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How to Choose a Dissertation Topic – 9 Steps

Choosing a dissertation topic is really difficult.

When I had to choose dissertation topic I agonized for weeks.

And I’ve supervised over 50 students’ dissertations across undergraduate, masters and PhD levels. All of my students agonized over their topics, too.

So you’re not alone in your struggle.

The below tips for choosing a dissertation topic are the ones I wish I was given when I was in the process of looking for a suitable topic.

If only I’d known these points, I would have saved a lot of time and stress for myself. So if these tips only help one person out, I’ll be happy.

These tips really work for just about anybody. They’re particularly useful for undergraduate and Masters level students who are writing dissertations. But, I’m sure most doctoral students will also find these points relevant, too. Especially tips 1 – 3.

Here are my tips on how to choose a dissertation topic – I hope they come in handy, and good luck on your research journey!

Read Also: 25 Sociology Dissertation Ideas

1. It Doesn’t have to be Unique (Yet).

This is the one piece of advice I wish I had gotten when I was choosing my dissertation topic.

Many students feel like they need to find a unique topic that will blow their markers away.

I was this student.

I thought that I had to choose a topic and idea that was going to make a unique contribution to knowledge. I thought I had to discover something, or, at the very least, choose a topic that no one has ever done before.

So here’s what I wish someone had told me:

It doesn’t matter if other people have done the same topic as you.

Don’t even let it phase you for a moment if someone else has chosen your topic. Just choose whatever topic you want.

Well, because your unique contribution doesn’t come at the start. It comes at the end!

You’ll find a way to make a unique contribution after you have completed your literature review . There is always time and space to find a new angle or different way of doing the topic than other people.

So, don’t choose your topic because it’s unique or different.

Then … how should you choose your topic? Points 2 and 3 give you some tips…

2. Make it Relevant to your Career Goals.

The first thing I recommend to all my students is to consider how their topic can help progress their careers.

When giving guidance to my students, I ask them these three questions:

  • a) What sort of specialization do you want in your career? If you’re studying teaching, your questions might be: do you want to be a specialized literacy teacher? do you want to be an expert on behavior management? Do you want to be specialized in play-based learning ?
  • b) How do you want to differentiate yourself from your competition? Your dissertation topic is going to be the topic you ‘sell’ as your area of expertise in future job interviews. If you want to get a great job, choose a topic that really stands out in the marketplace. Have a think right now for yourself: what areas of your industry are booming? For example, would it be better to specialize in coal or solar panels? Which one would be best to talk about in a job interview in the 21 st Century?
  • c) Do you want to be a research pro? Most of my students don’t want to be researchers as a career. They do their dissertations to prove mastery of their topic – that’s all. The research is a means to an end. But, if you think you want to go on to do the next level degree (a PhD one day?) then you’ll want to focus on having a high quality methodology, not just an interesting topic.

So, have a think now: is there a topic that will help you get to where you plan on going? What expert knowledge do you want to be able to ‘sell’ in a future interview?

3. Ensure it’s Interesting to You.

You’re going to be wedded to your chosen for a long time. And by the end of this journey you’re going to hate it.

To make your life easier, choose a topic you’re interested in.

Here’s two ways of approaching this:

Choose a Topic you Think About a Lot.

Choose a dissertation topic that you find yourself talking about, complaining about or raving about to your parents. Choose something that makes you angry, inspired or intrigued.

For the next week or so, I recommend taking notes whenever you find yourself thinking idly about something. Is that something you’ve thought about a lot?

Or, Choose a Topic by Looking over Past Assessment Tasks.

Another way of approaching the search for an interesting topic is to look over past assignments.

What assessment task have you done in the past few years that gripped you? Which one did you enjoy the most when you were studying it?

Zoom in on that topic and see if you can turn it into a dissertation.

Bonus tip: If you found a topic that was based on a previous assessment task, see if you can convince the person who taught that subject to be your dissertation supervisor.

4. Keep it Simple.

Too often, students want to choose a topic that is complex and complicated. They come up with a long, detailed research question (usually with the help of their professor) that, really, is hard to understand!

The best strategy is to come up with a topic that is really, really straightforward. At least, the topic should start as simple and straightforward.

Your topic is going to grow and expand into a monster. It’ll be hard to tame and control. You’ll be following random tangents down rabbit holes that end up being dead-ends. You’ll research aspects of the topic and realize it was a completely pointless exercise.

The way to minimize the crazy growth of your research project is to simplify it right from the start. Make it a really simple idea.

For example, I had a student who wanted to research:

“How big is the gap in mathematics outcomes between children from middle-class and working-class backgrounds by age 16?”

I would think that this topic may be achievable by a top academic with a sizeable research grant, but my student was completing a 10,000 word dissertation for graduating her Bachelor of Arts with Honours.

After several agonizing research meetings, we peeled it back over and again until we ended up with something much simpler and more specific:

“What are teachers’ opinions of the impact of poverty on learning?”

Why is this simpler and more specific?

Well, with the second study, my student has a clear focus group (teachers) and an achievable methodology (interviews). This will be far simpler than somehow conducting tests on 16-year old children, getting a significant amount of children to participate in the study, and then dissecting their mathematics test results by income level.

Instead, we aimed small and simple to ensure the task itself was achievable.

We’re not here to win a Nobel prize. You can do that with your multi-million-dollar post-doctoral research grant. Get your degree first.

5. Ensure it’s Achievable.

This piece of advice builds on the previous advice, to “keep it simple”.

Keeping it simple means making sure you have a clear, small-scale focus.

Esuring the project is achievable means choosing a methodology that won’t break you.

Small Scale Qualitative Studies are Achievable for Anyone

I always suggest to my Undergraduate and Masters level students to aim for a small scale study with no more than 20 research participants.

Now, I know there will be many of you out there who want to do quantitative research studies. And in reality, you can do a quantitative study with a small group of students. These usually involve quantitative action research case studies.

If you’re set on a quantitative study, that’s fine. But find a supervisor with the right experience.

Personally, I usually recommend a qualitative focus group analysis for anyone doing their first dissertation.

The biggest mistake you can make is biting off more than you can chew.

Small scale qualitative studies are the easiest option . They can be achieved within your time frame. And you can certainly still get a very high grade.

So, let’s take the example of the previous research question, which we changed from:

For the first study, you will have to develop skills in quantitative data analysis , find a sizeable cohort of students, get permission from their parents, get special permission to study children you’re your university ethics committee, develop a quality testing mechanism, pilot the test, conduct the test, analyze the data, then interpret it.

For the second study, you will not have to develop complex mathematical skills, bother with getting permission to research children, or deal with the rigor of quantitative analysis.

In other words, you will be able to bypass many hurdles you may face.

That’s the benefit of a small-scale qualitative study. It’s a nice easy first dissertation methodology. You can do it and do it well.

I know my position is controversial, but hey … I’m here to tell you how to avoid problems, not to stand on a soapbox.

Consider Textual Analysis, Semiotic Analysis or Secondary Research

Finding people to interview, survey or participate in your study in any way at all can be intimidating.

I find it interesting and really fulfilling. But I understand if you think it’s too much for you at this point in time.

If you don’t want to have to go out and find research participants for your study, I recommend one of these types of study:

  • Textual Analysis : you can look at policy documents or newspaper articles and analyze their ideological positioning , for example;
  • Semiotic Analysis : The quintessential semiotic analysis is the analysis of advertising images or movies and the examination of the ways they depict people of different races, social classes or genders;
  • Secondary Research: Look over other people’s research and try to identify themes across a range of research studies.

Now, these three different methodologies are far outside of the scope of this discussion, but consult with your dissertation supervisor if you’re overwhelmed by the idea of conducting research with real human beings. One of these three methodologies may help you bypass that process, and make the dissertation feel more achievable for you.

6. Search Online for Inspiration

If you’re still struggling to choose a dissertation topic,  go online to get inspiration!

There’s a few ways you can do this. Here’s a few good ones:

a) Google Previous Dissertation Topics

Many universities upload their students’ dissertations onto an online repository. This means there are a ton of open, free to access databases of previous students’ dissertations all over the internet.

Simply google “Dissertation” + “pdf” + a topic you’re interested in. If you’re a masters student, you can do “masters dissertation” + “pdf” + the topic; and if you’re an undegrad, then simply do “undergraduate dissertation” + “pdf” + the topic;. Simple!

Up will pop a ton of dissertations that you can instantly download to check out previous students’ successful dissertation topics.

Another benefit of doing this is that you’ll be able to view and model the structure that previous students have used as well. This can be super beneficial for you early on!

b) Look at Recent Articles Published in Journals focused on your Topic

If you scroll through the recent issues of journals in your topic, you’ll find a range of research topic ideas.

To get access to top journals in your topic, simply google “Scholarly Journal” + your topic. For example, I am a professor in education. So I’d google “Scholarly journal” + “Education”.

The homepages for a ton of journals will pop up in the Google search. Quickly scan through the recent issues of those journals to see if any ideas will pop up that interest you!

c) If you’re Studying Education or Teaching, Check Here

Lastly, a quick plug for another post I’ve written for dissertation students:

  • 51+ Dissertation Ideas for Education students .

Go check that out if you want to write a dissertation on the ‘education’ topic.

7. Trust your Dissertation Supervisor

Your dissertation supervisor will have walked many students just like you through the research process before.

Look, I know many dissertation supervisors can be disappointingly aloof and disconnected from your research. And relationships can get very frosty with your supervisors indeed.

Trust your supervisor. They make recommendations for a reason. They know how to navigate the dissertation writing process. If your supervisor makes a recommendation, strong – very strongly – consider it.

Your supervisor also has expertise in one area of research or another. Take advantage of their expertise. Be flexible and let them sway you down certain paths. You need a knowledgeable partner in the research process.

So, trust your supervisor. You need their expertise more than you know.

