensures we fulfill that responsibility. 

America has long led the world in science and technology. Our strength lies in the curiosity, ingenuity, and entrepreneurial spirit of our citizens. From the development of the first computer to the sequencing of code that drives automated trucks, American scientists, engineers, and innovators continually push the limits, and we reap these benefits every day.

The National Science Foundation has played a vital role in these innovations by advancing basic scientific knowledge and training that underpins these technologies. Such investments in fundamental research are critical for maintaining American competitiveness.

Today we face threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to our global leadership in science and technology. NSF has a crucial role in helping us address that competition – both by supporting innovation and securing our research. We must continue to drive progress while maintaining research security.

Beyond foreign threats, we are in the midst of a technological revolution. The extraordinary rise of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing has proven how quickly we must act to keep pace.

Speaking from personal experience as an entrepreneur, my trucking business has benefited from the artificial intelligence revolution. 

It is important we ensure these federal investments don’t just go to a couple of big cities on the East and West coasts, but also places like Athens, Georgia. I am proud that the University of Georgia is one of the few to be selected as a recipient of the NSF’s Regional Innovation Development Awards. Frankly, we have a number of great institutions that are benefitting from NSF in my home state.

This investment provides sorely needed resources for the Georgia academic and business communities to work together to build an advanced agriculture infrastructure using new and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.

This Committee recognizes how the NSF's budgetary constraints, coupled with evolving geopolitical dynamics and shifting research priorities, underscore the importance of our discussion today. I look forward to hearing how NSF plans to prioritize funding and maximize the return on investment for taxpayers.

Again, I thank our witnesses for being here today, and I look forward to your testimony.

Related Posts

  • Research and Technology Subcommittee Hearing - Oversight and Examination of the National Science Foundation’s Priorities for 2025 and Beyond
  • Opening Statement of Chairman Frank Lucas at Oversight and Examination of the National Science Foundation’s Priorities for 2025 and Beyond


  • Committee Schedule

House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Republicans 2321 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-6371 Fax: 202-226-0113


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  1. 6 Email Templates to Ask Someone to be on Your Thesis Committee

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  2. Building your thesis committee

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  3. Thesis Committee

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  4. Do's and Don'ts for Preparing for Your Thesis Committee Meeting

    Faculty input is the crux of all thesis committee meetings, and their advice will be invaluable in guiding your thesis project, so try to make the scheduling process easy for them. Start scheduling your meeting at least two months in advance, especially if it will fall during the summer months. Using a survey-based tool like Doodle or Google ...

  5. Dissertation Committee: Roles, Functions, and How to Choose

    The basic function of your dissertation committee, which typically consists of five members, is to guide you through the process of proposing, writing, and revising your dissertation. Dissertation committee members serve in a mentoring capacity, offering constructive feedback on your writing and research, as well as guiding your revision ...

  6. Selecting Your Master's Thesis Committee Members

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  7. Selecting a Thesis Committee

    A thesis committee is a group of people, usually professors, who supervise a student's work and work closely with that student to answer questions and provide advice. A thesis committee may also act as the examining committee at a thesis defence. In most departments in North America, it is common for the thesis committee to consist of a ...

  8. Forming Your Committee

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  9. Thesis Committee

    Thesis Committee Member changes must be approved by submitting a petition to [email protected]. The first Progress Report must be held within one year of the Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam presentation. One week before the Progress Report meeting, the student should deliver annotated Specific Aims to each of the Committee Members.

  10. The Dissertation Committee < University of Pennsylvania

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  11. Choosing a Thesis Committee

    The thesis committee chair is supposed to be helping you navigate the process of doing the research and writing the five chapters when you are done. So, get a chair who is well-respected, a senior faculty member, tenured, and very knowledgeable in your chosen topic area. Avoid Thesis Committee Members Nearing Retirement or About to Change Jobs

  12. LibGuides: Henley-Putnam's Dissertation or Thesis Committees: Committee

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  13. Asking Professors to Sit on Your Dissertation Committee

    The dissertation committee can serve a checks and balances function that can boost objectivity and ensure that university guidelines are adhered to and that the product is of high quality. Members of the dissertation committee offer guidance in their areas of expertise and supplement the student and mentor's competencies. For example, a ...

  14. Your thesis committee: Like a jury, but not your peers

    The process of assembling a thesis committee is already so one-sidedly daunting that even a gentle rebuke looks like an epic antistudent smackdown. Commenters called the professor an uncaring narcissist, suggested he was unfit for a career in academia, used red flag emojis, and even posted the ultimate burn, a gif of Bernie Sanders ...