8. Come up with 3-5 Ideas and Bring them to your Supervisor for Feedback

Your initial dissertation topic ideas will probably need a lot of refinement.

The person who will help you to refine your topic will be your dissertation supervisor. Their main job, unfortunately, is to curb your enthusiasm. It’s to show you what problems you’ll face if you follow certain paths and recommend alterations to ensure your topic is achievable.

So, approach your supervisor with your 3-5 top ideas and watch them do their magic. They should advise you on how to turn your ideas into reality.

Your ideas can be specific or broad – really, it doesn’t matter because you’ll walk out of your supervision meeting with a lot of changed ideas. It doesn’t need to be set in stone.

You could, for example, go up to your supervisor and say something like:

  • “I’m interested in Erikson’s theory of development. Do you have any suggestions of how I can use Erikson’s ideas for a dissertation?”
  • “I’m really into conservative politics. What ideas do you have for an achievable topic?”
  • Any other ideas…

They’ll help you shape and mold your topic into something achievable.

9. Lastly, Stick to your Choice

how to choose a dissertation topic

When I did my dissertation, I questioned my topic daily: I’d always be thinking up new, better ideas for my dissertation!

But once you’re locked in, it’s hard to change your mind. You’re going to get ethics permission to conduct your study, not anyone else’s!

So, my advice is simple:

Once you’ve chosen your topic, commit.

If you’re desperate to do another topic, fine, do another degree. If you’re doing your Master’s right now, bank those other ideas for a potential PhD down the track.

But once you’ve made your choice, really … you’ve got to commit, block out all your regrets and dig in.

Don’t worry about your friends who chose a dissertation topic that is better than yours. Stay in your lane, be content with your topic, and create a great product.

Writing a dissertation is an exercise in being practical more than anything. That start from the very first choice: choosing a dissertation topic that’s achievable and good for your career, and will also put you on the path for top marks.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Northeastern University Graduate Programs

5 Tips for Choosing Your EdD Dissertation Topic

Faculty Insights Industry Advice Education

Associate teaching professor Corliss Thompson shares her top tips for choosing your EdD dissertation topic.

You’ve learned more about why you should earn your Doctor of Education (EdD), and now you’re ready to apply. As part of the Northeastern application process, however, you’re required to submit a problem of practice that you want to pursue throughout the course of your doctoral program.

But how do you arrive at that problem of practice and narrow your area of interest down into a specific dissertation topic? Here are some tips to keep in mind.

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Tips for Choosing a Dissertation Topic

1. pick a topic you’re passionate about..

A lot of work goes into your dissertation—from the literature review, where you’re conducting a critical analysis of what’s been published on your topic, to interviewing stakeholders and actually writing the dissertation itself. Each of those steps take time, so you want to choose a topic that will keep you engaged and hold your interest.

When trying to decide your area of focus, consider the challenges you’re motivated to address and the difference you want to make both during and at the end of your EdD program. The goal is that you will continuously build off your dissertation research and leverage the work in a way that positively impacts your organization and/or community.

2. Ensure your topic is manageable.

You want to select a topic you can complete during the duration of your EdD program that is also aligned with your budget. If you need to travel or perform longitudinal research, your idea might not be achievable. Find what available, attainable data you can, and use that to narrow down your research into a dissertation that’s more manageable.

3. Embrace the unknown.

Although you’re passionate about your topic and it’s manageable, there will still be lingering questions about your subject. Be prepared to explore what you don’t know and deepen what you already do know. Strong research typically results in more questions.

Be ready to ask questions of yourself, others, and the literature, and get comfortable with not knowing the answer. As you’re thinking about your dissertation, keep track of inquiries that emerge around different ideas. Those may help you hone in on a topic.

4. Leverage your peers.

One benefit of enrolling in an EdD program is the diversity of backgrounds and opinions you’ll find within your cohort. At Northeastern, EdD instruction is primarily online, which enables students to connect and collaborate with professionals from around the world.

Vasiliki Goudanas Mavroudhis, a recent graduate of Northeastern’s EdD program, emphasized this benefit in her piece on what it’s like to be in an online doctoral program , saying:

The ability to not only have a cohort-based network, but one that crossed cohorts and continents, allowed me to have a far richer and deeper experience. I learned from students with different perspectives who came from different industries across a number of countries.

When fleshing out your dissertation, use that global network to your advantage. Ask your peers for constructive feedback. It’s likely they’ll have suggestions on how you can approach your topic from different cultural perspectives.

5. Know it’s OK to change your topic.

It’s natural for your dissertation topic to evolve the more research you complete and experts you interview. Actually, it’s expected.

Switching topics halfway through the program might seem like more work, but you will have already gone through the research process once and laid the foundation for your dissertation. As you approach your topic from different perspectives, it’s understandable if your own viewpoint changes a bit.

If you’re in need of inspiration, here are some examples of doctoral research Northeastern students have recently conducted:

  • “The Drop Out Decisions of Latino College Students”
  • “Changing the Experiences of African Refugee Youth”
  • “Supporting Students Through Mindful Mentoring”
  • “The Transitioning Student Veteran: Finding Your Civilian Career Through Academic Success”
  • “Bridging the Gap Between Training and Educating in Adult Learning”
  • “Watch out for Shards from the Glass Ceiling: A Study of Women Higher Educational Administrators’ Leadership Development Experiences”

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

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How to choose a topic for your dissertation

Picking a topic for your dissertation can seem scary, so here are some tips to help you narrow it down.

Rutherford's avatar

Choosing a topic for your dissertation is one of the toughest decisions that you will make while at university.

You want to find a topic that you find interesting, one that will enable you to do well and demonstrate your academic strengths and will also impress a prospective employer with your interests and abilities. And, of course, you want to avoid a topic that will lead you down a blind alley or paint you into a corner.

The last major submission of your degree, your dissertation is also expected to prove that you can process complicated information and order it coherently. An added bonus would be for your dissertation to help prepare you for your future career.

To ensure that both the final dissertation and the skills that you will gain in preparing it will help you in pursuit of your chosen career, begin by identifying the kind of work that you hope to be doing two or three years after graduation. (Almost no one gets their dream job within a year or two of graduating; you still have things to learn – and so you should consider your first job, possibly your first two jobs, as training still.)

On one side of a piece of A4 paper, describe this job, its challenges, its demands and its responsibilities as clearly as you can. Make a list of the knowledge and abilities that you will need to do this job. (If you find this difficult, this may be a sign that you do not yet know this job well enough to be sure that it is what you want.)

Now, on the other side of the paper, list the major things that you have learned and the skills that you have developed during your time at university that are relevant to this job.

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Now ask yourself: if you had the power to design and deliver one additional final-year unit, one that would provide the knowledge and skills that you currently lack – but which are required for the job you want – what would this unit teach? What questions would it answer – and what would it be called?

Consider the areas of your degree that you are interested in and yet have not covered in great depth. Or think about how your degree subject could progress in the next few years. This is what your dissertation can centre around.

Consider those who graduated from journalism, marketing or politics in 2000 just before the proliferation of social media. If by the end of their studies, these students had not learned how to recognise the impact of this new technology on the future of their industry – not only how things are done, but the kind of things that can be done – even the brightest graduates will soon have found their once-promising career prospects reduced.

The topic of your dissertation should show off the skills you have acquired while studying as well as take into account your future career.

Read more: Tempted to pay for your essays? Here are six reasons not to

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Choosing a Research Topic

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This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education  discusses and offers advice on how to choose a dissertation topic that is compelling, manageable, and worthwhile. Although it is written for scientists, this article provides valuable insights that are applicable to other fields. Also available via the Tomorrow's Professor Archive.

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Library Guides

Dissertations 1: getting started: choosing a topic and researching.

  • Starting Your Dissertation
  • Choosing A Topic and Researching
  • Devising An Approach/Method
  • Thinking Of A Title
  • Writing A Proposal

Choosing a Topic

The first step to take when writing a dissertation is to choose a topic. The following is a list of ideas that may help you to do this: 

Consider something that interests you 

Talk to academic staff 

Create a mind map to generate ideas.

Draw on reading and knowledge from modules you have studied 

Consider topical issues in news/media 

Look through dissertations written by previous students 

Search for academic articles and read around a topic 

Consider limitations and future research discussed in journals 

How about a topic that...  

You can investigate in your own country or area?  

Would help you find a job? 

Mind Maps to Generate Ideas

Mind-mapping is a simple, practical tool for improving creative thinking, planning and problem-solving abilities. It can help you to generate more ideas and make new connections.

How to draw a mind map

Place a blank sheet in landscape position and write the topic you have in mind in the middle. Draw branches from the centre, The branches are possible ideas and topics to include in the dissertation. Add sub-topics (“leaves”) and connect ideas and evidence from your reading. You can use colours and images to stimulate your thinking.

generating ideas image

Tips for choosing a good topic: 

Choose a topic you will enjoy.  Your dissertation is an opportunity to explore, in depth, a topic of interest. It will be challenging, so pick a topic that will sustain your interest. Doing the initial research in your areas of interest will help you choose a topic that will be both viable and enjoyable. 

Consider the time and resources you will need to successfully complete your dissertation - be realistic!   Research, particularly gathering primary data (such as interviews, experiments or archival research), takes time and may involve other challenges such as travel, language skills, ethical considerations etc. Make sure you speak to your supervisor/tutor early on to ensure that your project is achievable. Additionally, check out the Time Management Guide for tips on sticking to deadlines.  

If your topic is too broad, try to narrow it down , perhaps focusing on a specific sector, country or case study.  

If your topic is too narrow, you can broaden it by contextualising it within the literature.  


Researching for your Dissertation

This presentation explores effective strategies for locating, evaluating, and organising sources to enable you to produce a comprehensive and well researched dissertation. It also covers where you can find further help, as and when you need it.

choose a dissertation topic

Link to video on Researching for Your Dissertation

  • PPT slides on Researching for your Dissertation

Conducting a Literature Search

To find a suitable topic you will need to conduct a literature search to identify what has been done before, what information is available and what gaps there are in the research.  To carry out a successful literature search, you can try the following steps: 

Define your terms. Ask yourself what the key concepts of your research idea are. Then, compile a list of keywords with their synonyms to help you develop a research strategy. Google and Google Scholar are good places to start. 

Identify relevant information sources . These may include libraries, indexes, archives, the internet (especially, Google Scholar ) and electronic databases.  

Make use of the University library.  If you require help with locating texts, you can book an appointment with an Academic Engagement Librarian. Also, the British Library has a copy of every book published in the UK, which is helpful to know if you cannot get hold of a particular text.  

Use journals. Journals are the best place to find the most up to date research in any field. These are now mostly published online.  

Ensure that you keep records of what you have read. You will need them to write a literature review. For more detailed information about this dissertation chapter, visit the Literature Review Guide. 

  • << Previous: Starting Your Dissertation
  • Next: Devising An Approach/Method >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 1, 2023 2:36 PM
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1000+ FREE Research Topics & Title Ideas

If you’re at the start of your research journey and are trying to figure out which research topic you want to focus on, you’ve come to the right place. Select your area of interest below to view a comprehensive collection of potential research ideas.

Research topic idea mega list

Research Topic FAQs

What (exactly) is a research topic.

A research topic is the subject of a research project or study – for example, a dissertation or thesis. A research topic typically takes the form of a problem to be solved, or a question to be answered.

A good research topic should be specific enough to allow for focused research and analysis. For example, if you are interested in studying the effects of climate change on agriculture, your research topic could focus on how rising temperatures have impacted crop yields in certain regions over time.

To learn more about the basics of developing a research topic, consider our free research topic ideation webinar.

What constitutes a good research topic?

A strong research topic comprises three important qualities : originality, value and feasibility.

  • Originality – a good topic explores an original area or takes a novel angle on an existing area of study.
  • Value – a strong research topic provides value and makes a contribution, either academically or practically.
  • Feasibility – a good research topic needs to be practical and manageable, given the resource constraints you face.

To learn more about what makes for a high-quality research topic, check out this post .

What's the difference between a research topic and research problem?

A research topic and a research problem are two distinct concepts that are often confused. A research topic is a broader label that indicates the focus of the study , while a research problem is an issue or gap in knowledge within the broader field that needs to be addressed.

To illustrate this distinction, consider a student who has chosen “teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom” as their research topic. This research topic could encompass any number of issues related to teenage pregnancy such as causes, prevention strategies, health outcomes for mothers and babies, etc.

Within this broad category (the research topic) lies potential areas of inquiry that can be explored further – these become the research problems . For example:

  • What factors contribute to higher rates of teenage pregnancy in certain communities?
  • How do different types of parenting styles affect teen pregnancy rates?
  • What interventions have been successful in reducing teenage pregnancies?

Simply put, a key difference between a research topic and a research problem is scope ; the research topic provides an umbrella under which multiple questions can be asked, while the research problem focuses on one specific question or set of questions within that larger context.

How can I find potential research topics for my project?

There are many steps involved in the process of finding and choosing a high-quality research topic for a dissertation or thesis. We cover these steps in detail in this video (also accessible below).

How can I find quality sources for my research topic?

Finding quality sources is an essential step in the topic ideation process. To do this, you should start by researching scholarly journals, books, and other academic publications related to your topic. These sources can provide reliable information on a wide range of topics. Additionally, they may contain data or statistics that can help support your argument or conclusions.

Identifying Relevant Sources

When searching for relevant sources, it’s important to look beyond just published material; try using online databases such as Google Scholar or JSTOR to find articles from reputable journals that have been peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

You can also use search engines like Google or Bing to locate websites with useful information about your topic. However, be sure to evaluate any website before citing it as a source—look for evidence of authorship (such as an “About Us” page) and make sure the content is up-to-date and accurate before relying on it.

Evaluating Sources

Once you’ve identified potential sources for your research project, take some time to evaluate them thoroughly before deciding which ones will best serve your purpose. Consider factors such as author credibility (are they an expert in their field?), publication date (is the source current?), objectivity (does the author present both sides of an issue?) and relevance (how closely does this source relate to my specific topic?).

By researching the current literature on your topic, you can identify potential sources that will help to provide quality information. Once you’ve identified these sources, it’s time to look for a gap in the research and determine what new knowledge could be gained from further study.

How can I find a good research gap?

Finding a strong gap in the literature is an essential step when looking for potential research topics. We explain what research gaps are and how to find them in this post.

How should I evaluate potential research topics/ideas?

When evaluating potential research topics, it is important to consider the factors that make for a strong topic (we discussed these earlier). Specifically:

  • Originality
  • Feasibility

So, when you have a list of potential topics or ideas, assess each of them in terms of these three criteria. A good topic should take a unique angle, provide value (either to academia or practitioners), and be practical enough for you to pull off, given your limited resources.

Finally, you should also assess whether this project could lead to potential career opportunities such as internships or job offers down the line. Make sure that you are researching something that is relevant enough so that it can benefit your professional development in some way. Additionally, consider how each research topic aligns with your career goals and interests; researching something that you are passionate about can help keep motivation high throughout the process.

How can I assess the feasibility of a research topic?

When evaluating the feasibility and practicality of a research topic, it is important to consider several factors.

First, you should assess whether or not the research topic is within your area of competence. Of course, when you start out, you are not expected to be the world’s leading expert, but do should at least have some foundational knowledge.

Time commitment

When considering a research topic, you should think about how much time will be required for completion. Depending on your field of study, some topics may require more time than others due to their complexity or scope.

Additionally, if you plan on collaborating with other researchers or institutions in order to complete your project, additional considerations must be taken into account such as coordinating schedules and ensuring that all parties involved have adequate resources available.

Resources needed

It’s also critically important to consider what type of resources are necessary in order to conduct the research successfully. This includes physical materials such as lab equipment and chemicals but can also include intangible items like access to certain databases or software programs which may be necessary depending on the nature of your work. Additionally, if there are costs associated with obtaining these materials then this must also be factored into your evaluation process.

Potential risks

It’s important to consider the inherent potential risks for each potential research topic. These can include ethical risks (challenges getting ethical approval), data risks (not being able to access the data you’ll need), technical risks relating to the equipment you’ll use and funding risks (not securing the necessary financial back to undertake the research).

If you’re looking for more information about how to find, evaluate and select research topics for your dissertation or thesis, check out our free webinar here . Alternatively, if you’d like 1:1 help with the topic ideation process, consider our private coaching services .

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Student Notebook

Choosing a dissertation topic.

Graduate students may take several approaches to choosing a dissertation topic. While a perfunctory approach may hasten a degree, establishing a standard of quality will enable you to both advance the field and also evolve our own career. Eight steps are presented below to aid the graduate student in selecting a dissertation topic.

1. THE DISSERTATION TAKES PRIORITY. Following completion of comprehensive examinations and coursework, graduate students may often view their graduate education as almost over. On the contrary, the dissertation actually marks a new era of study. As a doctoral candidate, your procedural formalities are no longer dictated by faculty. Rather, you must examine the selected topic, create a timeline for its development, and alter your lifestyle to assure its completion.

2. PICK AN INTERESTING TOPIC. If your topic is simply your professor’s pet area, you should be aware the topic may lose appeal before it’s even “housebroken.” Furthermore, if your professor moves on to another interest area, you will be stranded and possibly unable to complete your work. Remember, this is a topic that should keep you engrossed and motivated for at least one to two years. Pick it as carefully as you would a new pair of dress shoes.

3. BE AWARE OF ONGOING RESEARCH. Many students may spend a year researching a topic before finally selecting one for their dissertation. You must examine current literature both specifically and generally. One way to do this is to contact key researchers to help you identify published and unpublished studies. Conduct periodic key word searches in computerized databases to identify new angles or problems associated with your topic. Keep in mind this is a daunting and interminable task, as new research is always evolving. Be sure your time is not monopolized studying new research at the expense of analyzing your own.

4. DEFINE YOUR CONSTRUCTS CLEARLY. Terms such as “memory,” “intelligence,” and “educational level” may derive different meanings among diverse psychological scientists. Evaluate your constructs and obtain references to support your construct definition. If your definition veers from the accepted literature, be prepared to defend the definitional defiance to your committee and reviewers who may later, hopefully, publish your results.

5. EVALUATE WHETHER YOUR TOPIC IS PUBLISHABLE. While reviewing the literature, determine if your completed project will “fit” the Zeitgeist of an existing journal. You should be able to place yourself in the desk of a reviewer and assess, with minimal doubt, whether or not your dissertation would enhance the integrity of a reputable journal.

6. EVALUATE YOUR TOPIC’S IMPORTANCE. Certainly your topic must be important to you, but it must also add to your field of interest. Your topic should offer additional insight into an existing problem, and offer an opportunity to demonstrate your level of expertise and quality of scholarship.

7. ESTABLISH GOOD COMMITTEE RELATIONSHIPS. Your dissertation committee will establish either a direct or de facto relationship with both you and your topic. Obtain feedback from committee members if they can offer specialized support or, if individual members have an area of interest that can be incorporated as a hypothesis subtopic, try to include a discussion of this somewhere in the dissertation. The more committee members who “own” a part of your topic, the more who will support your defense, leading you toward appropriate publication.

8. ESTABLISH A TIMELINE FOR COMPLETION. A timeline will further assist you in selecting your topic. Some projects may be completed in one year, while others may take two years or longer. Select a topic that will be manageable within the selected deadline parameter.

Of course there are many other questions not answered above: Is the project fundable? Will it pass IRB review? Should you use parametric or non-parametric statistics? What is an appropriate research design? These are all very important questions that will also require evaluation. Making a list of your questions and carving out proposed answers may prove helpful in this process.