  15. Thesis Committee Formation and Meetings

    The Committee should provide candid advice to both the student and advisor with the goal of facilitating progress towards the best possible Ph.D. thesis, as well as a timely progression toward the Ph.D. thesis. The committee should explicitly decide whether the summary of the Ph.D. thesis project describes goals adequate for award of a Ph.D ...

  16. PDF Thesis Committee Guidelines FAQs

    Thesis Committee Guidelines - FAQs 1) What is a Thesis Committee? A Thesis Committee (TC) supports both the Student and Primary Supervisor during the course of a PhD. They provide the student with a wider intellectual input, access to broader expertise and an overview of the student's progress at prescribed points during the degree.

  17. Guidelines for Dissertation Committee Service » Rackham Graduate School

    Dissertation committees must have at least four members, three of whom are members of the graduate faculty ( see definition above ), and two of whom are from the doctoral candidate's home program. Furthermore, each committee: Must have a sole chair or two co-chairs. Must have a cognate member who is familiar with the standards for doctoral ...

  18. PDF Dissertation Committee Roles, Responsibilities and Checklist

    Once the dissertation draft is complete, the chair sends it to the member and dean's rep to get feedback. A date for the defense will be set by the chair at least 3 weeks from the date of receipt of the complete dissertation. The committee member will read the . entire . dissertation closely

  19. Dissertation and Thesis Committees: Student and Faculty

    The committee member, in consultation with the student and the committee chair, may identify another qualified graduate faculty member-either temporarily (for the duration of the OCDA) or permanently-to serve as his or her replacement on the thesis/dissertation committee.

  20. PDF Thesis and Dissertation Committee Roadmap

    This document serves to clarify and encourage best practices of committee chairs, members, and students during the thesis and dissertation process. The University relies upon faculty committees to oversee all aspects of a student's dissertation/thesis project. They are responsible for ensuring that the student complies with all the policies ...

  21. How to ask a professor to be on your committee? : r/PhD

    PhD Thesis Committee Invitation. "Hello Dr. …. I hope you're doing well! I am a PhD student in the School of …, working with Dr… in the field of … . My current project involves using … approaches to …, which can aid in … . My advisor has recommended that I reach out to you, and I would be honored if you would serve on my thesis ...

  22. Thesis committees

    The thesis committee (follow-up group) assigned for all doctoral researchers is responsible for monitoring the progress of the doctoral dissertation work as well as the quality of the degree and supervision. The thesis committee meetings are organised annually. The aims of the meetings are. to provide feedback on the progress of the research ...

  23. Thesis Committees

    A Thesis Committee member cannot normally serve as internal examiner for your thesis viva. Thesis Committee members are well placed to provide a reference for you. Frequency of Thesis Committee Meetings. The Thesis Committee meets normally once a year. More meetings can be called, by the Committee or you, if there are concerns about any aspects ...

  24. 'A small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged

    The class project evolved beyond the semester into an independent study, and eventually into my senior honors thesis. I'm most proud of my research because I learned that a small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged thesis project. Through my thesis, I've been able to combine my interests in social justice with academic ...

  25. Dissertation Defense: Rui Zhang

    Dissertation Defense: Rui Zhang. Thu, May 30, 2024 10:00 AM - Thu, May 30, 2024 12:00 PM at Zoom . DISSERTATION DEFENSE. Rui Zhang. Rui Zhang is an ESPP dual major doctoral student, a PhD candidate in Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences. She is interested in using spatial explicit modeling approaches, especially Agent-based Modeling ...

  26. Rutgers PhD student delivers dissertation hours after giving birth

    Rutgers PhD student, Tamiah Brevard-Rodriguez, gave birth to her son and then hours later defended her dissertation to a committee over Zoom. CNN values your feedback 1.

  27. Jaihyun Park's Dissertation Defense

    Jaihyun Park will defend his dissertation "A Computational Approach toward Understanding Political Language of Ideologically Opposing Groups—From Historical Newspapers to Social Media.". The committee includes Associate Professor Ryan Cordell (chair), Professor Ted Underwood, Assistant Professor JungHwan Yang, (Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Communication), and Assistant ...

  28. Opening Statement of Research and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Mike

    House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Republicans 2321 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-6371 Fax: 202-226-0113 ...