Completing a dissertation requires careful planning and insight from choosing a topic to the final defense. Perhaps, the above suggestions will aid in not only identifying an appropriate topic, but also prompt completion of a project that will add to the field of psychological science.

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About the Author

SCOTT SMITH is a graduate student in educational psychology at Texas A&M University at Commerce. His research interests include flashbulb memories, autobiographical memories, and effects of processing on cognitive tasks.

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How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

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choose a dissertation topic

Catherine Miller

Writing your undergraduate thesis is probably one of the most interesting parts of studying, especially because you get to choose your area of study. But as both a student and a teacher who’s helped countless students develop their research topics, I know this freedom can be just as intimidating as it is liberating.

Fortunately, there’a a step-by-step process you can follow that will help make the whole process a lot easier. In this article, I’ll show you how to choose a unique, specific thesis topic that’s true to your passions and interests, while making a contribution to your field.

choose a dissertation topic

Choose a topic that you’re interested in

First things first: double-check with your teachers or supervisor if there are any constraints on your research topic. Once your parameters are clear, it’s time to identify what lights you up — after all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time thinking about it.

Within your field of study, you probably already have some topics that have grabbed your attention more than others. This can be a great place to start. Additionally, consider using the rest of your academic and extra-curricular interests as a source of ideas. At this stage, you only need a broad topic before you narrow it down to a specific question. 

If you’re feeling stuck, here are some things to try:

  • Look back through old course notes to remind yourself of topics you previously covered. Do any of these inspire you?
  • Talk to potential supervisors about your ideas, as they can point you toward areas you might not have considered.
  • Think about the things you enjoy in everyday life — whether that’s cycling, cinema, cooking, or fashion — then consider if there are any overlaps with your field of study.
  • Imagine you have been asked to give a presentation or record a podcast in the next three days. What topics would you feel confident discussing?
  • Watch a selection of existing lectures or explainer videos, or listen to podcasts by experts in your field. Note which topics you feel curious to explore further.
  • Discuss your field of study with teachers friends and family, some with existing knowledge and some without. Which aspects do you enjoy talking about? 

By doing all this, you might uncover some unusual and exciting avenues for research. For example, when writing my Master’s dissertation, I decided to combine my field of study (English teaching methodology) with one of my passions outside work (creative writing). In my undergraduate course, a friend drew on her lived experience of disability to look into the literary portrayal of disability in the ancient world. 

Do your research

Once you’ve chosen your topic of interest, it’s time to dive into research. This is a really important part of this early process because it allows you to:

  • See what other people have written about the topic — you don’t want to cover the same old ground as everyone else.
  • Gain perspective on the big questions surrounding the topic. 
  • Go deeper into the parts that interest you to help you decide where to focus.
  • Start building your bibliography and a bank of interesting quotations. 

A great way to start is to visit your library for an introductory book. For example, the “A Very Short Introduction” series from the Oxford University Press provides overviews of a range of themes. Similar types of overviews may have the title “ A Companion to [Subject]” or “[Subject] A Student Companion”. Ask your librarian or teacher if you’re not sure where to begin. 

Your introductory volume can spark ideas for further research, and the bibliography can give you some pointers about where to go next. You can also use keywords to research online via academic sites like JStor or Google Scholar. Check which subscriptions are available via your institution.

At this stage, you may not wish to read every single paper you come across in full — this could take a very long time and not everything will be relevant. Summarizing software like Wordtune could be very useful here.

Just upload a PDF or link to an online article using Wordtune, and it will produce a summary of the whole paper with a list of key points. This helps you to quickly sift through papers to grasp their central ideas and identify which ones to read in full. 

Screenshot of Wordtune's summarizing tool

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You can also use Wordtune for semantic search. In this case, the tool focuses its summary around your chosen search term, making it even easier to get what you need from the paper.

choose a dissertation topic

As you go, make sure you keep organized notes of what you’ve read, including the author and publication information and the page number of any citations you want to use. 

Some people are happy to do this process with pen and paper, but if you prefer a digital method, there are several software options, including Zotero , EndNote , and Mendeley . Your institution may have an existing subscription so check before you sign up.

Narrowing down your thesis research topic

Now you’ve read around the topic, it’s time to narrow down your ideas so you can craft your final question. For example, when it came to my undergraduate thesis, I knew I wanted to write about Ancient Greek religion and I was interested in the topic of goddesses. So, I:

  • Did some wide reading around the topic of goddesses
  • Learned that the goddess Hera was not as well researched as others and that there were some fascinating aspects I wanted to explore
  • Decided (with my supervisor’s support) to focus on her temples in the Argive region of Greece

choose a dissertation topic

As part of this process, it can be helpful to consider the “5 Ws”: why, what, who, when, and where, as you move from the bigger picture to something more precise. 

Why did you choose this research topic?

Come back to the reasons you originally chose your theme. What grabbed you? Why is this topic important to you — or to the wider world? In my example, I knew I wanted to write about goddesses because, as a woman, I was interested in how a society in which female lives were often highly controlled dealt with having powerful female deities. My research highlighted Hera as one of the most powerful goddesses, tying into my key interest.

What are some of the big questions about your topic?

During your research, you’ll probably run into the same themes time and time again. Some of the questions that arise may not have been answered yet or might benefit from a fresh look. 

Equally, there may be questions that haven’t yet been asked, especially if you are approaching the topic from a modern perspective or combining research that hasn’t been considered before. This might include taking a post-colonial, feminist, or queer approach to older texts or bringing in research using new scientific methods.

In my example, I knew there were still controversies about why so many temples to the goddess Hera were built in a certain region, and was keen to explore these further.

Who is the research topic relevant to?

Considering the “who” might help you open up new avenues. Is there a particular audience you want to reach? What might they be interested in? Is this a new audience for this field? Are there people out there who might be affected by the outcome of this research — for example, people with a particular medical condition — who might be able to use your conclusions?

Which period will you focus on?

Depending on the nature of your field, you might be able to choose a timeframe, which can help narrow the topic down. For example, you might focus on historical events that took place over a handful of years, look at the impact of a work of literature at a certain point after its publication, or review scientific progress over the last five years. 

With my thesis, I decided to focus on the time when the temples were built rather than considering the hundreds of years for which they have existed, which would have taken me far too long.

Where does your topic relate to?

Place can be another means of narrowing down the topic. For example, consider the impact of your topic on a particular neighborhood, city, or country, rather than trying to process a global question. 

In my example, I chose to focus my research on one area of Greece, where there were lots of temples to Hera. This meant skipping other important locations, but including these would have made the thesis too wide-ranging.

Create an outline and get feedback

Once you have an idea of what you are going to write about, create an outline or summary and get feedback from your teacher(s). It’s okay if you don’t know exactly how you’re going to answer your thesis question yet, but based on your research you should have a rough plan of the key points you want to cover. So, for me, the outline was as follows:

  • Context: who was the goddess Hera?
  • Overview of her sanctuaries in the Argive region
  • Their initial development 
  • Political and cultural influences
  • The importance of the mythical past

In the final thesis, I took a strong view on why the goddess was so important in this region, but it took more research, writing, and discussion with my supervisor to pin down my argument.

To choose a thesis research topic, find something you’re passionate about, research widely to get the big picture, and then move to a more focused view. Bringing a fresh perspective to a popular theme, finding an underserved audience who could benefit from your research, or answering a controversial question can make your thesis stand out from the crowd.

For tips on how to start writing your thesis, don’t miss our advice on writing a great research abstract and a stellar literature review . And don’t forget that Wordtune can also support you with proofreading, making it even easier to submit a polished thesis.

How do you come up with a research topic for a thesis?

To help you find a thesis topic, speak to your professor, look through your old course notes, think about what you already enjoy in everyday life, talk about your field of study with friends and family, and research podcasts and videos to find a topic that is interesting for you. It’s a good idea to refine your topic so that it’s not too general or broad.  

Do you choose your own thesis topic?

Yes, you usually choose your own thesis topic. You can get help from your professor(s), friends, and family to figure out which research topic is interesting to you. 

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Dissertation Research Topics Lists

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Trending Dissertation Topics & Ideas For 2024

ResearchProspect has prepared a list of trending dissertation topics and ideas in every academic subject to inspire you. In addition to the free topics available in our topics database, we offer 3 free custom dissertation topics to students of all levels. You can also review our example dissertation titles to get inspired.

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Trending Topics For Dissertation In 2024

Looking for hot dissertation topics for your research? Here is our list of top examples that will help you decide on a suitable idea for your dissertation.

Humanities Dissertation Topics

  • An Analysis of The Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Discourse.
  • The Representation of Gender in Contemporary Literature: A Comparative Study.
  • The Politics of Cultural Heritage Preservation: Case Study of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  • A Philosophical Inquiry of The Ethics of Digital Humanities Research.
  • The Intersection of Religion and Politics in the Middle East: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.
  • An Ethnographic Study of the Impact of Globalisation on Indigenous Cultures.
  • The Aesthetics of Horror in Literature and Film: An Analysis of Contemporary Works.
  • The Philosophy of Human Rights: A Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Perspectives.
  • The Representation of Trauma in Postcolonial Literature: A Comparative Study of African and South Asian Texts.
  • The Psychology of Humor: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Laughter and Mental Health.

Environment Dissertation Topics

  • Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries.
  • The Impact of Urbanisation on Biodiversity: Case Study of Major Cities in the World.
  • The Politics of Environmental Justice: A Critical Analysis of Environmental Policies and Their Impacts on Marginalised Communities.
  • The Role of Green Technology in Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Renewable Energy Sources.
  • The Economics of Carbon Pricing: A Comparative Study of Cap and Trade Systems.
  • The Implications of Deforestation on Ecosystem Services with Respect to the Amazon Rainforests.
  • The Ethics of Animal Agriculture: An Investigation into the Impacts of Industrial Livestock Production.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Promoting Sustainability in the United Kingdom.
  • A Study on The Intersection of Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Conservation.
  • The Politics of Water Scarcity: An Overview of the Middle East and North Africa.

Education Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning: A Comparative Study of Traditional and Online Education.
  • An Investigation on The Role of Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education.
  • A Meta-Analysis on The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning in STEM Education.
  • The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Student Learning Outcomes in the United Kingdom.
  • The Politics of Education Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Policies and Their Impacts on Student Achievement.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Quality.
  • The Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education: Case Study of Internationalisation Strategies in Universities.
  • An Analysis of The Effectiveness of Social-Emotional Learning Programs.
  • The Intersection of Education and Technology Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of EdTech Startups.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Funding and Student Outcomes in Public Schools.

Sports Dissertation Topics

  • A Study on the Role of Sports in Promoting Social Inclusion.
  • The Impact of Sports Psychology on Athletic Performance: An Investigation into Mental Training Techniques.
  • An Analysis of The Ethics of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports.
  • The Effectiveness of Injury Prevention Programs in Contact Sports.
  • The Intersection of Sports and Technology: An Analysis of Wearable Technology in Athletic Training and Performance.
  • A Comparative Study of National and International Sports Organisations.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Sponsorship and Brand Awareness.
  • The Impact of Sports on Personal Development: A Comparative Study of Sports and Non-Sports Participants.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Fan Attachment and Identity.
  • The Intersection of Sports and Social Media: A Case Study of Athlete Branding and Fan Engagement.

Psychology Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Social Media on Anxiety and Depression.
  • The Role of Positive Psychology in Promoting Well-Being.
  • The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Treating Anxiety and Depression.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Health Outcomes.
  • The Intersection of Psychology and Neuroscience: An Analysis of Brain Imaging Techniques in Understanding Mental Health Disorders.
  • A Critical Analysis of Research Methods and Their Implications for Participants.
  • The Impact of Culture on Mental Health: Case Study of Western and Eastern Approaches to Mental Health Treatment.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Addiction.
  • An Analysis of Interpersonal Relationships and Their Impacts on Psychological Well-Being.
  • A Comparative Study of Aging and Longevity in Different Cultures.

Gender Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Career Choices.
  • The Role of Gender-Based Violence in Perpetuating Gender Inequality.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Intersectionality on Women of Color.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Politics and Women's Access to Healthcare.
  • The Effectiveness of Gender Quotas in Promoting Gender Equality.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Masculinity and Mental Health.
  • The Role of Gender Identity in Social Justice Movements.
  • The Impact of Gender and Sexuality Education on Adolescents.
  • A Comparative Study of Gender Pay Gaps in Different Industries and Countries.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Ableism and Gender Discrimination on Disabled Women.

Law Dissertation Topics

  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Digitalisation on Legal Systems.
  • The Role of International Law in Addressing Global Challenges.
  • The Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in Addressing Criminal Behaviour.
  • A Comparative Study of Selection Processes and Their Impacts on Judicial Independence.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Intersectionality on Legal Rights and Protections.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Advocacy and Professional Responsibility.
  • The Impact of Gender and Race on Jury Decision-Making: An Analysis of Implicit Bias in Legal Proceedings.
  • The Role of Human Rights Law in Addressing Corporate Responsibility: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Business and Human Rights.
  • The Politics of Immigration Law: A Comparative Study of National Policies and Their Impacts on Migrant Rights and Protections.
  • The Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Addressing Civil Disputes: A Comparative Study of Mediation and Arbitration.

Business, Finance & Management Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance.
  • The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth: An Analysis of Small Business Development and Job Creation.
  • The Impact of Financial Technology on Banking and Finance: use of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.
  • The Effectiveness of Corporate Governance in Preventing Corporate Scandals: A Comparative Study of Regulations and Practices.
  • The Psychology of Decision-Making in Management: An Analysis of Cognitive Biases and Their Impacts on Organisational Behaviour.
  • The Role of Leadership in Organisational Change: An Investigation into the Impacts of Leadership Styles on Change Management.
  • A Comparative Study of Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Global Economic Relations.
  • The Impact of Organisational Culture on Employee Motivation and Performance.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Social Media Marketing and Influencer Marketing.
  • The Role of Human Resource Management in Talent Development.

Health & Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Telemedicine on Healthcare Delivery
  • The Role of Nursing in Patient Safety: An Analysis of Best Practices and Strategies for Preventing Medical Errors.
  • The Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programs in Preventing Chronic Diseases.
  • A Comparative Study of National Policies and Their Impacts on Access to Care.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Co-Morbidities on Patient Outcomes.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Health Knowledge and Patient Empowerment.
  • A Comparative Study of Pain Management Strategies in Different Settings.
  • An Analysis of Best Practices and Strategies for Addressing Health Disparities.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Comfort Care and Quality of Life.
  • The Effectiveness of Healthcare Teamwork in Patient-Centered Care.

Technology Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Ethical and Social Implications of AI Technologies.
  • The Impact of Cybersecurity Threats on Business and Society.
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in the Future of Digital Transactions.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Digital Health Technologies on Patient Outcomes and Access to Care.
  • The Effectiveness of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education and Training.
  • A Comparative Study of National Policies and International Agreements.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Data-Driven Decision Making.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture: An Analysis of the Impacts of Platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • The Effectiveness of User-Centered Design in Developing Technology Products.
  • The Future of Quantum Computing and its Potential Applications in Different Fields.

Geography & Politics Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Environmental Policy and Global Climate Change.
  • An Analysis of Immigration and Refugee Settlement Patterns in Cities.
  • A Comparative Study of National Interests and Strategic Considerations.
  • A Review on The Intersection of Geography and Political Violence.
  • A Study of Different Approaches to Addressing Economic Disparities.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Resource Distribution and Political Power.
  • An Analysis of National Borders and Their Impacts on Migration, Trade, and Security.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Geospatial Technologies and Digital Mapping in Political Analysis.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Disaster Response and Preparedness.
  • An Analysis of the Use of Spatial Analysis and Geographical Information Systems in Policy Making.

Fashion & Media Dissertation Topics

  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Instagram, TikTok, and Other Platforms on Fashion Marketing and Consumption.
  • The Role of Fashion in Representing Diversity and Inclusivity in Media.
  • An Examination of the Influences of Celebrities on Fashion Trends and Consumer Behaviour.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Fashion, Power, and Identity.
  • Comparative research of Different Approaches to Ethical and Environmentally Conscious Fashion Production.
  • An Analysis of the Use of Photography in Fashion Communication.
  • A Breakdown of the Relationship Between Wearable Technologies and Fashion Trends.
  • The Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing in Fashion.
  • The Impact of Fashion and Media on Body Image.
  • A Study into the Use of Fashion as a Symbolic Representation of Political Messages and Movements.

Tourism Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Sustainable Tourism Practices on Local Communities.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Tourism.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Marketing Tourism Destinations.
  • An Analysis of the Relationship Between Tourism Development and Political Power.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Tourism and Heritage Conservation.
  • A Research of Different Approaches to Tourism as a Driver of Economic Growth.
  • The Effectiveness of Tourism Policies in Addressing Overtourism: An Analysis of Different Approaches to Managing Tourist Crowds in Popular Destinations.
  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Platforms like Instagram and TikTok on Tourism Marketing and Consumption.
  • The Role of Tourism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Zones.
  • An Investigation into Emerging Trends and Innovations in Tourism.

Science & Engineering Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Use of Machine Learning and AI Techniques in Engineering Design and Optimisation.
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy Technologies on Sustainable Development: An Analysis of Different Approaches to Promoting Renewable Energy Sources.
  • An Investigation into Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Space Science and Engineering.
  • Study of Different Approaches to Green Building and Sustainable Architecture.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Biotechnology on Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Drug Development.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Engineering Infrastructure: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Climate Change and Infrastructure Resilience.
  • The Effectiveness of Science Education Programs: A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Teaching Science in Schools.
  • A Research on the Use of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies in Engineering Applications.
  • An Investigation into Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Transportation Engineering.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Additive Manufacturing on Industrial Processes and Supply Chains.

Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Behaviour
  • An Analysis of the Use of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Strategies.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Targeted Marketing and Personalised Advertising.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Customer Experience and Consumer Loyalty.
  • An Analysis of the Use of Narrative Techniques in Brand Communications.
  • A Study of Different Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility in Marketing.
  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Customer Advocacy and Word-of-Mouth Marketing.
  • A Research of the Use of Mobile Technologies in Marketing Communications.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Creating Immersive Brand Experiences.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Marketing Communications and Brand Reputation.

Management Dissertation Topics

  • A Research on the Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness
  • An Analysis of the Use of Digital Technologies in Business Management and Operations.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Building Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces.
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Management.
  • An Analysis of the Use of AI and Machine Learning in Business Decision-Making and Strategy.
  • A Study of Different Approaches to Managing Organisational Knowledge.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Organisational Culture and Performance.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Globalisation on International Business Operations and Management Practices.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Measuring and Evaluating Employee Performance.
  • The Role of Change Management in Organisational Transformation.

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ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

Dissertation Topic Examples

Here are some dissertation topics examples for you so you know what you can expect from our experts when you order a free dissertation topic from Research Prospect

Topic 1: Management Quality and Control- Assessing the role of project length in the UK Construction sector.

Research Aim: The construction industry is one of the most significant contributors to the country’s economy. This study investigates the role of project length on management control and quality in the UK’s construction sector. Also, the research will analyse the connection between project length and quality control, considering the moderating impact of management quality control on a project’s success.

Topic 2: Investigating how the Tourism Industry has taken Green and Sustainable measures- A case study of UK

Research Aim: This study will investigate the various aspects of the UK tourism industry towards making green and sustainable measures for the environmental benefits. It will also look into the consumer’s perspective towards green tourism and its positive and negative impacts on the tourism industry and the tourists. It is also helping you develop a better understanding of the concept of a green environment and its influence on the tourism industry.

Topic 3: Assessing the role of Communication Strategies in Fashion Marketing- a case study of UK

Research Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of communication strategies in the world of UK fashion marketing. This will also give us an understanding of how new fashion remanufacturing should be communicated to the consumers. Focusing on how information and messages about the brands or products should be labelled to attract the audience.

Topic 4: Building demolition- Analyse the efficacy of destroying and ruining Big city structures and their impact on the traffic.

Research Aim: Many big cities around the world have demolished a vast number of buildings that were functional with new structures. It not only has an economic impact but also results in the loss of urban culture, harms the environment, cause pollution, and also worsen the traffic situation. This study will evaluate the merits of building demotion and will provide economic, technical and environmental input.

Topic 5: Assessing the relationship between Information Protection and Journalism, how does the Data Protection Act of 1998 affect the problem of people in Media Exposure?

Research Aim: This study will examine how the Data protection act of 1998 plays an important role in protecting information. This study will provide vital knowledge by collecting information from the directors’ of a few media associations. Discussions with media members can also help in gaining an understanding of the actual circumstances in which material obtained by journalism should be protected.

Topic 6: An investigation of the blockchain's application on the energy sector leading towards electricity production and e-mobility.

Research Aim: This study aims to investigate the applications of blockchain within the energy sector. This study will identify how blockchain can be used to produce electricity from the comfort of home. Moreover, this study aims to introduce the concept of e-mobility through blockchain, according to which blockchain can be used to share the car ride with the other commuters residing at nearby places. Another objective of this research is to develop a framework that could assess blockchain’s use for the consumers staying within a budget and letting them assess how much money they have been spending so far.

Topic 7: Increasing Bitcoin Privacy and Security- Assessing the Role and Implementation of Confidential Transactions.

Research Aim: A confidential transfer is a technology that allows users to protect their money values from the public using new crypto techniques. The study aims to determine if confidential transactions can provide secret, secure as well as financial privacy. As a result, it is crucial to examine the function of confidential transactions in order to ensure that no digital currency is lost or produced when a transaction occurs without disclosing the precise number of transfers.

Topic 8: An analysis of the novel waste management techniques- A case study of United Kingdom oil and gas sector.

Research Aim: This study analyses the novel waste management techniques and practices in the UK oil and gas sector. It will also identify the challenges facing the oil and gas sector in achieving sustainable management of all the waste from production. This study aims to determine different forms of E and P waste being generated and reduce harmful E and P waste by using technology, focusing on the policies made by the government regarding hazardous waste from the oil and gas industry.

Topic 9: Assessing the parental perceptions and attitude towards the adoption of healthy behaviour patterns to control obesity and overweight concerns in young children.

Research Aim: This study aims to analyse the parent’s perceptions and attitudes in relation to healthy behaviours practises to control obesity and overweight disorders in young children. It will also focus on the obstacles parents or caregivers experience when it comes to obesity control in young children.

Topic 10: What are the Environmental Impacts of Water Waste Treatment of Cement Industry in South Korea?

Research Aim: This study aims to find the environmental impacts of water waste treatment of the cement industry in South Korea. With the help of a comprehensive survey across the cement manufacturing companies in South Korea, this study will first scrutinize the entire waste treatment process in the cement industry in South Korea. Then it will analyze the impact of each step on the environment. And after analyzing find the environmental effects of the water waste treatment of the cement industry in South Korea, this study will recommend modern ways to reduce the adverse effects.

Topic 11: Politics in a Digital Age- Assessing the impact of Social Media on Public Participation and Political Campaigns.

Research Aim: This study aims to find how the public has utilised social media during elections or political campaigns. This study will also focus on the impact of social networking sites on popular participation in the electoral vote and political debate. This research study will also investigate the effects of new technologies and the digital era on media and political party campaigns and media activities during elections.

Topic 12: The influence of price and brand on consumer preference during an economic recession: A case of the clothing market in Greece

Research Aim: The research will aim to examine the impact of prices and brands on consumer buying behaviour during an economic recession in Greece’s clothing market. During an economic crisis, not all types of products suffer the same consequences. During a recession, people are more sensible in their buying decisions, and they frequently continue to choose known product brands that meet their demands. The study will look at the impact of the recession on consumer purchasing preferences, taking into account variations in spending on various apparel brands based on price.

Topic 13: An investigation of the reasons for the Merger's failure outcomes and acquisition of Islamic Banks in gulf countries.

Research Aim: It is also evident from various studies that most Islamic banks in the Gulf countries, which put their efforts into Mergers and acquisitions to other know and well-established banking sectors, encountered some severe failures. Therefore, this study aims to develop an understanding of failure outcomes for the Islamic banks while going towards Merger’s decision and acquisition with other well-known banks in the Gulf countries.

Topic 14: The Role of International Criminal Laws in Reducing Global Genocide

Research Aim: This study aims to find the role of international criminal laws in reducing global genocide. It will be an exploratory study identifying the explicit and implicit effects of international criminal laws on the worldwide genocide. It will analyse different incidents of international genocide and find out how international criminal laws played a positive role to reduce these incidents. Lastly, it will recommend possible changes in the international criminal laws to effectively mitigate global genocide. And it will be done by comparing criminal laws of world-leading powers to reduce genocide.

Topic 15: How do our genes influence our lifestyle and behavior?

Research Aim: Inherited genetic predispositions largely determine individual differences in intellectual ability, personality, and mental health. Behavior also displays indicators of genetic influence; for example, how somebody reacts to stressful circumstances reflects some genetic influence. This research aims to find the impact of genes on a person’s lifestyle and behavior. The study will also examine the ratio of people likely to be affected by genetics.

Topic 16: An assessment of the Influence of Parents' Divorce or Separation on Adolescent Children in terms of long-term psychological impact.

Research Aim: This study aims to investigate the level of traumas experienced by the children of divorced or separated parents. The principal aim of this study is to explore the long-term psychological impacts of parents’ divorce on the life of children regardless of their gender and age in terms of mental wellbeing, academic performance, and self-worth.

Topic 17: Russia-Israel relationship and its impact on Syria and the Middle East.

Research Aim: Russia and Israel share significant aspects of their strategic cultures. Both countries have a siege mentality and are led by a security-first mindset and a predominantly military view of authority. p Russia’s relationship with Israel has grown in importance in the context of Russia’s military operation in Syria. This study aims to examine the relations between Russia and Israel and how they have impacted Syria and the middle east—focusing on different policies, agreements, and military interventions.

Topic 18: Assessing the Role of Social Media in Raising Awareness about Environmental Issues- A case study of Snapchat.

Research Aim: The main aim of this study is to find the role of social media platforms in raising awareness about environmental issues. This study will focus on the social media app Snapchat which is currently very popular among the youth, and millions of people use Snapchat daily and send each other snaps. Furthermore, this study will focus on how this platform plays a vital role in spreading awareness regarding environmental issues.

Topic 19: Is Cybercrime a Threat to Banking Sector in Developing Countries? A Case Study of Banking Sector in Pakistan

Research Aim: This study aims to analyze the impact of cybercrime on the banking sector in developing countries. It will identify the possible threats faced by the banking sector due to increasing cybercrimes. These threats are related to the information security of the banks in developing countries. This research will be using Pakistan as a case study to find the threats posed by cybercrime to fragile banking. And after identifying the threats, the study will try to recommend possible solutions to ensure information security.

Topic 20: Examining Multi-dimension in facial emotion detection.

Research Aim: When it comes to communications, human expressions are extraordinary. Humans can identify it very easily and accurately. Getting the same outcome from a 3D machine is a difficult task. This is because of the present challenges in 3D face data scanning. This study will examine the facial emotion identification in humans using different multi-point for 3D face landmarks.

Why You Might Need Dissertation Topic and Proposal Help?

Submission of your dissertation is the crux of your academic life, and it starts by first cracking your dissertation topic. Refrain from plucking out a topic from thin air because that’s not how it works. Before you start your journey into the world of research, you need to do a bit of self-exploration. And by such, we don’t mean meditating over your dissertation ideas in your yoga class or during the soul cycle, if that’s what you would love to do.

It means taking the time to truly understand your academic goals, which may overlap with your professional goals. Maybe you’re thinking about becoming a leading expert/scholar in, let’s say…The Beatles (yes, there is an actual degree program, check out Liverpool Hope University) or professionally pursuing a career in the music industry. Then it would be best if you defined that goal before you jump into your dissertation.

For some students, a dissertation at the Master’s level lays the foundation for their PhD studies. For others, a dissertation may be the only requirement stopping them from achieving a graduate degree to improve their prospects in the job market. Whatever your academic or professional goal may be, it is essential to incorporate it into your dissertation proposal as it lays the foundation for the pursuance of your goals.

We genuinely hope by reading this, the task of making a dissertation topic no longer seems daunting, but instead rewarding. Now before you embark on your Herculean adventures of writing your dissertation always remember – this dissertation is you. It’s an accumulation of everything you studied so far and where your interests lie!

For sparking your creative side in developing an idea, you can always run through our dissertation samples to get an idea of how to go about writing your dissertation. Your topic should be an idea of what you are passionate about learning more about. As an academic researcher, you never stop learning. Therefore, you should always choose a topic that brings out your expertise and strength.

Remember: There is no need to go down the path of trying to impress your supervisor with some topic that is way beyond your comfort zone. You can still be impressed with your original idea that plays to your strengths.

That’s why you need to take the time out for some brainstorming and jotting down ideas that may randomly pop up in your head. If only you can see our writer’s desk, they have ideas written down on post-its, my desk calendar, all over random notebooks; it looks like the work of a madman, but it’s just the brainstorming process in action. And remember, throughout this time, your supervisor and those on your committee are your best friends from now until you make your final defence.

There is no conspiracy of trying to fail you and/or make your life miserable. Be sure to take the time and have a chat with your supervisor about your dissertation ideas. Talk to them about what outcomes you want to see from your research or how you would like to contribute to the academic literature present. Also, read, read, read, and read some more! These thousands of academic journals you have access to will help you in constructing a balanced dissertation topic. Read through what previously has been accomplished in your field of study and some limitations in current research. Also, these academics provide us with suggestions for further research in their body of work.

Dissertation Help

Now for some of you thinking: I’ve already done the deep dive into my inner soul but am still stuck and need dissertation topic help, well then look no further. If you are still struggling with your dissertation ideas ResearchProspect can help you every step of the way.

We’re a band of super nerds who are experts in their fields, from biochemistry to rococo art history and everything in between (and hold PhD degrees!). So if you are unsure about what topic to write about, you can stop Googling ‘how to find dissertation topic’ and start contacting our customer service reps. All you have to do is fill out a simple form online here on our website. We’ll get back to you with quotes within 30 minutes. Once you place the order, our super-nerd writer will start working on your dissertation immediately once you’ve made the necessary payment transactions. And like magic, your dissertation, along with a free plagiarism report, will be in your email address well before your deadline. It would be best to get some colour back in your face knowing that you have unlimited options in developing a first-class dissertation. So buckle up and enjoy the ride. It’s going to come with lots of ups and downs, but in the end, it will have a reward most worth it!

How To Choose The Best Dissertation Topic

It can be a demanding task for many students to choose a suitable topic for their dissertation. These tips will help you choose the best dissertation topic.

  • Start by identifying areas of study that you find interesting and exciting. You should consider the topic you have enjoyed studying and think about how to apply that knowledge to a new research project.
  • Conduct a literature review of your chosen field of study to identify gaps in knowledge or areas that require further research. Try looking for topics that are currently trending and in demand in your field of study.
  • Consult with your advisor to get their opinion on potential research topics. They can suggest areas of study that have not been explored or provide insight into what is currently being researched in your field.
  • Narrow your focus to a specific area of study or research question. A well-defined topic will make your research more manageable and focused.
  • Consider the feasibility of your topic regarding the availability of resources, access to data, and the time frame for completion.
  • Brainstorm a list of potential topics and evaluate each based on feasibility, relevance, and interests.
  • Once you have identified potential topics, test them by conducting preliminary research to determine the data availability and the research project’s feasibility.

Get 3+ Free Dissertation Topics From ResearchProspect

Yes, you heard that right! You will now get 3 free dissertation topics from ResearchProspect when you place an order. Along with a huge database of free ideas for dissertation topics for you to choose from, you can avail of our free custom dissertation topic service and kickstart your research now. Send in your requirements using our simple order form and get free services from the top industry experts.

Why is a Dissertation Topic Outline or a Proposal Important?

A dissertation topic outline plan or a research proposal sets the stage for your dissertation project. It provides the necessary framework for you to conduct your research and write an authentic paper that will add value to your area of study. A dissertation outline provides topic background information, a justification of your choice of topic, the hypothesis you are testing, your proposed methodology and a brief literature review. It ends with a project timeline and a list of references. To be honest, that is what you need to get started with your dissertation.

In creating a worthy research topic, it is important to be manageable, interesting, and add value to the body of knowledge in its respective field. To help students narrow their search for a research topic, ResearchProspect writers have brainstormed new dissertation topics that are innovative and relevant to the current body of knowledge available and can aid in the brainstorming process.

Our band of super nerds have designed the latest dissertation topics across a variety of subjects that are intriguing and look to fill research gaps present in their respective academic literature. These free dissertation topics are great for starting the process of writing your dissertation , thesis or proposal . So take a breather, ResearchProspects has got you covered with our dissertation writing services.

Looking for our latest offers? Or want topics with a proposal at an outstanding price? Click here

The Importance Of Dissertation Topics

Dissertation topics are of utmost importance in academic research because they can greatly impact the quality of research and the project’s ultimate success. Coming up with the right ideas for dissertation topics can be complicated for a few students. Here are some reasons why choosing the right dissertation title is significant for your research:

  • Sets the tone for the research: Your dissertation topic is the starting point for your research project. It sets the tone for the entire research and determines the scope and direction of the study.
  • Demonstrates knowledge and expertise: A good dissertation topic also helps demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your particular study area. It is an opportunity to showcase your mastery of the topic and your ability to engage in independent research.
  • Significance: The right dissertation topic is significant and relevant in the field of study. It addresses a knowledge gap or a research question that has not been adequately answered.
  • Feasibility: The topic should be feasible and realistic. It should be possible to conduct research on the chosen topic within the given time frame and with resources.
  • Interest and motivation: The dissertation topic should interest the student and motivate them to conduct the research. This will make the research process more enjoyable and increase the likelihood of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose a dissertation topic.

  • Identify your interests.
  • Review current literature for gaps.
  • Consider the feasibility of research methods
  • Consult with advisors or mentors
  • Reflect on potential contributions to your field.
  • Ensure the topic aligns with your career goals and aspirations.

How do I get ideas for my dissertation?

  • Explore recent publications and academic journals in your field.
  • Attend conferences or seminars to discover trends and topics.
  • Engage in discussions with peers and professors.
  • Conduct preliminary research to identify gaps.
  • Reflect on personal experiences or observations that sparked curiosity.
  • Consider societal or industry challenges needing solutions.

Can I change my dissertation topic?

Yes, you can change your dissertation topic with approval from your advisor or committee. Ensure the new topic aligns with your interests, resources, and research goals. Communicate openly about the reasons for the change, and be prepared to adjust your timeline and research plan accordingly.

How long is a dissertation topic?

The length of a dissertation topic typically ranges from a concise phrase to a short sentence, encompassing the central theme or focus of the research. It should be clear, specific, and reflective of the scope and objectives of the study, typically spanning around 5 to 15 words .

What is the ideal length of a dissertation topic?

The ideal length of a dissertation topic is concise yet descriptive, typically comprising around 5 to 15 words . It should encapsulate the central theme or research focus, providing clarity to both the researcher and the audience while allowing flexibility in exploring the chosen title.

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How to Pick a Master’s, Ph.D., or Undergraduate Thesis Topic

Last Updated: February 2, 2024 Fact Checked

  • Brainstorming Topics

Narrowing Your Focus

  • Crafting Your Question

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 75,239 times.

Choosing a topic for your thesis , whether it be for a master’s, Ph.D., or undergraduate, can feel like a daunting task, but it can also be exciting. Your thesis is your chance to dive deep into a topic that interests you and contribute something new to your field. To pick the right topic for you, start by brainstorming potential topics without worrying if they're good or not. Then, narrow your topics based on feasibility and your personal strengths. Finally, start researching so you can craft a good thesis question.

Things You Should Know

  • Jot down your interests in your topic of study. Then, research your interests and go through your past papers to find unanswered questions in your field.
  • Narrow down your interests to potential topics you can add value to. Then, find a professor who has experience in your area of study.
  • To formulate your research question, research your topic. Brainstorm a few questions you might ask, then select the one you can best answer.

Brainstorming Possible Topics

Step 1 Write down your main interests related to your field of study.

  • Review all of the classes you've taken and the subjects you've covered.
  • Think about why you got into your field of study.
  • Consider what you like to read about in your free time, especially things related to your field. This might be books, news articles, or blogs.
  • Think of people in your field who you admire or aspire to be like. Then, ask yourself what you like about them.
  • Consider if you'll continue your academic studies after graduation, as well as what you'd want to study.

Step 2 Go through your past coursework to find papers you enjoyed writing.

  • Consider any lingering questions you had working on past projects as a starting point for your new thesis.
  • It’s best to stick to your recent work because it will better reflect your current knowledge and abilities.
  • You can use the same topic you used in your prior work, or you can use your old work to point you in the direction of a new topic.

Tip: Your past coursework can also tell you what you didn’t like studying. Consider the assignments that you struggled through and the research topics you hated. Then, avoid topics like them.

Step 3 Research current events to see what's happening in your field.

  • For example, let’s say you’re studying politics. You might read about current presidential candidates and reflect on how their platforms have diverted from the historical platforms for their political party.
  • If you’re writing a literature thesis, look at the novels that are being nominated for this year’s literary awards and consider their genre, theme, or style.
  • For a thesis on psychology, you might look for news about PTSD research or read articles about pop psychology that people are sharing on social media.
  • For an aeronautical engineering thesis, you could read up on what SpaceX is currently working on, or look into NASA’s most recent experiments.
  • Check prominent research journals in the field you’re interested in to see what current academic conversations look like.
  • Make a list of keywords that show up during your searches so you can look up published theses using sites like ProQuest. That way, you know what topics have already been covered.

Step 4 Look for gaps in current research related to your field.

  • You don’t need a topic that’s completely absent from research, as this would be difficult to examine.
  • One way to find a unique angle is to combine 2 topics together. Alternatively, you can build on someone else's work.
  • For example, let's say you're studying clinical psychology and want to write about PTSD. You might find that not much research has been done into how people with PTSD cope with workplace conflicts.
  • Similarly, let's say you're studying politics and want to look at how political party platforms evolve. You might find that there's a gap in research when it comes to evaluating how voters react to platform changes.

Step 5 Ask your professors which topic they think is right for you.

  • For instance, you might say, “I’m hoping to be a research professor one day, and I want to focus on modern poetry. Which of these thesis topics do you think would make me most attractive to doctoral programs?”

Step 6 Talk to your classmates about their lingering questions.

  • Focus on questions that can be researched and don’t have a simple answer. For instance, a question like, “How can we motivate people without offering them extrinsic rewards?” can be researched and doesn’t have a simple answer. Conversely, the question, “When did free verse poems start to become mainstream?” is easy to answer with a simple Internet search.

Step 7 Think about what type of work you plan to do in the future.

  • You don’t need to plan out your whole life. However, it’s good to have an idea about where you’re going.
  • Think about the type of work you want to do, the job title you want to attain, or the types of organizations you want to work with.
  • For instance, if you want to be a university professor, you might choose a topic that you plan to continue researching through your doctorate and career as a professor.
  • As another example, let's say you want to be a project manager for an engineering firm. You might choose a topic that encompasses both your knowledge of engineering and your interest in motivating other engineers to produce their best work.

Step 8 Make a list of 5-10 topics that might be interesting thesis topics.

  • Undergraduate theses may be more broad, while master’s or Ph.D. theses should be more specific.
  • Choose the best topics that came to you while you were brainstorming.
  • You might enjoy doing this activity with a classmate who’s also working on their thesis. You can bounce ideas off of each other.
  • For example, you might write down things like "evolution of political party platforms," "effect of civil war on cultural norms," "themes of literature immediately before and after a social crisis," "effects of robotics on the workforce," "mission to Mars," or "building intrinsic worker motivation."

Step 1 Eliminate topics that don’t seem to offer avenues for new research.

  • For instance, you might love William Shakespeare, but finding a new area of research about his work could prove difficult. Similarly, if you're studying psychology, you'll likely want to avoid writing about older ideas that aren't widely supported anymore, like dream analysis.

Step 2 Choose your thesis supervisor once you have a general idea of what you’ll research.

  • Say something like, “Hi, Dr. Gomez. I know you’re really knowledgeable about morality politics. I’m planning to write my thesis about a topic related to morality politics, so I hoped you might be my thesis supervisor.”

Tip: You don’t need to select your thesis topic before you find a thesis supervisor. Just get a general idea of what area you want to pursue.

Step 3 Discuss your top 1-3 topics with your thesis supervisor.

  • For example, you might say, "I'd like to write my thesis about modern American haiku structure, autobiographical expression in contemporary 21st-century poetry, or poetry in the Internet age."
  • Your thesis supervisor will likely want you to choose a topic that they know well and are interested in themselves.

Crafting Your Thesis Question

Step 1 Conduct research into your topic.

  • This will help you figure out what types of questions to ask about your topic.
  • If you can, highlight or mark important passages and summarize sections of text in the margins of the work.
  • Talk to your librarian. They can help you find materials that might be of interest to you, and they can pull books or journals related to your topic.

Tip: Save your research materials so that you can use them when writing your thesis. You may not use all of your early research, but some of it will be relevant.

Step 2 Write 5-7 potential thesis questions

  • How did 20th-century warfare alter literary themes?
  • How have expanding cultural norms impacted the criteria for literary awards?
  • What social changes have impacted diplomatic exchanges among world leaders?
  • How does detaching morality from public policy affect the efficacy of legislation?
  • How does culture adapt in the aftermath of a civil war?
  • How can robotics enhance early childhood education?
  • What are the best ways to motivate employees to work harder?
  • What treatment protocols can enhance recovery in PTSD patients?

Step 3 Identify the question you think you can best research and answer.

  • Think about the process you'd need to use to research the topic, such as a digital search, social experiments, or lab testing. Then, decide if you'd be able to complete these tasks with the time and resources you have.
  • List the research materials you have available to you, such as computer databases, library materials, or a laboratory.
  • Consider your thesis supervisor’s area of expertise.
  • Think about the courses you’ve taken and the skills you’ve developed.

For example... The thesis question "How have expanding cultural norms impacted the criteria for literary awards?" works well because it's researchable and debatable. You can explore cultural norms using social science studies, news or journal articles, and survey results from different decades. Then, study the themes and styles of award-winning literature using articles and books. From there, evaluate the relationship between them, which is up for interpretation.

Step 4 Select a final research question with the help of your thesis supervisor.

  • Listen to your thesis supervisor’s advice. They’ve likely been doing this for a long time, and they know what it’s like to be in your shoes.

Expert Q&A

  • Try to choose your topic as early as you can. This will help you stay on track to finish your thesis on time. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • It’s helpful to do additional research throughout the selection process. If you find texts that might be of use to you later, save them to use in your thesis. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Since you’ll spend at least 1-2 years on your thesis, it’s best to choose a topic that interests you. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

choose a dissertation topic

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Christopher Taylor, PhD

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  1. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic

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    Instead, try implementing a more systematic approach to selecting your dissertation topic: Get a handle on the basics. Review previous dissertations. Identify your areas of interest. Conduct a literature review. Narrow down your topic options. Submit a proposal and receive approval of your dissertation topic.

  7. How to Choose Your Dissertation Topic

    Choosing a dissertation topic can be both challenging and rewarding. While there are many factors in the process of your research you cannot change - time, resources, and institutional requirements - you can impact your dissertation topic by taking time to understand how you really want to spend the weeks and months, and possibly years ...

  8. A 7-Step Guide on How to Choose a Dissertation Topic

    Choosing the right dissertation topic is a thoughtful process that can set the foundation for a rewarding research experience. By understanding your interests, conducting thorough research, and seeking guidance from advisors, you are well on your way to selecting a topic that not only meets academic standards but also holds personal ...

  9. Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic

    Revised on May 31, 2023. A relevant dissertation topic means that your research will contribute something worthwhile to your field in a scientific, social, or practical way. As you plan out your dissertation process, make sure that you're writing something that is important and interesting to you personally, as well as appropriate within your ...

  10. What Is a Dissertation?

    A dissertation is a long-form piece of academic writing based on original research conducted by you. It is usually submitted as the final step in order to finish a PhD program. Your dissertation is probably the longest piece of writing you've ever completed. It requires solid research, writing, and analysis skills, and it can be intimidating ...

  11. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic For Your Doctoral Degree

    5 Steps to Choosing a Dissertation Topic. Choosing a dissertation topic for a doctoral degree is a crucial step in your academic journey. The topic you choose will guide your research for several years, and it should be something that excites and challenges you. Here is a five-step guide to help you navigate the decision-making process:

  12. How to Choose Your Dissertation Topic in Education

    1. Pick a topic you're passionate about. A lot of work goes into your dissertation—from the literature review, where you're conducting a critical analysis of what's been published on your topic, to interviewing stakeholders and actually writing the dissertation itself. Each of those steps take time, so you want to choose a topic that ...

  13. How to choose a topic for your dissertation

    Consider the areas of your degree that you are interested in and yet have not covered in great depth. Or think about how your degree subject could progress in the next few years. This is what your dissertation can centre around. Consider those who graduated from journalism, marketing or politics in 2000 just before the proliferation of social ...

  14. Choosing a Research Topic

    Choosing a Research Topic. Search Grad Grow. This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education discusses and offers advice on how to choose a dissertation topic that is compelling, manageable, and worthwhile. Although it is written for scientists, this article provides valuable insights that are applicable to other fields.

  15. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic: 8-Step Guide

    A deep dive into your chosen topic helps you fine-tune your focus, determine your research questions, and decide on the best study methods. The following steps include: Checking if your research is doable. Looking at available resources. Thinking about how your work could make a difference.

  16. Choosing A Topic and Researching

    Tips for choosing a good topic: Choose a topic you will enjoy. Your dissertation is an opportunity to explore, in depth, a topic of interest. It will be challenging, so pick a topic that will sustain your interest. Doing the initial research in your areas of interest will help you choose a topic that will be both viable and enjoyable.

  17. 1000+ Research Topics & Research Title Examples For Students

    Find the perfect research topic for your dissertation or thesis. Get the FREE list of 1000+ research ideas plus our proposal template! About Us; Services. 1-On-1 Coaching. ... There are many steps involved in the process of finding and choosing a high-quality research topic for a dissertation or thesis. We cover these steps in detail in this ...

  18. Choosing a Dissertation Topic

    Graduate students may take several approaches to choosing a dissertation topic. While a perfunctory approach may hasten a degree, establishing a standard of quality will enable you to both advance the field and also evolve our own career. Eight steps are presented below to aid the graduate student in selecting a dissertation topic. 1.

  19. Your Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Thesis Research Topic.

    To choose a thesis research topic, find something you're passionate about, research widely to get the big picture, and then move to a more focused view. Bringing a fresh perspective to a popular theme, finding an underserved audience who could benefit from your research, or answering a controversial question can make your thesis stand out ...

  20. How to choose a Dissertation Topic

    In this in-depth video, we will walk you through a step-by-step process to help you navigate the daunting task of choosing a dissertation topic. Whether you'...

  21. Dissertation Topics & Ideas Database

    How To Choose The Best Dissertation Topic. It can be a demanding task for many students to choose a suitable topic for their dissertation. These tips will help you choose the best dissertation topic. Start by identifying areas of study that you find interesting and exciting. You should consider the topic you have enjoyed studying and think ...

  22. How to Choose a Topic for Your Thesis: Easy Steps & Tips

    Choosing a topic for your thesis, whether it be for a master's, Ph.D., or undergraduate, can feel like a daunting task, but it can also be exciting.Your thesis is your chance to dive deep into a topic that interests you and contribute something new to your field. To pick the right topic for you, start by brainstorming potential topics without worrying if they're good or not.

  23. 350 Best Dissertation Topic Ideas for All Streams in 2024

    Psychology dissertation topics. 1. The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction and Well-being. 2. Investigating the Relationship between Social Media Use and Body Image Disturbance in Adolescents. 3. Exploring the Role of Resilience in Coping with Trauma and Adversity. 4.

  24. Key Factors for Choosing Your Business Dissertation Topic

    Choosing a dissertation topic is a significant milestone in your academic journey, particularly in the field of Business Management. The process can be daunting, but focusing on key factors can ...

  25. Help PhD in History abroad, how to choose the topic of the ...

    This connects with my master's degree thesis, which is focused on brigands' violence in 19th-century Italy. I am unsure how to expand this topic into something less specific and more "international", a project than can be seen as more useful and appealing for other countries' universities. Thank you in advance :^)